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Love Of Family M/M (Chapters 16-21)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:10 pm
by Ticklishguy
16. To The Rescue

The Ranch

Troy and Rhett were in the middle of their break from fixing the fence when the older brunet's phone rang. He looked at the number and noticed it was Rusty. "Hey, Rus, what's…"

"Sorry for cutting you off, bro, but we've got a situation."

Troy instantly got to his feet, with Rhett following him. "What's up?" He grew more and more concerned when he got a growing pain in the pit of his stomach. The feeling worsened when he heard Rusty's soft sobs. "Please, don't tell me it's Jayce."

Rhett wasn't sure how to support the man he'd come to see as one of his older brothers, so he wrapped his arm around the older man's waist and hugged him tightly.

"Not Jayce."

Troy's face lost its color. He dropped the phone as he fell to his knees violently, sobbing.

Rhett picked up the phone and resumed the conversation. "Sherrif, it's Rhett. What's happened?" The younger brunet wiped his tears and wrapped his arms around Troy's shaking body, and cradled him while kissing the man's head.

"Rhett, is Troy?"

"He's surviving right now. What's going on?"

"A motorist was driving down Duncan Rd. and passed by Lev's Cherokee. There's an accident, and the tire's shot out." Rusty paused. "Rhett, Lev's nowhere to be found. There were signs of a struggle, and the back door was wide open. I'm afraid to ask, but was Tracey with Lev today?"

Rhett's tears fell as he sunk to the ground beside Troy, crying on his shoulder. Troy composed himself and worked up his nerves for what he was about to hear. He gently pulled the phone from Rhett's hand. Then kissed the younger man's cheek and thanked him for being comforting.

"Sorry, Russ, I needed to get myself together. Thanks to my baby bro here, I've been able to do that." Troy paused. "Has something happened to Lev?" Troy leaned back against a tree as his tears fell, listening to Russ explain the scene. "Have...Have you called Greg or Jayce?"

"Not yet. I know Jayce's checking out a horse, and Greg, I don't have his number."

"Thanks, Russ. I've got to inform the rest of the family. Keep us informed." Troy ended the call and wiped his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Rhett. "Are you okay, baby boy?"

Rhett sniffed and nodded. "I'm worried, Troypop."

"I'm worried too, baby boy." Troy paused and stared into the younger brunet's eyes. "Hey, we need to get ourselves together, call the family, and let them know what's happened. We both need to be strong for them, ourselves, and our missing guys."

Rhett nodded and wiped his tears as he wrapped his brother in a bear hug. "I got your back, Troypop."

Troy smiled and kissed Rhett's head. "I know ya do, baby boy."


A throbbing headache was the first thing that registered in the redhead's newly regained consciousness. At first, his thoughts were a bit cloudy and scattered. That is until he remembered that he was a father, and the last thing that happened before he blacked out was an attack by an unseen, unknown assailant. Instantly, Levie opened his eyes and realized he was blindfolded. He tried to move his arms and legs, but he could feel he'd been tied face down to what he assumed was a wooden bench. The redhead frantically moved his head side to side, trying to scream for help or find out who had him and his son, but he was gagged with someone's used, crusty gym sock.

Levie grunted and angrily growled into the salty gag as he desperately tried freeing himself. His body shivered in the cold, damp place he was trapped in. After a minute or two, he tried to calm down and mentally assess his situation and where he was. The redhead closed his eyes and let his other senses take over. Levie noticed the familiar smell in every locker room, so he deduced that he was most likely being held in one of the schools. He also registered that he couldn't hear his son's cries, so Tracey was somewhere else, or..." Levie's tears fell and splashed on the floor as he forced himself to irradicate those negative thoughts. The last thing that came to him was the absence of his clothes. He was only wearing his Scooby-Doo socks and their matching boxer/briefs. Levie's tears streamed down his cheeks as he slipped further into the pit of fear and desperation, unaware he was being recorded.

The Ranch

Pandemonium spread through the family and ranch. Not only were two loved ones missing, but the first snowfall of the year started shortly after Levie's disappearance. Bill led most of the ranch family in a search party that coordinated with the Sheriff's department. Troy didn't have the emotional strength to continuously field the responding calls, so the brunet sent out a mass text that said, "nine-one-one at the ranch, Lev and Tracey missing, Cherokee tire shot out with a gun. That's all I know at the time." Troy knew it wasn't the best way to alert everyone, but it was the only way for him not to break completely down. It took every ounce of inner strength for him not to give in to his emotions. Rhett's presence helped Troy from losing it, but what he really needed was Jaycen's arms holding him and his reassurance.


Jaycen had just pulled up to the ranch where the horse was housed. It took him longer than he expected because of the increasing snowfall. The redhead looked at the clouds and prayed to the Goddess he'd be able to get back to the ranch without having to stop somewhere. He got out of the truck and started walking up the stone path when his phone alerted him to an incoming message. He almost dropped his phone when he read the text. Tears streamed down his face as he turned and ran back to his truck. Jaycen shot a quick text to Troy, telling him he'd be home as soon as possible and that he loved him. He pulled his deputy badge out of the glove box and sat it in plain sight on the seat. He backed up and headed toward the main road. Once there, Jaycen floored his gas pedal and sped down the road, breaking every speed limit that wasn't a residential or school zone.

Jaycen made sure to keep his eyes on the road, but the continuous snowfall was beginning to reduce visibility. However, the truck powered its way through the weather. Despite slowing down to safely navigate the heavy snowfall, the redhead was making good time. In just under an hour was halfway home, but his luck waned, his tires hit a slick patch, and his truck started fishtailing. Jaycen forced himself to keep his senses and managed to keep the vehicle from skidding into the ditch. However, right as he got his truck stable again, the wheels hit a patch of black ice, and this time he couldn't keep the truck on the road. The F-150 spun around and slid into the mountainside, getting stuck in the ditch.

The impact thrust Jaycen's head against the window. The thirty-year-old brought his fingers to the side of his head, and when he pulled them back, they were coated in fresh blood. After ensuring that he didn't have a concussion, he began looking for the extra clothing he always kept in the vehicles for emergencies. Jaycen found a spare shirt and did his best to tie it around the head wound, knowing they always bleed the worst. Then, he picked up his phone and called Rusty. Jaycen tried to argue that he didn't need to go to the hospital to be checked out but ended up relenting before hanging up with his best friend.


Burt eerily giggled as he watched his cartoon sock and underwear-clad captive fight the urge to freak out. The maniacal man rubbed his hands together and decided to fuck with the redhead's mind and emotions so that his video taunt inflicted as much pain as possible on the one he wanted to lure. Burt found the desired sound effects. He hooked the speakers up to his laptop, then blasted the sound of babies screaming at the top of their lungs and things thumping or being knocked around. The reaction was instant and better than the sick deviant ever dreamed. He jumped around like a kid in a toy store as he watched and recorded Levie's increased attempts at getting free. At one point, the redhead turned the bench over and cried out in pain as he landed on his arm.

Levie's mind raced as he struggled and continued losing what sanity he had left. Logically, he knew it wasn't Tracey's screams, but without being able to physically lay eyes on his son, or anything for that matter, made logic...well, illogical. His tears dampened the blindfold as he continued trying his damnedest to get free and save his helpless baby. Levie was so focused on escaping that he didn't hear the approaching man. Burt sneered as he stood right behind the struggling redhead's restrained body, licked his chapped lips, and bared his rotting teeth. The man raised a metal pipe above his head. Not making a sound, he slammed the object down right beside Levie's head. Having no idea that anyone was there, the sudden sound caused the redhead to scream with fright and surprise.

Burt cackled and continued hitting the lockers above the captive's head with the pipe. Levie's nerves were so frayed that he lost control of his bladder and wet himself. Of course, this also served to emasculate the young man and fill him with embarrassment. The tormentor threw the pipe against the wall. He righted the bench, then wrapped his arm around Levie's ankles and rapidly scratched his nails up and down his captive's sock-clad soles. The shocked and soiled redhead screamed into his gag as tears pooled in the blindfold.

Levie's muffled laughter and squeals flooded into the sock gag. His cheeks reddened as he was humiliated even more. This wasn't the usual playful tickles he got from the family. This was meant to break his will and destroy his self-worth as a man and protective father. Levie's eyes squeezed shut behind the blindfold as he was tickled into hysterics and writhed and wriggled on the bench. Finally, the ticklish torment ended, and his hair was grabbed. The unseen tickle attacker banged Levie's head against the wooden surface hard enough to knock him unconscious.

Burt snickered, then placed selected footage on his phone. He sent it to Troy with a text message that read. "If you want to see the brat and baby alive, come to the place where our romantic afternoon of sexual pleasure was interrupted by the redhaired brute you call a husband. And, come alone."

Troy & Rhett

Because of their bond, Troy physically felt Jaycen's accident before he was given the news by Rusty. The brunet's uneasiness worsened, and he knew this was Levie in distress. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he prayed to the Goddess for guidance and protection over his missing guys. Troy was almost to the breaking point. His Dad and Greg were stuck at the hotel where the seminar was because of the weather. His Mom took some pressure off him by going to the hospital to be with Jayce. Brandon was still on the road, trying his best to get home. Bill and the ranch hands were out, searching for Levie and Tracey, and Rhett was helping out by making sure the horses were secured and safe in their stalls.

