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The Public Performance

I thought we ought to do something before shutting the door on our guests again. "Help me with this rubbish." I had detached my brother from the toilet. Dave grabbed the arm that I didn't have hold of and we lifted John into the communal shower alongside his two partners in crime. I thought that at least he'd have to crawl over the sill if he was going to go anywhere and there was no way any of the three of them would be able to undo either of his mates in the time he would have. Just to encourage group bonding, Dave used the trailing rope to fasten John to both of the chairs that were sharing the shower with him.

"Hang on. Doesn't it smell as though something's died in here?"

"Nah, that's just wishful thinking, Al."

"Pwoahhh! I think it's your brother."

I reached for the shower controls: 'temperature: down - flow: up' and hit the silver button.

We shut the bathroom door and made ourselves comfortable while we attacked my stash of sweets. We hoped that the increasingly frequent sounds of Third-Years arriving back to the dorm block would dissuade our prisoners from calling attention to their plight. We'd made a good guess that we wouldn't be the only ones who had cause to revenge ourselves on my brother and his cronies and we presumed that they knew we'd have to let them go before dinner time. Although it wasn't an official roll-call, there would be enough staff present to miss those three known trouble makers and neither Ed nor John would normally dream of missing his dinner.

We needed to bring Kev and, if he still wanted in, Chas up to speed with our plans. There was one aspect that worried Chas somewhat but, even though his potential participation was a recent development, it opened a special possibility that would make his continued contributions more than useful. We had talked quietly ( -yes, we did! -) to stop our guests overhearing things but they must have heard the communal, "YES!!" after Chas had agreed to help even over the sound of the cold shower that they were enjoying.


I won't bother you too much with the details of how we decided which of our erstwhile tormentors should receive our attentions first but it did involve more head slapping and dipping (Once the shower had been turned off). Richard was 'elected' to go first and Kev and Dave went into the bathroom to collect him. Once they had delivered him, I closed the door.

We put it to Richard that we already had that Polaroid that made it look like he'd wet his pants and that, if he complained to his friends, he'd have to admit that him and his two mates had been beaten by some not very tall Third-Years. If he dobbed us in to the staff, no one in school was likely to have anything to do with him for weeks and that's important in a boarding school. He knew that but we had to point it out just to make sure.

That was what we'd achieved so far; now we needed his attention while I explained the next part of our insurance policy. "My mate says that it would be better if we removed your hoods. . . ." Richard nodded enthusiastically, "So that the other kids can recognise you easier in the photos." Richard tested the renewed gag and started shaking his head. You might remember that bit about 'what we said' when we didn't tape his hood down again. "Oh, and don't get any ideas; you will be blindfolded again. Richard was furious but we just left him to his convulsions until he toppled the chair.

At that time he seemed to accept defeat. Chris asked him whether he'd calmed down and I could swear I heard muffled sobbing as he nodded his head. Kev and Chris lifted his chair upright again and I asked Chas if he wanted to leave the room. We all grinned when he declined and I said that I didn't think he'd have any trouble from Richard again, especially if he did what we'd suggested.

Kev got out the illicit penknife that he'd brought from his dorm when he went to get Chas and soon made short work of the tape round Richard's eyes. He pulled off the hood leaving Richard blinking and spasmodically shaking his head. He certainly didn't seem surprised when he realised who'd put him through all his torments but he didn't try to shout and just seemed to collapse into himself.

"OK, David Bailey, time for a photo." Chris handed me my camera.

"Where's my other model?"

"Twiggy, over 'ere." Chas didn't even look insulted as Chris called him over to stand behind our subject; he knew the effect our planned photograph was supposed to have. We saw the wildcat in his eye again.

Chas put his left arm over Richard's left shoulder and reached for his right flank. His other hand found a quivering belly button. I took up my stance and called "action". Chas went into attack mode and I waited until I could get the best shot with Chas grinning straight at the camera. Then, just for good measure, I took another just as Richard's head jerked backwards and his abdomen ballooned so far forwards that Chas's hands were dislodged. The advantage of Polaroids in those days was that you could see the result instantly and that particular result was greeted with considerable mirth. There was a renowned bully being bested by the smallest kid in the school. That, along with the completely fabricated but totally credible "wee-wee" picture, should blow Richard's credibility for the foreseeable future.

Don't you think it's funny: one person in the room was so moved by the shot, when he got to see it, that I'm sure he was close to tears?

Chris decided that it was time to console our guest. He assured him that the tickling was over but warned him that he should close his eyes because he was about to be blindfolded. I'm sure that he tried to plead for mercy but Chris was implacable. Did you know that it's possible to blindfold someone with transparent tape? The first layer taped his eyes shut and Chris followed it up with one carefully placed layer that went half way over the previous one and another equally precisely positioned layer just under the second one. One final layer went over where Chris had placed the first layer.

"Take him back?"

"Yeah, treat him gently; he's had a hard day." I don't think the way I patted him on the chin really helped him to feel any better. Kev and Dave lifted his chair and carried him back into the shower.


"Ready for the next one?" Dave's voice was calling from the shower.

"OK by you, Shrimp?" Our recently appointed Chief Torturer affirmed that indeed it was, so our two porters dragged my brother out of the shower. They didn't bother to lift him until his more tender parts had encountered the sill. The stifled nature of the resultant squeal assured Dave that his carefully constructed gag seemed to be working quite efficiently. Kev pulled John's boxer shorts back up again from where they had been dragged down at the front. He thought he would just give a little extra tug to make sure that they were secure and assured John that there was absolutely no need to thank him. He even gave the waist band another little tug in case his previous effort was not good enough.

I was really looking forward to the next bit as John got dumped in front of me. "Maggot to UglyFuck, are you receiving me?" Even John's attempted reply lacked his usual mindless venom as I administered a minor kick to his side. I knew he'd not be as easy to break as Richard had been but, if only we could convince him that his treasured 'hard man' image would count for nothing after we'd finished with him, it would have been job done.

I begged the honour of removing John's hood and Kev handed me the official penknife. I carefully cut the tape holding the pillowcases round his neck and decided that the laws of leverage would help with the next stage. Science was never my strong point.

I sat on the floor and pulled the open ends of the pillowcases together above John's head. I took a good grip and shoved the soles of my boots against his shoulders. "Ready UglyFuck? On three. One, two, . . ."


"Opps, sorry. - Er, Three? Hi! Remember me?" He certainly did. That was more like it: the vituperations were almost decipherable after I had straightened my legs and pulled the pillowcases, tightly bound adhesive tape and all, clear of his head. That must have hurt, at least it was supposed to. Do you think I was taking this too personally? Bloody right I was. This was my first chance of revenge in thirteen years.

I explained to John that he was going to be my model. He didn't sound impressed. I told him that he wasn't going to be the star, merely the support act. He sounded even less impressed when he caught sight of Chas with the fires of revenge in his eyes. He couldn't let this scrawny little worm get the better of him.

John adopted the tactic of full time swearing (presumably) and struggling against the hogtie he'd been left in. He'd probably have been even funnier flapping around like a grounded fish if he'd still been blindfolded but that wouldn't have suited our purposes so well. We just left him to exhaust himself applying just a little kick every time he got too near to one of us. Chris claimed that I was cheating when I got up from where I was sitting just to have a little punt.

