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A Conventional Experience (F/FM, F/M)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 2:32 am
by bfe8
It was a foggy spring Saturday morning in San Francisco. We had flown out to visit Sarah’s high school friend Hannah who lived there. They had been on the track team together but Hannah was a couple of years older than us and had graduated last spring. She had been lucky enough to land a tech-adjacent job right away. We were staying at Hannah’s small one-bedroom apartment for which she was paying a ridiculous amount of rent.

Sarah was my girlfriend of two years, going on three. She had strawberry blond hair with a slender body and pretty face. That morning she was wearing a white ribbed turtleneck sweater paired with a simple black mini skirt and tights. The heels of her black suede booties clicked on the sidewalk as we walked to a nearby cafe for our morning coffee. Sarah was chatting with Hannah about plans for the day as I took in the crisp salty air and ambient noises of the city.

Hannah was a typical ginger with rust colored hair and freckles dotting her face. She was slender and also very pretty and she gave off a modest demeanor in the way she spoke and dressed. This morning Hannah was wearing a high neck white dress with little pink flowers printed all over. The dress came down to just above her knees, and her legs were covered by opaque black tights. A black cardigan and black ballet flats completed her outfit.

I was wearing white sneakers, jeans, and a plain black tee shirt covered by a brown canvas jacket.

The smell of coffee reached my nostrils as we entered the cafe. It was a Saturday morning so there was a decently sized crowd of people getting their morning fix. We all ordered, a cappuccino for me and some sweet milky drinks for Sarah and Hannah. Once our drinks were made we found a small table near the back and sat down.

Hannah and Sarah were still talking about what to do that day, as we had seen most of the main sights the first few days of our trip. Sarah wanted to do something more off the beaten path.

“What’s something we can only do here? Something unique and fun?”

Hannah suggested we could go to one of the nude beaches. We pointed out that the cold and dreary fog wasn’t ideal conditions for sunbathing.

“Or you guys could try something I like to do in my spare time…” Hannah began.

“Yeah of course! You’re the local here,” Sarah blurted out.

“There’s this convention in town, my friend couldn’t go so she has three extra tickets. I just don’t know if it’s your cup of tea.” Hannah looked sheepishly down at her half finished drink.

“Why, what is the convention for?” I asked.

“It’s a Shibari convention,” Hannah replied.

Hannah paused as Sarah and I looked at each other.

“Basically tying people up as an art form. It’s not everyone’s thing so no pressure to go,” Hannah continued. “They’re just here for the weekend and I was just hoping to stop by at some point since my friend has a booth there.”

“I think it’s worth a shot, what do you think?” Sarah asked me.

“Sounds like a very San Fran experience.” I laughed. “I guess you have to go anyway if your friend is working there.”

“Great!” Hannah got visibly more excited. “Let me text my other friend for the tickets.” Her fingers rapidly fired off a text before continuing.

“Oh one more thing, it’s supposed to be for women only to create a safe space but you don’t seem like a weird dude.” She looked me over as if to make sure.

I was confused. “Wait so I’m not allowed in?”

“We just have to make you look convincing!” Hannah seemed excited. She turned to Sarah. “Haven’t you given him a makeover before?”

Sarah laughed and gave me a sideways glance. This was not my first time being dressed as a girl. In fact it seemed to be happening more frequently now that I was dating Sarah. However, I still felt apprehensive every time I went out in public crossdressed.

“Don’t worry, nobody’s gonna judge you. There’s plenty of trans and non binary people who go too, so you’ll blend right in with the right touches,” Hannah said, sensing my hesitation. “I’ve got a bunch of materials: wigs, makeup, clothes, etc. I used to help all my gay friends get into drag.”

I guess this was San Francisco after all.

After finishing our drinks, we walked back to Hannah’s apartment. She opened one of her closets off the living room revealing a wall of wigs on mannequin heads, a rack of colorful clothes, shoes, jewelry, and a large organizer of clear plastic drawers filled with makeup.

“But first you’ll have to shave,” Hannah said pointing out my three day stubble.

I went to the bathroom to shave and when I returned, Hannah and Sarah had picked out a wig and outfit for me.

A green long sleeve mini dress hung from the closet door. It had a high neck, sheer sleeves, and white flowers printed all over it. I was actually a bit relieved as the long sleeves and high neck would help hide my masculine frame a bit.

“These should all be your size. The dress is Reformation so be careful with it,” Hannah said.

“I’m jealous, I wish I had that dress. Though it’d look so cute on him,” Sarah added.

They had also pulled out a denim jacket, a pair of brown booties, and a shoulder length brown wig.

