ONE FOR LUCK (mm/mmmmm) Updated 12th November.

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Then There Were Two

By now the strain on JT’s arms was getting a bit much even for him but, even so, he didn’t really want the longest and weirdest tie-up in which he’d ever been involved to come to an end too soon. Being the one who had been tied for the longest, he could really have done with a loo break but he’d even come to accept that he might have to go on the garage floor. However, the consequences of having to sit in the result for goodness knew how long afterwards made him decide to try to hold it as best he could. At that point Matt brutally snatched the clips from his nipples. That nearly did it.

By now what Max had previously believed about JT had become blindingly obvious to both him and Matt: he wasn’t too concerned about being released. That made them feel better about the fact that they had used an innocent boy to help imprison Max’s brother.

So, to business.

“Hello Karl.” said Max as he lifted his brother’s head by the chin, “You might think that it’s your turn to be released now. Wro-ong! When Matt has finished with you, I’ve got a long list of grievances to avenge. Sorry JT, you can’t go yet but it’s about time you took a break.” Was that a happy or a despairing sigh he heard?

“Now, if you promise to be a good boy and not to try to escape, Matt will take you to the loo. Agreed?” The nodding of JT’s head (and his attempt to scrunch his knees as close to his abdomen as possible whilst rocking back and forwards as much as his restraints would allow) implied a strong affirmative answer. Matt cut the rope round JT’s wrists with a resultant cross between a sigh and a scream that could be heard distinctly through the layers of his gag. Matt allowed him quite some time to shake his arms and massage his wrists before ordering him to put his hands palm to palm. JT felt cable ties being fastened to each wrist and then joined together presumably by another. Matt didn’t tie him too tightly but JT was highly unlikely to try to escape in any case. Next the rope tying Karl’s left ankle to his thigh needed loosening before the two prisoners could be separated at the waist. Matt made a note that using the same rope for both jobs was a strategic mistake. Both prisoners heaved enormous sighs of relief. If you’ve never seen someone sigh with their whole body, you should have seen those two. Before Matt unstrapped their necks, Max tied Karl’s left ankle tightly to his right knee. He forced the free end of the rope between both Karl’s elbows, pulled tight and secured the end back down by his left ankle again. With the removal of the strap joining Karl and JT at the neck, the prisoners were separated and Max just let his brother collapse in a ball on the garage floor.

Placing one foot on his brother’s helpless body, Max stepped over him to help Matt with JT. While Matt cut the tape around JT’s ankles, Max looped the belt that had previously been joining the two prisoners together round the tie joining JT’s wrists and hauled him to his feet. Both boys supported him while he regained his equilibrium. That took quite a few minutes. Matt then took hold of the end of the belt and led JT out of the garage. He’d noticed earlier that the cottage retained the ancient outdoor privy at the back.

“Does the outdoor bog still work?”

“Mmm mmm.” answered JT feeling grateful that relief was that near and nodding his head rapidly.

“OK. I’m going to lead you in there and close the door. You’ll have two minutes for a piss then I’m coming in for you. Understand?”

“Mmm mmm.” affirmed JT even more frantically.

The deed done rather noisily and quite copiously, Matt reclaimed his captive who had managed to readjust his Speedos just in time.


“Mmmmm mmmm mmmm!”

Prisoner and escort headed back to the garage. As they did so, they heard the phone ring inside the cottage. After a few rings, the answer machine cut in. Matt thought it would be wise to listen to the message so he led JT into his own home through the back door that he had not bothered to shut when Karl and he went outside for their wrestling match. By the time they got to the phone the message was well underway. It was obviously JT’s dad. The message finished and Matt replayed it.

“Jason, it’s your dad. I’m not going to be finished by ten o’clock tonight so I’m staying over ‘til tomorrow. You know what I think about driving on these crummy British roads. Their freeways, or whatever they call them, are OK but all those roundabouts before I get to them and after I get off them are not my favorite at night, especially driving on the wrong side of the road. Sorry son, but you’ll have to phone for a take-out. I’ve left some cash in the usual place. Sorry and I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you, Jason.”

“Yes, there IS a God!” shouted Matt, rejoicing and he led JT back to give Max the good news.

Having been relieved, JT was strangely ambivalent about the news. He could guess what Matt and Max would decide to do. He was right: they both rang home and made arrangements to sleep over. Max told his mother that Karl said he was sleeping round a friend’s place but that he wouldn’t say which one. She’d go ape-shit when he got home!

Matt told JT to sit and he forced his knees up between his arms. A broom was used to stop him withdrawing his knees.

Reviewing the Situation II

Max and Matt needed to re-plan so they had a drink about things courtesy of JT’s fridge again.

They had:
• Revenged themselves on Aiden and Jonny
• Arranged for Aiden and Jonny to be their slaves for quite some time
• Taken Karl prisoner and could keep him overnight
• Made sure that Karl would be found so much to do by his mother that he would be unlikely to have any free time for at least the next three weeks
• Got enough blackmail material to make sure that they were not going to get into trouble
• Got an available house to use as a dungeon

They needed to:
• Take turns to go home and get a change of clothes and a sleeping bag
• Feed themselves (and JT and, probably, Karl too)
• Think of some creative ways to entertain their captives (without being TOO nasty to JT)
• Oh yes, and let Karl go for a piss

They decided to:
• Send out to the brilliant local Kebab shop for a home-delivery
• Take a while to think of ways of torturing Karl. They had no shortage of ideas.
• Not leave JT out; he obviously enjoyed being a captive
• Start torturing Karl as soon as he’d been allowed to go to the toilet.

Paying Attention to Karl

Karl was getting fed up with being trodden on every time one of the younger boys needed to cross the garage (and one or two times when there was no real need as well) but, being drawn into a ball, he could do nothing to avoid the trespassing feet. Then he heard the most welcome words he had ever heard in his life: “Need a piss, Karl?”

He nodded his head as best he could. They’d have to untie him. Perhaps he could escape while they were taking him to the cottage. It’s surprising how devious younger brothers can be once they’ve gained the upper hand.

Matt checked to see that Karl’s fists were still securely bunched and added a lot more turns of packing tape. All the subtle work that Karl had put into loosening his tape mittens went for nothing. Meanwhile Max released the rope pulling his brother into a ball but his left ankle remained connected to his right knee. Matt helped Max to lift Karl so that he was standing on his right foot supported by his gaolers. Max kept hold of his tottering big brother while Matt took another rope, threaded it between Karl’s tightly bent elbows and pulled it tight, drawing them as close together as possible and putting a great strain on Karl’s arms and wrists. Leaving the ends of both ropes trailing Max and Matt took an arm each and supported Karl whilst forcing him to hop out of the garage and across the lawn.

Karl was wondering why he hadn’t reached the path to the cottage. What was wrong? He soon found out.

“You don’t need a toilet, you can’t wet clothes you’re not wearing and no one else can see you. We’re going to tie you to the clothes post and you can just go where you are.” With that, Max offered to take “the risky part” and looped Karl’s leg rope around the post and tied the end round his left ankle again while Matt threaded the end of the elbow rope through the anchoring ring at the top of the post. A sharp pull forced Karl’s elbows high forcing him to arch his back. The rope was secured once more to itself allowing Karl no relief.

“OK, we’ll leave you to get on with things.” said Max giving his brother a hefty swat on his backside before returning to the garage with Matt. This wasn’t what Karl expected at all! He tried to tough it out for about half an hour before he just had to let go. Perhaps he would be taken down once he had relieved himself?

Once they had returned to the garage Matt and Max thought that an “interrogation” of JT was in order.

