My Birthday (FM/m;m/fm)

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My Birthday (FM/m;m/fm)

Post by Gil »

Hey guys, it’s me again. This story happens two weeks after the weekend of hell with Emily and Jean. Let’s start with the story:

It was Friday, August 6, 2010. My 14th birthday. I was looking forward to the day, like any teenager that age. I came home at 2 o'clock. I opened the front door, took off my shoes, and went into the living room. My parents were both already there since my mother only worked half days and my father got off work early, as he always did on our birthdays. Tomorrow my grandparents would come to visit and the day after tomorrow a few friends. Today was the day for my family and me.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Kyyyle, Happy birthday to you." sang my parents.

They were both standing behind the dining room table. In front of them was a cake. “Kyle” and a “14” were written on the cake. 14 candles were around it. Next to it were 2 packages. They came up to me and hugged me.

"Thank you." I said, beaming with joy.

"Then blow out the candles and make a wish". Said my mother, grinning.

I thought for a moment and then blew out the candles all at once.

"Let's hope the wish comes true then." Said my father with a grin.

"I'm sure it will." I replied.

we sat down and ate a piece of cake. It was a chocolate cake. We talked about my day at school and hers at work. When we were done, my mother took the dishes and cake to the kitchen and came back

"Then open your gifts. They are from your father and me. Your siblings wanted to give you something of their own." Said my mother to me.

I nodded in agreement. I grabbed the first gift and unwrapped it. Of course, I had wanted some new tie-up stuff. And sure enough, there was something in the first gift. There were 7 belts. All different lengths, but all had enough holes in them so you could adjust them to any size. There was a little ring on the clasp. Then I saw what it was for. There were exactly 7 little padlocks. With that, you could lock the belts so you couldn't get out.

"Wow, that's genius." I said to them smiling.

They smiled back and I opened the other one. The second gift had bondage mittens in it with 2 little padlocks because they were lockable like the belts, too. They looked like this: ... L._AC_.jpg

"We know, that you like to make your hands useless, we thought that would protect you from the tape too." Said my dad with a grin.

"That's great. And the belts are awesome, too. Thank you very much." I grinned back and hugged them both.

"No problem." Grinned my dad.

"You want to try it out right now? Your siblings won't be here until four, after all.” asked my mom.

"YES." I answered quickly.

"Good, then stand up and stretch out your arms. but do not make a fist, but also stretch out your fingers.” Ordered my mom.

I did as she told me to do. Then my mother took the mittens, put one mitten over each hand, and made them tight. Then she took the two padlocks and made them so tight with the little ring that I couldn't take them off even if I reached the straps. So there was no escape.

"And how do they feel?" Asked my father with a grin.

"Very good. Well padded on the inside and very comfortable. I can hardly move my fingers." replied I, grinning as well.

"That's the way it's supposed to be, haha." Laughed my dad. "Do you wanna have your hands tied in front or behind?" He still asked.

"Behind." I said, simultaneously clasping my hands behind my back.

Then my dad took some straps and my mom. My father took care of my upper body and my mother took care of my legs. My father took a short belt, wrapped it around my wrists, and made me tight. Then I heard the "click" and knew that this strap was now locked. Then my father made a belt around my waist, above my hands, so I couldn't stretch my hands away. The next one was fastened above my elbows and the last one my father had a little below my shoulder. Meanwhile, my mother tightened a belt around my ankles, one below and one above my knees. These were also secured with a lock. I didn't have to think about escape anymore. I mean, I didn't want to.

"And how does it feel?" my mother wanted to know.

I tested the straps a bit by jumping around the living room a bit. The straps were very tight but didn't hurt.

"Very good. They don't hurt and they fit tight." I replied to her.

"Perfect. Then it was worth giving you the stuff if you like and enjoy them." My mother grinned.

"Yes. They're great. Thanks again." I replied with a grin.

"No problem." Grinned my mom back and hugged me again.
"Do you want to stay like this for a bit or go back out?" She asked still.

"Until Steve and Emily get here, please." I said with a grin.
"Fine, whatever the birthday boy wants." She grinned back.

I hopped over to the sofa and sat down. My parents sat down next to me and we watched my favorite movie: Fast and Furious 4. Now and then I check if the belts and the mittens still fit well and tight. And they did. The padlocks held everything firmly in place. That was great. My parents grinned every time I wiggled in my bonds. At just before 4 o'clock the front door opened. My siblings came back home from school.

"Where's the birthday boy?" Shouted my brother.

"Here, testing out my gifts." I called back.

They both came into the living room and saw us sitting on the sofa.

"Ah yes, I see. Unwrapping and testing. That's how it should be, haha." Laughed my sister.

"Yeah, holds up like a bomb," I said with a grin.

