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Damsel-in-distress M/F

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 12:53 pm
by lasse672000
I sat in my favourite arm chair in the living room reading the Sunday news paper, when Primrose, dressed in light blue cotton pantyhose and a long sleeved, red and white, vertically striped leotard, and white ballet slippers stopped in front of me, holding her hands behind her back.
"Verny?" she said, in that sugar sweet, shy voice, normally reserved for when she really wants me to help her with something.
"Yes, Primy?" I replied, still holding the paper in front of me, trying to hide a smile. This was a game we had played several times before, and we both knew how it would end.
Still using that sugar sweet voice: "I'd like you to help me with something."
Still from behind the paper: "If I can."
"I had a dream last night."
"A scary dream."
"A real, real scary dream."

"I dreamt I was chased through a dark, abandoned house, by a villainous villain. All dressed in black he was, and with a mask in front of his eyes!"
"Oh?" I put the paper in my lap. "Sounds like a real scary villain! What happened then?"
"He eventually caught me. Then he pushed me to the floor and tied my wrists behind my back and then my ankles. And then he shoved a not-too clean rag in my mouth, and wound a strip of fabric around my head a couple of times! But not before I had slapped him across the face a couple of times."
"Good girl! He seemed like he was a particularly nasty villain!"
"Mm." Primrose nodded.
"Well? Now, I'm curious. How did it end?"
She sat in my lap, facing me, and I put my arms around her waist.
"Don't know!" she cheerfully said, and shrugged. "I woke up just as he left the room where I was being held prisoner."
"So; what do you want me to do?"
"If I go and lay down on my stomach, on the floor in my bed room; could you come and tie me up and gag me like that?"

"I'm sure I can find some rope, lying around somewhere. I might even be able to find a rag or two. Don't know how dirty it'll be, though."
"I'd prefer it to be clean. Thanks, Verny!" She started walking to her room. Then she stopped and turned around.
"Could you call Charlie when you're done? He can be my knight-in-shining-armour!"
"And if he's not avaliable, for some reason?"
"Then, the villainous villain will, eventually, regret what he has done, and set his prisoner free. It might take a while, though, because the villain has a lot to regret. O.K?"
Primrose looked inquiringly at me. "Um, O.K." she slowly said, before turning around and started walking again.

When I walked in to her room, Primrose was already down on the floor, facing away from the door. I tiptoed over to her and got down on my knees. She yelped when I grabbed her wrists, pulled them behind her back, and started winding one of the ropes I had stashed away in a bag in a drawer in my bedroom. I cinched it between her wrists, and tied it off, making sure she could get to the knot, should she need to. I then managed to wind another rope a couple of times around her waist, so her arms were trapped against her body, tying it off behind her back. I folded a third rope, tied it to the one around her arms, and pulled it between her legs, tightened it, and tied it off securely in front.
I then tied her knees and ankles together, before I shoved a big rag in her mouth, and wrapped duct tape several times around her head.
"Right!" I huffed, as I got to my feet. "The villain will now call one of his accomplices, and tell him what he has done."
I went out of the room and almost closed the door, leaving only a small gap, so I could keep an eye on her.

A few minutes later, I returned and once again got down on my knees, beside her.
"He said he'd come, but couldn't say exactly when, so the damsel-in-distress now has two choices; she either does nothing, except wait for her knight-in-shining-armour to arrive like an old-fashioned, helpless damsel definately would. Or she, somehow, manages to escape without any help. Like most modern girl would. A third option would, of course, be for her to wait until the villainous villain has a change of heart. Understood?"
Primrose sighed, but nodded. However, I could see in her eyes she was enjoying herself immensely, so if it would be up to me, I'd let her lie there for quite some time.

Alas, it wouldn't come to that. About half an hour later, I heard the front door, which I had left unlocked, open and someone tiptoeing past the room where I sat, still reading the paper.
A few minutes later, I could hear Primrose and Charlie whisper in her room, one of them sounding eager, the other one, for some reason, a bit more reluctant, and assumed that meant the game would soon be over. I couldn't have been more wrong.
Suddenly, I felt something cold and hard being pressed against the back of my head, and someone hissed: "On your feet, mister, and start walking!"
I did as I was told, and the person behind me guided me into Primrose's bedroom, where I was surprised to see her still laying, tied and gagged, on the floor, almost exactly as I had left her.
"Get down on your stomach, beside her!" Charlie barked. I did as I was told, and he tied my wrists, knees and ankles almost exactly as I had tied her, before pushing a rag in my mouth and wrapping tape several times around my head.

