Nothing Personal 5- Spies Like Them Part 2 (F/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

Very interesting two updates :) We learn about Constances and Louises Mission, I wonder if holding such many balls in the Air might cause Problems for Crawford - but the first stages of said mission went flawlessy.

And Penelope is on the way to the final Part of her Job-Interview .... how that will play out though? Yes and there is Kendall again .... and as we know from past encounters with her she is a bit of a loose cannon, she seems to have a sadistic streak.

Good to know two that Natasha recovered - her desire to shower long and hot is only too understandable after her ordeal - well done [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 50

The Outlook Hotel, Washington State

As Blair Jackson exited the bathroom, she noticed the laundry basket sitting in the middle of the room. She stopped and looked at it, perplexed. Now, unless she was going mad it wasn’t there when she had gone for a shower fifteen minutes ago and she hadn’t heard the door open or any shouts from staff about entering the room. With her focus solely on the laundry cart as she headed toward beside cabinet, looking to use the phone to call reception and report the rogue laundry cart. Not paying attention to anything else in the room Blair lifted the receiver and was about to dial reception before sensing more than seeing movement behind her followed by a faint whiff of perfume. Blair paused and suddenly a hand wrapped around her waist and felt herself pulled backward and held tightly against another body. Before Blair could say anything, a leather gloved hand was clamped over her mouth. Blair could tell by the feminine curves of the body that the person that had grabbed me was a woman. The arm around her waist was removed and she felt a sharp, metallic object jab into her back, just below her ribs. “OOMMWW,” Blair moaned into the hand over her mouth.

“Don’t move, don’t even make a sound,” a female voice said into her ear. Blair nods her head as much as possible but with her head pressed against the woman’s chest, she doesn’t have a full range of movement, to show that she will be compliant with her instructions. Well who wouldn’t with what was obviously a gun in their back. Whoever this woman was, she was most likely than not a thief raiding hotel rooms and had been surprised when Blair had exited the bathroom, don’t get in her way and she will leave soon enough. Blair then hears footsteps on the thick carpet and another woman wearing the uniform of the hotel maid service appeared. Well, no problem there are just two thieves, Blair surmised. The woman was tall with shoulder black hair and piercing eyes, very pretty, no alluring would have been a better term. Blair also noticed that the maids uniform hugged the contours of her body extremely tightly and that she also wore leather gloves. The woman had something in her right hand. “Put your arms out,” the woman whispered into Blair’s ear. Although Blair found this a strange request she complied and the woman standing in front of her slaps padded leather cuffs on both of her wrists. They are now bound together with a short chain between them.

“MMUUPPHH,” Blair moaned again into the hand confused. What she assumed was a gun was pressed deeper into her back as a sign that she had done something wrong.

“I suspect you think that we are robbing hotels rooms,” the woman whispered into Blair’s ear. Once again, Blair nods, rubbing the back of her head against her attacker’s breasts. “Well, we would need to tie you up to make our escape.” Now, that did make sense to Blair. She supposed she could take being loosely bound for a bit. “Now when I remove my hand no noise as Yelena gags you.” Gags me! Blair didn’t think about that. The hand is removed and Blair takes her chance.

“There isn’t really MMUUPPHH,” the hand goes quickly over Blair’s mouth, even tighter than before. Blair was just trying to tell them there was nothing much to steal from the room, some cash in her purse, her phone and not much else. He mother had made her pack light for this trip.
“What did I say about being quiet?” Blair felt anyone jab into her back and nod raised her cuffed hands in a gesture of surrender and apology. The hand is removed again and Blair keep my mouth shut which actually was a problem as Yelena was bringing a large, wadded up white cloth toward her mouth.

“Open wide,” the woman behind her said. Not wanting to risk being hurt Blair complies and Yelena stuffs the cloth into Blair’s mouth quickly and she finds her mouth being completely filled with soft cotton, at least it tasted clean, Blair thought. The cloth was that large that Yelena had to force it all in by prodding it with her leather clad fingers. Blair moaned slightly as this task was completed. Yelena delved into a pocket in her uniform and produced cotton wool pleats and a silk scarf before she placed at the centre of the silk scarf that had been folded into a wide band. Yelena centred the cotton wool over Blair’s already packed mouth and held it in place whilst she took both ends of the scarf and leaned in around Blair’s head, who felt the cotton wool compress and the two ends were tied together at the back of her head, there was a brief pause in that increase as Yelena freed Blair’s long, brown locks from under the gag then pulled it tighter, eliciting a muffled groan from Blair before securing the scarf with a knot. Then Yelena produced another cloth and folded it into a pad, placing it at the centre of another folded scarf. Yelena leaned toward Blair again and with a cold smile lined the folded cloth up with where Blair’s mouth would be and placed it over where the cotton wool was and then tied the silk scarf behind Blair’s head, very tightly keeping, viciously compressing every other part of the gag, keeping everything snugly and securely in place. Blair winced as the second scarf was tightened, encasing and compacting all of the material over her mouth. What was this woman doing? This gag was far more than was required to stop her from calling for help from anyone outside the flat. Blair doubted she could make a noise that would be audible to someone even ten yards away.

“Very effective gag, I am sure you will agree,” the woman behind Blair said as she ran a hand over Blair’s gag and walked around Blair to stand next to Yelena. “We call it a Kirsty.” Blair could now see both of her attackers and her jaw would have hit the ground at the beauty of the second woman if she hadn’t been so heavily gagged. She was currently standing with her hands behind her back. No doubt the gun dangling menacingly from one of her hands. “Now, get on the bed and lie with your hands over your head.” Blair assumed that they were going to tie me to the bed so, somewhat reluctantly did as instructed. As Blair walked to the bed, she saw Yelena reach into the laundry cart and produce a large, white blocky package and start to unfurl it. After lying on the bed, the beautiful woman jumped onto the bed and sat astride Blair with a knee of either side of her and her bum resting partly on Blair’s chest leaning over and pining my arms down. Blair was now slightly more uncomfortable with what was happening, the back of her mind telling her that something wasn’t quite right. “As we are getting to know each other my name is Constance.” Constance glanced round “Ready,” Blair couldn’t see what was happening beyond then felt hands on the waist of her pyjama bottoms as they were started to be pulled down.

“MMMUUUPPPHH,” Blair moaned and started to struggle and thrash but the way that Constance was positioned she couldn’t move and didn’t have the leverage or strength to shift the woman pinning her to the bed.

“This is why I do this at this point. Stop struggling will you.” Blair did and felt her trousers behind removed. “This isn’t some kinky game. Erin is going to put an adult diaper on you now.”

“MMMOOOHHH,” Blair moaned, embarrassed about this turn of events and could feel her cheeks becoming red.

“Don’t worry it is just to stop you wetting the bed. Who knows how long you will be tied up for in here after we have left?” Blair had to admit that it was a valid point and beside who else would find out. So, she stopped struggling and lifted her hips and allowed Yelena to slip the diaper under her bottom. “Good girl,” Constance said There was a tap on her hip that she took as the sign to lower her hips, when she did her bottom hit a thick, padded surface that I assumed was the diaper. Blair heard some rustling then felt the front being folded over her private areas. There was a bit of discomfort as Yelena made sure the diaper was fitting snuggly before using the sticky tabs to secure it in place. With that job now complete Constance and Yelena helped Blair up into a standing position a couple of yards away from the bed. Yelena was delving into the laundry cart again and came out with six padded leather straps and what looked to Blair to be a puffier version of the ski suits that she wore when skiing in Vermont or France. Blair glanced at Constance and then back at Yelena who was currently playing with the ski suit. Then Blair felt a hand on her shoulder. “Just relax. There is nowhere to run.” Blair was growing more nervous with every passing moment. How many thieves carried around this kind of stuff on the chance they bumped into someone that they had to tie up. Surely a roll if duct tape would be sufficient? “Step into the legs,” Constance ordered as Yelena held the suit open. Seeing no other option Blair complied with the instruction and Yelena quickly pulled the suit up and over Blair’s shoulders. Instantly Blair felt the thickness and quality of the garment but wondered what this was all about. Yelena undid the cuffs on Blair’s wrists before pushing the arms into the sleeves and then locking the cuffs. “Hold still,” Constance said as Yelena used two of the larger straps on Blair’s upper body to pin her arms tightly to her body. After those straps were secured to Yelena’s satisfaction she moved down to her legs and used the straps on Blair’s upper thighs, Blair moaned as Yelena tightened that strap due to the diaper. “Don’t be a baby,” Yelena used the final three straps to bind Blair’s legs together just above and below the knee, as a final bit of binding around her ankles. Constance then produced what Blair had assumed to have been a gun from behind her back and held it up.

“OOMMOOWW,” Blair moaned. It was a tube of lipstick and not a gun. Blair had let myself be tied up under threat of cosmetics. “Don’t worry, we would have just used chloroform to knock you out if you hadn’t been so compliant. Now, I am sure that you are wondering what is happening. You must think that this is a robbery but the only thing that we are taking form this room is you.”

“MMMMHH, UURRPPMM,” Blair moan basically silently as her eyes widened in shock, starting to move around only to almost topple over.

“Well, that was pointless. And I did say I suspect you think this is a robbery.” They both had wide grins on their faces. Well, Blair supposed she had to concede that point. But why would they want to take her anyway, she wasn’t important. “Don’t worry we aren’t going to hurt you and will explain what is going on later. But first we aren’t quite finished securing you.” Blair watched with interest and a sense of dead as Yelena delved back into the laundry cart. Constance had an arm around Blair’s waist holding her tightly which seems totally unnecessary given my current bindings. Blair watched on as first one and then a second sleeping bag was pulled out and deposited on the bed. Blair shrugged and assumed that Yelena was emptying the laundry cart for them to put her in it, to get her out of the hotel unseen. “I know you are thinking but you are wrong, bags are for you!”

“OOUUMMPPHH,” Blair moaned as she took in the two sleeping bags, both yellow, which actually matched the suit that she was wearing. They were both massively puffy lump of nylon and down, one with a side zipper and the other a centre zip.

“Just for the avoidance of doubt it isn’t the one that fits you best, it’s both.” Blair swallowed hard and started to really panic. It was her own fault she should have resisted earlier but now she was in the hands of these clearly very weird women. Constance helped Blair as she hopped over to the far side of the bed, which was made harder with a diaper. Once they had Blair positioned to their satisfaction, they grabbed the thinnest, and that was a relative term, of the sleeping bags and pulled it to the edge of the bed. Yelena opened it up and then Constance guided Blair down with her hands on her shoulders until Blair felt her bum hit the sleeping bag. “Now, swing your legs up and in.” Blair did as instructed and found that she was now lying in the sleeping bag. Yelena quickly pulled the top over and fastened the zip before Blair could roll out, it was a double zip and Yelena clipped them together with a small travel padlock. Blair was now encased in a down cocoon with no means of escape from inside. She heard the second bag being opened and for some reason tried to resist more this time but bound as she was there was little Blair could do to stop my would be kidnappers from pulling the second bag, this one with the centre zip up and over her body and zipping it closed around her. The air was filed with the swish of nylon and my extremely muffled pleas for mercy. However, the thickness of the gag insured that anything Blair said was far to unintelligible to understand. “Don’t worry, you will be nice and comfy,” Constance commented as she leaned over so Blair could see the smile on her face. This woman seemed to be enjoying this part of the abduction far too much. “Wriggle around and get comfy. Don’t worry about the heat.” Comfy! With the amount of soft down and nylon currently pressing down on Blair’s body from all directions it was hard to move but she tried all the same. “One last sweep to make sure we haven’t missed anything and we can head off.” Blair heard Constance say. Blair flung her head back in frustration, she couldn’t believe that she had been so easily subdued by these two women. Although they were clearly professionals it was still embarrassing.

They must have completed the sweep as Constance’s head appeared over Blair “Now, I know what you are thinking. How are they going to get me out of here without anyone noticing, even in the laundry cart? Even as tightly packaged and restrained I can thrash about, cause a disturbance, maybe knock something over, cause enough of a fuss to get some attention.” That was exactly what Blair had been thinking if I was being honest. There was no way that they could smuggle her past everyone in the hotel. “Well, this is where this comes in,” Constance raised a small, dark bottle with no label on it. “This is chloroform.”

“HHHMMMUUUPPPHHH,” Blair moaned but it was absolutely pointless. There was nothing to prevent what was about to happen. “It will just put you to sleep for an hour or two.” Constance uncapped the bottle before grabbing a large wad of cotton wool peat in her other hand and scrunched it up. Blair watched on as Constance poured what Blair considered to be a generous amount of the chloroform onto the cotton ball.
Blair saw the massive cotton ball get bigger as it loomed toward her, although still some way from my face she could smell the fumes wafting from it, they were sickly sweet. She knew that it wasn’t like in the old black and white television shows where the damsel had a handkerchief was held over her nose and ten seconds after that she would be out. Instinctively Blair turned my head away. “Now, that isn’t nice.” Blair moaned before turning her head back. The instant it was the back to facing up Constance thrust the cotton ball over Blair’s nose, forcing her to inhale the overwhelming scent of chloroform through her nostrils. The initial hit of the fume caught the back of Blair’s throat as the scent of the potent chemical filled her head. Part of her brain was telling Blair to fight off the cotton ball that was forcing her to inhale the fumes but she managed to resist that with no more than a slight squirm inside the down cocoon. Blair continued to take even breaths letting the drug invade and then dull her senses, her head became fuzzy and she couldn’t focus on anything. Blair continued to inhale and could feel the drug start to affect her body, her limbs felt disconnected, everything was beginning to relax as her field of vision started to narrow as she started to feel extremely tired. Time seemed to slow down and Blair could feel her eyelids getting heavy and had great difficulty keeping them from closing, her eyelids fluttered and Blair involuntarily moaned again and was almost out when the cotton ball was removed from over the lower half of her face but relief was short lived as Constance placed the chloroform-soaked ball neatly into a dust mask, before placing it over Blair’s nose and heavily gagged mouth, tying the straps behind Blair’s head. There was no escaping the fumes and Blair knew that a couple more breaths and she would be out. The last sensation before Blair’s eyes closed was being lifted off the bed in her down cocoon. Then everything went black.

“That’s her out,” Yelena said to Constance as they lowered the large down cocoon containing Blair’s unconscious form into the laundry cart. Yelena pulled the sheets back over to hid what was inside from prying eyes and taking an end each the wheeled the cart out into the corridor. Once the door closed Constance removed the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign that she had placed on the door handle and placed it on top of the laundry cart.
Beverley Hills, Los Angeles

The sun was out and the sky was picture postcard blue as Melissa Jackson walked from the home of one of her clients toward her brand-new silver German sportscar. It had been a bit of a indulgence but business has been going very well, and with a bit of luck was going to get even better in the not too distant future. Just as she was settling into the driver’s seat her mobile vibrated. Digging it out of her bag Melissa saw that it was her daughter calling. “Hello, honey,” Melissa Jackson exclaimed. “How is the holiday going?”

“Miss Jackson, please listen carefully,” said a robotic, metallic voice. Melissa was confused, as even through the metallic distortion she could tell that it wasn’t her daughter’s voice.

“How did you get me daughter’s phone?” Melissa asked as pulled the phone away from her ear to check the number again. “Who are you?”

“That is not important. I just need you to listen at the moment,” the voice replied. Melissa could tell that it was a woman’s voice. “We have you daughter.”

“Look, Blair, this is isn’t funny and I am busy at the moment,” Melissa responded with a hint of irritation in her voice.

“Miss Jackson, this isn’t a joke. Look at you phone.” There was a ping which was the notification that a picture had been received. Melissa took the phone away from her face, looked at the screen and gasped. It was a photograph of her daughter, bound and gagged. It was clear from the look in Blair’s eyes that this was not a joke or prank. A sudden fear ran through Melissa’s body. “I take it from the silence you now realise the seriousness of your position.”

“What, what do you want?” Melissa stammered. “Money, because I can….”

“No, not money,” the voice interrupted. “Information.”

“What could I have that you would want?” Melissa asked.

“Not over the phone, in person.”

“Where and when?” Melissa asked.

“We will send you a text with the information. It will be a nice drive for that nice new car of yours. Good choice by the way, the German’s can make nice vehicles.” Suddenly the hairs on the back of Melissa’s neck stood up and she looked out all of the windows trying to spot someone watching her. “If you wonder how we know about the car Melissa, let’s just say we are watching you.”

“Alright, alright.”

“If you go the police or any law enforcement agencies you will never see your daughter again. If you do not arrive at the specified location at the specified time, you will never see your daughter again. If you do not come alone, you will never see your daughter again. Do you understand?” There was silence at the other end of the line. “I need to hear you say the words Melissa.”

“I, I understand,” Melissa replied. With that the line went dead. Almost immediately the phone beeped again to signal the arrival of a text message. Melissa hurried to open it and digest the contents. It was an address that she quickly punched into the satellite navigation system and started the engine. It would be a log drive but one that she had to make.
Motel, outside Ellensburg, Washington State, USA

After a long drive following the directions on the satellite navigation system on her car Melissa Jackson pulled into the forecourt of a battered looking motel. There were two long, low buildings on two sides of the car park which were the rooms. At the junction of the two rows was an office with several neon signs outside, this would obviously be the office. Even in the gathering glow of twilight Melissa could tell that this was not the nicest of establishments. After killing the engine Melissa headed toward the office and found herself looking at a young man in his early twenties wearing a baseball cap, ear buds and a disinterested expression. “I have a room booked under Jackson,” Melissa said.

“Yes ma’am,” the young man replied removing the buds from his ears and scanning the register with his eyes. The instructions from the people that had her daughter, Blair, was to go to the reception and ask for a room. “That would be room 11. The last room at the end of the row.” The young man stood up and pointed at the room with one hand as he retrieved a key with the other and slid in across the counter to where Melissa could pick it up.

“Thanks,” Melissa said as she picked up the key.

“Your friend already book in.” At this comment Melissa froze, wondering who that could be. Before going into the room Melissa decided that it would be best to move the car across so that it sat outside the room. After completing this task Melissa sat in her car looking at the door and taking deep breathes wondering what she would find on the other side, her hands were trembling on the wheel, but for her daughter she knew that she had to find out. Steeling herself Melissa got out of the car and made her way to the door. There was a light on inside the room but the drapes were drawn and she could not see in. Taking the key Melissa unlocked the door and entered to find the room empty, well there was a bed, a couple of chairs, a television on a cabinet and a wardrobe but there was no sign on Blair or any other person. Leaving the door open to make escape easier Melissa checked under the bed, in the wardrobe and in the small toilet but there was nobody in the room. She then walked back across the room and closed the door before turning round and seeing the note that was lying on the bed. It just had one word written on it in capital letters, WAIT.

Outside the room Louise, Gisele and Shannon sat on the bench seat of the van and waited. They had observed Melissa Jackson pull into the parking lot and then enter the room. “Seems to have complied with the instructions so far,” Gisele commented.

“Let’s just wait and see what happens,” Louise replied. “I don’t want the police turning up.” So, the three women waited for another thirty minutes before Louise indicated and that Shannon should move the van to outside room 11. “You stay in the van,” Louise said to Shannon as she slipped out of the van and held the door open for Gisele to follow her. They both approached the door and scanned the areas before Louise wrapped her knuckles on the door and without waiting for a reply opened it and stepped into the room. When Louise opened the door, she found Melissa sitting on the bed with her hands clasped in her lap with a blank expression on her face as if deep in thought. That allowed Louise and Gisele to enter the room without any problems and close the door. The sound of the door closing seemed to bring Melissa back to the present and she jumped up room her seated position.

“Where is my daughter? Have you got her?” Melissa asked frantically. “What do you want?”

“That is a lot of questions Melissa,” Louise replied. “First, I need you to know that we are in total control of this situation. Do you understand?” Melissa eyes were darting around the room but she nodded a response. “Good, now please sit back down on the bed.” Louise pulled a chair from where it was sitting and carried it across so that she could sit directly in front of Melissa.

“Where is my daughter?” Melissa asked once Louise had taken a seat and got comfortable.

“Your daughter is safe and is being well treat and care for, I can assure you of that.”

“Why should I believe you?” Melissa replied with what she thought was a reasonable question. “You kidnapped her in the first place.”

“I need your phone,” Louise said. Melissa reached into her pocket and brought out her mobile and offered it to Louise. “Turn it off first.” Melissa did as instructed and Louise placed it into a small drawstring bag that she then placed on the bed.

“What do you want from me then?”

“This is a simple exchange scenario Melissa,” Louise explained. “You tell us where Jasmine Lockspeiser is currently and we will release your daughter.” Melissa expression went slightly puzzled as she looked from Louise to Gisele and then back to Louise as if seeking confirmation of that statement as it wasn’t what she was expecting.

“You don’t want money?” Melissa asked clearly confused. Louise shook her head.

“What do you want with Jasmine?” Melissa asked as Louise and Gisele exchange a look. It was confirmed that the information that they had was correct, Melissa Jackson did know where Jasmine Lockspeiser was.

“That really isn’t important. What is important is getting your daughter back.” Louise smiled and this encouragingly. The room fell into silence as Melissa worked through the situation, these people, her daughter and now Jasmine Lockspeiser.

