The Bondage Games (various M/F, F/M, M/M, F/F)

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The Bondage Games (various M/F, F/M, M/M, F/F)

Post by ffixwarrior »


It was that time of year again when the tributes for each of the 5 Districts met for the Bondage Games. District 1, Arkana, was made up of the remaining countries of Asia. District 2, Brutage, consisted of the remaining countries from Africa and its surrounding islands. District 3, Azteca, consisted of the remaining countries from the Americas. District 4, Euratan, consisted of the remaining countries of Europe. District 5, Katalan, consisted of the remaining countries in the Middle East. To commemorate The Last Great War, each of these districts was required to send 5 tributes (2 males and 3 females from age 18-25) to the Capitol to compete against each other in the Bondage Games.

The Bondage Games pitted 5 teams again each other in a large open-field environment with plenty of trees for cover. Within this environment, each of the teams was provided with a base that contained food, equipment, sleeping quarters, and a small jewel that they were required to protect. The goal of the teams was simple: capture and tie up all the players from the other teams and retrieve the jewel from the other districts' bases.

Each player wore a skin-tight bodysuit to handle the elements and was equipped with a few items: ropes, duct tape, binoculars, a map, a utility belt that could hold 1 smoke bomb and 1 flash grenade, and a watch-like device on their wrist that tracked the status of other players in the game, tracked the location of fellow teammates, and served as a communication device to talk with teammates.

There were also specific rules designed by the Capitol for the games. At the beginning of each Day, each team was required to send out at least one person from their base for play. To capture other players, they could engage in combat and force their opponent to submit to being tied up. Lethal harm was not allowed. If the Capitol's game monitors sensed a player trying to do this, they would send an electromagnetic pulse to shock the player through the watch-like device on their arm. Also, if the Capitol felt there was too much inactivity within the game, they would send out "enforcers" to capture players within the open environment.

With the Games only 7 days away, we begin the story of the 75th Bondage Games…
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 1: Preparation

Tamayo: Age 16, 5'2, 112 pounds. Origin: Philippines. Long black hair, brown eyes. Mixed bag of talent, but has yet to unlock her potential.

Fang: Age 18, 5'5 125 pounds. Origin: China. Medium shoulder-length black hair, brown eyes. Kung-fu expert and self-proclaimed leader of Team Arkana.

Jin: Age 17, 5'9, 165 pounds. Origin: Korea. Short black hair, brown eyes. Strategist of the group, but slow and clumsy.

Master Ryu: Sensei of Team Arkana.

"I can't do it!"

Tamayo had spent the last half hour struggling uselessly in her bonds. She was lying hogtied on the floor of her dojo, dressed in a blue skin-tight bodysuit that all Bondage tributes from Arkana wore. Her fingers were still trying to reach the knot tying her ankles to her wrists, but she could only feel them brush against the soles of her bare feet. She could only now watch as her teammates, Fang and Jin, sparred against each other

"Well that's no way to act if you want to escape…"

Fang, the one who had tied her, shook her head in disgust as she dodged a kick from Jin. She swiftly moved in for the kill by grabbing Jin's unmentionables with an eagle-like grip.

"Submit!" she yelled, applying more pressure.

"Ok! I..I..I give up! Please let go!" cried Jin, wincing in pain.

Fang released her hold and went over to grab some rope as Jin collapsed to the floor, rolling around in pain. Within a few minutes, she had Jin hogtied in the same way as Tamayo.

"How will we win this year with such weakness?" Fang said.

"You must have patience with them, Fang."

These words came from their sponsor, Master Ryu. He was an old, gray-haired man, who had trained past tributes for the Bondage games.

"Although you are very skillful, there will come a time where you will need Jin and Tamayo."

"That's right!" Jin and Tamayo said in unison, looking up from their hogties at their Sensei.

"But how, Sensei?" Fang replied. "They were defeated by me so easily! Against the other Tributes…"

"You must believe in them. In time, you will see…but you must all work together if you wish to survive and succeed."

"This is such nonsense…I'm out of here," Fang said, dismissively. She proceeded to grab her boots at the entrance of the dojo and left to go for a run in a nearby forest.

"Sigh…you two must prove yourselves to her, make her trust in you…like I believe in you," Master Ryu said, leaving Jin and Tamayo to struggle in their ropes…

A couple of hours later, Fang returned from her run, exhausted from venting her earlier frustrations. She unzipped her boots from her feet and walked into the dojo.

"Perhaps I have been too hard on them," she thought to herself. She noticed Tamayo and Jin still lying on their sides on the floor.

"Still haven't gotten free?" Fang said to Tamayo, walking over to her.

"No, please untie me!" Tamayo replied. Once Fang stood in front of her, she quickly pulled her arms and legs from her ropes to hold Fang's legs.

"What's this?" Fang said, shocked from being caught off-guard.

"Now Jin!" Tamayo yelled.

Fang could barely turn her head before being tackled face-down to the ground by Jin. Tamayo then twisted one of Fang's legs into an ankle lock and applied pressure to it while Jin held Fang down.

"Okay, okay, you guys got me, I submit," Fang said. "Now get off of me."

"We did it, Jin!" Tamayo cried in excitement. "Your plan worked!"

"I can't believe it!" Jin replied, starting to gather the ropes to tie up Fang.

"That's quite a submission hold you got there," Fang acknowledged, massaging her ankle. She only got in a few rubs as Jin coaxed her arms behind her. He crossed her wrists and began to wrap the rope around them, making sure to cinch her binding before tying it off.

"Here, tie her feet," Jin said, tossing a rope to Tamayo.

"With pleasure!" Tamayo replied, tying Fang's ankles in the same way as Jin had tied her hands and leaving just enough rope for the finishing touch. The two then flipped Fang onto her stomach.

"Enjoy this victory while you can," Fang smiled, looking over her shoulder as Tamayo pulled her legs back to connect her feet to her hands.

"What's this we have here?" Master Ryu said, emerging from the shadows. He came in just in time to notice Tamayo tying off the knot at Fang's wrist bindings to complete the hogtie.

"Master Ryu!" all 3 replied, turning their heads to acknowledge their master.

"Ugh, that's pretty tight," Fang said, testing her ropes. Tugging the rope with her feet, she quickly felt her hands being pulled in the same direction. Tamayo had left little slack; there was only about 6 inches between her hands and feet.

"Jin and I were able to get free and capture Fang!" Tamayo said.

"Hmm, that's good…" Master Ryu said. He directed his gaze to Fang. "Fang, what do you have to say for yourself?"

"Well…umm…I'm hogtied, what else is there to say?" Fang replied with sarcasm, causing everyone to laugh. "We might just have a shot at this after all…" she then remarked to herself.

"Hahaha, well I'm glad you all learned a lesson today," Master Ryu said. "Make sure to get plenty of rest. Your other two teammates should be arriving here tomorrow."
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 2: Ly and Kenta

Ly: Age 17, 5'6, 120 pounds. Origin: Vietnam. Long black hair, brown eyes. Long-range weapons specialist, bondage expert. Long time training partner of Kenta.

Kenta: Age 19, 5'10 175 pounds. Origin: Japan. Short black hair, brown eyes. Karate expert and escape artist. Long time training partner of Ly.

"So where's the rest of our group?" Fang said, irritably.

She had just spent half the night stuck in the hogtie that Jin and Tamayo had placed her in. With her flexibility and moderate escape artist skills, she was able to loosen the knot holding her hands and feet together behind her, but Jin or Tamayo would take notice and re-hogtie her. It was only once they fell asleep that she was able to undo the hogtie, untie her feet, and grab a knife to free her hands.

"Tough night, Fang? You look a little tired." Master Ryu asked. "Your teammates had contacted me while you were asleep and we decided it would be a good exercise to test your group skills on each other. Your mission is to capture your teammates and bring them back before sunfall. They're already waiting in the forest for you."

"2 against 3? Isn't that a bit unfair?" Jin asked. "We can just outnumber them with force."

"Remember, underestimating your opponent can lead to defeat. Do not take them lightly." Master Ryu advised. "I'll see you all at sunfall."

With that, Tamayo, Jin, and Fang gathered their gear and set out for the forest. After a couple of miles, they heard a rustle in the bushes.

"I think it's one of them!" Tamayo said in excitement.

"Careful, guys. Stay behind me and back me up. On 3, I'll take a look to see what's behind there." Fang instructed.

Slowly, she made her way to the bushes and brushed them aside to find…a small squirrel.

"Great, nothing," Fang said to the others.

Just then, a large netlike projectile had been fired at Tamayo, pinning her to a nearby tree. Jin and Fang turned to see a girl on a tree branch holding a gun, ready to fire another net at them.

"Jin, dodge right!" Fang yelled, as she dodged left to avoid the net.

"Looking for me?" the girl laughed. "I'm Ly, pleased to meet you."

"Ugh, I'm Fang and this is Jin. The one in the net is Tamayo." Fang replied.

"Get me out of this, you guys!" Tamayo yelled.

"Sorry to cut this conversation short, but Master Ryu had instructed us to catch you guys and bring him back before sunfall." Ly said, preparing another shot.

"Ugh, curse that old man!" Fang muttered. "Jin, cut Tamayo loose. I'll go after Ly."

"Yikes, I better go, catch me if you can," Ly said, running away.

"But Fang, we should stick together…" Jin said. It was no use, Fang had already sped off.

With her agility, she was able to quickly get herself up on one of the trees and leapt from branch to branch to chase after Ly. Little by little, Ly looked behind her and could see Fang catching up to her. Knowing there was no way to outrun her, Ly found an open spot on the ground and jumped down from the trees.

"You're awfully fast," Ly said, as Fang leapt down to meet her.

"Yeah, I'm tired and want to get this over with soon," Fang said, getting into a fighting stance.

"Very well, but I'm no slouch either," Ly replied.

She quickly followed with a series of punches and kicks, using a crane-style fighting technique. Fang was able to avoid the hits and countered with a few shots to the midsection and legs. After 15 minutes of sparring, Fang could sense victory as Ly was struggling to catch her breath. With one last desperate punch from Ly, Fang was able to grab ahold of her arm to flip her onto the ground. Ly offered no resistance as Fang rolled her onto her stomach.

"Hands behind your back," Fang instructed, grabbing some rope from her utility belt. Ly obeyed her command and crossed her wrists behind her. She quickly felt the ropes being wrapped around them tightly and winced as Fang cinched her bindings and tied the knot off.

"You fight pretty well," Ly said, in defeat. She twisted her hands behind her and found that the ropes held firm. "You've tied my hands quite nicely, make sure to tie my feet too."

"Why?" Fang said, puzzled. "I have to get you back to Master Ryu."

"You'll see," Ly said, looking up at Fang with a smile. "Kenta should be here in a few minutes."

"Hmph, well if he fights like you, he'll be roped up too shortly," Fang replied. She did, however, take Ly's advice and tied her ankles together. She contemplated putting Ly in a hogtie, but was soon interrupted by the sound of steps behind her.

"Kenta, I assume," Fang said, turning to face her new opponent.

"Yes, and you must be Fang, right?" Kenta replied. "Tamayo and Jin had introduced themselves to me once I finished tying them."

"Yep, that's me. Guess that just leaves you and me to decide which of our teams win." Fang said.

With that, she proceeded to attack Kenta with a flurry of kicks and punches, but found that he was able to block each of her attacks.

"That's right, keep on coming," Kenta thought.

"Crap! I'm playing right into his hand…I have to end this soon!" Fang said to herself, feeling her stamina drop which each attempt. She was also starting to feel the effects of her bondage from last night and from having to fight Ly earlier.

Faking a high punch, she immediately went low and grabbed a hold of Kenta's legs. Using all of her weight, she pulled upward, causing Kenta to fall on his back. Still holding onto his legs, she flipped him onto his stomach and sat down on him, causing immense strain on his back.

"Submit!" Fang yelled.

"Never!" Kenta replied in defiance, pushing up with his arms to relieve some of the pressure.

Unfortunately, for Fang, this would be as close to victory she would get. While Kenta and Fang were fighting, Ly was working on getting her ropes loose. Being an expert escape artist, she was able to quickly untie the ropes around her feet. However, before she could work her hands free, she saw her partner was in trouble. Fang could barely react and she saw a booted leg kick her in the face.

"Ahh, much thanks, Ly," Kenta said, as he pulled himself from the ground.

"Dammit, I knew I should've hogtied her…" Fang said to herself.

Still reeling from the kick, Fang could barely recover as Kenta returned the favor to her by applying the same submission hold he had been in earlier.

"No! Ugh!" Fang screamed in pain, trying to pull herself up to outmuscle Kenta. But Ly decided to sit herself down on Fang as well to end her struggles. "I submit! Stop, it hurts!"

She breathed a sigh of relief once Ly and Kenta got off of her. Knowing what was coming, she placed her hands behind her in preparation to be tied by Kenta. Using a long piece of rope, Kenta had tied her shibari-style, with her wrists tied behind her back and anchored to the coils of rope holding her arms to her sides.

"Do you need some assistance, Ly?" Kenta asked after tying Fang. He noticed that her hands were still tied behind her.

"No, I've got it," Ly replied. She had been wriggling about trying to reach deep into her boot. After a couple of minutes, she was able to retrieve her knife. "Okay, let's head back!"

"Heh, nice work, sure you don't want to cut yourself free first?" Kenta said, helping Fang to her feet.

"Nah, I could use some practice in feeing myself while walking," Ly replied with a wink.

Fang could only walk in silence as she followed Ly and Kenta. She figured there was no point in trying to escape; the knot tying the rope together was in front of the coils of rope around her body. After a short distance, she found Jin and Tamayo tied back to back to each other; hands tied behind their backs and feet tied together. Kenta released the rope tying them together and untied their feet so they could walk back to the dojo.

"What happened to you guys?" Fang asked.

"After you left, I was ambushed by Kenta while trying to cut Tamayo free." Jin replied. "I told you we should've stayed together."

"I'm sorry, you guys," Fang said. "I don't deserve to be leader of Arkana."

"Nonsense!" Kenta said, overhearing the conversation. "You would've had me if Ly hadn't got her feet free."

