Doug's Dirty Trick (m/m)

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Doug's Dirty Trick (m/m)

Post by drawscore »

Doug's Dirty Trick

Doug was impressed with the feistiness of his young friend, Little Kevin. He was eleven years old, small for his age, and unwilling to take any crap from anybody, even if they were bigger and older. Doug liked this characteristic of his friend. And while he was loathe to admit it, Doug also liked getting tied up, and no matter where and when it happened, he often imagined that he had been captured by dangerous outlaws or kidnappers.

"You just be at my place at 6:00 o'clock." Doug said. "You're invited to spend the night.

"Cool!" Kevin replied. "And I need you to spend the night at my place tomorrow night." Kevin said. "Me and Mark and a couple of others are gonna need help with some scout stuff."

"Fine" Doug replied.

Kevin was happy. His mom said he could have a big sleepover, and he'd invited Mark, Little Jeff, Little Chris, two new kids, a boy they called Red Mike, who, like Red Jeff, had fiery red hair, and Billy, a diminutive 10-year-old, who rarely wore anything other than black cotton pants and a white T-shirt. The only problem, was that his mom had said that he had to have an older boy there, and even though Little Chris was 13, that didn't count, because Chris wasn't much bigger than the others, all 10 and 11. Ronnie had turned him down; he was having Charlie as an overnight guest that same night, and Allen was spending the night with his friend, Bill.

But now, Doug had accepted, and would probably bring along Scott. Two older boys ought to make his mother really happy.

"Remember, six o'clock." Kevin shouted.

Doug snapped out of his deep thoughts. "I'll be there." he said.

Doug raced home, and up to his room, and began searching through his drawers and closet. Finally, he found what he was looking for - a pair of toy handcuffs, and the key that went with them.

Then, it was back out the door, to try and find Scott, to invite him over for the sleepovers; first at his place, and the following night, at Kevin's. Doug found Scott at the playground, and he lost no time in extending the invitations. Scott lost even less time in accepting. "Come around 5:30 or 6:00." Doug said.

Promptly at 5:30, Scott showed up. Doug, freshly scrubbed, was wearing his dark blue sweat suit, and let his friend in. "Kevin'll be here soon." Doug said.

"Cool!" said Scott.

"Hey, Scott!" Doug continued. "You wanna practice getting loose?"

"Why not?" Scott replied. It'll give us something to do while we're waiting for Kevin.”

"Good!" said Doug. "I'll get some rope."

A few minutes later Doug had Scott tied and gagged. "That ought to take you at least ten minutes to get out of." Doug said, and Scott nodded.

"Oh, by the way, Scott, I have a new rule for my house." Doug went on. "If Kevin gets here, and finds us both tied and gagged, he gets to keep us prisoners all night unless he asks one or both of us to tie him up."

Doug sat on the floor next to he bed, and began tying his own ankles together. Scott gave him a puzzled look, and Doug could almost read his thoughts. "What in the hell is he doing?"

Scott could only watch as Doug tied a neckerchief over his own mouth, then snapped one cuff on his wrist, then put both hands behind him, and cuffed his other wrist. He had no sooner finished, when Kevin opened the front door, and hollered for him. Doug let out with a couple of loud "mmmppfff's," and Kevin bounded up the stairs to Doug's room, to find Scott tied, and Doug handcuffed.

"Looks like you two are all mine, all night." Kevin said with a big grin on his face. "I hope you like hog ties. It's been a week since I tied up a cub scout. Or a pajama Indian."

Doug grinned under his gag, in anticipation of the challenge that awaited him. Scott gave Doug a glare that would melt steel, and his eyes said "The first chance I get, I'm gonna have your ass on a plate." Then, he stopped and thought for a moment. "I think Doug's saying that if he's gonna get tied up, there's no one else he'd rather be tied up with, than me, so I guess this is some kind of honor. But I'm still gonna have his ass on a plate. Served up with mustard and ketchup on a hamburger bun."

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Post by Xtc »

Another blast from the past.

Why not post chronologically so that new readers can find out, for instance, why Charlie was living with Allen and Scott?
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Post by Killua »

I just remembered that there were still some stories from you that I wanted to read, so I looked through your posts to find the next one from where I left of... but I don't have any idea which is the right chronological order... :lol: So I just took one which was posted relatively early :lol:

It's a nice little story, I wonder if that big sleepover is also in one of your stories. I guess I'll start searching for the next story.
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My F/m Story:
Not as planned F/m
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Post by drawscore »

Someone else suggested this. and I responded with the stories in chronological order. It's up here somewhere.

