Nothing Personal 5- Spies Like Them Part 2 (F/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

I like Gabriela as a character. She and Hayley forged a bond when they both were captured by Crawford, if you want to know more about that I recommend the reading of Part 4 of Nothing Personal. Must be around Chapter 40. When they first met, Gabriela was irritated about Hayles Aquaintance with Crawford. During their stay on Mystery Island they became friends. After their escape aided by Kirsty, their ways parted.

Now it seems, that Gabriela is drawn back into the game: Christina and her Team are in Geneva too - and they are Gabrielas only hope. Luckily her Captors are not as professional as Crawfords Girls :) No finger control mittens :) Let us hope that her former Partner, Constanze, draws the right conclusions :) If, and I say if, Gabriela is rescued, she maybe a valuable asset for the mission at hand. Keep fingers crossed :)

Gayles account of what happended to her and Hayley was illuminating. Hayleys friends know now, that Hayley did not change sides, as Natascha suspected. They gathered also a lot of Informations about the Island and its "guests". Furthermore: Gayle confirmed that Crawford has some kind of obsession with Hayley. We do not know, what Crawfords Plans for Hayley are, but the more I think, the more important seems that Trip to Slovenia. (Read: Nothing Personal, Part 4, around Chapter 50? - or later :) ) Hayley accompanied Crawford on a business meeting. She was dumb, gagged and blindfolded during that meeting. The reason, why she had to attend, but could not see, or speak or hear? We never learned.

All in all: There is a lot going on, we do not know, so stay tuned :)
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Post by charliesmith »

Your stories are very good!
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]charliesmith[/mention]

Thanks for the positive feedback!!
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 3 years ago @Caesar73 @charliesmith

Thanks for the positive feedback!!
You are welcome! Oustanding work [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 22

Boulanger Estate, Geneva

After around two hours of lying uncomfortably on her side Gabriela saw the door open and four pairs of feet walk into the room. The first set of feet were wearing very expensive black shoes, Gabriela assumed that these belonged to Jean Boulanger, the other three sets belonged to women, obviously Emma and Grace plus an unknown third woman. “Your friend seems to have taken a tumble,” Jean Boulanger stated. “Get her back upright.” From her current position all that Gabriela could see were legs and feet so when she was put back upright, she found that she was looking at Jean Boulanger and a tall, attractive and elegant woman wearing a stunning dress. They were soon joined by Emma and Grace and they made a rough half circle around Gabriela sitting on the chair. It took a couple of seconds for Gabriela to regain her equilibrium. “Where did you say that you found her?” Boulanger asked not removing her gaze from Gabriela.

“In your private office,” Emma replied.

“Now, how did you get in there?” Boulanger asked. Even if she hadn’t been heavily gagged Gabriela would not have responded. “I doubt that you had a key.”

“That’s what I thought,” Emma said. “She was snooping about.”


“Where did you meet her again Grace?” Boulanger asked.

“We met in a bar, in town,” Grace replied.

“Did she approach you?” This time it was the tall, elegant woman that asked the question.

“Yes. Why do you ask?”

“Classic trick for undercover work. Engage with someone close to the target and build up a relationship.” The tall, elegant woman looked at Grace with a withering stare when she made the observation. “I just hope that she didn’t find anything interesting.”

“It won’t matter if she did,” Boulanger commented softly.

“What are you thinking?” Grace asked her father. “Industrial espionage.”

“I don’t know but we will have to find out whatever it takes,” Boulanger said.

“I don’t like the sound of that use of the plural,” the tall, elegant woman replied. Neither did Gabriela if she was being honest.

“You wanted in Emily; this is what is involved. I am not going to let anybody sit back and take the profits without getting their hands dirty.” So, the woman was called Emily, Gabriela was sure that there was something familiar about the woman but couldn’t make the connection at the moment.

“Emma, Grace would you please take Gabriela to the warehouse and put her in one of the upstairs rooms,” Boulanger said whilst fishing in his pocket for something. When he pulled his hand out the something turned out to be a car key which he flung toward Emma who caught it one handed. “Everyone should have left by now but give it another fifteen minutes to be on the safe side then take her down the back stairs. The Jaguar is sitting not far away.”

“I will meet you later on after I have finished with the caterers and any stragglers. I have to make a telephone call to confirm a meeting.” All of the decisions made and instructions delivered Boulanger turned and exited the room. The woman that Boulanger had called Emily looked around before following a couple of paces behind Boulanger. That left Grace and Emma to work out how best to transport Gabriela.

“Now, are you going to behave or do I have to get the chloroform out again.” Gabriela didn’t want to be knocked out again, not only wasn’t it the most pleasant experience but being conscious would give her a bit of time to think and assess her situation. Gabriela nodded and hoped that Emma and Grace would take that as confirmation that she wouldn’t case any trouble. Well, not at the moment.

“Let’s wrap her up,” Grace said. “Use the duvet.” Grace was walking to the drawers as she talked. “Remember to bring the chloroform anyway and some rope if you have it. I am just going to grab some more handkerchiefs and scarves should we need them.”

“Why?” Emma asked.

“The duvet will disguise her a bit when we are carrying her and then stop her bumping her head in the boot of the car.” Gabriela looked and Emma and it was as if a light had gone on.

“Why don’t we untie her legs?”

“If she makes a run for it, I can’t be bothered chasing her,” Grace replied. Once they had gathered their supplies and put them into a bag the two sisters approached Gabriela. “No funny business whilst we unstrap you from the chair.” When they removed the straps holding her to the chair Gabriela stood up without having to be asked. Emma then used the straps to bind Gabriela’s arms to her body. “Hop over to the bed.” Gabriela gave Grace a harsh look but eventually did as instructed with Grace and Emma keeping pace just behind her and giggling at the struggle that Gabriela was having to make it to the bed with her ankles and legs bound together. After a journey that far more effort that it should and with a couple of shaky moment where she almost tipped over Gabriela made it to the bed and much to the amusement of both Grace and Emma threw herself onto the bed and rolled about so that she was lying on the middle of the bed. That has been a lot of effort, Gabriela thought as she took deep breathes through her nose. Suddenly Grace appeared above her with an amused smile on her face. “That was fun. Now lie still whilst we wrap you up.” Gabriela soon found herself being rolled up in the thick duvet until she was total swaddled. Thankfully the young ladies made sure that Gabriela was able to breath easily.

“You get her legs,” Gabriela heard Emma say, although all sound was muffled by the duvet. A couple of seconds later Gabriela felt herself lifted from the bed and then move slowly toward what she assumed was the door. “Are you taking any weight?”

“Stop complaining!” Grace responded. It wasn’t the most comfortable journey but it wouldn’t have done any good to complain. There was the odd bump against the door frame but the worst part was when Grace and Emma managed to drop her at the bottom of the stairs. Fortunately, the duvet took most of the force of the blow. After picking the duvet wrapped Gabriela again, they carried her to where Boulanger’s Jaguar was parked. This time when Gabriela was set down it was far more controlled. Gabriela heard a couple of faint beeps before being lifted again and deposited in what she assumed was the boot of the car. Then there was only silence until Gabriela heard the engine start and then felt the car start to move.
Industrial Estate, outskirts of Geneva

The ride hadn’t lasted that long when the car stopped and the lack of vibration form the engine told Gabriela that the journey had been completed. There was a faint sound that Gabriela assumed was the lid of the boot opening, the whole being wrapped in a duvet kind of took away the whole change in temperature or change in lighting levels that could also signal the lid of the boot being opened. Once again, Gabriela felt herself being lifted and carried, fortunately this time she was not dropped. The journey wasn’t as long as the trip to the car from the bedroom but Gabriela did note that she was taken up a flight of stairs. There was a hold up in the journey when Gabriela heard a hissed exchange before they carried on again and Gabriela was laid down on what she could tell from the feel was some kind of bed. Not long after she was put down the duvet was peeled back from around her and Gabriela blinked as the light assaulted her eyes. When her eyes eventually became accustomed to the neon lights Gabriela found Grace’s face leaning over her. “Now, that wasn’t so bad.”

Gabriela felt a tug on the rope around her ankles and raised her head far enough to see Emma tying a short length of rope from the binding around her ankles to the frame of the bed that she was lying on, securing her to the frame so that she couldn’t roll off. Now that she could see again Gabriela took in her surroundings. Boulanger had mentioned a warehouse and they obviously taken her to one, specifically an office on a mezzanine floor. Although this office had obviously been converted to some kind of bedroom, in addition to the cot that she was lying on there was a wardrobe and also a set of drawers, a small bathroom had been added to the room as well. There was a door and widows facing Gabriela but the windows had all been whitewashed so that you couldn’t see in or out. Emma, Grace and Gabriela just waited in the room silently for the arrival of Jean Boulanger. Then there was the creak of a large door opening and closing in the distance, then silence again, then the sound of footsteps of the metal steps up the mezzanine level before the door opened and Jean Boulanger entered the room with Emily St Clare following close behind.

