An 'After-Halloween' party (fm/mm,Mf/fmmm)

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An 'After-Halloween' party (fm/mm,Mf/fmmm)

Post by Gil »

Hey everyone. Here is a new Story. This story will include Kyle, Lucas, Andrew, Jean, and also his siblings. This is now the most recent story in the timeline, of what has happened so far. All the other stories happened before this one. And now, have fun with the story 😊:

Hey, Kyle here again. This one happened the weekend after Jean and I went trick or treating, where she tied me to a hand truck in a sheep costume with a straight jacket. My parents had decided to have an “after-Halloween” party. They invited a few friends of theirs and we were allowed to invite a few friends as well. Of course, I invited Lucas, which he was very happy about. And I also invited Jean and Andrew, who could sleep here as well. Both said yes. I hardly need to mention that a costume was mandatory. The party was the Friday after Halloween, at 6 pm. I got home at 2 pm and did my homework. Then I got out my costume crate, but I didn't know what I wanted to dress up as. After all, I had plenty to choose from. At 5 p.m., the doorbell rang.

"That must be Lucas." I thought with a grin.

I hid again so he couldn't see me when the door opened. I heard footsteps on the stairs and my door opened. He stepped inside.

"BUUUHHH!" I shouted.

"DAMN! WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT EVERY TIME?" He asked rudely but smiled a little.

"Because we're having a Halloween party today, haha." I laughed.

"Okay, today you have an excuse. but don’t scare me all the time." He said smiling, walking up to me and kissing me. "I see you've already opened your crate. What are you going to dress up as?" He asked me.

"I don't. There's a lot to choose from." I said to him. "Do you have an idea for yourself too?" I asked him too.

"No. I didn't bring any because you have enough choices here." He grinned at me.

We both pondered for a few minutes, each on our own. Then Lucas came up with an idea.

"How about we pick out each other's costumes?" He asked me.

"Sure, why not. Jean and I already did that too, or rather, she picked it out for me last Halloween, haha." I laughed.

"Well, let's see what we can find for each other." He grinned at me.

I nodded in confirmation. For 5 minutes we pondered until we each found something.

"On the count of three we pull them out, okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sounds good to me. Let me Count: 1… 2… 3!" He counted and we each grabbed a costume and held it in front of us.

I held out to him the fox costume that my parents used to tie me up in when I annoyed them: ... ostume.jpg
He held out to me the mouse costume that my sister had tied me up in when she babysits me: ... ostume.jpg
Both costumes were jumpsuits with attached mittens, a hood, and foot covers.

"You're going to look cute in that." Grinned Lucas at me.

"Thanks. And you too in yours." I grinned back.

We changed costumes and changed clothes. We took off everything but our underpants and put on the costumes. We looked at each other and just grinned. We walked down the stairs. My parents were already there getting everything ready. My parents were dressed up as a prince and princess. It fit very well.

"You guys look cute." Said my mom to us with a grin.

"Thanks." Replied both of us at the same time.

"Can you do my makeup, Mom?" I asked her.

"Sure, I will." She grinned and we went upstairs.

She first put gray makeup on my whole face. Then she painted my nose black with a few whiskers.

"Perfect, you too, Lucas?" Asked my mum grinning.

“I don’t know…” He thought for a moment.

I looked at him smiling and then he looked back, also smiling.

“Yeah, but not so much as Kyle, please.” He said.

“No problem.” Said my mum and painted his nose black and some whiskers, like me.

“Okay, you two are ready. You look very cute, guys.” My mum said to us smiling.

"Yeah, especially Kyle." He grinned at me and kissed me.

We went back downstairs and helped with the preparations so everything would be ready on time. Then my brother, dressed as a basketball player, and my sister, dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, came downstairs. Then, just before 6 p.m., Andrew and Jean also arrived. Jean was wearing her doctor costume from trick or treating and Andrew was wearing his cowboy costume.

"You two look great." Andrew grinned at us.

"Thanks, you too Andrew, and you too Jean, of course." I grinned back.

