Teacherknapping (MMMM/F)

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Teacherknapping (MMMM/F)

Post by barrabas »

This story is based on true events, but elaborated upon and fleshed out to the extent that is belongs firmly in the fictional section. Although I was not part of group that masterminded and carried out this prank, I'm writing this from their imagined perspective. Here goes.

There are some teachers you never forget. Some are inspirational, some are mean, some simply look like they've walked out of a dictionary from the entry for 'Teacher, Hot'. Miss French managed to be a little bit of all three. An excellent and well liked educator, also known for being bossy, strict, and the target of poorly hidden ogling from the boys in her classes. She was in her mid 30s, quite petite without her heels, with large bright eyes, shiny chestnut hair, and an hourglass figure that filled out generously around the rear. It didn't help that her wardrobe of choice revolved around sensible but flattering pencil skirts and nicely fitted tops and shirts. She always wore heels to bring her short stature up to a more practical 5'7", and her tanned and toned legs were usually encased in the glossy sheen of a pair of tights. She even wore a pair of stylish glasses from time to time, as if to complete the textbook fantasy.

It will come as no surprise then, that as the year came to a close, and the question of what to do for 'muck-up day' came up, that some minds drifted toward the idea of playing a prank on the lovely and fiesty Miss French. As the last official day of term for the leaving sixth form students, muck-up day has always been a glorious British tradition, where the leaving year can really push their luck in terms of the mischief they attempt, as the possibility of retribution is slim. And so push our luck is what we planned to do. After some extensive brainstorming, myself and three friends came of up with a 3 point plan.
1 - We would pull the old 'kidnap the pretty teacher' prank, and we would target the gorgeous Miss French
2 - We would keep her someplace secure where we could admire our handiwork as we figured out what to do next
3 - We would do it all a day early, so no one would be prepared or on the look out for mischief of this level

The boys and I also talked at length about the approach we would take. Trickery? Persuasion? Coercion? Ambush? Knowing it was something we were unlikely to talk her into, and aware of the fact that with school ending it was really now-or-never, we eventually landed on a full guns blazing tactic. We would storm her classroom mid-lesson (in disguise of course) and rely on shock factor and the element of surprise to get her trussed up as quickly as possible and hauled off. Protests would be laughed off in the name of end of school fun, and ideally muffled before they become too insistent. The securely bound - and at this point no doubt severely ticked off - Miss French would then be stashed away in a small unused classroom in one of the older parts of the school, and then set free sometime near the end of the day. At the very least, we would save a good few boys from getting set holiday work. It sounded like a noble cause to me. But as the saying goes, the best laid plans of mice and men...
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Great beginning! Pls continue!!!
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Post by DTbound »

Promising start!
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Post by Macher »

Nice set up. Looking forward to seeing it come to fruitiion
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Post by harveygasson »

Good start looking forward to the next part
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Post by Driverman »

Nice start!
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Post by Sureni »

Yes; good start :D
I am really interesting ;)
Please continue :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Fine Start! I'm looking forward to Part 2!
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Post by Tieup1 »

Good start, look forward to more. :)
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Post by Vixen »

Quite nicely written love the style. Like many others I hope you keep up this good story going and can only encourage you to write us more soonly!
Now where did all our good times go?
Did they fade out my Window? ... I'm Nostalgic so I'll keep on Dreamin!
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Post by barrabas »

And so it wasn't long before the morning of the deed rolled around, and I found myself waiting in the school quad with my co-conspirators at the beginning of the school day. There was myself, and my cohorts Jack, Dave and Mark. As students and staff slowly filed into the old brick buildings we performed a final check of our collected supplies. Between the four of us we'd gathered some assorted sunglasses, bandanas and balaclavas to use a disguises, Jack had brought some short lengths of strong cord for the purposes of binding our quarry, and I had sourced a piece of thick white cloth to serve as a gag, should the need arise. In retrospect not the most effective or efficient kit for a fast kidnap, but the mechanics of the process were new to us. Forgive us.

We were a little nervous, but already bubbling with the adrenaline of anticipation. We would wait until the period before lunch to make our move. We'd strike mid-lesson and relocate our 'prisoner' while the halls are pathways were empty of students and - crucially - staff. It was at this point as we waited for the bell to signal the start of school that we caught our first glimpse of the foxy Miss French arriving for work. Her hair was down today, and her big grey green eyes were framed by her signature spectacles. She was wearing a tight black jumper that clung to her chest, and had a habit of always tucking her tops into her hip hugging skirts, which accentuated her trim waist and dynamite curves beautifully. Today's high waisted suit skirt was no exception, and as she walked past us we stared at her ample arse clearly outlined by her fitted outfit. Her calves shined in the sheen of her tights, and her feet clicked across the ground in her smart black heels. 11:00 could not come soon enough.