Without a word, Matt’s trusty penknife made a repeat appearance. With the extensive job that Karl had made of blindfolding and gagging his TUG buddy, it was difficult to know where to start. At least the foundation of a football scarf had kept the tape out of JT’s hair to a considerable extent. Once all the tape was off and the sweat- and saliva-soaked scarf was revealed, Matt warned JT not to speak except in direct answer to a question. Did he understand? JT nodded.

Matt untied the sodden scarf and draped the unpleasant object over JT’s shoulders.

“Need a drink?” asked Max somewhat redundantly.

“Yes please, Sir” came the rather surprising reply.

Max was already prepared from his previous visit to the Toddmans’ fridge and he offered the straw from a small carton of orange juice to JT’s mouth. JT sucked like orange juice was going out of supply.


“Permission to speak, Sir?”


“Please may I have a glass of water, Sir?”

Max went to the kitchen and drew a fresh glass of tap water. JT was fed the liquid slowly. He hadn’t got used to the chlorine taste of the local water but he wasn’t arguing. The glass was drained and the submissive prisoner said, “Thank you, Sir.”

Matt apologised to JT for the necessity of keeping him prisoner but assumed that, being obviously Karl’s TUG buddy, he didn’t mind being tied up too much. And so it went on. By the end of the “interrogation”, JT knew that Karl would be kept prisoner and tortured in his home overnight and had agreed to remain tied up to keep him “out of the way”. Now that was something like it! Lastly Matt asked JT for his home delivery order and JT told him where to find the money.

Following his interrogation, JT once more thought that this place wasn’t too bad at all.

Thinking about the posture into which their prisoner had been forced, Max asked if he needed re-tying in another position. JT turned the opportunity down without even knowing how he would let his captors know if he did need releasing but Matt told him to try saying his name if he did. The rhythm of, “/Ay - uh,O - u—/“ should be clear enough; then he could be asked if he needed his gag removing.

“Last chance for the bog” offered Matt.

“No, thank you, Sir.” Said JT slipping effortlessly back into his role.

Matt thought better of trying to reapply the wringing wet football scarf to his prisoner’s face and searched his bag of goodies for something else. He found one of his neckerchiefs and bundled it into a roll which he fitted into JT’s unresisting mouth. He didn’t want too much work to undo when the food arrived so he just held the wad in place with one of his straps which was wound twice round JT’s neck and buckled in his mouth. JT wondered if he had made a sensible decision as one of Matt’s hoods, buckled loosely in place, ensured that he was unable to see.

While this was happening, Karl was trying to avoid standing in any newly wet grass and hoping that his discomfort would be alleviated soon. He heard Max approaching; he was evidently on his phone. “. . . and a megaburger, a Hawaiian and a shish. Can we please have garlic bread and three portions of chips? Does that come with free Coke? Thank you, bring it to . . .” Karl noticed that he didn’t seem to have been included in the order.

“Ooo look, baby’s been a naughty boy and wet himself.” This was probably stretching things a bit far but Max couldn’t care less for the niceties after suffering so long under the tyranny of his brother’s blackmail. Any excuse would do. “Naughty baby!” And Max picked up a belt from Karl’s own pile of toys. “I think that requires six of the best.” With that, Max doubled the strap and counted as he delivered six powerful blows “and one for luck”.

Poor Karl, he was stretched tight and hopping on one leg. There was no way he could avoid his brother’s lashes even if he could see.

“Oh, that’s not fair, Max. He doesn’t deserve a beating. He just needs tickling to make sure that he’s “empty”. For the next ten minutes Matt attacked his helplessly exposed armpits, his inner thighs and even the exposed sole of his left foot. Giggling soon gave way to grunting and Karl found breathing becoming increasingly difficult. Tied as he was Karl found even wriggling almost impossible. But he did his best!

“I don’t think we can be really sure yet.” said Max, taking over from his friend. Karl’s body was running with sweat and the pain in his arms competed with the pain of the tickling for predominance. If there WAS anything left in his bladder, Karl would have expelled it just to stop the torture but, once again, he was out of luck. Surely this had to stop soon? Surely they’d take him down from this torture stake before he collapsed? Surely they’d feed and water him? Surely his brother would soon have pity on him? Karl was not enjoying himself.

“I suppose we’d better get him inside before the food arrives, we don’t want to chance his being seen.” suggested Matt.

“You spoil all my fun!”

“Come on, let’s move him.”

Matt released the rope stretching Karl and he fell to the ground with a muffled yell. Max noticed that he hadn’t knocked his head and so made no attempt to comfort him. He did, however, release his left leg from his right knee. The rope was used to hobble Karl to make it easier to move him. Matt thought it was about time to allow Karl to move his arms which had been bent and tied to his neck for several hours. The rope holding them in place was untied leaving the short rope cuff between Karl’s wrists. As he stretched his arms to pass the cuffs over his head, the relief was almost balanced by the pain but slowly the pain and the cramps subsided.

“Say thank you.”

“U---- ooo!”

“That didn’t sound like “thank you” to me. Oh well, back they go.”

Karl felt his wrists being pulled back behind his neck and then he tried to say, “Thank you” in spades.

“That’s better.” said Max generously, not that he could really understand what his brother was saying, and he stopped forcing his hands behind his neck.

While Karl was still on the ground, Matt took the rope that was released when Karl’s wrists were freed from his neck and tied a loop in the end. He threaded the rope onto the wrist cuffs and passed the free end between Karl’s legs, (not being too fussy about avoiding his more tender parts) up his back and fastened it with a non-slip knot to Karl’s neck. That would pull unpleasantly when he was forced to stand.

Max grabbed the rope just below his brother’s neck and hauled him to his feet. Karl really did not want to stand up straight. He guessed, once he felt the path under his feet, that he was being taken into the house. At least that’s what he hoped; it was either that or he was being taken into the road! The instruction, “Step up” relieved his worst fears. Karl felt himself taken through the kitchen and into the living room where he was forced to the floor. He immediately curled up and tried to adjust the rope that was causing him such discomfort.

“Now, now, Boy, no trying to escape or it’s back out to the clothes post.” Karl tried, unintelligibly, to reassure Max that he wasn’t trying to escape, merely (and somewhat vainly) to re-position the rope into a less painful position. Watching his brother’s mitted hands, Max got the message which Matt quickly consigned to video.

“That whining’s getting very annoying.” announced Matt somewhat disingenuously as very little sound was escaping the briefs and the mound of packing tape. “I would suggest you keep much quieter.” Karl gave up the attempt and just tried to find a position in which to lie that took the most strain off his aching body.

Once again Max put his foot on his brother and stepped over him as Matt and he went out into the garage to attend to JT.

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Post by gaggedfeety »

I loved them thinking over what they accomplished, what they needed to do, etc. And poor JT, it seems like everyone can tell he's enjoying it, even if he's getting pushed a bit, but I appreciated them not wanting to be too harsh to him. After all, Karl is the main star haha. Can't wait to see what they have planned!!
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Thanks for the detailed appreciation. Such reactions mean a lot.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Dinner Time

As soon as JT heard Matt and Max arrive in the garage, he stopped struggling. He had enjoyed the inescapability of his situation but had got himself stuck lying on his side with the broom head forced up against his arms.

“Having fun?”

JT would have had to reply that, other than getting the feeling that he had been left on his own, he was.

“Time for dinner. Come on.” With that, Matt helped JT to sit upright and pulled the broom out from between his knees and his elbows. Grabbing the belt that was still hanging from JT’s wrists, Matt led him into his own kitchen. In the meantime Max had rescued more of Karl’s ropes from the pile on the lawn.

