Three Sisters (F/self, F/Ff) part 28

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Post by slackywacky »

Now that was a great turn of events. Great chapter.

Only one sad thing... now I have to wait again for the next chapter. :lol:
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Post by Caesar73 »

The evil Stepmother :) I like the classics :)
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Post by Solarbeast »

I didn’t expect the evil step-mom to be the “intruder” and to see the change in the story was really well done. I can’t wait to read more.
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Post by hafnermg »

Step-mom was a great twist! I can't wait for more!
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Post by JohnJSchmidt »

Can't wait for more!
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Can't wait for more!
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Post by iliketights »

ThatDino wrote: 3 years ago Yet again, two wonderful additions to the story, loving the incorporation of some family drama and the overall character development.

Can't wait to see what you've got planned for Carolyn/Mommy Dearest :mrgreen:
Thanks ThatDino! Mommy Dearest is about to make another appearance.
TightsBound wrote: 3 years ago One of my favorite stories from one of my favorite authors continues! It’s great to see you writing, here’s to more writing in 2021!
Thanks TightsBound! I appreciate that!
slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago Now that was a great turn of events. Great chapter.

Only one sad thing... now I have to wait again for the next chapter. :lol:
Thanks slackywacky! I am a very slow writer. The next chapter is almost ready though.
Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago The evil Stepmother :) I like the classics :)
She's about to get worse!
Solarbeast wrote: 3 years ago I didn’t expect the evil step-mom to be the “intruder” and to see the change in the story was really well done. I can’t wait to read more.
Thanks Solarbeast! We'll find out more about the evil step-mom soon.
hafnermg wrote: 3 years ago Step-mom was a great twist! I can't wait for more!
Thanks hafnermg! Next chapter is almost ready.
JohnJSchmidt wrote: 3 years ago Can't wait for more!
nayte4767 wrote: 3 years ago Can't wait for more!
Thanks JohnJSchmidt and nayte4767! It's almost ready!
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Post by iliketights »

Three Sisters, part 24

Amanda could do nothing but wait in involuntary silence and immobility on the couch while her stepmother unloaded the dishwasher and put away the plates, glasses, and silverware. She's certainly taking her time, Amanda thought.

Finally, Carolyn returned to the living room. She did not go directly to assist the poor schoolgirl lying on the couch. In fact, she pretended that Amanda wasn't even there. She hummed happily as she dusted the coffee table and end tables with spray polish and a rag. Amanda was careful not to make any noise. Her stepmother was obviously enjoying her pretense of "forgetting" that Amanda was still bound and gagged. Any noise of protest might result in further punishment.

After several more minutes, Carolyn walked past her stepdaughter. "Oh, Amanda! I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about you!"

Sure you did, Amanda thought to herself.

"Why didn't you make some kind of noise to remind me? My poor girl! Those ropes look kind of uncomfortable. I think you have been sufficiently punished for your transgression. Would you like to be untied now?"

Amanda nodded. With her mouth so securely stuffed with a pair of her own socks, she was reduced to answering only yes/no questions.

Carolyn removed the hogtie rope, and Amanda sighed with relief as she unbent her knees and let her feet fall to the couch. A few minutes later, and Carolyn had untied and removed the ropes that had kept the teenager's ankles and knees lashed together. Her legs now completely free, Carolyn helped her sit up. She untied the silk scarf and pulled the two socks from Amanda's mouth. Amanda coughed and asked for water.

"Of course! I'll get some right away," Carolyn said as she went to the kitchen. She held a glass to Amanda's lips. When the girl indicated that she was finished, Carolyn set down the glass and gently wiped away a drop of water on Amanda's chin.

"Is that better?"

Amanda nodded. "Thank you, Carol ... I mean Mommy Dearest. Could you untie my hands now?"

"Did you learn your lesson, my dear?"

"Oh yes, I did, Mommy Dearest. I'm so sorry I was bad. I'll never forget to unload the dishwasher again."

Carolyn hugged her stepdaughter. "I'm so glad to hear that! I too must apologize. I'm afraid that I have a tendency to overreact at times. Are we friends again?"

"Absolutely! Now ... my hands? Please?"

"I better finish untying you in your room. It's nearly time for your father to arrive home. He might be a little shocked to see his daughter with her hands tied behind her back. I haven't prepared him yet for my somewhat unorthodox disciplinary methods."

