Kyle, the red-nosed Reindeer (m/m)

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Kyle, the red-nosed Reindeer (m/m)

Post by Gil »

Merry Christmas everyone 😊. I'm slipping this story in between the current one because it's Christmas and I wanted to shout a story about it. This story is still relatively early in Kyle's whole bondage experiences, so just shortly after the "Halloween costume bet" story. There will be other stories that come out of this one. I'm just trying to build up a real storyline and everything around the person of Kyle. I'm having a lot of fun building everything around this person and I hope you like it, too 😊. Christmas is the time to say thank you. And a HUGE thank you to all of you for reading my stories and for all the positive feedback. And also for some nice story ideas. 😊 THANK YOU EVERYONE 😊. I wish you a lot of fun with the story now 😊:

Hey, it’s Kyle here. The following happened to me at Christmas. One of my favorite holidays, right after Halloween. I was 13 years old like in most of my stories so far and it was one of my first bondage experiences. It was the morning of December 25. For children in America, it was always especially great, because it meant the following: PRESENTS. I wanted, of course, new tie-up stuff, but my parents said no. I had gotten all the things only shortly after Halloween, I should first try them out extensively before I got new stuff. I could understand them. I only had all that stuff for about 1 1/2 months. So I wanted a new game for the PS3 and a new headset. To try all the things sufficiently, I had thought of something for everyone in my family and Jean.

I made a Coupon:
With this coupon you can, whenever you want, tie me up for 12 hours as you want. Likewise, you can choose what I wear during this time.

That way I could test my new TuG stuff and Jean, Emily, and Steve would have fun tying me up. And I'm sure my parents would have fun too. I mean, bondage just runs in our family. My parents have told me about some experiences they had when they were my age and older. My siblings have also told me some stories about their experiences. So a few days before Christmas, I made 5 coupons. Just making them made my anticipation grow.

Then came the 25th of December. I woke up at 8 a.m. after not being able to fall asleep properly at first because of all the excitement. A little sleepy, I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and used the toilet. I stayed in my pajamas. Then I went downstairs to the living room. Nobody was there yet. But the presents were already under the Christmas tree, which was to the left of our TV. I had also put my coupons under it the night before. I had to restrain myself from opening my presents, but we had agreed the night before that everyone should be present. So I stuck to that. It wasn't long before my siblings came down first and then my parents.
We gathered around the Christmas tree.

"Can we unwrap now?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, go ahead, Merry Christmas." Said my dad, grinning.

"Merry Christmas." We all replied and grinned.

I quickly found my presents and happily unwrapped them. There were three of them. One was the new "Assassins Creed 2" and one was a new headset from "Turtle Beach." In the other one was also a new winter jacket. My old one was already a bit broken.

"Thank you," I said to my parents and hugged them.

"You're welcome, honey." Grinned they back.

I walked over to the tree and pulled out the coupons.

"And this is for each of you. And one for Jean, I'll bring it over to her the days." I said, handing each of them a coupon.

Everyone read through it. My siblings looked at each other. I'm sure they liked the gift. I mean, they got a free ticket to tease their little brother. What big brother or sister would pass that up. My parents grinned as well.

"Yeah, you are definitely our child, haha. I'm sure we'll find a good opportunity to redeem that. Thanks, honey." Grinned my mom and also my dad.

“Thank you, Kyle. We will have a lot of fun.” Said, my Brother.

“Oh yeah, we will, haha.” My sister said, too.

I was glad to see that they were well received.

Then my parents made breakfast for us. Scrambled eggs with toast and juice. A simple but delicious meal. Since my grandparents were going to visit us in the afternoon, we only ate breakfast because my parents wanted to make a festive dinner. We talked about the gifts, the day, and that we were happy, that grandma and grandpa were coming to visit. When we were done, we put everything away in the dishwasher.

"I have a present for you, too, Kyle. But it's in your room." My brother smiled at me.

"In my room?" I asked, amazed.

"Yes, come with me." Said, my brother.

"But don't forget that grandma and grandpa will be here at 3 pm, you have to be changed by then." Shouted my mom afterward.

I was still confused. I looked at the clock. It was just after 10 o'clock. When we got to my room, my brother took out my TuG bag. Now I knew what his Christmas present was. And I was very happy. I immediately clasped my hands behind my back and turned my back to my brother.

"Haha, not so fast Kyle. First, we want to get you in the Christmas spirit." My brother said.

He pulled out my costume box from under the bed and searched.

"Ah, here it is, this fits perfectly for today." He said and held out my reindeer costume.

It looked just like this one, only for kids: ... ostume.jpg

I took the costume and went to the bathroom to change. I took off the pajamas and put on the jumpsuit. I closed the zipper at the back and put my hands into the attached mittens. We left the shoe covers in the box. I took the hood of the costume in my hand and went back to my room.

"Now you look Christmassy, little brother." Said my brother to me.

"Thanks. Fits well." I said with a smile.

On the floor was everything my brother seemed to need: There were some ropes in different lengths, my ankle cuffs, short cable ties, and duct tape.

"Then stand here in front of me and please put your arms on your back so you can put your hands on the elbow of your other arm." He said to me.