"Tell me: whose brother is that down there?"

"Fair enough, sorry, how ill mannered of me, Allen; you must have my next go as well." Oh, I was glad to be sharing with Chris and Dave. Now my big brother had to avoid both me and Chris if he didn't want a real good punt from me. We must have had a good half-hour's sport at my brother's expense before we considered John to be ready for his photo call.

I grabbed my camera and went into David Bailey mode again. "Kev, Dave, d'you think you could hold him like you did for Chas just now? Yeah, that's good but can you just move down a bit out of shot? Woaah, yeah! Come on Chas, it's your big scene." I didn't care if it took all the film I had, I WAS going to get the best shot ever.

"Yes, just put your foot on his head and persuade him to look this way. Yes, just grind your foot in a bit. No don't worry, he can't feel a thing; he's completely insensitive. Believe me, I know him." With Dave and Kev rendering any resistance futile, Chas soon had John's right ear on the ground and his under-sized foot planted firmly on his left cheek. "Aaand flex . . . Say, 'cheeeese'. Alright, nice one." Chas took his foot off John's face and we appraised my latest artwork.

"Yesss!" Mine was obviously a completely unbiased opinion.

"Oh, I don't know, have you got my best side?" That was better: Chas made a joke. He got a little clip round the ear for his trouble from Kev but he was still smiling after it.

"I reckon John ought to see what you've made of him."

Dave was obviously right so I showed John the photo. He simply didn't know how to react. There was the self-appointed "Hard Man of the Fourth-Year" lying on the floor, facing the camera with the wimpiest kid in the school posing like a muscle man with his foot on his gagged face. I almost felt sorry for him as he saw his image dropping from him and disappearing through the cracks between the floorboards. Almost, that is, but not quite.

We checked John's bonds and Dave untied the rope connecting his wrists to his ankles. John seemed to be reviving before Dave re-applied the rope but with his ankles drawn much closer to his wrists this time. It almost seemed cruel when Chris advised him to close his eyes prior to applying several layers of the famous transparent tape to his eyes. John had even stopped yelling but he'd not started begging yet. We could wait.

"OK, Big Brother, we've got someone else to see to before we can spare any more time for you. Try not to miss us."

Dave and Kev prepared for heavy lifting. "Why are we carrying him this time?"

"So that we don't pull his boxers down again."

"You know: you're such a thoughtful person? But why don't we just drag him the other way round"

"You're right, good man." Dave and Kev repositioned themselves and grabbed a leg each prior to dragging their charge back into the shower. They did manage to keep his underwear in place that time but the yell as, I presume, what was inside it encountered the sill again seemed to please his porters. How cruel.


Kevin seemed to have a special word for John (So did the rest of us, actually, but it wasn't the sort of word you'd use in company.) before he helped Dave drag the somewhat heavily breathing Ed out of the bathroom.

"You're a luck boy, Ed Livingstone. Our chief torturer hasn't got anything against you. The rest of us, however . . ." As Dave's voice faded out, Ed groaned and Chris got around to cutting the Sellotape from round the pillowcases shrouding his head.

"How much don't you want anyone to see this picture?" I asked him as he blinked in the light.

He looked at the proffered Polaroid: the one that made his "contentment" with his earlier predicament only too evident, and shook his head vigorously making more noise than he'd managed since we'd gagged him.

"Alright," said Dave, "Who speaks for this man?"

There was a short silence before a few lazy declarations along the lines of, "Nah.", "Not me.", "Serve him right for hanging round with my scum-bucket brother." and such like until his champion spoke up.

Things were looking up, Chas had taken the initiative. "I think I can persuade my friends not to show anyone. Hang on a minute." So saying Chas ran out of the room leaving the rest of us puzzled, to say the least. We didn't have more than about a minute for speculation before the little scruff-bag reappeared with his portable tape-recorder. This was before cassettes. Stop pretending; you remember cassettes.

Chas moved the spare study chair to be in front of our prisoner and sat on it holding the microphone up to his own mouth. "I am going to give Edward Livingstone the opportunity to confess all his sins. He knows that if he does not tell the truth he will be subject to public humiliation." To hear little Chas talking like that was, shall we say, at last a surprise. He seemed to have taken charge of the situation. "Do you promise that, when Dave removes your gag, you won't shout?" Ed nodded. "Do you further promise that you will only speak to answer our questions?" Ed nodded again while the little lawyer was getting into his stride

I won't go into all the details of my learned friend's questions but, by the time he'd finished (with helpful interjections from the rest of us) Ed had confirmed that:
1) He tipped off Francis about what my brother and his friends were going to do to us on the first day because they were both members of the County Junior Swimming Team.
2) He had taken a full part in the activities of the "Welcoming Committee"
3) John was the boy who had initiated most of their activities.
4) John had produced the "Poem" on the bog wall and framed Kev for it. Only John would have been stupid enough to boast to anyone else about it!

Just for good measure, Chas even got Ed to admit that he liked to be tied up by other boys. He certainly wouldn't have liked the girlfriend to hear that.

If John and Richard ever got to find out about Ed's confession, his health would certainly have taken a turn for the worse but we said that it would give him a chance to dissociate himself from the other two. I also took a certain pleasure in pointing out that, in order to allay their suspicions, we'd have to treat him just like we were about to treat them. Chas said he would post the tape home as soon as we had finished with him and his friends. Ed nodded warily.

Dave made to replace the already disgusting gag and Ed took the chance of initiating conversation. "Please don't, that hurts. Don't put it back." After a few more profuse apologies, some of which sounded sincere, even Dave was feeling more sympathetic towards hm. However, he didn't trust him to stay quiet during the rest of what we had planned for him.

The Court went into camera. Or at least we took Ed back into the shower and spoke very quietly. With both Richard and John blindfolded, they wouldn't know that Ed wasn't UNLESS he spoke. His decision really.

We soon came to a decision. We were going to have to retie our prisoners ready for their release so we just decided to start with Ed.


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Post by Xtc »

It's a long time since we looked in on the Worms and their guests.
Here's a very short update,

I can't seem to format it properly but I'll do that later.
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Now is the Time to Say Goodbye

As we opened the bathroom door again, Chas held his finger to his mouth as a reminder to Ed. Ed nodded rather solemnly. Dave and Kev went back into porter mode and lifted the muscular skinhead, chair and all, back into the dorm.

Chris explained that, 'just so that the others won't be suspicious', we'd found a way of gagging him that wouldn't be so painful. "Say, thank you to Dave." Ed just looked suspicious and didn't thank Dave.

"OK, muscles, open wide." Dave had removed one of the split-rings and pulled the length of doweling free from what was previously Ed's gag and was holding the modified ball up to his mouth. Ed submitted.

Chris noticed that he was 'reacting' again. "Don't worry; the others won't be able to see you." That was undoubtedly true but, in a very short time, if all went well, they'd be about the only ones who wouldn't! It was a bit harsh on Ed, I suppose, but justice had to be seen to be done.

