Curse of the Mummy - Complete (5 parts) (m/m)

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Post by Mummyboi »

Love the story
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Mummyboi wrote: 4 years ago Love the story
The slave wrote: 4 years ago really too too excellent this sequel I really love this story


When Billy had completed his shower and put on the clean Speedo that had been provided to him, he emerged from the bathroom in surrender rather than make any attempt to escape. He had considered it, but decided against it. For one thing, he was stark naked except for the Speedo; there was no way he was going down a public street clad in just a Speedo! Besides the factor of sheer embarrassment involved in being seen in such a state all the way home, it was the last day of October and the weather outside was distinctly chilly. Even assuming he didn’t freeze (the temperature was in the high 40s but it was evidently very windy today), the public humiliation would be unendurable!

Billy emerged from the bathroom and placed himself back into the hands of his enemies; fully expecting to be wrapped up from head to toe in duct tape the same as before. But now he learned that his captors had modified their plans for him. They stood before him with a set of old, tattered clothes in their hands, and bid him to put them on.

Billy hesitantly complied. He had no idea as yet what his captors were planning now, but he was sure that he wouldn’t like it one bit. He began with a tattered set of farmer’s blue-jean coveralls with frayed strips dangling from either leg, holes in both knees, and an old frayed rope for a belt. Then he buttoned on an equally old and tattered long-sleeved plaid cotton shirt. Next he was made to put on an ancient set of black combat boots with no laces on them. Once he was finished with that, Billy was made to sit quietly on a stool in the kitchen and remain still while his captors worked on him.

First, Steven took a roll of duct tape and wrapped a generous length of it around Billy’s lower legs. The laces of his boots were brought out and used to lace the pair of boots normally; but the laces were excessively long and the remaining slack was used to laced the boots tightly together so that Billy could not move his feet more than a fraction of an inch. Once this was done, Billy was made to stand up on his own two feet.

Ned made Billy keep his arms to his sides while he wrapped numerous coils of tape around them and around Billy’s torso – trapping his arms to his sides. A rubber ball was forced into Billy’s unwilling mouth, and more duct-tape covered his lower face to keep it in place and keep Billy’s mouth shut. Once this was done, Billy was as unable to speak as he was unable to move unassisted without falling immediately over.

Satisfied, his captors gleefully half-dragged and half-carried Billy out the kitchen door and into the backyard. This area (roughly 100 feet to a side) was surrounded by an eight-foot-high wooden fence, and was therefore invisible anywhere other than the back of the house. The other side of the fence was filled with trees and, being fenced off as well, was almost inaccessible to anyone. There were no houses nearby which could overlook the backyard, and so all four boys had complete privacy.

There was a small vegetable garden occupying much of the backyard. There was also the unused remnants of a small bale of hay which had been used for covering much of this garden after the harvest. This remaining hay was now generously stuffed inside Billy’s pants and shirt until hay was hanging out thickly from the ends of all four limbs; making Billy look somewhat like the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.

This resemblance was increased with the introduction of a small canvas sack with two eyeholes punched into it being forced down over Billy’s head and tied securely enough to hold it in place (but not so tightly as to hinder his breathing). An old brim hat was then placed on top of Billy’s head to enhance Billy’s resemblance to a scarecrow even further. By now even his own mother would not have known could she have seen him at that moment.

Billy was then further carried/dragged to an upright wooden post in the middle of the garden. It was obvious before he reached it what Steven and the others intended to do with Billy once they got there, but Billy made no attempt to protest or struggle; it was equally obvious that doing so would accomplish nothing and likely make things even worse for him.

“We figured you’d like to take a break from being the mummy for a while and be the scarecrow instead,” Steven explained gleefully as Billy was backed up against the post and all three of his captors eagerly proceeded to tie him up to it with both rope and more duct tape.

The process of tying Billy to the pole occupied only a few minutes, but nonetheless was very thorough. By the time Steven, Ned, and Mike had finished, Billy was unable to move his body a single inch. Anyone who could have seen him from a distance would have been unable to tell that this particular scarecrow was actually alive. Only from close up would anyone have been able to tell this scarecrow was a tied-up boy, and no one but his own captors was capable of getting anywhere near close enough to him to spot him at all; let alone identify him or try to help him in any way. Billy was essentially in solitary confinement out in Steven’s backyard.

