TamatoaShiny123’s Tiny Tales (various) (NEW STORY 8/13/22)

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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Very nice 😁😁
I got some more for u right now! :D
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

In her lab, Shuri, Princess of Wakanda was sitting down in a spin chair trying to spin some screws into a gauntlet that had two tiny blasters protruding from it and a small black spider painted in the center. In fact, speaking of spiders, this shooter-looking device seemed very familiar…

At this time, her older brother, T’Challa, walked in. “Hey, little sis-“

The princess spun around and looked at him with annoyance. “Out of my lab. Now, T’Challa!”

She stood up and tried to shove him out, but her brother easily spun around her and got closer to what Shuri was working on. “Is that-“

She sighed. “Fine. Yes, this a prototype of a web shooting device that Spider-Man uses.”

T’Challa’s eyes widened. “Sis, I know you’re a genius and all, but are you sure that you’re building it right? What Peter uses is a high-tech innovation he built himself.”
“I know. That’s why I’m building them based on the designs on the blueprints he sent me.”
“He sent you the blueprints for the weapons he uses? How on Earth did you convince him to do that?”
“I beat him in a high-stakes game of online beer pong.”
“‘High-stakes’? What were you gonna give him had he won?”
“I promised to make him a spider-themed vibranium suit.”
“You really would’ve done that for him?”
“Hell no! I would’ve just told him that the suit got lost in transit or something.”

As she sat back to finish tightening the screws, the king of Wakanda asked his sister, “So, what are you gonna do with this new tech at your disposal?”
“I’m thinking of adding this baby to your suit. A little upgrade for my big bro.”

T’Challa rubbed his head with his hand. “Thanks, Shuri, but…”
“Sure, it’d be helpful for swinging through our jungles, but it doesn’t really fit the whole ‘Panther’ motif I have going on.”
“That’s what you’re hesitant over? You’re the king of our country! If anyone teases you for going against the panther thing, just banish their ass or claw their eyes out.”

When Shuri saw him shake his head, she thought for a second. “Fine. Just switch up your identity from ‘Black Panther’ to...uh...ah, ‘Baboon Spider-Man’!”
“That’s still a no from me.”

Having finished off the last screw, Shuri stood up, slid the shooter onto her right wrist, and started to load the web cartridges in. “We can still utilize it and keep your current costumed identity. We can call it…’yarn-shooters’!”
“Yea, yarn isn’t intimidating, but it fits so well with the panther motif. You know, ‘cuz cats and yarn.”
“We can even run with it and color the webs to make it look like yarn. I’m thinking we color it yellow, or a light blue-“

Looking down, the princess saw that the cartridges were swelling up like balloons, barely being contained by the shooters that were built around them.

“Wh-“ Shuri got out before the cartridges exploded. T’Challa’s used his fast reflexes to get himself out of the way of the wave of adhesive that burst out.

The person who just built the now-ruined web shooter wasn’t as lucky. When T’Challa looked, his sister was pinned to a nearby wall. Her right arm was pinned to her side under a pile of webbing while her left arm was sprawled out and pinned with a smaller web blotch. Everything from her thighs down to her feet was covered in adhesive. Finally, her face was covered from below her nose down to her chin.

As the king tried to process what just happened, Shuri’s phone vibrated. “Speak of the devil, it’s Peter,” he reported.

The very utterance of his name at this moment sent Shuri into absolute fury. “MMMMMMMM!” she roared.
“His text reads: ’Hi Shuri! By the time I’m sending this, you’ve most likely figured out either by it messing up your designer clothes or from a complaint from whoever cleans your lab that the formula I sent you to create the webbing was rigged to cause the fluid’s pressure to build up immensely when compacted in a small area such as the cartridges. Why did I do that to you? Well, I know that you were never gonna build me that suit if I had won the game, so I decided to have a little fun. I’ll send you the non-exploding formula later today. Bye :P.”