Then, he did something, that really surprised me. He rolled her over on her back, put a hand behind her back and the other one under her knees, and picked her up.
As he started walking away, he turned around and said: "You don't have to be afraid. Of course I'm not going to leave you without something to help you escape. I've put a knife on the floor, right behind your hands. I suggest you use it to get free."
It took me about an hour and a half to get free, as the knife was quite dull. But that gave me the opportunity to think of a way to get even. With him, and probably with her.

I marched right over to Charlie's house, determined to get even, or at least get Primrose back. But as I walked around a corner, I happened to look through a window into a small room, apparently used to store things. There, sitting in a chair with her right side turned towards the window, was Primrose, still tied up and gagged pretty much the same way I had tied and gagged her, nearly two hours ago. However, a blindfold had been added to her confinement. I couldn't see Charlie, but that didn't necessarily mean he wasn't in the same room, only that he was somewhere I couldn't see him.
I slowly and carefully crept past the window and up to the door. Finding it slightly ajar, made all the alarm sirens in my head go off on full blast, so I used my foot to nudge it open enough to me to slowly creep inside, the whole time looking out for him and/or possible traps.
Having found none, I walked around the house as silently as I could, carefully looking inside every room, even checking the basement.

Satisfied, but puzzled, to find the house empty, except for me and her, I walked back to the room where I had seen Primrose.
"Don't be alarmed. It's only me!" I whispered, as I pushed the door open. I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder, before untying her knees and ankles. Then I took the blindfold off, so she could see it really was me, but left the gag in place, in case she would start talking, as she has a rather squeaky, piercing voice.
I grabbed her arm, and started pushing her towards the door, afraid he'd come back and surprise us, but she stopped and turned her back to me and mumbled something through her gag.
"We haven't got time for that!" I desperately whispered. "Come on; let's get out of here, before he comes back!"

I could see something resembling panic in her eyes when she heard that, and she almost raced past me and to the door. I opened it, and checked that the coast was clear, before we walked outside, and to the sidewalk.
Suddenly, we could see Charlie in the distance, coming toward us. He, apparently, hadn't seen us, but I realized it would only be a matter of seconds before he did. I pushed her off the sidewalk, and behind some bushes, where we hid. I happened to look at her and could see she had a big smile on her face.
"You think this is fun; don't you?" I whispered in her ear.
"Ng-hng." she mumbled and nodded.
We watched in silence, me keeping a hand on her shoulder for some reason, as he went past us. When we could no longer see him, we got back on our feet, and started walking back home.

When we got inside, I took off all the ropes, and went behind her to take off the gag.
"NNGG!" she shook her head violently, and quickly walked over to the bathroom. A few minutes later I could hear her flushing, and then she came out, for some reason still with the gag in her mouth.
"You want me to take that out for you? It must be pretty soggy, by now." I asked, but she shook her head, instead picking up the ropes, turning her back to me, and crossing her wrists.
"What?" I smiled. "Haven't you been tied up enough for one day?"
She looked at me over her shoulder, and shook her head.
"And I suppose you want me to tie you up like before; do you?"
She nodded, and we went into her room, and I helped her to lie down on her stomach, before tying ropes around her ankles and knees.
"Right!" I said, as I got to my feet. "O.K. Same rules as before; You get free on your own, or wait till I come and do it for you. And no knights-in-shining-armour. Agreed?"
She nodded, but I could see in her eyes, how this was going to end.

Later, when we had gone to bed, Primrose turned to me: "Thanks for an interesting day. Let's do it again, some time."
"O.K. But not any time soon; I hope?"
"No." she smiled. "Not any time soon."

Re: Damsel-in-distress M/F

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:58 am
by hafnermg
Great story Lasse672000! Your stories are always lots of fun!