Once Dave had shoved the (now rather more pliable) ball behind Ed's teeth, I produced the remains of one of the pillowcases that had been reduced to strips. I forced one folded piece into his mouth to pad out the gag a bit more before Chris did his usual job with the Sellotape. Not only round his eyes this time but generously round his mouth as well thus sealing the ball and the fabric in place. It was a good job our supply of sticky tape was of the wide sort. Just for good measure, Kev then took another length of torn pillowcase and wrapped it round the gag so far and spread it out a bit. He declared that it now looked like a 'proper gag.' And, in fairness, it did.

Chris explained that Dave, me and him were going to get what we needed in order to get Ed and his gang to where we wanted them but that he wasn't to worry because Kev and Chas would still be around to look after them.

While we were gone, Kev had released Ed's arms from the chair and freed his ankles from the rope round his waist. That released the tormenting ropes pressing his nylon swimming trunks against his bits. By the time we'd returned with what we were looking for, Ed was face down on the floor with Kev binding his elbows rather closer than must have been comfortable with his wrists strapped like that. He even apologised for causing him so much pain but said that it was for his (Kev's) safety and that the pain wouldn't last long. Ed even managed an indistinct, "Nnng" as he tried to nod his head.

By the time Kev had finished, he'd removed the strap securing Ed's wrists and replaced it with a rope securing them leaving his hands palm to palm. "OK, you three, how did you say you wanted him?" I took over and used a new, quite short rope to link his ankles to his wrists in none too tight a hog-tie. I think Ed was wondering why he hadn't been tied more strictly.


"Right, which one next?" Kev was really getting into the job. It was a good job we had him and Chas as guards because that meant our recent mission only took one trip. We decided that John was more or less prepared already so we took Richard out of the shower.

Dave then spent some time reasoning with Richard in his own inimitable way. Richard eventually agreed to do as he was instructed rather than have to suffer any further assaults on his nipples, his septum (Do you know how painful that is?), his earlobes or any more tickle assaults on his helpless body. "Now are you sure?"

"Mnnnn! Mnnng!" Richard nodded as emphatically as he could.

"On your mother's life"

"Mmmmmnn. 'gnnnssss!" This time Richard's assurances had a definite sound of leaking gas about them.

"Alright, just remember." With a final twist of Richard's raw tortured nipples Dave dismounted. "OK, I think he's ready."

We had to hope that Dave had done his job well and that Richard wasn't simply malingering as he seemed to be sobbing, because he was unlikely to be as easy to control as Ed had been. We decided to keep his legs bound to the chair until the last minute and Chris and I started untying his arms. Once all the ropes except those that fastened his wrists to the back of the chair and the ones round his legs had been removed, I thought that a reminder might be in order.

"Dave, speak to him."

Dave positioned himself rather uncomfortably on Richard's lap and facing him. He rested his forearms on Richard’s shoulders and linked his fingers behind his subject's head. Before he could even 'say' anything, Richard's pathetic attempts to communicate seemed to indicate that he wouldn't want to put Dave to any trouble so, with the words, "Just remember, OK?" Dave gave him a couple of claps on the cheeks and got off his legs. "I think he'll behave." Richard just whined.

Guest Number Two was soon lying on the floor, elbows and wrists bound and loosely hogtied alongside Number One.


So, with just John to go, Dave and I returned to the shower. I told Kev he deserved to have a prisoner off for good behaviour but the truth was obviously . . . Well anyway, I asked John if he'd prefer to be dragged or carried but, as I'm sure you'll understand, I couldn't quite understand his answer so we grabbed a leg each and dragged him over the sill once more, out into the dorm and dumped him alongside Ed. I thought I ought to congratulate Dave on the efficiency of the gag he'd made.

A least John had stopped struggling and shouting. With my brother already hogtied, I thought he might as well stay as he was. The others thought it wouldn't be fair - damn them! How well they knew me.

Dave removed the strap that had been digging into John's arms for several hours eliciting a "Fwoaar!" from Kev as he saw the deep red marks it had left. I pointed out how kind I had been when I loosened it earlier. John managed to hold back a response. Chris manipulated John's tortured arms for a few minutes to give him at least some relief before he carried on. It almost sounded as though John tried to thank him. I was starting to wonder where the real John Goddard was.

Chris drew John's elbows rather tighter together than was going to be comfortable and tied them before untying his wrists and retying them in the same way as his two fellow prisoners. There was no point in John's struggling once his ankles were released but that wouldn't have stopped the old John Goddard. Was I right to be suspicious? He was soon a perfect match with the other two.
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Post by Veracity »

Better a short update than no update at all. Thanks for all you do.
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Thanks for your unfailing support.
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Post by MaxRoper »

It's been rather slow around here and an update from you is always enjoyable. These lads know how to have Fun With Ropes and are always up to some sort of delightful mischief. Thanks for sharing it with us.
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We are not up to mischief, merely dispensing justice tempered with mercy.
They are not up to mischief, merely dispensing justice.
(Bugger the curren set-up; I can't format text!)
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Still not able to format teaxt but here are the next two chapters in the rough.
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Packing for the Journey

"Now listen carefully, you three. We're going to let you go soon. That's IF you behave. If you don't, there's not a proper roll call until lights out and I'm sure certain of my friends here could think of ways of entertaining you until then." As Chris spoke, Chas, Kev and I took a pair of feet each and gave them no more than a token seeing to before releasing the associated shins and standing up again. "Some of us are going on a mission for a while but, just so you don't feel lonely, some of us are staying." I'm sure I heard Richard groan.

As planned, Dave, Chris and I set off for the area where Mr. Richardson, the groundsman, kept the sort of things that "might just come in useful one day”. We found what we needed and looked for the dirtiest three that we could find. Then we picked up one each, with some difficulty due more to their size than their weight, and carried our prizes to the window of the dorm, dumped them, and climbed in the window.

"Hi there, John, did you miss me?" You know: I'm sure he said that he did? I thought it was only right to say hello to such a valued relative so I gave him just the slightest trample on the back of his neck as I passed him.

You know how it is in cartoons when someone suddenly gets an idea? Well, it happened to Kev. The finger went up, the shoulders jerked forwards and he came to a sudden halt; all that was missing was the light bulb over his head. "Hang on boys, just had an idea. Won't be long. Look after them for a few minutes." And with that, he sprinted from the dorm stepping on Richard's shoulders as he left.

We'd explained to Kev earlier how we were going to transport our guests to the dumping off point and couldn't think where the fire was as the athletic maniac raced away from Dorm Block 3 and out of sight. Good as his word, he soon reappeared with a flat-bed trolley that he'd lied about to the Gatehouse staff, saying that he needed it to move something for the Groundsman. You know, it was a god job we went to such a well-equipped school.

Kev got a rousing cheer when we saw the "chariot" approaching. I'd often enjoyed "helping" the Groundsman and the Gatekeeper in the past - as long as I got the chance to ride on said chariot as it was propelled at breakneck speed by several of my friends. I don't know why we hadn't thought of it before. There was plenty of room and it was certainly going to make things easier. It might even make things more comfortable for our prisoners. Despite that, we still thought it was a good idea.