Troy was about to fix a drink when his phone let him know there was a new incoming text. Troy left the bottle and glass on the bar and ran to pick up his phone, thinking it might be something on Levie or Jaycen. As soon as he saw the recording and message, Troy's primal furious scream filled the house. Rhett walked into the room and was almost knocked down on his ass as Troy ran past. The confused brunet steadied himself and was about to follow when he saw his brother's discarded phone on the bar. He looked at the continuous video loop and dropped the phone like it was on fire. Rhett composed himself, picked up the phone, and looked at the background. He recognized the school's locker room and figured out that's where Troy was going.

The brunet got outside just as Troy squealed tires and sped down the driveway in the Eagle. He glanced around and noticed there were no more four-wheel-drive vehicles left. Rhett sent a quick message to Brandon and the Sheriff, letting them know what happened, and sent a copy of the video to Rusty. He got an idea and ran to the stables. The brunet grabbed a hunting knife off the wall, strapped it to his leg, then he was faced with the choice of which horse to use. He was at a loss until Triton started kicking up a fuss to get his attention. Rhett opened the stall door, and the majestic stallion rushed out and circled the young man. He excitedly reared up on his hind legs, but not in a threatening manner. It was more like he was trying to tell the man they needed to hurry.

"Are ya gonna let your Uncle Rhett ride ya, boy?"

Triton stood before his Uncle, nodded, then gently nudged the soon-to-be rider toward his back. Rhett started to get a saddle but stopped when the horse persistently whinnied and shook his head. The brunet shrugged his shoulders and mounted the steed bareback. He yelped and held on tightly as Triton reared up on his hind legs and took off through the woods.

"Do you know where you're going, boy?" Rhett asked as he did his best not to get hit by branches and quickly passing bushes.

Triton snorted and quickly nodded, then set his focus back on the task of getting to Levie.

The pair tore through streams, and the horse's hoofs pounded in the snow as it found the sure footing. Rhett was doing fine until they got to the edge of a ravine. Triton whinnied and stopped short. Rhett thought they were stuck until the horse looked to his right. The Blue Valentine ran back far enough for him to get a good run. Then he reared up and ran full speed toward a narrower place. Rhett held on for dear life, and when Triton soared across the ravine. The brunet screamed like a girl as he hugged Triton's neck. Rhett closed his eyes and didn't open them or stop his screaming until there was solid ground under them. Rhett wasn't sure, but he swore he heard Triton chuckle at him. "See if I give you carrots tomorrow, baby boy." Rhett snickered and patted the horse's neck. "Just kidding, Tri. I love ya, boy."

The Eagle's engine roared as Troy sped down the road. He turned into the school's parking lot and skidded to a stop beside a battered pickup truck. The brunet locked the steering wheel, just in case Burt tried to take it and getaway. He also grabbed his knife and slashed the man's tires. Troy was sick of this man's fucking with his family and was determined to end it. Either Burt would die or be brought to justice, Troy would decide after laying eyes on his kidnapped boys. He quietly entered the building and immediately heard Levie's muffled screams. Following the sound, Troy pulled his gun out of its holster and crept closer. He turned the corner and gasped when he saw Burt hitting and kicking his defenseless boy. Rage seethed in the brunet's eyes as he aimed just above the attacker's head and fired a shot.

Rhett heard the gunshot and ran inside. He saw a bruised Levie tied to a bench. Over to the right were Troy and Burt, struggling for dominance, with Troy winning. The brunet quickly ran to his brother and cut him loose. "Don't worry, bro. I'm gonna find our baby." Rhett kissed Levie's head and then ran to the offices figuring that's where Tracey was. Luck was on his side. He opened the first office door he came to, and there sleeping peacefully, was Tracey still in his car seat. Rhett smiled, then kissed his nephew. He heard sirens coming closer and sighed in relief.

Burt also heard the sirens. He cut his losses and ran after pushing Troy into a row of lockers. The man ran to his truck, then noticed his tires were slashed. He caught sight of the Eagle and the lock bar on the steering wheel. Finally, he saw Triton and snickered. "How appropriate to make a getaway on the bastard's own horse." He thought to himself as he approached the animal. Triton reared up on his front legs and kicked Burt so hard that the man stumbled back into a tree. Triton trotted up to the man and continuously jumped up and down, keeping him from moving until Rusty approached them.

Rusty shook his head and chuckled. "At ease, Tri. Good boy, stand down."

The horse whinnied and backed off. Triton looked up toward the school doors as they opened, and a battered but alive Levie was helped outside by Troy and Rhett. The lot was filled with sirens and the flashing lights of the squad cars and ambulances. Levie rode to the hospital with Troy. Rhett decided to come back for the Eagle and rode Triton back to the ranch to wait for the incoming family members.

Re: Love Of Family M/M (Chapters 16-21)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:12 pm
by Ticklishguy
17. Burt's Final Act

Levie & Troy

Levie's tears fell as he was cradled by Troy in the ambulance. Despite his insistence that he didn't need to be checked out, the older brunet's firm stance won out. Once Troy put his foot down, things were not discussed or argued anymore, and Levie wasn't in any condition to take any chances with his Bropop. "Dad, I…"

"Shhh! It's okay, baby boy. Just rest now, and we can talk later. You need to conserve your energy and stay strong for your son." Troy whispered. "Here, let me hold my Grandson." The brunet smiled when Levie handed him the sleeping angel. "I'm still sooo not used to saying I've got a Grandson."

Levie softly chuckled. "Join the club, Bropop. I'm not used to saying I've got a son."

"Sorry for interrupting your moment, but did he call you Dad and the baby your Grandson?" The EMT asked.

Levie and Troy looked at one another and chuckled.

"It's a bit of a long story. However, the short version is..." Troy spent a few minutes explaining how Levie became his son and Tracey his grandson.

At the end of the short story, the EMT was wiping his tears. "Wow! I wish the world was full of caring people like your family. I've heard about you guys, but I always thought y'all were too good to be true."

"I'm just sorry, I wasn't strong enough to protect my kid. I feel like a failure." Levie hung his head.

Troy asked the attendant to hold Tracey for a moment. He turned and gently placed his fingers under Levie's chin and raised the younger man's head. "Levie Michael Stillman...shit, Stillmont. I want you to open your eyes and look at me."

Levie immediately did as Troy said. He knew better than to try to ignore the tone in his Bropop's voice.

"You're not a failure. What happened isn't your fault." Troy paused as he gently wrapped his arms around Levie and hugged him. "Baby boy, what was the first thing you did when your tire was shot out?"

Levie thought back. "I told Tracer to hold on. Then quickly scanned the sides of the road for a place with the least amount of trees so it would minimize the risk of physical injury for both of us, but more for my son."

Troy and the EMT smiled.

"Okay, what did you do then, Levie?" The EMT asked. He found himself drawn into their parent, son dynamic as he softly talked to the little boy in his arms.

Troy looked up at the man, smiled, and nodded his agreement to the attendant's participation.

"After the impact, I did a quick body scan to make sure I could still move. I got out of the Jeep, then checked on Tracey to make sure he was okay and at least visibly unharmed." Levie paused. "After that, I dialed you," He said, pointing to Troy. "And, that's when I got attacked by Maddox or Burt, or whatever the bastard's name is."

"See, you did everything you could to protect your boy." Troy kissed the redhead's cheek. Then he reached out and retrieved Tracey.

"Logically, I know that, guys. I just can't emotionally admit it yet." The redhead softly admitted. ”That guy played with my head, bad. Before you got there, he had the sound of screaming babies playing through the speakers. Then, he made me piss myself. I've never felt so useless and helpless in my life."

Troy leaned over and kissed Levie's forehead. "Baby boy, you're tougher and braver than I could ever be in that situation. I love you, and you've always made me proud to be your brother and parent."

Levie smiled and wiped his tears. "Any bravery or strength I have came from Mom and Dad and learned from Mama Ev, Papa Lyle, you, and Jayce. All six of my guardians make me proud."

Because of the weather, the ambulance had to go slower than usual. Finally, the emergency vehicle reached the medical center, and Stuart was at the doors waiting for their arrival. He quickly rushed Levie and Tracey into an examination room. Levie looked over and gasped when he saw Jaycen's smiling face.

"Are you okay, baby?" Jaycen asked as he carefully leaned over and kissed the younger redhead.
Levie smiled and kissed Jaycen's cheek. "I'm okay, Jaycepop. I'm better knowing I'm back with my family and my kid's safe." Levie squirmed and giggled his way through Stuart's physical examination.


