Not Quite According to Plan (M/mm)

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Not Quite According to Plan (M/mm)

Post by BDBrit »

Not Quite According to Plan

The van pulled up outside the gate and parked on the opposite side of the road. The gate was open; they were expecting a visitor. The house wasn't visible from the road. It was set back, with large trees blocking it from view completely. Great for privacy, but - as its owner would soon find out - not good for security. A man stepped out, dressed in painter's overalls. He quickly scanned his surroundings to see if anyone was looking, before casually walking up the drive. Once he was certain that he was no longer visible from the road, he ducked into the bushes and crept his way up to the house.

He found a suitable hiding spot just opposite the front door. It was close enough that he would be able to see everything without being seen in turn. He didn't have to wait long. He knew the family's schedule very well. At 10:00am on the dot, the front door opened and a smartly dressed man walked out carrying a wheelie suitcase. "I've got to go now!" he shouted over his shoulder. "Nick should be here very shortly, but I can't wait for him. I'll leave the gate open for him. Make sure it's closed once he's here." He paused to listen to a response. "Yes, that's fine, just don't go into the pool until he's here... Because I don't want you to drown... Because I love you... I don't know why. It's one of life's great mysteries! Ok, I'll see you tomorrow, be nice to each other... He won't!" The man shut the door before he could be trapped into a longer conversation. He smiled and chuckled to himself, before quickly getting into his car and driving off.

Little did he know that Nick had no idea his services were needed. The person he'd arranged the babysitting job was not his usual babysitter, but the man now crouched in his bushes. Cloning Nick's phone had only been step 1 of his plan. Time for step 2. He waited for a minute, brushing the leaves off him, so that the father could leave, before casually strolling back to his van. As far as the neighbours were concerned, he was simply a private decorator hired to work whilst the owner of the house was away. Come to think of it, it was unlikely that any of the neighbours will have even seen his van, given that the other houses on the street were similarly set back and protected by trees and tall hedges. He got back into his van and drove into the property, stopping to close the gate behind him, using the correct remote frequency.

Once he pulled up outside the house, he climbed into the back of his van and changed out of the painters overalls, opting instead for a black jumper and black leather gloves. He checked his bag. Good, he had everything he needed. He walked into the house (the front door having also been left unlocked) and walked into the living room. He sat on a chair, which was facing the door, and waited.

"He's here! I heard him come in!" came an excitable voice from upstairs, as the visitor heard footsteps on the stairs. "Nick, you're here!" the boy said happily as he spun around the corner and through the door. As soon as he saw that the man in the chair wasn't Nick, he stopped dead in his tracks (with some difficulty, given the speed at which he was moving) and suddenly became very quiet. He was about 10 years old, and was very skinny. This was especially noticeable given that he was wearing blue swimming briefs. He had short, light brown hair and had brown eyes.

"Surprise!" said the stranger, with an excited tone to his voice.

"Who... Who are... Where is...?" the boy quietly stammered fearfully. His voice was high-pitched.

"It's ok," the stranger said, smiling, "Nick's fine. I'm looking after you today."

"W-why? Daddy said..."

"Your dad didn't want to spoil the surprise. He feels bad about having to be away all day, so he's asked me to take you to the water park!" He was having to think on his feet a bit. He hadn't quite decided on where he was going to take them, but he figured that the boy was a fan of swimming.

The boy's expression didn't change. "But... I don't know you. Why couldn't Nick take us?"

"I work for your dad, in the tech department. My name's Michael. We actually met when you were quite little, but it's ok if you don't remember me." He figured that the boy wouldn't have looked at his father's employee records too closely.

"Um... ok..." he wasn't sure how to respond.

"Your dad's always talking about you. He's got lots of photos of you on his desk."

"Really?" the boy said. His voice softened slightly.

"Yeah, you wouldn't believe how upset he was when he couldn't make it to your school sports day." Michael was scanning his brain frantically thinking of ways to reassure him.

"But... he came to our last sports day."

"Oh, yeah," he said, trying to sound convincing. "I meant the year before. He was so proud when he heard how well you'd done. He wouldn't stop talking about his boy's achivements."

"Wow, really?" he sounded excited to hear this.

"Yeah! Of course! Do I look like I'm lying?"

"No," he spoke quickly. He had always been taught not to be rude to strangers. "It's just that I didn't know daddy talks about us at work."

"Well, you're very special to him," Michael said, standing up. "Anyway, we need to get going. My van's waiting." He picked up his bag and started walking towards the boy.

"Wait, we need to get Danny."

"Danny? I thought you were Danny," Michael said, without thinking. He immeditately regretted this.

"No, I'm Seb."

"Seb? But I thought," Michael stopped himself, but it was too late.

"Thought what? Didn't you know..." Seb's voice trailed off when he saw Michael's confused and slightly angry facial expression. His eyes began to widen as his survival instincts quickly returned to him.

"How could I get that wrong?" Michael snapped to himself. He saw Seb's face, and decided he needed to make a snap decision. He clamped his gloved hand over Seb's mouth, quickly spun him around and used his other arm to pin Seb's arms down and lift his off the ground slightly.

"Mmmphhh! Mppphhh-mmmphhh!" Seb cried. He tried to free himself, but Michael was much larger than him. and he held on tightly.

"No, no, no!" Michael muttered to himself. "This wasn't how the plan was supposed to go. How could I not realise..." He tightened his grip over Seb's mouth.

"Mmmmm! Mmmphhh!" the boy's voice was barely audible.

"Keep quiet, you little brat!" Michael hissed. If he was lucky, the brother wouldn't have heard anything. He had no idea how easy it would be to subdue him. He crouched down and lowered Seb to the floor, so that he was lying on his stomach. He knelt down on top of him to trap his arms, so that he could keep Seb handgagged and get into his bag with the other hand.

"Mmmphh! MMPHHH! MMPHHHH!" Seb tried to shout. His eyes were wide as he saw Michael fishing in his bag.

"Got it!" Michael muttered as he found what he needed: a red ballgag. He brought it in front of Seb's face, released the handgag and forced the ball in before he could make a sound.

"Gnnhhh! Mmmphh! MMMPHHHHHH!" Seb cried as his jaw was held open by the silicone ball.

"That should keep you quiet," Michael said. He had poked a few extra holes in the strap so that he could tighten it around a small head, which was a good plan, as Seb's head was too small to tighten the gag fully with the original holes. Fortunately, the ball was just the right size to fit in his mouth without causing him pain.

"MMMPPHHHH!" Seb groaned. It wasn't as quiet as the handgag, but at least it wouldn't be heard from upstairs.

"Ok, that should keep you quiet," Michael said to no-one in particular. He remined on his knees to keep Seb's hands pinned down, and picked up the bag. He pulled out a length of rope and looped it around the boy's left wrist, before grabbing his right wrist in his hand and tying them together. He cinched the rope as tightly as he could, making sure to tie the knots well away from the boy's fingers. Then, he turned around and used a new length of rope to tie his ankles together. His back was now facing the door. "That should buy us some time. You're not getting out of this."

"MMPHH! MMPHHH!" Seb said.

"SEB!?" came a voice from behind them.

Michael paused for a moment. "Danny, right?" he said, trying to sound as casual as possible. He turned around to see Seb standing in the doorway. No, wait, not Seb. His hair was slightly more styled. Like his brother, he was wearing blue swim briefs, ready for the pool. How could he not realise that they were twins? He thought back to his reconnaisance, and couldn't remember ever seeing the two boys out together. He thought back to various shopping trips, but only rememered seeing one son out at the time.

"MMPHHH!" Seb grunted.

"What's going on?" Danny said, sounding slightly panicked.

"It's ok," Michael said, trying to buy time to think of an excuse. He remembered on occasion where he watched their father buy some rope and a surprisingly large amount of tape at a nearby hardware shop. An idea came to him. "We're just playing a little game. Seb's doing an escape challenge. He told me about how you like to play these games."

"MMPHH!" Seb shook his head.