JT was sat on a chair and his hands were freed. He offered no resistance as his arms were forced between the slats of the chair-back and his wrists crossed and bound behind them. Max took the belt that had just been removed from JT’s wrists and cinched it tightly round both his waist and the central slat of the chair-back. Matt cross-lashed the young American’s ankles leaving his feet well clear of the floor. JT was used to playing TUGs with his buddies back home but he soon realised that these two, especially Matt, really knew what they were doing. He felt a rope being looped through the belt in front of him and pulled through. The free ends were then forced under JT’s bum and pulled tight; Matt ensured that the doubled rope passed each side of JT’s bulge without pinching him. That ensured that JT would not be able to slip out of the belt. While Max forced his ankles backwards and over the cross spindle of the chair, Matt threaded one end between JT’s ankles. He knotted the two free ends and pulled tight. By the time he had finished and knotted the rope several times JT was unable to move his backside either forwards or backwards and totally unable to move his legs.

JT knew that his gaolers could have added even more restraints to him but he was aware that his “appreciation” must already be only too apparent to Max and Matt. They had the decency not to mention it. Once again JT wished he had the opportunity to adjust himself in his Speedos.

After a final check to see that their “host” was secure in his own home, Max went to collect his brother while Matt collected his rucksack and looked for more toys. The groan as soon as Karl realised that Max’s grip on the rope round his neck signalled the fact that he was about to be stood upright again was audible in the kitchen. Following a bit more noise as the rope tightened around his groin, Karl was led into the kitchen and made to sit on a chair. Max lifted his feet and untied them and hauled his brother onto them. He then kicked his feet until they were spread widely apart. Matt repositioned the chair and Karl was forced to sit on it, back to front.

Matt took one leg and a rope and Max took the other – and a rope. Karl soon found his legs curled round the back legs of the chair with his ankles pulled towards the front of it. A few minutes later and the ropes had been returned and knotted around each leg and its adjacent chair leg until movement was practically impossible. As Karl sat hunched trying to alleviate his discomfort, Max undid the loop round his neck. Lifting his wrists started to draw the rope from behind Karl until Max pulled the rest free quickly and with a resultant squeal of alarm. “Oh sorry, Karl, I didn’t think about the rope burn! Now, now, language!”

When his smirk had subsided somewhat, Max fastened two large cable ties together and looped them between Karl’s rope cuff and the cross-spindle under the chair. Once Max had pulled them as tight as he wanted, Karl had no choice but to sit hunched, hugging the chair-back and unable to straighten his back.

A short while afterwards the food arrived and Matt paid with the money that Mr. Toddman had left for JT. JT didn’t begrudge that.

Matt put the bag on the kitchen table and went through the contents.

“Mega-burger. That’s mine.” The mega burger is a wonderful/disgusting sight depending upon which side of fifty years old one is: three burgers and ALL the trimmings arranged into a totally inadequate sesame bun(1). “Hawaiian pizza. That’s the Yank’s. Shish kebab. That’s yours, Mate. One of their huge rounds of garlic bread to share and three portions of chips. Sorry, JT, proper chipped potatoes, not your rubbishy reconstituted French fries. Oh, and a two litre bottle of Coke and various sachets of gunge. Hey, they’ve even put a buckshee pot of curry sauce in.”

Karl thought he had spotted an omission.

Matt opened a tray of chips and poured the curry sauce all over them while Max opened another and drenched the contents with tomato ketchup (JT’s request) and yet another with vinegar (and tomato ketchup!) for himself. It didn’t take long to locate some glasses and fill them with coke before Max and Matt tucked into their feast. They even removed JT’s hood, unstrapped his gag and allowed him to ask for pizza, chips or Coke which one of them would then feed him.

Karl was getting desperate; he had been gagged for many hours and hadn’t even been offered a glass of water since breakfast.

“Mnnn eee, oo aaafss.”

“Sorry, Karl, we forgot you, sorry.”


“Please shut up, you’re spoiling our dinner.”


“Ooo, has Baby thrown his toys out of the pram? Naughty Baby.” taunted Max as he started to apply a few swats of his hand to Karl’s backside.

If Karl’s face had not been swathed in packing tape, it would have been difficult to tell whether his tears were those of distress or rage. Max’s plan was working.

When the three boys who were dining had eaten and drunk their fill, JT was heard to say, “Thank you, Sirs.”

That signalled the end of eating possibilities to Karl. JT then allowed himself to be gagged again and was relieved to find Matt binding the material into place with packing tape rather than the previous jaw-tormenting belt. Although he wasn’t blindfolded again, JT couldn’t see anything more than about two metres away as anything but a blur due to the fact that he had removed his contacts before the morning’s wrestling bout.

“Need a drink of water, Karl?”

Karl sagged even more in his chair. He had the choice: accept his defeat and beg for the water he needed desperately or do without drink as well as food. He nodded his head.

Once more, Matt’s trusty penknife came into its own. Following a safety warning Matt set to work. The first few layers round Karl’s lower face came away quite easily but the last two or three took substantial quantities of hair with them. “Now, now, Boy, any language like that and we’ll just replace the tape. Understand?” Karl nodded and was allowed to spit out his Adidas briefs.

Matt held up a two-litre bottle of water to Karl’s mouth and gave him the contents gently. When he’d had enough Karl said, “Thank you, Master.” He was learning.

“Seeing as you’ve been such a good boy, you may eat now.”

Karl was confused. He hadn’t heard the start of the home delivery order, which had deliberately been lodged before he could overhear the phone call, which contained a burger for Karl. It was no longer hot but Karl took grateful mouthfuls as it was offered up to him. He even got plenty of the left over, but also cold, chips. His “Thank you, Master.” was even quite sincere when he had finished.

“Open up.” Karl was tempted to beg not to have his, by now disgusting, briefs replaced but thought better of it. He was relieved to find that something else was used instead. The neckerchief had been rolled tight but still filled his mouth and stopped his tongue completely. “Close your lips.” Karl did his best and Max taped the gag into place efficiently with about six rounds of packing tape.

After Dinner Entertainments

Having made sure that both of their prisoners were safely secured to their chairs, the younger boys decided that Matt would go home first to collect his overnight gear. It would also allow him to return the wheelie bin before his father missed it.

Karl dreaded what he was hearing. He would be left in the care of his little brother who would surely torture him mercilessly until Matt returned. He didn’t think that Matt would be in any hurry to return and would be gone for at least an hour. He wasn’t too far off.

The sight of a blonde, crew-cut, fourteen-year-old taking a wheelie bin for a walk might, to some people, have seemed to be bizarre but, all the while Matt spoke to it as it did what he wanted it to, no-one seemed to consider it worth remarking upon. Strange that. School drama lessons seemed to be valuable as well design tech. ones.

While Matt was gone, Karl’s worst fears materialised. Max started his check list, “Armpits?” and made an exploratory tickle of both Karl’s unprotected pits “Check!” Karl jerked around but he could not avoid his brother’s assault. “Neck and chin?” Max got a very gratifying response from tickling Karl’s bent neck and then pulled his head backwards by the hair and got an even better reaction under his chin. “Check!” And so the “inspection” proceeded: sides, thighs, feet and belly. With each, “Check!” Max made careful mental notes of the best reactions.

“That all seems to be in order. Right then, let’s go.” So saying Max launched an attack on both sides of his brother’s torso simultaneously. Karl squealed and jerked around so violently that the chair started moving around. After about ten minutes, Karl was snorting like a bull and having real difficulty drawing breath. “Sorry, Boy, but I find this quite exhausting.” said Max as he stopped to mop his brow with a handy tea-towel and started yet another glass of Coke.

In between the heavy breathing the muffled “Eee, Aaa, owe!” noises were in fact Karl’s desperate attempts to beg for mercy.