As Shuri felt a burning rage build up inside of her, T’Challa stood in silence for a moment before saying, “Maybe you’re onto something with that yarn thing. After all, yarn is never that sticky.”
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Post by slackywacky »

That was a fun story. Thank you.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

All of his life, Peter Parker thought that he was the only one bitten by that radioactive spider. But he was wrong, for on that day, another student was bitten: Cindy Moon.

But unlike Peter, who told no one of what powers he now had, a frightened Cindy told her parents immediately. Terrified, they arranged for her to be trained under a man called Ezekiel, who, after training her how to use her newly-acquired powers, locked her in a secure bunker in order to protect her from a group called the Inheritors, who were hunting those who had her and Peter’s powers at the time.

Some time later, with all the Inheritors and Ezekiel dead, Spider-Man learned of Cindy’s plight and freed her. She took on a heroic costumed identity of her own, and thus, Silk was born.

But there was one problem: since they were both bitten by the same spider, they both gave off the same pheromones. This meant that whenever they were around each other, they were very...PDA. Thus, they were careful to patrol NYC at different times to prevent themselves from...going to Makeout City, let’s call it.

Unfortunately for them, their carefully-laid patrol system would have to be put on hold for now, as Screwball was going on a bank robbery run across the city, live-streaming her escapades all the while. Since Cindy didn’t have much experience with this follow-hungry fiend, she called Peter for backup.

“We’re on a hashtag high-speed chase with two Spider-zeros!” The thief shouted to the camera attached to the drone that followed her as she zoomed through the sky on her pink hoverboard.
“That’s not nice!” Peter shouted as he swung behind her with Silk in tow. “My aunt called me a ten out of ten when I went to her house for Thanksgiving last year.”
“Maybe she’s one of the three million who’s watching my livestream right now. Hey, Spidey’s aunt!” she shouted at the camera. “Watch as I photobomb your nephew and her stupid friend!”

Screwball pulled some metal spheres from her pocket and tossed them at the duo. Knowing that those spheres were far from harmless, Silk launched a web net that ensnared the spheres and threw it up in the air, where they harmlessly exploded while giving those watching from the streets below an impromptu firework show.

“You’re gonna feel a massive amount of cancel culture when we get our hands on you!” Silk called out, making sure she was close enough to Peter to hear his orders, but far enough so that their pheromones didn’t act up.

“Know what viewers?” the streamer addressed the viewers. “I think it’s time we add a smoke filter to this picture.”

With that, Screwball took several more metal spheres and threw them up in the air. Before either of them could web them up, they exploded, releasing a thick, pink cloud of smoke that enveloped the duo.

“Spider-Man!” Cindy cried out.
“Climb up higher!” her partner told her.

The two climbed up the web lines they were swinging on until they were high enough to be out of the smoke cloud. But Screwball was waiting for them.

“Time to share an online thread with them!” she shouted as she threw a silver and pink bola rope at them.

With no time to dodge it, Spider-Man threw himself in front of Silk with his back towards the bola. “Watch out!” he cried.

The bola rope slammed into Peter, who was knocked into Cindy right as the bola started wrapping itself around them. When it was all done, Peter and Cindy were tied face to face with the bola wrapped from their shoulders to their knees. All the while, they were still hanging in the air from the web lines they were swinging on.

“Boom!” Screwball shouted as she pumped her fist in the air. “Did you like that, my loyal viewers? Spiders ensnared in threads that were created by today’s sponsor: The Tinkerer! Need some fiendish devices to help carry out your plot? Just call Phineas! How do you like that, Spider...Spider-Man?”

The two heroes weren’t listening to Screwball’s shilling, as now that they were forcibly up and close together with each other, their pheromones were spiking through the roof. Locking eyes with each other, they tried to resist the urges for as long as they could, but it wasn’t to be; they slammed their masked lips into the other’s.

“I want your lips,” Cindy moaned.
“You have them.”
“Your uncovered lips. Right now.”

Through the scarf that she wore over her mouth and nose to conceal her identity, Cindy bit down on Peter’s mask and worked it up until his lips were uncovered. Their lips once again violently crashed into each other, their tongues getting into a full-on wrestling match.


