Beauty and The Best - Burns Night (MF/Ffm)

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KP Presents
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Beauty and The Best - Burns Night (MF/Ffm)

Post by KP Presents »

25th January, 3 pm

Roberta Burns smiled as she sipped from her coffee cup, before she said “of course I’ll be having the usual meal tonight – although the girls may object once more.”

She smiled as she looked at her seven year old daughter Anne, who was sat at the able doing her homework. The young girl had long brown hair, and was wearing a denim pinafore dress over a long-sleeved purple top, with off white tights that had multicoloured stripes from above her knees to her feet. Roberta was wearing a grey jacket and skirt, with a peach-coloured blouse, dark stockings and black velvet heels.

“So Frances is cooking?”

“Of course…” She smiled as she looked at her two friends who were sat opposite her. Jean McAdam was wearing a dark grey blouse and skirt with a white blouse, while Agnes McLean had on a dark trouser suit with a light blue blouse. Both women were also wearing dark heels, Jean’s dark hose covering her legs.

In the kitchen, Frances was adding salt and pepper to the pan she had placed the chopped swedes in, and then added water as she looked at the potatoes in the second pan. The young woman had short dark hair, and was waring a grey jumper and dark blue jeans, the legs tucked into knee length black suede boots.

“Let me guess – neeps and tatties?”

“Got it in one,” Frances said as she turned and looked at the two teenagers. Sarah Burns was thirteen, and was wearing a long sleeved dark grey dress with a grey patterned skirt over it, and mid-calf grey fabric boots. Seventeen year old Bess was wearing a black sleeveless dress with a short skirt, and white cowboy boots.

“You two sure you aren’t cold?”

“Heating’s working – got our alternative available?”

“Pizza’s in the fridge,” Frances said with a smile.

“Right – well, we’ll be upstairs,” Bess said as the two girls left, Frances shaking her head as she turned to the stove. When the doorbell rang a few minutes later, she dried her hands and went to see who was there.

“Can I… Oh…”

When the room to the main door opened, Roberta looked over – and then slowly stood up as Frances came in with two visitors. They were a young man and woman - the man was wearing a black jumper and pants, the woman a tight-fitting jumper with black leggings and over the knee suede boots. They both had on black woollen hats on their heads – and black eye masks covering their eyes, the dark eye shadow making their eyes seem brighter.

The man smiled as he looked round, Anne watching as he pointed a gun at her mother and said “hello Mrs Burns – forgive the intrusion, but this is a robbery. Please, all of you, remain seated and keep your hands where we can see them.”


“It’s all right,” the masked woman said as she came over and looked at Anne. “What’s your name?”


“Well, Anne, my name is Beauty – and my friend is called The Best.”

“The Best?”

“That’s right – The Best at making sure those families we visit are kept happy and comfortable.”

“Are you really robbers?”

“We are – but I promise you, we don’t want to hurt you, your mum, or anyone else. We just want her money and valuables.”

“So why does Frances have her hands behind her back?”

The Best smiled as he said “turn round and show her.” Frances slowly turned as all four saw the rope holding her wrists together behind her back. “You see, we need to make sure you cannot stop us – so we’re going to make sure all of you stay in this room.”

“And my sisters?”

“I’ll go and get them later,” Beauty said as she put down a bag she was carrying, and took from it a length of white rope. “So, The Best is going to tie the wrists of your mother and her friends behind her back, and I’ll take care of you before I go and see your sisters.”

“Let her do it, Anne,” Roberta said as she looked at The Best. “Why are you doing this?”

“To survive – I want you to talk over and get two more lengths of rope, and then you can stand with me while I take care of your friends – please, introduce them.”

“This is Jane and Agnes…”

“Well, ladies,” The Best said with smile as Roberta watched Beauty tie Anne’s wrists together behind the young girl’s back, “just sit quietly, and we’ll make you all comfortable.”

“That feels nice,” Anne said as she looked at Beauty.

“Good – now, I’m going to use some more rope to make sure your arms stay by your sides, and then you can go and join the others.” The masked girl took a longer length of rope and tied it round Anne’s arms and upper body, before the young girl walked over and sat on another couch. She watched as The Best secured the wrists of her mother, Jane and Agnes behind their backs, while Beauty used ropes to secure her ankles together, and her legs below her knees.

“Now, will you sit quietly while I go and get your sisters?”

“I might call for help?”

“Not before I go up…”

“It’s very quiet down there?”

Bess nodded as she looked at Sarah. “Yeah – you ready for a pizza?”

“I think so what the…”

“Hello girls,” Beauty said as she walked in, her pistol pointed at the two teenagers, “just stay exactly where you are, and don’t make a sound. This, to use the phrase, is a robbery.”


“I accept the language,” Beauty said as she looked at Sarah, “but I need you to do exactly what I say. I am going to have to bind and gag both of you, but then I will take you to be with the rest of the family.”

“You are serious?”

“I am.”

“But why?”