Those three ancient galvanised dustbins we'd brought back had several advantages: they were big, they had lids and they REALLY stank. I went round them, savouring their aromas; I wanted the ripest one for John. "OK, I've found the one I want for my scum-bucket brother, hand him out." Before doing so, Chris had a brief advisory word with him. Chris had a way with words, especially all the while Dave was there to reinforce them physically. I'm sure that John made an honest attempt to be as quiet as possible as he was heaved onto the table, manhandled out of the window and manoeuvred straight into the can that I had positioned under the window.

John was left crouching in the disgusting old dustbin with his knees up against his chest and his head only just clear of the top. "Heads!" I pushed him down with the lid and held onto it while Dave looped a rope round one handle, threaded both ends through the handle of the lid and tied it off simply round the second handle of the bin. It would do for a few minutes while we dealt with the other two. I tilted the bin, Dave and Kev took a double handed hold on a handle each while Chris grabbed the bottom and I counted, "One, two, three." John couldn't help the cry of surprise as he was lifted off the ground or the other one as he was dropped unceremoniously and noisily onto the chariot.

I just thought I'd like to give him another little warning. I gave his bin a couple of healthy bootings to attract his attention. "Mighty Maggot to UglyFuck, are you receiving me?" The subsequent subdued noise could easily have been taken for a 'yes' so I decided to continue. "Good, one grunt for 'yes', two grunts for 'no'. Understand?"


"Good boy. Do you want my colleague, Dave here, to have another word with you before you go?"

"Nggg Ngggh."

"Then do you promise to be quiet?"


"Remember: if we take you back inside while we deal with the others, it's no dinner and you get our undivided attention until lights out. Still understand?"


"Good boy." I gave him just a couple of mighty slaps against the side of his travel pod to indicate that I had signed off. Dave and I then shuffled the old dustbin to the front of the trolley.


"Next one!"

Four voices returned, "Richard!" and he was soon passed through the window and dumped unceremoniously into the next bin. By now the foregoing cloudless day was starting to deliver its legacy: the temperature had dropped and our passengers were going to be feeling it by the time they had been delivered.

Dave tied the lid simply onto Richard's bin and Chris read him his fortune before giving his compartment several hefty welts with the hockey stick he had retrieved from the dorm. We shoved the dustbin up against John's and set about accommodating Ed.


Poor Ed, he still couldn't conceal the fact that he wasn't exactly as distressed by his treatment as the others were but justice is justice and, being a fair-minded crew, we decided that we had to treat all the malefactors equally. Even Ed's broad shoulders were easily accommodated in the bin but he didn't fold quite as easily as Richard when we tied the lid onto the bin. We didn't bother warning Ed about behaviour and the dustbins were soon three in a row on the trolley.


Absent Friend(s)

So far everything had gone surprisingly smoothly so, although we were quite disappointed, we weren't exactly surprised when it seemed that we weren't to enjoy any icing on our cake. We resigned ourselves to our loss and started unwinding the plastic chain that Chris had supplied from his parents' hardware shop. He'd brought lots of it.

Then it happened. There WAS a Father Christmas after all, he was even a few weeks early.

"Hi, lads. Did you miss me?" Francis always was a little prick. He'd returned from his water-polo tournament just about in time and was leaning out of the window with that insufferable grin on his face that seemed to indicate that he'd had a successful event. "Aren't you going to ask me how it went?" It was difficult not to react in a manner that would forewarn our early Christmas present. Following a few departing words to our first three guests, we sauntered as casually as we could round to the door of the block and into Dorm 3a.

Francis was sitting on his bunk, still in his school uniform with some sort of medal hanging round his neck. We only hoped he hadn't overheard, "Bags I his left leg." and similar claims that we were making as quietly as we could as we were working our way round. I got his neck.

"We won, we won, we chaaa . . ."

Before he could become even more annoying (and believe me, he could) Francis had been pulled to the floor with Dave and Kev holding onto a leg each. Chris had rammed his left boot into his right armpit and his right one against his neck and was twisting his arm to force it straight and even little Chas enjoyed the advantage of surprise to hammer his left arm right up between his shoulder blades. With me having swapped my grip on his tie for an arm round his neck and a hand over his mouth, I put it to him that he might like to stop shouting.

He still didn't seem to have a clue why his roommates had greeted him like that and we were in no hurry to illuminate him.

"Oh, did you win, then?" I took my hand off his mouth.

"Get off me, you lot." I'm sure you'll understand that there were many more such requests and with far worse language as we continued to engage him in trivial conversation and to twist his various limbs.

"Right, no more social chit-chat; down to business." Chris called the court to order.

I was also keen to get on with it. "How do you plead, Harry, (Don't ask.) guilty or not guilty?" I won't bother reporting all the things the little rat said from now on; they wouldn't have made any difference to his inevitable fate anyway.

"Come on, Al, we can't just go straight to the verdict?

"I don't see why not."

"He needs to know the charges."

"Oh, I think he knows." Harry's struggles were subsiding by this time and he seemed to be genuinely interested to know why he was being assaulted. Do you think he genuinely didn't know?

"If I may, M' Lud" Chris had been watching 'Crown Court' again.

"Silence for M' Learned Friend." Dave gave an extra twist of the defendant's ankle as he called for order and I temporarily replaced my left hand over his mouth.

"Does the defendant remember his first day at Blackwood Manor?" Chris started the cross-examination. Francis thought it would be better to cooperate and affirmed that he did. "Good. Then he will remember what happened to his unfortunate roommates while he was signing up for the swimming squad," Chris gave a twist on the arm he was holding, "the water-polo team," he pulled the said arm, "and the diving team." Francis nodded his head. "And wasting as much time as possible creeping round the staff who run the teams." Francis grunted in despair. He then stopped resisting altogether.

"Please tell the court."

"You all got bog-washed."


"You were all tied up and left to get free."

"And when did you get your school christening?"

"I couldn't help it. I was busy. They never got round to me."

"The court has heard," even at that age Chris was a champion bullshitter, "that the defendant was warned to keep out of the way."

"No, no, I just needed to sign up for the teams while there was still space."

"What a load of bollocks."

"Please, Mr Goddard, order in court."

"But it is absolute bollocks, there's always room for talented athletes in school teams." You'd think that Francis would have admitted defeat at that time, wouldn't you? Not our Francis.

"Honest, I just wanted to get on the teams."

"Well in that case we'll have to investigate. What, or should I say who, do you think we've got in those dustbins you just saw?" Once more Francis groaned and sagged, in as much as he could sag while he was being held so tightly. "Perhaps Livingstone lied to us? Shall we ask him? Of course, we'd have to tell him that you called him a liar. What do you think?" Francis simply groaned and shook his head.

"Is it time for the plea now?"

"You know, Mr. Goddard, I think it might be." Dave seemed to think the defendant was ready to confess. I hoped he was right because holding him down was becoming tiring even though he'd stopped struggling. "Mr. Thompson, why don't you put it to him?"

"The defendant, Master Francis, known as Harry, Worth, you are accused of cowardice in the face of the enemy. How do you plead?"

"I suggest you think carefully before answering." advised Dave as he twisted Francis's ankle in the opposite direction."