"Good to know, I'll keep that in mind." Grinned my sister back.

"Well, let's go get our gifts. In the meantime, can you untie Kyle?" Asked my brother.

"Yeah, let's do that." Replied my father.

Already my siblings disappeared upstairs and my parents got the keys for the padlocks and began to untie me. My father again my upper body and my mother my legs. After only a few minutes I was already free again. It was a pity that it went by so fast, but I was looking forward to trying things out with my new stuff. Then I heard my siblings coming back down. Each had a gift with them.

"Happy birthday, little brother." they both wished me, coming up to me, hugging me, and handing me the gifts.

"Thank you." I thanked them with a grin.

I was curious to see what was inside. I opened my sister's gift first. There was some black leather inside that I didn't recognize at first.

"Do you remember the escape room? I was tied up with an armbinder. This is just like that one from the escape room." She said with a grin.

"Thanks, Emily." I said grinning and hugging her again.

"You're welcome." She replied with a grin.

I put it back for now and opened the gift from Steve. This time it was nothing to tie someone up with. It was a new costume. A teddy bear costume. It looked like this one, only in kid-size: ... L1500_.jpg
The Head was big.

“So we're not running out of costumes either, haha." Laughed my brother.

"That looks really funny, thanks." I grinned and hugged him.

"You're welcome. But we both have one more thing in common for you." Said my brother and left the living room.

I looked at Emily questioningly but said nothing. She just grinned back. And there was my brother again, with my TuG bag in his hand. It was clear to me what was coming now. I took the new costume and was about to go to the bathroom when my brother stopped me.

"Wait. Usually, you're right. But not this time. As a gift, we won't tie you up. YOU can tie US up as you want to. And as long you want, but only until bedtime." Said my brother to me.

"Also as a small apology for the weekend with you, Jean, and me from two weeks ago." Added Emily.

"THANK YOU." I said happily and hugged them both. "You guys get ready then." I added with a grin.

They both nodded and left the living room. My parents also left the living room and went to the kitchen. They want to prepare the dinner. I grabbed my TuG bag dumped out pretty much everything and laid out everything I would need. After about 10 minutes, they both came back downstairs. They had changed into comfortable clothes. Their eyes widened briefly when they saw everything laid out on the floor.

"Stand here in front of me. Please put your hands out and make fists, Emily." I said to her.

She did as I told her. I took a roll of tape in my hand and she knew exactly what was happening now. I wrapped the tape around her right hand until it became a beautiful silver ball. Then I did the same with her left hand. Then I brought her hands back and crossed them. I took a 5-yard rope and wrapped it around her wrists. Horizontally and then vertically. Again and again, until the rope was empty. I knotted the rest together over her hands. Emily tested the restraints.

"Wow, very tight, Kyle." She said to me.

"Yeah, I could learn a thing or two thinking about how many times you tied me up and how I tied you up once." I grinned behind her back.

Then I took another 5-yard rope and tied it around her elbows until they were almost touching, and knotted it tightly at the top as well. Emily was also very limber, as we all were. It ran in the family. Then I took a long 25-yard rope and wound it from her shoulders down to her hands. Now and then I knotted it tight so the rope wouldn't slip. Finally, I tied the end of the rope to her already tied hands. Now it was the turn of the legs. I took a 5-yard rope and wrapped it around her ankles. In the end, I tied it between her legs a few times before knotting it. I repeated the same above and below her knees. Each time with a 10-yard rope. I stepped back and surveyed my work. I was quite impressed with myself.

"Looking good, Emily, haha." Laughed my brother.

"Your turn is coming up." I said to him and winked.

Steve immediately became quiet. I helped Emily back onto her knees and then onto her stomach. Then I took another 5-yard rope and angled her feet. I tied the rope around her feet, pulled the rope so her feet were further angled, and tied it to her hands. This way she was in a very tight hogtie. Then I ran upstairs for a minute and got 2 pairs of socks. one for Emily and one for Steve. Then I went back downstairs. I picked up one of the ball gags.

"Say AHHH.” I said to Emily.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHMMMMMPPPPHHH." She said as I stuffed one pair of socks in her mouth, put the gag in there too, and closed it at the back of her neck.

I stood up.

"One down, one to go." I said and turned to my brother and disappeared into the kitchen for a moment.

I took a roll of plastic wrap and explained to my parents what I needed it for. They agreed to it. I went back into the living room, put the roll aside for now, and picked up the tape.

"You know what to do, right?" I asked Steve.

