The Loop (?/FFF) *COMPLETE*

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The Loop (?/FFF) *COMPLETE*

Post by TomYi »



Miranda’s pleas hummed through her gag, bounced off the metal walls all around her, and echoed back into her ears. All that followed was silence. She threw her head back and groaned. She’d been screaming her head off for at least half an hour, and it was clear that no one was coming to her rescue.

The dirty-blonde damsel had had no better luck getting herself free either. She’d struggled like a maniac incessantly, but the ropes that held her prisoner were just as tightly tied off as they had been from the start.

That creepy dirtbag sure knew his knots.

At least, she thought it was a ‘him’. There was no good way to identify the guy. Every square inch of him was covered in dark, loose-fitting clothing, so maybe he was actually a ‘she’ for all Miranda knew. No matter the gender, that creep was nothing but trouble.

Behind a chain-link fence on the way to Starbucks is where she’d first seen him. Hours later, she saw him again, staring at her from across her campus’ parking lot. And later that night, as she was getting ready to leave the gym, he came for her.

Miranda had gone to the twenty-four-hour gym for a late-night workout. When she arrived, there were three other people there. When she hit the showers, there were two other people in the gym. She changed back into her cropped black tank top, her matching yoga pants, and some flats. And when she left the locker room, only he was there.

The lights were all out. He stood alone in the darkness. A motionless silhouette blocking the exit. He wore a hooded jacket, cargo pants, gloves, and combat boots – all of them as black as the cloudy night sky. But his most distinct feature was the gas mask. It concealed his face entirely. Even up close, Miranda could barely see his eyes through the reflective round lenses.

Miranda always liked to think of herself as a fighter, but this guy sure proved her wrong. It made her wish she had worked on muscle-gains rather than cardio. He pulled a coil of rope from his backpack and manhandled her effortlessly, pulling her hands behind her back and tying them up while she kicked and screamed.

He threw her to the floor, and tied up her ankles just like her wrists. At that point, Miranda’s adrenaline rush had morphed into a panicked terror. A lump formed with her throat and she resorted to begging. She asked what he wanted, offered to give him all her money, and pleaded not to be harmed.

He never said a word. She couldn’t even hear his breath.

He tied more ropes around her legs before binding her elbows close together. Then he flipped her over, and stuffed a rag into her blathering mouth. From there, he pulled out a grey scarf and wrapped it twice between her teeth before tying it off behind her head.

Miranda fought back tears as he picked her bound body up off the floor and flung her over his shoulder. She wanted to be strong, but she dreaded the thought of where he might take her, or what he might do.

As it turned out, he just wanted to take her back to the locker room. More specifically, he wanted to stuff her in a locker. This confused Miranda to no end. What was this guy’s deal? What did he even want?! She locked eyes with him, hoping that he would say something, anything.

He said nothing. He just looked back for a few seconds and locked the door.

That was the last she’d seen of him. He’d just left her there, all tied up, gagged, and locked up. And that’s where she was at now. No progress had been made on her ropes or her gag, and she was downright exhausted from all the struggling.

“Hnnm,” she moaned pitifully as she sank as low as she could in the cramped locker.

Sweat dripped down her face and soaked into the cleave gag. She had no idea how much time had gone by, but her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. In such a tight space, it should have been impossible to fall asleep; but as time dragged on, sleep became the only thing Miranda could think about.

Her submission to the Sandman was gradual, but it happened nonetheless. She rested her eyes, then her body, and finally her mind…



The sudden noise jolted Miranda out of her deep sleep. Her eyes shot open, and were met by bright morning sunlight.

“Mn… What…”

She rubbed her eyes, and found that her hands weren’t tied anymore. She wasn’t even in the gym! This was Nadine and Heather’s place. She was back on the very same couch where she had crashed the night before. But, that was…

Miranda grabbed her phone and activated it. 7:49 AM on Saturday the 19th, but that couldn’t be right. Yesterday was Saturday!

Did… she dream an entire day?

She heard a voice moan on the other side of the living room window. “Oh, man. This isn’t my place!”

Miranda pushed herself off the couch and peered out the window. “…WHAT THE HELL?!”

As it turned out, that crash she had heard was the sound of a rusted Ford pickup colliding with Miranda’s 2009 Chevrolet Impala. The damage wasn’t severe by any means, but her rear bumper had seen better days. Her initial reaction was anger. How could anyone be that stupid? Hitting a parked vehicle on the curb was one thing, but she had parked in the driveway!

And then, her rage subsided. It subsided fast, and what replaced it was a profound confusion.

She’d seen this before.

This was just like what happened in that creepy dream, that dream that seemed like an entire day. Miranda could remember the details with surprising clarity. It had started off just like this, with a drunken sleaze bag crashing his truck into her parked car.

A drunken sleaze bag stumbled out of the truck.

Miranda gasped and forgot to breathe for a moment. She had seen this guy before…

The other night – Friday night – Miranda had taken her younger cousin, Heather, to a frat party. It was 110% Heather’s idea. She wanted to cut loose after her last exam, get the full university experience, and maybe meet a cute guy in the process. Miranda knew from experience that it wouldn’t be all it was cut out to be, but her freshman cousin was so excited about it. Saying ‘no’ to her would have felt like telling a four-year-old that Santa Claus doesn’t exist; and so, off they went.

Miranda knew that she wasn’t going to have a good time, but at least she could protect her little redhead cousin. As it turned out, Heather really did need some protection. Late into the night, some clown cranked up the stereo and tried to start a rave. A certain d-bag in a flannel shirt responded by immediately grinding against Heather’s leg and spilling half his drink.

Heather tried to pull away but this guy was persistent; so much so that Miranda actually had to rip him off of her, knocking him on his butt and spilling the other half of his drink in the process. He had responded by stumbling back on his feet and flirting with Miranda as though the last thirty seconds had never happened.

His name was Michael, and he smelled like rum. That was about all Miranda gathered from his slurred attempt at flirting before Heather tugged on her arm and said it was time to leave. Miranda couldn’t have agreed more, and that was the last they saw of Rummy Mike that night.

But it wasn’t the last time she’d ever seen him. He’d been in Miranda’s dream, swaying in a drunken stupor just like he was now. The dream had started pretty much identically to Miranda’s morning thus far. Rummy Mike had crashed into her car, she had run outside to scream at him, and he’d actually had the audacity to respond with a pun!

