Murder, She Wrote - The Schoolgirl and Jessica Fletcher's Revenge F/f (Completed).

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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago
Headmistress wrote: 3 years ago Sorry about the confusion - one of the other posts up above said that they had seen my work before and asked about KP Presents - so I assumed that they were asking me if I had put any of my work on KP Presents' page or if I had worked with KP Presents.
There was no confusion until now @Headmistress :lol:
I saw @gaggednbarefoot's comment and wondered why he thought you were KP when KP is among one of the more active members on this board.

In any case, we're just glad to have you back.
No confusion on my part. Read Boot Camp on KPPresents' website. I'm sure that is Headmistress' work.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Great story, I enjoyed it very much :)
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Post by Headmistress »


Thanks for the kind feedback and comments.

I looked up Boot Camp - I think that story was actually written by a user from here called Jennybond. She and I were here at the same time when I first joined.

She and I had very similar writing styles and our stories often followed similar plot lines - we often wrote about F/f situations and we used to comment on each other's stories frequently, so I can understand why you thought the work was mine. However, I will take it as a compliment - I always enjoyed her stories :).
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Post by KP Presents »

Headmistress wrote: 3 years ago Hi.

Thanks for the kind feedback and comments.

I looked up Boot Camp - I think that story was actually written by a user from here called Jennybond. She and I were here at the same time when I first joined.

She and I had very similar writing styles and our stories often followed similar plot lines - we often wrote about F/f situations and we used to comment on each other's stories frequently, so I can understand why you thought the work was mine. However, I will take it as a compliment - I always enjoyed her stories :).
First, good to see you back Headmistress.

Fairly sure that was by Jennybond as well - but for some reason it's not linked on the Contributions page. Let me check that one out...
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Post by Headmistress »

Jessica leaned over and restacked May’s stack into a fan of five cards and then did the same with her own.

“The rules are simple. You choose a card from your fan and I will turn it over and then I will do the same. While in some games, certain suits rank higher than each other, I will keep it simple. For example, if I draw a seven and you draw a two, then that means you lose and the same goes for me, no matter what the suit is. The same goes for the character cards. If we both choose the same number or character, it is a draw and we can both select another card. Is that fair?” May nodded.

“Okay, which card do you want to draw?”
“The middle one.”

Jessica selected the middle card and then chose her own card, which was the last one on her right. She paused before turning the cards over and May closed her eyes. The next thing she heard was a sight of disappointment. She opened her eyes and saw a ten on her side of the table and a three on Jessica’s.
“That’s one for you, May. Now, draw again.” “The second on my left.” Jessica selected the same card from her stack and turned them both over. “Ah!” May had ended up with a very disappointing number one while Jessica had drawn a nine. “We’re tied and you’re one step closer to being tied up.”

Ignoring the mocking tone in Jessica’s voice, May selected the first card on her left and then the last card on her right while Jessica went for her middle card and then the second one on her right. The results were a king and a queen, and then a six and then a jack, so they were once again tied. That left the last cards.

May noticed a slight hint of nervousness in Jessica’s face. She wasn’t quite so confident that she’d win now.

Unfortunately, it was not to be May’s night. She ended up with a four while Jessica had, rather ironically, ended up with a queen.

Jessica breathed out slowly. “I think we both know what comes next from here.”

“Now, come.” She got up and came over to May’s stool and untied the rope that held her lap to the chair. The satisfaction in Jessica’s voice was too much for May. May had no idea what got into her in that precise moment, but she jerked herself off the stool in one motion and ran for the door.

It was a hopeless plan to start with. For starters, her hands were still tied and while she had recovered, her legs were still slightly wobbly, so she only managed to run a few steps when a gloved hand grabbed her and one hand went around her chest while the other went over her mouth.

“May, really? The front door is locked.” Jessica spoke in a cool, calm tone. “I obviously can’t trust you to keep your word, so I’m going to have to be a little bit rougher now. Jessica marched May back into the kitchen where the discarded piece of rope from the stool still laid on the kitchen counter. Jessica took the piece of rope and draped it over May’s neck and then tied it in a double knot at the front, just under May’s collarbone, so that the two ends now slid down her chest. The rope wasn’t tight, but May had no idea what it was for. She got her answer when Jessica leaned over and picked up the ends and pulled on them.

