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Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 18

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:59 pm
by Mineira1986
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago There is a Transformation taking place: Janice getting more active and she obviously likes that. It will be very interesting how this will play out.

And then that Cliffhanger at the End! I did not expect that - and even Karissa is a Bitch at times but this time I understand her.

It is still two against one though.

Excellent writing as ever [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]
Thanks! Yeah, Karissa had been enduring her restraints far more time than Camilla or Floria (and more uncomfortable as well). Stephanie wasn't expecting that. But like you said, it's two against one.
Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Nice chapter! I really love the silly perspective of Janice, and the story being told that way.
Janice was unsure if that was a good time or not. The expressions of Floria and Karissa didn’t give away anything.
I liked these sentences. Stephanie just wants revenge and Cami, Floria and Karissa are angry, want to be released (and avenge themselves) but want to avoid further punishment. Janice is the only one who cares about the outcome of this game, and it seems like the time keeping task is just to keep her busy and have an extra pair of hands on hand. Ultimately, Stephanie will get tired of her and find an excuse to add her to her collection.
Thank you. So far yes, Stephanie will most likely add Janice to her collection of captives. But right now, she needs her help against Karissa.


Stephanie fell hard on her butt and lost her balance. Her back hit the floor and Karissa fell on top of her. Karissa’s hands, still trapped in the straitjacket sleeves, attempted to grab Stephanie’s arms.

“Get off!”

Stephanie’s forearms slipped through Karissa’s hands. The bound girl lost her balance and fell on Stephanie’s torso. The blonde pressed her hands on the floor and pushed herself up. She dragged half her upper body away from her captive. Karissa’s hands slipped again.

“Come here!”


Stephanie wrapped her legs around Karissa’s waist. She pulled her. Karissa lost balance again.


Karissa’s head hit Stephanie on the stomach. The blonde threw her head backwards and spotted Janice.

“What… are… you… waiting… FOR?!”

Stephanie launched both of her arms and grabbed the straitjacket. She pulled it up, over Karissa’s head. Stephanie fell on her back, this time holding Karissa. The jacket covered Karissa’s eyes and face. Her arms hit around Stephanie. They swung around but only a few movements hit the captor.


Janice’s glasses fell until the tip of her nose. She looked side to side, up and down, jumped on her spot. Stephanie called her a second time and glasses fell off her nose and landed on the carpet. Janice knelt and put them back on.

“Oh… right… right…”

Stephanie gave Karissa a bear hug and pulled her close to her. Karissa’s arms hit the floor and the space to the sides of Stephanie’s head, but didn’t find her target. The blonde immobilized her prey’s upper body. Now she needed Janice to take care of her legs.

Something heavy hit the ground behind her.

“MMPHH!!” Floria groaned.

“What’s happening?” Stephanie shouted.

“N-nothing… I… tripped over…” Janice said, putting on her glasses again.

“Move your ass and go for her legs!”

Janice crawled away from the captives and reached a rope. She approached Karissa, whose arms were hitting the ground while the legs were kicking in the air.

“She’s moving too much!”


Stephanie’s hug tightened. After a day of training and hours spent in bondage, Karissa couldn’t have the energy to fight back much longer. Her kicks lowered in intensity. It didn’t take long for Janice to sit on her thighs and immobilize her legs. Janice secured the ankles like she had done with Camilla.

“Ex-excellent…” Stephanie gasped.

Her blond hair fell on her red and hot face. But below the jacket, Karissa was having a worse time. Stephanie could feel the anger and frustration struggling under her arms and legs. She looked at Janice and nodded towards the tape. This time the girl didn’t take long to understand the message. Janice took the roll and wrapped it three times around Karissa’s legs.

“Are you sure of the t-tape?” Janice muttered, cutting it. “I mean, she’s wearing s-shorts and I don’t know if after removing…”

“Oh for crying out loud… Start the timer and then come to help me!”

Janice nodded and crawled to her phone. She pressed the start button.

“Great, now let’s get her hands!”

“But… how…?”

Stephanie grunted. She explained, interrupted by grunts and panting, how they would to it. They would remove one sleeve at a time and Janice would grab the respective arm. She would pull it behind Karissa, wrap the rope around her wrist, and repeat the same with the other arm. Stephanie’s arms and legs, still wrapped around Karissa, would ensure the big captive wasn’t going to put much of a fight.

To Stephanie’s pleasant surprise, it worked. Janice took more time than expected, but Karissa was now with her hands tied behind her back. Stephanie busted out in laughter.

“You are sooooo going to get it, big bear!”

Stephanie released her grip on Karissa. She covered her face with the straitjacket completely, muffling Karissa’s protests.


Janice nodded one more time. She took the tape roll again and wrapped it around Karissa’s arms and upper body, five times. Stephanie grinned and pulled the straitjacket off Karissa’s face.

“Well, well…” Stephanie paused to take a deep breath. “You are giving us too much trouble…”


“Silence. Time to change your gag. But first…”

Stephanie raised up to her knees and wrapped her right arm around Karissa’s waist. It wasn’t as effective as desired, but it would hold Karissa down enough for…





“You love getting spanked like a child, don’t you?” Stephanie asked, slapping Karissa’s ass with her left open hand.


"You are not getting anywhere, big bear.”


Stephanie spanked Karissa one more time. She pushed her on her side and asked Janice for the tape roll. She grabbed it, took Karissa by her t-shirt and force her on her knees. Stephanie yanked the spandex pants that were wrapped around Karissa’s mouth, down to her neck.

“You already have the socks in that dirty mouth. So no changing gag for now, Kari.”


“Oh, just shush!”

Stephanie cut and put the tape strips on Karissa’s lips. Three of them. Karissa stared at the blonde as she pressed the tape on her cheeks.

“You will receive your punishment later, don’t you worry.”

Stephanie pushed Karissa on the floor again. She tried to roll on her back. Stephanie smiled and rolled her back on her stomach. She delivered her one more spank.


“Hush, now stop being a pain in the ass. You lost and you are now the captive. Deal with it.”

Stephanie cleaned the dust from her t-shirt and stoop up. Her back and forearms hurt from the short fight. It could have been worse. She glanced at her captives and turned her head to Janice. The brown haired girl was sitting on the floor, near the couch, trembling a bit and sweat appeared on her forehead. Stephanie sighed.

“What was the time, Jenny?”

“Oh, that, right….” Janice stopped the timer. “Three minutes. Three minutes and seven seconds. That considering when, when you told me to start the timer because before…”

“I know, don’t worry about it.”

Stephanie extended her right hand. Janice took a second to came out of her shock. She nodded, adjusted her glasses, took Stephanie’s hand and stood up. Stephanie gave her a couple of pats on the shoulder and looked at the bound girls.

“So little Cami here is still ahead. Kari, on the other side, with three minutes, doesn’t look good, huh? And now for Floria…”

The doorbell rang.

The captives made muffled, confused sounds. Janice froze again. Stephanie’s heart accelerated as well. The doorbell rang again. The recent struggle with Karissa couldn’t pass inadvertent to the neighbors. Now they needed to do something about it.

“Put some music, Janine.”

“What? Mmm… What music…?”

“Do you have music in your phone? Put something for a party.”

“Yeah, but… OK, let’s see…”

Janice’s shaky hands grabbed her phone and looked for a song. Music started playing.

“Really? Backstreet boys, granma?”