A barely audible, "Guilty" escape Francis's mouth.

I screwed my knuckle into the defendant's, still damp college boy cut. "Louder please, let the court hear your plea." This time there was no doubting the reply.

"Gentlemen of the jury, do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty of cowardice in the face of the enemy?" At any real court martial the accused would have been entitled to the presence of a 'prisoner's friend' but we didn't know that - honest. The 'guilty' verdict was unanimous.

"Who's going to pronounce sentence?"

"Mr. Thompson, your honour, I believe."

The verdict and sentence (now that our fourth guest had made such a timely arrival) was a foregone conclusion but it was only fair to let the condemned man know his fate. There was to be no appeal.

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Post by MaxRoper »

In the pantheon of excellent sentences, these two stand out: "It might even make things more comfortable for our prisoners. Despite that, we still thought it was a good idea."

Your updates are appreciated. Keep 'em coming.
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Thank you. Such analysis is always appreciated.
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Justice Is Served

When we took Francis down, I had bagsied his neck because I had a little present for him which I had to let go of him to retrieve. I had found it some time ago and it usually travelled in the saddlebag of my bike along with four small padlocks. Me and my friends often played games with it during our "cycling expeditions" away from home and I had brought it back when I last had a weekend pass. I let the chain drop with a clang in front of the condemned man. We were starting to get used to hearing that despairing moan.

It was my turn to explain. "OK Harry, you're about to get the bogwashing you deserved for being a newbie. We'll worry about the other ones you deserve later." That moan again. "Now you've got the choice: either we can duck you in your school uniform or . . ." Francis got the implications; both of them. Either he could remove his uniform before his ducking or he could be certain that it would need a lot of work before he would be able to wear it again. He would certainly be left in the shower for a while and then probably rolled around in the October mud for a while. "Your decision."

While I was explaining that, I padlocked a loose loop of chain round the convict's neck and another round the frame of his bunk. That way he could stand to undress but couldn't run away. "Right, get on with it." We released our newly secured prisoner and he stood up rather unsteadily.

In between renewed pleadings and attempts to justify himself, Francis had the sense to do what he knew he was expected to do; after all, the three of us had been left wearing only our underpants on the day in question. His blazer was removed and he started to move towards his wardrobe.

"Where does the prisoner think he's going?"

"'S OK Dave, I'm only going to hang it up. I can't go anywhere can I?" Francis grabbed the chain connecting his neck to his bed and shook it by way of demonstration.

"Just drop it, we haven't got all day." Francis threw the black jacket onto his desk, followed none too quickly by his tie, the medal and his white shirt. "Now the rest, Harry, and stop wasting time - or do you want me to explain things a bit more clearly?" Dave and Chris were two of the nicest guys you could ever wish to meet but Francis's delaying tactics had driven Dave to the end of his patience and Francis really didn't want him to 'explain things more clearly' to him. He bent down and removed his black lace-ups. Chris simply snatched them up as he removed them and threw them out of the window along with his grey socks. Francis seemed to get a bit more of a move on as he unzipped is trousers and stepped out of them. Chris was in no way mollified, however, and, once he'd removed the leather belt from the garment, it followed his footwear out of the window.

Francis stood upright and looked from one of us to the other. We stood with our arms folded, looking back. "Pleeease!"

"You can hang that vest on the chain." Francis sighed and pulled the rather tight, white singlet over his head leaving it hanging as Chris had suggested.

That left Francis in just his white Marks and Sparks string briefs. They were decent enough, unless the wearer became excited, with the net fabric confined to two panels at the sides and, as roommates, we were used to seeing one another more naked than he was but it's sort of different when you're the only one nearly naked and the others present seem to owe you no good will whatsoever. Francis clapped his hands over his privates.

"It's OK, we'll let you keep your knickers."

"Yea, no one needs to see you waving your little acorn knob around."

"As LONG as you behave." We needed to make him feel as wretched as possible so that he'd really want to cooperate with the next part of our plan.

"C'mon, Chas, let's just go and check on the others." At Kev's suggestion, the little guy made an exit: worthy of any present day parkour type: a short run up, one foot on a chair, the other onto a table, a summersault out of the window and a safe landing outside. He might have been scrawny but he did seem to be fit! Kev followed him in a rather more stately fashion.

"Why don't you guys use the door?" In this day and age I expect 'elf 'n' safety would make the school do something to prevent such speedy exits but, you must remember, this was a long time ago. There were some sounds of dustbins being hit and a mixture of muffled grunts and gloating remarks for the next few minutes as we continued to entertain Francis.


"You reckon we need to tie him up before he gets his first bogwash?"

"Nah, I'll just use these little things. It'll get him ready for later." I moved Francis so that he was nearer to his bunk and made him give me his right hand so that I could back hammer it into the chain quite close to his neck. The chain had short links but, even if we couldn't get it tight enough round one another's wrists with one circuit, we'd found out during our games that we could always do it with two.

Francis started pleading for mercy again. Chris was unsympathetic. "Ah, is he sobbing? Poor baby." Francis immediately shut up and tried to stop himself doing exactly what Chris had noticed. In the mean time I had hammered his other arm up his back and padlocked it in place but not quite so high, of course. It was now safe to un-tether our latest guest.

Kev and Chris bounded through the window again. "They're OK."

"Yea, they say they're looking forward to their journey."


"Can't be arsed."

"OK, walkies!" I grabbed the chain and dragged Francis into the bathroom while Chris opened the door to the toilet cubicle. Francis didn't resist, he just knelt on the floor and literally bowed to the inevitable. He seemed to think that, if he cooperated, we might go easier on him. How trusting.

Kev trod on Francis's feet and Dave forced his head into the bowl while I flushed the cistern.

"And one." Dave let our victim straighten up while the cistern filled again.

"Please, lads, enough? - - - Pleeease."

"Put it to the vote?"

The people had spoken by the time the cistern was ready to flush again. "And two."

"You know, you spoil this kid." Chris was referring to the way I had insisted on cleaning the loo before we made Francis form an intimate relationship with it. "Good job none of us needed a crap."

The noise as the cistern filled had reached its highest pitch before finishing with a hissing sound and The unfortunate Francis had his head lowered into the pan again. "And three." We all let go of the spluttering swimmer and gave him a few minutes to compose himself before his next ordeal.


"Let's see: he's been bogwashed."

"Yes, but only once."

Francis objected.

"Anyone else fed up with the whining?" Chris was rifling though Francis's sports bag.

"I am"

"Yeah." Dave noticed what Chris had found, "Good idea."

"Better do it."

"No, please."

Chris held the swim briefs to his own nose. "Mmmmmm - - - chlorine." he declared with exaggerated delight. The gold coloured team briefs with the wide white stripes down the sides were still wet and Francis had obviously not bothered to rinse them out in the showers.

"Please. Chris, King Chris, Mate, Your Excellency, no, - - - please." He was desperate.

"Don't want to hear it. Open up." It's surprising how suddenly Francis became quiet as he clamped his jaws firmly shut. Chris folded the swimming costume and rolled it quite tightly around the drawstring for safety and held it up ready for insertion.