The repulsive memories of Michael got Miranda riled up and ready to rip him to shreds. She stormed out the front door and headed straight for him. Michael saw her coming and immediately recognized her. A smile formed on his stupid face and he called out to her.

“Oh, hi! Fancy running into you here!”

Miranda stopped dead in her tracks. She felt her eyelid twitch. That was precisely what he had said before, in her weird dream! He stood there, swaying around with a broad smile and waiting for a response.

At last, Miranda spoke up. “Wh-what’s going on here?”

“Oh, real sorry,” Michael said. “I thought this was my place. The houses all look the same in this neighborhood, y’know? Anyways, the breaks didn’t work when I hit them, and… is this your car?”

Miranda’s heart had gone into overdrive by the time Michael shut up. He was repeating his lines from her dream in word-for-word verbatim!

The last time this happened, Miranda had called him out for driving drunk and argued with him for ten heated minutes. It had ended with him driving away and Miranda taking a bad picture of his license plate. Miranda wasn’t interested in going through all that again, so she opted to just ask for his information.

It was at this point that Miranda realized that she had no idea what kind of information the insurance guys would want. In the end, she took a deep breath and said: “Can I just get your full name and your phone number?”

He made an obnoxious chuckle and asked, “You want my number?”

“Sure,” Miranda growled. “Email address too, please.”

He gave her what she wanted on a small yellow paper. Miranda clutched it in her shuddering fist and walked back to the house. What just happened was beyond any déjà vu she’d ever experienced before. That had been surreal…

Miranda stepped into the porch and was delighted to find something unfamiliar. In her dream, Heather had been nervously waiting for her in the porch with a barrage of questions about her poor Impala. This time around, however, there was no timid redhead waiting in the porch. Instead, she was lying in bed, frowning and cuddling a small dinosaur.

That ‘dinosaur’ was actually her pet tegu. Heather had spent a full month scouring the city for a rental space that would allow her to bring her precious Argentine tegu along with her. The smelly thing’s name was Goiter, and he was practically half as big as his owner.

“H-hey,” Miranda said.

“Hi,” Heather moaned. She looked miserable.

“You doing alright? If it’s about that party--"

“No,” Heather interrupted. “I… had a bad dream.”

Miranda laughed under her breath. “Yeah, me too.”

“Thanks for pulling that jerk off of me the other night.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“Are you gonna run some errands now?”

Heather’s soft voice sounded so disconnected. Miranda did in fact need to run some errands, including a call to the DMV, but how had Heather even known that? Miranda had never mentioned any errands to her before. Just in that dream…

“Y-yeah,” Miranda said.

Heather bit her lip and tightened her hug on the giant lizard. “Okay. Be safe.”

Something was wrong with her. That disturbed little girl was normally bubbly and joyous. Miranda wanted to comfort her, but she didn’t even know how to comfort herself at that point.

Miranda didn’t leave immediately, a voice from the kitchen caught her attention first.

“Where’d everything go? I just restocked!”

It was Heather’s roommate, Nadine. Miranda had never really met Nadine before Friday’s party, but Heather had always spoken highly of her. From all the stories she’d heard, Miranda had imagined Nadine as some sweet and geeky schoolgirl, just like Heather. Actually, Nadine really was all of those things. Miranda just hadn’t expected her to also be an olive-skinned Muslim girl with a great sense of fashion and makeup that was always on fleek.

Nadine was standing in front of the opened refrigerator, darting her eyes around the room as though she had no idea how she’d gotten there. As Miranda walked by to get her keys, Nadine spun on her and asked, “Hey, what day is it today?”

That sinking feeling came over Miranda once again. She spoke very slowly. “…Saturday.”

“You’re sure?”

“Um, yeah.”

Nadine sighed and shook her head in bewilderment. She whispered something under her breath about nothing making sense. Miranda could definitely relate. In fact, she wondered if Nadine was having the same bizarre experience as her. Miranda opened her mouth to ask, but Nadine had already left.

‘Relax,’ Miranda thought to herself. ‘That whole déjà vu thing was just with Michael. Nadine and Heather aren’t the same as before. It was just a messed-up dream!’

After finding out that there wasn’t much she could do about her car until Monday, Miranda forced herself to leave the house. Dream or no dream, she had stuff to do. She needed to get everything in her dorm room packed up and ready to move. It looked like Michael hadn’t managed to damage her trunk, so she could get her books and clothes loaded up, at least.

But that didn’t happen. When she got to her room, she could hear the sounds of her roommate messing around with some boy inside. The living space was crowded enough that Miranda couldn’t possibly do her business without making things awkward, so she put it off for later.

Just like she’d done in that dream.

On the way to her car, she got a calendar alert on her phone. Her free trial of Crave TV would automatically renew into a paid subscription tomorrow, and so the alarm she'd left on her phone was telling her to cancel it first.

Just like in the dream.

At that point, Miranda started to hyperventilate. She scrambled into her car and immediately locked the doors. What the hell was going on?! She darted her eyes all around the parking lot, terrified that she might see him again.

Where was he? Where was the guy with the gas mask?

This is where she’d seen him before in the dream, and she couldn’t shake the thought that she might see him now as well. Was that dream really some kind of vision? Had she seen the future?

Miranda saw many people, but none of them were wearing a gas mask. That didn’t make her feel any better, and she decided that she would not be setting foot in the gym tonight. In fact, she wouldn’t go anywhere! She sent Heather a text letting her know that she was going back to her house to hunker down for the day. This whole thing was insane, but she needed to be somewhere safe.

At no point on the drive back did Miranda coast below the speed limit. She still stopped for red lights, but at every stop, she would frantically scan the streets for that black-clad creep from her dream. She never saw him.

When she finally made it back, the first thing that she noticed was that the blinds had been pulled down on every single window. Maybe Heather was being just as cautious as her. Nadine’s car was gone, and Miranda skidded into the driveway as though she were in a car chase.

The door was unlocked. Apparently, Heather had gotten her text. Miranda stepped inside and found that even though it was still morning, the house was extremely dark. There was enough sunlight coming through the windows that Miranda could navigate down the hallway alright. However, by the time she got to the windowless kitchen, there was barely any light at all. Miranda ran her hand over the wall until she found the light switch and flicked it on.