"Ummmm, yes, but who are you?" Danny said, turning quite red.

"Huh," Michael said to himself. What were the chances of that? "Do you want to join? We could make it a race."

Danny looked conflicted. "Ummm... I don't know... I don't know who you are."

"MMPHH! MMPHHHH!" Seb shouted, shaking his head frantically.

Michael took advantage whilst Danny was looking at his brother to walk up to him. "Whoah, wait, I'm not s- MMPHHHHH!" Danny was interrupted as Michael's hand forcefully gripped his face.

"Nonsense, you'll love it!" Michael said cheerfully.


"Hey, It's a bit tight!" Danny complained. He was lying on his stomach, with his hands tied together behind his back and his ankles tied together, like his brother's.

"That's because you're not supposed to escape," Michael replied nonchalantly. "Now, where does your daddy keep his duct tape. I didn't bring enough rope for two boys. That'll teach me to be more careful in future." He started looking through various rooms and cupboards. This was a big house! Eventually, he came across some rolls of tape in the garage, along with a coupld of white bandannas. He couldn't see any rope, though.

"You'll never get away with this! What do you want with us?" Danny said when he got back to the living room.

Michael inspected their bonds to check that they hadn't loosened at all. He was surprised they hadn't tried to wriggle closer together to try to free each other. "That's none of your business. If I tell you, I'll have to keep you as my prisoner forever." He tied a knot the the middle of one of the bandannas as he said this.

"Wait, wait, please," Danny said. "Don't hurt u- gnnnhhh! MMMPPHH!" he grunted as the knotted bandanna was forced into his mouth and tied behind his head, pulling the knot behind his teeth.

"Don't worry," Michael said. "Try to enjoy yourself." He tore off a couple of strips of tape and put them on top of Danny's mouth to hold the bandanna in place, before tying the second one on top to quieten him further. He carefully laid out his supplies of rope split them in half.

"MMPHHH!" Both boys' eyes widened when they saw the extra rope.

"I only brought enough for one boy, so I'm afraid you've got to share," Michael said cheerfully. "Thanks for letting me borrow your duct tape. I just need a minute to adjust my plans slightly."

"MMPHHH!" the boys cried.

Michael decided to start with Seb. He started by looping a rope around his waist, which he then threaded through his legs and tied to his wrists, thus preventing him from pulling his wrists back. Then, he pulled his elbows together (which wasn't too difficult, as Seb was reasonably flexible) and tied them together. He was careful to ensure it wasn't unnaturally tight, before he then wrapped the remaining length of rope around his torso just below chest height, before finally cinching it between his arms and his back, so that his arms would be unable to move at all. With his remaining rope, he tied Seb's feet together tightly, before tying the rope to the rope around his elbows, pulling his feet up into a hogtie. With his final length of rope, he tied Seb's legs together just below his knees. "There you go. How does that feel?"

"Mmmmmpppphh..." Seb grunted into the ballgag.

Next, Michael turned his attention to Danny. He repeated what he'd done to Seb by tying the rope around Danny's waist and linking that to the rope around his wrists. He decided to tie the hogtie slightly differently, and tied Danny's feet together as he had Seb's, but this time he tied the rope to the rope around Danny's waist, allowing him to make it a slightly tighter hogtie. Then, he tied Danny's legs together above and below his knees, and used the last length of rope to tie his thighs. "That should do it."

"MMMPHHHH!" Danny tried to shout.

Finally, Michael picked up the duct tape. He had three rolls, so he decided to use one per boy and keep the third for insurance. First, he wrapped it around Seb's chest and forearms, wrapping it around him over several laywers and covering his chest. Then, he added a few layers just below his elbows to further cement his arms in place, before wrapping it around his legs above his knees and at his thighs, adding enough layers to use up the last of the roll.

Then, it was Danny's turn. First, he pulled his elbows together, which he'd neglected to do when he still had rope, and taped them together above and below his elbows. Then, he taped up his chest and forearms like he had Seb's. After several layers, he still had a bit of tape left, so he opted to wrap it around Danny's legs, pinning them in a bent position to further cement the hogtie. "There we go, boys," Michael said. "That's done. If you can get out in half an hour, I'll let you go. If not, then you're happy to come with me."

"MMPHHHH!" Both boys shook their heads quickly at this and started struggling. As Michael had hoped, the effectiveness of their ties meant that their bodies moved more like one object rather than lots of different parts. They couldn't move their arms separately from their bodies, and they couldn't try to straighten their legs or pull them away. It was impossible for them to know where to start. They couldn't reach any knots or even try to wriggle free.

"You could always give up, of course," Michael said. He gently tickled each of their feet, before targeting their waists.

"MMPHH! MMPHHHH!" both boys wailed as they could not stop him from tickling them. They tried to wriggle away like caterpillars.

"Right, I need to get a couple of documents sorted," Michael said. "I'll be back in a bit." He was confident that neither of them could even begin to escape. He needed to take a couple of employee records to ensure that he couldn't be traced, and avoid making it look like anything had been taken. Fortunately, they boys' father was very good at keeping records in the right place and then never looking at them, so it was easy enough to locate the files he needed to take. Michael removed the important pages he needed and returned to the boys. They had about five minutes left, but he doubted that they'd been looking at the time.

"MMPHHHH!" they whined and looked at him pleadingly.

"Sorry, boys, looks like I win," Michael said. He picked up Seb and brought him to the van. "I'm sure you've figured this out, but there's going to be no water park," he said apologetically. "Sit tight, I'll be back in a moment."

He returned to Danny and picked him up. "You almost avoided this, you know. If you'd stayed in your room to hide, I might have gone without you. It's a big enough house to find a good place to hide."

"MPHH!" he replied angrily.

Once he had both boys in the van, he arranged them to lie on their side, with their faces in front of the other's knees. Using the final roll of tape, he wrapped it around their lower backs to tape their stomachs together. Then, he pulled out a camera. "I know he won't see if for about 24 hours, but's let take a photo for daddy!"

"MMPHHH!" the boys cried as he took their photo.

He had already connected the camera to a small printer, which promptly printed out the photo. He posted it through the letterbox, before getting back into the front of the van. "Right then, boys, say goodbye to daddy for a bit. We've got a long journey ahead of us."

"MMPHHHH! MMPHHHHH!" they shouted, unable to escape before the engine started, and the van began to pull away down the drive. Michael activated the gate and drove away.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Being a fan of father/son tales, I couldn't help but be intrigued at the fact that Danny and Seb are apparently no strangers to escape games and that their dad was previously seen (by Michael) buying rope and duct tape, presumably for that purpose. I for one, would love to learn more about that at some point in the future ;)

On a more relevant note, I'm very much looking forward to what our captor has in store for his two prisoners, and look forward to finding out how their dad reacts upon coming back home and seeing that photo. I presume the two tykes will be held for ransom. Hopefully, this shady Michael gets a sort of comeuppance down the line.

In any case, great opening chapter, [mention]BDBrit[/mention]!
Looking forward to the next one.

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Post by harveygasson »

Gotta second everything Bondagefreak said. Really great start and looking forward to reading more
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Post by BDBrit »

Thanks [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] and [mention]harveygasson[/mention] for the lovely comments. I initially wrote this as a one off, but I enjoyed writing it so much that I wrote a second part today. I will have to think carefully about how to bring in the TUGs they played with their father. I don't see this being a huge series, but I'm very much enjoying it so far.

Part 2:

The journey was a long one. For the first hour or so, Michael had driven in silence, listening to the boys' muffled groans and shouts and keeping an ear out for the sound of tape breaking or any slightly triumphant grunts as they loosened any of their bonds. However, it didn't take too long for them to realise that their situation was hopeless. What Michael hadn't considered was that children had one final tool available to them, something more horrible than he had ever prepared for: crying. It was an awful sound, like having his heart ripped out by harpies. And, of course, once one of them started the other one started. Unable to stand it, he turned the radio on with the volume as high as he could stand, which swiftly drowned them out.