“But first, we gotta do his makeup.” Hannah motioned for me to sit and take off my glasses. Sarah stood by as Hannah applied the makeup with a variety of pads, brushes, and pencils. When she was done, she showed me my reflection in a small cosmetic mirror. I was hardly recognizable. I had a relatively small jaw and soft facial features and with the addition of the makeup, I felt more confident I could pass as a girl if nobody looked for too long.

“Okay now get dressed,” Hannah ordered. She had laid out matching nude bra and panties and a pair of tights for me to wear. “Oh and put these in too, they’ll help the look.” She tossed me a couple of silicone breast forms. They were around the size of Sarah’s breasts, about a B or C cup.

Hannah went to the kitchen to give me some privacy to change. Sarah watched me as I replaced my unflattering gray boxers with the underwear and tights. The breast forms were held securely under the bra, providing a subtle but feminine shape to my chest.

I pulled up the dress, at which point she came over and helped me zip up the back all the way up to my neck. The top of the dress fit my body well, and the bottom flared out which helped to hide my narrow hips.

As I put on the jacket and booties, Hannah returned and placed the wig over my head, adjusting the tightness. She then placed a thin layer of adhesive underneath the edges so it wouldn’t come off. She gave me a set of stacked bracelets and some dangly silver clip on earrings to complete the look. She examined her handiwork.

“Looks good to me. Take a look, there’s a full length mirror in my bedroom.”

I put my glasses back on and headed towards her room, feeling the dress swirling around my legs as I walked and listening to the clack of my heels against the hardwood floors.

“Keep your elbows in, shoulders up, head high,” she called after me. “And sway those hips, I want to see that dress dance!”

I looked at myself in the mirror and was stunned at the girl in the reflection. Hannah had done a very good job. Professional almost. I would not have been able to tell I was a guy myself.

“You ready?” Hannah called. I emerged from the room and Hannah handed me a brown crossbody bag for me to store my wallet and phone. “It’s only a short walk to the convention center, hopefully you can walk in those heels.”

Sarah had been mostly quiet during this time but as we walked out the door she gave me a squeeze on the butt and a quick peck on the lips.

“You look really sexy,” she said. I knew she was bi, but it almost felt like she liked me more when I was dressed as a girl. I grinned and winked at her.

We arrived at the convention center around noon and showed our entry tickets, which Hannah had gotten texted from her friend earlier. The person scanning didn’t bat an eye at me as I walked through, which made me feel more relieved. No one did in fact.

We were dressed a bit conservatively for the crowd. It was largely a mix of leather bondage gear, underwear and traditional Japanese garb, with some women topless, their nipples masked with shimmery body paint.

The convention hall was larger than I expected. It was dark inside, but I estimated there were around 300 people in total. Booths lining the walls sold brightly colored ropes, books, bondage gear, and various other things I didn’t recognize.

There were illuminated stages scattered around the floor, with large wooden frames at each. We could see a couple of them were occupied, with women tightly bound and suspended with rope from the wooden beams, swinging helplessly as onlookers watched and admired.

“Let’s go to that booth, my friend works there!” Hannah said, pointing out a small booth with various colored ropes for sale hanging on a wire rack.

Sarah and I followed Hannah, who introduced us to her friend Kayla. Kayla was in a black bra and denim shorts, with her long blue-dyed hair covering her breasts.

“Nice to meet you guys! I’m glad Hannah convinced you to come!” She beamed at us. “Have you guys tried Shibari before?”

Sarah and I shook our heads innocently, which was mostly true. We had tried bondage in the bedroom and in other places (stories for another time), but had never tried this Japanese style of bondage.

“You should, it’s really fun! We are actually having an escape challenge coming up in a few minutes, if you want to try!” Kayla said excitedly.

Hannah piped in. “You have to at least once! You can’t come to a Shibari convention and not get tied up. It’s actually an honor!”

While Sarah and I hesitated with our response, Kayla spoke again. “Here, give me your bags and jackets.” She motioned for me to remove my denim jacket. Without thinking, I complied and Sarah and I then handed over our bags. “Don’t worry, they’ll be safe behind the counter.”

Sarah and I still hadn’t said anything as Kayla and Hannah took us by our arms and headed for the nearest stage. We stepped up the stage with Kayla as Hannah lingered at the edge. The lights were blinding making it hard to see beyond the edge of the stage. However, I could make out outlines of a growing crowd of onlookers. Kayla picked up the microphone to address the crowd.

“We’ve got two new contestants for our escape challenge! Give these sexy girls some love!”

Scattered cheers and applause from the gathered crowd of women boosted my self esteem. Maybe I was passing after all.

Kayla continued. “See for yourself the quality of our all natural vegan Shibari rope! Our store is right there so you can pick some up for yourself.”

Kayla now turned to Sarah. “I’m gonna tie you up first but you can’t start trying to escape until I say start. Got it?” Sarah nodded. I could see Hannah at the edge of the stage take out her phone and begin filming. She wasn’t the only one filming as I noticed more and more people gathering to watch the escape challenge. I began to turn red as I realized I would probably be seen by hundreds if not thousands of people.

