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Teens In Love: M/M (Completed)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 4:02 pm
by Ticklishguy
01 Weekend Fun pt. 1

"Hey, Robbie, wait up." Mike Stetson hollered as he started running toward his best friend, Robbie Hartford. The blonde teen's size nine and a half red and grey sneakers with orange soles pounded along the grassy field as he ran after his target.

Robbie stopped walking and turned around. His neck-length hair slightly blew in the wind, making his locks look like a flickering flame. He drew an imaginary line in the grass with the toes of his size nine black skater shoes. As soon as he saw who'd called out to him, a big smile came across the curly-haired redhead. The smile morphed into a look of surprise as he grunted when his friend crashed into him, sending them both to the grassy field. The two fifteen-year-old boys were a mass of giggling and squirming arms and legs while they rolled around, each trying to dislodge the other.

"Have ya ever heard of brakes, Mikey?" Robbie squealed as his slightly taller bud finally pinned him.

The giggling red-haired teen's soft, light silvery-blue eyes sparkled as he looked into his friend's gorgeous hazel-colored eyes. With his height of five-foot-six, the teen was only a couple of inches shorter than his curly-haired blonde counterpart's current height of five-foot-eight. Robbie and Mike grew up beside each other and remained inseparable. When some guys moved into different interests and circles than most of their childhood friends, these two teens got closer, and their lives became more intertwined. They were both physically demonstrative when showing affection towards their families and each other, regardless of where they were or who was nearby.

"Umm, I think so. Aren't brakes the thingies on cars that make them stop? Did they finally make them for teen boys?" Mike smirked and wrapped Robbie in a chokehold, giving him a noogie.

"Eeeekkkk! Not the noogie." Robbie cackled and wriggled in his buddy's unbreakable grip.

"Say you love me, Robbie." Mike snickered and kissed his friend's nose while continuing the noogie.

"Okay, I love you."

The blonde teen straddled the slightly smaller one's waist and waved his arms over his head. "Yes! And, Mike Stetson wins yet another noogie contest." He giggled.

Mike slid off of Robbie and laid beside him. The two looked at one another, smiled, and held hands. As if they were one connected unit, the teens sighed in unison and closed their eyes. This was just one of many comfortable minutes of silence the two of them shared throughout the years they'd known each other. Robbie giggled and squirmed when Mike's arm wrapped around his waist, and his fingers very lightly started wiggling and pressing into his side. Ever since he could remember, Robbie had been incredibly ticklish.

Being ticklish and the love for tickling and getting tickled was something Robbie and Mike discovered they had in common early on in the friendship. It wasn't long before the two boys started having playful tickle fights, tickling each other to reveal secrets. Robbie loved hearing Mike's boyish giggles, and it was the same for Mike with Robbie. The second Robbie started laughing, so did Mike it never failed. Soon, the early afternoon air was filled with the sound of lighthearted teenage laughter and squeals.

Robbie laid his head on Mike's firm and muscular chest. He loved hearing the other boy's strong heartbeat. It made him even happier when it matched his own. Thoughts and visions of him and Mike being husbands and having a family ran through his mind. Robbie hoped it would happen one day. Just like it had for his dads and Mike's dads.

Mike looked down at his bro and smiled as he lightly ran his fingers through the forest of red curls. Tears welled in his eyes as he thought about how much he loved the boy in his arms. Although they never expressed romantic feelings for one another, the blonde teen couldn't help but believe that he and Robbie were meant to be a couple. He just didn't want to take the chance of being wrong. "I love being with you like this, Rob." He said as he gently kissed his friend's forehead.

"Me too, Mike. You're the only one I've ever been able to be myself with, other than our Dads." Robbie giggled as he slightly raised Mike's shirt and lightly grazed his fingers back and forth across the blonde's stomach, just under his belly button.

Mike's eyes widened. He started giggling and squirming, trying to escape the playful tickle attack. "Roooobbbbbieeeeee!" Mike squealed as he crunched his abs. The blonde teen's legs started moving against the grass as he continued giggling like crazy and wriggling.

"Mike, you're the cutest ticklish teen boy ever." Robbie giggled and then blew a raspberry on Mike's stomach, which caused him to lurch forward, cackling and rubbing his stomach like the doughboy in the commercials.

"Am not." Mike fake pouted and blew a raspberry at Robbie before they both cracked up laughing at their antics. "Hey, guess what we're doing this weekend?" Mike asked as he excitedly jumped up and down like a little kid.

Robbie giggled and shook his head at the goofy teen. He loved how playful the two of them still were. "Umm, is it watching you shower? Cause your pit funk was strong." As soon as the words left his mouth, Robbie was forced on his back. His boisterous laughter floated in the afternoon breeze. The redhead rolled side to side and kicked his legs as Mike's fingers moved at lightspeed, tickling his upper body.

"You're just jealous cause I got man musk, and you're still in the boyish BO stage." Mike pinned his ticklish prey's arms over his head with one hand. He used his free hand to alternate wiggling the five fingers in Robbie's cavernous pit hollows. "Coochie coochie, bro." Mike taunted playfully.

"Shit! Not the coochie's." Robbie screeched wildly with laughter. His arms desperately tried breaking free, but Mike had always been a little stronger than Robbie, so he knew he was trapped.

"Do you give?"

"YES!!! I GIVE!!! UNCLE!!!" The redhead squealed.

"Ya still love me, Rob?" Mike asked as he hugged the heavily panting redhead.

"Of course, I do. That was awesome." Robbie's laughter subsided to his boyish giggles.

As usual, Mike started giggling too. "Anyway, what I was saying before a certain adorable but annoying redhead interrupted me is our Dads are leaving tonight for a weekend-long couples retreat. They've decided to let us stay in the cabin for the weekend by ourselves."

Robbie sat up lightning fast. "Are you serious? That's AMAFREAKINING!" Robbie was now even more excited than Mike.

Mike shook his head and broke up laughing at his bud's splicing of words. "Row, only you could come up with a word like that. I love how your mind...sometimes works."

Robbie glared at Mike and playfully growled as he lunged at the taller boy. He tackled him, rolled the blonde on his stomach, straddled his butt, and wrapped his arm around Mike's kicking legs. "You're sooo dead, Stetson!." He grinned and slipped off Mike's sneakers. Robbie giggled and fanned in front of his nose. "Woah, ya need to change your socks. Either that or wash your feet more."

"You know you love my feet smell."

Mike's cackles flowed past his soft, plump lips like a river. His head shook side to side, and he tried breaking Robbie's hold on his green and black polka-dotted thin athletic ankle sock-clad feet. Mike's feet were his second, most ticklish spot. His first was his ass cheeks. The blonde teen's feet wriggled and squirmed, his arches wrinkled, and his toes curled and uncurled in their cotton house.

Shrieks and high-pitched laughter were all Robbie heard as his thin, nimble fingers danced and skittered along the slightly bigger soles. He actually did love Mike's foot scent. In fact, the redhead loved everything about his favorite boy's feet. Robbie had a fetish for feet and tickling, as did Mike. That was one of the things they bonded over. "Say Robbie's the best, or I make the socks magically disappear." Robbie giggled.

Mike's fists pounded the grassy field as he wriggled and writhed under the other teen. The blonde was in heaven. For the most part, only the Dads and Robbie ever tickled him. "Okay, Robbie's the best." Mike hollered out a minute or two later. He lay there giggling and wiggling his toes while Robbie gently massaged them and kissed his toes through the socks. "Ya know, you're the best at that, Row." Mike giggled when the redhead's fingers hit a ticklish spot on his arch.

Robbie blushed and giggled along with Mike. "You were right, Mikey. I do love the smell of your feet."

Mike smiled and pumped his fist in the air. "Oh, yeah, I knew it. By the way, Red, I love the smell of yours too." He giggled when Robbie blushed an even deeper red. "'re the only one I've ever liked and recently, the only one I let call me Mikey."

"You're the only one who calls me Red and Row." He paused and kissed Mike's cheek. "I love our nicknames for each other, and I love knowing it's something that's only between us."

Mike returned the affection he was shown. "Me too, Red, me too." He looked at his watch, then sat up and put his shoes on. "C'mon, baby boy. Let's get back to the houses. We can pack, get on the four-wheelers, and head up to the cabin." The blonde teen held out his hand and pulled the redhead to his feet.

Robbie sheepishly looked at Mike. "Umm, Mikey, do ya think we can play our tie-up games?" The redhead slightly curled into himself after asking the question.

Mike giggled and ruffled his boy's hair. "I'm counting on it." He paused and tickled the redhead's hips causing him to jump and squeal. "Besides, I gotta keep practicin' ya almost got loose last time." The blonde cackled and ducked his bud's attempt at smacking his head.

Robbie yelped and giggled when Mike hefted him over his shoulder, playfully smacked his ass, and carried him back to their houses which sat side by side.

At their respective houses, the boys packed only the essentials. Extra clothes were already at the cabin. They met their Dads in Robbie's driveway and were getting the obligatory Dad speech about not getting too wild, don't clog up the jacuzzi, and turning the heater off in the indoor pool when you leave to come home. Finally, the ever-popular, don't burn the place down. The boys were also informed the fridge was stocked with fried chicken, bbq ribs, three frozen pizza's in the freezer, veggies, and drinks. They were made aware of the snacks in the cupboard. After a round of tickles, hugs, and kisses, the four men got into Robbie's dad's SUV and left for their retreat.

Mike and Robbie shouldered their bookbags with the things they were bringing, went to the garage, pulled the four-wheelers out, and made sure each house was locked tight. They straddled the machines, nodded at each other, put their helmets on, and then sped off through the field to the dirt road that led up the mountain where the cabin was located.

The boy's dads were best friends in college, and the four of them stayed friends and decided to buy a hundred acres of land, part of which was on a mountain. The four men found two surrogates to impregnate, and the two families coexisted as one big family unit. The two couples built a two-story cabin with a basement and an indoor, in-ground full-size pool.

The ride took about fifteen to twenty minutes. Mike and Robbie dismounted the four-wheelers. The pair stood on the front porch, and holding hands, they both took a deep breath of fresh mountain air. The teens locked eyes, high-fived each other, giggled boyishly and shared a long, loving embrace.

Re: Teens In Love: 01 Weekend Fun pt. 1 M/M

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 7:23 pm
by Ticklishguy
02 Weekend Fun pt. 2

Mike and Robbie separated from their embrace and smiled. Robbie was about to take his stuff inside when Mike's hand on his wrist stopped him. The red-haired teen turned and gazed into his friend's eyes. He saw something he wasn't used to seeing, fear and apprehension.

"Mikey, what's wrong?" Robbie softly asked.

He set the things down on the porch and gave Mike his full attention. Mike deeply sighed as tears dripped down his cheeks. Robbie wrapped the emotional teen in his arms and lightly smoothed the blonde locks.

"I...I really need to tell you something, but I'm afraid of possibly losing you and what we have." Mike managed to say between his soft sobs.

Robbie led the boy to the porch swing. He gently guided the taller guy onto the seat, then he untied Mike's shoes and began massaging the blonde's sock-clad feet and toes. "Whatever it is, I promise you, I'm never leaving you, Mike." Robbie smiled and kissed the slightly damp cotton covering his friend's toes.

Mike squirmed a bit, and his plump pinkish toes wiggled in their fabric housing. His soft boyish giggles floated into Robbie's ears, making the redhead softly giggle along with the blonde. "You really promise you'll never leave me?"

Robbie smiled and shook his head as he sat beside Mike. Protectively, he wrapped his arms around the boy who had his heart for as long as he could remember. "I really promise I'll never leave you. You're my Mikey, just like I'm your Row."

Mike shifted and gazed directly into Robbie's eyes. "I love you, Robbie Hartford." He quickly placed his finger on the other teen's lips when he started to respond. "I don't just love you, Robbie. I'm in love with you." Mike paused. "I love and treasure everything about you. Your laughter and how you make me feel like I can do anything I dream of. Robbie, I dream of us being boyfriends and eventually husbands once we're ready to take that step together. Row, you're my everything. I just hope you feel the same way. I'd be lost without you, my sweet angel boy."

Robbie's tears streamed down his cheeks. He dreamed of those words and the sentiment coming from Mike's lips. "I do feel the same way as you, Mikey. All I've ever wanted for us was to love and take care of one another. You're my protector and comfort when I'm scared or sad." Robbie paused and giggled boyishly. "Don't even get me started on how much I love your laughter and the games we love to play." He squirmed and squeaked when Mike's fingers lightly wiggled between his ribs. "I'm yours, Mike Stetson. Past, present, and future, I've always been yours. All you had to do was claim me." The redhead lost it and laid his head on Mike's shoulder, bawling.

