Paint it black MF/FF

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Paint it black MF/FF

Post by Boocola »

A woman with brown pigtails wearing a red dress, nude pantyhose and red heels walks on the stage to the microphone on a stand. She seems sad, because of a problem she can't solve. Thirty years ago she was an unwilling participant in a plot to destroy the world. She tried to secretly help stop it. But her father made her go along with his plan. Her name is Paige Jerle and she is a half alien immortal.

The crowd is there to see a comedy bondage show. Paige is looking at everyone waiting for her cue to speak. As the crowd boos her she grabs the microphone and takes it off the stand. "This is what I have to say..." She says as Black paint falls from the ceiling all over her red dress and her hair. "...damn it JayBee." She exclaimed.

"ladies and gentlemen," JayBee said as he came on stage wearing a black shirt and blue jean pants. "JayBee has entered the building and is now on stage." He dropped a smoke pellet at Paige's feet and she gets ingulfed in a gray cloud of smoke. "Turn the Paige."

As the smoke clears Paige's dress is red and the black paint turned into thin straps that is now wrapped around her ankles, calves and thighs. Her hands and elbows are wrapped up behind her back. Her arms are pinned to her torso by the black straps. The black straps are wrapped around her head covering her mouth and eyes. "Mmmmph mmmph." She tried to say what happened

"Grab your interest yet." JayBee said as he looked at Paige bound and gagged. "Would you look at that, I caught an alien." He said looking at her. "Now I wonder how she came to be born on this planet." He looked at the crowd.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Paige said as she was trying to get someone to help her.

"Funny thing is that, I wanted to be in the Veitnam war." JayBee said. "But I was born on the same day Saigon was lost." He said. "One time I heard this guy with PTSD saying that you should have been there man, I saw some stuff." he said looking around. "I went up to tell him that I wanted to go to Veitnam and fight in the war."

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph?" Paige asked what does this has to do with me.

"I am getting there." JayBee said. "Anyway this guy changed his tune saying you don't want to go there man." He said. "That's one way to change someone's mind about something."

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph." Paige said get me out.

"Nope, not until I am done." JayBee said. "First I have to take you all back."

Vietnam 1975

A woman with black hair wearing a red dress and brown thigh high stockings with red moccasins carries a twelve month old toddler. She's crying because she doesn't want to leave her daughter at this place. She knows that her friend is in trouble and she can't take Theresa on a rescue mission. Tera looks back to see two men dressed in combat fatigues and combat gear.

"Tera, we got a lead we got to move out immediately." Agent Matill said he is wearing an olive green jacket, olive green cargo and black boots with an olive green dew rag on his head. He has an olive green strap harness gear rig on his torso with ammo pouches attached. A olive green belt with a pistol holstered on his right side. He is carrying an assault rifle model M-16 and ammo belts with cartridges. He is holding a back pack with clothing for Tera.

"I can't leave our daughter here." Tera cried with tears in her eyes falling down her cheeks.

"We can't take her with us." Agent Matill said holding out the backpack. "Change into this it will help you blend in with the jungle."

"why do I have to change?" Tera asked.

"do you want me to paint that red dress black?" Agent Matill asked jokingly.

"This is a waste of time." The black man standing near Agent Matill said wearing the same thing as Agent Matill "The intelligence we received will be invalid in a couple of hours."

"Agent Brown, relax." Agent Matill said.

"I owe Cody for saving my from the gallows and I always repay my debts." Agent Brown said.

Tera kissed her daughter Theresa on the forehead then left her with the lady that ran the orphanage. She walked over grabbed the backpack from Agent Matill.

Tera took off her dress off and took out a green button shirt left undone. Pulled out an olive green cargo pants pulled them up over her moccasins and stockings. Pulled out a pair of black boots, took off her moccasins and put on the boots. She buttoned the shirt and tucked it in her pants. She put the on the olive green helmet. "There can we go now." She said as the e two FBI agents laugh. "What?"

"Take the helmet off and put your hair up." Agent Matill said. "Tie a dew rag over your hair then put the helmet on." He said as he picked up a harness with ammo pouches. "put this on your torso."

Tera put her hair up, tied on the dew rag and put on the helmet then put on the pouch harness gear rig. "Now what can we go now?"

"Sure." Agent Matill said as he loaded his M-16 locking a round in the chamber and agent Brown did the same thing.

Another part of the jungle a pregnant woman is being lead on a leash with her hands tied behind her back. She is wearing a green dress and green stockings with green moccasins. The man holding the leash has green jacket, cargo pants, black boots with a green belt with a pistol holstered.

"Scott, please let me go." The pregnant woman said. "I could give birth at any time."

"Cody dear, I am not going to let you go." Scott Jerle said. "You are carrying my child, I need her for the next phase of my plan."

"That is why you made me love you." Cody cried. "You lied to me."

"I brought you to my planet to have my child after that I could care less." Scott said. "I will hand you over to area fifty-one."

"why this charade?" Cody asked as Vietnamese voices could be heard approaching.

"Shhhh..." Scott quickly moved Cody behind a tree and forced her down, while covering her mouth with his hand. "I loved you at first." He whispered in her ear as the north Vietnamese army patrol walked by. "Now shut up, before I rip out my child and leave you for dead."

"There's two girls..." Cody said as she spilled something "...and my water broke they're coming out soon."