“What’s that Karl? Why have I stopped? Oh, alright then, since you ask so nicely.” With that Max launched an even more frenzied attack upon his brother’s neck and all the way down his sides again and round to his belly. Max was, in effect, now hugging his brother negating even the small amount of movement of which he was previously capable. “You know, I’m just getting my second wind. I think I could keep this up for quite some time yet.”

“Eeeeeeeeeee! Oohh!” could be heard between snatched breaths but Max didn’t seem to understand.

The assault ceased after about fifteen minutes while Max removed his shirt and t-shirt, mopped himself down a bit and took another mouthful of Coke.

Karl’s desperate pleading continued throughout the break.

“Let’s see, shall I replace that swimming costume in your mouth before I start again or are you going to stop that squealing now?” Karl even considered the option. At least it would put off the next assault on his sensitive parts. He decided, however, that he couldn’t face it and quietened down.

“And the next contestant right this way, please!” called Max as he explained the new rules to his victim. For every minute that Karl could keep quiet while his thighs and waist were tickled Max would allow him two minutes free from tickling. “Ready? Go!” and ten very flexible musician’s digits went to work.

Karl lasted forty-five seconds by the kitchen clock before a prolonged, “Aaaah –h – a-h-a” escaped his gag.

“Oh, so sorry, not even a minute. Donggg!”

As good as his word, Max gave his brother a minute and a half to recover.

“And now for the feet!” Max settled on the floor and managed to attack both of Karl’s feet simultaneously. Karl’s giggling, grunting and attempts at evasion made Max reconsider this tactic as he couldn’t restrain both of Karl’s feet adequately while attacking them both so he re-positioned himself so that he could hold the right foot firmly whilst working on it for a good ten minutes before swapping to the left foot.

Max thought it was time for another mop down and a drink.

Matt arrived to find a very hyper, bare-chested Max and a very sweaty and exhausted Karl. “What have you done to him?” asked Matt as he noticed that Karl flinched considerably every time his mate touched him.

“Just didn’t want him to feel lonely, that’s all. Want a go?”

With that, Karl’s whole body flinched. “Oooowe, eeeee!”

Matt said he’d pass for now and Karl sagged forwards even more. He couldn’t see the pheasant feathers Matt had brought with him.

Max decided that he’d go and get his overnight things and promised not to be long. He couldn’t wait to get back to tormenting his big brother.

“It would be rude to ignore our host.” announced Matt as he took a feather and approached JT who saw what was about to happen to him as his torturer drew closer. JT had a certain scope for movement but not enough to stop Matt tormenting him by running the feather round his navel and belly in general before proceeding to the exposed insides of his thighs. JT was soon reduced to jerking, panting desperation. Matt had to stop for a while because there was a danger of JT tipping over the chair to which he was tied.

“This serves you right for keeping the wrong company, Boy,” taunted Matt with a nod towards where Karl was still recovering from his own ordeal. The next attack featured Matt’s strong and active fingers which played all round JT’s chin and neck, worked their way down his chest, sides and waist and down to the insides of his thighs again. That was the best reaction! After a break to draw breath (his own, not JT’s!), Matt took up the other pheasant feather and settled on the floor. Such a long feather made access to JT’s feet easy. Poor JT’s soles and even between his toes got a comprehensive seeing to until there was once more a danger of the chair being tipped over.

After about half an hour JT was left sweating, whimpering and drawing desperate breaths through his nose. Max returned with his kit having run most of the way home and back. He was feeling especially smug having just repeated the lie about what Karl was supposed to have said to him earlier to his mum. Max was right; she went ballistic. Just think what she’d do when Karl himself returned home!

Max explained this to Matt. Karl groaned.

(1) Easily discarded
(2) Intelligibility censored in the interests of decency
(3) See note (2)


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Post by gaggedfeety »

What a continuation!! Loved the after dinner fun with Karl and JT. And poor JT haha, he does love it, but in a way he ended up like this similar to Max and Matt... but they are being kinder to him, so I guess it's okay :D :D
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you.
I think he's settled in better than he expected.
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Post by Socksbound »

[mention]Xtc[/mention] love this chapter although I feel for Karl being made to wait while the others ate. Your attention to detail is awe inspiring. The way you describe the tying is absolutely brilliant.
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Thank you for that appreciation but may I assure you that Karl does not deserve your sympathy; ask Max.
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Post by Socksbound »

Yes I know I understand that I’m just nice and innocent and feel sorry for him :lol: :lol:

It’s just so good a story and so well written that I felt for him this time anyway hahaha
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A Quiet Evening In Front of the Telly

Matt and Max agreed that it had been an exhausting day and that they fancied watching the telly for a while. Shame that the programming was such rubbish.

Matt went across to JT and asked what DVD’s he had but he found the answer difficult to understand. “OK, you’ll have to show me.” With that he untied JT’s wrists and allowed him to withdraw his arms from the chair-back. JT was told to bend forwards, not an easy feat with the tight belt holding him back in the chair, but he did his best while Matt pulled his arms across his back and started tying his wrists to his opposite elbows. One rope was used to attach JT’s right wrist to his left elbow and another to attach the other elbow and wrist. That rope was then bound firmly along the length of JT’s forearms and tied off at the other end leaving JT’s arms, in effect, mummified. Matt checked the tension and did his best to equalise it along the length; JT could be like that for quite some time. The free ends of the other rope were passed across the victim’s back, under his right armpit and across the back of his neck. Once it had been pulled tight, forcing JT’s arms to move some distance to the right, it was threaded back under the other armpit, across his upper back again before being tied off near the right elbow. Matt then jerked JT’s arms back into a more symmetrical position.

JT groaned.

“OK, Boy?”

JT nodded.

“What’s your name?”

JT shook his head silently.

Having given his prisoner the opportunity to give the safety signal, Matt completed the job. The remainder of the long rope was looped between JT’s upper arms a couple of times and then cinched off close to his arms on both sides thus drawing JT’s arms together and making struggling close to impossible.

JT groaned again. Or was it a sigh?

Just for safety, Matt asked once more, “What’s your name, Boy?” and lifted JT upright. JT looked at him, wide-eyed, and shook his head.

Before long JT’s feet were free and the belt had been removed allowing him to stand up. Matt assisted him to his feet and both Max and he supported him for a while as he flexed himself to the full extent of which he was still capable. After a couple of minutes Matt forced him back into the seat and suggested that, as a “security measure” Max should hobble his feet. Matt supported JT’s ankles and Max applied a very secure set of rope cuffs that would allow JT to walk, and even climb stairs, but not to get anywhere fast.

Karl would have given almost anything to have been released from his chair; he’d been unable to straighten his back for rather too long as far as he was concerned. His attempt to plead through his gag was not only ill-advised but also ineffective. Max just got annoyed with him.

Leaving JT sitting in his own place, Max grabbed some of the toothed plastic bag ties and headed towards his brother.

“As you seem to feel hard done by, I wouldn’t like you to feel that you were being ignored. Try these.” Max then fastened the wide-mouthed spiked clips onto his brother’s ear-lobes and some smaller ones onto his nipples. Karl was unable to straighten up enough to scrape them off against the back of the chair. His resultant squealing was quite spectacular but was nowhere intense enough to invoke pity in his brother.

“Max?” said Matt with a questioning look on his face as he nodded his head towards Karl.

“He’ll be alright. He deserves it. I’ve been bullied and blackmailed by him for years and I’ll probably not get this chance again.”

“Fair enough, as long as you’re sure.” Karl wished he had been given a “safety word” to say. He would certainly have used it. He didn’t really understand that his brother, in spite of his desire for revenge, would not actually subject him to any serious danger.

Having decided that, Matt turned his attention to JT once more. He looped the discarded belt round his “host’s” neck and yanked him to his feet. “OK, Boy, take me to your CD’s.”

