The Sleepover (F+f/F+f) - Chapter 23 (Apr. 20, 2023) [COMPLETED]

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The Sleepover (F+f/F+f) - Chapter 23 (Apr. 20, 2023) [COMPLETED]

Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 1

Saturday began for Serafina Randaccio as so many did. A 6 A.M. alarm rang, and she opened her eyes and saw nothing as usual because of the blindfold she always used while sleeping. She pulled that off and looked around her darkened bedroom. Nothing to see, but a sudden chill overcame her. She buried herself under the covers.

Damn, it's cold, she thought to herself albeit in Italian instead of English.

She peered an eye out and saw light streaming under her door. That light was probably coming from Giovanni and Roberto's room, as they had a bad tendency to not shut that door and turn the light on. It only affected her room as their rooms were the only ones on this side of the upstairs of the home.

Sera stepped out of her bed and put her feet into her slippers. Why had she been so stupid as to wear summer pajamas to bed? In fact, why hadn't she grabbed an extra blanket before bed to boot? As her phone turned on, the little weather widget told her it was 10°F, but she initially was perplexed due to misunderstanding it as 10°C. After some thought, she realized her mistake.

Next, Sera flipped the light switch and walked over to her closet mirror. Her hair was quite disheveled after a midnight prank attack from her brothers that saw her spend 30 minutes bound with ropes and gagged. A little hair brushing would take that right out, though.

A quick transformation saw Sera now wearing quite possibly her favorite outfit of all: well-worn black jeans (albeit from years of wearing), an Italian national football team polo shirt, and her Italian flag bandana as a kerchief to keep her hair back. She was finishing brushing her hair when a knock came on her door.

"Who is it?" she asked the visitor.
"Me!" answered a little voice.
"Who is me?"
"Me is Benny!"
"You may come in," Sera said with a laugh.
"Good morning Mama!" Benny came in with a big smile.
"How's my little boy? Did he sleep well?" the former teen mom asked her child.
"I slept really well until Nonna dropped a pan because she's making polenta!"
"Nonna's are people too, even though they seem like magic. My nonna still makes her own polenta, and she drops pans while grabbing them too."
"There's no magic, Mama!"
"No, but some things sure seem that way, don't they?"
"No!" the practical 7 year-old responded.
"You're so cute! Zio Umberto teaches you bad things!"

Serafina came from a family of 8 siblings and in which all things had meaning. Her family was unusually large, but then again this isn't a surprise in a family where the mother's favorite saint is Gianna Molla. Even Benedetto Francesco Carmelo had meaning as Benedetto Randaccio was Sera's father, and Benny was born on the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Francesco arose just because Sera loved Saint Francis de Paola. Benedetto Randaccio and Teresa di Blasi didn't have such meaning packed into their names, nor did they have middle names.[/spoil]

Serafina is about 5'4" and has the build expected of a former rower. Yes, she's strongly-framed, but she was muscular too. Like many southern Italians and half-Sicilians, Sera has beautiful dark brown hair in incredible curls that she keeps cut about halfway between the top of her shoulders and her elbows. Her skin, however, was quite a typical European peach tone, far from the stereotypical olive or brown tones associated with such folks. Her eyes were a sparkly brown and full of life, just like most of the household including her father.

"Is Nonna making something special for you?" she asked her son.
"She's making me oatmeal!"
"That's Nonna!"

When she finished brushing her hair, Sera turned to her son. They exchanged hugs and kisses, and Sera scooped him up. They walked out into the hallway together and were greeted by Vittoria, who was wearing blue leggings and a Columbus Crew t-shirt. Her hair was more wavy than curly, so a mix of mama's curls and dad's straight hair, but the tone matched Sera's perfectly. She, being raised in New Jersey, had a pastier version of Sera's skin, but she had their mother's beautiful green-gold eyes.

"How is my beautiful sorella {sister}?" Sera asked her as they walked down the stairs together.
"I'm fantastic and so excited! How is my even more beautiful sorella?"
"Excited, huh?"
"I love spending time with Jenny and Giulia!"

Later that morning, Sera was dropping Vittoria off at Jenny's apartment, and the two sisters would be having a sleepover at Jenny's with inevitable interference from Giulia. In turn, Giulia's two sons were coming to spend the night here at home. Long weekends and school breaks, such as this school winter break ahead of Christmas, were perfect for such things, and they gave Vittoria valuable time with a girl who personified sweetness and innocence and would soon be their sister-in-law.

"Good morning, Mama!" Sera put Benny down as they entered the kitchen.
"Good morning, beloved daughters!" Mama Teresa responded in her typical flawless Italian.
"Mmmm, polend'!" Vittoria responded with the familiar dialect despite being the only sibling born here.

Soon, the family was all together. There was much variety at the kitchen table from skin tones to hair to eyes to height. In some great miracle, no two people looked exactly alike. When Sera was done eating, she brought her bowl to the kitchen, rinsed it, and put it in the dishwasher. Then, she made her announcement.

"Vittoria and I are ready to go, and I promised Mama I'd be at the bakery before it opened. Who wants to come?"

With volunteers in the form of brothers, Sera and Vittoria kissed both of their parents as they wouldn't see them again until the next morning, barring illness or injury. Sera and Vittoria grabbed their bags and put them in the trunk of the car. On this chilly morning, hats, scarves, and mittens were apparent, and all had them lovingly made by the hands of Sera, a skillful knitter.


Jenny Danielle Kristensen was a sharp contrast to the calm and familial atmosphere of the Randaccio household. Her eyes opened before her alarm clock had beeped thrice. By the fifth beep, she was gently pushing the button and yawning. She turned sideways and slid her feet into her slippers and sprang up. In no time at all, her bed was made to perfection.

She walked over to her dresser and pulled out some things and quietly walked to the bathroom while quietly humming to herself. The lights flashed on, and her brilliant blue eyes instinctively squinted against the sudden brightness. She shut the door and got herself dressed.

Jenny is so short that sometimes she struggles to do things that are mundane. At her size, she keeps a step-ladder in the closet and one in the kitchen. Thankfully, today's routine required no such assistance.

Instead, Jenny kept humming while she sat and put her pink crew socks on her legs so that her feet wouldn't touch the bare floor as she changed. She sprang up and quickly exchanged pajama pants for brown leggings that hugged her skin nicely and kept her body heat in.

Just as quickly, Jenny was sitting putting her pink sneakers on her feet, making each bow just so. The pajama shirt flew off, and a pink long-sleeve rapidly replaced it. Jenny sprang up again and looked in the mirror at herself.

"So far so good," she said to no one in particular as she wasn't used to living alone yet.

Jenny carefully combed out her hair to get the few snarls out and then brushed it out before putting it into her favorite style: a braid. Jenny braided hair with the care a baker braids bread. When the braiding was finished, a brown scrunchie was used to hold the braid in place.

Jenny kept on singing, her primary expression of happiness, as she put on her pink camouflage bandana as a headband to help keep her hair back. Again, the task was done with smooth expertise and carefully, and she put the knot at the back under her braid when she was done.

Most mornings when like this. It may have looked like a ritual, but in reality Jenny did things in no particular order. She just did them as best as she could in the way that seemed right at the moment.

By 6:10AM, Jenny's phone was in her pocket as she locked her door behind her. She put on her earbuds and spoke "Siri, call Bridget" as she began her morning run.

"Hey, Gangsta Princess!" Bridget answered.
"Good morning, friend! How are you?" Jenny asked in Danish.
"Good, how about you?" her friend answered in Swedish, "Going fast?"
"Right now, yeah. Some routines never come to an end!" the former cross-country and track girl confirmed her friend's guess.
"Nope. I still do my routines."
"Excited to be coming here?"
"Yeah, just sad I fly in Sunday night and you leave Monday."
"Well, we get one night together anyway."
"I guess," Bridget said, "Just anxious about the flight."
"I get that. I've only flown once in my life."
"It's a wonderful life still! For real!"
"We're going to have fun! I know! I got the stuff you asked for," Jenny didn't know the right word and just threw out in English "tape."
"Great! Oh, Sera won't know what hit her," Bridget spoke of her former teammate and roommate.
"She sure won't! I'm so looking forward to all this!"

The conversation continued for a few more minutes before they said their goodbyes and hung up. The rest of Jenny's run went in silence as she focused on getting the most benefits possible from it.

When the run was done, Jenny, to her own surprise, hadn't sweat much at all just because of how cold it was outside. She decided to do a little cleaning, eat breakfast, and get the place ready for a sleepover! Even after cleaning, her distinctive spring showed again when she saw Vittoria at the door with Giovanni.

"Get in here," she said excitedly.
"Jenny!" Vittoria gave a hug.
"Hey, Tori!" and then she looked at Giovanni and jumped into his arms with a kiss for his cheek.
"Hi, Jenny," he returned the kiss in kind.
"How is my fiancé?"
"Great, and my fiancée?"
"Great as always," her voice got high pitched, as it frequently did when she was excited, "I won't keep you."
"All right. Vittoria, Jenny, you two have fun!" Giovanni put Jenny down.
"We will!" Vittoria responded.
"Bye!" he said and shut the door.

Jenny helped Vittoria get her winter gear off and hung it all up in the closet. The kindly soul did it all with a huge grin on her face as she just absolutely loved doing these little things for her friends

"Well, here we are! I guess this means that our sleepover has begun," Jenny said.
"I think so!"
"What shall we do first? Would you like something warm to drink?"
"I don't know," Vittoria said with a giggle, "but your landlord has an idea in mind!"
Last edited by AlexUSA3 1 month ago, edited 22 times in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 2

"Giulia Randaccio, get off mph!" Jenny was grabbed tightly in her landlord's arms.
"Not a chance, Miss Jenny," Giulia's eyes, a perfect match of Vittoria's green-gold tone, stared right into Jenny's.

Jenny's eyes grew wide with excitement. Her sleepover was already featuring a kidnapping? It wasn't planned for her to be tied up this soon. In fact, she wasn't planning on any TUGs until that evening! She could do little as a 5'10" retired basketball player dragged her up the stair into the dining room.

"Vittoria, bring me that bag of rope over there."
"Quit protesting," Giulia scolded Jenny.
"Here you go!" Vittoria put the bag down.
"Let's go nice and easy then!"

For those who like visuals, the layout of Jenny/Giulia's residence...
► Show Spoiler
Jenny's apartment is really quite a nice little place. The living room features a door that connects to Giulia's home. Between the living room and dining room is a small single-step stair and the rooms are separated by a wooden banister rail.

It was this door that allowed Jenny to fall into Giulia's clutches. It was very easy to sneak into the other's residence without being heard. Giulia regularly took advantage of this to pay random "visits" to tie up Jenny, and today was no different.

The much taller girl rolled the short blonde onto her stomach, took a piece of pink rope out of her bag, and began tying her crossed wrists behind her back.

"Now, Giulia, this just isn't nice!" the short blonde protested.
"It's fun, isn't it?" Giulia asked her.
"I always get it first! I'm as good of a captor if not better than most of you!"
"Just too small to make the capture!" Giulia teased.
"Always this way," Jenny began, "Because I'm a short, light, kind, innocent, helpful, amiable, cute, long-haired, blue-eyed, athletic, and fast rope bunny!"

The adjective string was a joke of Jenny's and included a whole run of words that people had given over the years as reasons to tie up Jenny. Most of them were ridiculous, but this and other such word streaks were only exclaimed in the context of TUGs. Over time, it became Jenny's coping mechanism when she felt that her friends were merely taking advantage of her lack of stature.

"Really only all that?" Giulia asked her sarcastically.
"Tori, help me!" Jenny frowned at her.
"NO," Vittoria smiled.
"You know what's a real shame?" Jenny then asked.
"What?" Giulia was unaware of the sudden change in topic.
"I can't see my own eyes in a mirror. Not like you see them anyway."
"That is a shame," Giulia responded.
"Oohhh... that's tight!" Jenny stated about her new elbow bond that was being tied.
"Sorry. Don't want to hurt you."
"The part that made Gianni instantly fall in love with me, and I see it distorted," Jenny said in a tone of disappointment, but then added with just the right amount of acid, "Tori, your pants are hideous."
"WELL! They're the same color as your car," Vittoria indignantly responded.
"But," Jenny explained, "they look awful with that Crew shirt to me."

Guides to tritanopia for those who want more details: ... 12x320.jpg

Giulia knew she had to keep Jenny down, so she lashed the girl's crossed ankles next.

"Vittoria," Giulia began a request, "Remove Jenny's sneakers and socks."
"Ohhhhh... no! You're not going to do that, are you?" Jenny questioned this in a high pitch.
"Only the best, for you, dear Jenny!" Giulia explained her reasoning.
"Can't we be reasonable? Wouldn't you rather stuff that in Sera's mouth?" Jenny asked as her sneakers came off her.
"Right now, no. Make it just one sock for now, sis," the girl took command of the situation.
"Giulia, please?" Jenny's happy tone did not match what was said.
"I'm sorry, Jenny, but those beautiful blue eyes that you see as some strange form of aquamarine convey a very, very different message from your words," Giulia's explained while her face said, "Don't give me that."
"I know that!" responded the captive in her typical happy-go-lucky manner.
"They don't smell too bad, actually," Vittoria said.
"You Randaccio's are strange," Jenny shook her head.
"Now that's enough!" the sock entered Jenny's mouth from Giulia's hand.

Jenny's mouth filled with the awful taste of a somewhat worn and not-too-sweaty, but still somewhat sweaty, sock. Her cheeks didn't bulge like a chipmunk's, but she was still muffled enough by this. A pink bandana was pulled between her teeth and knotted tightly behind her head and under her hair, and that was enough to hold the sock for the time being.

"Let's put you on the table, hmm?" Giulia asked Jenny.
"Mmm!" Jenny shrugged as she didn't exactly have a choice.

She had no choice in being tied up; she had no choice in her gag; she had no choice in being put on the dining room table; and she had no choice in Giulia hogtying her from ankles to elbows either. She had choice in enjoying her captivity, however. She was just grateful that Giulia left the ropes at that and didn't go further.

"I'll leave you two to enjoy each other's company. Remember, Vittoria, no leaving gagged people alone!"
"I remember!"
"See you later. Text or call if you need anything," Giulia said as she shut the door.
"Well," Vittoria said to Jenny, "Just us two now!"
"Mmm hmm!"
"Oh, let me tell you about what Sera taught me to make the other night!"

Jenny happily listened. She remembered herself and Joy in high school excitedly sharing such stories and then passing the joy and knowledge on to Nichole. Vittoria was always so happy to share the goings-on in her life with people she cared about most. But, when her story was done, Vittoria wasn't sure what came next.

"Are you comfortable?" Vittoria asked her.
"Mmm hmm!"
"Good! Maybe I should practice tying on you?"
"Hmm," Jenny shrugged.

Vittoria was getting better, but beyond appendages her tying skills were still lacking. She was practicing when opportunity arose, but it was very far from a priority in her life. School, family, sports, and even music lessons still came first for the precocious young girl. She tied Jenny's thighs together and then worked on a breast harness.

Jenny was comfortable as could be. She was super flexible, so a light rope work that didn't stress her too much was a very easy thing to handle. Instead, she just enjoyed herself and made grunts to indicate her level of comfort.

"How about I untie you now so we can stop by the bakery?"
"Mmm!" Jenny nodded.
"All right!" Vittoria began by undoing the hogtie first, but she was interrupted by Giulia.
"I didn't say you could release her!"
Last edited by AlexUSA3 1 month ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nicely done [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention] ! Please continue!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 3

"I... I was," Vittoria stuttered, "I was just untying Jenny."
"Well, I had plans to untie her because I know you two want to go and see Sera at the bakery, right?" Giulia asked.
"Yeah!" Vittoria responded.
"Well, unfortunately, you made a big mistake," Giulia stared at her baby sister disapprovingly, "You interfered with my captive."
"So what?" Vittoria didn't understand where this was leading.
"Now I have to tie you up as well," the matter of fact tone exhibited Giulia's typical businesslike-approach to any game because Giulia was very proprietary with her captives and almost always retained exclusive rights to their release unless the captives escaped on their own.
"What?!" Vittoria's eyes grew wide with excitement as she had never been tied without Sera being there.

Tied up? Without Sera there? Sera was always there, usually the captor even, the few times Vittoria had been tied up before. In fact, Sera never so much as left the room even if someone else was there, whether here or at home. This was her big chance! Vittoria felt her heart racing a little as the excitement only grew.

"Sit down right there!" Giulia gently ordered her while wearing a wide grin.
"I need to pee first!" the girl took a step back.
"All right! Go!" the elder sister playfully shooed her away.

Vittoria came right back and sat down, to the amusement of both Jenny and Giulia. This girl was an eager learner to the extent she'd just blindly obey when someone said "I'm tying you up" without having to be captured and forced into it. Her smile showed such eagerness.

Jenny still had her sweaty sock in her mouth, but she had gotten used to it and was waiting for a more apropos moment to push it out with her tongue. It was working its way forward and just needed a little nudge to drop onto the table upon which Jenny lay tied up.

Giulia took things easy on her baby sister. She only tied the girl's wrists and ankles and connected them with another rope. The ropes were snug but not tight; this moment was just for teasing these two victims just because Giulia was big enough to do so. Now, it was time to gag Vittoria.

"What's that?" she asked upon seeing the 1.5 inch ball, her eyes conveying distrust.
"Just a handkerchief pushed through a blue dog toy ball," Giulia answered with reassurance.
"Is that going in my mouth? It hasn't been played with by a dog, has it?" Vittoria grimaced.
"It sure is going in there! It's only been used on people, and I'm sure Jenny cleaned it very well. It's fine," Giulia lovingly brushed her sister's hair aside and jammed the gag in.
"Mmmm!" Vittoria said as it filled her jaw up comfortably.
"Now, I just knot this."
"Hmph!" Vittoria let out a grunt.
"There!" Giulia finished the knot and grabbed her sister's face in her hands and smiled at her.

Vittoria tested the gag. Her tongue couldn't push it far at all. She shook, but the knot was tight like any other cleave gag. The grooves in the ball gave her something to put her teeth around without much strain on her jaw. The rubber was hard and encouraged drooling. In short, it was a rather effective and humiliating gag.

At this moment, Jenny spat out the sock, stood up, and shook her head until the cleave gag fell down to around her neck. She quietly hopped up behind Giulia with the carpet padding any potential noise.

"Good job!" Jenny said, having found her moment.
"Thank you!" Giulia responded, then after a moment turned to Jenny in surprise, "Hey!"
"Hi!" Jenny waved.
"Spat it out, huh?"
"Just because I'm adorable while gagged and like being tied and helpless doesn't mean I'll just mindlessly accept a job poorly done every single time," Jenny said while literally poking Giulia in the arm.
"Well, aren't you in position to say that?" the captor pointed out the irony and laughed.
"After 8 years of these games, heck yeah!" Jenny was as spunky as ever.
"All right, Jenny, I got to go check on Domenic and make sure he hasn't started a fire yet," Giulia loosened the knot on Jenny's wrists.
"Aren't you going to untie me?" Jenny didn't like this twist.
"Save yourself for a change! Haha!" Giulia slowly walked away, "Just leave Vittoria tied up for at least 30 minutes," she then gently threatened with a smile, "Or else!"

Giulia exited the apartment and shut the door. Now, the two girls were both still tied up, one of them gagged. In fact, they were completely trapped it seemed. The only thing Jenny had in hand was that Giulia had loosened the knot first. It was better than nothing at least. Jenny struggled a couple minutes before either spoke.

"Well, isn't this great?" the hostess asked her guest, who responded unintelligibly,

The Gangsta Princess was infamous in the Cool Girls' Club for one particular trait: she was the worst at escaping captivity. Some girls were guaranteed to escape in Houdini fashion, even when cuffs, chains, and locking doors were involved; most could escape given an hour and maintaining focus. Some weren't so good at escaping, like Sera. And then there was Jenny Danielle.

This girl was astounding in that she could sometimes be held down by a simple binding of bandanas. The major flaw was that she just liked being tied up so much that she didn't bother to escape... compounded over 8 years it caused her skills to degrade from good enough to earn her club membership the hard way (more on that to come shortly) to total incompetence. She had, however, started focusing on escapes again, and in just the last week she had managed to escape a strict chair tie.

This was no chair tie, but crossed wrists were still Jenny's weak point. She muttered something about her inability to escape these situations and maybe even grumbled something unkind about Giulia. With enough wiggling, Jenny got the ropes of her wrists and undid the rest, but she knew she had only escaped because Giulia had untied the knot first.

Even something so simple was difficult for her. That crossed wrists tie was really the bane of her TUG life. She had wiggled so much that the rope marks were apparent as her sleeves had rolled up a bit in the struggle, and those were bright fresh deep marks akin to a much stricter tie that, although they would fade with a couple hours, still left her annoyed with herself. She then stretched the many muscles that stiffened up from the exertion.

Jenny was glad to be out of the binding although she indeed had had a good time in what she hoped would not be her last time tied and helpless this weekend. She sat up on the table and stretched her arms out while wearing a large smile on her face. She swung her legs a little and looked at Vittoria.

"Enjoying that much?" Jenny's face wore a wide grin.
"Mmm!" the almost-teenager nodded her head with satisfaction that she was tied up without Sera there, and it was still fun.
"You're too eager for this," Jenny smiled at her.
"Hmmm?" Vittoria raised her eyebrows as the door shut.
"I remember being not much older than you really," Jenny hopped off the table and got closer to Vittoria, "only 15 or so, and being just as enamored with rope and gags. Just like you, I had good friends who wanted to make sure I was safe and didn't get into trouble."
"Hmm!" Vittoria smiled as the bigger girl backed away.
"You stay put! I'm going to get a fresh pair of socks, so I'll be right here in the bedroom," Jenny pointed to the bedroom.

Vittoria tested her first tie in this style. The ropes were soft and comfortable, and the knotting job by Giulia was quite effective without causing any pain. Most interesting to her was that rope connecting her wrists and ankles. It was like a hogtie... but while sitting!

There is something about some girls while they are tied up that makes tying them up more fun. It was a strong characteristic of Serafina, and it was apparent in Vittoria as well. Even when grunting and squirming and acting angry, their eyes sparkled with absolute ecstasy as long as the TUG was all in fun. The sparkly wonder was so enjoyed that Sera sometimes found herself tied up just so the kidnapper could enjoy her eyes instead of her captivity. Jenny was seeing this same twinkle in the youngest sister's eyes too.

"You are such a sweetheart. Know how I got into all this?" Jenny asked in her amiable way as she studied her young friend.
"Nuh uh!"
"In high school, three friends and I started our of own club; one of them suggested TUGs for stuff. Been at it since."
"And to become a member, you must escape being tied and gagged within some rules I'll tell you about...," Jenny poked the captive in the arm, "...later."
"Ohhh!" Vittoria found this interesting.
"I know! Let me show you something else I haven't shown you," Jenny went back toward her bedroom.

Vittoria wanted to impress her friend and big sister by escaping something like that. She might have been 12 and not even allowed to have her own cell phone yet, but she wanted to become a member of this "club" without even knowing all about it. If Sera was a member, then she wanted to be too! If Jenny was a member, then that was icing on the cake!

Jenny was full of tricks and surprises. There was a perpetual spring in her step and voice; if there wasn't, then something was seriously wrong in her life. Her happiness and genuine good-will literally carried her friends as long as she could remember, and rarely did she find herself worn out by it. That joy was now being shared with her friends here in Newark.

"This is my violin! I've been practicing again for when I go home so I can play for my parents!" Jenny said with a smile as she returned from her excusion.
"Yeah, I've been playing since I was 8 or so," the elder girl responded as a matter-of-fact.

Vittoria was eager to listen as she, too, got music lessons (on the viola), and saw potential for her and Jenny to have fun with this. How had Jenny been here six months without Vittoria being aware of this? It wasn't a big problem, but she was surprised to still be learning things about her future sister-in-law.

Jenny wasn't the best player for sure in that she made mistakes. But she did convey emotions very well. In spite of her own perpetual happiness, Jenny's life like anyone else's had its sad times, and she could bring out the sadness as well as the happiness even if she was occasionally scratching an F or F# where she should have been playing a G. Even when such mistakes happened, Jenny would either move on with a slight giggle or would stop, make a funny comment about needing to practice more often, and start over at that part.

Jenny entertained Vittoria in this manner for the next 20 minutes or so, when she was certain she'd fulfilled Giulia's 30 minutes. During that time, Jenny showed two aspects of this: that she was humble and unafraid to laugh at her mistakes while playing and that she wasn't perfect but willing to practice to play that which was within her talents. In the eyes of Vittoria, it was like a little masterclass in the realities of life: we're not perfect, just do the best you can at those things that you can do right, and be humble.

Vittoria's freedom began simply: loosening of the wrists. She wriggled the rope off at that point and thus disconnected her wrists and ankles. Within short order, the rope on her ankles was off along with the gag which she put on a paper towel provided by Jenny.

"That was fun!" the girl said once she was free.
"And I suspect we're going to have a lot more fun still!" Jenny noogied her head a little, "Let's go see your siblings."
"All right!"

The girls put on their hats, scarves, and gloves and headed out into the cold. The day was only getting better!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

I reworked Chapter 3 after some discussion with the ever kindly [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]. You may want to go back as some of the changes may alter your thoughts on what will come next. :D
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Post by GermanTUGFriend »


As written in my comment to "The Rookie" I really like to read your stories ! 'The Sleepover' is another great work from you ! Of course I'm excited what will happen in the next chapter and which bindings, gags and maybe blindfolds the girls will get. Maybe for Vittoria the number of ropes will extend :) ;)
No proper TUG without gagging and hooding ^^ And don't forget a blindfold ;)
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention]

Again this chapter, too, owes much to the helpful comments of [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]. :D

Chapter 4

"Hi, kids!" greeted the cashier of the moment when Jenny and Vittoria approached the counter.
"Ciao, parli italiano?"
"Well, that confounds it. I need a Randaccio child!" the cashier called for help.
"OK," Giovanni came out and walked up to the register."
"Where is the Gangsta Chick?" Jenny referred to Sera
"Wishing she had a chocolate orange cannoli, I think."
"Then I'll get 3 of those!" she switched back to English and smiled at her fiancé.