Three impatient hours later, there we were, gathered in silence in the empty first floor corridor outside the classroom where Miss French was teaching a group of GCSE students. Our hearts were starting to pound now, but there was absolutely no backing out of this opportunity. Jack, Mark and I slid on sunglasses and tied off bandanas while Dave insisted on going the whole hog with a poorly fitted balaclava. Jack and Mark readied a piece of cord each and I stuffed the cloth into my jacket pocket. For dramatic effect we waited until Miss French was in the middle of talking, and then we flung open the door and burst in.

- Teacherknapping (MMMM/F) https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?t=1497
- Teacherknapping II: Bigger Game (MMMM/FF) https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?t=6223
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I can’t wait to hear if the plan works! Please continue very soon!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I agree! I like this Story!
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Post by Tieup1 »

Nice fun story, look forward to more. :)
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Post by Boocola »

Boocola want more :lol:
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Post by Sureni »

Hope they will success :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nice story, I really like this ;)
Love to see next part as soon as possible :roll:
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Post by barrabas »

The second we rushed into the classroom everyone's attention was on us. Every boy in class turned to see who was interrupting their lesson, and looks of puzzlement quickly became looks of amusement accompanied by the beginnings of laughter. Miss French, who was mid-speech, abruptly switched tack, raised her eyebrows and uttered a sharp perturbed "Excuse me?"

We did not answer and continued to make our way undaunted down the side of the desks. Adrenaline was running thick and fast by this point and we were going to carry on no matter what.
"Uh, boys? What on earth do you think you're doing?" A note of confusion ran through her reprimanding tone and her hands moved to rest on her curvaceous hips. "Aren't you a bit early for this, I'm in the middle of a HEY!" At this point Dave had marched up behind her and was wasting no time trying to haphazardly coil one of the lengths of cord around her slender wrists. However he was having trouble manoeuvring her hands behind her back and looked up towards Mark to lend him a hand.
"Oh no. Oh no no no, I don't think so boys." chided an increasingly annoyed Miss French and she tried to wriggle her arms free. Jack and I were momentarily distracted by the sight or her trying to squirm herself out of their clumsy grasp, seeing the muscles in her calves tense, and her figure press against her skirt as her pelvis twisted and turned. We were snapped out of our reverie by the rising sound of laughing from the class mixed with some cheering and clapping. Miss French looked briefly stunned at this response, and then shot a powerful scowl out towards her assembled students. I heard her mutter "Unbelievable..." under her breath.

By this point the technically questionable workmanship of Dave and Mark had succeeded in messily tightening and knotting the strong cord around and around Miss French's wrists. They briefly let go of her arms as she continued to bend and pull and tug at the rope to try and free herself, her heels occasionally stamping lightly on the floor as she corrected her balance. "Boys, enough is enough. Untie me now and maybe, maybe I'll go easy on you." The four of us briefly exchanged a look, nodded at each other, and then Dave and mark each put a hand on Miss French's firm upper arms and began to 'usher' her in the direction of the door. Her eyes widened and then locked in determination as she tried to push back against her 'chaperones' with her legs. Unfortunately for her, between her high heels and the limit to her gait imposed upon her by her pencil skirt, she did not manage to slow them down much. I lost myself for another second noticing the shape of her strong thighs as the restricted length of her step strained them against the skirt.

She looked at her class of boys (who were now hooting a hollering a little) with a look that was partly pleading but mostly vexation and authoritative disbelief. "Stop them!" she ordered futilely. "Why, exactly, is no one helping me?" But the boys had no intention of putting a stop to anything from what I could see, and as Jack and I opened the door onto the corridor, Dave, in a display of strength and improvisation, bent down and gently suddenly lugged Miss French's lovely form over his shoulder. The last thing the students saw from their desks was the sight of her full round suit skirted bottom lying over the front of Dave's shoulder, and her glossy heeled legs kicking up in down in frustration. "Oi!!" Shouted Miss French as we backed out and politely shut the door behind us.

- Teacherknapping (MMMM/F) https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?t=1497
- Teacherknapping II: Bigger Game (MMMM/FF) https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?t=6223
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Amazing! I love this new part!

I do hope that she is gagged before this prank is ruined! Please continue!
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Post by Boocola »

:lol: 8-)
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Post by Sureni »

Exciting part :)
Thank you very much for posted it very quickly :D
Well done boys, really funny :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Miss French can enjoy her punishment with those handy boys :lol: :lol:
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Post by Sheriff »

I am enjoying the hell out of this story, can't wait for the conclusion!!!
Hands behind your back....