It also gave the boys something else to focus on. It was a chance to focus on something other than the sheer horror of their situation. They were already quite flexible - their gymnastics lessons had come in useful for something at least - but they had never been tied up this thoroughly or for this long before. They felt their shoulders starting to go stiff, and Seb's jaw was starting to feel tired with the silicone ball in his mouth. They weren't in much of a position to comfort each other, being unable to really look at the other. The radio, at least, was a form of escape. Seb felt the warmth of Danny resting his head against his knees, and did the same. It was a small comfort, but he was glad not to be alone at least.

The whole journey must have lasted at least another hour, before Michael finally pulled the van up to his hideout and park inside a garage. The boys had no idea where they were, and no real concept of how much time had passed. The radio abruptly cut off as Michael switched off the engine, and there was an agonising wait as he got out of the van and walked around to the back. He opened the doors.

"MMMPHHHH! MMMPPPPHHHH!!!" the boys shouted and made eye contact with him, pleading for release.

"I'm glad you're excited to be here, boys!" Michael said mockingly. "We're home now. I'll show you your room!" He cut the tape binding them together so that he could pick them up, and picked up Seb first. He walked into the house and brought him into the basement. The room was quite a modern space, with comfortable sofas and a flat-screen TV and a general look like friends were entertained in here a lot.

Seb stayed silent as he was carried in, but Michael must've caught his slightly confused expression, as they locked eyes for a moment. "Mph...?" he grunted.

"Not what you expected?" he replied. "I have to live somewhere, don't I? I have no interest to hiding you in some dingy basement."

This came as something of a relief to Seb, his imagination had led him to believe he would be stored in some kind of dark, damp, cold basement. He had allowed himself to believe there would be shackles and chains and instruments of torture. "Mmmmmmm..." he sighed.

"There you go," Michael said as he set the hogtied boy down on his stomach on a surprisingly soft rug. "Shall we mess with your brother? We'll wait here for a bit and convince him that he's going to be tortured or something?"

"MMMPHHH!" Seb shook his head and frowned, which he hoped made his feelings clear.

"Spoil sport," Michael replied. He ruffled the boy's hair. "I still can't believe I didn't know you were twins. My contact will be hearing a few harsh words from me." He sat down on the rug next to Seb and inspected his bonds. The knots on the rope looked as secure as ever, although the tape looked a little worn, but stable. He put his hands on Seb's shoulders and gently massaged them.

"MMMPH!" Seb grunted with surprise.

"I expect you've gone quite stiff," Michael said. "This should help. Don't worry, you won't be tied up like this the whole time. I just needed to get you here in one piece. Anyway, I should probably get your brother."

"Mmmphhh..." Seb grunted.

Michael stood up and walked to the door of the basement room. He had hooked up a scanner high up on the wall (naturally out of reach of the boys) which unlocked the door automatically when he held a key card up. He wasn't concerned about the boys seeing this. There were no windows in this room, making the door the only way out, and there was only one key, which he held. There was an emergency way to release the door in the event of a fire, but the boys didn't need to know this, and he could easily lock the door manually so that they couldn't get out. He got back to the garage to find Danny precariously leaning out of the back of the van. He must've managed to wriggle this far and not know how to get any further without falling out. "Whoah!" Michael said, catching him and picking him up.

"MMPHH! MMPHHHH!" Danny shouted and wriggled about in the man's arms.

"Calm down, boy," Michael said sternly. "You'll need to save your energy."

"Mph!?" Danny cried.

"Oh, yeah, you'll have to get used to the feeling of the heavy shackle around your neck, and you'll need to ensure you stay upright so that you don't step on the pins - your brother has just about got it now. He enjoyed the electric caddle prod, though."

"MMPHHH! MMPHHHH!" Danny wriggled about as hard as he could and tried to break Michael's grip, before giving up and going limp in his arms. He started sobbing.

"Oh, grow up!" Michael said, suddenly finding it hard to keep up the gruff act. "It's only a bit of torture. You'll get used to it."

"MMPHHHHH!!!" the boy wailed into his gag and shut his eyes.

Michael tried to ignore this and brought him down into the basement room quickly. "Ok, here we are, you can open your eyes now."

"MMMPHHH!" Danny kept his eyes shut tightly, even as he was laid down on the soft rug. He thrashed about and wailed.

"Ummm, hey, Sebby boy, maybe tell your brother that he's not about to be horrifically tortured," Michael said.

"Mphhh!" Seb glared at him, before gently wriggling over to Danny and giving him a nudge with his head.

"Mph?" Danny opened his eyes. He was breathing heavily, but otherwise seemed to have calmed down.

"There now, see," Michael said sitting down and gently stroking the boy's hair. "I have no reason to hurt you. I think you'll be quite comfortable here."

Danny calmed down for a moment, before realising the absurdity of Michael's last comment. "MMPHH! MMPHHH, MMPH-MPPHH MMPH!" he protested.

"True," Michael said, "but that's just a minor detail. Now sit tight. I've got to make us some dinner." He put the TV on the children's channel and left the boys alone, locking the door behind him.

Immediately, both boys began to squirm and struggle, but it was no use, just as it had been in the van. They were tired and they ached all over, from their Jaws to their feet. They knew they were only getting untied when Michael decided to untie them. It was all they could do to hold back the tears and try to distract themselves by watching the TV.


"Alright, boys," Michael said as he returned to the room, "let's get you ready to eat."

"MPHH!" They both replied. "MPHH! MMMPPPHHH!"

"I know that. Just hang on a moment." Michael knelt down next to them. The knots were just as tight as they had been before. They'd not even tried to free themselves. They must've been very distracted by the TV. He decided to leave it on whilst he worked. First, he untied Seb's wrists, which didn't make a huge difference to him whilst his elbows were still tied as they were. However, it enabled Michael to fasten a pair of handcuffs on them. There was a reasonably large chain connecting them, which would prevent him from moving them in front of him. He did the same to his ankles, closing a set of ankle cuffs around them so he couldn't run away (not that there would be anywhere for him to go). He then got to work carefully untying his knots and gently removing the tape, especially the set covering his nipples. He stopped short of removing the gag, and opted to release Danny first. "Sit tight, Sebby boy," he said.

"Hgnnhh," Seb said.

Michael got to work cuffing Danny's wrists and ankles and then slowly releasing him as well. He stopped before removing Danny's gag. "Now, boys," he said sharply. "I want you both to think very carefully about what you say when these come out. They could just as easily go straight back in if you are rude, or shout. Understand?"

"Mphh-mmphh," both boys said softly as they nodded.

"Good," Michael smiled. He untied the badnanna around Danny's head, gently peeled off the tape and then untied the second bandanna so he could spit it out. Then, he unfastened Seb's ballgag and guided him to push it out with his tongue. "There we go. What do you say?"

"... Thank you," the boys said softly.

"Right, food's on the table over there. You won't need any cutlery - it's all finger food. And there's a small bathroom through that door - there's no window, before you get any ideas. I'm going to head upstairs for an hour to give you some space, but I'll be able to see and hear everything you do, so don't get any ideas." He took everything out with him - the rope and remains of the tape, as well as the ballgag and bandannas so they couldn't be used against him. Not that this was a worry for him; the boys were so skinny they couldn't possibly overpower him, even working together.


Michael was pleased to see that the boys were finally using their heads. He had deliberately left their hands cuffed behind their backs to see what they would do. It didn't take them too long to figure out that they could sit down on the floor and carefully bring their hands under their feet so they could keep them in front. He'd deliberately given them the slightly longer chain to make this easier as well. They'd had little trouble eating and using the facilities after this. This was good for Michael, as it meant he wouldn't have to do anything for them. This was a relief. He didn't want to think about having to take care of them.

He decided it was time to get them ready for bed. He grabbed his supplies and returned to the basement. "Right, boys, time for bed," he said cheerfully as he entered the room. He ignored their protests and opened the two sofas out to reveal a sofa bed. "Which of you wants to sleep here?"