Startled, the two paused their makeout session and looked at Screwball, who had a surprised yet gleeful face on.

“You saw it here first, folks! Spider-Man and Silk are intertwined in a web of loooooove!”

The two snapped out of their lustful trance and looked down at the streets, where the New Yorkers below were taking videos of the ‘couple’.

“What?! No-“ Peter stammered.
“We’re not a couple! You see,” Cindy tried explaining, “we have these pheromones that-“

The streamer wasn’t listening to them; she was looking at her phone. “Our viewership just increased by half a million in the past two minutes! ‘#Spider-Silk’ is already trending on Twitter!”

Cindy seemed flustered by the whole thing, but under his mask, Peter’s face was as red with anger as the rest of his outfit.

“My girlfriend...is GOING...TO SEE THIS!” he screamed as, with all his might, struggled against the bola until it snapped in two, freeing him and Cindy.

“Guys, leave all your ship names for this cute couple in the comment section below,” Screwball told her audience as she zoomed away. “The winner gets one percent of the loot that I just stole!”

As Peter gave chase again, this time with renewed vigor, Cindy shouted at him, “I thought that you told MJ about our pheromone thing!
“I did! But it doesn’t make her any less jealous!”
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

slackywacky wrote: 4 years ago That was a fun story. Thank you.
I hope you like what I just posted as well!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

”MUAHAHAHAHA! Hank Pym! I, Elihas Starr, have successfully captured your daughter after I caught her trying to sneak into my lab! If you don’t want me to DISINTEGRATE HER, you will bring me the formula to your Pym Particles within the next 24 hours!”

Hank turned off the video he was sent, rolled his eyes in disgust and turned towards Scott. “Jesus, this is the third time this year he’s pulled something like this. Scott, can you-“
“Got it. Rescue the damsel and break open his egg-shaped head again,” Scott said as he grabbed his helmet and headed for the door.
“Can you not refer to my daughter as a dams-aaaand he already left. Great,” Hank sighed.


Ant-Man made his way to Elihas’ lair, where he found it to be surrounded by a force field and sturdy iron fence.

A speaker poked out of the fence. “Ant-Man! Do you have the formula for the Pym Particles?”
“Yep! I have it all right here,” Scott told him, holding out a piece of paper.

“Well, give it here!” the scientist ordered, remotely opening a slot under the speaker that Scott loaded the paper into.

Upon receiving it, Elihas read the paper out loud. ”Dear Egghead, you can lick my hairy asshole. Love, Ant-Man.”

Crumpling up the paper in disgust, the evil genius shouted, “How dare you trick me into reading such vulgar words out loud! And I told you to stop calling me that infernal nickname!”
“Do you mean ‘Egghead’, Egghead?”
“Stop it! I refuse to allow you to insult my abnormally-shaped head any further! I shall use Janet as a test subject for my new plasma death ray within the hour! Goodbye!”

Turning giant, Scott tried to use his increased strength to bash through the iron fence, but it held firm. Pounding on the force field only gave him a nasty shock.

Shrinking back down to regular size, the size-changer looked around, hoping to find an opening. He found it with a grate on the ground.

Shrinking down, Ant-Man tapped his helmet and let out a signal until a winged ant approached him. Climbing on its back, Scott had it fly into the vent.

The vent was about six inches wide, four inches tall and was a long and straight pathway. It was smooth flying for a bit when suddenly, laser turrets poked out from the vent’s wall and started firing at the hero.

“Did you really think I hadn’t accounted for shrinking down and traveling through that vent?” Elihas sarcastically asked him through mini speakers. “I hope you get through those lasers and make it to my lab soon. My death ray is nearly done charging! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Scott had his insect friend bob and weave through the waves of laser blasts as he drew his own laser pistol and fired on the turrets, destroying them as he hit them.