I'd do it again, but for some reason, I can't attach the file. But there are around 60+.

But just for shits and grins, here's another:



The scout meeting was over, and Charlie was talking with his best friend, Ronnie, before joining his cousins, Scott and Allen, and their friend, Doug, for the short walk home. They were about to leave, when Charlie felt a slight tug on his shirt. He turned, and looked into the face of Little Kevin. "Hey, munchkin! Wha'd'ya want?" he asked.

Kevin ignored the insult, and asked "What'cha doin' Friday night, Charlie?"

Charlie gave the 11-year-old a blank look, and turned to Ronnie, Scott, Allen, and Doug. "Hey, we got anything goin' on Friday?" he asked.

"Doug's sleeping over." answered Scott. "But other than that, I can't think of anything. Saturday's pretty open, too."

Charlie turned back to Kevin, and said "You heard 'em. Friday's open, and so's Saturday. What'cha got in mind?"

"I need some help with my requirements for second class." Kevin answered. "I was wondering if you could come over and help me, and spend the night at my place."

"I guess I could do that." Charlie said.

"Cool!" said Doug. "I can sleep in your bed, instead of on the roll-away."

Arrangements were made, and permissions granted, and at the appointed hour, Charlie was on Little Kevin's doorstep, being greeted by Kevin's father. "Don't worry" Charlie said. "I'll get Kevin through second class tonight, and if I don't, he can come over to my house for a night, and we'll finish it up then."

"We'll be back late - around two or three." said Kevin's dad. "You boys behave yourselves."

No sweat, Dad." came Kevin's voice. He looked at Charlie, and said "C'mon, I'll show you my room."

The boys went to Kevin's bedroom, and the scout books were pulled out. For an hour or so, Charlie put Kevin through the second class drills, and was satisfied with his performance. "You done good, Kevin." Charlie complemented his young charge. "All you need now, is the second class hike, and we can do that in two weeks, when the troop hikes over to the Haunted Meadow campsite."

"Cool!" said Kevin. "Now that that's out of the way, you wanna play "Indian prisoner?"

"Obviously, this involves one of us getting tied up." Charlie observed. "How do you play?"

"Simple!" Kevin said. "I take one of the dice from the Monopoly game, and since you're my guest, you get to roll it. If it comes up one or four, then I'm the Indian, and you're the prisoner. If it comes up two or five, then you're the Indian, and I'm the prisoner. If it comes up three, then I'm both the Indian AND the prisoner. If it comes up six, then you are both the Indian and the prisoner."

Charlie took the spotted cube and rolled it against the wall. The top face was a four, which meant that Kevin was the Indian, and Charlie was the prisoner. Kevin grinned, and changed into the buckskins his cousins had given him. "Me be Little Beaver." he intoned. "You be white eyes captive. You put hands behind back."

Charlie went along, and Kevin tied his hands and feet with rope, and gagged him with a neckerchief. Charlie suddenly wondered if this was such a wise idea. He just remembered that Kevin was vastly improved in the art of tying up a captive ever since he came home from visiting his cousins in Wyoming, and his own escape skills were not anywhere near as sharp as those of Allen, Doug, and Scott. He also knew that if he couldn't escape Kevin's knots, he'd have to pay a penalty, and that while he was tied, Kevin could demand anything within reason, and he would have to comply.

Charlie started to struggle with his knots, and found them surprisingly loose. "Kevin must be distracted." he thought. "He knows the rules, and if I was Kevin, and had me tied up, I'd damn sure be conniving some way to get Allen, Scott, Doug, and Ronnie, and maybe Red Jeff and Big Chris, too."

Charlie pulled one hand loose, and swept the rope off his other wrist. He pulled down his gag, and untied his ankles, then went looking for Kevin. He found him in the kitchen, drinking a soda.

"What's wrong, Kevin?" Charlie asked.

"No fun or adventure." Kevin replied.

Charlie could have immediately nailed him with a penalty for being dressed as an Indian, but not talking like one, but let it pass. "I'll give you some adventure and fun." Charlie said. "We'll take a portal trip."

"When?" asked Kevin.

"As soon as I can get Scott, Allen, and Doug together, and I'm sure you'll want Mark, so we'll get Ronnie, too."