“Jasmine is in a health and recuperation facility on the outskirts of Quebec,” Melissa couldn’t see anyway out of this. Then she had a lightbulb moment. “This is her aunt, isn’t it?” Melissa stood up, angry now. “That bitch!”

“Sit down and stay calm,” Louise said with an edge to her voice.

“So, what now?” Melissa asked. “You tell me where Blair is?”

“Sort of,” Louise replied. “You come with us and we take you to her.” Melissa frowned, this sounded that they were going to hold her captive now as well.

“That wasn’t part of the deal,” Melissa said, a hint of panic evident in her voice now.

“There was never a deal Melissa. As I said earlier Melissa we are in charge of this situation and what we say goes.”

“I thought that you would let Blair go?”

“We will, but later.” Louise replied. “We can’t leave you running about to go to the police now. Can we?” Melissa thought this through and knew that they were correct. Whatever they had planned in relation to Jasmine would take time and they were correct; she would call the police and report what had happened. She now felt foolish at letting herself get into this position. “Gisele will give you something to help you relax. It will help keep you safe for the journey.” Melissa looked at Gisele as the woman poured liquid from a bottle onto a folded, thick white cloth.

“Is that chloroform?” Melissa asked summoning knowledge from her love of old films. Gisele nodded as she finished pouring and put the top back on the bottle. “So, you expect me to just let you clamp a chloroform-soaked cloth over my nose and mouth and render me unconscious?”

“Yes. It is your only option should you wish to see daughter again.” Melissa’s shoulders slumped as she accepted that there was no other option. Even is she fought off these two without being knocked out she had no way of finding her daughter. “It might be easier if you lie down on the bed.” Melissa nodded and swung her legs up and onto the bed and got into a comfortable position. Then suddenly Gisele was looming over her with the cloth raised threateningly raised in her right hand. Melissa watched on nervously as the cloth was lowered toward the lower half of her face.

“The natural reaction will be to resist but it will go easier if you don’t and just relax,” Gisele said in a reassuring tone. Melissa could smell the fumes coming from the cloth before it actually was clamped over her nose and mouth. Once the cloth was put in place Melissa felt the dampness against her face and the fumes caught at the back of her throat. There seemed to be a explosion of light behind her eyes as she took a first deep breath and took a massive hit of the fumes. Melissa’s natural instincts kicked in and she turned her head from side to side to try and find some fresh air but Gisele was able to keep the cloth in place, forcing Melissa to inhale more and more of the chloroform’s fumes. Eventually Melissa could feel herself getting tired and it was a struggle to keep her eyes open and her limbs felt heavy. Her vision narrowed and narrowed until her eyelids closed over and she slipped into unconsciousness. “Always easier when they don’t try and fight you off,” Gisele commented as she removed the cloth and slipped it into the picket of her down filled jacket.

“Just keep her out until we get back to base,” Louise instructed as she frisked the unconscious woman and finding her car keys put them in her own pocket, she would drive Melissa’s car back to their base after disabling any tracking device. The rest of the possession went in the bag with the mobile phone. As Louise was completing that task Gisele was opening the door and looking around for any sign of life. There was none and it was now pitch black so they would have cover. Gisele signalled Shannon who brought the van to life, ready to make a swift exit. Going back into the room Gisele helped Louise get Melissa off the bed and between then they carried the woman out of the room and deposited her in the van through the sliding door on the side. Gisele hopped in and Louise closed the door and tapped the side if the van to indicate that Shannon should pull out. Then Louise jumped into Melissa’s car and after adjusting the seat and mirrors started the engine and exited the motel’s car park and headed off to catch up with Shannon and Gisele.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Seems like the latest Operation of Crawford´s Team seems to work out as planned. It is always fascinating to see how this well oiled machine works, nothing seems to be able to stop them .... Well done [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !
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Post by Caesar73 »

A most intriguing tale and I can hardly wait in which direction it will continue!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 51

Safe House, Washington State, USA

“This operation is starting to get complicated,” Constance commented. Louise nodded her head. They were sitting at the dinning table in the kitchen continuing their discussion from earlier when they discovered where Jasmine Lockspeiser was. “I had hoped that Jackson had her stashed in a house somewhere quiet, nearby and all alone.”

“That would be too easy,” Louise replied and looked at the ceiling. Instead she was at a private facility called Thorpe Abbey with security, staff and other residents on the edge of a built-up area. It was going to take some planning to execute this mission and extract the target. “We can’t take the Jackson’s with us or let them go. That means we have to leave at least two people here to watch over them. That would only leave three of us to make the snatch. We need another body.”

“I agree, but you heard the boss. They are short in numbers.”

“No harm in asking,” Louise commented. “I believe I can make a compelling case.”

“I wish you good luck with that,” Constance raised her mug of tea and gestured toward Louise. It has been an hour earlier that Louise, Gisele and Shannon had returned carrying an unconscious Melissa Jackson before dumping her on one of the wooden chairs around the kitchen table. Once seated Yelena slipped a pair of cuffs on Melissa’s wrists and bound her ankles and thighs with lengths of strong cord. When unconscious woman started to moan and stir slightly, the team all gathered round and waited for her regain full use of her senses.

“Where am I?” Melissa mumbled.

“Don’t worry about that,” Louise replied.

“Where is Blair?”

“She is here but we need you to answer a couple of questions first.” Melissa sighed and nodded her head. Louise then peppered her with questions about the where Jasmine Lockspeiser was, the layout and especially the security arrangements. After exhausting Melissa’s knowledge Louise nodded and Yelena untied the woman’s legs and along with Gisele, they took her up the stairs to see her daughter and put her in tight and inescapable bondage. As they stood outside the room where Blair was currently being held Louise turned to Melissa. “Now, nothing silly when we get in there. It may look strange but your daughter is perfectly comfortable.” Louise leaned in to open the door before stopping short. “O second thoughts, better gag her.”

“Wait, wait…I want to speak with my daughter,” Melissa protested.

“She is gagged anyway,” Louise responded.

“But; you promised……” Melissa pleaded.

“I said that you could see your daughter. I never said that you could talk to her.” Melissa’s shoulders slumped as she conceded the point and offered no resistance as Yelena stuffed her mouth with a cloth and tied a folded silk scarf over Melissa’s mouth to hold the packing in place. Satisfied that the gagging was complete Louise opened the door and they stepped into the room. Instantly on seeing her daughter lying on a cot, low of the floor, encased in a down cocoon Melissa let out a low moan. This caught Blair’s attention.

“UURRMMPPHH, MMMMUURR,” Blair screamed into the packing in her mouth and white micro-foam tape gag that had been smothered over her lips. Then she started to thrash around in the down cocoon but the loft restricted her movements and the ties from the bag to the cot kept her from falling off onto the ground.

“Calm down, we don’t want you to hurt yourself,” Louise instructed. Despite this warning Blair continued to thrash around. “Now, I have a duty to keep you safe,” Louise stated as she slipped a bottle and cloth out of her pocket. The sight of the cloth sparked memories and Louise smiled as Blair's eyes widened in horrified realisation. Kneeling next to the captive, Louise uncapped the bottle and put the cloth over the neck, then tipped it until the cloth was saturated with chloroform; then she quickly replaced the cap, careful not to breathe the potent fumes herself. Setting the bottle on the floor, Louise brought the cloth up to Blair's face with a graceful sweep of her arm, almost surprising the helpless girl in spite of her understanding of what was about to happen. "Sleep tight, Blair," Louise murmured as she applied the cloth to the gagged girl's face. Blair squealed into the stuffed tape gag in protest; then she began thrashing about uselessly, the down loft and straps held her in place, shaking her head violently from side to side, trying desperately to avoid the penetrating anaesthetic fumes. But Louise was not to be denied. Clamping the cloth over Blair's nose and mouth and watched Blair begin to weaken as the powerful sleep drug was forced into her nostrils. Her moans became softer and her eyelids began to flutter as consciousness receded under the influence of the relentless vapor.

“OOHH MMOO,” Melissa moaned as she watched her daughter forced into unconsciousness. It was then that Melissa noted the second cot with a sleeping bag contraption and guessed that these weren’t lying out for show, they had been prepared for her.

“Don’t worry Melissa, there is nothing to fear. You will find out soon enough for yourself,” Louise stated. “I am sure that you have just worked that out for yourself.” Louise headed for the door, walking past a dejected and defeated Melissa. “Look, we just need to keep you and Blair out of the way until we finish our operation. I wouldn’t believe the whole ‘We won’t call the police’ chat so I will spare us having to go through that whole dance. Yelena, Gisele please restrain Melissa properly.” Satisfied with the day’s work Louise exited the room and headed for her own bedroom to update Elizabeth and make a request.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 52

An island in the Mediterranean

The request had been a simple one and not unreasonable once Louise and Constance had explained the situation to Elizabeth Crawford. They needed another body but the question that faced Elizabeth was where to get one that she could spare. Then the answer had come to her in a flash of twisted inspiration. Elizabeth waited in the study for the solution to the problem to enter. Elizabeth had already asked Kendall to attend the meeting and the young woman was positioned, standing off to the left slightly out of the way. There was a knock at the door and when it opened Kirsty entered followed by Hayley. “Nice to see you again ladies, please come in.” Elizabeth Crawford was sitting behind her desk so Kirsty and Hayley took up positions just on the other side. “Thanks for coming. This is mainly for Hayley but I asked Kirsty to come along to illustrate a point so Kendall could you please bind Kirsty’s wrists and gag her please.”

“What is this all about?” Hayley asked as Kendall approached Kirsty, took Kirsty’s wrists behind her back and slipped on a pair of padded cuffs.

“Elizabeth,” Kirsty managed to say before Kendall rammed a balled-up cloth into Kirsty’s mouth before securely tying a folded silk scarf over Kirsty’s mouth. Hayley looked at Kendall, the young woman had a wicked smile on her face then at Kirsty with her bulging cheeks and finally at Elizabeth Crawford behind the desk. There was clearly something going on that Hayley wasn’t aware of.

“I shall get straight to the point. There is a team currently out in the field and they need an extra pair of hands. I can’t spare anybody else at the moment so I thought that you would be able to give them a hand.”

“You expect me to kidnap a woman?” Hayley asked with sense of disbelief. “For you.”

“Yes, well, assist in the kidnapping of a woman would be a more accurate description,” Elizabeth said with a smile. “To make sure that you behave, Kirsty will be kept in full restraints when you are off island. I don’t have to tell you what happens if you misbehave, get lost or anything goes wrong with the operation.” Hayley turned and locked eyes with Kirsty over the gag. Kirsty just shrugged and raised her eyebrows.

“And if I said no?” Hayley had bunched both fists and placed them on her hips.

“You had been relatively well treated up until now. That could change though,” Elizabeth leaned back in her large armchair which creaked in complaint.

“It doesn’t look like I have much option then, does it?” Hayley responded.

“Glad that you see it that way,” Elizabeth said. “You are becoming quite the team player Hayley. I really am proud of the progress that you are making.” Hayley looked at Elizabeth Crawford like a teenage daughter looks at her mother after an exchange on appropriate clothing. “The plane leaves as soon as you are ready so I suggest you get ready. Constance will brief you fully when you arrive at your destination.”

“Where would that be?” Hayley asked.

“I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise,” Elizabeth responded and nodded at Kendall who grabbed Kirsty by the upper arm. That seemed to be the meeting over as Kendall led Kirsty toward the door so Hayley followed close behind.

“I think that you should show Mrs Crawford a lot more respect,” Kendall commented as they walked along the corridor.

“I guess that was directed at me,” Hayley said with a edge to her voice. Kirsty turned her head and as she was gagged tried to communicate with her eyes for Hayley not to rise to the bait. Hayley exhaled and nodded to indicate that she understood, after all it would be Kirsty stuck here on the island whilst Hayley was off somewhere else.
An island in the Mediterranean

After the meeting Hayley, Kirsty and Kendall had made their way back to their room and whilst Kendall went about restraining Kirsty and getting her into the two bags Hayley slipped out of the large dress that she was wearing and into something more appropriate. In the end she decided on a nice dark blue suit with a light blue blouse. As she admired herself in the mirror Kendal walked across and whispered in her ear. “Good luck.” Hayley jumped slightly.

“I doubt you mean that,” Hayley replied.

“True, if you didn’t come back, I wouldn’t be bothered.” That comment made Kendall turned and left the room in a swish of fabric. There was definitely something not quite right with that you woman Hayley thought. After finishing packing a small case Hayley grabbed the full length down jacket from the wardrobe and made her was over to Kirsty, lying encased in down on her bed.

“I will be back as soon as I can. Don’t you go anywhere until I do,” Hayley said to Kirsty with a reassuring smile and pat on the bad. Taking a deep breath Hayley turned and headed for the door, picking up her case as she did so. When Hayley got door to the main entrance, she was surprised to find Elizabeth Crawford standing in the middle of the floor waiting on her wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

“Thought that I would give you a lift up to the airfield,” Elizabeth said.

“Thanks,” Hayley replied not stopping to make chat and heading straight through the door into the sunlight with Elizabeth hurrying to catch up. Hayley descended the stairs at the entrance and headed toward the red jeep that was sitting on the driveway. As Hayley was putting her case in the empty rear bed Elizabeth Crawford jumped into the driver’s seat and fired up the engine. As soon as Hayley was in the passenger seat Elizabeth gunned the engine and sped off. Hayley instinctively grabbed held on tight as the jeep launched from a standing start.

“This is fun” Elizabeth shouted as she slid the jeep from the driveway out onto the dirt road as the wheels lost traction for a second before catching again. They made the short journey from the main house to the airfield in about half time that it would normally have taken driving more sensibly. Once Elizabeth pulled up near the plane, she shut off the engine and turned to look at Hayley who was nor tying to fix her hair. “Look in the glove compartment.” Hayley stopped fixing her hair and did so, finding a mobile phone and charger. “Don’t get too excited. It is programmed with all of the numbers that you will need in the contacts and all other numbers are blocked.”

“So, I won’t be able to call my dad then?” Hayley asked. Elizbeth just shook her head.

“Better get on board and settled for the journey.” Hayley got out and after retrieving her case made her way to the plane. “Have a good journey and look forward to catching up when you get back.” Hayley stopped on the steps and felt slightly deflated at that comment from Elizabeth Crawford, just as she was about to get off the island, she was thinking about coming back. No doubt that was exactly what Elizabeth had intended. Hayley stood and watched the jeep speed off and disappear from sight before making a rude hand gesture and ducking inside the fuselage. The flight attendant was there to greet her with a smile.

“Let me take your jacket and bag,” she said. Hayley handed them over. “Take a seat and I will be with you before take-off. Are you all set?” Hayley knew what she meant and patted the pull-up brief that she was wearing before walking on and picking a seat. Hayley settled in as she watched the flight attendant store her belongings and then close the door as the engines were fired up.

“What’s the movie on this flight?” Hayley asked as the flight attendant approached her. There was a smile but the question didn’t get a response as the flight attendant used heavy padded straps to secure Hayley to the seat before slipping a rubber mask over Hayley nose and mouth. The familiar relaxing scent immediately assaulted Hayley’s senses and it took a couple of seconds for Hayley to realise that the plane had started to taxi into position to take off. The gas was starting to take affect and she was stating to fell rather woozy, her eyelids feeling heavy and difficult to keep from closing over. She was unconscious before the wheels retracted after take-off.
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Post by Caesar73 »

This Chapter makes one really wonder why Crawford is keeping Haley around - a beautiful object she likes in her Possession. She cooerces her in doing her bidding in a cruel and heartless fashion by threatening Kirsty to ensure that Hayley stays in Line. Crawford can´t really believe that Hayleys feelings towards her will ever change - and Hayley makes her feelings very clear. All in all this another Chapter which makes one hope, that at somepoint Crawford get what she rightfully deserves

The only positive Aspect currently for Hayley is Kirsty.

Kendall is definitely a very troubled Person.

That Hayley does not look forward to catching up with Crawford is understandable - if you know Crawfords Ways of catching up.

As good as it was to see Hayley again - it is sad that her Situation seems to be so hopeless for her and not the slightest sliver of hope for her. To keep herself together under these Circumstances is really remarkable.

Nicely done [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 53

Near Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

When she came round Hayley, to her surprise, found that she not strapped to the chair. The flight attendant even brought her a drink and a meal which she accepted gratefully. Hayley actually managed to enjoy the remaining two hours of the flight before they touched down. On landing the flight attendant quickly ushered Hayley out of the cabin where she found a pile of luggage, including her case and several compression sacks waiting on the tarmac. Just next to the luggage was a white van with Louise and Yelena standing beside it. “Hello, Hayley,” Louise said with a wave. Hayley signalled back before walking across.

“I wish I could say I was pleased to see you,” Hayley replied.

“In that case we can skip the pleasantries. You can help Yelena with the luggage and I will have a word with the flight crew.” Louise walked off and Hayley nodded at Yelena.

“You, I am glad to see,” Hayley threw her arms wide as if she expected a hug. “No, well the we will just get the van loaded then.” The two women made a short line and Hayley passed each item on to Yelena who then packed it into the rear of the van. Once they were finished Louise had reappeared.

“Good teamwork,” Louise commented.

“That’s what I am here for,” Hayley turned and gave Louise a big thumbs up. When she turned back Hayley noticed Yelena held a pair of cuffs in her hand. “Look, I know that you are going to keep a close watch on me and I know that Elizabeth told you to be careful but I am not going to do anything to jeopardise Kirsty’s safety.” Hayley looked straight at Louise. “Besides, why take the risk of getting stopped and having a bound and gagged woman in the van.” Louise had to concede that was indeed a good point and nodded. Hayley let out a long breath in relief at avoiding being restrained.

“We will just use the chloroform instead,” Louise noted the surprised and disappointed look on Hayley’s face. “Only joking Hayley. Get in the back.” Louise now gave Hayley the thumbs up. Hayley shook her head and jumped into the back of the van and found a seat. Yelena slammed the siding door before getting in behind the wheel. As soon as Louise was safely in the passenger seat Yelena started the engine and pulled away.
Safe House, Near Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

The journey to the safe house had taken about forty-five minutes and Hayley had spent it taking in the scenery, which was different and a welcome change from the island with sloping hills and thick forests. There wasn’t any chat during the trip, the other sound was that of the windscreen wipers swishing away the thin drizzle over the soft roc radio station that Yelena had selected. Yelena had made several turns before Hayley noticed that they were on a single-track road with dense foliage on each side and a thick canopy above. After another short drive the van slowed and Yelena turned onto a well-hidden drive that led up a slight hill to a two-storey wooden house that you could certainly described as secluded. When the van stopped, Yelena, Louise and Hayley all hopped out and Hayley took a moment to take in her surroundings. It was quiet and out of the way. A good place to stay out of the way of prying eyes and make plans. “Glad that you are back,” Constance said. Hayley turned and noticed Constance standing framed in the doorway. Louise quickly made her way over to Constance and had a short but intense conversation with the young woman that Hayley couldn’t hear form this far away.

“Give me a hand,” Yelena said to Hayley. Between them the two women manged to lift everything from the back of the van and into the house in a single trip. As soon Hayley had deposited two of the compression sacks on the floor Constance picked up them up and hurried up the stairs.

“Make yourself at home,” Louise said to Hayley as she gestured around the interior of the house. The ground floor was basically open plan with a large seating area and dining / kitchen area to the rear. Hayley wandered over and hung up her down coat on the coatrack beside the others and then took off her boots and set them under the coat. Spinning around Hayley walked over to the large couches that were arranged around a table in the centre of the room and took a seat. “My turn for dinner,” Louise said as she sat down next to Hayley. “Do you like lasagne?”

“Great,” Hayley replied as she picked up the remote and found a television channel showing cheesy chick flicks and settled down to watch them until dinner was ready, having no interest in having a cosy chat with Louise. The two of them sat in silence until Constance returned and took a seat on the couch off to the left.

“What are we watching?” Constance asked.

“Generic chick flick,” Louise responded.

“You don’t have to think about it,” Hayley said as she slipped her feet under her buttocks. They all settled in and watched the film for another ten minutes before Yelena appeared in front of them in her work out gear.

“I am going for a run,” the Russian stated.

“Dinner isn’t for another couple of hours yet so crack on,” Louise responded whilst trying to crane her neck to see the screen around Yelena.
Safe House, Near Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

After clearing away the dinner dishes they spent more than three hours around the table making observations and comments on what further information they would need and a putting together a proposed plan of action that would be confirmed following surveillance over the next couple of days. They arranged on what they should start with and then Louise stifled a yawn and leaned back, lifting the front legs of the wooden chair off the floor. “I think that it is time to call it a night. Early start tomorrow.”

“Good idea,” Constance seconded. “Just looking at Yelena after that run made me tired.”

“Hayley, you will share with Constance,” Louise said before turning her attention to Constance. “Make her secure for the night. We can’t afford any problems at this stage.” Hayley gave Louise a vicious look and sighed audibly. Not that Hayley was going to complain that much, sharing with Constance was preferable to either Louise or Yelena. Hayley followed Constance up the stairs and along the corridor towards a door that would take them into a room that would overlook the front of the house. As they entered the room Hayley clocked the two restraining bags lying on the floor at the end of the two single beds. “You have to be joking,” Hayley exclaimed, she had assumed that they would just secure her to the bed with an ankle cuff or something similar. To make matters worse the restraining bags were pink. Hayley could almost hear Elizabeth chuckling sitting in her study.

