Katy's Sleepover (M/Fmf)

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KP Presents
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Katy's Sleepover (M/Fmf)

Post by KP Presents »

After the event, everyone agreed it had been a sleepover to remember – although for different reasons for each of the children and their mothers…

“No, Joel – the deal was you could have one friend, and Katy could have one friend. So Pat is going to come round with his mother, and Matilda will come round later. All right?”

“All right Mum,” Joel said as his sister stuck her tongue out. The ten year old boy was wearing a blue sweatshirt and joggers with white socks, while Katy was wearing a long blue checked blouse, the sleeves rolled back and a belt tied round her waist, as well as faded blue jeans and knee length brown boots.

“Good,” Jessie said with a smile. She had long light brown hair, like her daughter, which fell over the shoulders of her white Arran sweater. She was also wearing a grey skirt and tights, with knee length patent leather black boots.

“There’s Matilda now,” Katy said as she ran to answer the knock on the front door, coming back with her best friend. Matilda was dark skinned, with curly black hair, and had on a denim jacket over a floral print dress, dark leggings and taupe Frye boots. She smiled as she hugged Katy, and they both went up the stairs.

There was another knock on the door, and Joel watched as Jessie opened the door, letting in his friend Pat – only Joel smiled as he said “so Patty is here tonight instead?”

His ten year old friend smiled and nodded as he came in, wearing a white t-shirt with a pattern on the front, a blue and black striped skirt, blue tights and black quilted effect leather boots that came up to his knees. He also had on a long blonde wig, as his mother followed him in and said “Sorry we’re late – traffic was hell.”

“Not a problem Sharon,” Jessie said with a smile. Patty’ smother had long blonde hair and was wearing a black long sleeved blouse with a purple wings design, a short purple skirt, patterned tights and half-and-half over the knee flat soled boots.

“Come on,” Jessie said as she closed the door, “I’ll make some coffee while we let the kids play, and then I’ll make some snacks for them.”

“Let’s go up to my room,” Joel said as he and Patty went up the stairs.

Outside, the two men looked from across the street at the house.

“What do you think?”

“Two women and four kids – no problem, and at least we get to put our heads down for the night. Come on…”

“Oh wow – where did you get that from,” Patty said as he sat on Joel’s bed, swinging his legs to and fro.

“I found it in Mom’s room – what do you think?” The young boy was now wearing one of his mother’s white t-shirts, which came down to his knees, and a pair of his sister’s grey Ugg boots.

“Well, we may make a Joline of you yet for the school play is what I think.”

“Yeah – but it’s a one off, not like you, agreed?”

“I like being a girl,” Patty said quietly, “but I’m glad you are doing this with me as well…”

“Wil your sister bother us?”

“Nah - they’ll be watching My Little Pony until the snacks come and they get changed. Why?”

“Just curious…”

“So he’s Patty again tonight?”

Jessie nodded as she put her mug down. “I think he prefers being her – and I don’t want to stop him. Has Joel said anything?”

“Not really no – what the…”

Sharon stared at the door as it opened suddenly, and two men walked in. They were tall, broad shouldered, wearing denim jackets and jeans with blue shirts – and one of them had a knife as he said “sit down, both of you, and don’t raise the alarm. We don’t want to hurt you – we just need somewhere to spend the night, and you are the lucky ones we chose.”

“Get out of…”

“I told you, sit down and shut up,” the man said quietly as Sharon sat back down. “now, it’s just you and the kids in the house right – no men expected?”

Sharon was tempted to tell a lie but she nodded as the man smiled. “Good – tie their hands and feet, and then you can go and see what the kids are up to while I have a little chat with them.”

“Got it Clive,” the other man said as he same in, and Sharon saw he had the washing lines she kept in the garage as well as another knife. He shook one line free as he walked over and cut it into four lengths before he pulled her hands behind her back.

“Look, we’ll do whatever you say,” she whispered as the ropes bit into her wrists, “just don’t hurt the kids.”

“Oh the kids will be just fine,” Clive said with a sneer as his partner bound Jessie’s wrists together behind her back, and then they were both made to watch as their ankles were secured together, the rope compressing the leather of their boots round their ankles as it was tied tightly.