"Mmmm m, mm - m." Francis shook his head.

"Let's put it this way: - - -" Dave grabbed him round the neck and pulled it backwards and towards the ground forcing his victim to arch his back. "OK Chas, do your stuff." The demon fingers danced once more and their stage heaved in a vain attempt to escape them.

"'Right- a -h - ha, give, give."

"Keep going, Chas."

"Say, 'Please gag me with my stinky swimming trunks.' Don't stop, Chas."

In between the squealing, giggling and snorting Francis eventually managed to make the request to Dave's satisfaction. D'you know, I hadn't realised that Dave was quite so deaf before?

Chris soon had the shiny garment lodged in its owner's mouth and I found the last of our much depleted rolls of wide Sellotape. The briefs were soon secured to the satisfaction of all of us, well except for Kev. He said that he'd rather enjoyed the look of Ed's gag and tied another strip of pillowcase material over Francis's mouth before I took another Polaroid. I showed it to Francis. "Reckon those girls you were trying to impress by the Lido'd be impressed by this?" The squeal was most gratifying.

"Let's see: now where were we?"

"He's been bogwashed."

"Yes, but only once." This time Francis took the hint and merely wheezed his distress.

"He's been stripped to his undies."

"He's been tied up"

"Well, sort of."

"Yes, but he hasn't been left to get free yet." Francis thought he'd spotted the snag.

Francis wished he could point out that there was no way he could escape from the chain. He wished he could try begging for mercy again. He was even beginning to wish that he hadn't hidden from his school initiation. He could only hope that we were bluffing. An over-active imagination can always be relied upon as an efficient instrument of torture.

"OK, Harry, we need to get on with this or we're going to miss our dinner."

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What follows is the penultimate post for this thread.

I should mention @Chris12 (Chris Brewer) here. It was he who suggested the idea in the frst place. Thanks, Chris.
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Parting Is Such Smug Sorrow

Doors seemed to be going out of fashion as some of my mates rushed to get on with their pre-allocated tasks but I thought it would be better to walk Francis round to the chariot. The chain hanging down his back was a long one and I gathered it up crudely before telling him to step over it backwards with his left foot. He can't have been as stupid as he often credited other people, especially his mum, with being because the alarmed look on his face said it all. He had certainly understood the implications of his action and, not wanting to disillusion him, I pulled on the chain. Poor Francis, that look could have melted marble. I grinned.

As I led the little guy out to meet his fate, he made damn sure he wasn't going to drag on the chain that passed between his legs and which was having an unfortunate effect upon the contents of his remaining clothing. "What a shame I didn't bring the camera." The resultant agonised wheezing noise sounded as though it was somewhere between despair and outrage.

By the time I had walked a determinedly cooperative Francis round to the trolley, Chris had finished untangling the ornamental chain he had 'obtained' from his parents' shop. It was the plastic sort with diamond shaped spikes in every third link that people would buy to cut and use as decorative fencing. It was also plentiful.

As we approached, Chris offered, "Wan' t' start with 'im?" and indicated my charge. "Then you can claim your chain back." I declined saying that it would be difficult to secure someone's wrists in such a chain and, besides, there was that other reason as well. Francis didn't look impressed. I told him to get down on his belly and to raise his feet. He did so and I simply crossed his ankles and wrapped them in several rounds of chain. If he managed to loosen them, we would have noticed well before he was able to stand up.

We had planned our next move carefully although we hadn't been able to practise it completely. Dave 'called on' John attracting his attention with a few surprise thumps on the side of his dustbin with Chris's hockey stick. Then he untied the rope that was holding the lid on. "Hi, remember me? Oh no, sorry, you can't see me can you?" John took the opportunity to raise his head. We knew that he wouldn't be able to stand up because the bin wasn't wide enough. We'd tried it out ourselves beforehand. We knew ordinary bins wouldn't be big enough to get a boy in but we were so glad that those old kitchen bins had been replaced. Not only were they large enough to make an individual compartment but the replacements also made fine taxis.

John had been gagged with Dave's invention for quite some time and it must have been painful by now and Chris suggested that we ought to consider replacing it with something more comfortable. I gave it mature consideration - and then pulled rank. "Look, who is it that's had to put up with him for thirteen years?" Dave and Chris gave way. I was still surprised when there was no subsequent violence of the trapped tongue. Perhaps John had learnt his lesson?

Chris took one of the two remaining padlocks and threaded the chain between one of the handles of john's dustbin and the bin itself before pulling a generous length of chain through the gap, wrapping it round the handle and pulling it through again. Even though the chain was plastic, the noise was quite spectacular and seemed to cause my brother no little concern. Chris hooked the padlock into both the first link on the chain and another near John's neck. He then wrapped the spiked chain loosely round his captive's neck and checked to see that it was properly adjusted before slipping the hasp through another link of the chain.

Even though the chain was plastic, the spikes made it look spectacular as it seemed to dig into John's neck and shoulders. It was pure theatricals really but, once I'd had time to retrieve my camera and take another shot, it looked good! Chris fed the free end of the chain through the other handle of the bin.

"You know it would have been easier to thread that chain through both the handles first and then adjust it, don't you?"

"You do your bit and I'll do mine." Dave was certainly right but Chris was enjoying himself. He kept threading the chain noisily through the gap until there was only about two yards of chain left to go. He then wrapped it round that handle as well. That was going to be really annoying later.

Chris made sure there was plenty of slack before starting on the next bin. Dave took the rope and tied a prussic knot (even though we didn't know what it was called then) round one handle of John's bin and warned him, "Heads". That was my cue to push the lid down on his head. I held the lid in place and Dave threaded both ends of the rope through the handle on the bin lid, pulled tight and wrapped them round the handle a few times before finishing off by tying off to the other bin handle. The main idea, after ensuring that the soon to be passengers could not escape was to make the ties annoyingly time consuming to undo.

By the time I had undone the lid of the bin containing Richard and dropped the rope ready for Dave's ministrations, Chris was ready to tether our second passenger by the neck having wrapped the chain annoyingly round one of the bin handles. As he was repeating the operation round the second handle, I forced Richard's head down again and Dave tied the lid into place. The chain didn't allow the lids to sit exactly in place at first but it was easy enough to make a couple of dents in the rims of the bins to accommodate the obstructions.

It was just Ed to go and Chris did more or less the reverse of what he had done to John. I had to 'borrow' one of Francis's padlocks before Chris could complete his assigned task. He had judged the length of the available chain well as we would see later.


Francis was still face down on the ground but with only his right arm hammered up his back. He'd made the wise decision not to try to take advantage of his increased freedom until I unwrapped his ankles and ordered him to his feet. Chris thought he ought to get him ready for his journey.

"OK Harry, just one or two refinements, I think." Chris had brought a few things for our entertainment (and for Harry's embarrassment and inconvenience). The first item was the belt he had recently removed from the water rat's (yes, I like that term) trousers. Fortunately, it had what our parents used to describe as 'room for improvement' and he didn't have much trouble buckling it tightly round Francis's left arm and his chest just below his quite reasonable pecs. "Breathe in."