"Please," Amanda pleaded, turning her back to her stepmother and wiggling her bound hands for emphasis. "It will just take a moment to untie my wrists. Instead of taking the time to tell me why we have to go upstairs before you'll untie my hands, you could have had them untied already!"

"Do I detect a critical tone, young lady? Are you forgetting your place?"

"No ... I'm sorry ..."

"If you want me to untie your hands, I suggest you get moving up those stairs. I should gather up these ropes. Your father will wonder why there are ropes all over the couch."

Amanda started walking up the stairs, with her stepmother following closely behind. She was taking the stairs with care, not being able to use the handrail and having her center of gravity slightly off-kilter from having her arms held in an unnatural position.

They arrived in Amanda's bedroom. The pretty schoolgirl let out a sigh of relief. Finally the last of her bonds would be removed. Her stepmother tossed the ropes on the bed - the ropes which had so recently been bound tightly around the teenager's legs. "Don't worry," Carolyn said. "I will coil them neatly after I untie your hands so they'll be ready for the next time."

"The next time? Oh, there won't be a next time. I will never again forget to unload the dishwasher. You might as well throw away all this rope."

"I'm very happy to hear that," Carolyn said as she began to untie the knot on Amanda's wrist rope. "You see, my disciplinary methods ARE effective! I'm sure I'll never need to tie you up ever again, but I'll keep the rope just in case." The knot came free and she began to unwind the rope from her stepdaughter's wrists. "Someday you'll realize that I did this for your own good, and that ..."

"Yes? You were saying?"

No response.

"Keep going, please. My hands are almost free. ... Hello? Don't stop now."

Much to Amanda's surprise and consternation, just when her total freedom was about to be granted to her, her stepmother started to reverse the process! The first two circuits of rope that had been unwound were now being rewound, and a new knot was securely tied.

"WHAT? You're supposed to be UNTYING my wrists, not retying them! What are you doing?"

"Calm down, dear. I was going to untie you, but I suddenly had a better idea."

"A better idea? No, please don't do this. Please untie me."

When she saw the determined and stern look on her stepmother's face, she knew that any appeals for mercy were doomed.

"This isn't fair!" she whined like a toddler. She even stamped her foot for emphasis in a gesture she hadn't made since she was three years old.

"Throwing a tantrum won't do you any good. Quite the contrary. I'll overlook your little outburst this one time. Don't make me regret my leniency. Now, no more attitude. Lie down on the middle of your bed, on your stomach."

Carolyn's tone brooked no argument. The girl did as she was told. With her hands tied behind her back, it was difficult to maneuver into position, but she eventually made it. When her stepmother picked up one of the ropes she brought from downstairs, Amanda obediently put her legs together and waited for her knees and ankles to be bound together. To her surprise, she felt the rope being tied around her left ankle only. She couldn't imagine why that would be, but it soon became apparent when the other end of the rope was pulled taught and tied to the bed leg. Rather than having her legs tied together, they were evidently going to be kept spread apart.

"I'm not resisting in any way, Mommy Dearest. I just want to know why you're doing this to me."

She sounded and looked so sad that almost any other human on the planet, even the most hardened of criminals, would have immediately taken pity on the beautiful young girl and begged her forgiveness while untying her. Unfortunately for Amanda, her stepmother was lacking even the minimal sense of guilt found in the aforementioned hardened criminals. She tied another rope securely around Amanda's right ankle and secured it to the other bed leg. Amanda, lying face down and having her hands tied behind her back with her legs spread and tied down, resembled an upside-down letter Y.

"Please," she pleaded. "You said I had already been punished sufficiently for forgetting to unload the dishwasher. Why are you doing this?"

"Oh, you were sufficiently punished and forgiven. This isn't about punishment."

"It's not a punishment? Then why?"

"The idea suddenly struck me just as I was about to untie your hands. I so very seldom get to have a nice, quiet dinner alone with your father. It's very difficult getting used to the lack of privacy when one marries a man who already has children."

"Is that all? You want to have dinner alone with my dad? That's no problem! Untie me, and I promise I'll stay in my room. You won't know I'm here."

"I've heard that before. Whenever I asked his older two brats to make themselves scarce, they seemed to hang around even more out of spite. I wish it had occurred to me to tie them up like this."

"Yeah, that sounds like my sisters. But I'm the nice one! I promise I won't bother you!"