It sounded like a garbled attempt to say her name. Miranda spun around, and her jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

Heather was lying face-down on the countertop. She was wearing a striped t-shirt, denim shorts, and a whole lot of red rope.

Her hands were crossed in an X behind her back and securely tied up. Whoever had done this had also tied the rope around the small of her back. She had ropes running around her chest, pinning her arms to her sides. Heather’s legs had been tied together as well, above and below her knees and again at her ankles. A rope connected her ankles to her wrists, and her wrists to her chest harness. The most glaring part of all was the big red ball that was strapped in her mouth. Miranda had never watched any bondage videos before, but she recognized the ball gag from the ones she'd seen in movies. She just never thought she’d see one in Heather’s mouth.

Miranda’s hogtied cousin squirmed pitifully on the counter and looked at her with round, terrified eyes. Miranda sprang into action and ran to Heather’s side. She asked if she was alright and started searching for a knot.

She never got the chance to untie anything, however. Before another word could leave her mouth, a dark gloved hand reached around her and pressed over her lips.
Last edited by TomYi 2 years ago, edited 27 times in total.
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Post by Nainur »

Lovely start featuring real cuties.
I myself would have prefered a shorter first chapter, i.e. this text splitted in two. However, contenst is the important thing...
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Post by Rtj65 »

Wow, this is a really interesting start! I don't really mind the length of it because the premise just has me completely hooked. I like the mystery surrounding what's going on here, it leaves me eager to find out how these girls have ended up in this predicament, so I can't wait for the continuation!

Also, this concept really reminds me of Russian Doll - if this story continues to live up to that (it definitely is so far, in my opinion), then it's going be fantastic!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by bondagefreak »

Holy smokes, this is good!
Very original premise, my friend.

Reminds me of a certain Star Trek The Next Generation episode ([mention]RopeBunny[/mention] I'm sure you'll catch the reference :lol:).

The imagery is quite ominous, but the fact that no breathing can be heard even though our gas-masked assailant is wearing a normally noisy Russian Army breathing apparatus points to something somewhat sinister. Perhaps there is a hint of supernatural involved?

I have no idea how the girls are supposed to break out of this causality loop.
But I sure as hell think they need to find a way to unmask their assailant.
Grasping straws here, but maybe his/her or IT'S identity is part of the puzzle.

In any case, I'm hooked!
Superb writing, just as we've come to expect from you.

Also kudos for the large font.
Definitely makes the reading easier and it's something I started adopting myself a few months ago.

Really looking forward to following this.
Looks like you have another hit on your hands, [mention]TomYi[/mention] 8-)
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Post by Caesar73 »

The first chapter is quite long - but I have to objections :) The Idea is ingenious and very well written!
The G-Man
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Post by The G-Man »

I like the whole Groundhog Day premise here, and I'm curious where you're going with this.

I do have to ask who are the girls in the pictures? The redhead reminds me of Sadie Sink, but the others I'm kinda clueless on.
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Post by TomYi »

Thank you, everyone, for the reviews! It's pleasing to see everyone get so excited over the premise!

Yeah, it's long, but if you like it then there's just more to like ;)

Special thanks to [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] for the awesome feedback, especially the theories. Comments like that might actually inspire future posts!

[mention]The G-Man[/mention], you'll find the answer to your question on this thread.
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Post by TomYi »


Miranda clawed at her attacker and tried to pull away, but he had an iron grip. She actually lifted herself of the floor as she kicked wildly around. Her foot connected with one of the wooden chairs at the kitchen table, and it spun around on one leg before stopping right in front of her.


She screamed into the palm of his hand and thrashed for all she was worth. He didn’t budge an inch. Whoever this guy was, he was terrifyingly strong. It was a scenario that Miranda was gravely familiar with.

The intruder took a step forward, and then another. He was walking Miranda towards the chair she’d kicked.

“Dnnt,” Heather cried. “Plhhf lht hhr ghh!”

A glob of drool fell from her ball gag as she begged for her cousin’s safety. She tried her best to plead with her captor, but she made virtually no efforts to break free. Either she didn’t see the point in trying, or she had tired herself out before Miranda arrived.

The attacker finally took his hand off of Miranda’s mouth and threw her onto the chair. It was then that Miranda finally got a good look at her assailant, and it was everything she had feared.

He was back! The creep with the gas mask was back, and it was exactly as she had dreamed before. He dressed entirely in loose black clothes, and he moved without a sound. He grabbed her arms and pulled them around the back of the chair.

“Let me go,” Miranda snarled. “Get your hands off me!”

He had nothing to say in response. He crossed Miranda’s wrists behind the chair, and she felt a rope coiling around them.

“HELP! HEEELL-- Pfrrmn!”

Just as before, a rag was stuffed in her screaming mouth. It filled the cavity entirely and muted her to great effect. He got back to work, and Miranda felt her wrists being cinched tightly together. She tried to spit the rag out more than once, but he always reached his arm around like a striking cobra and shoved it back in. He just always seemed to know when she was about to get the stuffing out.

He ran a rope around her chest and pulled it tight. Again, and again, he wound the white ropes above and below Miranda’s breasts. With every orbit, he would pull the ropes tight, and Miranda’s body would be pinned more firmly to the chair.


Miranda pulled uselessly at her wrists and tried once more to spit the cloth out of her mouth. Just as before, that freak stuffed it right back in. Miranda half expected him to continue with the rope, but he didn’t. Instead, she heard a ripping sound.


He reached around her and plastered a strip of silver tape over her mouth. Miranda flexed her jaw, and was amazed by just how well the tape kept her lips together. The masked kidnapper stepped in front of his chair-tied captive and looked her in the eye as he applied two more strips of tape over the first one. Miranda wasn’t about to spit the rag out anytime soon.

He stood up and reached into his backpack and pulled out some more coils of white rope. He laid them all out on Miranda’s lap, almost as though he wanted her to know that it was far from over.

Miranda wanted to cry, but she wouldn’t allow it. She couldn’t show weakness like she had at the gym. Not with her little cousin watching. It was only then that Miranda thought to kick that scum. She brought her knees up to her face and shot her feet into his stomach like a kangaroo.

He wasn’t even fazed. It was like kicking a brick wall. Miranda was actually sent toppling backwards in the chair. She let out a muffled scream, completely unable to break her fall. Fortunately, the masked intruder caught her before she hit the floor.