“All done Derek.”

“Good – go up and get the kids down here, like their mums, while I have a nice quiet chat with them.”

Clive grinned as he picked up more ropes, and the knife, and left the room, Derek sitting down as he said “so, about tonight…”

“So what do you want to watch later,” Matilda said as she sat on Katy’s bed, swinging her ankles to and fro.

“How about a Barbie movie, or perhaps…” Both girls turned to look at the door a sit opened, and a stranger walked into the room, carrying ropes and a knife.

“Keep those mouths closed, and don’t scream,” he said as he closed the door again. “Just do what I tell you, and you’ll be all right?”

“What… What are you going to do mister,” Kary said quietly.

“Tie you both up, make sure you can’t call for help, and then take you and the other kids to join your mothers,” the man said as he looked at the girls. “You going to make any trouble?”

Matilda looked at Katy, and Katy at Matilda, as they both shook their heads.

“Good, stand up, turn round, put your hands behind your backs…”

“What’s he going to do to us,” Matilda whispered as the two girls did what they had been ordered to do.

“Tie us up, you saw the ropes,” Katy whispered as the man stood to the side, cutting two lengths of rope free from the coil and then using them to secure the wrists of both girls behind their backs. They wriggled their fingers, before the man said “who else is up here?”

“My brother – he and his friend are in his room,” Katy whispered as she tried to move her fingers, and then saw the man take a pir of white ankle socks from her drawers.

No – two pairs as the man said “good - open up, we’re going to surprise them.”

“Katy I told you – ohno…”

Joel and Patty looked over as Katy and Matilda were pushed into his room, their hands behind their backs and the edges of a white sock sticking out from between their lips – closely followed by Derek as he said “what have we here – two boys or two more girls?”

“Two boys,” Joel said, “why have you tied up my sister and her friend?”

“OH don’t worry – you two are going to be just the same,” Derek said as he held up the ropes. “or are you going to be the brave defenders of the girls?”

Joel and Patty looked at each other, before they slowly raised their hands, Katy staring at her brother.


Jessie and Sharon both groaned as the four children were pushed into the front room by Derek, Clive grinning as he said “well, this is interesting…”


Jessie looked at her son as he blushed, and all four were made to sit on the floor, Derek cutting more ropes free and using them to secure their ankles together.

“Well, here’s the deal, kids,” Clive said as he looked at them. “Derek and I need to stay here the night, and we don’t want anyone to know you are here – so we’re joining your little sleepover, only the game you will play is hostages. Do as we say, nobody gets hurt, all right?”

Jessie and Sharon nodded, the cloths that were pulled between their lips tied tightly round their heads, as Clive nodded. “Good – Derek, take a look round, see what they’ve got we can use to keep them all nice and quiet for the night. Then maybe Mummy here can make some sacks for all of us before we let them get ready for their sleepover?”

Jessie looked at Sharon and slowly nodded as the other intruder left the room. The four children started to try to twist round, as Joel looked at Patty.




Patty nodded as he twisted round, and said “Hkknhhh – whtshpphhnhd?”


“YHsmhm,” Joel said as he looked at Jessie. His mother had her head to the side, the cloth at the corners of her mouth much darker then the band round her head.


Katy felt the nudge in her side and looked at Matilda.


“Hlththl – uh?”

Matilda nodded as she felt how wet the sock was in her mouth. “Whththrthweeghnnhdh?”



The four kids looked at Derek as he said “no talking – keep it quiet.”

“I’m really sorry this has happened, kids – and I’m so proud of how brave you all are.”

“Thanks, Mummy,” Katy said as the six of them knelt round the low coffee table. Derek and Clive had untied their wrists, only to bind them together in front of them and keep their ankles tied – but at least they had removed the socks from the kid’s mouth, and the cloths from the mouths of Jessie and Sharon. There were plates with pizza slices and glasses of juice in front of them, as they each picked up a slice and started eating.

“Did you find something for the kids to wear,” Clive said as Derek came back in.

“Oh yes – something suitable.”

“Big Bro,” Katy said, “I’ve got to ask…”

“Oh,” Joel said as he blushed. “It was a dare from Pat… Sorry, Patty. I have to admit, it did not feel too bad.”

