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Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:56 pm
by Gil
Hello everyone. Here is a new story about Kyle. This time with his brother Steve. Have fun with it 😊:

Hey, Kyle here again, as always 😊. This story happened on Sunday after my sister's birthday. Her birthday was on Wednesday where she tied me up and dressed me as a cat. Family and relatives came to celebrate on Friday and her friends on Saturday. I had nothing planned for that day. It was 10 o'clock. Everyone was awake. My parents and Emily were in the backyard, I was downstairs watching TV, and Steve was in his room. I was still in my blue pajamas. I turned off the TV and went upstairs. When I got to the top, I was about to go to my room when I heard Steve's door open. I was about to turn my head to the door to say good morning to my brother when I was knocked to the floor by Steve.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed as I hit the floor. It hurt a little bit. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I just feel like it." He said and grinned.

He spun me around so that I was lying on my stomach on the floor. I turned my head to look at him. He was sitting on my back.

"So what now?" I asked him.

"Well this." He grinned and held the handcuffs in front of my face.

I automatically guided my hands back.

"Someone's being very cooperative." He grinned at me.

"Yeah, you’re stronger than me anyway. And I have nothing better to do" I said to him.

"Haha, someone's thinking." Laughed Steve and put the handcuffs around my hands.

Then he got up from my back and helped me to my feet. He led me to his room. Once there, I saw my TuG bag lying on the floor and some ropes had already been cleared out. He must have gotten them from my room while I was downstairs watching TV. Likewise, one of the wooden chairs was in his room. The chair had several horizontal beams for backs. So it was a typical wooden chair. Steve unlocked the handcuffs and put his arm around me.

"You know what to do, don't you?" He asked me with a grin.

I just nodded and sat down on the chair. I brought my arms straight back between the bars so that my arms were up to my elbows behind the wooden bars. Steve picked up the bondage mittens, as well as 2 padlocks and 2 ropes. He stepped behind me and put the mittens over my hands. I could no longer clench my hands into fists and escape was already impossible. Steve fastened the padlocks to the mittens for safety. Then he placed my hands evenly side by side. Then he took a 5-yard rope and wrapped it around my hands. Then a few more times between my hands and then he knotted it tightly at the bottom. Where the knot was located didn't matter anyway. I couldn't do anything with my mittens anyway. Then Steve took the second rope and started tying my elbows together at the top as he did with my hands. Steve went back to the ropes. He took a large 25 yard rope and started wrapping it completely around my torso. From my shoulders down to my hips so that my upper body was mummified by the rope. He did not speak a single word while he tied me up. Then he took 3 short ropes again, each 5 yards long. One wan the above my knee, one below and one around my ankles. He tied them the same way he tied my hands and elbows. For my feet, however, he left a piece of rope. This he then pulled back under the chair so that my legs bent backwards. Then he attached the rope to my hands. So I was practically tied in a hogtie on the chair. Steve stood in front of me and grinned.

"Move." He demanded of me.

I did. I rolled back and forth. Not much movement was possible, however. I could move my legs a little. But nothing else.

"You did good, Steve." I said to him, looking at him.

"As always, haha." He laughed.

Then he rummaged around in his pocket and pulled out the inflatable gag.

"Let's shut you up then. With your favorite gag, after all." He grinned at me.

"Yeah, you got that right." I wanted to confirm as he put the balloon in my mouth.

He closed the gag behind my head so I couldn't spit it out. Then he pumped up the balloon until my mouth was almost completely full. Then he disconnected the tube from the balloon and set it aside.

"I came up with something new, by the way." He grinned and pulled something out of his back pocket.

"MMPPHH?" I looked at him questioningly.

He showed it to me. It was some earplug. I was curious how the earplugs would work.

"Your last moments to hear something. Let's see when I come back and release you. Maybe in 1, 2 or 8 hours. And let's see if you can escape from this tie-up like you do on game night, haha. Have fun." Laughed Steve.

I widened my eyes. Steve put both earplugs in my ears. He was saying something, but I could barely hear him. The earplugs did what they were supposed to do. I just shook my head. He grinned. It was clear to him that the earplugs were working just fine. Steve pulled one of the sleep masks out of the bag.

"MMMPPPPPPHHH!" I screamed into my gag and shook my head again.