At this, Giovanni called Sera to handle "a bunch of thick-headed idiots" and was sharply remonstrated by her brother upon noticing who the customers were. There were comments about Giovanni being a bad boyfriend. Sera just went on an absolute tear of impeccable humor and insults like Jenny had never witnessed back home. It was all fast, and it was in flawless Italian that left both Jenny and Vittoria behind in its wake. It ended in Giovanni and Sera laughing and hugging before he headed back into the kitchen.

"I won't even dare to pretend to know what you just said, girl, but I love him!" Jenny drank in the moment with a twinkle in her eye and spoke slowly and deliberately.
"What will you have?" Sera asked her calmly and with a smile.

Jenny ordered the cannolis for that night after dinner and got a couple treats for her and Vittoria to take home. On the way home, Jenny talked to Vittoria.

"What's it like being the baby of 8?" Jenny asked her.
"It's only bad because I feel silly being a Zia to my sibling's children."
"I bet you were clueless what it meant then."
"Well, I only knew something odd was up when only Benny had no father," Vittoria misunderstood the question.
"That's not what I meant! I meant you probably didn't understand relationship terms."
"Of course not! The best part is having so many older siblings... and being able to admire every single last one of them for some special reason."
"Every last one of them. What is it you like about Sera?" Jenny asked her.
"Serafina," she paused and smiled with a scintillation apparent in her eye.

There was plenty of cause for her to love Serafina so much.


"Mama, why does Serafina want to take me to the mall today?" Vittoria asked her mother on a warm summer day when she was 9 years old.
"Because you're her little sister," Mama Randaccio responded.
"Is she... going to die?"

Vittoria asked that question about once per week. At this stage of life, Serafina, ever since her pregnancy, had struggled with severe depression. More than once she had openly threatened to kill herself in front of others, including Vittoria, and ever since then Vittoria was terrified of losing her big sister.

It was difficult for Vittoria to watch her sister suffer in this way. Some days were delightful, and others were terrifying. On the happy days, Sera would play with the younger ones, make goodies for them, or take them to the beach. On bad days, she'd snap, make remarks about hating her own life, or stay in bed most of the day.

Vittoria was so young, though, she didn't know better. When Sera wanted to stay in bed and cry, Vittoria would sit on the bed and cry too. When Sera said that she felt like jumping off the Tappan Zee Bridge one night, Vittoria just blurted, "No, I love you Serafina!"

Something was different though about Sera when it came to Vittoria. Baby sister was always precious. In some of those moments when Sera was sad, if she wasn't with Benny, then sometimes she'd just cuddle with Vittoria instead. It was frequent for Sera to make lemon biscotti because those were Vittoria's favorite. Whenever Sera went shopping with Mama, she always asked if Vittoria could come.

"Vittorrriaaaaa!" called Sera from the staircase.
"Yes, sis?" Vittoria responded.
"I have something for you! Come up to my room," Sera had a big grin.
"OK!" the youngster bounded over to the staircase.

She ran up the stairs, but unlike her sisters she couldn't take them two at a time. Indeed, she was quick for her size though. As she reached the top she made the left turn toward her sister's room and entered into it.
"Sì, Serafina?"
"Close your eyyeeeesss and hold out your hands!" Sera said with a smile.
"Just a moment," Sera put something in Vittoria's hands, "Open!"
"Oh, Sera! Is this for me?!"

Vittoria loved getting Sera's hand-me-downs, especially church clothes and such. Vittoria
loved the way Sera dressed and always admired the blouses, skirts, and the dresses and the scarves and headscarves. Big sister was always so beautiful that it seemed unattainable to ever match her in beauty.

Sera knew this and always endeavored to take good care of any clothes she thought Vittoria would want. But, finally, Vittoria was tall enough to fit into something that had been her big sister's. Vittoria was tall enough that all figured Sera would eventually be the shortest of the family, shorter than even Mama, and here was an outfit that had much meaning.

This particular outfit was the one Sera wore in the picture that was on the wall opposite Sera's bed. In it, Sera was holding baby Vittoria on the day of her baptism. It was just a skirt and blouse, but it was her and her baby sister.

Vittoria impulsively jumped into her sister's arms, but Sera expected this and gave Vittoria a big kiss on the cheek. A dozen exclamations of gratitude followed from the youngster. Sera laughed a little and expressed that she was happy to please her sister and finally put her down.


Jenny couldn't believe her ears really that such was coming from such a young girl, especially knowing that Vittoria wasn't even in elementary school when these events began. Sitting there in the car revealed something very special to Jenny: that this friendship between her and a girl 10 years her junior was so special because they somehow had so much in common, especially when it came to how they manifested their love for others.

"She never gave up! She wanted to quit but persevered. She stayed strong in her faith in spite of her own feelings; she never stopped praying or stopped getting the Sacraments! She kept on going! And she's a good mom and a good sister and a good friend and a good rower and never let any of it stop her!" Vittoria's eyes brightened, and her voice and arms became animated in true Italian fashion.
"You see? That's why I'm her friend," Jenny said, "She's all those things, and I've become a better person thanks to her."

They continued talking in this fashion about how much Sera meant to both of them. It was a moment of growth, and Vittoria seemed to be realizing new and greater things about the people around her. She seemed to finally appreciate just how precious a thing it was to have people like Giulia, Jenny, and Sera in her life besides her mother.

Vittoria and Jenny climbed out of the inappropriately colored Ford Mustang known as "Blue Secretariat" just as the first flakes of snow began to fall. Jenny only knew it was blue as opposed to yellow because her father picked out a "Mustang appropriate shade of blue" without considering his daughter's colorblindness. Such is life in Jenny's eyes: just because she can't tell what color your shirt is doesn't change the fact that she has a heart of gold.

"Are you ready for a fun time preparing lunch?" Jenny asked as they walked into the house.
"Are you?" Vittoria asked unaware of what was coming.
"I know I will have fun, but I'm not certain about you."
"Why?" Vittoria questioned this mischievous statement while she put the goodies in the refrigerator.
"Because you're going to be my prisoner," Jenny pulled her Irish-8 handcuffs out of their box.
"That looks serious. I'm not going to stand here and let that be done to me!"

Vittoria, the 12 year-old, versus Jenny, the 22 year-old race-winning walk-on-turned-full-scholarship cross-country runner, was never going to end well for the younger girl. Vittoria tried to escape by circling around the kitchen island... but then found herself in a circle around the dining room table. An attempt to dash toward the bedroom saw her tackled on the soft texture of the living room carpet and her wrists cuffed behind her back.

"Gotcha!" Jenny hugged her new captive.
"Well now what?!"
"If you behave, we'll have fun having you help me make tonight's supper," Jenny patted her on the head.
"What's that?" Vittoria wanted to know.
"A surprise."
"Jenny," an exaggerated frown was directed at her captor.
"American style beef stew, and we're going to start it after lunch. It'll be...," she paused to purposefully choose her words, "REALLY delicious."

Vittoria sat down on a chair and studied the metal device that was completely new to her. They were comfortable, but she instantly disliked handcuffs for actually tying up someone, but perhaps they could be fun in this challenge context. Regardless, Vittoria made a mental note to self that revenge was also on Jenny's menu for the day.

"All right. What do you want me to do?"
"Well, let's go sit down by the television. Let's see if you can set up the video games with your hands cuffed like that?"
"Psh, I can do that! Why not tie my legs too to make it a challenge!" Vittoria upped the ante.
"Want me to?"
"OK!" Jenny went to basics and took out a black bandana from her bag and simply bound Vittoria's ankles.
"I'll do it!"

The tween stood up and made sure she had her balance. She had seen hopping captives in movies and shows, so it wasn't new to her except as a personal experience. She took the first one carefully and, once she knew she was all right, smiled at Jenny. After that, she sprang like a bunny all the way to the TV stand in spite of the stair in the way.

Once there, Vittoria sat down carefully and began assembling the pieces for the game system. She really was unimpeded in this part of the process and moved faster than she should have been able to. The hardest part lay ahead of her now, however.

"Jenny, how do I play?"
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 5

"This is too hard!" Vittoria said in an annoyed tone as she was defeated by Jenny for the third straight Smash Bros. match.
"Yeah, but for once I can beat someone besides myself!" Jenny teased her.

Jenny, the only "gamer" in the club, mostly played car games (think Gran Turismo type cames) and typical family-friendly Nintendo stuff. Yet, in rich irony, she was the worst of all. She won maybe 5% of the games she played and thus was making lots of funny remarks about her sudden domination of the helpless tween.

Vittoria started to whine about being unable to win. She didn't have to protest much before she got her way because Jenny felt bad about handcuffing a 12 year old and then dominating at a video game.

"Sure thing, love. Kick my butt once, and then we'll have lunch before you're cuffed again, OK?" Jenny's friendly tone was always reassuring.
"OK," Jenny's young friend smiled back at her.

Lunch was a simple affair of chicken sandwiches and salad followed by the girls eating their desserts from the bakery before Jenny apprehended Vittoria again. With a click, the cuffs were back in place, and the goal was to have the stew bubbling away before Sera arrived.

Vittoria did all the easy work that she could: get the pot, get the cutting board, fetch things from the refrigerator, etc. She was an eager helper, and these handcuffs added a new dimension to the process. Anything where safety wasn't an issue, she tried her best to do!

With some teamwork, they soon a beautiful pot of goodness simmering on the stove top. Jenny uncuffed the girl, and they sat down at the table to take a breath before Sera arrived.


"Anything else, Mama?" Sera asked as she got ready to leave.
"Get out. Enjoy yourself with your sisters and friends."
"OK, OK, I'll go," she put on her hat, mittens, and scarf and headed out.

Now, there was enough snow that it slight crunch sounds were heard underfoot as she walked to the car. Little snow was expected, maybe 3-5 inches, but it was still snow and thus posed that minor danger.

Sera carefully drove the distance to her sister's house. In true Serafina fashion, she was going to go through Giulia's, but she wasn't planning to surprise the others. As she walked up to the door, Sera looked up at the sky and smiled, grateful that she had the opportunities she'd had to be a sister, aunt, daughter, granddaughter, mother, cousin... and so many other things!

"Sorellina!" Giulia ushered her sister inside, "I love you, girl!
"Thank you!" Sera smiled and walked in with her duffle bag, "How is my only big sister?"
"Fantastic, and you?"
"Happy and good. So many good things to look forward to this Christmas," a sparkle showed in Sera's eyes.
"It's been a magical year from my perspective."
"The boys are having a good time so far," Sera changed topics out of shyness.
"So far so good anyway!" Giulia began and then quipped, "Until one raps another with a Tonka truck."
"I should hope not!" the thought horrified the young mother.

With a pause and further thought, the two had a good laugh at the mental imagery, and they could commiserate with that feeling. Of course, Giulia joked a lot that Domenic is a third son of hers, and Sera similarly joked about their younger brothers.

The retired rower walked down the hallway to Jenny's apartment and listened against the door. She could tell Jenny and Vittoria were talking about something, but they were soft like they were in the bedroom. That was no fun! Why have a door right here if they were going to talk so quietly that no one could hear them on the other side?! Since there were no secrets to eavesdrop upon, Sera knocked on the door to announce her arrival.

"I bet that's Giulia," Jenny said without much thought assuming her landlord wanted to mete out more punishment, "What's up, Giul- SERA! That's a mean trick you played!"
"No, I wanted to aggravate her first," Sera smiled at Jenny.
"Aggravate? Don't kid yourself like that," Jenny's sarcasm detector was usually dull, but even she caught this.
"May I come in. It's cold out here!" a pitiful frown was on the face of the Italian national soccer superfan.
"You're in the house!" Jenny missed the sarcasm that followed.
"But it's Giulia's house, and her personality is colder than yours!" Sera needled her sister.
"I heard that!" Giulia, also an eavesdropper, shouted from her craft room.
"Good!" Sera whipped back.
"Shut up and get in here!" Vittoria ordered her elder sister.

Sera picked up her bag and walked into the house. The smell of the beef stew immediately greeted her. She had never smelled this aroma before and wanted to know and had her suspicions based on her experience with Italian "red beef stew" and hearing from others. Besides, she always enjoyed lending a helping hand whenever she was a guest in someone's home, and the kitchen was her favorite place.

"Fine. What's brewing?" Sera asked as she walked up the small stair.
"Witch's brew, since you asked," Jenny fired back.
"Very funny. Oh, let's go see," the ever-defiant Sera strolled toward the kitchen.

Jenny watched Sera begin her walk. This was Jenny's home and sleepover party. Besides, Sera was always snooping around and not minding her own business. Seeing an opportunity to create a situation where she would be the one doing the tying instead of being grabbed, Jenny decided to curb Sera's nosiness.

"Stop right there, Serafina Randaccio. Put a foot on that kitchen tile, and I will tie you to my bed for tickle torture that'll be worse than death," Jenny made an assertive threat.
"Is that so?" Sera raised her eyebrows and stared at the forbidden tile, "Smells like beef stew."
"Yeah, and Vittoria and I are making dinner, and for once you don't have to do anything. We got the prep, the cooking, the garlic bread, and the cleanup under control," Jenny explained knowing Sera was trapped.
"But I like helping in the kitchen!" the girl whined in the same fashion as Vittoria had before.

Well this was no fun! Sera wasn't just going to go away so easily when her desire to snoop had been stopped like this. She looked in a corner of the room and noticed a box sitting there that looked suspicious. Besides the TUG bag that was by the table when Jenny was planning on TUGs, usually the floor was devoid of clutter. How much would Jenny take?

"What's in the box?" Sera asked as she walked to the closet to hang up her winter gear.
"Oh, just stuff for Bridge and I," Jenny brushed it off.
"Just stuff, huh?" she asked tongue-in-cheek and nodded while calling Jenny's bluff.
"STUFF," Jenny stared at her.
"JUST STUFF, HUH?" Sera glared at her while finishing hanging the things.

Sera put her hands on her hips and kept staring back at Jenny. She knew something TUGgish was there and just wanted confirmation. She had to poke and prod Jenny as much as possible so that being tied up, and the endless chain of revenge that followed, was worth it.

"I call your BS and raise you an MS," Sera said triumphantly.
"You do not have an MS," this time the bluff was called by Jenny.
"I do so. Motherhood Stamp!" was the assertion of the mother.
"That's not a college degree!" Jenny's response reeked of defeat.
"It's better than any stupid paper diploma. What's in the box?" Sera look at Jenny in a way that said I-know-you-are-a-naughty-girl.
"No. I won't tell you! If you talk to me about it again, you're going to get that binding and tickling!"

Sera wasn't going to do that so easily. She had to make it worth her while. Noticing her sister at the table, Serafina knew she had an opportunity to play the situation even further. She was going to push every button Jenny would permit and not one more. And Jenny, being such a kind girl, had a lot of buttons to push.

"Vittoria, go look in the box and see what's in it," she ordered.
"OK!" Vittoria, put down the handcuffs, went over to the box, and peered into it, "Duct tape!"
"Hot damn!" Sera said and adjusted the Italian flag that was resting on her scalp.
"You just blindly did what she said?!" Jenny asked in genuine horror.
"Yeah," Vittoria shrugged and looked at Jenny in a defiant way that made the runner know that the sisters were ganging up on her on this one.

Vittoria resumed examining the cuffs because she had never seen anything quite like them. The lock was so different from the police handcuffs she'd seen on TV. The glint of the cuffs caught Sera's eye, and she continued her routine of intrusiveness to see what Jenny would allow to slide.

"What are you doing there?" she asked her baby sister.
"Me? Just checking these out," Vittoria shrugged.
"Jenny Danielle Kristensen! You used the Irish-8's on sweet little Vittoria?" Sera asked in surprise.
"I had fun!" Vittoria defended Jenny while the latter walked into the kitchen.
"Yes, we did, and we had a great time making her play Mario Kart, get the cutting board, and all that stuff," Jenny gave her soup a twirl to prevent sticking.
"Well, now that-," Sera started to follow.

As soon as Sera stepped on the tile, all action ceased. You could have heard a pin drop on the carpet at the moment while Sera's eyes grew wide with excitement. Vittoria quietly stood up and grabbed Jenny's TUG bag while her sister and the hostess stared at each other. Jenny put her left hand on her hip, finished her task, banged the wooden spoon dry off the side of the pot, put it down, and looked right at Sera.

"What did I say about stepping into the kitchen?" Jenny asked her friend.
"Oops?" Sera grimaced a little and look down at her feet.
"Tori, it's going to take both of us for this one."
"Jenny, it was a little accident, right?" Sera tried to get out of this in a playful manner.

Jenny took a piece of rope that Vittoria tossed to her, and they both stared right at Sera. Two against one, and the one had a strength and size advantage while the two had numbers and agility. They walked around on either side of Sera and cornered her by the door to the outside.

"You know what? I'm just going to surrender and save myself an extra struggle?" Sera relaxed a moment.
"You are?" Jenny asked her.
"No, but it gives me time to grab Vittoria!" Sera nabbed her sister.
"Sera!" Vittoria protested.
"Come on, give yourself up," Jenny started easily as Sera backed up.
"Either you go away, or I take her first!" Sera tried to use a hostage situation to her advantage.
"Or I can call for Giulia, and you'll be twisted into a knot in 6 minutes," Jenny explained.
"You make a good point. All right, take me!" Sera shrugged and surrendered.

Jenny and Vittoria led Sera to Jenny's bed and pretty pink comforter. Jenny sat on Sera's stomach while the other sat on her legs. This afforded Jenny safety in binding Sera into a taut spreadeagle. The young adult was stuck in a tight X shape that had almost no slack and had no hope of escaping on her own in anything less than some number of hours.

"Vittoria, look in her bag for the ball gag," Jenny gave the order.
"OK... The blue one?" she asked.
"No socks this time?" Sera asked her captor.
"Are you kidding? I have horrible plans for you right now!" Jenny said and then added a maniacal laugh.
"Horrible plans?" Sera's eyes widened at this thought.
"Yeah, really horrible by my standards," Jenny nodded knowing that "horrible" from her was relatively mild.

Vittoria had never seen her sister's ball gag in use before. She had seen it in the pictures while snooping through Sera's phone and when Sera showed her some other pictures, but she had never handled it or witnessed its use. She studied it carefully as she walked into the bedroom and decided she wouldn't like that gag being used on her. The straps were strong, and the rubber wasn't too hard.

"Here it is!" Vittoria said as she handled the toy to Jenny.

Sera's ball gag was 1.5 inch black rubber ball with straps that were a medium wintery/icy blue. It was a very comfortable gag that allowed for many hours of fun, but it's purpose was different here as the instrument was used to merely muffle her speech while she was "tortured."

Sera felt the ropes and gag with great excitement. Being tied up was so much fun, but it was best when there was a lead-up to it! She tried to tug at the ropes to determine how tightly she was tied, but almost nothing came of it as Jenny was a master with redoubling ropes to make those leads extra stiff.

As her shirt was pulled up to expose her ribs, Sera suddenly remembered the other details of what Jenny had said would happen should she enter the kitchen.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

Chapter 6

"Oh, look at that 6-pack. Serafina, you are one sexy young lady!" Jenny admired her friend's abdominal cavity.
"Ank ooh!" Sera responded to that.
"It's not all fun and games!" the tone shifted in a dark way.
"Hmm?" Sera feigned innocence.
"This is, ahem, torture, right?" Jenny was sarcastic as her fingers began the job.
"No... no... Heh heh!" the first giggles began.
"We're off to the races!" Jenny announced and went all in.
"Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Vittoria drank this in as well and watched carefully as Jenny located different spots on Sera, some of which were certainly triggers specific to the retired rower. More impressive was watching Sera's muscles suddenly show their true strength when she flexed and jerked in response to the tickling.

"Ha ha ha ha! Mmmmmm!" Sera laughed and groaned.
"I know you're the ultimate tickle warrior! Tori, would you please give the stew a twirl?" Jenny calmly asked her younger friend in the midst of the excitement.
"Oh, sure!"

Vittoria did as requested even though she didn't want to miss any of Sera's torture. She hurried to the stove, tried to carefully stir the stew, sloshed a tiny amount, and hurried back to the bedroom. She studied her sister's face.

Sera was slowly getting red from the amount of forced laughter. Her eyes were watering, and drool poured off the gag. In spite of it all, a sparkle was apparent in her eyes, and that sparkle just forced others around to smile almost instinctively.

Sera cackled helplessly info her gag as Jenny her snoopiness. After some torment, Jenny wondered aloud if Sera's armpits were ticklish. The captive denied it, but the loudest laughter yet revealed that she was indeed extremely sensitive in that part of the body. Jenny giggled with glee at having learned something new about her future sister-in-law.

This discovery spurred Jenny to push further there. Vittoria expressed some dismay at the cruelty of tickle torture as she felt sympathy for her sister, but Jenny assured her that all was well. As Jenny explained, it might seem mean, but it's not mean if both sides are having fun.

Jenny's small size allowed her to push her fingers right into any nook or cranny along Sera's trunk, but of course being Jenny she kept this PG for Vittoria's sake. Her hands were quick, and Sera's position gave no possibility of resistance. The captor also knew just how to jerk and push to evoke those sudden "GAH!" type reactions.

With time, Sera's breathing got a little heavier, but mostly she sweated and drooled. Oh, she was drooling a ton really, and the sweat droplets were large. But the drool was really pouring, and Jenny wiped it with a handkerchief occasionally.

"That right there is why I personally never like a plain gag of one of these or one of the rubber balls. I hate drool on myself and always want a scarf or tape over it," Jenny explained to Vittoria.
"OK!" the girl only understood it as "Add extra gag over any kind of ball gag on Jenny; she doesn't like it plain."
"Oh, eh ee oh!"
"That's enough. Take a break, girl," Jenny pet the back of Sera's head a little.
"That was mean!" Vittoria said in surprise.
"Never been tickled by your brothers?" Jenny asked in equal surprise.

Jenny wasn't supposed to ask a question in return! Vittoria wasn't sure if she should answer the question or continuing defending Serafina. This was such a silly question! Who hasn't been tickled by a friend or brother or male cousin or something of the kind? Vittoria answered that she naturally had been tickled before.

Jenny explained that being tied and tickled was just another way of being tickled. Vittoria, for her part, saw the parallel to being pinned by one of her brothers while another brother tickled her. That reconciled that in her mind; it's just but another way of combining TUGs with other activities to make them more interesting.

Again, the young girl asked if Sera was going to be released soon. She was concerned, impatient, and increasingly agitated by this. Jenny simply stated that she would let Sera calm down, and then they could ask her. The captive didn't wait for the question and simply flashed a thumbs up and made some happy sounds to express herself. Vittoria marveled at her big sister's sportsmanship and accepted that Sera was Jenny's captive at the moment.

Sera relaxed in her position while catching her breath. Tickling was absolutely the best TUG torture in her not-so-humble opinion. So many feelings associated with it we're enjoyable: the helplessness, the neurological sensations, the gagged sounds. the drool, the sweat, the laughter, the uncertainty... and that wasn't all.

Sera thought about her little sister. Vittoria was such a precious young girl and so easily enamored with anything. If Sera, who was afraid of heights, suddenly took up skydiving, Vittoria would want to try it as well! Unlike her sisters, Vittoria didn't seem to have a truly bad side but would actually talk over things. She also had a sharp sense of humor, but she was still growing and would go through changes before her full personality developed. However, she was 12, and with 12 comes those emotional outbursts that accompany that phase of life.

Jenny soon walked over and untied Sera's left wrist and ankle while Vittoria took the right. In little time, Sera was seated up on the bed and rubbing her wrists, but she hadn't removed the gag yet. Jenny put her hands on her hips and threatened to add a padlock if Sera didn't ungag herself soon enough. Once holding the gag, the hostess decided that it was time for her younger guest to receive a lesson in proper gag hygiene

Jenny motioned with her hand for Vittoria to follow, and she tucked in behind Jenny with nary a thought. Jenny led Vittoria to the left master bathroom sink in which were already sitting all the other gags of the day.

"On a busy day, I end up with a lot of laundry. Cloth gags can be put in the regular laundry, but Sera's ball gag and this ball that Giulia used on you earlier need a different kind of scrub," Jenny explained in a kindly manner while peering through the holes of the rubber with her right eye and staring at Vittoria.
"Soap?" the girl asked.
"Dish soap, in fact! Good ol' Dawn and a toothbrush are all you need."

Jenny hummed a song to herself while she turned the water to its hottest setting. She reached under the vanity in the cabinet and pulled out a small bottle of the detergent along with an old toothbrush. After some time, it was apparent Jenny was humming a Christmas carol, and Vittoria joined in as well.

No words were needed to explain anything more as Jenny scrubbed the rubber ball inside and out and then scrubbed Sera's ball. After washing, Jenny dried Sera's gag and only the outside of the other because its interior needed to air dry. Jenny then put the other gag materials in her laundry basket since she had a load to put in the wash anyway.

Jenny and Vittoria walked out of the bedroom and toward the laundry closet that was in the living room. She put the laundry and soap in the washer and turned the machine on. As soon as the closet was closed, there was near silence again.

Sera was beginning to be concerned. A sleepover had turned into being playfully kidnapped by Giulia, Irish-8 handcuff games, tickling demonstrations, and now a lesson in properly caring for gags. Wasn't this too much? Wasn't this beyond what was appropriate for a little girl? Sera didn't know, and she buried these concerns for the time being.

Sera was now playing with the Irish-8's. They had been used on her sufficiently over the months since they were added to the TUG toys, but she still found rigid cuffs a curiosity with potential for good use. She looked up just in time to watch Jenny get tripped, tackled, and hand gagged by Vittoria while Jenny squealed in surprise.