“I got a question for you, Egghead,” Scott retorted as he destroyed more laser cannons as he flew further down the vent. “When I give you to the cops, should I serve you sunny side up, or…”
“I’d rather serve your chopped-up corpse to Hank Pym on a silver platter!” the villain announced as a spinning saw blade big enough to block Ant-Man’s path sprang out from the wall. Meanwhile, a second, smaller saw blade emerged out of the other side of the wall and started to lunge itself at Scott and his tiny transport.

Steering the ant back and forth to avoid the lunging blade, Scott drew his shrink ray and blasted the larger blade, ducking and diving from the smaller blade as its larger counterpart slowly shrank (the smaller an object is already, the slower it takes to shrink. Remember, this is a very tiny vent, so the blade in it was remarkably small; only about three inches).

Finally, the large blade was small enough that Scott and the ant *just* flew through the gap that now was between it and the wall. Blasting several more laser turrets, Scott made it to the grate that led into Elihas’ lab.

“It’s too late, Ant-Man! My plasma death ray has been completely charged! Say goodbye to Hope!”

Scott had his ant fly up to the grate’s opening. With his hand on his belt, he jumped through the grate’s holes, grew to normal size and fired his shrink ray at Elihas’ death ray as he did. The beam hit the ray gun and shrunk it down to the size of the villain’s pinky finger.

“Ok...now you can shoot her,” Scott told his foe.

Undeterred, Elihas fired the ray at Hope, who was strapped to a table at her ankles, wrists, elbows and waist and gagged with a white cloth tied between her teeth. While normally-sized, the death ray would’ve disintegrated Hope in seconds. But shrunken down, it...didn’t do that.

“Hmm hmm mmph!” the heroine giggled, feeling tickled by the ray.
“Congrats, Egghead,” Scott smirked. “You created a tickle ray. You know, there’s a lot of people on the internet that’d pay big bucks for that.”
“Grr! I’ll bring about yours and Hope’s death today just yet, Ant-Man!”

Taking out a remote control from his lab coat pocket, Elihas pressed a button that caused several holes to open in the sides of the lab’s roof, unleashing about three dozen egg-shaped robots that had chainsaws and laser pistols for arms.

As he got ready to throw down with the bots, Scott realized something. “Hey, this lab of yours...it isn’t as giant me-protected as the outside of your lab, right?”
“Well, no...creating that force field and building that iron fence burned through a lot of my funds. I couldn’t do that everywhere in my lair.”
“And there’s lots of vertical room in this lab, I’d say…”
“Of course. I needed somewhere to place my Eggbots and…”

At that point, Elihas realized with horror what Ant-Man, who was cracking his knuckles and touching his belt, was getting at.

“Oh shi-“

90 Seconds Later:

The battle was an absolute wash. The Eggbots that weren’t crushed under Scott’s boot were swatted away as if they were gnats. Egghead found himself slumped against the wall unconscious after a simple thwick from his foe’s finger.

Scott shrunk back down to normal height and loosened Hope’s gag, letting it hang around her neck. “You ok?” he asked.
“I’m fine now. I got distracted listening to him rant about how inferior my dad was to him and I flew right into a cloud of knockout gas.”

Scott tapped the side of his helmet, activating its communicator. “Hank? I rescued Hope and scrambled Egghead.”
“Good work. Before you leave, can you extract the tiny weaponry he tried using on you? I want to see what cheap imitation of my formula he used on them.”

“Got it,” he responded as he turned back to Hope. “You owe me for this,” he told her.
“What do I owe you?” she sighed.
“How about...one tickle session,” Scott said, grabbing the former death ray from Elihas’ hands.
“What? No! Scott, release me right-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” she giggled as he blasted her with the now-tickle ray.
“Sorry, can’t hear you,” he said as he placed the gag back in her mouth before getting back to blasting.

As Hope continued to giggle, Scott could hear in his helmet, “Scott, what are you doing? Why is Hope laughing like that? You had better not be tickling her! Scott! SCOTT!”
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

A bit of a delayed follow-up to the parody news article i published as one of these short stories. Enjoy!

Amboy, NJ- Several students of Rutherford High School face disciplinary action after starting a revolt against a 9th grade social studies teacher’s ‘gag rule’, where students were required to wear gags to prevent them from calling out incorrect (and often ridiculous) answers in class.