Mike excitedly jumped up and whooped and hollered. He giggled when Robbie yelped as he was lifted off the swing and onto the blonde teen's shoulder. "Hot fuckin' damn. You're mine, and I'm yours. I'm sooo not letting you go."

Robbie squealed happily and playfully smacked his mate's butt. "You're just too cute, babe."

"So are you, my love. So are you." Mike giggled and set Robbie back on his feet.

The two teens locked their lips together in a long passionate kiss that had them both seeing stars and fireworks behind their closed eyes. Once they separated, the boys giggled and carried their things into the house. Robbie leaned against the wall and toed off his shoes. Not even a minute after he'd placed his and Mike's footwear neatly beside the door, the redhead squealed and wriggled as he was lifted off the floor and over his boyfriend's shoulder.

'Hey...what ya?" Robbie's question was cut short as laughter replaced his words.

"What was that, sexy tickle boy?" Mike giggled.

The blonde teen playfully tickled his boyfriend's sides and kissed the side of Robbie's blue jeans-covered ass. The redhead's legs kicked, and his boisterous cackles bounced off the walls, filling the room with teenage tickle-induced laughter. Robbie's meaty toes scrunched and curled inside their fabric house. His body squirmed and wriggled as he tried freeing himself from Mike's hold on him.

"Miiikkkkeeeyyyy!" The teen squealed as he slapped his mate's bubble butt.

"What?" Mike snickered and continued to tickle his trapped prey.

Robbie couldn't respond because of the ticklishness of the situation he was currently in. The teen continued traveling the hysterical path Mikey placed him on. Finally, he gave in and hollered his surrender. The giggly blonde stopped the tickle assault, placed his boyfriend gently on the sofa, and went to get some water and a damp washcloth. He helped Robbie sip some water and ensured the giggling teen didn't choke. Then Mike wiped the redhead's forehead and face before kissing the cute button nose.

"Do you know how perfect for me you are, Row?" Mike asked.

He reached over and placed the other teen's feet in his lap. The blonde lifted Robbie's sock-clad feet to his nose and deeply inhaled the light scent of the redhead's toes through the socks.

Robbie slightly squirmed, and his toes clenched, making the socks outline the pads of his toes. His feet were definitely in the top two ticklish spots on his body. They were also his favorite spot to tickle and have tickled. "I didn't, but I know how perfect you are for me, Mikey," Robbie answered before his soft, airy giggles flowed from his parted lips.

The sound of his boy's adorable giggling made Mike start giggling as it always did. He let go of the pair of feet in his lap and cuddled into the redhead's warm body. "So, now that we're boyfriends, that means we can be more intimate with each other, right?" Mike asked as he caressed Robbie's scalp. He then wagged his eyebrows as he lightly tickled the back of the other teen's neck.

Robbie softly purred and mewed as Mike's fingers caressed his scalp. He shivered and boyishly giggled when the fingertips grazed his neck. "Hmm, I'll have to think about that."

Robbie's high-pitched full-blown laughter rang through the living space. His ribs were under another one of Mike's famous tickle attacks. The redhead screeched and wriggled while kicking his legs in the air as he was kept helpless. Mike chuckled and moved the tickles to his ticklish victim's deep armpit hollows. This made Robbie's laughter rise in both volume and pitch. Reflexively, he brought his arms down, unfortunately trapping Mike's hands in the damp and slightly hairy crevices.

"Okay, I Give. Yes!!! We'll be more intimate. I love that idea." Robbie yelled. The red-haired teen panted and continued to giggle. "I love the thought of being more intimate with you, Mikey." Tears formed in Robbie's eyes. "You don't know the times I've cried myself to sleep when I wasn't in your bed." Robbie put his hand up to stop Mike from interrupting. "Babe, feeling your arms around me at night and the strength in your muscular body makes me feel safe and protected from the world."

Hearing the truth of how he made Robbie feel brought tears to the blonde's eyes. He wrapped the slightly less muscular teen in a loving and comforting embrace. Mike smiled and kissed Robbie's dampened cheek. "You've just made me feel like the strongest man alive, Row." He paused then, wiped his tears and Robbie's tears. "Baby boy, you're not as weak as you just made yourself sound. You're pretty badass when you want and need to be." Mike lifted Robbie's chin so the two could gaze into each other's eyes. "Always know, as long as I'm able, I'll always be around to protect and love you." The teens giggled and shared a soft kiss. They were separated by their stomachs growling, which caused the boy's body's quake and squirm while the laughter flowed from their unchapped parted lips. "Pizza!" They both said in unison before they broke down in hysterics again.

"Do you think the Dads are gonna be happy for us?" Mike asked as he helped Robbie off the couch.

"Was Whitney Houston one of the best singers ever born?" Robbie jumped and squealed like a little boy when his tight round ass was playfully smacked.

Both teens jumped and yelped when Robbie's cell phone started ringing. This made them look at one another and break out in laughter.

"Hey, Papa Theo." Robbie smiled and put the call on speaker.

"Hey, Dad." Mike managed to say with his mouth full of shredded cheese.

"Don't talk with your mouthful, kiddo." Theo admonished his blonde son before erupting in boisterous laughter.

"How's the trip so far?" Robbie asked between his signature giggling.

"We're stuck in traffic and wanted to check in on you two," Theo said.

"Having fun, guys?" The other three men asked in unison.

Mike and Robbie snickered and were heartily laughing in seconds at how in synch their Dads were. "We're having a great time, Papas." They mirrored their parents and responded in unison. The teens and men were all in hysterics over the synched question and answer.

Robbie finally composed himself to say something to the four men. "Dads, Mike and I have something to tell you."

Mike smiled and wrapped his arm around his boy, and this time, he made sure not to tickle him just yet. "Yeah, Papas, it's a big and important development." He giggled and blushed.

"Wow! Mike used the word development. This is serious." Raymond, Mike's other Dad, said.

"Up yours, Papa Ray." Mike giggled.

"What's up, guys?" Timmy, one of Robbie's Dads, asked?

"Yeah, don't keep us in suspense here. We're old and don't have much patience." Keith, Robbie's second Dad, said.

The teens erupted in boyish laughter when they heard Keith squeal and protest the physical abuse he received for his "we're old" comment.

"What do ya think, Row? Should we tell them or make them wait till after the weekend?" Mike snickered.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. Maybe we need to sleep on it and talk about it in the morning." Robbie giggled.

"Just remember three things, boys. We will be back in a couple of days. We know where you sleep, and we can tickle the shit outta you." Raymond said.

The teens giggled. "That's not much of a threat, Papa." Robbie retorted.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess," Keith said. "The two of you finally expressed your feelings for one another and are now boyfriends."

"How the fuck, does he do that?" Mikey asked as he shook his head.

"Mike, language," Theo said.

"Fine! How the hell does he do that? Better?"

The four men's laughter was heard clearly through the connection.

"Yes, Dads, we told each other how we felt and are now a couple," Robbie said as he kissed Mike's cheek.

"Umm, are y'all happy for us?" Mike sheepishly asked as he returned the affection he was shown.

"Son, you just lost me, Papa Ray, and Papa Timmy each a hundred dollars. It's coming out of your inheritance." Theo said, causing the other three and the teens wild laughter.

"Don't worry, baby boy, your Papa Keith's gonna give you and Robbie fifty bucks each when I get paid." Keith giggled and squealed as he protested being tickled.

"We're more than happy for you both. We've been expecting this for quite a while." Theo said.

"Thanks, Dads." The teens said in unison.

"We love you two. There are condoms in either of our rooms if you need them. Please, be safe and take care of one another." Ray told the teens.

"Love you guys, too. Be careful." Robbie and Mike said, then ended the call.

Mike took hold of Robbie's hand and pulled the redhead into a loving bear hug. "We're really two lucky guys."

"I know, our Dads are freakazing."

Mike giggled and wavered his hand in the air. "You've come up with better, Row." The blonde shrieked and squirmed when Robbie's fingers wiggled and kneaded between his ribs and just above his hips. "I love ya, Red."

"Love ya too, Mikey. C'mon, babe, let's make some pizza."

Re: Teens In Love: 01 Weekend Fun pt. 1 M/M

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 7:25 pm
by Ticklishguy
03 Weekend Fun pt. 3

The teens got the pizza in the oven, set the timer, and cleaned up the mess they made. While Robbie loaded the dishes into the dishwasher, Mike went and placed the stuff they packed into their room. He opened his bag and pulled out the nylon ropes he'd brought. The blonde teen softly giggled to himself as he thought of the fun and new heights of intimacy he and Robbie would experience. The visions in his head of his sexy little red-haired boyfriend and him taking turns being tied up in different positions and scenarios, including being completely nude, had Mike aroused.

In the living room, Robbie found himself in a state of arousal as he thought of the fun and possible mischief he and Mike would get into for the rest of the time together. The redhead closed his eyes and rubbed himself against the arm of the sofa while loudly whispering Mike's name over and over again. He was so into his masturbation that he didn't hear his newly acquired boyfriend's approach. He jumped and yelped when he felt Mike's fingers wrap around his hips, firmly holding him against the slightly muscular body without tickling. Not wanting to stop his rhythm, Robbie continued masturbating against the sofa while Mike's body pressed against him, grinding in synch with his body. The two teens began calling each other's names as they wriggled and finally climaxed together. Robbie and Mike heavily panted as the redhead turned to face his playmate. They smiled, pressed against each other, and passionately kissed. Their fingers massaged and stroked one another's hair as the teens softly whispered I love you in unison.

"Fuck! You're the hottest boy, Row." Mike smiled and lightly stroked the redhead's chin.

Robbie squirmed and giggled like a little boy as he tried scrunching his chin against his chest. "You know that tickles." He said as he nuzzled his nose against his boyfriend's neck.

Mike squirmed and giggled as his neck was nuzzled. "You know the same thing about my neck."

Robbie and Mike snuggled together on the couch. Mike laid against the sofa's arm, with his mate sitting between his spread legs, leaning against his chest. The teens happily indulged in their alone time, taking turns causing each other's boyish giggles and squirms as they caressed and tickled known and unknown sensitive spots.

They both discovered the undersides of their arms were very ticklish for both of them. Robbie also found out that when Mike's fingers lightly traced up and down the center of his spine, it made him shiver, squirm, and squeal. Mike's new tickle spot was along his jawbone. The second Robbie's fingertips lightly stroked the sensitive area, the blonde wriggled and scrunched his neck while squealing. The teens loved finding new spots to explore as they took time to learn about one another's bodies in a closer and more intimate way. They spent time softly telling things they'd been holding inside but dying to share. Robbie and Mike were in the middle of a soft passionate kiss when the timer alerted them their dinner had finished cooking. The two softly chuckled as they got up and walked into the kitchen hand in hand.

The guys worked together like they'd seen their Dads do. Robbie got him and Mike a can of Pepsi, while Mike got the paper plates, then sliced and divided up the pizza. He giggled when he saw Robbie's pout after seeing Mike had one more piece than him. The blonde shook his head and playfully licked Robbie's face, making the redhead squirm and giggle before putting the extra piece on his adorable boyfriend's plate. They sat on the sofa beside each other, their feet intertwined and gently caressing each other. Robbie pulled up Amazon Prime on the TV and watched the most recent Cinderella movie. After the soda and pizza were finished, they cleaned the kitchen, and Robbie started the dishwasher. The teens sighed and flopped down on the sofa holding hands and laying their heads on their shoulders.

While the teens explored the new romantic aspect of their relationship, two men drove along the private road that led up to the cabin. They'd just robbed the locally-owned bank in town where the boy's Papa Theo worked as the head security guard. The driver pulled over to the side of the road. They got out of the car and hid the money inside a tree with a hole big enough for the bag of ill-gotten gains to easily fit. They intended to come back for it in a day or two once the heat died down some. After making sure they weren't spotted, the robbers got back in the car and drove away.

Mike smiled and looked at his Robbie. He gently raised the redhead's arms and wrapped them around his neck. Robbie softly giggled. Before his skin was touched, the slightly less muscular teen squirmed and wriggled against his boyfriend.

The blonde teen chuckled and leaned his head down and to the side up against his boy's ear and made sure he whispered with enough breathiness that it tickled the other teen's ear. "If you can resist pulling your arms down for half a minute, you can be the one to choose the game we play and tie me up."
Robbie couldn't verbally answer because the breathy whispering tickled his ear so much that he constantly giggled and scrunched his neck as he tried not to automatically lose the challenge. So, the teen simply nodded his understanding.
Mike proudly smiled. He loved that Robbie was always up for taking on a challenge. Even if he thinks he might lose, he still gives it his best shot. The blonde wrapped his mate in a loving embrace and kissed his head. "You, Robbie Hartford, never fail to make me proud." His eyes sparkled when he saw the look of pride in the redhead's eyes. "You ready, baby boy?"