"Should've tied your knots smarter," Ly said, good-naturedly. "Yes! Finally got my hands free!" she continued.

"There's the little escape artist I know," Kenta said.

Once the five had gotten back to the dojo, Kenta and Ly had to unzip their prisoners' boots at the doorway along with their own before stepping inside.

"Master Ryu, we're back," Kenta called out.

Master Ryu slid open the doorway from his room and looked out to see Team Arkana kneeling on the floor for him. He noticed the ropes around Fang and that Tamayo's and Jin's hands were behind them.

"Ohh…what's this? Things didn't go as planned?" Master Ryu said to Jin, Tamayo, and Fang.

"No, it's my fault," Fang replied. "I strayed away from our game plan…"

"Before you blame her, Sensei," Kenta interrupted. "She almost single-handedly defeated us on her own."

"As talented as you are, Fang, you must continue to work on trusting your teammates. The Games start in two days and I wouldn't want you leading your team to defeat from foolish decision-making." Master Ryu advised.

"I know, I'm sorry, Sensei," Fang said. "It won't happen again."

"I know you won't," Master Ryu said. "As for you, Ly and Kenta…good work! Your teamwork together is what led you to victory. Now untie your teammates and get rested up. The Games begin in 5 days…"
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 3: The Capitol

Team Arkana spent the next two days training with each other and honing their skills. Finally, the time had come when the Capitol came to collect the Tributes. On the train ride to the Capitol, Master Ryu continued to advise the Arkana Tributes on how to survive and how to gain favor from sponsors, who could provide valuable resources to the Tributes during the Games.

Once they arrived at the Capitol, they were surprised at the numerous population there that took joy in watching them compete. They also took note of the other Tributes as they arrived: Brutage and Katalan, both with large, physical Tributes; Euratan, with cunning and wit to match their own; and Azteca, known for their submission and rope skills. Team Arkana took in the festivities that came from opening night, just glad that they could enjoy themselves for a night and take a break from their training.

The next morning, the Tributes were sent to a training location to showcase their skills and take note of their opponents, all while important sponsors were watching from above in a booth. The Brutage tributes and Katalan tributes showcased their overall strength by tearing through the practice tributes (past Tributes now subjected to being bound and put on display in the Capitol) on an obstacle course and avoiding any capture traps, earning high praise from the sponsors. The Euratan tributes showcased a balance of skills in combat, tactics, and capture. Azteca also lived up to their name by showing their speed in lassoing the practice tributes and tying them in under a minute.

When it was Arkana's turn, Ly and Kenta demonstrated their long-range and short-range combat skills, Jin demonstrated his tactics skills and Tamayo demonstrated her rope-tying skills, earning average marks for their efforts. For Fang, however, she felt she needed to go all out to gain the attention of the sponsors. She chose to go through the obstacle course alone and started out well, knocking out the dummy targets with her high powered kicks and punches. She looked like a blur out there, but right before the end, she had a misstep and triggered a trap that shot a bolas to entangle her legs. The 2 remaining practice tributes, usually reserved to take defeat, quickly made their way to Fang to restrain her.

"She's done for," the sponsors said to themselves and turned their attention away.

Fang attempted to undo the bolas from her feet, but it was too late. The practice tributes grabbed ahold of her arms and used a pair of hinged handcuffs to cuff her hands behind her back.

"Can't give up yet," Fang thought to herself.

After one of the tributes removed the bolas from her legs, she quickly raised her leg and brought the heel of her boot down hard on the back of the tribute's head. She then stood up to face the other tribute, who ran over to her and attempted to bearhug her, but got a knee to the midsection.

Before the tribute could recover, Fang turned her back and grabbed ahold of the tribute's genitals.

"Where's the key?" she said.

"I have…have…it…please let go!" the tribute screamed.

"Uncuff me, or I'll rip it off," Fang threatened.

The tribute complied and removed the handcuffs from Fang. Out of disgust, Fang roundhouse kicked the tribute and grabbed the handcuffs from him. Knowing she had to do something to regain favor, she tossed the handcuffs as hard as she could at the sponsors' booth, shattering the glass in the process. The sponsors could only look on in shock, wondering what had just happened.

"How's that for a demonstration?" Fang said, before walking back to her team.
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 4: The Games Begin

After the training showcase, the Tributes were given a performance score (based on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best) for sponsors to place bets on who would best survive the Games. Team Brutage and Team Katalan were given high marks, scoring 8s and 9s for their members. Team Euratan and Team Azteca were given slightly lower scores, earning 6s and 7 for their members. Finally, for Team Arkana, Jin and Tamayo had earned 5s and 6s, Ly and Kenta had earned 7s, and Fang had earned a 9.

"Not bad," Master Ryu, said to Team Arkana. "I'm glad of all your effort."

"Especially you," he continued, turning to Fang. "I can convince some sponsors of your underdog spirit and unwillingness to give up."

"Now for the first part of the Games, you will need to send 2 people to be transported to the middle of the Game's environment while the rest of you are transported to your headquarters. In the middle will be bags that contain helpful items and weapons that will help you immensely in capturing the other Tributes. But, you will also encounter 2 members from each of the other teams who will be trying to reach those items as well. You must be careful! Don't let yourself get caught right away at the beginning of the Games."

"Also, if you ever encounter an Enforcer, don't bother trying to fight them, as they feel no pain. Just run away if you can!"

"Lastly, if possible, try to bring back some of the Tributes you capture to use in exchange if any of you get captured."

"Now which of you will go first?"

"I'll go," Fang said.

"Me too," Tamayo jumped in, surprising the rest of the group. "Jin, you're the brains of the group. Ly and Kenta, you two work best as a team, so you'll need to stick around in case we get captured."

"You're very brave," Kenta mentioned.

"Very well, Fang, Tamayo, grab your equipment packs and come with me," Master Ryu commanded. "The rest of you, head over to the main transport chambers to be transported to your headquarters."

As they walked to separate transport chambers, Master Ryu gave his students some final advice.

"Fang, Tamayo, my suggestion to you is to run to your headquarters as soon as you're transported. As useful as those items are, I'm afraid that the early melee may result in your capture. I wish you the best of luck!"
Before Tamayo and Fang were placed into their separate transport chambers, Tamayo mentioned the following plan to Fang.

"I'm going to make a run for the bags and toss one back to you. Just make sure you don't get caught and get back safely to headquarters."

"What about you? We'll go together, I can distract them." Fang said.

"No, it's too much of a risk, you saw how physical some of the other Tributes are," Tamayo replied.

"Very well, but just be careful," Fang said.

With that, Tamayo and Fang got into the transport chambers and were transported to the middle of the Game environment, along with the other 8 Tributes who had been selected from their teams.

Once they had landed, Tamayo made a quick dash for the bags and weapons. There, she was quickly met by one of the Brutage females dressed in a black bodysuit, who threw a punch at her. She nimbly dodged it and slipped under her legs, kicking the back of her knee. Her male counterpart, however, quickly caught up and grabbed ahold of Tamayo's hair, but was kicked in the back by a male Tribute from Euratan.

"Thanks!" she said, before grabbing one of the bags and throwing it as far as she could in Fang's direction. She also grabbed ahold of one of the net-projectile guns and tossed it to Fang, before being blinded by a flash grenade.

"Ah I can't see!" was the last thing she said, before being knocked unconscious.

Fang, watching from a safe distance, grabbed the bag and gun, and proceeded to run away. She climbed up one of the trees and leapt from branch to branch. However, the two Tributes from Azteca, caught sight of her and made chase gearing up their lassos.

"Dammit, why is this thing so heavy?" Fang lamented while carrying the gun. She could hear footsteps behind her and turned to see a female and male dressed in orange bodysuits pursuing her with lassos in their hands.

Feeling as though they could catch up to her, she turned towards them, took aim, and shot a net at the male Tribute from Azteca, pinning him high to a nearby tree. She then leapt down from her tree branch and turned to run, but she soon felt a lasso catch ahold of her foot. With a strong tug by the female Azteca Tribute, Fang fell hard to the ground, with her gun, equipment pack, and bag falling out of reach. Before she could recover, she felt the rope quickly being wound around her ankles. She then had her arms twisted behind her and held in place by the Azteca Tribute's legs as she pulled her ankles towards her hands and continued to use the lasso to tie her hands behind her. Within a couple of minutes, Fang was completely immobilized.

"Good luck getting out of that hogtie, bitch," the Azteca Tribute said. "This is how we treat cattle in our country."

"Fuck off," Fang replied, looking up with defiance.

"Just wait till I get my partner out of that net," the Azteca Tribute continued, grabbing ahold of Fang's hair. "Once we get you back to our headquarters, we'll make you treat us with respect."

And with that, she backtracked her steps to her fellow Tribute, leaving Fang to struggle in her bonds.
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 5: Unlikely Alliance

Aisha: Age 19, 5'8, 153 pounds. Black hair kept in braids, brown eyes. Weapons expert for Team Brutage, tough in fighting.

Okamo: Age 24, 6'3, 200 pounds. Short black hair, brown eyes. Muscular build, tough to bring down, leader of Team Brutage.

Lamia: Age 19, 5'6, 120 pounds. Long dark hair, brown eyes. Fighting and bondage expert for Team Katalan.

Purva: Age 19, 5'5, 117 pounds. Long dark hair, smoky brown eyes. Weapons expert, submission specialist for Team Katalan.

Khalil: Age 21, 6'0, 180 pounds. Short dark hair, brown eyes. All-around specialist, leader of Team Katalan.

Snapping out of her unconsciousness, Tamayo awoke lying face down with a pain in her neck and her hands tied behind her. When she turned to observe her surroundings, she found that the two Euratan tributes had been knocked out and tied up as well: their wrists tied in front and ankle tied together. She overheard the Brutage and Katalan Tributes talking amongst each other:

"We're taking the Euratan tributes," said Okamo, one of the tall, muscular male Tributes for Brutage. "Aisha, go fetch some sticks nearby." His dark, fellow female Tribute quickly obeyed his command.

"But it was our flash grenade that blinded them," argued Lamia, one of the female Tributes for Katalan. "At least give us one of them."

"If you want one of them so bad, I'd like to see you take it from me," Okamo threatened. "The only reason you're free right now is due to our alliance."

"Very well, take them, we'll take the Arkana tribute as our prisoner," replied Purva, hoping to end any tension between her teammate and Okamo. "Half the bags and weapons are yours. We'll take the other half."

With that, the Katalan tributes and Okamo split the bags and weapons equally amongst themselves. When Aisha returned with the sticks, they placed it under the Euratan tributes' wrists and ankles and carried them like animals back to their headquarters.

"You're okay to walk?" Lamia asked Tamayo, helping her up to her feet. Tamayo nodded in reply. "Good, we have a long way back to headquarters. Let's go, Purva."

Tamayo had no choice but to comply, with her hands tied tightly behind her back and her captors equipped with weapons. She followed Lamia's trail with Purva following behind her. While walking, she attempted to test her bindings by probing her fingers back as far as they would go, grazing one of the coils. But she was quickly met with a poke in the back by Purva's stun gun.

"No funny business! Keep walking," Purva commanded her.

Eventually, they reached Katalan's headquarters, a large Arabian palace. Inside, there were beautiful floor tiles and tall pillars made of marble.

"Take her boots off," Lamia instructed. "Make sure she's not hiding anything."

Purva unzipped Tamayo's boots from her legs, patting her to make sure there was nothing concealed. Tamayo could understand their concern as she watched Lamia and Purva remove their boots as well, with knives strapped to calves.

"I'm sure you're accustomed to removing your shoes indoors?" Purva asked Tamayo.

"Yes, it's one of our customs in Arkana," Tamayo answered.

"Good, because we follow the same custom in our district," Purva replied.

"Where should we keep her?" Lamia interrupted.

"The dungeon? The chains there will hold her well," Purva suggested.

"But she seems so harmless, maybe we can just keep her hogtied in one of the bedrooms," Lamia replied.

"Okay, if you say so," Purva said.

The two Katalan tributes then led Tamayo upstairs, their bare feet slapping against the cold floor tiles. Once they got to one of the bedrooms, they had her lie down on one of the beds.

"Wow, these beds are pretty comfy," Tamayo thought, laying her head down on a silk pillow. However, that thought quickly dispersed once Lamia and Purva tied her ankles and pulled them back to connect them to her wrists. There was only about 6-8 inches of slack between her wrists and ankles.

"Hope you're comfy, since you'll be in that for awhile," Lamia taunted, checking the knots to make sure they were tight. "Just gotta add one more thing…"

She went over to a nearby dresser and pulled out a large white hankerchief, which she used to cleave gag Tamayo.

"Nighty night!" Purva said, before leaving the room with Lamia.

"Mmph…ugh!" Tamayo groaned, struggling to get free. She attempted to untie the rope holding her in a hogtie, but the knot had been tied out of reach.

It was only a matter of minutes when the door opened again, with a tall dark male clad in a white bodysuit.

"Hello there…my name is Khalil," said the male. "It seems that Lamia and Purva have put you in quite a bind, let me help you out." He then undid her gag and removed the hogtie, but left her wrists and ankles still tied. "What's your name?"

"Thanks for loosening that, I'm Tamayo," Tamayo replied. "Your teammates put me in a really tight hogtie."

"Well yes, it's certainly much too restrictive," Khalil said, licking his lips. "Let me get you off the bed and into a more comfortable position…"

It was then that Tamayo realized how much trouble she was in when he lifted her off the bed and got her in a kneeling position. She could only watch in terror as Khalil proceeded to unzip his bodysuit to release the bulge that had been growing…
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Chapter 6: Turnaround

Hector: Age 18, 5'8, 170 pounds. Short curly black hair, brown eyes. Average build, ropes expert, and member of Team Azteca.

Angelique: Age 17, 5'7, 130 pounds. Long dark hair, brown eyes. Average build, speedy bondage and rope expert, member of Team Azteca.

"Angelique, hurry your ass up and get me down from here!" Hector yelled from the trees.

"I'm coming, retard!" Angelique retorted. "I wasn't the dumb one that got stuck in that net."

She climbed up the tree where Hector was pinned and attempted to pull out the spikes at the end of the net that held him there.

"Shit, these spikes are in pretty deep," Angelique told her partner.