“Thanks girls,” Jean said. Emma and Grace both nodded. Boulanger picked up the single wooden chair in the room and positioned a couple of yards away from the bed that Gabriela was lying on before he shrugged off his heavy overcoat and put it over the back. “Take the gag off our little snoop Grace. It’s time to have a conversation.” Grace made her way over to the bed and Gabriela raised her head to allow Grace easy access to untie the knots on the scarves at the back of her head. It took a bit of time for Grace to unpick the knots that allowed her to remove the two silk scarves and three handkerchiefs that made up Gabriela’s gag. Now that her gag had been removed Gabriela worked her jaw.

“Can I get a drink of water?” Gabriela asked having had the handkerchiefs in her mouth for three or four hours she had a severe case of cotton mouth.

“Maybe once you have answered some questions.” Grace said and stepped away and took up a position a couple of yards to the left of the bed as Gabriela looked.

“Who do you work for?” Boulanger asked, now sitting on the chair, elbows on knees and slightly leaning in.

“I work for an international investment fund,” Gabriela said, hopefully putting it in a way that showed she was already tired of answering questions. “Grace knows all this.”

“Well, I did some checking on you and it seems that you only appeared on the scene about two months ago,” Boulanger commented. As this was a statement and not a question Gabriela didn’t respond. “What were you doing in my private office?”

“I lost my bearings and stumbled in,” Gabriela replied. “No mystery.”

“Are you sure. I never leave that door unlocked.” Gabriela nodded. “Emma, will you search through the nice young lady’s bag and see what you can find.”

“I’d really rather that you didn’t,” Gabriela said. “There are personal items in there.” There was a tense silence in the room whilst Emma searched through the bag. Eventually Emma walked across to her father and handed him something which Gabriela instantly recognized as her lockpicking kit. “Destroy her phone so that it can’t be traced.” There was a couple of thumps as Emma dropped the phone to the floor and stomped on it. “Now, what is this?” Boulanger asked as he held up the kit. At this point Gabriela decided that silence was the best option.

“Would you please untie me?” Gabriela asked.

“I don’t think so,” Boulanger responded. “Just tell me who you work for and we can go from there.”

“I told you I work……”

“I think that we got past that a while ago,” Boulanger said, an edge starting to creep into his voice. “Who sent you? Was in a Government Agency or is it another investment firm undertaking industrial espionage of some sort?”

“Look, I don’t know what you are talking about. I just got invited to a party and got lost. Leave me out of your paranoid conspiracy delusions.” Gabriela said and laid her head back on the pillow. Hoping to bring to an end this conversation.

“Look, we are being nice about this at the moment but it could go the other way,” Boulanger said.

“I would tell him what he wants to know,” Emily St Clare commented. Sure, because if she told the truth then Jean Boulanger would just let her walk out of the warehouse. The only option that Gabriela has was to play for time and hope an opportunity presented itself, or somebody rode to the rescue. Looking at the tall, elegant woman again Gabriela thought there was something familiar about her face, as if she had met her before, but only briefly. Boulanger looked at his watch.

“As much as I was enjoying our conversation; I have a meeting soon.” He got up from the chair and put his coat back on. As he made his way to the door, he beckoned Emily St Clare across. “We have to get rid of her,” Boulanger said bluntly. “I don’t know what it is but something is wrong with that woman.”

“I didn’t sign up for that Jean,” Emily St Clare replied. “We don’t even know what she was doing?”

“Don’t be so naïve Emily,” Boulanger laughed. “I don’t know who sent her but she was snooping around and reading from my private files. That was a lockpicking kit which suggests some element of pre-meditation. Even if she hasn’t found anything out about the money laundering Emily, she no knows too much to let her go,” Boulanger said and crossed his arms.

“Do you know anybody that can…you know…” Emily asked. Before he could answer, Boulanger’s phone vibrated indicating that their meeting had arrived. From her position Gabriela couldn’t make out what they were discussing but guessed it was about her. “Emma, darling,” Emily said, “be a dear and use the sleepy stuff and knock her out again.”

“Yes, we can pick this up later.” With that Emily and Boulanger opened the door and left. Leaving Gabriela, Emma and Grace. Gabriela watched on as Emma picked up a handkerchief and the bottle of chloroform. As she poured the liquid on the handkerchief Emma approached Gabriela wielding the handkerchief in her right hand.

“Look, no need for that. Just give me my gag back and we can all wait for your dad to come back.” Gabriela didn’t want to be rendered unconscious again, she needed that time to think. Emma didn’t say anything before she placed the chloroform laced handkerchief over Gabriela’s nose and mouth. The pungent odour of the chloroform fumes invaded Gabriela’s nostrils again. Although she knew she was not in a position to resist the natural reaction was to shake her head from side to side to try and remove the handkerchief and get some clean, fresh air into her lungs. It was no use though and eventually the drug started to have an effect, her legs felt weird, like jelly and she couldn’t focus on anything. The drug continued to assault her body and close down her body, her field of vision was slowly closing and then her eyes closed completely.

“That bit where the eyes flutter is so hot,” Emma commented as she removed the handkerchief and turned to her sister. “Fancy trying some?” Grace just gave Emma a look and moved to the door where she could see the warehouse floor through a gap in the whitewash on the windows.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, there is Emily St. Claire again. No wonder that Gabriela seems to recognize her. I do soo hope that rescue is on the way, for poor Gabriela. Emilia seems reluctant to get rid of Gabriela. Great chloroforming scene!

This Cliffhanger is so very good - I pray we learn soon more 😀 Great stuff!
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Post by Caesar73 »

What we did also learn: Emily St. Claire is not just the victim we were tought to believe in Nothing Personal 4, when she was kidnapped by Crawford and used to get access to the hidden data, which Crawford uses now, to faciliate her new life in the light.

What we do not know till now, who Christina called before she and the others travelled to Geneva. She texted this Person to meet them in Vienna. The assumption that this Person is related somehow to Christinas Past seems to be a safe bet. Christina must have her reasons not to inform her friends about her Contact. Maybe she knows that the others may have objections?

If they can rescue Gabriela, Gabriela would make a good addition to Team Justice.

And there will be soon congratulations in order: Nothing Personal 5 is nearing the 20000 Clicks Mark fast :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Chapeau [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]! 20000 Clicks! :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Wow guys! 20,000 views. Much appreciated.

Working on the story so hopefully won't be too long for the next update!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 23

Industrial warehouse, outside Lausanne, Switzerland

From her vantage point Grace had a good view as her father and Emily St Clare walked down the stairs and into a clear section of the warehouse where there were already four figures standing waiting on them. Standing slightly in front of the other three was a man in his mid-forties with all of the hallmarks of having a lot of money but no taste, this must be Sergei Chernov. The other three were a very intimidating, solid man called Victor Baranov, a small, wiry man called Austin Schwarz and the one concession to good taste that Chernov had. That was his latest girlfriend a stunning, classy Italian woman called Alessandra Ambrosio. Her father had made Grace read his file on these people prior to the meeting.

“Mister Boulanger, a pleasure to meet you at last,” Chernov said as he extended a hand. Jean Boulanger took the hand in a firm grip and shook in vigorously.

“I am pleased to meet you mister Chernov and please call me Jean,” Boulanger replied. “I trust that you had no issued finding the place?”

“None at all, or mutual friend gave us directions,” Chernov replied.

“I just thought it would be better to have our initial discussions here with no prying eyes or ears,” Boulanger commented. Chernov nodded in a way that communicated that he agreed that this was a good idea.

“I would like to introduce my colleagues, Alessandra, Victor and Austin. Now Austin is really the brains of the outfit when it comes to the fine details of finances.” Boulanger nodded a greeting at each of the people in turn before indicating Emily St Clare.

“This is my business partner, Emily St Clare.”

“The fashion house owner,” Alessandra said. It was a statement more than a question.

“Among other things,” Emily replied looking the Italian up and down. “If you were five years younger, I would be offering you a job.”

“My partner has a string of businesses that can be useful with our enterprise and in addition has a lot of contacts and information that could be used to our mutual advantage,” Boulanger said.

“Enterprise, I love the way that you bankers talk. I prefer to call it what it is. Money laundering.” Chernov said with a chuckle. “Why don’t we take a seat and discuss our proposed enterprise in more detail.” Boulanger nodded and gestured toward an office on the ground floor which they all entered in single file with Victor Baranov bringing up the rear. He door closed and the lights came on.

“What’s going on?” Emma asked from across the room.

“They have just gone into the office to have a chat. It could be a while before they are out. What do you want to do to pass the time?” Grace was still staring out of the gap in the whitewash when Emma wrapped an arm around her waist and clamped the handkerchief over her sister’s nose and mouth. “WWHHUURRPPHH, MMUUPPHH,” Grace mumbled into the handkerchief. It was then that she noticed that the handkerchief was damp and a spilt second after that the fumes hit the back of her throat and she started to thrash to try and get free.

