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Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:50 pm
by Stef
Part one

Friday morning, in beautiful cottage far far away in the outskirts of the big city of Athens. Eleutheria has just woken up by her older sister, Despina.

Eleutheria is a young, 13 year old brunette girl with long straight hair and a hint of freckles in her face, she's just a typical thin, short little teen girl.

Despina on the other hand, is a tall 17 year old girl with chestnut hair, blue eyes and with an amazing athletic body.

Both the girls are generally considered to be very attractive, and the get along pretty well.

The cottage is a two storey house with large rooms. a big yard, an attic and everything!

-"Rise and shine sis! It's almost time!"
Despina said with a cute tone to her little sis playfully poking her.

It was about time their parents would leave for a few days for a little trip with some close relatives, and they couldn't wait until they have a whole house to themselves! Absolute freedom, which is in fact, the literal translation of Eleutheria's name in greek.

At the lunchtable both girs received instructions and warnings etc., and of course, their parents put their older daughter in charge and responsible for both of them and anything going on around the house.

-"Now remember both of you, you can't go out after the sun goes down but you can have friends over here and spend the night indoors!"
Their dad said to both of them looking mostly to Despina who she was inclined to agree on those terms, after all, she understood that she couldn't leave her sister alone. They agreed without any complaints.

An hour later, their parents said goodbye after some final warning etc. and left the house to their two beautiful daughters!

-"I'm telling Sofia to come over and spend the weekend. Actually, i already invited her, i'm just letting you know." Despina said to Eleutheria.
-"Oh the weirdo!" She jokingly responded. Despina smiled.
-"She's not a weirdo... Ok maybe a little, but she's a good girl, you know that!" She responded.

Sofia is a classmate of Despina, thus, a 17 year old as well. The term "weirdo" is because she dresses up like an emo and listens to hard metal kind of music. She's very thin but short, and has a beautiful pale white clean face with black hair and eyes.

Later in the evening, as both girls were sitting in the living room casually watching tv and chatting just about anything, a knock on the door was heard and Eleutheria rushed there to open.

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 4:31 pm
by TamatoaShiny123
Nice beginning

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 4:56 pm
by Stef
Part two

-"Hey what did we said? We don't open doors if we don't ask first!" Despina shouted but Eleutheria had already let Sofia in.
-"Yes yes you're right, but you know i'm not a child anymore! I know what to do" Eleutheria apologized.
-"Hello girls, what's up!" Sofia aksed both of them and a small casual conversation followed!

-"Eleutheria, you should listen to your sister, you know she loves you although she's a bitch from time to time" Sofia said on a joking manner looking at her friend.
-"Shut uuuup!" Despina answered after she gasped. All with good intentions! Eleutheria laughed.

After a long while and two pizzas later, all three girls are sitting in the living room.
Eleutheria is lying barefoot on the couch with her flip flops on the floor in front of her while browsing the internet on her cellphone . She's wearing a mini and a random shirt.
Despina and Sofia are hanging out on the other couch, chatting and gossiping about random school stuff and boys.
Despina is dressed in sportswear; black yoga pants, a plain white shirt and white ankle socks. Sofia is wearing a black pair of jeans that covers half her legs leaving a few inches between her knees and ankles. A black t-shirt with a random metal band logo, and different from each other ankle socks, one green and the other one purple! Her black skate shoes along with Despina's sneakers, were tossed in a pile on the floor.

-"Hey Eleutheria, this is what happens when you open the door without asking first." Sofia said pointing at the tv screen. It was showing a scene from a random movie where a girl opened the door to some bad guys, who quickly grabbed the girl, tied her up on a chair with rope, and searched the house for goods. Eleutheria sighed.
-"I know! I'm not a child, besides, she's very loosely tied to that chair and can easily escape or call for help!" She replied a bit annoyed.
-"That's not the point! This is just a movie!" Despina responded.
-"And you can't tell if it's that easy to escape, you can't tell for sure!" Sofia added.

On the next scene the bad guys on the screen, used a scarf to gag the girl.

-"What about now?!" Sofia asked again teasingly.
-"Same, it's still pretty easy! I would have gotten out in like 5 minutes without any real effort! And she can still talk, that scarf ain't doing anything" Eleutheria said mocking.
-"I bet you couldn't" Despina said. Sofia laughed and agreed mocking her.
-"I could anytime!" Eleutheria insisted a bit annoyed!
-"I say prove us wrong if you can, i dare you" Sofia added.
-"I say we tie you up in the same manner as that poor girl and see if you can get out." Her sister said.
-"Ok and when i get out you both get to do all my chores for the weekend!" Eleutheria proposed.
-"Deal!" Both girls said at once! "But if you won't make it in... let's say 10 minutes, we'll leave you like this for the rest of the movie!" Despina added.
-"Deal!" Eleutheria said excited.