Yesterday afternoon after classes were done for the day, several teachers realized that they hadn't seen Amelie Kraft since before 9th period class. The forensics teacher of the school, Malcom Holloway went to her classroom to investigate her whereabouts.

“That’s when I saw her,” Holloway told reporters. “She had been tied to her desk chair with duct tape. They taped her wrists down to the arms of the chair, they taped her legs together. But her gag…oh boy, I don’t think I’ll even forget how they gagged her…mostly since nothing interesting has happened to me in this school since I felt the effects of the cafeteria’s three-bean burritos during an unfortunate shortage of toilet paper.”

Holloway found Kraft with five scarves tied over her mouth and nose. After removing them, he was confronted by ten layers of duct tape that were wrapped around her lower face. Finally, after removing the tape, he fished out several handkerchiefs and bandanas that filled Kraft’s mouth to the brim.

Though shaken up (and suffering one heck of a dry mouth, according to one source close to Amelie), Kraft is in high spirits and isn’t budging on her ‘gag rule’. Meanwhile, the students who participated in the revolt are expected to face at least a week of suspension, though Kraft has offered to talk the principal down from the punishment if each student writes a five page paper on how what happened to her was like the way women were silenced in the 19th century. As of the time of publication of this article, there have been no students who have taken her up on her offer and are all preparing to spend a week at home.

“That’s fine. They can all take the suspension for all I care. But they’ll be back in my classroom soon enough…” Kraft told reporters as she ominously brandished a roll of duct tape.
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Post by slackywacky »

I wonder why nobody reacted to this tale you posted a year ago. The latest one (the news chapter) was funny, but it had only been posted a short while ago, so I can understand that nobody commented yet.

These shorts are great. Thank you for posting.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by hafnermg »

Previous: It's a fun classic hero story. Also glad to see antman get some love instead if the usual main heroes.

Current: That teacher is following the old adage "don't get angry get even" be afraid students be very afraid. Sounds like a fun teacher though.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

A Hostage To Lunch: A Brooklyn 99 Story:

“Hitchcock, Scully,” Captain Holt addressed the two detectives, “why did you tie Detective Diaz up?”

He was referring to Detective Rosa Diaz, who had her arms duct-taped to the arms of an office chair and her ankles and knees taped together. Several rounds of tape were wound around her mouth to muffle the curses she was spouting towards the pair.

“Rosa brought a turkey and lettuce sandwich for lunch today,” Hitchcock explained. “Scully and I were planning to make a tur-duck-ken sandwich for lunch today. I brought the duck and chicken, but Scully here forgot the turkey part.”
“I said I was sorry,” Scully interjected. “I got distracted by Kelly.”
“Kelly,” Amy whispered to Jake, “is that his dog or his wife?”
“I...still don’t think we know,” Jake answered after thinking for a second.

“Anyway,” Hitchcock continued, “we asked Rosa for the turkey in her sandwich, but she said no, even after we promised to let her keep the lettuce.”

“So you two actually went to all the effort to hold Rosa down and tie her to that chair?” Holt asked.
“You two get winded walking from your desks to the vending machine,” Amy pointed out.

“Hey, no one gets between us and tur-duck-ken,” Hitchcock told them. “It tastes like all three of those birds died just so Scully and I could enjoy their fried corpses.”

Jake looked at Rosa as she madly struggled to break the tape. “Guys, you know that the second she breaks out of that tape, she’s going to murder you. Like, literally murder you, right?”

Scully scoffed. “Please. The only reason I got out of that duct tape during Operation Beans was that I sweated it off. There’s no way Rosa can get-”

Just then, Rosa’s arms shifted, freeing both arms at the same time. Faster than anyone could comprehend, the tape on her legs was ripped off and the tape around her mouth was unwound. “HITCHCOCK, SCULLY!” Rosa screamed with absolute fury, her lips still red from peeling the tape off of them.