“Just relax and go to sleep Grace. I promise it doesn’t hurt,” Emma whisper into Grace’s ear. Grace couldn’t believe what Emma was doing, she was going knock Grace out with chloroform! The first thing that Grace noticed was the pungent smell of the anaesthetic fumes coming from the handkerchief, it almost stung the back of her throat. Not exactly a pleasant experience as she was being forced to inhale quite a substantial amount of them by her sister. Grace knew that she would have no chance in fighting Emma off, her sister was too big and strong and had the advantage of surprise. That didn’t mean that Grace wasn’t going to try and so she struggled and twisted to try and get free. Then Grace started to feel like her body was getting heavy and her limbs weren’t responding to her commands as she would have wanted. The drug must he starting to have an effect, that was when she recognized her mistake, her struggling meant that she had inhaled more of the fumes. At this point Grace also thought that she had been getting chloroformed, if that was the correct term, for what seemed like a long time, in the movies this took about twenty seconds. Suddenly Grace couldn’t really concentrate and she realized that she was no longer struggling, she as just slumped in Emma’s arms. Her vision as starting to blur and narrow, her eyes closed but she managed to open them once, then twice but the third time they rolled up into her head and her eyelids slammed shut. “There, that wasn’t so bad,” Emma said as she carefully carried Grace over to the wall and delicately place her so that she was sitting upright. “Now, let’s have some fun.” Emma left Grace where she was and turned her attention toward the still unconscious figure of Gabriela lying tied on the bed.
Hotel, central Geneva

It hadn’t taken long for Natascha, Danielle and Charlotte to join Gayle, Christina and Natalie in the hotel suite. They had been followed by a bellboy hauling a cart full of bags. “This is unbelievable,” Charlotte commented as she took in the various rooms. After formal introductions had been carried out Danielle started to set up her equipment on a large table in the corner of the lounge. Natalie had noticed that during this whole period that Christina had kept glancing at her watch and wondered what that was all about.

“I have a meeting in half an hour,” Christina said. “I will let you guys sort out the sleeping arrangements. I don’t mind sharing.” Christina picked up her down jacket from the back of a chair and slipped it on.

“Who are you meeting?” Gayle asked. “Only been in town five minutes and already got a date?”

“Not exactly,” Christina replied heading for the door. “I will fill you in when I get back.”

“Well, that was all a bit strange.” Natascha commented. “Anything we should be worried about?” Natascha directed that question and Natalie.

“I don’t think so,” Natalie replied and hoped that is wasn’t. “Let’s sort out the sleeping arrangements then. Three double bedrooms so everyone shares unless they have an issue then it will be one of the couches.” Everyone shook their heads and Natalie assumed that meant everyone would share. “Charlotte and I will take one room, Gayle and Natascha in another and that leaves Danielle and Christina.” There were no objections so they all grabbed their bags and went to get settled in.
Café, Geneva

As Christina approached the café for the second time, she continued to sweep both sides of the street for potential threats. It was difficult to explain what she was looking for but if something was wrong that part of her brain that picked up danger would send out a signal to the front of her brain and she would take action. Fortunately, there were no signals being sent out as yet. On her first approach of the café Christina had slowed her pace and just walked by, looking in as if considering whether or not to stop and have a coffee. What she was really looking at were who was in the café, confirmation of the entry points and all potential means of exiting the café. Taking a deep breath Christina entered the café and made her way to the rear and took a table next to a door with a sign that identified it as a fire exit. Christina pulled out the chair that faced out into the café and most importantly had a good view of the only door into the café. Almost as soon as she took her seat a young man approached with the weary smile of a person that served people for a living. With her basic grasp of the French language Christina managed to order a latte and a slice of Lemon cake. All she had to do now was wait.
Hotel, Geneva

They had all just finished dinner and were discussing where they thought Christina had went to meet when Charlotte’s phone beep once. It was lying on the table so everyone turned and looked at it. “Are you not going to answer that?” Gayle asked as Charlotte got up and headed to the kitchen with a handful of plates.

“I doubt that it will be important,” Charlotte replied over her shoulder. Charlotte reappeared five minutes later with a tray containing a pot of tea and enough cups for everyone. “Sugar and milk?”

“Is that coffee?” Natalie asked.

“No, tea,” Charlotte replied.

“I shall pass,” Natalie replied with a smile.

“I will take a cup,” Natascha said as Charlotte put down the tray and poured two cups. Nobody else took up the offer. The conversation started up again for time until Gayle reminded Charlotte about the message on her phone.

“Well remembered,” Charlotte said as she picked up the phone and punched in her code. The rest of the group looked on as Charlotte’s face went from mild amusement to concern as she read whatever was on her screen.

“What is it?” Danielle asked.

“Bandit!” Charlotte said out loud, still with her eyes focused on the screen of her phone.

“What is wrong?” Natalie asked a bit more insistently.

“It’s Gabriela and she is in trouble; well I think judging by the text if I have interpreted it correctly.” Charlotte offered the phone to Natalie who took it and scanned the text message that was on the screen.

“It does seem that way,” Natalie confirmed. “What was she up to?”

“I have no idea. I know that she went back to work but beyond that,” Charlotte shrugged at the end of the sentence.

“Do you know who this Jean Boulanger is?” Natalie asked.

“He is an investment banker, has his own firm. Big player in the market. There were rumours about some dodging dealing,” Charlotte replied. Natascha reached out and took the phone from Natalie. After reading the message Natascha looked up and noted that Charlotte was heading for the door.

“What are you doing?” Natascha asked as Charlotte as she was putting on her coat.

“We have to help Gabriela,” Charlotte stated.

“Look, I appreciate where you are Charlotte but we have a job to do and we cannot afford any distractions or anything that will bring unwanted attention on us,” Natalie said having got up from the couch and followed Charlotte to the front door of the suite.

“I have to do something Natalie,” Charlotte said zipping up her jacket.

“How will you even find her?” Natalie said. “The text says that she is being taken somewhere.” Whilst this exchange was taking place the rest of group, Gayle, Danielle and Natascha had joined Natalie and Charlotte at the door.

“If this was Hayley would you not help her?” Charlotte asked looking around at the other women in the room. That was a point that they all had to concede.

“You won’t get far without this,” Natascha said as she handed Charlotte her mobile.

“Thanks,” Charlotte said tucking the phone into her pocket and turning toward the door.

“Wait,” Natalie said. “You can’t go alone.” Charlotte turned round to find Natalie shrugging on her down jacket, Gayle putting on her shoes and Danielle wrapping a scarf around her neck.

“Are you guys sure?” Charlotte asked and they all nodded. “But you did have a point Natalie. How are we going to find Gabriella?” They all stopped for a second and looked at each other.

“I think I can help with that,” Natascha said putting on her coat. As she pulled out her own mobile and scrolled thrown her contacts, finding the number that she wanted Natascha pressed the button to make the call. “What was the number that Gabriella texted from?” Natascha asked Charlotte.
Café, Geneva

Since Christina had been in the café three people had entered and two had left, none of them had taken any interest in her. A quick glance at her watch told her that it had been almost twenty minutes since she entered the café. Then the door opened and a tall woman entered wearing a long coat, sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat. The woman slowed and scanned the interior of the café before making her way toward where Christina was sitting.

“Is this seat taken?” The tall woman asked.

“No, take a seat Victoria,” Christina replied with a smile. Christina had to hand it to Victoria, she didn’t flinch in the slightest at the use of her name. Victoria took off her hat, jacket and bag and hooked them over the seat before sitting on it.

“Nice to see you again,” Victoria said. They just paused as the eager young man with the weary smile appeared from nowhere. Victoria asked if he spoke German and the man nodded and in what Christina assumed was perfect German ordered something before indicating Christina’s mug, Christina nodded and Victoria carried on in German. “I didn’t know you spoke a foreign language,” Christina commented.

“It is not a foreign language in this country,” Victoria commented as she removed her sunglasses and put them on the table. That was a point that Christina had to concede. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Straight to the point as always,” Christina responded as she took in the former colleague. Apart from changing her hair from shoulder length blond to a short, black bob Victoria hadn’t made any other changes to her physical appearance. There had been a change in wardrobe though.

“Alright then, when did you know if was me?” Victoria asked.

“About two blocks from the hotel when you started following me,” Christina replied. This time she did get a response from Victoria.

“Sharp as ever I see,” Victoria said. The young man with the weary smile approached with a tray and deposited their drinks on the table.

“So, what have you been up to since a saw you last?” Christina asked casually like they had caught up last week at church.

“Trying to keep a low profile whilst making a living. That isn’t easy in our line of business as you will know.” Christina nodded and sipped at her coffee, giving her a couple of seconds to compose her thoughts.

“It can’t be easy staying unnoticed by our mutual friend. She has a large network of contacts and I am sure she would want to see you again.”

“After what happened I wouldn’t want to cross paths with her,” Victoria said. Victoria had worked for Elizabeth Crawford but had seen a way out an taken it, helping Christina and Hayley in the process and causing Elizabeth Crawford to lose money and damage her reputation. None of which Elizabeth Crawford was likely to be happy with.

“Very sensible. Now I will just get straight to the point.” After taking a breath Christina went through her rehearsed speech, explaining to Victoria what had occurred and what they were doing about it but careful not to give too much away. When she was finished Christina sat back and let Victoria take it in.

“And you want me to join your expedition to take down Elizabeth?” Victoria asked, a knowing smile across her lips. Christina nodded.

