A Ticklish Thriller (Chapters 14-17)

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A Ticklish Thriller (Chapters 14-17)

Post by Ticklishguy »

14. The Barefoot Photoshoot


TL was at a complete loss for a new target. The disappointment of his last endeavor stayed with the tickling killer. Despite the carjacker's insistence that he wasn't ticklish, TL had no reason to believe him. He'd heard that claim before, and it always proved untrue. Everyone's ticklish, even TL, albeit you had to work hard finding out the secret of his ticklishness, but once you did, he could be tickled into hysterics. However, this guy turned out to be truthful. No matter how hard the man dressed as Skeletor tried, he couldn't get a toe twitch or snicker from his victim. Finally, after an hour of failed attempts, he placed a gas mask over the struggling man's mouth and nose. He opened the valve and watched as the hose filled with nitrous oxide. TL conjured the sounds of his other ticklish victims to work himself up to a climax as he masturbated over the wriggling, dying man.

After dropping the corpse off, TL drove around for quite a while, lost in thought. He tried to think about what he wanted to do for an encore. The man managed to not get caught yet. He didn't want to press his luck too much in this town. However, the most recent kill was a disappointment, and TL felt he had to follow it up with something spectacular. Finally, it came to him. He'd go out with a bang by going after not one but two guys, and he knew who it had to be. He just needed the time to let them be at their best. For this last endeavor, he didn't want to kill the duo. Just tie them down, tickle them, and then leave. The more he schemed, the harder his dick got. The car filled with his moans as he rubbed himself to his climax. TL smiled and licked his lips as he continued driving.

Will, Lance, & Sean

It was just three weeks until Christmas, and classes were winding down for the fall semester. Lance, Will, and Sean were spending a night together before going and spending the holidays with family. Sean got up, went to the kitchen, and returned with three beers. After handing two out to the other men, he sat and opened his own beer.

Lance and Will smirked. Once Sean's beer was on the coffee table, the pair launched a unified tickle attack on their unsuspecting brother from both sides. The living area filled with the half Asian's shrieks and boisterous laughter. His legs pushed against the sofa cushions as he wriggled and tried to escape. Finally, he yelled out a surrender. Will and Lance giggled. They both kissed his cheeks and went back to watching the movie. An hour later, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Lance asked as he got close to the front door.

"It's Duncan"

Lance smiled and opened the door. "Dunker!!!" The brunet giggled and jumped into the taller, more muscular blonde man in the doorway.

"Hey, little bro." Duncan Marshall giggled and embraced Lance.

"C'mon in. Ya want a beer?" Lance closed the door after the visitor entered and slipped his shoes off.

"Sure, I'd love one. It's been crazy at Barefoot, getting ready for the reopening." Duncan said as he sat down.

The six-foot-two, the twenty-six-year-old blonde smiled and looked at the other two men in the room. Duncan worked doing pr for the bookstore/lounge. The man's eyes instantly found their gaze landing on the three pairs of bare feet, one belonging to Lance. Duncan also hosted an online blog devoted to ticklish guys and their feet. The man smiled and thanked his host as he opened the beer and took a generous swallow. He set the bottle on the coaster and stretched his legs, his size thirteen feet flexed inside the white athletic ankle socks.

"So, what's up, Dunk?" Lance slapped his forehead, causing the others in the room to giggle. "I'm sooo sorry. Duncan, I don't know if you've been introduced yet." Lance paused and placed his hand on Sean's foot. The brunet smirked and tickled the bare sole. "This is Sean." He said between his and Sean's giggles. Lance repeated the action while introducing Will. The two pounced on the introducer and tickled his sides, causing the room to erupt in a symphony of male laughter.

"Nice to meet you two." Duncan smiled and looked Sean up and down. "Umm, especially you, Sean, you're cute." Duncan gasped and shook his head. "Not that you're not cute, Will. You're hot, but I'm not getting a gay vibe from you."

Sean, Will, and Lance laughed and cackled like hyenas.

"Thanks for the compliment, and your straightdar doesn't need adjusting." Will giggled when he saw the expressions of the other men.

"Straightdar?" Duncan asked.

"Sure, isn't that what the gay community has to detect straight people? I just figured since there was gaydar, there's also straightdar." Will's boyish laughter joined in with the others.

"Thanks for the compliment, and you're a hot guy too." Sean blushed and softly giggled.

"He's single too, Dunk, just like you." Lance smiled and yelped as he was pulled into Sean's headlock. Then given a noogie and tickle attack by Will.

Duncan giggled and shook his head at the younger men's antics. "I'm putting together a calendar to sell at the reopening. It's called "The Barefoot Boys" I'd love to have you, Will, and Sean in it." He paused and blushed. "Umm, maybe if you're interested, I'd like to take you out for dinner after the project's finished. Would you be interested, Sean?"

Sean gasped and looked at Will and Lance. Who smiled and nodded their heads. "I'd love to have dinner with you, Duncan."

Duncan smiled and released the breath he was holding. "I'm looking forward to it." The blonde smiled as he and Sean exchanged phone numbers and social media info. "Now, about the calendar. Are you three interested?"

"Are my brother's going to be in it?" Lance asked as he kissed Sean's cheek and playfully ruffled the slightly taller guy's hair.

"Surprisingly, yes, even Dakota."

"Sure, I'll do it." Lance smiled.

"I'm in," Sean stated.

"Count me in," Will said.

"Sweet, I think this is gonna be an amazing product." He paused and looked at Lance. "I'm thinking of having you come in on the same shoot as your brothers. I assume you're okay with that." Duncan giggled.

"Well, you didn't make an ass out of you and me with that assumption." Lance giggled and sat in the bigger man's lap, giving him a hug.

Duncan and the other two guys broke out laughing. "You're definitely Adam, Jai, and Mikey's brother." The blonde shook his head and returned the affection. "I've always been curious about something." He paused. "Why aren't you an owner of Barefoot also?"

"I receive a portion of the revenue, but I'm just not interested in it. I love going in and helping out when needed." Lance went back and sat between Sean and Will.

Duncan finished his beer and started to get up. He walked over to give the three roommates a hug goodbye. Once he bent over, Lance grabbed him and pulled the hulking man down onto their laps. The trio wrapped their arms around the struggling guy on top of them.

"Will, tickle his feet. It's Dunk's main ticklish spot." Lance giggled.

Duncan's Studio

The day of the photoshoot was freezing. However, Duncan made sure his studio's heat was blasting so that his models weren't uncomfortable. The twenty-six-year-old was all smiles and giggles as he set up the camera equipment and backgrounds. He'd chosen some beach scenes and ones that made it look like the guys were in the forest. Duncan's home and studio happened to be two lots down from Mikey's house, which was still being worked on. The blonde photographer was even more excited to have Mikey and Dakota barefoot in his studio. He loved seeing the couple together. Dakota's natural tan skin tone seemed to glow when he was next to Mikey's paler tone. They just looked perfect together.

Duncan had set out coffee, donuts, pastries, and various juices for the guys. He'd just finished taking some test shots when the doorbell rang. The blonde just about skipped to the door because he was so excited.

"Hey, Dunker." Mikey giggled and jumped into the taller man's arms, hugging him. He wriggled and squealed as he got tickled by both Dakota and Duncan at the same time.

Duncan giggled and set the brunet back on his feet. He gasped when Duncan wrapped him in a bear hug and lifted him off the floor. "Damn, you're strong, Kota." He smiled and kissed the couple's cheeks.

"Brave Warrior need much strength to protect little white angel from bad men." Dakota and the other two guys broke out in hysterical laughter from his exaggerated broken speech.

Mikey smirked and kneaded his fingers between Dakota's ribs. The half Cherokee jumped and cackled as he was brought to his knees.

"Brave warrior strength no helpful when tickled." Mikey giggled and ran behind Duncan.

