Cops-and-robbers for real m/f

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Cops-and-robbers for real m/f

Post by lasse672000 »

Emma hid behind a stack of boxes in the basement, confident the boys wouldn't find her there. They had been playing hide-and-seek most of the afternoon, and now, she was beginning o get fed up. Or maybe it was because it was so unusually hot? She really couldn't say.
Be that as it may; it had forced her to dress in nothing more than one of her leotards (this one being light blue), ankle socks and flip-flops, and she had tied her hair in a pony tail.
Suddenly, she realized she couldn't hear anything from up stairs. Had the boys stopped playing and forgotten to tell her? It wouldn't surprise her if they had, as they had done so several times in the past. Hesitantly, she walked towards the stair and climbed up, as silently as she could. She opened it just wide enough to look out, but what she saw made her gasp. On a chair, with his hands behind it, her brother Trevor sat with his head tilted forward. He was dressed in a pair of beige shorts a red-and-white striped t-shirt, ankle socks and sandals. The only thing stopping him from falling over, was a rope tied around his waist, and whatever kept his hands behind the chair. She now strongly suspected that that something was another rope.
But, who could have done such a thing? Surely not their friends, And, by the way; where were they? Why had they left poor Trev like this?

She slowly opened the door enough to get out, and, carefully looking around, slipped over to him.
"Trev?" she whispered, the anxiety clearly noticeable in her voice. "Are you awake?"
He tilted his head backwards and mumbled: "Ouf?", and it was only now she realized the same someone that had tied him to the chair, also had gagged him by putting something big in his mouth and taping it shut.
She grabbed one end of the tape and began pulling.
"OOWW!" he protested.
"Sorry, bro; but it has to be done!" she said. "I'll try to be quick."
She got the tape off, as carefully as she could, and walked behind him to release his hands, when a female voice said:
"I wouldn't, if I were you! Get her, Greg"
She quickly spun around, and saw an elderly woman and a muscular man standing in the doorway.
"Where did they come from?" she wondered, just as the man the old woman had called Greg grabbed her by her waist, and wrestled her, face first, to the floor. He knelt beside her and quickly, and expertly, grabbed her wrists, and tied them snugly together behind her back, before turning around and tied her ankles together. Then he connected her wrists and her ankles. When she opened her mouth to protest, he shoved a big cotton wad inside, and sealed it with two strips of tape.

"Now, as you weren't present when we captured your brother (I assume he's your brother, anyway?), I would like to reintroduce ourselves." the old woman said in such a chilly voice, it sent shivers down Emma's spine. My name is Constance, and this," she waved her hand in the general direction of Greg, "is my nephew, Greg.
We run what you might call a house-clearance service, but unlike other services of the same kind, we tend to go around and look for valuables before we leave. Now, I know it is most uncomfortable lying on the floor tied up like that, my dear, so after I've finished talking, Greg will see to it you will be tied to a chair, and placed beside your brother. I know Greg placed the knots on the ropes around your wrists where you can just about reach them, but please; do not make any attempts to get free as long as we are in the house. If we find you have, the consequences will be most severe. Have I made myself clear?"
Emma and Trevor nodded.
"Good!" Constance said. "I promise we'll be as quick as we can, because we know your parents will be home in about an hour, and we obviously don't want to be caught. And remember; no tampering with the ropes while we're still in the house; O.K?"
Greg got a second chair and, after untying her wrists from her ankles, placed Emma in it, before tying a rope snugly around her waist.
"O.K, kids! Remember; you're allowed to try to get free only after we've left, and that might take a wee while."

True to their word, the burglars did a thorough job of meticulously going through every drawer and shelf in the house, and ended up staying for almost 45 minutes.
"Don't worry about calling the police," was the last thing Constance said before she closed the door, "I always call them a couple of minutes after we've left. You just concentrate on getting free, and what you're going to tell them, when they arrive. O,K?"