"Sis, the cuffs!" Vittoria's cuff revenge began.
"On it!" Sera ran over and began securing Jenny's wrists,

Jenny grunted helplessly while her wrists were fastened behind her back. She could have taken Vittoria alone, but she was helpless against both sisters. Now, she was in trouble for sure as Vittoria explained that this was revenge for both of them: herself for having to do tasks while handcuffed and Sera for the tickling.

Sera couldn't help but smile while she shook her head. In concern for her friend, Sera helped Jenny stand up. The short runner was definitely a good fit for those rigid cuffs, and Sera could not resist the thought... She was going to turn Jenny into a tied up cuddle toy!

"This girl likes a stuffie and a cup of hot coffee when it's cold," Sera spoke of herself.
"Stuffie?" Jenny asked her knowing what that meant.
"Stuffie," Sera reiterated with complete confidence.
"She wants you, Tori," Jenny quipped.
"She means you!" the youngest of the three defied the hostess.
"But you're smaller and cuter!" Jenny upped the defiance.
"No, you're cuter. Take a seat, Jenny!" Sera said.

Vittoria went to the Keurig machine and made Sera a cup of coffee while Sera tied up Jenny. She kept it simple as Giulia had before with rope only binding Jenny's wrists, ankles, and thighs, but Serafina went for a tighter binding.

Jenny questioned the necessity of a tighter binding, but Sera merely remarked that real stuffed animals are inanimate objects. Thus, Jenny needed to be immobilized to fit this definition. The runner shrugged her shoulders knowing that it was inevitable and that she just needed to enjoy the situation.

The ropes were pretty secure. Jenny's elbows were touching behind her back, but that wasn't out of the ordinary as Jenny was dangerously flexible. Besides, tighter bonds usually made Jenny happier. Her legs were completely stuck together with no chance of any independent motion.

"Now, Gangsta Princess," Sera played with the captive's hair, "I have my coffee, a recliner, and you. I just need to get a warm blanket and a video game controller."
"Blankets are on the shelf in the closet right here," Jenny motioned with her foot.
"Perfect! Sis, set up a game for us, please?" Sera asked in a kindly tone.
"Right on it!" Vittoria responded with pleasure.
"Now, if you behave yourself, I won't gag you now. Just remember... revenge is a terrible lady," Sera warned playfully..
"I look forward to your revenge," Jenny grinned widely.
"I knew you would," Sera gave Jenny a tight hug.

The three sat on the sofa-- along the wall opposite the door-- with at least three big blankets on it. Jenny had so many just from having had so many sleepovers over the years of her life. The girls were cozy and warm. Jenny couldn't help but drift off to sleep even while the sisters bantered and played... this spot against Sera was so cozy...
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Find my other CGC Stories in the same link above!

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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

[mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention] I am tagging you all because you all have commented on these stories at some point whether on this site or were regular commenters on the old one.

Chapter 7

"Aren't you so cute?" Jenny awoke to this question from Serafina.
"Hmmm?" Jenny wondered as she saw Sera holding her phone.

Jenny looked at the photo of herself. She was all tied up on the sofa with even more ropes around her knees, breasts, and waist. Then, in the next photo, she was also gagged with one of the blue balls that had a brown bandana through the holes. In the next, a strip of microfoam tape was over her lips, and then in the last one she was under the covers with Sera snuggling her.

Jenny was a notoriously deep sleeper and for getting herself into positions like this. It happened many times throughout high school and college, and she was the only one of the "club members" who was this particularly easy to ensnare like this. This time, however, it didn't click until she realized that, in the photos, her clothes and Sera's clothes matched what they were currently wearing... Jenny struggled and let out a grunt. To make it worse, her rougher brown rope was used instead of her pink bondage rope.

"Just to make sure you can't resist us!" a pink bandana blindfolded her to make three knots under her hair.
"NO!" Jenny cried out in feigned resistance.
"It's revenge time!" Sera announced.

Revenge time sounded fun in light of what had occurred before. At this point, Jenny knew she was fine so long as Vittoria was free to watch the stew for her, so there was nothing left but to enjoy her inability to resist being tickled by Serafina. And Jenny liked tickle torture and had engaged in it since the early days of the club.

"Ha ha ha!" she made her muffled cries into the gag as she rolled around on the sofa.
"My helpless little prisoner!" Sera teased her as she dug deeply into Jenny's ribs and tummy looking for the most sensitive spots.

Sera wasn't necessarily the greatest tickler when it came to evoking laughter, but she was excellent at changing her method of attack to catch you by surprise. She was a strong girl, so it wasn't about speed or dexterity as much as versatility. Her strength allowed her to hold you in place with little effort, freeing herself to find deeper nerves.
Sera had one advantage that Jenny didn't: Vittoria had gone to the bathroom. This freed Sera to tickle a little more area so long as she kept an ear open for the toilet flush. Jenny thus found her breasts being squeezed and tickled a little bit in addition to the tickling along her trunk and legs. It was an odd trait that the girls did to each other as a strange form of teasing.

"Boooobbbbbiiiieeesss," always accompanied it in a goofy tone of voice that evoked a giggle or straight-up laughter.

And that was the extent of it. It was a weird way that the athletic members of the Cool Girls' Club teased each other with no sexual connotation because, frankly, as athletes, they were used to seeing such things anyway as every sports team has at least one person who just shamelessly strips in the showers.

"Why did you keep tickling Jenny without me?" Vittoria asked in disappointment when she returned.
"What's wrong? You knew I was tickling her!" Sera defended herself while not understanding.
"She's my captive! You should have waited for me to come back!" the younger sister chastised the elder.
"I didn't mean to interfere in your plans," was the only response Sera gave, "You take over then!"

Two Randaccios naturally made a more formidable tickling tandem than a single one did, and the precocious youngster quickly mastered the artform after witnessing just a handful of sessions total since her first exposure to TUGs. Vittoria had the petiteness of youth on her side and thus could climb over Jenny like a spider and squeeze into spaces like a mouse.

"It's only fun because we love you!" Vittoria said to Jenny with a big grin.
"I agree!" Sera said and gave a Jenny a big "girlfriend kiss" on the right cheek.
"Ah uv you ooh! OW THTOP!" Jenny tried to get this to cease, but it didn't.
"We're just halfway there!" Sera said with a cackle.

Vittoria gave Jenny a break to watch the stew, but otherwise she and Sera kept this up for a solid 30 minutes straight. Jenny howled into the gag. She thrashed her legs as best as she could. She squirmed and twisted. She bucked like a horse and dolphin kicked, but the best she could do was throw herself onto the floor where she was even more easily trapped.

Serafina was a rope bunny, but she had a very sweet and playful dominant side that couldn't bare to see another soul suffering even the tiniest amount of pain. She was the type that just treated her prisoners like princesses except when the torture was in order, but even then she was all about having fun. Permission was requested before most tortures, and much was about satisfying the captive's desires more than her own.

This was a special side of Sera. She was a very tightly closed person until you got to know her, and she warmed up to you. So much more displayed once she opened up, and suddenly a person with a varied and personality was inside. Suddenly visible was the girl who liked to find out how things worked, who loved her family, enjoyed surprising her friends, thrived in a competitive environment, and took pleasure in rope games.

In a TUG environment, it meant that you couldn't guarantee what Sera would do next. She might jam dirty socks in your mouth one time to laugh at your grimace or use your favorite gag just to see you smile. She might tickle you in total revenge or just to share in your laughter. The thrill of having a captive was as great as serving the captive, and binding them tightly for a stuffie was as satisfying as cuffing them and making them work to earn the keys to escape.

"All right, you're done tickling. Let's untie her," Vittoria suggested.
"But we're not done yet! We're only done tickling," Sera said to Vittoria's disappointment.
"Oh," her sadness was lost on the big sister who was enjoying the moment.

Jenny was dragged to the living room with little effort from the strong rower. She laid Jenny on her stomach and hogtied her from ankles to elbows and then tied a rope from her ankles to the banister rail. Once that was secure, Sera back away and grabbed her cell phone.

It was a Cool Girls' Club tradition. From day 1, the Club had a private, unlisted Facebook group on which they sometimes posted photos and videos of their bound and gagged friends. It was always in fun and teasing and used to great effect at times and allowed the fun to be shared with those not present for a variety of reasons. Sera did the same now.

"Can we untie her now?" Vittoria asked after Sera was satisfied.
"No way! Let her enjoy herself a little bit," Sera again shot her down.

Jenny did want to enjoy herself. Now she was stuck in the happy place of being bound, gagged, blindfolded, and genuinely helpless. She knew she had almost no chance to escape on her own, but she enjoyed the sensations so much she didn't mind. If anything, she hammed it up a little at times, but now she wanted to convey happiness for her young friend's reassurance that she didn't need to be released.

"Serafina Arcangela Cherubina Bonifacia! You are a naughty, naughty girl!" Giulia shouted through the door with a childish giggle.
"I know!" she grinned, but Giulia had already walked away having had the satisfaction of teasing her sister.

Jenny instead attempted to pathetically sing Christmas carols into her gag while she struggled. It made Sera and Vittoria laugh as they sang along, and it gave Jenny and Sera the satisfaction of listening to the gag talk. The feel of the ropes keeping her down and stuck was always so exciting, and it showed a bit in the way she squirmed.

This leads to another of Jenny and Sera's great TUG traits: they're bendy, so much so that Sera had a confirmed diagnosis of being hyperflexible. But Jenny more than nearly all other CGC members could hold a tight tie the longest. This of course didn't mean to keep her tied up in something this strict for insane amounts of time, but she had enough experience that she could handle around an hour or two before an adjustment or release was needed.

Safety was always in order, and Jenny was such a trooper that she had more than once endured 24 hours of confinement. But of course any ties this tight were short parts of such things even when the confinement was strict. Nevertheless, it goes to show how much Jenny enjoys being bound and gagged.

This tightness was part of what Vittoria didn't understand. She knew Sera and Jenny were flexible, but more than that she was scared of someone getting hurt. She didn't realize that this was safe for Jenny and Sera even if not so for herself. Thus, her whining continued.

"She's my captive! Can we untie her?" she tried again and pouted.
"Tori, prove me right. Go ask Jenny if she's happy, OK?" Sera didn't want to say "No" again.
"Are you," she crouched down near Jenny, "happy with this and OK?"
"Mmmm hmmm!" Jenny nodded and added, "Oor tho thweet!"

Jenny was genuinely having fun in this and knew she could handle a lot more. It had probably only been 90 minutes tops she figured that she'd been like this, and Vittoria stirred the stew while Sera set up the next Mario Kart match. The youngster couldn't resist, though and finally felt compelled to undo the elbow rope for her own peace of mind.

"What are you doing?" Sera asked her.
"She's my captive!" Vittoria suddenly snapped quite viciously, "I don't like this rope, and I'm undoing it! So there!"
"Well, Vittoria, uhm," Serafina hadn't seen this side of her sister before and stammered a bit.
"Oh, shut up! I didn't untie her, you chooch {jerk}!" she walked back to the sofa and took her seat.
"What is going on in there?!" Giulia yelled from behind the door.
"Sera's being bossy!" Vittoria shouted back.
"Am not!" Sera redoubled it.
"Are so!" Vittoria wouldn't back down.
"Sera, quit being a loo-geech {hotheaded know-it-all}!" Giulia said and walked away.

They muttered apologies to each other out of mere sisterhood, but little in it seemed genuine. Jenny had just frozen solid in the entire thing and completely lost interest. She so lost interest that she made the all-important triple snap with her fingers: ungag me ASAP. Sera went right over and undid the gag, and Vittoria had been told enough by her brothers to know what a triple-anything meant in CGC rules.

"Jenny," Sera sputtered, "I'm so sorry we're ruining your weekend."
"I'm really... I let you down," Sera felt worse about the bad impression she made to Jenny than she'd made to her sisters.
"Thank God! Oh, that gag felt so good and so bad at the same time!" Jenny took a deep breath, "I'd love to stay here until 7AM, but hogties can't be held that long, and I need to be let go. Dinner's too close to being finished."
"All right. Vittoria, she's your captive, want to help me?" she asked her sister.
"No, but I will for Jenny's sake," Vittoria scowled but walked over to assist regardless.
"Tori!" Jenny was hurt by that, but not as much as Sera was.
"I need the rest room," Sera muttered and walked away.

Sera sat on the toilet in the guest bathroom and quietly cried a little. Why was Vittoria being so mean to her? Was she just taking this all wrong and letting herself get hysterical again? Was it too much to want a little fun with Jenny after Jenny had just had fun with her? Jenny wasn't being harmed in any way she saw, so why was Vittoria so uptight about things? After some time, she had stopped crying, and she flushed the toilet for effect before splashing water on her face and reemerging.

Jenny and Vittoria were singing Christmas carols in tandem while they made the finishing touches on things, including getting the garlic bread ready. Vittoria then suddenly spoke up, to Sera's surprise, to ask if they could somehow get her viola since they forgot to bring it.

"I'll get it, Tori, OK? It's no big deal," Sera said in a friendly tone.
"Thanks," the younger girl responded coldly, still hurt by what had happened.

Sera quickly grabbed her things for the quick trip to the house and back. It was indeed a quick trip, and her parents were more than understanding. It also gave her a moment to give Benny an extra hug. More than that, though, it was time for Sera to reflect. The more she thought, the more she knew she was being a bully to her little sister. She had gone from "protecting big sister" to "tyrant" in a hurry.

Sera didn't want to be a negative thing in Tori's life. Sera had gone through big sibling bullying too at different points, exemplified by the 11 month silence between her and Giovanni after Sera announced her pregnancy and when Giulia suggested that Sera was a bad mother. Now, she was being just as hurtful to her own little sister, and she didn't want to do anything that would put a wedge between them.

Jenny had been Tori's captive, and Sera interfered. What she didn't understand was where Tori had gotten this notion of being a proprietary captor like that from as she didn't know about the earlier games with Giulia. In the games at school, no one was ever this possessive unless it was something special like the previously mentioned 24-hour captivities. In spite of her own questions, Sera needed to apologize and resolved to do so as soon as she entered.

"Here you go," Sera said quietly as she put the case on the counter whilst Jenny put the bread in the oven.
"Thank you Serafina!" Vittoria's tone was brighter, and Jenny winked at Sera to indicate they had talked.
"I'm sorry for being so bossy earlier, for interfering with your fun," Sera looked down at her feet.
"You do try to be such a good big sister. I forgive you," Vittoria gave her a hug, but Sera hadn't forgiven herself yet.

In a few minutes, supper was on the table as the clock struck 5PM. The girls sat down to a warm pot of beef stew with its meat, potatoes, peas, carrots, and onions in a thick broth accompanied by slices of warm, toasty garlic bread. It looked scrumptious to the two guests who had never had this before outside commercials for Campbell's soup. Jenny was so chilly that rather than adjust the heat she had put a pink zip-up hoodie jacket on, although she didn't zip it; she was in particular looking forward to the meal.

"I never got to tell you because so much happened!" Vittoria looked ready to spring out of her chair.
"Oh? What's that, Tori?" Sera as she bit into a piece of bread.
"I got tied up by Giulia this morning! She tied me to that chair and had Jenny hogtied on the table!"
"She what?!" Sera dropped the rest of her bread onto her plate.
"And Jenny told me about the Cool Girls' Club too!" the excited voice continue.
"Oh really?!" the older sister's voice cracked a little.
"It sounds like so much fun to become a member!" she was so energetic Jenny thought she'd take off like a rocket.
"Maybe we can do that if circumstances allow," the hostess smiled.
"Is wearing the scarf something all Cool Girls' do or just you two?" came another question, this time a question for Jenny.
"Well--," Jenny was cut off.
"That's enough!" a yell came from Sera as she stood up.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Glad to see that you are continuing this story. Great work!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention]

Chapter 8

"Jenny Danielle Kristensen, how about you just butt out for a change?!" Sera's question came across as more of a demand.
"How am I butting in? I'm just trying to help," Jenny remained calm and was taken aback by this kind of question.

Sera turned on her friend Jenny without a thought or care for anyone but herself in the moment, and in her fury she blew things out of proportion and assumed other things. Vittoria was her sister, not Jenny's, and Sera had never invited Jenny to try to be Vittoria's best friend or anything of the kind. How dare Giulia and Jenny tie up her baby sister when she had taken upon herself the role of guardian to make sure nothing bad happened?! Introduce her to the Club?! No way!

"I brought Vittoria here to have a fun time with her future sister-in-law, and you stab me in the back by getting her into all sorts of trouble? What if something had gone wrong?!"
"Giulia and I are here though. We would never let her get--," Jenny did get to finish.
"Plenty already went wrong without me!! You used your rigid cuffs on the poor thing!" Sera was giving Jenny no slack whatsoever.

Jenny was too practical and hurt by Sera's comments. Did Sera really think that she, of all people, would want to steal Vittoria's heart away? All Jenny wanted to be was Sera's cool friend, another good example for Tori. Instead, Jenny's insistence that Vittoria was well-cared for was met with Sera becoming more animated in her diatribe. Jenny, she said, shouldn't even be hosting a sleepover for minors who aren't her own immediate family.

"I just wanted the sisters and future sister...," once again, Jenny was cut off.
"SHUT UP! It's not your business! Quit wedging yourself into places you don't belong! I am putting my foot down! NO MORE!" Sera yelled forcefully.

Tori would only be tied up if Sera was there to watch her. She was not to have any captives of her own anymore because she was too irresponsible and didn't manage the situations properly. There was absolutely no way that she would be allowed to join the club until she was in high school like Jenny was. Besides, Vittoria didn't have a cell phone of her own, and even if she did she didn't want her sister in a group where adults were sharing TUG stuff.

It wasn't bad enough that Vittoria took a liking to her future sister-in-law. She wanted to play musical duets with her now? And play TUGs? And join the club? And dress like Jenny? How much more of Vittoria was Jenny going to steal from Serafina? Why did she want Vittoria so badly when she already had plenty of friends and family of her own?! Sera smacked her hand on the table as she answered "NO!" or some equivalent negative to each of her own questions.

"Sera, it's not the way you think it is," for the third time Jenny was cut off by Sera.
"Oh, it definitely is exactly as I think it is" Sera said tearfully as she grabbed Vittoria's unwilling arm and began heading toward the door to Giulia's, "I don't even want to be here with you anymore!"
"Sera, you're misunderstanding everything!" Jenny tried to be reasonable and was fighting her own emotions
"Go f-ck yourself!" Sera shrieked in Italian and threw her arms up in a double gesture, which gave Vittoria her chance to escape as her sister slammed the door.
"Just," Jenny calmly shook her head, "don't eat your stew. Giulia will fix her wagon, and she'll be back."
"I like you Jenny... a lot..., but..." the tween's lip trembled, "she's my big sister... I love her,"
"I know... she's just struggling with the fact that you're getting older and doesn't realize just much you worship the ground on which she walks," Jenny said, and a tear formed in the corner of her own eye, which she quickly dismissed as a contact lens issue.
"I'm sorry your sleepover is being ruined like this," Tori did not like seeing Jenny and her sister upset.
Sera stormed down the hall and into her sister's craft room where, sure enough, Giulia was working on her latest project. It appeared she was doing some sort of painting project as she had a roll of masking tape on the table next to her. Sera rubbed a tear out of her eyes and just waited for her sister to commiserate with her.

"You're really being a total a--hole, sis."

Sera was not expecting her big sister to side against her like this and dropped her jaw in shock. But then Giulia began throwing the things that she knew about Sera and the CGC right back in Sera's face. In particular, she noted that Bridget--pointing out with great emphasis that this was Roberto's love interest and Sera's best friend with whom she'd engaged in very rough TUGs-- had begun at 7 years old and that she had seen posts from others in the group mentioning games when they were Vittoria's age.

"Your friend Bridget, you know the one that's coming to spend Christmas with us? You going to tell her to her face that a girl who is turning 13 on Christmas morning is too young to learn TUGs from her big sisters and their friend?"
"Jenny isn't a sister! I know what I'm doing with Tori!" Sera weakly defended her actions.
"You only started playing these games last April, and now you're the expert on what's best for everyone, including her and Jenny? You forget Jenny added me to that group a few months ago. I did my homework because I wanted to make sure my sister was all right," Giulia threw Sera's lack of experience back at her, "And there are minors in that group already!"
"These games are dangerous if things go wrong!" the pathetic defense continued.
"Rich, really rich," Giulia shook her head, "from a girl who routinely would get tied up and abandoned for hours at a time!"

This was Jenny's home and sleepover they were playing in, so Jenny's rules go. Vittoria had learned enough that she could be tied up without Sera there because no one would willfully harm her, and Vittoria was more than responsible enough to manage her own prisoners with someone there to supervise. Sera was being the bully to be bossing Vittoria like this, and Sera had interfered with Tori's captive and deserved to be tied up for it since Giulia-- and she said this with quite a lot of pride-- was the one who had tied Vittoria up that morning for interfering with Jenny's kidnapping at the retired basketball player's hands. Giulia didn't like it, and Vittoria picked up that behavior from her other big sister who was as much her sister as Sera was!

"You ever consider that she's watching and learning from our behaviors, including when we tell our future sister-in-law to go f-ck herself?" Giulia asked.

Sera's face turned red with a mixture of shame, embarrassment, and injury. More embarrassing was that Giulia was talking in English even when she wasn't sure of what word to use so that Jenny and Tori could potentially listen. Sera had made lots of assumptions about the things that had happened in her absence; she had completely taken over the Jenny situation when all Tori wanted to do was just tie up Jenny enough so her big sister could have a "stuffie." She then further refused to set Jenny free and when her sister didn't want to keep her captive anymore. She was... selfish. But the most painful part was still to come.

"Sometimes you let your emotions completely cloud your judgment. So what if that girl wants to be an athlete? ALL seven of her older siblings are. So what if she wants to jam with Jenny? She plays music so you can sing along and jams with Giovanni too. Who cares if she wants to wear shorts or leggings or bandanas or whatever like Jenny does? So do you. You're so freaking dense sometimes and make these wild thought trees," Giulia felt like she was talking to a child for a moment.

Sometimes that obvious had to be pointed out to a girl like Sera because the emotions cloud her ability to realize such things. It was true she sometimes would think things out to ridiculous conclusions. It was a trait that had developed as part of her depression that she would overanalyze things, especially to conclude something negative about herself or someone else's intentions. She knew she had this character flaw.

"What are you saying?" Sera was still missing the point.
"Vittoria sees Jenny doing these things, but it's OK to her because you do them too. You're both athletic, and musical, and dress similarly. Sera, Vittoria loves Jenny for real, but... I'm so jealous of you sometimes," Giulia admitted as she grabbed the tape, put it on her wrist like a bracelet, stood up, and walked toward Sera.
"You? Jealous of me?!" Sera was stunned and her eyes grew wide with surprise as, not noticing the tape, she backed herself into a corner of the room.
"You're a better mother than I am, and you're Vittoria's hero, the one she idolizes. Don't you see? Vittoria adores you more than anyone else in the world. She wants to do all these things because she wants to share in it all with you, not because of Jenny. Jenny's such a good friend to you that it's, to a girl her age, confirmation that the things her sister does are awesome and worthy of imitation."
"I...," Sera's hysterics kicked in again with tears.
"Shut up and go back and apologize," Giulia pushed a strip of the tape against Sera's lips.
"Huh?" Sera wasn't ready for this.


Sera recalled the day she, for the first time, gave Vittoria a hand-me-down. It was the same day she brought Vittoria to the mall during her first summer home from college. How happy Vittoria was to get the outfit from her big sister, and truth be told Sera loved getting hand-me-downs from Giulia too. That smile on Vittoria's face brought Sera happiness during a difficult time of her life.

The family really supported Sera a lot. They knew Sera had a dream of working in her father's shop, and they made the sacrifices to go to school, the same school as Giovanni, and get her engineering degree. It was a difficult, sad time for both Sera and Benny due to the distance that separated them, but they persevered and never wavered in their mother-son bond.

Sera had her major loves of this life: her son, her parents, and her siblings. First among those siblings was the baby sister though. They brought the outfit to Vittoria's room and held hands as they went back down the stairs with Vittoria talking excitedly about wearing the outfit to church the very next day. Of course, Sera said she was fine with this as long as Mama was fine with it too.

As though the day weren't already exciting enough, Sera brought Vittoria to the mall, just the two of them. Mostly they window shopped as self-control was virtuous in the temptations of the many stores. There was one shirt that Vittoria really liked, and while she couldn't get it that day she was later overjoyed to find it under the Christmas tree as a gift from her sister.

They did, however, get one thing that they both loved most about malls: the pretzels. The mall-style pretzel was both girl's favorite thing about the mall, but it was a secret neither had shared with the other until Sera asked. The younger blurted it out, and the older admitted it was true of herself as well. That made it even better to eat one of the warm, fluffy, salty delights.

After a day of laughs and such, the girls returned home to family and smiles. Sera, Vittoria, and Benny played Go Fish for a little while, and then later Sera gave Vittoria her first lesson on how to cook pasta properly. Vittoria always enjoyed learning from Sera because her big sister believed in "learning by doing."

That day was special. No one expected it at the time, but two summers later when Sera came home from school she was happy. She had made new friends (and unbeknownst to them discovered TUGs) and loved one friend so much that friend was going to come visit them all later that summer! More importantly, Sera stayed happy, and that made everyone, especially Vittoria and Benny, even happier.


Giulia pushed Sera into the corner and took advantage of her size to flatten several more strips of the masking tape, including a chin strip against Serafina's face. She then spun the girl around backwards and taped her hands behind her back. Masking tape wasn't exactly too effective, but it worked for the temporary surprise and the transport Giulia needed especially when wrapped in some 20+ layers, She hustled her groaning and struggling sister down the hallway past the living room and shoved her into Jenny's apartment with her own bossy, but encouraging, "Get in there and make things right! You go girl!"

As Giulia walked back by the living room, she saw Domenic sitting there with a perturbed look on his face. He had an idea of what went on in there but had never seen anything of the kind. Giulia looked at the tape bracelet and laughed while making a comment about needing to get ready to go pick up Bridget and to tell the girls, if they asked, that she was out Christmas shopping.

