Hide and Seek full of Surprises. f/f m/ff

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Hide and Seek full of Surprises. f/f m/ff

Post by WyattW5 »

Story for Mask6190 I hope you enjoy it.

Character Bio’s

Lucas. 13 years old thick blond hair that sits around the top of his neck. Standing four feet ten inches and about a hundred thirteen pounds. Dressed in beige cargo shorts and a yellow t-shirt white socks blue sneakers.

Leah. 15 years old long blond hair kept in a pony tail. Standing five foot two inches tall and a hundred three pounds. Dressed in a light blue tank top and dark blue tights that end at her calves. Pink ankle socks and white tennis shoes.

Katherine (Katy) 15 years old neck long frizzy red hair. Standing five foot seven inches. ninety eight pounds. Dressed in a bluish grey t-shirt, and black leggings. Wearing black and white sneakers.

Best friends, Leah and Katherine have been together for the majority of their young lives. Both at fifteen years of age the two young ladies their ways spent most of their time gathering with friends reading books and going shopping.

However the rain outside caused both young women from going outside to go shopping. Sticking them inside. Forcing them to watch a few films until they grew bored. When Katherine finally asked.

“What are we going to do now the rain is not letting up?”

“We could do our homework I know we are both have some overdue assignments” Katherine looks her friend over and shakes her head.

“You can’t be serious?”

“Well you got any other bright ideas?” Leah asks sardonically and Katherine smiles “we can play hide and seek”

“I said better not Lamer!” Leah replies and Katherine rises “come on lets get your brother maybe he can make it more interesting” Katherine pats her friends knee before they leave the room.

A few moments later...

Lucas sits on his bed playing his nintendo game swerving with the turn of the car on his screen. The rain had little affect on his plans. His school work was done and he was relaxing with a video game.

Biting his lip hard as his racer slides into first place. Before a tremendous slam on the door makes Lucas jump out of his skin. Katherine standing in the doorway smiling.

“Sorry kiddo, whatcha doing?”

“Playing a game now that you’ve distracted me” Lucas’ brow creased as he looks down seeing his game lost. He pushed a button before looking up to the red-head.

“Is there something I can help you with?”

“Being you mention it” Katherine smiles walking over to the bed taking a seat curling her back to him but turning around to look him over.

“Your sister is bummed we couldn’t go shopping” Lucas’ eyebrow rose. While his sister was not one to handle dissappointment well he still had no idea, what he could do to aid the situation nor did he really care.


“So I am trying to cheer your sister up, we are playing a little game”

“Uh” Lucas said turning back to his game system and began to set up another race when Katherine pinched his arm.

“Hey!” grabbing the game from him she grabbed him by the knees and set him forward. Eye to eye.

“Okay, so to keep your sister amused I told her we would play hide and seek okay” Lucas only response was a shrug and Katy smiles “so what I was wondering, could you like pretend to be it for me”


“If you don’t I won’t leave you alone... come on you can play this anytime” Lucas rolls his eyes knowing full well Katy would truly become Chatty Katy if he did not start moving..

“Fine” he groans dragging himself from his game before looking around.

“Give me a headstart of ten ok?”

“Fine” ten... nine... eight... seven... six. Strolling down the hallway still counting down he meandered to his sisters room the door was jarred open and he could not see anyone in there. Finally reaching the count of ten he called out.

“Ready or not here I come!” the echo of the empty house, made his command sound like a giants call. Pushing into Leah’s room. His eyes scan the room two book bags on the bed. One unzipped and half filled with clothing and such, empty the other half zipped filled with books. Stalking the closet Lucas opens the door to see no one in Leah’s walk in closet. Turning around he left to the bathroom where the shower was empty and the toiletry closet was empty, save the usual. TP and lady supplies.

Stopping he turns to look left the only rooms left were the guest room and their parents room. Their parents had a large four poster bed. With space underneath to hide, not to mention a walk in closet for their mother. And large armoire for dad.