He set the chair upright and got back to work. He pressed Miranda’s legs together and tied them up at her ankles and thighs. He then wrapped rope around the seat of the chair, pinning her legs down. The final rope went between her ankles and ran up to some point on the chair’s back. He pulled it tight, lifting her feet off the floor.

Miranda had been hurling muffled threats at her kidnapper as he tied her up, but she gave up partway through. It was clear that this silent scoundrel wasn’t going to respond to anything Miranda did and she hated how she sounded with a gag in her mouth.

Instead, she just glared at him. It was really all she could do at this point. She had no idea who this guy was or what he had planned for her, but she needed to stay strong.

All the worst possible scenarios played out in Miranda’s head, but none of them came to fruition. As a matter of fact, the masked man didn’t do anything with his two prisoners. He simply shut off the lights and left the room.

Miranda never heard him leave or saw where he went, but now seemed as good a time as any to test her bonds. She pulled at her ropes and wiggled in the chair, but it had no effect. The ropes held her down tight, and she couldn’t feel any knots. Her feet couldn’t touch the floor, so she had little hope of even moving the chair.

It was like the gym all over again. She couldn’t get out. She could barely move!

Miranda was persistent in her escape attempt, but she never got any closer to freedom. She just kept struggling and struggling until a noise jolted her attention away. Someone had opened the door!

“Hello? Are you here, Miranda?”

Miranda immediately recognized Nadine’s voice, and bellowed into her tape gag. She wasn’t sure whether she should cry for help or warn Nadine to run, but she knew she had to make noise. Heather’s cries soon joined in the racket.


“Heather? Is that you?”

Nadine entered the kitchen and turned the lights on. She was wearing sneakers, slim jeans, and a light-colored jacket over a burgundy shirt, which actually went really well with her rose-colored head covering.

She had been carrying grocery bags in each hand, but they all hit the floor once Nadine laid eyes on her bound and gagged colleagues. She stared, dumbfounded.


Miranda and Heather both twisted around as much as the ropes would allow, and made all the noise they could. Nadine clearly heard them, but she didn’t hear the masked man sneaking up behind her.

He grabbed her, just as he had grabbed Miranda. And just like with Miranda, Nadine’s struggles didn’t affect him at all. This was disheartening, because Nadine fought like a woman possessed. She scratched at him, stomped on his feet, bit him, but nothing seemed to work.

She screamed like a demon too. “NO! NO! Not you again! What do you want from me?!”

‘Not you again?’ Nadine had met this freak before too?

“If you rip my hijab off, I swear to God-- AHH!”

Nadine was thrown onto the floor. She tried to scramble back up, but her attacker was on her in seconds. He used his legs to pin her arms to her sides as he straddled her. He reached into his backpack as Nadine writhed and kicked beneath him.

From the backpack came a black leather item that Miranda didn’t know what to make of. It had a red ball just like Heather’s gag, but the ball had a square leather panel over it with straps dangling from every corner. It was kind of a mess, really.

“What do you think you’re doing,” Nadine cried. “STOP! NNRMPH!”

The red ball was forced between her teeth, and the gag was strapped tight behind her head. That wasn’t the end of it though. The straps at the corners of the leather panel were pulled over Nadine’s head a latched tight. They joined together at an intersection between her eyes. The other straps at the panel’s bottom ran under her chin, intersecting there before connecting behind her head.

It looked like Nadine had gotten her wish. That hijab wasn’t coming off any time soon.

“Hrgm mmnn!” Nadine’s muffled voice joined in with Miranda’s and Heather’s. This newest gag of hers might have been the most effective yet.

The guy with the gas mask readied a black coil of rope and grabbed Nadine’s arms. He crossed her wrists behind her back and bound them tight, with a considerable length of rope left over. He sat Nadine up on the floor, and pulled that extra rope around her chest. It wound above and below her breasts, and then between her arms and body. It looked a lot like what he’d done to Heather earlier, and it was every bit as effective.

“Mmph!” Nadine looked up at Miranda with wide, panicking eyes as though she desperately wanted the chair tied girl to tell her why this was happening. Even if Miranda had had a hot clue, she couldn’t have shared it with anyone.

The home invader grabbed Nadine’s legs next. He twisted her legs so that she was sitting crossed-legged and tied up her feet with one more black rope. Just like with her wrists, there was a lot of rope left over. This time, he pulled the rope behind Nadine’s neck and brought it back down to her ankles. The bound Muslim girl was powerless to resist as he pulled her body down towards her ankles and tied it off.

He stood up, and Miranda realized that he was finished. A fresh wave of fear swept over her. She had no idea what this scum planned to do with his three prisoners, but she knew that she’d be helpless to resist it, and that terrified her.

She tried for the millionth time to struggle out of the white ropes, and her squirming seemed to catch his attention. Miranda met his gaze and froze, her nostrils flaring with every shaky breath. She looked defiantly up at the gas mask, and she knew that something was staring back at her from behind those dark lenses. She just didn’t know what.

It was the kidnapper who looked away first. He moved over to the exit and flipped the light switch off. Miranda’s eyes were not adjusted to the darkness, so she never saw him leave. She only heard his footsteps and the sound of a closing door.

She was so perplexed. Nadine and Heather must have been in the same boat as well because they all forgot to struggle for a moment. It was Nadine that got over her confusion first and resumed her struggles. Miranda could hear her twisting around on the floor and grunting into her panel gag.

As her eyes became more adjusted to the darkness, Miranda got a clear image of Nadine. Sadly, neither one of them seemed to be making any progress. Miranda tried again to get out of her ropes, but it was truly beginning to feel like an impossible goal. Heather must have reached that conclusion already, because she didn’t even try. She just laid there on the countertop with her feet in the air, watching her friends struggle until sweat dripped from their faces.

She did try calling for help. They all did, but no one could hear them. Their gags made them all sound ridiculous, and Heather was visibly humiliated. She buried her ball-gagged face in the countertop and Miranda assumed that she was crying or something.

There was no clock in the room. No way to tell how long they had been tied up. Miranda could only guess that it had been a long time, based on the soreness in her muscles. She quit struggling, and eventually, Nadine gave up too.

Miranda turned to Heather, and noticed that she wasn’t moving or responding to their muffled cries. After a few tries to get her attention Miranda realized that the redhead was asleep.