Sera walked over to the sofa on the opposite wall and sat down in the middle of it without a word or a sound. She tried to rip the tape on her wrists, but Giulia had wrapped what felt like half a roll on her wrists. She let out a sad moan, and Jenny motioned for Vittoria to go over. The young girl gently peeled the tape off Sera's lips.

Sera had never felt such guilt and didn't react as the tape was removed. She would have rather she'd been left tied up here (or in Giulia's spare bedroom) to think about what she had done. Not only had she mischaracterized one of her best friend's, but she had insulted her and her sister. On top of all that, she had been pushing her sister around... she remembered what she had told Vittoria during their cooking lessons: the best way to learn something new is by doing it. Her sister had merely taken Sera's advice to heart.

Without any qualms, Vittoria put her arms around Sera for a hug and gave her a true Italian-style kiss on the cheek. Sera picked up her head and returned the kiss. Jenny sat down on the left side of Sera, who turned from her sister and gave Jenny the same gesture. Then, Jenny returned the gesture as well. Sera was forgiven without even saying the words yet.

Vittoria further showed her own love by unwrapping the tape from Sera's wrists, wadding it up, and tossing it, all without asking. She just did it as a favor to her sister. Sera turned to Tori and smiled at her, and the smile was returned. Turning back to Jenny, Sera found she was surrounded by smiles.

"I'm sorry about how I've been acting and assuming all sorts of bad things about you two and being a bully and bossy and everything," Sera's tone conveyed her sadness at her actions and behaviors..
"We forgive you," Jenny said with her typical uplifting smile as she took Sera's hand, "Let's go finish eating."
"All right... I hope it's still hot anyway," Sera couldn't help but smile at Jenny.
"Serafina," Vittoria began, "I don't understand all of what Giulia said, what we heard anyway, but..."
"But what, baby sister?"
"She's right that you're my hero and that I want to be just like you," Vittoria looked ready to bound with joy, and then she teased her big sister, "Except the teen mom part."
"Ha ha! Oh, Vittoria, you are so sweet! I love you so much too!" Sera blurted out and gave another hug that her sister eagerly returned.

With that, the girls were finally able to sit down and enjoy the spread that Jenny and Vittoria had prepared that day. The stew was still hot and delicious and made for a tasty dinner with an indelible mark that, in its brownness, ensured they would forever associate this meal with being in the runner's apartment. No one talked much while they ate, but the smiles were apparent and the company was precious.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention]

I am going up to 2x per week since I have the chapters written and The Rookie is finished.

Chapter 9

"Jenny, that was delicious," Sera said, "You two relax. I'll clean up."
"I got this," Jenny replied.
"Please, Jenny?" the Italian whined this time.
"We'll do it as a team, OK?"

This was Jenny's apartment, and she wasn't letting her guest do all the work. No, Jenny handled the leftovers while the other two rinsed and loaded the dishwasher with what could go in there. Then Sera washed, Vittoria rinsed, and Jenny dried. In 20 minutes, the girls were high-fiving each other on teamwork leading to a job well done.

The trio of girls in Jenny's apartment happily enjoyed the cannolis, savoring each and every bite... well, Sera and Vittoria did. Jenny was 100% not a fan of the chocolate-orange combination as opposed to plain ones, but she finished it nevertheless in the satisfaction that she had tried it. Fortunately, all that made for a mess was a few crumbs on the floor and stickiness on the fingers.

After they were done with dessert, it was time to address the main issue of their sleepover. Tori was getting a full introduction to TUGs, and it was time to talk things over with her about the club. No surprise, the youngster immediately started with questions.

"How do I become a club member?" Vittoria asked again.
"I'll explain," Jenny said with a smile, "You saw how I was tied, gagged, and blindfolded after you undid my hogtie?"
"Yeah!" she nodded as she thought back a couple hours.
"It's not as strict as that. You basically have to be tied up like that to become a Cool Girl."
"But for her?" Sera asked.
"Do all Club girls wear the bandanas?" came the next question.
"No! When it was a handful of us, it was easy to do that and to add pizzazz to Club meetings, but lots of us don't," Jenny happily answered all the questions.
"Would...," she started and looked at Sera for approval, "I don't have a smartphone yet, but would you two let me be a dumb member?"

Jenny giggled at the phrase "dumb member" that just showed Vittoria's youthful innocence. She had never seen life without cell phones like Jenny and Sera had, but she did know that none of her siblings had a phone until they were adults except for Sera (and that exception was only because of Benny).

"Why?" Jenny asked her seriously.
"Because... because she's one," she pointed at Sera and looked down, feeling it was useless to try any further.
"If Sera approves, I do, and it only requires that two members approve," a fresh smile grew on Jenny's face.
"Well, I approve of this motion as well. I say we start the ceremonies," Sera consented.

Vittoria looked at Sera and saw a wide grin on her face. She glanced over at Jenny and saw a similarly wide smile. Sera and Jenny glanced at each other and nodded. It was time, before bedtime, to bring a little happiness to this girl's life and let her share in the happy secret with Sera, Jenny, Giulia, and the two brothers.

"For this one, I want you and Serafina to both be tied up with duct tape. You're not allergic, and this should be over soon enough that you needn't worry about having to hide anything at mass tomorrow morning. I have to vacuum this room from all the bread and cannoli crumbs."

Sera and Vittoria accepted Jenny's judgment, and Sera knew her most favorite way to be bound and gagged was coming her way. More than that, she hoped Jenny went the full 9 yards on herself and just left it simple on Vittoria. Jenny walked over to the box of Sera's earlier verbal joust with Jenny and pulled out two rolls of duct tape, one black and one grey. The captor-to-be made sure there were no immediate bathroom needs before ordering the two to lie down on the living room floor.

What followed was what the CGC called the "Randaccio taping" just because it started with Bridget doing it to Sera back in college. This particular style wasn't exceptionally unusual except in that used only four strips of tape to bind the victim.

Strip #1: wrapped around the victim's wrists (crossed or not) and worked its way around their waist as well.
Strip #2: wrapped around their elbows, up their arms, around their upper chest, and then around their lower chest.
Strip #3: went from above their kneecaps to just below their waist.
Strip #4: went from below their knees to their ankles.

Jenny did it in this way, tightly binding both girls, but she especially gave her meanest to Serafina. Both victims smiled at Jenny. Sera had the black tape, and Vittoria the red tape. With that complete, it was time for the gags.

Jenny pulled off both girls' sneakers and socks and exposed their feet. Sera felt a leap of excitement in her, and she couldn't help herself but giggle a bit. One of Vittoria's socks was pushed inside the other, and Jenny tied a black bandana around the neck of the outer one; she did the same with Sera's and tied a blue bandana around it; then she repeated this with two clean socks and another black bandana. The first two were put near Sera, and the latter was put near Vittoria.

The socks Jenny used from her bag were the same kind all three girls wore in warmer weather: girls quarter socks. A pair of those made a good gag, and the big mouthed Sera could handle her own crew socks plus her baby sister's smaller socks. This was going to be Vittoria's first experience with stuffing.

Before the gags came, Tori inspected her binding. The tape was sticky, comfortable, and strong, and she instantly felt the sensations that she knew brought joy to Serafina when she was bound the material. It was very different from the ropes and bandanas that had been used for Tori's other experiences.

Vittoria opened without any pushing and let the package fill her mouth, and Jenny knotted it behind her head with adequate security. The liked the feelings of the soft, but coarse, fabric on her tongue. It was a stark contrast to the hard rubber balls or a simple cleave gag.

Sera, on the other hand, resisted. Jenny tried to force it in, but eventually she had to pinch Serafina's nose. The rower endured a long time, however, before she ran out of breath. She squirmed and squeaked and breathed through her teeth before her captor prevailed. With a gasp for air, Sera was defeated.

"GAH! MMMM!!!" Sera groaned as both packages went in.
"Just some more!" Jenny pushed and worked it until Sera's cheeks bulged like a chipmunk's before quite seriously knotting both bandanas.
"UGH!" Sera grimaced while enjoying the combined taste of her own and her sister's feet.

Each girl got 8 layers of duct tape on top of the gag. Eight tight (and for Sera crushing) layers of duct in the same color that bound them holding that multi-part gag under another gag. For Serafina, the best part though was that humiliating and disgusting shame of having her and her sister's socks, worn all day, adequately sweaty from the adventures and games, steeped with the odor of the shoes in which they were worn, forced against her tongue with no hope of removing it.

"EWWW!" Sera moaned to convey that the taste was bad.
"Mmmmm!" Vittoria happily tested the most serious gag she'd ever had and was pleased with how effective it was.

There was a delay before a blindfold came. Jenny stared at both girls in deep admiration of the sparkles she saw in their eyes. Sera's eyes would just transport you to another galaxy in wonder at her joy of being tied up, and she could see in Vittoria's too. The younger one's weren't completely there, but it was apparent that glow would match when she was done growing and maturing. She understood why Bridget and Giovanni sometimes would just sit and stare at Sera for 10 or even 30 minutes while she was bound and gagged.

To Sera's disappointment, the blindfold that followed appeared to be the clincher. Tori's blindfold was a black bandana, and Sera's was red. Jenny gave each a pat on the head and walked away, but soon she muttered about forgetting something and returned to the bag. Unbeknownst to both, Jenny had walked away to set up her phone filming her captives.

Sera wasn't certain until she felt the cotton balls stuff into her ears followed by the sweet feeling of vet wrap (she didn't know it was black) wrapping around her mouth area, then around her chin and the top of her head, then her eyes and onward until nearly all her head was covered but her nose and whatever parts of her hair and headscarf that weren't grabbed by the stuff.

Now Sera was in her personal TUG heaven. She was alone with nothing but her own thoughts and whatever of her own sounds reverberated through her ears. She could barely anything except her hips, feet, and neck. She couldn't talk, hear, or see, and her taste was dominated by those fetid socks. Only thing left was to wrap her up neck to feet in cling wrap, and she didn't need that.

On the outside, Jenny finished filming Vittoria's first formal CGC TUG. She posed for selfies with little things like a "V" for "victory" while posing with Vittoria but a "V" for "bunny ears" while posing with Sera. There were so many good things capture in these, and Jenny happily posted the collection onto Facebook for her friends to welcome the new member. Vittoria was a Cool Girl too.

This was so much fun! Vittoria couldn't believe just how blessed she was to have a sister like Sera who would safely introduce to new games. The binding was tight, the gag was muffling, and the blindfold was... blinding! She was stuck in her own little corner of the world to either enjoy herself or escape.

Sera really was in her own corner of space. No talking, no hearing, no seeing, no moving. No cell phone or TV to distract her. No way to do any cleaning. She either could let her mind wander into the world of imagination or pray, and she suspected she had time to do both! Either way, she loved having her senses cut off completely in this manner.

Jenny got out her vacuum and began sweeping, unable to hear the door opening behind. The captives were clueless and Bridget easily snatched the remainder of the black tape roll that was next to Serafina and sneaked up behind Jenny.


A flash of blonde hair goes by. It's long, straight, and shines like a mirror. Scandinavian hair, free as can be. The face turns, and the northern European appearance is confirmed by a typical complexion and a sparkly blue eye.

"Giulia Randaccio, over here!" the girl shouted as she ran to her volunteer taxi.

Meet Bridget Sjaastad, another girl who, like Jenny, graduated from Minnesota Tech. This girl stands out among her varied peers in the Cool Girls' Club in that she always wants to look her best; her clothes are always neat and perfectly complementary even if she can't afford "designer" brands; her hair is always in perfect order; her clothes aren't worn or stained. Black leggings and a white turtleneck sweater keep her nice and warm in spite of the harsh weather, and her UGGs fleece lined boots keep her feet even warmer. You wouldn't know at a glance that she was a rower like Serafina or that she was so powerful. She was, in fact, the shortest rower on her team every year of college despite lifting more weight than all on the team bar two girls.

Another thing about Bridget is that you won't find her listening to too much music or playing with her phone beyond what is necessary for her job or immediate family. As such, this girl is more aware of her surroundings than most and stands out because her head is held high. She is fully alert and ready to put her suitcase in the back and hop into the seat next to Giulia in the SUV. Bridget was more than happy to finally meet this one of Sera's siblings.

Bridget is different from the others we have met so far. If Sera's life is a book, then as you get to know her you and Sera will page through at your own pace. If Sera is a book, Jenny is a pamphlet, and she just flies through the pages in her bubbly friendliness as her life has been relatively easy and drama free. Bridget is a book like Sera, but you're only allowed to turn the page when she permits you to do so.

As Giulia drove, the two excitedly got to know each other. Sera's friend (and Roberto's girlfriend) was as she was described and gelled with Giulia as well as expected; likewise, Bridget instantly liked Giulia and quickly recognized the differences between the sisters that just could only be appreciated in person. It was apparent why Giulia and Sera were the two siblings that butted heads more than the rest combined and similarly apparent how much they both admired each other.

For Giulia, it was an intro to the indeed closed Bridget, but the latter gave the former more leeway than she would a stranger. Thus she started with more basic questions like "What do you do for work?" and "Got roommates?" and "How did you and Sera get to be friends?" before working her way up to more personal questions such as "Robbing the cradle for Roberto?" and "What did rowing mean to you?"

Edited to add context: Bridget's strong defense showed in how she kept back details, especially when talking about family, and her short, to the point, responses. Bridget got to ask similar questions along the way and hear the story of how Giulia and Domenic met, how Giulia made a small business out of her craft work, and similar things. But Bridget wasn't as prodding with her questions.

By the time dinner was done, Bridget and Giulia were well acquainted, but Bridget still seemed to be a bit closed. That was Bridget's way, and it was her way or the highway. At least the Bridget way always led to interesting places even when the destination wasn't a happy place.
"Is that a coconut cream pie?" Bridget asked in surprise as Giulia put a plate of the dessert out for each person after dinner.
"Serafina told me it's a favorite," Giulia smiled at her.
"Let's see," Bridget took a bite of the dessert and started to cry, "It's as good as... Mom's... was."
"Aw, I'm sorry, girl," Giulia gave her a comforting rub on the back instead of sitting.

In all the chatter along the way, Bridget had successfully avoid that one topic that would draw tears out of Bridget each and every time it came up. Bridget had so many foods that she loved the way "so and so" made it, but whenever it was something that Mom made the floodgates would open. In it all, every time, Bridget would genuinely thank the Lord for letting her taste it with that heaping helping of love and perfectly matching flavor once again, but without the love part of the recipe it would be meaningless to her.

Under it all was a very warm and extremely sensitive soul that genuinely cared about people, but likewise she lacked the ability to read between lines which sometimes led her to misunderstandings that, combined with a tendency to blame herself for things that weren't her fault, made a bad attitude that she had learned to control enough to replace the "violent temper" with a "gentle rage" that nowadays rarely boiled over. Bridget was a trustworthy ally, and a formidable enemy. From years of rowing, when she got into a game, Bridget Sjaastad played to win, and her strength usually meant she won when the game was TUGs.

"How old--," the hostess started but never got to finish
"First summer of college. Not reliving that," the book snapped shut, and Bridget, with blushing cheeks, changed topics, "This is delicious... Giulia, may I have another piece? I feel rude asking."
"I made it for us to eat; not to stare at it!" Giulia said.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you...," Bridget couldn't state her gratitude enough and again changed topics, "Now just imagine a girl like me taking orders from Sera."

That's where games with Sera were so much fun. She and Bridget were such a close match when it came to a tussle that there was never certainty about who would win. Add in the dynamic of them being rowing teammates, and the mixture with TUGs was even more interesting, especially because they were roommates during their senior year and started getting other teammates involved in their love of chaos.

Bridget wasn't the one who introduced Sera to TUGs, but she was the one who brought them from a game to something she enjoyed. She helped Sera get that sparkle in her eyes by being a friend and making TUGs more than TUGs. Bridget's approach to life, that time with family and friends is a gift, changed Sera's outlook on life.

One TUG they only played together and with their third roommate was what Bridget called the "TUG shower," in which the captive had to undress the captive, give them a shower, and get them dried and dresses afterwards. And those were the only people she had ever played that game with because she felt it required an incredible amount of trust to engage in such activities with another person.

Bridget had a similarly special connection with Jenny. Like Sera, Jenny had known Sera since the start of college, but her friendship with Jenny was very different because of the way both of them displayed affection. While Jenny was the kind to show love by hugs, saying the kindest words, and being a source of great advice, Bridget was the kind to show love by actions.

Jenny was there for Bridget after her mother died. That year they happened to be roommates, and Jenny was a great source of love and care to help Bridget mend her broken heart. When the world seemed out of control, Jenny was there to show Bridget that it was OK to be sad and that there was still love to be given and to be received and that life still had meaning.

That semester, when Jenny and two friends were injured, Bridget returned the love by being the nurse to all. Bridget cleaned their wounds and changed their bandages and gave helping hands to all of them as needed. Others could have done it, but Bridget wanted to it only because she did, deep inside, care about them.

Bridget hoped to have opportunities to show that caring side of herself in good ways. She knew this would be a big weekend for Vittoria, and she wanted to do her part to leave a positive impression while also not interfering in the sisterly bond between Sera and Vittoria. For a girl like Bridget, the party could have no TUGs at all and still be a success as long as everyone was happy. Of course, in this case, the party was about TUGs.

There was much anticipation. Here on this Saturday night, only Giulia and Bridget knew the rower had arrived. Everyone else thought she was arriving the next night. Thus, there was a grand element of surprise, and Bridget figured that element would allow her to jump Jenny or Serafina.

"Ready to go over?" Giulia asked when they were done eating.
"I think so. I'll leave my bag in the hall by the door at first, but thank you both for a wonderful meal," Bridget smiled and excused herself.

Bridget took her suitcase and quietly walked over to the door. She put it down gently on the carpet between the two hallways and looked under the door. There they were, Sera and Vittoria, bound and gagged. Jenny was happily vacuuming her carpets.

It was all too perfect...
Last edited by AlexUSA3 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention]

Chapter 10

"You comfortable?" Bridget asked Jenny finally.

That strength of Bridget's was something else. She grabbed Jenny, carried the flailing girl to the living room, mashed her face deep into the couch to keep her quiet, ripped off some tape, pulled her face out, gagged her, pulled her hoodie off, carried her over to the TUG bag, and absolutely annihilated the girl with her own pink rope! In it all, Bridget dominated Jenny Danielle Kristensen so effectively the girl never even got to say "Hello" or "Get off" or actually even clearly see Bridget's face.

Rope was everywhere along the Gangsta Princess... much more rope than was used on her before. The ropework was tighter than before but not as strict. The pink bondage rope was softer and more comfortable than the rougher brown rope which Sera had used before. Jenny just wanted to see!

Said pink rope bound her arms at her wrists, below her elbows, and above her elbows with Bridget's perfect professionalism from nearly 15 years of experience in these games. Her breast harness was very detailed and tight, and Bridget spared nothing in the waist rope or the crotch rope that accompanied it. Along her upper legs were three ropes from below her hips to above her knees and likewise in four places from her knees to her ankles.

In revenge for the obvious, Bridget had jammed Jenny's own socks in her mouth, or Jenny's 2nd time having her own used socks stuffed in her mouth in under 13 hours or so with a brown bandana cleave gag and strips of pink duct tape over that as her main gag. Being a fan of the traditional damsel-in-distress look, Bridget added a white handkerchief that she folded into a triangle as an OTM gag. Lastly, the previously mentioned blindfold, which consisted of one of Jenny's standard camouflage bandanas.

Naturally, Bridget, much as Sera and Jenny had done before, took some quick videos, selfies, and photos of the girl while they sat together on the sofa. She was now in charge of this party and enjoying the knowledge that the others would be obligated to work together to get revenge on her at some point. After some time, Bridget took stock of the situation with the knowledge that this was Vittoria's official CGC TUG debut even if she'd been tied up before.

"So you're Vittoria, huh?" Bridget asked as she peaked under the blindfold.
"Mmm hmm!" the girl happily nodded.
"I'm Bridget, Sera's bestie. Well, I have to leave you here for your initiation, but I'll take over if Jenny allows. Then I'll string her up like she strung up Sera," Bridget said with a smile, "Jenny, may I?"
"Mmm hmm!" Jenny nodded.
"Nice," Bridget pulled off the blindfold completely and threw it back into the big TUG bag with perfect flourish.

Now it was time to avenge her friend. Bridget similarly jammed cotton in Jenny's ears and wrapped her face in the black vet wrap too, with her face completely encased besides her nose and her braid that stuck out. For good measure, Bridget then even pushed Jenny onto her stomach and hogtied her from ankles to wrists. Sera didn't even know all this was occurring because of the sensory deprivation she was experiencing.

Crotch ropes are the one thing that's inconsistent with Jenny's love of TUGs. Unlike Bridget and Sera, Jenny approved of their use against her. While she feels the physical effects that such a thing causes, she's not psychologically turned on by it except as an extra layer of restraint. She doesn't get the sexual thrill from it that a majority of girls would just automatically get, so it was fine by her as long as it wasn't on her bare skin.

The two rope bunnies were in... rope bunny heaven! Both were securely bound, gagged, blindfolded, deafened, and unable to do anything about it. Jenny didn't mind at all, but Sera loved the extra sensory deprivation and had her fantasies of scenarios like this.

Sera, when tied up, let her mind be whisked away to another world. She wasn't into dirty TUGs, per se, but she did let her mind wander to thoughts of her boyfriend having her imprisoned like this. Sometimes she imagined this was a bank robbery and that she was hostage; other adventures her mind envisioned a kidnapping for ransom; even other times she just calmly meditated on church matters.

Jenny didn't go down those paths at all. TUGs were the same pleasure for her at 22 years of age that they were at 15 years of age. It was all fun and games, enjoying being helpless, holding friends captive, being held captive, using each other as cuddle toys, teasing each other, talking knowing the other can't respond, being together... When a friend tied up Jenny or when she tied up a friend, it felt like "I love you" was in the background of it the same way as when a sibling says "I'll play with you" to their little sibling and has fun playing a game they outgrew four years ago. TUGs were so precious to her because... she only shared in them with people she'd still love just as much without TUGs being involved.

Both loved being tied up more than tying up others, and both were held captive by a girl who equally enjoyed both sides. The bigger problem was that (1) Jenny really wanted to greet her surprise visitor and (2) Sera was clueless in her deafened state. Jenny, however, would get an idea.

"We're fine, Giulia. Look how cute they are," she pointed to the captives and grinned.
"Good to see. Have fun."

Bridget pulled Jenny, Sera, and Vittoria each onto the sofa and pulled the blankets over them all. It was in this moment that Sera got her first handling from those familiar strong arms she hadn't felt in over 6 months since crew had ended. New excitement filled the coxswain as she squealed excitedly into the massive gag a muted "Ih-i-uh!" for "Brigida."

"MMMMM!" Jenny did the three finger snap as she heard this in spite of her imprisonment.
"I've been here an hour," Bridget shrugged her shoulders, "I'll unwrap your heads."

Bridget undid the head wrappings and blindfolds on both Jenny and Sera and the tape gags on all three. Sera was beet red from her imprisonment but had enjoyed every second of it. Her hair and face were drenched in sweat, but that sparkle that could hold Bridget in a trance was apparent. Jenny was similarly drenched, but not as much from having been in similar wrapping for 30 minutes less. She, too, smiled even as Bridget reapplied the handkerchief OTM gag.

But Sera started bouncing in her captivity with muffled gag talk as soon as she could see. Her best friend was here, and a day earlier than expected! She threw herself at Bridget and cuddled up against her former teammate and even gave her a gagged kiss. Bridget felt her face turn red because she couldn't believe how much she meant to Sera.

"I missed you, too!" Bridget said and gave Sera a hug so tight it hurt.

From the other side, Giulia, as impenitent of a snoop as her sister, listened with great pleasure. She had never met Bridget before today, and she was pleased to hear the joy in her sister's voice. Something about Bridget was like a tonic for Sera's soul, and it made Giulia a little sad that this friendship hadn't blossomed earlier in Sera's college years.

"Jenny has her socks... Sera has... her own?" Bridget asked the captives.
"Mmmm!" Jenny nodded.
"And you gagged the girl with her own socks?! JENNY!" Bridget was horrified.
"NO!" Jenny shook her head.
"So... Sera... has... both... that's why she has... two... cleave gags," Bridget couldn't believe how much was jammed in Sera's mouth.
"Heh heh heh!" Sera laughed and nodded and then made a retching sound about the taste.
"Whose taste better? Mine, yours, or hers?" Bridget asked in a mockery of this situation.
"Herth!" Sera motioned to Vittoria.
"All right... all right... It's cold and snowing... I am giving all three of you a 'snowie' and then making us all hot chocolate!"

The girls looked at each other; Tori's face showed confusion. A 'snowie' was a thing that Sjaastad siblings regularly did to each other. Bridget in particular was the most common victim of this winter-time torture that require snow be on the ground. Jenny let out a shriek as she was taken first and ordered to hop. Soon, Bridget had all three in a row hopping toward the dining room slider to the back porch.

Bridget opened the blinds, turned on the porch light, and surveyed the outdoors of Giulia's porch. She opened the door and marched the three girls out. They squealed as their bare feet chilled against the snowy porch. As necessary, she gave Jenny and Serafina playful swats on the butt until they all reached the short, two step stair that led from the porch to the spacious yard; along the way, Vittoria was down right defiant.

Unlike her older sisters, Vittoria did not like snow and didn't even like cold weather. She let out a loud shriek the moment her bare feet touched the icy cold porch and twice tried hopping back into the house because she wasn't sure this would even be fun. Bridget grabbed her each time and, on the second occasion, kindly asked the young girl to try it just once. If she didn't like it, she wouldn't have this happen again. At this, Vittoria nodded to give her permission.

After a quick inspection of the yard for dangers, Bridget set up her phone and then, in order from tallest (Sera) to shortest (Vittoria), effortlessly picked each girl up and heaved her out into a nearby pile of snow. With the "wump" sound each girl let out a quick shriek of surprise.