I did as Steve told me to do. I put my arms together behind my back. I now touched my right elbow with my left hand and my left elbow with my right hand. Then my brother took a long 10-yard rope and wrapped it around my forearms, which were together in that position. He started on the left side and kept wrapping it around my forearms until he got to the other side. My forearms were completely wrapped by the rope. It was an interesting feeling. He knotted the rope tightly. Then he took a 25-yard rope and started wrapping it around my shoulders. Then he continued until he got above my elbows, and up again until my whole upper body was wrapped with the rope. He knotted it tightly against my back. Then I tested the restraints. I definitely could not stretch my arms away. I could only move my hands. The ropes were tight, but not so tight that it hurt. My brother knew what he was doing. Then he took the ankle cuffs and put them tightly around my ankles. He took a small cable tie and shortened the chain with it. Not as short as normal handcuffs, but not much longer either. I then walked around my room a little bit to test it. It wasn't easy to walk so well, but it worked. When I looked at Steve, I could see he was having fun. But I was having fun too, so it was a win-win situation. Steve then went to my closet and pulled out a pair of socks.

"Open wide." He prompted me.

"AHHHHHMMMMPPPPHH." That was all that came out.

He quickly stuffed the socks into my mouth. My mouth was well filled, but there was still plenty of room. Then he took the role of tape and wrapped it around my head 6 times so I couldn't spit the socks out. He took the hood from the costume in his hand and put it on me.

"One little thing missing..." said Steve and walked over to my costume box.

He took out the red costume makeup and painted my nose bright red. It tickled a little bit.

"Kyle, the reindeer with the red nose, haha." Laughed my brother.


"Your Christmas present, little brother. Merry Christmas." He put his arm around me and grinned.

"MMAMNNKPPHH MMOMOUUHH." I tried to thank him and gave an additional nod to make it more obvious.

"No problem. Now let's go downstairs, I want the others to see it too." He said to me.

I nodded again. Steve led the way so he could catch me if necessary. Since I had so little slack on my ankle cuffs, I had to concentrate to keep from falling. Steve grinned again. Apparently, he liked how hard I had to try. It took a while, but we made it down the stairs in one piece and went into the living room.

"I caught us a reindeer." Said Steve as I entered the living room.

Everyone turned around and started laughing.

"HAHAHA, perfect. That looks awesome." Laughed my mom.

"Definitely." laughed my dad too.

"Yes. It looks very good on you. Can you please turn around, Kyle?" Asked my sister with a smile.

I nodded and turned around. After a few seconds, I turned around again.

"Interesting way to tie him up, Steve." my sister said. "Does it hurt, Kyle?" She asked me.

I shook my head. At the same moment, my mom went to the closet right next to her and took out the camera. She took a few photos for the family album. She showed me the pictures. I already looked very funny. After that, I went to the couch and sat down. My sister was watching “Home Alone”. One of my favorite Christmas movies. My parents were sitting at the dining room table reading the newspaper. My brother sat down with us. It was 10:30 am and the movie had just started. Emily put her arm around me. We watched the movie in silence. No one did anything. When the movie was over, my brother stood up.

"I'll be right there." Said Steve and walked up the stairs.

I looked at my sister and she looked back. She just shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know what Steve had planned either. He quickly came back downstairs carrying long zip ties, the handcuffs, and the keys for the cuffs.

"Let me make you a little more comfortable, Kyle." He said with a grin.

He untied my ankle cuffs and also cut the cable tie he had tied around the chain. Then he laid me down on my stomach. He fastened the cuffs around my ankles again. I thought they were the ankle cuffs, but when I tested how far I could stretch my legs, I barely had any room to move. They were my handcuffs. Yes, they fit around my ankles since they were relatively thin. Then he tied a couple of cable ties together and fastened them below and above my knees to tie them together. Finally, he put one cuff of the ankle cuffs around the chain of the handcuffs. The other cuff he passed under my forearms and then back over them and tied the other cuff around the chain of the handcuffs. So now I was in a good tight hogtie that left me little room to move. Good that I was very flexible as a child

"Perfect. Best way to keep you out of trouble, haha." Laughed Steve.

I began to move around in my bonds to test how agile I was. There was not much to do. Also, you could hear the rattling of the chains as soon as I moved. But I kept moving because it was just fun. The two of them watched me do it.

"Oh, our reindeer must be trying to get free." Said, my sister.

"Well, let's see if you can get out. You have one hour. If you make it, you get to tie us up, if not then... we'll figure something out, haha. Let’s go." Said my brother with a grin.

"MMMAIMMPPHH." I snapped my eyes open and shook my head.

"What. Go, get free. You have 59 minutes left, little reindeer." Said my brother with a big grin on his face and placed the keys for the wrist and ankle cuffs on the coffee table. I looked at the clock, it was 12:10.

"How am I supposed to get myself out of this? Not only are my forearms completely tied together and all the knots are out of my reach, but I also can't even reach the keys, let alone the keyholes. Even though the incentive is great, I don't stand a chance to escape." I thought to myself.