Steven, Ned, and Mike stood around Billy and admired their handiwork while taunting and teasing their captive. Other than a few light slaps to the face however, they subjected him to no further physical indignities. Although the weather was chilly and windy, Billy felt no particular discomfort from the temperature, as the clothing and the hay stuffing kept him reasonably warm. The hay against his bare skin made him itch abominably however, and the ropes and tape that kept him bound to the post and kept his arms immobile further added to his discomfort (although they were not tight enough to actually be painful).

The worst part was that all three of his captors were cheerfully taking pictures of their new scarecrow with their camera phones from all angles. It didn’t occur to him that, even if they showed them off to anyone else, Billy would have been almost impossible to identify in any of them. All he could think about was his embarrassment should such photos come to light. His social life would be ruined!

The other boys had not put on any particularly warm clothes however, and they soon decided to adjourn to the interior of the house and leave Billy to his own devices for a while.

“Say hello to Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz when you see them,” Steven said to Billy cheerfully. “maybe I’ll even call Linda and have her come say ‘hello’. Would you like that?”
“Noooooooooooo!” Billy practically screamed into his gag, but he was barely audible.

Laughing and exchanging crude jokes at Billy’s expense, the other three boys hurried back into the house to warm up, drink hot cocoa, and watch Billy through the windows for the next few hours while playing video games or watching DVD movies. At the same time, they made their final preparations for Billy’s big Halloween night.


Well before it got dark, Billy knew that his captors had some especially evil fate planned for him, but he had no idea what it might be until around five o’clock. He had spent hours shivering in the chilly air; tied to that confounded pole. At least the sun had come out shortly he was exiled to the backyard, and it warmed him (and the environment) to more tolerable levels. But by five in the afternoon the sun was low in the sky and it was definitely chilling down again (although it remained warmer than it had been earlier in the day). However, by this time the scarecrow outfit had enabled Billy to maintain a reasonably comfortable level of body heat despite his being unable to move around to warm up further. Even the straw packing helped, although it itched so badly that he almost would have preferred being colder.

Billy’s captives emerged from the house; evil smiles on their faces and plenty of rolls of duct tape in their hands. In addition, Steven carried several short but stout chain and several padlocks in his arms. This definitely did not bode well for Billy’s evening. They did not bring this gear with them as they approached him however, but set it all down on the ground just outside the house. Leaving this gear behind them for the time being, Billy’s captors walked right up to him, and smiled as they admired their handiwork once again. “Seems a shame to take him down after all that work only to have to put him back up there again later for the party,” Ned told Steven.

“I know, but the trick-or-treaters aren’t going to be coming way back here for their candy, now are they?” Steven retorted mildly.

Billy had an awful feeling about this! This did not diminish even after his captors proceeded to take him down from the pole. Billy’s captors grabbed him the moment he was free from the pole in case he tried to escape, and locked his arms in theirs as they marched him toward the house. Billy contemplated struggling, but besides being badly outnumbered he was weak and tired from being tied continually for so long and had no strength left in him. In fact, his captors were half-carrying and dragging him along but he could not keep up with the pace they set otherwise.

Billy thought he was going to be carried straight back into the house. Instead, he was taken to the spot where the other boys had dropped the duct tape, chains, and padlocks. At the same spot was a sturdy reclined lawn chair made of wooden slats that Billy had idly noticed but had paid no particular attention to before. But now he was made to sit in it and bidden to remain still… “or else”. As Billy was sure that the ‘or else’ was better left to the imagination than demonstrated to him in real life, he remained as unmoving as the scarecrow he was dressed up to be as his captors went to work on securing him to the chair.

Ned and Michael took the rolls of duct-tape and proceeded to wind it around Billy’s limbs and torso and in and around and between the wooden slats that the chair was made of. There were two arm-rests, and Billy’s arms were securely fastened to them with generous amounts of duct tape. The chair had a reclining portion for the legs, and Billy’s legs were securely tied to this as well. As if this were not enough, the chains were applied around Billy’s waist, under his arms, and around each wrist and ankle; each tightened and then secured in place with a padlock.