Janice blushed. “Well, I… I like the classics and…”

The doorbell rang a third time. Stephanie had no time for this. She walked to the door and looked through the peephole. A man, probably in his thirties, walked from side to side just at the other side. Stephanie arranged her hair and opened the door, just a bit. Just enough for her head to be seen from the outside.

“Hey. Good evening.” Stephanie smiled. “Sorry, are we being too loud?”

The man frounced. “As a matter of fact, you are. Is everything OK?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Stephanie put her hair behind her ear. “Why?”

“We heard noises and shouts.”

“We are just having a girls nights. Playing games.” Stephanie moved her head from side to side. “You know, sometimes we can get a bit too competitive.”

The man crossed his arms. “The shouts were about grabbing legs, and arms and get another girl.”

“Oh, that?” Stephanie scratched her head. “We were playing Twister! You know, you have to put your left hand or your right foot on a specific color dot and not lose balance…”

Stephanie examined the man. From his expression, she could tell he wasn’t buying completely the story. Stephanie pressed her lips together, trying to look as innocent as possible. The few possible muffled sounds coming from the living room were covered by the sound of another Backstreet Boys’ song.

“May I ask to see if the two college girls who actually live here are here?”

Stephanie’s jaw dropped. “The two girls?”

“Yes.” The man put his hand on the door. “The tall, thin one and the other shorter.”

“Well… actually, you can’t.”

“Why not?”

Stephanie blinked. A pink shade appeared on her cheeks. “Because… we are not… presentable. You know, girls night, we decided to get a bit more comfortable. More comfortable clothes, you know.”

The man took a step back. Stephanie was glad that she had only opened a bit of the door, so he couldn’t see what she was wearing. This time, it was the man who blushed. Stephanie decided to keep pushing.

“You know. Just in… well…. Bra… and… panties….”

“I.. I…” The man turned around and raised his hand, telling Stephanie to stop. “I understand.”

“And we don’t like to exhibit ourselves. Specially some of the underwear can be a little too little…”

“There… there is no need to…”

“But, if you are comfortable, maybe you…”

“No, no, that’s OK. Just, please, keep it down. The noise, I mean.”

“Will do, thanks!”

Stephanie closed the door. Her eye returned to the peephole. The man walked away and disappeared. She rested her back on the door and looked at the ceiling. That had been close. A little too cocky than necessary.

“W-well? Stephanie?” Janice asked from the living room.

Stephanie stared at the ceiling for five more seconds. She lowered her head and smiled.

“Now it’s Floria’s turn, of course.”

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 18

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 11:18 pm
by Caesar73
A strong chapter, [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] . The description of a battle lost from the Start - and one may feel sorry for Karissa, she was courageous, but stood no chance. And Janice ... it will remain to be seen if Janice willingness to be Stephanie´s wing-man will waver at some point. And Stephanies behaviour borders on Arrogance. and usually that bodes not well for the Villain - and if you ask me? Stephanie has earned a healthy dose of her own medicine in my humble opinion :)

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 18

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:25 pm
by Beaumains
Oh, well, what to say? That visit from the neighbors? Beautiful. Really nice to see some realism in there, and I somehow feel like this will haunt the story (and that adds a cool dimension: One more scream, and Steph is done). Only, I am also fearful this story will end at a police station.

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 18

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 3:16 am
by Mineira1986
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago A strong chapter, [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] . The description of a battle lost from the Start - and one may feel sorry for Karissa, she was courageous, but stood no chance. And Janice ... it will remain to be seen if Janice willingness to be Stephanie´s wing-man will waver at some point. And Stephanies behaviour borders on Arrogance. and usually that bodes not well for the Villain - and if you ask me? Stephanie has earned a healthy dose of her own medicine in my humble opinion :)
Thanks. Oh, Stephanie will get some of her medicine in this chapter, although it's technically during the past timeline so...
Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Oh, well, what to say? That visit from the neighbors? Beautiful. Really nice to see some realism in there, and I somehow feel like this will haunt the story (and that adds a cool dimension: One more scream, and Steph is done). Only, I am also fearful this story will end at a police station.
Thanks! I wanted to add some realism. Unlike Carla's story, in this one there are still people in the neighborhood, so it was kind of impossible if nobody got annoyed by the noises.

I don't have plans to lead this into a police station but... I kind of like the idea. Maybe I'll include it in a future story (or this one, who knows hehe)


Who does she think she is?

A grim expression covered Floria’s face. The recent argument with Karissa was another one to a big list of fights that had started just a few days after the two ex-best friends had moved in together. Karissa had been acting like the place was hers, and hers alone. Since day one. Rules about what Floria could do, and lots of rules about what Floria couldn’t do. Not what Floria had expected in the first place.

And now, to have my own friends over, do I need her permission?

Floria fumed around, her eyes staring at nothing and her ears ignoring the short girl’s voice next to her.

“Floria, did you hear me?”

Floria blinked twice and shook her head. She looked at Camilla.

“Sorry, Cami, you were saying…?”

Camilla picked up her backpack. “I have to go to study. Are you sure you are OK?”

Floria nodded. “Yes, yes I am. No worries.”

“If you want to, you can move in with me. I could use a roommate since rent is going up next year.”

Floria bit her lip.

Sure, that doesn’t sound so bad. Although Camilla’s place is further from campus than my current place. Plus that would be admitting defeat to Karissa.

Stephanie entered the bedroom, her hands untied so she could have a quick bathroom break. She smiled and ruffled Camilla’s head.

“You need a roomie, Cami? Because…”

Camilla pushed her and the blonde laughed.

“Back off, blondie. You can keep living with your mom and dad. I don’t want anything crazy happening in my apartment.”

“Steph, hands.” Floria commanded.

Stephanie extended her hands in front of her. “Oh, we could have all kinds of fun, Cami. I can get my own ropes and I can teach you how to…”

“I said no!” Camilla said. “Besides, it’s senior year. I have to work, I have to graduate. There is also the stupid Sports Delegate election.”

“Are you planning to run for it?” Stephanie said, as Floria tied her hands in front of her.

“Hell no! It’s boring, bureaucratic stuff. You do it, since you are all ‘Look at me, look at my medals, look how I can jump’.”

“Nah, it’s not for me. Maybe big Flo here… Auch!”

“Sorry, too tight?” Floria cinched the knot. “I’m not being the Sports Delegate.”

Camilla said farewell and left the apartment. Stephanie sat on Floria’s bed as Floria picked up more ropes. She asked Stephanie to bring her legs together. With the new ropes, Floria tied the ankles together.

“Down on the floor, blondie.”

Almost hopping, Stephanie climbed off the bed and sat on the bedroom floor. Her smile still gave Floria a weird sensation, but at the same time relaxed her. Karissa had been gone for about half an hour and she could have some fun with a friend of hers in her own place.

“Knees to your chest.”

Stephanie followed the command and Floria tied another rope below and above the knees, crossing it behind them. Floria glanced at Stephanie. Still smiling. Floria tried to frounce but a small smirk escaped her lips. Without saying a word, Floria grabbed Stephanie’s wrists and tied them to the knee rope.

“Woah, very good.” Stephanie said. “Taking away my mobility, Flo. But I can still do this.”

Stephanie stretched her legs in front of her. With the new tie, her hands followed her knees as her thighs touched the floor. She bent her legs and stretched them again, and a third time.

“Not for long.”

Again, Floria commanded Stephanie to bring her knees close to her chest. One more rope was tied around her torso and her legs. Now Stephanie couldn’t stretch her legs. The smile disappear, but only for a second. Stephanie grinned.