The weather was almost impossible for the deputy's SUV to maneuver. The heavily falling snow blinded the driver, despite the slow speed he drove along the curvy side road. The young man had to pump the brakes to keep the vehicle from sliding into a snowdrift or the ditch. Sensing the inexperienced reserve cop's nervousness, Burt created a commotion in the backseat. When the driver took his eyes off the road and looked into the mirror, admonishing the criminal to settle down, he failed to notice the twelve-point buck standing in the middle of the road. The deputy let out a panicked yelp as he jerked the steering wheel to the right. The wheels hit black ice and crashed into a tree. The young driver was knocked unconscious, and Burt managed to get himself into a perfect position to reach the keys from the deputy's belt. He fumbled a bit but finally worked the key into the cuffs lock and freed himself. The fugitive rubbed his wrists, got into the passenger seat, grabbed the moaning reserve deputy's gun, and slammed the butt into the injured man's head. Burt opened the car door and ran into the woods. The man grew up in the area, so he knew he was somewhere near the ranch. He trudged through the continuously falling snow, hoping he reached somewhere to hide out and wait out the storm. Luck was on his side that night cause he came across Oakridge. Burt broke the window, so he could reach in and unlock the front door to the barn. The man walked inside, turned the heat on, and started scavenging for something to eat.

The Ranch

The closer he got to the ranch, the harder it was for Brandon to keep his car on the road. Now, he was seeing the wisdom of the other guys in needing a 4wheel drive vehicle during the winter. "C'mon, baby girl, just get me home, and I'll make sure you get some rest." Brandon was grateful for the winter weather driving tips Levie, Troy, and Jayce gave him. The blonde breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the ranch's driveway coming up. Brandon looked at his phone after turning into the ranch's entrance. Another relieved sigh left him when he saw that Tracey and Lev were safe. Brandon sent Rhett a text and asked if he was at the rach house or Oakridge. A second later, the response said ranch house. Smiling, the blonde carefully drove up to the house. He parked his Sonata and walked into the warm house and his boyfriend's open arms.

"I'm glad you're home, Bran." Rhett wiped his tears and got lost in the blonde's loving embrace. He giggled and squirmed as Brandon's fingers lightly stroked his back.

Brandon chuckled at his mate's ticklish response to the loving strokes along his soft skin. "I am too, sweet boy. I missed you and the family." He leaned in and placed a soft passionate kiss on the brunet's warm lips. "Damn, I missed that too." He giggled and squirmed as Rhett's fingers had worked under his shirt and were wiggling between Brandon's ribs. Brandon's boyish squeals and unrealistic protests echoed through the ranch house. "C'mon, baby, let's go upstairs and truly enjoy this reunion." The giggling pair ran upstairs with Brandon squealing as Rhett smacked the blonde's ass and chased him into their room.

Bill was finishing his patrol of the ranch. With everything that's happened, the fifty-year-old foreman was doing what he could to keep his boys safe. The foreman was heading to his truck when his phone sent him a message, saying there was a disturbance in the barn at Oakridge. He'd already checked in with everyone, so he knew the only ones on the property were Brandon and Rhett, but they were in the ranch house and wouldn't have gone to the barn. He made a quick call to Jackson, who told him he'd be there soon as he could. Bill put the phone in his pocket, got in his truck, and headed for Oakridge.

Burt licked his lips as he stood outside of the ranch house. He knew Troy and Jayce weren't home, and neither was Levie. However, that didn't matter to him. The two-tone-haired man broke the window above the kitchen doorknob and let himself in after making sure all the glass was out of his way. He started dousing the kitchen area in gasoline, then moved to the dining room. After doing that, he lit a match and ran into the living room, where he threw gas over the furniture, ignited the flammable liquid, and then ran out the door. He froze when a double-barrel rifle was cocked and pointed straight at his chest.

"Hands up, Burt." Bill's voice was emotionless and edged with steel.

Brandon and Rhett were just getting out of the shower. The couple dried off and walked into the bedroom. They'd just gotten into a pair of Levie's boxer/briefs when they smelled smoke coming from downstairs. The young men quickly pulled on their shirts and jeans. Then slipped barefoot into their shoes and ran down the hall. That's when they noticed the living room on fire. They quickly decided whether or not they could make it to the door. Brandon and Rhett looked at one another and nodded. The couple made a dash for the door, flung it open, and ran right into Bill and Burt.

"What the fuck?" Bill exclaimed as he and the other three men toppled down the stairs.

Burt jumped up and grabbed the fallen rifle. He cocked it and held the older man and two younger ones at bay. "Alright, you three are gonna stay right there." He looked behind him. "Bill, toss me your keys."

Bill sighed but did as requested. The fifty-year-old kept Brandon and Rhett behind him the entire time. If Burt was gonna do something, he'd have to go through Bill first. Burt caught the keys and backed up towards the truck.

"Drop the weapon and slowly turn around with your hands up, Burt."

Burt turned to the voice and took a shot just as one rang out. Both shooters fell to the ground. Only one of them wasn't breathing. Brandon, Rhett, and Bill ran over to Jackson, who did his best to stem the bleeding.

"Is he dead?" Jackson asked before he gasped and pointed at the house. "Holy fuckin' shit, the place is on fire."

Bill, Brandon, and Rhett turned and beheld the ranch house going up in flames. With Burt's holding a gun on them, they'd completely forgotten about the burning home.

"I need a firetruck over to the Stillman ranch." Jackson hollered into his phone.

Re: Love Of Family M/M (Chapters 16-21)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:16 pm
by Ticklishguy
18. Intimate Moments

The Hospital

The night seemed to drag on for Levie, and in his opinion, morning couldn't come soon enough. He was grateful that Jaycen was safe and that his baby was sleeping peacefully in the bassinet beside his bed. The redhead gingerly sat up and looked down at Tracey. He looked up and silently thanked the God, Goddess, and his parents for bringing the two most important and loved people in his life to him. Levie also thanked the higher powers for his family and the love and support he's always had from them.

Tears dripped down the young man's cheeks as he relived everything he'd just gone through. He couldn't ever remember being so scared or feeling so helpless. The more he thought, the more his heart sank, and he began massacring himself for not being able to protect his son. Levie kept kicking himself for not brandishing his gun and shooting the fucker who'd attacked him. Closing his eyes, he longed for his mate's arms to hold him. It was at times like this that Levie needed Greg the most. Suddenly, his cell phone rang. Levie quickly answered before it woke Tracey.

"Baby boy, I love you. I can feel your anxiety."

Levie's face lit up when he heard Greg's voice on the other end. "I love you and miss you so much, babe. I wish you were here with us, holding me."

"I wish I were there too, my sweet boy. I know I've already said this earlier, but thank you for doing everything you possibly could do to protect our son. You're already proving you've got what it takes to be an awesome Dad."

Levie softly cried with his soon-to-be husband. "But, I di…"

"Levie Michael Stillmont! Stop thinking and talking like that, or I'm gonna kick your adorably cute red-haired ass when I see you."

Greg's threat and chuckling lightened Levie's mood and had him joining the brunet's chuckles. "Fine, be that way, Greg Stillmont. You're sure talkin' tough over the phone." He giggled.

"Oh, you're soo gonna get it, baby boy." Greg paused. "Are you feeling better, my little leprechaun?"

Levie gasped and felt his Mom's spirit hugging him. "M...Mom always called me her little leprechaun. I can feel she's happy you're using the pet name."

"That's amazing. Right before I said it, I could feel someone hugging me and heard a soft whisper telling me to call you my little leprechaun."

"She loves you. Mom's proud you're her son and is happy you take care of our family." Levie wiped his tears as he softly kissed Tracey's forehead.

"Get some rest, my love. I'll be with you and our boy before you know it."

"Thank you for comforting me. You're always there when I need you. I love you, my knight."

"As long as I'm able, I'm gonna be there, my prince. I love you, sweet sleep, my love."

"Sweet sleep." Levie sighed as he ended the call and set his phone back on the chair. He lay down, closed his eyes, and drifted into a refreshing, peaceful sleep.

Levie woke up with a smile and the sound of his boy asking to be fed in his ears. He sat up, stretched, and yawned before getting to his feet and heading into the bathroom. While he was in there, Levie heard the door open. "I'll be right out." He hollered as he finished peeing and washing his hands. The redhead dried his hands and opened the door. He was greeted by a friendly nurse bringing breakfast for the father and son pair. Levie politely turned down the nurse's offer to feed his son.

After the nurse left, Levie tested the formula's temperature, threw the towel over his shoulder, and picked up Tracey. They sat in the rocking chair, and Levie cradled his angelic baby boy. "Let's see how hungry you are this morning, Tracer." It wasn't long before Tracey was full. Levie smiled as he burped the tiny baby and cradled his son. The redhead closed his eyes and began singing "Brave Little Soldier." Tears fell from his eyes as he kissed the cooing boy's cheek. "You're my brave baby boy, Tracer. I love you so much. You'll never know how bad I feel that I…"

"If my future husband finishes that sentence, he's gonna be pinned down and tickled into oblivion."

Levie was so excited at hearing his mate's voice that he almost forgot he was holding his son. "Greg, you're finally here."

Greg smiled and rushed over to his boys. The brunet sat beside Levie and wiped the streaming tears from his cheek as he lovingly kissed them. "I love you, my sweet boys." He smiled and gently took Tracey in his arms, kissing the baby's forehead. "Forgive me, little angel, but the king needs his mate." Both men chuckled when Tracey squirmed and cooed as Greg lay him in the bassinet. He grunted when Levie jumped onto his lap the minute his arms were free. Tears streamed down his cheeks. "My sweet prince, I love you."