"Move we are almost at the clearing for the helicopter pick up." Scott said dragging her in the opposite direction from the NVA patrol through the jungle.

Not far behind

Agents Matill and Brown are walking through the jungle with Tera. They hear a North Vietnamese army patrol. Matill and Brown got down. Matill and Brown pulled Tera down.

"Whatmmmph." Tera started saying as Matill placed his hand over her mouth.

"Shhh..." Matill whispered as the NVA walked by when a helicopter could be heard overhead. The Vietnamese heard the sound of the routers and started running. "Crap, let's go double time."

Agent Matill, Agent Brown and Tera followed the NVA to the helicopter sound.

On the clearing

Cody collapsed on the ground as the helicopter came into view. "They're not waiting." She screamed in pain.

"Well that's too bad for you." Scott said as he put on a medical mask and gloves lifted her dress up. "How long?" He said as her didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Cody screamed in pain. "She's coming now!" She said as she pushed the child out of her womb.

Scott Jerle saw the baby's head and then pulled out the rest of his child body as the helicopter lands. He cuts the umbilical cord and gets up in the helicopter with the child. "Lift off." He said with the baby crying.

"What about the pregnant woman?" The gunner asked.

"She's dead." Scott said as the NVA came out of the jungle.

"We got company." The gunner shouted as he fired the M-60 helicopter door rifle. Cody let out a scream that got the gunners attention. "She's still alive." He said still firing at the enemy.

"It's too late for her lift off." Scott said holding the newborn and signaling to the pilot to lift off.

As the helicopter lifted up and flew away, Scott saw the NVA surrounding Cody


Agents Matill and Brown saw that the NVA surrounding Cody as she was screaming in pain and they were doing nothing to help her.

"Tera, When we clear the enemy." Agent Matill said. "Go help Cody."

"I want to help fight." Tera yelled.

"Girl, we literally have no time to teach you how to use these weapons." Agent Brown said as he fired his M-16 at the NVA soldiers.

There was seven NVA left surrounding Cody when agents Matill and Brown started firing as they ran forward killing five. Matill was reloading when a shot hit his rifle. He drew his pistol and shot the last two. While agent Brown's rifle jammed.

"SNAFU." Agent Matill said.

Tera went to Cody who is screaming. "Cody, I'm here."

"Tera, OH thank firefly." Cody said with tears. "Please get this child out of me." She said screaming.

"Push her out, I can't pull her." Tera said as she put a mask and rubber gloves on.

Cody pushed with everything she had that pulled her hands free from being bound behind her back and then she pass out from the pain. Tera caught the child out of Cody's womb. The baby started crying.

"What is her name going to be?" Agent Brown asked.

"Rebecca." Agent Matill suggested.

The helicopter

Scott Jerle is holding his baby girl wrapped in an olive green towel. The child stopped crying as she stares at her father. "You are my first step to take over the world." He said to his daughter. "Paige will be your name."

The gunner looked at Scott as if he was the devil himself. "You're going to hell for leaving that woman to be captured by the NVA." He said.

"You mean that alien bimbo." Scott said. "She would have destroyed this planet." He said as he motioned to the child. "When this child becomes old enough she can destroy a whole city."

"Why would an alien want to kill her offspring to destroy a city?" The gunner asked.

"She's a fire witch." Scott said lying to the gunner with a straight face. "If she regained her strength we would have been destroyed."

"Yeah, right." The gunner said. "Still doesn't feel right."

"I am not paying you to do what is right." Scott said.

The gunner just paid attention to his job and look out for the enemy as the helicopter flew through the air.

Back on stage present

Paige is still standing there bound and gagged as JayBee finishes the story. "Agents Matill and Brown take Rebecca to the orphanage where they dropped off Theresa." He said. "Cody and Tera went back to their home world." He said as Rebecca walked out.

Rebecca was wearing a green dress and nude pantyhose with green heels. She looks like Paige accept her hair was shoulder length. "Why did she go back to her planet?" She said. "They must have known the star was going to explode in an couple of years."

"Because if she didn't the time portals would have never been created and none of this would have happened." JayBee said. "Your world and mine would have been painted black by a paradox that would've destroyed our universe. Life in my imagination would never have ever existed."

"That doesn't make sense." Rebecca said.

"That depends on who's imagination you are in." JayBee said as he snapped his fingers, a cloud of smoke surrounds Rebecca and as the smoke cleared she had her wrist and elbow tied together behind her back. Rope was wrapped around her torso, thighs, calves and ankles. "Oh yeah, I forgot one thing." He said as he pitched a ballgag in her mouth that automatically strapped behind her head. "strike one!" He shouted.

"Mmmmph mmmph mmmph MMMPH mmmph mmmph mmmmph mmph mmmph mmmph mmmmmph." Rebecca said.

"So, I am Matill from the story." JayBee said. " Well an alternate version of me." He said. "I was sixteen when I made up that story, but ever since I heard paint it black by the rolling stones, when I finished twisted metal black, I became obsessed with that song. I think of Cody and what happened during that vietnam war role play every time."

A woman with black hair wearing a blue dress and black tights with blue moccasins appear to teleport on stage.

"Theresa you're just in time for the end of the show." JayBee said.

"You slowed down time so I could tie them up." Theresa said.