Steve didn't respond to my protest, however, and put the sleep mask over my eyes. I didn't particularly like blindfolds. I liked it better when I saw what was in store for me. Then I quietly heard the door being closed.

"Eight hours? That's a hell of a long time all alone. I hope he comes back early because I don’t think that I can escape." I thought to myself.

That's how I sat there. Tied with ropes to a wooden chair in my brother's room. Gagged, earplugged and blindfolded. All my senses were dulled. It was a completely new feeling to be able to sit there so helplessly or to be able to speak, to hear something or to say something. It was really strange. I was completely on my own. At first, of course, I resisted the restraints. Sure, I loved being tied up, but this was suddenly different. But it wasn't bad, either. No matter how much I squirmed in the ropes, nothing loosened and because of the mittens that were over my hands, I couldn't undo any of the knots either. As it always did when Steve or even Emily tied me up. Actually, when everyone tied me up. But I think, after the game night, where I had won the escape challenge, he tried especially hard today. At some point I let it go because it didn't make sense. I just waited until Steve came back. I lost track of time. It could have been 12 o'clock or even 2 o'clock. I couldn't have told what time it was. Suddenly, my earplugs were taken out.

"Well, did you panic when I was going to leave you alone for several hours?" asked Steve of me. I recognized his voice immediately, of course.

"MMEEEPPHH." I nodded.

"Don't worry, I'll never leave you alone for that long when all your senses are off like that." He said, stroking my hair. "I just wanted to give you a little scare." He added and took off my blindfold.

My eyes had to adjust to the light for a while. Steve was sitting on his bed to my left. I looked at the clock and spotted it. It was 11:31. I had been tied up like this for a little over an hour.

"We're about to have dinner. At least let us get you out of the chair." Steve said to me and stood up.

I nodded to him. Steve untied the rope from my hands that was bending my legs, and untied the rest of the rope that was wrapped around my ankles. He then freed me from the long 25-yard rope that was wrapped around my torso. Steve then went behind me and untied first the rope around my elbows and then the one around my hands. I brought my arms forward again and stood up. I now stood in front of Steve and looked at him, my hands still in the mittens, my legs still tied and the gag in my mouth.

"Good, but you can't get free yet." He turned and started rummaging in his pocket again. "I don't think we've had a chance to test this yet, have we?" he added questioningly, turning back to me and holding the armbinder in his hands.

"MMMMOOOPPH." I shook my head.

"You want to test it?" asked Steve of me.

"MMMMEEPPHH." I nodded several times.

"Good, then please put your arms back on your back." He said kindly to me.

I did as he said and turned my back to Steve as well. He pulled the armbinder over my arms. When my arms were all the way in, he pulled the two loops that were at the top of the tie over my shoulders. This kept the armbinder in place. He closed the zipper on the armbinder. This made it even tighter. Then he closed the two belts that were attached to the armbinder. One went around my wrists and one went over my elbows. To make sure I really couldn't take it off, he tied the loops around my shoulders with a cable tie. That way I was trapped in the armbinder.

"There, done. Try to move around in it." He prompted me.

I did so immediately. I rolled back and forth. I could stretch my arms away from my body, but it was impossible to squirm out of the restraints. It was tight, but not too tight.

"So how does it feel? Good?" asked Steve of me.

"MMMEEMPPHH." I nodded to him.

"Then Emily had a good idea with the armbinder as a birthday present for you, haha." Laughed Steve. β€œI'll get the food up for us when it's ready. Wait here." He grinned at me and left the room.

I bounced around a bit and then sat on his bed and waited. The armbinder was a whole new experience for me. It didn't feel bad at all. And since I was very mobile, it didn't hurt at all. I waited until Steve was back. At a little before 12, he came back too. He had a tablet in his hand. On it were 2 glasses of water and 2 plates of grilled cheese sandwiches. He put the tray down next to me and then took the hose for the gag in his hand. Steve deflated it and loosened it. He took the gag out and set it aside.

"Yay, finally talking again, haha." I laughed.

"Well enjoy the time you have left haha." He laughed as well. "I said we'd have some brother time together. That was good." He added and held the sandwich out to me.

"Sounds good." I grinned at him and took a bite.

We ate in silence. After we finished eating and drinking everything, Steve brought the tray back downstairs. I just sat there until he came back.