"I love you too, my brave knight." Levie smiled and lay his head on his future husband's chest. "I've been craving and aching to feel your heartbeat, Greg." Suddenly, the redhead burst into tears and sobbed on the strong shoulder.

Greg wrapped his arms protectively around Levie and cuddled against him. He softly smoothed his mate's red locks with his lips and kissed him. "It's okay, Levie. You're safe, Tracey's safe, and even though the house burned, everyone else is safe. It's time to start working past the pain. You did everything you could, and you did protect our boy."

"Please, don't ever leave me or lose our love."

"That, Levie Michael, will never happen." Greg smiled, caressed his red-haired boy's cheek, lifted his chin, and gazed into the shimmering eyes he'd fallen in love with at the party. "You and our little boy hold my heart and control my world. I couldn't bear to lose either one of you."

"Tracey and I are never leaving your side, Greg Stillmont." Levie smiled and passionately kissed his soulmate.

"Mmmm, what's wrong, big guy? Troy asked as he cuddled against Jaycen.

"I'm just all over the place emotionally, baby boy." Jaycen kissed Troy's hand. Tears dripped down his cheeks as he lay his head in his husband's lap. "Babe, we could've lost our kid and grandson. Then, I had to face the thought of the possibility of losing you also. Finally, the house almost burned down. I'm so tired, Troypup." Jaycen's voice cracked as he broke down, sobbing in his mate's arms.

"Hey, the important thing is that everyone's fine. I love you. You've always been my protector and the protector of our family." Troy kissed his lover.

"Troy, the next time you go on a rescue without backup, I'm putting your adorably cute and firm ass over my knee." Jaycen chuckled as he sat up and leaned into Troy's chest.

"I'm hoping I never have to do that again, lover. But, if I had to, I'd do it again if it means keeping my boys safe." Troy kissed Jaycen's lips.

The redhead gazed into his boy's eyes. "I know you would, Troy. Hell! You'd face down a grizzly if it meant keeping Lev or Trace safe. Thank you for rescuing our boys. You're just as much my rock as I am yours."

Troy smiled and nuzzled his nose against Jaycen's neck, causing the bigger man to giggle and squirm. "I love you, Jaycen."

"I love you too, Troy."

Jaycen and Troy looked up when they heard a knock. "Hey, Reenie. How are ya?" The pair asked in unison as they got up and hugged the pastor.

Maureen giggled and returned the affection. "The family's been through hell and back, and you're asking how I am." She shook her head. "I love you guys."

"Are we included in the love fest?" Greg asked.

The moment he, Levie, and Tracey walked into the room, they were given hugs and kisses, and Maureen relieved the soon-to-be husbands of their precious bundle.

"I keep tellin' ya, Greg. They all just love us for our baby. Then give him back at feeding and changing time." Levie squealed and boisterously laughed as he was pulled into Jaycen's lap and tickled by both his Bropops. "Okay, I give. I love my Dad's. " The redhead screeched before hugging and kissing both men.

Greg yelped and the room filled with his squeals and laughter when he was given the same treatment as his mate. The brunet sat in Troy's lap and looked up at Jaycen and Troy. "I love you guys." He wiped his tears as Levie sat in Jaycen's lap. He and Levie were cuddled and kissed by the older men, with Maureen smiling at the sight.

"It's fuck..." She paused and giggled when all four men gave her a stern glare. "Oh, please, you all know this kid's gonna be cussing up a storm when he grows up. Aunt Reenie's just teaching him early the wrong words to say." Her statement had everyone laughing like crazy. "Anyway, what I was saying is, it's amazing how Lev and Greg are like younger versions of you two." She paused and kissed Tracey's forehead. "Any of these guys don't treat you right, and Aunt Reenie will kick their asses." Again the room filled with joyful laughter.

Maureen handed Tracey to Greg and sat in a chair beside the hospital bed. "There actually was a specific purpose for my visit, guys."

"What's going on, Reenie?" Levie asked as he sighed happily when his brother's arms wrapped around him, and Jaycen kissed his cheek just before laying his head on the younger redhead's shoulder.

"Well, I have something to ask Troy and Jayce." She paused. "How would the two of you feel about being Dad's again?"

The four men's eyes widened, and their jaws dropped when they heard the question. Maureen chuckled as she watched the flabbergasted guys digesting her question while looking back and forth at each other. Finally, she got up, relieved Greg of Tracey, and placed him in the bassinet after kissing the baby's cheek.

Troy finally broke the silence. "Jay and I would love to be Dad's again. We've even discussed the possibility of adopting or searching for a surrogate to have our child."

Levie's eyes widened and sparkled as he became excited and animated. He jumped up and turned to face the older men. "Pops, are you guys serious?" Troy, Jaycen, Maureen, and Greg shook their heads and laughed at his reaction.

Greg reached out and pulled him onto his lap after Troy moved over into Jaycen's lap. "Calm down, sweet prince." The brunet giggled and cuddled his mate.

"Aww, that's adorable, sweet prince." Maureen giggled when Levie blushed and smiled. "Two of my church's members have become parents before they're ready. The young couple came to me and asked if I knew of any good parents who'd want to adopt the boy. I asked them if they had any qualms about a same-sex couple adopting their child. After they said it made no difference to them as long as it was a loving home, I asked if they'd heard of you guys. It turns out they are patrons of the ranch and literally screamed the family's praises." Maureen paused and sipped her water. "So, what do you two say?"

Jacen and Troy held hands, stared into each other's eyes, and nuzzled their cheeks together. Greg and Levie looked at the couple and mimicked the older men. Maureen watched the heartwarming scene with tears in her eyes. Having been as close as she was to the couple, she had seen the powerful and lasting love between the two men. However, seeing it in such an intimate display, coupled with Levie and Greg's continual growing love for one another, was an incredibly indescribable experience. It was definitely one she'd treasure.

"Have they named the child yet?" Jaycen asked as he and Troy wiped each other's tears.

"No, they wanted the adopted parents to name the newborn."

"Are we gonna be Bruncles?" Greg asked. He giggled when he saw the looks everyone gave him for the name splice.

Jaycen and Troy looked at one another, silently communicating. Finally, their heads nodded in synch. "We'll do it." They said in unison. The hospital room broke out in a symphony of joyous cheers and congratulations.

Maureen gave the five men a kiss and hug. "I was ninety-nine percent sure that you'd adopt the boy." She smiled. Before leaving, Maureen confirmed that she'd be at the house later that day for the wedding rehearsal, as long as the roads were clear. The pastor gave everyone one last kiss and hug, then went to speak with the young couple.

Levie and Greg jumped into the older men's laps, cuddling and kissing them. Jaycen and Troy giggled and squirmed as they soaked up every bit of the love their guys showed them.

"I get to be a Bruncle." Levie giggled. He had to admit, the nickname was growing on him.

Troy and Jaycen chuckled and shook their heads. "I guess the nickname's here to stay," Troy said as he kissed Greg's cheek. "It is cute," Jaycen stated as he did the same with Levie.

"Tracer's gonna have a Brocuz to grow up with and bond to." Levie smiled as he thought about the kids running around the ranch, just like he did.

"We're gonna need to expand the houses." Jaycen and Troy said in unison.

An hour later, the four men and their baby were waiting inside the ER lobby for their ride. Thankfully, the storm cleared out, and the roads were safe for travel. Lyle and Ev'lynn were taking the boys home in their SUV. The older couple had just parked and walked inside. They were about to leave when Maureen's shrill holler stopped them. They chuckled when the boisterous minister ran towards them in her shiny light purple six-inch heels.

"Fuck! I need to hit the gym more often." Maureen spouted as she panted and caught her breath. "I'm glad I caught you."

"Reenie, calm down and breathe, sweetie." Ev'lynn gently patted the younger woman's back.

"What's up, babe?" Troy asked.

"I've got some awesome news about your soon-to-be adopted kids," Maureen smirked as everyone's jaw dropped.

"What adopted kids?" Lyle and Ev'lynn asked in unison.

Troy and Jaycen grinned and hugged their parents. "Mama, Dad, you guys are gonna be grandparents," Troy said. "A couple in Reenie's church is having a baby they're not ready for, and we're gonna adopt..." Jaycen finished for his husband and suddenly stopped as he and Troy stared at each other then, the couple looked at Maureen. "Did you say, kids? As in more than one?" Jaycen and Troy asked in unison.

Maureen cracked up laughing at their reaction and response. "I was wondering when that would reach your thought process." She laughed so hard that she had to lean against the wall for support. Finally, she calmed down enough to continue. "Laura and Brad just found out they're having twins. A boy and a girl."

"Twins?" The couple asked as they wiped their tears.

Lyle and Ev'lynn stood in momentary confusion as they watched things unfold. Greg, Levie, and Maureen were working overtime to keep from cracking up with laughter at the situation.

"Ly, babe, our first granddaughter." Ev'lynn shed her tears while her husband held her in his arms.