That was a snowie. Bridget stopped her film while the girls were all still squealing and screaming from the sudden shock. She went out, stood them back up, and marched them back inside. As they returned, they saw Giulia smiling and shaking her head having watched the entire thing from Vittoria's initial shriek on the cold porch.

Vittoria didn't like snow, but she was fine with a snowie! While it was sudden and cold, the brevity of the teasing was more than tolerable for the sake of changing up the game, but it would never be something she requested. She couldn't believe how much adventure there was to be had with TUGs! She was learning so many new and fun things, although she would never be able to throw anybody into a snow bank any time soon. She happily hopped into the house and was grateful for the warm carpet that greeted her bare feet.

Bridget grabbed a couple paper towels and dried off each girls feet and legs as needed. Then, they were seated upon the couch and put under the blankets while Bridget went to work making the hot chocolate. She had to work to find the hot chocolate packets themselves, though, but soon the kettle was on its way to a boil!

When the hot drinks were done, Bridget placed them all on the table and then walked back to the captives. It was now time to decide what to do.

"Vittoria, Sera, I know you'd happily stay bound and gagged ever more, but not for now. Jenny, may I free these two?"
"Mmm hmm!" Jenny nodded.

Bridget took the scissors and carefully chopped through the tape binding Vittoria first and Sera second. Sera nevertheless escaped first and unknotted her two gags. When Vittoria was out and had spat out the sock, she was more than parched. Sera handed Vittoria her socks.

"What's that?" she asked not paying attention and taking the blob.
"Your socks," Sera giggled as pulled her Italian flag kerchief off and shook her head.
"Ewwww!" the younger girl recoiled and threw them in disgust.
"Haha! Imagine that stewing in your mouth... Add in the taste of my socks too... In my mouth for two hours... Or better when they're there for 4 or even 12 hours!"

Vittoria tried to imagine being so dry with those flavors "stewing" with her saliva until she was dried out so badly and still tasting them. The thought of a human laundry machine was utterly disgusting to her. She shuddered a little and threatened to hurt whoever gave her a dirty sock gag.

"Is 12 the longest?" Bridget asked.
"With a single gag, yeah," Sera said then looked at Vittoria, "Hey, Tori, how about my bandana?"
"No!" Vittoria went over to her cocoa and took a gulp after blowing on it.
"We'll stick it in Jenny's mouth along with hers after this for the next gag of her captivity."

Jenny gave a pitiful grunt while her eyes widened with excitement. She was hoping to stay tied like this all night, but alas that wasn't going to be how it happened. She had clothes that could hide all such rope marks and makeup to hide the gag marks. All would be well tomorrow regardless.

"You are enjoying that gag too much," Bridget laughed at Jenny.
"Mmmm!" Jenny giggled.

Bridget brought Jenny to the chair and sat her down. Jenny looked at her two former captives who were rubbing their arms, faces, and legs. Sera in particular had marks all over her face from the severity of Jenny's punishment. Bridget had just untied the gag on Jenny when suddenly...

"Oh, Bridgie, it's so good to see you again!" Sera grabbed her in a hug that made them fall to the floor.
"Haha! I missed you so much as well!" Bridget rolled around under her friend to return the embrace.

Words couldn't describe how happy Sera was to see Bridget. She squeezed Bridget as tightly as she could and gave her a big Old World kiss right on the cheek, and Bridget laughed a little because of how charming the Italian's warmth was. After some time like this, the girls stood up.

Now, Bridget finally got to size up Vittoria for real. It was the same sister dynamic between Sera and Vittoria that Bridget experienced from the gap to her own older and younger siblings.

"You're Vittoria?" Bridget asked kindly.
"Mm hmm!" the girl put down her cocoa.
"May I?" the rower's arms opened for a hug.
"Sure!" Vittoria walked over to Bridget.

Bridget enjoyed the hug and finally meeting the baby sister that she had heard so many things about from both Sera and Roberto. Now was the time to face the consequences. She knew her turn was coming when she heard a voice behind her.

"So, Brigida, I thought you arrived tomorrow," Giulia said in a playfully judgmental tone.
"Oh, yeah... Huh... Well... I wanted to surprise you all, and I wanted to spend time with Jenny too," Bridget explained.
"Bridge, it's time," Jenny said, "For a kangaroo court. Giulia, arrest her! Tie her hands in front!"

Bridget was tackled and held down by the giggling Sera and Vittoria while Giulia bound her crossed wrists in front of her. The Irish-8s were too small for Bridget's wrists, hence Jenny's order to use rope. It was time for a new TUG game that Vittoria had never witnessed.

TUG Court
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Post by GermanTUGFriend »


First things first - thank you very much for this and all the other chapters of the 'Sleepover' ! It's great to see and read what is happening to the girls, especially to Vittoria, who is now official a member of the CoolGirlsClub ! 8-) :) The bondage is nice, tight and secure, ropes and duct tape are used and also socks for a proper gagging. And bandanas for blindfolds, too :) I especially love the idea how Jenny and later Bridget put their 'captives' in a sensory deprivation with ear plugs and a full tape head wrap ! Maybe Tori wants to try it, one of the next chapters ;) :) So keep up the good and excellent work !! :) :)
No proper TUG without gagging and hooding ^^ And don't forget a blindfold ;)
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] I am glad you are enjoying the story. There are still some fun and crazy twists still to be seen!

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention]

Chapter 11

"I love courtroom dramas!" was all Giulia said about the new game; her statement divulged with her preferences in entertainment.
"What's 'TUG Court'?" asked Vittoria.

Jenny explained the simple game, which was a childish mockery of real courtrooms. People would play the roles of judge, jury, bailiff, lawyers, and such like real court. But instead the person on trial was charged with the crimes they could be charged with if they did such a thing to a stranger. Or it could be made up crimes made up on the fly. 'Witnesses' would describe their versions of how they or the victim(s) came to be kidnapped and tied up.

In this case, Bridget had kidnapped Jenny and tied her up, so that was kidnapping and false imprisonment. She had entered Jenny's apartment without knocking, so that was forced entry. Giulia added that Bridget had interfered with Jenny's captives. Jenny announced such charges for Tori to understand and told the girl to be ready to tell her version of what she saw and heard when Bridget entered the apartment.

The kangaroo court seemed set with Jenny as judge, Vittoria as witness, and Giulia as both the public prosecutor and public defender. Bridget was charged with kidnapping Jenny and interfering with Jenny's captives. Once again, Giulia's notion of proprietary captives was rearing its ugly and funny head.

"Bridget Sjaastad, you are hereby charged. How do you plead?" Jenny tried to thunder but wasn't menacing no matter how hard she tried to be.
"Well, guilty, of course!" she responded to the charges.
"What?" Jenny's menacing tone disappeared, and she grimaced a little.
"No, that's no fun! I want to be the rude lawyer!" Giulia whined.
"Way to be a killjoy!" Sera piled on her.

Bridget just stuck out her tongue at both Serafina and Giulia. Jenny responded by holding Bridget in contempt of court in spite of her own captivity. Bridget shrugged nonchalantly with absolutely no worries.

"I sentence you to 20 minutes in solitary confinement in the bin while bound and gagged! Then 70 minutes of non-solitary imprisonment still bound and gagged!" Jenny pronounced Bridget's sentence.
"Cool story!" Bridget grinned, "Thanks Judgie Jenny!"
"Address the court as 'Your Honor'!" Jenny tried to fight back.
"Thanks, My Honor!" Bridget was laughing heartily.

Bridget gave no resistance as she was tied up. She was easily the least flexible person in the room with her elbows being several inches apart at their closest, but Sera and Giulia still bound her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, and thighs. For this first phase, she was gagged with Sera's now dry ball gag.

Solitary confinement is a very particular term in the Cool Girls' Club. Unsurprisingly, "solitary confinement" suggests being somewhere like a closet or something where captives were unlikely to just let themselves out. The bin, however, was a typical Rubbermaid type of storage bin with several large air holes drilled into the side and lid to ensure the captive wouldn't suffocate.

Sera and Giulia loaded the squeaking and squirming prisoner into the bin and clamped the lid on. Bound as she was in such tight confines, Bridget was going to do nothing except make pitiful moans of frustration. The prisoner was having fun though and was glad she had planned the sneak attack as this sleepover was everything she had hoped it would be.

When Bridget was bound and gagged, it was all in the spirit of game and sport for her. It was the challenge to try to escape her bonds, or for them to keep her down. How soon she escaped determined the greatness of her success and their failure. She also enjoyed the dynamic of the restriction to her motion and speech and relished every moment.

"What about me?" Jenny asked.
"Serafina, give me your bandana," Giulia ordered her sister.
"OK," Sera handed her the scarf.
"Open wide," Giula said as she removed Jenny's bandana from her head, "Or I pinch your nose."
"Rats!" Jenny opened her mouth.

The bandanas were not so great tasting, and they were joined by her socks from before to create an uniquely gross flavor in her bulging cheeks. When Jenny protested, Giulia responded by restoring Jenny's former camouflage blindfold and adding a second camouflage bandana as a triangular OTM gag. Now Jenny really went at it.

"MMM!" she yelled into her tasty gag.

Some thrashing and screaming was greeted with teasing from Giulia, who responded by hogtying Jenny from ankles to elbows for a tighter tie. She also tied Jenny's braid to her feet for a hair tie. Jenny let out a grunt of pain at this, but she secretly loved hair ties and had told Giulia as much.

Hair ties were the one source of pain (besides over-tickling) that Jenny accepted in TUGs. It was just another way for her to be bound up even tighter than before, and the pull on her scalp forced her to put more thought into her struggles. A more restrictive tie usually was better in Jenny's eyes.

"Give her 20 and then let her go. I gotta go," Giulia said and disappeared out the door.
"Oh, well, let's get Bridgie out of here," Sera said to Vittoria, "Giulia is always indifferent to this part."
"Huh?" Vittoria didn't understand "indifference."
"She only likes tying people, not playing with them," Sera explained.

What followed was most entertaining. When they opened the lid, Bridget greeted them with mock angry protests and grunts of frustration. She was dumped, by Sera, out onto the living room floor next to Jenny and hogtied from ankles to wrists by Vittoria. Prisoner Sjaastad then received a black bandana blindfold.

Bridget the rower was a true fighter though. She never had quit in her when a competition was to be found, and this time was no exception. There was a game to win, and Bridget was in it to win. She just had to escape this.

A hogtie and blindfold made her task a bit more difficult, but Bridget had escaped worse before. She squirmed a lot and shook her arms. Unlike Jenny, the rower mostly struggled in silence and with minimal grunting. Indeed her grunts usually were meaningful and represented either an utterance that was unintelligible or a show of satisfaction.
She continued in this with a focus on, it seemed, kicking out her legs. She was determined to undo that hogtie. While multiple strategies worked, this was the one she chose. Her struggles were worth the effort in a way she didn't yet appreciate.

Young Vittoria watched her every movement with the attention of a cat watching a bird. Her young mind tried to understand the reason for each motion, but mostly she saw it in terms of tasks with intended goals. The 12 year old sponge soaked in the master class until there wasn't a drop left.

To Vittoria's surprise and Sera's pleasure, Bridget eventually got her hogtie released. Her first major task was done, and now she had to continue onward. She tried to sit and felt around with her legs and arms until she accidentally kicked Jenny. She scooted over and rubbed her head against Jenny to force the blindfold off her head and to the floor. This drew a happy squeak from Bridget.

Now she could focus on her arms. Bridget squirmed some more and raised her eyebrows for the entertainment of her friends who watched her. In fact, she made easy work of the rope and got her arms free after some time. It just took patience. Less than 40 minutes after she had been dumped from the bin, Bridget finished removing the last rope and unbuckled the ball gag.

During this time, Jenny's time in the hair tie came to an end. Relief surged through her although she had genuinely enjoyed the position. Now, she was back to being hogtied, heavily gagged, blindfolded, and incapable of escaping.

With her escape complete, Bridget stood up and took a bow while facing her friends. She then sat down and pet the helpless Jenny's head and undid her captive's blindfold and hogtie. She stood back up and spoke.

"That was fun. Now the important part," Bridget said, "Tori?"
"Yes, Bridget?" Vittoria responded.
"With the presence of Jenny and Serafina, I hereby pronounce you a Junior Member of the Cool Girls' Club. As a Junior Member, a title I just made up, I permit you to see the secrets of the Club, its posts, videos, and photos, but only when accompanied by one of your siblings or Jenny. Not even I will do that; you must trust the guardianship of your loved ones."
"YAY!" Vittoria jumped to Bridget and stole a hug.

Jenny tried her best, but again she seemed unable to escape. The Gangsta Princess was still the Queen of Remaining Stuck. Everything she tried was useless and did nothing to ease her imprisonment. A few grunts of frustration followed as Jenny wasn't sick of the captivity but had certainly had her fill of these disgusting gags, especially Sera's salty flag kerchief from her time under the vet wrap.

SNAP SNAP SNAP Jenny's fingers gave the signal that commanded "Drop everything and ungag me."

"All right, Jenny," Bridget said and unknotted the bandana that held the stuffing.
"Bleh! Oh, I was sick of it!" Jenny moaned, "GROSS! Please don't gag me with anyone else's clothes anymore."
"All right, Jenny," Bridget pet her head, which Jenny enjoyed more for the the act in and of itself than any feelings of being an animal.

Jenny kept working the knots in an increasingly useless quest for freedom. Bridget made it look so natural even if it was a long struggle! Why couldn't she escape too? She just had to escape, right?

"Jenn, 15 more minutes, and then I'm turning you into my bedtime stuffie!" Bridget smiled at her.

Jenny lost some of the desire to escape. Being kept bound and gagged all night was just fine by her for sure! Wasn't there any slack in this? Or... Jenny wondered... maybe she just wasn't good enough, and maybe this weakness in this area reflected her own personal weaknesses in life? Maybe she was too good-natured and a doormat?

After some reflection, she knew it wasn't that. She was Jenny, the spunky one. She could be very Gangsta as the nickname "Gangsta Princess" implied, and she was always there when someone needed her. Defiance was her way even when she was helpless. But her time would come.

"All right, Gangsta Chick, now what?" Bridget asked Sera, "You and Tori want to...?"
"Enjoy Jenny's suffering?" Sera asked in a sarcastic tone.
"HEY! Not fair!" Jenny responded and then began one of her snarky adjective streaks, "Just because I'm adorable, spunky, cute, kindly, amiable, innocent, helpful..."
"Shut up before I gag you with Bridgie's socks," Sera warned her knowing what Jenny had just said about that.

Edited to add context: That shushed Jenny's sarcasm in a hurry. She squirmed in silence besides random mutterings at this point while her striptease continued. She had been gagged with her own socks and then her own bandana; if her panties found their way into her mouth, heads were going to roll all the way to California.

Bridget and Sera knew what they wanted to do, but they had a problem. They had this habit of tying up the other and then the captor would give the captive a shower. It probably happened at least once every two weeks when they were roommates, and it was the one TUG thing that they did together.

The problem was the girl next to them... Vittoria. They couldn't do this with the tween right there. She was too curious and would somehow become a problem for them in the midst of a game that, while not sexual in any sense, was definitely for adults only.

"Jenny," Bridget turned on the Swedish, "I tie up Tori. Untie you. You watch Tori?"
"Of course," Jenny responded in Danish after carefully translating the words in her head.
"I still get to keep you as bedtime stuffie?" Bridget made sure.
"Yes, Bridget, I will be your rope toy," Jenny nodded.
"All right," Bridget responded and then switched to English, "Sera, let's kidnap Tori."

Tori didn't get a chance to say anything or protest at all. She simply was grabbed by her big sister and pinned down. She tried to squirm out, but big sister knew exactly how to hold her down for certain. The girl got her second rubber ball gag of the day, this one with a red bandana, and Bridget was careful in how she knotted it for the youngster's sake.

The girl was simply taped at her wrists, elbows, ankles, and thighs, and more strips of tape were put over her lips. Sera continued to hold her as Bridget blindfolded Vittoria with the camouflage bandana that had been Jenny's blindfold. Nevertheless, Sera continued holding Vittoria while Bridget freed Jenny.

With Jenny free, she stood up and stretched and sat down with Vittoria. A sneaky idea came over her, and she sent a quick text to asking Giulia about her idea. It was risky, but it had a lot of possibilities for some true CGC style fun. Giulia came over immediately to discuss things while Bridget and Sera played in the bathroom. During that discussion, Jenny conveyed her hatred of "dirty laundry" gags, especially when that laundry was someone else's! It was an appropriate time because Jenny was finally putting into the dryer those clothes which she had previously put into the washer.

Their plan was simple: secure Sera and Vittoria and have them spend the night in Giulia's guest room. Vittoria was secured, but they had to be sure all was well. Jenny retrieved Vittoria's pink flannel pajamas and toiletries from her bag and brought them out. Giulia cut Vittoria free, and the girl was ordered to change in the bathroom and get ready for bed.

"Mmmm!" Vittoria nodded as she pushed the blindfold up above her eyes.

The warm pink pajamas were a nice change of pace from the day clothes. The flannel was soft and warm and made Vittoria feel like her big sister. In fact, the prior Christmas, Sera and Vittoria got these matching pink pajamas from their sister. As she went through the routine, Vittoria realized a problem.

"Mmmm?" she motioned asking about brushing her teeth.
"Well, we'll undo the gag too," Jenny said with a smile and a wink and a wagging finger to warn Vittoria to behave.
"Mmmm!" Vittoria nodded, but Jenny could tell she was sad about something, so when the gag was off...
"What's wrong?" she asked with concern.
"I wanted to show you my viola, and I don't want to sleep tied up," Vittoria pouted and seemed downtrodden.
"Then you don't have to sleep while tied up. I'd rather make you happy," the hostess smiled at her friend.

Vittoria just paused and gave Jenny a hug. Never had she known someone who was kind-hearted in this way. It was clear why Sera, Giulia, and Giovanni all cared for her in the ways they did, and Vittoria was creating her own special touch in Jenny's life, too. Her grip tightened in the way a child does during a moment of security and surety before Jenny reminded her to finish her routine lest something be forgotten.

The youngster smiled and shut the bathroom door again while she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and brushed her hair out. After so much adventure, she just wanted to relax and bask in the love of her sisters and friends. Yes, Jenny and Bridget were her friends as well.

"What happened?" Giulia asked Jenny.
"She didn't want to be tied up. So she won't. It's enough for Sera and I to be tied up anyway," Jenny explained.
"Aw, all right," the landlord nodded in understanding, "I heard her mention her viola."
"Yes, she wants to play for us because I played for her earlier."

Jenny sat and opened up her cell phone to an app she used to tune her own instrument. Vittoria carefully scratched at the strings until she found the right timbre and then repeated for each string. She and Jenny wanted this to be just perfect for when she began playing. They just needed Bridget and Serafina!

What kind of trouble were those two having, anyway?
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention]

Chapter 12

In the bathroom, an adventure was being had. A bondage shower is no small task even when the victim is willing like Serafina was. Then again, Sera was only willing for her wrists to be bound. She was fighting tooth and nail besides this.

"Hold still!" Bridget ordered her.
"Fat chance, Miss Sjaastad!" Sera said as her shirt was pulled off to reveal the black sports bra underneath it.
"Why you!" Bridget pulled Sera over her legs and gave a hard slap on the butt.
"Bridgie! I never knew you to be this way!" Sera was shocked.
"Only if you misbehave!"

With much wrestling, Bridget bound Sera's elbows and breasts with rope. Now that she was down, Bridget gagged Sera with one of the blue toy balls they had in ample supply, this one held by a yellow bandana. As punishment, Bridget was ruthless with the knot. She could now untie Sera's arms comfortably since she was sitting on Sera, pull off the shirt, and tie her arms once again. Sera was kicking and flailing too, but Bridget wasn't affected.

It was easy to strip Sera's jeans off to leave her with nothing more than her standard black panties and her bra. The Italian national soccer fan was now just another bound and gagged rope bunny in a striptease burlesque. For extra security, Bridget tied a tight waist rope as well.

Sera just loved kicking, thrashing, and yelling into the gag. The fun was making things as difficult as possible for her captor. Yes, she could be passive and let Bridget cleanse her body, but there was no sport in it. This had to be a challenge from kidnapping to stripping to cleaning to pajamas being put on.

Bridget turned on the water and got it to a comfortable temperature. While it warmed up, she brushed Sera's hair carefully, but even still Sera resisted even while she shrieked from causing snarls that pulled in her own hair! In all this, Bridget observed the twinkling she loved so much about Sera's eyes.

Bridget knew she'd get wet, so she stripped herself down to her underwear as well. Jenny's shower was only a stall, so there was absolutely no way to clean Sera without soaking herself. In spite of all this, Bridget was giggling from having so much fun. The mess was contained because the stall had a nice water tight door.

Bridget scrubbed and washed everything. Indeed, Sera shrieked at parts, and Bridget would respond by covering Sera's face with the washcloth and focusing the hose on her. Yes, Bridget and Sera would playfully waterboard each other too.

The thing is, though, Bridget always did a good job. She washed the entire body with the meticulous attention of a mother. Yes, it was more of roughhousing and thus involved some vigorous scrubbing, but she made sure she did a good job.

Even in the stall, Sera continued to yell, kick, and, in general, thrash. She was a mess and, especially when Bridget was washing her hair, sent soap flying all over the shower. Bridget just laughed some more and gave Sera a girlfriend kiss on the forehead.

The shower was the hard part, but they still were not finished in anyway. The water was off, but the Italian rowing star needed to be dried off and dressed. Sera cooperated for the drying-off part, but she didn't for the dressing part.

It was the same disaster of flailing and squirming as Bridget brought Sera into the carpeted closet for this part. It was a slow process of untying Sera's ankles, wedging panties and pajama pants on, retying the ankles, untying the other legs bonds, pulling the clothes on properly, retying the legs, untying the ankles again, fixing that part of the pajamas, and retying everything once again.

It was similar with the arms, too, to get the girl's bra and pajama top on her, but the top was button-up. As punishment, Bridget tied the girl up in more places than before, but she did so much more gently with the intent of Sera sleeping like this. Now, Bridget was ready to give Sera a dry gag and removed the soaked yellow bandana and its rubber ball.

"LET ME GO!" Sera demanded playfully as the gag was removed.
"I won't do that!" Bridget laughed at her.
"Are you two," Jenny walked into the bathroom and saw Bridget wrestling Sera.
"We're fine!" Sera smiled as she paused, but that allowed her new gag to arrive, "Mmmm!"

Bridget said nothing but smiled with satisfaction as she knotted the red bandana that held the clean orange ball in similar fashion.

"Imma go flush my eyes out now," Jenny said with a giggle and walked away, "We're waiting on you two."

Now fully clothed, in her pink flannel pajamas that matched Vittoria's, and nicely bound and gagged, Sera was helpless for the night. Bridget put her own clothes back on and dragged her captive to the living room. For a little extra, she added a cheek-to-cheek strip of microfoam tape to Sera's gag.

"Are you done?" Vittoria whined, "I wanted to play for you all."

Vittoria's friends and relations were more than willing to sit and be quiet while she played the viola for them. She made a very sweet noise and took to heart what she had seen in Jenny's earlier violin playing, She was far from perfect, but like Jenny she had just enough skill to be delightful to her loved ones.

Giulia beamed with pride. She had no musical talent and had settled on sports after failing at multiple such endeavors. As an adult, she had discovered a love for crafts instead, particularly quilting. As silly as it sounds, it was Giulia who was the most jealous of the three sisters.

Bridget felt a strange peace overcome her. It was here, in this living room, while listening to Vittoria play on the violin, that Bridget realized that, someday, God willing, every girl in this room would be her sister-in-law. It was an incredibly comforting thought.

When Bridget's mother died, it felt like all had left her life despite having her father and siblings. Now, not only did she still have her living family and the memories of times with mother, but also she had these incredible girls who just made her life so worthwhile around her.

When Vittoria was done, the other girls naturally clapped for her, and the youngster took a little bow and thanked them for listening. She carefully put the instrument back in its box and put it in the corner where it would be out of the way. Now, she walked over to her helpless sister.

"Bridget, would you hand me a blindfold?" she asked in a simple way.
"OK!" Bridget picked through the bag and grabbed a blue bandana to give the girl.
"Thank you!" she blindfolded Sera with it.
"It's bed time, sis! Giulia, would you please grab the big tote bag over there? It has our sleeping things," Vittoria asked her eldest sister.
"Take a couple of these too!" Jenny grabbed two of the blankets off the couch.

Vittoria led the way with hopping bound, gagged, and blindfolded Sera as they walked down the hall to the guest bedroom. The bed wasn't made, but there was ample room upon the floor. Jenny and Giulia laid out one of the big blankets, then the put the pillows down, and Sera was laid down with her head on her pillow. Vittoria came next and squeezed herself near her squeaking helpless sister as the other blanket was put down as well, and soon they had exchanged good nights and were alone. Giulia would go back to her husband.

Sera always slept blindfolded since she was about 10 years old. To be brief, it was trauma related, and any and all light sources would keep her awake, including the glow of light under the door. Thus, tied up or not, Sera would have been blindfolded.

This was Vittoria's first experience with someone being bound and gagged all night long. How fun! It seemed impossible that her sister would remain so immobilized until the next day. It was fun being a captive, but it seemed being a captor was more fun. She studied the bonds and realized just how gentle Bridget had been.

"Jenny... it's time," Bridget said in an ominous tone.
"Oh, shoot," Jenny's eyes grew wide as Bridget seized her arms.

What was this one going to be like?
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Post by Caesar73 »

I really do love that sleepover!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention]

Chapter 14 (No chapter 13 in respect for Italian tradition)

When Bridget seized Jenny's arms, she wasn't prepared for Jenny to pull one over on her by ducking down to the floor. The sudden shift caused captor and captive to hit the carpet, and Jenny bolted to a stronger defense around the kitchen island. A huge smile was on Jenny's face, however, and Bridget knew this was merely part of the game.