He just nodded, made fists, and held them out to me. I wrapped his hands as I had done with Emily. She was lying on the floor next to us, watching us. After I wrapped Steve's hands in tape as I did with Emily’s. I told him to let his arms hang down by his sides, which he did. Then I took the plastic wrap. I wanted to mummify him, of course, but I didn't want to destroy his clothes, so I wrapped him in plastic wrap first. I placed the roll at his ankles. I didn't want to use it much since it belonged to my parents. I started wrapping his legs and kept going up. The next round went halfway around the previous one again. I repeated this until I got to his shoulders. His arms were attached to the sides of his body. I put the roll aside. I had used a good half, about 20 yards. Steve was already testing his mummification a bit. He looked very surprised at how sturdy the plastic wrap could be. Then I took a roll of tape, the silver one, and placed it on his ankles. I did the same thing I did with the cling wrap. From his ankles to his knees, then to his hips and his elbows. Then the roll was empty. 50 yards. I started the second one where I left off and wrapped it up to the shoulders. Again about 20 yards. Then I tore it off. I picked up the socks and held them out to Steve. He opened his mouth without protest and I stuffed them in. Then I took the tape again and wrapped it around his head 6 times. Then I helped Steve to lay down on the floor, next to Emily. But I wasn't done yet. I angled his legs as I had done with Emily. Then I wrapped the tape twice around his ankles and then around his thighs. I repeated this until I reached his knees. In this way, Steve was also tied in a hogtie with duct tape. I stood up and looked at them both. I enjoyed seeing them both lying like that.

"Mom, Dad, look. I packed my birthday presents!" I called out and stood between my two "prisoners".

"We’re coming." My mother called out to me.

They were already coming over to see what had happened in the time they were in the kitchen.

"HAHAHA, very good. Usually, you're the one who's tied up. It's nice to see that it can be different." Laughed my father.
"Wait a minute." Said my mother and got the camera. "Don't forget the photos. Now everyone says “cheese”, haha." Laughed at my mom too.

I made a triumphant pose. I'm having an extraordinary amount of fun doing this. Afterward, my mom showed me the photos. They looked great. I was very happy.

"Then we'll move on to preparing dinner. It will be ready at 7 o'clock. Until then, have fun kids." Said my father and winked at me.

"We will have." I replied.

I looked at the clock. It was a little before 5.

"It took longer than I thought after all. But there's still plenty of time before bed." I thought to myself.

I sat down between the two of them, in the back next to their feet. I took off both of their socks. It was clear what was going to happen now. I started tickling them. Each with one hand.

"MMMMAMAAMPPPPPPHHHH MMMMMMMAPMMMMPHHHH MMMMMMMAAPPPPPPPPHHH!" They both screamed into their gags. They were at least as ticklish as I was.

"Well, are you enjoying this, haha?" I asked mischievously.

"MMMMOOMPMPMPHHHH." They both tried to answer "no".

"No? Too bad, tough luck haha." I laughed again.

Finally, it was my turn. I enjoyed that it was them getting tied up and not always me. Don't misunderstand, I love being tied up, but the other way around was also a nice experience and change. I tickled them both for a half hour. Always times a little firmer, sometimes less. I took some breaks, but I started after a short time again. I was able to poke Emily in the side from time to time, which didn't work so well with Steve because of the mummification. The two of them laughed into their gags almost the whole time. At one point they even started crying with laughter. But I didn't stop for a while. Then when I looked at the clock and it was just after 5:30, I let them go and let it go with the tickling. They gasped for air and calmed down. I got a pair of scissors from the kitchen and cut Steve's Hogtie. Likewise, I freed Emily from hers by loosening the rope. Now they both lay normal and motionless on the floor.

"You've earned your break." I said to them with a grin.

I went to the sofa and watched TV. Now and then I would look over to my siblings when I heard them. At first, Emily tried to break free, but Steve knew there was no escape. He barely moved. I had to smile when I saw how hard Emily was trying. Otherwise, I was always in their position and they were watching me. I turned my gaze back to the television. At 6 o'clock my parents came to us in the living room and sat down on the sofa. But shortly after, the two of them whispered in my ear. I grinned at them and nodded. They both got up and went to join my siblings. Then my dad started tickling and teasing Steve, and my mom did the same to Emily. They both laughed back into their gags and wriggled in their restraints. I had to smile as I watched them. Yes, I enjoyed being on the other side and not always being the bound one. Like me, my parents showed no mercy and also pulled it off for about half an hour. Then my parents stood up and went back into the kitchen. I still watched TV. Now and then Emily fought again against the bonds, but with no chance at all. I ignored them until our parents came back and prepared the dining table. They cooked my favorite meal. Roast with dumplings and cauliflower. I turned off the TV and went to the table. My mother helped Emily up and sat her in the chair to my left. My father did the same with my brother and sat him down on my right. They both loosened their gags.

"Let me guess, we stay tied up and get fed?" Asked my sister.