“I didn’t pick the colour,” Constance said apologetically with a chuckle. Hayley took in the rest of the room, slightly dated wallpaper on the wall, big window in one wall with the drapes drawn, two single beds each with a cabinet next to each and a large, solid looking wood wardrobe.

“Not your fault I guess,” Hayley responded as she walked across to her case and flipped it open. “You have to be joking,” Hayley exclaimed. It seemed that during the flight the content of her case had been changed. It was now half full of adult diapers, which were also pink. Then she heard sustained laughing from over her shoulder and turned to find Constance peeking over her shoulder. The girl’s laugh was infectious and Hayley found herself joining in before grabbing one of the diapers and a set of white silk pyjamas before slamming the case closed.

“Do you need a hand putting that on?” Constance added.

“Worryingly the answer to that question is no,” Hayley replied as she dumped the diaper and pyjamas on the bed and started to strip off.

“I think that we forgo the cuffs and straps and just go with the bags if you promise to be sensible.” Hayley paused with her trousers halfway down her thighs, looked at Constance and shrugged. There was no way to escape from the restraining bags, especially if doubled up, so as far as she was concerned the binding was overkill anyway. Thinking about it again if Hayley had the choice, she would rather have had the bags, they were comfortable and she would be able to move around a bit as she wouldn’t be bound. As Hayley was getting undressed Constance couldn’t keep her eyes from darting towards Hayley despite feeling slightly uncomfortably as she did so. Constance knew that Elizabeth Crawford had a particular liking for Hayley and now she could tell why, the woman had an alluring quality that was impossible to describe. Hayley had finished stripping and had unfurled the diaper and laid it out on the bed. In a move that was far from graceful Hayley climbed onto the bed and positioned herself so that she could drop her bottom onto the middle of the diaper. Once she had dropped bottom and made some adjustments Hayley folded up the front of the diaper and began to use the sticky tabs to hold it in place.

“See something you like?” Hayley asked not taking her eyes from the task in hand. Constance blushed and started to admire something on the ceiling. She didn’t look in Hayley’s direction again until she heard the rustle of soft nylon and found Hayley hefting the internal restraining bag onto the bed having finished applying her diaper and putting on the white silk pyjamas. “Give me a hand then,” Hayley said with a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Constance stepped across and took the end of the bag and helped Hayley get laid out properly onto the bed. Hayley unzipped the bag and flipped open the top.

“Looks cosy,” Constance commented as she stood beside Hayley who didn’t reply but just slipped herself into the bag and wriggled around to get comfortable before Constance closed the top over and zipped it up, securing Hayley in the down packed restraint. As the zip was pulled up Hayley could feel the familiar sensation of the smooth fabric against her body as Constance locked the double zips in place so that they couldn’t be undone. Hayley heard the swish of fabric as Constance retrieved the second bag. Hayley knew from experience that it would be difficult for Constance to put Hayley inside the second bag alone so helpfully wriggled about to help the young woman get Hayley fully inside the bag. Hayley was shocked when Constance jumped onto the bed and straddled her with a knee on either side. “Sorry, I know this is awkward but I need the leverage to compressed the down.

“Crack on Babe,” Hayley replied. Using her legs to help compress the two sides of the external bag together Constance after a bit of effort was able to pull the zip all the way up and lock in in place. Once that was completed Constance locked off the zips and Hayley felt the immediate associated restriction to her movement that was caused by the amount down compressing against her.

“Comfortable?” Constance asked as she ran her hands over the soft, smooth fabric of the restraining bag looking at Hayley’s face that was framed by the hood of the bag.

“Yes, great thanks.” Hayley wasn’t even lying; it was ridiculously comfortable despite your ability to move being curtailed somewhat. There was an awkward silence between the two of them and Hayley noted that Constance hadn’t made an effort to move. There must be something else. “You don’t snore do you?” Hayley asked, trying to move things on.

“No,” Constance responded, smiling and shaking her head. “What about you?”

“Never had any complaints,” Hayley responded. “What is it?”

“Sorry, but Louise said that I had to gag you as well.”

“Seriously?” Hayley asked. Constance just nodded.

“Thought I would just use this.” Constance pulled out a roll of white micro-foam tape.

“That’s fine,” Hayley said. “Just make sure you have a Chapstick for tomorrow morning.” Hayley placed her lips firmly together as Constance pulled out and then tore off a length of the tape. Constance then leaned down and placed the tape firmly over Hayley’s lips, running her fingers over the tape so that it was firmly in place and that there were no ridges and it was smooth. Aesthetics, always important when it came to gags. That job complete Constance got the nod from Hayley and slipped off and back onto the floor. As Hayley squirmed around to get comfortable Constance looked around before as quietly as possible slipping into Hayley’s case and taking one of the pink diapers.

“Night Hayley,” Constance called as she flipped of the lights and then got under the duvet. Hopefully Hayley hadn’t heard her apply her own diaper. Constance didn’t know when but she had taken to wearing a diaper overnight most of the time now. After an hour on tossing and turning Constance was finding it difficult to sleep, her mind switching from preparation for the forthcoming operation to Hayley and how alluring she was. Eventually Constance gave into temptation and pushed a balled-up cloth into her mouth before slipping her right hand under the waistline of the diaper.
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

She fumbled around on her bedside table and eventually found the switch for the lamp. The sudden injection of light into the darkness stunned her eyes rather than penetrate the deep shadows in the corners of the bedroom. Taking a quick glance at the illuminated face of the alarm clock she noted the time as 4.43am. Even though her shift started in less than three hours it was unlike her to wake during the night. She switched off the light, closed her eyes and tried to get back to sleep but there was a feeling at the back of her mind telling her that there was something not quite right so she flung the duvet off and set her feet on the carpet. Trying to the amount of noise to a minimum she opened the door to her bedroom, tiptoed into the hall and into the kitchen, carefully looking around as she went. After seeing nothing she admonished herself, one to many scary movies, you might just be losing it girl. Then she heard something behind her and whirled round to face the direction of the noise but there was nothing there. Shaking her head, she went to the cabinet and grabbed and glass filled it from the faucet. She turned the corner into the hall from the kitchen and stopped in her tracks. There was somebody blocking her way, a figure wearing a large, long, billowing down jacket and also has a silk scarf tied over the lower half of their face like the bandits in western films. She quickly computed that it was a moving but she didn’t compute quickly enough that she was in danger until an arm wrapped itself around her waist and pulled her against a body as a leather clad hand was clamped over her mouth before she could call out. She dropped the glass and heard a dull thump as it landed on the carpeted floor. She instantly struggled and felt her body rub up against that of her attacker. Whatever the person was wearing it was very smooth and padded.

The figure in front of her closed the distance between them quickly whilst at the same time raising their right hand which she now noticed contained a thick cloth. With obviously practiced timing the hand was removed from over her mouth just before it was replaced by the thick cloth. She thought that was strange until she realised that there was a strong scent coming from the cloth. “MMOOEE, NNOO,” she moaned but the soft, thick cloth muffled her protests. She had recognised the sweet-smelling fumes as chloroform, it probably helped that she was a trained nurse. She shook her head from side to side to try and remove the cloth but her attacker adjusted her grip so that the cloth was all but moulded around her nose and over her mouth shutting off the oxygen, forcing her to breathe in the fumes that would bring forced sleep. She started to panic as her mind raced at thoughts of why someone would want to drug her, was it a kidnapping or had she just stumbled into a burglar in her home. Doubling her efforts to escape meant that she inhaled more of the drug but it was a risk that she had to take. There was nobody to come to her aid. However, her attackers knew what they were doing with that cloth, it was still damp and fresh meaning the fumes were pungent, the cloth was secured firmly over her nose and mouth so that she had no option but to inhale the fumes. She could already feel the fumes having an effect. She was going out and there was nothing that she could do about it. Despite meaning that she would take deeper breaths and inhale more of the fumes from the chloroform-soaked cloth she felt that she had no option but to keep struggling and break free from her two attackers. Thrashing her head from side to side she tried to shake free of the cloth so that she could take in a lungful of fresh, chemical free air but it was no use, her attacker had the cloth smothered securely over the lower half of her face like it was welded over her nose and mouth. She could feel the fumes begin to have their effect on her. Her arms and legs were starting to tingle and her head was starting spin, a dark cloud was beginning to edge its way over her eyes. It was then that he arms went limp and her legs turned to jelly and couldn’t take her weight any longer. Shortly after her eyes closed over.

As the young woman slumped, unconscious into Hayley’s arms she adjusted her grip so that her hands were under the woman’s armpits. Constance put the chloroform-soaked cloth into her pocket before bending down and grabbing the unconscious woman’s ankles. Between them Hayley and Constance lifted the young woman and carried her back into the bedroom before depositing her on the bed. Once that task had been completed, they both pulled down the silk scarves that they had tied over their faces. “I hope that she wasn’t too frightened,” Hayley commented looking at the pretty young woman lying on the bed.

“Does it really matter,” Constance said as she flicked on the light. “We are doing a job and we know we aren’t going to harm her in any way.” Hayley turned and gave Constance a sharp look. Constance swallowed under Hayley’s glare before turning away to look for something on a table. After a couple of seconds Constance found what she was looking for. “I will get her car,” Constance said as she pocketed the keys. “You can prepare our friend for transport.”

“Alright,” Hayley said and followed Constance out of the room. Constance headed straight for the front door and silently slipped out whilst Hayley picked up a rucksack and flung it over one shoulder before grabbing a compression sack in each hand and carrying the whole lot back to the bedroom. Hayley dumped everything next to bed before opening the two compression sacks and dumping their contents, a down suit and restraining bag, onto the floor to loft up a bit before using them.

“I am really sorry about this,” Hayley said to the unconscious young woman, “but it isn’t that bad and we aren’t going to hurt you. With a little luck it will all be over for you in less than a day. Right, first things first.” Hayley started to strip the young woman of her sleeping attire, which was a t-shirt and pair of shorts. Hayley tossed both into the corner of the room. “Tip, get better sleepwear,” Hayley continued to talk to the unconscious woman as she emptied the contents of the rucksack onto the bed.

Then a thought struck Hayley, perhaps she could leave a note. A look around told her there was nothing lying about that she could use so she quickly pulled open the top drawer on the bedside cabinet to reveal a small notepad and pen. As she reached down Hayley’s hand stopped halfway as Kirsty crossed her mind. What could she write on any note? Save me? I’m on an island somewhere? Protect Jasmine Lockspieser? They would be finished the operation before the note was discovered anyway. Her hand delved deeper into the drawer, pulled something out and left it on top of the cabinet. Closing the drawer, Hayley turned and picked up an adult diaper that she unfurled. This might be a bit tricky. It took a bit of effort but Hayley managed to raise the young woman’s backside off the bed far enough to slide the diaper underneath. Hayley managed to judge it well enough so that the diaper was able to be applied properly and securely. Next Hayley managed to get the down suit onto the unconscious woman with a lot of effort. After completing that task Hayley stepped back and allowed herself a break before applying the finger control mitts, padded cuffs and restraining straps around the woman’s arms and legs. To finish off Hayley picked up the lag padded gag and used it on the woman by securing the buckle tightly at the back of her head. The job of binding and gagging the young woman completed Hayley quickly packed everything that had to be taken with them into the rucksack.

“That’s the car in position in the rear lane,” Constance said as she came back into the bedroom.

“Great timing. You can give me a hand with the bag.” It was easier to put someone into a restraining bag if they were conscious and not dead weight. They picked up the bag and set it down on the bed next to the unconscious and no bound and gagged woman. As Hayley rolled the woman onto her side Constance slid the bag into the vacated space, unzipped it fully and flung the top open. That allowed Hayley to lower the woman into the bottom of the bag. With several further small adjustments they centred the woman in the bag before flipping the top back over. Hayley zipped up the bag, enclosing the woman securely inside the down cocoon once the two zips were locked together.

“I found the identity card in the top drawer,” Hayley said nodding in that direction. Constance walked across and picked it up. Felicity Scully it read. Stuffing it in her pocket Constance opened a wardrobe and selected one of the uniforms sitting on a hanger, stuffed it in the rucksack and then slung the rucksack over her shoulder. “I am not ironing that,” Hayley commented as she grabbed the top to handles in preparation of lifting the down restraining bag containing Felicity Scully. Once Constance was in position with the bottom handles in her hands Hayley nodded and they lifted together. It was awkward but between them they managed to carry their package out of the flat, down the rear stairs and out into the lane without being seen. As the approached the car they stopped to allow Constance to make the required adjustments to get the keys out and pop the trunk open, handily it opened automatically and the hoisted Felicity up and carefully lowered her into the trunk. Constance and Hayley both took a look around before closing the trunk and getting in the car. “This is a nice car,” Hayley commented as she looked around the interior. “Better than you would expect on a nurse’s salary, even one at an exclusive private clinic.”

“Agreed,” Constance replied. “Perhaps it was a present.” The engine purred into life and Constance pulled the car out of the lane and onto the main road. As they drove along Hayley pulled out her phone and typed a message onto the group chat. “Should be back at base in no time at all.” Hayley settled in and got comfortable for the ride.
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Post by Caesar73 »

That was a hell of an update [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] from start to finish. If you know the History between Louise and Hayley, it absolutely not surprising that surprising that Hayley does not harbour any Sympathy for Williams. On the Contrary. Interessting are the interactions between Hayley and Constance. Both Women seem to like each other and that might be useful for Hayley in the longterm.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Just read the Update again - there is small detail, which escaped me the first time .... Hayley takes something out of the Drawer and leaves it on the Cabinet - I wonder if this might get relevant at some Point ...
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 54

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

As she pounded the streets Holly glanced at her watch, it gave her the time and her kilometre splits. The splits were dropping which meant that all of the hard work training was starting to pay dividends. Pushing the pace Holly blew bast a van sitting by the kerb and made the last turn into the street where she rented a house with her friend Lorraine and stopped at the end of the path. With her hands on her hip Holly looked around as the sun began to rise. There was nobody about and it was her favourite part of the day, even if she did have to head to work. It was a though and she trudged up the path toward the front door.

Holly closed the front door behind her and then retrieved a bottle of water from the fridge. After ripping the cap off Holly took several long drinks, emptying half the bottle. Taking the bottle with her she headed toward her bedroom to collect strip off before heading for a shower. After taking a couple of steps into the room Holly stopped in her tracks, a large sleeping bag was lying in the middle of her bag. It certainly hadn’t been lying there when she had left for her run. Come to think of it she had some camping equipment but not a sleeping bag of that colour or thickness. Then Holly sensed something behind her and was about to turn round when she felt a heavy shove in her back that sent her sprawling face down onto the carpet. Stunned, Holly went to get up but found that there were suddenly hands, two sets, on her forcing her down into the carpet. “What is going OOUUUMM…” a cloth was stuffed into Holly’s mouth. Before Holly could do anything about spitting out the cloth a folded silk scarf was firmly tied over her mouth, however her attackers weren’t finished as her wrists were pulled behind her back and tied together using strong, silky rope. Holly could feel the rope being wound around her wrists several times before being tie off. They weren’t finished with the gag either. A second, folded cloth was placed over her mouth and a second folded silk scarf was tied over that cloth to hold it on place. “MMMOOOWWW,” Holly moaned but in was barely audible beyond her own head. The attack had been confusing and disorienting, so much so that Holly barely noticed that ropes had been slipped around her thighs which were currently in the process of being bound tightly together by Yelena.

“Why don’t we use the chloroform? She is squirming.” Yelena said deadpan as she finished tying Holly’s ankles together. On hearing this Holly intensified her fruitless struggles against her attackers.

“Calm down,” Louise said leaning a bit more heavily on Holly. “It always amazes me how many people know what it is. Anyway, we need you to answer some questions so the chloroform won’t be coming out.” Louise got up and Yelena both got up off the floor and stood side by side looking down at Holly. Louise leaned closer to Yelena and lowered her voice. “Well, at least not yet.” They both then grabbed one of Holly’s arms and helped her onto her feet. Both Louise and Yelena kept a grip of Holly so that she didn’t topple over. Now that Holly was on her feet, she was able to get a good look at the two women that had attacked, bound and gagged her. It was hard to make out any details or features of their faces, each had a silk scarf hiding the lower half of their face and the hood of a full length down jacket up. The one with the Russian accent was taller and broader than the one with the American accent. As they stood sizing each other a noise caught their attention and all three of their heads turned to look through the open bedroom door. Suddenly Holly felt herself being dragged forward as Louise reached out a hand and yanked Holly toward her. There was the sound of the door front opening. “Hello,” they shouted, it was a female voice “Are you back yet?” Yelena and Louise exchange a look. The housemate was supposed to on vacation.

“Into the closet,” Louise hissed into Holly’s ear. Bound and gagged, Holly was not in a position to argue as an arm was wrapped around her waist and she was dragged backward into the closet. Just as they all bundled into the closet and closed the door so that it was only open half an inch Lorraine burst through into the bedroom and stopped dead as she noticed the bag lying on the bed.

“Holly,” Lorraine called as she walked over to the bed and ran her hand over the exterior of the bag.

“Is this your friend?” Louise whispered into Holly’s ear. She was so close that Holly could feel the hot breath of the woman against her ear. Holly nodded. “Keep quiet, we are only here for you. If you try and alert her then we will have to take her as well.” Her housemate is only yards away on the other side of the door. Holly stares at the door and realise the a few inches of wood is the only thing separating her from rescue, it is maddening but the firm hand over her mouth dissuades Holly from trying to attract attention. They stood in silence as Lorraine had another quick look around before leaving the room. From beyond the bedroom came the tell-tale noises of a search. It took what seemed to be a long five minutes before they heard the sound of the front door closing and then risked exiting the closest. “Good girl Holly,” Louise said. “Let’s get you on the bed.”

After they had helped Holly hop over Yelena and Louise began to search the room. “Nice of you to look out the uniform for us,” Louise commented as Holly say her hold up the uniform that she had looked out for her shift later this morning. As her attackers continued to search Holly tested her bindings but there was no slack and the knots were frustratingly out of reach, next she tried to remove her gag by rubbing her face against the bed coverings. But that proves futile as well, her layered gag was still firmly in place, almost as if it had been glued there. The layers of the gag seemed to meld together into a single stifling object bound in and over her mouth. Holly hated the gag already. Being unable to scream or even talk was terribly frustrating. Holly suspected that she could scream with her loudest voice for hours and no one would hear her, even then would the neighbours hear her. So, the gag was not to prevent her from summoning help. More likely, the gag was to prevent her from begging, pleading, or reasoning with her captors. Or perhaps her captors simply wanted to keep her totally helpless. Whatever the reason for the gag, it was quite effective. She also wondered what the large sleeping bag contraption was for.

“Holly we need your security codes?” Louise asked. Holly must have been daydreaming as she hadn’t noticed Louise walked up beside the bed. Now, it started to make sense to Holly. That and the uniform comment meant that they were obviously trying to break into her place of work, but for what Holly couldn’t guess. “We have your cousin,” Louise added holding up her phone so that Holly could clearly see the picture on the screen. “Now, this is one chance kind of deal. That gag will come off and you will tell us what we need to know.” Louise gave Louise a serious look. “Or when the gag goes back in and I can’t help you or your cousin.”

“MMMHHH,” Holly mumbled.

“Our organisation specialises in making people disappear,” Louise responded. “You will never see you cousin again. She will be held at our facility for a time before being sold to the highest bidder.” Holly nodded her head slowly. These people obviously knew what they were doing and she saw no option other than to comply. Louise leaned down and efficiently removed the gag from Holly’s mouth. Even though she hadn’t been gagged for long the sense of relief at the gag being removed was immense.

“What do you want?” Holly asked.

“I told you security codes? Computer access, any doors and your access pass.” Holly didn’t reply and just stared at Louise. “Well, that’s it then. Call the girls and tell them to disappear Felicity whilst I gag her again”

“She looked like an attractive girl in that photo. I am sure that they will have some fun first,” Yelena chipped in.

“Wait,” Holly said as Louise’s hand was halfway to her mouth. Holly’s shoulders slumped as she realised that she was defeated and listed off her security codes as Louise typed them into her phone. “The pass is in the bottom drawer, under the knickers.”

“Good girl. You have made the correct decision.”

“Now we get to use the chloroform?” Yelena asked. Louise nodded as she turned away and went to retrieve the security pass.

“Wait, wait you promised,” Holy stammered as she watched Yelena pour a clear liquid from a bottle onto a thick, folded cloth.

“Not to sell your cousin, I mentioned nothing about not using chloroform or letting either of you go.” Then suddenly the cloth was clamped over Holly’s nose and mouth.

"MMMMMMMMMPPHHH! HLMMMMMMPHH!" Holly cried into the cloth as she immediately felt the fumes from the damp cloth assault her senses, colours sparked in front of her eyes and she choked on the fumes. She tried to call for help and shake her head free from the thick cloth but nobody could hear her muffled screams. And the hand holding the cloth to her face was so strong! Her head was pressed hard down into the pillow that was under her head. The time seemed to go quickly and she struggled as much as she could, but she could already feel sleepy and she couldn't focus her eyes on the face of her attacked with the silk scarf over the lower half of her face and the hood of her coat casting shadows over the woman’s face. "MMMMMMPPHH, HHLLPPHH, HUMPFFF...MMMNNN..." her screams and protests were getting weaker as her consciousness faded. She tried to plead to with her eyes if not her voice for the woman to stop, but it was too late as they rolled up and then she saw nothing.