Carolyn didn't respond. She suddenly walked out of the room.

"Come back! Please don't leave me like this!"

"You better believe I'll be back!" Carolyn said ominously as she headed down hall. She returned a minute later carrying things. As she dropped them on the floor, Amanda could see that they consisted of all the parts of her school uniform that she had shed when she got home: her shoes, blazer, necktie, and backpack.

"Luckily I remembered to remove all your things from the living room. Otherwise, your dad would immediately know that you're home. Now I can tell him that you're studying for a test at one of your friend's houses."

If Amanda had harbored even a sliver of hope that her stepmother would reconsider and untie her, it was dashed now. She was destined to remain tied to her bed while her dad and stepmother had a cozy dinner, and maybe something else along the lines of romance? Just how long was she going to be tied up?

"Too bad you won't be dining with us tonight. I'm cooking one of your favorites," Carolyn said with a wicked smile.

"So, you're going to starve me, is that the plan? Then you can have my dad all to yourself?"

"Don't be so melodramatic. I'll save the leftovers and reheat them for you later. You inadvertently stumbled on a truth, though. I do intend to eventually have your dad all to myself. I'm looking into some nice boarding schools to send you to. With the older two away at college, all three of you spoiled brats will be out of my hair. I'm leaning toward a school you might not like very much, called Despair Boarding School for Girls. They're not as nice as I am but the discipline will do you some good." Note to reader: you can find out more about Despair Boarding School for Girls here: Miss Blywistle Flouts the Rules

Carolyn picked up the silk scarf that had previously kept her stepdaughter from spitting out the socks that had been stuffed into her mouth when she had been hogtied on the couch.

Amanda's look of terror increased. "No, please don't gag me again!"

"As the saying goes, children should be seen and not heard. However, soon you will be neither seen nor heard. As you know, I'm a very considerate person, so I will not stuff your mouth with socks this time. It's not safe, since I won't be able to hear you if something goes wrong. I think this knot will work almost as well, and there's no danger of it choking you. Open wide, dear," she said as she tied a substantial knot in the middle of the scarf.

"No ... please ... NOOOO MMMFFFFFFFF!"

"My, you do carry on so. There's no need to upset yourself," she said as she pulled the scarf tightly and made a secure knot behind Amanda's head.

"Now, I'll just test your bonds and your gag to see if anything needs tightening, and I'll be on my merry way."

Carolyn walked to the foot of the bed, placed her fingernails on the soul of Amanda's left sockinged foot, and began to stroke it up and down. As Amanda's sisters could attest, Amanda did not really laugh when tickled. It was more of a series of screams accompanied by violent thrashing, followed by tears. Carolyn stopped her torture long enough to move to Amanda's right foot. It too received attention from Carolyn's tormenting fingers. Fortunately the onslaught upon the soles of Amanda's little stockinged feet did not last to the point of tears, but it did satisfy Carolyn that her stepdaughter could barely move and that her mouth was sufficiently silenced.

"Good news! I think the ropes will hold you nicely, and any noise you try to make will not disturb us. I'll see you later. Probably quite a bit later. Your father and I have a lot to talk about." She walked to the window. "Well, I think your father is arriving now. I got you bound and silenced just in time."

Carolyn left the room and closed the door behind her. After her father parked his truck and came in the house, Amanda could hear her father and stepmother talking, but they were far enough away she couldn't hear what exactly they were saying. Soon the smell of dinner wafted up to her bedroom. Amanda's stomach growled. Her stepmother had many faults, but she was an excellent cook.

The pretty schoolgirl once again attempted to extricate her hands from the securely tied rope, but she already know that she would never be able to escape her bonds without help. She felt so alone - and so hungry.

Daddy, please help me.

Note from author: I feel I must apologize to anyone who has read this story from the beginning. What started off as a playful story of three young sisters enjoying their tie-up games has taken a dark turn indeed. Is there no one who can come to Amanda's aid?