"How about a movie?" He asked me.

"Sounds good to me." I replied with a grin.

"Perfect. Then think of one and I'll go get something else." He said and left his room again.

I thought about it for a minute and remembered what I wanted to watch. Then he came back holding my sleeping bag.

"So you won't get cold." he grinned at me.

"That's right. It is September, after all. The fact that it's not snowing yet is nothing short of a miracle." I replied sarcastically.

"Looks like someone wants to be gagged again." Said he in a slightly sharper tone.

"No, it's all good. I like it warm." I quickly replied and grinned.

"That's what I wanted to hear, haha." He laughed and placed the sleeping bag on the bed.

He opened it up and tucked me in. He zipped it up.

"What kind of movie is this supposed to be?" He asked me.

"Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift." He replied.

"Well, that one." He said and put the DVD in the DVD player, but didn't start the movie yet.

He turned back to me first. He pulled a small iron chain out of his pocket.

"Where did you get that and what are you going to do with it?" asked Steve.

"From the garage and you'll see." He replied with a grin.

He wrapped the chain around the top of the sleeping bag. Then he took one of the time locks I had gotten from Jean for my birthday and attached the chain to the zipper. He set a time.

biep, biep, biep, biep, biep, biiiiiieeeeppp.

The time lock closed. I still looked at him questioningly.

"I'll show you." He said to me.

He tried to pull the zipper, that the time lock went through, down. It didn’t move. The chain held the zipper up. So there was no way I could get out of the sleeping bag, even if Steve or I wanted to. Only if he would cut the sleeping bag with big scissors. But that was not an option.

"Okay, I didn't expect that. I came up with something new." I said to him.

"Haha, thanks. Did a little browsing on the internet." Replied he with a grin.

"What time did you set?" I asked him.

"10 hours." He said dryly.

"WHAT? 10 HOURS?" I snapped my eyes open.

"HAHAHAH. Just a joke again. I set it for 2 hours, a little longer than the movie goes." He laughed at me.

"Don't be mean to me today," I said, calming down first.

"Gotta have some fun, haha." Laughed Steve again.

I just nodded. He took me in his arms and pushed me up so I was lying on his bed against the railing. Steve laid down next to me and turned on the movie. We watched the movie in silence. In the sleeping bag it gradually got warmer and warmer. Fortunately, though, the sleeping bag was thin, so it didn't get too warm. It was interesting to wear the armbinder. It was relatively comfortable. And I've always really liked being tied up in a sleeping bag. The combination was very interesting. So I just enjoyed the situation. Halfway through the movie, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Steve answered in a friendly manner.

Emily entered and looked at both of us.

"Ah, I see. That <brotherly time> you mean, haha." Laughed Emily at us.

"Yeah, why not." I grinned at her.

Emily stepped closer to us and eyed me closely.

"Interesting way to keep the zipper in place, Steve. I'll definitely have to remember that." She grinned at him.

"Thanks. Yeah, the internet helps with that, haha. He's wearing the armbinder underneath, by the way." Laughed Steve.

"Maybe I should get some tips on how to tie up our little brother there, too. And how is it, Kyle?" She grinned, looking at me and ruffling my hair.

"Cozy, I must say. I don't mind that at all. I can't wait to see what you will find, haha." I laughed at her.

"Glad to hear it. I'll leave you guys to it then, have fun." She grinned and closed the door behind her.

We continued watching the movie until it was over. Not much happened during it and we didn't talk much either. Afterwards, he turned off the TV and looked at the timer.

"Ten more minutes, then you come out." He said to me.

"Sounds good to me. And after that?" I asked him.

"I think that's enough for today." Said he to me.

"Okay, if you say so." I grinned at him.

So we waited for the timer to go off and the padlock to open. It did. Steve undid the padlock and unhooked it from the zipper and chain. Then he opened the sleeping bag and got me out of there. Then he loosened the straps of the armbinder that were around my elbows and wrists. Then he cut the cable tie that held the straps together around my shoulders. He still undid the zippers on my arms and took them out of the arm cuffs. I let my arms hang down. My hands were still trapped in the mittens. These Steve freed next. He unlocked the padlocks and took the freed hands out of the mittens. When that was done, he began to free my legs from the ropes. I clenched my hands a few times to move my fingers. Steve loosened the rope around my knees. First at the top, then at the bottom. Finally, the rope around my ankles. When I was completely free, I took a few steps. Steve packed everything up and took it to my room. Then he came back and left the door open.