Kayla went to the corner of the stage and picked up several bundles of natural jute rope. I stood to the side as Kayla unraveled one bundle and pulled Sarah’s arms behind her back and folded them so her palms faced her other forearm. This forced Sarah’s chest outwards, accentuating her small chest through the tight turtleneck she was wearing. Kayla moved quickly and within a few minutes, Sarah’s upper body was in a ornately knotted box tie.

Seeing Sarah’s body outlined by the tight ropes caused my blood to involuntarily flow to my male organ. I surreptitiously brought my hands together in front of me to hide the growing bulge in my dress.

Sarah seemed comfortable enough and she flashed me a smile as Kayla lowered her softly to the ground face down on the stage.

Kayla then tied Sarah’s legs and booties together in what seemed like ten different places and then folded them behind her attaching the hogtie to the ropes around her chest.

Next, Kayla rolled Sarah on her side and looped a rope around her waist. She pulled one end of the rope between Sarah’s legs, pulling up her skirt so that the rope was snug against her groin. I could see the rope tighten on her crotch several times as Kayla tied it behind Sarah’s back, and each time her facial expression combined pain with pleasure.

Kayla released Sarah so that she rolled back onto her front. She went back to the corner and grabbed a length of white cloth with black polka dots with which she blindfolded Sarah.

Sarah looked really sexy in her outfit, hogtied and blindfolded. She lay there silently awaiting Kayla’s permission to begin the escape challenge. Watching the whole process of Sarah getting tied up made me very horny. I could feel my erection fighting against the material of my panties and tights.

Now it was my turn to get tied up. I was nervous about anything showing through my dress, especially as I realized I would probably be crotch roped like Sarah.

As Kayla unraveled a length of rope and pulled my arms behind me, I tried to spread my arms slightly, thinking it would make for an easier escape. However she quickly noticed and whispered in my ear. “For that, I’m gonna tie you tighter.”

Kayla tied a box tie on me that felt much tighter than what i saw her tie on Sarah. Even with the long sleeves of my dress, the ropes dug into my arms, pinning them to my chest and making escape seem impossible.

Kayla then lowered me down and tied my legs in the same manner to Sarah’s. She tied the heels of my booties back so I couldn’t eve wriggle my feet and then tied my ankles to the ropes around my chest, using them as a pulley to arch my back backwards.

I felt myself turn bright red as Kayla tied a crotch rope around my waist, pulling it tight against my groin. I let out a grunt as it was quite painful, but she ignored me. However, unlike Sarah’s tie, I felt Kayla bring the end of the crotch rope behind me up around my neck. She pulled my head backwards and tied off the crotch rope such that if I lowered my head, the crotch rope would tighten against my groin while choking me. As I rolled back face down, I accidentally lowered my head to relax and instantly regretted it. This was not good news for my impending escape attempt.

Finally Kayla took off my glasses, picked a few stray wig hairs out of my face, and secured a blindfold to my head.

I couldn’t believe my situation. I was hogtied in front of a crowd of people pretending to be a girl next to my sexy and similarly tied girlfriend. It almost felt like a dream. This was definitely not how I imagined our vacation would go.

I was brought back to reality when Kayla suddenly spoke into the microphone. “The escape challenge starts… NOW!”

I began wriggling, trying to find some knot to loosen with my fingers. I could not move anything else and I rocked my body back and forth to no avail. This was a dire situation. Within 10 minutes I was exhausted from trying to escape and nowhere closer than when I started. I was sweaty and my neck was sore from being stretched backwards. I hadn’t been able to reach a single knot. Every rope I pulled made something tighter.

After what I estimated to be around 20 minutes, I heard a round of applause as Kayla announced on the microphone. “We have a winner!”

I couldn’t believe Sarah had escaped that quickly. It had seemed impossible to me but maybe she was more flexible or her ropes had been tied differently. She also didn’t have the torturous neck to crotch rope Kayla had tied on me.

Regardless, I heard Kayla congratulate Sarah to scattered applause. “Since you won, your friend is all yours. Feel free to untie her… or keep her tied up.”

I heard Hannah and others yell from the side of the stage. “Keep her tied up!” I wanted to protest but was worried my voice would give away my real identity so I just continued to wriggle.

I felt my hogtie being undone and my legs were untied. My crotch rope was left on as I was dragged to my feet but luckily Sarah sensed my discomfort and untied the loops around my neck, retying them to my waist.

I stumbled a bit in my heels as I couldn’t see anything through my blindfold.

Sarah walked me down off the stage step by step and I heard Hannah’s voice. “That was fast, Sarah! Super impressive! How was it?”