"No takers? Danny boy, come over here, then."

Both boys stayed where they were.

Michael rolled his eyes. "Very well, if you're going to be difficult, I'll have to tie you down." He got up and approached Danny.

"Wait, please," Danny began, before backing away slightly. "I'll MMPPHHH!" He was silenced by the firm hand over his mouth. He was dragged onto the sofa bed, where Michael began tying rope around his wrists. He released Danny's left wrist from the handcuff before tying it to one corner of the bed.

"Please," Seb begged, "you don't need to do this." He watched as Danny's other wrist was lashed to its corresponding corner of the bed, with the knots placed firmly out of reach.

"Your turn," Michael said. "Shall we do this the easy way or the hard way."

"No!" Danny cried. "You can't do this!"

"Seb?" Michael asked cooly.

Seb hesitated. "...Fine," he relented.

A few minutes later, both boys were tied spread eagle on the sofa beds. They were double beds, leaving plenty of room for each boy to stretch out. They were not stretched out as fully as they potentially could have been, but Michael wanted them to get at least some sleep. They were still in their swim briefs, which left their more ticklish spots exposed. Michael decided to leave them for now. "Just one last thing, before I go," he said. "I know how jealous you were of Seb's awesome gag earlier, Danny, so I've found an identical one for you! I can't quite remember which was which, so I'll just give you this one.

"W-W- Wait," Danny spluttered and struggled against his bonds. "Please, can- GGNNHH!" he cried as the gag was forced in and strapped as tightly as possible. "MMMMPPPPHHH!"

"Ok, Web, your turn. Hope it tastes ok."

Seb only offered up a whimpered "Ggnnhh," as the gag was strapped in place. Michael patted him on the cheek.

"Remember, boys, you need to get lots of sleep tonight. Daddy'll be getting back home in the morning and we need to be ready in time for him to find out you're gone."

"MMMPPPHH!" the boys cried at the mention of their father. Seb started sobbing.

Michael ignored this and quickly left the room. He used a panel by the door to turn the lights off and activate some speakers in the ceiling to play quiet, calming music. Then, he left the room and locked the door behind him. He activated the night vision on the surveillance cameras and watched the boys gently struggling in their bonds. Ah yes, everything was going according to plan.
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Post by harveygasson »

Great second part, glad you've decided to carry on with it
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Post by alkaid_ »

oh my gosh!!!

what amazing story... i always sayed... if a one tied kid is good, 2 tiee kids it's amazing, wonderful...

and they are twins... wow...

michael plan have an unexpected twist
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Post by Killua »

I'm not sure how I missed this when you posted it 4 days ago [mention]BDBrit[/mention]. Nice story. At least, the kidnapper seems to be a friendly man who doesn't want to hurt the kids. If they calm down and behave they might even be able to enjoy parts of their captivity as they like tie up games if I remember that correctly.
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Post by squirrel »

Oh man, this is one great story!

I too am wondering if Seb and Danny played tie up games with each other and if their father knew about it or even participate in them.

Keep it going, [mention]BDBrit[/mention] :)

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Thanks for the kind comments, all. I'm glad you're enjoying it! I may have to think about a prequel. First, though, I'll have to end this story. It'll probably only have a couple more parts, as I don't want to get bogged down in a long multi-part story like I have in the past. I'm still enjoying this story too much to spoil by making it last too long. Here's part 3.

Part 3

Michael was silent as he entered the basement. He carefully pushed the door closed behind him and tiptoed up to the sofa beds. The boys were still asleep. It had taken a while for them to fall asleep the previous night, which was unsurprising given that they were tied spread eagle on the sofa bed with a silicone ballgag in their mouths. Nonetheless, they eventually fell asleep, and were now sleeping rather soundly. If anything, Michael thought they looked rather peaceful. He almost felt bad about waking them up.


He threw himself down next to Danny, waking him with a start, before thrusting both hands into his exposed armpits and tickling him ferociously. "GNNHHH! MPH! MPH!" he spluttered as he suddenly awoke and his brain caught up with what was happening.

The sudden noise had the added effect of waking Seb, who was frantically tugging at his bonds in an effort to escape. "MMMMPHH! MMMPHHH!" he cried.

"Feeling jealous?" Michael asked. "Don't worry, you can join in too!" He jumped over onto Seb's bed and sat over him. He began tickling him all over - in his armpits, his ribs and his sides.

The boy struggled, wriggled and writhed as best he could to escape, but Michael's fingers were always able to follow him with ease. "MMMMPPHHH!" Seb pleaded. "MMMPPPHHH! MMMMMPPPHHHHH!"

Michael spent half an hour moving between the boys, until tears were streaming down their cheeks and drool was running down the sides of their faces from all the laughter. "It looks like you had a fun night!" he said cheerfully.

"Mmmpph!" Danny grunted in displeasure.

"Anyway, important day today!" Michael continued. "We've got a very important appointment to make. I'll get you untied so you can get ready. Breakfast is on the table over there, there's soap and shampoo, along with towels and toothbrushes in the bathroom, and I've brought you a change of clothes." He gestured over to two pairs of dark blue briefs he'd left on a nearby chair. "I'll give you an hour to eat, wash and change but then we need to get ready."


When it was time, Michael returned with many, many coils of rope. "Time to get ready, boys. Which of you is getting tied first?"

The two of them gave each other an anxious look. That was a lot of rope, which made them especially nervous. The briefs he had given them also made them feel especially vulnerable. With their small frames, there was no way of overpowering him. Danny stepped forward. "Please, let us go," he said softly. "We promise we won't tell anyone."

"Please," Seb echoed. "We'll even tell daddy not to call the police."

"I'm not afraid of getting caught by the police," Michael said flatly. He turned Danny around and began tying his wrists together behind his back.

"Please," Danny begged, "what do you want with us?"

"That depends on what my contact says," Michael said. "I just follow orders. I care very little about how this turns out." He tied Danny's ankles together, cinching the rope in the middle, before lowering him onto his stomach.

"No, please," Seb pleaded, his eyes filling with tears as he was foricibly spun around and had his wrists tightly tied behind his back.

"I'm not interested in your begging," Michael said. "I'm getting bored of nothing but distress from you. Why don't you try to enjoy this? I thought you like it when guys tie you up."

"You're not our dad!" Danny said with some force.

"No, I'm not, and you would do well to remember that," Michael said darkly.

Both boys gulped, before falling silent.

Michael got to work. Once both boys were bound at the wrists and ankles and lying flat on their stomachs, he turned his focus back to Danny. First, he pulled the boy's elbows together behind his back, tying them together above and below the elbow. He then tied a rope around his chest and arms, cinching it under the armpits and looping it over his shoulders. Then, he wrapped another rope around Danny's waist, pulling it through his legs and tying his wrists down tightly against his back. He then moved onto the legs, tying them together above and below his knees, and at his thighs. Michael folded the boy's legs fully and tied his ankles down next to his wrists. He then tied the boy's feet together and also connected that rope to his wrists. Finally, he tied his big toes together, and attached that rope to the back of his chest harness.

Next it was Seb's turn. Not wanting to treat the boys any differently, he tied him up identically, whilst blocking out Danny's cries of, "It's so tight! Please, let us go! I can't move!" and, "We'll do whatever you want, just not like this!" Once both boys were suitably hogtied, Michael placed them right next to each other so they were lying on their stomachs shoulder-to-shoulder. He then tied them together at the shoulder, waist and knees. Seb was on the left, Danny on the right. Finally, he tied a rope around their necks, not tight enough to harm them, but enough to stop them from pulling away from each other. It was like an even more restrictive version of the tie they had endured on the journey here. The boys wondered how long it had been again.

"Ready for the final touch?" Michael asked Danny.

"Noooooo! Please!" he gasped. "GNNNNHHH! MMMMMPPPPPHHHHH!" he cried as the now familiar ball gag was forced in and tightened behind his head.

"I THINK that's the right one," Michael said. "Oh well, can't be helped. Any last words, Debby boy!"