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 5:04 pm
by Solarbeast
Interesting continuation. I can’t wait to read more of this story.

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:58 am
by Stef
Part three

Despina stood up and went on the basement to bring some rope and a random scarf from her room upstairs. After a few minutes everything was set for their little experiment! Sofia dragged a chair from the kitchen in the middle of the living room beside the couch they were sitting on, and Eleutheria sat down on the chair offering her hands playfully behind her back and also behind the back of the chair. Despina tied her sisters' hands behind her with a small piece of rope, not very tight, and so did Sofia to her ankles and knees. Eleutheria waited quietly until they were done.

-"There you go! You've got 10 minutes starting from now!" Despina said with an evil smile.

Both Despina and Sofia watched their little victim struggling to free herself, giggling and teasing her from time to time. Eleutheria calm at first, started trying to get her hands and feet free by using force. She tried to move her legs up and down, and so did to her hands, but without success. Then as the minutes were passing by, she was trying harder and harder. Still, nothing. At some point she managed to reach out the knots of her wrists and kept trying to undone them.

-"See? It's a lot harder that it seems!" Despina told her.
-"You better hurry!" Sofia added.

Eleutheria ignored those comments and kept going on. She was almost there, her bound hands were almost free when suddenly the alarm on Sofia's cellphone went off.

-"Time's up!" She said. "Well, we told you so!"
-"But i'm almost free!" Eleutheria protested and kept going on undoing her bonds behind her back.
-"Almost isn't free! You made a fool of yourself" Her sister said. "Now that we won you get to stay bound!" She added.

In an instant, both Despina and Sofia stood up and started working on their little captive's knots, tightening them, securing that she'll stay put until the end of the movie.

-"HEY! It's unfair!! I would have made it in a matter of minutes!" She protested harder after she tested her bonds.
-"A deal is a deal!" Despina said laughing.
-"Now for the final touch" Sofia said after she grabbed the scarf. Eleutheria had forgotten about that.
-"Yes that's right, you shouldn't have challenged us!" Despina smiled.
-"Any last words?" Sofia asked.
-"You're mean!" Eleutheria replied less annoyed accepting her defeat.

Then after Despina held her hair from behind, Eleutheria willingly opened her mouth letting Sofia placing the scarf between her teeth and around her head, tying it on the back of her head. After that, Eleutheria started tried to talk experiencing for the first time how it is to be gagged. She could only say some muffled words but not much. After a few tries and laughs, she chose not to say much anyway and and she stayed calm while the other girls were mocking her. Despina and Sofia sat on the couch again and started chatting and laughing. Eleutheria tried to be part of this, trying to make a comment from time to time, but failing, so she was just smiling and laughing behind her gag everytime she said something gibberish. That went on and on for about 45 minutes with the other two girls often laughing at their little captive's predicament!

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:20 am
by Stef
Part four

Credits were starting showing on the tv screen so Despina stood up and went behind Eleutheria to untie the scarf that was keeping her quiet. In a few seconds she was able to talk again.

-"Pheww! I was starting to feel bored! She said. Despina and Sofia smiled.
-"That's what you get when you talk too much! Next time be cautious!" Sofia said.
-"Next time be cautious." Eleutheria repeated mockingly but playfully.
-"Anyway I'm going to bed." Despina said
-"Umm you wouldn't mind if i hang out here a little more, would you? I'm don't feel sleepy yet" Sofia said.
-"Sure! Just like your place!" Despina replied. "Don't leave my sis like this, untie her first." She added.
-"Yes please!" Eleutheria said.
-"Okay don't worry!" Sofia responded. Despina went upstairs to her room while Sofia stood up and went behind her. Her cellphone started vibrating at that very moment.
-"Oh oh gimme a sec, i have to get this first!" She said to Eleutheria.
-"Untie me first!" Eleutheria commanded.
-"In a minute" Sofia said a bit annoyed.
-"Now please!" Eleutheria said again.

Sofia with a quick notion picked up the scarf and re-tied it on Eleutheria's mouth, gagging her again.

-"om cmm mmn!" Eleutheria protested. Sofia answered her phone.
-"Yes.. yes. Hold on a sec." She said on the phone and clapped her hand on it. "I'll be back in five minutes, you can wait five minutes!" She whispered to Eleutheria who was still bound at the chair. Eleutheria nodded positively.