“Really?” Sharon smiled a sshe said “does that mean you might want to be like Patty when you visit?”

“Oh we’ll find out later,” Derek said, Patty and Joel looking at each other as Matilda said “are you going to tie us up again?”

“We are – wait and see,” Clive said with a smile. “Right now, eat up – and it will be ladies first.”

“What do you think they will do,” Patty whispered.

“I don’t know…”

Sharon looked over from the couch, Patty and Joel either side of her with Derek watching as Clive took Jessie up the stairs with Katy and Matilda.

“Right,” he said as he stood outside the door, “you two go in, and put on the bedclothes you will find in there. Then we can make sure you both stay in the bed all night.”


“Go on,” Jessie said with a small smile, “I’ll be with you.”

As they closed the bathroom door, Jessie whispered “They were petrified – I hope you’re happy with that.”

“It meant they stayed quiet and do as they are told – so yeah, I’m happy with that. Problem?”

Jessie could tell this was not the time to argue as they waited, and then the two girls came out. Katy was wearing a pair of red and checked pyjamas, the top with short sleeves and a green collar, the pants with green cuffs at the feet of the legs. Matilda was wearing a white top with a cartoon beetle on the front, a pink collar and cuffs and red and green hearts on the sleeves. The pants were also white with pink trim, the same colours of hearts printed on the legs.

“Good – let’s go into your room,” Jessie said to Katy as Clive walked behind them, and she turned on the television in the room while the two girls looked at the man.

“Now,” Clive said quietly, “both of you, stand very still, hands by your sides.”

“What are you going to do,” Matilda whispered as he held up a large roll of silver tape.

“Tape you up,” he said as he tore the end free, and then stuck it to the top of Katy’s arm, winding it round her body and down until it was as if a silver sheath went from his neck to her waist, covering her hands.

She twisted round and watched as he did the same thing to Matilda, and then lifted them one by one onto the bed, before he taped their ankles together, as well as their legs above and below their knees, Jessie watching the whole time. Clive then tore strips of tape and pressed them down over the girl’s mouths, so that they could not talk when Jessie kissed them both on the forehead.

“Watch the television,” she said a sshe started to run a Barbie movie, both girls nodding as Clive took her by the arm and into her bedroom.

“Right – you change, and then we go downstairs.”

“Where are the girls?”

“They’re in their bed,” Jessie said a sshe came in with Clive. She was now wearing a leopard print onesie with a hood, her feet snuggled in the built in slippers. “Boys, you and Sharon go with Derek now – I will see you both later.”

“Come on,” Derek said as the others stood up and walked out of the room, Clive looking at Jessie as he said “Right – hands behind your back…”

The trio walked slowly up the stairs, Sharon watching as Joel and Patty went into the bathroom. She heard Joel say “oh no,” before the door was closed.

“Your boy prefers to be a girl?”

“Got a problem with that,” Sharon said angrily as she looked at Derek. He laughed - a cruel laugh, and shook his head as he said “No – I hope his friend is as understanding.”

“Why? What did you do?”

Derek just looked at the door as it opened and Patty came out, wearing a pink Ariel nightdress with blue capped sleeves and a little cape at the back of the neck. “Well, you look good – do you like it,” Sharon said with a smile.

“Yeah – come on Jolene.”

“Jolene – what do you…” Sharon looked at Joel as he came out, wearing a white nightdress with short sleeves and a purple bow band just below the neckline. “Joel, are you all right?”

“Aunt Sharon… Yeah, I’m fine, it’s actually quite nice…”

Patty smiled as Derek said “right – into the room with both of you, and then lie face down on the bed.” The two boys grinned as they walked in and lay face down, Sharon watching as Derek crossed their wrists behind their backs and taped them together with the silver tape. He then taped their ankles, as well as their legs, first below their knees where the hems of their nightdresses came to, and then above their knees so that the skirt of the nightdress was gathered round them.

“Okay, princesses – on your knees,” Derek said as he made them both kneel, and then taped their arms to their sides, silver bands round their upper arms and their stomachs.

Strips of tape then covered their mouths before he lay them on their sides, facing each other as Sharon said “Will you boys be all right?”