Trevor had only just managed to free himself and his sister, when their mum, Alice, came home, closely followed by two policemen.
However, after a brief interview, the kids were told they would be questioned more closely down at the station.
"Would you mind getting two cuff belts from the cruiser, while I keep an eye on these two, Bill?" one of the policemen said.
"Sure thing, Bob!" Bill said, and left.
"What? Why?" Alice protested loudly. "They're the VICTIMS of a burglary, not the burglars themselves, you dimwits!"
"We are aware of that fact, m'am" one of the policemen patiently told her, "but as we will have to continue this interview down at the station, we will have to take them there in our cruiser, and no one rides in the back of it without wearing cuff belts."
"In that case, I can drop them off myself and pick them up later; can't I?"
"Yes, you could; but we'd still have to cuff them before they entered the station. And besides , we don't know how long we will have to keep them for. They might be back home in an hour or two, or they might have so much to do at the precinct, it might take all night. I will see to it they are well taken care of."

"Mum; it's O.K," Emma sighed, when she saw that her mother was about to continue arguing, "the sooner we get down there, instead of standing here arguing, the sooner we'll be home again. O.K? Besides, there's not much else to tell them."

Any hopes of getting home soon were brutally crushed, however, when they got to the station, and were met by the news that there had been a riot just outside town, and just about the only person left was a guard.
"Our usual Friday night entertainment, then." Bob sighed. "Let's put these two in a cell each till things has cooled down a bit. Then we can interview them in relative peace."
"Aren't we at least allowed a phone call?" Trevor protested.
"Yes, you would be, had you been arrested. But you're not; are you? You're only here to give a statement, which basically means we can, and will, let you go when we decide it is time. And before you say anything; no, there is no limit to how long we can keep you locked up, as you're only here to talk to us. Now; let's go! As you put it; the less time we spend talking, the sooner you will be able to go home."
Bill grabbed Trevor's arm and Bob Emma's and they were led to the pound, and put in separate cells, at either end of the corridor, still wearing their cuff belts.

Emma stared at the bars in the door to her cell for as few seconds, before kicking it as hard as she could.
"AAOOWW!" she hollered, and kicked it once again, now with the other foot.
"What on earth are you doing?" Trevor asked.
"Getting rid of some of my frustrations!" Emma growled.
"M-hm! Well, did it?"
"No; it bloody didn't." She sat down on the floor and leaned her back against the wall, and started crying.

An unknown number of hours later she had managed to fall asleep, still sitting by the door.
"Come on! Wakey, wakey, sleepy head!" Bill said, as he gently shook her shoulder a couple of hours later. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet.
"Wha--?" she mumbled, still half asleep.
"You're free to go back home!"
"Weren't you supposed to ask me some questions?" she wondered drowsily.
"Don't need to, as it turns out. They caught the guys who burgled your house a couple of hours ago, and they've already confessed." He grabbed her arm, and pushed her to the police car. It was only there, she realized she was still cuffed.
"Hey!" she protested, "Aren't you going to release me? And where's my brother?"
"Remember what we said about riding in the back seat of our cruiser? You'll have to put up with being cuffed until you get home, which, incidentally, is where I've already taken your brother."

Emma, who had managed to nod off again, woke when the car came to a sudden stop, and the door beside her opened and Bill unlocked the safety belt, and escorted her to the front door.
She saw their neighbours' curtains being ever so slightly separated, and she suspected Mrs. Allowny, along with the rest of the gossip-mongers, already had the receiver firmly in their hands, ready to tell the whole world about the Dupont mob family.
Bill, apparently oblivious to the commotion they were causing, slowly walked to the front door, and rang the bell. When Alice opened, he handed her a set of keys, along with her daughter.
"Eh, O.K?" Alice said confused. "What am I supposed to do with these?"
"Release her, of course!" Bill growled. "If and when you want to. Don't bother sending the belts, cuffs or keys back; we've got more than enough in storage." Then he suddenly slapped his fore head. In an overly dramatic fashion, he cried: "Oh, I must be getting senile! I kind of suspected there was something I forgot to bring; and there was! Wait here, I'll be right back!" He ran back to the car, where he started fumbling around the trunk.
He returned, carrying a big box.
"Here's some more toys," he said with a grin, "should you decide to play 'cops-and-robbers' again!"
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Post by Emma »

"Emma", huh?

LOL :)
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Mask6190 »

Great story!

By the way, should the tag be M+,F/mf?
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Post by Solarbeast »

This was an interesting take on the childhood game cops and robbers.
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