JT thought that he could take Matt straight to the “family” collection (that is to say, his dad’s) in the front room but that it would be better to introduce him to his own (limited) collection that he had built up since being in Britain. The two boys climbed the stairs to JT’s bedroom, negotiated the various items of clothing, sports gear, hardware, software and other sundry objects littering the floor (JT wasn’t like his dad in that respect) until they reached the collection of DVD’s lined up (sort of) in the window sill. Matt selected three films for Max’s approval and the two boys returned to the kitchen. JT was glad not to have been blindfolded during these manoeuvres.

Matt found Max flicking the clips attached to his brother’s nipples and ears and saying, “Be quiet, Karl.” before each flick. Karl was obviously trying not to vocalise but was equally obviously not succeeding. Matt couldn’t help wondering what Max had threatened to make him even try. “Oh, if he can keep quiet while I flick all of the clips once, I’ll stop doing it. He hasn’t managed it yet.”

“Fair enough. Have a look at these while you carry on. Which one do you fancy?”

Max selected a DVD and Matt led JT into the front room where the TV and home cinema was set up. The belt was removed from JT’s neck and he was told to lie face down on the floor whereupon it was used to draw his hobbles towards his arms leaving him in a fairly loose hog-tie.

Matt returned to the kitchen to find Max still busy “entertaining” his brother.

“You coming to watch this film? What’re you going to do with him?”

“Sorry, Bro’, got to stop, something else to do, sorry.” Max’s smug count was going up all the time and the best bit about it was that Karl couldn’t afford to do anything about it afterwards. Then he gleefully pulled the clips from his brother’s body.

“Now, if you promise to behave, you can come into the front room with us. Otherwise I could always find somewhere even more 'sensitive' to attach these clips.” Karl actually believed that he would do it. “Which is it to be: clips or film? . . . Clips?” Karl shook his head rapidly. “Or film?” Karl nodded resignedly. “Good choice, Boy, but remember, I’m taking the clips with me.”

“At last,” thought Karl, “a chance to straighten up.” Little did he think . . .

Matt cut the cable ties thus enabling Karl to sit upright at last but Max kept a firm grip on his short rope cuffs. There were many things that Karl would not have wanted to happen next and having his wrists forced behind his neck again was high up the list. Ho –hum! Karl’s wrists were fastened into place with one of Matt’s old neckerchiefs before Max and Matt started untying his legs. His legs free, Max hauled him to his feet and made him kneel on the chair where Matt used the rope he had just untied to fasten Karl’s ankles tightly in parallel and also his knees. That left plenty of free rope for later.

“Come on, little bunny rabbit, time for a walk – or is that a hop?” With that, Max lifted Karl backwards from the chair and, keeping hold of the neckerchief, forced his brother to bunny-hop all the way from the kitchen, through the living room and into the front room. Max didn’t go out of his way to help his newly acquired bunny rabbit to avoid all the obstacles. Once in place Max decided that Karl would make a very useful bunny-shaped footstool. I suppose that it did involve a certain amount of artistic licence but Karl would have an arched back, his arse in the air and his shoulders close to the ground just like a grazing rabbit. He was made to kneel, his wrists were freed from his neck and his forearms were forced to the floor. Max pushed his elbows against his knees and Matt used the rope attached to Karl’s knees to fasten his elbows to them so that he couldn’t uncurl himself. There was some discussion of whether it was necessary to tie his neck down to his wrists.

“Ngg ngh”, said Karl shaking his head.

“Ask nicely.”

“Eeee, eee owe, euh.” Karl could really have said almost anything but Max granted his request nevertheless.

“Ooo look, I’ve got a bunny footstool.” Karl was then manhandled until his backside was against the sofa ready for when Max wanted to be seated. Max thought he’d make himself comfortable by removing his trainers and socks and, considering his labours probably to be at an end for a while, replacing his t-shirt.

“Does that sofa look comfortable to you, Max?

“It’d be better with an extra cushion, Matt.

With that, they lifted JT by the hog-tie strap and dumped him face down on the sofa. Matt unbuckled the strap and JT was rolled over onto his back. He got a feeling of déjà vu as Max took his place sitting on his chest and adjusting his feet on his brother’s back. Matt inserted the DVD and collected the controller and settled down on JT’s legs (with a cushion on top of them) to enjoy a couple of hours’ entertainment accompanied by more Coke from JT’s fridge. The irony was that, although JT could see the television, if he turned his head to the left, the lack of his contacts rendered the image a total blur.

During the first hour or so of the film Matt frequently fidgeted, adjusting his position, ostensibly making himself comfortable and Max often wriggled between JT’s chest and his belly. JT preferred it when his belly was used as a cushion because it gave some relief to his tightly bound arms.

JT had some time to think. How he had dreaded coming to this place before he got here. How pleased he was to have made friends in his excellent school. How things had looked up during that first expedition when his team had been captured. How things had looked up even more as Karl turned out to be his TUG buddy. And now this. He couldn’t care whether his enthusiasm showed.

He did share certain things with his father. They’d never discussed being tied up but JT knew that his father must have noticed certain give-away signs. There was a tacit understanding between them but his dad understood that it would have been embarrassing if he raised the subject in front of his son. All that mattered to him, as long as JT was safe, was that he was happy.

After a while Max got fed up with giving Karl his feet to smell and casually reaching forwards and tickling his brother’s waist and punishing him when he moved, so he asked Matt if he wanted to have a go with his brother.

“OK, let’s pause the film and make some different arrangements.”

Matt paused the film and both Max and he got off JT.

“I wouldn’t want to do you out of your footstool so I suppose we’d better make another one.”

“Thank you, Matt, I accept.”

With that JT found himself lifted off the sofa, knelt next to Karl and concertinaed into three. Matt connected a short rope between his neck and his knees. It wasn’t pulled too tight but there was no way of straightening himself out. Having arranged JT in a comfortable position, for himself that is - not for JT, Max resumed his seat and propped his legs on JT’s back with his smelly feet too close to his nose for comfort. With the practice he’d just had on his brother, he was becoming quite adept at using his feet as an instrument of torment.

Obviously Karl couldn’t see what had happened to his mate; he was just glad to be free from his brother’s attentions. Now it was Matt’s turn. He could be really annoying as he tickled Karl’s ears with his newly stripped-bare toes and lightly kicked the side of his head every time he flinched.

After the film resumed, Max entertained himself by resting his feet on JT’s arms, shoulders or back as he saw fit and demanding that his human footstool shuffle forwards or backwards to accommodate him. Max wasn’t going to allow his slave time to get bored.

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Post by Socksbound »

Ooohh nice [mention]Xtc[/mention] two perfect footstools so Matt and Max can relax. Exquisite descriptions of how they are tied it’s such a pleasure to imagine the intricacies of the rope work.
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Post by Xtc »

I get the awful feeling that Max in particular "paid hard for his learning" as the old song says.

Thank you for the encouragement.
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Post by gaggedfeety »

If it wasn't obvious, JT is my favorite. Him reflecting and thinking about how he's liking it all and is happy, even though they he's been through it. And I think I missed it, but I appreciate that they have a safety word for him. It's a good reminder not to go too far with JT and amek sure the attention is on Karl, who is the one who really needs to be punished!

Can't wait to see what happens next and what's in store! This was the last edition in the warbrand series, right?
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Thank you for that.
Yes, this is the last of the 'pure' Warbands series but, once I get the next few of the Sailor Boys and Land Farmers tales revised and re-posted, some of then will be ready to re-surface. You can't keep a ?good? man down.
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Supper Is Served

Eventually the film came to an end and Matt suggested that he was feeling peckish. Max agreed and suggested ringing the local Chinese. There was some discussion as the locality was well served with take-away outfits that did home deliveries to the village. The two boys couldn’t make a decision and that was making Max even more fidgety than he was previously.