"Dammit, well, try to find something to cut me out of the net," Hector suggested.

"Okay, lemme go check those bags on the ground," Angelique said. "Fuck, where'd that Arkana bitch go?"

While Angelique had her back turned and focused her efforts on getting Hector out of the net, Fang worked on escaping her bonds. Taking a page from Ly, she kept a knife inside her boot and was able to reach back for it with her long fingers. From there, she was able to free herself from her hogtie by cutting through the coils of rope around her ankles. Before the Azteca tributes could notice, she decided to make a run for it, leaving her hands still tied behind her back. After about a 5 minute head start, she could hear footsteps behind her again.

"Come back here bitch!" Angelique screamed. "You're mine!"

"Ahh, gotta run faster!" Fang thought in her head and picked up her pace. Unfortunately, without her hands, she would occasionally lose balance and stumble across some of the forest's obstacles.

After a couple more minutes, Fang saw a rope fly out in front of her that closed around her arms.

"No! Not again! Unh!" Fang said, trying to pull herself forward.

"Game over, time to knock your ass out," Angelique said, pulling Fang towards her and cocking her fist back.

Before she could land her punch, she felt someone jump down beside her and grab her arm.

"Now now, don't you think it's unfair to hit a defenseless person?"

"Kenta!" Fang said, recognizing that voice.

"Let go of me!" Angelique said, trying to pull her arm free. However, she was quickly subdued by Kenta's martial arts prowess and found herself face down on the ground with her arms held behind her.

"Ly!" Kenta called, his partner coming down from a nearby tree. "Grab some ropes and tie her up while I hold her." The end result was Angelique bound in a box tie, with her legs left free to walk.

"How you guys find me?" Fang asked, as Kenta worked on untying her wrists.

"You were getting close; we were able to track your position from our watches," Ly replied. "Jin stayed back to protect our headquarters."

"Phew, I guess I got lucky," Fang said, rubbing her wrists to get the circulation flowing again. "Tamayo wasn't as fortunate. We need to find a way to get her back."

"I hope she's okay," Ly replied.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she can tough it out. Ly, bring this bitch back to headquarters," Fang said, motioning her head towards Angelique. "Kenta, head back with me to help me secure another Azteca tribute and grab some equipment. I won't let Tamayo's sacrifice be in vain…"
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Chapter 7: End of the 1st Day of Games

"Blech, yuck!" Tamayo coughed out, glad that the ordeal was now over.

"I must thank you for the relief," Khalil said, zipping up his bodysuit. "My colleagues aren't too open to this kind of activity."

"You're…despicable," Tamayo cried, looking up at Khalil.

"I don't believe I asked you for your opinion," Khalil replied coldly. He then picked up Tamayo and threw her back onto the bed like a rag doll.

"Oomph, what are you going to do with me now? Have your way with me?" she asked.

"That's quite a suggestion, but no. I'm satisfied for now. However, I don't want my female colleagues getting curious about what happened here. They'd be very much against it," Khalil replied, flipping her on her stomach and grabbing ahold of Tamayo's tied ankles to tie one end of a short rope to them. "So, I have to make it look like I was never here."

He pulled her ankles back as far as they would go, forcing Tamayo to arch her back, and retied them to her wrists. Tamayo definitely felt like she was in a much stricter hogtie than when Lamia and Purva tied her.

"That's too tight!" Tamayo yelped. She wished she had taken more backbending classes in yoga with her teammates during their training sessions.

"You're much too loud," Khalil said, putting a hand over her mouth. He then retrieved the hankerchief from earlier and proceeded to cleave gag her again. However, before he could finish tying the knot off at the back of her neck, they both heard the door open.

"What's going on in here?" Lamia asked.

"Nothing, just making sure you've secured our prisoner properly," Khalil replied.

"Don't lie to me…it smells like sweat in here," Lamia answered. "Are you okay?" she asked Tamayo.

"Mmph-mmph," Tamayo shaking her head with a no through her gag.

"Get out of here," Lamia instructed Khalil. Once he left, she removed Tamayo's gag and loosened the ropes around her ankles. "It was a mistake to leave you up here…I'm going to take you to the dungeon. I'll make sure he doesn't get to you there."

She then led Tamayo down, untied her wrists, and replaced them with chains attached to the dungeon wall. There was no way for Tamayo to get free unless someone unlocked the chains from her wrists. However, Lamia provided some water and food to Tamayo before she left her in peace.

"Sigh…what a horrible predicament," Tamayo lamented.

Just then, she could hear an announcement from the loudspeakers of Katalan's headquarters.

"This is the end of day one. The following Tributes have been captured:

- Will and Elizabeth for Team Euratan, being held captive by Team Brutage

- Angelique and Hector for Team Azteca, being held captive by Team Arkana

- Tamayo for Team Arkana, being held captive by Team Katalan"
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Chapter 8: Day Two

Sana: Age 18, 5'4, 105 pounds. Long dark hair, smoky brown eyes. Speedy fighter for Team Katalan.

Rashida: Age 21, 5'9, 160 pounds. Long black hair, brown eyes. Tough fighter and quick at hunting prey for Team Brutage.

Jerell: Age 17, 5'7 140 pounds. Short black hair, brown eyes. Fighting expert and rope expert for Team Azteca.

Rosa: Age 18, 5'8 130 pounds. Medium black hair, brown eyes. Rope expert for Team Azteca.

"Gotta get loose!"

Fang awoke, lying on her stomach and grabbing hold of her bare feet. She had been dreaming, still thinking about the hogtie Angelique had placed her in yesterday and was glad to find herself free of ropes. She got up from her tatami mat and proceeded to make her way upstairs to the computer room, where Jin had been working on their strategy for the day. Kenta and Ly soon joined them as well, making sure that their prisoners, Hector and Angelique, were still well secured in their dungeon area. They were being kept in one of three rooms with sliding doors that were padlocked on the outside, with their arms still tied behind them shibari–style and their ankles tied in front of them.

"All right guys, our goal is to get Tamayo back," Fang instructed. "To do that, we need to capture one of Katalan's tributes to use for exchange. Kenta, Ly, you two head out to see if you can capture one of them. Jin and I will hang back at headquarters to keep our jewel safe."

With that, the team broke off and Kenta and Ly equipped themselves to set out from their headquarters with the purpose of capturing a member of Team Katalan. As they climbed from tree branch to tree branch, they eventually spotted a female Katalan tribute sparring with a female Azteca tribute.

"Here's our chance," whispered Ly.

"Not yet," replied Kenta. "I sense a trap nearby. Let's hang back first and see what happens." They watched as the Katalan tribute nimbly dodged the Azteca tribute, who was attempting to use her lasso to catch her.

"Gotcha, finally!" yelled Rosa, the Azteca tribute. She was able to catch Sana, the Katalan tribute, by faking low, but aiming instead for her arms. Within a couple of minutes, she wrapped the lasso around Sana's arms and proceeded to tie her hands behind her back. "Jerell, I got one!"

"Shut up, Rosa!" replied her partner. He had been hiding in a nearby tree, but hopped down to join Rosa.

"You think you have me, huh?" Sana commented. She then let out a loud whistle.

Just then, a female Brutage tribute jumped out from a tree, aiming a flying kick towards Rosa. But Jerell was quick enough to aim his lasso at the attacker's leg and swung her face down to the ground.

"So careless, Rashida!"

Okamo, hiding in a bush nearby, ran out and tackled Jerell hard to the ground. He then proceeded to grasp Jerell's throat with his large hand.

"Submit, weakling!" Okamo screamed.

Rosa, seeing her partner in danger, ran over to engage Okamo, but was stopped a large net projectile that pinned her to the ground.

"Nice shot, Lamia!" Sana said.

"I…submit…," Jerell gasped. He then had his hands twisted behind him and tied tightly together by Okamo. His ankles were also tied to ensure he wouldn't go anywhere. Once he was secured, he was met with a swift kick to the side.

"Oof!" yelled Jerell, with pain.

"That's for throwing me to the ground earlier," Rashida replied, pressing down hard on Jerell's back with the heel.

"Do you need any help securing your prisoner?" Okamo directed towards Lamia and Sana.

"No, we're just fine," Lamia replied, having just tied Rosa's hands behind her back from under the net. She then turned her attention to her partner and cut her loose from the ropes around her arms and wrists.

"We're off then, let's go Rashida," Okamo commanded, picking up Jerell like a rag doll and slinging him over his shoulder. Lamia and Sana removed the net from Rosa and went their own way back to headquarters.

"Let's follow them," Kenta instructed to Ly.

After following the Katalan tributes for a couple of minutes, Kenta and Ly decided to make their move. Taking a flash grenade from his belt, he threw it down at Lamia and Sana.

"Look out!" Lamia warned, pushing Sana away, but catching the full flash. Ly took this opportunity to shoot a net from her gun to trap Lamia.

However, Sana responded by using her stun gun and hitting Ly directly with it, knocking her unconscious. She immediately followed through to engage Kenta in hand to hand combat. The two fought each other to a draw, unable to gain any advantage.

"Wow, you fight pretty well," Kenta commented, catching his breath.

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean you should take me lightly," Sana responded.

As the two continued their fight, Lamia was able to retrieve the knife from her boot to cut herself free from the net. She then noticed Ly beginning to stir so she quickly made her way over her.

"Lights out for you," she said, lifting both her fists and swinging down hard on the back of Ly's neck, knocking her out. "Now…to keep you out of action for a bit…"

She grabbed a rope from her utility belt and began to tie Ly's wrists behind her. Taking another piece of rope, she tied Ly's ankles together and leaving a bit of slack in the rope, used it to hogtie her wrists and ankles together.

Noticing her partner in danger, she picked up the stun gun that Sana had dropped and sneaking up behind Kenta, picked it into his backside.

"Hands up," Lamia demanded. "Unless you want a full blast of stun gun."

"Okay, you got me," Kenta replied, putting his hands up in the air. He noticed that Ly was immobilized in her hogtie and would be no help to him.

"Here, tie him up," Lamia ordered, tossing a rope to Sana.

As Kenta placed his hands behind his back, he caught a green blur in the corner of his eye.
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 9: The Tide Turns

Jenna: Age 18, 5'6, 105 pounds. Long brunette hair, big brown eyes. Speedy fighter for Team Euratan.

One of the female tributes from Euratan had swooped in from the trees and landed a hard kick to knock Lamia to the ground. Before Sana could react, Kenta elbowed her in the stomach and caught her in a half nelson lock.

"Ugh, let go, I give," Sana submitted.

Kenta picked up the rope that Sana was going to use on him and began to tie Sana's wrists behind her back. He noticed that the Euratan tribute was doing the same to the fallen Lamia.

"Thanks for your help," Kenta said. "What's your name?"

"My name is Jenna and I'm glad I was able to help," Jenna replied. "The odds are stacked against us with Team Katalan and Team Brutage working together. So, I was wondering if you and your team would like to join forces with us to even things up."

"Sure thing, we definitely appreciate it," Kenta responded.

"Ohh…my head hurts," Ly said, awakening from her knockout. She attempted to stand up, but quickly found her arms and legs tied together behind her. "And why am I tied up?"

"You can blame Team Katalan for that," Kenta said. "Jenna, do you mind looking after Sana while I untie Ly?"

"Yeah, no problem," Jenna replied, taking hold of Sana.

As Kenta untied Ly from her hogtie, they had the following exchange.

"Can we trust working with them?" Ly asked.

"We have to for now, Katalan and Brutage are too physical to take down alone," Kenta replied.

"I'll take Sana back to Euratan headquarters, you can take the knocked out one," Jenna said. "I guess I'll see you around."

With that, Kenta picked up Lamia and slung her over his shoulder back to headquarters, with Ly following behind him. Once they were back, they immediately used their headquarters' computer to contact Team Katalan to arrange for an exchange of prisoners. Team Katalan reluctantly agreed since they were down two members. Using a special transportation chamber for this sole purpose, Team Arkana loaded the still tied-up Lamia into the chamber and programmed the computer to teleport her back to Team Katalan. Once she was transported, they saw a figure start to materialize from the chamber.
"Tamayo!" Ly exclaimed. "It's good to have you back!"

"Mmmph!" Tamayo muffled, surprised by the sight of her teammates. She was kneeling within the chamber, cleave gagged with a cloth tied behind her neck and had her wrists tied behind her. Team Katalan was also kind enough to return her boots on her feet before transporting her back.

Fang quickly went inside and removed the gag from Tamayo's mouth. She then followed that up with a warm hug.

"Tamayo, I'm so sorry about earlier," Fang said. "I shouldn't have abandoned you."

"Heh, it's good to see you too," Tamayo replied with a smile. "Now can you untie me so I can go pee?"
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Chapter 10: Working Together

Jack: Age 19, 5'10, 160 pounds. Short blond hair, blue eyes. The brains for Team Euratan.

Kathleen: Age 17, 5'5, 100 pounds. Short brunette hair, big brown eyes. Rope expert for Team Euratan.

Romaine: Age 18, 6'0, 130 pounds. Long black hair, brown eyes. Strong fighter for Team Brutage.

Hakeem: Age 20, 6'5, 200 pounds. Short black hair, brown eyes. Well rounded member for Team Brutage.

Ahmed: Age 19, 5'10, 180 pounds. Short black hair, dark brown eyes. Strong fighter for Team Katalan.

Team Arkana regrouped the next day, relieved they were one of two teams still with their full team. The previous day's results had Team Azteca with only 2 members remaining (2 captives being held by Team Arkana, and 1 captive being held by Team Brutage), Team Euratan with 3 members remaining (2 captives being held by Team Brutage), and Team Katalan with 4 members remaining (1 captive being held by Team Euratan). They were soon contacted by Jenna at Team Euratan.

"Morning Team Arkana!" Jenna said through the computer screen.

"Hello…" Jin replied. "Kenta and Ly told us how helpful you were to them yesterday, and we're ready to return the favor."

"Awesome! As you might know, Team Brutage is holding two of our members captive and we need to get them back," Jenna said. "We're looking to trap them into engaging in battles where the numbers are in our favor."

"Sounds like a good plan," Jin replied.