Now standing at the door of the master bedroom, seeing the bed armoire and closet door first thing Lucas examined was the bed no one lay below it. Not caring how long it took to find her Lucas meandered to the Armoire and pops the door open. Pulling dads shirts and jackets around adjusting the stacks of jeans and pants and such.

Walking to sit on top of their parents cedar chest. Staring at the walk in closet Lucas was thinking of what his sister would say when he opened the door and told her he was ‘it’

his thoughts were disrupted when he felt something, under the cedar chest cushioned lid. The next time. A noise came with shift in the chest. Rising from the chest lid Lucas raises the lid his eyebrows shot up.

Scrunched in their parents cedar chest, which only held their mothers linens and quilts from their grand parents. Now in place of said quilts and linens is Leah her blond pony tail bobbing as she moved her head from side to side.

Her eyes were covered in a bright blue sleep mask with two little kitten eyes on it. Recognising it as their mothers sleep mask. Her mouth was covered in thick cloth that looked like a scarf or a bandana or something. Around her torso ropes bound horizontally below her ‘growing’ bosom and a V pattern spread up to her shoulders before making backpack style straps down her sides.. Following those ropes he found her wrists tied forearms perpendicular to each other tied at the wrist and at the crook of the elbow..

Peering down on her knees and ankles both of which are bound by three wraps around and two ropes wound through between her legs and ankles and somewhere down the bottom he could see what looked like a knot or a cinch on the inside of the ropework. Interested Lucas hands begin to run over the soft contours of the rope.

Raising a hand to her face. Lucas brushed the silk gag covering her mouth. Before tucking a hand under her chin making her raise her head. That is when she started to speak.

“Hmm kkmmm lmm mmm ouphff plephf” unable to keep the smile off his face Lucas released her chin and dropped the lid of the cedar chest. Leaving the room, his head a scramble with questions and comments he wanted to scream out of his head. Composing himself he ran back for his room.

Katherine sat the exact same spot he had left her to go be ‘it’ she sat on the bed a strange smile on her face. As Lucas enters the room he said the first thing that pops into his head.

“Don’t even think of tying me up” Katherine blinked at him for a second before letting out a harsh cackle nearly doubling over when she raised a hand shaking her head. She held a hand to her mouth. Before taking a deep breath.

“Relax Luc I do not want to tie you up sit and talk” patting the bed beside her Lucas obliged sitting across from her but giving himself some space for if she decided to jump him.

“When I was younger my parents would put Saturday morning cartoons on for me so I would leave them alone ad they could figure out their ‘adult’ things y’know and watching them there seemed to be a number of common little things”

“Like what?”

“Like... when they portray a robbery, or the hero’s girlfriend would find the evil scientists they tie her up and gag her you know?” thinking back Lucas did remember a lot of shows did that but the cartoons always made it look...interesting.

“Getting older I remembered a lot of those scenes and I wanted to try and recreate well act out some of them, so I talked to your sister she agreed and on several times your sister has tied me up”

“But this time you tied her up?”

“Against her will, I know she was complaining about being bored, bummed out about our shopping trip” Lucas nods listening to Katherine explain what she did how she lured Leah into their parents room before asking.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because in a few minutes I am going to sit in your sisters room with a bag of ropes and scarves, and I want to see what happens” she smiles standing up ruffling his hair. Strutting from the room Lucas took a half minute before he stood up and followed her in.

He had arrived she had just finished splaying all of her supplies on the bed. A total of five lengths of rope, a pair of ankle socks. Two scarves one blue one black. Handing Lucas a length of rope she put her ankles together and explained how to tie them. Three wraps around both of her ankles he took the remaining length and spread it between her ankles. Before following the instruction of tying the knot on the inside of the ropes.

Following suit with her knees. She showed him how to make a rope harness around her chest. Forming two horizontal lines before creating a V pattern from her shoulders to her chest and tummy.

