Sister Takes Charge (F/M)

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Sister Takes Charge (F/M)

Post by guardian741 »

(Sorry about the weird formatting and indents on this one. Copying over from Word is a pain sometimes...)

My sister Macie has always wanted to prove that even though I’m older (by a year), that doesn’t mean I’m always in charge. Even since we were little she was constantly going out of her way to try to “be the boss”. Being a slim 5’8 blonde, blue eyed girl who spends time putting on her make-up, you wouldn’t suspect her of trying to assert dominance. But she does. I was reminded of this last weekend.

My parents were going on some “anniversary weekend getaway” trip, but we kids often used their house as a family get-together spot seeing as it’s pretty much right in the middle of where us kids live. So, we decided to hang out at my parents’ house and catch-up. My sister, my brother and me ordered pizza, had a few drinks and mostly just talked and relaxed. My sister decided she was going to go to some club with her friend Kayla. Both girls are 24 and enjoy pretending their 5 years younger still. Eh, good for them. My brother had to work at 3:00am, so he headed to bed (downstairs), just as Macie was getting ready to leave for the club.

Kayla came to pick Macie up about 9:30. Both girls we very done up. Kayla – who had a smokin’ body – wore a tight-fitting black shirt that had a cut-out at the stomach and also barely contained her boobs. She complimented it with a white and black skirt that was a little too short, and her black hair was expertly twisted into some form of up-do, and her make-up accentuated her plump lips and big brown eyes. She was lookin’ hot. My sister, while wearing a different outfit, had the same general look; tight clothes, lots of make-up, fancy hair. Both girls were wearing high-heels and pantyhose.

After checking out Kayla longer than was probably appropriate, I wished them both a good night. I just chilled at the house, had a few more beers and just laid on the couch and watched TV. Little did I know, this would be my last bit of free time for a while.

Just after midnight the girls came rolling back in. Kayla seemed a little buzzed, Macie seemed more than just a little buzzed. She wasn’t belligerent or a drunken mess, but you could tell she was feeling pretty good. The girls were only inside for about 20 seconds when Macie said “hey, gimmie the TV remote.”

I gave her my big-brother “fuck off” smirk and said “uhh, yeah, not gonna happen”

“I don’t want to watch this war crap. You gonna make me take it from you?”

“ There’s no way. I could take BOTH of you!” I challenged.

We bickered back and forth for a bit and eventually Macie grabbed for the remote. I held tight while not really fighting – mostly proving how much stronger I was. What I did not anticipate however was Kayla bear-hugging me from behind trying to grab the remote as well (which I did not mind one bit). However, I DID have a few beers and so I was a little tipsy as well. So, the wrestling quickly brought us to the floor. A minute or so later, I end up pinned to the floor with Kayla’s knees on each wrist and her half-sitting on my upper chest .

Macie obviously ended up with the remote and taunted me “boo-yah! Told you we’d take it from you!”. They laughed at me for a few seconds then I said “alright, fine, you guys can pick the channel, let me up”

“I dunno,” said Kayla, putting a finger to the corner of her mouth, acting like she was actually thinking. “I kinda like you put in your place, what do you think, Macie?”

My sister said “yeah, I’m kinda sick of his attitude.”

Then Macie did a half-gasp and her eyes got real wide.
“You know what IM thinking?” she asked

“What are you thinking” replied Kayla

“I should go grab the Duct Tape!” Macie exclaimed.

“Hey! No! You’re fucking joking, right?” I said sternly while I squirmed a little. I was suddenly not enjoying my position anymore.

“I’m down if you are!” Kayla said, ignoring me.

“Let me upmmmp!” I shouted as Kayla clamped her hand over my mouth.

“Shhhh…. Adults are talking right now” Kayla said as she shook my head back and forth. I was officially angry now, but still quite pinned.

“I’ll go get it!” Macie said, ignoring my muffled protests. “Make sure he doesn’t wake my brother up!” Then Macie left the living room. I heard her high heels click on the kitchen floor, then she went out into the garage.

I struggled and mmmphed into Kayla’s hand and she just kept saying she couldn’t understand me. Macie was back in the house like 15 seconds later with what appeared to be a brand new roll of tape. Great.

“Ok,” announced Kayla, “you have GOT to give me a few pieces right away, because he’s complaining is getting annoying.”

Macie ripped off a LONG piece and gave it to Kayla. She took her hand off my mouth just long enough to center the piece of tape over my mouth.

“Wait! No! Stommpmmph!!!” Kayla laughed at my words being cut off by the tape she was smoothing over my mouth. The piece stretched almost from ear-to-ear.