The very idea of dozing off at a time like this seemed so ridiculous, but Miranda could sympathize. It felt as though they’d been tied up for ages, and she was exhausted to her core. Even Nadine looked as though she was slipping out of consciousness. With how sore her back must have been, sleep should have been impossible, and yet Nadine’s eyes were slowly falling shut.

Miranda wanted to keep going, but there was no point. No hope of escape. She was just so tired…

Her blinks grew longer and her eyelids got heavier. The fatigue almost seemed to envelope her. It was probably for the best. She could try again to break free once she was well rested…



Miranda’s eyes jolted open. Sunlight. A blanket. She was back on Nadine’s couch!

Miranda heard someone say, “Oh, man. This isn’t my place!”

She darted off of the couch and looked outside. Michael’s truck had just hit her car in the driveway.

“Wha… what?”

A lump formed in Miranda’s throat and she felt as though she couldn’t breathe. She frantically snatched up her phone and checked the date. 7:49 AM on Saturday the 19th.

“How,” Miranda gasped. “HOW?!”

Her mind was swarmed with questions, and she was terrified by what the answers might be. Miranda let out another gasp as her thoughts turned to someone else. “Heather!”

She ran for Heather’s room, forgetting all about her damaged Impala. She would get to the bottom of this, but first she needed to know that her cousin was okay.

When she saw Heather, she had already gotten out of bed. She was tightly clutching her phone as she ran for the bathroom. Miranda saw tears in the young redhead’s eyes and reached up to comfort her, but Heather had already slammed the door. Seconds later, Miranda heard her cry out.

“Siri, call Mom!”

Poor girl. Miranda just stood outside the bathroom, trying to think of what she could do, but never coming up with anything. After a moment, her stupor was broken by Nadine.

The olive-skinned girl walked slowly into the room, dressed in pajamas and a hastily wrapped headscarf. She moved as though she were completely lost, and by her expression, she was deeply disturbed. She glanced at the locked bathroom before turning her eyes to Miranda.

Nadine drew a deep breath, and asked the first of many questions.

“What’s the last thing you remember?”


 ! Message from: TomYi
And there, you have it. Time loop story!

I had planned this for the future (I even made a banner and everything) but I’m starting it now, just for those days where I want to write something other than Alpha Domme.

The thing is: I don’t have any structured story arc planned out for The Loop (but I definitely could come up with something if I put my mind to it). Also, there’s a dozen other things I should be working on, and this is a story that really could (in theory) go on forever. So, I’m thinking I’ll just leave the story here for now, and only add to it if there’s enough demand for more chapters. Who knows? Maybe this will be a huge success, and I’ll even make the above pic my full-time banner!

So, if you like the story, share your mind! The Loop kind of depends on it! Is there anything you’d like to see more (or less) of? Any requests or suggestions for future chapters? Let’s hear it!

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Post by Nainur »

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
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Post by Nainur »

Nainur wrote: 3 years ago Lot's to comment:

1. Superb struggling/catching discription. Like that a lot!
2. Like that red head (all-in-all: very cute 'casting') :D
3. I gladly would wait for a follow-up someday - I counsel to wait for the 'blib' for a new scene - it won't be boring, I am sure!
4. No hurry, man, no hurry! :)
5. Kudos!
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Post by Caesar73 »

First things first :) I like the general idea very much. The Concepts allows for a lot of opportunities. Also full points for the characters: The Damsels in Distress and the mysterious Villain. The tone of the story is - as I read it - more on the comedy side of the Spectrum. High marks for that too :) Maybe you could throw in a bit to Tickle Torture? :)
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Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Maybe you could throw in a bit to Tickle Torture? :)
Seconded! :D :D :D
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Post by RopeBunny »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I got the Trek reference :D thanks for the tag.

Nice twist, leans in the direction (not everyday stuff, something other) of most of what I prefer to write.
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Post by Rtj65 »

So I just got around to reading the second part of this and it's still great! Really starting to see more of the three girls' personalities, and maybe now we'll start to see them working together to figure out what's going on.

Either way, superbly written and I would gladly read more of this!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Red86 »

Groundhogs day with a bondage twist!!

You once again hooked me with another awesome story. I hope this isn't the end of the tail :D
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Post by TayDay95 »

This is incredible stuff, the premise is awesome, I love films like Groundhog Day and Edge of Tomorrow so this really appeals to me.

Please continue this story, I’m dying to see where this goes, the villain is intriguing as hell and the girls seem like great protagonists so far.
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Post by TomYi »

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Thank you [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]Rtj65[/mention], [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]The G-Man[/mention], [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], and [mention]TayDay95[/mention] for all your feedback. You’ll be pleased to know that The Loop has received enough support to warrant another chapter! And now that I have some more time to write, we can drop in once more and see how the girls are doing!

Groundhog Day,” Miranda exclaimed. “You're telling me that we’re living in a real life Groundhog Day!?”

Heather shrugged and said, “I’d say it’s more like Happy Death Day.”

“I was actually thinking of that Supernatural episode where Dean kept on getting killed,” Nadine said.

Miranda raised her hands. “How about we just compare it to the one where the guy doesn’t get killed over and over?”

Heather agreed. Nadine did as well, not bothering to point out that Bill Murray died tons of times in Groundhog Day. Some time had passed since they’d woken up. Nadine had put on a pot of coffee and Heather had cried herself into a state of relative calm. At least, as calm as could be expected in these circumstances. Now they were all seated at the kitchen table. Everyone but Miranda, who understandably felt that she had spent enough time sitting on a wooden chair. Instead, she paced back and forth in front of the table, sipping on her third coffee mug and counting.

It was Heather who finally said what they were all thinking. “So what are we supposed to do?”

“Hell if I know,” Miranda groaned, also speaking everyone’s mind. “We’re talking ‘time loops’ here! If this insane scenario is really happening, then it’s either happening because of something that I don’t understand, or because of something I couldn’t possibly fix!”

“Well we have to try,” Nadine countered. “And I say that we start with Gassy.”

“Gassy” the others asked quizzically.

“The guy with the gas mask” Nadine said. “Did you have a better name for him?”

Heather and Miranda both looked at each other and shrugged. They apparently did not have a better name in mind.

“Alright,” Miranda said. “So, what about Gassy?”