“She is out,” Yelena stated as she removed the cloth and slipped it into her pocket.

“I found the security pass,” Louise replied. “You out her in the bag, we can bind her properly back at the house, and I will get the van.” Yelena nodded and set about her task by first opening the bag as Louise picked up the uniform and headed to ger the van.

Yelena picked up the down cocoon containing Holly and lung it over her shoulder. The young woman wasn’t that heavy, so it wasn’t anything that she couldn’t handle as she stood where she could see out of the front window. Once Louise had brought the van round and positioned it at the foot of the path Yelena exited the front door, pulling it closed behind her. As Yelena approached the van Louise scanned in both directions to make sure there were no prying eyes behind twitching curtains or early morning dog walkers. As Yelena got closer Louise opened the side door to allow Yelena to step into the van without breaking stride. Time to get out of here Louise said to herself as she jumped in behind the wheel.
Safe House, Near Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Between them Hayley and Constance lugged the down cocoon containing the still unconscious Felicity Scully up the stairs and into the bedroom where they had set up two camp beds. They deposited Felicity on the furthest away of the two beds and used straps to secure her in place. The camp beds had been bolted into the ground earlier by Yelena so that they couldn’t move from their current static position. “I will move the car,” Constance said to Hayley. “You had better go and get ready.” Hayley’s shoulders slumped. She did not like this part of the plan one little bit.

“Explain to me why I have to do this again?” Hayley asked.

“We discussed this; it is the only way to sneak the equipment into Thorpe Abbey.” They had this discussion as they exited the room and stood outside on the landing staring at each other. Admitting defeat Hayley turned and walked along to the front bedroom and stripped off everything apart from her bra. For her part Constance moved Felicity’s car from in front of the house to behind the house, even further out of sight of any prying eyes. They would dump it somewhere later on. Inside the bedroom Hayley looked at the three items that they had removed from their compression sacks lying on the floor. They were two down restraining bags and a down suit and all of them were white. Shaking her head Hayley grabbed a diaper and made her way over to the bed to put it on. After completing that task, it was frightening who proficient she was at that task now but consoled herself by saying it was a necessary evil. The next job was to slip into the down suit that was lying out. When Constance entered the room, Hayley was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting to be bound, gagged and put into the restraining bags. “Nice to see that you are ready,” Constance commented.

“No point in dragging my feet,” Hayley replied. It had gotten to the point that being restrained in the bags didn’t bother Hayley in the slightest, not that she would volunteer for that particular honour. They both paused as they heard the sound of the door opening and followed by heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. Constance peaked through the door and saw Louise and Yelena lugging Holly Scully up the stairs.

“Almost ready?” Louise asked between deep breathes.

“Just about to bag up Hayley,” Constance replied with a thumbs up.

“Good, we are keeping to the timescales,” Louise stated as she struggled to keep hold of the bottom half of Holly Scully. “We will get these two prepared and then we will get going.” Constance nodded and picked up an item. There was the sound of tape tearing and then Constance appeared with a length of micro-foam tape pinched between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. In preparation of the application of the tape Hayley put her lips together. After applying the tape smoothly over Hayley’s lips, taking a little longer and letting her finger linger on Hayley’s face more than was necessary Constance placed a fresh diaper and the binding materials deep into the footwell of the internal restraining bag. Then she helped Hayley to get settled and comfortable inside it and sealing her inside, then struggled to get the down cocoon containing Hayley inside the second restraining bag. That job complete Constance now had to get changed into the nurse’s uniform. When stripping off and putting on the tight-fitting one-piece white uniform Constance made sure that Hayley could see her when she only stood wearing only her underwear.
Safe House, Near Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

“WHRREERRHH?” Holly heard the muffled call as she slowly came to. Slowly she felt the fog escaping from her mind, but she lay with her eyes closed, it had hurt when she had opened then, she tried to process what she was feeling. Her arms felt like they were made of lead, and she could not move them from whatever position they were in. Her legs felt the same way, although she was dimly aware of a soft rubbing sound when she tried to move them. In fact, it felt like her whole body was surrounded by something, almost as if she was wrapped in a thick duvet, warm and comforting. Maybe that was it. The last thing she remembered was lying on her bed and the cloth being pressed over her nose and mouth. Suddenly her mind clicked into gear and her eyes went wide. Holly tried to shout but only a muffled scream came out that wouldn’t have been heard ten yards away. Her mouth felt as if she had eaten a pillow while dreaming – something was filling it, that felt soft, but it was making it difficult for her to say much. Then there was something compressing her lips and the rest of her face. Holly managed to raise her head up enough to see that she was lying is some sort of large, puffed-up sleeping bag which was strapped down to a metal cot. This caused her to panic and start to thrash about but that was short-lived as there was no give in her bondage. “WHRREERRHH?” Holly heard again and turned her head to find that her cousin Felicity was lying similarly encased on a cot less than five yards away. It may have been five miles for all the use it was to them. They gagged talked at each other for a couple of minutes before the door opened and in walked Constance and Louise wearing a nurse’s uniform and security guard’s uniform respectively. That sight caused both bound captives to refrain from any further chat.

“Ladies, your restraints are inescapable. But feel free to give it a try if you wish to expand energy in a pointless manner. If you need to relieve yourself that thickness you feel around your bottom is a diaper, so use it.” Louise said straight off the bat. “Now, you have been taken because we need to take something form your place of work and we need to assume your identities and use your security passes to do so.”

“MMMUURR,” Holly moaned.

“Don’t worry,” Louise. “I appreciate that you may not believe me when I say this but when our operation has been completed successfully you will be released unharmed. Now, we have a tight timescale, but before we leave, we will give you something to help you sleep. It will help to pass the time.” Louise turned to Constance who pulled out a roll of micro-foam tape, two dust masks and a bag of cotton wool form the various large pockets on her uniform. “Nurse, would you do the honours,” Louise said with a smile. Constance approached Felicity first and removed the gag that the woman was currently wearing, a folded silk scarf with a cloth stuffed inside her mouth.

“Wait, you don’t…” Felicity started but Constance quickly clamped a handed over the young woman’s mouth before putting the middle finger of her other hand to her own lips.

“Quiet, this is happening whatever you say. Just be quiet and don’t stress yourself out.” Constance remover her hand and Felicity was quite but watched intently as Constance tore a large strip of the tape off before smothering it over Felicity’s lips. Standing up Constance moved across and undertook the same procedure with Holly. Constance then placed the two dust masks on top of the down cocoon containing Holly and crammed a large wad of cotton wool into each of them before pouring a large dose from the bottle of chloroform onto them. A sweet aroma began to waft forth from the damp cotton wool, but Constance had first one mask and then the other strapped over the girls' noses and mouths before the heavy fumes could circulate around the room any further. Constance and Louise watched in silence that was punctuated with plaintive moans and groans as the two young women were forced to take deep whiffs of the pungent perfume. Although there was no escape from their bondage Louise could detect movement within the down cocoon. It was only to be expected. Although they both knew there was no escape and avoiding being knocked out it was a natural reaction to want to fight against it. Felicity seemed to accept her predicament better than Holly who desperately shook her head, hoping to rid herself of the chloroform-scented masks before it was too late, but her efforts soon waned as the knockout fumes began to take effect. Louise moved a bit closer as the movements from within the bags got more sluggish and the sounds smoothed out into soft, muffled murmurings all but contained by their tape gags. Felicity and Holly tried to resist the waves of drowsiness washing over them, but their eyes were rolling up and their lids were fluttering uncontrollably. Soon their heads had lolled to their sides. Their eyes finally closed and they announced their surrender with barely audible sighs. Louise checked that they were both out and nodded at Constance. Although Louise knew that there was no escape from the bindings it didn’t pay to take any chances.
Thorpe Abbey, outskirts of Quebec City, Quebec

Thorpe Abbey was a private medical facility for those that could afford some privacy and top-class treatment. This included the rich and famous getting way for surgery or treatment for other afflictions. It was cheap but for that you got the best care, sumptuous living conditions and most important of all secrecy. As they drove past Constance and Louise admired the well-maintained gardens that surrounded the buildings, there were large, well-manicured lawns, a rose garden and even some picket fences but if you look close enough there were security features all along the boundary. Constance pulled their borrowed vehicle off the main road and into the queue to enter Thorpe Abbey. Two cars were ahead of them as they sat with the engine idling. Constance and Louise sat side by side in the two front seats, Constance who was driving, in her nurse’s uniform and Louise wearing the security uniform that she had taken from Holly Scully earlier that morning. When it was there turn to at the gate, they were waved through with a quick check of their security passes. Sometimes Louise despaired at the standard of security in some places. They circled the car park until they found a space away from the main building and parked the car so that it was facing the exit with a vacant space either side. Constance locked the car and then placed the key inside a small container with a magnate on it, she then attached that inside one of the front wheel arches. It meant that any of the team would now where to find it should they require them, not that the plan was to use the car on the way out. “Good luck,” Constance said to Louise and they spilt up and headed for separate entrances.

“Keep it easy and I will meet up with you later.” Approaching the entrance that was used by security personnel Louise pulled out the security pass that she had taken Holly Scully and swiped it across the reader at the entrance and smiled when the lock disengaged and the door swung open. Louise followed the plans that she had memorised and skipped through the staff room pausing only to hang up her jacket and drop a bag on a chair, everything that she needed was contained in a fanny pack secured around her waist. As casually as possible Louise made her way into the security room. Once inside Holly found one other person sitting scanning monitors. The large man turned and glanced at her, not going any further than her uniform the man waved, grunted a greeting and returned to looking at the screens. Scanning the room Louise found an empty terminal and sat down, quickly entering Holly Scully’s details logged into the system. It took her a lot longer than she had planned but eventually Louise managed to find the correct program and entered the details of the van and Yelena’s fake identification so that is was pre-approved and would be waived through the main gate without much scrutiny, much like Constance and Louise had earlier. Once that job had been completed Louise got up and exited the room back into the corridor. As she walked along the corridor Louise pulled out her mobile and confirmed on the group chat that the first part of the operation had been successful. Louise then hurried off to catch up with Constance and obtain a nurse’s uniform.

Entering the staff accommodation Louise began checking lockers for spare uniforms, the first two Louise tried were locked, the third empty, the fourth had a uniform but it was way to big but fortunately the fifth locker contained a nice, clean uniform that would do the job. Just as she put the uniform down on a nearby table the door to the room opened. Louise put the nurse’s uniform down and turned her head just as a petite woman wearing a nurse’s uniform entered and walked into the room, deep in thought and not noticing Louise until she had actually walked a couple of yards past her on the other side of the table. Louise had frozen as soon as the door opened. It was too much to ask that the nurse didn’t spot her “Can I help you?” the nurse asked.

“Random security check,” Louise replied as she took a look at the nurse’s nameplate. “Nothing to concern yourself with Nina.”

“First time I have heard about this.”

“Spot check, all very hush, hush,” Louise said with a smile as she slipped her hand into her pocked and removed a small bottle and a thick white cloth.

“Something doesn’t feel right,” Nina replied. “They usually have a couple of security guards and someone from HR when they do this sort of thing.” Louise just nodded as she poured the liquid from the bottle onto the cloth under the table, out of sight of the nurse. “I think I should get some help.”

“No, need for that,” Louise said calmly, smiling, taking a couple of steps to block Nina’s path to the door.

“What’s that in your hand?” Nina asked.

“Nothing, nothing to concern yourself with. It’s not bad, the opposite exactly.” A worried expression crossed Nina’s face as she looked from Louise to the door and then back again before they burst into action as the nurse made a break for the door it allowed Louise to strike, grabbing the woman and wrapping an arm tightly around her waist. Before Nina could scream for assistance Louise clamped the thick cloth over the nurse’s nose and mouth, muffling any screams behind the soft fabric. Instantly Nina began to feels the effects of the fumes as Louise pulled her tightly against her body. Nina wriggled frantically in Louise’s arms, trying desperately to get free before the powerful narcotic fumes could do more than make her dizzy. But Nina’s frenzied activity worked against her, causing her to draw air into her oxygen-starved lungs, air that had been tainted by chloroform vapour. As the smell filled her nostrils, her eyelids began to flutter rapidly, and she moaned a plea for help into the wet softness as her thoughts became more and more fuzzy. With her experience of delivering the welcoming embrace of unconsciousness using chloroform Louise could tell that the fight was basically over, all she had to do now was hang on and finish the job. After the first couple of intakes of breath Nina lost control, so each subsequent breath seemed to contain more of the pungent odour than the last. Sensation receded as the chloroform continued to work on her, and her movements grew languid as she lost control over her body. When her legs no longer supported Nina’s weight, Louise guided her gently to a nearby chair, keeping the cloth over her nose and mouth. Her arms fell limply into her lap as Louise released her hold on her upper body, and a final soft sound escaped from her mouth, muffled by the thick cloth, as she sank helplessly into unconsciousness. Louise kept the pad pressed to her face as he gently lowered her head to the back of the chair. Now Louise was faced with the problem of where to stash the slumbering nurse somewhere out of sight. There was no need to tie and gag the nurse, the chloroform would keep her out for at least an hour, probably longer. If they weren’t finished their mission by then, well they had been busted and had to abort of detained. “Where to put you?” Louise asked herself before spying a large laundry cart in the corner. Even though the nurse was petite it still took a bit of effort for Louise to heft the woman onto her shoulder and carry her over to the cart before tossing her in. Louise covered Nina with some items of laundry so that she was not immediately obvious. That job completed Louise changed from security guard into nurse, putting the uniform into a bag for later use.
Outside Thorpe Abbey, outskirts of Quebec City, Quebec

Hayley couldn’t believe that they didn’t trust her enough for the operation, or perhaps they were just having a laugh as she was sure there was no need for her to be gagged and restrained inside two bags at the present time. “It is he easiest way to smuggle you and the equipment into the facility,” Louise had said with a barely concealed laugh. That was how she came to find herself lying on an inflatable bed that had been fixed to the floor of a van driven by Yelena. They had been stationary for a couple of minutes whilst the van passed through security and into the facility. It looked like Louise had been successful. There was nothing for Hayley to do but lie back and enjoy the ride. Yelena reversed the van into the rear loading area and suddenly the rear was filed with light as the rear doors were flung open. Louise and Constance moved the gurney over to the rear doors and hauled them open. They leaned in and hauled out the down cocoon containing Hayley onto the gurney. There was a groan from Hayley as she was deposited on the gurney. “Sorry,” Constance said softly as they adjusted Hayley’s position so that her head was resting in the centre of the pillow. As Louise went to have a brief conversation with Yelena, Constance pulled a white sheet up to Hayley’s neck before leaning over and carefully peeling off the white micro-foam tape that had been plastered over Hayley’s lips an hour earlier.

“Thanks,” Hayley said before running her tongue across her lips. “Don’t suppose you have any lip balm?” Constance managed to supress a giggle as Louise loomed into Hayley’s vision.

“Just be quiet unless and act like you are unconscious,” Louise instructed Hayley as Constance strapped the down cocoon in place.

“If only I had some experience of being unconscious to draw on,” Hayley replied with undisguised sarcasm. Constance had to turn away and clasp a hand over her mouth. That comment earned a severe look from Louise.

“Let’s get moving,” Louise said and grabbed the far end of the gurney. Constance grabbed the near end and they started to move the gurney toward a set of double doors. They stopped whilst Louise pushed a button that opened both doors automatically. Now that they were inside the main building movement was relatively easy, nobody seemed to question two nurses moving an unconscious patient through the corridors. That was despite that patient looking like the Michelin Man under the sheet. If they were challenged Louise was going to say that it as some kind of experimental device to help with recuperation after major surgery. That had an element of believability to it. As they waited for the lift doors to open Louise glanced down at Hayley. “Now, you be nice and quiet.” Hayley nodded to confirm her compliance. When the lift doors opened, they exited and turned the corner toward the private ward where Jasmine Lockspeiser currently resided. This was the most dangerous part of the operation. They could get into the facility easily enough but this section was kept for the highest security patients and they were going to have to take positive action to get beyond the locked doors. Access was restricted to selected staff and visitors.

“Here we go,” Constance commented as they approached the desk, behind which stood two nurses. As they pulled the gurney containing Hayley to a stop both Constance and Louise both put on their best smiles and looked at the nurses.

“Hello, can we help you?” It was the older of the two nurses that asked the question.

“New patient transfer,” Louise replied as she edged her right hand slowly toward her fanny pack.

“We weren’t told about this,” the nurse responded reaching for the phone.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Louise said with an edge to her voice having pulled the taser from her fanny pack and pointing it at the nurses. Both of the nurses froze, their eyes drawn to the instrument in Louise’s right hand. "It would be a shame to ruin your day by having a bolt of electricity surge through your body and the associated embarrassments.”

"What do you want?" the second nurse asked what was the correct question at this time.

"We want access to the private ward behind you. You will let us in without creating a scene.” Louise said keeping a wary eye on both nurses to make sure they didn’t try anything silly. From her position on the lying on the gurney Hayley craned her neck to get a better view.

"Then what?" the older nurse asked. Louise knew that she was wondering if she was to be harmed in any way, simply knocked out or tied up.

"Then we will get what we came for and make sure you are in no position to stop us. How we do that will depend on how cooperative you are. No need for anyone to get hurt tonight." Constance looked around, aware that this was taking some time. Fortunately, after a brief pause both nurses nodded to confirm that they would comply. “Partner,” Louise said and Constance hurried behind the desk and pulled out a large cloth which she balled up and moved toward the older nurse’s mouth, which remained clamped shut.

“Open wide,” Constance said. “It will remove the temptation to attempt to scream for help. Keep everyone safe.” With great reluctance the nurse opened her mouth and allowed Constance to insert the cloth. Once it was fully inside Constance peeled a pre-cut length of micro-foam tape from where it had been hanging on her trouser leg and pressed it firmly over the nurse’s mouth. “That wasn’t so bad. Was it, Lydia?” Constance read the nameplate on the nurse’s uniform. “Now, Jessie. Open wide.” The other nurse had looked on with dread as her colleague had been gagged knowing that she would soon suffer the same fate. Once Jessie had opened her mouth Constance repeated the process and gagged her. Now that the two nurses were gagged Louise and Constance could relax a bit.

“Get us through the door and then stand facing the wall,” Louise instructed the two nurses. Louise watched carefully as Lydia punched in a code into a pad situated on the wall next to the double doors. After a brief pause, the doors swung open on hydraulic arms and they all stepped thorough and into a corridor. Louise waived her taser and the two nurses went through the door and took up a position just inside, facing the wall. As they two nurses stood still Constance took their wrists and tied them securely together with strong cord.

“UURRMM,” Jessie groaned into her gag as her wrists were secured. Constance and Louise took their attention from the nurses for a second to wheel the gurney with Hayley on it into the corridor. The doors closed with a soft thump and Louise made her way over to the Lydia and whispered in her ear.

“What room is Jasmine Lockspeiser in?”

“WWMMHUU,” Lydia moaned, the shock clear in her eyes. For a split-second Louise was concerned that Melissa Jackson had given them false information before she realised the shock was that nobody was supposed to know that Jasmine was here.

“Yes, we know that she is at Thorpe Abbey,” Louise said and grabbed Lydia tightly before pulling her into the centre of the corridor. “What room?” Clearly shaken by the aggression Lydia led the small group down the corridor, turned left at the bottom and went all the way to the end before stopping at the last room. “Thanks,” Louise said before reaching for the door. Louise tried to open it but found it locked. It was then that she noted the lock below the handle, very old school these days. Louise turned to Lydia and noted the set of keys hanging by a clip from her belt. Snatching them Louise started to try them in the lock, number three was the winner. When Louise opened the door, the target was standing staring out the window at the far side of the room.

“Who are you?” Jasmine asked as she turned around and leaned against the window. The look on Jasmine’s face went from happy to perplexed as first Louise entered pushing the two bound and gagged nurses followed by Constance pushing a gurney with what looked like a large, elongated marshmallow on it. “Are you here to bust me out?” Jasmine asked. Louise and Constance glanced at each other with disbelieving looks.

“Not exactly,” Louise replied as she produced a cloth and a bottle from her fanny pack.

“Wait, is that chloroform? Are you here to kidnap me?” Jasmine had fantasised about being kidnapped in the past. Her fantasy varied in scenario, but just the thought of it happening sent chills up and down her spine. They wouldn’t hurt her; she was too valuable to them whatever they wanted her for. Louise and Constance glanced at each other again. That wasn’t the reaction that they had been expecting. “You obviously are?” As Louise approached Jasmine, she poured a healthy amount of the chloroform onto the cloth. “Can I ask for what reason I am being taken?” Louise didn’t reply “Are you guys from my fan club, because if so, this is too far.”

“I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to disclose the reason for your abduction, Miss Lockspieser.” The young woman was treating this like an audition for a film role.