Levie walked up to Jaycen and Troy, hugging and kissing them. "Names?" He asked with a knowing smirk.

Troy and Jaycen giggled as they looked at each other and their gathered family members. "Marcus Lyle, and Stacy Ev'lynn Stillman." The men said in unison.

Lyle and Ev'lynn were speechless, and it took the older couple a minute to process before they could move and embrace the young men. Both husband and wife cried on their son's shoulders. "Jayce, Troy, we're extremely proud of you two, and we can't wait to meet our new grandchildren," Ev'lynn said.

Later that night, Greg and Levie were in their room, enjoying the time together. Brandon and Rhett had Tracey in their room for the night. Greg smiled and tested Levie's ankle and wrist restraints. "I do, love seeing you, helpless and vulnerable, my adorable prince."

Levie squirmed and giggled when Greg's warm tongue slowly licked up and down his armpit hollows. His toes curled and uncurled as the tip flicked and tickled its way around the deep, slightly hairy crevice. As soon as the brunet's fingers latched onto his exposed ribcage and started wiggling and kneading between each rib, Levie's shrieks and high-pitched cackles filled the room.

Greg chuckled and rubbed his hard dick against his mate's equally hard member. He dipped his head lower. His tongue swirled and licked along the walls surrounding the redhead's navel. He licked his lips as he listened to the gasps and squeals coming from his bound lover. He could feel the cum rising in his shaft and knew Levie was feeling the same pressure. "You ready, my love?" He asked as he uncuffed his mate.

Levie nodded and gasped as Greg's thick, lubed cock slowly worked its way around his hot, writhing ass crack. The redhead's body arched in anticipation of his lover's gentle penetration of his longing sweaty ass. His arms and legs wrapped around his mate's muscled torso and waist. Finally, a long moan escaped his lips as his mate's shaft entered his eagerly waiting body. Greg sighed as he felt the familiar sensation of Levie's ass, sucking in his shaft. The men's bodies worked in synch like a well-trained partnership. Each one knows about the other one's wants, desires, and hot spots to drive them wild with passionate abandon. Their lips smashed into each other as sweat coated their bodies, and they panted into their connected mouths. The couple whispered "I love you" to each other as Greg's orgasm triggered Levie's.

Troy and Jayce lay in their bed, chuckling. "Babe, stop listening to the boys." Troy admonished his child-like mate but couldn't make it sound credible because of his giggles.

"Well, at least we know our boys satisfy each other." Jaycen squealed and tried to protect himself from the pillow Troy battered him with. "You're a meanie." The redhead pouted.

"And, you're too adorable when you pout. We're sooo dead if our son and daughter pick that up from you and Lev." Troy shook his head and lay beside his muscular redheaded lover. He sighed as he listened to Jaycen's calming heartbeat.

"Are you sure you're ready to be the father of two infants?" Jaycen asked as he kissed Troy's lips.

"Definitely, especially when I think about all the help we'll have." Troy paused and wiped his tears. "Did you believe how excited Linda, Tom, Brandon, and Rhett were?"

Jaycen wrapped his arms around Troy, cuddling the brunet. "We've got a one-of-a-kind family, and it's growing by the day, my sweet loverboy."

"I love you, Jayce."

"I love you too, Troypup." The men closed their eyes and fell into a peaceful night's sleep wrapped in each other's arms.

Re: Love Of Family M/M (Chapters 16-21)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:17 pm
by Ticklishguy
19. The Love Of Family

“NO!!! Don’t hurt my Dad, or my Son. Please, kill me instead of them.” Levie screamed.

The redhead’s peaceful slumber was disrupted by the vivid nightmare. He was in the locker room, watching helplessly as Burt overpowered Troy, and made the brunet hold Tracey, while he started shooting.

“Lev, babe, calm down. It’s okay, everyone’s safe, including you.” Greg pleaded.

The brunet was doing his best to get through to his mate. Levie’s arms flailed side to side, while body rolled left and right, and his legs violently kicked against the mattress. Greg finally saw an opening in the frantic movements, and seized the opportunity. He wrapped his arms around Levie’s chest, and pulled the younger man as close as humanly possible.

“Is Lev okay?” Jaycen asked as he, Troy, Brandon, and Rhett came rushing in.

Greg looked up at his brothers with tears streaming down his cheeks. “I think so. He’s finally calming down,” he looked down at his mate and kissed his forehead. “You’re safe, my sweet prince. I love you so much, Lev.”

Levie’s eyes flew open and he looked around. “It was all so real,” he said as tears welled in his eyes. The emotional redhead got to his feet, and in an instant was bear hugging Troy. “I...I dreamed…”

“Shh, I know, baby boy,” Troy paused to comfort his sobbing boy. “We heard, and it’s understandable, with everything we’ve been through.” The brunet softly stroked Levie’s hair and kissed the top of his head.

“I’m sorry, for waking everyone,” Levie said.

“Don’t apologize, bro,” Brandon stated as he and Rhett embraced their brother.

“Why don’t you try and get some more sleep, Lev. Troy and I will go check in on Trace,” Jaycen said.

“Thanks for the offer, Dad, but I think I need to hold my kid,” Levie said as he slipped on a tee-shirt, and a pair of boxers, then stepped into his slippers.

Troy and Jaycen went to Brandon and Rhett’s room to get Tracey, while the others followed Levie down to the kitchen. Levie got a bottle of formula from the fridge, Greg turned on the Keurig, and made everyone a cup of coffee with the reusable K-cup. Brandon and Rhett got dessert plates, then retrieved the chocolate cherry cheesecake from the fridge.

“Damn, I’m almost expecting Dorothy, Rose, and Blanche to come walking through the door,” Troy commented.

The brunet handed Tracey to his Papa Levie, then giggled, and dodged his husband’s playful head slap. Everyone shared a good chuckle and settled down. Greg wiped his and Levie’s tears as the redhead fed, then burped the youngest male in the room. The other two couples were enchanted by the loving parent/child bond they witnessed.

“Bran, Rhett, do you two want kids?” Troy asked.

“At some point,” Brandon answered. He smiled, then kissed his boyfriend.

“It makes me happy to know, that when we do have kids, they’re gonna be surrounded by an amazing, and loving family.” Rhett had to stop and wipe his tears as Brandon embraced him. “You guys are the family I wish I had growing up.”

Greg, Jaycen, and Troy were up, and out of their seats. The men had their arms around the emotional brunet before he knew they’d moved. Levie held Tracey, and laid his head on his newest brother’s shoulder.

“The important thing is, you’re here now, little bro.” Troy firmly stated.

“Yeah, Rhett. You belong here, with your Aunt Sarah, Uncle Bill, and us,” Jaycen said.

“Damn, I love this family,” Brandon exclaimed joyfully.

“Love and support, are two things this family has an unending supply of,” Levie said as he kissed Tracey, then handed him to Greg.

Jaycen smiled and then invited everyone to join hands. “Brandon, Rhett, and Greg, I know we haven’t known each other all that long, but…”

“That doesn’t mean we love you guys any less, that’s why you three are now part owners of the ranch...” Troy continued.

Levie finished, “Jaycepop, Troypop, and I want this entire property to always be family owned, and something for future generations to be proud of. So, the ranch’s ownership is now split six ways. We each have an equal say. From now on, any changes have to be agreed upon by all of us. Also, Bill, will be a tiebreaker, should one ever be needed.”

Greg, Brandon, and Rhett were speechless.

“G-guys, I understand Bran, and Greg being made owners, but why…” Rhett started to ask.

Levie giggled, and wrapped his arms around the brunet’s neck. “Because, you’re Bill, and Sarah’s nephew, and my Levienapping brother.”

Everyone broke up with laughter as Rhett pulled Levie into his lap, and with Brandon holding him down, tickled the redhead into hysterics.

Jaycen, and Troy nodded at one another, and Troy went upstairs. He returned a couple of minutes later, with two envelopes. The oldest redhead wolf whistled, and got everyone’s attention. “We’ve got one more thing to give out.”

Troy smiled and walked over to Levie and Greg. He lovingly picked up Tracey, and handed him to Brandon, and Rhett.

“Greg, Lev…” Jaycen paused, wiping tears from his eyes. “You two are an amazing pair, and are gonna do unimaginable things together.”

Troy continued for his husband. “We love you boys, more than you’ll ever know.” He handed one of the envelopes to Lev. Then he looked at Brandon and Rhett. “We also have something for you two.” The brunet smiled and handed the other envelope to Rhett, since Brandon was holding his nephew.

The recipients shared a shocked look with one another before looking at what they were handed. The four men gasped when they saw the contents.

“Dads, how?” Lev starred to ask.

“Bropops, we can’t accept…” Brandon began.

“You can, and will.” Jaycen said. He and Troy couldn’t contain their laughter.

“Lev, and Greg your week long cruise, and the week long hotel and spa stay for Brandon and Rhett are a combined gift. Mama Ev, and Papa Lyle put in for half on both. We provided the rest.” Troy said.

Jaycen and Troy were bombarded with hugs and kisses from the emotional younger men, while Tracey was passed around to someone who wasn’t being shown affection at the moment.

