Damsel 104 (complete!) M/F

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Deleted User 769

Damsel 104 (complete!) M/F

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Acting on an anonymous tip I found myself in a storage unit on the edge of town, the walls and floors littered with various easels and any number of framed paintings covered with dust sheets. I picked up and examined one of the paintings at random, holding it up to the light. It was a picture of an old woman. As, inexplicably was the next one.
Indeed, not only was the same woman depicted in each picture, but the paintings were identical.
All told there were five exact copies of the same painting.
Curiouser and curiouser I thought to myself.
Suddenly I heard footsteps from outside the lock-up. They appeared to be getting closer. I quickly looked about me for a suitable hiding place. It was too late to escape back through the open window, the only suitable refuge was a heavy wooden closet. Darting inside with all the stealth of a Kentucky show pony I carefully secreted myself among the various moth eaten coats and softly closed the door.
Moments later I heard them enter the room. Peering through the keyhole I watched as the gang of forgers began gathering up the paintings. Apparently they were on the move.
Sadly, at this most unfortunate of moments I was overcome by the sudden impulse to sneeze. I buried my face in a handkerchief but only succeed in partially muffling the sound.
“Forgive me, I didn’t realize we were entertaining guests” came a voice as rich as a honey liquor “But please, don’t be shy”

Seeing little choice in the matter I slowly emerged from my hiding place where I was faced with two women, the first (who I estimated was somewhere north of forty) was dressed in a full length leopard skin coat that even a leopard would consider gauche. Her shoulder length deep, Mediterranean curls fashioned into an impressive hive that suggested the involvement of a team of stylists and quite possibly scaffolding. The faintest glimpse of the barrel of an antique firing pistol in her hand was all the encouragement I needed to raise my hands in universally recognized gesture of surrender.
The second, a lanky youth in an extremly ill-fitting suit, stood somewhere to the side playing on his phone. He appeared to be pathologically disinterested in proceedings, leading me to wonder just how often he had been witness to such events.
“Will you do something useful for once and search the prisoner?”

Despite my apprehension I did my best to keep calm as the goon searched my uniform and confiscated my handbag.

“So, I take it you discovered our little operation?”
Seeing little point in lying I conceded that the jig, was indeed up, taking care to keep my hands up.

“No need to be modest, my dear, it’s not everyday that a criminal genius is discovered by the actions of a teenage sleuth in a blazer and tie. May I ask how you discovered the painting at the auction was a forgery?”

“Simplicity itself” I remarked proudly “The signatures don't match. The painting, or rather paintings you kept in this lock-up were clearly done by a southpaw. However Stella De Ross was right handed”

“Most impressive” She said, sounding impressed.

Silently I tried, and failed not to look too pleased with myself.
“Thank you” I heard myself saying.

“You're obviously a bright girl, have you ever consider a career in the arts?”

“Are you offering me a job?” I asked incredulously

“Perhaps. Are you interested?”

“I’m afraid not.”

“A pity, still I hope you understand that I can't have you sharing what you’ve learned,..”

 "Ruh-roh"  That sounded ominous I thought to myself. 

“I understand completely” I agreed.

“If you don't mind me saying, you're showing remarkable composure,..”

“That’s very kind. But this isn’t my first rodeo”

“Sorry, you mean to tell me that this is a regular occurrence for you?”

“In a manner of speaking”

Noticing my school uniform “Forgive me, but you look a little young for the police force”

“I'm a reporter for my college newspaper” I explained

“Really? How quaint” She said clapping her hands together in delight “You must send me a copy”

“I can autograph one for you if you like, you’ll have plenty of time to read it in prison”

“Oh, how delightful” She said laughing “Maybe I’ll do one better and give you an exclusive interview. But I’m rather afraid that such redundant intimacies will have to wait for another day,.. Dan!”

“Yes Boss?” Replied the giant teenager lurking in the corner of the room (in reality, he WAS the corner in the room)

“Take our new house guest to the store room and make her comfortable”

“Comfortable? I thought we were going to keep her prisoner?”

“Really Dan, must you always be so,.. literal?” She said throwing up her hands in despair

“I think she means she wants you to tie me up” I explained helpfully with a winning smile

“Oh!” He said, slowly understanding

“Well, why didn't she say so?”

“Linguistic flair I'm guessing” I replied sympathetically. It was clear that whatever school ‘Dan’ had attended in his youth, irony didn’t feature heavily on the curriculum.

“Don’t worry I said in a conspiratorial whisper “If you get stuck, you can always ask me for help, I’ve done this before”

“Thanks. That would be great” He whispered back, sounding relieved.

