Deja Vu (m+/mm)

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Deja Vu (m+/mm)

Post by cj2125 »

Dylan smiled as he ran down the field. Beads of sweat running down his forehead, the wind on his wet hair, his yellow t-shirt clinging to his chest; his blue shorts, a little bit small for his size, running up his legs and his soccer cleats kicking the grass below him. His eyes were set on the goal before him, he lifted his leg and took a swing, kicking the ball straight ahead. It missed the goalkeeper’s hands hitting the net behind him “Yeahhhh!” he beamed proudly as his teammates surrounded him, high fiving and patting his back. He grinned ecstatic, just realizing how much he had missed playing soccer. His summer had been fun so far (except for certain incident with Luke) but he barely touched a soccer ball so one can imagine his enthusiasm when one of his teammates told him that they were planning on having a friendly game to practice, before school started.

“Dylan, isn’t that your friend?” the boy turned around and his face fell down as he recognized the skinny black-haired kid sitting on the empty stands, wearing a black t-shirt and green sorts. Luke seemed to be making big efforts to stay focus on his phone, trying no to look at the group of boys ahead

“Yeah, that’s the kid that likes all your photos!” another boy pointed. Dylan didn’t want to talk with Luke, at least not yet; things had been far too weird between them lately and the more he put off talking to him the weirder they got. Perhaps he could ignore him and pretend he never saw him… suddenly Luke raised his head and locked eyes with Dylan, the boy sheepishly smiled and waved at him.

“Great!” Dylan thought, he really didn’t have a choice now; perhaps it was for the best, everyone had pointed that they needed to talk things through so perhaps it was the moment; Dylan stepped away from his group and walked across the dry grass, towards the metal stands

“Hi” Luke spoked first looking at the ground

“Hi” Dylan replied, his voice sounded colder than he expected

“Nice game” Luke waited for Dylan’s reply, none came “Ummm… do you have a second?” he finally asked glancing over Dylan’s shoulder at the boys behind.

“No” Dylan said dryly and quickly corrected himself “I’ve got to go, maybe another day!”

“Oh! Sure… see yah!” Dylan didn’t return the wave, he immediately turned around and dashed back to his teammates. He felt terrible! He knew what Luke had been trying to do but he just couldn’t do it! He just couldn’t get over the fact that Luke kissed him, that Luke, the boy he only eve saw as a friend had been harboring a crush on him! All those times he had hugged him, he had complimented Luke, he had let him tie him up!

But it had to be that way? To this point he had known it wasn’t that bad, first he told himself that the problem was what his girlfriend would say, when she turned out to be disturbingly okay with that, he told himself that it was Luke the one avoiding him; now that Luke had come looking for him what was the next reason?

“Am I really willing to throw away our friendship for something so stupid?”

“Did you said something?” Dylan realized he had already reached the parking lot where he had left his bike

“No… listen guys, I’ve forgot something, don’t wait for me! I’ll see you later!” he exclaimed and ran back to the field. It was now or never, he had to fix things up with Luke!

Luke wasn’t there. Dylan wasn’t surprised, there was no reason for Luke to stay behind after he shunned him! It seemed he had really thrown away that chance. “No!” he told himself “If Luke went all the way to find me here I need to at least put some more effort!” with that in mind, he headed on the opposite direction from the parking lot; he knew where Luke lived so he was sure he could catch him up if he hurried. That if Luke was heading home… one problem at the time.

Dylan walked by the empty spots where the portable toilets would be place during games and he remembered when he first met Luke. That would have been a horrible day if Luke hadn’t been there for him! And with that in mind he felt an even worse friend!

The park was mostly empty at that late hour, only your occasional passerby; finding Luke couldn’t be so hard yet Dylan didn’t see any sign of his friend. What he did unfortunately see was a small group of teens gather around a shack. It was a stone building covered in moss with a shabby wooden roof that the park crew would use to store their tools. He wouldn’t have paid any attention if not for the fact that he knew those guys

Kyle, Dean and Vincent. His least favorite people in the world! They didn’t see them a lot since they went to Luke’s school yet that didn’t make them any more pleasant. Not to mention the fact that they were the ones who locked him in the toilet when he met Luke and they had been tormenting Luke for the past five years. He really didn’t like those kids, worse of all, he had to walk in front of them to reach the exit. This would be fun.