"That should do." Chris gave the belt just a little extra tug before bucking it securely. "And now, we can't have a scruffy kid wandering the school grounds, can we?" The skinniest of the triumvirate had also brought the school tie so recently discarded and he knotted it neatly round its owner's neck. "And, of course, you'll want everyone to see that medal." Chris threaded the ribbon up through the chain round Francis's neck, round it a couple of times and over his head. He then took his time adjusting it so that it would not easily slip back again. You'd be amazed how much something which was supposed to make the wearer feel proud can be totally humiliating out of context.


"OK. Ready to go?" Dave was getting impatient. So were Kev and Chas who hadn't taken much part in events as our passengers were prepared.

"W' w' woaa! One more to load, I think."

"Nah, he can just follow on. OK by you, Harry?" I didn't wait for a response before drawing the metal chain between Francis's legs once more and passing the free end on to Kev, Dave and Chas who had positioned themselves ready to grab the trolley handle and head off. Chas wrapped the chain round the handle a few times and gave the thumbs up. Francis stood a bit more upright again as the chain tightened between his legs. "OK, got it. Off you go."

That groan squeezed itself past Francis's gag again as he realised that his embarrassment had been recorded for posterity.

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OK, what follows is the final part of the saga of revenge at Baackwood Manor.
Any remarks would be welcomed, including any suggestions as to which of my past tales should be re-posted next.
My thanks to all those of you who have stayed the course.

Here we go, then.
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The Final Journey

Except for the involvement of a nearly naked boy, anyone seeing our procession would just think it was that group of half-witted Third-Years being high-spirited again and, other than certain over-picky members of staff, no one was likely to stop us all the while our victim appeared to be Francis. The most picky staff weren't on duty that weekend and it seems that there was a vitally important football match on the telly that would be engaging the attention of the duty staff in any case along with a substantial number of the boys for at least another half hour. We didn't expect to be disturbed.

Kev and Dave turned their backs on the chariot, grabbed the handle and started to pick up speed. Little Chas might not have contributed much to the motive power of the vehicle but all the while his hand was gripping the chain, there was no way Francis as going to work his way free even if it wouldn't have put an embarrassing pressure on, shall we say, his tender parts.

Chris and I kept an eye on the dustbins to make sure they weren't going to come adrift and the trolley was steered round the edge of the large, tree-bordered lawn behind the dorms so that there wasn't as much chance of our being seen from the buildings. After we had got half way round, the Great God Football would certainly ensure that there would be nobody around to see us. We went into the trees and continued for about fifteen yards until the trees gave way to an enormous open space which doubled as an athletics track, an environmental science study area and a general piece of open land where boys could play football, fight, run around, shout, swear etc.

When Dave adjudged that we were as near the centre of the space as possible, he called his draught team to a halt. Chris plugged the earphone of his transistor radio into his right ear and tuned into the football game. It wouldn't do to disembark our passengers too soon.

"OK, final whistle. It's a draw. They're going to have to play ten minutes extra time each way."

We had plenty of time and no one would have to miss the fun.

"You even try removing that gag, Harry Worth, and I'm going to find a way of getting both your wrists padlocked into that chain." Francis stopped trying to reach his face with his left hand and obeyed Dave's order to get belly down with his left hand by his side and his feet in the air.

We had nearly half an hour but we thought we should still get our passengers unloaded so that we could return the trolley before anyone started asking questions. Disembarking our guests was not a particularly gentle procedure but, when planning, we realised that Chris would have to 'obtain' enough chain to allow for a good two yards or more between each of our passengers; he had provided more than enough.

It was probably a good job that there was no one round to overhear the operation because we certainly got a bit over-excited and, of course, everyone knew better than anyone else how to achieve the desired result.

Ed was first off. Chris and I dragged the bin containing him until it was just overlapping the edge of the trolley. Then the heavy mob took over as Kev and Dave took a handle each and tilted the bin while I climbed aboard and gave it a little lift by the raised rim. "OK. On three." Dave counted and we eased the bin off the trolley and lowered it rather abruptly onto the ground to the obvious discomfiture of its contents.

Chas thought Ed deserved some words of comfort but perhaps, "OK, Muscles, we'll soon have you out of there." was not the best-judged promise he could have made.

Richard, being lighter than Ed, probably hit the ground more gently than his mate but the same certainly could not have been said for John. I wonder who made sure of that? We soon had the dustbins lined up in a straight line about three yards apart and the connecting chain still not even slightly taught.

Kev and his little mate ran off with the trolley as quickly as they could so that they could be back in time for the release.

Chris was keeping an eye on his watch and his ear on the footy. "Change over time. About ten minutes to go."

"You reckon we ought to tell them now?"

"Give Kev and the Shrimp a couple of minutes. Shouldn't take long." As soon as I'd said that, Chas hove into sight aboard his steed, encouraging him to greater speed as the piggyback pair approached. "Come on you two, stop pissing around and get over here."

"Whoa, Horsey, whoa." Kevin tipped his jockey gently over his shoulders and the two grinning boys composed themselves ready for the solemn release.

Chris went into verbose mode again. "Right, listen up, you three." we gave each of the bins a little kicking just in case the Fourth-Years were unsure whom we were addressing, "We're going to let you out now. With any luck, you'll be back for dinner - as long as you cooperate with Harry. Oh, you know: Harry, - Francis, - Ed's little mate." Francis was stuffed, if he didn't help the other three to free themselves, they knew exactly who to go hunting for later. "Oh, you know, the little dark-haired short-arse from our dorm who hasn't had his school christening yet."

Francis wasn't sounding too happy with his lot. Chris continued along the lines of, "Harry's got a hand free so that he can start untying you. Unfortunately, he hasn't got the padlock keys. They're hidden somewhere in your dorm. You'll just have to go hunting. Good luck."

I thought that just about covered everything but Dave wanted to ensure that they really enjoyed greater clarity concerning their situation. "If you can get free in the next five minutes, perhaps no one else will see you but . . ." There seemed to be renewed activity inside the bins. "It's no use trying to stand up even once Harry's untied the bin lids; you'll just have to tip your bins over and jerk yourselves out." There then followed several unnecessary remarks about being jerks and jerking off, etc. We were making the best of the situation.

Dave continued with his summing up. "Even if you can' t get free in five minutes, you should still be in plenty of time for roll call - IF you want to avoid any unfortunate questions. You see, you're stuffed really: if you dob us in, none of the other kids will have anything to do with you lot for at least half a term, and the staff will have to hear about your bullying. John'll have to admit that he was taken down by his little brother and then there are all those Polaroids. Oh, and it's no use trying to torture them out of us, they'll be in the post before any of you gets free."

Chris signed of, "OK Harry, over to you."


Now it was just a question of how much of the fun we could wait to see and how many other kids would witness the humiliation of the Fourth-Year Bully Squad. One thing was for certain: we couldn't think of anyone who would help them.

Francis tried working his left arm to release the belt but it was too tight and the noises from the dustbins sounded much more demanding and the bins started rocking. Eventually Francis managed to spit out his swimming trunks and told his "customers" to stop trying to tip the bins until he'd untied the lids. John being John took no notice so Francis untied Ed's and Richard's bins first. He tried explaining that it wasn't his fault that Ed was in that situation but Ed didn't sound very convinced as he continued to demand to have his gag removed.