Eleutheria rolled her eyes. Then Sofia put on her shoes, opened the door and went out to talk on her cellphone. She left the door open. Eleutheria could she the door from the chair she was sitting on if she turn her head on her left. She waited patiently until she heard footsteps again in about 5 minutes.

She leaned her head and saw two suspicious men entering the house very quietly! They were wearing black pants, black t-shirts, leather gloves and masks! Both of them were holding really big bags and the first one was also wearing a backpack.

Eleutheria's eyes widened. She was shocked at the sight of danger! Obviously, the two strangers dressed like that, weren't for anything good! Both of them looked at the bound girl in the living room and stared at each other for a second to realize what's going on.

"Oh my god! ohmygod ohmygod! burglars!" Eleutheria thought and panicked!
-"MMMM mmm mmm!" She tried to say something but the scarf was silencing her words as ti was tied a bit tighter this time!

Then one of them put his finger on his lips making a nod to her to stay quiet and don't make a sound. Eleutheria was very confused and scared. She started struggling to ger herself free while the men hid behind the open door inside the house after they heard a voice and footsteps approaching from outside. It was Sofia who has just hung up her phone and was walking carelessly towards the house.

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:07 pm
by Stef
Part five

As soon as Eleutheria saw Sofia walking, she started mphing and struggling as hard as she could to warn her! Unfortunately, her friend was the one who gagged her before going out! If it hadn't been for that, she could've warned her!

-"mm MMM mm MMMMMM!" She made loud noises and kept staring the intruders for the ofchance of Sofia getting at least a bit suspicious of the situation.
-"I told you that.." Sofia said the moment she entered the house but the intruders quickly grabbed her from behind!

A gloved hand clapped her mouth and held it tightly. Sofia in shock, started kicking and squirming in distress. In an instant, the man took his hand from her mouth and swiftly tied a piece of cloth between her teeth and to the back of her head, gagging her effectively, while the other man used force to pin her down on her belly. Sofia kept squirming but her fate was sealed! Her hands were forced behind her back violently and her ankles were held together. They ziptied her hands and ankles in a matter of seconds. It all happened so fast and so quiet and before she knew it, she was bound and gagged at their mercy! Eleutheria was watching unable to help her. She even stayed calm, as calm as possible. She thought that maybe her older sister who was upstairs sleeping, could save them if they didn't notice her.

One of the intruders closed the door quietly while the other one picked up over her shoulders his poor victim that was lying there on the floor, bound and defeated. He carefully put her on the couch close to Eleutheria who has started silently trying to reach her knots on her hands... Sofia was still shocked and sat there helplessly bound and gagged.

The intruders must have known about the three girls being home alone because they quietly started walking upstairs to get Despina...

Both Eleutheria and Sofia looked at each other scared and started struggling more and more to get themselves free, but only Eleutheria stood a chance, Sofia's attempts were futile.

Meanwhile upstais, Despina had already been in bed; lying there on her back sleeping with her socks on. That was a very easy prey for the intruders. They sneaked into her room and repeated the same procedure. Again, in less than a minute, Despina was on the same fate as Sofia, bound with zipties both hands and ankles, and cleave gagged! They carried her downstairs and placed her on the other couch too. It was quite a surprise to see her younger sister and friend all tied up and realized that they were totally at their hands!

Now that the was no need for quiet anymore the intruders broke theirs silence.

-"Now that we caught the three little birds, let's do our job." One of them said.
-"Yeah, excuse us ladies, and don't try anything stupid!" The other one replied looking at their beautiful, gagged faces! "And thanks for the help!" He added pointing Eleutheria.

The girls mphed some words but they were ignored by the men who started searching the house for goods!

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:40 pm
by TamatoaShiny123
Love this story!

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:54 pm
by Stef
Part six

Immediately after the burglars left the living room and went upstairs, Eleutheria who had already worked on her bonds, dropped the rope off her hands and winked at her sister and her friend. The other two girls, Sofia and Despina sat quietly there on the couch relieved, looking at the young little girl untying herself from the chair. They didn't have much time though and no one knew when the robbers will get back. Eleutheria untied herself completely in a minute and removed the scarf that was keeping her gagged. She put her finger in her lips indicating the other two girls to stay quiet, put on her flip flops and went to the kitchen to get a pair of scissors. She returned almost immediately but without making any noise, and freed Sofia's hands and feet first. It was pretty easy cutting the zip ties with scissors. Sofia stood up, ungagged herself immediately and used the scissors to free Despina while Eleutheria searched for her cellphone to call for help. Footsteps were heard coming from the stairway. All three girls froze for a single second.