“Why you? I will be hones t- we do this to survive, and your family can spare some of your own resources to help us live.”

“You’re really not joking are you?”

“No, Bess, I am not joking – now I need you both to stand up, and turn with your hands behind your back.”

The two teenagers looked at each other, before they did as Beauty had asked, both looking over their shoulders as she used white rope to secure their wrists tightly together behind their back. The two girls looked at each other as Sarah said “got to admit – you make that look good.”

“Thank you – I also have to say your outfits suit you, although – a dress like that in January?”

“The house is warm,” Bess said – but then she felt the rope around her arms, forcing them against her sides as she dress was stretched, and she said “ah…”

“I understand – go with the flow,” Beauty said as she tied the ropes off, and then secured Sarah’s arms to her sides in the same way. The wo girls wriggled round, the bands of rope framing their chests, as Beauty rolled up a white scarf.

“So – who wants to be first?”


“Sdhuh,” Sarah said as Beauty walked the two teenagers into the front room. Both were cleave gagged, the scarf pulling back the corners of their mouth as they looked at their mother, and then at the three women on the other couch.

Frances, Jean and Agnes all had ropes round their upper body, framing their chests as their arms were held against their sides, and rope around their rankles and their legs below their knees. They also had rolled up black scarves pulled between their lips, as The Best said “ah good – sit next to your sister, girls, and I will make sure your legs are secured in the same way as the others.


“Well, she is going to take a walk round the house with me, and then she can be like you while your housekeeper finishes cooking your supper – including the pizzas she has for you two young ladies.”

Roberta raised an eyebrow as both Sarah and Bess blushed, then sat with Jean as the masked man knelt to secure their ankles and legs, the rope going around and between their limbs.

“So, how long are you going to be here for,” Roberta said as she watched.

“As long as it takes,” Beauty said, “but you will all eat – given your name, and the date?”

“The Great Chieftain o’er the Pudding Race? Yes, I will – as does Anne, unlike my older daughters…”

“Well, your friends could partake as well,” Beauty said with a smile as The Bets stood up.”

“Okay – but why do they have to be gagged as well, right now?”

“Safer for everyone,” the masked man said as he helped Roberta to stand up. “Come – take me to where you keep your safe.”

“Are you all going to be okay?”

All six nodded as she walked off with The Best, Beauty smiling as she said “so – some music?”

“You say you have to rob us to survive,” Roberta said as The Best walked her into an office, “I don’t believe you. Do you get off on tying people up or something?”

“Not really, no, Roberta – I hope I am not offending you calling you that?”

“Would it matter if I objected?”

“No – but I and Beauty are telling the truth, Roberta. I do not know how you view what is happening in the wider world, but people like us literally are surviving hand to mouth every day. For some, they work three or four jobs. Beauty and I take a more – libertarian approach, and think those who can afford to share should share with us.”

“Robbing the rich to feed yourselves?”

“In basic terms – yes, but trust me when I say this is what we have to do to be able to buy food or pay rent.”

Roberta looked at the masked man, before she slowly nodded and said “at least you are honest about it.”

“We are – so, the combination to the safe please, and then take a seat…”


Jean shrugged her shoulders as she looked at Agnes, seeing the darker scarf at the corners of her mouth. Frances shook her head as she twisted round, the roe rubbing no her as Bess and Sarah nudged Anne.


Anne nodded as she said “Htssshqhtnhss.”



“That’s the last tray,” Roberta said as The Best put the jewellery into a bag.

“Good – now, I need to gag you before we go downstairs. Then I’ll get your housekeeper to prepare some supper for all of you.”

Roberta nodded as she opened her mouth, allowing The Best to pull the rolled up red scarf between her lips, feeling it on her tongue as he secured the ends at the base of her neck. He then walked her back to the room, Beauty nodding as she untied Frances’ legs and escorted her out of the room.

“I hope you all are amenable to eating in here,” he said as Roberta sat down, and he secured her ankles and legs in the same way as the others. “You will all eat soon…”

“I understand why you think you need to do this,” Frances said to Beauty as she watched the boiling pots, “but I’m not exactly rich, and I manage to survive.”

“You have a good position,” Beauty said as she opened the pizzas, “so you are fortunate. Not all of us are in the same position. I know it seems extreme, but we find it necessary.”

“Well, at least you have not hurt any of us,” Frances said as she rubbed her wrists, “and I do appreciate the help. Will you drain the potatoes please?”

“Of course – and then I will mash them…”

“Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face,
Great Chieftain o’ the Puddin-race!
Aboon them a’ ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye wordy of a grace
As lang ‘s my arm.

The groaning trencher there ye fill,
Your hurdies like a distant hill,
Your pin wad help to mend a mill
In time o’ need,
While thro’ your pores the dews distil
Like amber bead.

His knife see Rustic-labour dight,
An’ cut ye up wi’ ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reekin, rich!