“Oh crap!” Scully cursed.
“You’ll never take me alive, Rosa!” Hitchcock shouted.

With that, Hitchcock sprinted as fast as he could and slammed into a window...that did not shatter. Instead, he bounced off the glass and collapsed onto the floor.

“Yeah...that’s bulletproof glass,” Holt muttered.
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Post by Caesar73 »

That a beautiful little Vignette!
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Post by ThatDino »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 2 years ago A Hostage To Lunch: A Brooklyn 99 Story:
That played out absolutely beautifully in my mind's eye. Very much within the concept and humour of the show :mrgreen: :geek:
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Traci Potter: Seized Secretary

“Hi, everyone! This is Traci Potter! This is the first episode of my sure-to-be-a-hit-series 'Traci Potter: Job Hunter’, where I go out into the business world and try my hand at several jobs to help you decide whether or not you want to pursue these careers!”

Traci twirled around, showing off her outfit: a white blouse, a black skirt, and sheer pantyhose. Her brunette hair was tied in a bun with two curls going down either side of her head. Her camera operator, Sam Drusel (wearing a white shirt, a black and red sweater tied around her waist, blue jeans, and a backwards baseball cap) caught it all on tape.

“Today, I’m starting out as a secretary for the McDougal Corporation, the Northeast’s second-largest supplier of duct tape. Mister McDougal is in a meeting in an office right now, so my job is to take all of his messages and give them to him when he’s available.”

The phone rang. “Ah, perfect! Watch as I show you all how great of a secretary I can be!”

Traci picked the call up. “Hello…no, Mister McDougal isn’t available right now, but I can leave a message for him. …sure, what’s your name?…’Mike Oxolong’? Got it! I’ll tell him you called as soon as I see him again! Bye now.”

Traci hung up the phone. “See, ladies and gentlemen? That’s how you handle calls as a secretary! I’m not sure if Sam got footage of this, but I also took messages from one ‘Hugh Jass’, ‘Benjamin Dover’, and ‘Anita Pissinschitt’. Man, is Mister McDougal gonna be pleased with me or what?!”

Contractually not allowed to interfere with the show (that, and it was funny), Sam gave her a thumbs up. Just then, a lady entered the office. She had long blonde hair in a ponytail and wore a red pantsuit. “Excuse me, I’m here to see Mister McDougal. I have an appointment with him in his office,” she explained with a hint of a British accent.

“Mister McDougal is in a meeting right now,” Traci explained as she pulled up the appointment list on her computer. “May I have your name?”

But Traci didn’t buy that. She pulled a picture up on the computer and gasped. “Wait, I know you! You’re Erika Charles! You’re a business saboteur that Mister McDougal warned me was trying to steal his duct tape-making secrets!”

Sighing, Erika pulled off her blonde wig to reveal her true black hair, then pulled out a gun from her pocket and pointed it at the two girls. “You caught me! And I guess now I’m gonna have to make sure I get that meeting…”


A few minutes later, Erika has used a roll of silver duct tape (the office had so many rolls of it lying around) to tightly secure Traci to the chair: tape held Traci’s arms to the chair’s armrests from her fingertips to her elbows. Tape went around Traci’s ankles, knees, thighs, lap, waist, and shoulders. Five strips of tape were plastered over her lips. Across the room, Sam had been taped up the same way while her camera was on the table, having been turned off.

Erika twirled the tape roll around her fingers. “I’m glad to see his tape is as good as advertised,” she taunted. “Now, to burst in on his meeting to learn how he gets it to be so gosh darn sticky! See you, ladies!”

With that, Erika ran into Mister McDougal’s office and locked the door behind her. Traci immediately began to struggle around, trying to break out of her silver bonds. But the tape was so high-quality that it was impossible.

Several ripping sounds snapped Traci out of her focus. She looked up to see that Sam had broken out of the tape within a minute…and immediately walked back to her camera and turned it on without giving a single thought to freeing Traci. “Great news: the camera’s back on! We don’t have the footage of you getting bound and gagged, though. That’s a shame. So many horny men would’ve gotten off to that.”
“OK, we’re definitely gonna need to add subtitles to this footage. What were you saying just there?”