It was now a game of cat and mouse circling around the island. Bridget stood no chance in a contest where speed was required, and she knew she didn't. Alas, there was an eavesdropper, however, who was more than happy to intervene on Bridget's behalf. The eavesdropper silently came up behind Jenny while she had her back to the door and grabbed her.

"GRMM!" the mouse protested loudly into the hand of the one who grabbed her.

The cat thanked the towering eavesdropper for the assistance and sent her away while holding a squirming and squeaking mouse. Together, feline and rodent went into the bedroom where a TUG bag awaited. It was time for a TUG bath.

Jenny seemed powerless at this point while Bridget lashed her crossed wrists and her ankles. Once again, crossed wrists, so Jenny's hopes of escape quickly faded. She was just going to be as problematic as possible, instead. No good captive should go down without a fight, and Jenny was no exception.

"Bridget Sjaastad, you think you're so big and toough an---MMMM!" Jenny was cut off.
"I love gag talk!" Bridget smiled while tightly knotting the blue bandana on a rubber ball gag.
"MMM mm mm mmmm!" Jenny continued her muttering regardless.

Bridget gave Jenny a light pat on the head as she had to go through Jenny's drawers to find some pajamas and underwear. She found some pink camouflage fleece pajama pants and grabbed a brown pajama shirt to match. When she turned back, Jenny was gone! How could she vanish like that?!

Bridget put the clothes down, scratched her head, and wondered aloud to herself where Jenny could have gone. Pausing for a moment to think, she knew Jenny couldn't have left the room because her peripheral vision would have seen the blonde braid waving or a streak of color. It didn't take long to realize there was only one place for the young engineer to hide.

Getting on the floor, Bridget moved the bed skirt and, sure enough, saw Jenny. Jenny let out a most adorable squeal of mixed surprise and happiness as her legs were seized in order to drag her out from under there. With a strong pull, Jenny was fully in the open again and playfully waving to Bridget in a mere teaser of the many ways in which she was going to make this an arduous process. Bridget respond with a wave of her own that landed firmly on Jenny's butt.

Jenny paused and blinked. Bridget had just spanked her?! She didn't know where Bridget had developed this interest between graduation and now, but it didn't bother her one bit. As long as it wasn't sexual or harmful, Jenny could take it like a champion and walk away with a massive grin on her face. When she turned, there was a huge grin on Bridget's face.

"Bad girls get punished!" Bridget threatened.

Jenny let out a fake whimper of fear following this statement. Extra TUG punishment was like music to her ears, and she knew she was in trouble when she saw Bridget picking through the TUG bag. Jenny's TUG bag was full because the brown rope she mostly used was just simple cheap store-grade rope that she had some treated to make the fibers smoother; as a result, she had stocked up while she was young.

Finally, Bridget found that which she sought: the wire. Jenny's wire, a gift from a different friend, was more like a thinner phone wire, so it didn't dig into the skin the way most wires people used in professional scenes would. It was flexible and softer and, when use carefully, allowed for similar durations to rope.

Jenny wasn't going to go down so easily though. She started squirming and squeaking while Bridget attempted to remove her pants, pushing Bridget away with her bare feet while doing so. Bridget responded with another swat on the butt and sat on Jenny's back to pull her pants down. At this point, Bridget paused.

"Do you mind if I pull your panties down?"

Jenny froze a moment. Only her best friend had ever seen her in her full birthday suit, but that best friend was more like a sister. She couldn't decide in an instant and motioned for a moment to think after which she decided to maintain her dignity.

She struggled then immediately resumed with Bridget trying to get Jenny's clothes off down to her ankles and wrists. Jenny attempted to chase her captor off by tickling her, but Bridget merely cackled a little and held herself firmly in place. The runner had forgotten that Bridget wasn't a "thrasher" when it came to torture.

Once Jenny's pants were down to her ankles, Bridget took some of the wire and bound Jenny's upper thighs, lower thighs, knees, and shins. As Jenny always remarked, she had enough wire to "tie up three, imprison two, or destroy one," and Bridget was going for destruction as punishment for the strong resistance the spunky runner put up in spite of being at a disadvantage in nearly every way.

With her legs now so nearly done, Bridget gently tickled the soles of her feet using her fingernails, but only for a moment. Bridget just wanted to hear Jenny laugh before she untied the ankle rope and pulled the pants and panties off; then, the cat bound the mouse's ankles anew with another strip of wire. Jenny kicked her ankles up toward Bridget, but she couldn't reach and got another spank on her now bare bottom.

"MMMM!" Jenny yelled in mock anger.

Now this dance resumed at the other side of Jenny, who was quite upset to be drooling on herself and pointed it out to Bridget. Bridget grabbed a handkerchief to wipe the drool off before tying it as an OTM gag on Jenny's face. A squeak of gratitude and a wink followed before Jenny resumed her resistance.

Bridget next had to pull off Jenny's shirt off, and during the process Jenny shocked Bridget by mustering the strength to throw the captor off her. Jenny then sat up and started castigating Bridget in a flurry of gag talk and fake anger. Her head was moving rapidly, and her braid flew all over as Bridget watched and laughed at the sugar-hearted girl. Bridget climbed back up and resumed her quest.

"MMM MMM MMMMM! UGH! MMMM! GRRRRRR!" was what Jenny's diatribe sounded to a listener.

The captor wrestled the shirt off the girl with a sudden burst of energy and pulled the article of clothing down the captive's wrists, took wire, and bound the captive's elbows first and then tied a simple breast harness. Now it was easy to untie her wrists, pull the clothes off, and bind her crossed wrists and forearms. The captive let out a squeal of despair as the waist rope finished her imprisonment.

Jenny sat up while Bridget went to go draw a bath as she wanted something different this time. After giving a TUG shower, a TUG bath would be a fun change of pace. While Bridget was getting towels and wash cloths to use, Jenny sat up on the bed and decided to be an even bigger pain in Bridget's butt. With some effort, she was hopping away and sitting on the toilet in the guest bathroom.

Bridget was more than ready to take a bath herself as well, but she wanted to make sure Jenny was happy with the temperature of the water in the big tub. She walked out of the bathroom to find no captive! The sneak had left again. Jenny, being nearly naked, would never go anywhere she could be easily seen, however, and thus had to be nearby. Bridget walked into the kitchen and didn't find her friend. Going back to the bedroom she looked in the closet and under the bed. Only one place to look now! Sure enough, there was Jenny in the guest bathroom.
"Hiiiii!" Jenny waved while Bridget gave a disapproving glare at her.

Jenny was forced to hop all the way to the bathroom tile. Every time Jenny wasn't moving fast enough for Bridget's liking, a swat landed on the girl's rear. In this fashion, they made their way back to the bathroom, and Bridget shut the door to prevent further escapes. A moan of disappointment came from the helpless young girl while Bridget removed the contact lenses lest she forget and cause the captive to suffer later.

It was mentioned before that all of the athletic girls had at some point in college that one teammate who would shamelessly strip in the showers. On the collegiate rowing team, that girl was Bridget Sjaastad. She needed to clean up as well and just tore herself down to her underwear without any qualms while Jenny stared in surprise. They were going to bathe... together?! Well, they weren't naked; it was just like the gym after practice.

But that's exactly how it went, just like back in the gym. Bridget leaned against one spot while the helpless Jenny was leaned against another. The tub was deeper than normal, especially compared to two sub-average-height girls, and Bridget had taken full advantage of this fact. The water came partway up Bridget's chest, or up to Jenny's armpits.

Bridget undid Jenny's braid and straightened her hair out. It was a rare occasion to see Jenny's hair be completely free of all accessories and watch the long brown-blonde strands change color as they absorbed water from the tub. Bridget's platinum-blonde hair did similar, but hers wasn't as thick or long as Jenny's. Since they were in the tub, Bridget removed the OTM gag from Jenny's mouth, wadded it up, and tossed it perfectly onto the bathroom counter across from them.

"Wow," Jenny was impressed by Bridget's toss.

Taking a wash cloth and a small bottle of body scrub she had brought with her, Bridget began cleaning herself while Jenny watched and simply enjoyed the sensation of being bound, gagged, and scrubbed clean in a bathtub. It was a bit awkward for Jenny to have permitted herself to be in this position, but she also knew Bridget wouldn't hurt her or let her be hurt.

Jenny hadn't taken a bath in so long, and the wire was fun because it didn't change its tension or texture from submersion. Thus, her captivity remained as stringent as before, and it was a very comfortable tie. Bridget had gone for security over tightness, so Jenny had a good amount of wiggle room in this imprisonment.

The warm water felt so good on such a cold day. The only thing that could have improved that would have been the temperature controls like her parent's tub had. But this was her tub in her own apartment near Newark, NJ, very far from Minnesota. Jenny naturally wouldn't complain, though.

The water ran over every part of her, and she scrunched herself to let it come up to her neck. It felt so good that she closed her eyes and leaned back in trust that Bridget would watch her. She didn't want to sleep, but she wanted the extra relaxation.

"Guhh!!!" and SPLASH Jenny's nose was pinched, and the girl was dunked under the water for some 10-20 seconds while Bridget made sure Jenny's hair got wet. After that, the girl was pulled back up to the surface.
"Gotcha!" Bridget said with a laugh.
"HMMM!" Jenny shook her head and made some sounds of mock anger, but the happiness in her blue eyes said otherwise.

Bridget was very caring in washing Jenny's hair and took time to make sure she adequately washed each spot. Bridget had been the official bather for injured friends before, so she knew well how to scrub them. This time, however, it was a willing yet defiant captive, which made dunking Jenny to rinse her hair deeply satisfying. It was another pinch, plunge, rinse, surface, release.

Jenny found she loved that feeling. She didn't love the feeling of being in danger, but she loved the whole sensation of the harmless dunk and resurface that didn't test her lungs. It added to her feeling of being unable to control the situation or to prevent her captor from harming her with the confidence of knowing her captor wouldn't willfully harm her.

It was a fun sensation having her body scrubbed by Bridget, a sensation that illustrated another thing that so many loved about TUGs: restraining a person to care for them. Jenny wasn't about the dominance or submission or pain or sexuality; she was all about the fun, the smiles, and the hugs. A moment like this was only special because of Bridget's personality. Not to forget, the scrub, made by Bridget's aunt, smelled so good too.

"Ahhh!" Jenny leaned back on the edge of the tub.

Jenny made a smile at Bridget before the latter pinched her own nose and dunked herself and quickly resurfaced. Bridget didn't need to spend as much time under the water because of her thinner hair, and she had her own little shampoo bottle from which she got the soap to cleanse her own head. Just as quickly, Bridget had dunked herself again and come back.

Bridget winked at Jenny and used her fingers to playfully flick some water at Jenny's face as she opened the drain to allow the soapy fluid to escape. Jenny could only squeal and turn away at this, and soon she was being tickled in the empty tub. It lasted only 20 minutes total, but this bath had resulted in memories that both would cherish forever.

Bridget took the towel and wiped down Jenny's body carefully. When she was mostly dry, Bridget had her stand outside the tub and continued the wiping until she really was completely dry. She dried everything that should be and elicited some giggles in the more sensitive areas. She also dried off Jenny's hair as best she could and repeated the process on herself.

Jenny hummed songs while she waited for Bridget and even hopped a little bit around the bathroom for fun. Bridget didn't wear pajamas anyway, so she just put on clean on before leading Jenny out to the bedroom again. Bridget figured it was time for a second round of the clothing war.

Jenny didn't want to get herself worked up again before bed, however, so she offered no resistance. In no time at all, the pink camouflage pajama pants and the brown pajama shirt were on her body, and her soft pink rope bound her up just as thoroughly as the wire had but with the addition of the crotch rope and a strip of microfoam tape on the gag.

It was time to simply enjoy their time together now, and Bridget carried Jenny out to living room and got themselves under the blankets while she texted her family to see how they were. Once she knew everyone was OK, it was back to the bedroom for a few pictures and a video before going further.

As she did every night since she was a toddler, Bridget knelt by the side of her bed and said her bedtime prayers with the same simple, childish faith which she said them then. Jenny, the one most CGC girls turned to for spiritual advice, always was humbled by Bridget's strength in this regard... in fact, it was the thing she most admired in the rower.

With those things done, Bridget blindfolded Jenny, once again, with a camouflage bandana, and together they squeezed under the covers with an extra blanket on the bed. Bridget turned out the light and cuddled her 5'1" stuffie. In a manner of a few minutes, both girls were peacefully sleeping.

The morning would bring more joys for Jenny and her guests. They were unaware of the plans that Giulia had laid for them though.
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Post by Caesar73 »

That was quite the fun ride for Jenny Excellent!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention]

Chapter 15

"Hmmm?" Bridget opened her eyes and looked down to see Jenny was still there. She looked over at the clock that read 3:19. Nothing was particularly special about that time, but it meant she had to work on falling back asleep.

Around 4:15, Jenny awoke to the sound of a softly spoken "Roberto... Oh..." from Bridget. It took a few minutes to realize that Bridget was having dreams of her boyfriend... and moving in her sleep... because she was dreaming of doing that with him. Poor Jenny. She knew this was not the first time this had happened when Bridget slept with a stuffie.

Jenny squirmed out from under Bridget and escaped her grasp but instead found herself falling onto the floor. Of course, Jenny wasn't sure where she was because she was bound, gagged, and blindfolded! She didn't want to wake up Bridget. It was too cold outside the covers. An uncertain Jenny let out a groan of despair.

What to do now? Gag talk was thrilling... but made noise. She couldn't get back in bed without waking up Bridget. Protesting would get her back in bed... and wake up Bridget. It appeared she had no choice but to escape. Escape?

Jenny quietly giggled to herself. Her? Escape a TUG, especially one with crossed wrists? It was a waste of her time, but she figured she'd have fun trying at least. Worst thing that could happen is that she would have fun. With the spirit of adventure, Jenny began her newfound quest to escape a ridiculously good wire binding.
Was escape even possible? Jenny was going to find out over the next 2-3 hours as she had turned off her alarm clock as she did every Saturday night. A quick test proved that the bonds were very secure and that escape was going to be a tedious process.

A first attempt went very poorly as she had no clue just how her friends were able to escape the dreaded crossed wrists tie. It felt to her like an impossible prison designed merely to torture those who enter therein. At the same time, the girl strangely felt that the tie would he more fulfilling if she were hogtied... Yes, she's 100% a rope bunny.

Despite the blindfold and gag, Jenny knew her sense of direction that she hoped would at least lead to her being blindfolded and left gag talking while she was letting out conversation on as needed basis. She just had to slowly scooch across the carpeting until she worked her way down the stairs from Jenny's bed, to the door frame, to the dining room table, to the stair, and finally to the sofa.

A loud sound came from Jenny's gag talk as she was still unable to see or speak, and she desperately wanted to get out of this situation. Surely something besides being tied up would happen? She had to finally escape this unending curse that had plagued her for the last 8+ years, right?

A sudden "Mmmm!" came out as she struggled against the powers that held her body so. Every wiggle and squirm seemed to do nothing, and the torso wire bindings were quite strong in their task. Jenny attempts to escape the imprisonment seemed useless, but she was not a quitter either.

The crotch rope severely limited Jenny's range of motion that she wished she had so bad, and she gave a loud groan of frustration at this situation she was in now. She just had to escape; she did! She had to be able to finally escape these situations! She wanted to be able to escape so badly!

In her frustration, Jenny flopped almost like a fish in a way with how much she was struggling. Slowly she was realizing that this was her problem... she had grown so accustomed to thrashing and squirming for entertainment that she had forgotten that this kind of struggling did absolutely nothing to assist an escape effort. No wonder her escape skills were so awful!

Instead, Jenny focused her energies on finding ways to loosen the grip the ropes had upon her. She was an engineer, so she should be able to figure this out. With effort, she knew could! She just had to try a new approach to things. This took considerable willpower that Bridget and Sera always had but which she lacked for tasks such as this.

How did Bridget do it so easily? How come Sera could do it with a little effort? How could some other friends just practically teleport out? These questions had no answers, but Jenny didn't need them either. Instead, she took a deep breath and focused on the wires that kept her as Bridget's prisoner. What would this take?

First realization was that leg motions were only useful if done to transfer energy to other parts of her body, like contracting her leg muscles for helping her arms push against the bonds that held her down so firmly. Every motion needed meaning and purpose, and making sure her motions had those things was a priority. She knew these knots, not even wire ones, were immune to stretching.
The runner carefully moved her arms in an effort to make it possible for her wrists to slide a little in their bonds. With incredible effort, she did it! Her arms could move a little even if the crotch wire was riding up the crack of her butt now. She continued this motion and found the waist and crotch wires were starting to slide as well! Even at this point Jenny considered a major victory to have been won.

"MMMM!" she groaned loudly in satisfaction at this first triumph of her escape attempt. Surely a little more would do something? Her continued efforts were rewarded with the feeling of the waist/crotch wire knot between her fingers. With some effort, Jenny unknotted that one and began shaking her arms about to further loosen the restrictive plastic. In some time, Jenny had that wire completely loose!

Instead it became a giant knot wrapped around her waist and crotch and served as a nuisance even if her arms weren't pinned by it anymore. That was a very dissatisfying result for Jenny, but she didn't give up! She sat up on the floor and took her time pulling the wire off her. She had to undo the wrappings around her waist and where it wound between her arms and back in particular, and this took the most time of all the steps in her escape process.

A thrill of excitement passed through Jenny's body. She hadn't gotten this far in a tight this restrictive in years! She was probably a college freshman or still in high school the last time she had made this kind of progress without any help. It was ironic because, when bound with another person, Jenny's flexibility made her the best person at untying a fellow captive's knots. She was undoing her own knots instead!
It didn't seem real! She couldn't be really doing this, could she? In spite of pinching herself, Jenny Daniel Kristensen was awake, and with more effort she felt the incredible adrenaline high of getting her wrists free. Now she had to contend with the harness and elbow bonds. As much as she hated to admit it, the elbow bonds were definitely her favorite part of being tied up.

These were a bit tricky to get off, but enough wiggling got the bonds to slide down her arms. With some contortion, despite the elbow bonds being worked into the harness, Jenny got her arms out! She was free! She had done it! It was easy to pull the harness off herself and throw the blindfold off herself. In the darkness, there was no need to squint from removing a blindfold.

One by one, she undid the many bonds along her legs until those were free. It was a tedious but necessary part of the process. The last part was to unpeel the microfoam tape and unknot the rubber ball gag. Grabbing her phone that was still on the table, Jenny went into the guest bathroom, turned on the light, and took a mirror to immediately post to the CGC page. Newark, she saw, wasn't the only place where TUGs occurred last night, but only hers had ended in a 5:27 mirror selfie.

Jenny wished she could surprise Bridget by tying the girl up while she slept, but Bridget wasn't that heavy of a sleeper. Being so early, Jenny wasn't sure what to do because today was Sunday, and she didn't exercise on Sunday. Instead, she went into the kitchen pantry and took out the loaf of bread she had bought just for this occasion and the big container in which she put her pancake/waffle mix.
Jenny didn't get too far ahead of herself, but she made productive use of the time for when her friends woke up. Bridget probably needed the sleep if only because of the intense work schedule she kept as the meteorologist for the 11PM and 2AM broadcasts at her studio! It was quite difficult to then wake up for a morning church service, but Bridget said she would do so!

It was peaceful being all alone in the darkness like this. To put her hair back, Jenny walked back to the pile that was her bonds and retrieved the blindfold. As she went through the process of making a headband out of the bandana, she thought about how much fun she had the previous day and looked forward to this day as she had promised that Vittoria and Sera would be home by 5PM as they were going to all eat Sunday dinner with Giulia.

In moments like this is when Jenny would sing a variety of songs: seasonal music, hymns, Christian songs, pop, and whatever else would put more spring in her step. This was the life of Jenny Danielle Kristensen, the Minnesotan. She was always like this, and she and her loved ones hoped she always would be. She sometimes had to be told to shut up because her singing was a distraction!

It wasn't always happy, though. There was the time she got in a huge argument with Bridget, and the find ended with Bridget breaking one of Jenny's ribs... and just days before the two move in together as roommates for the year! That incident began healthy changes in both: Jenny learned to respect boundaries and how to be more mindful of others pain, and Bridget learned the importance of controlling her temper.
Jenny had shut the door to her bedroom and thought she was singing quietly to herself as she checked her email on her phone. It was quiet enough for Bridget, Sera, and Vittoria, but she forgot about someone else who was closer than any of those others. She remembered that person when a hand grabbed her in the darkness and turned on the lamp.

"Stata zeet!" Giulia harshly whispered for Jenny to "Shut up!"
"Mmmm!" the girl's eyes showed she was sorry.
"That's better! Be quiet, or I'll gag you!" the landlady threatened the tenant.
"Mmm hmm!" Jenny nodded.

But then Giulia stopped thinking and herself made noise by walking into the door and smacking her forehead with a loud "OW!" Jenny shook her head and giggled a little, and Giulia wagged a disapproving figure. The damage was done, however, as Vittoria soon arrived with a hopping Serafina.

Tori made her sister sit on the sofa, and the captive, still bound, gagged, and blindfolded, let out a groan. Vittoria retreated back to the guest bedroom and soon returned with all the bedding and piled it all on top of herself and Sera to bury themselves in warmth. It was so adorable watching Vittoria buried in quilts and lovingly cuddling her big sister.

"Join us!" Vittoria said softly to not wake up Bridget.
"You're having a sisterly moment though," Jenny kindly declined.
"Oh," Jenny caved, "All right."

As Sera's captor, in a sense, Jenny felt entitled to pull the blindfold down and stare into the sparkly eyes while they squinted against the lamp's glow. She then unknotted both that bandana and the one that gagged Sera so that her friend could talk. Sera first took a deep breath.
"What's the pile on the floor?" the ever-curious rower asked.
"Oh, Bridget tied me with that to be her stuffie all night," Jenny explained in her typical humble matter-of-fact manner.
"Wait, you were tied up all night like me?!" Sera looked at the pile with wide eyes.
"Yeah. Why?" Jenny was confused by Sera's surprise.
"Jenny, you escaped! Bravo!" Sera congratulated her friend.

Jenny blushed and from sheer embarrassment jammed Sera's gag back in her mouth and knotted the bandana again. She didn't like talking about her own accomplishments at all. In fact, most people she knew only found out she was on the college "dean's list" when the list was published in the school paper at the beginning of the next semester. Rarely did she share an accomplishment with anyone but her closest circle of her parents and best friend.

Sera was annoyed to be gagged again, but it was worth just to watch her happily accept her punishment and lean back on the sofa only for Vittoria to bury them all entirely under the blankets in a sea of giggles. Jenny and Vittoria each kissed a cheek on the happy captive before hugging her.

When Bridget arose, it took her a minute to realize that something was amiss. In fact, something was terribly wrong. Where was her Jenny stuffie? Bridget believed in miracles, but not the fantastical, so immediately she dismissed the possibility of squishing Jenny into the mattress. Looking around, she saw the light streaming from under the closed door and figured that Vittoria had turned the lights on already.

Bridget put on her church clothes because she didn't want to strut around in her underwear, Tori or no Tori. But, then she realized her suitcase was still in the living room. There was no easier choice but to wall out into the room and get her things on her own. Besides, she was cold!
She stepped out to see the mass of girls under the blankets and decided to have a little fun. The pile of wire revealed that Jenny was untied, but how? Bridget decided to surprise the trio and made a playful leap onto the pile of girls who yelped as quietly as they whispered. In a quick motion, Bridget rolled onto the floor while taking the blankets with herself.

"Bridger, you naughty!" Jenny reproached her friend.
"Ta da!" the blonde rower poked her head out from her pile under the floor, "I need coverage."
"Haha! That you do!" Jenny laughed.
"How did you get untied?"

Jenny happily explained how she applied what she had learned from watching others. Even if that particular way of being tied up was Jenny's Achilles heel, she had put all such thoughts aside and used her engineering brain to figure out what to do when she couldn't picture one of her friends doing it. Understandably, Bridget was disappointed only in that it meant she had failed to keep her captive in captivity until she wanted to free the person, but she was genuinely happy that the rope bunny had saved herself for a change.

Vittoria hid herself under the blankets while Bridget got her outfit for the day and fled to the bathroom. Bridget chose for this day a pretty bright blue ruffly skirt, white leggings, a white long-sleeve t-shirt, and the matching bright blue headband that came with the skirt. It was all so perfectly neat and tidy and Bridget. The shirt had lace at the ends of sleeves and at the bottom hem, and the ruffles in the skirt and headband were mathematically precise.

Jenny went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast while Vittoria, with Jenny's permission, freed Serafina. The sisters playfully wrestled on the floor with the elder tickling the younger while Jenny went to work. Jenny turned on the coffee machine and took two mugs from the dishwasher for herself and Sera and four drinking glasses for all of them. By this time, the sisters were ready and willing to help.

"What are you making?" Sera asked.
"The best for my friends. What would make you happy today?" Jenny asked with her elbows on the island counter and her chin in her hands.
"Polenta," Sera grinned knowing she was being unreasonable.
"How about something I know how to make and you like?" Jenny asked with one eye shut, "I can't see for beans. I need my glasses."

Jenny instead made one of her favorites, stuffed French toast, for herself and Bridget, and she had chocolate chip pancakes for the Randaccio girls. At Bridget's request, Jenny made the French toast with raspberry instead. As they were sitting to eat, Jenny suggested Bridget wear one of her aprons before something squirted on her clothes.

Jenny and Sera had their coffee, and all four had nice sweet glasses of orange juice to start their day off with a blast of citrusy happiness. As they sat, they all talked about Christmas memories. Naturally, the discussion caused Bridget to get teary eyed as she recalled the mother with whom she would never make new memories. Jenny told colorful tales of Christmas TUGs, and Sera and Tori talked about the large family gatherings.

When it came time to get ready for church, Sera was greeted by a little surprise from her baby sister: Tori had packed her skirt to be the same color as her big sister's. This wasn't realized, however, until Sera exited the guest bathroom with her purple skirt, brown pantyhose, a brown long-sleeve t-shirt, and a brown kerchief bandana. Her sister's outfit was very similar, but the shirt was beige while Sera's was a milk chocolate.