“Did my aunt and uncle screw you over on a business deal? Cause, if so, then join the club.”

“No, nothing like…..” Louise trailed off as Jasmine turned to face the window again.

“They don’t respect me as an artist, they just see the me as…,” Jasmine’s sentence was cut off as the Louise grabbed her from behind, wrapping an arm around her waist. Before Jasmine could protest Louise covered her face with the sweet-scented cloth in her other hand. The singer screamed but her cries were muffled by the cloth. Jasmine struggled as the strong, sweet fumes assaulted her senses as she took long, deep breathes whilst trying to free herself from her attacker’s clutches. Much to her horror Jasmine felt her strength waning quickly as she fought. Louise patiently held on, watching as the chloroform-soaked cloth did its job. After the initial shock Jasmine started to relax, after all this was something that she had fantasied about, telling herself not to fight too much. This seemed to be taking longer than Jasmine expected, in television and films a quick whiff and ten seconds later the damsel went out like a light. Then the effects of the chemical seemed to hit her suddenly and Jasmine moaned into the cloth as she felt increasingly tired and weak. She started to slump into Louise’s arms, Jasmine’s arms hanging loosely from her sides. As Jasmine neared unconsciousness Louise eased her over to the bed. Slowly she laid Jasmine down to the bed, letting her rest on her side. Jasmine’s eyes were barely open as she took in more chloroform through relaxed and deeper breathes. With a final gentle sigh, Jasmine. slipped into unconsciousness.

“Can you get me out of here now?” Hayley asked from her prone position as Louise finished sedating their target.

“Not yet,” Constance replied before turning her attention to the two nurses. They had all been watching on with a grim fascination as Jasmine was chloroformed. “Sit down on the floor with your backs against that wall.” When the two nurses were settled on the floor sitting beside each other Constance took four lengths of cord and used it to tie both Lydia and then Jessie’s ankles together and followed that up by tying their legs together at the thigh. “Don’t you move,” Constance warned as she went back to the gurney and flung the sheet off of the down cocoon containing Hayley.

“About time,” Hayley commented as Constance stated to loosen the straps that held Hayley in place. It was awkward but eventually with a little help from Louise, Constance was able to extricate Hayley from the restraining bags. “That feels better,” Hayley said as she was now standing on her own two feet. After stripping off the down suit Hayley flung it onto the bed beside the two restraining bags. She leaned down and picked up the bag from the bottom of the gurney that Louise had stashed the security uniform. Taking a look at it the pants looked like they would fit, even with the diaper, as they had been a bit loose on Louise but the shirt would be a tight fit given Hayley’s more substantial bosom.

“Just put it on whilst we take care of Jasmine.” Hayley nodded and went about getting dressed and managed to get that completed long before Louise and Constance had finished with Jasmine. As she had guessed the shirt was a bit tight but workable, if any of the guards were male, they wouldn’t be looking at what they were pushing on the gurney. During that process Hayley had kept a watch on how the nurses reacted, they couldn’t look away. There expressions going from inquisitive, to perplexed too fearful.

“Don’t worry,” Hayley reassured Lydia and Jessie. “They won’t be doing that to you.”

“That is correct,” Louise confirmed as she retrieved some cotton wool, dust masks, and a smoky brown bottle with a red and white label from the supply of kidnap gear in her fanny pack. Constance kept a watch on both nurses while Louise placed a wad of cotton wool in each mask and gave them a healthy splash from the bottle, a sweet aroma began to waft forth from the damp cotton wool. As Louise approached the two nurses and handed one of the masks to Constance fear suddenly set in causing Jessie and Lydia to struggle wildly in frustration, but the cords held and the gag keep her sufficiently quiet. They had obviously guessed what was about to happen and weren’t too happy about it. “Don’t worry, it will be painless. Just something to keep you subdued whilst we make our exit.” In a flash they had first one mask and then the other strapped over the nurse's noses and mouths before the heavy fumes could circulate in the close quarters any further. Frantic struggles flowed with grunts of effort that were punctuated with plaintive moans as the nurses took deep whiffs of the pungent perfume. As Louise had witnessed many times before, the nurses desperately shook their heads, hoping to rid themselves of the chloroform-scented masks before it was too late, but their efforts soon waned as the knockout fumes began to take effect. The nurse's head-shaking slowed from a failed attempt to escape the masks. Their heads continued to sway lazily as their moans smoothed out into soft, muffled murmurings all but contained by their stuffed tape gags. Jessie and Lydia tried to resist the waves of drowsiness washing over them, but their eyes were rolling up and their lids were fluttering uncontrollably. Soon their heads had lolled to their sides with their eyes closing over.

With the nurses now in Slumberland they could finally get moving. Constance and Hayley picked up the down cocoon with Jasmine safely zipped up inside and moved it onto the gurney. Louise then secured the young woman in place with the padded leather straps before pulling the sheet up and over so that is covered everything up to Jasmine’s neck. It left the hood visible but it was the best that they could do. “Let’s go and remember we belong here, so take it easy. Just another day at the office.” Louise said. Hayley opened the door and peaked her head out to check that the coast was clear. Confirming that it was Hayley stepped into the corridor and beckoned for Louise and Constance to follow, which they did pushing the gurney between them.

Yelena parked the stolen van next to the one that they were using and the transfer between the two was swift. The incendiary device was placed on the front seat of the stolen vehicle with a timer that would initiate the burn in fifteen minutes. This gave them more than enough time to vacate the area. Everything that then didn’t need, the uniforms, bags and security passes were left in the van to burn. They had calculated that it would take too long to make preparations and they get to the plane before Jasmine Lockspeirser’s disappearance was discovered, in reality the missing nurses would be noticed in less than an hour, so the plan was to head back to the safe house and keep their heads down.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Another smooth operation. Nice Interaction between Constance and Hayley - and it looks definitely like Hayley and Louise Williams will not Best Friends for Life anymore - and I hope, that Louise Williams gets a Dose of her own medicine at some Point. It will will interesting to see, how the Story will unfold further. We haven´t heard from the good Guys in a while. If we see how well and precise Crawfords Organization works, it seems unbelievable that they will succeed - at least as far as the Story has developed so far. But we can always trust on [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] talent to surprise us :)
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Post by MissEscape »

Wow, I'm gonna need a lot of time to read all this, but so far it's a lot of fun
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Post by mrjones2009 »

MissEscape wrote: 2 years ago Wow, I'm gonna need a lot of time to read all this, but so far it's a lot of fun
Hello! Welcome to the site and thanks for the comment.

Always welcome! Hope that you enjoy reading the story.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 55

Safe House, Near Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Constance and Hayley sat across from each other enjoying a glass of wine as Hayley recounted the story of her history with Elizabeth Crawford back to the very beginning. For good measure Hayley threw in some tales from her time with the police force. For her part Constance listened intently, enjoying the woman’s company and the humour and self-depreciation with which she punctuated those tales. Hayley King was a very easy woman to like, a woman who men wanted to be with and other women wated as their best friend. “So, what is your story? Kirsty mentioned good girl that went of the rails.” It never hurt to gain a rapport or make a connection with someone Hayley thought and there was definitely an opportunity here. Since they had returned from the operation earlier in the day a relaxed atmosphere had fallen over the group. With their captives secured upstairs there was nothing else to do but complete the post operation report for Elizabeth Crawford, wait until the initial police reaction had quieted and relax a little with a nice dinner and some wine. Well, the rest of them had but Yelena had gone for a run then come back and completed a kettlebell circuit. Hayley had enjoyed getting fitter with Kirsty on the island and liked how it had helped her figure but Yelena took it a bit too far.

“Angry, rich girl, lashing out against her family,” Constance replied. “Cliché alert!”

“That sounds interesting,” Hayley said as she went to refill her glass before realising that the bottle was empty. “Shame.”

“I would call in perfect timing. Time of bed you two,” Louise said from the kitchen where she had been making some final touches to the report on her laptop. “Could you check in on our guests before you turn in.”

“Yes, mum,” Hayley replied raising her glass in a mock toast. Louise headed up the stairs and Constance took both glasses and cleaned them in the sink. “I will go upstairs and get ready. You follow when finished.”
Safe House, Near Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Jasmine, was bored and already tiring of the whole being abducted situation, this was nothing like what Jasmine imagined being kidnapped would be like. Since coming round from being drugged she the rest of the day had passed through one interminable hour after another. Between bouts of boredom Jasmine fretted occasionally at her inability to move or speak. When it became too much to bear, Jasmine struggled anew, but it always ended in the same way, with exhaustion, her body burning from the effort and her head pounding. The way she was bound was strange and unexpected as well. There were some kind of padded mitts on her hands which rendered her fingers useless. They her wrists, arms and legs were tightly bound and she strapped inside some kind of massive sleeping bag contraption. The down loft was smothering her entire body up, squashing down every part of her. Jasmine’s entire body was engulfed in a massive down cocoon. The bag's soft and silky nylon shell was a dark navy blue in colour and the even softer nylon inside was very smooth, she couldn’t get any traction when she struggled. The outside of the bag was puffy, with deep creases forming under each baffle and the inside was very narrow due to the sheer amount of insulating loft. It was stuffed to the limit

But the worst part was the gag. Her mouth felt like it was filled with fabric and covered with several layers of silk held firmly in place by tight knots, almost as if it had been glued there. The layers of the gag seemed to meld together into a single stifling object bound in and over her mouth. Being unable to scream for help or even talk was terribly frustrating. Jasmine hadn’t bothered to try but suspected that she could scream with her loudest voice for hours and no one would hear her These people were clearly professionals so would be holding her somewhere out of the way. So, the gag was not to prevent her from summoning help. Perhaps her captors did not want her to communicate with the other captive in the room. Jasmine thought it more likely, the gag was to prevent her from begging, pleading, or reasoning with her captors. Or perhaps her captors simply wanted to keep her totally helpless. Whatever the reason for the gag, it was quite effective Most of the time she lay still, accepting her present helplessness, awaiting developments. There was nothing to do but think about your hopeless situation and probable demise. The reality of being kidnapped was far different from what was portrayed in books and in the movies where rescue was certain. Then the door opened and a woman entered the room. Jasmine recognised the woman from Thorpe Abbey, the alluring blond that had been playing the patient by lying on the gurney when they had entered her room. Strangely the woman was wearing a suit that you wore when you went skiing, well not exactly, something like it but puffier and it was pink. The woman approached where Jasmine was lying and got down on one knee, like a man about to propose and smiled a warm and reassuring smile. “My name is Hayley and I am going to take off your gag but please keep quiet.” Jasmine raised her head and Hayley went about removing the two silk scarves and various bits of padding and stuffing that had made up Jasmine’s gag. “How are you?”

“Well, not great.” This game was over, it was time for Jasmine to take back control. “I don’t know if you are aware who I am but if you could just let me out of this contraption and untie me, I am sure we can get past this without the authorities having to get involved.”

“If only it was that easy,” Hayley replied.

“Look, I if it is a financial issues…..” Jasmine left that hanging.

“Sorry, I can’t let you go. I wish I could but it is out of my control.” Jasmine gave Hayley a quizzical look. “It’s complicated. If we get time later, I will try and explain. Do you have any questions?”

“Questions!” Jasmine said. “Let me go.” Jasmine thrashed around a bit, to absolutely no effect.
“You’d do well to lose the attitude,” said Hayley said with a smile, trying to keep things lite. “It won’t play well where you’re going.” The woman obviously didn’t fully comprehend the situation she currently found herself in. Hayley sighed “That bulk or padding that you can feel around your private areas is an adult diaper. Don’t feel embarrassed about wearing or using them, that’s what they are they for. You will get used to them and it is not uncomfortable. They also resolve the anxiety of messing yourself when bound. Just think of them as a different type of underwear, in fact I am wearing one right now,” Hayley patted her bottom to make the point. “If you just relax and do what you are told, play along then you will get through this.”
“What would you know?” Jasmine spat.

“A lot more than you think Jasmine. When it comes to being kidnapped, held against your will, bound, gagged, diapered and sedated you would have to go a long way to find somebody with my experience.”

“You ladies are weird,” Jasmine replied, making a face. “Let. Me. Go. Right. NOW!” Every word that Jasmine uttered got louder. There was silence as the two women looked at each other before Hayley noted that Jasmine was going to say something else so Hayley quickly pressed the micro foam tape over Jasmine’s mouth.

"Pardon us, Jasmine, but screaming isn't very lady-like so I took the liberty of stopping you before you offended anyone. You'll be our guest for a while and we will keep you comfortable, if a bit restrained and very quiet," Hayley put emphasis on the last word, then sighed at letting her frustration show. “Look, if you just stay clam and obey then everything will be fine. You will be kept restrained a lot of the time but it will be comfortable.”
“Everything alright,” Constance asked as she popped her head through a gap in the door.

“Fine, Jasmine and I were just having a chat. But now it’s time for us to say goodnight.” Hayley opened the bottle of chloroform an poured a healthy amount of the liquid onto a folded white cloth. Unable to move or speak, Jasmine watched this helplessly. "Just let the chloroform do its work, Jasmine.” Hayley said soothingly as she lowered the cloth toward the young woman’s face. Jasmine started thrashing and trying to scream, but it was futile. A combination of the lofted down and straps made movement impossible and a combination of the tape and cloth effectively muffled any noise. The fumes were strong, but sweet and not that unpleasant. Jasmine soon became lightheaded. Finally, she stopped struggling and inhaled deeply. “That’s better, you will get used to this eventually.” Jasmine didn’t like the sound of that at all and it finally hit her that she could be in some serious trouble. After another couple of seconds Jasmine felt like she had jumped into a pool and was under the water. All sound became distant and muffled, and her vision was all hazy. She heard a dull ringing in her ears, her head lolled to one side but Hayley kept the soft cloth in place. That’s the last thing Jasmine remembered before her eyes slammed shut.

After Hayley had rendered the Scully cousin’s unconscious, she exited the room, careful to make sure that the bolt locking the door was engaged and walked slowly along the corridor to the room that she was sharing with Constance. The retraining bag was lying open on her bed, a combination of welcoming embrace and mocking Hayley for her inability to transform her situation so that she could help herself and the other women held prisoner by Elizabeth Crawford. Silently Hayley walked over to the bed and got into the bag without having to be asked. “Are you alright?” Constance asked sensing that something wasn’t quite right. “Get comfy and I will give you your chloroform.”

“I will do that myself,” Hayley said as she tore off a strip of micro foam tape and smothered it over her lips. Not wanting to use the same cloth Hayley looked around and noted the bag of cotton wool on the cabinet, she reached across and grabbed a huge wad. Carefully Hayley poured the chloroform onto the wad of cotton wool and brought the chloroform-soaked cotton up to her nose and mouth and took an initial deep breath. For some reason tonight she would rather self-administer the soporific sweetness than allow someone else have the satisfaction. The familiar fragrance fired colourful blooms of befuddlement that clouded her thoughts and benumbed her body. As her awareness diminished in the face of the aromatic onslaught, a soft groan escaped her lips, muffled by the tape and soaked cotton pad, already in danger of slipping from her weakening fingers not long after the initial application but Hayley was determined to complete the process. Her breaths became rhythmic and automatic as the friendly fumes continued to sever her connection to the waking world, plunging Hayley into an immersive, familiar embrace that utterly consumed her. It was like sinking in a still pool of unknown depths, but the material she swam in was far more pervasive than mere water. She willingly gave herself to the total loss of sensation, floating away in the conflicting currents as they dissolved all that was left of her to nothingness. As Hayley's eyes fluttered closed and her head lolled to her side, Constance, who had gotten very close leaned over and kept her grip on the limp fingers containing the soft cotton pad, maintaining a steady dose of the chloroform to make sure that Hayley was totally out. After Constance removed the cotton pad, she slipped Hayley’s arms into the restraining bag and zipped it up, locking Hayley inside it’s warm, welcoming embrace. Admitting to herself that may have been the most sensual thing that she had ever witnessed Constance couldn’t resist giving Hayley a quick peck on the forehead before turning in for the night.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thanks for the next update on such short notice [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] :)

A good one but a sad one too. Good that Hayley establishs a Rapport with Constance. That may prove usefull in the longterm.

A sad one as we learn how difficult it is for Hayley to cope with the Situation she is in. The Hopelessnes of it. That there is no way for her out. It is remarkable that she is able to keep it together. But there dark Moments like in this chapter.

Not to know, what Crawford has in Mind for her must be difficult.
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Post by MissEscape »

Finally finished the third chapter, lol

This is really well written, you believe in these characters
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[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]MissEscape[/mention] Thanks for the comments! Always welcome.

Hope that you continue to enjoy the story.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 56

Bratislava, Slovakia

“Mark. Are you sure that your information is correct and Crawford is in Bratislava?”

“You can never be totally sure but the source that I got this from is reliable.” There was a silence as the small group, completed by Jessica Warwick sheltered from the rain under a fire escape in a lane. Following up on some intelligence from Mark Warwick’s unnamed source they were presently looking at the front entrance of a small boutique hotel. They had been taking it in shifts over the past four hours whilst the other two dried off and warmed at a local café. They had compared notes when the Warwick’s had joined Jaclyn five minutes previously. “Remember Jaclyn we do also have other evidence that Crawford has some kind of interest in Bratislava.” Jaclyn nodded; Hayley had mentioned accompanying Elizabeth Crawford here on a trip.

“Look,” Jessica hissed to get the attention of the other two. They all looked toward as the front door of the hotel opened and three figures edged out. All three figures worn long down jackets with the hoods up against the chill and drizzle. “Do you think that’s them?”

“There is only one way to find out,” Mark said and slipped off to follow the three shadows as they walked away from them. A couple of seconds later Jessica and Jaclyn. Initially Jessica hurried to catch up with Mark but Jaclyn put a calming hand on her forearm to slow her down so that the gap between Mark and the two women actually increased. When following someone smaller groups were less noticeable, plus Mark was an experience operative and knew what he was doing. They walked for about twenty minutes walking along almost empty streets before skirting the city centre and heading away again to a mainly residential district with some food and drink establishments. Then Jessica and Jaclyn turned a corner and saw Mark standing across the road about to light a cigarette. As Mark noticed his companions come around the corner, he slipped away between two buildings and the two women followed, walking past a couple of quiet food and drink outlets on the block.

“Where did they go?” Jaclyn asked.

“Into that faux American Diner,” Mark indicated with his head, stamping out his unsmoked cigarette as he did. “What do you want to do?” Jaclyn considered the situation, knowing there was something going on there were time constraints to consider.

“Were you able to identify any of the women?” Jessica asked.

“No, they kept their hoods up for the duration.”

“Only one thing to do then,” Jaclyn said as she spun and headed for the diner with Mark and Jessica falling in a couple of steps behind. The darkness had now well and truly descended now that night had fallen. Jaclyn Sanders approached the front door of the American themed diner, the gaudy fluorescent signs in the windows and above the door creating pools of coloured light in the puddles left by the recent rain on the streets. Without breaking stride Jaclyn pushed open the door and was ten paces into the restaurant before she stopped, noticing that something wasn’t right. Looking around there were only four people in the restaurant, all wearing down jackets and all staring intently at her. Three of the women were standing in various positions around the room with the fourth sitting facing Jaclyn in the last booth. Deciding that there as no way to reverse out of this Jaclyn pushed forward and walked past the other three women until she was at the rear of the restaurant. “Hello Elizabeth” Jaclyn said to the woman sitting in the last booth. Jaclyn had to admit that Elizabeth had a sense of humour, choosing this venue to meet face to face after all this time.

“What’s going on?” Jessica asked, stunned at this turn of events.

“Let’s go,” Mark said pushing his sister out of the door despite her best attempts to stay inside. “This is something that you are better off leaving alone.” After escorting his sister out into the night Mark Warwick closed the door from the outside and turned the key in the lock. Jaclyn spun round at the sound of the door slamming closed. Now there was only one way out and that was across the room and past Elizabeth Crawford and her guards.

“Take a seat Jaclyn,” Elizabeth said with a smile. “It is nice to see you after all these years.”

“I only wish it was under different circumstances,” Jaclyn replied looking around the almost empty diner, the only occupants being Elizabeth’s operatives. “You seem to have me at a disadvantage.” Jaclyn slipped off her jacket, folding it and sitting it on the booth seat before sliding in beside it. “You seem to have gone to some trouble to get me here. What do you want to talk about?”

“Nothing, really Jaclyn,” Elizabeth said with a shrug. “I already know how this is going to play out and I am not big on chit chat or gossip.”

“How long has Mark Warwick been working for you?” Jaclyn asked.

“That would be telling,” Elizabeth stated. “But, don’t think to badly of his sister, she really doesn’t know what’s going on.”

“What have you got planned?” Jaclyn continued to probe with questions hoping to get something out of her adversary. “And why does it need me to disappear?” That second question was directed more at herself than at Elizabeth as she knew exactly that was what her former friend and colleague had planned.

“Very perceptive of you.” Elizabeth replied, sitting back in the booth and crossing her arms.

“Well, if you wanted to catch up you could have called.”

“Now, let’s get down to business. “We will give you the same opportunity we give all the girls. The easy way or the hard way?” Elizabeth said nodding toward Perrie who was pouring liquid from a bottle onto a thick white cloth.

“Are you not going to do your own dirty work Elizabeth?” Jaclyn asked.