"Tit for tat." replied I, grinning at her.

We ate in peace. My mom fed Emily and my dad fed Steve. It was fun to watch. We talked about the day and the weekend and rather enjoyed the food. It tasted very good. When we were done, my parents and I put everything away and let the other two sit there for a minute. When we had put everything away, we helped both of them so they could sit on the sofa. I sat back down between them. Our parents sat down with us. We gagged them again, just like before. Steve with the socks and tape and Emily with the socks and ballgag. By now it was close to 8.

"It's nice to be on the other side this time, but I'd rather be the one tied up than the one who ties them up." I thought to myself.

We all watched TV together. Now and then I poked them in the side to tease my siblings. It worked better with Emily because Steve was mummified. Nevertheless, I managed it with him, too. To my delight, my parents joined in. My mother again with Emily and my father with Steve. They liked it too, which you could see on their faces. My brother and sister were rather less enthusiastic. They moaned into their gags from time to time when we poked them. We did that all the time when we watched TV.

"MMMOOMOMPPH." Roared my sister into the gag.

"What's that?" I asked.

“MMOOMMOOOPPHP." She said again.

"Should we stop?" I asked her again.

They both nodded their heads. I looked at my parents.

"Alright, we'll stop. I've teased you guys enough. Let's set them free, okay?" I asked, and my parents nodded at me. It was a little after 9 pm.

I got a pair of scissors for Steve and my parents started to free Emily from the ropes. My dad untied her legs and my mom her torso. Meanwhile, I cut open Steve's cocoon. I started at the top of his shoulders and worked my way down. This went pretty quickly. I was careful not to catch his clothes. Once I had Steve free of his cocoon, I carefully freed his hands. Finally, I loosened his gag. When Steve was free, he stretched. We continued to watch until my parents freed Emily. It took them longer because of the restraints. But by 21:15, Emily was free and stretching as well.

"Happy birthday again, Kyle. Next time it's our turn again." Said Steve, stroking my hair and winking at me.

Emily nodded and did the same. They both left the room and went upstairs. My parents and I cleaned everything up. The tape went in the trash can and I put the ropes in my TuG bag along with my birthday presents. I took the bag and the new costume and brought them upstairs to my room. I put everything away, changed for bed, and brushed my teeth. I played some PS3 until 22:30 when my mom came in.

"Bedtime, Kyle. The relatives will come tomorrow. I hope you had a good birthday. Sleep well." she said grinning.

"Yes, I did, thank you. Good night." I replied with a grin.

I turned off the PS3, went to bed, and turned out the light.

"What a great birthday." I thought to myself and closed my eyes.

A short time later, I fell asleep.

The End

I hope you liked this story 😊.

If you have an idea for a scenario or costume, just post it in the comments or private message me, and I’ll try to incorporate it into the stories as best I can and I will link you. Thank you 😊.

My stories in writing order:
1. Halloween costume bet (f/m; F/fm):
2. Sister was not happy to babysit me (f/m):
3. Home alone... but not for long (MM/m):
4. Jean’s little sister Susan is having a birthday costume party (FMf/fm): viewtopic.php?f=8&t=13845
5. A special version of hide and seek (f/fm): viewtopic.php?f=8&t=13878
6. The spirit week (f/m):
7. The Escape Room (FFMMM/FMfmm):
8. My new Babysitter (F/m): ... 47#p104247
9. Babysitter strikes again (F/mm):
10. My sister was bored (f/mm):
11. Trick or treat with Jean (f/m):
12. I annoyed my parents (FM/m):
13. Part of my Babysitter's Halloween decoration (F/m):
14. Thanksgiving Fun (fm/m):
15. The Weekend of Hell (f/fm,fm/m):
16. Kyle, the red-nosed reindeer (m/m):
17. My Birthday (FM/m;m/fm):

My DeviantArt Account:
My TuGstories Account: ... file&u=272
Last edited by Gil 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Stormee »

Well then, a happy birthday to Kyle here. Lots of new goodies for his TuG bag. Got to switch roles with his siblings and tie them up for a change. I'd say today was the best birthday for Kyle ever. :lol:
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Post by Killua »

I cute story as always :D I can´t wait to see his other presents going to be used some more :D
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My F/m Story:
Not as planned F/m
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Post by Gil »

[mention]Stormee[/mention] [mention]Killua[/mention]

Thank you guys :). Yeah i think it was his best birthday :D. We`ll see when he will use it :D
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Post by ducttape1 »

Hey, [mention]Gil[/mention] I've been reading your story for a while now and I think it's just brilliant. they never get boring.

please go ahead and keep your writing style.
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Post by Gil »


Wow. Thank you very much. Means a lot to me when someone say that :)
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