"Nope, I'm not your human tickle shield, little guy." Duncan chuckled and hefted Mikey's squirming body over his shoulder. He and Dakota then tickled the trapped younger man's ribs.

"Get his feet too," Lance said as he entered the studio, giggling.

"We'll help get his shoes and socks off," Adam added as he lifted Lance off the floor. He and Jai tickled their squirming little brother's sides.

The studio echoed with the sound of boisterous male laughter and useless threats. Everyone calmed down and greeted each other with loving hugs. Duncan showed the guys where they'd be working and the backgrounds. He also had some costumes for the five of them to wear. Dakota fell in love with the Eagle's head headdress and matching feathered armbands and loincloth Duncan chose to display Dakota's Cherokee heritage. Mikey squealed when he was shown a less ornate outfit of just a brown leather vest and loincloth and a headband with a single feather in the back. Duncan explained he wanted to have Mikey and Dakota wear the costumes in the same photo. The blonde then told them they were the featured models for the calendar, alongside Will and Sean.

The photoshoot took close to four hours. It might have taken less time if the models weren't so full of mischief and playful. They were having a blast, tickling each other and taking advantage of their exposed ticklish spots being bare. Duncan got a great shot of Adam and Jai pretending to be sunning on the sandy beach with only their speedos covering their tight asses. They posed separately and together. One pose was downright adorable. Adam was pinned facedown on the floor with Jai, straddling his waist and poised to tickle his foot. Lance looked adorable when Duncan got a photo of him on the floor, kicking his bare feet back and forth with a lollipop stick between his lips against the forest background.

One of the most breathtaking shots of the entire shoot was with Mikey and Dakota, back to back, in their Indian costumes. Dakota looked like a Cherokee Indian chief. Once some spray tan had been applied to his skin, Mikey looked like a warrior ready to fight to the death, holding his bow and arrow. Duncan had his models pose in different scenarios and pairings. The studio erupted in laughter when one of the shots had Adam caught in Dakota's headlock and Adam tickling Dakota's side. However, the most endearing pose taken was the five of them, side by side, with Mikey sprawled across their laps. By the end of the day, the models and the photographer were exhausted. Although, they were excited and proud of the photos chosen for the finished project. After Will and Sean did their photo session, December's photo was a group shot containing all seven of the guys.
Last edited by Ticklishguy 1 year ago, edited 3 times in total.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Ticklishguy »

15. The Housewarming & Release Party

Mikey & Dakota

A few days before the photoshoot, Mikey and Dakota went to the court and had Dakota's name added to the deed. Then a week after the shoot, the house was ready to occupy. They bought new furniture, including a king-sized bed for their renovated and enlarged bedroom. Now that Dakota was living with him, The men changed the home's layout. The pair enlarged their bedroom, closet, and bathroom. They had a concave, with a window built into the living room on the wall facing East. This was where the altar for Dakota's parent's urns was placed. The couple chose a pair of comfortable chairs to sit in when talking to the spirits of his late parents or meditating.

They were in the middle of taking a break when Dakota noticed some boxes that looked like they had artwork in them. "Hey, angel boy."

"What's up, sexy Warrior?" Mikey asked as he pulled Dakota's muscular arms over his shoulders, then kissed and sucked the man's long fingers.

Dakota softly giggled because Mikey's tongue and suckling on his fingers tickled like crazy. "What's in the boxes? I don't remember getting any artwork." The half Indian smirked and launched his own playful attack of sensual tickles. The brunet leaned his head down and to the side. He lightly blew on Mikey's neck, and then he very gently nibbled on the younger man's earlobes.

Mikey's back arched as he sucked in air between his teeth as his soft boyish giggles floated their way up to his mate's ears. "Kooootttttaaaa." The brunet squealed as he slightly wriggled side to side and tried to scrunch his neck, only to get the same treatment on the other side. "It's a surprise for you and our brothers."

Dakota narrowed his eyes and stared into his boy's eyes. "A secret? You couldn't even tell me?" Dakota licked his lips. "Pale face angel boy must reveal great secret. Cherokee warrior knows ways to make little boy talk." Dakota smirked and started lightly wiggling his fingers between Mikey's ribs.

Instantly, the less muscular brunet's squeals filled the newly furnished living space. His attempts to escape proved ineffective as he squirmed and kicked. Mikey’s head thrust back and forth as he bent forward, then side to side. "You're cheating." He managed to screech.

"Tickly pale face adorably cute boy must give in to superior Warrior." Dakota giggled and moved his ticklish assault to the damp armpit hollows.

Mikey's eyes squeezed shut as he clamped his arms down to his sides. Unfortunately, as always happens, he'd now trapped his tickler's devious fingers in his tickled hollows. "Yes! I Give. Uncle! Uncle!" Mikey squealed.

Dakota worked his fingers out of the giggling man's pits and wrapped his arms around Mikey's waist, kissing his boy's head. "So, what's in the boxes."

Mikey continued giggling and panting. "I'm sooo paying you back, Indian boy." He smiled and melted into the loving embrace. "I love you, Dakota Buckingham." He paused. "You're the perfect man for me."

Dakota beamed with pride as he turned the shorter man to the side. He lowered his head and kissed his boy's soft lips. "You're my dream, Mikey Dante." The half Indian chuckled, wrapped his arm around the younger man's neck, and slightly squeezed. He smirked and poised his other hand close enough to Mikey's side to make his mate squirm and nervously giggle. "Cute angel boy trickster, try to confuse wise brave Indian."

Mikey boyishly giggled and buried his face in the muscular warm chest of his soulmate. "I really can't tell you, babe. See then, the bros can't tickle any info outta you."

Dakota released his hold on Mikey and kissed his boy's neck. "And, how is it they don't do the same thing to you?"

Mikey smiled like the angelic being he was. "They know better. The last time they did that, it didn't end well. I lost a friend when Lance accidentally blurted the secret out to the person it was about." He paused. "I sparred with all three brothers that night and beat their asses. That's when we made a pact to not actually tickle anything important outta each other." He giggled. "You don't have that pact with them, so you'd be fair game."

Dakota threw his head back and laughed heartily. "Damn, I love this family."

Mikey nodded and was about to stand up when his phone rang. "Hey, Dunker. What's up?"

"Hey, bro. The calendars are finished, and I'd like to throw a launch party this weekend."

"That's awesome, and we can have it here. The work's finished on our house, and Kota and I will have everything set up and decorated. We'll be ready for a housewarming and release party by, I'd say, Saturday night."

"That's perfect." I'll have the calendars printed and ready by then. I'll also be launching the sale on my blog." Duncan paused. "I'm planning to donate the proceeds to charity, with a portion going to the charities you guys support."

Mikey shot up like a rocket. "Are you serious? That's amazing." He squealed. His reaction had Dakota doubled over laughing. Mikey and Duncan worked out the final details and ended the call. The brunet was about to get back to work when his and Dakota's stomachs started growling.

"I'll go order us some dinner." Dakota smiled and kissed Mikey's warm, soft lips. "I love you, my sweet angel boy." He hugged the shorter man and lifted him off the floor.

"I love you too, my gorgeous Cherokee." Mikey giggled as he wrapped his arms and legs around the muscular man's waist and neck. "Be safe, my warrior," Mikey said when he was back on his feet.

"I will, love. Don't forget to lock up, just in case." Dakota smiled, grabbed his keys off the hook by the garage door, and locked the door on his way out.

Mikey walked to the front door, locked it, and went back to set things up. While working, the brunet sent out a mass text to the family, including Sean, and Will, informing them about the combined release and housewarming party. After getting everyone's response saying they were excited and would be there, the brunet returned to unpacking boxes.

