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Can't you just watch a movie in peace? (M/F)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 4:01 am
by James Bondage
(Unfortunately this is a total work of fiction. ;-) I'm going to put as much of her actual personality into the story, but I really don't know (highly doubt) that she's into being bound and gagged. :-P)

It was a cool Friday night and I was hanging out at Lisa's place. We worked together and had become quite good friends over the years. We were both kinda "nerdy" together, enjoying conversations about comic books, movies and similar topics. One thing about her that I constantly teased her about is her ability to overthink things and come up with weird ideas and theories. I accepted it as who she is, but it did annoy me at times, so I made sure it was purely in fun when I teased her about it.

We sat down on the couch together. We sat on opposite ends, as we both liked leaning against the arms of the couch. As she settled in she turned and laid her legs up on the couch, her feet resting on my thighs. I playfully gave her legs a slap, "Hey, what do you think you're doing??" "....Sorry..." she laughed as she started pulling her feet away. "No, I'm just kidding, it's fine!" I said as I grabbed her legs and put them back where they were.

I looked over at her. We were just platonic friends, but in my personal opinion she was cute and attractive in her own way. She had light brown hair that extended just past her shoulders. She was very fit and had a real passion for wearing leggings. Tonight they were blue with different colored stars.

That night we had decided to put in "Thor: Ragnarok". It was one of our favorites to discuss together but we had never sat down to watch it together.

Well, it didn't take her long to start her commentary. Almost as soon as the movie began she was going off on her opinions and thoughts on Surtur. I laughed, "Not even five minutes!!?? You couldn't give me that?? You know what? If you can't stop, I'm going to make you stop!" She laughed and looked at me quizzically, "Oh yeah? I'm quite interested to see that!" I smirked at her, "You doubt me, but try me, you'll see! Maybe not until it's too late....but you'll see!" I laughed and told her to get back to the movie.

Sure enough, as the film went on, she kept talking and talking. Now, I had been over at her place a few times, so I knew where everything was, including her tools she kept around for minor repairs around her place. I gently took her feet off of my thigh and got up and walked away. "Where are you going? What are you doing? Should I pause it?" she asked after me. "No, it's fine. Just keep watching!" I said back loudly as I went to the utility room. There I dug in her box until I found a barely used roll of duct tape. "Perfect!" I said as I walked back into the living room.

She heard me walk back in and looked over at me as I entered the room. I decided to see how she'd react, or if she'd even understand what I was intending to do if I showed my hand. As she looked I smiled at her and tossed the roll of duct tape onto the couch, where it landed right beside her. She looked down at it and then back up at me. It took a second or two before I saw the sign of realization enter her eyes. Her eyes grew wide and she jumped up screaming, "No!" She took off towards the kitchen.

I quickly moved to shorten the distance between us and managed to grab her before she made it around the corner which would have led to the hallway towards her bedroom. I wrapped my left arm around her waist and placed my right hand over her mouth, muffling her cries into a soft, "Mmmmmpppphh!!!" She futilely reached up and tried to pull my hand off her mouth, but I was much too strong for her. I held her mouth tight as I reached up and pinned her arms down to her sides.

I dragged her over to the couch and proceeded to push her down onto it on her stomach. I used my weight to pin her down as I grabbed the roll of duct tape and pulled her wrists behind her back.

"What the heck do you think you're doing?" She asked, half screaming, half laughing at me.

"C'mon, you're a smart girl, I think you know what's going on!" I said as I wrapped the duct tape around her pinned wrists several times, making sure she couldn't wiggle her hands out.

"You were serious??!" She said incredulously. She was so in shock, she didn't fight me too bad when I pulled her ankles together and wrapped them tightly in duct tape.

"Guess I can't underestimate you!" She said in a teasing voice as she wiggled back and forth, testing her bonds.

"No, you can't!" Taking the opportunity to slap her butt firmly, getting a squeal and more squirms out of her as a reaction.

"Not done yet though......" I said as I sat down on the couch and turned her over, sitting her on my lap.

"What? Oh...... no..... really?" She whined as she squirmed in my grip.

"I warned you..... you were talking to much!!! First though, there's something I have kinda wanted to do for awhile...... guess now's the best time if any time." I said smiling.

"Wha..." she began before I cut her off by planting my lips directly onto hers. After a second she pushed forward to return the sign of affection. We pulled apart and looked at each other. She was turning as red as I felt, both smiling ear to ear.

"That was nice.... wasn't it?" I said before grinning and placing duct tape firmly over her lips.

"MMMMMMM.!!!!!!!" She cried, pleading with her eyes for release.

"Naw..... let me enjoy a bit of this movie in silence, then we'll see what I choose to do!" I winked as I wrapped an arm around her struggling body. I proceeded to watch the movie with her firmly on my lap. She eventually gave up on her pleading and turned to watch the movie too.

Re: Can't you just watch a movie in peace? (M/F)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 12:35 pm
by Macher
Welcome aboard!

This was a cute little story. I am always sympathetic to the binder in this scenario, having often been in their shoes.

Re: Can't you just watch a movie in peace? (M/F)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 2:51 pm
by David Han
Amazing story.

Re: Can't you just watch a movie in peace? (M/F)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 7:11 pm
by TamatoaShiny123
Loved it!