“Nicely done. Now, do I have to try and escape or…”

“This isn’t a escape challenge, blondie. This is you losing a bet. Not that you could escape either…”

“Looks that way…”

Floria rolled over Stephanie, the girl now on her knees, facing down. Floria’s hand pressed gently the blonde’s forehead against the floor, forcing her to stick her bottom up. Stephanie grunted a little and Floria knew the smile was going to be gone for good now. The sole thought made her smile. Good thing she was now behind Stephanie and the blond captive couldn’t see her, or she would taunt her about it.

Stephanie had been right two weeks before. This was fun.

“Wait, what are you doing?”

“Is that fear what I am hearing in your trembling voice, blondie?” Floria asked.

“Why are you removing my shoes?”

“You are a clever girl. You can figure it out.” Floria said.

After removing Stephanie’s shoes, Floria proceeded to remove Stephanie’s socks. Stephanie asked again, her voice shaking a bit.

But not fear. Is that excitement? That makes two of us…

“I don’t remember this being part of the deal…”

“Stop wiggling and I’ll go easy on you.” Floria said. “Hey, I said. Put your face on the floor and bottom up.”

Stephanie didn’t follow the command immediately and that earned her a quick slap on her butt.

“Hey! For someone who wasn’t looking to make the bet in the first place, you are enjoying this too much.”

Floria picked up the socks and balled them. She crawled and reached Stephanie’s face. Now the smile was fixed on Floria’s face. She pressed the socks against Stephanie’s lips.

“That’s enough out of you. Open up.”


She’s not that stupid. Did she open her mouth on purpose?

If anything, it seemed Stephanie was playing the captive role too well. Floria placed her hand on Stephanie’s head and pushed it against the floor. She crawled back behind her blond captive. With her index and middle fingers, from both hands, Floria scratched Stephanie’s soles.



“What did I just tell you?”

Stephanie had lowered her hips and raised her head, most likely by instinct, to block access to her vulnerable soles. Floria gave her a second spank and Stephanie returned to her previous position.

“That’s more like it.”

For good measure, Floria gave her a third slap.

“Now stay there.”

Floria resumed the foot tickling. Stephanie laughed through the sock gag and squirmed as best as she could. From time to time, the blonde tried to protect herself, but a few spanks from Floria made her return to her position.

The tall captor grinned. Her hands moved from Stephanie’s feet to her sides. Her nails dug into Stephanie’s t-shirt and tickled her. The blonde struggled and tried to block Floria’s fingers with her elbows, as best as she could. More slaps fell on her butt, telling her it was a bad idea.

This continued for a few minutes until Stephanie pushed the balled socks out of her mouth.

“Flooooriaaaaa. Stooooop!”

“What’s the problem, Steph? Not so cocky now?” Floria said, but stopped anyway.

“I… I…” Stephanie panted.

Golden strands fell on her red face. She lowered it, close enough for her hands to reach and her fingers cleaned some of the sweat. Floria waited for her to recover enough breath.

“And… well?”

Stephanie shook her head. “You came prepared.”

“Are you complaining?” Floria stood up. “Because I’m pretty sure you would have done the same if you had won the bet.”

“You have no idea…” Stephanie muttered.

She raised her head as best as she could to look at Floria. But in her current tied position, her neck started to strain. She lowered her head.

“So, you really haven’t played this games with…” Stephanie paused. “Karissa?”

Floria’s jaw tightened. The smile disappeared. “No, I have not. We are not in the best of terms as you just witnessed.”

So to speak.

“And…” Stephanie paused again. “You cannot say you wouldn’t love having her tied up like this.”

Floria smirked. “Now, don’t give me any ideas.” She walked towards the door.

“Wait, where are you going?”

“Starting to miss me, blondie?” Floria opened the bedroom door. “I’m just getting you a glass of water. Just a bit. You are not getting a bathroom break until I’m done with you.”

“Fine.” Stephanie muttered.

Floria walked to the kitchen. She took a glass and poured water into it. As she filled the glass, she couldn’t help but thinking…

Steph is not wrong. Getting Karissa tied up and gagged, all helpless, for a proper treatment… Not the best idea, but probably the best lesson for her. That would probably end any hope of good coexistence in the apartment. Camilla had offered me a new place, but it’s further from campus. With exams coming, it’s not that good idea. Could be something after the term is over…

Floria picked up the glass and returned to her room. Stephanie was in the same position as before. The ropes were secured enough to reduce her mobility. Floria knelt down in front of her and brought the glass to her lips. Stephanie took two quick sips.

“That’s enough, blondie.”

“How long am I going to stay in this position?”

Floria gave her a good look. “Are your legs cramping? Or your body?”

“Mmm…” Stephanie doubted for a second. Floria knew she wasn’t in any trouble.

“You are OK.”

Floria picked up the wet socks from the floor.

“Flo, come on!” Stephanie protested. “They are soaked and they’ve been on the floor!”

“Who gave you permission to spit them? Now, be a good girl and open up.”

“Floria! Can’t you use some of your clean sommmphhh! Mmmphh!”

This time was a surprise. Unlike the previous one.

“Now, what to do to secure them?” Floria said, her finger pushing the socks inside Stephanie’s mouth.

Her eyes ran through the bedroom. The closet, the drawers… Stephanie’s idea to use some of Floria’s own socks as a gag was a good one, but far too regular. Too common. Floria’s eyes landed on Stephanie’s yellow bag. Floria crawled her way there and opened the front pocket. Her left hand took out Stephanie’s gold medals.

“You love wearing these babes.” Floria said, stretching the blue ribbons that were attached to the medals. “Let’s give them a good use.”

Stephanie turned her head to the right and her eyes widened as Floria approached her. She began her struggling, trying to make it more intense than before. Alas, her tied position allowed her little movement. So she started pushing the sock gag out of her mouth, as she had done the last time.


Floria crawled faster, arriving just in time before Stephanie spat the socks. With her right hand, Floria pushed them back in. She took the blue ribbons and wrapped them around Stephanie’s mouth, securing the sock gag. The two gold medals hung next to Stephanie’s head, one on each side, between the neck and the ear, like two gigantic earrings.


Floria grinned and ruffled the blonde’s head. She moved behind Stephanie.

“Now, let’s go for round two.”

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 20

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:27 pm
by Beaumains
Oh, wow, nice flashbacks. Cami has so far appeared quite nice, but this shows that she has her rough edges as well. She was not very kind to Steph, and if this is her revenge, for not being included, then I kinda understand her. It also explains why Janice is not tied up already: She had the same problems entering this group.
I don't have plans to lead this into a police station but... I kind of like the idea. Maybe I'll include it in a future story (or this one, who knows hehe)
Yeah, who knows. Better to keep such a twist a surprise if you are going to do it. Never knowing who is on top or winning makes these stories so good.

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 20

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:43 pm
by Caesar73
This Part explains Stephanie´s Behaviour in the Present, mitigating Circumstances you might say - sort of, but only in part. In a greater Perspective this Chapter gives the Characters more depth. As [mention]Beaumains[/mention] pointed out, we see that Camilla has her rough edges too.