Mikey sat in front of the altar and lit a votive candle. He sighed and wiped his eyes. Even though he'd never, to his knowledge, met his soulmate's parents, the brunet felt like they were family and watching over him, just as they did with Dakota. "Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham. I'm sorry for not introducing myself beforehand. However, if you're watching over us like I believe you are, then you know there hasn't been time for that. It's been really hectic between crazy people trying to kill us." He paused and chuckled. "I promise to do better in the future at not getting your baby Kota shot." Mikey had to stop and wipe his tears.

Dakota returned with Chinese. He was about to announce his presence but stopped when he heard Mikey talking. The half Irishman set the food on the counter, and he silently stood by the doorway and watched his boyfriend chatting with his parents.

"I hope it's okay if I call you Mama and Papa. I feel like that brings us closer and that I've got another set of parents to turn to with my problems or if I just need comforting. I truly hope that you both feel welcome and loved in this house. I will always do my best to make my future husband's parents feel at home. It doesn't matter to me that you're spirits. You still have the right to feel respected and loved."

Dakota had to lean against the wall. If he didn't, he'd be on the floor, crying. This beautiful man was sitting down and talking to his dead parents. Tears streamed down his face as he heard Mikey call him his future husband.

"Please know I'll always be glad and comforted to feel your presence in our loving home. I love you and am grateful that you gave birth to and raised my soulmate as well as you did. My only regret is that I never got to meet your flesh vessels. However, I look forward to getting to know you through Kota's memory and pictures." Mikey paused and chuckled. "Just try not to visit when we're sharing intimate time in bed together. I'm not sure if Kota could handle his parents spying on him." Mikey paused and smirked as he raised his voice. "Like he's been doing." The giggling brunet blew out the candle and turned to face his flabbergasted lover.

Dakota rushed over to his mate and wrapped his arms around Mikey. "I wasn't really eavesdropping or spying on you, love. I couldn't disrupt your time with Mom and Dad." Dakota had to stop and wipe his tears as he sobbed on Mikey's shoulder.

Mikey gasped at the complete vulnerability Dakota was displaying. "Shh! It's okay, my strong warrior." He lovingly stroked the taller man's hair and led them to the chair in front of his parent's urns. "Did something happen, babe?"

Dakota smiled and nodded. "When I came home, you were talking with Mom and Dad. I was so moved by your words to them, and I know they were from your heart and soul. Mikey, no one's ever done that. You've invited the love my parents possessed into this home and embraced it." Dakota softly chuckled. "You even joked with them. While you were talking with Mom and Dad, their spirits spoke to me."

Mikey's thoughts raced, wondering how they reacted. "And?"

The half Cherokee smiled and lovingly placed his hand on his mate's shoulder. "They wanted me to tell you..." Dakota sighed. "Pale face boy make parent spirits proud to call him son." He giggled. "Mom said that we haven't got or are doing anything she hasn't seen or done. Also, she'd avert her eyes if they visit during our lovemaking." The pair's snickers gave way to boisterous cackles and laughter. Dakota passionately kissed Mikey. "I know, in my soul, you'll always be the light and living love in my entire being."

Mikey couldn't speak as he listened to Dakota's words that came from the very depth of his entire being. The only thing he could do was wrap his arms around the man and join his hands with his mates. The brunet gasped because he could feel the love and energy flowing back and forth between them.

Dakota smiled. "By the way, how'd you know I was there?"

Mikey giggled and pointed to his nose. "Great Cherokee Warrior should never hunt with Chinese food."

Dakota opened his mouth to say something. All that came out were wild cackles.

Saturday Before The Party

Saturday morning, the sky was a brilliant canvas displaying the dawn's expert painting techniques. Soft pinks and oranges blended with the gentle golden rays of the rising sun. The grass sparkled and shimmered, covered by the morning dew. Mikey and Dakota stood side by side, stretching and getting ready for an invigorating morning run. The couple smiled at one another and took off along one of Mikey's favorite trails. The brunets were pleasantly surprised when they were joined by Sean and Duncan, who were out for a morning jog. It soon turned into a race to see who was fastest. Mikey ended up the winner, with Dakota a close second. The boyfriends giggled as they waited for their running mates to catch up... about three minutes later. The four young men shared a sweaty group hug, followed by a quick tickle fight. Well, Mikey and Sean enjoyed being tickled. While their mates had fun tickling them.

The rest of the day was spent making sure everything was ready for the combined party that evening. Dakota was given a list of things needed from a couple of stores. While his mate was gone, Mikey unboxed the artwork and hung them in the three bedrooms, then closed the door. The brunet gigged as he placed a sign on his brother's bedroom doors that said, "Do Not Open Till It's Time." He hung a sheet over the painting in the bedroom he and Dakota shared. Mikey made sure the caterers were on track for the evening's party, and after ending the call, he flopped facedown on the bed. The brunet's eyes closed as he relaxed.

Dakota walked into the room and gasped as he saw his angel dressed in only his adorable Smurfs briefs, bathed in a shaft of sunlight. The taller brunet licked his lips and gently caressed Mikey's soft creamy skin. He softly giggled as his mate sighed and sunk further into the mattress. Straddling Mikey's waist, Dakota smiled and laid down on his boy's legs.

Mikey's face brightened when he saw his love's bare feet on either side of his head. Gently his fingers caressed and lightly tickled the half Indian's toes as he kissed and licked along the side of each foot. He squirmed and giggled when Dakota's warm moist tongue slid along the base of his toes and the ball of his quivering feet. His toes slightly scrunched and flexed as his mate's lips wrapped around each plump digit.

Dakota slowly licked up and down the length of Mikey's bare soles. He turned around and rolled the toned boy on his back. He lovingly caressed the soft cheeks as he leaned down and shared a long, passionate kiss with the man who'd captured the half Cherokee's heart and soul. Their tongues danced together as the men's fingers massaged and pressed into warmed skin. Mikey's slender feet caressed and lightly grazed Dakota's size twelve velvet-like soles, causing both men to softly moan and writhe in pleasured ecstasy. The couple smiled and giggled boyishly as they sensually tickled and caressed themselves to a synched climax. Soft whispered I love you's and deeply felt feelings were conveyed between their giggling as they recovered.

Housewarming/Release Party

Mikey and Dakota were busy with preparations and barely got dressed in time for everyone's arrival. Mikey wore a light button-down mint green long-sleeved shirt with a silvery light green necktie and skin-tight black slacks. Dakota's long-sleeved white silk shirt was almost see-through. His turquoise beaded choker had a silver feather hanging from the center. A pair of ass-hugging black jeans completed the outfit.

Duncan and Sean were the first to arrive. The young men shared a loving embrace with the homeowners. The house came alive as the family and most of the staff from Barefoot arrived. Mikey and Dakota were on hand to greet them with a hug and a glass of White Zinfandel. Bryan looked classically handsome in the tailored black button-down shirt and black pants with a white necktie. Max was as handsomely dressed as Bryan in his white shirt and white pants with a black necktie. The proud couple smiled brightly and gave their sons bear hugs and kisses on the cheek. Mikey giggled when both his dads lifted him off the floor while hugging him.

Pam and Tony entered immediately after the other two parents. Tony wore a white shirt with black pants and a white and black checkered necktie. He called Max and Bryan so the dads could have coordinating outfits. The Knight matriarch turned heads in her strapless sapphire dress, accentuated by matching teardrop earrings and silver chain necklace. She was beaming with pride and wrapped her arms around the two young men. "You two men look like models, just like all my boys."

"Us, look at you, Mama Pam." Dakota gushed and let the love from his second Mom fill his entire being.

Tony bear-hugged Mikey. Like Max and Bryan, he lifted the younger man off the floor. He chuckled when the second youngest of his kids laid his head on his shoulder. "I love you and Kota very much, Kiddo." He set the brunet down and hugged Dakota.