“I think he needs a few more” Kayla said. She added a total of 4 more pieces at various angles, which did quiet me quite a bit. She smoothed the tape thoroughly and held my face in her hands and said “for what it’s worth, I think you look better like this”, and gave me a quick kiss on my taped lips. Then she laughed.

Macie, in the meantime, had already wrapped my ankles and knees in duct tape. She knelt down and said to Kayla “let’s do his arms now”. So Macie wrapped tape around one of my arms, then they rocked me up slightly so they could force it behind my back. They finished rolling me onto my stomach and quickly re-pinned my other arm. While Kayla held my arms together, Macie buried them in tape, going around my wrists, my elbows and my forearms.

Despite my attempts at struggling, it didn’t seem to slow them down and when Macie finally finish, I couldn’t separate my arms at all. They spent 10 more minutes coordinating with each other to tape me up more severely than I’ve ever been taped up in my life. They wrapped tape around my shoulders, chest, stomach (keeping my hands sufficiently trapped against my back), they added a few layers to my legs again as well.

The girls both stood up and took a step back to admire their handy work.

“I think our little duct tape mummy is thoroughly taped up!” Kayla said. The both laughed. I just squirmed and mmmphed nonsense into the tape. I tried to fight against the tape, but there was simply too much. I couldn’t get anything to budge at all.

“Ya know Macie,” Kayla started, “what if he gets cold there on the floor?”

“Hmmm…” Macie said, clearly enjoying the moment more than actually being concerned for my well-being.

“What did you have in mind?”

“I think we should roll him in that big blanket!” Kayla exclaimed “that way he would be all neatly bound up. You could call him your Brother-Burrito!”

The alcohol in their system made them laugh a little too hard at that not-funny joke. The girls decided to go with the Burrito idea. They laid out this giant King-Sized blue blanket, the drug me across the floor (despite my muffled protests) and laid me across the blanket – making sure my head at least would stick out. Then then proceeded to pressed the blanket over me and roll me. They made sure to “tuck-in” the blanket each time I rolled over. They had to re-adjust my position a couple of times as they rolled my head into the couch or the leg of a table. I attempted to chastise them through the tape, but Macie would simply say “oops, sorry.”

When they ran out of blanket, they taped the flap down. My dreams of escaping were pretty much crushed as I learned the blanket “burrito” allowed me even less movement. The blanket went from my neck down to about my calf. But it’s not like I would be able to even grip the carpet with just my socks on. I mentally prepared for a long night and groaned into my tape gag.

The girls spent the next few minutes standing over me and posing and taking pictures. They “promised” they wouldn’t post any… but I wasn’t wild about them existing in the first place. My protests went unheard.

Kayla asked Macie, “Do you have any bandanna’s so we can blindfold your pervert brother? He keeps looking up my skirt” (In my defense, giving the angle, I didn’t have anywhere else to look).

“Wow, Matt, really?” My sister gave me the “you pig” look. Then went to her suitcase in her room to hunt for my new blindfold.

Kayla plopped down onto the couch and kicked her feet up onto my stomach. She used her feet to kick off her shoes and just let them fall over my body. I shouted at her to get her feet off of me into my tape gag. She responded by crossing one foot over the other and let out a exaggerated, relaxed sigh.

“Ahhhhhh. I think we owned you pretty good tonight Matt. Whaddya you think?”

I cursed into the tape, but was ignored by Kayla who began playing something on her phone. We sat there for a couple minutes; Kayla with her pantyhosed feet kicked up, playing on her phone, while I – the unwilling footstool – waited for this night to be over.

Macie came back with a handful of different bandannas and scarves.

“I wasn’t sure what size you needed. Looks like you’re nice a relaxed.”

“Yeah, it’s nice to put my feet up – those shoes are killers”

“OHMYGOSH, I know!”

“Your brother hasn’t complained once! Or not that I heard anyway…” The girls laughed. My sister unraveled a blue scarf and wrapped it twice around my eyes, tying it off behind my head. I was effectively blindfolded.

“Well, I should probably head home” Kayla said. I heard her stand up. I was hoping this meant my night was almost over. She and Macie exchanged goodbyes, and hugged, and talked about going out again soon and all that.

Kayla then gently nudged my cheek with her foot and said “maybe next time you’ll just give up the remote, huh?” I shook my head and cursed, but the tape kept it quite muffled. Then I hear the door open, then close.