All the guests were there and the party started. There was a lot of laughing, dancing, and of course drinking among the adults. At 10 pm the party was over. The four of us went up to my room and got everything ready for Andrew and Jean.

"Perfect. All set." I said.

"Yep. But are you guys going to bed already?" Jean asked us.

"Nope, not yet. What did you guys want to do?" Asked Lucas.

"Well, how about our favorite couple spend some time together here? I mean "together"?" She asked, simultaneously walking over to my bed and digging out the TuG bag.

We both looked at each other and began to grin slightly.

"Sure, why not." Replied Lucas.

"Perfect, then I'll tie you up Kyle, and Jean will tie Lucas up." Grinned Andrew.

They both knew Lucas liked to be tied up, too. We got everything out and Andrew and Jean discussed it. We all still had our costumes on and my face was still full painted. When they were ready, Andrew came over to me and Jean to Lucas.

"Wait a minute." I said.

"Why?" Asked Jean.

I didn't answer, but went to Lucas and kissed him again, grinning at him.

"Ah okay. Yeah, not wrong. You won't be able to kiss again for a while, haha." Jean laughed.

And then it was time to be tied up. Andrew held out 2 tennis balls to me. I took one in each hand. I knew what was coming next. This is what Emily did to Jean and me on Hell Weekend. Andrew wrapped tape around my hands. Now I had 2 silver balls for hands, just like Lucas. Then Andrew made the mittens over my hands and took out two small zip ties. He crisscrossed my hands behind my back and tied them together. One zip tie horizontally and one vertically. I could watch Jean and Lucas very well. She was doing the same thing to him.

"Wow, you guys don't hold back, do you?" Said Lucas with a slight grin.

"Nope, why would we. You're with Kyle in a relationship. No half measures here, haha." Laughed Jean.

"Haha, I have no problem with that." Replied Lucas laughing.

Andrew and I just grinned and he continued. He took a 5-yard rope and put my legs together. He wrapped the rope around my ankles and knotted it tight. He did the same with my knees, above and below. Also with a 5-yard rope each. I wondered why he didn't wrap the rope between my legs as usual and then knot it. I quickly found out why. He took 3 long zip ties and wrapped them between my legs and pulled them tight. The effect was the same, but a bit different. It felt tighter. Jean did the same to my friend. Then he took a long rope, 25 yards long. He knotted it once to my hands and then wound it up and down my torso so he could tie it to my hands again at the end. My upper body was completely mummified. Jean did the same thing to Lucas. He looked at me and I looked at him. We both had to grin.

"Okay, so far, so good. You can go and try to get free." Jean said to us.

We both just stood there and did nothing, because escape was hopeless anyway.

"Yeah well, I wouldn't try either." Said Andrew with a grin.

Andrew then approached me again and took off the hood of my costume. He did the same to Lucas while Jean left the room. They had coordinated well. She came back with 2 sponges and gave one of them to Andrew. I opened my mouth directly and Andrew held the sponge in. He pressed my tongue to the bottom and filled my mouth almost completely. Then he took the clear tape in his hand and wrapped it around my head a dozen times. This kept the sponge where it was supposed to stay. Lucas was also gagged in this way. Then they put our hoods back on.

"Say something." prompted Jean.

"mmmppph." Our voices were very muffled.

"Perfect. Now it's your time together." Said Andrew with a grin.

He slowly pushed me towards Lucas. They put us back to back. Then they made several zip ties so they could tie us together. 5 of them around our torsos and 5 around our legs. We were tied tightly together. Our hands were touching, or rather the tennis balls we had to hold.

"So, done." Said Andrew and Jean at the same time as they walked back a bit.

"After today, I need to buy some new zip ties." I thought to myself.

They grinned and high-fived each other. They helped us to lay on my bed. There we were, me staring at the wall and Lucas standing in the room. We could barely move. I noticed my socks being removed and then my toes being tied together with a small zip tie, just like Lucas'. It was clear to me what was going to happen now. And off we went. The soles of my feet were tickled.