“Well, I don’t know about you, but every time there’s been a time loop, it was when I fell asleep after he tied me up. Maybe we should try falling asleep without him and see what happens?”

“You’re saying we should all take a nap,” Heather asked. She looked down at her coffee, instantly regretting the fact that she’d drank so much.

“Screw that,” Miranda said. “I say we call the cops.”

“That’s just what I was thinking,” Nadine exclaimed. “We call 9-1-1 and get them to protect us overnight. We’ll ride out Groundhog Day in police custody and let them deal with Gassy.”

“You’re saying we get them to keep us guarded,” Heather asked. “What are we supposed to tell them?”

“The truth,” Nadine replied. “We tell them that some guy in a gas mask is stalking us and getting ready to kidnap us.”

“But we don’t have any proof,” Heather said. “Every trace of that guy got erased when we went back in time.”

“Then we just make something up,” Miranda cried. She leaned over the table and continued. “We tell them that we’ve seen him following us around and making threats. The cops will watch over us if they think we’re in danger.”

The girls all looked at each other, silently agreeing that this was the best thing to do. Heather and Nadine both nodded at Miranda’s idea, and the dirty blonde student finally seated herself at the table.

“Alright,” Miranda said. “Now, let’s get our story together…”

It was Heather who dialed 9-1-1. The girls said that she had the most ‘damsely’ voice, and she did sell the story really well. She claimed that some creep with a gas mask had been following them around town, running a finger across his throat while staring at them, pointing at them while brandishing a roll of duct tape, stuff like that. It was more than enough to get an officer sent to Nadine’s house, and when said officer saw just how scared the girls were, he realized that this was no prank.

They spent the rest of the day at the police station, fidgeting in an empty room while watching the clock dial closer and closer to midnight. They did a great job corroborating each other’s account of the guy. After all, their story was mostly true. It just technically hadn’t happened yet. They were asked if they wanted to spend the night at the station, and they all jumped at the offer. They were even allowed to all sleep in the same room.

Nadine was the first one to wake up the next morning. She was still at the police station. She looked around at the barren, unfamiliar walls, and just about cried with joy. She was so excited that her giggles woke Heather up. Her redhead roommate shot her gaze around the room before looking up at Nadine with these big, hopeful eyes.

Nadine smiled and sniffled. “It ain’t Groundhog Day anymore!”

Heather sqeed and hugged Nadine tight. Miranda woke up seconds later with the wildest bed hair Nadine had ever seen.

They answered every question the investigators had, and filled out every form they were given. They all felt much better about leaving the station now that they’d beaten the daily cycle. The three of them walked out of the station on Sunday afternoon, eager to face the future.

Miranda went her own separate way, saying that she had to move out of her dorm room or something. Heather went and bought a little Taser, and Nadine signed up for a self-defense course. Their next class was on Friday, and Nadine filled the time by searching through ads and writing up résumés. Exam week had been pretty hectic, but now she had lots of time to look for a job between terms.

On Monday, she applied to a barista position at a café only a few blocks away from her place.

On Tuesday, she heard an announcement on the radio asking if anyone had seen a suspicious person wearing black clothes and a gas mask. She turned the radio off.

On Wednesday, she went to a job interview at the café. She tried wearing a new brand of highlighter for the interview and thought the result was pretty good.

On Thursday, she and Heather started a new anime together. They really liked the first five episodes, and Nadine felt relaxed for the first time all week. She genuinely believed that all that crazy time stuff was behind her.

And on Friday, he came for her.

It was after dark. Nadine’s self-defense class had been a fun meet-and-greet/primer, but they didn’t teach her very much on day one. She ignored a phone call on the way home, and only after she’d pulled into her garage and exited the vehicle did she check her voicemail.

She recognized Heather’s voice, and it sounded terrified. “HE'S HERE!!!”

Nadine’s heart sank and she started to hyperventilate. She heard something. Footsteps! She spun around and saw him. Gassy was coming from the house. The moonlight glared off of the lenses on his mask as he sprinted at her, his boots making heavy thuds against the ground with each step.

No time to dial 9-1-1. Nadine spun around and went for the door on her car. Maybe she could drive away.

Not fast enough. He tackled her down and they hit the cold floor with a rough landing. Nadine’s adrenaline suppressed most of the pain and she reached around, desperately searching for a weapon. The garage was more of a garden shed than anything else. It was filled with the landlord’s tools, and if Nadine could grab a hammer or something, she might have a chance.

She didn’t get that chance. As she searched through the darkness for a weapon, Gassy’s hands came down and slid a loop of rope over her wrist.

“NO,” Nadine cried as her arm was pulled behind her back. She fought for all she was worth, but soon, her hands were being securely tied up. “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!”

He didn’t answer. He never answered anything.


A ball gag. Dammit! She detested being gagged, but there was nothing she could do as he forced the rubber ball behind her teeth and strapped it in tight.

Once the gag was in place, he took his hands and weight off of her. Nadine took the opportunity to roll over and kick her assailant. It didn’t go well. Gassy caught her foot right out of the air and stared down at her as he uncoiled another rope.

“NNNH!” Nadine fought hard. She always fought hard, but it was never enough against this freak. He tied a loop around Nadine’s ankle and began wrapping it around her thigh, forcing her leg to fold in on itself. He got it pretty damn tight, and Nadine’s other leg was soon tied up the same way.

Nadine flinched as he reached for her. She couldn’t stop him from grabbing her, and she braced for what was to come.

It wasn’t as bad as she’d feared. Gassy just pulled her up off the floor and on her knees. He reached into his backpack and drew some more rope. He then moved behind her and connected the rope to her wrists.

Nadine thrashed around lots, but she couldn’t stop him from tying up her arms in this tight chest harness. All her struggles amounted to was these humiliating, garbled protests. She couldn’t use her hands much before. Now, they were damn near useless!

Once more, Gassy reached into his bag. Apparently, Nadine’s helplessness and gag weren’t degrading enough already. Nadine’s eyes had adjusted enough to the darkness that she recognized the latest item in Gassy’s arsenal: a collar.

Nadine bit into her gag and shook her head frantically. “NNH! DHN’T YHH DHRR!”

Gassy didn’t yield. He easily overcame Nadine’s struggles, strapping the collar snug around her neck and over her hijab. It had a chain leash, which he looped around an arm on the rim of Nadine’s front driver’s-side wheel. He used a padlock to lock the chain in place, leaving Nadine tied to her car like a dog!

