Surviving the Amazon with Traci Potter (F)

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Surviving the Amazon with Traci Potter (F)

Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

In the depths of the Amazon Jungle, a brunette woman (wearing a blue hoodie, long khaki pants with kneepads over them, a black backpack, and a canteen hanging around her neck) stood in front of a camera another woman (with long black hair wearing an orange t-shirt, black sweatpants with a white jacket tied around her waist) was operating.

“Hello, folks. My name is Traci Potter, and this is Surviving the Amazon Jungle! I’ve been dropped off deep into the Amazon jungle where for the next month, I have to survive using only what I brought with me and what I can find in the wild. Only my camerawoman is with me. She’s only there to document my efforts and isn’t allowed to help me in any way. And finally, to add a bit of a challenge to begin, my hands have been handcuffed behind my back.”

Traci turned her back to the camera and flashed her hands to show this.

“The key to the cuffs has been left on the chopper that brought me here. So I have to use whatever I can find to pick the lock and free myself. Here we go.”

Traci walked a few feet until she came across a low-hanging tree branch. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a large knife and, with her hands still behind her, sharpened the end of the branch until it was a fine point at the end.

“See, people believe that you could only pick handcuffs with a piece of metal and whatnot,” she explained as she placed the branch inside the keyhole. “But I’m about to show you guys that wood works just as well-”

After using the branch for only a few moments, it snapped into two.

“Pfft, that was a mere twig I was using as a demonstration tool,” Traci scoffed. “Now, for real…”

Looking further up the tree, Traci spotted a much stronger tree branch. Stepping back several paces, Traci ran up to it and jumped to scale the tree...only to realize too late that front-facing arms were necessary to complete this task and proceeded to go head-first into the tree, knocking her to the floor. Sighing, the camerawoman (Sam Drusel), turned the camera off, easily scaled the tree, grabbed the stronger branch, broke it off, and tossed it down to the ground.

“…” Traci moaned.


Despite that branch being thicker, the sharpened wooden end still snapped off when Traci tried using it. She tried using several more branches and sticks she came across, but each one failed. Even dipping her hands in the nearby stream to see if she could make her hands slippery enough for the cuffs to be pulled off failed as well. Finally, Traci was forced to resort to her most powerful tool in order to get the cuffs off: begging Sam for help.

“Pleeeeease, Sam?”
“But I know you the producers gave you an extra key to the cuffs. Just give it to me and we’ll be on our merry way.”
“The key was only meant for emergencies! And I’m not breaking the rule of not helping you.”
“You already did that once. What’s another time gonna hurt?”
“Sorry, Traci, but my answer is no.”

Traci walked right up to Sam. Startled, Sam walked backward only to be backed against a tree. Traci then shot her the biggest puppy dog ideas she could muster. After a few seconds, Sam snapped.

“Fine! I’ll go get them.”
“I knew I could count on you, Sam!”

Sam reached into a pocket and pulled out the extra key. As she walked towards Traci, Sam tripped on a rock, causing the key to fly out of her hands and fall into the stream.

“Noooooo!” Traci exclaimed, leaping into the water (which only went to her knees) to swim after the keys.

Running ahead to document this, Sam pushed a few bushes to the side to reveal, to her horror, that there was a waterfall nearby. Seconds later, upon seeing how the water disappeared at a certain point, Traci realized this fact too.

“HEEEELLLLLP!” Traci exclaimed as she abandoned her chase for the key and tried to swim back upstream, only for the water’s current to prevent her from doing so.

Sam turned the camera back off and leaped into the water. She grabbed Traci by the hair and managed to pull her back to land. Seconds later, they watched as the key fell down to the fall’s base about twenty feet below.

“ wouldn’t happen to have a spare-spare key in your bag, right?” Traci panted.

To Be Continued…
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Part 2:

“Welcome back to Surviving the Amazon Jungle with me, Traci Potter. Last time, me and my camerawoman, Sam, were dropped off deep in the Amazon Jungle with my hands cuffed behind me. While I was able to eventually escape from my cuffs, you, unfortunately, won’t see that footage because, while reviewing the footage, a monkey stole our camera and deleted the footage!”

Traci looked at Sam to confirm she told the lie correctly (in actuality, Sam watched Traci freak out for ten minutes after the key was washed away by a waterfall before revealing she had an extra of the extra). When Sam nodded, Traci continued.

“Anyway, while I’m here in the jungle, I will rely solely on the resources around me for nourishment. I’ll have to hunt for animals for meat, gather fruit for snacks, and collect rain water for drinking. Let’s start the hunt!”

Traci marched towards a gathering of trees. Taking some quick nibbles of the Goldfish crackers she had in her pocket, Sam followed her.

Traci stopped in front of a thirty-foot tree with a bunch of vines hanging down . Ten feet from the top of the tree was a bunch of bananas. Cracking her knuckles, she started to scale the trunk. Unlike her last attempt, she was doing well. Soon, she was at the same height that the bananas were, but a few feet away to the right.

“Sam, look!” Traci proudly exclaimed. “I did it!”

After Sam gave her a thumbs up, Traci reached towards the bunch. But she didn’t notice that there was a looped vine between them that she reached through. The loop suddenly tightened around the right wrist. She reached over with her left hand to try to loosen it, but couldn’t get it loose. Kicking off the tree with her left foot, she tried to see if she could spin the vine off her wrist. But Traci had unknowingly just tangled her right ankle in the vines.

“Uh, Traci,” Sam called up to her partner. “Maybe you should stop doing that.”
“Huh?” Traci answered as she grabbed onto a nearby vine to maintain her balance before trying to spin again.

Realizing that Traci probably couldn’t hear her from that high up, Sam spoke up. “You should stop spinning around like that! You’re gonna wind up getting tangled in all of those vines!”
“Just slow down! Take your time trying to free yourself before it gets worse for you!”