Robbie giggled. "Sure am, big guy." The redhead took a deep breath, and as Mike set the digital timer for half a minute, he prepared himself for a hard and fast tickle assault. The feathery light strokes of Mike's fingertips along the underside of his arm and edges of his armpits threw Robbie off his game. The teen's body writhed and squirmed, and his boyish giggling grew louder and flowed faster from inside him.

"You're doing better than I thought you'd do, babe. You're halfway there." Mike smiled and moved the light strokes to his boyfriend's stomach. Because of Robbie's tickle induced giggles, he started giggling also. The teen had to strengthen his hold on his ticklish guy cause as soon as his fingers touched the soft sensitive skin, Robbie's body began bucking and thrashing side to side. However, his arms never left Mike's neck.

After another couple of seconds, the timer went off. Robbie's arms flew down and around his midsection as he continued giggling. 'Damn, that tickled like crazy." The red-haired teen playfully growled and nipped his boyfriend's nose. "You're sooo totally getting it, Mikey. You changed your tickle tactic and didn't tell me."

The blonde squirmed and gasped as he tried and failed to maintain his wounded pout. "So, what's your choice, sexy boy?" Mike asked as he softly kissed Robbie from his eyelids down to his chin and then down to the redhead's soft feet and toes.

Robbie giggled and squealed while scrunching his toes and wrinkling his pinkish soles. "Hmm, I think I want to kidnap the teenage sexy boy, staying alone in a mountain cabin. Tie him up as he's tired from swimming in his skimpy swimwear and barefoot. Then slowly discover his ticklish spots while he struggles to escape."

Mike smiled. He grew hard listening to his boy's game scenario and nodded excitedly. "I love that, damn you're the perfect playful boy for me, Row."

Robbie giggled and blushed. "You're the perfect lover and companion for me. You're strong helped me become more explorative and brave."

Mike licked his lips and pulled his boyfriend into a warm, loving embrace. "Give me a couple minutes to change into the bikini swimwear, and get down to the pool."

"Sure thing, handsome." Robbie giggled as Mike blushed. He chuckled more when the blonde yelped and jumped as he pinched his mate's ass cheek.

Robbie gave Mike fifteen minutes before getting into character and joining the blonde in the indoor pool area. He gasped and licked his lips as he watched the graceful dive Mike executed. "Damn, he's sexy as fuck." Robbie said to himself, watching his lover swim laps around the pool. He waited till his blonde boy got out of the water, then with the nylon rope in hand, he silently approached the unsuspecting teen as he lay on the towel that covered the lounge chair. Mike's body glistened in the overhead lights as the water dripped down his creamy skin.

Mike closed his eyes to give himself the most enjoyment from the game. He was positioned face down and lazily kicked his bare wet feet back and forth. The teen jumped and gasped in surprise as he felt his wrists were getting tied behind his back. He noticed Robbie learned from his mistakes. He wrapped the rope around each wrist, then tied them together. In addition, Robbie truly shocked him by slipping thin oven mitts on his hands. Mike adopted a scared and worried facial expression. He was really getting into the spirit of the game.

Robbie had to fight hard as hell, not to break character. "Hmm, looks like the sexy swimmer boy's in a real bind." The redhead chuckled in a dark, low, and rumbling tone. He smiled when he saw Mike's body shiver. He pulled out a blindfold and tied it around the blonde's head.

Mike struggled to try his best to escape but realized Robbie had him trapped, and his swimwear continued tightening as his bulge pressed against the thin fabric. "Who the fuck are you? What are ya gonna do with me?"

Robbie loved hearing the mock fear in Mike's voice. "You'll see soon enough, blondie." He firmly grabbed his boyfriend's arm and pulled him to his feet. "Be a good boy, and maybe you won't get hurt little boy," Robbie smirked as he rubbed Mike's bulge with the palm of his hand.

"Hey! Get your hand off me." Mike made a show of struggling and trying to avoid his dick being fondled.

Robbie laughed as he guided the other teen into the guest bedroom off the pool area. He gently laid his captive on the bed, untied his wrists, and retied them to the bedposts. Then he restrained Mike's ankles to the other posts. "How's that, cutie? Nice and comfy?" He smiled and straddled Mike's struggling body. His index fingers traced lines down his mate's sides and then circled the teen's belly button rim.

Mike sucked in air through his teeth as he pulled against the rope, keeping him bound to the bed. He was shocked how Robbie's knots held tight and didn't give like usual. The blonde made a quick mental note to praise his boy's marked improvement in his ropework. The second he felt his captor's fingers stroke his sensitive skin, he giggled like a little boy. His body wriggled side to side, and his butt humped the bed as his ticklishness got exploited.

Robbie licked his lips and wiggled his fingers in Mike's exposed pit hollows. He loved hearing his boy's squeals and cackling. The blonde's body arched and writhed under him. "I love how ticklish you are, my tickly little boy."

"Please, mister. Don't tickle me. Just let me go. My Dad's gonna be home soon, and you can still leave before he catches you." Mike pleaded between his cackles.

"Oh, I know you're bluffing, kid. I heard your Dad tell you he'd be back in a couple of days." Robbie chuckled and sat between the spread legs. "You're mine till then." He giggled and started lightly tickling Mike's toe pads and their bases.

The toe tickles made Mike struggle even harder. His toes wiggled and flexed as they tried avoiding the treacherous tickling fingers of his captor. The blonde's voice raised an octave when Robbie's nails slowly dragged up and down the center of his arches while his toes were pushed back.

"Coochie coochie, swimmer boy." Robbie teased. He leaned over and began nibbling the plump toes and the balls of Mike's creamy feet.

"Shit, mister. Not the coochies and nibbles. I can't take it." His statement was actually the truth. Mike had to admit, his boy was putting him through his paces. It took another minute before he had to surrender, and he hollered their safe word.

Robbie made quick work of untying Mike. Then he got them some water and laid down beside his mate while he composed himself.

"Holy fuckin' hell, babe. How the hell did you improve your knots so fast?" Mike asked as he wrapped Robbie in his arms and closed his eyes.

"Easy, I just used the ones from last time that you'd already had tied." The redhead squealed and thrashed as Mike's fingers kneaded his sides and ribs.

"You little cheat." Mike giggled and kissed Robbie after ending his tickle assault. "Damn, that was smart of you."

"I love you, Mikey." Robbie yawned and closed his eyes. He laid his head on the muscular chest and felt totally protected and secure like he always did in his boy's arms.

"I love you too, my sexy Row." Mikey yawned and smiled as he fell asleep holding his red-haired teen angel.

Re: Teens In Love: 01 Weekend Fun pt. 1 M/M

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 7:27 pm
by Ticklishguy
04 Weekend's Over Early

The Dads

Raymond Stetson and his husband Theo slept peacefully in the resort's king-sized bed. The blonde man rolled on his side and sleepily moaned as he placed a soft kiss on Theo's muscular and sculpted torso. He softly chuckled when the dirty blonde squirmed and giggled in his sleep. Ray loved waking up to the sounds of his husband's sleepy giggling.

Theo's eyes fluttered open he turned on his side and smiled. "Good morning, sexy guy."

Ray snickered. "It will be once you've located some mouthwash Babe your morning breath is rank. What did you eat last night."

Their luxurious bedroom of the two-bedroom suite the pair of couples chose to stay in was filled with the blonde's boisterous cackles. Ray writhed and squirmed as his husband kept his arms pinned while using his free hand to tickle the slightly older man's bare ribs and pit hollows. His feet dug and pushed against the satin bed linens. "You're soo gonna get it, Theo." Ray squealed.

"Say Uncle, Ray," Theo smirked and quickly moved down and trapped his squirmy husband's ankles by wrapping his arm around them.

"Oh, fuck. Not my feet, Babe, not the ffffeeeeeeettttttt." Raymond screeched.

Theo's nails lightly strummed up and down his pedicured bare feet. The brunet smiled, leaned down then, began nibbling and licking the ten helpless and scrunched toes. Raymond's laughter rose an octave and volume when his husband tickled his sensitive soles and toes. Finally, he couldn't hold out anymore. Ray feverishly tapped his husband's arm, then squealed out his surrendered uncle.

The couple giggled as they melted into a loving embrace until an incoming text message disturbed them. Ray sighed as he reached over and retrieved his phone. He swiped his finger across the screen and opened the messaging app. After a second of reading, the man burst out laughing like a hyena.
"What's so funny, babe?" Theo asked with a confused expression.

Raymond was laughing so hard that he couldn't speak, so he handed the phone to his husband, who broke down in raucous laughter after reading the message. "Would you please quiet down? Other people are trying to hear their own ticklish husband's laughter." It was from Keith and Timmy. Theo and Ray shared a look and head nod. The couple got out of bed and walked out into the hallway. They quickly opened the other bedroom door, ran into the room, and jumped on the bed. The four men wrestled with and tickled each other in a massive playful tickle fight as they indulged their inner child. The men finally calmed down and giggled like little boys at their antics and having acted like overgrown kids.

"We really needed this getaway, guys. Even though we live beside each other, it's been forever since just the four of us had time together." Kieth said as he softly giggled when Theo's toes grazed along the side of his foot. The raven-haired man's giggling got more pronounced when his husband added his tickles to Theo’s. He smiled and cuddled against Theo, then against his husband. "I love you guys."

The four men nodded their agreement and happily sighed before the other guys giggled. Then together, they launched a tickle assault on their squealing and wriggling brother. "We love you too, Keith." They all settled down again and got out of bed. Raymond ordered them all room service for breakfast, Theo and Keith went to the kitchen area to fix four cups of coffee with the Keurig machine, and Timmy set the table.

"So..." Ray paused to sip his coffee while they waited for the room service to arrive. "How are we all feeling about our boys becoming boyfriends?" He gazed into each man's eyes. "I mean truthfully."
"Ever since they came out, I've expected the relationship's progression and considered it totally natural." Keith offered his opinion first as the licensed therapist of the group. He smiled and looked at each man gathered at the table. As he was about to continue speaking, the room service arrived. The men each tipped the guy delivering the food, then Keith continued. "I'm totally secure in the knowledge that we've raised two very loving and mature young men, who've surprisingly been willing to be open and honest with the four of us about their interests, both sexual and nonsexual." Keith scooped some sausage gravy onto his biscuits and took a bite of the creamy and buttery delectable sustenance.

Timmy sipped his orange juice and smiled as he rubbed his husband's back. He and Keith giggled when Raymond and Theo ruffled the youngest of the group. "I agree with my big, overgrown kid here." Timmy kissed Keith's cheek and then had a bite of his pancakes and sausage patties.

Raymond and Theo nodded their agreement as well. "I think most of our parental success, and our boys being so well adjusted is thanks to Keith. Just his seeing clients in his office on the property makes him readily available for Mike and Robbie to confide in when needed and desired." Theo paused to take a bite of his steak and cheese omelet.

"It also helps that he's managed to maintain a patient/doctor privilege with our guys, with the clause that if he deems the problem severe enough, there'd be no choice but to involve us," Raymond said before taking his last bite of scrambled eggs and bacon.

Keith blushed and lowered his head, giggling boyishly. "Thanks, guys." He paused and wiped his tears. "I think we're all equally responsible for our two young men's success and learning experiences."

They finished eating and worked together to clean up. The men placed the dirty plates and cups on the rolling cart, then set the cart outside the door to be picked up. Theo and Raymond, Keith and Timmy went to take their showers. When they returned, Theo's phone alerted him to multiple messages. He went into the bedroom so that he didn't disturb the other three. Keith turned on the TV and tuned into the local morning news broadcast. When they saw the story about the bank robbery, Raymond yelled for his husband right as Theo came running out of the room. Speaking in unison, the men said, "call the boys."

Mike & Robbie

Robbie groggily murmured as he started waking up. The dawning sun's golding rays shone on him, making his red hair look on fire. The teen went to stretch and yawn but quickly noticed his wrists and ankles were bound to the bedposts. He struggled as much as he could. That's when the redhead realized he was blindfolded. Suddenly, a ticklish sensation ran along the sides of his bare feet. Robbie worked hard and attempted to resist the giggles that threatened to flow from inside his body.

"So, my tickling captor's in quite the ticklish predicament." Mike giggled at his choice of wording.

The blonde teen continued lightly tickling the sides of his restrained boy's feet, and then his fingertips slowly traveled up to his toes. He licked his lips while watching the other teen's plump toes wiggle and flex as they were being explored.

Robbie giggled, and his squirms became more pronounced as the tickles traveled along his helpless feet. The arches wrinkled, and he scrunched his toes. "Please, not the tickles this early, kid." The teen pleaded.

Mike giggled and leaned down. His tongue swiped slowly across the toe pads, and his tongue's tip grazed the bases. He was about to continue when his, Robbie's, and the landline started ringing. Instantly, Mike picked up his and Robbie's phones and answered them. "Hey, Dads, give me a sec to untie my baby boy." Mike placed the call on his phone on speaker. "You guys are on speaker. This must be serious for all three phones to be ringing."