Nadine looked up at him and scowled. She'd just bought an awesome pair of white jeans, and now they'd been ruined by the filthy garage floor. Gassy didn't seem to care at all. His work was done. He lowered the overhead door, and casually walked away, leaving Nadine to struggle alone in the shed.

Nadine had never been able to struggle out of Gassy’s ropework before, so she instead devoted her energy to finding something sharp to cut her ropes. Her legs were tied, but she was still able to slowly shuffle her way across the floor. Unfortunately, her leash didn’t offer much reach at all. Nadine couldn’t grab anything, which was infuriating because she could see all the necessary tools just a few feet away!

An old pair of hedge trimmers leaned against the wall. A sharp garden trowel hung on a hook above them. There was a hacksaw laying on the workbench.

And Nadine could reach none of them!

She got close enough to the hedge trimmers that she tried scraping off her shoe and grabbing them with her toes. Her feet could reach farther than her hands, but still not far enough. Nadine eventually gave up and laid there on the floor. At least the leash was long enough to let her do that.

The concrete floor should have felt cold and hard, but it actually kind of felt nice on her back. Her uncle used to take naps on the floor, and she always thought it was so weird until right now. She could feel herself slipping away, getting drowsier and drowsier.

It came over her like a spell. In some strange way, she couldn’t stay awake any more than she could fight off Gassy. Nadine tried her best to stay awake, but she knew that it was only a matter of time…



Nadine shot out of bed. Her bed. Not the garage floor or the police station.

“Oh no…”

She ran through the house and looked out the window. There was that guy from last Saturday! The one who had crashed into Miranda’s car! Nadine saw Miranda stomp across the driveway toward him.

He smiled at the sight of her. “Oh, hi! Fancy running int-- OOF!”

Miranda drove her foot between his legs. The force of her kick actually lifted him off the ground, and he crumpled like a lifeless dummy in Nadine’s driveway. Miranda left him there, clutching his balls as she stormed back towards the house.

Nadine rushed to the porch to meet Miranda, who looked absolutely livid as she slammed the door shut and looked at Nadine.

“Put on another pot of coffee,” Miranda said. “It’s still Groundhog Day.”
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Post by Nainur »

this is really precious!
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Post by Red86 »

Ah, the poor girls thought they broke the cycle after a week passes, only to get sucked right back to the beginning. Slightly different from groundhogs day but still very intriguing!! Looking forward to more of this :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Red86 wrote: 3 years ago Ah, the poor girls thought they broke the cycle after a week passes, only to get sucked right back to the beginning. Slightly different from groundhogs day but still very intriguing!! Looking forward to more of this :)
Absolutely :)
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Post by TayDay95 »

Poor girls can’t catch a break! Please continue this is a quality tale, I’m so intrigued!
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Post by Sportsfan »

This is fantastic. And Miranda taking her anger out on the drunk is totally something that would happen in Happy Death Day, just saying ;) .
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Post by TomYi »

That morning was more intense than Heather would have cared for.

Nadine had put on a pot of coffee and everyone was seated at the kitchen table, just like last Saturday. Everyone looked so disappointed, and Heather could certainly understand why. She had gone almost a whole week without seeing Gassy. She’d been ready to believe that he was really gone, only for him to jump her while she was reading a book at home.

Heather had been all tied up with rope, gagged with a rag and a belt, and then left to fall asleep. When she woke up, she was right back where they’d started, and she immediately wanted to cry.

“I guess we had it all wrong,” Nadine said after a long sip of coffee. “It’s not a daily cycle like in all those movies.”

Miranda frowned. “Which means that Gassy has all the time he needs to stalk us. No matter what we do, he can just wait for the right moment to strike.”

Heather finished their thought. “And then we’re right back where we started.”

She immediately regretted saying that. They were all thinking it, but hearing it out loud just seemed to hit the girls like a gut punch. Heather wanted to apologize, but couldn’t find the right words. After all, it was true. Even when they weren’t physically restrained, they were still trapped.

Nadine broke the silence. “We’ve gotta bring him down ourselves.”

Heather’s face flushed. “Wh-What?”

Nadine looked solemnly between Miranda and Heather. “It’s the only way. Time resets whenever he comes for us, and we can’t run from him. So, the next logical step is to face him.”

“Face him how,” Heather asked.

The cold look in everyone’s eyes left Heather afraid of the answer. She hated everything about this. Being hunted was scary enough as it was, but the solution was almost as awful as the problem.

Nadine must have caught on to the fear in Heather’s voice, because she answered with a much more soothing tone. “All I’m saying is that he needs to be stopped. I’m not saying we kill him or anything.”

Miranda was silent, but after a few seconds, she nodded in agreement. “It won’t be easy,” she said. “That guy’s tough as nails.”

“Yeah,” Nadine said. “But he’s outnumbered.”

Nadine had more to say, but Heather didn’t really want to hear it. She was terrified of Gassy. ‘Tough as nails’ was an understatement, and her mind was swirling with all the possible scenarios where a confrontation could go horribly wrong. All of those scenarios began with Nadine finishing her thought, and so Heather jutted in.

“W-Wait,” she blurted. “There’s another option. We could hide!”

All eyes were on her. Heather’s outburst had successfully derailed the conversation. Now, she just needed to keep going.

“This guy clearly knows where me and Nadine live. What if we all just got out of here? All of us in different directions, and then we lay low for a bit? Even if he tracked down one of us, the other two would be safe for a while. Maybe he needs all three of us tied up on the same night in order to rewind?”

Heather was really hoping to hear some support from the others – especially Miranda – but she didn’t get any.

“I can’t exactly afford to go on the lam,” Miranda said. “Besides, that’s not the greatest plan. How long can any of us expect to hide? What if one of us gets tied up and left alone for days while he looks for the other two?”

“W-Well I--" Heather stammered as she scrambled for an answer.

It was Miranda’s turn to cut her off. “I’m sorry, Heather, but Nadine’s right. We’ve gotta fight!”

“And we’ll need all of us,” Nadine added.

“I…” Heather started. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

“It’s a time loop, Heather” Nadine said. “Even if we lose, we can always try again.”