"Please, not so- GNNNNNHHHH! HHHHNNNN! MMMMMPPPPPPHHHH!" he groaned as he met the same fate.

Michael sat down crossed-legged in front of them. Now that he was in front of them, Seb was on the right, with Danny on the left. He grabbed each boy's chin with the respective hands and lifted their faces up to look at him. "The twins back together. I don't think you've been this close since, well, before you were born."

Danny yanked his face out of Michael's hand, prompting a muffled, "Mph!" from Seb out of discomfort. He quickly brought his head back, defeated.

"I'll decide whether I touch you or not," Michael said. "Are you boys ready to be on camera?"

"MMMMPPPPPHHH! MMMMMMPPPPPHHHH! they both protested fiercely.

Michael picked up his phone and placed it on a stand so that the camera was facing the boys directly. He sat behind it and tapped a few buttons. Someone on the other line answered. "Hey, Michael," he said calmly. "Do you wanna see 'em?" He tapped the screen to turn on the camera and continued, "You could've told me there was two 'em." He seemed to be putting on a gruffer voice, like he wasn't quite showing who he really was.

"I didn't think it would be a problem," the voice said. It sounded nervous. "Wait, how tightly have you tied them!?" He sounded genuinely shocked.

"Wanna see, Michael?" Michael said. He seemed to be calling the man on the phone the same name. He picked up the phone and began showing off the ropes in minute detail. The boys squirmed uncomfortably, particularly when Michael was stood behind them so they couldn't see him. "Impressive, isn't it?"

"Bloody hell.." the other Michael gasped. "Wait, did you just call me-"

"I did indeed. I always think it's nice to know who's responsible for your kidnapping."

"Damnit, D-" somehow, the boys didn't hear the name the other Michael said. It was like he cut out in the middle of his sentence, "they're not supposed to know who I am! What if they tell their father. If he knows that one of his former employees arranged this, it's curtains for us both!"

"Well, then stop telling them!" the original Michael said. "Look, I'm sure they'll be Good, won't you, boys? You won't tell daddy about any of this will you?"

"Mmmphhh-mmpphhh," they both said softly as they carefully shook their heads.

"They had damn well, better, or they'll be chewing on those ballgags for a long, long time!" the other Michael said angrily. "Just call me when you've sorted the ransom, D-." His voice cut off again when he started to say Michael's real name.

"Of course," Michael said calmly. "I'll report back to you soon." He hung up and turned his head to make eye contact with the boys. "Sorry about that," he said to them. "That was my contact..." he paused. "Anyway, if I'm right, it's the right time to make another call." He tapped the screen on his phone a few times and it started ringing.

"... Yes, hello?" came a voice on the other end.

"Sir," Michael said confidently. "Sorry to contact you just as you're getting home, but we have a situation that requires your immediate attention."

"Look, can't you people wait until I've had a chance to get through my front door?" the voice said angrily.

Seb's eyes widened suddenly. "MMPHHH! MMMMMMMPPPPPHHHHH!" he shouted as best he could.

It took Danny a moment longer to realise who was on the other end of the phonecall. "MMMMPPHHHH! MMMPPPPHHHH!" he shouted alongside his brother.

"What's that?" their father's voice said.

Michael slipped off his shoes and leant back in his chair, putting his feet squarely on each boy's face. He pressed down on their gags to tell them to stop talking. "It's related to the urgent situation, sir," he said. "Please check your post."

The sound of paper rustling came through the phone. "Look, I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm sure it can w-" he stopped suddenly.

"As I was saying," Michael said, his tone suddenly darkening slightly, "your attention is required now." He tapped on the screen of the phone to turn on video calling and moved his feet away from the boys' faces.

"Oh my..." his voice trailed off. "Seb! Danny! Are you alright?"

"MMPPHHH! MMMMPPPHHH!" they both shouted.

"You sick freak, let them go!" their father shouted.

"I don't think my contact would like that," Michael said.

"What do you want? Money?"

"I don't want anything," Michael replied. "My contact is the one who wants something. I'm just following orders."

"What does your contact want, then?" His voice was barely disguising his anger.

"Two simple things," Michael said. "First, money. You'll receive a text when this call ends, giving you his demands and an account to transfer the money. Second, he wants you to suffer and what better way than to see your boys like this?"

"They've done nothing to you!" he protested.

"Neither have you. I'm just following orders."

"Look, please, you know they don't deserve this," he begged. "Just let them go, tell me who's behind this and I can make it worth your while."

"Nice try, but I'm not doing this for money," Michael said.

"Then what are you doing it for?"

Michael said nothing. He picked up the phone and started to show him how he had tied the boys. "You can see how well they're tied. Do you see how their shoulders are being pulled backwards like that? They'll be feeling that for a while afterwards."

"Stop it!"

"Do you like the toe tie? I've always enjoyed them. Plus, it adds to the hogtie nicely. Can you see the knots? The rope marks will be so fun. Have you ever tied your boys up this thoroughly?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Of course, you wouldn't want to attract any attention. Most people don't approve of a father tying his boys up for fun. You've got to admit, it's a bit weird."

"I've done no such thing!"

Michael grabbed the waistbands of the boys' briefs, and pulled them up to give them both a wedgie.

"MMPH!" they grunted.

"HEY! Stop that!"

"What are you going to do about it?"

"Boys, it'll be ok, Daddy's coming to get you!" he said, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

Michael set the phone down back in his stand and sat down behind it, so that only the boys were on camera. They tugged at their wrists awkwardly, their faces turning red. "Now listen here," Michael said. "You are in no position to bargain. I can do whatever I want to your precious boys. I can make it so that they don't come back. Or that they will never be the same again. If you want to hold them again, you will follow my instructions. You have one hour to transfer the money into the account you're given." He stood up and crouched down next to the boys, keeping his head high enough to stay off camera. "Until I get a call notifying me that the money has been transferred, I'm going to be tickling your boys until they cry, and then tickling them some more. If you want to help them, get on it."

"MMMPHHHH! MMPH-MMPHHH-MMPHHHH!" the boys started shouting and thrashing as Michael's fingers attacked their sides. They started thrashing about as best they could, but couldn't get away from his fingers.

"Times wasting, sir," Michael said. "End call."

"MMMPHHHH! MMMMPPHHHHH!!!!" Seb and Danny screamed to their father as best they could.

"Boys, I'm-" the call ended.

"MMMMPHHHHH! MMMMPHHHH!" they shouted. Their eyes filled with tears as they tried their best to resist Michael.
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Post by Stormee »

Finally got all caught up. Oh no, the troubled twins in danger now. Hopefully they are saved. But Micheal here is having a fun time tying them up and tickling them before making the ransom demands. Nice work so far on this, [mention]BDBrit[/mention]! I can't wait for more to happen. Maybe Micheal will love to see if they enjoy being tied up and are curious on different ways, not scared of course though. But curious. :lol:
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Post by Killua »

Awww, no he gets a bit mean qith the wedgie and the tickling. But even his threats for what he going to do with the tickling shows that he isn't interested in seriously hurting the boys. It's still a more or less child friendly torture. The hogtie really seems interesting and very very restrictive. Hopefully they are not too uncomfortable like that with the strikt elbow tie and also their ties pulled forward.
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Post by alkaid_ »

an interesting continue...

seb and dany gonna endure lot of tickling torture...

how long they need to do it???
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Post by harveygasson »

Well the plot thickens, will be interesting to see how it plays out
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Post by BDBrit »

Hi, all, I was preparing to post the next part of the story, when my computer decided to crash. Somehow, the entire chapter has been deleted in the process. I have spent the last hour trying to recover it to no success. Suffice it to say that I am very frustrated and have no more time to set aside this weekend to write it again. I also cannot think of anything more boring than re-writing something that was already finished from scratch. I don't know when I'll get the next part done now. I'll have to take it in a different direction if I'm going to have any motivation. Sorry to disappoint.
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Post by Stormee »

That's awful it happened like that. Sorry to hear what happened. By all means, I'm not the rushing type of people and you can take all the time in the world to rewrite your stuff. You do what is best, [mention]BDBrit[/mention]. You got this. :D
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And like a phoenix rises from its ashes, so have I found both the time and motivation to re-write this part after it's erasure. I had originally written this part to be the final part, but fate intervened to keep the boys captive for a little longer. I don't often revise my own writing. What I post is usually the first write-up, warts and all. It was nice to re-work this part and leave the ending open to go in a few directions. I hope you enjoy:

Part 4

Michael stopped tickling the boys once the call ended. "Let's take a break," he said. "I don't need to torture you whilst daddy's not looking."