It took a while, but by the time Billy’s captors were finished, he was completely immobilized everywhere below the neck except for his fingers and toes.

Not being entirely heartless, Steven removed the tape gag and the rubber ball that had stuffed Billy’s mouth all afternoon and allowed him some sips of water and a few cookies for a snack. Billy was allowed a few more moments of respite before the rubber gag was re-inserted and more duct tape applied to hold it in place. This time however, a plastic scarecrow mask was placed over Billy’s face as well; it didn’t add materially to further silencing Billy but it completely covered over the duct tape. The canvas sack and old straw hat were also replaced, so that only Billy’s eyes were (barely) visible to sight. His nose was also clear so that he could breathe easily, but the mask and the loose canvas sack together completely hid it from view.

“Time to take your place to greet the trick-or-treaters,” Steven announced cheerfully. Working together, all three boys lifted up Billy – chair and all – and lugged him around the corner and side of the house to the front porch. It was a longer, harder struggle than they had first estimated, but they finally got Billy over to the front and to one side of it. Then, for good measure, some dry hay was brought around from out back and liberally spread all over Billy from his chest to his feet; completely concealing the fact that he was taped and chained into the chair. From all appearances, the chair was occupied by a lifeless, unmoving dummy relaxing in a chair and half-covered with hay!

A large wicker basket full of Halloween candy was placed on Billy’s lap, and a large cardboard sign hung around his chest (which conveniently concealed the chain wrapped around his upper chest). The sign read:


There were drawings of grinning jack-o-lanterns drawn on either side of the message as well.

“Be nice to the trick-or-treaters, but don’t let anyone take too much candy,” Steven told him. “We’ll be watching. Do a good job and I’ll let you go free later tonight. Screw up even once and let anyone take extra candy, and you’re mine until sundown tomorrow.”

And with that, Steven and his friends walked into the house; leaving Billy to sit along in the gathering gloom of oncoming evening (and the even deeper gloom of his thoughts).

How the heck was he supposed to stop anyone from taking extra candy from his basket when he could barely move or make a sound? If any kid came along, he would be more inclined to remain unmoving rather than let any kid realize that there was a live person rather than an inanimate dummy in this get-up; especially after that incident with the paperboy early that morning. Even if he moved, it wasn’t at all obvious that he was securely tied in place. His captors had disguised the bonds that held him cleverly, and he was unable to move enough to dislodge much of it.

The evening darkened, and what few passers-by had been visible were now gone. The darkened streets were deserted. It was almost relaxing, until the porch light suddenly came on; completely exposing Billy’s disguised figure to view from the street. There was no light on or any other sound or activity from inside the house; making it seem completely deserted to anyone that came by. But Billy was certain that his captors were still inside and watching everything that happened out here though the nearby windows.

For a while there wasn’t any sign of life outside except the occasional passing car. But then, one by one, children in various Halloween costumes came out and made their rounds from house to house. Two small children, a girl dressed as a witch and a slightly bigger boy wearing a Caspar the Friendly ghost mask, quietly came up the walkway and approached the porch. Each read the sign, selected just one of candy, and left again without an attempt to grab more.

Billy made no move; not wanting to scare such young (and evidently well-behaved) children and deciding that trying to enlist their help was a hopeless cause in any case. Either they would be as scared as that paperboy had been, or else would think it was a mere gag. Even if they somehow figured out what he was trying to say to them and began to believe him, Steven and his pals would be sure to come out, inform the kids that it was merely a joke, and chase them away anyway.

Over the next fifteen minutes, more children of all ages – even a few in their early teens, judging from the size of them – came by; individually or in small groups. Remarkably, all seemed well-behaved enough to obey the sign and take only a single selection. However, Steve guessed that one or two children were repeat visitors; as he was sure he recognized a couple of them from before. But he hoped that Steven would not notice or count it against him.

But then five boys ranging in age from ten to twelve appeared; and in the lead was the paperboy Kyle Overlock that Billy had inadvertently frightened this morning. They all sauntered up to Billy and, with unpleasant smiles on their young faces, gathered in front of him.