-"MMMMM" Depsina said pleading Sofia to get her free as fast as possible.
-"HEY!" Both men shouted as they walked downstairs to in sight of their captives escaping.

Eleutheria started running to get out of the house but no one followed her, they rushed on the living room immediately! Sofia had already cut the ziptie that was holding Despina's hands bound but she didn't have time for her ankles so she just threw away the pair of scissors and stood up to make an escape, leaving poor Despina hopeless, with her feet still tied together and gagged. Despina also stood up to do the same but it was too late for both. Before even attempting to run, one of the robbers grabbed Sofia's hands from the elbows behind her back, and placed his other hand firmly over her mouth pinning her close to him violently, silencing her protests. The other one easily captured Despina who desperatly tried to hop to her freedom, with the same manner. Eleutheria has just opened the door only to stumble upon another man! She gasped as she fell into his open arms! The man then flipped the little girl on her back and clamped her mouth. She lifted her up with his other hand which was around her belly and brought her in while she was kicking around furiously. Her flip flops fell off her feet and with her hands she was trying in vain to remove her captor's hand over her mouth.

Now all three girls were captured and defeated, all hope was lost.

-"Here's the little hero!" One of them said sarcastically.
-MMMM mmmph"
-"I say let's make sure they won't escape next time!"
-"Let's get those brats down in the basement!"

All you could hear were the girls' muffled protests and evil laughs!
They walked slowly the captured girls down in the basement, closing the door behind them, and tossed them on the floor.

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:10 pm
by Stef
Part seven

The basement was a large room filled with random stuff like old furniture, tools etc. the grim light wasn't big enough to light up the whole place. The floor was very dirty and pretty much anything in it was old and dusty. In the middle of the room was a sturdy, metal pole and besides a pile of old, wooden furniture, the was a large table that had a big amount of various tools and such on it. An old white crib was easily noticable among other stuff.

-"Please don't hurt us!
-"We won't try anything, please!"
-"Silence!" One of them shouted with a strict tone. They obeyed. "Seeing that our restraints didn't hold you, this time we'll make sure you won't go anywhere!" He added and laughed.
-"Look around, there must be some rope around here. Or anything else that we can use to restrain them. One of you go to the living room and bring the rope that was used before" The other one commanded.

Meanwhile the girls were lying on the floor on their stomachs, frightened.

-"I found some!" Someone shouted.
-"Great. Use it on her" The one left behind said pointing at Eleutheria. "She has some experience with it so make it tight!" He added.

The man leaned over Eleutheria and started tying her up. The other man returned from upstairs holding a few pieces of rope from before.

-"You! Tie up the metal chick on that chair over there" He said pointing on an old, heavy wooden chair.

He grabbed Sofia, and commanded her to go and sit over there with her hands behind it. She did what she was told and the man started tying her up on the chair!

-"You now, go sit against that pole!" He commanded Despina while started searching around.

Despina did sat there waiting and watching her sister and friend getting tied up with plenty of rope. Their hands and elbows were already bound, and the bad guys were now tying up their legs.

-"We don't have more rope but i believe this could work pretty well too!" The third man said holding a roll of wide, silver duct tape. She approached Despina who was sitting there, and started taping her up on the pole with her hands behind.

In about ten minutes, all three girls were all tied up tight and secured.

Eleutheria was all tied up with rope. Hands behind back, elbows, knees, thighs and ankles.
Sofia was tied up on the chair with her hands behind her back, and roped above and below her chest to the chair. Her knees and ankles were tied together aswell. And her ankles were also tied to the back of the chair resulting in her feet dangling above the floor.
Despina was all taped up on the pole with her hands behind it, from her shoulders to her lower back. And her legs all taped up together with only her socked feet and thighs still visible.
All of them tested their bonds only to realize that any attempt to get free will be futile, and that their only hope would be someone to rescue them. They were totally helpless at their captors' mercy!

-"Ugh! It's so tight!" Sofia said
-"I can't move!" Despina added in complaint
-"You didn't have to be so mean! Ugh" Eleutheria said rolling over.
-"You've been warned!"
-"Please don't leave us like that!" Despina pleaded.
-"Of course not!" One of them said. "Bring that crib over here" He said to the other guys. And they did. "Now put the little one inside, i think she fits there" He added.

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:35 pm
by Stef
Part eight

The two men lifted Eleutheria up and placed her inside the crib , but her feet didn't quite fit.