Everyone looked as the darkness of early morning brightened. Greg started another pot of coffee, while everyone else worked on breakfast. They knew it wouldn’t be long before Oakridge and the ranch would be bustling with activity. The men were fixing their plates when the kitchen door opened.

“Good morning Reenie,” Troy greeted. He placed his plate on the counter, then walked over and hugged the new arrival, with the others doing the same.

Everyone’s expressions changed from smiles to looks of concern when they saw the bubbly woman’s smile was absent.

“What’s wrong, Reenie?” Lev asked as he handed her a cup of coffee, and plate of food.

The pastor thanked her guys, then looked into Jaycen and Troy’s eyes. “Jayce, Troy, I’ve got some distressing news.”

The couple nodded as they sat down on either side of their honorary sister. Moving in sync, Jaycen, and Troy each clasped one of Maureen’s hands.

Jaycen looked into the woman’s teary eyes. “Whatever it is, Reenie, we’ll deal with it as a family.”

“I don’t know how to say this, other than to come right out with it,” Maureen said. She took a deep breath, and wiped her eyes. “There was a miscarriage last night. The twins died.”

The men stood in complete silence as tears fell. Requests of comfort were asked for the families affected by the loss.

“You may need some time to process the loss, but I’ve talked things over with my wife, and we’d like to make an offer.”

Jaycen and Troy wiped their tears and held each other.

“What’s the offer, Sis?” Troy asked.

“If you two are still interested in being parents again, Pat and I would be honored to be surrogates for you,” Maureen paused. “This offer expires after we’re no longer able to conceive.”

It took a second for the married couple to stare into each other’s eyes and silently come to a decision. They smiled, nodded, and then faced Maureen.

“We’re more than grateful, Reenie, and have no desire of turning you and Pat down. We’ll start making arrangements and plans after the holidays,” Troy said.

“However, there’s one condition,” Jayce added with a boyish mischievous grin.

“What’s the condition, Jayce?” Maureen asked.

“That you, and Pat are involved with our children’s lives,” The couple said in unison.

“It’s a deal, however, I’m adding my condition.” Maureen’s grin was equal to Jaycen’s

“Which is?” The couple asked.

“That you two are the ones making the decisions, and are responsible for the raising of the children. Pat and I have no desire to be anything more than Aunts to any kids we carry for you guys,” she paused. “It’s not that we don’t want to love the kids, but we’re not meant to be physical parents. We love kids, as long as we can have them visit, then return to their homes.”

“It’s a deal,” Jaycen, and Troy stated in unison.

The kitchen erupted in a boisterous celebration. The rest of breakfast was spent with everyone talking about the next day’s wedding, Christmas, and future plans.

Halfway through the day, Greg took a break and went in search of his mate. The brunet started getting nervous when he couldn’t find Levie anywhere.

Greg had the idea to check the stable. He walked inside, noticed Tri’s stall was open, and his mate’s steed was gone. He retrieved Dawn’s Light from his stall. “C’mon boy, let’s go find your Papa Lev, and Tri,” Greg whispered into the horse’s ear. The brunet held on tight as Dawn’s Light whinnied, reared up on his hind legs, and took off into the woods.

Levie, and Triton stopped outside the Stillman cemetery, where his parents were buried, and, where he’d be buried alongside his family. He dismounted the proud steed, and after opening the gate, they entered the sacred ground. The pair stopped in front of the giant pink marble heart shaped headstone with his parents names, birth, and death dates etched in the top of the heart.

Troy, and Jaycen were halfway to the cemetery, the couple were on Samson, Jaycen’s white stallion. They stopped, Jaycen turned his steed towards Greg, and Dawn’s Light. “We wondered how long it’d take for you to catch up,” Jaycen said.

“How…?” Greg started to ask.

The older men giggled.

“We can feel the bond strengthening between you, and Lev. It won’t be long before you guys are as bonded as Jayce, and me,” Troy said. The trio continued their trek up the ridge to the cemetery.

“When did you two know you were the ones for each other?”

Jaycen quickly turned his head and smiled at his mate, sitting behind him. The redhead squirmed a bit, and softly giggled when Troy’s fingers slightly wiggled and pressed into his sides. “Careful babe.”

Troy chuckled and kissed his husband’s shoulder. He looked over at Greg, and winked. “Honestly, I’m not sure how to answer that,” The brunet said.

Jaycen nodded in agreement. “It’s like we’ve always said. Somehow we’ve always known we’d be there for each other, and that nothing would ever sever our connection.” He looked at the younger man. “Are your feet a little cold, baby bro?”

Greg blushed and squirmed atop his steed, and nodded. Jaycen brought Samson to a halt, causing Greg to do the same with Dawn’s Light. They all dismounted, and Greg found himself in the middle of a double bear hug. He let his tears fall on the older men’s shoulders as the love flowed between their hearts. “I...I don’t want Lev to know I’m nervous.”

Jaycen gently lifted Greg’s chin. “Bro, that’s exactly what he needs to know. Chances are, he’s feeling the same things.”

Jaycen placed his hands on Greg’s shoulders as Troy wrapped his arms around the brunet from behind, and laid his head on the taller man’s back.

“It’s okay, and expected to be nervous, Greg. Honestly, we’d be worried if you two weren’t,” Troy said. “That’s where the trust, and love between you boys needs to be relied upon. It’ll only bring you closer, and strengthen your bond.”

Greg smiled and kissed his brothers “It’s no wonder, my prince is so amazing. He’s been raised by two of the best men I’ve ever met.”

“Linda, and Tom were just as amazing, you, and Bran are proof of that,” Jaycen said as he and Troy wiped their tears.

The trio continued talking as they walked the rest of the way to the cemetery gates. They stopped, and softened the sound of their approach, so they didn’t disturb Levie’s time with Mark, and Stacey.

Thanks for listening, Mom and Dad. I love you both.” He turned and opened his arms. “You guys didn’t have to stay away, I could feel your presence,” Levie said as he was embraced.

“We wanted to give you your time with Mom, and Dad, baby boy,” Jaycen said. He and Troy walked up to the headstone, and placed their hands on the marble, and their hearts. “We love you, Mom, and Dad,” they said in unison.

Greg slowly approached the stone, and bowed his head. Tears formed in his eyes as he felt a strong loving presence surround him, and enter his soul. “Thank you, for always watching over our blended family. I wish I could’ve met you, physically, but I’m more than happy knowing you two through Lev, the Bropops, Mam-Maw Ev, and Pap=Paw Lyle.” He paused and wiped his eyes. “I love you both, and can feel your acceptance and love.”

Greg started to head back to his family, but stopped when he heard the sound of something scratching the marble. The brunet turned and gasped. “Umm, g-guys, you might wanna look at this,” he said in astonishment.

Levie, Troy, and Jaycen slowly approached their parent’s graves, held Greg’s hands as they watched a glowing message being etched into the heart’s blank space.

Once the writing finished, the men took their time to silently read the message from Mark, and Stacey. “Love is always present in our hearts. It’s the most precious, and eternal gift we can pass on to our growing family.”

The four guys had tear stained cheeks as they shared a loving embrace, and processed the amazing gift of love they just received. “We love you too, Mom and Dad,” they said in unison.

Re: Love Of Family M/M (Chapters 16-21)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:18 pm
by Ticklishguy
20. Love Is All That Matters

Levie’s eyes blinked as his senses wakened. The redhead smiled, as he stretched, and sat up.

“Good morning, my almost husband,” Greg softly whispered.

“Back at ya, my sexy knight,”

Levie giggled, then licked his lips as his mate threw the covers off, and revealed his muscular nude body. He leaned over, and started placing gentle, loving kisses on the firm hairy chest. Greg’s body slightly wriggled as low husky moans escaped his parted lips. Not a second later, hands massaged and caressed backs and asses. Fingers playfully tickled various spots, then worked their way into hot, sweaty holes, and dicks mashed into each other. The couples moans, and declarations of love, filled the room.

“I’m ready, my love.” Levie said.

Greg picked up the lube, applied a generous amount to his lover’s ass, and his twitching, veined, hard-as-steel cock. The tip of the brunet’s head, leaked precum as it lightly slid along the damp ass crack. Levie’s body squirmed, as his light boyish giggles reached his mate’s ears. Greg brought Levie’s bare feet up to his lips. While his dick slowly made its way into its tight destination, his saliva-coated tongue slipped between the plump toes.

Levie’s body arched, and his moans increased when Greg’s method of slowly making love to him, while suckling his toes brought the couple closer to a joint climax. Greg closed his eyes and let the bond and love between Levie and himself take over. Their bodies and senses were in total sync with one another, till finally, the couple shared an explosive united orgasm. Drenched in sweat, and in a state of euphoria, Levie, and Greg held each other, as they kissed.

“Babe/Prince,” The couple said in unison, before hysterically laughing.

“Damn, we’re already starting to sound like the bropops.” Levie stated.

“I know, love. On the way to the cemetery yesterday, they told me they could feel our bond strengthening.” Greg smiled and kissed Levie’s cheek. His eyes had a sparkle of mischief as his fingers gently kneaded between his mate’s ribs.