"Mike, Robbie, we need you two to stay calm and listen to us carefully." Ray continued for his husband. "We're packing and heading home. There's been a robbery at the bank Papa Theo works for. No one was hurt, but the thieves haven't been caught, and they were last seen close to our home."

"Guys, are the rifles there or at the houses?" Keith asked as he grabbed his suitcase and hurried to the car.

"They're at the houses. You guys told us it was better to be safe than sorry in the event of an accident," Robbie answered.

"Scratch that, one or both of you go get them and then stay in the cabin. Preferably, both of you should go that way, neither one of you alone." Timmy said as he started the SUV.

"We'll get dressed, have a quick breakfast, then get the rifles," Mike said.

"We're gonna meet the police in town at the bank and drop off Papa Theo so he can work with them and try to catch these guys. We're sure nothing will happen, but it doesn't hurt to be safe." Keith said. They all said I love you, before ending the call.

The teens ran upstairs, where Mike went to get their clothes, and Robbie fixed them each a bowl of cereal, a cup of coffee, and orange juice. "Babe, do you really think the robbers could be around here?" Robbie asked. He looked out the window as he placed the dishes in the washer.

Mike walked over, wrapped the slightly shorter teen in his arms, and placed a gentle kiss on Robbie's soft lips. "Don't worry, my sweet angel. No matter what happens, we got each other's back. I'm not gonna let anything happen, and I know you'd seriously mess someone up if they hurt me."

Robbie smiled and laid his head on his boyfriend's chest, and he returned the affection he was shown. "You know I'd do anything to protect you."

Mike and Robbie put their shoes on, mounted their four-wheelers, and headed down to their houses. Along the way, Robbie happened to look to the right and saw something white sticking out of one of the trees. He alerted Mike over their helmet communicators to pull over. They dismounted and walked over to the tree.

Mike pulled the bag from the hole. "Holy Fuckin' shit."

"What is it, babe?" Robbie asked. Robbie almost lost his balance when he looked inside. "T...That money’s from the bank."

A rustling in the bushes made the redheaded teen jump and anxiously look around. "Mike, let's just get to your house, then call the Dads and police."

Mike nodded and took possession of the bag. The two jumped on the bikes and sped down the road to the house.

"You were with me. I'm sure I put the bag in this tree." Leon Masser said as he ran his fingers through his curly light brown hair.

"I know you put it here." Stanley Carrs stopped and turned, looking down the road at the trail of dust from the four-wheelers. "Leo, I think our loot's been heisted. The two men got in the car with Leon at the wheel, following the cloud of dust.

Mike and Robbie skidded to a stop. Robbie got on the phone while Mike checked the doors and windows.

The redhead finished his calls and hung up. "Mikey, the Dads, and police will be here between thirty and forty-five minutes. We're on our own till then." He said as he loaded the rifles and made sure they could easily reach the Louisville Sluggers if needed.

Mike nodded as he looked out the window. The teen gasped when he saw a car park off to the side of the house. "Row, we got company, and it's not anyone we're expecting either."

The teens worked out a quick plan of attack and escape. Mike rushed to the basement. There, he hid the bag in a place where he figured no one would ever look. Robbie grabbed the Slugger and stood ready to whack anyone coming through the front door.

Leon and Stanley got out of the car and brandished their firearms. They started carefully casing the outer parameter of the house where the four-wheelers were parked. Stanley walked up to the garage door and tested the doorknob a couple of times before turning it. Then did the same for the inner door.

"What the hell are ya doin'?" Leon whispered.

"Dude, you've seen "Home Alone." I'm not falling for any tricks."

"You're such an idiot." Leon shook his head.

The robbers silently entered the house. Leon peered around the corner and saw a teenager with red hair facing the front door. Then heard the sound of someone coming up the steps from the basement. Stanley hid behind the open door as Leon crept up behind the unsuspecting boy in the living room. The second the basement door closed, Stanley rapidly wrapped his arm around Mike's neck.

"Robb..." Mike's statement was cut off as a strong arm trapped him in an inescapable headlock. The teen struggled and desperately tried pulling the arm away, afraid he would be choked.

"Calm down, blondie. Be a good boy, and you and your buddy in the other room might get out of this unharmed and alive. Believe me, it's more trouble for me if you get hurt or killed." Stanley whispered into Mike's ear.

"Mike, what?" Robbie started to ask just before someone wrapped their arms around his chest. He lost his grip on the bat, and it fell, clattering on the floor.

"Don't try to be a hero, boy," Leon said as he lowered the teen, setting him back on his feet.

As soon as he was standing, Robbie slammed his foot down on Leon's shoe, causing the man to yell out in pain and release his captive. The teen started reaching for the bat but stopped when he heard the familiar sound of a gun being cocked.

"Blondie's gonna bleed if you make one more move, kid."

Robbie slowly straightened up, placed his hands in the air, and turned to face the speaker. Tears fell down his cheeks as he saw Mike struggling to get free and to him. Both he and Mike were pushed against the wall, their arms and legs spread. The brunet kept the gun aimed at them as the blonde one frisked them. The frisker's fingers hit some major ticklish spots, and before he was finished, both teens were squirming and boyishly giggling.

Stanley chuckled. "Well, at least they're clean."

Leon nodded. "Yeah, these guys are too ticklish to hide anything."

Mike and Robbie blushed at not being able to control their reactions as they were led to the couch. The intruders pushed the buttons to raise the footrest. Mike and Robbie squirmed as the captor placed the teen's legs to it, then tied their wrists together.

"Look, I don't know what you guys are after, but we don't have anything." Mike's voice quivered with fear. He just hoped their Dads and or cops would get there soon.

"You two have our loot from the bank heist, Blondie."

"I swear, we don't have anything of yours." Robbie insisted.

"We'll see." Leon pulled his firearm and pointed it at Mike's head.

"Fuck! Hold up." Stanley quickly placed his arm across Leon's chest and arms.


"Dude, I'm not down for hurting kids, bro."

Leon placed the safety on and holstered his weapon. "What the fuck do you suggest? Bribe them with milk and cookies? Maybe threaten to take away their video games?"

"Dude, we're fifteen, not eight. Milk and cookies wouldn't work." Mike paused. "Although, if you brought us some, it'd be a particularly nice gesture on your part."

"Mikey, this is sooo not the time, babe." Robbie rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Stanley and Leon actually chuckled at the teen's banter. Leon gasped and snapped his fingers. "I think I got a way to make these boys talk." He snickered and then removed Robbie's shoes and socks.

"Umm, mister, I wouldn't take his shoes and socks off if I were you. Mike's not changed his socks in a couple of days." Robbie warned.

"This kid's not got anything we haven't smelled be..." Stanley's statement abruptly ended when he caught a whiff of Mike's socks after removing the blonde's shoes. "Holy shit." He said before his hand covered his nose.

"What the hell, kid? I swear hostages have no respect anymore. What happened to the time when someone being held captive had the decency to wear clean socks and underwear." Leon paused after removing Mike's socks. "Umm, you are wearing clean underwear, aren't ya, boys?"

Mike and Robbie looked at one another and blushed. The next thing they felt was their captor's nails slowly and lightly dragging up and down their bare soles. The room filled with the teenager's wild cackles and squeals. They wriggled and squirmed on the couch as they tried to scrunch their toes.

"C'mon, kiddies make it easy on yourselves," Stanley said as he pulled Mike's toes back and strummed his nails across the taut balls of the teen's feet.

Finally, Mike hollered out. "Your money's in the closet behind the stairs."

Leon went to go check while Stanley stayed with the teens. Neither one realized the poor job they'd done tying the boys up. Mike and Robbie locked eyes, and as soon as the one guy was down the hallway, the boys made their move. Robbie swiftly kicked Stanley in the back, forcing the man to fall forward and drop his gun. Mike wasted no time straddling him and using their hidden cuffs from between the cushions to cuff the intruder's arms behind his back. Robbie grabbed the bat and waited out of sight. As soon as a frustrated Leon returned, he waited till the right moment and brought the bat down across the robber's neck. Mike smiled proudly as he correctly tied the former captor's wrists and ankles. The teens got the men beside each other on the floor.

"You guys totally suck at bondage," Mike said.

The teens sat at the trapped and squirming men's feet. They shared a quick and loving kiss as they removed the robber's shoes and socks.

"Umm, what are ya doing?" Leon asked with a bit of trepidation.

Stanley's bare feet wriggled, and his arches wrinkled. He'd always been very ticklish, especially on his feet. The next thing heard were the boisterous cackles and screeches of the robbers as Mike and Robbie tickled their feet and toes.

"Be careful, men. We don't want to spook these guys. They might be armed." The police chief ordered as he and his men stepped onto the porch.

"Chief, do you hear something like laughter?" One of the officers asked.

The policemen lowered their weapons and looked through the windows. A second later, all the police personnel was doubled over in laughter.

"What the hell are you all laughing at?" Theo asked as he and the other dads got up to the porch.

The chief was too overcome with laughter, so he pointed to the window. The four dads went from worried sick to hysterical laughter in seconds as they watched their teens tickle the robber's feet.

"Hey, chief, that might be a fun way to rehabilitate criminals." One officer said as they entered the house.

"Dads!" Mike and Robbie greeted in unison.

"Please, arrest us. Anything is better than being with these fiendish tickling teens." Leon pleaded.

"Fuck, I hope this doesn't get around," Stanley said as he and Leon stood up and were read their rights.

"Where's the money, guys?" The chief asked.

The two robbers pointed at Robbie and Mike. "Ask them." They said in unison.

Mike smiled and ran down to the basement. A minute later, he returned with the canvas object. The second it was in his hands, the chief pinched his nose. The other men in the room followed his example.

"Where the hell did you hide this, Mike?" The chief asked. His nasal tone caused Mike and Robbie to start giggling.

"Damn, Mike. Did ya have to hide the money in your dirty workout clothes basket?" Raymond asked as he began opening windows to air out the house. "For God's sake, get your socks off the floor and into the basement."

Mike and Robbie laughed like crazy as they were hugged, kissed, and tickled by their collective parents.

Re: Teens In Love: 01 Weekend Fun pt. 1 M/M

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 7:29 pm
by Ticklishguy
05 All In A Day's Work

Time passed in the blink of an eye. Before anyone knew it, the start of the new school was just over a month. Despite the teen's birthdays being close to two months away, the four dads were trying to find one more gift to give their teens. Keith already took Robbie and Mike to a police auction to choose their first vehicles. Robbie loved sleek cars with good gas mileage and power under the hood. Mike wanted something that he could take off-road, was long-lasting, and durable. They found a Twenty-Twenty forest green Ford Mustang convertible for Robbie, and Mike fell in love with a silver Twenty-Twenty-One Dodge Ram. Keith had both cars detailed and thoroughly checked out before calling the other dads to get the new vehicles home.

"Hey, guys, I've got an idea," Keith said as he walked into the living room.

"So, that's the smoke I saw..." Ray's taunt was cut short by Keith pinning his arms above his head and using his free hand to tickle the exposed armpits.

The slightly older man squealed and wriggled, trying to pull free, but couldn't break his tickler's grip on his wrists. Keith giggled as his nimble fingers lightly wiggled and stroked along the slightly damp cavernous hollows. Finally, after another twenty seconds, Ray yelled out his surrender. Keith smirked as he hopped into his friend/brother's lap. He kissed Ray's nose and laid his head on the man's shoulder.

"How the hell do you keep getting cuter?" Ray asked as he kissed Keith's forehead and hugged the youngest member of the dad's brotherhood.

Keith shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Just lucky, I guess."

The other men shook their heads and chuckled. Timmy walked over, grabbed his husband, lifted him off Ray's lap, then sat down and placed his giggling and squirmy mate on his lap. Keith smiled and playfully licked his husband's cheek, causing the man's protest and menacing glare. However, the glare melted into a smile as he chuckled and ruffled his playful husband's hair.

"Damn, now I've forgotten what the hell I came in here to tell you three goofballs," Keith said.

Suddenly, the room filled with the sound of the younger man's shrieks and boisterous laughter as his husband tickled his bare ribs and sides. Theo and Ray chuckled, and each grabbed one of their brother's ticklish feet and began skittering their nails along the soft bare soles, arches, and under Keith's scrunching toes.

"Shit, not the feet and sides." Keith squealed between his hyena laughs. "This is sooo not fair." He protested as he tried squirming free.

"We're trying to tickle your memory, babe. Otherwise, you might need a trip to Shady Pines." Timmy chuckled.

"I give!!!! I give!!!! Uncle!!!!!" Keith screeched.