"We love you and Mama Pam too, Dad." Mikey smiled and handed his second set of parents each a glass of wine.

Adam, Jai, and Lance came in together. Adam and Jai lifted their younger brother off his feet, hugging him. Dakota chuckled as Adam tried lifting him. The farthest the younger brunet got was getting his brother's heels off the floor. Adam almost glowed in his golden shirt and silver pants. Jai shimmered in his silver shirt and golden pants. Lance was handsomely dressed in his burgundy shirt and black slim-fit pants.

Mikey took his brothers and future husband aside. "I'd like to show you guys somethings I had created for four of the most important men in my life." The brunet led the others upstairs and stopped in front of Lance's room door. He joined their giggles when his brothers saw the signs on the doors. Mikey held up his hand and opened the door. "Lance, this is your room."

Lance turned the light on and gasped as his hand flew to his mouth. His brothers were in a similar state of awe. Mikey turned a switch above the headboard, and the painting was illuminated by small spotlights over it. It showed Lance in just his blue jeans and barefoot. He stood by the window in Duncan's living room, looking out at the lake. The winter sunlight bathed him in a brilliant light. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around his brother. "I...I can't even describe how I'm feeling about this amazing gift. Mikey, you're..." Lance couldn't continue because his emotions got the best of him.

"I love you, little brother." Mikey smiled and kissed Lance's head. Then he led the men to the next room. "Jai, Adam, this is your room."

The couple opened the door and had the same speechlessness as their brother. Above their bed was a painting of them sitting, looking at the fireplace. Their arms were around each other's waist, and their heads leaned on their shoulders. The couple hugged Mikey from both sides. "It's gorgeous, baby bro."

Mikey smiled and kissed both his brother's cheeks. "There's one more to see." He paused and looked at Dakota. "You ready, big Warrior?"

Mikey chuckled when Dakota eagerly nodded and smiled. The shorter brunet squealed and giggled when he was hefted over his boyfriend's shoulder and carried off to their room. Dakota opened the door and eagerly waited to see what his boy had done. Mikey smiled and turned on the spotlight over the painting.

"Dakota, my brave Cherokee warrior, I hope you love this as much as I loved having it created." Mikey pulled the sheet off and held his breath.

The four men's jaws dropped when they saw the splendorous piece of artwork. Dakota dressed in his Indian costume. His arms crossed over his chest, standing back to back, with Mikey, in his costume, holding his bow and the arrow against the forest background. Mikey gasped when he was lifted off the ground in an almost bone-crushing hug. Tears streamed down the men's cheeks as they shared an emotional group hug. Suddenly, a scream from downstairs grabbed their attention, and the five of them went running to the source of the commotion. Janice, wearing a caterer's uniform, had a sharp knife pressed against Will's throat.

"Janice, what the fuck are you doing? Please, put the knife down." Lance pleaded, hoping to get through to her.

"Back off, all of you. I'll end this pathetic bitch's life right here and get blood on your nice, new flooring." Janice sneered.

The deranged woman had a clear path behind her and started backing up towards the door, dragging her hostage along. Will reached up, pulled Janice's arm away from his neck and slammed his foot down on hers. The blonde screeched, she dropped the knife, and started to lunge at Will. Pam got close enough to the socialite and quickly grabbed the girl's arm, swung her around, then let go. Janice stumbled into the wall. Will took the opportunity and ran into Mikey's arms.

Janice faced Pam. "You fucking whore." She pulled back and aimed her fist at the older woman's face, but Pam stopped the punch and landed hers on Janice's jaw, knocking the woman to the floor. The socialite tried to get up but was restrained by Max and Bryan and was cuffed with Dakota's handcuffs.

Pam walked up to the shrieking girl and slapped her so hard that Janice's head was flung to the side. "Don't ever touch one of my boys again. You're lucky I don't have my Glock, or I'd put a bullet in your skank ass." The matriarch walked away without a hair out of place, a broken nail, or her makeup smudged.

"Way to go, Will and Mom." Mikey giggled as he hugged his Mom and newest brother.

Tony called one of his men patrolling the property and had them cart Janice off to jail. "Pam, you know I'm not supposed to let that happen."

"Sweetie, just pretend you didn't see a thing. I'm sure that no one in this room will say any different." Pam giggled.

"How much sex will you withhold if I don't?" Tony smirked.

"Tony, darling, it'd be Mother's Day before you'd even see this sexy naked ass of mine. With all the rooms empty in our house, we'd have separate beds." The matriarch sighed, walked over, and mingled with the guests as her boys watched with their mouths open.

Duncan got everyone's attention. He announced the official release of the calendar and handed out free copies to everyone there. Mikey and Lance gasped. The cover photo was of them lying on their backs on Duncan's bed. The two of them had their heads leaning against each other's shoulders. Their bare feet were entwined, and each one had a lollipop stick hanging from his lips. Mikey wore Scooby-Doo underwear. Lance, Superman emblem decorated underwear with a giant "S" emblem on the clothing's opening.

February, had a picture of Mikey dressed as cupid. July's photo was of Mikey, Dakota, Adam, Jai, and Lance in Duncan's indoor pool. Dakota had Mikey on his shoulders as he tickled the shorter brunet's bare feet. Adam, Jai, and Lance were also in the shot, engaged in a splash war. June showed Will and Sean against the beach backdrop, tossing a beach ball back and forth. August's scene was the seven models having a volleyball game in the pool. The back cover was the seven guys with arms over one another's shoulders. However, the most endearing and adorable photo was December's picture. It showed all the guys dressed in matching green pajamas decorated with candy canes. They were sitting in front of the fireplace with stockings hung on the mantle. A decorated and lit tree was in the corner. Duncan was reading to the models. Finally, everyone was ready to leave. A little while later, the only ones left in the house were Adam, Jai, Lance, Mikey, and Dakota.

Adam got his brother's attention and raised his glass. "Here's to one hell of a successful party." He paused and joined in the celebratory cheers, then continued. "Also, I'd like to toast my brothers and mate. We've been through hell and came out mostly unscathed and closer to each other than ever. We're a brotherhood of love and fellowship. I love every one of you more than I could ever express with words. Also, here's to Mikey and Dakota. May this home be filled with your undying love, lots of family gatherings, and eventually some kids."
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 100
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Post by Ticklishguy »

16. Almost Christmas

It was four days until Christmas Eve, and Mikey was in the grocery store, spending enough money to make people twice his age have a stroke. However, it was all needed for the annual brother's Christmas Eve gathering and the Family get-together on Christmas Day. This year, both were at his and Dakota's house. The brunet softly hummed as he walked to his forest green Nineteen-Ninety-Seven Ford Explorer. Mikey found the truck at a police auction in almost new condition. Once the weather got colder, the twenty-two-year-old let his corvette rest until the warmer weather returned. He finished loading the food into the back of the vehicle, then placed the cart into one of the corrals, got into his Explorer, and headed home. While he was at a stoplight, Mikey's phone started ringing. He smiled when he saw his Dad, Bryan's name, on the caller id. "Hey, Daddy."

"Hey, Mikey, how's it going?"

"I'm great, on the way home from the store. I've just about gotten all the food I needed."

"You're not holding the phone while driving, are you?"

Mikey chuckled as he turned onto the ramp for the interstate. "Of course not, Daddy. I'm being a good little boy." The brunet giggled as the older man's laughter joined with his. "So, is this just an I miss my baby boy call?"

"Sort of, it's also an I've got a proposal for you call." Bryan excused himself momentarily to thank the courier.

"A proposal? Sounds interesting." Mikey made sure no one was behind him as he merged onto the exit ramp, five minutes from his home.

"I don't know if I mentioned it with everything that's been happening, but I'm at the end of my term on the council. I've got to start looking into the person I'm endorsing to take over my spot."