Either Way: I am looking forward where you might that this wonderful tale, [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 20

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:11 am
by Mineira1986
Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Oh, wow, nice flashbacks. Cami has so far appeared quite nice, but this shows that she has her rough edges as well. She was not very kind to Steph, and if this is her revenge, for not being included, then I kinda understand her. It also explains why Janice is not tied up already: She had the same problems entering this group.
I don't have plans to lead this into a police station but... I kind of like the idea. Maybe I'll include it in a future story (or this one, who knows hehe)
Yeah, who knows. Better to keep such a twist a surprise if you are going to do it. Never knowing who is on top or winning makes these stories so good.
Thanks for the reply! Yeah, Cami is the nicest but I wanted to give her a little more depth. Probably I overplayed my hand there, but trust me, she's the nicest (out of all the girls in the story at least, heh).
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago This Part explains Stephanie´s Behaviour in the Present, mitigating Circumstances you might say - sort of, but only in part. In a greater Perspective this Chapter gives the Characters more depth. As [mention]Beaumains[/mention] pointed out, we see that Camilla has her rough edges too.

Either Way: I am looking forward where you might that this wonderful tale, [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]
Thank you! I'm actually glad the flashbacks are working, as when I started writing this story, they weren't included. But if they are working, then yay!


Stephanie walked back to the living room. Camilla and Floria remained still. Karissa was struggling as expected. The bound captive kicked in the air as Stephanie approached.

“Stop that!” Stephanie commanded, giving Karissa a quick spank.



Stephanie turned her attention to Floria in her frog-tied form. She gave her cheek a quick caress with the back of her hand.

“Poor Flo. Those legs must be cramping by now, right?”

Floria grunted back. Stephanie patted her face again.

“Now, now, don’t pout. It’s your turn to retie you. Be a good sport and don’t protest.”

Floria seemed to get the message and stopped her grunts. Stephanie picked the knots of the ropes that held Floria’s legs to her thighs. First the right leg, then the left leg. Floria dropped her feet on the living room floor and let out a relief sigh.

The blonde squeezed Floria’s right thigh.

“Feeling good, doesn’t it?”


“Don’t pout. Don’t make me repeat myself?” Stephanie said, giving her a quick spank.

Janice coughed as Stephanie took Floria’s wrists.

“Mmm, maybe I can tie Floria? I mean…” her eyes switched to her roommate and back at Stephanie. “I tied Camilla, you tied Karissa…”

Janice pressed her lips together. Stephanie gave her a good look. Camilla had been good, due to the threat of one sweaty sock, or more than one, being shoved into her mouth. Karissa, on the other hand, had demonstrated that untying and retying had its risks.

This time, though, I’ll be prepared in case she tries anything, Stephanie though.

“Sure thing, Jenny.” Stephanie said.

She stood up and extended her hands, presenting her captive to Janice. “She’s all yours.”

Floria rolled her eyes. Stephanie smirked and changed spots with her partner. Janice took a rope and straddled Floria’s thighs. She didn’t sit on them, aware of the stiff muscles. Stephanie crossed her legs and sat in front of Floria’s face. She picked up Janice’s phone.

The tall captive turned her head away. Janice untied her wrists, pinned them with one hand. She raised her head and exchanged a look with Stephanie.

“Time starts…” Stephanie pressed the button on Janice’s phone. “…now!”

Janice started retying Floria’s wrists. Her hands shook while she did the procedure.

No, no shaking. They are trembling a little. They were shaking before, but not now.

Stephanie nodded in approval, although Janice was too focused on the roping that she didn’t noticed. The blonde ruffled Floria’s black curly hair, generating a short grunt.

Janice cinched the knot, moved away from Floria’s thighs and put her hands on Floria’s shoulders. The tall girl knew what to do. She rolled on her side and moved her body to sat up. She winced a little as she used her legs to help her. Once she was sitting, Janice moved behind her and picked up the tape.

“While Janet here is securing you…”


“…I’ll take care of your gag. To gain some time.”

Stephanie untied the scarf around Floria’s head and picked up the handkerchief inside her mouth. She tossed both cloths aside and picked up one clean sock.

“What the hell do you think you are doing, blondie?”

Stephanie raised her eye brows and blinked. She wasn’t expecting any reply from her captive. Janice stopped for a second but soon continued wrapping the tape around Floria’s torso. Stephanie smirked.

“We are having some fun, like we used to. Like we used to, several months ago.”

“Are you crazy?!” Floria shouted. “Is this because of the time you lost that bet? Because what happened there wasn’t…”

“I’m not talking about it, OK, big Flo?” Stephanie balled the sock. “Tonight is all about fun.”

“Your fun, you say…”

“That’s the one that matters the most.” Stephanie winked and pinched Floria’s cheek softly.

Floria turned her head away and Stephanie laughed. With her free hand, Stephanie grabbed Floria’s chin and guided it until the two girls were looking at each other again.

“You and Kari and little Cami had your fun last week, tying each other up. I want some of the action and some fun. Is it that bad?”

“That wasn’t fun.” Floria spat.

“Oh, come on, Flo. Tying up Karissa for being a lousy roommie? Tying up little Cami for leaving you without any proper supervision? Some of it had to be fun…”

Floria took a deep breath through her nose. “Fine. Yes. Some of it, yes. And right now, we’re not having any fun!”

Floria tried to move forward, towards Stephanie. But Janice had already secured her torso and arms with the tape. She ended up inches away from Stephanie’s face.

The blonde smiled and booped her nose. She raised the sock.

“Don’t fight it. I don’t want to hear any more complains.”

“Screw yoummmphh…” Floria said.

Stephanie pushed the sock into Floria’s mouth, who didn’t fight it and just stared at her blond captor. Stephanie’s fingers pushed the fabric until most of it was past her lips. She took the tape roll from Janice and cut three strips. Slowly and carefully, Stephanie plastered them on Floria’s lips.

“Excellent.” Stephanie said. “No more out of you. Now, Jamie, let’s work her legs.”

Janice nodded. She picked up the tape and moved to Floria’s legs.

“Ehm… Flo… Floria, would you mind…?”

Floria fumed, but brought her thighs together. Janice wrapped the tape around them three times and cut it. She went for the last rope when Stephanie stopped her.

“Let’s roll her on her front.”

Janice knew better than to argue with her. She nodded again and the two captors rolled Floria on the floor again, who didn’t fight them. Stephanie took the rope from Janice’s hand. The girl with the glasses looked surprised at first, then a little disappointed, but gave her the rope anyway.

Stephanie took Floria’s ankles while Janice went for her phone. Stephanie wrapped the rope around the ankles. Janice looked at the timer.

“Well, uhm, her time is…”

“Wait a second.” Stephanie said, before Janice could press the stop button. “We haven’t finished.”

“But she’s already…” Janice adjusted her glasses. “I mean, the game was if they were tied in time…”

“Yes, that’s the game, girl.” Stephanie winked at her. “But big Flo here is not tied up yet. See?”

Stephanie pointed at her hand. She had tied a slipknot but hadn’t secured it. A little evil giggle escaped her lips.

“So, please, Jess, what was Karissa’s time?”

“Oh, well, it was… three minutes and seven seconds…”

Stephanie looked down at her tall captive. “Please, tell me when we’ve reached three minutes and eight seconds…”

“WHMMPHH?!” Floria shouted. “NMMPHH!”

Floria struggled on the floor and shouted through her gag. She turned her head to give Stephanie an angry look and kicked her legs, trying to get her ankles out Stephanie’s rope.

Resistance is expected. Lesson learned from Karissa’s turn.

Stephanie jumped and landed on Floria’s back, facing her feet. With her right hand, she held the ropes around Floria’s wrists, which reduced her kicking. And with her own weight, she pinned Floria’s body. That didn’t stop Floria from protesting and trying to push Stephanie off her.