"At first I just thought you were going to make me sit in that chair for hours. But then you were really nice to me, haha." I laughed at him.

"Yeah. You don't always have to be as merciless as Emily." Laughed Steve back.

"What?" Called Emily from her room to us.

"Nothing." We both called out to her at the same time and laughed.

I grinned at Steve and went to my room to change. The rest of the day went by normally.

The End

I hope you like my story 😊.

If you have an idea for a scenario or costume, just post it in the comments or private message me, and I’ll try to incorporate it into the stories as best I can and I will link you. Thank you 😊.

My DeviantArt Account:
My TuGstories Account: ... file&u=272

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:48 pm
by Stormee
Aww what lovely brotherly hanging out time. Steve is such a caring but mischievous brother to think he was going to leave Kyle in a long time with sensory deprivation like that. But glad to know Steve wouldn't do such a thing to his little brother and wanted him to try different ways to get tied up. The chair tie, ambinder, his mitten, even a sleeping bag. :lol: Such an interesting weekend for Kyle. Nice work again, Gil! :D

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:43 am
by Gil
Stormee wrote: ↑2 years ago Aww what lovely brotherly hanging out time. Steve is such a caring but mischievous brother to think he was going to leave Kyle in a long time with sensory deprivation like that. But glad to know Steve wouldn't do such a thing to his little brother and wanted him to try different ways to get tied up. The chair tie, ambinder, his mitten, even a sleeping bag. :lol: Such an interesting weekend for Kyle. Nice work again, Gil! :D
Thanks a lot :). Haha, yeah Steve likes to test things out, but he doesn't overdo it :D

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 11:25 am
by Ossassin
Time locks are a rare delight always fun :D

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:36 pm
by Gil
Ossassin wrote: ↑2 years ago Time locks are a rare delight always fun :D
Yes I definitely agree with you :D

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 1:48 pm
by Killua
Another great idea. I really like that story. Finally Kyle could try the armbinder. He wad lucky it was his brother who came up with the idea of the sensory deprivation... because Jean would be a bit more mean, I guess :lol:

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 11:57 pm
by Gil
Killua wrote: ↑2 years ago Another great idea. I really like that story. Finally Kyle could try the armbinder. He wad lucky it was his brother who came up with the idea of the sensory deprivation... because Jean would be a bit more mean, I guess :lol:
Yeah, you're probably right about that. I don't think Emily would have been so nice either :D

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2022 3:18 pm
by GermanTUGFriend
Again a nice chapter with Kyle :) Steve also has some wonderful ideas for a game....a classic TUG so to say ^^ And I'm sure that Emily made some mental notes about the ear plugs, the mittens and the gag for the next time when she'll tie up Kyle or Jean or both of them ;)

Have a nice weekend & Greetings from Germany :)

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 8:09 pm
by bondagenovice
Haha, amazing story!

Anyone would love to have a brother like that! :lol:

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 8:31 pm
by Gil
GermanTUGFriend wrote: ↑2 years ago Again a nice chapter with Kyle :) Steve also has some wonderful ideas for a game....a classic TUG so to say ^^ And I'm sure that Emily made some mental notes about the ear plugs, the mittens and the gag for the next time when she'll tie up Kyle or Jean or both of them ;)

Have a nice weekend & Greetings from Germany :)
Thank you :). Yes there Emily has certainly copied something :D

Also greetings from Germany :D

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 8:31 pm
by Gil
bondagenovice wrote: ↑2 years ago Haha, amazing story!

Anyone would love to have a brother like that! :lol:
Thank you :). Yeah, me too :D

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 3:22 pm
by Highpointer642

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 5:59 pm
by Gil
Highpointer642 wrote: ↑2 years ago Awesome!
Thanks :)

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 10:29 pm
by BDBrit
What a lovely story. I've never thought about using armbinders before. Thanks for sharing!

Re: Steve attacked me (m/m)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 10:51 pm
by Gil
BDBrit wrote: ↑2 years ago What a lovely story. I've never thought about using armbinders before. Thanks for sharing!
Glad you like it :)