"Mmmmpphh..." the boys sighed with relief.

"I'm not untying you, though," he continued. I'm going to give your daddy some time to stew before I send him his instructions. He ruffled Seb's hair as he said this.

"MPH!" Seb grunted and jerked his head out of Michael's hand.

"Sit tight, boys, and try not to move too much, unless you want to hurt yourselves!" he laughed and left the room, leaving the boys tightly hogtied on the floor.

Seb and Danny lay there on their stomachs. They gently tested their bonds now that they had a chance to relax. They quickly found that Michael wasn't kidding. As they tried to pull their arms apart, they found that the strain on their shoulders made them ache, so they quickly relaxed their arms, which gradually caused the pain to subside. The silence also gave them time to think about their predicament. It occurred to them that the ballgags were starting to get uncomfortable; they kept their jaws open as wide as possible, and they were strapped down very tightly. Finally, as they wriggled, they found that the ropes pulled between their legs was giving them a wedgie, which made them feel very exposed.

After about fifteen minutes, Michael returned with a tripod and camera. He set it up so that the camera was facing the boys, before connecting it to a laptop on the table next to him. "Ok, let's begin the stream," he said.

"MMPHHH!" The boys shouted, too late to stop him.

"Hello, all," Michael said as he watched viewers log in and start to comment. "My boss fired me, so I kidnapped his sons for revenge!" His voice was playful and silly. He waited for a moment until he saw the username he had commanded their father to use appear on the screen. Now, he could begin properly. "As you can see, I've got them tied up very tightly. You can see that their arms are pinned together behind their backs. All the rope is cinched tightly so as not to cut off the blood flow. See here how I've pinned their elbows together behind their back? I started with the classic hogtie, but also tied their legs together so they can't unbend at all. This rope around their waists also goes between their legs - they won't be squirming too much!" Michael laughed.

"MMPHH!" Danny grunted as Michael put his hand under his chin and lifted his head up to look at the camera.

"This is Seb," Michael said to the audience. "... Oh wait - my bad - this is Danny; the other one's Seb." He laughed again.

"MPH!" Danny said as he pulled his head out of Michael's hand.

"Whoa there! This one's feisty!" Michael said. "Careful not to choke yourself!" He turned his attention to Seb, lifting his head up. "Tell the audience how the ballgag tastes," he said.

"MMPHHH!" Seb said.

"Yes, you like being gagged, don't you?" Michael added, "These boys love playing tie up games with their daddy. That's what made it so easy to get them!"

"MMMMPHHHH!" the boys cried.

"Right, should we get down to business? Chat, what game should we play first?" He sat behind the computer and waited. "Thanks for the donations. Let's see... Oh, lots of people want to change the gags. What should we do? No, I'm afraid they have to be gagged. I know! I'll mix up a few of your ideas." Michael stood up and removed the ballgags from the boys.

"Gnh - Hey, stop watching and help us, sick freaks!" Danny shouted defiantly to the camera.

"Please," Seb sobbed, "don't let him hurt us!"

Michael ignored the boys and pulled something out of his bag.

"I'm warning you," Danny continued. "Our dad will- MMMPHHH!" he was silenced by the gauze that was stuffed in his mouth. Michael expertly pushed the ballgag back in and sealed it behind his head.

"NO!" Seb cried. "Please, he'll choke! Let him go!"

Michael said nothing as he began wrapping duct tape over the gag and around his head. "There. Nice and tight," he said.

"MMMMPHHH!" Danny's grunts were barely audible. "MMMPHHH! MMMPHHH!" His lower face was being squeezed by the tape.

"P-please," Seb said. "Please don't. Please let us g- NGH, MMMPHH!" his cries fell on deaf ears as his mouth was also stuffed with gauze. As the ballgag was strapped back into place, he had to use his tongue to stop the gauze from being pushed down his throat. Then came the tape, which was wound five times around his head. This was very tight now, and made the lower part of his face ache from the pressure. It wasn't unbearable, but Seb didn't know how long he could last like this.

Michael smirked to himself as he looked back at the previous comments in the chat. Naturally, their father had been the one to pay for the ballgags to be removed. He got his wish, at least, but he would have to pay a lot more if he wanted to get his way exclusively.

"MMMMMPHHHH!" Seb wailed. He looked straight into the camera with tearful eyes, hoping that one of the views may see reason and put a stop to this.

"Ok, viewers," Michael continued, "let's see your ideas for the next torment. Keep them coming!" He sat back and waited for the ideas to roll in. "Let's see," he said loudly enough for the boys to hear. "We have... atomic wedgie, itching powder in your pants, tickling your feet, pouring ice water over you, taping smelly sneakers to your nose or... pinching you with clothespegs. Cast your votes, people. The option that earns the most money will win." He watched as the viewers sent in money to back their chosen choice. He looked at Seb and Danny as they struggled in the hope that they may be able to break free. He took note of a particularly large donation for the tickling option. He supposed that was the least bad option from that perspective. "And... it looks like endless tickling is the winner!"

"MMPH! MMPHH MMPHH MMPHH!" Danny grunted angrily as he was forced to watch Michael pick up four small, pill-shaped objects and a roll of scotch tape. He wasn't able to look behind him as Michael knelt down behind the boys and taped the pill things onto the soles of their feet, just out of reach of their fingers.

"I think we'll start off on the lowest setting," Michael said as he pressed a button on the remote.

"MMPHH! MMPHHH!" The boys started squealing as the pills began to vibrate against the sensitive soles of their feet. They writhed and wriggled in an effort to dislodge the tickling, to no avail.

"See how there's nothing they can do?" Michael said. "That's when you know your ropework is effective!"

"MMMPHHHHHH!" Seb wailed. "MMPH MMMPHH MMPHHH!" he begged.

"No can do, Sebby boy, my audience is loving this! I think we'll leave you two for a while to enjoy the tickling!"


"Mmmmmmmmmm..." Seb sighed into his gag. His face was sore, his feet numb. There was little sensation left.

"Looks like it's time for the next torment!" Michael piped up. He had been watching the boys carefully for signs of breathing difficulties. So far, they were fine. "It's dealer's choice for this one. You will love it!" He fished a jar out of a cupboard and held it up to Seb's face. "He, Sebby boy, have a look at this!"

"MMPHH!" Seb recoiled in horror. There was a spider as big as Michael's hand inside the jar. It looked hairy.

"Have a good luck, Danny."

"MPH!" he grunted.

"Now for the fun part," Michael said as he took the lid off the jar.

"MMPPH MMPHH..." Seb whimpered as he brought the open jar close to his face again. He held it just above his head. "MMPHH! MMPHHH!" Seb cried as Michael slowly began to tip the jar. Then, Michael stopped and put the jar down. The spider was still standing motionless inside it. Suddenly, Seb's vision was blackened as he felt Michael wrapping tape over his eyes and around his head. "MMPHHHHHH!"

"MMPHH!" Danny moaned as the same thing was done to him, leaving both boys completely blind.

Unbeknownst to then, Michael held up a glove for the camera to see. It was covered in thick fibres, which would make it feel very hairy. The perfect decoy, much better than the plastic spider he kept in that jar.