Stephanie raised her left palm and struck Floria’s bottom.

“Stop” SPANK “being” SPANK “so” SPANK “naughty”.


Stephanie gave her two more smacks. “I can do this all night long.”


“You are making it way worse, big Flo. Well, if you insist…” Stephanie spanked her.

“Time!” Janice said.

“Oh, that’s a pity. Well, time to finish the tie.”

Stephanie pulled the rope against her. This forced Floria to bend her legs, which made her moan. Stephanie secured the knot halfway, but didn’t stop. She pulled the rope a little more.


“Relax, this is not going to be as strict as your frog-tie. But a lesson must be taught.”

As she had said, she didn’t bend Floria’s legs all the way, but enough past the right angle. She secured the end of the rope to Floria’s wrists, leaving the girl in a not-so strict hogtie.

Stephanie climbed off her captive’s back and laid next to her, on the floor. Floria breathed through her flaring nostrils and stared at Stephanie. The blonde smiled and patted Floria’s butt twice.

“See? Now you are not going to give us more trouble.”

With a quick peck on Floria’s cheek and a soft pinch on her butt, Stephanie raised herself up to her knees. She looked at her three captives, laying down on the floor.

“That’s excellent. So big Flo here was a big talky-talky and that made her lose this round!”


“Our second place comes to big bear hear.” Stephanie walked on her knees towards Karissa. “Although she also made big fuss, and will be punished later.”

Stephanie gave Karissa a hard spank.


“And our winner, unexpected, our little underdog!” Stephanie moved to Camilla. “Little Cami.”

Camilla didn’t say anything or move at all. She kept looking forward, her eyes staying away from Stephanie’s look.

“Come on, you won. Show some…” Stephanie pinched her butt. “…excitement.”

“MMMPHH!” Camilla protested as she jumped against the pinch.

“That’s what I’m talking about!” Stephanie ruffled Camilla’s hair and stood up.

Stephanie walked over and wrapped her arm around Janice’s shoulders. The girl with the glasses looked more relaxed. Her shoulders weren’t as tense as before, despite the recent struggle between the blonde and Karissa, and the quick intervention by the neighbor. Her eyes were half closed and fixed on the bound girls.

“Wasn’t that fun, girl?”

It took a moment for Janice to realize the question was for her. She opened her eyes and looked at Stephanie.

“Me? Oh… yeah, kind of… Good stuff… I think…”

Stephanie tightened her hug for a second and released Janice.

“In that case. Pizza is getting cold. Wanna a quick break?”

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 21

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:48 am
by Caesar73
At least Floria is out of her Frogtie - that must have been really uncomfortable. The Hogtie might be bit less restrictive but far from comfortable. Interessting the Dialogue between Floria and Stephanie - we learn something about Stephanies Motivation. And I may be wrong here, but the Dynamic between Janice and Stephanie seems to change slowly. Janice is getting more comfortbable in her role. I wonder when Janice will be really annoyed that Stephanie calls her always by a wrong name. It seems the three Captives are in for a long night ....

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 21

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:14 pm
by Beaumains
Nice tension within the story. It is truly a surprise what will happen next. At least once, I expected Steph to jump onto Janice and add her to the pile.

On the other hand, I read something remarkable:
Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago “I’m not talking about it, OK, big Flo?” Stephanie balled the sock. “Tonight is all about fun.”
I thought the last sentence was interesting. Either,
A) Stephanie plans to release the captives after only one night.
B) The following day will be a lot less nice.
C) She's lying
I think that B is a bit too evil, even by your standards, so I suspect it's option A (but it might go wrong).

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 21

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:56 pm
by Caesar73
@Beaumains, honestly I wouldn´t rule out B, the way Stephanie has treated her Captives so far, especially Floria and Karissa :) But we will see :) Either way I am looking forward to the next Part!

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 21

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 3:25 pm
by Bondagebender
Janice had yet to emerge. the last few chapters show that there only been about a week maybe 2 since the events of the 1st story concluded. but Janice hinted at there being rumours about the girls antics in the 1st story.and that how she tracked down the group. but Stephanie had prior experience with floria and set a plan into motion to capture all the girls. it been a nice build up but has felt kinda slow to. 21 chapter in and we are still at that tip of the iceberg. still too much unknown Stephanie true motives, Janice's role and true intentions , the extent of Stephanie's adventures with Gloria, why go after all the girl if floria the offender. there is still a lot of unanswered questions and how to best answer with out dragging or rambling in the story

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 21

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 11:25 pm
by Caesar73
Bondagebender wrote: 2 years ago there is still a lot of unanswered questions and how to best answer with out dragging or rambling in the story
If I may be so bold: What do you mean precisely? Is there too much dragging or rambling in your opinion? Just asking

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 21

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:06 am
by Mineira1986
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago At least Floria is out of her Frogtie - that must have been really uncomfortable. The Hogtie might be bit less restrictive but far from comfortable. Interessting the Dialogue between Floria and Stephanie - we learn something about Stephanies Motivation. And I may be wrong here, but the Dynamic between Janice and Stephanie seems to change slowly. Janice is getting more comfortbable in her role. I wonder when Janice will be really annoyed that Stephanie calls her always by a wrong name. It seems the three Captives are in for a long night ....
I'd bet everything that Floria really want to stretch her legs: they've been bent for too many minutes in that frogtie. The dynamic between Janice and Stephanie s changing... yes, we'll see some of this in the following chapter.
Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Nice tension within the story. It is truly a surprise what will happen next. At least once, I expected Steph to jump onto Janice and add her to the pile.

On the other hand, I read something remarkable:
Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago “I’m not talking about it, OK, big Flo?” Stephanie balled the sock. “Tonight is all about fun.”
I thought the last sentence was interesting. Either,
A) Stephanie plans to release the captives after only one night.
B) The following day will be a lot less nice.
C) She's lying
I think that B is a bit too evil, even by your standards, so I suspect it's option A (but it might go wrong).
Thanks for your reply. Oh man, I cannot answer without spoiling something, hehe...

My standards are evil? Mmm... I guess you could say that... Non consensual stories may fall into that category.
Bondagebender wrote: 2 years ago Janice had yet to emerge. the last few chapters show that there only been about a week maybe 2 since the events of the 1st story concluded. but Janice hinted at there being rumours about the girls antics in the 1st story.and that how she tracked down the group. but Stephanie had prior experience with floria and set a plan into motion to capture all the girls. it been a nice build up but has felt kinda slow to. 21 chapter in and we are still at that tip of the iceberg. still too much unknown Stephanie true motives, Janice's role and true intentions , the extent of Stephanie's adventures with Gloria, why go after all the girl if floria the offender. there is still a lot of unanswered questions and how to best answer with out dragging or rambling in the story
Thanks so much for your comment. I'd like to say:

1) Yes, many of the questions you are presenting will be answer in the story (Stephanie's true motives, why Stephanie is after the three girls instead of just Floria, Janice's role).
2) This is a tie-up story and particularly in my case, there are certain elements that I like to add into a story. From what I've talked around, some readers do as well. Yes, it may slow down the pace if we focus on the plot, but I really want to include those elements. That means there will be some chapters with just the captor playing with her captives instead of moving the plot forward.

Is this the best way to write a story? Probably not. I do believe in a good plot and a story that is built around it, and not just bondage scenes one after one, but to be fair, finding the balance is hard. I hope I'll get there soon =)

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 21

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:07 am
by Mineira1986

“Come on, girl, don’t be shy.”