“The team is small and lacks a certain amount of experience. You could bring both plus the added benefit of knowing Elizabeth and how she operates”

“Why would I throw my hat in the ring with you?” Victoria asked. Christina had thought about the answer to this question for a couple of days and she took the fact that Victoria had asked her as a positive, it meant that she was considering the proposal.

“This is your chance to take her down and stop you from having to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life,” Christina said with feeling. Before Victoria could respond Christina’s phone rang. Holding up a hand of apology Christina answered and listened to the voice on the other end. “Alright, I am heading back to the hotel. Don’t do anything until I get there.” Ending the call Christina stood up and started to put on her jacket.

“Something I said?” Victoria asked.

“No, sorry, something has just come up that I have to deal with,” Christina now had her jacket on and was fumbling in the pocket for cash which she deposited on the table. “Can we pick this up later?”

“Let’s just say I will consider your proposal and get back to you.” Victoria replied. Christina looked at Victoria and nodded, it was probably the best that she could expect in the circumstances.
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Post by Caesar73 »

While light on the bondage side, this chapter is very intriguing :) In many ways. First, we meet mysterious Alessandra again. And it sounds very plausible to me, that the true identity of Alessandra is Fallon Bennett. But we will see :) Gabriella soon will be the object of the unwanted Attention of Emma, let us hope, the rescue team will not need too much time.

Then the meeting of our heroines in the hotel. The dialogue between Charlotte and Natalie is most interessting. Natalies primary objection is their mission to take down Elizabeth and rescue Hayley, while Charlotte feels compelled to help Gabriella first. In the end, though they decide to rescue Gabriella. Nataschas Contacts will surely help finding her.

And we met an old aquaintance again : Victoria surely would be an valuable asset to Team Justice, as Christina pointed out - I think, Victoria will join the team in the end.

But the task at hand first: Rescuing Gabriella. Meeting Emily St. Claire will be an welcomed bonus :) I´m very very curious what happens next :)

All in all: More pieces of the puzzle fell in place :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

One encounter I do looking forward too: When Natalie meets Victoria again, after their encounter a short while ago 😀

Post by nicole »

Really well written story.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Wow! Nearly 23000 Clicks now :) I so do hope Christina and Company can rescue Gabriella before it is to late!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Over 25000 hits :) Hurry Christina, Gabriela is in trouble - do not forget the Chloroform! :)
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Hi [mention]mrjones2009[/mention], I so hope you wil find at some point time and energy to continue this marvelous Saga!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I strongly recommend this Saga of [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] ! Looking forward to the further adventures of Hayley and Company!
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Post by Caesar73 »

This whole Saga of [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] from Part 1 to Part 5 is great work!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 24

Industrial Estate, outside Luasanne

“Tracking indicates that the last place Gabriela’s mobile was active was in this area,” Natascha announced as she looked around the place at the empty warehouses, abandoned trucks, large containers and skips. After agreeing to help Charlotte the gang had hired a car and leaving Danielle at the hotel to be on the safe side, they had made their way to the location where Natascha’s contact at British Intelligence had tracked Gabriela’s mobile to.

“My money would be the warehouse with the two goons standing guard outside. Well I say goons, one was a woman,” Christina said as she appeared out of the gloom. “I had a look around before I saw you ladies.”

“We didn’t hear you arrive,” Gayle said.

“I arrived about half an over ago and parked down the road. I walked the last five hundred yards,” Christina replied. “I would suggest that we take shelter behind that container,” Christian pointed toward a large green container about fifteen yards away.

“Why do you say that?” Gayle asked.

“I managed to get close enough to overhear a conversation through a ground floor window and there was a meeting going on. It was just finishing, saying their goodbyes,” Christina said. “That would lead me to suggest that there will soon be vehicles leaving along that road over there.” Christina pointed ten yards away to the road. They all started to walk toward the container just as the sound of engines in the distance pierced the still night time air. As they hurried their pace Natalie fell in beside Christina.

“Where were you anyway?” Natalie asked.

“Meeting someone,” Christina replied.

“Care to divulge who that was?”

“Not the best time at the moment,” Christina said in a tone that meant that subject of conversation was finished. As soon as they were behind cover the headlights of two large vehicles came into view. Christina leaned around the container just as two black, four-wheel drive vehicles rushed past them going quite fast. The windows were tinted so she couldn’t see any of the occupants as the two vehicles turned right at the exit of the industrial estate. “Clear for now, follow me.” Christina led the group in single file until they got to within fifty yards of the only warehouse with lights on. There were three vehicles sitting outside, a Jaguar, a Mercedes and a large truck.

“I assume that they are in that warehouse,” Natalie said. Christina nodded as they all hunkered down behind a stack of crates and a skip. “So, what’s the plan?”
Christina approached the male guard standing beside the Mercedes. Once he noted that it was a woman that was approaching, he relaxed which was exactly what Christina was counting on. The man’s gaze took in Christina’s body, his eyes resting on her breasts, which was what she had hoped for when she had left her jacket unzipped and loosened the top two buttons of her blouse. Christina smiled and continued to approach until the last step when she planted her left foot in the ground and swung her right leg at full speed connecting perfectly with the man’s crotch. The man let out a groan, his hands instantly going to that area before he crumbed to the ground. Before the man could groan for help Christina knelt down, rolled the man onto his back and held a cloth over the man’s nose and mouth. To preoccupied with the pain throbbing in his groin area to notice anything else, he didn’t notice the pungent fumes coming from the cloth until it was too late. When the man noticed that there was something on the cloth and by that time Christina had all of her weight on the guys chest pinning him to the ground. There was the obligatory struggling and flailing of arms until the man’s eyes rolled up into his head and he went out like a light. Christina slipped the cloth back into the pocket of her jacket before she frisked the man. “Naughty, naughty,” Christina said wagging a finger as she found a gun and slipped it into the waistband of her trousers. Finding the man’s phone Christina tossed that into the gloom, closely followed by the keys for a car. There was also a bulging wallet so Christina pocketed the notes before tossing that in roughly the direction of the phone and keys.

Christina signalled and Charlotte and Natascha sprinted from shelter. “You take care of this guy,” Christina said to Charlotte. “Now, let’s get the woman. And we need to be careful as he was packing,” Christina pulled back her jacket to reveal the butt of the gun.

“That actually gives me an idea,” Natascha commented.
The female guard came round the far corner of the warehouse and found herself looking into the barrel of her partner’s gun, which was being wielded by Christina. The woman paused and Christina put a finger to her lips to let the woman know that she should be quiet. The woman nodded her understanding just as Natascha stepped out from behind a pile of crates, slipped in behind her and placed a chloroform-soaked cloth over the woman’s nose and mouth. There was a brief period when nothing happened, the female guard attempting to work out what was going on before Christina noticed the woman’s eyebrows raise up her forehead as the fumes from the chloroform on the cloth hit her and she realised that there was something on the cloth. “MMUUPPHH,” the woman moaned and Christina could tell that she was about to start struggling, watched as her left arm started to inch toward the inside of her suit jacket. Christina covered the gap quickly and grabbed the woman’s wrist tightly and wagged the gun just under the cloth that covered the woman’s nose and mouth. Then Christina released her grip of the woman’s wrist and slipped her hand into the woman’s jacket, found the gun in the shoulder holster before tossing the gun into the darkness.

“Now, just relax and take deep breaths lady. It’s just chloroform, something to put you to sleep for an hour or so. Nod if you understand,” Christina said slowly and softly into the woman’s ear. Between the whole gun incident and the dramatic speech had taken enough time for the woman to inhale a good dose of the chloroform’s fumes and Christina could tell they were starting to take effect. The woman’s eyes were starting to lose focus and her legs were starting to lose a bit of strength. “Keep taking breaths, not much longer,” Christina said. The woman stumbled as her legs gave way and Christina and Natascha helped ease the woman down to the ground. Just at that point Charlotte came round the corner wielding a roll of silver duct tape. “Nice timing,” Christina said pointing at the woman on the ground. “Did you take care of the guy?”

“Taped him up nice and tight,” Charlotte replied as she started to use the tape on the unconscious guard. First Charlotte wrapped tape around the woman’s ankles, just and above her knees and finally around her thighs. Christina and Natascha they flipped the woman over and Charlotte taped the woman’s wrists together tightly using what some might have considered and excessive amount of the tape. Charlotte the ripped off a section of tape and as about to plaster it over the woman’s mouth until Christina caught her wrist.

“That’s not how we gag ladies,” Christina said and then glanced at the unconscious guard. “Even, evil, bad guy guard ladies.” Christina reached into the pocket of her down jacket and found a clean handkerchief and a silk scarf, which she handed to Charlotte. “Use these,” Christina got a strange look from Natascha. “What can I say, Crawford trained me well.” Natascha watched on as Charlotte scrunched up the handkerchief and stuffed it into the woman’s mouth before folding and tying the scarf over the woman’s mouth. “Not, too bad,” Christina commented before she turned and headed toward the rear of the warehouse.