"Mph mph mph..." Seb whimpered. He couldn't make out what Michael was doing, and he liked not being able to see about as much as he liked giant spiders. He could sense Michael's body heat right beside him, and felt something slowly crawl onto his back. "Mmmmphhh..." he whined as he felt some long, hairy legs slowly crawling over him. He felt a shiver go up his spine, but resolved to keep very still. Suddenly, the vibrations attacking his feet sped up, causing him to jolt with surprise. "MMPHH!" he cried. "MMMPHHHH!" he wailed as he realised what he'd done. The spider darted up his back towards his shoulders and stopped. It slowly began to put its legs onto his head and crawl up. He could no longer contain himself. "MMPHHH!" he cried. "MMPHHH! MMPHHHH!" he was outwardly sobbing now.

"MMPHHH!" Danny grunted as the 'spider' landed on his shoulder. He kept very still as it started crawling down towards his lower back. Suddenly, he felt his feet being tickled by extra hard vibrations, and jolted about. "MMPHH!" he said angrily as the spider ran down to his waist. He kept his hands very still as it began to crawl onto his wrists. He concentrated with all his focus to block out the tickling on his feet, until he felt Michael's hand scoop up the spider.

"Ok, boys, you can get back to enjoying the tickling. The spider's gone."

"Mmmphh..." the boys audibly relaxed at this news.

"Now, I was thinking, let's have another vote! How should I torment these boys further? Vote with your wallets now!"


The room was more or less silent for the next few minutes. Unbeknownst to the boys, one donor had paid a sizeable sum to decide their next torment quite quickly. Michael had left the room to get what he needed. He returned with a bag full of ice cubes.

The boys waited in dark, silent dread for something to happen. Whilst they were waiting, their feet experienced the next level of vibrations, which jolted them back to attention. As often seemed to be the case, Seb was the first to find out what Michael had for them. Out of nowhere, he felt something very cold and very wet touch him between his shoulder blades. "MMPH!" he squeaked as the ice cube was slowly and gently rubbed down his back. He shivered at this new sensation, which continued until his natural warmth had metled the ice cube, leaving a small, wet patch on his bare back.

"MPH!" Danny grunted as the same thing was done to him. "MMPHH!" he cried angrily.

This continued as Michael took it in turns to torment each boy with an ice cube. Next, he put it on the small of their backs, bringing it around their waists and near to their stomachs. Then, he put a cube on each foot, making sure to glide it between their toes and leave no part of them untouched. Afterwards, he went for each leg, eventually leaving the cubes to melt tucked into the back of their knees. Soon, it was the backs of their necks, then their armpits, then their faces. Lastly, he pulled at the waistbands of their briefs, and dropped a couple of ice cubes inside them, leaving the boys to squeal as they melted.

"And now for the final part of the stream!" Michael announced. "The moment you've all been waiting for! We've been going for well over an hour now, so I'm sure you're ready to spend big! Which of you wants to take these lovely boys home with you?"

"MMPHH! MMPHHH!" The boys cried out, horrified.

"Will you be able to offer more than I'm going to get from their daddy? Place your bids in the chat and decide their fate!"

Seb and Danny renewed their attempts to escape. "MMPHH! MMPHHH!" They protested and struggled against their bindings. This only served to remind them how stiff they felt. Their jaws were aching quite badly at this point, being so stuffed and so squeezed. Their shoulders cried out in pain as they struggled with all their might. "MMPHHH! MMMPHHH!" They shook their heads frantically, pulling the rope connecting their necks in the process. They didn't care. They were fighting for their lives now.

"Five minutes left. Look at that price go up. Will it beat the reserve, though?" To keep things interesting, Michael pulled out a small taser, and gave the boys a light shock every few seconds.

"MPH!" grunted Danny after each shock. It was only just strong enough to hurt a tiny bit, but was still annoying.


"Three minutes to go. Highest bid wins. Oh, that's a sudden jump! But will it be enough to win? What do you think boys?"


"MPH! MMMPHHH!" Seb cried, shaking his head. The blindfold added to the torment, as he had no way of knowing when or from where the next shock was coming.


"Four, three, two one... and ZERO! Stop your bidding!"

"Mmmmmmphhhh...." the boys groaned as they gave up their struggle. They would have to wait to find out their fate.

"Congratulations, we have a winning bid! Keep an eye on your inbox, as we will be messaging you shortly to arrange a pick up! That's enough for today. Keep an eye out for our next stream, with a new participant!" Michael ended the stream there.

Seb burst into tears. Danny started grunting angrily into his gag. He rasied his head to where he thought Michael was. "MMPH! MMMPH! MMPH! MMPHH!" he shouted (albeit rather quietly).

"Sit tight, boys," Michael said, ignoring him. "I don't like to delay these transactions. I'll get you packed up shortly and take you to your new owner."

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Post by Stormee »

I find it funny that I just saw the Batman with the whole streaming videos of the Riddler and this story reminded me of it. Poor boys getting tortured just for revenge because of a disgruntled employee getting fired. Now they had a bigger fish to fry now that they were getting sold off. Poor boys, I hope they're saved after all of this. Nice work for coming back from the ashes like that, [mention]BDBrit[/mention]! :D
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Post by Highpointer642 »

Great stuff!
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Post by Speedo »

A very good story, I like the storyline fully. Especially that Michael doesn't matter who wore which ballgag last.
Did I read that correctly, you will wrote a further part? I would be very happy to know how the fate of the twins continues.
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Post by harveygasson »

Brilliant new chapter
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Post by BDBrit »

Right, here it is, the final part. Thank you all for the lovely comments. I enjoyed writing this for myself, but I'm happy to share if someone else can enjoy it too.

Part 5

Michael very quickly got to work. Seb and Danny heard him shuffling about, but with the tape wrapped tightly over their eyes, they had no way of knowing what he was doing. Seb was beginning to lose sensation in his face, with the tape squeezing his lower face very tightly around the ballgag. He tried rubbing his face against the floor in an effort to disloge the tape. He also felt like his shoulders wouldn't be able to take the pressure for too much longer. Meanwhile, his feet were still being assailed by the tiny vibrating things stuck to them. "Mmmmmmmm..." he groaned weakly.

Suddenly, he felt a cloth being held over his mouth and nose. "MMPHHH!" he cried, but he no longer had the energy to fight or resist. An odour filled his nose and clouded his senses. His already muffled protests became quieter as his head started to spin. He heard Danny grunting and protesting from beside him, but it almost sounded like his protests were getting further and further away with each passing second. Within moments, he was out cold.

"Mmmmmm..." Seb groaned as he woke up. He opened his eyes to see that he was still in the same basement he'd been in last time. It took him a moment to realise that he was no longer gagged. "No..." he whimpered.

"I knew you'd be awake first," Michael said to him.

"Why..." was all Seb could manage at this point.

"It's ok, conserve your energy," Michael said (almost) kindly.

Seb looked around. He was lying on his back and Danny was lying on his stomach to his right, still sleeping. He saw that Danny was still tied up, but nowhere near as heavily as before. His hands were tied behind his back, with his upper arms tied to his torso. A rope was tied around his waist, which was also connected to his wrists through his legs. His legs were tied together at the ankles, above and below the knees and at the thighs. Seb looked down at himself to confirm that he was tied the same way. Both boys were still wearing the blue briefs they were wearing before. Seb wiggled slightly to test his bonds. He was unable to move his arms at all, but there was nowhere near the level of pressure being exerted on his shoulders. It was almost a relief.

"Mmmm... but it's not a school day," Danny muttered as he started to stir.

"Looks like you're both awake now," Michael said. "That's good."

"Hmmmm... What? Where?" Danny mumbled before suddenly jolting awake. "Hey!" he shouted. He struggled against his bonds. "I remember now, you sold us! You won't get away with this! Let us go!"

Michael sighed. "And here I was planning on making this easy for you." He looked at Seb. "Your brother can be a real handful sometimes."

"Please," Seb said, "he's scared. I'm scared. Just let us go."

Michael put his hands on Seb's shoulders and lifted him up onto his feet. "Have a little dignity and accept it, Seb," he said. "Now, stand still or you'll fall over and hurt yourself."