Instantly, the redhead’s body jumped, while his squeals and boisterous laughter flooded the room. “I had a crazy idea,” Levie said as soon as the tickling ceased.

“Me too, sexy.”

The couple smiled, when, after a couple of false starts due to speaking in unison, they realized they’d had the same thought. The men shared another kiss, then got out of bed, and headed for the bathroom.

“Let’s go wake the bropops.” Levie said as he slipped his bare feet into his slippers.


The pair stopped outside the older couple’s bedroom. Levie counted down from three. Then, at the same time, they burst into the room and jumped on the bed. They immediately discovered pillows under the covers. Levie, and Greg stood at the foot of the bed, and looked at each other. Finally, it dawned on Levie what was happening.

“Uh oh,” Levie said, just before they were tackled, and pinned face down on the mattress.

“Oh, shit,” Greg squealed.

The younger couple tried their best to get free, but were quickly rendered helpless, by Troy, and Jaycen.

“We got ‘em,” Jaycen hollered.

Brandon, and Rhett giggled, as they entered the room. Brandon, trapped Levie’s ankles in a choke hold, and Rhett got Greg.

“Not the feet,” the trapped couple hollered, when their slippers were removed.

The next sound heard, was hysterical cackles, and squeals as the very soon-to-be husband’s were subjected to a loving tickle attack. Levie, and Greg wriggled, and did their best to escape. Five minutes later, the tickling ceased, and the six men huddled together in a group hug.

“Boys, will be boys. No matter how old, or big they get,” Lyle said. The family patriarch chuckled as he shook his head.

“Good morning, Dad/Pap-Paw,” the guys said. They got up to properly greet the elder, peppering him with hugs, and kisses.

Lyle’s heart overflowed with love for his affectionate grown kids. “It’s good to know, somethings don’t change,” he paused. “When you’re all ready, c’mon downstairs. Ev, Linda, and Tom made breakfast. Before anyone asks, Trace is with us, he’s been fed, and changed.”

“Thanks, Pap-Paw,” Greg, and Levie said. Their unified response had the others giggling and shaking their heads. “We know, we sound just like our Bropops,” they said at the same time.

After Lyle headed downstairs, the guys worked together cleaning up the mess they made.

Greg smiled, looked at his brothers. “Alright Bropops, how’d you know what Lev, and I were gonna do?”

Jaycen wrapped his arm around Greg’s neck, gave him a kiss, and a noogie. The others laughed as the brunet squirmed and yelped. “Lev’s been waking us up the same way every chance he got.”

Troy wrapped his arms around Levie’s neck, and kissed the side of his head. “So, we planned with Bran, and Rhett, to ambush you guys.”

“Plan b was for us to get you guys in your room, in case you slept in,” Brandon said. He giggled and squirmed, when Rhett stood behind him, and tickled his hips.

“We wanted your special day to start with lots of love, and laughter,” Rhett said.

“You guys are freakin’ awesome,” Levie said.

The playful redhead giggled as he jumped onto his older brother, wrapping his arms around Jaycen’s neck, and his legs around his waist. Jaycen grunted, and stumbled a bit, but kept hold of the younger man. The pair smiled, stared into each other’s eyes, and laid their heads against one another.

“I love you, baby boy,” Jaycen said as he kissed Levie’s cheek.

“Love you too, Dad.”

Levie jumped down, and latched himself to Greg’s back. The brunet smiled as he gave his mate a piggyback ride to the kitchen, with the others following behind.

“These guys never cease to surprise me, with how bonded and loving they are,” Linda said. She wiped her tears, then gave the guys hugs and kisses.

“Are you two ready for the wedding?” Tom asked as he received his affection-filled greeting.

Levie, and Greg smiled as they looked into each other’s eyes. “We are,” they responded in unison.

Everyone sat at the table, and expressed their gratitude for the cooks, and the food that was prepared. As they were eating, they heard Maureen’s heels click-clacking into the room.

“Good morning, fam,” she happily greeted.

Jaycen, got up, and pulled a chair out for the new arrival. Then, he went into the kitchen, got a cup of coffee, and a plate of food. After sitting them in front of Maureen, he sat back down.

The pastor sipped her liquid ambition, and took a few bites. “So, how are the grooms, this morning?”

Levie, and Greg smiled. They each gave a thumbs up, at the same time, and continued chewing their food. This of course, had everyone cracked up in laughter.

“Reenie, we’ve got something to talk to you about, when you get a chance,” Greg said.

“Sure, Greg, just catch me anytime before the ceremony,” Maureen said. She smiled and leaned close to Jaycen whispering in his ear.

Jaycen nodded, and got everyone’s attention. “Guys, I know, we’d planned to have the wedding here, but it’s gonna be held at Reenie’s church.”

“Wow! Why the change?” Linda asked, after sipping her juice.

Maureen smiled. “There were more people than we expected who wanted to spend Christmas Eve with the blended family, and be a part of this happy occasion. Oh, everyone’s been notified of the change, you guys were the last ones.”

“You’re amazing, Reenie,” Levie said as he got up and kissed the overjoyed pastor.

Maureen smiled, and returned the affection. “The family is loved by many people, and Lev, you’re a big reason for that, kiddo.”

Tears welled in the redhead’s eyes as he stood between Jaycen, and Troy, with his arms on their shoulders.

“What’s wrong, Lev?” Maureen asked.

“He’s fine, Reenie,” Troy said.

“This always happens when he’s faced with how much he’s done for people,” Jaycen said. He smiled and kissed the younger redhead’s cheek. “Lev doesn’t see what he does as anything other than Lev, being Lev.”

Levie smiled, kissed Troy, and Jaycen, then sat in Greg’s lap. He giggled when Greg fed him what was left on both their plates. Everyone cleared their dishes, and loaded them in the dishwasher.

Greg caught up with Maureen, and explained what he, and Lev wanted to replace their vows with. The pastor’s tears trailed down her cheeks when he finished. He smiled and eagerly accepted her hug.

Rusty, and Leon sat beside Lyle, and Ev’lynn. Stuart, Damien, Bill, and Sarah sat behind them as part of the family. Since the wedding was a last minute affair, the dress was casual, including the grooms.

Levie chose to wear a mint green polo shirt, tan khakis, and his black two and a half inch ankle boots. He stood in front of the mirror, and smiled when he saw Jaycen, and Troy behind him.

“You look handsome, baby boy,” Jaycen said as he wiped his tears. “Damn, I told myself not to cry yet.”

Troy, and Levie, chuckled at Jaycen’s statement.

“Babe, you’ve got two sides, one’s a fierce and dangerous lion when something, or someone’s threatening the family. The other’s a big soft, teddy bear. Of course, you can cry,” Troy said. “Lev, we know you’re grown up, and don’t need us as much, however, Jaycepop, and I want you to know, that you’ll always be our boy. Even when we have kids of our own, you’re still our kid.”

Levie turned with tears falling down his cheeks, and faced the men who took care of him as long as he could remember. “Bropops, I know that biologically, I’m your brother. However, in my heart, soul, and mind, you’re both my dads, always have been. I’ve never met anyone else who did what you guys have done for me. You guys were just kids when you both chose to take care of, raise, and love me. Even though I’m marrying Greg, I still need you both. I’ll never stop needing you, and your love.”

“We love you, more than anything on this planet, Levie,” Jaycen said.

“We’re gonna go check on our other brokid,” Troy said as he, and Jaycen kissed Levie’s cheek.

Greg took a deep breath, and wiped the tears from his eyes. He chose to wear a vibrant red polo shirt, black jeans, and his black zip up one inch ankle boots. The brunet turned and smiled when he saw Jaycen and Troy enter the room.

“I don’t know who’s more handsome, you, or me.” Jaycen said. He cackled and fell to his knees as his mate, and brother launched a tickle attack on his sides.

Greg chuckled, “I’ll hold him down, while you get his shoes off, and tickle Jaycepop’s feet.”

“Okay, okay, you guys win. It’s a tie between Greg, and Lev,” Jaycen squealed. He smiled, and wrapped Greg in his arms. “All joking aside, you, and Lev are amazing people on your own. However, together, you’re unstoppable, and loving forces of nature.”

Troy joined the brotherly embrace. “You both make us, and the entire family, extremely proud.”

Greg’s tears streamed down his cheeks as he soaked up the love and devotion pouring from the older couple.

“Jayce, and Troy are right, son. You, and Levie are truly an amazing pair, and awe inspiring,” Tom said. He, and Linda smiled, and embraced the three younger men.

“My boy’s all grown up,” Linda said as she dabbed at her tears.

Greg giggled and kissed his Mom. “Maybe, but I’m still your boy, and will always need my Mom, and Dad.” He smiled and continued, “I’ll also need my Bropops.”

“Guys, it’s time,” Brandon said as he popped his head in the room.

“Are you guys ready to give me, and Lev away?” Greg asked.

Linda, and Tom smiled and hugged their son. “Never, but we are ready to share you, and Lev,” Linda said.