"Neat idea, Charlie." Kevin said, "But we need a way to make sure that nobody says anything that will screw it up. How we gonna do that?"

"Easy!" said Charlie. "Just before we get to the clearing, everybody ties a gag over their mouth."

Kevin's mood brightened a bit, and he said "C'mon, let's go back to the bedroom, and play some more Indian captive."

Sensing that Kevin was in a better mood, Charlie said "Fine with me, except that I get three penalties on you first."

"What for?" demanded Kevin.

First, because I got loose from your tie-up. That's one. Second, because you are dressed up like an Indian, but not talking like one. And the third one is for the mistakes you made on your second class exam."

"But you told me I didn't make any mistakes." Kevin protested.

"I lied!" Charlie grinned, "But you're still in buckskins, and still ain't talking like an Indian, so I get two for that."

Kevin was annoyed, but he had a solution. It just would take an hour or so to put it into play. First, he had to get through three ties at Charlie's hands, and Charlie, while having just minimal escape abilities, was pretty decent when it came to tying a captive.

Charlie was going to get his three penalties on Kevin, but he was also going to cut him a break. "He's just 11." Charlie thought, as he tied Kevin's hands together behind his back. "No sense making it too hard for him."

Charlie tied Kevin's feet, then knotted a neckerchief, and gagged his prisoner. "When you get out, come get me, and I'll do the second one. When we're done with the third, then I'll play your Indian captive game." Charlie left the bedroom, and went to the pantry, where he found a half- eaten bag of potato chips. "Mmm, munchies!" he said to himself, then got a bottle of soda from the fridge.

Several minutes later, Kevin appeared, still in his buckskins. "Me get-um loose." he said. "When you tie-um me again, me get-um loose again." The boys returned to the bedroom, and this time, Charlie made it a little harder, by tying Kevin's arms and legs, as well as his hands and feet. Satisfied that Kevin would be a while, Charlie re-gagged his captive, and returned to the couch, and the chips and soda.

Kevin didn't know whether to attribute his escape to his ability, or to the fact that Charlie was slipping, and not tying him as well as he could. But this tie took longer for Kevin to get himself free, and when he did, Charlie had eaten all the potato chips. "That rat would have drank my last soda, too." Kevin thought. "Just wait!"

Kevin had a sip of soda, then went back for the third penalty. Charlie decided that this would be a good time to play "kidnap the Indian," and to that end, bound and gagged Kevin with long white bandages. Kevin started struggling the minute Charlie left the bedroom, and his struggles produced a soft ripping sound. Kevin's first thoughts were that he had split the backseam of his buckskins, and his face turned a bright crimson. But another struggle produced a surprising amount of slack, and the bandage practically fell off his hands. Kevin discovered that it was the bandage that had ripped, not his buckskins, and he was somewhat relieved to learn that his butt wasn't hanging out through a split in his pants. In short order, Kevin had himself loose, then looked for what he'd need to set up Charlie.

Kevin looked for, and found, a white cube with black spots on each of its six faces, only this one was special. It had six spots on all six faces, and now, all he needed to do, was use it, then scarf it up before Charlie realized what had happened.

Kevin marched into the den to find Charlie with another bag of chips. "You guys must eat a lot of chips." Charlie said. I found three bags in the pantry over the fridge."

"Well, I guess he didn't eat all the chips." Kevin thought. Then he looked at Charlie and said "You come! We play Injun captive. You roll-um dice."

Charlie remembered that he had promised Kevin that he would play his game. and the two of them went back to the bedroom. Kevin handed Charlie the die, and Charlie rolled it up against the closet door.

"It be 6." Kevin gleefully shouted, and quickly grabbed the die before Charlie could examine more than the top face. "You be both the Injun AND captive."

"But I don't have any buckskins." Charlie protested.

Kevin, grinning from ear to ear, said "Yeah, but you got-um pajamas!"

Charlie realized he's been had, and that there was no other option than to change into his pajamas, and let Kevin to tie him up. Charlie thought it was fun, but he didn't want Kevin to know that, and put up a small protest. Kevin glared at him, and said "You make argument, me get more penalties."

Charlie nodded, and said "OK, I'll be quiet."

"That be heap good!" Kevin said. "Now, you wear pajamas, and me tie-um up. You make good captive."