Janice hesitated for a second, only for a second. Stephanie didn’t need to ask twice. The blonde had already removed her own shoes. Janice did the same, leaving her feet only covered by her pink socks.


“Quiet, big bear. You did the crime, now you pay your time.”

Both captors sat on the large couch, facing the captives. Stephanie was the first to place her feet on their “footrest”. The footrest being Karissa, as a punishment from her earlier transgression. Stephanie had told her about this and the tall captive had protested as best as she could. Pointlessly.

To make her more cooperative, the blond captor had used the tape to secure her in a tight hogtie, taping her ankles to her hands. Now Karissa couldn’t resist other than making muffled protests. She laid in parallel to the couch, her head close to Stephanie while her lower body was next to her roommate Janice.

They had put Camilla into a hogtie as well, although much more loosen, pretty much like Floria’s. Both roommates looked like they understood that fighting wasn’t going to take them anywhere. So they didn’t protest.

Although, they are not the ones being used as footrest… Janice thought.

“Have a good smell. Yeah, that’s it. That’s the stuff.”

Karissa groaned. Stephanie placed her right foot under her nose, the sole pressed against the tape on her lips. Karissa tried to look away, when Stephanie pressed her left foot on her head, stopping any attempts to move away from the smell.


“Enjoy, enjoy… You know these are the same socks I used for training today. Fresh just for you, big bear.”

Janice wasn’t sure if to wince at the prospect of smelling dirty feet or to smile because she wasn’t the victim. Instead, she decided to focus in finding the best way to place her feet on Karissa. The bent legs weren’t sure the most comfortable footrest, but she didn’t want to disappoint Stephanie. Her left foot went on Karissa’s shins and she put her right one on Karissa’s thighs.

The bound girl’s muscles tensed even more. Janice lifted her feet for a second before she placed them back on Karissa. The tall captive had bigger problems than Janice’s feet on her legs. Stephanie brushed her right foot one more time on Karissa’s nose.

“If you stop moving, this doesn’t need to happen, my dear. Are you going to stop moving then?”

There was no answer. Karissa’s body tensed beneath both sets of feet. Stephanie stretched her legs and now her left ankle and heel rested on Karissa’s head. Her right feet plopped in front of Karissa’s nose. Janice bit her lip. It wasn’t pleasant, but she was sure that Karissa was thankful for that little inch that separated her nostrils from the blonde’s feet.

“Wanna some, girl?”

Janice didn’t realize the question this time was addressed at her. She turned her head quickly and her glasses slipped through her nose. As she adjusted them, she saw Stephanie had opened the pizza box again. They had already eaten half pizza before the blonde had decided to hogtie Karissa and use her as a footrest.

“S-sure…” Janice nodded and grabbed a slice. “So, I’d always wanted to ask. Did you guys, well… did you used to play… do… this kind of…?”

“Games?” Stephanie took a slice herself. “All the time. These girls love it.”

A muffled choir echoed in the living room. Janice took a bite.

“R-r-really? How were those… games?”

“Oh, you know, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. A couple of escape attempts, but mostly bets.”


“You know, we bet on match outcomes, besting personal records. There used to be an honor code between captor and captive back then.”

“MMMPH…” Karissa protested, but was quickly silenced by Stephanie’s foot over her taped mouth.

“Hush, nobody asked you.” Stephanie said. She waited three seconds before removing her feet. “As I was saying, there was kind of a code…”

“Until last week?” Janice asked.

Stephanie didn’t reply.

“I mean, when… ehem… Floria and Karissa…”

Stephanie chewed in silence. Janice finished her pizza and looked at the blonde, who was staring at the wall across the room and chewing.

Has the smile disappear?, Janice thought. Her shoulders tensed. Better to change the subject…

She stood up to clean her hands.

“Where are you going?”

Janice turned her head. Stephanie wasn’t smiling. Janice’s shadow covered Stephanie’s face and it made her expression looked darker. Janice gulped. She showed her hands.

“Uhm, well… I was going for some napkins…”

Stephanie cleaned her mouth with the back of her right hand and smiled.

“Girl, who needs napkins?”

She bent forward and took Karissa’s black wavy hair. She rubbed her fingers through it, making Karissa grunt and groan.

Janice bit her lip. Grease on the hair wasn’t something nice, but there was something in it that made Janice feel… powerful. She took the tip of Karissa’s long hair and rubbed her fingers. Karissa grunted again.

“If you don’t like it in your hair, big bear…” Stephanie rubbed her greasy hand on Karissa’s plumpy cheeks “we can use your pretty, chubby cheeks.”

With a final pinch, Stephanie returned to the couch and took another slice. She offered the last one from the first box, to Janice, who took it and started eating. As the girls with the glasses bit and chewed, she couldn’t help but notice…

She didn’t answer my question.

But it was now or never. Janice took a deep breath, but the food was still in her mouth. A bit went through her throat and she coughed. Her face turned red. She wasn’t choking but it did itch her throat. She coughed three more times and Stephanie appeared with a glass of water.

“Chill, Jane. Have some. Are you OK?”

“It’s…. Janice…” Janice drank almost all the glass in once. “Thanks…”

“No prob.”

Janice took a deep breath again. The blonde was back at the couch, stretching her feet all over Karissa. Janice put her brown hair behind her ears and adjusted her glasses.

“So, this code you were talking about…”

She made a pause and Stephanie looked at her. The blonde leaned forward.

“That… code that you mentioned you guys had?”

“What code? Oh, right… well, essentially the person who lost needed to accept her fate. What about it?”

“Oh, right… But during that bet… aftermath happening, was… is a code, right? Like taking care of the captive…”

“You mean like having fun with them?”

Janice shook her head. She glanced at the two roommates, bound in a not so tight hogtie, fuming their anger on the floor, and her own roommate, used as a footrest.

“I mean… giving them breaks for drink or food…”

Stephanie cleaned her hands and stood up. Janice remained on the couch. The blonde walked to the kitchen without saying a word to her.

“Or bathroom breaks… Just so… they don’t… wet themselves… we wouldn’t want that, right?”

“Would it be that bad?”

Janice gulped.

I hope that didn’t upset her… but giving them a break before continuing the games would be nice…

Stephanie opened the fridge door and closed it. She held the ice cube tray in her right hand. The blonde returned to the living room. She kept her hand above her shoulders, so the three captives couldn’t see it from their hogtied positions.

Janice stayed on the couch. Stephanie walked past her, her eyes fixed on Karissa. She knelt behind her, picked up a small ice cube and placed it on the back of Karissa’s shorts.


Janice blinked several times. Karissa thrashed as best as she could in her tight hogtied position. The small cube melted quickly, leaving a little wet spot on her shorts.

“Oops” Stephanie turned to Floria and Camilla. “It looks like big Kari had a little accident… We should have given you a bathroom break before, huh? Now you don’t need one.”

Karissa grunted behind her back, half cursing, half explaining that she hadn’t wetted herself, but the wet spot came from the melted ice. Stephanie ignored her.

“But this gives me an idea for a third game, Janet.”


Stephanie brought a small ice cube to her lips and let it melt.

“Why should we let only Karissa have all the fun?”

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 22

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 5:07 am
by Caesar73
That chapter was pretty intense. And those under currents were interessting: The mood change of Stephanie for Instance. Janice seems to get more secure as she participate in the Games, by smearing Karissas Hair with Grease - how gross. She showed a more caring side as well, by suggesting feeding the Captives and letting them have a drink - and a bath room brack. Stephanie on the other Hand showed a mean streak.