“You don’t know that,” Heather cried. “This isn’t Groundhog Day! What if we get hurt and our injuries don’t reset? What if we do beat him but we…” Heather trailed off, not wanting to verbalize the possibility of becoming a murderer.

Nadine saw her roommate’s concern and opened her mouth to speak, but Miranda interjected again. “I’m with Nadine, but I won’t hold anything against you if you sit this one out, Heather.”

Nadine looked at Miranda as though she wanted to object, but a look from the dirty-blonde girl stopped her.

Heather cast her eyes downward, avoiding eye contact. “…I’m sorry,” was all she could say.

“Don’t be,” Miranda said. “You’re not a warrior, and we’re not gonna force you to be one.”

Heather wanted to cry, but she managed to hold the tears back as she hugged her cousin, and then her roommate. She couldn’t have asked for better friends. They even helped her pack up for her road trip, and he was ready to head out before 10. Heather gave Nadine and Miranda another hug, told them to be careful, and apologized for the umpteenth time before hitting the road.

It was cramped inside Heather’s Toyota Corolla. She had to move a fair bit of luggage around so that Goiter would have room. Heather had put her tegu into a 20-gallon Rubbermaid container that her dad had drilled full of holes. When Heather had first left home, she was terrified of how her baby might handle a long road trip, but Goiter turned out to be really chill. Still, she liked to give Goiter’s box lots of space to make sure air could get in.

Heather also liked to crank the heat for the little guy’s sake. She compensated by wearing a light camisole and shorts. The two of them were on the road for about two hours, listening to audio books at 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Heather honestly didn’t know where she was going. She wasn’t even sure this would work. She just wanted to put as much distance between herself and Gassy as possible.

As they flew down a desolate highway, the speakers started to crackle and the audiobook’s narrator started to break up. Heather reached over and looked at her phone. She’d driven pretty far out in the sticks, and maybe reception had gotten bad. It was at that moment that she remembered that she was using Audible, which didn’t rely on bandwidth like a podcast. Something else was messing with the audio.

“Oh, man,” Heather moaned. “Are my speakers broken?”

She put her phone away, sat back up, and screamed at the top of her lungs.

He was there, standing in the middle of the road! Gassy was right there!

Heather slammed the brakes and squeezed her eyes shut. Luggage clattered all around her as the vehicle skidded on the pavement.


Heather snapped forward in her seat before being caught by the air bag. She sat there dazed for a moment and stared at the windshield. She couldn’t see through the glass anymore. It had caved in, and was now obscured by a white web of cracks. From the sounds of it, her engine had stopped too.

“Oh-oh my God,” Heather whispered. “I hit him! I just ran over a human being!”

Heather felt her throat close up and her breaths grew shallow. What had she done? What should she do? Where had he come from? What would the police think? What would--

“Oh my God, GOITER!”

Heather clawed her seatbelt off and spun around. Goiter’s box was pressed against the back of her seat, and she couldn’t hear anything inside. Goiter was a pretty quiet animal on a normal day, but in that moment the quiet only filled Heather with dread.

“Are you okay?! Are you--"


“AAHH!” Heather shrieked as the driver’s side window shattered and a pair of gloved hands grabbed at her.

The frazzled redhead was pulled right out of her car and held down against its side. Heather looked up at her assailant, and found herself staring into a very familiar gas mask. Heather couldn’t see Gassy’s face, but she could tell from body language alone that he was ticked off.

“I--I'm sorry I hit you! I’m so sorr--MMPH!”

A sponge was forced between Heather’s teeth, and a strip of silver duct tape was plastered over her lips immediately after. The sponge and tape made for an effective gag, and Gassy was far from done with his tape roll. He flipped Heather around and yanked her hands behind her back. Her wrists were taped up tight, and then the tape was wrapped around her chest, above and below the breasts. The sticky tape hurt Heather’s skin, so she wasn’t happy at all when her captor taped up her bare legs in four different places.

“Mmph! Nmmn mmph!”

Heather pleaded into her gag as she was roughly hoisted up and slung over Gassy’s shoulder. He walked around the car with her, and Heather’s heart sank when she heard him pop the trunk!


The taped-up redhead shook her head frantically and cried pitifully. Heather was scared of tight spaces, and the thought of being left in the trunk made her stomach churn. Gassy didn’t seem to care at all. The car bounced a bit as he unceremoniously plopped his captive into the trunk of her own car.

Heather looked up at Gassy with big pleading eyes. Her tape gag muted her words down to nothing but squeaky whimpers, so she would have to rely on her eyes to do all the begging. Sadly, they were just as ineffective. Gassy slammed the door shut, sealing Heather in darkness.

She panicked. The cramped darkness was not her environment, and she wanted out. Heather struggled hard against her bonds. She’d never been taped up before, and she wondered if it might be easier to break out of than rope. Sadly, she soon found out that not only was duct tape really hard to escape from, but also that car trunks were lined with the roughest carpet known to man. Heather’s skin felt like it was about to scrap right off her flesh, and she eventually had to stop moving.

All those other times she’d been tied up, Heather had resisted falling asleep. She hadn’t wanted to, but it just sort of happened. This time, however, she wanted to sleep. She knew that it was the only way out of her latest nightmare.

She wondered how long she would have to wait. How long before Nadine and Miranda got tied up too? Maybe Gassy had already got them before he’d gone after Heather. One way or another, Heather now knew that the other two girls didn’t stand a chance. She’d just hit him with a car, and he wasn’t even staggered! Miranda and Nadine could arm themselves to the teeth, and it wouldn’t help them. They weren’t up against some creep in a costume. They were up against Jason Freaking Voorhees!



Heather stirred out of her sleep. She was covered by soft bedsheets, and her carpet burn was all gone. If she was feeling better, then…


The redhead scrambled out of bed and rushed to her baby’s habitat. Relief washed over her when she saw he was alive and well. She pulled her groggy lizard out of the glass box and smothered him with kisses.

She heard Miranda call her name. “Heather?”

Seconds later, her big cousin was knocking at the door. Heather put her pet down. It was Miranda’s turn for a hug, now. Heather let her inside and squeezed her tight.

“It didn’t work,” she cried. “Nothing works!”
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Post by Nainur »

wow, what a suspense! Great story continues.

But: what a bold resolve from the girls and so, so frustrating! I pity them, tbh.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Great Part :) Creepy - but great :)
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