"I'm sending over Jack and Kathleen over to you," Jenna replied. "Can you send us your headquarters' coordinates?"

"Yep, sending them now," Jin said, with a few quick keyboard strokes.

Within a half hour, Jack and Kathleen met up with Kenta, Ly, and Fang at the entrance of Team Arkana's headquarters.

"Hey guys," Jack said, "ready to hunt down Brutage and Katalan?"

"Yeah, let's get them," Kenta replied. "What's the plan?"

"We'll lure em in, and you get the drop on them," Kathleen said.

"Good plan, okay, let's move out, you guys keep to the ground," Fang ordered. "We'll keep closeby in the trees."

After a few miles in the forest, Jack and Kathleen came across two Tributes from Team Brutage.

"Lookie here, Romaine," Hakeem said. "Fresh meat."

Before Jack and Kathleen could react, Hakeem grabbed ahold of Jack and had him in a sleeper hold while Romaine tackled Kathleen to the ground. Within seconds, Romaine had Kathleen face-down and locked into a sharpshooter hold.

"Ugh, anytime now, guys," Kathleen muttered.

On cue, Fang and Kenta jumped down from the trees to engage in battle.

"What the-?" Hakeem exclaimed. "Ahmed, Purva, take care of them!"

Hiding behind the trees, Ahmed and Purva showed themselves and charged at Fang and Kenta. Luckily, Ly was still hidden away and was able to catch Ahmed with one of her nets.

"Shit!" Ahmed exclaimed, trapped under the net. "There's five of them?"

Purva immediately changed her plan and charged after Ly in the trees before she could setup another shot.

"Should I go after her?" Fang asked Kenta.

"No, we need to take down Brutage before it's too late," Kenta said, noticing that Jack had fallen unconscious from Hakeem's sleeper hold. "Ly will be fine."

Kenta approached Hakeem with caution while Fang made her way over to Romaine, who was forced to release her sharpshooter hold on Kathleen.

"Phew, that's a relief," Kathleen said.

Before Romaine could react to fight Fang, Kathleen grabbed onto her ankles, holding her in place.

"Let go of me, you bitch!" Romaine shouted, but was met with a flying roundhouse kick by Fang. Before she could recover, she received a hard karate chop from Fang to the back of her neck, knocking her out.

"Tie her up," Fang instructed Kathleen. Kathleen gladly complied as she made sure to tie Romaine's wrists and arms tightly behind her back.

She then moved over to Kenta, who was keeping as far out of reach of Hakeem while countering with roundhouse kicks and punches. Hakeem soon found himself surrounded by two opponents, one at his front and one at his back. Between the flurry of kicks and punches from Fang and Kenta, Hakeem soon found himself winded and down on one knee on the ground, catching his breath.

"Double flying kick!" Kenta and Fang both yelled, connecting with their hits. Hakeem was knocked out cold and within minutes, had his arms and wrists bound behind him. Kenta and Fang then worked on tying up Ahmed as he was very much still trapped under the net.

"Good job guys," Jack said sleepily, noticing that Kathleen, Fang and Kenta had successfully captured Hakeem, Romaine, and Ahmed.

"Hmm, I wonder how Ly did," Fang asked.

"I think I did just fine!" Ly shouted, heading towards them with Purva in tow. Purva was walking with her hands cuffed behind her and her head hung in shame.

"We'll take the Brutage captives, you guys can have the Katalan captives," Jack said.

"Fine by us, thanks for your help," Kenta replied.

With that, Team Arkana took their new prisoners and locked them into the second room of their dungeon area, making sure that the ropes and cuffs were still secure on them. Team Euratan, on the other hand, found themselves disappointed as Team Brutage was unwilling to exchange Will and Elizabeth to regain Romaine and Hakeem. So, they made sure to chain their prisoners tightly to their dungeon wall and proceeded to torture them in revenge…
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 11: Betrayal

The next morning, Jack and Kathleen met up with Fang and Tamayo and looked to capture more members from the remaining teams, using their same bait and lure plan. On their first encounter, they came across Aisha from Team Brutage and Khalil from Team Katalan.

"I think we should run," Khalil advised his partner. "I don't think they're alone."

"Never! Team Brutage never backs down," Aisha replied.

"Then you're on your own," Khalil said.

However, before he could turn and run, he found himself face-to-face with Fang and Tamayo.

"Ah shit," Khalil muttered to himself.

With numbers on their side, Jack and Kathleen were able to subdue and bind Aisha while Fang and Tamayo did the same to Khalil. Once Khalil had his arms and wrists well bound behind him, Tamayo made sure to punch him in the unmentionables for what he had done to her earlier.

Just then, Jack and Kathleen received a message on their watches from Jenna.

"Guys, it's time," Jenna said.

"Okay, plan divide and conquer is now in session," Kathleen replied quietly.

"Hey guys, what're you doing?" Tamayo called out to Jack and Kathleen.

"Oh! We just got a message from Jenna," Kathleen replied. "She was wondering if we could meet up at your headquarters to discuss our next plan of action to take out the remaining teams."

"Okay, sounds good, but what about this scum?" Tamayo replied, tilting her head towards Khalil.

"How bout I walk back with you?" Kathleen offered. "Jenna's already heading over and I was wondering if you would show me around inside."

"Fang, are you okay with escorting me to bring her back?" Jack said, motioning towards Aisha. "I'd hate to get ambushed along the way. We can catch up with them once I'm finished securing her."

"Fine, but let's make it quick," Fang replied.

So, Tamayo and Kathleen split off with Khalil as a prisoner back to Team Arkana headquarters while Fang and Jack headed to Team Euratan headquarters with Aisha as a prisoner.

At Euratan's headquarters, Fang marveled at the wondrous sight before her. It was a huge medieval castle equipped with a drawbridge and moat. Once inside, Fang accompanied Jack down to the headquarters' dungeon area to secure Aisha. Hakeem and Romaine, with their wrists secured with heavy chains to the dungeon wall, were quick to notice their teammate.

"Fuck, they got you too, Aisha?" Hakeem commented.

"Yeah, there were too many of them to fight off," Aisha replied.

"Such a weakling," Romaine muttered.

"Fuck you, you didn't do much better," Aisha replied.

"Hey, cut the chatter!" Jack said. "Or I'll gag all of you."

Using the last set of chains on the dungeon wall, Jack and Fang attached them to Aisha's wrists before untying the ropes around them. Jack made sure to lock them tightly with the key.

"Phew, thanks for your help," Jack said, turning to Fang. "Let's head back up…"

Once Fang turned to head upstairs, Jack made his move and raised his fists to strike a heavy blow to the back of Fang's head, knocking her out.

"Hmm…too bad there's no more room to chain you up," Jack commented.

Grabbing some rope from his utility belt, he flipped Fang onto her stomach and proceeded to bind her wrists tightly behind her back. He then moved on to tying her booted ankles together and proceeded to connect them to her wrists with a short piece of rope. Leaving her hogtied on the cold dungeon floor, Jack proceeded upstairs to the communication room and sent the following message to his teammates: "Leader captured. No longer a threat."

"Got it," Jenna communicated back to Jack. She had been waiting at the entrance of Arkana's headquarters waiting for Kathleen to arrive. After waiting for about 10 minutes, she caught sight of her teammate walking with someone from Team Arkana and a large male from Team Katalan with his arms bound behind him.

"Hey Jenna!" Kathleen yelled, when she spotted her teammate.

"Hey Kathleen!" Jenna replied. "Who've you got with you?"

"This is Tamayo from Team Arkana. And we captured this guy from Team Katalan," Kathleen replied, tilting her head towards Khalil.

"Nice to meet you," Tamayo said, greeting Jenna. "Shall we head inside?"

"Sure, lead the way," Jenna replied.

"Okay, but do you mind taking off your boots at the door? We like to keep the floors clean," Tamayo asked.

Kathleen and Jenna complied with Tamayo's request and unzipped the boots from their legs, exposing their snow-white feet. Tamayo quickly followed suit and with the help of Kathleen and Jenna, removed the boots from Khalil's legs.

"Wow, it is really clean inside," Kathleen remarked, feeling the smooth hardwood floors of Arkana's temple headquarters.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" Kenta said, hearing the commotion from the entrance.

"Hey Kenta, the Euratan tributes are here to talk strategy with us on how to take out the remaining teams," Tamayo replied. "Where are the others?"

"Jin's in the computer room, as usual," Kenta replied. "And Ly's in the kitchen."

"Ah okay," Tamayo said. "Do you mind locking up this trash in the dungeon area?"

Just then, Kathleen gave a little nod to Jenna.

"Hey Kenta, do you mind if I come help you out?" Jenna offered. "I'm curious about your sweet headquarters set up."

"Sure," Kenta replied, taking ahold of Khalil. "Follow me."

"Hey Tamayo," Kathleen said, grabbing Tamayo's arm. "Do you mind showing me where the bathroom is? I really need to go…"

"Yeah, it's just upstairs, I'll show you where it is," Tamayo said, taking Kathleen with her to where the bedrooms were.

Once Jenna, Kenta, and Khalil reached the dungeon area, Kenta instructed Jenna to look after Khalil while he unlocked their last room in the dungeon area, as the first two rooms were already preoccupied with two captives each.

While Kenta had his back turned, Jenna took the opportunity to grab the stun gun she had and used it to knock Kenta out. She then proceeded to tie Kenta's wrists behind his back and used a long rope to bind his upper body. Finally, Jenna used up all her strength to lift Kenta and place him into the dungeon room, where she tied his ankles together and locked him inside. While this was happening, Khalil proceeded to slip away back upstairs and ran off from Arkana's headquarters, hoping to reach his teammates again.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Tamayo had led Kathleen to one of the bathrooms near their bedroom area.

"You guys have really nice bathrooms!" Kathleen commented inside the bathroom, with Tamayo waiting outside.

"Uhh, thanks," Tamayo said.

"You guys sleep on the floor?" Kathleen asked.

"Yeah, our rooms have tatami mats inside, so it's quite comfortable for us," Tamayo replied.

"Umm, Tamayo, I think something's wrong with the toilet," Kathleen said. "Can you come inside and take a look?"

"Ugh, what happened?" Tamayo said, coming inside.

Once she bent down to inspect the toilet, Kathleen took the opportunity to grab Tamayo and put her in a sleeper hold. After a few minutes of struggling, Kathleen had Tamayo out cold. Quickly, she dragged Tamayo into one of the bedrooms. Flipping her over on her stomach, she used a length of rope to tie her wrists behind her back. She then proceeded to tie her ankles together and finished off the tie by using a short piece of rope to hogtie her wrists and ankles together. She made sure to close the sliding door behind her so that no one would see that Tamayo had been bound.

"Tamayo's out," Kathleen communicated to Jenna on her watch.

"Ditto for Kenta," Jenna replied. "Heading over to Jin now."

Jin, busy at work in the computer room, was oblivious to what was occurring when he was interrupted by Jenna.

"Hello there," Jin said, marveling at the cute girl at his presence.

"Hey there," Jenna replied. "Nice to finally meet the brains of Team Arkana. You guys sure have been on a roll in these Bondage Games."

"We couldn't have done it without your help," Jin replied.

"Yeah, no problem…hey, do you mind showing me how your computer works?" Jenna asked. "I'm pretty curious…"

"Sure thing," Jin replied, unaware that Jenna was distracting him long enough for Kathleen to sneak behind him and stun him with a blast from her stun gun. Together, Kathleen and Jenna tied his wrists and arms together behind him and dragged him down to the dungeon room to lock him up with Kenta. To ensure they wouldn't be able to escape, Kathleen took the drastic act of swallowing the key to unlock the padlocks that kept the dungeon room doors locked.

Ly, who was slaving away in the kitchen making lunch for her teammates, was surprised to see two members from Team Euratan standing in front of her.

"Hello there…would you like something to eat?" Ly said, nervously. She slipped her hand behind her and attempted to grab a smoke grenade from her utility belt.

"Uh uh…hands up!" Jenna ordered. She and Kathleen both pulled out their stun guns and pointed them at her.

"Dammit…" Ly sighed, raising her hands. "Just wait till my teammates get their hands on you…"

"Heheh, they're a little tied up right now," Kathleen replied. "Just like you'll be shortly…"
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Chapter 12: Captured

"On your knees!" Jenna commanded Ly, keeping her gun trained on her. "Make sure you tie her up tight," Jenna told Kathleen.

"Yeah, I know," Kathleen replied, slightly annoyed. "I'm the rope expert for our team."

She holstered her gun and twisted Ly's arms behind her back, in a reverse prayer position. Taking a length of rope, she coiled it around Ly's wrists behind her back and cinched it off, tying the knot out of reach. She then proceeded to take a long length of rope and wrapped it around Ly, further securing her arms to her body.

"Face down on the floor," Kathleen instructed Ly.

She then took a length of rope and frog-tied one of Ly's ankles to her thighs and used another length of rope to do the same to her other leg. She then unclipped Ly's utility belt and tossed it to Jenna.

"Fucking bitches," Ly thought to herself. She started to struggle and realized how futile it would be to escape her bonds.

"Team Arkana's been captured," Jenna reported back to Jack.

"Great, now we just need to get their jewel and finish off the other teams," Jack replied. "Find it and bring it back to headquarters."

"Got it," Jenna replied. "Kathleen, stay here and make sure she doesn't escape. See if you can find out where they keep their jewel."

With that, Jenna left them to search for Arkana's jewel within their headquarters.

Back at Euratan's headquarters, Fang awoke to find herself in yet another hogtie.

"Not again…" Fang muttered to herself. She pulled her feet back as close as she could to her hands and attempted to reach the knife in her boot. After a couple of minutes, she was able to grab the handle of the knife and remove it from her boot.

"Hmm, what's going on here?" she heard a voice behind her say. She quickly rolled onto her side to try and conceal the knife in her hands.

"No use hiding it, give it here," Jack said, wrenching the knife from her closed fist. "Such a naughty girl…you deserve to be spanked." He slapped Fang's butt with the full force of his palm, causing Fang to shriek in pain.

"What the hell?!?" Fang shouted.

"Your screams hurt my ears…I should fix that," Jack said, grabbing a roll of duct tape and placing two strands over Fang's lips. "That should keep you quiet. Congrats to your team finishing last this year."