Jenny stepped out ironically also having chosen a brown long-sleeve shirt, but her skirt and kerchief were a solid red color, and she had brown leggings instead of pantyhose. When Jenny saw the sisters, it was hard not to giggle. Jenny could see the many thoughts flying through Tori's young mind and approached the girl.

"You want a headscarf like a Cool Girl since you're a Cool Girl now?" Jenny asked in a kind tone.
"I hadn't thought about it, but since you asked!" Tori responded.
"I'll get you one from my TUG bag, preferably one without holes," Jenny said since she didn't wear purple.
"No problem," Sera said, as she grabbed one out of her travel bag, "I figured this would happen."

Once young Vittoria had her own purple bandana in place, they were ready to leave. As they walked out the door, Sera and Jenny figured some, if not all, of them would spend time bound and gagged in their Sunday best. Jenny for sure had plans for Bridget after they got home, and Sera had plans for Tori before they went back to their parents' house.

What would Sunday bring them?
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

Chapter 16

"Did you see your brother's eyes pop when he saw me?" Bridget asked Sera while Jenny parked the car.
"Did I ever! So, now you two girls have a double-date with my brothers, hmmm?" Sera coyly asked.

Chatter of this nature filled the air while the girls walked into the apartment after Sunday morning mass. Such conversation was meaningless to Vittoria except in that she knew its importance to these older girls and the potential impacts on her own life. At this stage of life, she was just finally noticing that some boys seemed cuter than others, but she was not too eager to go down the road her sister had.

She recalled that Christmas, now eight years ago, her fifth birthday. when Sera stood up after all the guests were gone and told the family that she was going to be a mother. THAT was brave and heroic, Vittoria now realized, to admit to what she had done, to accept responsibility, and to hold it in all day knowing her own Christmas was ruined. Even more amazing, though, was the way the family all rallied together to support the distressed young girl.

Now, here Tori was, staring at her 13th birthday. She, the baby of the 8 children of their parents. would finally be a teenager! There was nothing particularly special in store, as she began telling Sera, but as a Christmas baby she was used to picking out a non-cake dessert for her birthday and didn't realize most people, including her own family, us had birthday cake for their birthday. Being so easy going, this realization changed nothing except made her appreciative of how fun it was to be a Christmas baby.

They kept chattering in this way while Bridget excused herself and headed to the guest bathroom. Jenny immediately ran to the box in the corner and grabbed a roll of white duct tape for some nefarious purpose. Sera was wondering what was about to happen, but she decided to watch instead and kept talking to her sister.

Jenny had watched her friend Joy do this in college many times even to girls that there 6-9 inches taller than herself. She kept the image of her friend in her mind and waited patiently for Bridget to emerge from the bathroom. When she heard a flush and the sound of the sink, she readied herself around the corner. As soon as Bridget stepped out...

WHACK! Jenny slew footed Bridget's legs out from under her. With a yelp of surprise, the rower hurtled toward the carpet only to have Jenny pounce on her. In a quick sequence, Jenny had the girl's crossed wrists duct taped behind her back and also finished the + pattern around the X made by the wrists for extra security.

"Is this revenge?" Bridget asked.
"I think Bridget needs to get a snowie," was Jenny's response as she taped Bridget's ankles next.
"I'll take that as a 'Yes,'" smiled the captive.

Jenny taped Bridget's arms down both above and below her boobs and at her waist to keep her arms pinned. More tape secured her knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs so that she was going nowhere. But then Jenny went further with hog-taping Bridget from her ankles to her wrists and making it quite secure.

"There!" Jenny gave Bridget a firm whack on the butt.
"Whee!" Bridget giggled while Jenny prepared a gag.

Jenny took a bright blue rubber ball and a white handkerchief since she knew Bridget appreciated coordination between her clothes and her binding. She wasn't the only such girl in the CGC, but she was the only one in New Jersey at the moment? Jenny approached Bridget's mouth with the gag.

Jenny just immediately skipped to pinching Bridget's nose because it was the simplest solution to things. As soon as Bridget needed to breathe... which could be two minutes... she'd slip the gag in... like that! She quickly knotted the handkerchief with relish while the victim struggled and squirmed on the floor.

Not to spare anything, Jenny followed this with 6 wrappings of the white tape around Bridget's mouth to further silence her. There was no such thing as overkill in Jenny's mind, and she followed the thick layers of gag with a blindfold made from another handkerchief.

"Sera, give me a hand. Tori, get the door. Do you know how to film?" Jenny spoke to her friends.
"Yes, I do!" Vittoria responded.
"As soon as the door is open, start filming us!"
"Grm hrm mmmmm!" Bridget grunted and squirmed.

There was no hope for her though. She could scream into the gag and not be heard more than 12 feet away, and she knew the snowie was coming just based on what had been said let alone the frigid air as they stepped outside. With a cheer from Serafina, Bridget was tossed into the same snowbank used the previous night.

"EEEE!" she squealed as she landed in the icy white terran cloud.
"Perfect!" Jenny said as she stopped the filming, "Bring that in, sweetheart, if you please."

Just as soon, Bridget was back indoors and on the living room carpet in her tape hogtie that had Sera sizing up her little sister. She was such a cute miniature Serafina dressed as she was, and Sera just imagined them tied up together. On the floor, she spotted some wide cable ties and police zip-cuffs in Bridget's suitcase and knew it was time to introduce Vittoria to the one standard CGC tie she had not yet experienced.

"Tori, look, zipties!" Sera pointed them out.
"Well, yeah. You know I haven't gotten to try those yet, but I don't know about that. Can we try them?" she asked her big sister.
"Of course we can!"
"All right... but may we?" Tori pushed a little.
"YES!" Sera tackled her younger sister.

It was time for Tori to experience a kidnapping at the hands of her big sister. No silliness. No speeches. No permission. It was a straight non-consensual TUG kidnapping with Sera wrestling her sister to the floor and gagging her with a knotted blue bandana before applying the first pair of zip cuffs to her wrists.

Vittoria decided the best approach was the just be difficult since she knew she couldn't win no matter what she tried. It was useless though as another pair of the zip cuffs secured her elbows as well. Regular zips were used on her ankles and thighs, and then Sera hog-zipped her from ankles to wrists. A few strips of white duct tape finished her gag.

Now helpless, Vittoria struggled in her first kidnapping. Needless to say, it was kind of fun to be kidnapped and put into something so simple yet so restrictive. In fact, with the element of surprise, she enjoyed the quick and dirty way the tape, zips, and cuffs worked more than the brutal struggle of trying to rope someone although the rope ties felt more satisfying to give and receive.

To no one's surprise, they were being watched. Under the door, Giulia could barely see the things for which she heard the sounds. There was the sounds of captivity and playful jawing from Sera to Vittoria, but there was something else more unusual. That sound was different.


Jenny was... spanking Bridget?! It didn't seem possible to Giulia, but she just had to know and let herself into the apartment. Jenny and Sera froze from their respective positions and just stared up at her; what would Giulia say about this?

"You two are terribly naughty!" Giulia muttered in Italian and turned to walk away.
"Are not!" Sera defied her sister.
"Oh, is that so? I will teach you a lesson!" Giulia said as she spotted the packages of zipties.

Giulia grabbed the zipties and decided she was going to destroy her Advent purple sister. Sera stood and watched her sister approach, and she quickly realized she was being cornered by Giulia once again. Glad she was wearing black flats, Sera tried to dash by her sister, but Giulia grabbed her arm.

Both sisters stumbled and hit the ground with Sera scrambling up. She remarked something about Giulia being an even bigger bully as she did so. As she attempted to exit the living room, Sera found a small but formidable barrier blocking her: Jenny. That caused the delay Giulia needed, and Sera fell into her clutches.

"When you get home after Christmas, I will get you for this!" Sera promised.
"Oh, quit your whining!" the blonde runner gave the rower a slap on the butt.
"Yow! Jenny!" yelped the captive whilst her wrists were zip-cuffed behind her.
"Stop it, Jenn!" Giulia growled, "Play with your captive!"

Sera couldn't do anything while her sister zipped her like a whole chicken. Zips were above and below her elbows, zip-cuffs were at her ankles, more zips were along her legs in three places up to her knees and then three places between her knees and hips. A smaller tie was even around her big toes after Giulia removed her shoes, and big zips were put together in pairs to pin her arms above and below her breasts.

Sera just silently took her punishment while grunting and squirming as best as she could, but the older Italian bandana girl was now in a ziptie prison worse than that in which she had put her little sister. Her face showed raw determination in spite of the incredibly long odds. She didn't even need a gag as she was more than an adorable enough prisoner just making her grunts as it was, but Giulia took no chances.

Giulia tied something securely inside a pair of pantyhose before jamming it all in Sera's mouth. Sera let out a horrified "UGH!" whilst her sister stretched the hose to their limit, wrapping them around her head four times before knotting them behind her head. The massive stuffed cleave gag wedged the girl's mouth open while keeping the packet tightly inside.

"Brigida's socks from yesterday, and my pantyhose from today. Enjoy!" Giulia gave Sera a spank before she got up to leave.
"My captive. Remember that," Giulia threatened and left Jenny with the trio.
"Well, now, I think, girls, that perhaps it is time for a... hostage video!" Jenny suggested.

Jenny was enjoying having the upper hand on her friends quite a bit. She had a large smile on her face as she began to tickle the soles of Sera's pantyhose-covered feet. The former rowing coxswain shrieked into her gag and received a heavy dose of the mixed flavors that resided therein; the dose was followed by exaggerated fake retching sounds from the girl who enjoyed new flavors in her mouth.

Jenny didn't know exactly why, but she had found Bridget's spanking to be fun and now was enjoying doing it back to Bridget as well as doing it to Serafina. She didn't know if it was humiliating the captives, controlling their behavior with threats of pain, hearing the shrieks they made with each smack, or something. Whatever it was was new to her games, and she liked it.

"EEEE!" Bridget would squeal.
"OWW!" Sera would yelp.

"Hi, girls, it's me the Gangsta Princess herself!" she began her video to post on the Facebook group, "Yes, I'm here today because I have something special for you all to see. I have a duct taped Bridget Sjaastad."
"GRRMMM!" Bridget yelled.
"Sera ziptied our sweet new member, Vittoria," she continued.
"Hi!" the tween waved for the camera.
"And Giulia kidnapped Sera!" Jenny spanked Sera again, SMACK!
"OWWW!" the girl yelled.
"With so many people out there who can vote between friends, siblings of friends, and whatnot, I'll be bold. Choose who you want to go free. If I get 6 likes, I know you like that we have a new member and will free Vittoria. Gimme 6 angry reactions to say you're mad that Giulia kidnapped Sera, and I'll negotiate the freedom of the coxswain even at my own expense. Oh, 6 hearts will tell me you love Bridget and want her released. Loser gets tickled and/or spanked for 20 minutes on top of what happens in the next 30 minutes, so... 30 minutes, folks! If not enough votes come in by then, I'll just rank them. Byyyeeeee!"


So much for cute, sweet, adorable, kindly, friendly, rope bunny Jenny. Turned out even mean games could be fun in her eyes so long as they were games with no harm being done. Even spanking with its pain was fun as long as it was in moderation. This sleepover was awesome!

While Bridget and Sera were having a fantastic experience and loving seeing a naughty side in Jenny, the queen of innocence herself and possibly the only adult Cool Girl who had never purposefully made a Google search for bondage p0rn, Vittoria was losing her mind. The spanking infuriated her, and she, unaware of what had happened between Jenny and Bridget, was genuinely upset with Jenny and her naughty behavior.

What kind of game inflicts genuine pain on a person? The youth supposed it wasn't too different from liking tying up people, and that likewise enjoying being spanked, assuming Bridget and Sera liked it, was comparable to enjoying being tied up. Nevertheless, her mind was made up that Jenny deserved to be walloped with the wooden spoon just like Mother used to have to do to Sera!


Now it must be said that, in all things, Giulia wasn't as purely dominant as one would think. She genuinely had no interested in being tied up, but she did enjoy spanking enough that her one personal kinky pleasure was being spanked by her husband. As such, the allure of Jenny's hostage video combined with her other thoughts to compel her to go back to the apartment.

Bridget was quite pleased with her situation. She had deserved to be tied up like this after what she had done the night before. She was enjoying the playful teasing she was receiving from Jenny even if her butt was going to be a bit sore when all was said and done. This was the kind of adventure she had hoped o have occur during this trip even if she was squealing with each spank.

Hogtaping was a rare treat as well. Tape bondage was a bit standard in her TUG life, but rarely did it result in a hogtie. To say she was pleasantly surprised by Jenny would be accurate because it was always fun when a smaller person found a way to get the upper hand on someone who could easily overpower them. Jenny had employed some shrewdness and deserved to be the proud captor for it

"Miss Jenny Danielle Kristensen, how dare you interfere like this with other people's captives!"

Little did the sleepover girls realize that they had just walked into Giulia's trap, the situation she had envisioned from when she first knew Bridget was coming a day early.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]lauragagged[/mention]

Chapter 18 (17 is also unlucky in Italian tradition)

"Are we playing the silly 'My captive' game again?!" Jenny was really annoyed as this was not the way she played in college.
"Yes, and since Sera won the vote, I'm giving you permission to free her!" Giulia grinned mischievously at Jenny.
"What's the catch this time, Jules?" Jenny rolled her eyes.
"No one has called me that in years. You have to do it after I tied you up," the rules were simple.
"UGH! You know what? Fine!" she threw her arms up, "Why do you keep coming over here and annoying us if you didn't want to sleep over with us?"
"I just didn't want to sleep over is all! I'm committed to my wonderful manchild, but I still wanted to make time for my sisters and their friends."
"Well... That's all right then," Jenny said it, but inside she didn't mean it.

Jenny's mind was made up to kidnap Giulia later even though she explicitly said she had zero interest in being tied up. Nevertheless, the runner's better nature was being put aside in the search for satisfaction after a weekend of what at first was cute and fun but today just seemed irritating. She accepted the grounds for punishment though.

"I could have put you on trial for your crimes!" Giulia remarked with a grin.
"I'm glad you didn't!" Jenny was genuinely grateful for that.

Jenny was just trying to have fun! She was so used to being the one tied up, and for once it was just her with her friends tied up. She had gotten a nice emotional high from being on top of her friends, and the spanking was more fun than she could have ever imagined! The one time she was the one in control had to be ruined by Giulia! It wasn't deliberate, but the sensitive Jenny was still hurt by this.

Giulia started by clamping the Irish-8s on Jenny's wrists, so instantly Jenny was trapped until someone released her. While the sisters simply saw this as typical for their sister, Jenny was developing her revenge plan while ropes bound her elbows and ankles. Nothing came from Jenny's mouth during this process of her slow and detailed imprisonment while she sat on a dining chair. She was thinking about how to make sure Giulia's first time tied up was worthwhile for everyone.

The gag was the final straw. Giulia had a big scarf into which she had knotted something that made a big, cushy mass of material. Jenny was about to experience a cruelty no Cool Girl had ever experienced even once as the mass was pushed into her mouth. Giulia jammed the material deep into Jenny's mouth, wrapped it behind her head, made a single knot, wrapped it back in front with extra car to make sure both parts passed between Jenny's lips to press the material deeper, wrapped it behind her head again, and made a double knot.

Giulia put a pair of scissors down on the dining table so Jenny could see clearly where they were. A matching red paisley bandana, folded into a band, was added over Jenny's mouth as a matching OTM gag, and a brown bandana blindfolded her. Giulia then went from the top down binding Jenny's breasts, waist and crotch (quite fearlessly going under Jenny's skirt for this), knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. By this point, the saliva in her mouth started to soak into the gag, and she knew something was seriously wrong when a putrid taste touched her tongue. Jenny instinctively wretched on it.

"Those are my socks and panties from yesterday. Enjoy!" Giulia patted her on the head without a thought, "I was going to use those on Bridget, but you got to her before I could!"
"EWWW!" Jenny said and kicked at Giulia with genuine violence from her position on the chair.
"Oh, Jenny, calm down!" the tall girl said with a laugh as she walked to Jenny's box.
"Ugh," Jenny tried to accept that Giulia was just having fun and had completely forgotten about last night.

Inside the box, besides tape, were rolls of cling wrap and vet wrap. Giulia selected a pink vet wrap and took a photo and a video of the angry Jenny before she added to her cruelty. She didn't know where Jenny kept the cotton, but it didn't matter to her. She wrapped around Jenny's mouth, around her chin and the top of her head, and around her eyes, repeating this until nothing remained except her nose and where her braid and the tip of her kerchief came out.

"Hmmmm... Which color? Red or pink?" Giulia giggled like a teenager because she was just having so much fun that the thought of personal boundaries slipped her mind completely.

Bridget was horrified by the gag that Giulia had used. She couldn't see Giulia's face to realize it was an innocent mistake. To her, Giulia simply had the audacity to gag Jenny in this manner just 14 hours after Jenny said she would no longer allow dirty laundry gags. Either way, both of them felt Giulia deserved some punishment of her own, but for different reasons. Giulia proudly filmed the four captives.

"This worked out just as I hoped. I knew it would be easiest to save Jenny for last," Giulia said, "You can't resist torturing captives, even other people's. And I always prefer a reason, even a silly one, to tie up a captive. I saved you for last because you're a short, kind, innocent, cute, long-haired, athletic, gangsta rope bunny," Giulia gave Jenny a girlfriend kiss on her wrapped cheek, "But messing with Sera is better justified in TUG court."

"Mmmm!" Jenny nodded in understanding.
"Well, girls, I'm just going to leave you to have fun; hope Jenny does her stuff soon," Giulia turned to leave.
"Who did that?" Giulia asked.
SNAP SNAP SNAP, repeated Vittoria.
"Something wrong?"

Giulia took the bait as Vittoria nodded rapidly, and Giulia immediately removed the tape and unknotted the blue bandana. The big sister was not ready for what followed next from the small Vittoria. There was a lesson to be learned here: you did not mess with Vittoria's friends. She was a tween and immature and went at her sister like it.

"You can't leave us alone!" Tori overreacted a good bit, "We're tied and gagged!"
"I leave Jenny alone sometimes! I made sure no one had a stuffing gag," Giulia explained, "I wasn't worried about anyone choking!"
"Brigida has asthma though! You don't like TUGs! You just like kidnapping people!" Tori pouted.
"That's not true. Vittoria, honey, would you like me to stay?" Giulia asked her sister in a kindly way.
"Would you please stay?" came in a whiny voice.
"All right," Giulia began to cut Tori free, "I like tying y'all up... because I know you like being tied up. I'm not into the captivity stuff, but it makes me happy to make you happy."
"Ohhhhhh!" Tori nodded and rubbed her wrists, "I get it, I think."

Jenny was clueless what to do because the flavor in her mouth was absolutely horrid, and she made up her mind what to do: absolutely nothing. She was going to sit on this chair and refuse to move until Giulia apologized for this. She wasn't sure if she was petty or justifiably angry. TUGs are supposed to be fun, and this anything but fun.

"Well, come on honey!" Giulia encouraged her.

Giulia tried to get Jenny to move, but Jenny wouldn't go. She stood Jenny up; Jenny sat down. She even tried giving Jenny a swat on the butt, but the runner was having none of it. She was on a sit down strike, and she was refusing to play Giulia's games any longer. Of course, at this point, no one really knew what had gotten into Jenny. Giulia just thought Jenny was being a defiant rope bunny. Frankly, Jenny wasn't trying to make a game out of this, but her captor thought it was a fun one!

"Sera, want to give it a go?" Giulia asked her sister, "Jenny's playing party pooper. Maybe I wrapped her up too well," Giulia added a noogie to Jenny's captivity.

Sera decided to make an attempt at escaping. She was fine with having to escape on her own, but the tightness of the zipties became more clear when she tried to sit up. Zipties could really squeeze down on you if they were used properly, and Giulia definitely had made the best use of these. A grunt of pain let Giulia know that she had been a bit severe, but Sera knew it was not harmful.

While Vittoria and Giulia were distracted by Jenny and Sere, someone else was working on her own escape without any problems or complaints or defiance. Bridget the Viking TUG Queen had stretched the bonds of her hogtaping out until she was no longer hogtaped. The problem for her was that she could not break any of the other bonds no matter how hard she tried. It was scissors or bust, and in her blindfolded state she was having to guess based on what she had heard in the past 20 minutes.

Sera could see the scissors on the table and began making her way towards them with gentle scooching. It was really quite easy, and the look on Giulia's face made Sera smile. Sometimes it's fun for a captor to watch their captives earn their freedom through some difficult challenge. When Serafina got close, she stood up and reached for the scissors and knocked them onto the floor.

Bridget squirmed under the table and found herself in a trap of some sort. As she rubbed against the carpet, the handkerchief that covered her eyes fell down to her nose, and she could see again! With a squint in her eyes, she saw the scissors and grabbed them. Now she could begin her true escape!

"HEY!" Sera yelled at her.
"WHA?" Bridget asked.
"Thothe are ine!"
"I ot them firtht!" Bridget responded as she sawed at the tape.
"IMME! Ooolia, oo omethin!" Sera could be as whiny as Vittoria when she wanted to be.
"Ere!" Bridget said as she had already knifed through her bonds.

While Bridget was slowly plucking away at the tape on her arms, Sera gingerly took the scissors and cut the zipties on her wrists. As soon as she had done so, Bridget snatched them away and quickly snipped each and every single zip on the girl's body before professionally snipping the tape off her body. She even cut the tape off her face before unknotting the handkerchief that held the drool-covered blue rubber ball in her mouth.

"Ta da!" Bridget took a bow while Sera stood up and rubbed her arms.
"Bravo! Brigida, you were wonderful!" Giulia applauded her.

Bridget walked over to her supplies and grabbed a pair of police zip cuffs. The three Randaccio sisters all watched with curiosity as Bridget walked up to Giulia. With her strength, she suddenly spun Giulia around and placed the zip cuffs on her wrists to capture Giulia!

"What the heck?! Bridget!" Giulia said with a gasp.
"You," Bridget grinned, "Are under arrest! You kidnapped Jenny, you interfered with Sera's captive, and you violated TUG rules!"
"What's into you?!" Giulia was more surprised than afraid concerning the girl 6 inches shorter than herself, "Arrested???"
Bridget didn't explain, "It's time for TUG Court for real. Sera, untie Jenny!"
"But that's...," Sera started but was cut off.
"Do it!" Giulia just followed Bridget's lead, "We need her if we're going to do this right."

Sera quickly freed Jenny from the many layers of gag, blindfold, and other bindings. When Bridget tried to say something, Jenny just waved her off and went into her room and disappeared around the corner into her bathroom. Sera and Bridget knew what it meant, but Vittoria and Giulia didn't know better. Sera merely saw it as Giulia getting too excited and violating a boundary. In her mind, it was a mistake that everyone went through with TUGs.

Vittoria really didn't know better. After admiring her binding marks, she made her way toward the bathroom to check on Jenny, but Jenny wasn't there. Instead, she heard a soft sound coming from somewhere. After another search, she found Jenny inside the closet. Tori walked over and sat down next to her in the darkness.

"Sorry, Vittoria, you're getting a rough intro to things," Jenny said between sobs.
"What's wrong, Jenny?" the youngster asked her friend.
"Even when it's not intentional, it always hurts in here," she pointed to her heart, "deeply when someone hurts you or disobeys you during these games."
"Even though people just grab people to start a TUG, it's all about asking permission to do things."

Vittoria in her childlike way understood TUGs better than many adults did. Jenny just reached out and gave the girl a tight hug because so proud of how well the girl was learning and how much she understood that the point of the game was to have fun and to make the other person happy.

"It seems like the person tied up ends the game happier than the person who tied you," she observed.
"That typically happens in the best games, like when Giulia tied us up yesterday or when we tied up Bridge last night."

It didn't take long for Bridget to come after her friend. She knew Jenny well enough to know she'd be in here. The sniffling was heard from afar, and naturally she wanted to check on Jenny. Bridget reiterated what Vittoria thought: TUGs should be a bizarre way of telling someone you love them; Giulia didn't understand that concept yet because she was too dominant and disinterested.

"What's 'disinterested' mean?" Vittoria asked Bridget.
"It means she's not interested in the game, just the tying," Bridget explained, "Now, come on! We have a game to play!"
"Let's put some petroleum jelly on your arms," Jenny said to Vittoria, "It'll help the marks go away."
"I'm wearing long sleeves," she misunderstood.
"Better safe than sorry."

Jenny shared one last important lesson with Vittoria: taking care of captives even when the TUG is over. There's scrubbing tape off, helping hide gag marks, applying lotions and creams to help make the rope/tape/cuff/zip marks go away, getting a drink to make sure they're hydrated, massaging sore muscles, and so much more. Sera demonstrated that last one as Bridget frequently was sore after more intense TUGs, and she was doing as much when Jenny and Tori returned.

It was time for a real trial in the Newark TUG Court.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]lauragagged[/mention]

Chapter 19

"Jenny, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot how you felt about that kind of gag," Giulia apologized the moment she saw Jenny.

Giulia was now zipped down to the chair in various places to ensure she couldn't escape. Her black slacks hid the black zipties well, but closer inspection showed that her ankles were zipped to the legs, her thighs were zipped together, and her wrists were fastened to the spindles of the chair back.

"You're forgiven, but I'm sorry I can't hug you so soon," Jenny wiped her eye a little.
"Why not?" Giulia wondered.
"Because I'm going to be prosecuting you in your TUG Court trial!" Jenny smiled and turned away.
"Oh, boy, we're finally doing that!" Giulia knew a grin was growing over her face.

Giulia, still attached to the chair, was moved to the kitchen island along with Sera. Sera sat on the bar swaying her legs side to side and devising her plan while Jenny calmly sat in the living room. The Gangsta Queen was quite pensive and had a sure fire strategy that would get her a victory, or so she hoped. Innocence was rarely found in this mockery of justice.