The gang regrouped around a rear fire exit door. Christina turned around and looked at Natalie. “Did you bring the key?” Natalie nodded, reached into her jacket and handed over a small crowbar. There not being a lock on the outside of the door, Natalie’s skills and her lockpick kit were not of use. After rolling her shoulders Christina slipped the end of the crowbar into the gap between the door and the frame. Now, the door was solid enough, a sturdy, thick, metal door. However, the frame was wood and didn’t look to be in good condition. Christina applied pressure firmly to the frame, gradually increasing the pressure. Although she could feel some give in the frame Christina couldn’t get enough leverage so she put her right foot on the wall of the warehouse and heaved. That did the trick, there was the sound of wood giving way before the door sprung open. Christina turned around and looked at Natalie, Charlotte, Natascha and Gayle, they all held their breath hoping that nobody inside was close enough to hear the wood crack. After giving themselves enough time to ensure that nobody was indeed going to arrive, they slipped through the door quietly with Natalie leading the way and Christina bringing up the rear, closing the door behind her.
Something felt wrong with her hips, like there was a weight bearing down on them. There was definitely something heavy on top of her and it wasn’t just the post chloroform headache that was causing her to imagine things. Although Gabriela had to admit that after effects of whatever chloroform that the Boulanger’s had used on her were much worse that those than that the chloroform used by Elizabeth Crawford’s crew. No doubt Crawford had a far more refined version of the anaesthetic than your average criminal. It took another twenty seconds or so for both her vision and senses to kick into gar enough for Gabriela to register what exactly was going on. Emma Boulanger was straddling Gabriela on the small bed with a knee either side for Gabriela’s hips. Emma’s blouse was completely undone revealing, well revealing almost everything and Emma also had a look on her face that Gabriela didn’t very much care for. “MMUUPPHH,” Gabriela moaned and shook her hips.

“Now, that wasn’t very nice,” Emma said as she ran her hands all over Gabriela’s body. “My dad is having a very important meeting and Grace is having a nap so I thought that we should get better acquainted.” Gabriela assumed that the smile on Emma’s face when she said nap meant that Grace did not volunteer for that nap. This woman was starting to trouble Gabriela more and more. Gabriela stated to squirm and twist in an attempt to somehow shake Emma off but with the Emma’s weight and bound as she was there was no way that she could.

“MMRRUUPPHHMM, HHUURRTT,” Gabriela screamed into her gag in frustration at both the situation that she found herself in and her current inability to do anything about it. Then she felt something vibrate against her thigh. For a second the panic in her head jumped up a couple of levels before Emma reached down and pulled out a mobile phone and read what was obviously a text message that had just been received.

“Seems like father wants to me to pop down for a chat,” Emma said. “Now, don’t you go anywhere and hopefully we can pick this up later on.” Gabriela watched on from her position bound to the bed as Emma straightened up her clothing, ran her fingers through her hair and then headed for the door to head downstairs and meet her father. As Emma opened the door Gabriela could have sworn that she heard a faint crack, like a window being broken or wood splintering but maybe it was nothing. Once Emma had closed the door behind her Gabriela raised her head to take a look around the room to see if there was anyway, that she could get out of her current predicament. To her surprise the main item of note was an unconscious Grace lying slumped against the wall. Then not seeing anything that could help Gabriela started tugging at her bindings again in a vain attempt to get free.
Natalie led the group along a short corridor and then out into a large open space where they were still protected from view by large stacked of palettes, crates and containers. They had all stopped when Natalie crouched down and pointed up. The rest of the group looked in that direction as the followed the footsteps of a young woman walking along a walkway and then down a set of metal steps. Fortunately, the young woman didn’t look anywhere in their direction so they weren’t spotted. Christina realized that she had been holding her breath and exhaled as she moved up the line to take a place next to Natalie. “How should we play this?” Natalie asked. It took a minute for Christina to reply.

“I think that we will just have to be brash and confront then head on. I can’t see any other way.” Natalie looked around before nodding her agreement.

“Let’s give it a couple of minutes and see if a better plan presents itself,” Natalie commented. As they waited to see if, indeed, a better option presented itself they heard three voices in conversation, two female and one male. They couldn’t make out all of the conversation taking place between them, just the occasional word. “Sounds like just three of them. We have taken care of the security guards and whoever they were meeting has already left.” This time it was Christina’s turn to nod and she gestured to Charlotte, Natascha and Gayle to move up as close as they could get to the voices whilst still retaining cover. Christina slipped the gun from her pocket into her right hand and then held up her left with five fingers raised so that everyone could see, then four, then three, then two, then one and when the last finger went down the five women all burst out from where they were concealed with Christina at the centre and Natalie and Charlotte on one side and Gayle and Natascha on the other.

“Who are you?” Jean Boulanger asked in astonishment as he turned round to find Christina pointing a gun at him from about fifteen paces away. He was standing between two women with his arms outstretched as if he had been making a point with a grand gesture.

“The question you should be asking is where is my security?” Christian responded. To be honest, Christina was just as shocked as Jean Boulanger. One of the women currently standing not that far away from her was Emily St Clare, it would seem that she had just fallen into their lap. Boulanger started to look around looking for his security team. “Don’t worry, they haven’t been harmed.”

“I’m not worried,” Boulanger replied with a sneer.

“If everyone will just relax, we can get this done quickly and be on our way,” Christina said.

“What do you mean by this?” Emily St Clare asked.

“Tying you up,” Christina replied and nodded to the rest of the group who then hurried over to Emily St Clare and Jean and Emma Boulanger. There was no resistance from any of them as their wrists were brought behind their back and secured together with silver duct tape. Then Charlotte wrapped tape around all three of their bodies to secure their arms in place.

“Do you know who we are?” Emma asked.

“Nice and quiet,” Charlotte replied as she stuffed a white handkerchief into Emma’s mouth and then tied a folded scarf over Emma’s mouth so that the handkerchief couldn’t be expelled. Charlotte followed that up by undertaking the same procedure on Emily St Clare and then Jean Boulanger, except Charlotte plastered two wide sections of silver tape over his mouth rather than waste a silk scarf.

“Now, everyone please walk over to those crates and sit down against them,” Natalie instructed the three bound and gagged people. There were looks exchanged between the three of them before they all complied, with some difficulty with their wrists bound behind their backs. However, in the end they managed it and Charlotte wrapped tape around all of their ankles and then their thighs to secure their legs together. Now that job had been completed Christian could relax and set the gun down on a nearby crate, she had never been a fan on them anyway. If you had to resort to using a gun then Christina thought that you had already lost control of the situation. The rest of the group had formed a rough circle near where they had left their bound captives.

“Do you know who that is?” Natalie asked with a smile.

“Yeah, Emily St Clare,” Christina said also smiling. “Finally, a bit of luck.”

“Sorry to break the mood but what do we do now?” Gayle asked.

“Finding Emily St Clare changes the plan somewhat,” Christina replied. “Right, Natascha will go and get our cars and bring them up to the warehouse,” Christina handed over the keys to her rented car before continuing. “Natalie and I will get the two security guards and bring them in here, Charlotte will search around the warehouse and find what we came here for and Gayle will watch over this lot.”

“FREEZE!” said a female voice from behind them before they could start to implement Christina’s instructions. “Put your hands up and turn around.”

“Look, this isn’t a movie,” Natascha replied as they all turned around to find Grace Boulanger pointing the gun that Christina had left lying around at them.

“I said hands up!” Grace screamed again, clearly not totally in control of the situation.

“No,” Christina replied.

“I’ve got the gun lady,” Grace said with a smirk. “So, I am in charge.” Gayle was worried by this turn of events and turned to look at Christina who look surprisingly calm give the situation that they currently found themselves in.

“I doubt that,” Christina replied, then her eyes caught some movement in the crates behind Grace. “What do you think you can do?”

“First, you can all get down on the floor, well except you,” Grace pointed the gun at Gayle. “You can untie my dad and Emily. I am still debating on what to do about my sister.”

“MMMM,” Emma moaned.

“I don’t think so,” Christina replied. Just as they all glanced at Christina wondering what to do next a figure wearing a long coat and wide brimmed hat stepped out from behind a crate directly behind Grace. Christina instantly recognised the silhouette and watched with interest as the figure wrapped an arm around Grace’s waist and clamped a cloth over Grace’s nose and mouth. The shock of the attack made Grace drop the weapon onto the concrete floor and it skittled a couple of yards away. A look of shock spread over Grace’s face as her eyes went wide at the sudden attack and the now familiar scent that was now assaulting her senses again. Grace tried to twist free of her attacker’s grasp, but found her efforts thwarted as the arm that encircled her waist only tightened further, drawing her close. Grace held her breathe, desperately tried not to inhale the fumes given off from the chloroform on the cloth that was wedged over her nose and mouth from behind. Her attacker didn’t panic and bided her time, waited for a moment, and when Grace didn't take a breath, used the arm wrapped around the Grace’s waist to force the air from her lungs. Grace gasped as the air was forced from her lungs, and involuntarily took a deep breath, drinking deeply of the drug on the cloth. Grace began to feel the fight drain from her as she continued to inhale the fumes, probably not helped by the remnants of the drug still in her system from Emma knocking her out not long beforehand. Grace felt her muscles started to relax as the chloroform did its work. As the fight drained from her Grace felt her body go limp but still her attacker held the cloth tight for another couple of seconds. Finally, Grace could vision was blurred and she couldn’t keep her eyelids from closing over and she slipped into darkness.

