Red Vs. Blue: A Game of Capture And Secure (MMMFFF/MMMFFF) Part 1-12

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Red Vs. Blue: A Game of Capture And Secure (MMMFFF/MMMFFF) Part 1-12

Post by andrewtied »

in the list below are the fellow names of Character (Players) and their respective Team members while also their team captains who are involved in the story and the game itself.

the will be rules also included in the story. the characters themselves follow these rules to the ladder cause they loved being involved in this game.

this will be a multiple part story, twelve parts exactly. i hope you enjoy the story and now sit back and enjoy the show.

Red Team: The Captors

Team Captain : Shane : Age 29, has green eyes, black hair, and is tall. a Friend of Adam who is the Team Captain of the Blue Team: The Captives

Team Members

Jake: Age 26: Mopped blond hair, blue eyes, tall as well but not as tall as Shane. another Friend of Adam who is the Team Captain of the Blue Team: The Captives

Joseph: Age 25: is strong built and has short hair, blue eyes, is the almost the same height as Shane. Husband of Javan who is a Fellow Team Member and friend of Ryan a member of The Blue Team: The Captives

Javan: Age 25: blonde curly hair and green eyes. Wife of Joseph who is a Fellow Team Member and Friend of Diana, a Member of the Blue Team: The Captives

Elena: Age 24: long Blonde hair and dark blue eyes. another Friend of Diana, a Member of the Blue Team: The Captives

Marissa: Age 27: long brown blonde hair, blue eyes, and is the Tallest Female of the team. Friend of Taylor, a member of the Blue Team: The Captives

Equipment The Red Team Will Be using for tying up the Captives: Huge amount of Rolls of Microfoam tape and six white straight jackets

Blue Team: The Captives

Team Captain: Adam: Age 29, has blonde shorts hair, blue eyes, wears glasses is tall. Friend of Andrew, who is a fellow member, Friend of Shane and Jake who both are members of the Red Team: The Captors

Team Members

Andrew (The Narrator): Age 28: is Average weight, very short blonde hair, is middle height, has dark blue eyes. Boyfriend Of Diana, A fellow Team Member, a Friend of Adam who is the Team's Captain, and Friends of Taylor and Tiffany both are Fellow Team members

Diana: Age 27: has black long hair, green eyes, and is average height. Girlfriend of Andrew, a fellow Team Member. Friends of Javan and Elena both are members of The Red Team: The Captors

Ryan: Age 26: has short brown hair, brown eyes, is tall. Friend of Joseph a member of The Red Team: The Captors

Taylor: Age 27: Skinny, has brown long hair, light blue eyes, is short in height. Friend of Tiffany and Andrew, Both are Fellow Team Members, and also friend of Marissa, a member of The Red Team: The Captors

Tiffany: Age 25: has short with green eyes same height as Taylor. Friend Of Andrew and Taylor both are fellow Team Members

Uniforms for both the Team: T-shirt, Gym Shorts, and socks with Tennis shoes

Two Rented Cabins: Red Team uses their base of operation as a headquarters and a place for the captives. Six rooms for six captives. Blue Team uses their cabin as a safe house for their fellow teammates

Rules Of the Game

1. Once the Captive is Seen, they surrender and are brought to the Rival Team base for tying up

2. Captives can't free there fellow teammates, once a Captive is caught they are out of the game and are held in the Rivals base Cabin with a room selected by the captor team captain

3. Captives once captured by the enemy are subjected to light torture such as having their knees rubbed and teased

4. Each Team captains has a cell phone and will be called by the Team Captor if they captured one of their team members. this is the only way of communication

5. fellow Captives who are caught will not able to see each other only during the day, at night they are subjected to light torture as stated in Rule 3. they can be light tortured during the day this is permitted

6. Captives can't get themselves free no matter how many times they struggle

7. Captors can't abuse the captives there job is to make sure they don't go anywhere and stay in the confinements of the enemy cabin

8. Once all Captives including the team Captain are captured, they are to be tied up for a full day then the game is over

Post by andrewtied »

Part 1

My team arrives at our Cabin, i was nervous i maybe the first person to be captured some people on the other team know my secret...well most of them. they will or might use that to gain Intel and potentially making at crucial decision but our Team is basically is to survive till be captured and light tortured by the enemy team.

this in my opinion didn't sound too bad in my head, but in the face it sounds scary but it could be worse. the weather was fair and partly cloudy skies but you couldn't see it from all the trees cause we were in a forest, a real needle in a haystack. we setup up our team map well our Team Captain Adam did.