"Vittoria, as judge and co-creator of the game in its current form, let me explain the game so you understand."
Bridget explained the basics of a courtroom: witnesses, testimony, cross-examination, judge's orders, and further such things. Tori would get to be the bailiff, the person who enforced the order in the courtroom, made sure the witness took the stand, and so forth. When she was questioned, she didn't have to answer the questions ("plead the fifth"), but she was supposed to answer truthfully.

Bridget announced the charges that had been filed against Mrs. Giulia Randaccio Lecerf: 5 counts of kidnapping, 2 of wrongful imprisonment, and 3 counts of violation of the Cool Girls' Club Minnesota Constitution of 2011. This last one confused everyone except Jenny and Bridget. Similarly, Sera and Tori didn't understand the disparity in the counts of charges.

"You kidnapped Jenny twice, Sera twice, and Tori once, you see," Bridget explained, "But the prosecutor alleges that three of those kidnappings were not wrongful within CGC TUG rules. As for the Constitution, Sera, check out of the Facebook page afterwards. We will hear the opening statements shortly. I am the Honorable Bridget C. Sjaastad who will be presiding over this case. Miss Vittoria E. N. Randaccio is the bailiff; she will enforce my commands and make sure this is an orderly courtroom. Giulia Lecerf, you have been read your rights within the scope of this court, and I will do all I can to ensure you get screwed over by this court and..."

"Now wait just a minute there, Your Honor! What do you mean 'do all I can to ensure you get screwed over by this court,' hmmm?" Giulia demanded information before she'd play.
"Did I say that? Right, I'm the judge, not the prosecutor. What's more proper?" Bridget corrected herself with a giggle that proved she said that on purpose, "Ahem... I will do all I can to ensure your rights to a speedy and fair trial are fulfilled and that this court will follow the American practice of 'innocent until prove guilty.'"
"Makes me think of a true crime show I watched where...," Giulia got cut off.
"Don't go there!" Jenny said, "Those programs make me sick and have nightmares!"
"Now, are we ready to proceed?" Bridget asked.

Bridget whispered some instructions to Vittoria and disappeared into Jenny's bedroom. Vittoria stood by the door and requested that all stand for the entrance of the "Honorable Bridget C. Sjaastad." Bridget opened the door and emerged with a black blanket wrapped around her like a judge's robe.

"Stand!" Bridget barked to Giulia, who was tied down to a chair.
"Oh, surrrrrreeeee... You try it when you're fastened like this!" Giulia responded tongue in cheek.
"Address the court as 'Your Honor,' please," Bridget could be quite the bossy one when necessary.
"Yeah," Vittoria misunderstood, "address her as 'Her Honor.'"
"My apologies," Giulia glared at Bridget, "Your Honor."
"We will begin then with the plea. Giulia Lecerf, you have heard the charges read before. How do you plead?"
"I pleaad OMPHHHHH!" Giulia found herself hand gagged by Sera.
"My client pleads not guilty, Your Honor," Sera responded.
"Emmee ahk o ythemmmmmmmmmmmm!" Giulia's face was crushed by the rower's strong hands.
"Not guilty," Sera reiterated, and then added, "I am taking no chances!"
"I object, your honor!" Jenny jumped in, "This is courtroom violence!"
"Objection overruled," Bridget denied the request, "Good job, Miss Randaccio!"
"You may make your opening statement, Miss...?" Bridget turned back to Jenny.
"Miss Jenny D. Kristensen, district attorney and chief persecutor--I mean prosecutor!-- is who I am," Jenny said and walked into the middle ground between the table and the dining room, "I intend to show this jury, a jury of peers, that Giulia Randaccio Lecerf wrongfully kidnapped the young women Jenny Kristensen and Serafina Randaccio twice each, and one each of those wrongfully. She also kidnapped the young girl Vittoria Randaccio. In addition, she willfully violated those codes of honor that all members of the Cool Girls' Club swear to abide by."

For the first time, a "jury of peers" was apparent. Plugged in to an outlet near the counter was Jenny's iPad that she was using to broadcast a live stream over the Cool Girls' Club private Facebook group. Thus, all the members across the United States were able to watch this trial happen if they wished, and it was possible to have a vote of guilt.

"The Cool Girls' Club Minnesota Constitution of 2011 is the heartbeat of our unity. It's the code we girls all pledge to follow when we become members. It's the statement that unites us as friends and family, and if we allow these heinous crime Giulia Lecerf committed than our club will crumble. This is our honor code, and it's the code that ensures everything is safe and fun."

With that, Jenny returned to her seat. Sera looked at Giulia and grew wide-eyed. At this point, she knew she was doomed to put it bluntly. She had to try though just in case she found some hole in Jenny's approach. She nervously unrolled a fold in her purple skirt and then adjusted her matching purple bandana before making her statement.

"I am going to show that my client's actions are consistent with the actions of her peers," Sera declared emphatically, "If Giulia Randaccio committed a crime, then all of us have committed crimes. All CGC members would be guilty of the same. More than that, it will be easy to see that she violated no CGC Constitution in her actions. Everyone plays the game a little differently, and Giulia merely discovered a new way to play."
"I'm f-cked," Giulia groaned and leaned her head back.
"I ought to hold you in contempt of court! My baby sister is watching this, and yours is right there!" Bridget thundered.

Giulia sat and squirmed. She had never been tied up in her entire life in any guise. The present bonds and her inexperience were an interesting mix, and she was curious to see how this trial would proceed. She had to just sit and watch and see what would happen.

Tori found courtrooms to be very boring, official, and angry. There was lots of shouting, frowning, joking, poking, gesturing, and a whole host of other positives and negatives. She was sure what to think of this except that it must a TUG game for adults. She just had to play along, do her part, and take advantage when she was given opportunity to have fun.

"The state's first witness is Miss Vittoria Randaccio!" Jenny announced.
"Vittoria, please approach," Bridget handled things as only a big sister could, "I'll go through this since the bailiff cannot do this to herself. Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"
"I don't know what that word means, but you made it sound important," Tori responded, "I don't swear. Sera swears a lot because she's a rower, and Giulia because she played basketball!"
"Oh, silly girl!" Bridget laughed before explaining and getting affirmation from Tori.

Jenny stood up and calmly walked over to Vittoria. She had a tote bag full of things that she had grabbed before and after giving her own opening statement. She was picking through the bag carefully and seemed intent on selecting just the right thing. After some time, she pulled out a perfectly made coil of her pink rope.

"Do you recognize this rope?" Jenny asked the witness.
"Yeah, it's yours!" Tori nodded.
"Did or did not the defendant, Giulia A.M.R. (Why do you Randaccio's have to have so many names for crying out loud?! Excuse me...) Lecerf, use this rope to tie up the victim, Jenny D. Kristensen, yesterday morning shortly before 8AM?" Jenny asked her first important question.
"I don't know if she used that one, but the ropes sure looked like it!" Tori responded with a smile at the recollection of the prior morning.
"State's Exhibit A, Your Honor," Jenny put the piece of rope on the table as though it were very, very important.

Jenny repeated the process with the pink socks she had worn the previous morning and confirmed that Jenny, the victim, had been gagged with those socks by having them stripped off her feet and jammed in her mouth as stuffing. The bandana, or one like it, that had held the sock in was also submitted as evidence as was the photo Giulia had snapped.

"Were you not kidnapped sometime around 8:15 AM yesterday?" Jenny continued the questioning.
"I was, Jenny!" Tori said.
"Do you see the perpetrator (that's the person who did it to you) in this courtroom?" Jenny followed a standard practice.
"Her, my sister! Giulia! The bad girl sitting over there!" Tori pointed to her oldest sister.
"Your Honor, let it be noted that the witness has identified the defendant. Now," Jenny asked, "How did the defendant tie you up?"
"I'm trying to remember exactly..." Tori struggled on the details.
"Did she not grab you after accusing you of interfering with 'her captive'?" Jenny pushed.
"That's why she did it! Yeah!" the youngster nodded again.

Jenny did something unorthodox. She called upon herself as the other victim to help recreate the situation and bound Tori's ankles and wrists and then ran a rope to connect her wrists to her ankles, just as Giulia had done the day before. The witness was now tied up and quite helpless, but she confirmed that this was how it was done.

"Were not this rubber ball and this handkerchief put together as instrument to gag you?" Jenny asked Tori with increasing excitement.
"Yeah, they were. The hanky was pushed through like a button through a shirt!" Tori described it as best as she could.
"Like this?" Jenny demonstrated the technique to all, "And then you were gagged like this with it?" she gagged Tori.
"Mmmmm! Mmm hmm!" Tori answered.
"The victim has vividly recalled her kidnapping and identified the defendant as her kidnapper," Jenny replied breathlessly.

Vittoria's opinion of TUG Court was slowly changing from annoying to bemusing. She was now tied up the same way as the day before but with it being part of the TUC Court game. Instead of whining like yesterday, she found herself giggling into the gag because of how crazy this trial was becoming. It was exciting and fun now, and little did she know that it was only beginning.

Jenny continued questioning with a series of simple "Yes/No" questions that Tori answered by a combination of nodding, shaking, "Mmm hmm," and "Nuh uh!" It was clear to all that Jenny was doing this on purpose to tease the young girl. Tori didn't really think much of this, but it was fun until Jenny asked a question that didn't have such a simple answer.

"Well, Sera, I'm in deep sh-t. I did kidnap them!" Giulia groaned.
"SILENCE! Anyone who swears hereafter shall be gagged for the remainder of the trial!" the judge slammed her fist on the table.
"My apologies, your honor," Giulia feigned sorrow.
"I'll get you off. You watch," Sera said and squirmed in her seat and began playing with her skirt.
"Miss Randaccio," Jenny turned back to Vittoria, "How did you escape your kidnapping?"
"Ah wuth elp ah ooh!" Tori gag talked back.
"The jury cannot possibly understand this gag drivel!" Bridget gave the orders around here, "You tied her up; untie her, Miss Kristensen!"
"Ank ooh!" Tori expressed gratitude to the judge, "That was so much fun! I'm liking this game!"
"Vittoria,"Jenny asked while she was untying the girl, "How did you escape?"
"You helped me after Giulia helped you and told us to get out by ourselves!" the witness explained.

Jenny went through more evidence of Giulia's crimes. Tori identified the discarded wad of masking tape, zip ties, and gags. There was no stone left unturned in any of these questions, and Sera felt her confidence dropping.

"Your witness, Miss Randaccio," Jenny said and returned to her recliner.
"Thank you future Mrs. Randaccio," Sera responded and turned to her baby sister, "Miss Randaccio, can you confirm any malice in Mrs. Randaccio Lecerf's actions?"
"Objection, your honor! There are too many Randaccio's here," Jenny interrupted, "I ask we dispense formalities and use first names."
"Objection sustained," Bridget said, "Imagine yourself being one of the jury members."
"Vittoria, my dear sweet baby sister...," Sera started anew.
"Objection!" jumped Jenny once again.
"SIT DOWN!" Bridget ordered Jenny then turned to Sera, "And you quit schmoozing!"
"Ohhhhh!" Sera looked downwards and started twisting to make her skirt twirl, "Vittoria, did Giulia do anything that hurt you when she tied you up yesterday morning?"
"No," the girl shook her head.
"And didn't she have a good reason for tying you up? What was that reason?" Sera questioned.
"She said it was for trying to free her captive," Tori seemed to like this notion of proprietary captivity.
"And when Giulia tied me up last night," Sera continued, "Was there a reason behind it?"
"Well, yeah, there was a reason, I think," Tori looked at Sera and squirmed on the chair.
"What was that reason?" Sera pressed.
"She was defending me and Jenny because you were," she turned away, "being horrible to us."
"Being horrible?!" Sera felt a little injured,
"You were screaming and swearing," Tori got animated, "and Giulia punished you like you deserved!"
"Ummmmm," Sera turned away from Tori and looked at Jenny, "Did Jenny kidnap anyone?"

Jenny could tell that Sera was getting upset. She didn't get red in the face like some people would. Instead, she'd turn away, look down, and engage in other similar actions. In this case, she was letting her skirt sway and kept playing with her kerchief.

"Yeah, she kidnapped you and Bridgie!" Tori answered.
"And did you? Didn't you kidnap Jenny yesterday?"
"Yeah, and you helped me kidnap her. And you kidnapped me earlier! And Bridget kidnapped you and Jenny! You did a lot of bad things, Sera!" Tori followed the chain.
"Yeah, huh?" Sera forced a laugh.
"You were kidnapped last night by the defendant with the help of Jenny, correct?" Sera asked in a disheartened tone.
"You were in the bathroom! How did you know?!" Tori was shocked.
"You told me before we went to sleep," Sera explained, "Remember?"
"I don't know why I told you since you didn't want me to be a Cool Girl anyway!" the girl turned away with her arms crossed and a frown upon her face.
"Let's take a recess and resume the questioning after a little break, OK?" Bridget suggested.

Jenny walked over to Giulia and made sure the zips were not hurting the captive basketball player. Then, she went over to Tori and motioned for the girl to follow her into the bedroom along with Bridget while Sera and Giulia discussed strategies that Sera would inevitably forget when panic set in again.

"Tori, are you still upset over last night?" Jenny asked her.
"I didn't think so until she asked me about it," Tori said ruefully.
"What's this about?" Bridget asked.
"Last night was Vittoria's club induction, and Sera got a bit pretentious and haughty claiming Tori can only be tied under certain conditions as if she were Tori's mother," Jenny explained, "She even said some awful things and stormed out during dinner. Sera really was sorry, Tori; give her a chance!"
"I'm sorry, Tori. I'm going to give you a chance to maybe get even in a CGC manner, OK?" Bridget added her opinion, "Just you wait and see."

Bridget had an idea to help Sera and Vittoria mend their wounded relationship. The scab had been ripped open, and the Wisconsin girl had an idea to put some cream and a bandage on things.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

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Chapter 20

With a thump on the table, Bridget ordered everyone back to their places. Sera and Jenny returned to their respective seats, Tori took the stand back, and Bridget resumed her position as judge. Serafina adjusted her kerchief once again and started walking back and forth.

"You were kidnapped by your sister Serafina this morning?" Sera asked her first question.
"Objection! Irrelevant!" Jenny interjected.
"Sustained," Bridget agreed, "Sera, be more careful in future questions. Tori, answer if you wish."
"I plead the five," Tori grumbled, but Bridget corrected her, so Tori repeated, "I plead the fifth."
"Very well. So you, Bridget, your older sister, and your hostess were all kidnapped this morning?"
"I plead the fifth," Tori glared at her and turned away.
"Vittoria," Sera frowned and turned away, "You testified that the defendant kidnapped me this morning. Would you confirm that?"
"She did. She helps her younger sisters have fun unlike some people," Tori went for the jugular.
"Objection! Sera is being circular and..." Jenny didn't get to finish.
"Jenny! I'm sick of your objections!" Bridget showed the fiery side of herself, "Take a bandana and gag yourself until Sera is done with this!"
"But!" Jenny tried to escape, "I'm just doing my job!"
"DO IT. OR ELSE I WILL DO IT!" Bridget enunciated the words slowly.

Jenny felt she had no choice and slinked towards her recliner. She grabbed a red bandana and cleave gagged herself and sat down with her arms crossed. She was pouting and giving a playful glare toward Bridget, who was unfazed by this pathetic attempt at intimidation.

"What was my kidnapping like, in your opinion?" Sera asked.
"Beautiful! You were zipped up and gagged with that stuff over there!" Tori pointed.
"Let me see," Sera grabbed it, "State's exhibit C, it is. And you were tied up and gagged at the time?"
"Yes, I was. By a bully!" Tori was being a bit mean now.
"Your honor! I need a brief recess!"

Sera went into the guest bathroom, shut the door, and turned on the fan. She took a deep breath and spent the time in there to collect her thoughts. She didn't think she had been so bad last night, and she truly thought all was past. But Tori had been genuinely hurt by her big sister's actions.

"I am ready. You were ziptied, you say?" Sera picked up where she left out.
"That's right! You zipped me up, and it was comfortable."
"Your arms," Sera grabbed a zip cuff, "were tied behind you like this, right?"
"Yeah, that's right!" Vittoria confirmed this.

Sera continued this reenactment until Tori was bound, hog zipped, and gagged just as she was earlier. The process served Sera's purpose, and everyone in the room laughed a bit at the repetition of Tori's captivities. Even the viewing members of the jury were probably getting a chuckle out of things.

"Please, Vittoria, give your version of my kidnapping," Sera wanted to continue.
"Ah'd uv ooh if ah ood!"
"Please refrain from binding, and especially gagging, the witness!" Bridget ordered the attorneys, "Release her, you dolt!"

Once Tori was released, Bridget saw her opportunity to get the Randaccio girls in a compromised position. She had to make it seem essential, though, and Sera's prior request was perfect. It was time to fix a relationship.

"I believe it would serve this court," Bridget suggested, "If Vittoria tied you up as happened before!"
"I think that's a good idea! We have photographic proof, and it will serve to show the reliability of the witness's testimony!" Sera agreed and took the bait.

It was the same detailed imprisonment as the prior day's. Sera's wrists were zip-cuffed behind her with zips above and below her elbows, at her ankles, knees, and shins, above her knees, at her mid-thigh, and below her hips. Jenny helped Tori to make the zip pairs necessary for those last two and for the zips above and below her boobs. They even put the little zip around Sera's big toes.

"Yeah, that's what happened earlier," Tori confirmed.
"It sure feels like it!" Sera grunted.
"Your honor," Giulia wasn't one to pass up opportunity, "your socks were in her mouth, the ones you wore yesterday."
"Yeah, and a pair of pantyhose held them in. I'll get a clean pair out of Jenny's drawer, if she doesn't mind," Bridget turned to Jenny who shrugged.

Bridget gave the socks she was currently wearing to be used as the stuffing under a clean pair of pantyhose. All agreed it was a close enough reenactment for purposes of the courtroom, even Sera and Jenny. The now captive defense attorney was squirming on the floor much to the amusement of all the witnesses, physical and virtual. Bridget, however, wasn't done yet.

"Vittoria, wasn't your sister subjected to torment while tied up?" Bridget asked.
"Yeah, Jenny spanked her a lot! You big girls like it!" Tori grimaced.
"Demonstrate what Jenny did so we can have the picture complete on what happened," the judge commanded the witness.
"You want me to spank her?!" the girl didn't want to do this at all.
"Go ahead, Tori!" Giulia encouraged her and understanding Bridget's purpose, "It's fun!"
"I'll try!"

Vittoria gave her sister a light smack on the butt, but Sera didn't respond. Bridget asked if that was hard enough, but Sera shook her head. This repeated a couple more times with Vittoria making the smacks harder, but Sera still wasn't impressed. When asked, Tori noted that Sera and she (Bridget) were yelling things like "OWWW!" and "EEEEK!" when Jenny was spanking them, and Bridget told the girl to imitate Jenny.

"OWWW!" yelled Sera.
"I need to see that again," Bridget repeated.
"So this is what Jenny did to Serafina and Bridget?" the judge flawlessly spoke of herself in third person.
"Yeah, like that! She was spanking you pretty harshly!" Tori nodded.
"I think the jury would like to see this again just to be sure we understand the severity of Jenny's actions," Bridget nodded.
"OWWW!" Sera yelped again.
"Give me another just so we can be absolutely sure!" Judge Sjaastad was hiding her enjoyment of this.
"OWWW!" Sera whined.

Sera felt like Bridget was enjoying this a little too much. She had to admit that she was enjoying it as well, but the judge and bailiff were getting a real kick out of it. The prosecutor and defendant were also enjoying her punishment. However, Sera realized, this was just what Tori needed: to get the bad feelings off her chest in a way that wasn't really bad.

"When Jenny did this, I thought she deserved a spanking with a wooden spoon!" Tori was starting to laugh.
"Are you suggesting your opinion has changed, hmmm?" Giulia interrupted again.
"SILENCE! No speaking out of turn!" Bridget immediately switched back to being the staid arbiter of justice.
"OWWW!" the helpless rower flailed.
"OWWW!" Sera cried out and gave a mischievous look to Bridget.
"Tori, did you just... smack her twice because you...," Bridget paused, "Wanted to?"
"Yeah! She deserved it for how she was to me last night!" Tori replied with a hint of pride and resumed.
"OWWW!" the elder sister felt it was appropriate punishment.
"That's enough!" Bridget ordered then explained, "I set you up to do that. Do you feel better?"

Tori had to admit that it both felt good to get her feelings off like that and that the spanking had been fun. It was fun to be teasing her sister, but she had been doing so out of vengeance and not genuine desire. She wanted her sister to have fun, and she realized she had been petty to bring the prior night's conflict back up when Sera had been genuinely apologetic.

With that noted, Bridget and Tori freed Serafina (with Bridget showing off how to take off a zip without cutting it) and removed the gag from her mouth. Sera stood up and fidgeted with her scarf and skirt again and stood twisting in place; the nervous tic had become so repetitive that Tori imitated it by adjusting her own purple kerchief. This time, however, she looked at Vittoria and gave a small smile, and the little sister smiled back at her. The elder one held her arms open, and they embraced in a tight hug. Sera again apologized for her actions the previous night, and Tori apologized for harboring ill will over it. The two forgave each other, and Sera openly accepted her baby sister as a Cool Girl.

"Now," Jenny pulled her gag out of her mouth and down to her neck, "If Sera is done cross-examining, I will call the next witness."
"I am done. Do as you will," Sera motioned for Jenny to take over.
"Don't go anywhere; you're the second witness. Take the chair," Jenny motioned with her head.
"Very well. I suppose I must," she turned back and sat down.
"Bailiff, do your thing!" Bridget gave Tori a chance to read the little hand-written script.
"Ahem, 'Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth'?" Tori did it perfectly.
"I sure do!" Sera confirmed.
"Your honor, this is a hostile witness," Jenny explained.
"Zip her to the chair. Aren't you glad we didn't cut those except for the zip cuffs?" Bridget cackled.

Jenny and Bridget held Serafina down so that her wrists could again be zipcuffed behind her but this time the zips were also worked around the spindles of the chair back, and her ankles were zipped to the underframe of the chair just like Giulia's. Bridget went to Giulia and exchanged the zips around her ankles for softer bandanas and redid her wrist bonds to be roped to the sides of the chair.

"Thank you!" Giulia expressed gratitude.
"Your honor, I object!" Sera grunted, "This isn't what a hostile witness means!"
"It does in this TUG Court!" Tori smiled at her sister.
Bridget rejected her appeal, "Objection overruled. Your witness, Jenny."
"This court is becoming one funny sh-tshow!" Giulia started laughing at Sera's position.
"I warnnnnneeeddddd youuuuuuuuu!" sang the judge, "Bailiff, do your stuff!"

Giulia received her first ever gag: an orange rubber ball with a black bandana passed through it. Tori was gentle, however, and tied the bandana only to be snug enough that Giulia wouldn't push it out any time soon. Being bailiff was as much fun as Bridget said it would be!

"Mmmm!" Giulia groaned into the ball with a bit of frustration.
"Serafina, you said that the defendant also kidnapped Vittoria last night, and with my help?" Jenny asked her.
"That's right! But I don't know why," Sera responded.
"Well, that was explained in Tori's testimony wherein she said it was done with the intent of her sleeping while tied up, but that she asked to be released and was granted it by me. I just was testing your knowledge," Jenny showed a card finally, "Recount your kidnapping this morning."

Sera described it all in detail how she had tied up Vittoria and then how Giulia had entered the room and declared Sera and Jenny to be "naughty" for capturing Bridget and Vittoria. She also dropped the bombshell of how Jenny had blocked Sera's escape route so that Giulia could grab her. Sera gave her version of how Jenny had been nabbed as well for "interfering with Giulia's captive" when Jenny had explicitly said in her hostage video that she wouldn't release Sera without Giulia's permission.

"So you would say that you encouraged her to try to tie you up?" Jenny asked Sera.
"Oh, definitely! Doesn't change that I was grabbed and she had to fight me to tie me up though!" Sera answered, then realized what she had said, "Oh, sh-t! Sorry, Giulia!"
"Bailiffffffffff," Bridget again called out in the same sing-song, "Get Sera's ball gag and the padlock!"
"Sure thing, Your Honor!" Vittoria grabbed the two items from her sister's bag.
"Please, wait. I'm sorry I swore! Bridget, forgive me, please!" Sera playfully begged, but "MMMM!" followed.
"I love peace and quiet!" Tori said as she fastened the gag and put the padlock on her sister and lovingly patted the kerchief-covered head.
"Heh heh!" Sera laughed and gave an affectionate look to her baby sister.
"Me too!" Jenny said with a grin having watched the entire thing with pleasure.

There were now two bound and gagged Randaccios, one as prisoner of justice and the other as a hostile witness but both as profane young women. Both were now singing the gag-talk song making their audience happy. Giulia was more frustrated, but Sera was annoyed with herself.

"Sera, you have thoroughly gotten yourself in trouble today, would you agree?" questioned Jenny.
"Mmmmmm hmmmmm!" Sera nodded vigorously.
"This wad of laundry here, was it not used to gag you earlier?" Jenny showed the wet laundry.
"Mmmm hmmm!" came more gag talk.
"And was this not used to gag me?" the attorney showed the witness more laundry.
"Yeth! Ooh ere agged ith hose!" Sera responded.
"Let's end this questioning. State's evidence!" Jenny put the wads on the table, "Your witness, Sera!"
"No questions!" Sera said in a muffled tone.
"Bailiffffffffff!" Bridget called in a more comedic manner, "Cut those zips!"
"Aye aye, captain!" Vittoria saluted Bridget and winked.
"You're a cute one!" Jenny shook her head and laughed.
"I am going to ask for a recess," Jenny made a request of the judge.
"Very well. Take a 5 minute break. Let Giulia walk around; we can get drinks. All that stuff."

Jenny was so cool, calm, and confident. What did she still have up her sleeve that Serafina didn't?
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