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Mission: Be A Spy (f+/m+)

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 8:46 am
by tillytimber123
Chapter 1: Tied Up


After Jack woke up, he found himself tied tightly to a chair in a dark room with blinking lights. His arms were tied over his head and his wrist were tied to a rope connected to the ceiling while more ropes held his lower body down to the chair. He struggled but to no avail. He looked around and saw that his friends were also tied up the same way, except that they were gagged with what seemed to be female socks.

“Tyler! Cory!” His friend’s tried responding but all that came out of their mouths were muffled yells. Jack thought long and hard about what to do next. He wanted to call for help but didn’t want to risk alerting his kidnappers. However, it was too late.

“Looks like you guys are finally awake. Though isn’t it rude that your friends didn’t respond to you?”

Jack prepared himself to meet his kidnapper who seems to be a female. However, he started to hear not just one voice, but multiple.

“Do you think Jack escaped his bonds yet?

Jack froze up after hearing his name.

“How do they know my name,” he pondered to himself. Being impatient and actually capable of talking, he decided to initiate a conversation before actually meeting them.

“Who are you guys and what do you-,” yelled Jack before a sock was roughly pulled against his mouth, almost causing him to fall backwards on his chair but was held steady by another pair of hands.

“Ooh, be careful there pretty boy or else I’ll have to tie your bonds tighter to keep you safe.” The seductive voice from behind him caused Jack to tense up. Many thoughts roamed about his mind such as how did they get behind him and how many of them are there. His questions were about to be answered soon enough as the lights started to turn on one by one, revealing each girl in front of him. Though the first girl revealed was all it took for his eyes to widen.

“Hey, Jack. Did you enjoy your sleep?”

Standing right in front of him was a girl he’s known since elementary school and they’ve been best buds ever since. They tell each other almost everything and hang out whenever they can, but it seems like she’s been keeping something a secret. Jack started to put all the pieces together and the only thing he was able to come up with is that she likes him and wants to successfully confess her love.

After realizing the sock was removed from his mouth, he said “Tina, this is no way to confess your love for me. I would’ve much preferred something less extreme. Therefore, I’m sorry to say but I respectfully rej-” and before he knew it, he was gagged again.

“Tina, how were you able to put up with this guy for so long?” asked Katie, Tina’s best friend.

“I feel like they’d make a lovely couple,” stated a smiley Megan, Tina’s other best friend and Jack’s neighbor.

“Ahh, whatever you guys,” said Tina. “Well teacher, what should we do now that they’ve found out about our base .”

Jack thought to himself: “Base? Are they some secret evil organization?” Jack continued to think of ways to escape but the ropes that bound him were tied extremely well, leaving no leeway for his body to move around, but he still struggled with all his might.

“Looks like someone’s aching to leave” teased Katie. “You won’t be escaping anytime soon. I tied them extra tight for you, Jacky-poo.”

“Mmmnn..” groaned Jack.

“Ooh I just thought of a great idea!” exclaimed Megan. Jack saw a big smile on Megan’s face and couldn’t help but think that something bad was about to happen. Jack looked over at his two friends that have been oddly quiet for the past few minutes and actually saw a small rip in the rope that connected Tyler’s wrist to the ceiling. While Jack was “talking” with the girls, Tyler has been carefully tugging up and down on the rope to weaken it.

“Well, what is it Megan,” questioned their teacher. Jack is still trying to make out who the teacher is as the voice is recognizable but can’t seem to come to a conclusion.

“Let’s test how fast they can escape, if they can at all!” Megan replied. “If all 3 of them can get out on time, we can let them know our occupation. If they don’t… well, we can decide that later!”
Jack did not like the sound of that. His only option was to escape and he wasn’t worried at all after seeing Tyler close to freeing himself. Though he didn’t really like being in a position where he’s about to be an object for entertainment.

“Oooh, that kinda does sound like fun” Tina responded. “What do you think Jack?” Jack glared at Tina, hoping to express his discomfort and annoyance. “Ahh, forgot you can’t talk with that gag in your mouth. I’ll take it out for you if you say please” Again, Jack glared at Tina while the girls giggled at Tina’s joke.

“Well, I’m down for the idea as well but we gotta do something about him,” Katie said while pointing at an almost free Tyler. Freaked out over the girls finding him out, he yanked the rope as hard as he can and was able to rip it from the ceiling. He made a foolish mistake right after by immediately trying to run after his hands were free from the ceiling. He was working so hard on his bounded arms and wrists that he completely forgot that his body was tied down to a chair so when he tried running, he immediately fell down.

The girls slowly walked up to him, holding multiple layers of rope and in a short amount of time, he was tied up again but this time with his arms behind his back. His sock gag was also removed and was quickly tied around his eyes, causing him to groan because of the uncomfortable feeling of a wet sock touching his eyes. He was about to say something but the moment he opened his mouth to speak, Tina shoved another sock into his mouth and wrapped another pair of socks around his mouth to hold it in.

“That’s what you get for trying to escape before the game even begins” Tina said playfully. Jack was kind of relieved that Tyler was gagged before saying something because Tyler can be a little… foul sometimes. Though he was curious as to where all of these socks are coming from. He shuddered at his wild imagination as to where it came from.

After they finished tightening Tyler’s bonds, they came over to Jack and Cory and used a new pair of socks to simply blindfold them. However, they took both Jack’s and Cory’s chair and put them back to back to each other and then proceeded to tie them together.