The men let their panting and sweaty prey go, and Ray went to the kitchen. He got a cloth, dampened it, and opened the fridge to get Keith bottled water. He returned and started wiping the brunet's brow and face, then made sure he didn't choke or guzzle the water too quickly.

"That was fuckin' awesome." Keith giggled and gave each of his older brothers a hug and kiss. "Just remember, I will get revenge, and I hold POA for everyone." He giggled. "Oh, yeah, I remember now. Let's get the boys an apartment." Keith paused and somehow managed to keep his straight face as he watched the reactions of his fellow Dads. A minute later, the raven-haired man burst out laughing. "Shit, you guys should see your faces." He cackled.

"I thought we finished the weed last week?" Timmy asked.

"We did, I haven't had a chance to get with my supplier yet, and the plants are just starting to grow." Ray offered.

"Then what the hell's the baby bro on?" Theo asked.

"Guys, I'm serious, and hear me out on this." Keith paused. "We all know the boys are playing musical bedrooms. Let's make this easier on them. Instead of turning the loft space over the garage into a game room, let's renovate it into a one-bedroom, two-bath apartment for the boys." The brunet held his hand up to halt the other's opinions for the moment. "Mike and Robbie will feel like they've got their privacy and independence. Also, we tell them that if they take advantage of the gift of freedom or their grades slip, they're back to musical bedrooms until we decide they're mature enough to try it again." Keith lowered his hand and waited for the guy's decision.

"I like the idea. I think we should add a kitchen area, fridge, and stove. There should be a washer and dryer in there as well." Ray said.

"Are we gonna be supplying their food and cooking utensils?" Theo asked as he started making a list of needed materials and appliances.

"We should, but we tell them we'll provide the basics and the main meals, anything else they can get themselves," Keith said. "Also, we tell them there is a minimum of one family meal every day unless time doesn't permit." He continued. "Also, there's to be no alcohol in the apartment. Unless one of us is with them to monitor the amount consumed."

The four men gave their unanimous consent and split up with the divided work assignments.

Robbie smiled and tested the knots Mike tied. The red-haired teen was restrained spreadeagle to the bedposts. His soft bare arches wrinkled, and his toes wiggled as he waited for the fun to begin. He closed his eyes and licked his lips as his imagination ran wild with the thoughts of feeling his strong and loving boyfriend's hands manipulating him and working to make him surrender.

Mike slowly walked around the sides and foot of the bed. The blonde smiled and lightly ran his fingertip along the top of his soulmate's bare toes. His boyfriend's sharp intake of air and soft giggles made him smile even more. "So, you think you're gonna be able to outlast me for the next three minutes?"

Robbie gulped and nodded his head. They'd been playing various games all morning. Currently, they were in the middle of a tie-breaker game to see who'd last longer before climaxing. Mike already had his turn and lasted three minutes. Both boys were totally aroused from working on their edging techniques. The redhead thought he could hold out the longest, but with his dick already hard as steel and a little slick from precum.

Mike rubbed his hands together and straddled his helpless boy. Slowly, he lowered himself until his mate's dick was nestled between his cheeks. Robbie gasped and wriggled as much as possible while desperately telling himself not to give in. The blonde felt the tension in Robbie and snickered. He was pretty sure he'd be winning the tournament. Slowly, the bigger of the two rocked his body back and forth as he leaned down and gently nibbled Robbie's earlobes and his neck. Robbie's body arched, and he could feel his climax reaching its height. The redhead's lip trembled, and beads of sweat broke out along his forehead. His breathing became heavier and more rapid.

Mike knew Robbie was about to explode. However, he wasn't far behind his lover as his volcano threatened to erupt. Mike made his final move. He pivoted and faced the restrained bare feet. With no warning, the blonde's fingers gently stroked the redhead's soles and continued rocking himself against the throbbing member. Then, he leaned down, nibbling and licking Robbie's plump fidgety toes. Finally, Robbie's dam broke. With a primal grunt, his cum broke through the slit and covered his mate's ass. Mike's cum also spewed from his shaft just after Robbie's climax.

"Holifukingshit." Robbie hollered.

Mike lost it. He was hysterically laughing and banging the mattress with his fists. "I love you, babe." The blonde recovered and untied his spent boy.

"I love you too, Mikey." Robbie giggled. "So, how long did I last?"

Mike giggled. "Umm, I'm not even sure. I forgot to look. In case you hadn't noticed, you forced my climax."

Robbie turned his head, glared at his giggling mate, and playfully growled. He straddled Mike's waist and tied the blonde's wrists to the posts. "Didn't even look?" The redhead's nimble fingers kneaded between his ticklish victim's ribs. At the same time, he nibbled and licked the sensitive nipples.

Mike's body writhed and thrashed on the bed. His back arched, and his feet pushed into the mattress. High-pitched squeals and laughter filled the teen's room as he struggled to pull free. Robbie smirked and reached behind him. He began kneading and squeezing Mike's upper thigs and just above his knees. He could feel Mike's dick turning to steel against his bare ass. The redhead licked his lips and rubbed himself back and forth against his mate. Of course, doing that also got him hard again. Both teens were moaning. Mike's moans were mixed with his laughter.

Robbie quickly untied his boyfriend's wrists and lay on top of him, facing Mike's feet. The teens worked in sync as they rubbed against one another. Robbie's tongue slipped between and around Mike's toes as his fingers massaged and tickled the blonde's wriggling soles. Mike's tongue bathed the length of his boy's pinkish soles as his fingers were tickling the top and sides of Robbies feet. Their breathing quickened as their joint climax reached their height, and their cum coated each other's bodies. Robbie slowly turned around and collapsed beside Mike. The two boys giggled and squirmed from carefully massaging and caressing their bodies.

"I... never." Mike huskily whispered.

Robbie giggled. "Ya kinda have to, babe. I've got a class to teach at the center. Then I'm going to the library to put my name on the schedule as a tutor." The redhead sat up and lightly traced the rim of Mike's belly button. "And, you've got wrestling practice, Mikey."

The blonde's boyish giggles filled the room as he squirmed and tried to push his mate's finger away from his ticklish spot. "You're sooo not my sweet angel right now." He pouted.

"Yes, I am." Robbie giggled and moved down to Mike's feet.


Mike's statement was abruptly halted and words replaced by his laughter and squeals as Robbie's fingers tickled his soles and the base of his toes. The blonde teen wriggled and rolled side to side as he tried to pull his feet out of his devilish mate's grasp. "Okay, I give up. You're my sweet angel boy." He squealed.

Robbie giggled and kissed Mike's warm lips. He sat up and was about to head to the shower when his mate's arms wrapped around his waist, and he was hefted over Mike's shoulder.

"Mmmmiiiikkkkeeeyyyyy!" Robbie squealed as his ass was smacked, and he was carried into the bathroom.

Mike giggled and set his boy on his feet. He got the shower's temperature hot enough, then held the curtain open and bowed.

Robbie shook his head and giggled. "My, what a gentleman." He jumped and rubbed his ass where he'd just been pinched.

Mike smirked and got in behind Robbie. He grabbed the shampoo and washed his mate's hair, then slightly lowered his head so his hair could be done. After they rinsed and conditioned each other's hair, Mike handed Robbie a washcloth and held a second one. They squirted their favorite soap onto the wet fabric square and enjoyed the sound of their giggles as they cleansed each other's bodies.

"The exercising and weights are really paying off, baby boy," Mike stated as he caressed Robbie's increasing muscle definition and tone. "You've always been the perfect boy for me, but holy shit, Robbie. You're getting even hotter as your body gets stronger and more mature." He blushed. "You're almost able to keep me pinned down. What am I gonna do if you get stronger than me?"

Robbie giggled and nipped Mike's chin. "Mikey, you'll always be my strong protector and the only one I've ever dreamed of. You're the sexiest and most gorgeous boy I've met. Sure, there are cute and sexy guys, but no one compares to you, my blonde Superboy." Robbie said as he stepped out of the tub.

Mike giggled. "You write for the school newspaper, so does that make you my Lois Lane?" The blonde teen let out a high-pitched scream as he was doused with cold water when Robbie reached in and turned the hot water off. "You're sooo gonna be a teen angel," Mike growled as he got out and glared at his doubled-over hysterically laughing mate. They got dressed, and after sharing a loving embrace and kiss, Mike and Robbie went their separate ways.

Keith drove Robbie to the youth center for his swim class. Robbie gave his dad a hug and kiss, then he walked inside the center. He greeted the lady behind the front desk, signed in, and headed for the pool area. The redhead stripped down to his speedo, grabbed a towel, and left the locker room. The teen set the towel on one of the tables and then climbed the ladder that led up to the diving board. Robbie took a few deep breaths to center himself. He walked to the edge of the board, cleared all thoughts and distractions from his mind, and walked back to the ladder. After one more deep breath, the teen did a flip, landing on his hands, and maintained a perfect handstand. He pushed himself up into another flip, landing on his feet, then executed a perfectly straight dive with hardly any splashing when he hit the water.

When he surfaced, he was shocked to hear the roar of applause. Robbie turned to face the edge of the pool, and after clearing his eyes, he saw his entire class and their rides showing him their pride and approval. The teen blushed and smiled as he hefted himself out and onto the ledge. "Are you guys ready to hit the water? It's really great." He giggled, then slid back down in the pool and began practicing his strokes while waiting for his pupils. An hour later, Robbie gave the students his suggestions and observations, then dismissed the group. After showering, the redhead walked over to the library, and after signing up as a tutor, he headed over to his dad's office.

Mike hopped on his four-wheeler. He rode along the mountain road, then took the old stagecoach road that ran through the county. Within thirty minutes, he'd reached the school's parking lot. Mike dismounted the machine and walked into the gym with five minutes to spare. He headed into the locker room and got into his wrestling singlet. The blue stretchy material showed off his six-pack abs and defined ass muscles. Mike was the subject of many sexual dreams for both guys and girls.

The coach worked them hard, and all the guys were soaked in sweat when practice ended. Mike high-fived and hugged his teammates as they headed for the showers. While showering, Lewis, one of the newest team members, was beside Mike. He knew the blonde was out of the closet and was dying to get him in the sack. The brunet reached over and began massaging Mike's firm, bubble ass, slipping his finger between the hot ass cheeks.

Mike swiftly turned around, grabbed the offending hand's wrist, and squeezed hard enough to make Lewis cry out in pain. "Don't you ever fuckin' touch me like that again, you Goddamned bastard," He growled. "I'm not a piece of meat. I've got a soulmate and am not available." Mike released the other teen's wrist.

Lewis shrunk back against the wall, massaging his sore wrist, and shivered in fear when he saw the menace in Mike's eyes. He closed his eyes and hung his head. "I'm sorry, Mike. I let my lust and attraction for you take over." He paused. "Can you forgive me?"

Mike calmed down and nodded. "Sure, and I'm sorry for hurting you. Is your wrist okay?" He asked as he slowly reached out and felt the red area.

"It'll be fine. I've just gotta take it easy for a few days." Lewis paused. "Who's your soulmate?"

"Robbie Hartford."

Lewis's eyes widened. "The captain of the swim team?"

Mike smiled and glowed with pride as he nodded his head. "He's always been, my angel boy. I don't want to be with anyone but him, ever."

"He's a damn lucky guy."

That night, at dinner, Mike told the family about the incident in the locker room. He was happy that his dads and mate validated his reaction.

"Mike, I'm proud of you for not giving in to your hormones. However, you could've been less physical with him since it was the first offense." Keith paused. "That being said, if he does it again, slap the fuckin' shit outta him." Keith's statement had the others at the table doubled over with laughter.


"What's up, Row?"

"Was Lewis hotter than me?"

"Not even if he were covered in whipped cream."

"Thank you for being honest about it. You didn't have to."

"Yes, I did, angel boy. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least tell you."

"Sweet dreams, Mikey. I love you."

"I love you too, my beautiful angel boy."

Re: Teens In Love: M/M (chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:41 pm
by Ticklishguy
06 Misguided

Once school started, things got hectic for the blended family. Being an architect, Raymond put together a team of carpenters, plumbers, and an interior designer to start working on the garage apartment. In addition to their list, the dads wanted a cozy balcony off the main bedroom suite with french doors that had a view of the mountain. A second, smaller bedroom, in case the boys wanted to have privacy from one another, or an office to work in. Also, a separate outside entrance leading up to the apartment. The dads wanted this to be a surprise. So they had the team working while the guys were at school.

Things were progressing nicely for the teenage power couple. Mike was made co-captain of the wrestling team, and Robbie maintained his place as swim team captain. Added to that, the two were adding to their popularity amongst the various school cliques. Robbie continued to grow his interest in journalism by writing for the school newspaper. They were active members of the student body council. Mike and Robbie also worked together to foster an environment of athletic crossovers attempting to diminish the usual sports team rivalries. Always the type to practice what they preached, Robbie was on the track team, and Mike was on the volleyball team. The two somehow managed to keep their individuality while growing closer and more connected as lovers.