Then, horn for horn, they stretch an’ strive:
Deil tak the hindmost, on they drive,
Till a’ their weel-swall’d kytes belyve
Are bent like drums;
Then auld Guidman, maist like to rive,
Bethankit hums.

Is there that owre his French ragout,
Or olio that wad staw a sow,
Or fricassee wad mak her spew
Wi’ perfect sconner,
Looks down wi’ sneering, scornfu’ view
On sic a dinner?

Poor devil! see him owre his trash,
As feckless as a wither’d rash,
His spindle shank a guid whip-lash,
His nieve a nit;
Thro’ bluidy flood or field to dash,
O how unfit!

But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,
The trembling earth resounds his tread,
Clap in his walie nieve a blade,
He’ll make it whissle;
An’ legs, an’ arms, an’ heads will sned,
Like taps o’ thrissle.

Ye Pow’rs wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o’ fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies;
But, if ye wish her gratefu’ prayer,
Gie her a Haggis!”

“Thank you,” Frances said as The Best stood back, Frances and Beauty placing plates on trays in front of everyone except Bess and Sarah. When they got their pizzas, The Best said “eat up everyone – it smells delicious.”

Looking at the clock, Frances said “so how much longer?”

“A little while – once you have all eaten, we will re-secure your upper bodies, and make sure it is difficult for you to raise the alarm.”


“We can manage, Mum,” Bess said, Sarah and Anne nodding in agreement.

“Thank you for at least letting us tell our partners we will be late,” Agnes said.

“Well, it would not do for them to worry,” Beauty said with a smile. Although all of them had their gags removed, and their upper bodies released, their ankles and legs were still secured with rope.

“This is delicious,” Anne said as she ate some of the oatmeal dish.

“Well, we can wait for a while for pudding,” Roberta said as she also ate some haggis and potato. “I only ask that we get a chance to go to the toilet before you re-bind us.”

“Of course…”

“How do you know the Bard’s works anyway,” Sarah said as she looked over.

“Do not judge a book by the cover,” Beauty said with a smile. “O whit a gift ‘twould be tae gie us, tae see ooreslfs as offers see us…”

“Look at me Mum!”

“Are you all right now,” Roberta said as Anne jumped back into the room with Beauty. She had been to the toilet, and now had her wrists secured again behind her back, ropes round her arms and body in the same way as the others had been secured earlier.

“She asked that she be the same as everyone else,” Beauty said, Sarah and Bess looking at their little sister. The two bands of rope were in place, but there was also rope going under one arm, up and around the back of her neck, and then under the other arm.

“So more secure”

“Like a big hug,” Anne said with a grin as Frances came in, her upper body also secured in the same way as she jumped to the couch and sat down.

“Yeah – yeah it is,” Bess said as all three wriggled round. Bess had been allowed to put on a white sweatshirt, so her arms were protected from the tight ropes rubbing on her bare flesh.

“I’ll be back in a minute,” Roberta said as The Best helped her to jump out of the room, while Beauty passed rope round Agnes and forced her arms against her sides as well.

“So do we get the scarf gag again?”

“no, we’ll do something else,” the masked woman said as she pulled the ropes tight, then fed them under one arm, up and around the back of her neck, and under the other arm. Agnes looked at Jean, whose jacket had been forced open by the tight binding as well.

Beauty tied the ropes off, and then went back to the bag, saying “now, I’m going to put something in your mouths, and then put some special tape over it to make sure you really cannot talk to each other.”

“We could mumble.”

“But not talk,” Beauty said as she came over. “Want to be first, Anne?”

“Please,” the young girl said as she opened her mouth, and felt the folded cloth on her tongue as Beauty gently pushed it in. She then closed her lips over it, hearing the soft peeling sound as the masked woman removed a length of white micropore tape from a roll, and then pressed it firmly down over her mouth and jaw.

“You okay, Anne?”

“Hmfhhnn,” Anne mumbled, both the teenagers seeing the smile on her lips under the tape.

“And now, it is your turn…”

As Roberta came back in, she saw her daughters sitting there, the rope holding their arm against their sides and the white tape covering their mouths.

“Are you girls all right?”

All three nodded as Beauty applied the gags to Jean, Agnes and Frances. The here women looked at each other as The Best folded the cloth.


He looked at Anne, then at Beauty who nodded as she picked up Anne up and carried her over, sitting her across Roberta’s lap as the young girl rested her head on her mother’s chest. Roberta leaned her head down and kissed Annes head, then allowed herself to be gagged as well.

“Perhaps some appropriate music,” Beauty said as she put a CD on, all of them listening to Loch Lomond as the two masked intruders stood to the side.

“It’s time for us to go,” Beauty said as The Best checked the bindings and gags of the captives.

“Fhknnsfhrlhkkhnhfthrhs,” Roberta mumbled.

“You’re welcome,” Beauty said as she turned the lights off, the intruders slipping quietly out of the house.


Roberta looked at the glowing clock face, and said “Chpphlhhfhrrsss.”


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