I Need a Canvas (F/FM)

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I Need a Canvas (F/FM)

Post by RotiferTape »

It was a beautiful winter day in Arizona with temperatures at 70 degrees. My sister, Megan, and I were sitting out in the front yard in our camp chairs enjoying the day. I was in my usual dark blue jeans and black t-shirt while Megan was wearing a black tank top and black shorts, we were both barefoot. After chatting for a while a car pulled up and the window rolled down. It was our friend Lilly, an aspiring painter who liked to paint nature stuff much like Bob Ross.

“Hey guys I was wondering if you could help me out with a new painting idea I have?” She said with a wide smile.

“Ok, let us go grab our shoes real quick and we’ll be right out.” I said getting up from the chair.

“Don’t worry about that, you’re not going to need them. We’re not going out in the wilderness for this one.” Lilly said.

Megan and I looked at each other and shrugged. We got into Lilly’s car and drove off.

A couple hours later

“Well, I can see why you told us not to worry about shoes.”
Said Megan, who was standing against a support beam. Everything from her ankles to her wrists were wrapped in white duct tape. Lilly was standing in front of her continuing to wrap her body with the tape.

“Yeah, we’re not going anywhere special and I figured you’d be more comfortable without them.” Lilly said, wrapping the tape up to Megan’s shoulders now. She looked over at me.

“You doing ok over there?”

“Oh yeah, this is exactly how I thought I’d spend my Saturday. Since you ran out of canvas to paint on, this makes much more sense than just buying new ones at the store.” I was already wrapped up to the other support beam from shoulders to ankles. There was tape around my forehead and the beam keeping my head straight.

“I thought this would be more fun and interesting than buying more canvas.” Said Lilly as she wrapped Megan’s forehead to the beam. “Now I think that’s enough out of you. I need peace and quiet to work.” She walked over and started wrapping tape around my mouth and then to the support beam.

“Wait I- Mmmphh mmmph mmm mmph.”
“That’s what you get for being sarcastic!” Megan said from her beam. Lilly walked over to Megan peeling off more tape.

“Sorry, you too. It’s not fair if your brother is the only one gagged.” Lilly grinned as she started wrapping tape around Megan’s mouth.
“Mmmmm! Mmmphh Mmm!” We both started struggling but the tape was very strong. There was barely any movement noticeable.
“Perfect! Now let’s get started.” Lilly grabbed all of her paints and brushes, then went to me first. “For you, I’m going to paint a desert landscape.” She started painting on my chest area with brown paint. It took her about an hour to finish painting on me. Occasionally Megan and I would mmph at each other.
“Ok, you’re done! It looks so pretty!”
“Mmmphh mm grgmmmb mm.” I started struggling again.
“Hey! Be still! The paint still has to dry. Just because I’m done painting doesn’t mean your bondage is over.” She walked over to Megan.
“Now for you I think a tropical island would be very pretty!”
“Mmm mphh.” Megan tried to nod. She actually liked that idea. After another hour of painting and mmphing Lilly finally put the paint brush down.
“All done! They still need to dry for a bit so that gives plenty of time to go do some errands. You should be able to be free when I get back.”
Wait, she’s going to leave us here?! I thought. We both started struggling again “Mmmm! Mmmph brmmph mmm!”

“Don’t be silly, you can’t go with me. You don’t even have shoes remember?” Lilly laughed as she grabbed her car keys and left.
Climb mountains, camp in deserts, explore jungles, search in tide pools, love your planet.