“Yhsmmhhh,” Patty said, Joel nodding as Derek took her by the arm and walked her out of the room. The two boys wriggled round before Joel said “Pthhthhhee?”



Patty nodded as Joel said ”Htsghllssghdhd, hshshthn.”

“Hsntnhtt? Whhhhlsduhfhlll.”


“The boys?”

“Safe,” Sharon said a sshe came into the front room, wearing a crimson hooded onesie with black and white dogs printed on it, a hood down the back of her neck as well. Her wrists had been secured together behind her back, and bands of rope framed her chest as they held her arms against her sides.

“Sit down,” Derek said as he pushed her over.

“The kids?”

“In their own dreamland,” Derek said to Clive as he knelt down and started to bind Sharon’s ankles together. He then secured her legs below her knees, Jessie watching a sshe tested her own bound legs from side to side.

“Well, we’re going nowhere,” Sharon said, Jessie nodding as the hood of her onesie was pulled up over her head, and then the silver tape wound tightly round to cover her mouth.

Sharon was soon gagged in the same way, the two women looking at each other as Derek said “Right – they’re going nowhere. Check everyone every half hour – I’m going to get some sleep.”

“Gotcha,” Clive said as the two men left, Sharon and Jessie looking at each other as they wriggled round, the ropes framing their chests.


Sharon looked at Jessie, before she said “whchllkhsss.”


Sharon looked at Jessie, and then pressed her taped lips on the other woman’s. Jessie’s eyes shot open, then closed slowly a sshe returned the gesture, their taped mouths rubbing on each other.





Jessie looked at her, and then kissed Sharon as the lights were turned off…

“Jhsshhee? Jhhsssh!”

Jessie opened her eyes to see Sharon looking at her, sunlight coming through the gap in the curtains.

“Shrrhhn – whrhrth?”

“Ghn – chnuhthrnrhnd?”

Jessie nodded a sshe turned round, Sharon putting her back against hers a sshe started to try and untie Jessie’s wrists with her fingers. It seemed to take an age but eventually Jessie managed to free her hands and pull the chest ropes up and over her head.

She then untied Sharon’s arms, the two women hugging each other and kissing before they wound the tape round their mouths.

“Sharon, what…”

“We’ll talk later – the kids…”

Both women untied their legs and ran up the stairs, going into Joel’s room to see him and Patty asleep, their bodies still bound with tape.

“You free them, I’ll check the girls,” Jessie said, Sharon nodding as she ran to Katy’s room.


“It’s over,” she said as he walked over and peeled the tape from their mouths, “It’s over…”

Two weeks later

“Are you sure you all want to do this, like this,” Jessie said a sshe stood with Sharon.

“Yes, Mummy,” Joel said as he stood with Patty. It had been a celebration day at their school, and they were still wearing the outfits from when the school opened. Patty was wearing a white blouse with a frilled front, brown corduroy shorts, white tights and knee length burgundy coloured leather boots. Joel was wearing a blue velour jacket over a matching roll neck sweater, black culottes, and knee length brown boots with brown tights.

“So he likes being a girl as well,” Sharon whispered to Jessie.

“So he does – and he likes to be with Patty,” Jessie said as she looked at her daughter. Katy was wearing a bleu gingham dungaree dress over a white jumper, white tights and black boots, while Melinda was wearing a black jersey dress over a blue rollneck sweater, and brown knee length boots.

All four had their hands tied behind their backs with ropes, and rope around their arms and stomachs, as Jessie said “all right – sit down in front of the couch.” The four sat down, watching as Jessie used ropes to secure the ankles of each of them together, and then Sharon secured their legs together below their knees. The four of them grinned – before their mouths were covered with strips of brown sticking plaster.

“Okay – we keep these four brats hostage?”

“We do,” Sharon said as she looked at Jessie. Both women were wearing black jumpsuits, as they left the kids to their game – Joel and Patty loving the feeling of being damsels in distress, Katy and Matilda the fact they were safe – and stepped outside, embracing and kissing as they did so…
Read stories of ordinary women in peril at www.kppresents.com
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Post by Mask6190 »

The long awaited sequel as arrived, and it was very good and surprising :)
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