"MMAMAMAMAHAM MHAMHAMHAMMAMHAAM MHAMHAHMHAHAHMAHMA!" I laughed into my gag and wiggled my feet back and forth as best I could.

Oddly enough, I didn't hear any sound from Lucas, nor did I notice any movement.

"Lucas, are you ticklish at all?" asked Jean.

"Mmmnnoo." He shook his head.

"He's not ticklish? I'm really jealous of that." I thought to myself.

"Whew, I guess I'll have to figure out how to tickle you then." She said.

Andrew just continued to tickle me. After a few minutes, Jean spoke up again.

"Got it." She said and stood up. Since I couldn't turn around, I could only guess what was about to happen. Then I heard Lucas.

"MMMPPHH." He yelled into his gag.

I guessed what had happened. Jean had probably taped Lucas's sock under his nose. I continued to laugh into my gag while Andrew tickled me incessantly. Suddenly the door opened.

"Guys, I'm glad you're having a good time, but it's 23:30 and you're so loud that I can't sleep." It was the voice of Steve.

"Sorry, Steve." Replied Andrew.

I heard the door close again. Andrew stopped tickling me at first, but then he thought of something else. He came up to my face, grinned at me, and put the sock under my nose too.

"MMMMPPPPHHH!" I also screamed once into my gag, as Lucas had before.

I wiggled my head back and forth a bit, but the sock stayed firmly in place. My scream wasn't exactly quiet, which Steve must have heard, because the door opened again shortly after.

"Okay, that's it! If you don't want to hear, you have to feel." Said Steve.

"You take Andrew, and I'll take Jean." Said Emily.

She was probably still awake too, because of the volume. Since my head was facing the wall, I couldn't see what was happening. I could only hear it. I heard no resistance from Andrew and Jean. I only heard ropes, duct tape, and also zip ties being used.

"MMMPPPHHH!" they both yelled out once briefly, as Lucas and I had before. It was clear to me what had happened.

Then there was a brief silence once, and Lucas and I were lifted out of bed. I noticed the zip ties that held us together being cut. When we were no longer tied to each other, I turned so that I could see into the room. Andrew and Jean were lying on their mattresses, tied up just as Lucas and I were. Their hands were individually tied into silver balls, but in front of their stomachs rather than behind their backs like ours. A long rope was tied around their torsos and their legs were tied in the same places as Lucas' and mine. They no longer had socks on. One was stuck under their nose and the other was probably even in their mouth. I was glad for the sponge. Then Steve loosened the rope around my torso and my hands, but only to tie them again in front of my belly in the cross with zip ties. The long rope was also tied again as before. Emily did the same during the time with Lucas. And so all 4 of us were tied the same way.

"Finally everybody is ready to sleep, haha." Laughed Steve.

They put all 4 of us next to each other and then took some pictures.

"Haha, too good." Laughed Emily.

Then they laid Andrew and Jean on the mattresses on the floor and Lucas and me on my bed.

"So, sleep well and remember to keep it down after a long day this late at night. You guys can practice your escape skills now. Good night." Steve grinned.

He turned out the light and they both left my room. It was clear that we were going to stay tied up overnight because we definitely couldn't escape, tied up like that.

"Good thing we all went to the bathroom first." I thought to myself.

I noticed Lucas trying to struggle against the restraints at first but then giving it up after a short while. I poked him with my head. He looked over. I nodded once and so did he. I snuggled up to him as best I could and tried to sleep. I didn't hear anything from Andrew and Jean anymore either. I guess they just accepted their fate. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the situation of being tied up together with my friend. And it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

The next morning

"Good morning. I see no one managed to escape." I heard Steve say.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was standing in the middle of the room and Emily was standing in the doorway. Lucas opened his eyes as well. He tried to move until he realized he was tied up. He even had to laugh when he realized it.

"It's 9 a.m. and you'll both be picked up at 10, right Andrew and Jean?" inquired Steve.

"Mmmeepphh." He heard them both say.

"Well, let's free you guys." Said Steve to them.

I could hear him coming towards us already. He sat Lucas upright first and then me so we were both facing the room.