I moved back and forth a bit to try anyway, but then let it go after about 10 minutes and just continued to lie there quietly. Nobody paid any attention to me. So I enjoyed the situation and just lay there quietly. I closed my eyes a little bit. After a while, I heard someone go up the stairs and come back down a few minutes later. As the hour was coming to an end, my nose started to itch a lot and I couldn't scratch it. It was uncomfortable. Also, since my brother had painted my nose red, I couldn't just wipe it back and forth on the sofa. So I just had to wait for it to stop, which it did pretty quickly. Then I heard my brother.

"Time's up. Unfortunately, you didn't make it. Not that I expected anything different, haha." Laughed my brother.

I just looked at him and didn't make a sound.

"Here, I got something for you." He said and held the sleeping mask from my TuG bag in front of my eyes.

And already he was putting it over my eyes. An effective blindfold. I managed to get it off my eyes by rubbing my head up and down so it was finally off and I could tease my brother.

"MMAMMAPH MMAMAMMAAPPHH." I laughed when it was off.

"Well, if you think that's funny, wait a minute." He said.

He took the hood off my costume, put the sleep mask back in place, and put the hood back on me.

"So, can you do it now?" He asked me.

I tried again, but because of the hood, I couldn't take the mask off. The blindfold was very effective now.

"Well, I get it, Steve." I thought to myself.

"There, that's it. That should hold." He said. "Let's get started on your 'punishment' then." He said.

Shortly after, someone started poking me in the sides. I didn't like that at all. Because "punishment" was already the appropriate word. I wriggled in my bonds to do something about it, but of course, it didn't help. Then I noticed someone taking off my socks. It had to be Emily.

"Try to relax, honey." Said a voice.

"Yeah, there's nothing you can do about it anyway, haha." Laughed another voice.

That wasn't Steve and Emily. It was my parents!

"MMMUUMMMPHH, MMAAAMMPPHH?" I asked into my gag.

"Yes, honey. It's us. We didn't want to miss out when Steve asked us." Said my mom to me.

She then proceeded to tickle and poke me. In between, I heard the camera.

"These will be great Christmas cards, haha." Laughed my sister.

"MMMMMMMMMPPPPPHHHH MMMMMMMPPPPHHH!" I screamed into the gag and tried to straighten up a bit because I didn't want anyone else to see me like this, except my family and Jean if I had to.

"Take it easy, Kyle. Just kidding." She said.

I calmed down again. I let the punishment wash over me. But my parents showed no mercy for their son either.


Eventually, they finally stopped. It felt like several hours.

"Now you've suffered enough." Said my mom, stroking my head.

"MMAMMMPHH MMOUMMPH." I said into my gag.

"Come on, let's get you out of your bindings now. Then you can get ready and rest before grandma and grandpa get here." Said my dad to me.

I nodded in agreement. My mom took off my hood and then my blindfold. My eyes had to get used to the light again. I looked directly at the clock: shortly after 2. My mom carefully removed the tape around my mouth, and my dad loosened the ankle cuffs and with them the hogtie. Likewise, he loosened the handcuffs around my ankles. My mom loosened the tape and I spit out the socks. I moved my jaw and just grinned. My mom noticed my grin and grinned back. My dad used scissors to cut the zip ties around my knees. Then my dad helped me to my feet and began to untie the rope around my forearms. At the same time, my mom untied the long rope around my upper body. After a few minutes, I was free again after a little over 4 hours. I stretched properly for the first time.

"I'm going to change and get ready." I said to my parents.

"You do that. We'll wait down here and Steve can put the stuff away." My dad said.

"Me?" Asked Steve.

"Yes. Your gift, your responsibility." Grinned my dad.

"All right." He replied, putting everything away.

I ran upstairs to my room. I took off the costume and put it in the box. Then I took my black pants, blue shirt, gray tie, and black socks and went into the bathroom. I took a long shower that washed the red costume makeup off my nose. Then I dried off, put on the socks, shirt and pants, and went back downstairs. My dad then tied my tie and I sat down on the sofa to watch TV. I thought about when everyone would redeem their coupon. I was looking forward to it when the time came. A short time later, my grandparents arrived. We got presents and had dinner together. It was a great Christmas.

The End

I hope you like my story 😊.

If you have an idea for a scenario or costume, just post it in the comments or private message me, and I’ll try to incorporate it into the stories as best I can and I will link you. Thank you 😊.

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My TuGstories Account: ... file&u=272
Last edited by Gil 2 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Stormee »

Kyle the red nosed reindeer, had a red shiny nose. And if you saw it, you can say he was tied up at the moment. Nice Christmas story. Nice to see everyone enjoying tying up the youngest in the family. Merry Christmas
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Post by Killua »

Again a really nice story. Kyle surely had a lot of fun... at least before his punishment :lol: and his siblings and parents had a lot of fun too... especially during his punishment :lol:
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Post by Ossassin »

Merry Christmas.
The red nose make up was quite cute, your work is always a delight,
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Post by Gil »

[mention]Stormee[/mention] [mention]Killua[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention]

hey thanks a lot for your positive feedback. I always have a lot of fun writing the stories and it makes me happy when some people like what I write :D
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