“Chloroform, works every time,” Victoria said as Christina walked across the warehouse toward her. “I never had you as one to get sloppy Christina.” Victoria let Grace slip onto the floor of the warehouse.

“Who is that exactly?” Natascha whispered to Natalie.

“I don’t know,” Natalie said. Then the woman whipped off her hat. “Wait, you can’t be serious!” Christina picked up the gun, pointed it in the air and pulled the trigger. All that happened was a clicking sounded came from the gun.

“I am not going to leave a loaded gun lying around,” Christina commented. Victoria looked at Christina and shrugged. “Anyway, glad that you have decided to join us.”

“Not, yet. Just intrigued by your sudden exit earlier and decided to follow you,” Victoria commented.

“Did she say join us?” Natalie asked as she walked over to join Christina and Victoria. “That wasn’t discussed with the rest of us.”

“Not exactly the time or place,” Christina said. “Let us just get on with what we came here to do. Victoria can give me a hand with the security guards and you can help Charlotte.”
It hadn’t taken long for Grace long to come round and take in the situation, including Gabriela still bound and gagged on the bed. “That bitch used that chloroform stuff on me,” Grace said to Gabriela who decided to nod for nothing better to do. “Did she try anything on with you?” Once again Gabriela nodded slowly. “I can only apologise, hardly professional.” Grace walked around the room rubbing alternating between nodding and shaking her head trying to get her brain back in full working order after the assault from the chloroform fumes. “It’s strangely quiet down there, perhaps I should see what’s going on,” Grace commented before heading out the door.

The next thing that Gabriela knew the door opened and a familiar face was standing in the frame. Gabriela would have smiled is she hadn’t been gagged. Charlotte rushed over to where Gabriela was lying, tied to the bed. “Don’t untie her yet,” Natalie yelled over. Charlotte paused and looked at Natalie with a quizzical look on her face.

“You forget about our current situation,” Natalie said. “And technically Gabriela is a law enforcement officer.” Charlotte gave her a strange look. “We just need to know where she is on this.”

“MMUURRPPHH,” Gabriela mumbled into her gag.

“You can take her gag off if you want,” Natalie said. Charlotte leaned down and Gabriela lifted her head to allow easy access to the knots.

“Am I glad to see you,” Gabriela said once the gag was removed.

“Typical of you to only call when you need help,” Charlotte responded.

“Now can I ask why you aren’t planning on untying me?” Gabriela asked.

“Not an unreasonable question,” Natalie commented from the doorway. “I think that it would be best to wait until Christina arrives to explain.” So, they all waited in silence until Christina bounded up the stairs and through the door about ten minutes later.

“Gabriela, good to see you again,” Christina commented. “Pity it is under these circumstances. What were you up to anyway?”

“I’d rather you untied me before I answered any questions,” Gabriela replied. Christina just crossed her arms and shook her head. Gabriela sighed. “It was an undercover assignment to investigate Jean Boulanger and his banking activities. I was at a party at this home tonight and decided to use the opportunity to have a look around. Unfortunately for me, his daughter Emma caught me in his office and happened to have some chloroform lying around. That’s the short version. Can I ask you the same question?”

“Sort of a secret mission against a mutual friend, off the books so I need to ask you not to mention us specifically,” Christina replied.

“Where are Boulanger and the rest of them?” Gabriela asked. “I don’t want them to get away with this.”

“All tied up downstairs and I think that I have a idea about that,” Natalie chipped in. “On how we can both get what we want out of this.”

“Carry on,” Gabriela offered.

“Well, there is a woman that was with Boulanger called Emily St Clare and we need to take her along and we need you to say that she wasn’t here. You can tell the truth up to a point. When you are asked how you managed to ger free you say that the creepy sister knocked used the chloroform on you again and when you come round you were untied. You came downstairs and found them all sitting there tied up.”

“I will say that I was lucky, some kind of robbery or business deal gone wrong,” Gabriela chipped in.

“Exactly,” Christina said.

“At the very least you get Boulanger for kidnapping and I am sure that if you have this warehouse searched then something illegal will be discovered.” Gabriela considered this for a minute or so before nodding her agreement.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Apologies to all those that were reading and enjoying the story for the delay in posting any updates.

Sometimes stuff just gets in the way, plus I wanted to make a couple of changes to what I had written.

Anyway, hope that you continue to read and enjoy.

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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 2 years ago Apologies to all those that were reading and enjoying the story for the delay in posting any updates.


Thanks for this update and it is good that this story is going on - and it is good that Gabriela was rescued in time. So Victoria joined the Party. It will be interessting how things will unfold further.

Catching Emily St. Claire was a Bonus which will help the good Guys!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 25

Warehouse, outside of Lausanne, Switzerland

They all stood looking at the six bound and gagged figures sitting in a row with their backs against a couple of crates and their bound legs stretched out in front of them. The security guards were at either end of the row, with one of the Boulanger sisters next to them with Jean Boulanger and Emily St Clare taking the tow central positions. All of the captives glared at Christina, Natalie, Natascha, Gayle, Charlotte and Gabriela from over gagged mouths. “I don’t think they are too happy,” Natascha commented.

“The bad guys never are when they lose,” Gayle said. Christina knelt down used a boxcutter that she had acquired to slice the tape that was around Emily St Clare’s ankles and thighs before helping the woman to her feet.

“We need to have a chat Emily,” Christina informed St Clare as she guided the woman toward the same room where Boulanger had taken the meeting with Chernov earlier that evening with Gabriela and Natascha following close behind. After they had entered the room Christina guided Emily to a wooden chair and gently pushed her down into it before taking a seat across the table from Emily, Gabriela pulled a chair across the floor and stationed it beside Christina. Natascha closed the door before taking up a position in the corner behind and to the left of Emily St Clare. Christina and Gabriela sat and stared at Emily for thirty seconds before Christina nodded and Natascha moved forward and started to undo the knot to the base of Emily’s neck that held the folded scarf over her mouth. With a bit of picking Natascha managed to remove the scarf hand then leaned around to remove the white handkerchief that had been stuffed into Emily’s mouth. Once the gag had been removed Natascha went back to her position in the corner.

“Who are you people?” Emily asked. “Business competitors of Jean’s or are you just robbers that picked the wrong warehouse to break into?” Gabriela and Christina glance at each other before looking back at Emily.

“Neither,” Christina replies. “You are barking up the wrong trees with those guesses.” Christina notes that a brief flash of worry appears in Emily’s eyes.

“Well, this is your party. What do you want to talk about?” Emily asks as she leans back in the chair, regaining her composure. “I suspect that you are on a tight schedule so you had better get on with it.” Christina had to admit that Emily had a point with the timescale issue

“Do you know an Elizabeth Crawford?” Christina asked, getting straight to the point.

Gabriela, who after that question had been staring intently at Emily St Clare suddenly turned to look at Christina and then back at Emily as the penny dropped. “Now I know where I have seen you before. On Elizabeth Crawford’s island. Except you had a different accent, Australian or maybe Kiwi.”

“What island?” Emily asks, genuinely perplexed. “I don’t know any Elizabeth Crawford.”

“No, you were definitely there,” Gabriela replied. “Well, either that or your twin sister”

“I don’t have a twin sister,” Emily stated.

“Then it must have been you as I don’t make mistakes about what I have seen,” Gabriela retorted. As this exchange was taking place Christina just bided her time as she knew from Elise Rodger’s letter exactly what had happened.

“Look, I have never met this Elizabeth Crawford before or been to her island.”

“Have you been confused recently?” Christina asked softly.

“What do you mean?” Emily asked.

“Like you have missed something, or perhaps forget things. People mention things to you and it seems like it hasn’t happened.” Suddenly something, like she had just made a connection, passed across Emily’s face. Christina and Gabriela exchange a glance as they both caught it.

“Because, if there is Emily,” Christina started. “Then I think that we can help.”

“Look for fear of repeating myself here ladies. I have no knowledge of this Elizabeth Crawford or of being on any island with her, or anyone else for that matter.” However, this time there is not the certainty in the voice behind the statement. Christina patted Gabriela on the thigh as a signal that they should remain silent and see what happened. Eventually that tactic paid off. “Well, you ladies seem to think that something has gone on. Would you care to fill me in?”

“I will let you take this one Christina?” Gabriela said as she stood up and moved away to take a position at the door in order to make sure that Emily kept her focus on Christina.

“What I am about to say may seem farfetched but please allow me to finish.” Christina took a pause to compose her thoughts. “Elizabeth Crawford is the head of an international criminal organization.” Christina paused again to see if Emily St Clare reacted. Nothing. “We believe that some time last year Crawford had you abducted and replaced by a doppelganger for some purpose before switching you back again.” To be fair to Emily St Clare she didn’t show any kind of reaction.

“So, just so that I am following this story from an American nineteen thirties pulp novel I assume that the person that your colleague over there,” Emily indicated Gabriela by nodding at her, “was the doppelganger?” Gabriela nodded.

“Why were you on this island?”