Traci let out a muffled sigh.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

HSMTMTS: Lily: The Actress: The Story

After not being chosen for the cast of East High’s production of Beauty and the Beast, Lily Chapman transferred to North High, which was competing against East High in the Menkie awards. During this rivalry, Lily had gotten to know Ricky Bowen, who played the role of The Beast. Right after their show had ended, Lily had told Ricky she had feelings for him, and how he was attracted to him.

The pair had been seeing each other for a few weeks now behind the backs of their respective schools, who were still reeling from the conflicts they had gotten into (dance-offs, possible sabotage of a harness during the show).

Lily hadn’t been the nicest to Ricky’s fellow East Highers. She had laughed when Ricky’s best friend Big Red fell on his face while trying to tapdance during auditions (the biggest reason Miss Jenn hadn’t cast her) and there was the suspicion that she stole the flying harness. But Lily had been improving as a person (and there was no proof she had stolen anything). She had opened up to Ricky about her cracking family, a bonding point as Ricky also had a broken home.

But that was all from Ricky’s point of view. Did Lily truly like-like Ricky? She didn’t know herself. She definitely had some feeling of care for him, that was for sure. But was this all part of an endgame to exact revenge on East High? Perhaps it was both? She was a teenage girl! Feelings and thoughts were confusing!

In any case, another point of bonding was musical theater. They had been running two-person scenes for fun (and to hone their acting skills), which had been Lily’s idea. And she had a scene in mind for when they met inside her bedroom one night. She was wearing a red drawstring hoodie, black leggings, and white socks. Meanwhile, Ricky was wearing a blue shirt under a denim jacket, blue jeans, and black socks

She handed Ricky a script she had printed out. “Have you ever heard of Urinetown?” she asked.

Ricky had to chuckle. “Heh…urine.”

Lily rolled her eyes. Silly teenage boys and their affinity for bathroom humor. “It’s a musical about corruption, corporate mismanagement, and capitalism. See, a terrible drought creates a water shortage that affects toilets. A megacorporation takes over toilet activities and forces people to pay to pee, or else suffer severe consequences.”

She could see Ricky trying to hold in his giggles. “Take this seriously!” she said, gently hitting his arm. “Anyway, the scene I wanted to practice happens during Act Two. Bobby, a dashing young everyman leads a rebellion to let people pee for free. The rebellion takes Hope Cladwell, the ravishing daughter of the megacorp’s CEO who’s torn between love and her loyalty to those she knows, hostage. She tied to a chair and gagged when Bobby talks with her after the other rebels leave them together.”

Ricky glanced through the script. “OK, let’s do this.”
“Great. But first…”

Lily went to her closet and pulled out several scarves. She handed them to Ricky, then pulled up the chair from her desk and sat down, the script in her hands. “Here, go ahead.”
“OK. It’s your line first.”
“Huh? No, I meant tie me up.”

Lily looked right at Ricky as she said this. She savored the look of shock on his face. “Are you serious?” he asked.
“Of course I am. Hope is tied up in the scene, and I should be to act her out. Besides, you’re acting like this is the first time we’ve used props during our scenes.”
“But this is different-”

Lily put her hand on Ricky’s shoulder. “Ricky, just do it. I’m telling you to do this. Besides, I trust you.”

Hesitantly, Ricky nodded. He picked up a pink scarf as Lily placed her wrists in front of her. “In the musical, they tie the hands in the front so Hope can clap along to ‘Run Freedom Run’ with the rest of the cast,” Lily explained. “I watched videos of it to prepare for today. It’s cute if you ignore the fact that with her hands in the front, she could probably get free in five seconds.”

Ricky finished tying Lily’s wrists together. She tugged against them to find the binds were pretty tight. “Not bad, Bowen. Are you sure you haven’t done this before to a cute girl like me?”

Ricky started to stammer out an answer, evidently flustered. Lily laughed and cut her off. “Relax, I was just kidding. Here, get my legs now.”

