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Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 11:42 pm
by cj2125
Well, the story is finally over and I must ay it has been a delight reading it! I'm sure that Ed will get a much needed character development after spending so much time a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶r̶c̶y̶ ̶o̶f̶ with Hillary, perhaps he might try to become a better brother? Specially since he and Al have basically descended to a Cold War state.

I really liked how most of the plot points were nicely wrapped up while living some open space for s̶e̶q̶u̶e̶l̶s̶ our imaginations to fill up. Will Al and Frank stay as friends? Will they fall under the clutches of Hillary? What will happen with the siblings now that they stand on equal ground and more important, who'll be the first to gain an advantage, Ed or Al? So many questions hehe

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 12:16 am
by Xtc
THanks for that appraial.
I wonder if we'll ever know.
Frank is, of course, still at the mercy of his cousin. Poor kid.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 4:42 am
by bondagefreak
Still not completely caught up, but I just wanna post this little shout-out ;)

[mention]Xtc[/mention] A well deserved breakthrough! This story is actually in a close tie for third place as "forum's busiest story".

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 5:09 am
by cj2125
bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago

Wait... if [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]'s post was 102nd, that means that xtc's reply to my comment must be the 101st which means my reply was the 100th reply? :o

Do I win anything [mention]Xtc[/mention] ? :D

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 10:55 am
by Xtc
bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago Still not completely caught up, but I just wanna post this little shout-out ;)

[mention]Xtc[/mention] A well deserved breakthrough! This story is actually in a close tie for third place as "forum's busiest story".
Thanks for that. I could do with some good news at the minute. Every little helps (as they say).

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:05 am
by Xtc

Wait... if @bondagefreak's post was 102nd, that means that xtc's reply to my comment must be the 101st which means my reply was the 100th reply? :o

Do I win anything @Xtc ? :D

Have you ever thought of becoming a cricket statistician? We hear commentries like that on Test Matches. No, no prizes I'm afraid bjut thanks for joining in.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:17 am
by Veracity
Sad to see it over, but a nice conclusion just the same. I feel though that in the real world the Shrimp’s sense of freedom might be delusional. People of Ed’s caliber are often too dim to realize when they have been defeated.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 11:23 am
by Xtc
Don't forget, Ed is in the middle of an engineering degree! Perhaps he just studies Leggo.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:23 pm
by LK3869
Loved that MAD allusion in the end, original way to remind us old-timers of the niceties of the Cold War :D

Still no sympathy for Ed, maybe they were too soft with him. Of course, Hils is coming back to finish the job and do stuff you probably can't write about here.
Good conclusion - hope you won't mind that generic adjective, trying to avoid 'great' and I lack vocabulary - to a story filled with nice moments, a 'vilain' you love to hate and a memorable guest star... All the basics and more, like your style and humor ;)

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:14 pm
by Xtc
Thank you, thank you.

Yes, I believe that Ed is probably more interesting than Al; but I have to live with that.

Yes, there are situations of which, I believe, the young are unaware. Oh Bum! Getting a bit heavy there.

Surely you are not implying that I am following a political agenda :o :o !

I don't think Hils values Ed any more than the fluff from her vacuum cleaner.

Generic adjectives are comforting. Worry not!

If Al is allowed to continue his ramblings, there is a short update but I think he’s holding on to it. Unless people think otherwise.

Thank you very much for your response.

Thank you once again.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 6:15 am
by Veracity
If Al has more to say, I would love to hear it, but you’ll excuse me if I can never think of him by that name.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 10:36 am
by LK3869
... And I wasn't implying that Al is an uninteresting character. It's just that he's reacting and Evil Ed is acting ( for most of the story :D ) Would love to read his post-Shrimp adventures, a little postcard once in a while

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 12:47 pm
by Xtc
I am trying to resist requests for an update but you never know.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 11:55 pm
by Xtc
There is a little post-script. Al would like me to post it but I don't know whether I should.

Oh, alright then:

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:00 am
by Xtc

Di’le-i’-di’, di’le-i’-dit, . . . Update!

Just thought you might like to receive a little update now that about a month has passed since the episode round Hilary’s place. So here goes . . .

You must already know that I must have received the video from Hils; and Ed has, so far, been very nice to me ever since. I haven’t even needed to back it up as Hils has made it clear that I can always ask her for another copy. She also pointed out that, if Ed caused the need for the replacement, she could “just let a few selected friends get to see it” if I knew what she meant. I did!

Ed even tried to persuade me that we should both get rid of our video blackmail evidence against each other but I’m not that stupid. I did, however, take a few precautions after a couple of days just to make sure that Ed’s new persona was likely to last. Walking past him muttering, “Now was that grab, twist and squeeze or grab squeeze and twist?” seemed to leave him trying not to cross his legs as I passed him but there was an even more fun reminder as well. I copied just a short section of the video that Hils had made, just about two seconds of it, and made a video loop. I then went in search of a suitable sound effect to enhance my masterpiece. It took a while but eventually I did find a very satisfying, reverberating “Boinnnng!”

You should have seen Ed’s face when we were all seated in the living room watching the tele one night and his phone went. How he held it together, I don’t know but I certainly didn’t need to run for cover although he did leave the room very rapidly before our folks could ask any questions. All they could hear was, “Boinnnng! - Boinnnng! - Boinnnng! - Boinnnng!” as a gob-smacked Ed fled the room.

Of course, I feigned innocence and had managed to hide my mobile before my parents could notice that I had just made a call. Ed took the call and saw that moment when Hils tore his undies from him and he sprang to attention once his member had been freed from its confinement on loop with a very tasteful sound effect. Every so often, I send that to him just as a reminder. I wonder how long its effect will last?

Oh yes, I’ve also changed all my passwords!


. . . . HONEST!

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:44 am
by LK3869
Naughty Shrimp :lol: Good to know all this triggered his creativity...

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Postscript added 17th Jan

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 1:29 am
by cj2125
I'm glad they are finally getting along! The wonders that some out-of-the box thinking and some blackmail material can do for a family!

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Epilogue updated September 24th

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 12:44 pm
by Xtc
LK3869 wrote: 5 years ago Naughty Shrimp :lol: Good to know all this triggered his creativity...
Yes, I belive that he wishes to go into video production. I understand that his current experimental trailers are causing consternation among the very limited constituency that has seen them.
cj2125 wrote: 5 years ago I'm glad they are finally getting along! The wonders that some out-of-the box thinking and some blackmail material can do for a family!
Yes, but I fear there is a danger of the Shrimp becoming a bit too smug. The time that Ed is spending away from home is, however, quite extensive nowadays.

[mention]Veracity[/mention], I wonder what name you would consider to be more appropriate than "Al". Remember: his new status has made him start referring to himself as "OrsumAl". I despair of the young.

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Postscript added 17th Jan

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:58 pm
by MaxRoper
Excellent wrap-up to a magnificent tale.
I'm amazed you're able to get all this stuff written, edited (so very well) and posted.
Thank you!

Re: WALKIES (MF/mm) Postscript added 17th Jan

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:41 am
by Xtc
And thanks for your unfailing support.