“There’s some rope in the back of the van use it to tie her hands and feet” Then, almost as an after thought
“Better gag her too”

Instructions given and received I was lead out into the hallway and marched across the yard towards a parked van, it’s back door wide open.

“Sorry about this” He apologized, gently taking my wrists and placing them behind my back.

“Its okay” I said giving him permission to proceed, “Go ahead”

Soon enough my hands were soon fastened behind my back with thick, coarse rope.

“Is that okay?” He asked sounding concerned as he finished the final knot

“It’s fine” I lied, looking back over my shoulder like a teacher checking a pupils work.
In truth the ropes were exceedingly slack. Apparently Dan was not from sea fearing stock.

“Can you get in”
With Dan’s help I clamored inside the back of the van where I helpfully shuffled against the wall and placed my ankles together ready for binding.

“Thanks for being so understanding”

“Don’t mention it” I smiled warmly as he began to wrap more cord around my ankles.

“It’s my first day you see and I wanted to make good impression” He explained as he hitched the rope tight.

“I understand. I take it this is the family business?”

“How did you know?”

“Call it female intuition”

“Mrs Hard-castle is my Mother” He explained, sweating from the exertion of restraining me.

My hands and feet (not so) securely bound I tried to smile encouragingly
“Don’t worry, you’re doing great”

“You really think so?” He said excitedly.

“Would I say it if it wasn’t true? Okay, now I think your Mum said I had to wear a gag,..?” I prompted

“Is that really necessary?” He asked kindly “I’m sure you can promise to be quiet,..?”

“Can you really trust me not to cry out? Besides, it’s probably best we do what your Mum said, I wouldn’t want you to get into any trouble”

“You really are super thoughtful”

“Just trying to help”

For a moment he looked utterly bewildered, like a startled rabbit who had forgotten his lines.

“The gag?” I said reminding him

”Oh, yes!” Suddenly remembering “What do you suggest I use?”

“Lots of villain's like to use my school tie” I offered helpfully.

“That makes sense” He said sounding extremely grateful of the suggestion.
He didn’t move.

“You’ll have to take it off for me” I said, lifted my neck.

With a nod of encouragement he gently pulled the knot loose (leaving my buttoned collar exposed) and held the scarf up to my face.

Smiling happily I opened my mouth wide and bit down on the material as it was tied between my teeth. Once again, it wasn’t particularly tight, but it certainly looked the part.
At that point we were once again joined by Dan’s Mother.
Despite my best efforts I wavered under the weight of her triumphant gaze but managed to keep my head up and chin lifted high.

“Well done boy!” she gloated “I guess that’s the last we’ll hear from the famous school girl detective”
He nodded happily, apparently delighted to have earn praise from his domineering Mother.

“Maybe ‘Take your Son to work day’ could become an annual tradition?”

“Really? No foolin'?!”

“Sure. Now what say we get some ice cream” Then, addressing me “Don’t get too comfy my Dear, you won’t be here for long” She said as she slammed the door plunging me into darkness.

Silently I had to smile, not only were my ropes extremely slack, but in his haste to search me, Dan had failed to discover the lock picks I had sown into the inside of my blazer. Now all I had to was get free and alert the authorities before the terrible twosome finished their dessert,..
Score one for the good guys.
Last edited by Deleted User 769 6 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Awesome story as always!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago Awesome story as always!
Thank you kindly :)
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Post by MaxRoper »

That Samantha, always finding trouble at every turn. Fortunate for her that young Dan is a total dweeb and escape will be simple. One day soon she may not be so lucky.
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

MaxRoper wrote: 6 years ago That Samantha, always finding trouble at every turn. Fortunate for her that young Dan is a total dweeb and escape will be simple. One day soon she may not be so lucky.
I think Samantha might argue that it’s a combination of guile and cunning disguised as dumb luck,..

"On day she might not be so lucky" sounds suspiciously like a threat,.. ;)
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Post by Cleavegagger »

A fine tale of a sleuth, glad i discovered this beauty
a girl, neatly tied up and gagged is a beautifull sight. a girl, enjoying being tied up and gagged is the most beautifull thing i've ever seen. If you want my kik just ask.
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Cleavegagger wrote: 6 years ago A fine tale of a sleuth, glad i discovered this beauty
Super happy that you're enjoying Samantha's assorted adventures :D
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Post by Driverman »

This is a really fun series!
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Driverman wrote: 5 years ago This is a really fun series!
So glad you think so :) Thanks for the kind words
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Post by Stbjkkhyh »

Loved the innocence in this!
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