Jaycen smirked, “We’d never give you, and Lev away, not after what this wedding’s cost us.” He giggled and dodged the three attempts at head swats by Linda, Tom, and Troy.

Linda, and Tom went to retrieve Levie. He and Linda walked up to the younger redhead. They smiled when he stood between them, and kissed their cheeks.

“How’s my raven-haired knight holding up?” Levie asked.

“He’s ready and waiting for his prince to say, I do,” Linda said, with a proud smile. “Levie, We are overjoyed that you came into our lives, loved us, and loved our boys. You’ll always be our son.”

“I love you, and am proud you’re my Mama Linda, and Papa Tom,” Levie said. He wiped his tears and hugged the older couple. “I guess we should get going, otherwise, Greg’s gonna send out a search party.”

The church was brightly lit, with two decorated Christmas trees on either side of the alter. Maureen’s silver, and gold vertical striped pantsuit, and glittery golden stiletto heels sparked in the light. The pews were filled with smiling faces. Ev’lynn got up, and made her way to the microphones. She picked up her guitar, then started to play John Denver’s “Annie’s Song” and The Carpenters “We’ve Only Just Begun.” Once she finished, and got back to her place, Maureen nodded and motioned for everyone to stand.

Greg, Jaycen, and Troy walked up the aisle, arm in arm. They smiled, and were shocked at all the people who attended. When they got to the alter, the older couple hugged Greg, kissed his cheek, and then walked to the side where Levie would stand.

A second later, Levie, Tom, and Linda entered. Levie fought hard, to keep from breaking down. The love that filled the room, was almost overwhelming. Feeling his mate’s emotions, Greg forced himself to stand where he was, and not rush to his love’s side. When they finally made it to the alter, the couple embraced the emotional redhead, and kissed his cheek. They hugged and kissed Greg as Jaycen, and Troy did the same with Levie.

Maureen smiled, and gestured for everyone to sit. “On behalf of the grooms, their blended family, myself and Pat included, we thank you for being here with us.” She paused and gazed at the friendly faces staring at her, and the grooms. “This is truly a special day, and I’m honored to be the one chosen to join Greg, and Levie together in marriage. We know this was last minute, and in appreciation of any changed plans, the grooms have asked that we keep it on the short side. However, this morning, they asked for a few minutes to speak from their hearts.”

Levie, and Greg smiled as they kissed, then turned to face the guests.

“As Reenie said, we’re grateful for everyone here, celebrating with us,” Levie said.

“However, this day isn’t just about us,” Greg continued.

“It’s about love, and everyone who got us here today,” they finished in unison.

Greg smiled, and approached Lyle, and Ev’lynn. He gently clasped their hands, pulled them to their feet, and led them to the front. “Pap-Paw Lyle, you were the one who brought Lev, and I together,” He paused. “Mam-Maw Ev, you took Bran, myself, and our parents into your heart, and accepted us as family. We love you both.”

Greg and Levie hugged and kissed the older couple, and led them back to their seats, Then, after they kissed Tracey, Greg handed their son to Ev’lynn, as Levie led Brandon, and Rhett to the front.

Levie took a breath to compose himself. “Bran, the first day we met, you ended up saving me from myself, by talking me out of breaking up with Greg, because of past family issues,” He paused and wiped his tears. “Then, you saved me from dying.”

Greg looked into Rhett’s eyes. “By choosing to go after Troypop, you helped to save my soulmate, and son.”

“You’ll always be our brothers, and have our love.” Levie and Greg each hugged and kissed their brothers.

Next, they approached Maureen. “Thank you, for being like a big sister when I was a kid,” Levie said. “Also, thank you for helping to make this day possible, and for our future niece, and or nephew,” Greg stated as they embraced the pastor.

Finally, the couple clasped their parents hands. “Mama Linda, Papa Tom, thank you for taking Greg in, and loving him as your own kid,” Levie said. “Bropops, you are amazing men, and raised Levie to be the beautiful person he is today.” Greg stated. “We love the four of you, so much,” Greg and Levie said in unison as they embraced their parents.

The couple smiled, faced the crowd, and held hands. “We couldn’t let this ceremony pass without expressing thanks for the love and support of our family,” Greg said.

“And, this wasn’t scripted.” Levie giggled.

Maureen smiled. “Are you guys ready?”

Levie, and Greg chuckled, and nodded at the same time.

“Levie Michael Stillmont, do you take Gregory Allman Stillmont to be your husband? To stand by him, support his decisions, heal him when he’s sick, and defend him when he’s down?”

Levie turned to face Greg. “I do,” he proudly stated.

“Gregory Allman Still…”

“I do,” Greg blurted out, then blushed as he realized he’d jumped the gun.

“Oh, what the hell, it was a lot to say the first time,” Maureen said when her laughter subsided. She grinned, and looked at the young men. “Well, ya might as well kiss, and give these people the show they’ve been waiting for.”

Levie gasped as he was swept off his feet, and held in Greg’s arms. He giggled when the brunet kissed his nose. Once he was on the floor again, he wrapped his arms around his mate. “I love you, my brave knight.”

“I love you too, my prince.” Greg licked his lips, and dipped Levie as the couple shared a passionate, and proper kiss.

“I now present, Mr. and Mr. Greg, and Levie Stillmont,” Maureen said as she stepped back so the couple’s family could embrace the newlyweds.

Later, back at the ranch, Linda, Tom, Greg, Levie, Tracey, Jaycen, Troy, Brandon, Rhett, Lyle, and Ev’lynn stood, holding hands in front of Mark, and Stacey’s headstone.

“This writing wasn’t here before,” Lyle said as he and Ev’lynn got closer to examine the weathered stone.

“Which one of you guys had this done?” Ev’lynn asked.

“Umm, well, Mama Stacey, and Papa Mark wrote the message, yesterday. The Bropops, Lev, and I saw it.”

Linda looked skeptical. “C’mon, Greg, I know, I’ve seen some incredible things, but a new message from the beyond?”

Before anyone else could say or do anything else, a soft golden light surrounded them. Everyone gasped when they saw the two glowing angelic beings.

“We knew we had to make an appearance today,” Mark said with a smile. “What we did isn’t easily believed, by anyone who didn’t witness it.”

“Mark, and I love all of you, and are proud of our family. Remember, in life, and death, love’s all that matters,” Stacey said.

Everyone closed their eyes as they felt a warmth, and feeling of love fill their bodies. When they opened their eyes, the spirits were gone. Tears formed in the family member’s eyes as they kissed and embraced each other.

Re: Love Of Family M/M (Chapters 16-21)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:20 pm
by Ticklishguy
21. Epilogue

Not long after returning from their cruise, Levie, and Greg sat down and had a discussion about the future. Greg listened carefully as Levie explained his idea about cutting back on the day to day operation of the ranch, without giving up any ownership of the property. Greg asked him what he planned to do with the extra time, and was pleasantly surprised when he got the answer. The brunet took a few days to fully consider Levie’s plan, and the best course of action on how to bring it to fruition. That’s when he thought about going to their Papa Lyle.

Lyle was ecstatic when his grandsons approached him with Lev’s idea, and with Ev’lynn’s approval, sold the couple a modest three room office building they owned in town. The boy’s Mam-Maw, and Pap-Paw were very shrewd business minded people, the older couple stood firm as a mountain, and did not budge from the price they already had in mind, one dollar. Levie, and Greg each had to come up with half, and sign the deed. That way the building would be in both their names.

Next, the couple spoke with Levie’s Uncle Damien. As it turned out, the timing was perfect, because the successful real estate agent wanted to bow out of the business, and retire. The only reason he hadn’t already done so, was because there wasn’t anyone he trusted with his clientele. However, now that Levie came to him with his idea, the older man was excited for his honorary nephew, and nephew-in-law. Damien and Levie worked together furnishing the building, setting up the computer networks, transferring listings, and finally, put the name, “Family First Realty” on the front door.

Brandon, and Rhett, were given more responsibility on the ranch, and they got their real estate licenses, so they could help Levie with prospective clients. The couple never did have children of their own. However, it never bothered them, because, they were Uncle Bran, and Uncle Rhett to not only their own nephews, and nieces, but to countless kids over the years.

Bill, and Sarah moved into the cottage, Lyle, and Ev’lynn used to live in.

The family built another home, on the Oakridge property. Linda, Tom, Ev’lynn, and Lyle moved into that house, so they could be with their grandchildren, and the rest of the family. Linda, and Ev’lynn worked together, alternating days they worked at the real estate office, setting up appointments, and fielding phone calls.

Troy, and Jaycen also cut back on their days working on the ranch. The couple went back to school, and got the education credentials needed to become coaches. Troy became the swim team coach, and Jaycen, the football coach at their old high school. Under their leadership, the teams flourished, as did school pride, school spirit, and all the sports teams brought back more trophies as a result of the loving, family atmosphere the married couple encouraged. Troy, and Jaycen worked with the school, holding training camps, and team building sessions at the ranch. They inspired a number of students, and players, including their own kids, and grandchildren.

Mark, and Stacey’s legacy of spreading love, compassion, and acceptance continued to be passed one to each new generation.

The End.