See what I'm up to on my blog! http://www.sheriffofknots.com/
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another good chapter, this story is lots of fun. :D
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Post by barrabas »

"Oi!!!" Miss French shouted again, this time even louder. She continued to kick her lower legs and wriggle her body. Despite having a decent grip on her skirt covered thighs, Dave was having trouble keeping her admirable buttocks balanced on his shoulder. "Put me down right now! This instant!" insisted a fuming Miss French. I watched the blue painted nails on her fingers flutter as she clenched and unclenched her fists in frustration. Her hands - still safely bound behind her in slapdash coils of cord - bobbed up and down above the top curve of her arse as her body bounced and squrimed in its unstable position bent over her unsteady abductors body. Between the rising volume of our soon-to-be captive's voice, the raucous reception we received from Miss French's class, and my declining faith in Dave's ability keep hold of our animated abductee, I knew I needed to do something.
"In there." I said in a voice I tried to disguise with a little gruffness (I held out hope our disguises had kept us from being identified so far). I gestured towards a classroom on our left, empty from what I could see through the windows, and the four of us bundled through the door with Miss French.

As soon as we were all through I closed the door behind us and quickly dropped the blinds over the door window. I nodded at Mark and he swiftly made his way around the room lowering the rest of the window blinds. A very winded looking Dave promptly lowered Miss French from his shoulder, her heeled feet hitting the floor with a clop. She immediately took a few steps towards the teacher's desk at the head of the room and turned to face us, wrists still roped behind her. She looked us all dead in the eye with the raised eyebrows and jutted out hip of a woman who was not impressed.
"I bet you all think this is terrifically clever don't you? Well? Do you not have anything to say for yourselves?" She continued to stand there in that no-nonsense pose moving her sardonic gaze moving from boy to boy. If it wasn't for my dark sunglasses she would have caught me staring at her stuck out hip. When none of us responded to her question she just rolled her big eyes and muttered "Unbelievable..." again. Turning her back to us and sticking out her hands she looked over her shoulder at us and said "Well? Enough's enough. Time to untie me." No response.
"Un. Tie. Me. NOW!" Nothing. "Oh for goodness sake." Miss French immediately started marching towards the classroom door.

Jolted out of this stalemate by the prospect of our prisoner escaping, Jack slipped in front of the door in time to cut off her exit. "Move." she demanded. "MOVE." Jack stood strong. "Fine." she said in exasperation and began storming across the room to an interconnecting door. Mark was way ahead of her so I took my time taking in the sight of her elegant hands in their tied position, resting on top of that unmistakable rump. I saw glimpses of nylon covered lower thigh through the back slit of her pencil skirt as she strided her way to another dead end blocked by one of us. With a growl of frustration she stormed half way across the room and with a silent huff, half leant half sat on the edge of a desk. I'm not sure how many seconds or minutes passed by in silence, with Miss French bound and quietly fuming but a quick glance at the clock did tell me we needed to get moving.

"Time to go." I instructed in the same gruff tone.
"I'm not going anywhere." our tied up teacher stated.
"Oh yes you are." Jack let slip and whipped out another length of cord from his bag. Miss French straightened up and began making moves to back away but Jack was already looping it around her ankles in a much neater manner than Dave and Mark's messy approach. In between cries of "Hey!" and "Stop!" she was trying to lift her feet free of the loop, and it took Jack a few attempts to fully corral her slim ankles in a ring of rope. Once again that tight suit skirt had been a boon, preventing her from lifting her legs too high or too far away from each other. With the loop compete, Jack tightened it and cinched it off. With Miss French now squirming up a storm he looked over to me and said "Ready?" My attention turned to our teacher who was tugging furiously at her bonds, squatting and contorting in an effort to loosen of manoeuver her way out of them. Every curve of her body was on display against the constrains of her fitted outfit and our second hand rope. Unfortunately she was one getting very vocal again.

"Hey! HEY!!! Someone LET ME OUT! Hey! HEEEYYY!!!"
"One last thing." I said to Jack in a low voice, smirking under my bandana. I calmly unfolded the length of thick white cloth from my pocket and made my way around the back of the desk Miss French was struggling against.
"HEY! HEY! HERRRMMMNNNGGGHH!" A look of complete and utter shock and disbelief filled her eyes as I whipped the cloth over her full lipped mouth, pulled it as tight as I could, to the point her cheeks bulged, and knotted it off behind her head. She swung round to look at me, cold fury mingling with wide eyed incredulity.
"Ready." I said to Jack.
Last edited by barrabas 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

- Teacherknapping (MMMM/F) https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?t=1497
- Teacherknapping II: Bigger Game (MMMM/FF) https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?t=6223
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Amazing! Can't wait to see what happens next!!!
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Post by Tieup1 »

Great chapter yet again, well done. :)
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