“Well, looks like our job here is done so let’s start the game shall we,” Katie said before turning off the lights. “Good luck boys.” All the girls left and closed the door behind them and left the boys to escape themselves. Will they be able to escape and discover the truth to their being here and the shady occupation of the girls, or will they fail and suffer the unknown punishment that comes after?

Re: Mission: Be A Spy (f+/m+)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:39 pm
by banshee
Great start!

Re: Mission: Be A Spy (f+/m+)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:59 am
by Helena14
Great opening, really curious to how this continues. Wouldn‘t mind seeing the boys turning the tables on those mean girls...

Re: Mission: Be A Spy (f+/m+)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:26 am
by tillytimber123
banshee wrote: 1 year agoGreat start!
Thank you!

Re: Mission: Be A Spy (f+/m+)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:30 am
by tillytimber123
Helena14 wrote: 1 year ago Great opening, really curious to how this continues. Wouldn‘t mind seeing the boys turning the tables on those mean girls...
Thank you! I've already planned out a solid amount of the story and so far it's going to be just f+/m+ but now that you mention it, I could definitely see it fitting in with the story. We'll see :D

Re: Mission: Be A Spy (f+/m+)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:31 am
by tillytimber123
Chapter 2: Still Tied Up

Jack and Cory simultaneously pushed against their bonds as an attempt to forcefully rip the rope apart but the rope wouldn’t budge. Jack noticed that it wasn't the same rope that was used to tie their hands to the ceiling. For Tyler to be able to rip it means that that particular rope wasn’t as strong as the ones that are binding them now. To make matters worse, they couldn’t see. It was pitch black and they had to work together by grunting out gagged noises.

Tyler was in a more difficult situation since his arms were tied behind his back securely and because of his escape attempt, the girls made sure to tie him much tighter than before. Tyler isn’t bound to anyone though so he had the solo advantage to which he utilized by leaping around in the chair. Jack took note of this and came up with an idea.

“Tyylurrr!” Jack was able to somewhat enunciate his name through the gag. Unlike Tyler, there wasn’t a second sock stuck in his mouth. However, the gag was enough to stop him from clearly stating his idea. Instead, he just continued to grunt in order to give Tyler a sense of where they were located in the dark. After a long series of grunts which we’ll call the gag language, Tyler finally got a hold of Jack’s chair leg with his hands behind his back. He found his way to the knot that connected the ropes and began to tug on it every way possible. Eventually, the rope slowly started to get loose and Cory and Jack were able to separate their chairs from each other. Their hands were still tied to the ceiling but considering that Tyler was able to break it, they would be able to.

After minutes of tugging on the ceiling rope, Jack and Cory freed themselves and took off their gags and blindfolds and proceeded to free Tyler. Once all three boys were free, they hugged each other out of immense joy of finally being able to move their bodies. However, their excitement came to an end the moment they heard doors creaking.

“Congratulations boys,” praised Katie as she slowly walked towards them while clapping. “It sure took awhile but you guys were surprisingly able to escape. That deserves a nice reward, isn’t that right girls?”

Jack shivered when he saw a group of unknown females walk into the room, holding something he just recently developed a fear of: rope.

Katie smirked after seeing the three boys slowly back away. “Tina and Megan are currently preparing your prize right now so we’re gonna have to escort you to the waiting room. Of course, we can’t have you guys running away so fortunately for you guys, you’re gonna be bound once more. How fun!”

Tyler decided that he can no longer tolerate this. “What if we refuse? Y’all were able to have the upper hand since we were initially tied up but now that we’re free, did you consider that we’ll fight back this time.”

Katie sighed. “Of course I considered that possibility. Why do you think I showed up with this group of girls? Get them.” The group of girls began to run at the boys with many coils of rope in hand.

“Here they come” yelled Jack. “Men, prepare yourselves!”

In just a couple of minutes, the three boys were all tied up. Their hands were tied behind their backs in a box-tie formation and there was a long rope leash connecting their ankles. Each boy had two girls holding them steady as Katie examined the rope ties.

“Well done girls, I’ve taught y’all well.” Katie looked carefully at Tyler ties and noticed that they were extra tight, just like she wanted. “Not so tough now huh? Didn’t seem like you boys put up a fight at all.”

Tyler gave her a nasty glare. “Listen here, I don’t know what your problem is but I swea-.” His remark was cut short with a knotted cleave-gag by the two girls holding him down.

“MMMPPHH MMMM” Tyler shouted through the gag that filled his mouth.

“Now now, don’t waste your energy,” Katie said while teasingly tapping his head. “Not like anyone can understand you. Also girls, make sure you gag the other two boys. I’d prefer peace and quiet while we walk.” With that said, the girls proceeded to gag Jack and Cory with the same type of gag.

“Mmmm…” Jack was exhausted for the day and simply followed along.

“Haha, you look adorbs with that gag on Jack. I’m sure Tina would think so too so let’s get going.” Katie began the escort to the boys’ prize and at this rate, Jack expects nothing but the worst.

Re: Mission: Be A Spy (f+/m+)

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 8:23 am
by Shotrow
This is a fun story. I'm very curious to see where it goes.

Re: Mission: Be A Spy (f+/m+)

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:15 pm
by Mineira1986
Interesting story. I could have used a bit more description of how the girls managed to secure the boys after they had freed themselves, but I'm not complaining. Wonder what the "prize" is going to be.

Re: Mission: Be A Spy (f+/m+)

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 10:35 am
by Headmistress
I feel sorry for the boys. Hopefully, they get out or are eventually released.

So far, this is a very good story.