“With pleasure,” Elizabeth responded and held out her hand and the now chloroform drenched cloth was place in it. Jaclyn had no intention of submitting easily to being knocked out, she was going to put up a fight. Looking around it was a fight that she doubted she would win given the odds but she was going to land a few blows. Both Elizabeth and Jaclyn slid out from the both and stood facing each other a couple of paces apart.

“I sense some history here,” Perrie whispered to Nicole after stepping back to give the two women some room. Nicole nodded, not wanting to take her eyes from the spectacle that was about to play out in the diner.

“Well, let’s get on with it then,” Jaclyn commented. “Are you planning to use that cloth or just pose with it?”

“Oh, I plan to use it,” Elizabeth responded and paused a beat before launching herself at Jaclyn, catching her opponent by surprise and rugby tackling her to ground with a thump. There was a tangle of limbs before Elizabeth manged to straighten her back, sitting up and pinning Jaclyn to the sticky wooden floor. With a smile on her face Elizabeth attempted to press home her advantage by applying the chloroform-soaked cloth over Jaclyn’s nose and mouth. But when the cloth was just short, with the sweet-smelling fumes assaulting her nostrils Jaclyn recovered enough to grab Elizabeth’s wrist firmly There was a stalemate until Jaclyn managed to bend her legs and use them to throw Elizabeth off and onto the floor. As soon as the weight was off Jaclyn sprang up and turned to face Elizabeth who slowly got to her feet. The woman lunged at each other with intensity and wrestled each other around the room, bumping into items tables, the bar and knocking over chairs. No doubt it was giving the other women in the diner good entertainment. They were well matched adversaries, both determined and not willing to give their opponent and opportunity to exploit and gain the advantage. Eventually as the two women struggled Jaclyn lost her balance giving Elizabeth an advantage which her seized by pushing Jaclyn against a wall and pressing the cloth over the lower half of Jaclyn’s face. “That’s it, just relax and breathe it in,” Elizabeth goaded. Jaclyn grabbed Elizabeth’s arm and struggled to push her attacker away, Elizabeth was not for budging and pressed her other arm up against Jaclyn’s body. Elizabeth had Jaclyn redhead in place and smiled. Jaclyn didn’t get where she was without putting up a little fight. She kicked out with her boot trying to trip up the other woman. Elizabeth pressed her own leg up against Jaclyn’s. It was a losing battle for Jaclyn though. She had breathed in enough of the chloroform’s fumes, weakening her struggle. The head of Section 12’s eyes grew heavy and her body sagged a bit against the wall. Elizabeth could feel her opponent’s energy fading; she eased her hold a bit. “There, good girl, enjoy a quick nap and when you wake up you will have been for a nice little trip.” Then summoning the last of her strength in an act of defiance Jaclyn managed to use the wall to propel herself into Elizabeth, sending them both across the diner. They landed in a pile on the floor with Jaclyn on top of Elizabeth, arms and legs spread out. Clearly winded Elizabeth lost her grip on Jaclyn and the cloth, allowing Jaclyn to roll off Elizabeth and start to crawl away. However, Jaclyn had inhaled enough of the potent fumes to ensure that she wouldn’t be going far. Slowly, Elizabeth got to her feet as Jaclyn managed to crawl a couple of yards before giving, waiting for the inevitable forced trip into unconsciousness. “There it is,” Elizabeth said grabbing the cloth that had come out of her hand. Jaclyn hadn’t gotten far but managed to roll onto her back just as Elizabeth knelt down beside her, the cloth dangling menacingly in her left hand.

“I forgive you,” Jaclyn said softly. This comment jolted Elizabeth for a second before she pressed the cloth over the lower half of Jaclyn’s face, clamping it firmly over her nose and mouth to ensure that Jaclyn had no option but to inhale the chloroform’s fumes. It was over quickly from there as Jaclyn inhaled the fumes before her eyes closed over with Elizabeth kept the cloth in place for another couple of breathes to ensure Jaclyn was heavily dosed. Getting back to her feet Elizabeth beckoned Perrie over. Standing over the unconscious form of her former friend and colleague Elizabeth Crawford couldn’t help but think that fate was smiling on her currently. Everything seemed to be going well. “Take her away then ladies.”

“No problem,” Perrie replied as she and Antonija made a move toward the kitchen. “And make sure that everyone understands that word of this doesn’t get out. I don’t want anybody letting on to anyone outside the organisation to know that we have grabbed the current head of Section 12.” The other woman in the room all nodded their understanding. “Also, I don’t want anybody gossiping about this back on the island. Under no circumstances do any of the guests learning about this,” Elizabeth said sternly. “If I have to make everyone wear gags for a month, I will.” Nicole nodded to let her boss know that she understood. Not long afterwards they wheeled a gurney with a large coffin on it through the double doors that lead to the kitchen. And brought it over to where Jaclyn lay on the floor. They collapse the gurney before Perrie lifted off the lid of the coffin to reveal a lusciously padded, silk lined interior where Jaclyn would make the trip to the island in blissful slumber.
Section Headquarters, secret location, East Coast, USA

The tension that Gillian currently felt was causing a constant throbbing at the base of her skull. Mark had dropped off the supplies for the operation a couple of nights ago and left to Kristin and her to smuggle them through the facility and get them into position unseen. It had taken years off her life. It was alright for Mark, he had headed off to Bratislava, taking his sister with him. If any of her Section colleagues had caught them sneaking around then or now, in the next fifteen minutes or so she would be unable to explain what she was doing. It was a critical point in the set-up of the forthcoming operation. Gillian winced at the buzz that greeted her security card disengaging the electronic lock and looked over her shoulder expecting to find Jaclyn Sanders and a squad of guards walking towards her. There was nobody there, well there really shouldn’t be that many people around at this time of night. Opening the door just enough to slip into the room Gillian closed it quietly behind her. Inside it took her eyes a couple of seconds to adjust to the lack of light in the room. Eventually Gillian noted the large down cocoon sitting strapped onto a table and carefully approached. As she leaned over to meet the person within the cocoon’s eyes Gillian swallowed. “Elizabeth Crawford has a message for you,” Gillian said softly. “Now, I am going to remove that gag so that we can have a conversation.” Linda Reddick nodded her head slowly.
Bratislava, Slovakia

“Would you stop for a second!” Jessica shouted as Mark dragged her along the street. There was nobody about to take any notice so Mark wasn’t worried about creating a scene as she tired to get his sister back to the hotel.

“No, we need to keep moving,” Mark replied still with a firm hold of his younger sister.

“What is going on?” Jessica was stumbling along trying to keep up with the brisk pace set by her brother and his longer stride. The rain started again and they were both starting to get wet.

“I am trying to keep you safe, that is what is going on.” Jessica made a big effort and using most of her strength managed to shrug off Mark’s grip, allowing her to stop.

“What do you mean? We have to help Jaclyn.” Jessica stated.

“Sometime you can be so naïve Jessica,” Mark replied. “Jaclyn is gone, you should concentrate on yourself.” Jessica delved into the pocket to retrieve her mobile. As she fished it out Mark ripped the phone from Jessica’s grip and thrust it into his own pocket. “What are you doing?” Mark ignored the question and grabbed his sister, marching her down the street.

“We are going back to the hotel and staying there for a couple of days. Then you are getting on a flight and going to stay with Aunt Maureen until I say otherwise.” Jessica could tell from the look on Mark’s face that he was deadly serious and that frightened her. It was clear that there was more going on here than Jessica was aware of. “If things go as planned, we may get through this alright.”

“Exactly what have you gotten into here Mark?” Jessica asked his brother as they continued to walk in the rain back toward the hotel. Her brother just gave her a look before getting back to fully concentrating on navigating back to he hotel.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So the Plan of Crawford worked: lure Jaclyn to Bratislava and take her out of the Picture - the Island must be really crowded, with all the Damsels in Distress. Mark seemed surprised by his Sister´s Reaction, but what did he expect?

Jaclyn put a valliant fight, but a frutile one.

I wonder if at some point Gillians conscience surface ....

So far Crawford has not hit any serious roadblock, everything goes according to plan, it least it seems that way. That is merely an observation though :)
The Plot of this Saga is extremly complex and I have high Hopes in [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] very good hand for Surprises. So there is still hope, Crawford does not get away.

Most interesting the Conversation between Jaclyn and Crawford. There is one Sentence that stands out "I forgive you" - and it seems that Crawford was surprised and it is understandable that she wants that Incident under Wraps: There was a glimpse of a conscience :)

All in all an excellent update!
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Post by Caesar73 »

A short summary:

So Crawford has succeded and taken Jaclyn out of the Picture.
The Operation in Canada goes according to plan.
Nobody knows that Gillian and Mark are Traitors.
Crawford knows all about the Plans of Victoria and Friends.
The good Guys have no Idea where to look next.

So what could go wrong for Crawford?

The ony thing that Crawford does not know about is about Penelopes true Mission. But even if, and that is a big if, if Crawford does not find out about Lady P´s true Agenda: What can she do? She is completely on her own on enemy territory.

And there might be another flaw in Crawford´s Plan: She just can´t the Women she holds Captive all let go. So what will she do with them in the End? Brainwash them? Threaten them? Coerce them? Sell them?

Sooo many questions - what an intriguing tale!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 57

An island in the Mediterranean

When she had awoken Jaclyn Sanders found herself lying on top of the covers on a double bed with sunlight coming in through the window. There was a banging deep within her head that from experience Jaclyn knew was from being kept sedated for a long time. In addition to initially using chloroform, they must have used something else to keep her out. Jaclyn raised her head from deep withing the sumptuous silk covered pillow and look down. They had removed her clothes and replaced them with silk pyjamas and what felt like a diaper, a quick pat with her hand confirmed that was indeed the case. Sitting up on the bed Jaclyn looked around the room, in addition to the bed there was a small dresser with a chair, a chest of drawers and wardrobe in the room. There were two doors in the room, one straight ahead of her that was lying open, even from her current angle Jaclyn could tell it was a bathroom, she assumed the other door led out of the room. A couple of things caught her eye, the first in the corner of the room above the door was the tell-tale dome of a camera, the second were a couple of vents on the centre of the ceiling beside the light fitting. Swinging her legs off the bed Jaclyn feet hit the carpet beside a pair of slippers, which she slipped onto her feet. Getting up a little unsteadily Jaclyn moved to the window. “Where am I?” she said out loud. Shaking her head, she walked round the bed to the dresser. There was a note lying on the dresser. See you for dinner at 8. I will bring the food. Proper attire encouraged. Jaclyn shook her head and placed the note back on the dresser. Well, hopefully she would get some answers later. Although Jaclyn already knew what she would find she opened the doors on the wardrobe to find three dresses with large skirts hanging from sturdy hangers, one in green, one in purple and one in blue. On a shelf at the top of the wardrobe sat a box of diapers and three compression sacks. “Some things never change.” Instinctively Jaclyn glanced at her wrist but her watch had been removed. A clock hung on the wall with its hands showing 6.30. “Time to get ready.” Before entering the bathroom, a quick check of the chest of drawers revealed underwear and other items of clothing.
An island in the Mediterranean

After a long, hot shower Jaclyn slipped on some underwear before selecting the blue dress and putting it on. Taking a deep breathe Jaclyn opened the door and stepped into a narrow corridor. Straight ahead was any door, a quick peek behind it revealed another bedroom almost identical to the one that she had woken up in. A turn to her right and Jaclyn saw a staircase which she descended to the ground floor. It was open plan area containing a kitchen, dining area and a living area with a large television. The furnishings were understated but tasteful. A bookcase full of books sat against one well, the two doors off the main room led to a small toilet and a small closet. There was a small conservatory at the far end of the ground floor with sliding doors for access. All very nice and quaint, except for the main door which was thick steel and had no obvious way of opening it from the inside. After taking a look around Jaclyn set two places at the table and took a seat to wait for her guest.

It was not a long wait before there was a buzzing sound and the door opened and Elizabeth Crawford strode into the room carrying several bags. “Hello Elizabeth,” Jaclyn said by way of greeting.

“A pleasure to see you again,” Elizabeth replied. “I can’t wait to get caught up.” After depositing her bags on the table, she rummaged through them and handed Jaclyn two containers. “Stick these in the fridge whilst I serve up mains.” When Jaclyn returned, she watched Elizabeth serve up a delicious looking steak with trimmings.

They made small talk over dinner but once they were both finished Jaclyn decided to get stuck straight in. “Why did you bring me hear?” Elizabeth dabbed at the corners of her mouth with a napkin.

“I missed our chats and fancied catching up.” Elizabeth replied. Now, Jaclyn knew Elizabeth better than most and that was just too flippant a reply. She also knew that Elizabeth had a valid reason for any decision and action.

“I know that isn’t true. What have you got planned? It must be something big if you want me out of the way…….” A couple of thoughts suddenly came to Jaclyn’s mind.

“Don’t let your imagination run away with you Jaclyn.”

“I will try again,” Jaclyn continued. “Where are we?”

“An island somewhere warm,” Elizabeth smiled and put her napkin on the table. “Don’t worry about the dishes. I will have one of the girls take care of it.” Jaclyn just nodded.

“Well, as you wanted to catch up. I will try this question. When did it all start for you Elizabeth?” Jaclyn asked.

“If you want the truth Jaclyn,” Elizabeth stopped as if considering whether to continue, Jaclyn just let the silence hang, hoping that Elizabeth would fill it. “Do you remember all that time ago, that operation in northern India.” Jaclyn nodded, not wanting to interrupt. “Sonam Khan made me an offer during our operation that I couldn’t refuse. I liked what the Khan’s had and she said that I could have it.”

“That was all it took, a bit of something shiny,” Jaclyn replied.

“It was a bit more than that,” Elizabeth said with a shrug. “Hard to articulate.”

“You don’t seem to have done too badly anyway.”

“That is true. Now I will fill you in on your situation. Due to our history I decided to show you a bit of respect Jaclyn. I have given you’re a little freedom in your own place. Now, you won’t be able to leave unescorted and escape is well, impossible. The floor is concrete, the walls solid stone and the windows thick bullet proof glass. The place in monitored by a full CCTV system twenty-four hours a day from our control room at the main house. But if you want, I can have the girls come by and take you to the main house.” Jaclyn just shook her head. “There is no interest access for obvious reasons.” Elizabeth stopped and was clearly thinking if she had missed anything. “That’s it, if you need anything make a list and let the girls know. We get regular deliveries.”

“Is this where you have Hayley?” Elizabeth started and Jaclyn could see that she had landed a punch.

“I think that it is time to leave,” Elizabeth said and stood up.

“Not staying for dessert?” Jaclyn queried.

“No, but you go ahead.”

“One last question. What is this?” Jaclyn asked lifting up her shirt and revealing the plastic band around her ankle.

“That is a tracker and it is also…..” Elizabeth stopped. “Easier if I demonstrate.” Elizabeth smiled, waived at a camera and pointed to the door. There was a buzzing and Elizabeth pulled it open. “Some fresh air before turning in for the night.” Jaclyn got up and followed Elizabeth out the door and into a lovely evening. Despite the breeze off the sea it was still warm in the dimming light. Elizabeth slowed to allow Jaclyn to catch her and side by side they walked about fifty paces, the only sound the swish of the fabric from their dresses, before Jaclyn felt a pin prick in her ankle. “What was that?”

“It has a proximity sensor, any more than fifty metre from the station in the cottage,” Elizabeth reached out as Jaclyn started to look drowsy.

“What, what…” Jaclyn stammered as Elizabeth helped her to the ground.

“Don’t worry, just something to put you to sleep. An added precaution for someone of your skill and talents, especially when left to wander around unbound.


“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four Elizabeth didn’t get to finish the countdown before Jaclyn’s eyes closed over. Elizabeth signalled to Christine and Tahani who were stationed nearby. They approached and picked Jaclyn up off the ground between them. “A couple of days in full restraints wouldn’t do any harm ladies. Just to confirm who is in charge.”
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 58

Section Headquarters, secret location, East Coast, USA

The large car rolled over the tarmac smoothly heading to the headquarters of the shady Government agency know as Section 12. In the rear Wallis Kennedy smoothed down the fabric on her skirt, picking off some lint, before answering the phone. It always paid to look your best when making a first impression on anybody. In the front sat her driver, Caitlin, and the woman called Vernie that had been sent to assist Wallis in her assignment. Although, Wallis had the impression that Vernie was also keeping a watchful eye on her. As they approached the facility the mobile phone began to vibrate. Not her personal mobile phone but the mobile that Vernie had handed to her when she had arrived forty-eight hours earlier. Wallis picked it up and hit the button to accept the call. “Good afternoon Wallis. How are we doing on this fine day?” The voice on the other end was bright, breezy and full of enthusiasm.

“I am doing well Elizabeth. Do what do I owe the pleasure?” Wallis responded.

“Just checking in to make sure that everything is going as it should,” Elizabeth stated.

“All is going well from our side, although we haven’t really done anything yet. You will appreciate that the success is largely dependent on your operative that is already embedded at the facility performing.”

“My operatives never fail in their operations,” Elizabeth said with a hint of steel.

“Then there should be no issues,” Wallis retorted.

“For our benefit there had better not be,” Elizabeth warned before changing tone to continue. “This is your chance to shine Wallis. Stick to the plan and everything will be fine.”

“That is what you paid me for,” Wallis said and ended the call. “How long until we reach the facility?” Wallis asked Caitlin.

“It shouldn’t be any more than five minutes,” Caitlin replied from the front seat. The rest of the journey was passed in silence until the car pulled up to the main gate. Caitlin positioned the car so that the rear window was level with the communication device before the gate. Wallis buzzed down the window and used her high-level security access code to open the gates and allow Caitlin to move the car through into the car park.

“Just park over there,” Wallis pointed to a spot over Caitlin’s shoulder. Once the car was parked Wallis leaned between the two front seats. “Ready Vernie,” Vernie nodded. “Caitlin, if you haven’t heard from us in twenty minutes you know what to do.” The two women exited the car and strode toward the main entrance. “Ready to enter the Lioness’s Lair?” Wallis asked Vernie.

“No issues. I have faith that the boss’s plan will work out,” Vernie replied.

“I am glad that you do,” Wallis stated. “Out of interest. How did Elizabeth manage to get me appointed to this post?”

“That would be above my pay grade,” Vernie replied as they reached the main entrance. Once again Wallis used her access card to gain access through that door and then the interior security door, before they entered the main lobby where they were met by a young woman sitting the desk.

“Miss Kennedy, a pleasure to meet you?” the young woman said. Wallis was slightly taken aback that she had been recognised. “We were expecting you ma’am and who else would have the access cards apart from you.”

“That would make sense,” Wallis replied with a smile.

“Plus, your picture came up on my screen when you used your card. Every swipe of a card in logged on the server.” The young woman turned the smile up to ten. “My name is Darby Shaw and it is a pleasure to meet you ma’am. How can I be of assistance?”

“For a start, you can drop the ma’am, Miss Kennedy will do. Now, is everyone assembled in the recreation room for my briefing.”

“They will be Miss Kennedy,” Darby replied. “Everyone except me.” Wallis looked at Vernie and Darby must have caught their look. “I have to woman the front desk. It can’t be left unattended under any circumstances.”

“Why don’t I stay here and keep Darby company whilst you do the introductions,” Vernie said. Wallis nodded and headed toward the lift. After Wallis had entered the lift car and the lights showed that it was rising Vernie turned to Darby. “I’ve heard it three times already.” Darby chuckled at the way Vernie had said this.

“So, will you be joining Miss Kennedy in working here?”

“Maybe on occasions, I tend to move around a lot. Trouble shooting in different locations.”

“Sounds interesting,” Darby commented. Vernie just left that comment hanging.

Section Headquarters, secret location, East Coast, USA

Stepping out of the lift Wallis turned right and strode purposefully along the corridor toward the recreation room just as a couple of women disappeared inside. Wallis didn’t break stride as she entered the room, there was a low hum of chat as she entered that slowly subsided as she walked through the room until she was standing at the far side of the room. As Wallis turned to face the group of women the room fell into silence. “Good morning ladies. I will keep this short and to the point as I am sure that you all have duties to attend to or more importantly time off to enjoy if you are not working today. I have no doubt that you know that my name is Wallis Kennedy and I have been appointed temporary head of this organisation.” Wallis paused to let that sink in. Looking over the crowd she noted two women break off from the rear of the group and take station on either side of the door. “I am also sure that you have heard rumours and stories about me and may past exploits. To that all I will say is judge me as you find me as that is how I will be judging you.” The woman standing to the right of the door raised her hand with two fingers. Wallis nodded to acknowledge the gesture. “Now, there are issues that we cannot avoid discussing about events ad the operation of this organisation and it’s current and former operatives.” There are murmurs of discontent and voices of objections. “Look This organization has questions to answer. To that end I will be conducting a long and thorough investigation. Until that is completed this organization is on lockdown.” The murmurs got louder at this news, looks were exchanged between operatives. “I thought it might go like this, but it is a necessary precaution and will be of benefit to everyone in the long run when the investigation has been completed and everyone here is exonerated of any wrong doing.”

“What happened to Director Sanders?” a voice called out.