Mikey carefully pulled into an abandoned service station's lot and parked the Explorer so he could give Bryan his full attention. "Daddy, I've just pulled off at the old gas station. What's this all about?"

"I want you to run for city council. I think you've got the political clout to pull this off. I know you're on the young side, but you're old enough, not to mention you've got the perfect platform. You're all about literacy and education. Also, you're one of the biggest hearted people I know. You'd make an amazing councilman."

Mikey was glad he'd pulled off the road cause he dropped his phone out of surprise and shock. He reached down and picked the device back up. "Daddy, I'm not sure I'd even want to do that." The brunet paused. "What about Barefoot, my job at the library, and all of my charity work?"

"I'm aware of everything you do, and that's why I thought of you first. You're an almost perfect candidate. You were adamant that the officer who gave you the speeding ticket when you got your corvette did his job. Anyone else in your position would've thrown names and relationships around to get out of it. Not only that, but you then went and held the judge to his oath and asked for what was fair. I've never seen anyone your age or older who's done that. Mikey, your brothers, they look up to you and consider you a moral compass."

Mikey closed his eyes and thought a moment. "I'm not giving you an answer yet. I need to talk with Kota and my brothers before deciding either way."

"Of course, I'd expect nothing less from you, son. You've always made the entire family very proud of you, Mikey. I love you, baby boy."

"Thank you, Dad. Our four parents have been the perfect role models. I love you too, Daddy." Mikey ended the call with Bryan and sat in contemplative silence for a few minutes. Finally, he was ready to finish the drive home.

The brunet pulled into the garage, shut off the truck, and closed the automatic door. After opening the passenger's side back door, he put the extra frozen items in the second freezer. Next, Mikey brought in the turkey and the packs of chicken for Christmas Eve. The brunet started making a list of the snacks, drinks, and the other various items he needed to buy for the family gatherings. Because Sean's parents finally came to terms with his sexuality, he and Duncan decided to split the holiday between their two families. Usually, Sean would be at Mikey's for Christmas. Will was already out of state with his family. Mikey was looking forward to sharing the tradition with his soulmate. A smile came across his face as he thought about Dakota while putting everything away.

He poured a glass of merlot and got a plate. Mikey put some crackers and sliced cheese on it, then set them on the side table. He walked over to the altar with his mate's parent's urns on it, lit a candle, and sat in the chair facing them. "Hey, Mama and Papa. I just wanted to sit and have some quiet time with you guys. Thank you again for sending my brave warrior to me. I love Kota more than I could ever verbally express." Mikey paused and wiped his falling tears. "I wish you two were physically here so I could actually embrace you guys. My Daddy Bryan asked me to run for his place on the city council. He made some good points and arguments for why I should run. It would be a great learning experience, but I've got a lot that I do already. Well, I'm kinda hungry, so I'll chat again later. Thanks for listening, and I do know you both are listening. I can feel it in my heart. You've helped to bless this house and relationship. I can never thank you enough, Mom and Dad." Mikey leaned over and kissed the top of the urns. "I love you both." He lightly blew the candle out, then went to eat his snack and sip his wine.

Dakota stopped by Barefoot's building after his shift. He called Adam and Jai when he pulled into the parking lot, letting them know he was outside. The half Cherokee got out of his SUV and walked up the stairs to the penthouse's door. "Hey!" He called from the doorway.

"Kota, come on in." Jai smiled and boyishly giggled as he was given a bear hug that lifted him off the floor. The brunet laid his head on the older man's shoulder and wrapped his arms and legs around the half Indian's neck and waist.

Dakota chuckled and kissed Jai's cheek, then let him down. He was about to ask where Adam was when he was tackled facedown on the floor. His boisterous laughter and screeches filled the penthouse as his other brother tickled his sides and into his pits. "Addddaaaammmmm" He squealed as his fists and legs kicked and pounded the floor.

Adam giggled and ceased his playful attack. He wrapped his arms around Dakota, hugging and kissing him. "Hi!" The brunet chuckled, got to his feet, and extended his arm to help the older man to his feet. Adam yelped and wriggled in Dakota's arms when he got pulled into his brother's lap. Adam's screeching laughter rang through the room as his armpit hollows were tickle attacked. After a minute of playtime, he squealed out his surrender.

Dakota giggled and wrapped his arms around the younger brother as he kissed and hugged him. "How are you two?"

Jai chuckled and shook his head at the two men as he helped them off the floor. "We're good, Kota."

The trio shared another hug, and Adam brought three beers handing one to his older brother. After clinking bottles, the young men sipped their drinks and relaxed. "Dakota, how happy are you with police work?" Adam asked.

Dakota sat his beer on the coaster and picked off a piece of lint from his sock-clad big toe. "It's not what I ever thought it would be, but I like it, for the most part. Why are you asking?"

Adam and Jai looked at one another, and they held hands. "We haven't told Mikey this yet, but Ty's leaving at the end of this month." Jai leaned his head on Adam's shoulder.

Dakota's eyes widened. "Wow! That's sudden. What's up?"

"His Dad died years ago, and it's just been his Mom living back in his home state. Earlier this week, he got a call informing him that she's got cancer." Adam wiped his tears and kissed Jai's cheek.

"Fuck!" Dakota got up to sit beside Adam and cuddled him with Jai on the other side.

"He's moved back home, for the most part. He's coming back after Christmas to work the reopening and try to help us find someone." Jai stated after sipping his beer. "Lance came up with the idea of asking you to be our head security guy."

Dakota's jaw dropped as he gazed into his younger brother's eyes. "Me?"

Adam and Jai were doubled over in laughter at the older man's reaction. "Yes, you. You'd be perfect. You've got experience on the force, you're our brother and Mikey's soulmate, we know you'd train your team right, and you'd kick some serious ass if anyone tried anything with anyone at Barefoot." Adam hugged Dakota as Jai sat on his lap and laid his head on the Cherokee man’s shoulder.

Dakota smiled and kissed the younger men's cheeks. "I guess you've gotten used to having an older brother, huh, Ad?"

Adam smiled and nodded with his head on the Indian's shoulder. "Yeah, you're a keeper, and most importantly, you've made my brother the happiest I've ever seen him." He giggled and squirmed when Dakota's fingers lightly kneaded his ribs.

"I'll have to talk with my angel boy before giving you an answer."

"Definitely, trust me, you don't want to face the wrath of Mikey's pout if you make a decision like that without his input." Adam's statement caused the men's boisterous laughter.

"So, what's the brother's gathering for Christmas Eve? Am I gonna have to be dressed up?" Dakota asked as he finished his beer.

"Yes, a fluorescent pink Tootoo and neon stiletto six-inch heels are required," Jai stated with a momentary straight face before the three men started laughing like hyenas. The youngest brunet squealed as he was pulled across his brother's and future husband's laps. His squeals became high-pitched laughter as Adam tickled his armpits and blew raspberries on his exposed stomach, and Dakota slipped his ankle socks off, tickling his soft bare soles. After everyone calmed down, the trio was again enjoying cuddling each other. Dakota smiled and let himself get lost in the happiness he felt about not being an only child anymore. Adam and Jai seemed to pick up on the older man's feelings and kissed his cheeks.

"Are you nervous about Christmas Eve, Kota?" Adam asked as he gently massaged his brother's shoulders.

"Not really nervous, maybe a little unsure of what happens." Dakota loved the gentle massage. He slightly jumped when he felt Jai, giving his sock-clad feet the same attention Adam gave his shoulders. "Damn, you're both awesome at that." The half-Irishman complimented.

Adam and Jai giggled and continued helping Dakota relax. The couple did their best not to tickle the big guy this time. "It's all fun and games," Adam assured his brother.