Well done [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] !

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 22

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:47 pm
by Beaumains
Steph keeps pushing it a step further every chapter. Even for Janice she is going too far. That grease in the hair was juts dirty and moved far beyond the usual games. Oh, well, the only good thing is that Karissa's revenge will be something to remember.

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 22

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 6:26 am
by Bondagebender
I don't believe Stephanie has gone too far yet. but if Karissa gets loose she'll have hell to pay. Janice is gonna be sorry too.

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 22

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 6:42 am
by Caesar73
Bondagebender wrote: 2 years ago I don't believe Stephanie has gone too far yet. but if Karissa gets loose she'll have hell to pay. Janice is gonna be sorry too.
I would disagree :) Stephanie shows a vicious Streak - there must be a reason for that, this Chapter makes plain. That she disregards Janices Proposal tot treat their Captives with a modicum of respect is imho a clear indicator that she does not know any bounds. She is out of control.

I agree on Janice: Janice is Karissa´s Roommate after all - so she has to find a way to accomodate Stephanie and save her relationship with Karissa, quite the Dilemma :)

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 22

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:05 am
by Bondagebender
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago
Bondagebender wrote: 2 years ago I don't believe Stephanie has gone too far yet. but if Karissa gets loose she'll have hell to pay. Janice is gonna be sorry too.
I would disagree :) Stephanie shows a vicious Streak - there must be a reason for that, this Chapter makes plain. That she disregards Janices Proposal tot treat their Captives with a modicum of respect is imho a clear indicator that she does not know any bounds. She is out of control.

I agree on Janice: Janice is Karissa´s Roommate after all - so she has to find a way to accomodate Stephanie and save her relationship with Karissa, quite the Dilemma :)
I think Stephanie plans to get more vicious. she just warming up so far. almost like she playing with her food. I think Janice is naive and now in to deep or Janice isn't as innocent as she seems. she may reveal to be a bit devious herself

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 22

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 2:51 pm
by Caesar73
Bondagebender wrote: 2 years ago I think Stephanie plans to get more vicious. she just warming up so far. almost like she playing with her food. I think Janice is naive and now in to deep or Janice isn't as innocent as she seems. she may reveal to be a bit devious herself
About Stephanie I am not sure. If you take the Roommates Stories as Reference Point, Stephanie has gone already above and beyond I dare say :)

I share your assessment of Janice: She is naive. It never occured to her, that Things could go out of hand the way they did.

What do you think? Any Ideas what might happen next?

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 22

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 4:24 am
by Mineira1986
Sadly, no update this week. Due to my job, the final week of each trimester is really, really busy. Will try and post an update midweek, hopefully.
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago That chapter was pretty intense. And those under currents were interessting: The mood change of Stephanie for Instance. Janice seems to get more secure as she participate in the Games, by smearing Karissas Hair with Grease - how gross. She showed a more caring side as well, by suggesting feeding the Captives and letting them have a drink - and a bath room brack. Stephanie on the other Hand showed a mean streak.

Well done [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] !
Thanks! Gross indeed, heh. That was the intention. And yes, Janice is more secure and more considerate to the captives. After all, that's pretty much what she learned first when she met the girls during the first story. And yes, Stephanie is being mean.
Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Steph keeps pushing it a step further every chapter. Even for Janice she is going too far. That grease in the hair was juts dirty and moved far beyond the usual games. Oh, well, the only good thing is that Karissa's revenge will be something to remember.
Thanks for the reply. Oh, just wait until Karissa gets (eventually) untied. It's not that any of the girls, Stephanie and Janice, can disappear from her life, so... revenge will happen at some point.
Bondagebender wrote: 2 years ago I don't believe Stephanie has gone too far yet. but if Karissa gets loose she'll have hell to pay. Janice is gonna be sorry too.

I think Stephanie plans to get more vicious. she just warming up so far. almost like she playing with her food. I think Janice is naive and now in to deep or Janice isn't as innocent as she seems. she may reveal to be a bit devious herself
Thank you for your comment. I would say... Yes and No. Stephanie is slowly getting too far. I mean, can she get even further? Maybe, but not my the standards of the first story (she's already spanked them, tickled them, stuffed their mouths with socks, forced Camilla to smell a dirty one, hogtied them... and now smearing Karissa's hair and face with pizza grease).

But in your other sentence you are also right at one point. Stephanie likes to play with her food. It's clear she hasn't got to the final stage of her plan.

About Janice... let's just say she's smart (she tracked down Floria in the first story, as you have pointed out), but also, she's kind of a dog chasing a car. She has chased this opportunity to have another bondage evening with the girls... and now that she has got it, she doesn't know exactly what to do. Unlike Stephanie.

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 22

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 1:45 pm
by Mineira1986
Phew, took a day more then expected, but here is chapter 23. Hope you enjoy it =)




“Oh, don’t be shy, girls. All you need to do it not to wet yourselves! Should be easy for big girls like you. Although, probably not you, kiddo.”


All the muffled protests in the world didn’t stop Stephanie. She pulled all three hogtied captives next to each other and sat down behind them. One by one, she scratched the bare soles of her prisoners.


“Such a beautiful melody. Now, where were we? Right. Janet, please the ice cubes.”

“It’s…” Janice rolled her eyes and picked up the ice cube tray. “Nevermind…”


Stephanie took the ice cubes and placed one on Floria’s bottom, then Camilla’s and finally Karissa’s. She leaned back, supporting her weight with her arms, as she enjoyed the show.

The three bound girls yelled and wiggled their hogtied bodies, trying to get rid of the ice cubes that slowly melted on the back of their pants and shorts. The hogtie didn’t allow them much movement and the cubes stayed on their places.

“Don’t they look lovely, girl?”

Janice scratched the back of her head. Sure, looking at all three helpless girls wiggling on the floor was funny but…

“Would you like to give it a try?”

Stephanie extended the tray with a wicked smile. Janice blinked and bit her lower lip for a second.

Might as well...

She cleared her throat and picked up three ice cubes.


The first three cubes hadn’t melted completely. Still, the blonde encouraged Janice to place the next three. The girls squirmed again and Stephanie laughed.

“What’s the matter, girls? I thought you were big grown up. How do you expect to become the Sports Delegate if you cannot control your bladder? What if you have an accident in a meeting? Bad, bad girls.”

The muffled protests continued, although Janice wasn’t sure if the captives cared about the taunting at this point. She wasn’t sure either if they could actually feel the cold through their pants.

The embarrassing factor should be enough to make them angry…

The blonde dragged herself across the floor until she reached Camilla’s head. The short girl tried to look away, but Stephanie grabbed her chin and forced her to look at her.

“You little, little girl, you shouldn’t be wearing big girl pants.” Stephanie winked at an angry Camilla.

She showed her a big ice cube. “Let me help you.”


Stephanie placed the cube on Camilla’s bum, pinched her cheek and, with a quick pat on her head, moved to the pizza boxes.

Janice scratched her head again. She sat on the floor, watching the girls screamed, reminded from time to time to place the cubes on the girls before the others melted. Janice sighed and nodded.

One cube here, one cube there…

“So, big bear…” Stephanie said, taking and biting a pizza slice from the second box. “How you doing? Would you like some?”

The blonde passed the pizza slice under Karissa’s nose. Through all the gagged noises, a little growl sounded from Karissa’s belly. Stephanie laughed again and ate the pizza.

“Not so threating now with your shorts wet.”