“So… how’s your night going, Matt? Cuz mine’s pretty amazing” Macie asked, stifling her giggles. I pleaded through the tape for her to let me go.

“Oh, and we definitely gotta do something about your gag. I let Kayla have her fun with the tape, but I know that someone with as big a mouth as you needs a more effective gag.”

I heard her walk over to me, then I heard her shoes fall to the ground, then shuffling. I put two and two together and started shaking my head in protest. I was being as loud as I could through the tape to attempt to wake my brother up; but he was a deep sleeper and was in the basement.

The tape gets pulled off my face. Still blindfolded, I had no idea where Macie was standing. I felt her grab my jaw and as I was yelling at her, “Macie staoooaugh” I felt a ball of material forcefully enter my mouth. The incredible saltiness of it hit me right away and turned my stomach a little.

“Mmmmmm” Macie cooed as she prodded the ball with her finger. As I was spitting the ball out, I felt a scarf go in between my teeth and quickly and tightly tied behind my head, forced the ball deep into my mouth. I groaned in disgust. I was doubly surprised when I heard duct tape being ripped off the roll. A second later it was being pressed against my mouth and then wrapped around my head! 4 Times!

“Try to talk” My sister commanded.

I just groaned, still adjusting to the horrible flavor of my new gag. In my blindness, I suddenly felt a hard flick on my cheek. Then another on my nose.


“See? That’s a MUCH better gag. I can’t hear hardly ANY noise!”

And she was right. I could belt out a full scream and nobody would hear it over the sound of a phone ringing.

“Aren’t I such a great sister for giving you a quality gag!” Macie taunted. “Kayla was only gonna gag you with some crappy tape. But I love you more, so I gave you my very own pantyhose from tonight! Do you like them?”

I let out a long groan. I had basically suspected I was sucking on her dirty pantyhose, but hearing her confirm it just seemed to make it worse. She ignored my complaints and just droned on with the taunting.

“…and these shoes make my feet SO sweaty! I normally don’t wear pantyhose because of how much they make my feet sweat, but they make my skin look so much smoother, and complete my …”

I rolled my closed eyes, wishing they had given me earplugs instead of a blindfold. My jaw was already sore from accommodating Macie’s pantyhose.

“…also doesn’t help that I’ve had those shoes for like 3 years. You would think I would learn that everytime I wear those shoes my feet will just sweat like crazy and that I’d get rid of them, but no, I keep wearing them.”

“…so yeah. They’re probably pretty flavorful, huh? I made sure to tie the scarf in your mouth so that you don’t accidentally just push those babies to the side of your cheeks. This way they stay right on your tongue the whole time, so you’re welcome!”

I groaned. Macie said something about wearing a pair all day next time and seeing if I notice a difference. I struggled against my bonds in defiance. Macie snickered at how little I moved and just said, “Yup, you’re basically my bitch right now” and laughed.

Then she said, “oh! I have a surprise for you!”

I heard her plop down on the couch.

“Can you guess what it is?”

I grumble into my gag and instinctively try to look around through my blindfold. Then I feel my face get smacked by something warm and soft. The pungent smell of cheddar assaults my nose immediately.


“That’s right! It’s my FEEEEETTT!!!”

I move my head from side to side, but not being able to see put me at a huge disadvantage for dodging.

“Go ahead, smell ‘em! Give em a nice big whiff!” I could hear the smile in my sister’s voice.

“MMMPPH, MMMM, mMMMMPHHH!!” I curse at her and tell her to stop. She does not, and just continues to rub my entire face – slowly – with her stinky feet.

“Do they smell nice?” Macie asked, trying not to laugh. “You should be glad Kayla had to leave, she has stinky feet! They don’t smell like flowers like mine do.”

I was still moving my head back and forth slowly, mostly just in protest, but also realizing there was no avoiding her feet. She was slowly rubbing one foot up my face and the other down, then switch. She would rub her toes across my nose from left to right, making sure I got several sniffs.

“mmmm, smells good, huh? I bet you’re glad I wore pantyhose, aren’t you? Those still tasty, by the way?”

I just whimpered into my gag as I took my 200th breath of my sister’s stinky feet – the 200th just as foul as the 1st.

“Awwww, does my big bad brother not like feet? Is he embarrassed that his little sister tied him up, shoved her dirty pantyhose in his mouth and is rubbing her sweaty feet all over his face? Why don’t you make me stop then, tough guy?”

Macied pinched my nose with her big and 2nd toe, held it for about 10 seconds, then released and cupped all of her toes over my nose, ensuring the following big whiff was extra putrid. I noisily sucked in air through her toes and groaned.