“How’s it going, Mr. Scarecrow?” Kyle asked Billy with a sardonic grin.

Billy decided that his best option was to just play dead.

“Mind if we help ourselves, Mr. Scarecrow? Or should I say, Mr. Mummy?” Kyle continued.

Billy remained as still and as quiet as he could; even holding his breath to repress any slight motion that might give away the fact that he wasn’t just a lifeless dummy… or mummy.

One of the other boys reached out, grabbed the basket of candy on Billy’s lap, and upended its entire contents into a large open shopping bag he was carrying in addition to a second, smaller one that evidently already contained some goodies inside that Billy could not see. The boy then batted off Billy’s hat and contemptuously placed the basket upside down on top of Billy’s head in its place.

This was too much! Steven had said he’d be freed early if he foiled any extra candy-taking. Now these brats were ruining this chance! He had to do something!

Billy made as loud and as scary-sounding a moan as he could manage under the circumstances, while at the same time moving his body as much as he could (which wasn’t much, but enough to be noticeable) as if about to rise from his chair (which he was completely unable to do) and lurch forward to chasten the candy thieves.

Kyle and the other boys were completely unimpressed. They might have been unnerved even given Billy’s limited mobility had Kyle not been warned ahead of time that such a stunt would be pulled. But as it was, they were all in on it and had been expecting such a thing. However, they had expected considerably more agility than this; the supposedly scary scarecrow was hardly moving at all!

“Thanks for the candy, Mr. Mummy,” Kyle said as he and the other boys gave Billy a jaunty wave and walked back down the porch steps. But then, the moment they reached the walkway, they each turned around to face Billy, pulled out an egg they had been carrying inside their bags, and hurled it as hard as they could straight at Billy. Unable to dodge or even duck his head, Billy could do nothing but take it (with some muffled protest through his gag) as five (evidently rotten) eggs struck his face and upper body and splattered. The boys must have all been in the local Little league, because not a single egg missed him and all of them hit him hard!

The boys laughed evilly and were prepared to run at any sign of retaliation. When Billy made no move to approach them however, they took fresh courage; mistaking his inability to move as his being afraid of them. After all, though they were all smaller than Billy evidently was, they outnumbered him five-to-one. Therefore, with the courage that being a part of a mob brings to such people, the boys stepped closer to Billy as they pulled fresh ammunition from their bags, and once again let fly with remarkable aim and devastating strength of throwing arm. At this closer range, all five eggs hit Billy squarely in the face.

Incredulous that their victim still did not retaliate, the five boys launched a third barrage. Each boy had brought a dozen rotten eggs with him; having planned to egg the houses of various people where someone notorious stingy to trick-or-treaters or hard-working paperboys lived. But now these plans were given over in the giddy experience of pelting this would-be scarecrow with their entire horrific-smelling supply of ammo.

By the time Kyle and his friends had finished, the splattered remnants of sixty rotten eggs were covering Billy’s head, upper body and were dripping into his lap. The back of his chair and the wall of the house immediately behind him were also liberally splattered with goo.

The moment Kyle and the others disappeared down the street, Steven and his two friends quietly emerged from the front door and looked Billy over with grim smiles. “Well, looks like you’ve got egg on your face,” Steven pointed out casually.

Billy merely whined into his gag.

“Well, you’ve relaxed long enough,” Steven told him as he and the others closed in on Billy and began to free him from the chair. “We’re throwing a Halloween party in about an hour, and I need you to clean up this mess before the first guests show up. You screwed up with preventing the kids from taking too much candy, but I’ll cut you a break. Get this mess washed up in thirty minutes or less and let us tie you back up afterward and I’ll let you go free as soon as the party is over; probably by ten o’clock tonight. Otherwise, you’re stuck here until this time tomorrow evening. And believe me Ned, Mike and I are going to have a lot more fun in that time than you will - torturing you like you’ve never been tortured before!”

Still gagged, Billy mutely nodded his agreement; what choice did he have?