JT thought he’d better take a hand. An indecipherable sound issued from the rather pale American boy as he tipped himself forward into a nose to the floor posture that he hoped his captors would consider submissive.

“Need your gag removing, boy?”

JT did his best to nod without lifting his face from the floor.

“What’s your name?”

JT did his best to say, “Jason Toddman” and Matt took that as the safety word, helped him to get his face away from the floor and took his hard-working penknife to the packing tape round his head. Once the plug had been spat from his mouth, JT said, “Permission to speak, Sirs?”

“This had better be good now you’ve given the emergency signal.”

“Please, Sirs, I don’t want release but I think I can help with your decision. And it would be free.”

“Carry on.” said Matt, having heard his favourite word.

“My dad will have put a large lasagne and various other things in the freezer. You could have that. If you will allow your slave to put his lenses in, he’ll get it and prepare it for you.”

Max and Matt decided that that was too good an offer to refuse. If JT “tried anything”, they always had his friend as a hostage and it seemed to them very unlikely that JT would be in any hurry to escape in any case. By now Karl had been blindfolded since quite early in the morning and, having heard JT, he thought that he’d try begging too.

Max just said, “Shut-up, Karl.” and shoved his face into the carpet with his foot. Karl was beginning to regret goading his brother into treating him like this, especially when he could see no prospect of pay-back. He fell on his side and, other than treading over him in his usual manner, Max just left him there. He did manage not to cry but it was getting to be a very close run thing.

Untying JT took quite some time even though his hobbles were left in place.

“Permission to speak, Sirs”

“On your knees, ankles crossed, hands on your head.” JT did as he was ordered.

“Permission to visit the bathroom before I prepare your supper, Sirs?”

Max was getting used to hearing JT referring to the “bathroom” when he wasn’t in the least interested in bathing when he was visiting Karl. But Matt still smirked at the unaccustomed American euphamism.

“Granted.” said Matt as he looped the strap round JT’s neck and hauled him to his feet on his way to the bathroom. A few minutes later the two boys reappeared and JT (who had inserted his lenses) took Matt to the freezer where he found the frozen lasagne that he put into the microwave ready for when he had prepared the rest of the meal. A quick trip to the salad crisper in the fridge and to the larder soon produced coleslaw and the makings of a side-salad which Matt left JT to prepare. But he did keep a careful eye on him.

Once he was ready JT switched the microwave on and took the salads through to the front room. A few more minutes and he delivered two portions of lasagne and cutlery and presented them to his gaolers. “Get some for yourself and you may sit on the floor and eat it.” Neither Matt nor Max even gave a thought to restraining their newly found slave who did as he was told and took the plates and cutlery away afterwards and washed everything up.

After his meal Max turned his unwanted attentions to Karl once more.

“Come on, Max, you’ve been treating him like shit for hours. Don’t you think it’s time for some carrot after all the stick you’ve been giving him?”

“Oh, alright. Need the bog, Karl?”

Karl nodded. He was even more in need now that he could hear the running water in the kitchen. Max untied the rope attaching Karl’s arms to his knees and also separated his knees and his ankles but not until certain “offers” had been made to him concerning his conduct. Why Max even bothered to make them, Karl couldn’t understand because he still couldn’t possibly use his taped fists to remove his gag or his blindfold and couldn’t possibly run away. Max even let his brother have a few minutes to “iron out the kinks” before giving him his next instructions.

Karl now found himself bound only by short rope cuffs round his wrists, but still naked, blindfolded and gagged. Max told him to slip his wrists behind him and helped him thread his feet between his arms. Karl did his best but Max had to force his bound wrists past his bum in the end. Although by no means fat, Karl was not exactly sylph-like. Max looped the belt round Karl’s neck and led him outside and into the old privy where he was told that he was allowed no more than five minutes to do what he needed to, wipe his arse and be ready to return. Karl felt the tape being cut from his left hand and also felt what he assumed was a loo roll put into his newly liberated palm.

“Remember, five minutes at most. Get on with it.” And Karl heard the door shut. He could have tried removing the tape round his other wrist and making a break for it but that would have taken him more than five minutes in itself and he knew there was no way he could get past both his brother and, he assumed, Matt without being able to see. He did what he needed to and even managed to clean himself afterwards well before Max opened the door.

“Say thank you!” I don’t think that’s what Karl really said next but Max just hauled him out of the privy and led him back into the kitchen, where JT was still hard at work, and sat him on a chair. He could smell the hot chocolate that JT had just made for his “masters” and that made his need for food even more acute. Max bound his ankles simply. Just enough to prevent escape.

Max noticed that JT had finished his appointed tasks and explained the situation to him. “Look I know you wouldn’t want to escape on your own behalf but we can’t have you helping your scum-bag friend, my brother. I’m afraid it’s time to be tied up again.” JT turned round and crossed his wrists behind him. Matt Knew that he wouldn’t be tied up alone for long so he fastened his wrists in a simple handcuff knot, pulled it tight and bound each of the loops round a few times to tighten them securely.

“On the floor, face down.” JT lay on the hard, tiled floor and Matt pulled his left foot up his back and slipped his foot between his wrists. He was surprisingly secure but wouldn’t have liked to stay like that for too long.

Max then read Karl’s fortune to him. Did he want something to eat? Karl nodded. “When I remove your gag and your blindfold, any attempt to speak and it’s ‘Hello, Mr Nipple Clips’. Understand?” Karl confirmed his understanding. It took Max over five minutes to free his brother’s face from the tape even though his sweat had loosened the blindfold somewhat over the day. WHOOOO, what a relief. Karl spent some time squinting, as his eyes adjusted to the light, and exercising his jaw while Matt returned a plate of lasagne to the microwave. Once Max had finished removing Karl’s gag, he pushed the chair up to the table where Matt had put the plate.


Karl looked at the pasta and desperately at his gaolers. How was he supposed to eat the food? He did manage not to speak.

“OK, I’ll cut it up for you.” Said Matt, “then get your face in there and get on with it. You’ll be eating anything you spill from the table or the floor.”

Karl did his best and managed at least not to spill anything on the floor. However he got the distinct impression that he’d better not beg to be let off “cleaning” the table. He did his honest best.

“Well done Karl, you’re learning. Want a drink of water? You may answer.”

“Yes please, . . . Master.”

Max got a cereal bowl, filled it with water, placed it on the table and told Karl to get on with it. That look should have drilled right through the younger brother but still Karl refrained from describing him anatomically.

Karl managed to slurp a fair amount of the water and sat up again.

“What do you say, boy?”

“Thank you, Master.” By this stage Karl had abandoned all attempts at defiance.

“Just because you’re learning, I think we’ll grant you a favour.” Karl was deeply suspicious. “How do you enjoy being naked? You may answer.”

“I hate it, . . . Master”

Max wondered whether he’d be ready to beg yet. He was. Karl got onto his knees, begged not to be left naked and kissed his brother’s still bare feet on demand.

“Very well. Let’s see what we can find.” Karl was hoping he’d be allowed his denims again.

“JT, have you got any more Speedos?”

“No, Sir.”

“Briefs or boxer briefs?”

“Yes, Sir. I have some boxer briefs but they’ll be too small for Karl.”

“Oh, how unfortunate. Sorry Karl, you’ll have to wear your black Adidas briefs. Now, where are they?”

Max found them while Matt fitted one of his hoods over Karl’s head, padlocked it and unbound Karl’s feet. He also realised how long Karl’s wrists had been bound and decided to give him a few minutes’ relief. Hooded as he was, Karl was still quite helpless and made the best of about ten minutes’ relative freedom.

“Ready, boy?”