Mike & Lewis
"Do ya give, cap?" Lewis asked as he chuckled.

Lewis and Mike were in Lewis's basement, sparring on the teen's wrestling mat. After his snafu because of his overactive hormones, the brunet worked in earnest to gain Mike's and Robbie's trust. Currently, the team's co-captain was effectively pinned under his friend. His muscles flexed as he tried his best to get free. Mike loved sparring with the guys both in practice and individually at each other's houses. Robbie would sometimes join in, as long as it wasn't an official practice, and he was the wrestler's audience unless he was busy with something. The redhead also encouraged the swim team's support of the wrestlers by reminding them to show up at the matches, and Mike did the same thing with the wrestlers. They also worked to get their teammates to attend the other team games.

"Not hearin' ya give in, Mike." Lewis snickered. "Maybe ya need to be put in a ticklish situation."

The brunet smirked as he used one hand to keep Mike's wrists pinned while the other hand alternated tickles in the center of the struggling blonde teen's armpit hollows. Instantly, the basement filled with the sound of Mike's laughter and squealing. As they became friends, Mike and Robbie discovered Lewis's ticklishness, and he theirs. The trio had fun exploiting it at various times while hanging out together or practicing. Tickling his opponents was really the only way Robbie was able to win against the more muscular teen wrestlers. The wrestling team had an agreement that they only threw in playful tickle attacks when they weren't in practice at the school's gym.

Mike wasn't ready to surrender yet. The more he struggled, the harder it was for Lewis to keep him pinned. However, the more he was tickled, the weaker Mike got. So it was six in one, half dozen in the other. Finally, Mike worked one wrist free and aimed his fingers for the middle of the other teen's unguarded ribs. As soon as his friend's fingers made contact with his weak spot, Lewis released his hold on Mike and fell back on the mat, faceup in a squirming heap of laughter.

Not giving him a chance to recover or retaliate, Mike pounced on the giggling body, rolled the teen on his stomach, and straddled his friend's waist. "Now, what was that about giving in, bro?" The blonde chuckled as he lightly strummed his fingernails up and down the helpless and wriggling pair of feet trapped in the crook of his arm.

Lewis writhed under Mike, and his shrieking laughter echoed off the basement walls. His feet were always Lewis's most ticklish spot. He tried pulling free but was completely trapped and unable to launch a counterattack. Finally, after a couple minutes of high-pitched squeals and cackles, the brunet tapped Mike's leg in surrender. Mike released Lewis's feet, got up and headed to the minifridge, and pulled out two bottles of ice-cold water. He handed one to Lewis. Then Mike gently but firmly massaged his friend's feet.

"Damn, I was sure I had you, Mike," Lewis said after taking a generous swallow of water.

Mike giggled and sipped his water. "Lew, you totally had me in an inescapable pin." He paused. "Do me a favor, and don't teach Row that move."

Lewis chuckled. "Then how'd you work free, and why shouldn't I teach Rob that pin?"

Mike smirked. "I wouldn't have had a chance of getting free if you hadn't tickled me. You thought you'd make me give in faster, and I almost did, but as I was weakening, my struggling also made your hold weaken enough that I could free my wrist and attack." He giggled. "And, I don't want Row getting any more of an advantage over me. Between working out, his morning runs, the exercise his muscles get from swimming, and the times he practices with us, Red's almost as strong as I am. I'd like to win against my angel boy, sometimes." Mike's statement had both teens in hysterics. The teens shared a hug as they continued enjoying their time together.

Donovan Bryant Abernathy III & Coach Barton
Donovan Abernathy III lacked honesty and a strong work ethic. This was made abundantly clear by the three ex-wives he claimed were the cause of every divorce he had. The forty-five-year-old man worked as a nurse at the hospital and was working on his last chance at being gainfully employed there. The sad truth was that his fifteen-year-old son was a harder worker and more trustworthy than the divorced man ever aspired to be. Despite his numerous flaws, the man loved his son more than anything in his life. No one ever disputed that, not even his wives. Being an involved and loving father was the one thing Donovan didn't cut corners with. This is why the slightly greying-haired man was in Jacob Barton's, the swim team coach's office.

"I've told you before, Mr. Abernathy. Donovan is an amazing young man. He's always ready to help the team and support them. However, your son's not good enough to be on the first string. That's why he's an alternate. I will say this, his training regimen with Robbie Hartford is harvesting incredible results."

"But, Coach, can't you cut one guy and at least give my boy a shot at a few meets? Since you brought his name up, let's take Robbie, for example. I've got nothing against the kid. He's one of the most helpful youths I've met. However, he's not planning on pursuing a career in professional swimming. Don't you think it's unfair to keep him on the first string when my son has dreamed of being a professional swimmer since early childhood?"

Coach Barton gasped at the request. "I can't believe you've just asked me to do that. Do you know how unethical that is? That wouldn't be beneficial to Donnie's advancement. His self-esteem would suffer. His sense of fair play and his feeling of accomplishment would be compromised." The coach was now standing and using all his restraint not to call the man a dishonorable cretin. "Then there's the issue of my hard-earned reputation being tarnished, and my employment might be ended." He paused. "This team has a shot at an undefeated string of wins. Unless someone drops off the first string, Donovan's not gonna be competing, at least not this year."

Donovan conceded to the coach and made a show of being ashamed of his request. "You're right. I apologize for even making such a request. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Coach. Again, I apologize, and you're right that it wouldn't be fair to Robbie. He's earned his spot."

The coach sighed and shook the parent's hand. "Don't ever apologize for having the best intentions for your son. I hope you have a great rest of the day." The men parted ways, each lost in their own thoughts of the meeting's outcome.

Donovan worked the overnight shift. This allowed him the opportunity to swipe a bottle of codeine. He reconciled the count on the sheet as being emptied for a patient. The man knew this could be the end of his career, and if he were to be caught, his freedom, but he didn't care. He was doing this for his son. That's what he told himself as he justified his illegal actions.

The Swim Meet
Once classes were let out, the swim team had about an hour and a half before the swim meet they were hosting. The team they were up against was pretty good and had a chance of taking away Hillston High's chance of an undefeated run. Robbie and Donovan Abernathy IV were chatting about the odds of winning. They'd gotten to their lockers which were separated by Mike's locker. Robbie had just switched out the books he'd need for the homework over the weekend when Donnie's father approached them with two drinks.

"Hey guys, just wanted to give you both a vitamin-packed drink to help your energy levels," Donovan said as he handed the boys the bottles. Robbie's bottle contained a mixture known as "Purple Drank." Which is codeine mixed with promethazine cough syrup and sprite. While mixing it, the nurse unknowingly put more codeine in the concoction than he intended when he got distracted by a phone call.

"Thanks, Mr. Abernathy," Robbie said as he accepted the drink.

"Yeah, thanks, Pop." Donnie opened his bottle and sipped the liquid refreshment. He replaced the top and hugged his dad.

The red-haired teen smiled as he hugged his friend/teammate's parent. Donovan closed his eyes as he embraced the affectionate young man. He had to force the guilt that rose inside of him back down. Robbie opened the bottle, chugging its contents without inspection. The teen was so thirsty that he didn't even notice the weird taste. He wiped his lips and tossed the empty container into his backpack.

"There's that sexy, red-haired boy of mine."

The blonde ran up behind Robbie and hefted the squealing, giggling redhead over his shoulder, making his boyfriend drop his backpack. Robbie's legs kicked as he squirmed in his muscular captor's grip. His giggling got more pronounced as Mike's fingers tickled his sides and his friend, Donovan, tickled the back of his bare legs and knees.

"You're both sooooo dead." Robbie squealed between his boyish giggling and screeches.

Both Donovans giggled at the couple's antics. "I'll see ya in the locker room, Cap." Donavan IV said as he left with his dad's arm on his shoulder.

The students close by turned and smiled as they watched the playful couple. Some even recorded the playfulness with their phones. A couple of their classmates snickered and tickled the trapped teen as they wished Robbie good luck while passing by. Mike giggled and squirmed as a few tickled him as well. He smiled and set Robbie back on his feet, then he chuckled and ducked his boy's attempt at smacking him. The two wrapped each other in a bear hug.

"I love ya, Mikey."

"I love you too, sweet angel boy."

Robbie retrieved his backpack, and then he and Mike held hands as they walked to the locker room.

"How's our swimming champ feeling?" Keith asked.

The four dads were waiting for their teens outside the locker room door. Mike and Robbie giggled and enjoyed the loving group hug.

"It's not just me, Dads. It's an entire team's combined efforts that can win or lose a meet." Robbie stated with a smile.

"Well said, Rob. That attitude and humility are why you're an effective team captain." Coach Barton said as he approached the six men.

Robbie blushed and thanked the man for the compliment. He gave his dads one more hug then he walked into the locker room with Mike in tow. The atmosphere inside was electric and energetic. The swim team was psyching themselves up to give the best performance they were capable of. Robbie smiled and high-fived all the teammates, as did Mike. Even though he wasn't a member, he always went into the locker room with his redhead to help boost morale. Before they walked out into the pool area, the coach got everyone's attention. Once that happened, he nodded to Mike and smiled.

"Guys, I know that I'm not a swimmer, but as you all know by now, the entire school and different sports teams are behind you all and supporting you. I know you're all gonna go out there and give it all you can. Always do your best, and you'll make yourselves, your families, and your school proud of you." He paused to let the applause and cheers die down. "Now, get out there and bring us home another trophy to put on display." He hollered.

Robbie walked up and stared at everyone in the circle. He started feeling a bit shaky and disoriented but just choked it up to nerves and the competition. "What Mikey said is true. I'm proud of this whole team. We all work our asses off and give everything we have at practices and meets. As long as we remember that we've done our best, win or lose, doesn't mean crap, and we can carry that pride in our hearts." He smiled and wiped the beads of sweat on his brow, then discreetly leaned against the wall.

Mike was looking at his mate and started getting slightly worried. He walked up to the coach and whispered something into the man's ear. Coach Barton nodded, and he whispered something back. The two men nodded and went back to listening to Robbie.

"Let's get out there and show these guys what Hillston's made of." The redhead smiled and cheered along with his mates. He turned to Mike and placed a loving kiss on the blonde's lips, slightly stumbling. "Whoa, slick spot." He said to play it off.

The team hooted, and they wolf-whistled, watching the guys kiss each other. As the meet progressed, Hillston was beating the pants off the competition. Robbie's first event was up next. He swam the relay and a diver. The relay was up first. The redhead shakily stood on the block, his eyesight blurred, and his head was swimming. Robbie shook his head a little. It went unnoticed by everyone except Mike and the Coach, who was trying to keep an eye on Robbie. The gun went off, and Robbie dove into the water. He was getting short of breath, but he was at least a lap ahead of his competition. The teen reached the ledge and tapped his teammate's foot. Robbie pulled himself out of the water and was about to head for his spot on the bench when he gasped and fell backward into the water.

"Robbie!" Mike screamed as he jumped fully clothed into the pool and pulled his soulmate out of the water before he drowned.

Tears dripped on the pale redhead's face and hair as he cradled his slowly breathing boyfriend. Keith was the first one of the dads to reach the pair. He felt Robbie's pulse, and his face lost its color.

"He's got a weak pulse. Call an ambulance." Keith hollered.

"They're on the way."

“Did he take anything before the meet? Mike, can you please get me Robbie’s bookbag?” Keith asked.

“No, sir.” Coach Barton responded.

Mike ran to get Robbie’s backpack, and brought it to his Papa. Keith opened the bag, and noticed the nondescript bottle. He opened it up and right away picked up on the scent of the concoction. “This had codeine in it. Rob’s allergic to it.” Keith wiped his eyes and worked hard to keep calm.

“I...I know where that bottle came from.” Donovan said with tears streaming down his cheeks.

Re: Teens In Love: M/M (chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:42 pm
by Ticklishguy
07 Love Heals

The Swim Meet

Keith had to force himself not to lose control of his emotions. "Timmy, run to the car and get the antihistamine shot."

Timmy nodded and took off as fast as he could. While he was gone, Robbie started coming around and moaning.

"Hold on, baby boy, you're gonna be fine," Keith whispered. He thanked his husband and administered the shot. "That'll help his swelling and disorientation."

"Dad, what about Row's other symptoms?" Mike asked. The teen was wrapped in his Dad's arms.

"From what I know of codeine, he's displaying symptoms of an overdose." Keith turned to Donovan and placed his hands on the young man's shoulders. "Donnie, where did this bottle come from?"

The brunet broke down and sobbed on the older man's shoulder. " Dad gave them to Rob and me."

Keith gasped. "Do you still have the bottle he gave you?"

"Yes, sir."