“It wasn’t that bad. But I’m glad I have a pet for the rest of the day!”

Sarah yanked the front of my crotch rope and I stumbled forward. “Ow!” I yelped. Mindful of my male voice, I continued with a whisper “What the fuck Sarah!?”

“Let’s go to that booth there, I think I need something for this one,” I heard Sarah say.

Hannah laughed. “Of course, I can’t believe Kayla didn’t give you guys one.”

I was led to the booth via Sarah tugging on my crotch rope.

I heard another voice. It was shrill and a bit nasally. “Hi! Anything in particular you’re looking for?”

“That one,” Sarah said assertively.

“That’ll be $30,” the other voice said.

I heard the beep of a credit card machine as Sarah bought whatever she had pointed out.

A few moments later something that felt like a smooth cylinder was pulled against my teeth. It was a bit gag, but I could also feel additional straps going under my chin and over my blindfolded eyes and head. Sarah buckled everything down tightly. “There, that’ll make sure she stays quiet.”

Hannah laughed again. “He does make a very obedient slave! Hey, do you wanna go check out that booth over there? I’m actually in the market for a new Shibari ring.”

“Sure. It’s crazy, I never knew you did Shibari, Hannah.”

“Yeah an old ex got me into it and now I’m hooked. I’ve forced all my new boyfriends to learn how to tie me up and to let me tie them up. It’s a feeling like no other!”

Again I am led stumbling by my crotch rope across the convention center. A few women commented on me, complimenting Sarah on her new ‘toy’.

We reach the booth and I heard Hannah talking to someone about ring selection.

“We actually have a couple set up at that stage if you want to test them out,” I heard the salesperson say.

“Oh awesome!” Hannah replied.

“There should be some extra rope laying around too if you need it.”

I figured this one out pretty quickly. I groaned into my bit gag.

“Oh stop it, if you didn’t want to be in this situation you should have tried to escape!” Sarah poked me in my side, causing me to stiffen upright, yanking the crotch rope tight. The girls laughed as I tried with futility to argue through the gag harness.

Once again I was led stumbling onto the stage. Sarah supported me up the few steps, and the girls positioned me under what I assume was a hanging ring for suspending people.

Hannah undid the crotch rope and made me kneel. She then began attaching ropes to my existing box tie. My body was jerked left and right as Hannah tied off the various lengths of rope.

Suddenly I was pulled upright and off the ground. My toes were dangling in thin air. I yelped into my bit gag from surprise. The ropes around my arms and chest were excruciatingly tight and painful. My whole body was swinging slightly back and forth. I could feel my dress swirling around my legs at each arc of my body’s pendulum.

Hannah tied my legs together and hogtied me again, but this time I was upright and suspended midair. She had tied the hogtie even tighter than Kayla had, arching my back so I looked like a letter C.

She tied another rope to the top of the harness gag, pulling my head backwards and stretching my neck. I tried to let out an ‘Ow’, but it sounded more like a moan of pleasure through the gag.

Hannah laughed. “Seems like he’s enjoying this!”

Hannah then attached another rope to my knees and hoisted me upwards, so I was facing down again but now 5 feet up in the air. I could feel the hair of my wig fly against my neck as Hannah spun me powerfully by my knees. I rotated in a mid air circle for several full revolutions before I slowed to stop.

I was left swinging for a few minutes as Hannah chatted to the ring salesperson about how I looked and the performance of the ring.

Sarah had walked up to my suspended body, and I could feel her hands running up and down my front, pausing every so often to massage my nipples and groin. I welcomed this bit of pleasure to help take my mind off the pain of being suspended midair.

A few minutes later, Hannah returned, undoing my hogtie and releasing me back down to earth. I collapsed onto my knees and fell into Sarah’s waiting arms, my own arms dead from the pressure of the suspension.

I could feel Sarah’s hand reach around and caress my neck. She pulled me backwards firmly while I could feel her other hand go down my thigh and up again to my groin. She began to rub up and down over the front of my dress.

Sarah’s warm body and touches felt amazing after the painful suspension. I was sore and exhausted and gladly surrendered to her loving embrace.

Re: A Conventional Experience (F/FM, F/M)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 11:53 pm
by Fandango
Another solid post. I find the relationships in your stories fascinating. And I leave each of them with a dozen questions and quandaries.

Re: A Conventional Experience (F/FM, F/M)

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 5:54 pm
by bfe8
Fandango wrote: 1 year ago Another solid post. I find the relationships in your stories fascinating. And I leave each of them with a dozen questions and quandaries.
Thanks! I try to leave aspects of the story for the reader’s imagination but I hope it’s not too much.

Re: A Conventional Experience (F/FM, F/M)

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 7:43 pm
by BrittneyStone
Loved this. You’ve got to let me know what the next ti(m)e there’s a convention.