"Haha, that's right, there was something." laughed Steve and Emily, who I hadn't noticed before.

"MMMAHAHAHMA." Laughed Lucas too as he looked at me.

I looked in the mirror of my closet. My face was still completely painted from the party. I had completely forgotten about that and then had to laugh too. Then Steve freed Andrew and Emily freed Jean. First, they untied the long rope that was wrapped around her torso. Lucas and I watched in silence. When the rope was loose on both of them, Steve took a pair of scissors and cut the zip ties that held the ropes to their legs and their hands. Then Emily did the same to Jean. Meanwhile, Steve loosened the tape from Andrew's hands. Once his hands were free, Andrew himself removed the sock from his nose and the duct tape gag. He spat out the sock and was completely free again. Jean was also free again shortly thereafter. They both grabbed clothes to change into and left the room. Steve and Emily made no move to free us as well. They left the room, leaving us alone. We just looked at each other questioningly and waited for someone to come. A short time later, Andrew and Jean came back in.

"Oh, haven't they freed you yet?" asked Andrew.

"Mmnoo." We both replied shaking our heads.

"Well have fun you two, haha." Jean laughed and started packing up her things.

Andrew did the same. Then they kindly pushed aside the mattresses and bedding. At 10 o'clock, the bell rang and they both grabbed their stuff.

"Thanks for the incite. It was great." Jean grinned and Andrew nodded in acknowledgment.

We nodded back and struggled to reply. They hugged again and then left. Shortly after they left, Steve and Emily returned.

"Well, should we leave you guys still tied up?" asked Emily with a grin.

"Mmmnooo." I shook my head and then down to make it clear that I needed to go to the bathroom, which I did.

"Do you have to go to the bathroom?" Asked Steve.

I nodded several times in confirmation.

"All right. We'll let you guys out now then. But next time you will wear a diaper, so at least that won't be an excuse anymore, haha." Laughed Steve.

I just rolled my eyes, but Lucas laughed into his gag, too. Then Steve came over to me and Emily went to Lucas. They started to untie us as they had done to Andrew and Jean: first the upper body, then the legs, then the hands. We took off the sock and gag ourselves. I quickly grabbed clothes to change into and ran to the bathroom. I took off the costume and went to the bathroom. Then I took a shower so the makeup came off too. Then I put on a pair of boxer shorts, a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and black socks and went back to my room. Lucas had already changed and everything was already neatly cleaned up. Steve and Emily were already downstairs. I put the costume away and we put the box back under my bed. Then I gave Lucas a "good morning" kiss and we went downstairs for breakfast as well. The morning and noon were quiet. We helped clean up from yesterday and went for a walk. But the day was not over yet…

The End

I hope you like my story 😊.

If you have an idea for a scenario or costume, just post it in the comments or private message me, and I’ll try to incorporate it into the stories as best I can and I will link you. Thank you 😊.

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Last edited by Gil 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Stormee »

The day not over yet? Hmm... that must mean something else is to happen with Lucas and Kyle. Nice to see the gang having a fun party and getting all tied up together. Seemed like a fun costume party to attend. Logan would be in his Spiderman suit for the party. :lol: Nice work again, [mention]Gil[/mention]! Can't wait for the next story. :D
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Post by Killua »

Nice story again. Steve better makes Kyle wear a diaper next time to prevent him to use thise excuse over and over again :lol:
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Post by Gil »

Stormee wrote: 1 year ago The day not over yet? Hmm... that must mean something else is to happen with Lucas and Kyle. Nice to see the gang having a fun party and getting all tied up together. Seemed like a fun costume party to attend. Logan would be in his Spiderman suit for the party. :lol: Nice work again, @Gil! Can't wait for the next story. :D
Haha, yeah, I'm curious about that :D. Logan would certainly have had his fun if he had been there :D
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Post by Gil »

Killua wrote: 1 year ago Nice story again. Steve better makes Kyle wear a diaper next time to prevent him to use thise excuse over and over again :lol:
Thanks :). haha it would be definitely better :D But we will see in the future :D
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