The teen ran to get the bottle out of his bag and handed it to him. Keith sniffed the bottle and handed it back to Donovan.

"There's nothing out of the ordinary in that one." Keith looked at the other team members. "Did Donnie's dad give anyone else a drink?"

Everyone answered with a unified no. Keith nodded and continued watching over his recovering son as the paramedics arrived. He stepped back to allow them room to get Robbie on the stretcher, and he volunteered to ride with them. Keith kissed his family and hurried behind the EMTs.

The referee and coaches were having a discussion about what to do next. The three men nodded and separated. Coach Barton returned and addressed his team.

"Guys, we've got a decision to make." He paused and looked at Mike. "Mike, I'd like your input on this as well." When he had everyone's attention, he continued. "We can do one of two things, continue with the meet or forfeit."

Mike looked at the gathered teammates. "Guys, I know what happened is distressing. However, if my vote counts for anything, I know Red would want you guys to finish the meet and continue giving it all you got." He stopped and wiped his eyes.

Donovan looked at the group. "We've got no other choice. We need to finish this for Rob." He looked at Mike and wrapped the blonde teen in a bear hug. "I'm soo sorry for what my Dad did. I promise I had no…"

Mike returned the affection and stared into his friend's eyes. "Don't apologize for something you didn't do, bro. You're a victim in this, just the same as Row." He paused and looked at his three remaining dads and smiled when he saw their nodded approval.

Coach Barton smiled with pride. "Let's go win this thing for Robbie." He paused and looked at Mike. "Son, I know this is a big favor to ask, but would you consider sticking around for the rest of the meet and give the guys moral support?"

Mike looked at his dads, who motioned for him to give his decision. He sighed and looked back at the coach. "Row would kick my ass if I didn't support you guys." Everyone cracked up laughing at Mike's words as he got an admonishing look and head shakes from the coach and his dads.

Hillston won the meet. Donovan pulled out in front of his competition at the last second and won first place in his event. The alternate for the dive won second place. Robbie's time was recorded before his collapse, and he had the overall fastest time. Mike was asked to accept the award in his mate's absence. Donovan beamed with pride when he got his medal. Mike and the dads were hugging and wiping their tears when the coach announced that the victory was dedicated to the team's hard work, dedication, and Robbie.

Timmy, Raymond, and Theo approached Donovan.

"Donnie, we've spoken with Cathy. She's canceled her appointments and is working on getting a flight home. However, she won't be back until Sunday at the earliest. That's without any delays or hangups." Timmy paused. "We know that you're capable of staying by yourself, but in light of everything that's happened, we'd like you to stay with us until your Mom gets home. She's already given consent to our offer to help you through this."

Donovan gasped and wiped his eyes. "I don't want to be an imposition, Mr. Hartford."

"You're not an imposition, Donnie. It's our pleasure and the least we can do to offer our support." Raymond said.

Donovan launched himself into the men's arms and melted into the loving group hug as he sobbed. "I can't thank you guys enough."

"We love you, Donnie. You're like a son to us, and families have to stick together and support one another." Theo said.

Mike walked over and joined the hugfest. "Row and I love ya too, bro."

The Hospital

Thanks to the antihistamine shot, Robbie's allergic reaction was under control. Now they just had to deal with the overdose symptoms. They got the teen into a room and started monitoring his vitals. Keith sat beside his son's bed, holding his hand as he thanked whatever higher power there was that Robbie wasn't dead. Donovan III had to leave for his shift at the hospital right after the swim meet began and had no idea what happened. He was going through his rounds and walked into Robbie's room. He wasn't paying attention to the occupants, and they didn't notice who he was until he turned around to introduce himself. As soon as Keith laid eyes on the man, he was on his feet. Before Donovan could react or say anything, Keith's fist collided with the man's jaw, knocking the older man on his ass. At the same time as he hit the floor, Mike and the other three dads walked in and gasped.

"You're Goddamned lucky I've got a conscience. If I didn't, you'd be in the morgue." Keith growled as he turned back to his son.

"Don, you've got some fuckin' nerve being in here after what you did to Rob. I'd suggest you get your fucking ass out of this room and start looking for an attorney." Raymond said before leaving to find a nurse and get security in the room.

"Guys, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I didn't do anything to Robbie."

Mike was enraged and lunged at the nurse. He tackled the man to the floor. "You fucking psychotic bastard. You drug Robbie, then have the Goddamned nerve to say that's not doing anything to him?" Mike pulled back and slapped Donovan's face hard enough that his face turned so red, it would've given Rudolph's nose a run for its money. The teen was about to gift Donovan a matching set by a slap to his other cheek when Theo and Timmy pulled him up and off the quaking man.

"Mikey, baby, please calm down. Mr. Abernathy's not worth it." Robbie's croaking, weak voice made everyone stop and look at the teen as he slowly sat up.

"Row!" Mikey walked over to the bed and let his tears fall on his soulmate's chest. The blonde leaned down and kissed his boyfriend's hand. "Baby, I was afraid we'd lost you." He paused and sniffled. "I love you."

Robbie smiled and lightly squeezed his mate's hand. "I'm fine, thanks to Dad reacting so quickly and you jumping in and saving me." He softly giggled. "You're my hero, in sopping wet clothing." Robbie turned his head and coughed.

"How'd you know..."

Robbie smiled and placed his finger on his blonde lover's lips. "Dad told me just before I fell asleep."

"How's Rob..." Donovan IV walked in and stopped short when he saw his Dad getting up off the floor and holding his cheek. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Donovan's glare was filled with anger.

"Son, why..." Donovan III didn't have a chance to finish his question because he was back on the floor, for the third time, in less than an hour. This time, he was on his knees, moaning and rocking back and forth in pain, holding his groin, where his son aimed his powerful kick. All the men in the room groaned and instinctively grabbed their dicks.

"Don..." Robbie started but was cut off by his friend's continuing to blast his father.

"I can't believe you did this to Robbie, you fucking bastard. You knew you were giving him purple drank, and you had the gall to hug him." Donovan paused to wipe his tears. "I've asked Mom to file for sole custody. She's doing so when she gets back in town on Monday. I've already given my statement to the cops as well." The teen paused. "Some fuckin' father you are, you've made your own kid turn your dishonest ass in to the police, and I'll probably have to testify against your sorry excuse for a human being." The teen was physically and emotionally spent. He fell into Mike's open arms and sobbed on his friend's shoulder.

"Son, I..." Donavan III started to say but was stopped by the arrival of the police and hospital administrators.

"Donovan Abernathy III, you're under arrest for attempted manslaughter." The officer cuffed Donovan, read him his rights, and escorted the protesting nurse out to the squad car.

"Dads, you've got to do something. I don't think he was trying to kill me. He shouldn't be charged with attempted manslaughter."

Robbie was so worked up that the machines started going off like crazy, bringing a slew of nurses into the room. The family was ushered out into the hallway. Donovan was a wreck, and Keith took the teen aside and talked with him. The two were still talking when the nurses and administrators exited the room, stating the family could go back in, provided they could keep the patient's stress level down to a minimum.

Mike was the first one into the room and planted himself beside his red-haired angel. The teen softly kissed his peacefully sleeping mate and smoothed his curly locks. He wiped his tears and looked up at his dads. "Do you think Row's right? That Mr. Abernathy didn't have the intent to kill him."

"I don't know, baby boy. Only Don can answer that question. I desperately hope he didn't intend to kill our boy." Timmy said as he lightly rubbed his ailing son's leg and kissed his second son.

"Logically, I know my Dad didn't intend to kill Robbie. Most likely, he wanted to make Rob sick so that he couldn't function at the meet and would be disqualified so that I could compete." Donovan said as he entered the room, with Keith's arm on his shoulder. "I'm having a hard time dealing with either of those thoughts. It's gonna take some time for me to even think of trusting that man again."

"Donnie, your Dad, is very misguided, and his actions were at the very least slightly malicious. However, he acted out of love for you." Keith said as he gently rubbed the teen's back.

"Dads, can I stay with Row tonight?" Mike asked as he got up and hugged Donovan.

"Of course, you can, son. Would you like to stay as well, Donnie?" Theo said, with the three other men nodding their heads.

"I'd love that. I don't really want to be alone tonight. No offense to you guys. You've been amazingly generous to me throughout this whole ordeal." He paused and looked at Mike. "Are you okay with that, Mike?"

Mike smiled as he wrapped Donovan in an arm lock and tickled the brunet's side. "I'd love to have the company, bro."

Donovan squirmed and wriggled in the blonde teen's grip, trying to escape as he squealed and giggled. "No fair, Mike." He protested between his boyish giggles.

"Shhh! You're in a hospital for cryin' out loud, bro." Mike chuckled.

"Don't worry, Donnie, I'll help ya get revenge on Mikey when I'm all better." Robbie sat up and giggled at his mate and friend's antics. "Oh, not that anyone asked, but I'd love the company too." The redhead giggled as he was wrapped in a double hug by the two teens. Robbie was released the next day and recuperated over the rest of the weekend.

The Prosecutor’s Office

On Monday, after school, there was a meeting at the Prosecutor's office. Donovan IV, his Mom, the Hartfords, and the Stetsons were all in attendance. The Prosecutor sat down and proceeded to inform the families of the charges Donovan III would be facing and the recommended jail time. Everyone voiced their approval, except Robbie. The prosecutor asked the teen for his input since he was actually the victim.

Robbie stood up and took a deep breath to gather his thoughts. He wanted to get this phrased correctly. "Sir, with all due respect, I think the charges should be reduced to something that won't give Mr. Abernathy any jail time. After all, I was an unknowing accomplice in all this."

Everyone gathered started to protest Robbie's statement but was silenced by Keith's ear-splitting whistle. "Please, let's give Robbie a chance to explain before dismissing him. Personally, I'd like to see the intended destination of his train of thought." Keith smiled and kissed his son's forehead. "Go on, Rob."

Robbie smiled and returned the affection. "Thanks, Dad." He paused and took a sip of water. "What I meant by my statement was that I helped Mr. Abernathy's plan by not paying attention to the taste or smell of the contents in the bottle. I also paid no attention to the actual bottle. I know I'm allergic to codeine, and I'm also aware of what it smells like. I was careless." He paused and sipped his water. "That being said, I also know the purpose of a prison sentence. They're designed as a punishment and deterrent for committing crimes. Mr. Abernathy didn't mean to hurt me as bad as he did. So, it doesn't make sense to me to send the man to jail and put Donnie through the stress and detriment of testifying against his father. Perhaps, there's a charge that would give him a little jail time that could be served through weekend time?" Robbie gazed into every eye in the room. "We're not a family who holds grudges, and Mr. Abernathy's family needs to start healing."

The Prosecutor, Donovan IV, and Cathy looked at Robbie, flabbergasted. The teen's Dads and Mike were staring at their boy with a mixture of shock and awe. Keith was the only one whose smile beamed with nothing but pride for his son.

"Rob, you do, realize that what you're asking for won't be even close to getting justice for what's been done to you," Cathy stated.

Robbie looked at the only woman in the room. He walked over and stood between her and Donovan. "Ms. Waverly, Donnie, I'd like you to look in your hearts and ask yourselves these questions. "What justice comes from Mr. Abernathy's incarceration? How would a lengthy jail sentence be more beneficial than weekend jail time or community service? Finally, and most importantly, how would that create a path to forgiveness?" Robbie had to pause and wipe his tears. "Is there maybe also some court-mandated counseling Mr. Abernathy can receive that might be more helpful to healing his faults and this broken-hearted family?"

The Prosecutor sat back in his chair and shook his head. "In all my years in this office, I've never seen anyone be that willing to forgive someone and so adamant about seeing they get help." He paused and looked at Keith. "Dr. Hartford, do you have any thoughts on your son's wishes?"

Keith smiled proudly and nodded. "I think he's laid out a very well thought out statement showcasing the love and forgiveness we've done our best to instill in our young men. Robbie has made our family very proud, and I know some therapists who'd be more than capable of helping Don."

The meeting ended with the Prosecutor promising to take the proposal to the judge and Donovan's attorney. A few weeks later, a very appreciative Donovan Abernathy III was handed a suspended sentence, placed on probation, and remanded to a therapist to work on healing himself and his family.

Re: Teens In Love: M/M (chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:43 pm
by Ticklishguy
08 The First Time M/M

"If I were a hidden drive, where would I be?" The blue jean-clad redhead asked himself as he blew a strand of hair from his eyes and searched through drawers and under the couch cushions. Keeping the penlight between his teeth, the young man searched the desk close to the window and had just finished going through the filing cabinet. He paused and pressed a button on his shoulder radio. "Eagle, I'm not seeing anything. I'll keep looking, but we might've gotten bad info."