"Yeah, we don't do anything different except Mikey cooks his ass off. We have playful wrestling and sparring matches with each other. Have food fights and pillow fights. If it's snowing, we have snowball fights. We enjoy cuddling, ticklish fun, and strengthening our bond as brothers." Jai added.

That's awesome and sounds fun." Dakota giggled and squirmed when Adam tickled his sides, and Jai got his feet.

"We usually make it a two or three-day event, depending on our schedules and when Christmas Eve is. I think this year, we're making it three days. Lance is usually the first one to get there. He does a lot to help Mikey get ready." Adam said.

Dakota smiled. "Sounds like I'm gonna have a good workout over the holiday. Which will burn off a lot of calories." The men shared another hug and kiss before Dakota left to head home to his lover.

Mikey was outside stringing more lights when he heard the alarm at the end of his driveway, letting him know someone was driving up. He smiled and got excited, thinking it was his mate coming home. The smile changed to one of wonderment at who drove up and was parking. Mikey slipped inside the window, opened the top drawer of his bedside table, retrieved his Glock 17, then the brunet grabbed his shoulder holster and holstered the weapon before going downstairs.

The doorbell rang right as Mikey reached the bottom of the stairs. "Yes, who is it?"

"My name is Crandle Dyson. I'm with the Times-Dispatch. I was wondering if I could speak with Mikey Carter."

Mikey opened the door, making sure the man saw he was armed. "I'm Mikey Carter, and if you're truly from the Times, then you should know I don't give unscheduled interviews, and certainly not from my home. You also passed at least five no trespassing signs, easily seen and posted on both sides of the driveway." The alarm sounded, interrupting Mikey's interaction with the reporter. "Now, you have two choices. One, you can leave and don't come back." Mikey paused when he saw Dakota's Cherokee park and his lover getting out of the car.

Crandle was clearly thrown off his game and having trouble regaining his ground. The seasoned reporter was not used to this kind of no-nonsense welcome. He realized he'd definitely underestimated his subject. "What's the second option?"

"You get arrested by Officer Buckingham, Crandle Dyson." Mikey smiled.

The gray-haired man let loose with a gut-busting cackle. "Look, kid, I'll be gone before this...Officer Whathisname even gets on the road. So, unless you want to be vilified in print, you might as well give me an exclusive. I know who your family is. You don't want to see both of your Dad's names or your name dragged through the mud, do you? A story can go either way. If you cooperate, you and your family will come out at the end smelling like roses. Fail to do so, and I will paint you guys in the worst possible light. Your choice."

"I've heard enough. Crandle Dyson, you're under arrest for trespassing and extortion." Crandle's smirk changed to an expression of disbelief as his arms were pulled behind his back and cuffs were placed on his wrists. Dakota proceeded to read the stunned man his rights as he put him in the backseat of the Cherokee. "This is Officer Buckingham. I need a squad car at…"

"This will never stand up in court. I'll fry your entire family in print, Carter."

Mikey just shook his head. "You've been given the right to remain silent. I suggest you take it because everything has been recorded visually and audibly by my security cameras. The security camera signs are beside the no trespassing signs."

Crandle finally heeded the read rights and shut up as they waited for the squad car, which arrived ten minutes later. The reporter was moved to the cruiser as Mikey and Dakota thanked the officers for responding quickly. Once they were alone, the smaller, brunet boyishly giggled and squealed when his mate bear-hugged him, lifted him off the ground, and threw him over the broad shoulder.

"What trouble did you get into this afternoon? I'm starting to wonder if I can ever leave you alone, my sweet a chuja."

"Kota-Bear, I've been just an innocent happy Mikey-Pup today." Mikey giggled and squirmed as his ass was playfully smacked. "Hey, that's police brutality." The brunet's legs kicked, and his high-pitched squeals sliced through the afternoon air when Dakota's fingers kneaded the trapped man's inner thighs.

The half-Indian giggled. "And, that's a police tickle tactic." Dakota carried his mate inside and closed the door.

As soon as Mikey was on his feet, the playful brunet jumped back into his man's arms and kissed him. "I missed you, babe."

"I missed you too, my beautiful angel."

"I've gotten a proposal." The couple said in unison before falling prey to boisterous laughter.

"You first, brave warrior." Mikey poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Dakota. Over the next thirty minutes, the men sat beside each other, sharing the proposals and ticklish foot massages.

That night, Dakota and Mikey lay head to foot on the bed. The younger brunet's toes twitched while his soft bare feet wriggled. His light giggles wafted through the bedroom as his mate's tongue licked across the bases of his toes and slipped along each crevice between them. Mikey's cock was hard and dripping precum. Dakota was in the same soft, giggly aroused state as his younger soulmate. The older man locked eyes with his bedmate and licked his lips as Mikey nodded. Dakota reached over he pulled a condom and tube of KY from the bedside table drawer. The half-Cherokee applied a generous amount of lube to his hot wet ass, then after slipping the rubber on his mate, he coated Mikey's perfectly sized and protected cock with gel. The men positioned themselves with Mikey on top. After some passionate kisses and slowly working their bodies into each other, they settled into a comfortable rhythm as the room filled with the pleasured moans and encouraging words about their being the perfect lover.

Lance pulled up to Mikey's house before sunrise and parked in the garage. "This should be fun." The giggling brunet thought to himself as he quietly entered the house and entered his code into the alarm system. The twenty-year-old slipped his shoes off at the kitchen door, and his sock-clad feet padded up the stairs. Lance put his ear up to the bedroom door and stifled his giggling as he silently entered the room. Lance tiptoed over to the bed, then, without any warning, he roared and jumped onto the bed. The jovial brunet started giggling as he got tangled up in the bedsheets. It was then he realized the bed was empty.

"Get 'em!" Mikey shouted as he and Dakota jumped out from the closet and pinned the younger brunet to the bed.

"Shit!" Lance screeched before drowning in a sea of hysterical laughter as his older brothers wrestled with him. "Fuck! Kota, not my toes." Lance squealed as his socks were removed and the eldest of the trio's fingers tickled the cackling brunet's toes and bases.

"Good morning, baby bro." Mikey giggled as he tickled Lance's armpits while blowing raspberries on his stomach and cuddling his brother.

"How'd you guys..." Lance asked between his giggles and panting after the two ticklers gave him a break and cuddled him.

"We were already up. Mikey heard the ding, and then he saw your headlights." Dakota said. He hefted the youngest brother into his lap, kissing his forehead and laying his head on Lance's shoulder.

"Well, I was right." Lance giggled and kissed his brothers.

"About what, baby boy?" Mikey asked as he massaged both Lance's and Dakota's feet.

"I told myself this would be fun, and it was."
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 100
Joined: 1 year ago

Post by Ticklishguy »

17. Strengthening The Bond

The Lake House

After putting his things in his room, Lance donned a sweatshirt, sweat pants, and dark blue sneakers decorated with silver snowflakes. He then joined his older brothers downstairs in the kitchen. Mikey was in a light blue jogging suit, with his body camera charged and ready for use. Dakota wore a pair of grey jogging shorts and a Bugs Bunny tee shirt.

Lance walked up to the older pair, quickly kneaded his fingers between each man's ribcage, and said, "You boys ready to get your old asses kicked?"

Mikey and Dakota jumped, and their bodies wriggled as they rapidly tried to dislodge the younger tickler's ten digits from their ticklish spots. The trio's elder's robust laughter mixed and mingled with the younger men's slightly higher-pitched tones.

"Oh, you're sooo going down, baby bro," Mikey said with a playful growl. His eyes fixed on his giggling brother.

Lance rolled his eyes and blew a raspberry at the other two brunets. "Yeah, yeah, whatever, big bro. Don't choke on the snow I kick in your face when you watch my sexy ass fly past ya."

The young taunter yelped and squirmed when Dakota's muscled arms wrapped around his waist, lifted him off the floor, and threw him over his shoulder.