Adam: "ok so we need to split up being in groups is suicide it will give them a chance to catch us quicker and faster. i know this sounds dumb but what choice do we have?"

Diana: "look we know who is going to get grabbed first and im not going to let my man be the first Target..... i just... i don't know"

Andrew: "honey its ok look its not like im going to get killed or anything you have to be strong for me we need to be separated i know that sounds stupid to say but i don't want you to get caught first either."

Diana: "ok... just promise that you will think of me when you are.... gosh.. bound and gagged...."

Andrew: "I promise every struggle and such"

Taylor: "Andrew is Strong Diana i know you are too girl. you guys are a perfect couple this skinny girl will be so screwed if captured hahah"

we all laugh at Taylor's comment, at least if i am their prime target at least im hanging with my friends for a few more moments before going out in the field and try at least avoid detection.

Tiffany: "im very excited to see what this game has to offer but Andrew might be the target we all know Andrew likes being tied up. which im not judging but once again they will come after him."

Ryan: which is why we need him to go in the field alone thats means all of us again at some point. it may sound cruel but like what Adam said what choice do we have

Andrew: you're right Ryan ok im heading out, Diana i love you be strong ok?

Diana kisses my lips for a brief moment. then the rest patted me on the shoulders including the team captain. at least i had alot of friends to think about.

i then left the team compound, walking towards the enemy pretty much but it was a few kilometers. a few seconds later i heard a loud voice it sounded like Marissa from the other team and Elena who showed my name while trying to look for me.

Marissa; "Oh andrew! where are you! come out! wherever you are!"

Elena: "come one Andy we know your out there! come out we coming to find you!"

my heart raced and then i hid from a big tree. you would think a tree this size would cover a person i was wrong, when i hid, i step on a twig that made a crackle noise. it led them right to me both of them came around the tree on both sides. both Marissa and Elena grinned.

Marissa: "you are captured boy! hehe"

Elena: "its time for the straitjacket!"

as part of rules i surrendered i closed my eyes as Elena puts the straitjacket on me. it was the classic white straitjacket without the crouch portion. Elena made sure my arms were folded to the front the classic position.

Marissa pulled out the Microfoam tape i knew my time talking is ending for a while. Marissa at least was giving me my last words how nice of her i sarcastically thought.

Marissa: "any last words before you are gag for a very long time?"

Andrew: "wish me luck tell the other team i said hi and i guess thanks for tieing me first. "

Marissa: "sure thing its time to be quiet Boy"

Marissa then shoved a soft cloth first in my mouth then wrap the Microfoam tape around my head, mouth, lips, and under the chin 15 times. i can only muffle and in my mind thats was good.


Elena: "hahah yell al you want nobody can hear you but us"

the two women escorted me to their headquarters and i was greeted with kindness even though it may sound and look weird i guess they were happy i was caught.

Shane: "good job ladies put him down stairs to the right room let him get comfy"

The two women placed me on the bed. the Both women rubs my knees as a sign of soft torture to come they were smiling in a devious way they really enjoyed this,

Marissa: "see you later andy have fun"

Elena: "gosh im gonna enjoy soft torturing him hahah"

they both left and locked the door i was officially trapped in the room they put me in. at least i had a lamp opposite of me which was good to know. i knew i was going to be first all of these people knew i love bondage. it was only a matter of time and it came quick on me.

i started to struggle even though its very pointless i wanted to have some new found privacy at least. the straps where very tight but not hurting me actually it was very comfy.


i stopped struggling and breathed heavily but i wasn't out of breath. i did smirk and smile under the tight gag which was comfy as well. it was not going to get loose, Marissa gag me tightly for a reason to not speak.

i thought about Diana as i struggled the second time. i miss her but i know i will see her again soon she maybe their next target but it could be anybody.


i moaned under my gag as i struggle it felt so good maybe its for the best that i did get caught first. i struggled more and i doubt they can hear me struggling and they knew that i couldn't get out.

this is just the beginning and my fun hasn't even set course just yet. this will be very amazing and awsome at the same time. my soft torture will happened the day.

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