Billy wasn’t forced to clean the mess by himself; Steven and the other two boys helped. This had the dual purpose of cleaning away the mess much faster and also insuring that Billy made no attempt to cut and run. His arms and hands were left entirely free so that he could work unhindered, but his ankles were left trapped by a set of manacles to insure he could make neither a hasty nor (because of the clinking chain) a stealthy departure.

Billy had been temporarily loaned a costume Ned said he intended to wear to the party; an old-fashioned striped prisoner’s outfit. This not only kept Steven warmer in the cool outdoor air but also made his leg manacles seem less incongruous to any treat-or-treaters who came along or any other casual passers-by. Fortunately, Billy was kept hidden by his captors as much as possible so that no one could see his face. Under the circumstances, he was eager to simply do what was expected of him and attract no attention from anyone; fearing humiliation among his peers if word of what he was going through should ever get out.

The egg mess was soon cleaned up and the woodwork scrubbed off. Most of the mess had been upon Billy himself and the ragtag costume he’d been wearing and Steven had had the foresight to spread newspaper all around the portion of the porch where Billy had been forced to sit. Not one egg had missed its target, so the walls of the house were only lightly coated with whatever egg goo had splattered off of Billy during his egg barrage. It was all cleaned off before any of the mess had time to set and harden. The only really hard part was enduring the smell, as all the eggs he had been pelted with had been rotten.

“Kyle did a rather more thorough job than I’d figured on,” Steven commented ruefully. “I don’t know whether to congratulate him for his ruthlessness or whale the tar out of him next time I see him.”

“Hmmm… maybe we can blackmail him,” Mike pointed out. “I’ll bet he wouldn’t want anyone to know he’s been going around egging houses of some of his customers!”

A sadistic smile formed on Steven’s face as he absorbed this new idea; why hadn’t *he* thought of that? Billy saw the look and shuddered, but he kept his opinions to himself. After all, right now *he* was the one who was at Steven’s mercy; and he didn’t want to worsen his own precarious situation – certainly not for the sake of a kid who’d pelted him with rotten eggs!

Soap and water was used to wash away the last of the egg mess, and the stinking remnants tightly tied into a garbage bag and stuffed into the bottom of a well-isolated trash can. Billy was then led back into the house to endure what would hopefully be the final phase of his weekend-long ordeal.

Billy was made to remove his loaned costume and stand still wearing just his Speedos while Ned tied his hands behind his back and Mike tied his feet together.

Working with three new rolls of duct tape, Steven and his two cronies taped Billy up from head to toe just as thoroughly as they had the first time (had it really been only yesterday afternoon?), until all that showed of Billy were the soles of his feet and the underside of his nose. Even his eyes were taped over (although some protective cotton balls had been placed over them first) so that he could not see anything, and a shower cap placed in his head protected his hair while keeping it completely out of sight. Although his ears were also covered up however, Billy could still hear what was said near him; they were muffled somewhat but still comprehensible.

“There!” Steven exclaimed with satisfaction as he and the others stood up and gathered around Billy as he lay almost immobile on the carpet-covered floor. Steven gently nudged Billy with his foot. “If you can get out of that I’ll let you go free right now.”

Billy naturally tried his hardest, but he could hardly even wiggle his body let alone free himself from his duct-tape cocoon. His captors had exhausted three very large rolls of duct tape on him; between all that tape and the ropes he’d been tied with initially, Billy was completely helpless. He could not even bend his legs more than an inch or two, as his knees had been covered as liberally as the rest of him. Despite his immobility however, Billy seemed to be in no greater stress than he had been before.

“Okay, state clearly the following: ‘My name is Billy McAllister and I want to be set free now,’ and I’ll let you stay in my room during the party and no one will see you,” Steven then said. “If you can’t do it, you’ll be the centerpiece of the party instead.”

Never had Billy ever had greater incentive to talk clearly as then; not even in school when a teacher aimed an unexpected question on some subject at him. But Billy’s mouth had been stuffed with a rubber ball just before his mouth had been taped shut, and he could not utter a single articulate word – let alone the small speech that Steven had demanded of him. His best attempt sounded like, “Muuhhh nuummm eh ill-eee ail-eee-errr unn ahh onnn-ahhh eee ekk rreeeee…” his captors were all agreed however that this attempt failed the comprehensibility test miserably.