“Come.” Jessica said it with a firm tone this time and May realized that the rope now formed a makeshift leash. When May hesitated, Jessica gave the rope a slightly harder tug that forced her to take a step forward.

Jessica then turned around and walked out of the kitchen, while pulling on the rope with short firm tugs. May felt her face turn bright red with embarrassment as Jessica forcibly led her upstairs and into the bathroom where Alison had been earlier.

As soon as they were inside, Jessica led May to one of the towel rails and tied the end of the rope to one of them, so that May couldn’t move away from the rail. Jessica took the key off the top of the doorframe, went to the bottom cabinet and removed shampoo, conditioner, bubble bath, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a mug and a bar of soap. She set these items down on the edge of the big pink bathtub, then left the room and returned with the gun. With one hand, she untied May’s wrists, but left the leash on. May knew why. It was so that her movement would be more restricted.

“Take your clothes off and I’ll put them in the wash. While none of my clothes will fit you, I had a guest over a couple of weeks ago who left some of her things behind. I haven’t returned them to her yet and I think that some of them will fit you.” “Please, can’t you, at least, turn around?”

“May, I am the kidnapper and you are the victim. I don’t think you’re in any position to give orders. Now, strip, or I will do it for you. Take your clothes off.”

May’s face turned red as she undressed and peeled off her wrinkly, sweat-soaked uniform and then removed the baby blue bra with the cups trimmed with white lace frills that matched her underwear. When she was done, Jessica said. “Turn around, face the wall and put both hands behind your back. Don’t even think about moving.”

May turned around, put her hands behind her back and Jessica went back to the bottom cabinet where she retrieved several more loops of rope.

When she returned to May, Jessica dropped all the loops of rope on the floor, chose one then unraveled it completely, placed the gun on the floor and said, “Keep your arms behind your back. My gun is right here, so don’t think about trying anything funny.” Once again, Jessica draped this piece of rope over May’s neck, but didn’t tie it at the front. Instead, she took the left side of the rope and wound it around May’s left arm in tight spirals that went all the way down to her left wrist, then did the same with the right side of the rope and May’s right arm.

When she had completed both rows, she took May’s wrists in a firm grip, crossed them and then wound the two ends in several loops around both wrists, then tied several knots, so that May’s wrists were bound into a crossed position. Then Jessica took hold of May’s tied wrists and pulled them up, slowly forcing them upwards until May’s crossed wrists were parallel and sitting in the middle of her back. She took the end of the rope and threaded it through the rope that sat at the back of May’s neck that started the spirals, then pulled It tight and bought it back down, so that May’s wrists were now forced upwards into the middle of her back and her hands were pointing upwards. Jessica wound the end of the rope into a series of tight spirals around the rope and then knotted it off at the top before threading what was left of the rope back down through the spirals on May’s left and right and finally tying it back off to May’s wrists with several knots, so May’s arms were now pinned to the side of the body. While May’s wrists were supported by the rope, it was now impossible to untie herself or to move her arms.

Jessica said. “There. That should hold you. Get into the bath. There’s a seat in there, so you should be able to sit down.” Jessica untied May’s leash and May walked over to the bath, which was set into the floor, so Jessica helped her to step down onto the seat and then onto the floor of the tub, so that May could sit down on the seat.

Jessica proceeded to tie May’s thighs, wrists and ankles together with three more loops of rope, and then tied her leash to the metal rail of the soap holder that sat on May’s left. Jessica then collected the toothpaste and toothbrush and spent a few minutes brushing May’s teeth for her before asking her to rinse out her mouth in the mug that she had filled with water from the basin.

When she was finished, Jessica said, “Now for your gag.” She went to the lower cabinet, removed a large sponge ball and a narrow, clear roll of tape, then ran the ball under the tap of the basin, so that it was now soaked in cold water and then scrubbed it thoroughly with the soap that Alison had left on the basin.