"Shut up!" Danny shouted. "You don't know anything about us! You bas- MMPHHH!" Michael put his hand tightly over Danny's mouth.

"Let's stop this now," he said authoritatively. He grabbed a ballgag and strapped it tightly around Danny's head. "You've had enough of a break now."

"MMMPHHH!" Danny shouted into the gag. "MMPH MMPHH MMPHHH!"

"Now calm down," Michael replied. "It'll be your turn soon."

Seb said nothing and concentrated on standing upright. He knew there was nothing he could do for Danny. He tugged at his wrists, but the knots and rope held firm.

"This should make things more comfortable for you," Michael said as he walked towards Seb with a roll of black vet wrap in his hand. He crouched down at Seb's ankles and began wrapping it around his ankles just above where the rope tied them together. He slowly started to work his way up the boy's legs, pinning them together inside an almost cocoon-like wrap. "Of course, the trouble with vet wrap is that there's never a lot in one roll," Michael added to break the silence. "See? I'm already on roll four." He had reached Seb's waist, and was already wrapping his bound hands inside the vet wrap as well. He kept going until he reached Seb's shoulders, fully encasing him inside the strong material.

"MMMPHHH!" Danny cried to object to Seb's predicament.

"Still here?" Michael said dismissively. "Alright, If you're getting impatient, I suppose I can do you next." He forcefully stood Danny upright, and began wrapping him up from ankles to shoulders. When he had finished, he grabbed a few rolls of blue tape and grinned. It didn't take long before Danny was a blue mummy. "There we are, nice and tight," Michael added.

Next it was Seb's turn. He was swiftly silenced with a ballgag again, before being encased in red tape. "Mmppph!" he grunted as he felt himself being squeezed into a tight cocoon. He tried to wriggle and struggle, but he could barely move.

"All done," Michael said as he hoisted Seb over his shoulder. Time to head to the drip off point.

"MMMMPPPHH!" Danny screamed after them as Seb was carried away from him.


It didn't take long for both boys to be reunited in the back of Michael's van. Once again, he drove them for what felt like hours as they struggled and wriggled about in their bonds. However, they could not free themselves from the layers of tape and vet wrap, which fully encased them. The ropes binding their arms and legs underneath would have been difficult to escape from without these added layers sealing them inside. Before long, the boys found themselves feeling very hot. The cocoons did a very good job of keeping all their body heat trapped inside. Eventually, they had to lie as still as possible so they didn't release any more energy.

"Mph mph mph," Danny panted. He looked at Seb apologetically.

"Mmmmmphh..." Seb whined sadly back.

After what felt like an eternity, the van stopped. The last few minutes had been very bumpy, like they were no longer driving on paved roads. This was confirmed when the doors to the van opened and the boys were carried over Michael's shoulder into an abandoned barn. The animals were long since gone, but there was still plenty of hay and farming tools around.

"Here we are boys," Michael said.

"Mmmph," the boys grunted in acknowledgement.

Michael quickly set to work. He had deliberately left the boys' ankles visible earlier and began tying a large rope to each of them. He threw the other end of the ropes over a rafter overhead and attached it to a pulley. "Heads up, boys," Michael taunted. "Or should I say, feet up!"

"Mmmppphhh!" Seb and Danny squealed as Michael began pulling on the rope, which slowly lifted their ankles up off the ground.

"Try not to move too much. The rope is pretty strong, but I don't know hoe much force it can take. You don't want a broken neck."

The boys heeded this warning as they were lifted upside-down off the ground. "Mmmmphh," Seb whined as Michael tied the ropes off through a loop on the wall. The boys were fully mummified, hanging from their ankles upside down. They were practically back-to-back, which at least helped stop them from swaying too much.

"Oh, I almost forgot," said Michael, whose head was now level with the boys, albeit the other way up. "One final touch," he said as he wrapped tape over Seb's eyes, and continued wrapping around Danny's head, so that the blindfold went around both of their heads, pinning them together.

"MMPHHHH!" the boys cried through their ballgags as they were left in total darkness, their heads pulled back against each other.

"Sit tight, boys," Michael added. "Your new owner will be along to collect you shortly. I've gotta run. I've got other boys to kidnap." He laughed and left.

The last thing the boys heard was the sound of the van's engine fading away as Michael drove off.


After about half an hour of hanging there, Seb was starting to feel faint. He and Danny had tried to free themselves for a bit, but they quickly found it was of little use, and they didn't have the energy for it anyway. They were tired, thirsty and frightened. "Mph.." Seb let out a little whimper, which earned a simpathetic reply from Danny.

"Mph..." he sighed, defeated.

Soon, the silence was punctured by the sounds of footsteps. The boys waited with dread, before a familiar voice hit them. "Seb, Danny! Hang on, boys, I'm here!"

"MMMMPPPPH! MMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHH!" The sound of their father's voice invigorated them.

"Hold still, it'll make it easier," he said gently as he unstrapped the ballgags and pulled them out of his son's mouths.

"Daddy! He was-" Seb began before his father gently placed his finger over his lips.

"Shhhh," he said kindly. "Save your energy. We can talk about it when you're safe."

It took a while to free they boys. Getting them down safely was no easy task. They had to be directed the lift their heads just before they touched the floor so they could be safely lowered onto their backs. Undoing the mummification was also not easy, given how many layers there were. Fortunately, their dad found a pair of small shears that must once have been used to help shave the sheep, which managed to cut through the tape and vet wrap. He could then life them out of the cocoons and untie the ropes binding them. The sun had gone down by the time the last of the knits were undone.

"Daddy," the boys said softly as they embraced their father. They started sobbing

He held them tightly. "I'm so sorry," he said. "I should have just waited a bit longer, instead of leaving you there alone. I will never leave you alone again."


The newspapers will filled with stories about the kidnapping of the boys and their daring rescue by their father. Seb and Danny resented being interviewed about their experiences, like the reporters somehow enjoyed the story of how they were tied up and tortured. Just as interest seemed to die down, the papers were again filled with the story of how the police had traced the whereabouts of their captor by tracking ip addresses and cash flows through various accounts.

Michael Jones was quick to be tried and found guilty. He had been fired from his job two years ago for misusing company resources. He confessed to wanting to kidnap the boys to get revenge against the CEO of the company that fired him. The police found a secret room in his basement which matched the room on his livestream along with a large amount of rope and tape.

Despite this, something did not sit right with Seb and Danny. The man who confessed to their kidnap may have looked and sounded like the man who kidnapped them but there was something off about him. It was something about the way he seemed to carry himself and the way he looked at them. His expression seemed almost dream-like. Despite their insistence that something was wrong, he was convicted and imprisoned.

But he wasn't Michael, not their Michael at any rate. I mean, he was the real Michael. He just wasn't the same Michael that actually carried out his plan. But, if this Michael was actually the real one, then where was the other one?

Or, perhaps it would be more pertinent to ask, what was the other one?
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Post by Stormee »

Great story! Nice to see the boys were saved! And nice idea of the boys being mummified in vetwrap. Looks like fun to be tied as a mummy with your twin. Great work, [mention]BDBrit[/mention]!
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Post by Terry »

Nice story. Love the descriptions of the tie ups too and the different positions.

Also, about the ending what confused me, what did you mean by the "real Michael"? Also what about that contact, who was apparently also called Michael or someone beginning with D.
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Post by harveygasson »

This has been a really great story!
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Post by Speedo »

Terry wrote: 2 years ago
Also, about the ending what confused me, what did you mean by the "real Michael"? Also what about that contact, who was apparently also called Michael or someone beginning with D.

Yes, I’m sure their dad is behind the whole thing.

Definitely a fitting end to the story. The boys had to suffer again, but are now “safe” in her father's hands. I’m sure the two were not for the last time tied up.
Very nice to read how embarrassing it was for the twins to tell their treatment detailed for public.

I hope we are able to read stories from you with similar content in the future
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