And so Billy was hauled out into the backyard forthwith, and set atop a picnic table where various Halloween decorations had already been set out for the planned party. He was then left all to himself while his three captors hurried back into the house, made hasty preparations for a last-minute Halloween party, and called all their friends to invite them over to Steven’s house.

Some hasty preparation followed as the three boys gathered up the remaining stock of Halloween candy that no treat-or-treaters had collected, and dumped some Hawaiian Punch mixed with Tom Collins mixer for a fruit punch inside a large crystal bowl. The first guests began to arrive only a half-hour after Billy had been placed on the picnic table, and he found himself being ogled by several of his own school-mates as the party got underway.

Billy could not see a thing, but as the party got underway and the guests gathered around close to him, he recognized the voices of many of his classmates – including some of his own friends. But none of the guests could tell who it was that lay there on the table; just that it was someone their own size and age. As his hair and eyes were completely hidden from view, no one had a clue as to his identity, and many tried to hazard a guess.

But neither Steven nor his friends would confirm or deny any of the guesses; even when Billy’s own name was suggested more than once. This was both good and bad, Billy decided. It was good because if the mystery were preserved intact, he would not suffer total disgrace among his friends whatever their suspicions. But at the same time, as long as the mystery remained, Steven would have so much blackmail material on him that he could subject Billy to his whims again and again for as long as it pleased Steven to torment him. And especially if he ever threatened to tell Linda about all this…

As if the mere thought of her had conjured her up somehow, Linda’s voice came distinctly to Billy’s ears. “Nice party, Steven,” she said to Steven; sounding like she was only a few feet away. “I wish Billy was here though. You sure you invited him?”

“Oh yes, Billy was the very first person I invited over here,” Steven replied; the slyness of his tone immediately evident to Billy but probably unnoticed by Linda. “But he’s all tied up with other matters. Anyway, he’s here in spirit.”

“Don’t lay it on too thick, for God’s sake!” Billy mentally screamed at Steven. “I’d rather die than let Linda find out that I’m the one you’ve got mummified over here!”

“So, who’s this poor slob?” Linda inquired with a giggle, and Billy felt an unseen hand pat him on the head despite the thick layers of tape that covered him.

“Just some poor kid I bribed into letting me ‘dress’ him up like a mummy,” Steven replied evasively. “Don’t worry; he’s all right in there. He’s warm enough under all that tape, and as you can clearly see he can breathe okay. Isn’t that right, Mr. Mummy?”

Billy decided that he’d better nod in the affirmative or risk either exposure of his identity or some worse punishment later. It was difficult to nod his head enough so that the motion was noticeable to anyone else, but he managed it after an effort.

“His feet must be pretty cold though,’ Linda said sympathetically. “Look at that. The soles of his feet are clearly exposed. That must be uncomfortable.”

And without warning Billy felt a set of fingers gently rubbing themselves along the underside of his foot. It was probably meant to be a gesture of sympathy and comfort, but it had the effect of tickling him. Before he could stop himself, Billy’s taped-up body jerked spasmodically (or at least as much as his tape binding would allow) and a clearly audible murmur of laughter passed through the stuffing in his mouth and the tape covering his face.

Linda giggled in amusement rather than sympathy. “Oh, the poor boy is ticklish is he?”

Before Billy knew what was happening, not one but two sets of fingers were gently stroking the undersides of both his feet!

Billy tried to stop himself and momentarily he was successful; but the tickling continued with let-up and he was soon unable to repress his situation. A muffled but distinctive “Eeee-eeeee-heheheheheheheeee,” sounded through the air as the mummified figure on the table began to writhe and thrash around with small but violent jerks.

The buzz of conversation from well over a dozen teenagers suddenly went silent as everyone present was suddenly riveted by the frantic movements of the mummy on the table.

“No! Nooo! Linda! Stop! It’s me, Billy! That’s too ticklish! I can’t stand it! Stop tickling me! STOP!” Billy tried to scream through his gag. But though his laughter was clear enough, his words were muffled by the gag and further rendered incomprehensible by his own uncontrollable laughter. Linda merely smiled with delight at this new toy and, unaware that this mummified figure was anyone she knew, continued to tickle its feet remorselessly.