“I was also abducted by Elizabeth Crawford’s organization,” Gabriela stated.

“But you weren’t replaced by a doppelganger?” Emily asked with a beaming smile, obviously warming to the conversation.

“No, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. We reckon that you were abducted for a specific purpose.”

“I must admit that I am starting to enjoy this. It sounds so much more exciting than my actual life,” Emily stated. “Why do you think I was abducted?”

“Elizabeth Crawford always has a plan, playing the long game. It will all fit into whatever large plan that she has ongoing at the present time,” Christina replied. “It may have been to get your doppelganger to do something that you wouldn’t or to convince to do something that you wouldn’t normally do.”

“You think that I was brainwashed by this Elizabeth Crawford woman?” Emily suddenly blurted out followed by a hearty laugh. “You really are cracking me up. Did someone put you up to this?”

“No, nobody put us up to this “I appreciate that it sounds far-fetched but the answer is yes,” Christina replied.

“Alright, I’ll play along. Why did she brainwash me?”

“As Christina said, it was to get you to do something, probably hand over or retrieve something that you wouldn’t give up otherwise,” Gabriela chipped in. It was then that Gabriela notice something passed over Emily’s face, it was as if the missing piece of a puzzle had just been handed to her and the picture was now complete.

“So, what do we do now?” Emily asked.

“We would like you to come with us so that we can discuss this further,” Christin began and then raised a hand as Emily opened her mouth to say something. “Gabriela was an undercover agent looking into Jean Boulanger. If you come with us then she will forget about you ever being here when her law enforcement colleagues arrive. If not then you can take your chances with them.”

“Well, when you put it like that how could I refuse,” Emily said.

“Now gag her and we can get going,” Christina said wanting to get away from their current location as they were exposed.

“Is that really necessary?” Emily asked as Natascha approached with gag in hand.

“Sorry, but we can’t trust you not try and call for help.” Emily’s shoulders slumped as she realized that she didn’t really have a bargaining position. Natascha stuffed the handkerchief that she had earlier removed from Emily’s mouth back in before tying the scarf back over Emily’s mouth to complete the gag. Natascha then grabbed Emily under her left armpit, helped her up and then began to escort her out of the room.

“I know someone that can perform hypnotherapy on St Clare,” Natascha threw out as they passed Christina on their way to the door.

“MMMMOOOO,” Emily moaned when she heard this.

“That might not be a bad idea,” Gabriela said as held the door open for Emily and Natascha. “Take to the cars and we can talk about it later.” Natascha nodded and led Emily through the door closely followed by Gabriela and Christina. As they watched Natascha taking Emily St Clare to their vehicles which were currently parked just outside the warehouse Natalie approached them.

“How did the chat go?” Natalie asked.

“As well as can be expected,” Christina replied. “She agreed to come with us.”

“Did she ever have a choice,” Gabriela commented.

“Better to get agreement than have to use force,” Christina replied with a smile.

“Well, I guess that I had better go and make arrangements.” Gabriela said. “I wish you the best of luck and I will hopefully see you later.” As she walked toward Jean Boulanger and the rest of their prisoner’s they all exchanged a nod of the head. Christina and Natalie both turned and watched the woman walk away.

“Are we taking Emily to the hotel?” Natalie asked. Christina nodded.

“Danielle has some supplies that should help us with keeping her in check,” Christina responded.

“How do we get her into the hotel. I am sure that somebody will notice a gagged woman with her hands tied behind her back walking through the lobby.”

“We will have to knock her out and carry her,” Christina commented.

“I assume you didn’t mention that to Emily back in the room,” Natalie pointed out. Christina just kept her mouth shut and signalled to Charlotte and Gayle that they should head to the door. Gabriela already had a phone in one hand and leaned in to hug Charlotte with the other. Once they had said their goodbyes Charlotte and Gayle joined Natalie and Christina in heading for the vehicles.
They drove back toward Geneva in a convey of two vehicles, Christina drove the lead vehicle with Gayle in the passenger seat and Natascha in the back beside a bound and gagged Emily St Clare. In the vehicle behind Natalie drove with Charlotte in the passenger seat. On the drive back Gayle had called Danielle to brief her on what had happened and explain what Christina wanted to happen when they arrived at the hotel. They made the journey in silence as Christina steered the car around the tight country bends before being able to open it up a bit as the road widened and straightened as they entered the outskirts of Geneva. The large car was a nice drive and allowed Christina to relax until they were almost at the hotel and then she caught Natascha’s eye in the rear-view mirror and nodded.

Emily watched on as Natascha reached into her pocket and produced a white handkerchief and a small bottle without a label on it. “OOOHHHMMMOOO,” Emily moaned as she read the signals. Natascha carefully folded the handkerchief and poured some of the liquid onto the handkerchief. After Natascha had put the bottle back into her pocket and positioned the handkerchief correctly in her hand Natascha leaned over and pressed it over Emily’s nose and gagged mouth. Emily didn't fight the chloroform was time, there was no point. The end result would be the same. Instead she inhaled deeply and eventually felt her eyes fluttering and her limbs felt weak and then her eyes fluttered and closed over as she slipped into unconsciousness.

“I take it you want me to help you carry her to the car?” Natascha asked as she removed the handkerchief form Emily’s face.

“That would be nice,” Christina replied over her shoulder as she concentrated on pulling the car into the tight entrance of the hotel’s underground car park. Once down the ramp Christina manoeuvred the car into the closet available space to the lift. After shutting off the engine they all sat in the car whilst Natascha removed the gag from Emily’s mouth and the tape that bound her wrists and ankles. That job complete Christina, Natascha and Gayle all opened their doors and slipped out of the car. Christina opened the door beside Emily and allowed Natascha to somewhat awkwardly pull Emily out of the car and hold her up until Christina was able to close the door and then help Natascha prop the woman up. Between them they carried Emily from the space between the cars until they could spread out and put one of Emily’s arms over their shoulders so that they carried her between them. Gayle walked just in front of them and Natalie and Charlotte, having parked their care a couple of spaces away, fell in behind blocking the view from behind. The group made it to the lift without meeting anyone or getting any strange looks. Gayle pushed the button to call the lift and they all stood around looking around nervously as they counted down the journey of the lift from the seventh floor, all the way through to the ground floor and then the basement. There was a soft ding as the doors opened and Gayle heaved a sigh of relief as the car was empty. They all piled in and Gayle pushed the button for the fifth floor.

The lift car doors opened and Gayle stepped out into the lobby and looked left and right before spinning round and signalling to Christina that the coast was clear. Carrying the unconscious Emily between them Christina and Natascha rushed as quickly as they could from the lift and through the door that Danielle held open for them. Once they were in Gayle, Charlotte and Natalie followed close behind. Danielle took a last glance both ways down the corridor to check that nobody was paying them too much attention before she closed the door and made her was back to the living room of the suite where Christina was currently stretching her back after she and Natascha had deposited Emily St Clare onto a couch. “It sounds like you had an interesting evening,” Danielle commented.

“You could describe it as eventful,” Natalie replied taking of her boots and throwing then into the room that she shared with Charlotte.

“Anybody fancy room service?” Gayle asked and found herself getting some strange looks. “So, I’m hungry.”

“Get some wine,” Natalie commented. Nobody gave Natalie funny a strange look for that suggestion.

“I see you have been busy,” Christina said to Danielle.

“I spoke to the concierge and the hotel was able to supply us with this a fold down cot,” Danielle pointed to the folded-up cot that was sitting in the corner of the room.

“Excellent,” Christina said. “Do you have anything else?”

“Yes, there is a lightweight restraining bag, some diapers, a handful of straps and some tape. Unfortunately, I couldn’t come up with anything to use as a gag. Oh, and she is about Charlotte’s height and build so maybe Emily can borrow a set of pjs,” Danielle looked at Charlotte who nodded and headed straight into the bedroom.

“So, who gets to secure our guest for the night?” Christina asked and suddenly everyone was busy doing something else. “Don’t worry, I will take care of it.” Christina looked at Danielle. “Can you set up the cot and I will grab the stuff.” Danielle nodded and headed off to wrestle with the cot whilst Christina gathered up the required material to secure Emily St Clare for the night. “Charlotte!” Christina called. “Can you bring a towel from the bathroom as well?” Christina was engrossed with picking up the materials when she felt Charlotte come up behind her.

“I will give you a hand Christina. Given the current situation I think it would be best if I get some practice at this,” Charlotte almost whispered in Christina’s ear.

“Let’s get going then. Will you grab the bag,” Christina jutted her chin at the sleek black restraining bag that was already lying on the carpet. After gathering their equipment Christina and Charlotte walked around the couch and stood in front of the slumbering form of Emily. “Lay the towel out on the floor Charlotte,” Christina asked her colleague. Whilst Charlotte did that Christina managed to wrestle Emily out of her overcoat and dump it over the couch.

“What now?” Charlotte asked having completed that simple task.