"Hey, ya big ape, put me down," the twenty-year-old childishly squealed as his fists playfully pounded the older man's back, and his legs kicked against the broad chest.

"Pale face boy speak big for one so little," Dakota said. The half-Cherokee chuckled as he and Mikey tickled Lance's bucking sides and behind his knees.

The house was filled with tickle-induced squeals and laughter from the trapped young man.

Mikey giggled and said, "Pale face little brother need reminding of his ticklish situation." The younger of the tickling duo moved his tickle attack to the helpless prey's armpit hollows and blew raspberries on his neck.

Lance was momentarily incapable of coherent speech. All that came from his open mouth was lost in the hysterical cackles. Finally, Mikey and Dakota took pity on their brother and ceased the playful attack. Lance's giggles continued to flow as he panted. He was gently placed on the kitchen island's counter. Dakota firmly rubbed his back and shoulders while Mikey got him a cold bottled water. His brothers ensured he didn't choke as he sipped from the plastic spout. When he calmed down, Lance looked at his older brothers, smiled, then hugged and kissed them.

"That was freakin' fun as fuckin' hell," the brunet excitedly exclaimed.

"Lancelot Arthur Knight, language," Mikey stated in a mock stern tone as he shook his index finger at his giggly brother.

"Damn, I fuckin' LOVE this family," Dakota said as he wrapped the younger men in a hug and kissed their cheeks.

"Language," Mikey and Lance said in unison as they returned the affection. The boisterous trio continued their playful banter and taunting as they left the house for their run.

For all his jovial boasting and hijinx, Lance finished in second place. Mikey was first, with Dakota finishing a second or two after his younger brother. The young men walked inside the house, stripped down to their underwear, and barefoot, they walked upstairs, where the trio shared a fun and ticklish shower.

An hour and a half later, Mikey was in the kitchen, fixing breakfast. Once the biscuits were in the oven and the timer was set, he stood against the doorway and smiled. Lance and Dakota were on the sofa, watching the news. The younger of the pair lay in the fetal position with his head in his older brother's lap. Mikey wiped the tears from his eyes, then quickly pulled his phone from his pocket and snapped some pictures, which he sent to the family. Not wanting to disturb his mate and brother's bonding time, he returned to the kitchen to finish making their food.

Lance turned his head, looked at the older man, and said, "I can see why Mikey always feels so safe with you. You've got this strong, love-filled protective feeling that radiates from your body."

Dakota smiled as he looked down at Lance and lightly stroked his hair. "As long as I'm able, I'll always be here to love and protect my sweet angel boy and my brothers.

Lance leaned his head up and kissed Dakota's chin. "Thank you, Kota. I hope you know that's a two-way street. We'll always be here for you, no matter what. You're the perfect addition to our family," he said.

"That means a lot, baby brother," Dakota said, with tears in his eyes.

Lance could feel a tinge of sadness mingling with the happiness in the room. He closed his eyes and gently clasped Dakota's hands. "You've never really talked about anyone in your family other than your parents," he softly said. "Is there a reason why?"

Tears welled in his eyes as Dakota mulled over the statement and question. He gazed out the window at the falling snow and deeply inhaled. "My family isn't like yours at all," he responded in a low tone. "I...I've never met anyone from either side of my family. Both sides shunned my parents because they fell in love."

Lance had to blink a couple times because of the tears stinging his eyes. He sat up, moved onto Dakota's lap, and wrapped the muscular man in a vice-like bear hug. "I'm so sorry, Kota. I can't even begin to imagine how that feels. Knowing you've got family you've never met and who won't have anything to do with you because of your parent's love for one another."

Dakota leaned his head down and kissed his emotional brother's head as he returned the hug. "Shh, it's okay, sweet brother. I've gotten used to it. Besides, I can't miss what I never had."

"Well, you'll definitely never have to feel abandoned or shunned again, my brave warrior," Mikey stated. The brunet giggled because his sudden presence made his mate and brother jump two feet off the sofa. "Are you boys ready to eat?" He asked as he kissed and embraced Dakota and Lance.

Lance giggled and said, "If you made it, I'm eating,"

Dakota brightly smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

Mikey turned towards the kitchen and yelped as he was grabbed from behind. He squirmed, giggled, and tried getting free before he was pulled back and over the furniture's arm. "Hey, no fair teaming up on poor, defenseless Mikey," the brunet squealed as he got pinned beneath his brother and mate.

"Oh, it's totally fair, baby boy," Dakota said as he smirked and lightly tickled along the edges of the shorter man's armpit hollows.

Mikey's high-pitched giggles flowed like a rushing river from his lips. His body wriggled side to side, and his legs pumped back and forth as he attempted to escape his playful captors.

"It's also a necessity, big bro," Lance exclaimed as he straddled his brother's animated legs. He giggled as he licked his pinky finger, then twisted it back and forth along the cavernous walls of Mikey's innie belly button.

The result of the youngest brunet's tactic was like getting shocked for Mikey. His body bucked, his midsection arched, and his head flew back and forth as his boisterous laughter bounced off the walls. His toes scrunched and uncurled inside the thin rainbow snowflake-decorated socks on his feet.

The trio's noise was so loud that Adam and Jai were allowed to enter the kitchen totally undetected. The soon-to-be-married pair giggled as they watched the scene. After a minute or two, when Mikey squealed his protest to tickly raspberries, the guys made their presence known. Adam's fingers latched onto, and wiggled between Dakota's ribs, then traveled up to the older man's pit hollows. Jai pulled his baby brother to the floor, pinned him facedown, and pulled the candy cane socks from his flailing feet.

Dakota fell off the couch in a fit of cackles, with Adam following him and trapping his writhing, muscle-toned body. Lance's upper body bucked. He squirmed side to side, screeching and wildly laughing as his soft, bare soles were treated to an unescapable ticklish assault. While his ticklers were being tickled into oblivion, Mikey got up, went to the kitchen, and began setting the table. Once he finished, he grinned and jumped into the pile of limbs. He started blindly tickling anything his fingers came in contact with. Finally, the five tired and sweaty young men called a unified truce. They got to their feet, shared a group hug, and walked into the dining room. All except for Mikey, who went through the room and into the kitchen, followed by Dakota. Adam, Jai, and Lance sat at the table. The trio cracked up laughing when the oldest brunet returned, with Mikey standing in the doorway, slapping his palm with a wooden spoon.

Dakota pouted and glared at his younger brothers as he gently rubbed his reddening knuckles. "Damn, at least one of you could've told me about Mikey secretly being a nun," he paused and blew on his sore hand.

Lance shook his head as his body quaked from laughing. Half a minute later, he patted Dakota's shoulder. Then he said, "sorry, big bro, but we've all experienced the wrath of Mikey when you're in the kitchen on the first morning of our celebration of brotherly love."

Dakota giggled. "I'm sooo making you guys pay for that," he said with a playful growl.

"Kota, Mikey does this ritual every year," Jai said as he sipped his grape juice.

"Our mystery-loving brother never tells us the biscuit-shaped theme he comes up with. He loves seeing our reaction as we see what's under the covered plate he gives us," Adam said as he reached over and lightly noogied the half-Indian.

"Arrgh, hey, nooo fair, baby bro," Dakota childishly squealed. "Miiikkkeeeeyyyy, Adam's noogieing me," he hollered.

"Tattle tail," Adam replied.

Mikey shook his head and boyishly giggled as he rolled covered plates out to the dining room on a dual-shelf cart. "Adam, don't make me send you to the corner, again," he said as he placed the food in front of the guys and kissed each one's cheek. Finally, he set his plate on the table, then stood at the head, with Dakota to his right and Lance to his left.