To be continued ...
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]iliketights[/mention] thank you for continuing this story. Looks like a bleak future for poor Amanda. I hope though, her father does not fell for the evil stepmother. The dialouge between Amanda and Stepmother was great!
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Post by ThatDino »

Blimey, [mention]iliketights[/mention]! You've gone ahead and outdone yourself again with that one, this monster of a woman is like Dolores Umbridge, but kinky :shock: Great addition, really loving the development.
Also: Nice touch adding the Despair Boarding School into the mix, I love me some ambitious crossovers :mrgreen:
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Post by Caesar73 »

ThatDino wrote: 3 years ago Blimey, @iliketights! You've gone ahead and outdone yourself again with that one, this monster of a woman is like Dolores Umbridge, but kinky :shock: Great addition, really loving the development.
Also: Nice touch adding the Despair Boarding School into the mix, I love me some ambitious crossovers :mrgreen:
Dolores Umbridge? Nice one! :) The stepmother reminds me at Aunt Petunia though :) And the boarding school at the school Harry should visit: St. Brutusses Secure Center for incurable criminal boys :)
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Post by iliketights »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago @iliketights thank you for continuing this story. Looks like a bleak future for poor Amanda. I hope though, her father does not fell for the evil stepmother. The dialouge between Amanda and Stepmother was great!
Thanks Caesar73! I see that you're posting a story in the "for adults" section. I am very thrilled you decided to write your first story. It's great so far! I love the actresses you picked.
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Post by iliketights »

ThatDino wrote: 3 years ago Blimey, @iliketights! You've gone ahead and outdone yourself again with that one, this monster of a woman is like Dolores Umbridge, but kinky :shock: Great addition, really loving the development.
Also: Nice touch adding the Despair Boarding School into the mix, I love me some ambitious crossovers :mrgreen:
Thanks ThatDino! I appreciate the comments. Dolores Umbridge ... hmmm ... I hadn't thought of that, but I agree. Dolores Umbridge would make for a wonderful story on this board. I hope someone decides to run with that.
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Post by slackywacky »

> Is there no one who can come to Amanda's aid?

Nah, we're happy to keep her in this position :lol:

Thank you for continuing (whether fast or slow).
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Post by iliketights »

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago > Is there no one who can come to Amanda's aid?

Nah, we're happy to keep her in this position :lol:

Thank you for continuing (whether fast or slow).
I agree! I think she needs to say put for awhile!
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Post by iliketights »

I'm not sure which way I want this story to go from here.

Option A:

It turns out that Carolyn and Amanda are engaged in consensual role-play. Carolyn is young and beautiful, being only 8 or 9 years older than Marie, Amanda's oldest sister. Their dad married a much younger woman the second time around! Most importantly, Carolyn is a sweet and caring young woman who gets along splendidly with her stepdaughters. In fact, she's more like another sister to them than a stepmother.

Soon after Carolyn married Amanda's dad, she discovered Amanda's interest in tie-up games (how Carolyn found out would be told in a flash-back scene). Now that Amanda's two older sisters are away at college, she was going through bondage withdrawal. She was unsatisfied with self-bondage and was happy to have someone step in who was willing and able to truss her up tightly from time to time. They invented the Mommy Dearest evil stepmother / protesting daughter personas.

This was the scenario I originally had in mind.

Option B:

Carolyn truly is the evil stepmother she seems to be. She delights in tormenting her poor teenage stepdaughter. She somehow manages to convince Amanda's dad that her unusual methods of disciplining teenage girls is valid. Amanda often finds herself in restraints for committing even the most trivial of transgressions - sometimes enduring "preventative" bondage to "make sure she keeps her out of trouble" even when she's behaving perfectly. Carolyn makes plans to enroll Amanda in Despair Boarding School for Girls, as she previously threatened. As soon as there's an opening at the school, Amanda is securely bound and gagged (she's considered a flight risk) for the three hour drive to the boarding school. There, as we've seen in the Miss Blywistle story, Amanda is sure to endure more of the type of discipline she had been receiving at home, but this time at the hands of the headmaster. She meets and becomes best friends with Adelaide and the two stories merge.

My preliminary thoughts:

Option A is more believable. We already know that Amanda (and her sisters) are enthusiastic bondage bunnies and love nothing better than to be tightly roped up. Option A would blend more with the first part of the story - playful tie-up games. Option B certainly has its appeal for me, but it's far more unpleasant. It's also less believable. A girl who liked playing bondage games just happens to wind up with a sadistic/crazy stepmother who ties her up against her will? Amanda's father, who we have previously seen is a pretty nice guy, can suddenly be talked into subjecting his youngest daughter to a disciplinary method no sane father would approve of? A teenage girl being frequently tied up against her would never seek help from her friends, teachers, or real mother? No, I think option B stretches credibility far too much and goes against how the characters have behaved in the past.