Charlie got his overnight bag and pulled out two pair of "ski" pajamas, with the snug cuffs at the hands and feet, and pullover coats. "Damn, I wondered where those red ones went." he mused aloud. "I musta left 'em in my overnight bag after spending last Saturday at Mike Hayworth's house." Then, he turned to Kevin. "Which ones?" he asked.

"Maybe me tie-um many times." Kevin said, pulling out a pair of standard pajamas that were also Charlie's.

"Where you get?" Charlie asked, now talking like an Indian, having put on his faded red pajama pants.

Me put in overnight bag when me spend night with Allen and Scott." Kevin replied. "Allen wear that night. Make me promise no tell. You be at David's house! Or maybe with Mike Hayworth."

Kevin regained his initial train of thought, and looked at Charlie. "You talk too much. You get on bed, lay face down, and put-um hands behind back."

This time there was a marked difference between Kevin's first tie, and the one Charlie found himself in now. The ropes around his wrists and ankles were tighter, and it didn't take Charlie long to realize that he might not be able to escape.

Kevin wrapped a bandage over Charlie's mouth, and knotted it at the nape of the neck, then gave the older boy a shove that sent Charlie on his side. "Here's the deal." Kevin said. "First, no more talking like Indians tonight." Charlie nodded in agreement. "Second, I'm tired of taking all that crap about making you guys pajama Indians, so you're gonna round up Scott and Doug, and Allen, and Ronnie, and the rest, and we're going through the portal again, and this time, when I make 'em all pajama Indians, it won't be a mistake."

Charlie laughed through his gag, and "mmmppfff'd." Kevin loosened the gag, and Charlie said "They deserve it, especially Allen and Ronnie."

"You deserve it, too." Kevin replied. "You gave me more crap than any of the others, except maybe Doug and Ronnie"

"Yeah, and you took it pretty well." Charlie answered, hoping Kevin wouldn't notice that he was twisting his tied wrists, hoping to gain a little slack.

Kevin did notice, but ignored it. Instead, he made a snide comment that Charlie made a good pajama Indian, and Charlie responded with a string of blue language that would have made a longshoreman blush.

Kevin snickered, and said "Gee, all those dirty words polluting my virgin ears. I guess I better pull your gag back in place."

Charlie was re-gagged , and protested with some loud "mmmppfff's." "Virgin ears, my rosy red butt." Charlie thought. "That little worm swears better than I do."

Charlie curled up and began his struggles anew, while Kevin slipped out to get another soda. Now that he had a moment to himself, he thought about Kevin's demands, and that it would be easy enough to deep six them. All he needed to do, was talk Kevin into getting tied up, and knowing Kevin, that wouldn't be too difficult.

Twenty minutes later, Charlie was still trying to get loose. Kevin checked in on him, and when he asked Charlie if he wanted to be untied, Charlie vigorously shook his head. "I'd rather sleep tied up, than give him the satisfaction of knowing that he tied me so I couldn't get out." Charlie thought. But when 45 minutes had passed and he still had not gotten free, he wasn't so quick to protest when Kevin asked him a second time if he wanted to be untied.

Charlie was in deep, and he knew it. If he had gotten loose, then tied and gagged Kevin, he could have reversed any and all of Kevin's demands. But now, since he was unable to escape, he'd have to honor his promises, and it wouldn't matter if he had Kevin tied up and gagged.

Kevin knew it, too, and he was grinning from ear to ear. Charlie grudgingly gave him the credit he deserved, and groused "My time will come."

"Not today!" Kevin snickered. "Now, get on the phone, and start making arrangements for that portal trip."

A round of phone calls produced the consensus that a week from Wednesday would be a day when Scott, Allen, Doug, Ronnie, and Big Chris could make it, and the date was acceptable for Kevin and his friend, Mark, too. "That's the best I can do." Charlie said, and Kevin said he would have preferred to do it tomorrow, but a week from Wednesday would have to do.

Charlie got in a bit of payback, hog tying Kevin, who had changed out of his buckskins, and into a pair of sweat pants and a white T-shirt. After considering it, Charlie thought he might have been able to get out of the adventure Kevin wanted, but knew that Kevin would say that he "weaseled out on a technicality," and if anyone believed him, there would be hell to pay for anywhere between a week, and three months afterward. Besides, he might have to go through the portal, and be a "pajama Indian" again, but he grudgingly conceded that it might even be fun. Especially since Doug, Ronnie, Allen, Scott, and Big Chris would be "pajama Indians" with him.

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