With that last insult, Jack left Fang to struggle futilely in her bonds once again with no hope of getting free.

Master Ryu, watching Team Arkana in trouble on the large screens in the Capitol, knew he had to do something to help his pupils. Using his diplomatic skills, he reached out to numerous sponsors to see if they would lend aid to his team. After making his round of the Capitol, he could only hope and wait to see if the sponsors would lend their support to Team Arkana.

After what seemed like hours into the night, Fang ceased her efforts to escape from her hogtie, lying face down on the floor in defeat. Just then, she noticed a metal ball float over to her to drop a knife in front of her.

"Thank you, Master Ryu!" she thought to herself. She quickly maneuvered herself to grab hold of the knife and began to use the blade to carefully saw away at the ropes around her wrists. Once her hands were free, she untied the ropes holding her feet together and made her exit from Team Euratan's headquarters while Jack was asleep.

"Hopefully my teammates are okay…" Fang thought as she started to run back to her headquarters.

"Where's the jewel?" Jenna demanded from Tamayo.

"I…I don't know," Tamayo replied.

"Fine, suit yourself to more tickle torture," Jenna said as she mercilessly moved her fingers across Tamayo's bare soles. There was nothing Tamayo could do as her feet were held in place by the tight hogtie Kathleen had placed her in.

"," Tamayo begged, out of breath from all the tickling.

"This is useless," Jenna said. "Guess we'll try your partner instead…"

Before she left, though, she made sure to rip off some duct tape from her roll and used it to gag Tamayo.

"Nighty night!" Jenna said, shutting the sliding door to Tamayo's bedroom and turning off the lights.

Back in the kitchen, Kathleen was trying to extract the jewel's location from Ly, but was getting nowhere.

"I'm not ticklish," Ly replied coolly to Kathleen's tickle attempts.

"Still no luck?" Jenna said, entering the kitchen.

"No, she's been stubborn to give up the location of their jewel," Kathleen replied, kicking Ly in her side.

"Oof!" Ly replied, wincing in pain. Her arms were starting to go numb from the reverse prayer position they had been bound in and her legs were starting to hurt. She started to lose hope for herself and for the rest of her team.

"They'll expect me to come in through the front door…" Fang thought to herself, having just reached her headquarters. "And they took their boots off too, so I won't be able to hear them as easily," noticing Jenna's and Kathleen's footwear at the entrance.

She proceeded to slip the boots off of her own feet and decided to climb up the temple to get in through one of the windows. She peered into one of the windows of the second floor and found Jenna in the control room, sitting at one of the computers.

"Can't go in that way…" Fang muttered. So, she climbed further and went in through one of the windows of the bedroom belonging to Kenta and Jin. She then quietly tiptoed her way out and glanced into the bedroom she shared with Tamayo and Ly.

"Hmm, no one's here either," Fang thought. Unfortunately, she didn't think to check to open any of the sliding doors for each of their individual rooms inside, as she would've found Tamayo asleep, exhausted from the earlier tickling and trying to free herself from her hogtie.

She then stealthily made her way downstairs and peered again into the control room, where she found Jenna still busy at their computers. She no longer had a stun gun (as Jack had confiscated it from her), so she was going to have to be creative.

"Grr…where do they keep their jewel?" Jenna wondered aloud, unaware of Fang sneaking up behind her.

With a swift strike to the head, Fang was able to knock Jenna out cold. She pulled Jenna's hands behind the chair and tied them crossing each other. She then proceeded to tie her feet together and pulled them under the chair to connect them to her wrists. Lastly, she took the roll of duct tape from Jenna's belt and ripped off some strips to gag her. She made sure to take Jenna's stun gun as well before heading downstairs.

"One down, one to go," Fang said to herself, walking as quietly as she could across the dojo floor towards the kitchen. "Where are you, Kathleen?"

Kathleen, who had grown bored of watching over Ly, had gone outside for some fresh air. It was only when she received an alert from Jack on her watch had she snapped out of her reverie.

"Kathleen, Fang's escaped. You and Jenna need to make sure she doesn't get back and free her teammates, understand? Also, I can't seem to get ahold of Jenna, can you go check on her?"

"Got it, Kathleen out," she replied. It was then that she noticed a pair of boots that wasn't there when she had removed her own boots earlier. "Dammit!" she cursed to herself, heading back inside.

Meanwhile, Fang had made her way to the kitchen and found Ly wriggling to get comfortable in her ropes. She also saw that Ly had been cleave gagged with a large cloth.

"Mmph!" Ly cried, happy to see her teammate again.

Fang quickly untied the knot to the cleave gag and taking her knife, started to cut through the coils of rope holding Ly's ankles to her thighs.

"Fang, look out!" Ly shouted, noticing Kathleen take aim with her stun gun. Fang, having managed to cut through the last strands of nylon holding Ly's feet in place, reacted to her teammate's warning and quickly tumbled herself away from Kathleen's blast. She then took her own stun gun and attempted to shoot at Kathleen, but missed badly.

Ly, relieved her feet were no longer held in place to her thighs, lowered her legs to the floor and rolled herself to safety. Her legs were still weak and she was still no use to her teammate with her wrists and arms bound.

Fang attempted to charge Kathleen with a tackle, but was met with a swift kick to the face. Fang tried to counter with a punch but Kathleen had grabbed her arm and threw her hard to the floor.

"You're not the only one who knows martial arts," Kathleen taunted.

Fang, seething with anger and desperate with frustration, tried a roundhouse kick, but Kathleen ducked underneath and grabbed ahold of her leg. She then swept her leg to trip Fang to the ground and grabbing her other leg, locked her into a sharpshooter hold.

"Submit!" Kathleen yelled, putting her weight into the submission hold.

"Never!" Fang cried, fighting hard to push up and twist her way out of it. Ly could see the look of anguish in her face from her efforts.

"Ahhh, submit!" Kathleen yelled out, leaning as far back as she could go and bending Fang's back into excruciating pain.

Fang, still sore from the bondage Jack put her in earlier, could no longer resist as she tapped the floor with her hand. "Okay, okay! I submit!"

"Phew, I thought you'd never give up," Kathleen sighed, releasing the sharpshooter hold. She turned to remove Fang's utility belt and unclipped it from her waist. She made sure to place it on top of the table.

Ly could only watch in disappointment as she watched Fang prepare to be tied up by Kathleen. Fang, however, appeared to have one last trick up her sleeve. She winked at her teammate and quickly pointed towards Ly's feet.

"I assume you want me to put my hands behind my back," Fang said. She lifted herself into a kneeling position, making sure to turn her back towards Ly. She then crossed her wrists behind her for Kathleen to tie.

"Such a willing prisoner," Kathleen said in amusement. She already had a length of rope in her hand and began to coil it around Fang's wrists, making sure to cinch it tight before tying the knot out of reach.

Ly, taking notice from her partner, started to test her legs. She bent her knees and tried to regain strength in them.

"Lie down on your stomach," Kathleen told Fang, as she moved to tie her feet. Fang tipped herself over and positioned herself again so that Kathleen's back would be turned towards Ly. Kathleen proceeded to cross Fang's ankles together, wrapping the rope multiple times around and then cinched the rope off before securing the knot.

"Now, bend your feet back, I'm gonna hogtie you," Kathleen instructed, starting to tie a short length of rope to Fang's ankle bindings. Fang turned her head and could see Ly attempting to roll herself up off the ground. She needed to buy more time for her teammate.

"Bend them," Kathleen said again, pulling on the rope to tug Fang's ankles. However, Fang held her legs as stiff as she could and rolled off of her stomach onto her side. Even in defeat, she was still defiant to the end.

"Have it your way then," Kathleen sneered, putting a knee on her back and punching Fang in the side. Fang huffed in pain and bent her legs in reaction.

"Gotcha now," Kathleen said, pulling Fang's feet back towards her hands. Fang could feel the tension in the rope as she tried to pull her feet away, but the rope was already being wrapped around her wrist bindings.

"Do it now, Ly!" Fang exclaimed, just as Kathleen finished tightening the knot to connect her hands and feet together in a hogtie. Ly raised her leg up high and brought her heel down as hard as she could to the back of Kathleen's head to knock her out.

"You couldn't have done that sooner?" Fang asked, looking up at Ly. "Like before she hogtied me?" She tugged on the hogtie rope with her feet just to get the point across.

"Sorry, I was still wobbly," Ly replied. "You okay, though? That sharpshooter hold must've hurt."

"Yeah, it hurt a lot, doesn't help either that she put me in a hogtie. My back's killing me," Fang said, wincing with pain.

"Well, I can't feel my hands," Ly countered. "How do we get ourselves free?"

"My knife's over there," Fang said. "I dropped it when I dodged the stun blast earlier. Luckily, your legs are still free for you to fetch it."

Ly then went over to the knife and used her feet to kick it over to Fang.

"This would've been a lot easier if you had knocked her out just a couple of seconds earlier," Fang commented, as she wriggled herself to grab hold of the knife on the floor. Slowly, but surely, she was able to cut the connecting rope that held her wrists and ankles together. No longer in a hogtie, she sat herself up and then worked the knife to saw away at the coils of rope around her feet. Eventually the ropes came loose as she pulled her feet away from them.

Just then, Ly and Fang noticed Kathleen beginning to stir.

"Don't worry, I've got it," Ly replied, winding up another kick to knockout Kathleen again.

"Good, I was afraid we would've had to take on her with our hands tied behind our backs," Fang replied. After a couple more minutes of effort, she was able to cut her hands free from the ropes. "Yes! Now, let's get you out of those ropes," Fang said, turning to Ly.

"Thank you," Ly exclaimed, once Fang cut the ropes from her body and freed her wrists from the cruel reverse-prayer position.

"What do we do with her?" Fang asked.

"Leave her to me," Ly replied, grabbing the ropes on the floor. She returned the favor by tying Kathleen's hands in the same reverse-prayer position she had been tied in. She followed up by tying more ropes around her body to further secure them. She then moved to frog-tie each of Kathleen's legs together and finished her off by tying the front of the body ropes to the ropes securing the thighs and calves together, leaving Kathleen in a constant bent-over position.

"Yoo-hoo, wake up," Ly said, shaking Kathleen back to consciousness.

"Ugh, my head hurts like hell," Kathleen replied. She quickly realized just how immobile she was. "Think you went a bit overboard on the ropes?"

"Well, payback's a bitch," Ly replied.

"Where are our teammates?" Fang asked Kathleen.

"Fuck off," Kathleen replied.

Ly responded with a swift kick to her side.

"Oof, guess I deserved that," Kathleen responded.

"Where are they?" Fang asked again.

"Go find them yourself," Kathleen again replied.

Just before Ly could set up another kick, Fang stopped her.

"We're getting nowhere with this, I'm guessing they're locked downstairs in the dungeon," Fang said.
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 13: Hopeless

"Uhh...what? Ugh!" Jenna said to herself, finding she was bound tightly to a chair. She heard the interrogation that Fang and Ly were giving Kathleen downstairs and knew she had to act quickly to try and escape. Using a small jagged stone she kept in the sleeve of her bodysuit, she eased it back and forth at the ropes holding her wrists behind her, hoping to saw away at one of the strands. After what seemed like several minutes, she pulled one of the coils loose and slipped her wrists free of the ropes. She proceeded to untie the ropes around her ankles and made her way out of the computer room.

"I doubt I would win a 2-on-1 situation, but perhaps I can still come away with something," Jenna remarked, making her way over to the sleeping but still bound Tamayo. She slung her over her shoulder and quietly made her way downstairs, looking for an opportunity to make an exit.


In the dungeon area, Fang and Ly were trying to find a way to open the door of the cell where their teammates, Kenta and Jin, were being held.

"There's no use, we can't open the lock without the key," Ly said.

"Damn those Euratan! I can't believe they backstabbed us!" Fang lamented. "At least we still have 2 of them as captives."

"We do?" Ly asked.

"Yeah, I was able to capture Jenna in the computer room," Fang replied. "Here, I'll come show you."

Jenna, catching some of the conversation from the dungeon room, realized she had to get out of there fast. She made her way back to the entrance area of Arkana's headquarters and placed Tamayo down briefly to get her boots back on. Then, she picked her captive up once again and hastily ran back to her headquarters.

Back in the computer room, Fang and Ly were shocked at their findings.

"Dammit, she must've escaped somehow," Fang said, regrettably.

"There's no point in lamenting over it," Ly replied. "Let's just get some rest."

Just then, an announcement came up to provide status for the end of day 4:

"This is the end of day four. The following Tributes have been captured:

- Will and Elizabeth for Team Euratan, being held captive by Team Brutage

- Jerell for Team Azteca, being held captive by Team Brutage

- Angelique and Hector for Team Azteca, being held captive by Team Arkana

- Purva and Ahmed for Team Katalan, being held captive by Team Arkana

- Kathleen for Team Euratan, being held captive by Team Arkana

- Jin and Kenta for Team Arkana, being held captive by Team Arkana

- Tamayo for Team Arkana, being held captive by Team Euratan

- Hakeem, Romaine, and Aisha for Team Brutage, being held captive by Team Euratan

- Sana for Team Katalan, being held captive by Team Euratan

- Rosa for Team Azteca, being held captive by Team Katalan"
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 14: Recovery

Ly and Fang didn't get much sleep, feeling embarrassed by the fact that two of their teammates were trapped in their own dungeon and that they failed to notice their other teammate, Tamayo, being captured by Team Euratan. Begrudgingly, they contacted Team Euratan to do an exchange of prisoners and used their transport chamber to send Kathleen back to Team Euratan, while getting Tamayo back in return.

"Tamayo, we're so sorry!" Ly said, once Tamayo had come through the chamber.

There was no quick response, as Tamayo had been left hogtied and gagged by Team Euratan for the transfer. Her teammates quickly untied the ropes around her wrists and ankles and removed her gag.

"This is the second time now I've been captured, I feel so useless," Tamayo said to Ly and Fang.

"At the very least, we're still at the same level as the other teams. We still have 3 left, Brutage is left with 2, Azteca is left with 2, Euratan has 3, and Katalan has 2," Ly replied.