Things proceeded apace and the audience gradually gathered. WE had to hope that enough boys would head straight for the 'Fect' to avoid the duty staff becoming suspicious. Some of our peers were going to be pretty upset that they'd missed the spectacle, but they shouldn't have been so determined to fill their stomachs.

By the time Francis had removed the gags from Richard and Ed (who didn't exactly sound grateful), untied John's bin lid and helped Ed to tip his bin over, Richard had already landed with a wonderful crash and even rolled a few feet in spite of the handles. Francis obviously gave some thought to making a quick getaway, until Richard prevailed upon him not to. Alright, then, he offered to re-arrange his features if he did.

It probably took about a quarter of an hour before all three Fourth-Year bullies were clear of their travelling compartments and starting to be able to free themselves, although nobody seemed to think about freeing Francis's left arm completely. We thought it was time to return the bins and go to dinner, we'd seen the best of the entertainment but the accounts we heard from the other boys afterwards warmed our hearts. It was satisfying to have entertained so many of our friends and peers.

The day had been cloudless but it was October so the temperature was dropping noticeably. The wet mini-briefs on Richard and John's wet, white boxers clinging to him embarrassingly weren't much comfort to either of them but at least Ed was dressed for the water and the cold meant that his body wasn't displaying his previous reaction to the tie-up situation.

Dame Rumour and Her Children

We returned the bins, took a leisurely dinner and revelled in the congratulations of the pupils who were returning from enjoying the spectacle they had just witnessed. We gradually pieced together the latter part of our victims' sufferings.

Eventually, the three Fourth-Year boys made their way to their dorm as quickly as possible but, of course, they were still chained together at the neck and Richard was still holding onto the chain that was hammering Francis's right arm up between his shoulder blades. They seemed to want to have a word with their erstwhile rescuer later. The sheer humiliation of their situation should have made the "Hard Men" want to keep out of sight for a few weeks; what a pity they were in a boarding school and wouldn't be able to do so.

They must have taken nearly half an hour to find all three keys before they stopped searching in spite of none of them having fitted the padlock that kept Francis in the hammerlock. I wonder why that one didn't show up?

Eventually Will, the fourth inmate of Dorm 4c, approached. We were a bit apprehensive but there was safety in numbers and we were cocks of the rock in the refectory just then. "'S OK, boys, no worries, I think they're jerks as well. Ed says he wants to speak to you. How about half-six?"

We discussed the proposal and Will assured us that Ed wouldn't be a problem because he wasn't keen on anyone seeing those photos and he'd be the only Fourth-Year on our territory. "Come on, lads, he's not so bad, it's the other two, give him a chance." We decided that we could afford to be magnanimous but that we'd better go and get the stuff cleared up from where our erstwhile guests would have left it. "No need to bother. We've dumped it all in your dorm. Least we could do to thank you."

By the time Francis got back to the dorm, he had obviously been unable to defer his school christening any longer and, although he was carrying his belt in his hand, he was still chained. He was desperate.

"Look boys, I'm sorry, I was chicken but they got me just now. Those three didn't even thank me for releasing them. How am I going to get them to let me look for the key to this thing?" Francis tried to nod his head over his shoulder.

"What? This key?" Our little water rat wasn't even in the position to use those words that I could imagine dying on his tongue. "Now, we've got some proposals to make before we free you. Your choice: agree and we lay off you but, if you don't follow through, we still have a couple of bogwashings to catch up with and you still haven't been left tied up somewhere and left to escape."

"Oh, by the way, have you seen this photo?"

"Besides, I think you might be only too pleased about one of our proposals."

"Yes, don't say we never do anything for you."

We made our proposals and Francis agreed none too reluctantly. I unlocked him but we told him he wasn't allowed to dress for the rest of the day and would have to go without his dinner as a further punishment. "Yeah, we support traditional values." affirmed Chris. "Never mind, there's always that Kit-kat you've been saving."

"Sorry, boys, I was hungry." Dave looked smug.


We tidied up all the ropes, rags and other items that had simply been dumped in our dorm and waited to receive Ed. We did ask some of our mates to keep a lookout in case he wasn't alone but he was on time and as good as his word. Not only that, he returned Chris's white spiked chain and my padlocks.

We sat in what we thought was a casual manner but didn't invite Ed to take a seat. Ed held out the chain and there were a few seconds silence. Chris took the chain and put it on the table under the window. We waited.

"Look boys, I deserved it. I don't hold anything against you. I'm not going to support those jerks again. I was just trying to keep in with them. Now I can see what the rest of the school thinks of us." Ed paused and we gave him our 'we're giving nothing' looks. Ed resumed, "Obviously I didn't like all of those things you did to me but, shit, you lot, that was hot!" Ed blushed comprehensively. "Please. Don't let anyone see those Polaroids. My dad would kill me if he found out. He just wouldn't understand. Please!"

It must have taken some balls for Ed to have opened up like that so Kev tipped Francis off his chair so that our visitor could sit down.

He ended up sharing a couple of packets of Penguins and a brew with us. It was only fair, they were his in the first place. After about half an hour, Ed left with handshakes all round and we were left with a rosy glow and our smug-count had reached new highs.

The Aftermath

That's about it really. One or two things changed: the Fourth Year Bully Squad had been completely disarmed and John and Richard were more or less sent to Coventry once their power had been stripped from them. Ed rehabilitated himself and he aligned himself more with Will, and Francis kept his word so impressively that we even considered handing over the embarrassing photo of him and the chain. We considered it.

He had asked our Head of Year if he could change dorms. He only half lied when he said that he didn't mind, lied when he said that he liked Chas but told the truth when he said that Kev would be prepared to swap with him. Chas was a bit worried about losing his protector but he felt better about it when he heard us explain to Francis that the little scruff's well-being was to be foremost in his considerations and that, if things seemed to be beyond him, he could rely upon our support.

So, we had to wait until the start of the Spring Term before everything came together but there were bonuses then. First, Kev and Francis swapped dorms (Chas even 'inherited' Kev's place at the back of the dorm). Second, the Head of Fourth Year had decided to move Richard and John to different dorms. No, we didn't ask for it but, following rumour, we believed that Richard's parents wanted him separated from my brother.

As a bonus, Chas bounded into our dorm and thanked us for his surprise Christmas present. He knew he'd get the tape that he had posted to himself with that label, 'Not to be opened until Christmas' in someone else's writing. That was certain to ensure that his parents would just hide it away from him but that didn't matter as he knew where the Christmas presents were hidden. What surprised him, though, was the other package labelled in the same way. He wasn't expecting that one and his parents kept it from him successfully but he was glad he didn't open it in front of them. The package of photographs reminded him of how it would be safe for him to return to the school for the new term. I did, however, keep a few spares - - just in case.

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Post by blackbound »

Wonderful story, thank you. Unfortunately I am too much of a latecomer to know which stories you have waiting to be re-posted, so: all of them?

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Post by Xtc »

Thank you for taking the trouble to reply.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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