As he approached them, he noticed some odd details, Vincent was laying against the metal rusty door of the shack and Kyle was holding a roll of gorilla tape in his hands. The whole scene seemed awfully familiar to Dylan.

“Keep walking” Kyle grunted when they noticed him approach “Nothing to see here!”

Now Dylan knew they were up to something! “Fuck off Takeda!” he grunted, the three turned their attention to him

“Oh, you are Mr. Perfect! Lucky’s boyfriend right?” Vincent and Dean chuckled, Dylan didn’t find it amusing at all

“I’m sorry, can’t take you seriously after seeing you wet yourself!” he knew that was a low blow but he just couldn’t help it, Kyle deserved every bad thing that was thrown at him! Kyle glared at him, Dylan knew what happened the last time they met was probably a touchy subject for him, so he made sure to rub salt in the wound “I mean, I though seeing you three morons cry like babies was embarrassing but Kyle here took the gold!"

“You wanna fight?” Kyle roared stepping up front and clenching his fists

“Nah, I don’t like fighting girls or babies” Dylan shrugged and stepped backwards, he really needed to find Luke as soon as possible! “Why don’t you three go back to making out or whatever the hell you are doing in this dark corner while I go to see my real girlfriend” he turned around ready to go when he felt a blow on his back. Instinctively he turned around only to see a fist followed by stars accompanied with a pain to his left temple. He might have underestimated his assailants.

Dylan considered himself pretty strong even though he didn’t like fighting. What he didn’t expected was to be attacked by the three at the same time. Apparently calling them cowards only got them angrier at him. Still, he would have ended with just a couple bruises if not for Vincent’s wonderful idea

“Let’s have him join his boyfriend!”

In his current stated Dylan didn’t made the connection of who his “boyfriend” might be, even though it might be obvious for the readers. At the moment he was more preoccupied by trying to cover his head from the blows and fighting the pair of hands that were trying to pull his arms behind his back. Alas it was a fight to loose and soon he found himself with his upper body encased in tape along with his ankles

“LET ME GO OR I’LL MMPHHHH!” the boys wrapped more tape around his mouth leaving him unable to speak, he really hated those kids!

“Any other witty comment?” Kyle asked patting way too hard Dylan’s cheeks, the kid could only glare at him, even though it wasn’t as effective as he would’ve like since his right eye was rapidly swelling “that’s what I thought” he punched Dylan’s stomach knocking the air out of him. Vincent opened the metal door and a pair of hands pushed him forwards making him hop towards the dark room, tripping with the entrance and landing face flat on the floor.

The good thing was that the floor was soft enough to cushion his fall, the bad news was that there was no actual floor, just a layer of mud that was now covering Dylan’s face. The bullies’ laughter echoed in the room as the door closed behind him, plunging him into darkness

“So much for finding Luke” Dylan thought while rolling on his side. He tried to assess his situation: He was bound and gagged, locked in some creepy shack; his face was covered in mud and the tape was quite snug, pulling at the hairs on his arms and legs; thankfully, apart from a few bruises, the only thing really injured what his ego. Letting out a soft grunt, Dylan lifted his head to inspect his surroundings: The room was small and dark but there were a few rays of light sneaking through the cracks on the walls that let him see the figure cowering in a corner

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Luke was sitting on the ground, covered in tape just like Dylan. The boy’s taped legs were up against his chest and his chin was resting on his knees, he seemed to be writhing his wrists, although Dylan couldn’t tell how much progress he had made. The two boys’ eyes met and with a silent node, they acknowledged each other’s presence but the room remained in silence. Dylan rolled on his side once more and closed his eyes quietly squirming against the tape.

Life could be funny sometimes; like right now: Finally, they were in the same room together, Dylan could finally talk with Luke and yet those stupid gags forced them to be quiet. Once more, Dylan remembered how they met, the eerily similar circumstances they had found themselves that time, even with the same stupid captors! He remembered how it was Luke who came up with a plan to escape, how much fun they had working together to get out and outsmarting those idiots.

“Mphh!” he huffed once more rolling on his belly, if two complete strangers could work together that time, they surely could do it now! With a new sense of determination, Dylan set his eyes on Luke. First step, get close to Luke.