Laying Katy on her stomach he bound her wrists the same as he did her ankles attempting to bind her elbows he heard her cringe and yell in pain. Leaving her elbows free he sat her up again.

“Time for the gag and blindfold”

“I’ll do the blindfold first” Lucas murmurs gathering the black scarf binding it over her eyes tying it at the back of her head. Good I can’t see a thing” Katy smiles pleasantly looking around with her blocked eyes.

“Now before I gag you what do”

“Wait before you put the socks in my mouth run them under water please” Katherine begged and Lucas looked to the little white ankle socks in hand. He hadn’t thought of that he looks up to her “what does that do?”

“Keep my mouth from growing dry that is until I am ungagged”

“Cool, so what do you want me to do when you are tied up?”

“I was wondering if you could bring your sister in here leave her tied up and place her on the bed with me”

“Sure but... Why?”

“Some things are better to do with friends” Katy smiles and Lucas smiles walking to the bathroom running the socks under warm water he comes back and shoves them into Katy’s eagerly open mouth. Taking the second scarf Lucas ties is up behind her neck but shakes his head the scarf would fall down from her hair if nothing else? Looking to the top of her head Lucas smiles pulling tight on the scarf he ties it off at the crown of Katy’s head.

“How does it feel” Lucas asks and he watches Katherine wiggle and squirm. Mumbling incoherently as she looks around before bouncing up and down on the bed and she nods.

“Vemphf guphf thphf yophf”

“Alright I will be back with company” running back to their parents cedar chest Lucas raises the lid and bends down picking up his sister, it was no easy feat while they were nearly matched in weight as he dragged her out her feet did slump as she finally landed.

Wrapping his arms around her belly he drags her keeping as many grunts and profanities to himself as he hauled her from the parental bedroom to his sisters room. Hurtling her onto the bed she let out a loud.

“Uphf hphf kphf thphf nphf fphf!” her redheaded friend beside her cried out

“Hephf leph opher herphf”

“Wuphf!” Leah’s reply made Lucas burst into laughter. Sitting down at his sisters chair he watches the two of them squirm. While Katherine tried finding Leah, Leah was too busy trying to get out of her bindings.

An instant idea popped into his head producing his cell phone he started taking pictures. Making sure to get some close-ups to Katherine and Leah. After about five minutes it became kind of dull as the two were simply waving their hands behind their backs trying to reach each others wrists. Lucas decided to pick it up a notch.

“Oh shee, parents are home... damn, alright guys best of luck uh you’ll be fine”

“Whaphf!” the girls cried in unison. Lucas stood up from the chair and scurried to the door way opening his video mode and watched as the two girls now struggled. With everything they have to get out. Katherine had managed to get to her knees and was rocking from side to side trying to get out.

Leah was simply bouncing on her belly trying to break the bonds that held her in place. All the while both girls were barking at each other through their gags. After taking ten minutes of video Lucas put his phone away and patted Leah on the side.

“All clear Dad just came back he forgot his wallet”


“Ready to be untied now?”


“Yes what?” Lucas prod and if it weren’t for their mothers sleep mask. He would assume she would have been rolling her eyes.

“Yepjhf plephf” nodding Lucas began to untie his sister starting at her ankles, knees chest elbows and finally her wrists pulling the sleep mask off and the gag out. She groaned and croaked after sputting out the wet. Thigh high sock from her mouth.

“Yuck I freeking hate that...” looking down on Katherine Leah commenced to poke and tickle her. Making Katherine shake the bed and giggle.

“You can go do what you want to little brother, I need some alone time with my buddy” Lucas smiles and leaves the room closing the door behind him.
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Post by ninterz »

That is a sweet, funny story.
I hope there is a more to it, but it's great as it is anyways
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Post by Killua »

It's a cute story. I liked how the first thing he thought was that she would tie him up and tried to keep the distance between them :lol:
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