The searcher's head jerked up as he quickly shut off his flashlight and placed it in his pocket. He quietly closed the drawer and flattened himself against the office wall, crouching between the cabinet and the couch. The young man regulated his breathing as his eyes darted left and right, watching the darkened room. The shadow-cloaked young man tried to keep calm as the door slowly opened, and a tall shadowy figure stood in the doorway. After switching the light on and looking around, the muscular figure turned the lights off and closed the door.

The redhead looked to the ceiling and blew a relieved puff of air. "Eagle, I'm gonna go to the next office." Flyboy tiptoed to the door and slowly opened it. Not seeing anyone, he quietly walked along the hall. He'd just passed one of the closed doors when a hand came from behind him, covering his mouth.

"I got ya now, Flyboy." The speaker wrapped his other arm around the struggling redhead's neck, pulling the shorter man's body into an iron-gripped bear hug.

The redhead grunted as he wriggled and tried breaking his attacker's hold on him. “Let me go, Darkenshadow."

"Now, what's the agency's finest in search of this time?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Flyboy reached back and wiggled his fingers along his captor's stomach. The redhead giggled when the other man's boyish giggles reached his ears, and he was let go. He started to run, but the only door available led to a closet.

"Nowhere to go."

Flyboy's eyes darted left and right as he realized Darken was right. He couldn't escape. The spy rushed his nemesis and tried to muscle his way past the taller man, but his attempt proved unsuccessful. He got overpowered, and the redhead was pinned face down on the floor. Despite struggling the hardest he could, Flyboy was very quickly restrained and helpless. The muscular blonde lifted his trophy off the floor, threw him over his shoulder, and carried the man to the room he came from.

Darken turned the light on and threw his captive on the queen-sized bed. Immediately, Flyboy started trying to loosen the ropes binding his ankles and wrists. The blonde abductor chuckled and watched in amusement as his prey tried his best and failed to escape the superior knot skills. His hand absentmindedly rubbed against his growing bulge that pressed against his black jeans.

The spy struggled and grunted as he writhed on the mattress, getting harder by the second. The redhead gasped and squealed when he felt his abductor's fingers kneading between his ribs. He tried to hold the laughter in, but his body was too ticklish and unable to make his attempt last. Within seconds, he was kicking and thrashing against his tickler. "You're gonna regret this."

"Seems like you're the one with regrets, Flyboy." Darken chuckled.

The blonde guy straddled his laughing captive's chest, kept the struggling man's arms in his control as he swiftly untied the victim's wrists, then cuffed them to the bedposts. An excited spark shined in the captor's eyes when the restrained guy's shirt rode up and exposed his belly button and firm stomach. The redhead closed his eyes and continued trying to get free. He sharply inhaled the second his skin felt a devious intentioned fingernail lightly scratching around the walls of his navel's cavernous crevice. The stomach muscles expanded and contracted as the trapped body did what it could to avoid the tickle spot's exploration. Boyish giggles and gasps worked their way out of the young man's soft lips and into the room's silent atmosphere.

Darken chuckled at the reaction he'd just received. From the moment the rival spy laid eyes on his counterpart, he knew there'd come a time when he'd have Flyboy trapped and in his control. The blonde licked his lips and relished the moment he shared with his fellow spy. He slowly inched down the bed and leaned over, staring into the man's eyes. "I'm gonna make you talk, FB. Then I'm gonna make you cum." Darken chuckled as he slowly licked the redhead's face from his neck to his eyelids.

Flyboy tried to protest, but all that came out were soft giggles and breathy moans as his body slightly humped against Darken's jean-clad ass. The redhead's sock-clad toes curled inside his black sneakers. He tried not to let his submissive desires override his extensive training, but inside, Fly knew it would be a losing battle. "I...I'm never talking." The trapped spy blushed when he heard the hesitance in his voice.

Darken rubbed his hands together as he straddled Flyboy's upper legs. He kept the powerful legs from resisting as they were untied and cuffed to the remaining bedposts. The blonde man smiled while slowly untying his prey's shoes. However, they weren't removed...yet. He wanted to draw the suspense and torturous wait out as long as possible. The spy could feel the encased feet slightly move and squirm in the shoes. He chuckled and looked back at the restrained man under him. "You know, I've never failed to break my captives." Darken's fingers very lightly stroked up and down the sides of Flyboy's ankles.

The shock of the feather-light touch threw the spy off his game. Before he could even think to try keeping in his giggles, they had escaped. "Shit, that tickles." Flyboy squealed as he desperately tried fighting against the ticklish feeling. He'd never felt anything like it before. The redhead's legs pulled against the unbreakable restraints as his high-pitched squeals kept getting louder. His jeans were getting tighter and almost felt painful as his cock pressed further against the fabric covering him. What made it worse was Darken's low gravelly chuckles. They sent shockwaves of shivers up and down his spine, making him even crazier and hornier than he already was.

Darken left the guy's ankles and turned to face his giggling abductee. "You're not gonna last very long, FB. Not if a few light strokes to your ankles get you so worked up." He paused and lay on top of the panting boy. "You could make this easy on yourself and just give me the information I'm looking for." As he said this, the spy's index fingertips barely touched Flyboy as they grazed his skin, going back and forth between the middle of his ribs. The minute he heard Fly's squealing and felt the young man's body writhe against his, Darken's cock started dripping and ached to be released from the jeans keeping it imprisoned. He began to wonder if he could resist his hormones much longer.

Flyboy's laughter reached a fevered pitch as his body thrashed against the cuffs and his eyes squeezed shut. The light teasing fingertips were driving him crazy. The spy knew he'd have failed interrogation training if they used this tactic against him. "Please, this is sooo wrong." Flyboy managed to scream.

Darken paused his assault long enough to grab a pair of scissors. He licked his lips and giggled when Flyboy's eyes widened.

"Darken, you're not serious…"

The tool-wielding man interrupted his captive's question by cutting enough of the shirt to uncover the nervous spy's upper body. After putting the scissors in a drawer, the blonde smirked and uncuffed Flyboy's legs one at a time, just long enough to remove his jeans and underwear. He restrained the captive again and removed his clothing.

The redhead closed his eyes in shame as he closed his eyes. Here he was, the agency's best spy, tied to a bed in just his socks, horny and rock hard, and unable to stop his enemy's tickling interrogation technique. Flyboy was yanked from his thoughts when his brain registered a ticklish sensation coming from the center of his sock-clad arches. He instantly yelped, and his feet twisted and tried avoiding the tickle attack. Working quickly, the spy attempted to block the disruptive tickles that Darken's index fingers created by slowly moving up and down the curved sensitive spot on his soles in opposite directions. Darken chuckled at the sight of this seasoned pro trying not to overreact to his weakness and give in without some fight. The blonde man knew what he was doing. He'd made a career out of gathering information this way. Flyboy's toes twitched as his cock jumped and caused the creamy substance inside to drip onto his skin. He was close to reaching his breaking point.

The torturous devil removed the only protection the captured spy's feet had. He licked his lips and switched to a new action. His plump, soft lips wrapped around his captive's big toe. The redhead's body arched, and lustful moans flew from his open mouth as Darken's tongue worked its way around the perfectly shaped toe. Meanwhile, the blonde's fingers lightly stroked up and down the top and sides of the squirming foot.

Laughter mixed with pleasured moans filled the room as Flyboy's hot, writhing body drowned in ecstasy, and his fingers dug into and clawed at the sheet-covered mattress. He was craving and aching for relief. Unable to take anymore, he screamed out. "I'LL TALK." Before he could blink, the redhead was released from his bondage.

Working quickly, Mike tore open a condom package and grabbed the lube. He placed the rubber on his throbbing, reddened cock, and applied a generous amount of lube to the fevered man writhing on the bed. The blonde paused and leaned in close to his mate. "Are you sure about this step, babe?" He whispered.

Unable to speak, Robbie nodded as he moaned and pressed his sweaty ass against the muscular man's throbbing cock. Once he was sure, Mike's manhood slowly and lovingly began its first entry into the boy of his dreams. Their eyes glazed over in euphoria as their bodies finally shared the most intimate physical aspect of their relationship. Love and the burning desire for this moment flooded the teen's entire beings as visions of the perfect union filled their minds. Beads of sweat broke out on their foreheads as their lips kissed, and teeth gently nibbled various exposed spots. Being that this was their first time making love, it didn't take long for their unified climax to happen. Once it did, and Mike was no longer inserted in his soulmate's body, the boys panted and lay side by side recovering.


"That was…”



Mike's boisterous laughter echoed off the walls as he rolled around and slapped the mattress. "That was an awesome one, my sweet lover."

"I loved the scene we just created, Mikey." Robbie smiled and squealed as his mate's fingers grazed his sensitive arms and back.

"You were sooo freakin' sexy, baby boy." Mikey giggled and kissed Robbie's forehead. "I almost ruined it by cumming in my jeans."

Robbie cuddled into his muscular blonde lover. He chuckled when his light tickles under Mike's chin made him squeak and giggle. "I was in the same situation. You were amazing as Darkenshadow."

"Flyboy's totally gonna be used again."

The teens shared another lovingly passionate kiss as they closed their eyes and fell asleep in each other's arms. Mike and Robbie were exhausted from giving their virginity to one another.

An hour and a half later, the pair started waking up. Mike and Robbie gazed into each other's eyes and smiled. Physically, they didn't feel any different than before. However, emotionally and spiritually was a different story. The guys felt a deeper connection with each other. They held hands and leaned in for a soft, loving kiss. Mike and Robbie gazed deeply into one another's eyes.

"You're wondering if I feel any regret or hesitation because of what we just shared and our future together." Robbie lovingly smoothed Mike's hair and softly whispered in his mate's ear.

The blonde sighed and nodded as his lover's strong heartbeat comforted and hypnotized him. "I can feel you in my deepest inner soul, Robbie." Mike paused and wiped his eyes. "It's so hard to explain coherently."

"I know how you're feeling because I feel the same way, Mikey." The redhead loved having his strong man wrapped in his arms. "You're an unerasable part of me, Mike Stetson. I have always carried you in my heart and soul. Now I can physically feel you in my body. The circle has been connected and can't be unbroken."

Mike sat up and stared into Robbie's eyes. Tears trailed down his cheeks. "That's the deepest and the most meaningful thing you've ever said to me."

The muscular teen wrapped his boy in an unbreakable bear hug and cried on the almost hairless chest. Robbie gasped at the emotions flowing between him and Mike. They were powerful, breathtaking, and filled with love. The redhead's tears splashed on Mike's hair as he returned the emotional embrace. Time stood still as the teens held one another and shed tears of love and joy. Finally, they broke apart and cracked up laughing because their stomachs growled in unison.

"So, what's Chef Row fixing tonight?"

Mike giggled as he wrapped his arms around Robbie's waist and tickled his boy's sides. The kitchen filled with the redhead's squeals and laughter as Robbie slid down to the floor with Mike tickling him the whole way. After a second, the blonde teen ceased tickling, and he cuddled the giggly boy.

"I'm making a Chef Robbie signature dish." Robbie paused and kissed Mike's nose. "Steak and garlic mashed potatoes with asparagus."

Mike's eyes widened, and he pouted. "Eeeewwwww! You know I hate asparagus. I'm not eating it."

Robbie growled and pinned Mike down so he couldn't move. "Michael Stetson. You're gonna eat what I fix." He started tickling his lover's sides and in his pit hollows. "Or else."

Mike shrieked and cackled as his fists and legs pounded the cabin's floor. "Or else what?" He asked through the boisterous tickle-induced laughter.

Robbie stopped tickling. "You can't touch my feet for the rest of the night." The redhead smirked triumphantly.

Mike gasped and tried to look tough. "You'd give in before me, Red."

Robbie's eyes narrowed. "Try me, blondie. I can sooo out last you on this one. If you don't eat your veggies, I'll make sure my feet and toes are so enticing that you'll be drooling." The redhead gave his mate a disinterested look and buffed his nails.

The muscular teen closed his eyes and shook his head. "Fine! You win. I'll eat my veggies."

Robbie giggled and kissed his mate. "I love you, Mikey. I'll make sure you'll love the asparagus. Also, if you can look me in the eyes and say you truly didn't like them. I'll give you full tickle rights to me for the night, no retaliation tickles. Just loving playful tickles."

Mike grinned and bear-hugged the other teen. "Deal, baby boy. Damn, you do drive a hard and scary bargain."

The two giggled and helped each other off the floor. An hour later, the teens were on the balcony, sipping their beer and eating. Mike looked into Robbie's eyes as he took a bite of the vegetable.

"Well?" Robbie asked as he sipped his beer and locked eyes with his mate.

"How'd you make this taste sooo good?"

"Chef's secret." Robbie giggled.

"There are ways to make a ticklish chef reveal his secrets." Mike grinned and pulled his lover's foot into his lap. His fingers lightly tickled the soft squirming sole as Robbie's boyish giggling and squeals filled the evening air.