"Then it's time we start to make a move and go after the other teams instead of feeling sorry for ourselves," Ly remarked.

Fang and Ly decided to let Tamayo rest for a bit as she had been tied up the longest while they made their way back out to the forest. As they made their way through the trees, they eventually heard some commotion nearby and decided to lay low to get a sense of what was happening.

"I can't believe you thought you could take us on," Ly and Fang heard, coming from a familiar Euratan voice sounding like Jenna.

From behind a bush, Ly and Fang could see the Katalan tribute, Lamia, being led by Kathleen and Jenna from Euratan. She appeared to have her hands tied behind her with her head hung in defeat.

"Ly, see if you can distract one of them while I take the other," Fang whispered.

With that, Ly jumped down from the tree branch she had been standing on and quickly drew her stun gun, hoping to hit either Kathleen or Jenna with a stun blast. Unfortunately, Kathleen was quick to use Lamia to absorb the blast, knocking Lamia unconscious. Ly realized the trouble she was in and turned to run away from the pair of Euratans, who had drawn their stun guns and started to chase after Ly.

"Jenna, stay back and watch after our captive. I'll go after her," Kathleen ordered, as she continued her pursuit.

While Jenna decided to turn back to watch over Lamia, she failed to notice Fang as she aimed her stun gun and connected with her blast. She then descended on the unconscious Euratan and turned her over onto her stomach. She pulled Jenna's arms behind her back, crossing her wrists and binding them with her rope. She then brought her ankles together and used another length of rope to lash them together.

As Fang had worked on binding Jenna, Lamia had awoken from her daze and realized she had an opportunity to get free. She bent her leg back and slipped her fingers into her boot to retrieve the knife hidden within. She quickly cut the ropes holding her wrists behind her and proceeded to make her move. Sneaking up behind Fang, she locked her into a sleeper hold. Fang attempted to break free of the hold, but found herself getting weaker the more she fought the hold and fell into unconsciousness.

"Now, to claim my prize," Lamia said to herself, lifting Jenna over her shoulder and making a run back to her headquarters.

Meanwhile, Kathleen could see the distance growing between her and Ly and realized she had to take her shot while she still could. She took careful aim with her stun gun and was able to connect with Ly's leg, knocking her unconscious.

"Phew, thank goodness that worked," Kathleen muttered to herself, still trying to catch her breath. Once she stumbled her way over to Ly, she proceeded to fold Ly's arms behind her back and performed a box-tie on her, tying wrists to elbows and further tying her forearms together. She then took a long length of rope and bound Ly's upper body, leaving some slack in the end of the rope to use as a leash.

"Looks like you're my captive again," Kathleen said to Ly, as soon as she had awoken. Ly groaned as Kathleen lifted her up to her feet. "C'mon, uppsy-daisy. Now march."

Ly winced, as Kathleen jabbed her stun gun into her back, forcing her to march back to where they had come from. There wasn't much Ly could do but follow Kathleen's orders. With her arms box-tied as they were, there was no way for her fingers to reach the knots of the ropes to untie them. As they neared their destination, Ly could see Fang lying on the ground.

"Oh my gosh! Fang!" Ly cried out, trying to rush over to her.

"Huh? Where do you think you're going?" Kathleen replied, yanking on her end of the rope to hold Ly in place. "Seems like I may have two prisoners to bring back." She dragged Ly to the nearest tree and quickly tied the loose end of the rope to the tree to hold her in place. "And just to keep you quiet..."

She pulled her roll of duct tape and ripped off a strip to place firmly across Ly's mouth. While this was happening, Fang began to stir from being knocked out and slowly picked herself up on her feet.

"Dammit, gotta act quick!" Kathleen thought to herself. She pulled the stun gun from her belt and snuck her way within close range of Fang. As Fang turned herself around, she saw Kathleen pointing her stun gun squarely at her.

"Don't move, hands up!" Kathleen ordered. Fang, still somewhat in a dazed state, had no choice but to comply. She figured she'd been knocked out once already; taking another stun blast with a low chance of evasion would really hurt.

"Now slowly unbuckle your belt and throw it over to me," Kathleen continued, to which Fang also followed.

As this was happening, Ly could only watch helplessly from where she was tied. She attempted to yell out to Fang that Kathleen had wasted her stun blast already on her, but the tape gag held too tightly. She squirmed and fought her ropes as best she could, but they didn't budge. However, she noticed that the knot for the end of the rope tying her to the tree had been tied poorly and began to work her fingers on picking the knot.

"Okay, now put your hands behind your back," Kathleen instructed, drawing her length of rope as Fang begrudgingly turned and crossed her wrists behind her. Fang could feel the rope being coiled about her wrists and grunted as Kathleen pulled at each turn to tighten it. She wondered what happened to Ly when she caught a glimpse of something blue in the distance. It was Ly! She appeared to be struggling next to a tree and was able to pull herself away from it.

As Ly freed herself from the tree, she contemplated on whether to run away or help Fang. From the looks of things, Kathleen had gotten the upper hand on Fang and was already in the process of securing her wrists behind her back.

Just as Kathleen had cinched Fang's wrist bindings and was in the process of double-knotting it, she saw Ly running off in the distance.

"Hey! Come back here!" Kathleen shouted to Ly. She loosened her grip on Fang and had started to make a move to run after Ly.

Fang sensed this opportunity and began to pull with her wrists to see if she could shake off the ropes, but the initial knot that Kathleen had tied held firm. She then attempted to pick at the knot with her fingers, but her fingernails were only able to barely graze the rope coils. Fang cursed herself for allowing Kathleen to have tied her so easily.

"Dammit, she's fast," Kathleen commented, quickly giving up the idea of chasing after Ly. Lucky for her, she moved herself aside before Fang's attempt at a roundhouse kick had landed.

"What the- ooh, you're going to pay for that!" Kathleen snarled, charging at Fang. There was nothing Fang could do to protect herself with her hands tied tightly behind her back. She braced for impact and closed her eyes as Kathleen tackled her to the ground. Pinning Fang's legs, Kathleen took another rope and began to bind Fang's ankles together, looping the rope furiously and tying it down tightly.

"Back to headquarters with you," Kathleen taunted, lifting Fang over her shoulder as she walked back towards headquarters.
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 15: Takedown

Noelani: Age 19, 5'4, 90 pounds. Long black hair tied in a ponytail, dark brown eyes, wears eyeglasses. Rope expert for Team Azteca.

"Mmph, ohh," Fang grunted, squirming to get loose of the ropes that held her in a hogtie.

Kathleen had decided to take a breather as her pace had slowed down; she knew she was still about halfway from her headquarters. She found a spot covered behind some thick bushes and tall trees and decided to plop Fang down next one of them. Paranoid about the chance of escape, Kathleen temporarily untied Fang's ankles so that she could unzip her boots off, in case Fang had been hiding anything sharp inside. Lucky for her, she was right, as Fang had kept a small knife hidden in her boot, which she confiscated.

Kathleen followed up by crossing Fang's ankles together and re-tying them with rope. Leaving a bit of rope left from the ankle bindings, she flipped Fang onto her stomach and bent her legs back to tie her ankles to her wrists. As a final precaution, she ripped off some duct tape and placed it over Fang's lips so she couldn't call for help.

"There we go, all nice and secure," Kathleen commented. "Now time for a quick nap."

She closed her eyes and fell into a light sleep resting against a tree, while Fang twisted and turned trying to find some slack. Just then, Fang heard a sound come from the bushes nearby. Kathleen seemed to notice as well as she stirred from her slumber.

"Huh? Who's there?" Kathleen called out, suddenly cautious of her surroundings. She heard the sound come again from the bushes and decided to follow to see what was causing it. "What the-?"

It was Noelani from Team Azteca who had caught Kathleen by surprise. She had aimed her lasso at Kathleen and was able to get it looped around her arms. Kathleen attempted to fight back but with her arms pinned against her, she was unable to prevent her capture by Noelani. Noelani had begun to wind her lasso around Kathleen's arms and had swept her legs from under her to get her on the ground.

As this was going on, Fang realized this was her opportunity to escape. She inched herself over to where Kathleen had put her knife and was able to grab ahold of it with her bound wrists. She carefully drew the blade out and begun to cut at the rope holding her ankles to her wrists. Little by little, she felt the tension come loose as her legs fell back and made contact with the ground. Finally free of her hogtie, she started to saw away at the coils for her wrist bindings.

"Unh, you bitch," Kathleen grunted, as Noelani had finished the last of her lasso to secure Kathleen in a hogtie. Her arms and wrists were tied tightly and her ankles had been pulled back and tied to her wrists.

"Lucky for you, you're not my target," Noelani said, dismissively brushing her ponytail away from her face. She left Kathleen to struggle against her ropes.

"Yes! Finally free!" Fang exclaimed, once she removed the tape gag from her mouth. However, not long after, she saw a loop of rope fly out in front of her. "Dammit, not again!"

Noelani had tightened a new lasso around Fang's arms and quickly went to work at looping it around her upper body. With Fang's ankles still tied, it didn't take much effort for Noelani to cross Fang's wrists behind her back and continue to use her lasso rope to tie her wrists together. Noelani ensured the knots to her arm bindings and wrist bindings were secure before she took out a knife and cut Fang's ankles free.

"You okay to walk?" Noelani asked, realizing she wouldn't be able to carry Fang.

"Can't I at least get my boots back on first?" Fang pleaded.

"No, I've seen what you can do with your feet. I'd hate to catch the back of your boot to my face," Noelani responded. "C'mon, let's go."

Fang sighed, allowing Noelani to help her stand up and feeling the cold earth of the forest under her bare feet. Keeping the end of the lasso rope holding Fang in one hand and her stun gun in the other, Noelani began to lead Fang back to her headquarters, occasionally poking her stun gun into Fang's back to keep a steady pace.
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Chapter 16: One Rope Tie

"Ugh, where to begin?" Fang muttered to herself, as she writhed and strained against her ropes on the floor.

She thought back to how she was walked back to Azteca's headquarters and how no one was there, since everyone from Team Azteca besides Noelani was captured. Their headquarters was a well-hidden cave, so the floors weren't too warm to walk on for Fang. She was led to one of the inner areas that looked like a sleeping quarters, with a mattress and blanket. Noelani helped Fang lie down and positioned her on her stomach. Using a long length of rope, she crossed Fang's ankles and began to tie them together, going over them horizontally, then vertically, before cinching in between the coils of rope around them. Keeping hold of the end of the rope from Fang's ankles, Noelani then cut Fang's wrists free, but kept them crossed for her to use the end of the rope that was already connected to Fang's ankles. Pulling Fang's ankles up towards her butt, she proceeded to tie the rope around Fang's wrists vertically and horizontally around, making sure to cinch in between the coils of rope around them as well. After double-knotting the rope in between her wrists and making sure it was out of reach, Noelani then cut away the rest of the ropes from Fang's upper body and left her to struggle in her one rope hogtie.

Meanwhile, back at Arkana headquarters, Tamayo was doing some light stretching when she heard a sound getting closer and closer. She made her way over to the entrance and quickly grabbed her boots, anticipating intruders to make their way inside.

After zipping them on, Tamayo peeked outside the entrance and saw a figure in blue running quickly towards their headquarters with their arms behind them. She quickly recognized the figure as Ly and breathed a sigh of relief once Ly got to the entryway.

"Ly! What happened to you?" Tamayo replied, peeling the duct tape gag from her lips. She also noticed the ropes tying Ly's wrists and forearms behind her back along with the ropes pinning her arms to her upper body.

"Huff huff, help get my boots off and I'll tell you about it inside," Ly said, finally having a moment to catch her breath. Once they were both barefoot, Tamayo led the bound Ly inside.

"Wow, whoever tied you wasn't messing around," Tamayo said, grabbing a knife and starting to cut away at the ropes around Ly's wrists and forearms.

"Yeah, it was Kathleen from Euratan...I hate those guys so much!" Ly replied, as Tamayo was able to cut away the ropes around her upper body. "Mmm, thanks for cutting me free."

"Do you know what happened to Fang?" Tamayo asked.

"I saw her getting tied up by Kathleen...luckily I was able to get away to avoid both of us getting captured," Ly replied, rubbing her wrists to work some circulation back in. "I hope she's okay..."

"Oh, come on," Fang grunted. Currently, she was on her stomach, arching her back and reaching at her ankles to see if there was any give, but the ropes held tight. Out of frustration, she found herself kicking with her ankles, which caused unnecessary pain at her wrists.

"Okay, calm down," Fang said to herself. "Remember your training..."

She closed her eyes and rolled onto her side, her hands and feet now facing one of the cave walls.

"Maybe if I can find something sharp here..."

She then began to carefully feel the walls with her hands and feet, looking for any edge that could be used to saw away at her ropes. When finding nothing, she would slither downwards in her hogtie to try a new area. After some time had gone by...

"Ow!" Fang exclaimed, her fingers having encountered something sharp at the walls. "Hmm, hopefully these ropes come loose if I rub them enough against this edge."

In a different area of Azteca headquarters...

"What do you mean you can't do a prisoner exchange?" Noelani shouted.

"They're stuck in an area and one of the Euratan tributes swallowed the key," Tamayo replied.

"Then you're wasting my time! Amateurs..." Noelani said, before shutting off the computer console. "Looks like I'm on my own again...unless I can capture someone from Brutage. But before I go, I should check on my little prisoner...hehehe."

"Yes yes yes! Unh...I can feel it...coming...loose, just a little more," Fang exclaimed, rubbing her wrists ropes furiously on the jagged edge of the cave wall.

"Soooo...your friends back at Arkana weren't very useful," Noelani's voice echoed, as she walked towards the room where Fang was being held.

Nervously and feeling her heart beat thump faster and faster in her chest, Fang tried to slow her efforts and cutting her wrists free.

"What makes you say that?" Fang replied, with a gulp in her throat.

"I thought I'd be able to exchange you for one of my colleagues back, but I had no idea how incompetent your team was," Noelani said, slowly walking towards Fang and bending down to caress her face. "So, I figured I'd toy with you a bit before I try and capture one of the tributes from Brutage."

"Huh, toy with me?" Fang said, feeling flush. She continued her hidden attempts at getting free by twisting one of her wrists and trying to get the rope coils off.