“That’s what I thought” Macie said. “Time to watch some TV. Is that ok with you big brother?”

I angrily shouted at her to let me go now,

“Yeah, that’s fine” Macie said, “you can still smell my feet”

I began my muffled shouts again, but she planted her foot firmly over my mouth sideways. Silencing me almost completely and ensuring my abused nose was pressed right up against the arch of her foot. Her other foot rested on my forehead. I stopped struggling and let out one last disgusted groan before just accepting my position as my sister’s foot rest.

I took tortured breath after tortured breath of her awful feet. Since I wasn’t going to be let free any time soon, I kept trying to fall asleep. But whenever my sister suspected I might be falling asleep, she would do something to wake me up, sometimes it would be toes in my nose, sometimes it would be a foot-smack in the face, other times it would be her suddenly, rapidly rubbing her feet in my face.

“MMMMMMMMMMMM!” I complained.

“Shhhh… Those pantyhose are in your mouth for a reason.”

After another couple of minutes, Macie said she was going to go pour herself some more wine. I felt her feet come off my face and heard her footsteps move toward the kitchen. I took a half-second to enjoy my first breath of un-sullied air in awhile, then I began to struggle violently against my bonds. Of course between the amount of tape and the blanket, my efforts were futile, but I was desperate to free my hands – if nothing else, to remove the disgusting pantyhose from my mouth that were starting to upset my stomach.

“Yeah, good try” Macie chuckled. I couldn’t see exactly where she was, and so was unpleasantly surprised when I felt her toes cup around my nose again.

“MMMMM….” I groaned.

Macie just laughed. I heard her plop down onto the couch, and felt both of her feet return to my face. My air was once again made pungent by the stinky feet enveloping my face. There I laid for the next hour or so while Macie just watched TV, largely ignoring me while she continued to sip on her wine.

The pantyhose in my mouth still carried a stale taste with them despite how long I had been gagged with them, and her putrid feet stayed planted on my face in some way shape or form the entire time. I would occasionally shake my head in frustration, which prompted Macie to either pin my head down with one foot and rest the other’s toes over my nose, or just laugh at me and rub the whole length of her foot up and down my nose and ask “what’re you gonna do about it?” And being blinded the whole time – not being able to know when & how her feet were going to assault me – was just the cherry on top of my torture.

At some point, Macie asked, “are you hungry? Want something to eat?”

I didn’t know the exact time, but it was late. I wasn’t really hungry, I mostly just wanted to be untied and go to bed. I shook my head “no” and begged – in gag-speak – to be let go.

“Ok, fine. If you’re still happy chewing on my nasty pantyhose…” then she rubbed her toes back and forth over my nose.

“MmMPh! MMmpH!” I pleaded with her to let me change my answer. I guess I’d eat if it meant I finally got to free my mouth!”

“That’s what I thought!”

Macie started unwrapping the tape from my head, then untied the bandanna. I quickly spit out the pantyhose and coughed a little.

“blehh!! Fucking gross, Macie! Untie me!” I protested.

Macie, clearly becoming slightly more intoxicated from her wine responded, “I don’t shink so! How often DO I get to be in chhharge like thiss anymore? I’m being NICE and offering you ssomething to eat, but if yerrr jus gonna complain, I can put my pantyhosss back in…”

“NO! Ok, ok… can you at least take the blindfold off?”

“No sshilly! The fun is you gotta GUESS what yerr eatin!”

I heard Macie stumble back over to the kitchen, meanwhile, I was calling to her to see what she was getting. She ignored me. I hear some cupboard doors slam, I hear her pour some more wine (great.) and I hear her come back to the couch and open a bag of chips. She starts crunching on them loudly.

“Ok, ready to ghuess?” She asked.

“ *sigh* yeah”

“Open up!”

I open my mouth and am surprised – though, I guess I shouldn’t be – by the horrible salty flavor that overwhelms my tongue. It wasn’t chips though. I could tell by how big it was (not fitting all the way in my mouth), and how soft it was that my sister just duped me.

“gammph! MMPh! Grommppmh!”

“Can you ghess what it ish?”

Macie pulls the blindfold off my head and I get an up-close view of the underside of her foot, with the arch of it resting in my mouth. I had already guessed along these lines, but having it confirmed just made it worse somehow. I groaned.

“It’s my FEEEEET!” Macie burst into hysterical laughter. Meanwhile I shook my head and tried to keep my tongue away from her sweaty foot, but it took up too much of my mouth, and I couldn’t keep my tongue curled back forever. I groaned as my tongue briefly grazed her foot, bringing the salty taste to its fullest every time I did.