“Give me a hand to get her onto the towel and then we can get her stripped.” Taking an arm and leg apiece the two women managed to move the dead weight of Emily from the couch onto the towel on the floor. Then they went about the task of getting Emily out of her clothes. Starting with her shoes and stockings, followed by the dress that she was wearing. Fortunately, given the event that Emily had been attending there wasn’t much clothing to remove which Christina was thankful for. Having stripped their captive Christina picked up the folded diaper and handed it to Charlotte, who looked it at strangely. “You wanted to learn something,” Christina commented. “Just the same as putting it on a child.” Charlotte nodded and unfurled the diaper before Christina held up Emily’s hips which allowed Charlotte to place the diaper in the correct position. Once Christina had lowered Emily’s hips gently onto the diaper Charlotte flipped the front over and then used the sticky tabs to secure the diaper in place. Christina get the diaper a quick check and nodded. “Nice and tight.”

“Thanks,” Charlotte said with a smile. The next step in the process was to get Charlotte’s borrowed pjs onto Emily which they succeeded in going with a bit more effort than it really should have. “Might need more practice at that bit.”

“Easier with a one piece down suit,” Christina commented as she handed a roll of grey duct tape to Charlotte. “Wrap this around her ankles five or six times, then do the same just below her knees and after the I will give you a hand to do the same thing around her thighs.” Charlotte nodded and went about her task with concentration and enthusiasm. After Emily’s legs had been secured together with the tape they moved on to the woman’s upper body. Christina moved behind Emily and hefted the upper half of the woman’s body into an upright position. “Wrap her wrists together then we can tape her arms to her body.” Charlotte nodded and wet about the task again, wrapping the tape around Emily’s wrists six times.

“That enough?” Charlotte asked

“Should get the job done,” Christina replied. The two women then pinned Emily’s arms to her body and wrapped the tape around then and her body several times to pin her arms to her body. As they were doing this Danielle appeared and picked up the lightweight restraining bag and placed it onto the mattress on the folded down cot, unzipping it in the process. Once Christina and Charlotte had finished binding Emily then lifted her between them, Christina at the top and Charlotte taking the legs, toward the cot. Danielle picked up the restraining bag and held it open which allowed Charlotte to feed in Emily’s legs and between them then managed to easily get Emily fully into the bag. As they laid Emily down on the cot mattress Christina slipped the bag over Emily’s shoulders and then zipped the bag up fully, it went ll the way up to the base of Emily’s neck. Danielle threw Christina a pillow which she placed under Emily’s head. The final part was to use the four straps that Danielle had found to secure Emily to the cot so that she wouldn’t be able to roll off. That job completed they women stood back and admired their handiwork. “Not that bad considering we had to improvise a bit.”

“Thanks for the help, Charlotte said to Danielle.

“No problem,” Danielle replied. “There was a knocked at the door so I think room service has just arrived. Couldn’t let the food get cold.” With their captive secure Christina, Charlotte and Danielle went to join the rest of the group leaving Emily to sleep off the effects of the chloroform.
It turned out Danielle was correct; the room service had indeed arrived. They all tucked into what they had ordered, all of which was superb. “I am going to miss this when we leave,” Natalie commented. “I certainly could get used to this.”

“I second that,” Natascha said as she cleaned her hands on one of the cloth napkins and sat back on the couch beside Gayle. “Even the napkins are quality.”

“It certainly smelled nice,” Emily called from her prone position on the folded clot.

“I told you to be quiet?” Christina said with a hint of irritation creeping into her voice. Their unwilling guest had come around twenty minutes ago and in Christina’s opinion had been far to vocal since then.

“So, you keep saying,” Emily responded. “I wasn’t hungry anyway. However, if you could let me out of this infernal contraption it would be appreciated.

“Excuse me ladies,” Christina picked up one of the clean napkins and tied a knot it in before approaching Emily who was lying prone in the restraining bag on the cot. Appearing in Emily’s vision from above Christina held the napkin at either end. “Open wide.”

“Come on, you can’t be serious. You have me tied up and now you want to gag me as well,” Emily commented.

“Yes, I do. Can’t have you disturbing the neighbours. People pay a lot of money to stay at this hotel and they do not want a nice, relaxing night’s sleep.” Christina’s hands hovered in the air for a couple of seconds as Emily’s mouth remained clamped shut. Stalemate. Then Emily relented and open her mouth to allow Christina to place the knot in Emily’s mouth. “Lift your head,” Christina asked and when Emily complied it allowed Christina to tie the two ends of the napkin in a tight knot, securing the gag in place for the night.

“OOMMOOHH,” Emily complained from behind the gag.

“Sorry, it has to be tight to be effective,” Christina said with a smile. Emily heaved a gagged sigh, closed her eyes and settled in for the night. Having completed that job Christina returned to the group and shrugged her shoulders by way of an apology. As Christina sat down there was another knock at the door.

“I’ll get it,” Charlotte said jumping up.

“It will be Gabriela,” Natalie commented. It was, indeed Gabriela, who wearily traipsed into the room behind Charlotte.

“How are you getting on?” Christina asked as Gabriela took a seat.

“There was a lot of explaining to do to my bosses,” Gabriela said.

“Did they buy the story about the random group of criminals?” Christina asked.

“I don’t know if they totally believed it but they were willing to accept the story if that got them the arrests and information. They won’t be asking too many questions. Boulanger and the rest of them will cut a deal and spill their guts about what they were involved in.”

“Nice to hear,” Christina replied. “What about Emily St Clare?”

“MMMMM,” Emily moaned from behind them. Gabriela craned her neck and caught a glimpse of the bound and gagged woman strapped to the cot.

“Emily who? I had a quick word with Boulanger and the rest before the cavalry arrived and explained the position. They seemed to take it in.” Christina nodded as Charlotte poured Gabriela a glass of wine. The conversation then drifted onto other, less serious, more relaxed topics for half an hour.

“What’s the plan now Christina?” Natalie asked picking up a glass of wine. Christina paused for a moment to formulate a strategy. Running across Emily St Clare had been a massive stroke of fortune but there were still avenues that had to be investigated as Christina knew that there was no way that she would let Emily St Clare know the location of her base. All St Clare could give them would be a lead on what Elizabeth Crawford’s plan is, even then it would only part of it. Then suddenly her phone chimed that meant she had received a message. The message was short and to the point but Christina stilled smiled.

“What’s got you so happy?” Gayle asked.

“That was just Victoria confirming that she will help us out.”

“I still don’t know if I trust her,” Natalie commented.

“I can appreciate where you are coming from but our interests do align on this job. Elizabeth Crawford does not forget about betrayal.” There was silence amongst the group and Christina could tell that there was a sense of unease about involving Victoria. If she was being totally honest then Christina would admit to not being wholly confident on Christina but she had to take the chance. “We need some experience on the team, especially for what I have got in mind.” There were some questioning looks from around the group. “I still think that we have to run down the Hamburg angle,” Christina began. “With Victoria there are enough bodies now that I am comfortable splitting the team.” Christina glanced at Gabriela who nodded to confirm that she was in.

“I want to find out where this goes, the story is bizarre enough to have me curious.” Gabriela said. “Besides, I owe you ladies after that rescue earlier this evening.”

“Alright then, I think that Natalie, Victoria and Gabriela should head to Hamburg to follow up on that lead from Gayle. I don’t think there will be anything in it but it we will have to check it out. The rest of us will escort St Clare back to Paris and see what we can get out of her with the help of Natascha’s friend.” There were nods of agreement from around the room. “It’s been a long day so I suggest that we all get some much-needed sleep.”

“I second that,” Natalie said as she stood up, stretched and headed for her designated bedroom.

“I better go and get packed for tomorrow,” Gabriela said as she got up and headed for the door. “Night, ladies,” she called over her shoulder. “I will see you back here bright and early.”

“Not too early,” Christina called. “Have a lie in.”

“Forgive me for not showing you out,” Gayle called with a tired wave of her right arm. One by one the rest of the group got up and headed for the door. As Christin called it a night Natascha approached Christina,

“Did you catch the name of any of the other people at the meeting?” Natascha asked in hushed tones.

“Yeah, it was Checkov or Senkov,” Christina said.

“Could it have been Chernov?” Natascha asked. Christina considered this for a few seconds and then nodded in the affirmative.

“Problem?” Christina asked.

“I don’t think so. It is just that I know someone of that name.”

“Anything that we should worry about?”

“No, different operation. No direct link to Elizabeth Crawford.” Christina and Natascha went their separate ways but the conversation had thrown Christina as it gave her something else to consider as she stripped, put on the oversized t-shirt that she slept in before pulling back the covers and sliding into bed beside Gayle who was already asleep
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Post by Caesar73 »

So the Girls made Progess, it will be interessting to see if they will learn what Emily St. Claire knows, that would be a breakthrough. Gabriela will be an asset, I am sure. But I have no good feeling about splitting up - as the Investigators of Art. Inc. learned splitting up can be dangerous. I wonder what Hayley is doing at the moment :)

This Tale is a great one and I am waiting eagerly for every update, [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !
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Post by roguehorseman »

Another fine entry into this excellent series.
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Post by Caesar73 »

roguehorseman wrote: 2 years ago Another fine entry into this excellent series.
Absolutely! And you never know, which Plot Twist awaits you in the next Chapter :) I wonder what Hayley and Kirsty are doing right now!
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