"Mmhmm, you just look in your position. Your wrists and ankles bound behind you in a hogtie, leaving your perky little breasts exposed to me," Noelani smiled, moving her fingers towards Fang's nipples.

"Ohhh, yesss...I mean, please don't," Fang gasped, enjoying Noelani's touch.

"Hush, my slave," Noelani replied, with a light slap to Fang's face. "Now, let me get a bit more comfortable..."

She then crouched down and began to unzip her boots, revealing her warm, sweaty feet inside.

"What do you want me to do?" Fang asked.

"Shhhh," Noelani replied. "You definitely talk too much considering you're my prisoner. Now, suck my toes," she commanded.

Fang felt herself gag a bit after catching a scent of Noelani's feet. As she continued to try and squeeze her hands through the strands of ropes holding her wrist bonds together, she opened her mouth and began to run her tongue along Noelani's toes before taking them in.

"Mmm, how nice," Noelani said, taking in the delight.

Fang bobbed her head back and forth as she gently sucked on Noelani's toes, using this as an opportunity to strain harder against her ropes. She started to use her legs in combination by pulsing her muscles to try and straighten her legs. Eventually, from her efforts, she used one hard kick to get out of her hogtie and get her wrists free.

"What! How did you get out-" Noelani exclaimed. But it was too late.

Fang quickly grabbed ahold of Noelani's ankle and put her in an ankle lock position by twisting her foot.

"Let go, let go! I submit!" Noelani screamed in pain.

"Heh, let's see who's the master now," Fang replied, as she grabbed some ropes to tie up Noelani...
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Chapter 17: New Alliance

At the start of the next day, here were the remaining players:

Brutage: Okamo, Rashida
Arkana: Fang, Tamayo, Ly
Azteca: all captured
Euratan: Jenna (came back via trade for Sana), Jack, Kathleen (eventually freed herself)
Katalan: Khalil, Lamia, Sana (came back via trade for Jenna)

"Fang! You're back," Tamayo cheered, when she saw Fang walk-in with Noelani slung over her shoulder. Noelani had been tied in a Chinese-style boxtie, with ropes wrapping around her arms and tied behind her, attaching to a loop behind her neck with the knot out of reach and her feet had been tied together. Tamayo had also noticed a damp spot around Fang's lower region, but decided not to make it a topic.

"Phew, yeah, it's been a struggle to say the least," Fang replied. "Mind if I take a break for a little bit?"

"Yeah, you guys rest, I'll head out and scout for a bit," Tamayo replied.

"I'll come back you up," Ly mentioned, not wanting Tamayo to head out alone.

As they made their way back into the forest, they heard voices in the distance.

"What the hell? I thought we had an alliance!" Khalil said, angrily. "I helped you capture Jack."

From where Ly and Tamayo were positioned, they could see Okamo and Rashida from the Brutage team carrying back Jack from Euratan and Khalil from Katalan on a large stick with their hands and feet tied over it.

Tamayo sensed an opportunity and took out her stun gun, taking aim at Rashida, who was carrying the stick from the rear. Once Tamayo made her move, however, Rashida and Okamo were able to react and reposition the stick for Jack to take the blast.

"You're mine," Okamo shouted, making his way towards Tamayo.

Ly took out her stun gun and took aim at Okamo, but was hit by a stun gun blast from Rashida before she could fire.

Out of fear, Tamayo quickly turned and ran, but heard footsteps closing in on her by Okamo, as he picked up his pace.

Just then, a smoke bomb landed in front of Okamo, blocking his vision. He quickly ducked into some bushes, in case of an ambush.

"We need to get out of here for now," Tamayo heard a voice say. It was Lamia from the Katalan team, who grabbed her hand, as they quickly ran in the opposite direction." Let's head back to your headquarters."

And with that, Lamia and Tamayo retreated back to Arkana headquarters.

"Tamayo, what happened?" Fang asked. "And why's she here?"

"She helped me get away from Brutage, but they got Ly." Tamayo replied.

"And they betrayed us as well, in capturing Khalil," Lamia answered.

"Why should we trust you?" Fang asked, remembering what had happened earlier in teaming up with Euratan and remembering what Lamia had done to her in knocking her out.

"Because we need to take Brutage by surprise, something they won't expect," Lamia answered. "And if you really don't trust me, you can take me prisoner. I only ask that one of you head over to Sana at our headquarters to set up a surprise trap. If you help us with Brutage, we'll help you get revenge on Euratan."

Lamia then began to unzip her boots at the entrance and removed her utility belt and knife, offering herself up to them. Fang pondered this opportunity for Arkana.

"Fine, but you stay here with Tamayo," Fang replied. "Tamayo, I suggest you tie her up for now until we straighten out this situation with Brutage. Send me the coordinates to your headquarters."

Once Lamia had sent the coordinates to Fang, Tamayo took some rope and began to tie Lamia's wrists behind her back.

"Make sure you tie her tight, Tamayo," Fang said, before departing. She zipped up her boots and made her into the forest to head towards Katalan headquarters.

Tamayo used a good length of rope to tie Lamia's wrists, crossing them together and using half-knots at multiple turns to tighten the rope further, before finally cinching it down and tying it out of reach.

"Not bad," Lamia remarked, as she flexed her arm muscles to test her wrist ropes.

"Let's head upstairs," Tamayo ordered, taking out her own stun gun for insurance and pointing it towards Lamia.

Lamia complied and began to head upstairs with Tamayo following behind her.

"Where do you want me?" Lamia asked, once they got to the top of the stairs.

"Our prisoner rooms are a bit occupied and...we can't open them," Tamayo added, sheepishly. "We'll head to the sleeping quarters."

She grabbed Lamia by the arm and escorted her to their sleeping area, where the tatami mats were.

"Sit down, I need to tie your feet," Tamayo said, helping Lamia get into a sitting position. She had her place her feet out in front of her and began to tie her ankles together, using the same technique she has used to secure Lamia's hands behind her back.

"I'm sorry for what had happened with Khalil," Lamia said, as her feet were being tied. "I wish I could've saved you from his treatment of you."

"Well, I'm sorry for having to take extra make sure you don't try anything crazy here," Tamayo replied, making sure to tie the knot tightly as she finished tying Lamia's feet.

Tamayo then helped Lamia to lie down and rolled her over onto her stomach. Taking a short piece of rope, she tied one end to Lamia's ankle bindings and pulled her feet back to tie the other end to her wrists.

"Ugh, I don't blame you...I'm guessing you weren't particularly comfortable when we hogtied you earlier either," Lamia said, looking back over her shoulder as she tugged on the connecting rope with her hands and feet. "Hopefully your partner and Sana can work together to get Brutage."

"Mmhmm," Tamayo replied. "I hope so too."

Just then, both of them heard loud footsteps coming from downstairs...
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Chapter 18: Unexpected Guests

"There should only be one here," Okamo mentioned to Rashida.

"Makes sense with the number of boots at the doorway," Rashida answered.

"Don't let your guard down, though," Okamo instructed.

Meanwhile, upstairs...

"I thought you said they were going after your team!" Tamayo told Lamia, frantically but in a low voice.

"Guess they changed their mind...but enough about that. Cut me free!" Lamia replied.

Tamayo then grabbed her knife and began sawing away at Lamia's wrist bonds, but froze as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Gimme the knife, go take cover," Lamia whispered to Tamayo.

Tamayo quickly obeyed Lamia's orders and went to go hide in the closet nearby.

"Hmm, what's this?" Rashida said, as she walked into the room. "How'd YOU get captured by Arkana, Lamia?"

"I got...careless and they got me. But what brings you here...backstabber?" Lamia replied. She had rolled onto her side to face Rashida, hoping to conceal the knife in her hand.

"Now now, it's all part of the game," Rashida answered. "We saw that Fang girl leaving Arkana headquarters so quickly, so we figured that left only one of them here to guard the place. Do you happen to know where she is?"

"No...she put me in a hogtie and left me here," Lamia replied, anxiously, while looking towards the closet.

"Well than, that's a shame," Rashida replied, starting to turn away. "However...maybe I should double check on you first to make sure you stay out of our way..."

Lamia's eyes grew wide as she attempted to tuck the knife under her side.

"What are you doing?" Rashida barked, as she suspected Lamia was up to something. She then rolled Lamia onto her stomach and saw the knife she was trying to hide. "How did you get kni-ahh!"

Just then, Tamayo had snuck out of the closet and fired her stun gun at Rashida to knock her out. Tamayo rolled Rashida onto her stomach and placed her hands behind her back for her to bind.

"Rashida! What's that noise I heard upstairs?" Okamo yelled from downstairs.

Hearing this, Tamayo sped up her tying of Rashida's hands and knotted it quickly. She then moved towards Lamia to try and free her faster.

"No! Don't worry about me, tie her feet, before he comes!" Lamia instructed.

Tamayo then scrambled and got a second piece of rope as she placed Rashida's feet together for her to tie. She heard footsteps then running up the stairs.

"Tamayo! Look out!" Lamia yelled, as she saw Okamo take aim at Tamayo.

Tamayo quickly tumbled herself away from Okamo's stun blast, but was met with a quick tackle to the ground. She tried to break free of his tackle, but found it difficult with Okamo being double her weight.

"Let...go of me!" Tamayo screamed, trying to throw a punch at Okamo. Okamo grabbed ahold of her arm, and flipped her onto her stomach as he placed Tamayo's arm behind her.

"Are you going to behave? Or do I need to do this?" Okamo told Tamayo, as he contorted Tamayo's arm into an armbar submission hold.

"No, no, I sub-" Tamayo started to say as she felt the hold loosen.

"What the-?" Okamo said to himself, as he felt an arm go around his neck from behind. Lamia had cut herself loose from her hogtie and attempted to apply a chokehold to Okamo from behind, even using her legs to wrap herself around his waist.

"Tamayo...finish tying Rashida! We can't take on the both of them at once," Lamia told Tamayo.

Tamayo pulled herself together after almost feeling her arm snap in half and moved back to Rashida. She hastily wrapped the ropes around Rashida's feet and started to make a half knot when she felt Lamia crash into her. Okamo had taken the drastic action of pushing himself backwards and falling down with Lamia on his back towards Tamayo to break the chokehold.

"Grr, you'll pay for that," Okamo threatened, as he got up and made his way towards Lamia.

"Not if I have anything to do with it," Tamayo replied, as she tumbled herself away from the pile and kicked Okamo in the back of his knee.

Lamia attempted to follow this up with a kick to Okamo's face, but he anticipated it and grabbed her foot, causing her to trip to the ground as Okamo followed up with an ankle lock hold.

"Help Tamayo!" Lamia said in anguish.

Tamayo then climbed onto Okamo and attempted the same chokehold that Lamia performed earlier. Okamo had to release the hold on Lamia and was able to grab Tamayo behind him and throw her to the ground.

"Oof...what do we do now?" Tamayo said to Lamia, feeling the effects of Okamo's throw.

"Huff Huff...hold out as long as possible," Lamia answered, not having much hope in the both of them taking Okamo down.
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Chapter 19: Euratan Joins the Party

As Fang made her way towards Katalan headquarters, she thought she saw a blur racing towards her.

"Sana? Where are you going? Lamia told me to meet up with you here!" Fang asked.

"We have to head back to your! I overheard what was happening from Lamia's transmitter and they're in trouble!" Sana answered.

With that, Fang made a 180 and raced back with Sana to her headquarters.

Once they got to the entryway, Fang had Sana pause to think up a strategy.

"Here, take your boots off. We don't want them to hear us coming," Fang told Sana.

Sana followed Fang's suggestion and both girls unzipped their boots, leaving themselves barefoot.

"Now what?" Sana asked.

"I suggest you put your hands up," Kathleen said, as she and Jenna snuck out from their hiding spots nearby, sticking their stun guns into the backs of Fang and Sana. Fang and Sana both raised their hands in compliance.

"Now get on your knees and lie down...and do it slowly," Jenna ordered, sticking her stun gun with force into Fang's back.

"Dammit," Fang muttered to herself, as she lowered herself down to the ground while Sana did the same for Kathleen.

Jenna then mounted herself onto of Fang's back and began to tie Fang's forearms and upper body into a boxtie. She also made sure to secure Fang's wrists to her elbows using extra ropes to ensure no easy escape.

For Sana, her arms were tied in a reverse-prayer position behind her with more ropes tied around her upper body.

"I hate that you got the drop so easily on us," Sana remarked, as Kathleen began tying one of Sana's ankles to her thighs.

"We know how to be stealthy too," Kathleen answered, completing the frog-tie by tying the other ankle to Sana's thighs.

"I mean, we know how much you Arkana tributes love taking your boots off," Jenna teased Fang, as she crossed Fang's ankles and began to tie them together. "We made sure to take ours off before we took our hiding spots."

"It's not over yet," Fang said. "I assume you wanted to get the drop on Brutage as well...ugh!"

Fang grunted in pain as Jenna forced her legs back. She could feel the soles of her feet against her forearms as Jenna took extra measures in securing the hogtie before tying the knot off.

"There, that should hold you," Jenna said with a smirk. "Hopefully we can end this if we get Brutage..."

"Just be careful, Jenna," Kathleen warned.

They tiptoed their way inside and listened patiently for any signs of weakness...leaving Fang and Sana to struggle helplessly against their ties.
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Chapter 20: Three Way Struggle

Rashida awoke from her slumber and found herself bound hand and foot on the floor. As she gained her bearings, she was watching Okamo fight off Lamia and Tamayo to a stalemate.

"Keep out of range, Tamayo, don't let him knock you out," Lamia warned.

"Yeah, I'm trying," Tamayo said.

Eventually, in their efforts, Lamia was able to land another blow to the back of Okamo's knees while Tamayo landed a kick to his head, dazing him. Sensing weakness, Lamia attempted another chokehold from behind, using her legs to wrap herself around his upper body. This allowed Tamayo to land another crucial blow with a free kick to Okamo's unmentionables, dropping him to the floor.

"Submit!" Lamia yelled, as she applied more force.

"Grr...never..." Okamo grunted weakly as he tried to fight it off.