That one Traci heard. But she decided to ignore the advice. After all, SHE was the one who scaled the tree on the first try (ignoring the time Sam effortlessly scaled a tree as well). She knew what she was doing and would be free of these vines in no time as long as she stayed on course with her actions!


Thirty seconds later, Traci was no longer holding onto the trunk. She was suspended by the vines attached to the branches at the very top of the tree.

Her right wrist was still snagged in the original vine loop. She had managed to get her wrist band pinned to her side with a vine that was also wrapped around her shoulders and waist. She had somehow also managed to get her left ankle trapped in the same vine loop her right ankle was first caught in.

But Traci would not quit. She tried to build momentum and swing her entire body towards the bunch. Surprisingly, it was starting to work as her swinging took her a mere few inches away...only for a monkey from the top of the tree to scamper down, grab the entire bunch, and ran back to the top.

Before Traci could curse out the monkey (which she had every intention of doing on film), the very top branch where all the vines hung from snapped from Traci’s weight. Traci plunged towards the bottom until the broken branch was caught by some of the other branches, causing Traci to now hang a few inches off the ground.

Catching her breath from her near-death experience, Traci turned towards Sam, who was still munching on her pocket Goldfish. “Can I have some?”
“But I nearly just died!”
“Against the rules.”
“Just one?”

To Be Concluded
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Post by Beaumains »

A very good first two chapters. As usual, much humour, creative, outspoken characters, and plenty of odd details. It deserves a lot more attention than you received

Still, I cannot comprehend Traci failed to test out her hand cuff trick up front.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Thanks so much [mention]Beaumains[/mention] ! Here’s the last part. Hope you like it!:

Traci Potter was on her way back to civilization after spending a week in the Amazon Jungle.

She was in the backseat of a jeep with her camerawoman Sam taking her to an airport where she’d fly back to the US. But it wasn’t like she was comfortable back there; she was wrapped from shoulders to knees in ropes. There was an apple that was shoved in her mouth, but that was removed so she could talk to her producer, Amy Belize, over Zoom.

“Traci, I saw the footage Sam sent me,” Amy told her. “And…”
“I...LOVED IT! It was hilarious! The funniest thing I’ve seen in a while!”

Traci grimaced. Her footage wasn’t aiming to be funny. She went there to prove she could survive and thrive in the jungle. But it’s not like she thrived there…

Amy was giggling as she recalled the footage. “First, you couldn’t get the handcuffs off, then you wrapped yourself in vines trying to get the bananas, then how you got trapped in that giant spiderweb-”
“She’s still trying to pick out all the spider eggs from her hair,” Sam interjected.

Amy chuckled. “Finally, there were those Natives who captured you and tried to cook you. Good thing we were able to get you out of there in time.”

Traci turned to Sam. “Why did you not try to save me? You just filmed what would’ve been my death!”
“They promised to spare my life if I didn’t interfere.”
“OK, fine, but why haven’t you untied me yet?”
“Too much rope,” Sam muttered before going back to playing Among Us.

Traci turned back to Amy. “So, what now?”
“Well, I sent the footage to the network, and they loved it too! They want you to explore more terrains, starting with a desert!”
“A what?”
“Just imagine it: ‘Traci Potter is dropped off in the desert for two weeks with only one canteen of water. How will she survive?’”

Traci grimaced. “I’m not sure-“
“They also liked the scenes of you being restrained. It would really catch the male 18-35 demographics. So we’re dreaming up some more scenarios like that. We’re not sure how, but we want you to get tied to a cactus.”

Traci shook her head. “Absolutely not.”
“Fair enough. But we did come up with some more ideas I just want to run by you.”
“Honestly, Amy, I-“

Sam reached over and shoved the apple back in Traci’s mouth. “Now now, Traci. Don’t be rude. Let’s hear out her ideas.”

Traci groaned as the car continued on to the airport, dreading the idea of pulling cactus needles out of her skin and washing sand out of her hair.

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Post by Beaumains »

I certainly enjoyed it! The silly style of humour is very good. Traci's naivety reminds me of cheap reality TV: Get someone who is really stupid to do something they are vastly unqualified for and laugh at their expense.

The chapters were wuite short in comparion with some tales here, but it still feels like a decent amount of effort is put into it as there are so many little details and subplots.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Beaumains wrote: 3 years ago I certainly enjoyed it! The silly style of humour is very good. Traci's naivety reminds me of cheap reality TV: Get someone who is really stupid to do something they are vastly unqualified for and laugh at their expense.

The chapters were wuite short in comparion with some tales here, but it still feels like a decent amount of effort is put into it as there are so many little details and subplots.
I’m glad you liked it! It was actually a series of vignettes I did for Kinktober last year, where each day there was a theme. It was the first OC series I’ve done in a while :)
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Post by ninterz »

A really funny one. I had a good laugh
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Post by TimChimp »

I am a bit late to this but that was a very fun read :D
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Post by mikayluh »

This was fun! :D
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Post by TheOfficeOrc »

Beaumains wrote: 3 years ago I certainly enjoyed it! The silly style of humour is very good. Traci's naivety reminds me of cheap reality TV: Get someone who is really stupid to do something they are vastly unqualified for and laugh at their expense.

The chapters were wuite short in comparion with some tales here, but it still feels like a decent amount of effort is put into it as there are so many little details and subplots.
Agreed, the story had me laughing in a few points. I liked the chemistry between Traci and Sam too.

Personally, I quite like the shorter format, but would've loved to have had some more parts with details on the "off-screen" scenes.

Great work :)
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Post by Ventisocks »

This was a really cute story!
I wonder what else lurks in the amazon to make the celebs life interesting!!
We can have bondage fetished fun just DM me
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