“That will form part of my investigation.” Wallis replied as she stated to walk back through the crowd. “If you will excuse me ladies, I am keen to get a start by reviewing the personnel files.” Just before Wallis reached the door there was a couple of pings then a hissing sound but by the time anyone else noticed Wallis, Gillian and Kristin were outside and had closed the door. Wallis quickly scanned her card against the reader and punched in the override could that meant that only her card or that code could open the door.

“How long will the gas keep them unconscious?” Wallis asked.

“For at least a couple of hours, Miss Crawford confirmed that would be the scenario anyway,” Gillian replied. Even from outside the room the women heard the faint hissing noise and the faint sound of shouting and thumping from inside the room. “If they start to come around, we will just use chloroform to keep them subdued until we can get them all thoroughly restrained.”

“Put them all in full restraints,” Wallis instructed. “I don’t want any surprises.”

“That will take a bit of time and effort,” Kristin chipped in. Wallis gave the woman a look.

“That is why we have arranged for some help from within these walls,” Wallis said with a look at Kristin that told the woman that the topic as closed. “I am sure that we will have enough help that we could even do without you.” Kristin seemed to wilt away under the glare. Wallis turned her attention to Gillian. “Do you have enough people to look after them?” As they spoke the number and ferocity of the banging dropped significantly.

“Once then are all restrained there shouldn’t be that many issues. Don’t get me wrong it would be nicer to have more bodies but if everyone chips in there shouldn’t be any issues. Gillian replied. “I will go and release the rest of our new team.” Gillian had already toured them all and told them what was about to happen and the role that Elizabeth Crawford wanted them to play in it.

“What about the away teams?” Kristin asked.

“Plans have already been made for them.” Wallis turned away in the direction of Sanders office but only got five steps before turning around. “Remember to undertake a headcount. I don’t want there to be any mistakes.” The discussion over the woman turned and made her way down the corridor toward her office, she had a statement to make and orders to issue.
Section Headquarters, secret location, East Coast, USA

As the meeting was beginning upstairs Vernie glanced at her wristwatch and nodded to herself. “Don’t suppose you fancy giving me the tour?” Vernie asked Darby with a wide smile. “Miss Kennedy likes to talk so it could be some time before that meeting ends.” Vernie gave it her best winning smile.

“Sorry, I can’t leave my post at reception under any circumstances,” Darby responded.

“Good to see that you take your duties so seriously. I can feed that back to Miss Kennedy.”

“Thank you,” Darby replied and then went back to watching the screens on her desk. Vernie went back to pacing little five stride lengths across the floor before turning and doing the same again, thinking about what to do next.

“How long have you been with the Section?” Vernie asked.

“Only six months. I have just finished basic training,” Darby replied not looking up from the screens. This was not going was well as Vernie hoped. Why did she have to get the conscientious newcomer?

“Well, at least give me a proper look at that fabulous dress that you are wearing?” Vernie asked hoping that they could at least bond over fashion and nice dresses. This time Darby looked up and smiled.

“Alright then. I am pretty sure that isn’t against the rules,” Darby said enthusiastically and almost jumped up from the chair.

“Why don’t you leave that down jacket and that belt over the back of the chair,” Vernie suggested. “It ruins the look.” Darby paused, slipped off the jacket and unclipped the belt, putting both on the back of her chair before scooting around the reception desk and standing a couple of yards from Vernie with her arms outstretched.

“The dresses are beautiful, aren’t they? Definitely a perk of the job.”

“Um-Uh,” Vernie replied. “Why do you wear them?”

“Tradition I think, plus a mental thing. They project a certain power, grace and sense of calm I think,” Darby replied. “They didn’t really cover it in basic.”

“Turn around so I can get a good look from the back,” Vernie asked. As Darby spun around Vernie slipped her left hand into the pocket of her long down jacket and produced one of those single use chloroform pads that Gillian had given her. It certainly was an interesting invention and useful in this situation. Once out of her pocket Vernie applied enough pressure to break the capsule of chloroform and allow the liquid to seep into the fabric.

“How is that?” Darby asked.

“Perfect,” Vernie replied before she pounced. With a practiced efficiency Vernie grabbed Darby around the waist with her right arm, the timing was perfect as Vernie managed to grab Darby’s left wrist with her right hand and as Vernie pulled Darby tight against her down jacket clad body Vernie also managed to trap Darby’s right arm against her body. This meant that Darby wouldn’t be able to use them against Vernie, at the same time Vernie clamped the chloroform pad over Darby’s nose and mouth.

“MMUURRPPHH,” Darby protected for behind the smooth fabric and thick padded of the chloroform pad. Even if there was someone nearby, they would not be able to hear the muffled protest. Vernie was glad that Darby had tried to say something, it meant that she inhaled a nice amount of the chloroform fumes coming from the pad. That was an amateur mistake, Darby was definitely a rookie.

“You must recognize the scent from the pad Darby,” Vernie whispered into Darby’s ear. “Make this easy on yourself and relax and take nice, deep breaths.” Darby was still for a moment, as if taking in what Vernie said and considering it. Then it seemed that the decision was made the Darby began to struggle with all of her mite. It wasn’t exactly the ideal scenario for using chloroform to render someone unconscious, that would be them just accepting the application and taking nice, deep breaths until they slipped into unconsciousness. This was the second-best option, the exertion that the struggling brough on would mean that Darby had to take deep breaths and as she did so inhale the fumes. Vernie was experienced and had done this enough to be able to control Darby’s thrashing until it subsided. After around thirty seconds Vernie noticed that Darby’s struggling slowed and became less forceful. The battle was over, it was now a case of when, rather than if, Darby slipped into unconsciousness. As Darby lost strength her arms and legs lost power and became limp which meant that Vernie had to hold more of Darby’s weight. In another twenty seconds Darby had stopped moving and not long after that Vernie could tell by Darby’s breathing that the young woman was unconscious and lowered her to the floor. After slipping the chloroform pad back into her pocket Vernie picked Darby up under the armpits and dragged her across to the reception area so that nobody coming in would notice her immediately. Vernie then went back to the reception desk and grabbed Darby’s access card along with items that she could use to bind and gag Darby. Then she sat down at the reception desk and used Gillian’s access codes to log onto the system and lock down all of the entrances and exits, this command had to be authorized, but that was a simply task using Wallis Kennedy’s freshly issued credentials. There were other things to take are of but they could come later with some help form the IT girls back at the island. Once back where she had left Darby, Vernie pulled the young guard’s arms behind her back and secured her wrists together with a set of leather cuffs, then she used a short length of cord to bind Darby’s ankles. Finally, she shoved a cloth into Darby’s mouth and used a silk scarf to hold that in place, Vernie topped that off with a blindfold. The binding wasn’t great but it would do until they could get organised enough to restrain all of their captives properly. Vernie walked to the secure elevator and used Darby’s access card to open the doors and step inside, pushing the button that would take the take her to meet Wallis, Gillian and the rest of the team.
Section Headquarters, secret location, East Coast, USA

“I have come to a decision that the random, unauthorised and off the books activities of this agency must cease. A line must be drawn and not be crossed again. To that end I am terminating with immediate effect the off the books operation currently being led by Christina Howard and terminating the employment of all involved with immediate effect. As of this morning all operatives involved are disavowed. I suspect the criminal charges and international arrest warrants will follow further investigation.”

Wallis Kennedy read the last paragraph of the e-mail again before nodding to herself and hitting button to send it to the carefully selected recipients. This was all going rather smoothly. Before drafting the e-mail, Wallis had called Caitlin and given her driver her instructions.
Section Headquarters, secret location, East Coast, USA

“Why did my alarm not go off this morning?” Erin Michut asked herself as she dodged past a man pushing a buggy, “I hope I don’t get punished.” If she was going to be late, then Erin had certainly picked the wrong day to do it. The new head of the organisation had sent out an e-mail making it clear that everyone was required to attend a meeting that was due to begin exactly ten minutes ago according to her watch. This was no way to make a good impression on your new boss. After using her pass to get through the main security door at the entrance Erin hurried through the short corridor and into the main reception area. As Erin moved toward the inner security door, she noticed that there was the reception desk was empty. This caused her to pause with her pass held just short of the reader that would let her in. Something at the back of her head told Erin that something was up. The desk always had someone on it, twenty-four hours a day. Then her eye was drawn to something lying on the ground. Adjusting her angle by leaning over Erin could now see that the item lying on the floor was a woman, a woman wearing a dress of section operatives, a woman wearing a dress of section operatives who was bound, gagged and blindfolded. An alarm now went off at the back of her mind and without thinking she turned and exited the building at a trot.
Section Headquarters, secret location, East Coast, USA

Wallis Kennedy swung around in the leather seat to looked over the desk at the strange gaggle of women that stood across from her. To the far-left stood Linda Reddick and Gloria Martinez looking resplendent in their large dresses and short down jackets. In the centre stood Sophia Rousseau, Bernice Dubois, Milena Novak and Holliday Conroy. Now, they were in a slightly different position to Linda and Gloria. They were all still wearing down suits, had their wrists bound with padded cuffs, were wearing what Vernie ad described as finger control mitts and were still gagged. To the right stood Elsa Schmidt who was wearing what would pass for normal clothes, dark pants suit with a white blouse. “Nice to meet you all, it would have been nicer at a cocktail mixer but let’s make the best of it.” Wallis began. “Now, I see from the look on some faces that there is some confusion about what is going on at the moment so let me explain on behalf of, how should I put this, I know, our common benefactor.”

“MMUURRPPHH,” Rousseau mumbled from behind her gag.

“This will go quicker if there are no interruptions,” Wallis said, her tone of voice making it clear that she was not amused. “Let me begin with passing on the best wishes of our benefactor, Elizabeth Crawford,” Wallis paused and took int the look of shock on he faces of the gagged women in front of her. “Firstly, how are we progressing Gloria?”

“All of the other prisoners with the exception of Jane Robbie are in the process of being released on the proviso that the keep a low profile for the next eighteen months. Gillian is currently seeing to this.”

“Why are we letting them go?” Wallis was putting on an act for the benefit of he bound and gagged women in the room.

“So that there is enough space to detain all of the Section operatives that are currently lying unconscious in the break our room,” Martinez replied. This news got a lot of muffled moans from the gagged women. “Kristin is currently making sure that the stay unconscious until we can get them properly restrained.”

“Excellent, Gloria. Why is Miss Robbie being detained?” Wallis asked.

“She is a known close associate of Christian Howard, Hayley King and Natalie Twain so needs to be held.”

“Thank you, Gloria,” Wallis said and turned her attention elsewhere. “Ladies, I am sure you are wondering why you are not automatically being released. That is because Elizabeth Crawford would like to make you an offer.”

“MMUUPPHH,” “AARRUURRMMPPHH,” a chorus of severely restricted objections came from heavily gagged mouths and Wallis held up a hand to quieten them.

“This is why Linda put the gags on,” Gloria commented. Once order was restored Wallis continued.

“We need to hold this facility and take care or keep hold of, whichever way you want to look at it, the Section operatives for a period of time to allow Elizabeth’s plan to come to fruition. In order to do that we need bodies and Elizabeth is giving you the chance to volunteer, first refusal of the opportunity, to join us. Elizabeth asked me to let you know that you will be paid for the duration, with a healthy bonus at the end. I know that you will now want to know the other option. Unfortunately, that would be to join Doctor Schmidt here on a flight to Elizabeth’s hideaway where you can deliver the news of your decision not to assist us in person. Although I understand that anybody taking that option will be having an all-expenses paid break in Elizabeth’s special hotel for the duration.” Wallis paused to allow each woman to digest what she was saying. “Now, I haven’t had the pleasure of a stay but I understand that you will all be aware of the facilities.” Another pause to let that sink in.

“When does the plane scheduled to take-off?” Schmidt asked with a twisted smile on her face.

“Ninety minutes,” Wallis said looking at her watch. “My driver Caitlin will be back in plenty of time to take you and you will have to add on ten minutes to take account of traffic. So, decision time ladies?” Wallis looked on as one after the other, Rousseau, Dubois, Novak and Conroy all nodded. “Excellent ladies. Now, a couple of other items of business. You will not be allowed to leave the grounds at any time, you will have to wear a tracking device and there will be no communications with anyone outside this facility unless authorised. Is that clear?” Once again all of the women nodded, this time a bit slower. “Good, now that we all understand each other if you will follow miss Reddick, she will sort you out with uniforms, etcetera.” Linda had moved to the door and now held it open to allow Rousseau, Dubois, Novak and Conroy to walk through followed by Elsa Schmidt.

“Down to the last door on the right,” Gloria heard Linda yell before she closed the door behind her.

“I really like this desk and chair,” Wallis commented, running her palms across the surface of the desk. “I must see if Elizabeth will let me keep it after this had all played out.”

“I don’t see why not,” Gloria replied moving so that she now stood directly in front of Wallis.

“How are we numbers wise?” Wallis asked.

“Adding those four to Vernie, Linda, Gillian, Kristin and the two of us gives us more than enough. I will make up a roster later on making sure that Vernie or I are always about. We will keep the Section operatives in full restraints for the duration apart from the standard daily exercise and food breaks. Even then it will no more than two at any one time.”

“Good. What about IT and all that?” Wallis asked.

“Vernie is in the process of setting up a link to the island. Once that is complete then we will have full control and access to the system from there.”

“Excellent. Anything else?”

“Just I don’t suppose you know anybody that can cook two meals a day for more than thirty people?” Wallis pondered the question for a minute. “The kitchen staff are due to arrive tomorrow in the middle of the morning but they have been paid off.” Wallis leaned back and took in Martinez. She liked the way the woman had just taken charge without having to be asked.

“Caitlin is an excellent cook and I am sure that we can rustle up another body.” Then the radio clipped to the belt around Martinez’s waist beeped.

“Martinez, acknowledge,” said a female voice. “There is a problem,” Kristin said from somewhere else within the facility.

“What is it?” Martinez asked. Her voice was calm and controlled.

“Completed the head count and we are a body short.” Martinez looked at Wallis.

“Are you sure?” Martinez asked.

“Made a list and checked it twice,” Kristin replied. Wallis was overheard this and indicated that Martinez should go and check this out. Martinez nodded and headed out of the room. Once alone Wallis leaned back in the chair and contemplated how to tell Elizabeth Crawford that there was a slight problem with the plan.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, the best laid plans .... so someone is missing. I wonder who that might be :) A swift and ruthless execution besides that. I wonder what Consequences that Error might have. It was about time, though that not all went according to plan. For Christina and her Friends the Situation becomes even more difficult now, There only hope is the Person who escaped, and that they have some success in their quest.

Well done [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 59

Paris, France

It was a slightly dull, overcast morning but after waking early Christina had met Monique Moreau for breakfast and then decided that some fresh air would do her good so went for a walk to pick up some breakfast croissants for the gang. It has been a tough couple of days what with Hamburg and the lack of general lack of progress in tracking down Elizabeth Crawford of Fallon Bennett so Christina hoped that the soe gesture would raise spirits. When Christina entered the apartment, she found Danielle and Natalie sitting on the sofa looking slightly perplexed. “What’s wrong?” Christina asked Danielle who was staring at her phone. “I brought pastry,” Christian held up the bag to make the point.

“It just died,” Danielle replied.

“Did you forget to charge it up?” Natalie asked, hoping the explanation would be a simple one. Christina took a seat beside Natalie and deposited the bag of pastries on the table.

“No, the phone has power but it is not connecting to the network and I have no data,” Danielle replied. This prompted both Christina and Natalie to check their phones and they found the same issue. Whilst they stared at the phones with a bewildered looks Danielle fired up her laptop. Christina was no a little concerned, she hadn’t mentioned anything to the rest of the gang but she hadn’t been able to get hold of Jaclyn Sanders for a couple of days and her messages had gone unanswered.

“Is that pastry?” Charlotte asked having just exited one of the bedrooms. She gave Natalie a quick peck on the cheek before grabbing one of the pastries and plonking herself down on the sofa. “Something wrong?” Charlotte asked obviously picking up on the tension in the group.

“I think that we may be in real trouble ladies,” Danielle said pointing at the screen as Natalie, Christina and Charlotte gathered in a semi-circle behind her.

“What do you mean?” Charlotte asked.

“I can’t log onto the Section’s server externally from my laptop.”

“It isn’t there?” Christina asked hopefully. “Connection issue.”

“On, no it’s there. It is just that my access has been revoked.” Danielle turned her laptop around so that the rest of them could see what was on her screen.


Paris, France

“Alright we have a serious situation here. Something had happened as Section Headquarters. Our access has been denied and I can’t get hold of Jaclyn Sanders.” As soon as they had seen the message Christina had grabbed her own phone and tried to call Jaclyn Sanders, this time the line didn’t ring it just went dead. As Christina stood staring at her screen her phone vibrated and she took the call. “Monique, I hope that this is good news,” Christina said by way of greeting. Christina walked into her bedroom so that she could take the all in private.

Five minutes later Christina reappeared from the bedroom to find a semi-circle of women with concerned faces facing her, Danielle, Charlotte, Victoria, Charlotte and Natascha. “Well, it sees that our situation is worse than I originally thought,” Christina saw mouths start to open and held up her hand. “I will tell you what I know.” Christina took a seat and the rest of them joined help, perched on various bits of the two sofas. “That was Monique, first thing this morning she, along with probably all other heads of intelligence throughout Europe, received a communication from US State Department confirming that Wallis Kennedy had been appointed the temporary head of Section 12. It seems that she had been appointed partly to undertake a root and branch investigation into the activities of the organisation. It seems that her first task was to issue a notice disavowing any unofficial operations like ours.”

“What does that mean?” Charlotte asked.

“It means that we are on the list to be picked up if we are seen. They want us sent back to the US for questioning.” Christina said bluntly.

“All of us?” Charlotte asked again.

“It seems that only Natalie, Danielle and I have been named on the bulletin so the rest of you should be alright, well at the least for the moment.”

“What does this mean?” Natalie asked.

“Firstly, it means that we have to leave here as Monique can’t continue to hide us, secondly I think that for the moment it would be safer if we all split up and went our own way. Individuals will be harder to track than pairs or a group. Plus, if one of us gets grabbed up then the rest of us can still take action.” That wasn’t encouraging but it had to be said.

“What about Jaclyn?” Danielle asked. It was a good question.

“I haven’t been able to get hold of her for forty-eight hours, her phone is dead. Monique also tried to get hold of her but had the same problem.”

“That doesn’t sound right,” Natalie commented.

“I agree. Officially she is on gardening leave, having a well-earned holiday before returning to aid with questioning as part of the investigation,” Christina responded. The group fell into silence as they considered their current situation.

“I can’t be involved with this any longer Christina,” Victoria said getting up and making for her room. “You are about to be become a target for every law enforcement agency in Europe and probably some other, more unsavoury characters. With my record I can’t afford to be around when they eventually catch up with you. I have built a life away from this so I can’t take any chances.”

“Are you just going to leave?” Charlotte asked.

“Yes, that is exactly what I am going to do. I am going to pack my things and out as much distance between Christina, Natalie and myself as possible.” Christina was slightly disappointed in Victoria but couldn’t blame her.

“Alright, we can’t sit about here moping so I suggest that we all go and get packed.” Everyone got up and scattered to their rooms to do just that. They regrouped half an hour later back in the living area carrying bags and jackets. “I suggest that Charlotte goes and stays with Gabriella. That way of anything goes wrong she at least has the protection of Gabriella’s status as a law enforcement officer.”

“I thought I would go with Natalie,” Charlotte commented.

“No, safer if we are apart. I will go to where we discussed going on holiday,” Natalie took Charlotte’s hand and the pair headed for the door.

“I need somebody to go and check on Gayle and Rhiannon,” Christina said.

“I can do that,” Natascha volunteered. “There shouldn’t be any issues with me travelling. Then I will need to head back to update the boss. I have had the call to report back immediately.” Danielle handed Natascha a USB stick.

“That’s all of our information,” Danielle said. “It will probably be safer with Rhiannon and Gayle, but get them to upload it onto a server or something.” Natascha nodded and slipped the stick into her pocket.

“When did you get that message to head home?” Christina asked.

“Waiting for me this morning,” Natascha answered as she slipped on her jacket and headed for the door. “I wish you the best of luck ladies.” Victoria came out of her room with a large bag over her shoulder. “My parting gift,” she said and put a set of keys and a piece of paper on the table in the centre on the room.

“What’s that?” Christina asked.

“The address of and keys to a house that you can use.” Christina hadn’t thought of that and nodded her thanks. “Remember the Saracino’s will still be after you Christina and now they will be off the leash.” With that gesture acknowledged and a slight nod of the head Victoria headed for the door and out into a gloomy Parisian morning. Christina walked with her to hold the door open. Victoria leaned in a little. “You know this whole thing has Elizabeth Crawford written all over it.” Christina nodded as she opened the door.

“That just leaves us,” Danielle commented. Christina picked up the keys and piece of paper before slipping them into her pocket. “What do you intend to do?”

“I think I will take up Victoria’s offer and have a think about what to do next. And you?”

“I know that it is dangerous but I have family in the Caribbean so I guess I will try and make my way there.”