“Suck on THAT for awhile!” Macie laughed, and moved her other foot to my forehead.

After another few minutes of squirming, I resigned myself to my fate – I guess I was going to have my sister’s foot in my mouth until she felt like removing it. I groaned one last time, then stopped struggling and grunting.

“Mmmm, good boy” My sister cooed

I saw the clock read 2:30, meaning I had been my sister’s footstool for about 2 hours now. Another whole hour passed without a word exchanged between us… well, besides Macie telling me to “lick” or “no biting”. She would move her foot around in my mouth; sometimes she would shove her heel in my mouth – filling it completely. Her favorite seemed to be shoving toes in my mouth (which was the worst for me – the incredible salty flavor was absolutely disgusting. It was like sucking on salt sticks). She would start off with just her big toe, then switch feet, then work her other toes, and by the end of this hour, she was stretching my mouth out to fit all 5 toes in my mouth. I would groan and mmmph into her foot, and she would only respond by wiggling the toes in my mouth.

At 3:30, Macie asked me, “So, how do my feet taste? Yummy?”

I said “no, they’ fucking gropmmpmh!” as I was interrupted by her foot going into my mouth again.

“If you can’t say anything nice, put a dirty foot in it! That’s how the saying goes, right?” Macie laughed at her own dumb joke.

“Well, I think it’s time for bed. I figured we could just have a mini-slumber party on the floor, like we did when we were kids” Macie said as she threw some pillows from the cabinet onto the floor. I could tell she had basically sobered up.

“Macie, C’MON!” I shouted as I struggled again.
Macie went around the corner of the hallway, and came back holding her tennis shoes from work (she’s a Nurse). She pulled a black sock out of one shoe and balled it up.

“Open” Macie commanded as she kneeled down towards me.

“No! Macie!” I shouted as I shook my head

“Hey, it’s a small gag because I don’t want you to choke on it! But if you keep being a brat, I’ll go get like 4 socks, I swear to God!”

I opened my mouth to protest, but Macie shoved her two fingers in my mouth and forcefully (painfully) pulled down on my jaw, allowing plenty of room for her pungent sock to enter my mouth. Macie wrapped the duct tape around my mouth, “only” 3 times. The horrid flavor of her work sock filled my mouth and earned a groan from me. Don’t get me wrong, between her nasty pantyhose and her bare feet, the work sock was the least offensive thing in my mouth this morning, but I was still not happy.

Macie smiled and rubbed her foot in my face while asking, “mmmm, that’s better, huh?”

I was once again overwhelmed by dirty sock taste and stinky feet smell. I was ready for tonight to be over.

“You love sucking on my socks, don’t you? If you ever think you’re in charge, I want you to think back to tonight – the night I tied your ass up, shoved my dirty socks in your mouth, and made you smell my feet for, what, 3 hours?” Macie taunted while slowly rubbing her foot up and down my nose.

“You like how my feet smell?


“I’ll never let you go with that attitude. I’ll ask you again. Do. You. Like. How. My. Feet. Smell?” She emphasized “smell” with her toes quickly grabbing and releasing my nose.

I begrudgingly shook my head “yes”.

“Good boy. I’ve got a treat to help you sleep.”

My vision went dark as Macie tied the scarf around my eyes again. I groaned. Then a warm musty smell assaulted my nose. It was horrible. I felt tape wrap around my head.


“I can’t just rub my feet in your face all night, as much as I’m sure you’d love that. So, I figured I’d let you smell my sneaker to help you sleep.” Macie laughed. Then she rolled me onto my stomach, and positioned a pillow under my head, then shoved my head onto the pillow. At least my head was comfortable, but the putrid smell of the tennis shoe was still horrid on my nose. It was going to be a long night.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll check on you every so often. Let me know if you want me to switch out my shoe.” Macie lightly double-slapped my cheek in a condescending way. Rightfully so, I guess; she had basically made me her bitch.

“I had a fun time tonight. We should do this again, don’t you think?”


“Glad we agree”

Then I heard her lay down perpendicular to me, and felt her kick her feet onto my back, and quickly fell asleep.

I groaned, and tried to sleep through my pungent tennis shoe torture. I eventually did, and was FINALLY released in the morning. Macie warned me that if I told ANYBODY, she would invite Kayla to stay the night as well. I haven’t told a soul.
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

This story is perfect
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Post by TightsBound »

Excellent story. I’m especially fond of the gag of choice.
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