-"Hmm, i know a way!" He said to himself. Then he proceeded to roll her over to her stomach, raised up her legs, and tied her ankles to her hands putting the little girl in a tight hogtie with her soft soles exposed.

-"Please! i barely fit here! I can't move around an inch!" She pleaded.
-"I think you'll be safe there, there's no chance of you escaping and saving your friends now!!" He said to her with an evil grin.
-"HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP" Eleutheria shouted again and again.
-"I don't think anyone can hear you from down here!" One of the bad guys replied. The screming for help continued.
-"We should gag them just in case!" The other one responded.
-"Hmm yes that's a good idea! Ok guys, make them stay quiet!"

All of three girls gasped. Their captors moved over to each girl. The one removed Sofia's skate shoes revealing her socks, one green and the other one purple. He removed them too, stood up and went behind her holding them.

-"Umm.. what are you doing?" Sofia asked panicked. "Don't even---" She started saying but her socks were violently shoved in her mouth unexpectedly, filling it up completely! Then the man grabbed the duct tape with one hand, and the top of her head with the other and rolled it around her head several times. securing that her socks will stay there, gagging her completely!

-"Mmmm mmmmmmm mmmm!!" Sofia protested as loud as possible, but her gag was pretty effective. She kept mmphing harder and harder.

The other girls were watching in shock as the same fate awaited them. One man walked over to Despina and removed her white, gym, ankle socks. Then he walked away and went to the crib where poor Eleutheria was hogtied inside of it. Despina was watching confused. The man grabbed her head from her hair, and held close to her mouth, her sister's dirty worn socks.

-"Oh no please! Not my sisters socks!" She pleaded.
-"Open up sweetheart!" He commanded.
-"Pleaseeeeee, i'll be good, i promise." Those were her last words as the pair of socks were shoved into her mouth. Plenty of duct tape followed around her head. She was gagged exactly like Sofia!

Now you could hear both Sofia and Eleutheria mmphing like crazy. But they were silenced for good.

The same man went back at Despina who was watching all in silence. She knew what was coming. The man went behind her and before even saying anything, Despina opened her mouth willingly waiting for her gag too. The man smiled. He then stuffed her mouth with a piece of cloth and duct taped her head several times too, securing now, that their captives won't make any noise! Despina stayed calm.

-"Don't worry girls, we will give you back your cellphones!" One of them said. The girls were looking him in disbelief.

They placed one cellphone to Sofia's thighs, one to Despina's thighs and the last one, on Eleutheria's back! The girls kept struggling and mmphing in protest. The men laughed once again and before they leave, one of them tossed the pair of scissors on the floor near Despina.

-"Good luck!" One of them said and all of them walked upstairs closing the door behind them.

Their cellphones were completely out of reach for each one of them. Sofia wouldn't be able to reach it on her lap as she was tightly bound on the chair with her hands behind her back and her bare feet dangling off the chair bound.
Despina wouldn't be able to reach the cellphone on her lap as she was all taped up nicely to the pole, with her hands behind her back too.
Eleutheria had even less chance of reaching it on her back, as she was hogtied tight with the face down on a crib that didn't have space for her to move at all.
The pair of scissors were lying there on floor but out of reach for any of the girls that were immobile!

The girls were struggling furiously and mmphing as loud as possible but it was hopeless, any attempt was hopeless. They were securely bound and effectively gagged no matter how hard they could struggle to get free.

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:36 pm
by TamatoaShiny123
Can’t wait to hear if they escape!

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:06 pm
by Mouthless
TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago Can’t wait to hear if they escape!
I hope they don’t

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:17 pm
by Stef
I think that's the end. I'll leave it to anyone's imagination from now on.

I believe i was little harsh to the girls tbh... :/

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:41 pm
by Macher
Nice story. I particularly liked the unique touch of placing the youngest in the crib.

I think it's safe to say that the girls won't be getting free without outside assistance. With Sofia already planning to stay for the weekend and the sisters' parents gone, that might even take a few days.

Re: Trying to be a Hero (ff/f)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:56 pm
by Nightly Binds
Wow, quite the tale that I manage to come across , innocent Fun becomes far more serious, I do like the three Different ways they were bound at the end, specially found Eleutheria being placed in the Crib really amusing, :lol: a good story overall,

but, I will admit, I really wish we did get to see them escape or shown having more of a chance too, because, their predicament is pretty extreme, they are trapped in a basement for a weekend ! no one knows they are down there, and they can't get free !? that's pretty Harsh if they can't get out, so not sure if you intended to imply that darker outcome or what, but, other then that, the story was still entertaining.