Linda kept this up for a moment or two, and then relented.

“Hey, that looks like fun,’ another girl exclaimed. “Can I try?”

“Uhhh, go ahead,” Steven replied with a grin. “Be my guest.”

The second girl tickled Billy’s feet with even greater effect than Linda had. Another party guest asked to get a turn after the second girl was done.

The mummy writhed and thrashed about as much as the duct tape allowed it to, but its movements were much too insufficient to enable Billy to evade those tickling fingers. However, his movements threated to spill the food and drink set upon the edges of the table around it off of it. But rather than desist tickling the mummy, a couple of the boys leaned forward and held him down to further suppress his movements while one party guest after another continued to tickle the mummy’s feet. Everyone was amused by the mummy’s laughter, and no one paid any attention to the pleading noises it was also trying to make.

This persisted for about a half-hour before the attention of the party guests finally shifted away from Billy and onto some other activity. Mercifully, the next hour passed with few people paying more than momentary attention to the mummy on the table. This suited the mummy just fine.

Eventually the party began to break up, and eventually the only people present besides Billy and his three captors were Linda, one other girl, and some boy Billy knew only barely.

“Hey Linda, would you like to take the mummy home with you?” Steven suddenly asked.

“Okay, sure,” Linda replied; much to Billy’s chagrin. “I hope he’s cute.”

Billy frantically began to shake his head in negation and cry out as loudly as he could.

“What was that Mr. Mummy?” Steven abruptly called out. “Don’t you want Linda to take you home?”

Billy shook his head again as violently as he could manage.

“Are you saying you’d rather spend the night here with me, as my guest?” Steven asked with a tone of sarcasm only Billy (along with Ned and Mike, he was sure) could catch.

Billy paused; suddenly seeing the trap Steven must have planned all along. Either go with Linda (and therefore ending his captivity but also destroying his social life and probably his relationship with Linda) or stay with Steven (preserving his social life – at least for now – but leaving him at Steven’s mercy for another night and probably most of the following day). Public disgrace, or further private humiliation, degradation and likely downright torture?

Talk about Hobson’s Choice! Which would be the lesser of two evils?

Last edited by Jason Toddman 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Nicely done.
Beware of the typo above the notice next to the scarecrow.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Xtc wrote: 4 years ago Nicely done.
Beware of the typo above the notice next to the scarecrow.
Whoops! :o Thanks. :D
Took me a few moments to find it actually, as i kept seeing what i thought i wrote instead of what was actually there. I fixed it. ;)
The slave
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Post by The slave »

this famous part of the scarecrow is really my favorite in this story, I too want to be transformed into a scarecrow lol
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

The slave wrote: 4 years ago this famous part of the scarecrow is really my favorite in this story, I too want to be transformed into a scarecrow lol
They have a long and honorable tradition. :D
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Post by Mummyboi »

Love this story.... Bravo.... you must continue with this story..... your a excellent writer. Can’t wait for next parts....
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Post by blackbound »

So hot. I love the unrelenting sadism of these guys; maybe some of the tops from other stories could learn something here.

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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Mummyboi wrote: 4 years ago Love this story.... Bravo.... you must continue with this story..... your a excellent writer. Can’t wait for next parts....
I have no plans at present to continue this story as i always considered it complete as is (and honestly have no ideas how to continue it). But perhaps after I have posted a few more other stories that have the same levels of maso-sadism in them, I will write more of this story too if any good ideas for its continuance occur to me. ;)
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Post by bondagefreak »

Absolutely LOVED this, my friend!

Tight, over-the-top duct tape bondage, full on mummification, various mouth stuffings, gag speech, tickling; you hit a lot of my buttons with this one, mate!

Can't wait for you to start reposting your other tales.
It's good to have you back!

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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago Absolutely LOVED this, my friend!

Tight, over-the-top duct tape bondage, full on mummification, various mouth stuffings, gag speech, tickling; you hit a lot of my buttons with this one, mate!

Can't wait for you to start reposting your other tales.
It's good to have you back!
Thank you. :mrgreen:
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