The taped up boy started flexing his arms and wiggling his body, rocking sideways, shimming his shoulders and kicking the floor. Slowly he made his way towards Luke, ignoring the dirt scraping his chin and the fact that his shorts were slightly sagging down his hip. He was so close!

“Dnlhn?” Luke seemed to realize that too. The boy stopped his struggles and raised his chin, even lowering his legs a little bit as Dylan got closer. Finally, he reached the wall! With triumphant eyes, he rolled over and pressed his back against the stone wall, planting his feet on the ground and lifting his butt just enough to get into a sitting position

“Fhggmf!” he exclaimed, closed his eyes and leaned back letting out a long sigh. He never though he would say this but dragging yourself across the floor without using your hands is a really tiring exercise! Dylan remained still, eyes closed, chest inflating and bulging against the tape as he breathed in, trying to think how could they get out of that tape.

“Mmphh?” he opened his eyes and noticed Luke resting his chin on Dylan’s shoulder; the boy was looking up at him with a concerned expression, not the Dylan couldn’t blame him. That was probably the most frustrating part of all! There were so many things he wanted to tell him yet, being unable to talk, he had to conform with giving him a smile. A smile the Luke returned.

That’s when something odd happened. Both kids had thought of what they would say to the other, both kids had been losing their minds trying to figure out a way of turning things back to the way they were. Yet right now, no words were needed, no heartfelt speeches, no grandiose acts. Just the fact that he saw Luke smile made Dylan remember why they became friends in the first place. He remembered all those months ago when that same scrawny black-haired kid was shoved in the toilet where he was trapped. He remembered Luke’s smile even though at that time it was also covered with tape, how the boy risk his own safety to help him, a complete stranger. He liked Luke at that moment, it was he who decided that it would be nice being friends with Luke. It was funny who something so stupid as a kiss almost ruined everything between them.

“Hnn Hmdmh th gmt hht?” Dylan asked Luke for ideas to escape, the boy cocked his head and shrugged either for the lack of options or most likely because he had no clue of what Dylan said. “Grmht!” he grunted and leaned back against the stone wall. He really had no idea how long they would stay trapped there. He had stopped hearing Kyle and his friends’ voices long ago, he wouldn’t be surprised to find that they have left them locked there. Dylan turned sideways and noticed that Luke was lying against the wall once more, eyes closed as he seemed to be writhing his wrists, not that it might help, Dylan had been trying to break the tape since he started crawling and hadn’t been able to achieve it… and Luke pulled his free hands in front!

“Thm fhgg?” Dylan asked genuinely surprised, Luke turned him and picked a small object from the floor. A sharp, rusty nail! The skinny kid was beaming with pride! Dylan would had hugged him right there if his hands weren’t taped!

Luke kept working on the rest of the tape around his torso until his arms were free, next he cut the tape binding Dylan’s’ wrists and both start working together, ripping the tape from their and their friend’s bodies as fast as they could until finally, both removed the tape from their mouths at the same time

“Ouch!” both exclaimed rubbing their sore lips

“That freaking hurt!” Luke whined

“There goes my mustache!” Dylan added

“You don’t have a mustache!”

“Not anymore!” the two sat back and looked at each other, now that they could speak it seemed like a good time to finally have the long overdue talk and fix things up.

“Want to find a way to get back at those idiots?” Luke asked

“Sure” Dylan got up and extended his hand at Luke, the kid smiled and grabbed his hand, using it to stand up too “Wanna come to my house? You can use my shower and my laundry, I’ll call Max and Tom to come over, I’m sure they’ll want to help us with Kyle” that was enough to fix their friendship. Luke grinned and eagerly started brainstorming ways to make Kyle pay for his crimes!

Both boys exited the small shack, bruised, dirty, sweaty, covered in black mud and pieces of tape yet seemingly happy

“I missed you” Luke finally admitted, glad that the mud was covering the blush on his cheeks

“Missed you too” Dylan smiled and ruffled Luke’s hair only to realize it was also covered with mud “Ewww!”

Everything will be okay.
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Post by alkaid_ »

Nice to know Luke and Dylan fix his misunderstood.
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Post by harveygasson »

This was a really nice story. Happy to see them back as friends again...and can't wait for their revenge!
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Post by Chris12 »

Its nice to say the bad gang back again though Dylan would probably disagree.
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Post by Camguy2050 »

Nice story hope to beable to read how they get their revenge on Kyle
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