Once again, Stephanie cleaned her hands with Karissa’s hair.

Ugh, not that again. Gross…


Karissa’s response was shut down when Stephanie’s other hand pinched her nose shut. After using her black wavy hair as napkin, Stephanie picked one more ice cube and placed it on Karissa.

“Accept your place, big bear.” Stephanie whispered, giving Karissa’s head a quick kiss before releasing her nose.

The blonde and the brown haired girl continued to use all ice cubes. Janice waited in silence as they melted, while Stephanie taunted the girls from time to time.

Finally, all the ice disappeared. But big wet spots replaced them on the back of the girls’ pants and shorts. Stephanie looked delighted.

“Awww, look like some self called big girls had a little accident. Tsk, tsk…” Stephanie shook her head in disapproval. “Bad, bad little girls. I know. I’ll take a picture to remind you to bring a diaper next time.”




She’s not talking seriously, is she?

Stephenie burst out into laughter. She stood up but didn’t went for her phone. Instead, she picked up the pizza boxes and walked to the kitchen.

Janice got up on her knees. She looked at the bound girls and at Stephanie’s back, that disappeared through the door. Angry noises came from them, although not as loud as the previous protests. More like frustrated grunts.

OK, this has been... fun? I guess? But we could really use a break, now.

She pulled her brown hair behind her ears and stood up.

Janice followed the blonde. The box was now on the kitchen table, next to a couple of napkins. Stephanie opened the fridge and took the orange juice box. She poured it on a glass with her right hand, while the left held a pizza slice that she was eating.

Janice cleared her throat.

“Ehm… Steph… Stephanie… I was wondering… if…”

Stephanie put the juice box down and picked up the glass.

“You want to decide the next game? I was thinking about it too. What do you think we can use, Jenny? I was wondering if…”

Janice sighed deeply.

“My name is….”

Focus, focus.

“That’s not important right now. I was thinking we should… we should give them a break.”

Stephanie took a sip and looked at Janice. She didn’t reply. There was no smile on her face.

Janice decided to continue. “It would be necessary if we are going to keep them longer. Just a toilet break and maybe some food and drinks. I mean… we are going to keep them longer… right?”

Stephanie stared at Janice. She brought the glass to her lips without looking away from Janice’s black eyes. Janice blinked and gulped. She put her arms behind her and clenched her fists, trying to fight the urge to look away from the blonde’s light blue eyes.

Stephanie put the glass down again. She cleared her lips with the back of her right hand.

“We are going to keep them. For the night. The question is, will you?”

Janice blinked. “Me?”

“You don’t seem very comfortable as a captor. Is that sweat on your forehead? Maybe you would me more comfortable enjoying this evening… in other way.”

Keep calm, keep calm…

“I am not suggesting we free them. I am just suggesting to allow them to use the toilet. A quick break and… we can continue the… evening.”

Stephanie took a step forward. Janice’s first instinct was too take a step back, but she only lifted her right foot before putting it back again. Stephanie came closer.

Janice’s hands began to sweat. She released her fists and her right hand grabbed her left wrist.

Stephanie was now inches closer to Janice. Janice suddenly remembered how told the blonde was compared to her.

“Fine. One quick break. Then we’ll discuss this.”

Stephanie moved to the right and walked back to the living room.

“Bring a knife! Or something to cut the tape.”

Janice turned around and wiped the sweat of her hands with the napkins that were on the table. She looked through the kitchen drawers until she found a knife. She returned to the living room to find that Stephanie was sitting up Karissa.

“Since Janine here isn’t comfortable having fun, we decided to give you girls a potty break. Not that you need one.” Stephanie snorted. “Girl, pass me the tape.”

Janice walked to the couch. With caution, she glanced at Stephanie with each step she took.

Don’t turn your back on her. Not now.

She picked up the tape roll and tossed it to Stephanie. The blonde caught it with both hands and gave Janice a confused look. For just a bit. She shrugged and wrapped the tape around Karissa’s elbows and torso.

“Now, rules!” Stephanie said. “You have one minute and no removing your gag. Or else.”

“Mmmph… mmphhh..”

“No talking.” Stephanie said. “Knife.”

Janice complied. Stephanie cut the tape holding the hogtie and untied Karissa’s hands. With her arms wrapped around her waist, the blonde pulled her on her feet.

“One minute and no removing the gag.” Stephanie repeated. “Now move.”

A swift slap on her butt made Karissa start hopping towards the bathroom. Janice examined her as she moved away. With her arms pinned at the elbows level, Karissaa didn’t have enough mobility to ungag herself, even if she wanted to.

Stephanie dropped herself on the couch and crossed her arms. The smile was still gone. Janice avoided eye contact and glanced at her. The light blue eyes were fixed on the bound girl that moved slowly towards the bathroom.

Come on, girl. This is the time. Move!

“Mmm… Stephanie?” Janice asked, her eyes still away from the blonde. “How is she supposed to turn on the bathroom light?”

“She’ll find a way.” Stephanie said, with a cold voice.

With a t-rex’s mobility, that was pretty unlikely for Karissa to accomplish. Janice took a step towards the corridor and Stephanie stood up.

“Where are you going?”

“I am…” Janice turned around to look at Stephanie. She sighed. “I am going to turn on the light. Otherwise, things may get a little… messy and it’s the only bathroom here. We are going to use it at some point, right?”

Stephanie blinked. Her jaw clenched for a second before she threw her arms in the air.

“Fine, whatever.” She said, dropping herself back on the couch.


Karissa had reached the bathroom door. Janice walked quickly to reach her. She opened the door for her. Karissa gave her an angry look. Janice turned her head away, but not only to avoid the glare of her roommate.

“Hurry up, big bear!” Stephanie shouted. “Minute is already running.”

Karissa muffled a curse under her gag. Janice tapped her right feet, her hand still on the light switch. Karissa gave her another glare and hopped into the bathroom.

“Don’t shut the door. I don’t want any funny business.” Stephanie said, standing up from the couch.

But before the blonde could take a step. Janice moved her right hand to Karissa’s back and pushed her.


“Girl! What…?”

Janice pushed Karissa again and her tall roommate hopped further inside.


Janice stepped inside the bathroom with Karissa. She turned around and shut the door.

Alright, Janice, alright. It’s all good… Now what?

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 23

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 9:38 pm
by Caesar73
Congratulations. Most fascinating. The way you let us read Janices Thoughts Something Was coming, but the readers learn only at last possible time, what Janice will do!
Seems she unsure though how to proceed. Also good that she stood up to Stephanie. I like that.
The big question, or better two: How will Stephanie react and what will Janice do now?
All in all: excellent composition of that chapter.
It will be interesting to see how Karissa reacts, if - and I say if - Janice ungags her - I would understand if Karissa has the desire to punch her :)

And I would like to say another thing: [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] is doing a fantastic job. Meticulously building the Story, writing fine dialogues, keeping the Tension high.

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 23

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:36 am
by Bondagebender
Janice does have a heart she realizes the situation is dire and Stephanie could go to far. she remembers how bad it got in part one when break and food and drink aren't given. also she know she likely to be tied up too especially if Stephanie gets into the bathroom.

Re: The Roommates 2 (F/FFF, F/F, FF/F, FF/FFF) - Part 23

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:28 pm
by Beaumains
Indeed, again beautiful dialogue. Your stories are slow compared to many stories here, but it is epic to see the slow transformations of the characters and the slow games of these conversations. We are slowly inching towards Janice choice, and I am curious what she will do. Awesome stuff!