While this was happening, Rashida was able to twist and pull her hands free from the ropes holding them behind her back and worked quickly to remove the ropes around her boots. She was able to catch Tamayo unaware from behind and applied her own chokehold with one arm around her neck and the other holding one of Tamayo's arms behind her back.

"Lamia, help!" Tamayo said, as she tried to break free of the hold.

Luckily for Tamayo, Okamo had fallen unconscious from the chokehold, allowing Lamia to come to her aid. But before she could take any action...

"All right everyone. Freeze! And put your hands where I can see them!" Jenna said, coming in with Kathleen and pointing their stun guns towards Rashida, Tamayo, and Lamia as they all put their hands up in the air.

"You, tie her up," Kathleen instructed Rashida, as she gave her a length of rope on the floor to tie Tamayo with. Rashida crossed Tamayo's wrists together and begrudgingly followed through on tying them together.

"And you, put your hands behind your back," Jenna ordered Lamia, as she took a length of rope and folded Lamia's arms behind her back so her wrists held her elbows. She began to tie Lamia's forearms together, similar to what she had done with Fang earlier.

After Rashida finished tying Tamayo's hands behind her back, Kathleen then began to take Rashida's arms and fold them up in a reverse prayer position behind her back. Just as she started to loop a length of rope around Rashida's wrists and start to tie them...

Okamo regained consciousness and sensing the situation, grabbed ahold of Jenna's ankles from behind to pull her from behind, causing her to land face first into the floor. He then began to make a move to tackle Kathleen to the floor, but Kathleen quickly reacted and used her stun gun to knockout Okamo again. This bought Rashida enough time to slip her hands free from the reverse-prayer position as Kathleen hadn't gotten far in tying them. She swung her elbow into Kathleen's stomach, causing her to double over in pain, and ran over to Jenna to provide a hard kick to her side before turning her attention back to Kathleen.

After observing the chaos and perhaps sensing the focus was no longer on them due to their hands being bound, Lamia and Tamayo quickly ran out of the room and back downstairs, not wanting to get caught up in any of the action.

"Tamayo! Glad to see you're safe," Fang mentioned from the doorway, as she saw Tamayo and Lamia heading towards her and Sana. "Can you get us free?"

"Easier said than done," Tamayo replied, turning her back towards Fang to show her bound wrists.

"Go grab a knife from the utility belt over there and see if you can cut yourself free," Fang mentioned.

"How bout you, Lamia?" Tamayo asked, as she went over to grab a knife.

"My forearms were tied, although...maybe, not as tied as tightly," Lamia grunted. "Hopefully the commotion upstairs will buy us some time..."

After a couple of minutes, Tamayo was able to successfully cut herself free with Lamia getting herself free not too long after using the flexibility in her arms. Both of them then started to work on getting their teammates free from their hogtie and frogtie positions.

"That took way longer than expected," Jenna exclaimed. "You all right?"

"Yeah, just gotta wrap things up with Katalan and Arkana and we'll have won," Kathleen replied wearily.

"Hurry up! Just cut my legs free!" Fang told Tamayo. Tamayo then moved to cut Fang's ankle bonds, freeing her from the hogtie. Meanwhile, Lamia was working her fingers quickly, trying to get Sana's feet untied from her thighs.

By the time Kathleen and Jenna had stumbled their way downstairs, Fang and Sana were back on their feet again, albeit with Fang's arms still tied in a box-tie and Sana's arms tied in a reverse-prayer position.

"Guess this is it then," Fang said. "May the best team win."
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Post by crow3467 »

Great story so far! Hope to see more updates soon
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Chapter 21: End Game

"4 on 2?" Jenna asked, amusingly. "I don't like those odds."

Meanwhile, with Fang back on her feet, Tamayo was working on cutting the ropes away holding Fang's wrists to her elbows. She had just cut away both of those ropes, leaving just Fang's forearms tied and attached to the upper ropes of her body left before she noticed the stun guns that Jenna and Kathleen had confiscated from Okamo and Rashida.

"You can either lose these Games gracefully or in a painful way," Jenna continued. "I suggest you surrender peacefully and put your hands up."

"Tamayo, listen closely. At the count of 3, push me into Kathleen," Fang whispered to Tamayo.

"You think we'll give up so easily?" Lamia countered, looking Jenna squarely in the eye, but remaining still to avoid getting stunned.

"Do you really want me to use this on you?" Jenna replied, now starting to take aim at Lamia with Sana standing nearby.

"3!" Fang said, as Tamayo pushed Fang into Kathleen, causing her to unintentionally blast her stun gun at Fang to knock her out.

"Why did you waste your blast on her? She's already tied!" Jenna screamed at Kathleen.

Jenna then tried to even the odds by firing her stun gun at Lamia, but Sana acted quickly to kick her arm, causing her blast to go astray. Jenna retaliated with a hard punch to Sana's unguarded stomach, causing Sana to fall to the floor and writhe in pain, but opened herself up to a tackle from Lamia.

Tamayo, on the other hand, attempted to fend off Kathleen's attacks to allow time for Fang to recover and keep the numbers advantage. She kept herself at a far distance, using her limited martial arts skills to block Kathleen's punches and kicks. Eventually, she found herself backed into a corner as Kathleen relentlessly advanced on her. Tamayo attempted a roundhouse kick to counter, but Kathleen anticipated this and was able to grab ahold of her leg to trip her to the floor. Grabbing Tamayo's other leg, she was able to flip Tamayo on her stomach and lock-in a sharpshooter hold on her.

"Submit!" Kathleen shouted, applying all her strength to force Tamayo's legs back to cause strain on her back.

"Noooo, ugh!" Tamayo cried, trying to relieve the pressure by pushing herself up. But she was no match to the stronger Kathleen.

In her struggles, Tamayo could see the other match going on, watching Jenna caught in Lamia's stranglehold.

"Kathleen, help!" Jenna tried to mouth, but couldn't hold out against Lamia's stranglehold with one of her arms pinned behind her and Lamia's arm around her neck. "I submit, I submit, you got me, let go!"

"All right, I submit!" Tamayo said, no longer wanting to fight the painful backbend that Kathleen had her in. Kathleen knew she had to move fast as she saw her partner being tied by Lamia. She quickly twisted Tamayo's hands behind her in a reverse-prayer position and began to loop rope around them, making sure to cinch it tight before tying the knot off and out of reach. She then moved towards grabbing Tamayo's ankles to tie them together with another length of rope.

"Kathleen! Hurry up!" Jenna ordered. "Before I'm-"

"Just shut up already!" Kathleen yelled back. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Hogtied," Jenna grunted. Lamia had succeeded in pulling Jenna's ankles back to tie them to her wrists, effectively grounding her and keeping her out of action.

"Shit," Kathleen cursed, as she finished tying Tamayo's feet together. She quickly got up to see Lamia charging at her, which left her open to a kick by Tamayo's bound feet.

Just then, Fang had recovered from being stunned and saw the fight taking place between Lamia and Kathleen. She got herself back on her feet and moved towards Tamayo, who had rolled herself to safety away from the fighting.

"Fang! Are you okay?" Tamayo said.

"Yeah, but we need to get free soon. Or else we'll lose these Games," Fang instructed. "Lemme see if I can get your feet free."

Fang then knelt beside Tamayo and used one of her wrists to work the knot free from the ropes that kept Tamayo's feet tied together.

"I can't see the knot to untie your wrists," Fang mentioned to Tamayo. "Do you think you can loosen my ropes a bit?"

"Kinda hard with my wrists tied like this," Tamayo replied. "But I guess I still have my teeth..."

With that, Tamayo turned towards Fang and tried to use her teeth to loosen the knot for the ropes tied around Fang's upper body.

Just then, a loud thud was heard on the floor, as Kathleen had succeeded in landing a roundhouse kick to knock Lamia out.

"Serves you right, bitch," Kathleen muttered as she started to gather a length of rope and knelt down next to Lamia to tie her wrists behind her back.

Before she could continue tying Lamia, Kathleen felt the back of a leg catch her neck as Sana had recovered from the stomach punch earlier. Sana was able to take Kathleen down to the floor and apply a stranglehold using her legs.

"Ugh, unnnh!" Kathleen moaned, as she tried to force Sana's legs off of her.

"Hurry, Tamayo, this is our chance," Fang said, trying to force her forearms free of the ropes still surrounding them as Tamayo continued to loosen the knot for the ropes around her upper body.

Kathleen, meanwhile, eventually got free from Sana's leg choke hold and punished Sana with a hard elbow to the ribs.

"I should frog-tie you again for that," Kathleen mentioned.

"Don't have time for that, just tie her ankles and finish tying Lamia so you can untie me!" Jenna replied, arching her back to see if she could untie the knot holding her in a hogtie.

"I know, I know!" Kathleen responded, taking the advice as she worked to tie Sana's ankles together.

"And don't forget about Arkana too!" Jenna warned.

Kathleen then noticed Tamayo's efforts at freeing Fang and made a move towards them.

Fang quickly ran from Kathleen's advances and hoped that the separation between her and Tamayo could buy her a little more time. Just as Kathleen turned towards Fang to chase her, Tamayo was able to kick Kathleen in the side, gaining her attention.

"Ow! Why you little-" Kathleen snarled, as she quickly went after Tamayo and knocked her down to the floor.

She grabbed a length of rope and brought Tamayo's feet together, looping the rope around and tying it off to keep Tamayo grounded. Fang used this bit of time to kneel to the ground and try to use leverage as she continued to force her forearms through the ropes that had been slightly loosened from the connection to the ropes around her upper body. After a few more efforts, she was able to shake the ropes loose and remove the ropes around her arms and upper body. This came just in time as Kathleen attempted to rush her to tackle her to the floor, which she countered with her arms and legs to flip Kathleen to the ground.

"Guess it's just you and me now," Fang said, as Kathleen picked herself up from the ground.

"Ugh, don't forget about me," Lamia said, as she casually worked her hands free from the ropes holding them behind her back. "Need more than just that for a yoga expert."

The three girls circled each other, eyeing each other for any weaknesses while also avoiding and potential attacks. Fang decided to act first, sensing Kathleen was winded from her earlier fights with Tamayo and Team Brutage. She led with a feint jab, causing Kathleen to duck, where she caught a swift knee to the face from Fang. This was followed up with a roundhouse kick that knocked Kathleen out cold to the ground. While this was happening, Lamia had positioned herself behind Fang and moved in to apply a chokehold, holding one of Fang's arms behind her back and using her other arm to apply pressure to her neck. She followed this up by wrapping her legs around Fang from behind and taking her to the floor.

"Unh, ugh, can't breathe...okay, I give, let go!" Fang cried out, using her free arm to tap Lamia's arm in submission. She gasped for breath as soon as Lamia released the hold.

"Looks like you guys aren't winning this year," Lamia said, rolling Fang onto her stomach and bringing her hands behind her back as she moved to quickly tie them together.

"Just promise me one thing...ugh!" Fang groaned, as she turned her head to look over her shoulder as Lamia was tying her feet together. "Don't let Euratan win."

"You better believe I won't," Lamia replied, bending Fang's legs back enough for Fang's fingers to touch her bare feet.

Just as Lamia was working on securing the connecting rope between Fang's hands and feet, Kathleen began to stir.

"Hurry up! Kathleen's waking up!" Fang warned.

Lamia quickly knotted off the rope to Fang's ankle bonds and made haste to handle Kathleen.

"Oof, this must be my millionth hogtie through these Games," Fang sighed to herself. She began to arch her back reaching with her fingers to see if she could undo the knots tied around her ankles. "At least she made the knot reachable..."

After delivering another blow to the back of Kathleen's head, Lamia began to gather some rope to secure her.

"Time to tie you like you've tied the others, hehe," Lamia taunted, as she folded up Kathleen's arms in a reverse-prayer and began to tie her wrists together. She followed this up with more ropes around Kathleen's upper body and then worked on tying Kathleen's ankles to her thighs to complete the frog-tie.

"Phew, now that that's done, let's get you free, Sana," Lamia said in relief, as she went over to Sana and bent down to work on freeing her arms. "We can finally win these Games..."

However, she failed to notice Jenna getting free of her wrist bonds and untying the ropes around her feet...

"Watch out, Jenna got free!" Tamayo mentioned, as she looked on in horror.

Lamia could barely react as Jenna brought her fists down hard on Lamia's back. She followed this up with a flurry of kicks to Lamia's side, but Sana attempted to halt the barrage by kicking her tied feet towards Jenna.

"Keep out of this, bitch," Jenna snarled, landing a kick towards Sana's stomach.

"Mmm, yes," Fang whispered to herself, her feet no longer anchored to her hands as the hogtie came loose. She then sat up and began twisting her hands around to see if she could find any give in her wrist bonds. She wished she had help from Tamayo but didn't want to draw any extra attention in her efforts to get free.

"Give up already!" Jenna yelled, locking in a sharpshooter hold on Lamia.

"Nooooo!" Lamia screamed, trying to fight it off.

"Just need to focus," Fang said, closing her eyes and remembering the training with Master Ryu and her teammates.

"Come on!" Jenna continued, forcing Lamia's legs backwards and causing her back to arch more.

"No more, no more, I submit!" Lamia tapped in anguish.

"Unh, unh, there," Fang said in relief, pulling one of her wrists free from the ropes. She moved quickly to untie her feet as she saw Jenna move forward with tying Lamia's forearms together behind her back. Fang decided to wait things out with Jenna's back towards her. Jenna continued to further secure Lamia's wrists to her elbows before finishing her off with a hogtie by tying her feet to her forearms.

"Phew, that should be it, time to-oof!" Jenna grunted, catching a punch in the stomach as Fang had snuck up on her.

"Payback time," Fang replied, following up with an elbow to Jenna's head as she winced in pain.

With Jenna knocked out, Fang proceeded to tie Jenna in the exact same way that Lamia (and herself earlier) had been tied.

"You did it Fang!" Tamayo exclaimed, once Fang finished securing Jenna and worked towards untying her from the reverse-prayer tie.

Once Tamayo was free and both of them had added some extra ropes to ensure that Euratan and Katalan couldn't escape, an announcement came through.

"Congratulations Team Arkana on winning the 75th Bondage Games!"
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