“I’m ready, Master.”

Matt gave him his still rather disgusting Adidas briefs and, working by feel, Karl got them the right way round and managed to get his legs through the correct holes. He pulled them up, adjusted himself and fastened the drawstring. He even found himself saying, “Thank you, Matt.” Matt let the lack of formality go!

“Right, lie down on the floor, face down.” Karl did so unquestioningly. In the meantime Max had got some large cable ties which he used to immobilise his brother temporarily while Matt and he confirmed their plans for the night. Karl found his ankles fastened tightly together along with his wrists. The two ties were then drawn uncomfortably close using a third tie. He still managed to remain silent in case his brother and his mate had even worse treatment up their sleeves.

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Post by Socksbound »

I know Karl deserves the treatment he is getting but sometimes I feel a little sorry for him being kept in such tight restrictive bondage and awkward positions all the time without much respite in between. His body must be in a fair amount of discomfort.

Love the chapter once again. JT asking to speak to suggest the lasagne brought I wry smile to my face. Love your work [mention]Xtc[/mention]
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I don't think he ever got used to British take-way fish & chips.
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Another great chapter!! I am starting to feel a little bad for Karl too, but he definitely deserves it :twisted: :twisted: Also I loved that JT clarified that he didn't want to

Can't wait to see what happens next!
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Thank you [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] . Not long to wait now. I'd just like to give people some time to catch up.
Let's hope for his own sake that Karl will have learnt his lesson by the end of the tale.
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OK, here's the penultimate part of this story.

My thanks to all those have commented so far.
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. . . And So to Bed

It was about time to consider going to bed. Both Max and Matt had brought their sleeping bags with them and Max had brought Karl’s with him as well. They didn’t think it would be right to use JT’s dad’s bedroom and it would take a long time to muck-out JT’s room sufficiently to get all of them in so downstairs it had to be.

Max had noticed that the sofa in the front room was in fact a sofa bed. He pulled it out. “OK, that’ll do for you and me. Pity about them.” There then followed some discussion about their prisoners’ overnight accommodation. Once the decisions had been made, Matt went out to JT.

“I’m going to unhook your foot and you’re going to get your sleeping bag and bring it down here. Understand?”

JT said that he did and Matt released his foot from the ropes between his wrists. Just for security, and for the sake of form more than anything else, Matt hobbled his feet before sending him off. JT worked his way carefully upstairs and, with some difficulty, opened his cupboard door and located his sleeping bag which, fortunately, was on the cupboard floor. He squatted down, looked over his shoulder and grabbed the compression sack. He was glad that he had not taken the sleeping bag out for storage. Once he had stood up and re-gained his balance, JT took the tightly packaged sleeping bag downstairs.

Matt ordered JT onto the floor and hooked his right foot into his wrist cuffs again while he and Max turned their attention to Karl. They lifted Karl by his wrists and ankles and dumped him on the front room floor. Karl objected loudly.

“Naughty boy. Looks like we’ll have to stuff that swimming costume you’re wearing into your mouth again.”

“No, please, it was an accident. It won’t happen again! Please!”

“Beg me.” said Max placing his bare right foot on his brother’s neck. About a minute later Max magnanimously agreed to his brother’s humble petition, pushed his head into the carpet and screwed his foot around on it a bit.

Neither Matt nor even Max had any intention of leaving Karl cable-tied for any length of time so they started preparing him for bed. Matt cut the cable ties and Max bound his legs from his ankles to the tops of his thighs with packing tape and then repeated the procedure in reverse. Just for security, Matt tied his ankles and below his knees with rope as well. A final application of paracord between his big toes left even Max satisfied that he had been bound sufficiently. The two boys then slid Karl into his sleeping bag as far as his armpits and applied a vast amount of tape round the sleeping bag just below them. It was a good job that Karl had brought supplies because, if he hadn’t, there would have been a serious danger of the tape running out. There wasn’t much more they could do to him until they’d got JT ready.

JT got away with being treated rather more leniently. His ankles and knees were taped and bound and he was slid into his own sleeping bag as far as Karl had been into his and taped into it. The second hood was then fastened loosely around his neck.

Both captives were then dragged around the floor and made to sit back to back.

Prior to the fine adjustments, JT’s and Karl’s wrists were freed. Max pulled his brother around a bit until his right arm was aligned with JT’s left. Matt tied a clove hitch round the prepared wrists, pulled it tight and knotted off the rope prior to feeding two coils between the wrists, both of which were pulled tight individually before being knotted twice. Max and Matt reversed roles while Max dealt with the opposite wrists. He then tied the nearest elbows to him together with a longer rope than you’d have thought necessary. Matt repeated the procedure on the opposite side. Max threaded the loose ends of his rope between the prisoners’ sleeping bags where Matt collected them and twined them once outside their elbows before pulling the ends apart thus forcing Karl’s and JT’s elbows in towards their sides. A couple of turns round both elbows and Max came round to hold the knot tight while Matt completed it.

There followed an inspection of the rope work so far and a discussion of the most appropriate next step in the light of it. Should they bind the other loose ends around their prisoners’ chests and around their elbows once more? Should they pull their victims’ wrists towards their bodies? Should they tape their forearms together – or their upper arms? They went for the chest ropes option with a warning that, if the captives managed to loosen their bonds, there were more where they came from.

JT and Karl were very precariously balanced and were very unlikely to be able to remain sitting up all night. Max and Matt considered inserting the yard-broom and the house broom at about elbow level and sticking out both sides but, in the cottage front room, there wasn’t enough space for that and the captors sleeping on the folded out sofa bed as well.

With a final warning about how painful they could make any necessary gags, Max and Matt wished their prisoners, “Goodnight. Sleep tied. Don’t let the clothes pegs bite” (this last said with painful finger-nail pinches to Karl’s exposed shoulders) and got their own bedding ready.

They arranged the cushions from the sofa as pillows, laid their sleeping bags in place and un-zipped them. There was little likelihood that they’d have to zip them up indoors at that time of year. Matt removed his trackie top and t-shirt. Max liked his tug buddy like that, he was a chunky kid but muscular rather than fat and in what even Matt called his “gay jeans” he looked good. Matt then removed the somewhat tight black cords leaving him in just his AusieBums before he climbed into his sleeping bag. As he removed his long, brown shorts and his t-shirt, Max couldn’t help feeling a pang of regret that Matt and he couldn’t play their own tie-up game that evening.

Max climbed into his sleeping bag. “Night, Matt.” And Max stroked his cheek.

“Night, Max.” And Matt ruffled his hair.

The Morning After

The next morning saw JT and Karl lying on their sides and Matt and Max each with an arm inadvertently draped over the other guy. Those two could both sleep through a train crash and were completely unaware of the plight of JT and Karl.

When Matt finally stirred and extricated himself from both his sleeping bag and Max, he looked around before fully registering where he was. Gradually his head cleared and he noticed Max’s brother and his American friend wriggling ineffectively on the floor. They didn’t seem to have achieved any respite from their bondage overnight and looked to be in desperate need of assistance. He didn’t bother to wake Max and took time for a quick scratch before he sat the prisoners up.

He then clasped his hands round where he assumed their mouths to be and told them that, if they woke his friend up, they’d be hanging by their heels in the garage within the hour, naked and modelling the latest in clothes pegs and clip-its. He then dragged them to where they could lean against the wall. With that he went to the bathroom to complete his early morning routine. When he returned, he replaced his cord jeans, put the kettle on and gave his friend a shake.

Max came to blearily and sat up shedding his open sleeping bag. Matt looked at his slightly built, freckly friend appreciatively as he sat there in just his loose boxers. He too wished that they had an opportunity to indulge in their own tie-up game but he knew there was no time.