Maybe a blending of the the two options?

Option C:

Carolyn really is an evil stepmother, so she's not acting. Amanda secretly likes her stepmother's type of discipline, so she sometimes "forgets" to do a chore or commits other minor offenses so that Carolyn will tie her up. Amanda begs and pleads, but it's all an act on her part. This option might work, but it still requires Amanda's father to act out-of-character. Unless Amanda confides in him that she secretly likes the way Carolyn treats her?

I don't know. Any thoughts?
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]iliketights[/mention] All scenarios have their merits I think. But as much as would find the idea a merger intriguing, Option A is the most plausible to go on, plotwise. Also I think a merger would be difficult to pull off. It surely would complicate things and - stretch plausibility. Just my thoughts :)
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Post by Solarbeast »

Yea, I agree just go with option A. It’s the most sensible for the story.
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Post by slackywacky »

My vote would be your original plans, option A (or option D, E, F, G, H...). Anything that keeps the 3 sisters going ;-)
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by ThatDino »

Hm... I'm torn. While option A might be the least implausible, I'd like to add that losing your mother to a divorce and being partly torn away from both sisters as well, only to be faced with a viciously dominant step-mother who uses what you once enjoyed against you, for me personally it would really put a damper on my love for bondage, now having so many negative connotations to it. Just from a psychological standpoint as well, Amanda's mother wouldn't be so easily replaced emotionally, even with a common interest in bondage.

For now, I'd choose A, in part to spare and protect your sanity, [mention]iliketights[/mention], but this won't be the ideal answer to everything.

I admire your work and hope you'll make the best of it, whatever path you choose.
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Post by iliketights »

Thanks for the suggestions! I guess my original plan is probably the best way to proceed.
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Post by iliketights »

***** INTERLUDE *****

Imagine if you were to walk into Amanda's bedroom. You would have gasped at the heartrending sight before you. There, lying face-down on her bed, was a beautiful teenage girl. Her slender wrists had been crossed behind her back and securely bound together with rope, wound tightly in perpendicular directions so that her wrists were immobilized. You could easily untie the knot, but she cannot reach it. Looking further down, you would have noticed that her already short skirt had slid even further up her thighs, due to the position of her legs. Not wanting to allow impure thoughts to enter your mind at the sight of the current location of the hem of her skirt, your eyes travel downward. There you would have noticed a very shapely pair of legs in a pair of opaque navy-blue tights. Her legs were spread and held in place by separate ropes which tethered each ankle to the corners of the bed. Below each delicate ankle and the unyielding rope which was bound around it, you would see a cute little stockinged foot. She had removed her shoes hours ago, and they were currently lying on the floor near her bed. You would notice her nylon-covered toes occasionally wiggle - perhaps involuntary movements of a girl who could barely move otherwise. You notice a thick silk scarf has been knotted, and the knot is filling her mouth while the ends of the scarf are pulled back and knotted behind her head. Only soft, kittenish sounds escape from her silk-stuffed mouth.

The thought occurs to you that even if her hands had been left untied, the way her legs were spread apart meant she would not be able to twist around and untie her own ankles.

Who would do something like this? You want so much to help this poor girl. You want to untie all the ropes which are keeping her helpless and tied down to her bed. You want to scoop her up in your arms, tell her that everything is going to be OK, and carry her far away from whatever horrible person did this to her. You want to be her hero.

But you can't. You can't untie her. You can't rescue her. You can't protect her.

Because you're not there.

No one is there.

Except Amanda. She's there. She'll be there waiting ... waiting ... alone ...

***** END OF INTERLUDE *****

Back to the story ...
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice interlude :) Short, but you created a picture in my head! Very good, [mention]iliketights[/mention] !!
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Post by JohnJSchmidt »

Option A, same maybe mom or Amanda can find the bodystocking that the older sisters forgot to take with them to college?
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

What is with a Version in Carolyn not realy an evil stepmother, but stringent stepmother maybe parents teach her in same way. Amanda like tieup and have very good sense of who Carolyn me it seriously but some time she overtravel it. In case that was forgeting to unload the dishwasher possibly projected. Carolyn had allready find out that Amanda like tied up. But that she have stay bound in Bed for evening was not planed. She had don it if Carolyn had ask for her stay in her room.
I would the play is way her father not even need to know.
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