Ricky took a blue scarf and tied them together. “OK, now that you’re all tied up and nowhere to go, we can start-”
“Hold on. You forgot something.”

Rolling her eyes, Lily pointed at her script. “Right at the bottom of page 81. ‘Bobby takes off Hope’s gag’.”
“So, you want me…”

“‘To gag you?’,” Lily finished Ricky’s sentence. “Yes, Ricky. This is a scene about a captor talking to their hostage. The captor gagged the hostage so they can’t make noise, but now the captor wants to talk with the hostage. So the captor takes the gag out. But for there to be a gag to remove…”

Ricky realized Lily was prompting him to finish the sentence. “...I have to apply one?”

Ricky took a white scarf and held it up to Lily’s mouth. She opened wide and allowed him to tie the scarf between her teeth and tie it over her blonde hair. “Is that good? Is it too tight?”
“Ihz gud, Rukky. Uhr yuh ruddy?”
“Uh, yeah.”

Lily waited for Ricky to pull her gag down to start the scene. Instead, she caught him staring at her, encaptured by how she looked. “Uh, uth tuh Rukky?”

Ricky snapped out of his trance. “Huh? Oh, right. Sorry.”

Taking a second to get into character, Ricky walked over and pulled Lily’s gag down. “Hello, Bobby,” she said after taking a second to get the taste of the scarf out of her mouth.

“Hello, Hope.”
“So this is the bright, new day you were telling me about…”
“I don’t blame you for being angry with me, Hope. But your father gave us no choice.”

Lily stomped her tied-together feet against the floor to emphasize her character’s frustration and anger. “They may not have taught me much at the Most Expensive University in the World, but they taught me this much: kidnapping people is wrong!”
“Really, they taught you that there?”

Lily turned her head, her character feeling foolish. “I thought we had something special together, Bobby.”

Ricky put his hand on Lily’s cheek. “We do have something special together, Hope. But until freedom rules the people of this land instead of fear, love has about as much chance as a baby bunny drowning in a vat of boiling water.”

Lily looked down, her character resigned. “Maybe less.”
“I didn’t mean to drag you into this mess, Hope.”
“And I didn’t mean to... oh, I guess I don’t know what I meant to do.”

Ricky stepped back. “Look to your heart, Hope. I think the answer to what you want is waiting for you there, deep down, somewhere among the tissues.”

The script called for Bobby to leave. A bit awkwardly, Ricky walked across the room. Even then, Lily looked to where he had exited as if he were a million miles away. “Wait a minute, when will I see you again?”

Taking a deep breath, Lily began to sing. “When darkness surrounds you
And you lose your way
You have your own compass
That turns night to day
And it's even with you
Before you depart
Be still, hear it beating
It's leading you
Follow your…”

Lily burst into tears, bowing her head. “Oh, Bobby…”

Ricky waited a few seconds, unsure whether or not Lily was having a genuine emotional breakdown. Right as he was going to check on her, her head snapped back up. “And scene,” she said with a smile. “How was that?”

Ricky was startled for a moment. Despite how much time they’d been spending together, he would occasionally forget how good of an actress Lily was. “It was…”

Lily pounced on his hesitation. “What, you didn’t like my singing?” she teased. “Would you have preferred it if I still had the gag in my mouth?”
“No, it was awesome, amazing!”

Lily smiled before biting her lip. “So…what was that staring at me before the scene started?”

Ricky started to blush heavily, evidently embarrassed. “I was just distracted by-”
“Distracted by the pretty bound and gagged girl? Hmm…I’ll have to remember this the next time I pick out scenes for us to do...

Before Ricky could stammer out a response, his phone vibrated. Big Red was calling him. “Thank God,” Ricky thought to himself. “Be right back,” he told Lily before leaving the room.

Lily sat in the chair, smirking. Despite being bound hand and foot with her gag still hanging around her neck, she was the one with Rickey Bowen trapped in a web of desire…or deceit. She still had to figure out just which one it was…
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