Max couldn’t be arsed to shower and just staggered to the outside privy to do what was needed before returning and replacing yesterday’s t-shirt and his shorts. Max didn’t do mornings!

Yesterday both boys had lodged breakfast supplies in the fridge after their trips home and after a short search of the kitchen, Matt started the traditional fry-up, but not before he’d put yesterday’s t-shirt back on. He’d made that mistake before!

Shortly afterwards one of Matt’s famous fry-ups was ready. That included tea of almost navvy strength and fruit juice just to make up for all the fat and sugar. Max and Matt set to with a will. The prisoners did their best to sit still and keep quiet. Even though he was the older brother, Karl knew better than to annoy Max this early in the morning especially now he was tied up.

When they had finished dining, Max and Matt put the dishes in the sink and set about dealing with their prisoners. Whilst doing so, they decided that JT just needed to be kept out of the way but that there was probably time to torment Karl a bit more before tidying up ready for JT’s dad to return. The ropes holding JT’s arms to Karl’s were carefully untied freeing their chests and, following a warning concerning the consequences of any escape attempt, so were the ones securing their wrists. Matt quickly bound JT’s elbows together behind him while Max fastened his brother’s wrists in front of him, palm to palm and tied his thumbs together. The next move was for Matt to produce the trusty penknife again and cut the tape holding Karl’s sleeping bag in place. Max tipped his brother out and onto the floor. He then wrapped several turns of Karl’s own adhesive tape round his arms and torso at the bottom of his biceps and several more round his wrists, clamping them to his thighs thus denying him the opportunity to straighten himself out. Karl was unwise enough to tell his brother that he didn’t like him very much at that stage, but not in those exact words.

“Ah, ah, ah! Not nice!” said Max, pleased to have any excuse to extend his brother’s torment. The next thing Karl felt was the plastic clips fastened onto his nipples and ears again. Not being gagged, Karl continued to give vent to his feelings. He seemed to have forgotten how unpleasant the two younger boys were capable of being to him. Max went for supplies. When he returned, he unlocked Karl’s hood, removed it and yanked back his head by the hair. Before he could react to it, Max forced a small, soft finger exercise ball into Karl’s mouth. It didn’t take long for Matt to help Max to tape it into place. “Thanks for bringing the tape, Brother.” With that Max padlocked the hood back on making it rather tighter this time. He left Karl rolling around grumphing into is gag and desperately trying to dislodge the plastic clips.

Meanwhile, Matt freed JT’s elbows and allowed him some massage time before lightly but securely square-lashing his wrists behind him after assisting Max to gag Karl. “You OK, Yank?”

“Yes, thank you, Master.” Replied JT. All was indeed right with the world.

Matt removed JT’s hood and pulled him from his sleeping bag having first cut the tape off. He then lifted him onto his shoulder, took him through to the kitchen and sat him on a chair. Once there, Matt fed him some breakfast with a spoon and fork. He also gave him some fresh water from a beaker. “Need the loo?”

“Yes please, Master.” Matt replaced JT’s hood and padlocked it securely but not too tightly, undid the rope and cut the tape securing his legs and led him outside. JT eventually managed to pull down his Speedos, settle and do what he needed to do. Cleaning himself was relatively simple but pulling his briefs up again, only from the back proved impossible. When Matt opened the door, JT said, “Sorry, Matt, I’m afraid you’ll have to help.” Matt soon had JT dressed again and even apologised for causing him that much embarrassment. “It’s OK, all part of the game, . . . Master.”

Matt got JT back to the kitchen and sitting on a chair again. He was secured only by having his arms hitched over the back of the chair and a belt fastening his waist to it.

Karl’s thrashing around had managed to dislodge the large spiked clips from his ears but, not being able to get his chest in intimate contact with the floor, he still had the smaller, but equally strong, ones digging painfully into his nipples. Matt helped Max carry his brother into the kitchen and sit him on a chair. By now he was mummified to a considerable extent and started to hope for release when he felt the rope being untied from round his ankles. However, he was quickly secured to the chair by having his thoroughly taped legs drawn back to the cross spindle, his feet hooked uncomfortably over it and tied into place. That forced his bum precariously close to the front of the seat.

“Now we can’t have our guest slipping off, can we Matt?”

“S’pose not, Max. Shall I do the honours?”

“Feel free.”

“NNgggh mmmm.” contributed a desperate Karl to the conversation to absolutely no effect whatsoever.

Max put his foot into his brother’s waist and pushed him back on the chair prior to keeping his foot in place and holding him there. Karl just hoped that his foot wouldn’t “accidentally” slip.

Matt got two ropes and simply joined their middles using an overhand knot. He forced the knot between Max’s strategically positioned foot and Karl’s navel. Taking the free ends of one of the ropes Matt wrapped them each twice round Karl’s waist and arms, pulled them tighter than was probably necessary and knotted them off behind him with a reef knot. The free ends were then tied round the vertical spar in the chair-back allowing Max to remove his foot.

“Brace yourself, Big Brother.” said Max as he took the free ends of the other rope, threaded them between his brother’s forearms and forced them with considerable difficulty between the tops of his brother’s still tightly taped thighs. Karl worried about the effect that would have as Max got a bit too close to his private parts. Shit, he hoped that Matt didn’t have his camera ready.

“Got that one, Matt?”

“Got it.” There was no hope. “A few more later.”

Max pulled the ropes under his brother’s backside, making sure that one passed each side of his bulge as he pulled them tight, and looped them round the spindle. A further yank caused Karl to squeal as he was pinched. The ropes were then tied off separately to the back legs of the chair. There was plenty of rope left for tightening the tie but, having tested the tension, Max decided that it was not needed. All Max’s fidgeting to get the ropes positioned made sure that Matt got some very suitable blackmail photos. By now Karl would have promised anything to bring his torment to an end. He would probably have meant most of them too.

By now Karl was desperate for a leak but it quickly became obvious that he wasn’t going to be given the opportunity. Then the phone went.

Matt brought the phone over to JT and said, “Answer it and no tricks or Mr. Clip-it here goes inside your mate’s swimmers. Understand?” Max stood by his brother with a large plastic clip in one hand and the waist-band of his Adidas briefs in the other although how he’d carry out the threat with the ropes in place, he hadn’t really thought out.

JT nodded and Matt held the hand-set to his ear. He could hear both ends of the conversation quite clearly.

“Hi, Son, it’s your dad. Are you OK?”

“Hi, Dad, I’m fine. Karl’s here with me so’s his brother and another new friend.”

“Good, glad to hear that. I’m on my way home and I’m taking a break now.

“How long do you think you’ll be?”

“Should I be suspicious about that?” JT’s dad said in a joking manner.

“No Dad. Why, what do you think I’d be up to?”

“Nothing, Son, after all you didn’t have much time to organise anything, not that I’d have expected you to in any case.”

”Yes, I suppose I haven’t been able to do anything really.”

“Even having to drive a car that’s not much bigger than a shoe box on the wrong side of the road, I shouldn’t be more than about two hours, in spite of the goddamn roundabouts.”

“OK, Dad, see you about tweve.”

“Love you, Son.”

“Yea, ciao.”

Matt put he phone down and congratulated JT on getting it right. Max was disappointed.


They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Socksbound »

Awesome chapter [mention]Xtc[/mention] probably my favourite so far. The bondage tight and restrictive as always and the inventive way the boys were tied into the sleeping bags was great. JT being a good boy and not alerting his dad was funny, especially as it seems his dad feels something fishy could be up.
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Post by Xtc »

Now, I wonder who his dad might be?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by blackbound »

I will never tire of the ways you creatively write around swear words.

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Post by Xtc »

What bloody swear words!? :x

Thank you, my friend.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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