“Sounds nice, I hope that you make it. You got those details for the fake identification and enough cash?” Danielle tapped her head and then her rucksack. “I will give you five minutes before I head.” The two women hugged each other before Danielle left, leaving Christina alone looking around the now empty apartment. After a last check around the flat to make sure that nothing important had been left behind Christina locked the door and posted the keys back through the letterbox. Picking up her suitcase Christina descend the stairs and exited the main door out into the street. Looking left and right whilst she extended the handle on her wheeled suitcase and seeing nothing untoward Christina started walking casually toward the nearest Metro Station.

Just as Christina disappeared round the corner a figure stepped out from the shadows of a narrow alley between two tall apartment buildings and fell in behind Christina, making sure that they matched her pace. With no other leads she had decided to follow Monique Moreau and it had turned out to be a good decision. All that she had to do was keep Christina in sight and not get spotted herself, which what be easier said than done.
An island in the Mediterranean

Elizabeth Crawford sat looking out of the large window in her study with her thousands of miles away when the door opened and Harper entered. As Elizabeth spun round Harper paced the floor form the door to stand on the other side of the desk. “Unfortunately, there is some bad news Miss Crawford,” Harper had decided just to get straight to the point.

“From the operation at Section Headquarters?” Elizabeth said. Harper nodded a response.

“Dare I ask what that would be?” Just as she was having a good day as well.

“There is a missing operative.”

“How did that happen?”

“She was late for the meeting. We have put out the usual alerts and told everyone to keep it quiet.”

“I will have to do something about this. We can’t have someone running around and making noise at this delicate time.” Elizabeth sat taping her fingernails on her desk. “We are putting out a delicate message that we currently have control of. Having something out there saying something else could prove difficult.”

“Shall I put together a team?” Harper asked. Elizabeth paused a for a second, contemplating her next course of action.

“No, no, I have something else in mind for this. Send me a copy of the file on this operative.”
An island in the Mediterranean

There was a dull thump at the back of Penelope’s head as shafts of light began to appear at the corners of her vision. “ooohhhfff,” Penelope moaned and tried to raise her right hand to her head. Nothing happened and she felt a pull around her body and shoulder. Then everything came back and she remembered being hoisted onto a plane and a rubber mask being placed over her nose and mouth before everything went black. Giving her head a shake to try and get her brain working properly again Penelope looked around. She was still in the plane but out of the restraining bags and was now sitting in a seat, although all of the other bonds remained apart from the gag. “Well, at least I can talk.” Sitting on a seat across from her was Grace, still unconscious with her head lolling forward and a line of drool leading from the corner of her mouth to her chin. Penelope’s heart sank at the thought of the young woman falling into the hands of Elizabeth Crawford’s organisation for whatever reason. The only positive was that the rumour was that they did take good care of their captives. “I suppose I will find out myself soon enough,” Penelope mumbled.

“What was that?” Kendall asked appearing as if from nowhere.

“Nothing,” Penelope replied. “Where are we?”

“That’s not how this works. You don’t get to ask questions,” Kendall held up something in her right hand. “This is why we keep the guests gagged at all times.” Penelope sighed and looked over the item in Kendall’s hand. It was a large panel gag looking contraption. A large, thick pad with a ball at the centre with leather straps at each end. She could guess where this is going.

“aarrgghh…ooohhh,” Grace moaned as she started to regain consciousness.

“Let’s get you gagged before Grace gets fully awake.” Kendall grabbed both straps and thrust the ball toward Penelope’s mouth. Penelope had no option but to open her mouth and accept the ball. The design of the gag forced Penelope to bite down around the ball and she felt the soft, thick pad against her lips.

“mmmpphh, uummpphh,” Penelope moaned into the pad as Kendall secured the gag tightly in place by fastening the straps and compressing the pad against her lips. It wasn’t uncomfortable, just a bit awkward. After the gag had been applied to Kendall’s satisfaction the young woman knelt down and released the straps and cuffs from Penelope’s legs.

“Time to see where you are. Excited?” Not exactly, Penelope thought. Intrigued would have been a better description. Kendall gave Penelope some assistance in getting up and held her upper arm as she waddled the sort distance to the stairs out of the fuselage. At the top of the stairs Penelope stopped to take in the view. There were trees, grass, a couple of sheds, a hanger and a dirt track. There was also the unmistakable smell of sea air. There was also a four-wheel drive vehicle sitting not far away with a tall woman with long dark hair leaning against it. Feeling a nudge in her back Penelope descended the stairs and headed over toward the car. As Penelope approached the woman opened the back door and allowed Penelope to climb inside.

“She is a nice compliant guest,” the woman asked Kendall.

“A bit complicated Tahani,” Kendall replied. “Can you see to her whilst I get the other one?” Tahani nodded and after securing Penelope’s ankles together with a set of cuffs and putting on her seatbelt jumped in the driver’s seat and tapped out a rhythm on the steering wheel until Kendall returned and put Grace in the back of the vehicle on the other side from Penelope. After Grace’s ankles were secured and seatbelt clicked into place Kendall jumped in the front passenger seat. “Let’s go.” The vehicle pulled away and Penelope turned to look at Grace. The younger woman’s big, round eyes looked back and were filed with worry. Penelope would have liked to have been able to give her some verbal encourage but the best that she could do at the moment was good thoughts and a look that hopefully Grace could take something from. The journey was short but Penelope tried to take in as much detail as possible. There wasn’t much to see until they slowed and made a turn, as they turned Penelope caught sight of a beach, pier and a large motor launch. When she turned back to face forward Penelope’s jaw would have dropped had she not been gagged. They were moving up a driveway toward a large, spectacular looking two-story house. It was like something from the American South but had a modern extension on one side. It was bizarre. When the car stopped the door was opened and Penelope found herself looking at arguably the most beautiful women that she had ever seen. The kind of woman men killed for and artist wrote songs and poems about.

“mmmpphhh,” Penelope mumbled as the young woman removed the cuffs around her ankles. So taken with her beauty it took Penelope a second glance to take in what the young woman was wearing. A stunning dress with a large bell style skirt. This whole experience just got weirder and weirder.

“Hi, my name is Constance,” the young woman said. “I will be taking care of you for now.” That seemed nice, Penelope thought as the young woman helped her from the car and toward the house. After getting up the short flight of stairs they entered the house. If anything, the interior was even more impressive than the exterior. As they walked through toward a flight of stairs Penelope tried to take is all in. “You might get a tour later Penelope,” Constance said, “there is a rumour that you could be joining us.” They had started to climb the stairs and Penelope twisted to see where Grace was and saw the young woman being led toward a corridor and not up the stairs.

“uummpphh! mmmppphh!” Penelope complained.

“Don’t worry, she will be fine. The boss just wants to talk with her.” Penelope slowed down and started to twist and turn in Constance’s grasp. “It you start to act out they we will just have to use the chloroform. This will go easier if you comply. No point in doing anything else. Wouldn’t want any black marks on your record this early.” Penelope sighed but had to agree with that assessment. The whole point was to blend in and be accepted. They had now reached the top of the stairs and were confronted by a security door which Constance opened by using a card. There was the sound of an electronic lock disengaging and the door swung open. They carried on down a hallway with doors leading off on both sides at regular intervals until Constance tugged on Penelope’s arm to stop her. They were in front of a door that has no locks and only a small window. Constance used the same card as earlier to open the door and pushed it open. With the flourish of an arm Constance beckoned Penelope to enter, which she did and stopped almost dead. It was not what she expected. The room was more like something that you would find in a very nice hotel, rather than somewhere where you would hold kidnapped people. Large bed, nice furniture, bathroom and a stunning view from the floor to ceiling windows.
“mmmmpppphhhh…” Penelope moaned. The only thing that gave it away were the familiar shapes of the three restraining bags lying spread out on the floor beside the bed.

“Nice isn’t it,” Constance commented. “Bet you weren’t expecting this.”

“mmmooohhh,” Penelope had to admit shaking her head.

“Just stand still.” Constance instructed as she began to remove all of the bonds from Penelope’s torso and arms. Once that job was completed Constance removed the gag. “Take a seat on the bed.” Penelope waddled over and plonked down on the bed.

“Thanks,” Penelope meant it. As she stretched her back, arms and legs Constance busied herself with checking things around the room.

“Don’t worry about anybody looking in. The glass is one way.” Constance opened both doors of the single wardrobe in the room and nodded, seemingly satisfied with its contents. “I am sure that you will be comfortable here and look forward to know you better after initiation week is over.”

“Initiation week?” Penelope asked raising an eyebrow as Constance hurried past where she was sitting on the bed and into the bathroom. The large skirt gave the impression that she was floating.

“More on that later,” Constance said from the bathroom. Just then the door buzzed and another woman entered carrying a tray and set it on the table. There was a steaming bowl of something on the tray along with what looked like a slice of cake, a bottle of water and a can of juice. Until she saw the food Penelope hadn’t realised that she was hungry. Consatnce reappeared from the bathroom “Perfect timing. Penelope, you have an hour, relax, have some food and take a shower. Then we will be back to see you.”

“Dare I ask what happens when you get back?” Penelope asked. Constance didn’t respond but her gaze moved from Penelope to the bags sitting on the bed and back again. “Yeah, I guessed as much.” The two women wearing the dresses left the room in a swich of fabric and Penelope hurried across to the table and got stuck into the food. Penelope didn’t know what she was expecting but the food was delicious and it didn’t take her long to demolish all of it plus the bottle of water. She decided to leave the can of juice for later. Not wanting to run out of time Penelope quickly made her way into the bathroom and after stripping off jumped into the shower.

Fifteen minutes later, well-scrubbed and refreshed Penelope stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around her body and another wrapped around her hair. They were thick and soft to the touch. In fact, everything was of the highest quality, whatever accusations you cold level at Elizabeth Crawford being cheap wasn’t one of them. As she finished drying off Penelope realised that she didn’t have anything to wear expect what they were going to give her, which she guessed would be another down suit before they put her back in the bags. “Oh, well, it could be worse.” Although being tied up was never welcome at least in the bags she would be extremely comfortable. She wandered across to the window and stood admiring the view. Having no idea where she was didn’t stop her from thinking that the view was outstanding, Penelope thought that she could easily lose hours just staring out across the manicured gardens and down onto the beach with the clear blue sea beyond.

The noise of the door opening brought her back to reality. Spinning around she saw Constance and the woman that drove the car, Tahani wasn’t it, enter the room. They both looked stunning wearing the large dresses. The fact that they were both tall with knockout figures helped. “Sorry to interrupt Penelope but time to get you back in the restraining bags.” Penelope sighed and made her way back to ward the bed and lay down.

“Suppose it’s nappy time as well,” Penelope said as she undid the towel and let it spread out on the bed.

“Nice to find someone else that wants to call then that,” Constance replied as she unfurled the blocky white diaper.

“If only all guests started out this compliant,” Tahani commented. Penelope crossed her arms behind her head and looked at the ceiling as she waited on the two guards to get organised.

“Is that a television?” Penelope asked looking at something in the ceiling.

“Raise your hips.” Penelope did as was requested. Now that she knew what to expect from the process didn’t react until there was a tap on her hip told her that it was time to drop her hips onto the soft, thick diaper. The top of the diaper was flipped over and taped in place. Penelope ran her hands over it before sitting up and flinging her leg off the bed. “Here, this should fit.” Constance handed Penelope a bra and after looking at it put it on. A quick check told Penelope that it fit perfectly and was extremely comfortable. As she was slipping on the bra Constance knelt down and snapped something round her ankle.

“What was that?” Penelope asked looking down and moving her ankle for a better look.

“A tracking device. Let’s us know where you are on all occasions.”

“In those bags is surely the correct answer most of the time.” Penelope nodded her head toward the bags. Constance smiled but didn’t reply. “Well, anyway. Thanks for the underwear.” A nod of thanks later and she stood up. Tahani had the down suit already laid out for her to stand in and Penelope obliged without having to be asked and Tahani lifted the suit up and over Penelope’s shoulders so that she was fully inside.

“Now for the restraints,” Penelope said sticking out her arms. Constance smiled. “Not my first rodeo.” Penelope returned the smile as Constance slipped one of the large mittens on each of Penelope’s hands and locked them in place. Once again Penelope’s fingers were rendered useless. The rest of the binding process went exactly the same as it had in the house back in London. Except in addition this time when she was finished with the upper body Constance held up another of those special panel gags.

“Before you put that on could I ask a question?” Constance nodded. “Where are we?”

“A very deep question,” Constance replied. “Would take longer than we have to explain.” With that cryptic response Constance thrust the panel gag toward Penelope’s face. Opening her mouth Penelope accepted the large ball into her mouth and felt the thick pad on her lips as Constance tightened the strap to secure the gag in place. “Not too tight I hope.”

“mmoohh,” Penelope shock her head. Then she spun around and sat down on the bed. Constance pulled out a handful of accessories and set to work securing Penelope’s legs together. Ankle cuffs were followed by straps just below and above the knees and then around the thighs. “mmmppphhh.”

“Sorry,” Constance said and Penelope thought that the young woman meant it. “Now, if you could just swing your legs up and we can get started with the bags.” Penelope complied with the request and was soon lying flat on the bed. She heard the familiar swish of nylon before she was lifted slightly by the two guards and moved a couple of feet and then put back down onto the restraining bag. Penelope wiggled a little to get comfortable before the top of the bag was draw over and the zip closed all the way up, surrounding Penelope in smooth fabric and soft down filling. There was a faint clip as the same padlock was applied to secure the double zip together. Again, Penelope had to believe that was overkill. What chance did she have of escaping? Now that Penelope knew what to expect the process went quickly. All of these women were obviously very well versed in the art of using there restraining bags. Suddenly Penelope found herself encased in her massive three bag, down filled cocoon again. “Hope that was a pleasant experience.” Constance appeared in Penelope’s vision. “Going back to initiation week. That means that you will spend most of your day for the next seven bags restrained within these bags. Only let out for a bit of exercise, diaper change and food.”

“uummppff,” Penelope groaned.

“Probably shouldn’t mention the three chloroform applications each day.”

“mmuurpphh,” Penelope groaned again.

“Look, just behave and it may only be a week. Good behaviour is rewarded. You will be checked on regularly every two hours by one of the guards. Any problems just let the guard now.” Penelope rolled her eyes. “Comfortable?” Penelope nodded and heard he noise that her freshly washed hair made on the smooth fabric of the hood of the restraining bags. “Good.” Constance smiled and disappeared from view. A short time later Penelope heard the door open and close and she was left along with her thoughts. The main one of those was what had she got herself into! At the moment she didn’t see any way that she could get out of this. Well, not the restraining bags, that would be impossible without help but the situation in general. As Penelope lay still, she could feel the down loft being to increase and feel in compress in against her body, if anything that would increase her comfort. Then the screen above her head in the ceiling burst into life. It took a minute for Penelope to work out what the screen was showing. It was some kind of South American soap opera with English subtitles. Was this meant to be entertaining or some kind of further punishment! With nothing else to focus on at the moment Penelope snuggled into the down to get extra comfortable before concentrating on the television show.
The door opened and Hayley was escorted into the study to find Elizabeth Crawford sitting behind the large desk, framed by the late evening sunshine coming through the bay window. “Apologies for interrupting confinement week, I do know how you enjoy it.”

“Well, I did see that you have new guests to play with Elizabeth,” Hayley shot back with a smile. As she had been getting led though the main lobby Hayley had seen the new arrivals being escorted up the stairs.

“Oh, feisty. You know I like that.” Elizabeth Crawford began retorted with a smile. “But, getting back why I wanted to see you. I thought that you would want to know that your friend Natalie and the rest of her group are in a bit of trouble.”

“What do you mean?” Hayley said, a sense of dread starting to rise in her stomach. Hayley didn’t know what was wrong but did know that Elizabeth Crawford liked to play games and this could be one of them.

“It seems like they have suddenly become international fugitives,” Elizabeth said as she casually handed over a sheet of paper. Hayley held up her hands that were currently encased in finger control mitts with her wrists also locked together with leather cuffs. “Sorry, forgot about those.” Elizabeth nodded to Constance who was lurking in the background and the young woman hurried to remove both the mitts and cuffs. Elizabeth carefully placed the paper on the desk exactly halfway between Hayley and herself.

“Thank you, Constance,” Hayley said with a smile before leaning across and lifting the paper. As she read Hayley’s sense of panic increased, until her hands shook. “Is this real?” Hayley asked despite already knowing the answer. Elizabeth Crawford nodded.

“You recognize the formal headed paper and the signature at the bottom.” Hayley wondered if this was just some kind of mind game that Elizabeth Crawford was playing on her. If it wasn’t then Natalie, Christina and Danielle for that matter were in a lot of trouble. There were conflicting emotions for Hayley as it had been clear that her friends had been looking for her but this could also mean that her last chance of rescue had just disappeared.

“Are you making his up?” Hayley asked. Elizabeth just shook her head.

“I am afraid not. Your friends are now on the wanted list of almost every law enforcement agency in Europe. Plus, I have no doubt some bounty hunters and other unsavoury types will be after them as well.” Panic surged through Hayley at the thought of Natalie being hunted and in danger, alone somewhere in Europe.

“I suppose you know here Natalie is?” Hayley asked. A wicked smile crossed Elizabeth’s face.

“Let me bring Natalie here,” Hayley blurted out.

“Why should I do that Hayley?”

“She will be safer here Elizabeth,” Hayley continued. “Out there it is open season on her.” Hayley meant it, her friend had a price on her head and there would be a lot of people out to collect. “You must have had some reason for telling me this knowing how I would react, that I would want to help Natalie.” Hayley now had her hands flat on the desk, leaning over the desk toward Elizabeth, who leaned back and raised her hands in mock surrender.

“Alright, you got me. I give in Hayley,” Elizabeth said jovially. “Take Constance here and some else and pick Natalie up. Don’t say I’m not good to you,” she said spreading her arms out wide.

“And you know where Natalie is?” Hayley asked straightening up.

“Indeed, I do.”
The door opened and Penelope craned her neck to see if she could identify who it was but the large, puffy hoods prevented her from getting a good view. For some reason her nervousness increased as she heard the soft footsteps approach before it evaporated somewhat as Constance loomed over her. “That’s two hours gone. Did it feel like that?” Penelope shook her head. It was an honest answer, it really hadn’t. “Anything that you need before I finish for the night.” Penelope looked a bit sheepish. “Do you need a diaper change?” Constance asked. “Last chance before the night shift. Less staff on so they might not be able to help you out that way.” Penelope’s face went bright red and she nodded. “No need to feel embarrassed Penelope. That’s what they are designed for.”

“mmuuppff, uummpphh,” Penelope mumbled. Constance used a lot of effort to extricate Penelope from the restraining bags and remove all of the binding apart from the wrist cuffs, finger control mitts and gag.

“I really shouldn’t be doing this alone but you won’t give me any trouble. Will you?” Penelope shook her head as Constance walked over to the wardrobe, opened it and spent a couple of seconds selecting some items from it. When she returned the younger woman had an armful of items that she deposited on the floor. Penelope looked on in wonder at the number of items that had been dumped as Constance put on a set of rubber gloves, like a surgeon would wear before slipping a long plastic, disposal bib over neck and tied it around her waist. “Protects the dress from anything nasty.” Penelope nodded and then took looked on as Constance pulled plastic changing mat from under the bed and lined it up. “Let’s just get you down on this.” With a little help from Constance, Penelope soon found herself lying on the mat looking at the ceiling. “Put you hands over your head then lie back and think of England.” Penelope did and then felt Constance pulling zippers, clips and buttons on the lower parts of the suit until she could feel air against her now bare legs. Then there was the sound of the sticky tabs that held the diaper in place being loosened and the pressure on the diaper’s bands around her waist thighs released. Penelope raised her legs to allow the soiled diaper to be removed and then winced as Constance used antiseptic wipes to clean her bottom and private areas. “Good, that’s you all cleaned up. Now to get you a nice fresh, clean diaper.” Trying to relax as much as possible Penelope felt talcum powder being liberally applied before Constance asked her to drop her hips. When she did Penelope found her bottom hitting the diaper. Constance finished the application of the diaper by folding over the front of the diaper and securing it in place with the sticky tabs. “There, that’s better.” Penelope flushed again as she had to admit that it was a much better feeling around her intimate regions.

“mmuuaannkk oohhh,” Penelope mumbled into her gag as Constance put the lower half of the suit back together. After helping Penelope up Constance asked her to lie on the bed. The young woman was that nice she complied without thinking, watching on as Constance tidied up after the process and deposited the used material into the bin in the bathroom. Constance came back into the bedroom and stated to pour liquid form a bottle onto a cloth, “mmeess mmoohh,” Penelope moaned.

“Sorry,” Constance said with a shrug. “These are the rules.” Penelope slumped but didn’t resist as Constance pressed the cloth, almost tenderly, over the lower half of her face. The scent hit Penelope’s nostrils a spilt second before the cloth made contact with her skin. It was a natural reaction to shake your head when something with a chemical was pressed over you nose and mouth and that’s what Penelope did but Constance skillfully kept the cloth in place. This forced Penelope to inhale the fumes and eventually the fumes worked their magic and Penelope felt herself slipping away into slumberland as darkness enveloped her consciousness and her eyes slammed closed. Constance removed the cloth and then called for assistance to get Penelope back into the three restraining bags.
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