One by one, the others stood and grasped their brother's hands. Dakota was intrigued and excited by everything he'd been experiencing. Mikey looked around the table at his family and smiled as he let the tears drip freely down his cheeks. He took a breath and began to speak. "Guys, this is, by far, the most trying month we've been through. It's also been the most amazing. Our family has grown and adopted my soulmate, Dakota. I'm grateful to my three brothers for showing him the love and acceptance we were raised with. I love, treasure, and rely on each of you gathered here," he paused to get control of his emotions. "Since it's Kota's first time, I'll explain why we do this. We take this opportunity to tell and show each other what we mean to one another. It also lets us vent any unresolved issues or baggage of any kind. That way, we don't carry them into the new year." Everyone raised a glass and toasted their time together. Alright, guys, let's eat. I'm fuckin' starved," Mikey pronounced.

"Mikey, language," Adam, Jai, Dakota, and Lance hollered in unison before the table roared with laughter.

Everyone's eyes, but Mikey's, lit up when they uncovered the plates and saw their biscuits in the shape of their birth signs. Mikey's eyes lit up, watching the faces of his tablemates. Once breakfast was finished, everyone helped clean up the mess.

Later that morning, Adam approached his younger birth brother. He smiled, wrapped his arms around Mikey's chest, kissed the side of his head, and laid his chin on the shorter man's shoulder.

Mikey sighed happily and melted into his older brother's comforting embrace. "Ya want to choose the first activity of the day?" Mikey asked as he reached behind him and tickled his brother's sides.

"Yyyeehheeeesssss," Adam responded between his giggles. He squirmed but managed to keep hold of his tickler.

Mikey nodded and let out a midrange wolf whistle, getting the other three men's attention. "Guys, Adam wants to choose the first activity we're gonna enjoy."

Adam grinned as he gazed into the eyes of his brothers and mate. "Target practice with the bows and arrows," he said. A smile crossed his face when the other men became excited and offered high fives.

Mikey held Dakota's hand as they followed their brothers to the garage. "I love you, Kota," he whispered.

"Love ya too, sweet angel boy," Dakota responded before he kissed his man's hand.

"So, who shoots first?" Lance asked after everyone gathered in the heated shooting and target range with their bows and arrows.

Jai smirked and said, "I nominate Kota."

Dakota displayed a mock, hurt expression and vocal tone as he said, "It's the Cherokee blood, isn't it." He could only hold the giggles back for a couple of seconds before they bubbled to the surface of his throat and sprang from his lips.

Mikey patted his mate's back and said, "Go on, brave warrior. Show us pale faces how it's done." He jumped back and wriggled like a worm when Dakota's fingers kneaded his sides just above his hips. "Let’s all go at once," the giggling brunet said after he kissed Dakota's soft lips.

The young men got into position, raised their bows, took aim, and let the arrows fly into their targets. They high-fived and congratulated each other for their effort. Mikey's and Adam's mark was just off center of the bullseye. Lance's and Jai's mark was in the circle outside of the bullseye. There were no surprises except for Dakota. His shot didn't even hit close to where the blended brothers thought it should be. Mikey, Adam, Jai, and Lance were flabbergasted as to why their eldest's mark was close to the edge of the paper target.

Adam glared at Dakota and said, "Alright, Kota, come here. Let's talk."

Mikey, Lance, and Jai giggled when Dakota gave them an innocent puppy expression and pointed at himself.

Adam nodded and motioned with his index finger for the half-Irishman to approach. As soon as the other brunet was within reach, Adam grabbed his arm, moved quickly to trap the taller man in a headlock, then pulled him to the floor on his back.

Dakota was shocked at how easily he'd been trapped. His legs kicked and squirmed until Jai jumped onto them, thus ensuring he wasn't going anywhere.

"Now, here's what's gonna happen," Adam paused as he got Dakota's arms trapped under his knees. "We know you've got to be a better shot than that to be on the force," he paused again, leaned closer to his new brother's face, and grinned.

"Bro, ya need to brush your teeth 'cause your breath is rank," Dakota chuckled at his juvenile response to the situation. His brother's giggles joined his.

"Oh, you're sooo gonna regret that, Kota," Adam said as he cracked his knuckles. "Now, you're gonna answer truthfully. Did you miss the target on purpose, or are you that bad with a bow and arrow?"

The half-Cherokee man's toes wiggled inside the pair of ankle socks and shoes covering his feet. Inside he was dying to know what would happen if he wasn't truthful.

"Just a fair warning, brave warrior," Mikey said. He playfully tweaked his mate's nose, giggled, and quickly moved his hand away when Dakota growled and acted like he was gonna bite his fingers. "If you don't answer, you'll be tickled for three minutes," Mikey licked his lips, then leaned down and slowly licked up and down Dakota's cheeks with the broad of his tongue.

"I ain't sayin' nothin' white men, not till my lawyer gets here," Dakota said. “I’m a smart Cherokee,” he punctuated his statement with a blown raspberry at the guys surrounding him.

Adam nodded to Jai, who untied, then removed his trapped brother's shoes and socks. Lance pulled a pouch from his pocket, emptied the contents into his hand, and attached them to his fingers.

Dakota's eyes widened when he saw the guitar picks glued to thin metal bands. "Oh, fuck," he said as his toes curled and uncurled, and his soft pale arches wrinkled and smoothed out.

Jai had a vice-like grip on Dakota's ankles to keep them stationary. Then, with no warning, the pointed ends of the picks attached to Lance's fingers wreaked havoc on the older man's defenseless soles. The alternate tactics of slow strokes on one foot, then rapid strokes for the other, forced boisterous cackles and laughter from the ticklish cop.

Dakota's head rolled from side to side as he used all his muscles and tried to pull free. He was so focused on the thin plastic wafers that he didn't notice his toes being pulled back. Suddenly, he felt the feather end of an arrow saw back and forth between each of his plump toes. This, combined with the addition of fingers kneading his inner thighs, made the elder brunet's laughter become an octave higher. Finally, Adam's warm lips blowing raspberries turned the shrill shrieks into silent gasps.

Mikey signaled the end of the tickling. He walked over to the mini fridge, pulled out a bottle of water, and handed it to Jai. Adam helped Dakota sit up while Jai held the plastic spout to his lips so he could safely sip the cold liquid.

Dakota panted and eagerly accepted the drink and assistance from the guys. When he'd recovered enough, the tickled man looked each of his companions in the eyes. "That was freaking amazing. I've never experienced anything like that before. I loved it," he paused. "Pale face brothers sleep with one eye open in fear of ticklish Cherokee justice," he giggled and glared at Mikey. "Especially, pale face ticklish angel boy."

Mikey smiled as he placed his mate's big feet in his lap, firmly massaged the pink soles, and kissed every toe. Despite the attempt not to tickle him, Dakota's toes twitched, and he softly giggled when he felt the loving kisses.

"So, big bro. Did you miss the target on purpose?" Lance asked just before he dissolved into a boyish fit of giggles when Adam and Jai launched a tickle attack on his sides and knees. The twenty-year-old male's body writhed and squirmed as his high-pitched squeals filled the enclosed carport.

Dakota sighed and closed his eyes as he melted into his mate's warm embrace. "Yeah, I did," he sheepishly said.

Adam slid over to his brothers. He lifted Dakota's chin and stared into his eyes. "Dakota Nickolas Buckingham, don't you ever do that again," the brunet firmly stated. "Not doing your best at any given time is the quickest way to lose respect in this family," he softened his tone. "I'm only saying that cause we love you and want you to be the best Dakota you can be."

Dakota was overcome with the love that poured from the men around him. Salty tears streamed down his pink cheeks. "I give my sacred promise that I'll never throw any challenge again. I love you all too much to disrespect my mate and brothers." He giggled and said, “Damn, I fuckin’ love this family,” He kissed Mikey, Lance, Jai, and Adam as they shared a group hug.
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