“What are you doing?”

“I haven’t forgotten how you swore at me, May. My mother always told me that people who swear should have their mouths washed out with soap. Consider this my life lesson to you.”

Jessica came back over to May and said, “Open up.” May tried to jerk away, but the leash and all the other ropes restricted her movements. Jessica simply grabbed her nose and held it closed. May tried to hold her breath, but she eventually had to open up and Jessica stuffed the soapy sponge ball in. While the ball was wet, it was also large and the soapy wad filled May’s mouth completely. Jessica placed one gloved hand over her mouth and used the other one to peel the end off the tape. When she succeeded, she wound the clear tape all around May’s mouth and over the sponge ball several times, so that May was now wrap gagged and stuff gagged.

May screamed in frustration, but the gag was so tight that she couldn’t make a sound.

Jessica didn’t respond at all. She simply leant over, put the plug into the bathtub and filled the bath with warm water, putting bubble bath in as she did so. The tub slowly developed into a mass of warm bubbly suds that covered May’s shoulders. Jessica finally took her gloves off and put them on the sink. She knelt at the side of the tub, and thoroughly washed May’s hair with the shampoo and conditioner. When she was done, she found a hairbrush in the top cabinet and brushed May’s wet hair into a neat ponytail with her scrunchie that she’d retrieved from Alison. “I thought that you may want that back.”

Jessica then took the soap on the side of the tub and washed May’s body all over with it. When May tried to wriggle away, Jessica said, “Relax, there’s nothing that you have that I’ve not seen before.”

Slowly, Jessica eventually washed all the dirt and sweat off May’s body.” When she was all finished, she noticed that there was a long end that she had left on the rope that bound May’s ankles and she tied it off to the cold water tap.

“I’m going to go and put your clothes in the wash and then work on my book for a while, so you can relax and soak for half an hour. However, I would advise you against moving too much as that rope around your ankles is now connected to the cold water tap and it will turn it on if you move too much. I’m sure that you wouldn’t want to sit in a cold bath.”


Jessica collected May’s clothes and left the bathroom.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Jessica is really devious. Seems like May is in for a uncomfortable night.
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Mean. Pure evil.

Loved it....
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

He he he. I’ve been tied up in the shower before and frequently had my feet scrubbed clean before but never been tied up in the bath tub. I’m going to have some awesome dreams about this :D
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Post by Headmistress »

Lol, well I've never been tied up in either.

When I wrote this, I went with what I thought would have been the more comfortable option.

I'm sure that Jessica would think so too.
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Post by Headmistress »

May struggled for a couple of minutes, but she soon stopped. The ropes were too tight to get out of and her wrists were crossed behind her, so she couldn’t reach any of the other ropes. Furthermore, the water had thoroughly soaked the ropes, so all the knots had become stiff and unyielding.

May decided to relax instead and laid back in the seat to soak. After about twenty minutes, May had started to relax slightly in the warm bath when the door swung open and Jessica entered the room with a Polaroid camera and a large red bucket. May couldn’t see what was in the bucket, but something in it was clinking and clanking slightly.

The first thing Jessica did was to use the Polaroid camera to take a few pictures of May. May tried to sink under the bubbles, so as little of her as possible would be exposed, but Jessica said, “Relax. These are for my eyes only and I will dispose of them after I finish writing my book, so you have nothing to worry about.

After Jessica had finished taking some pictures, she said, “Do you know what’s really good for sore muscles? Ice baths. My doctor swears by them.” She tilted the bucket to show May the contents, which was a massive pile of ice cubes.

There was nothing May could do as Jessica lifted the bucket and emptied it directly into the bathtub. She screamed into her gag as several cubes landed directly on her breasts while many more landed next to her and on the rest of her body. It was like getting a cold, sharp shock. She tried to shake some of them off, but Jessica wasn’t having any of that and quickly rearranged all of the cubes so that each one was resting on some part of May’s body. The warm water had also rapidly become chilly, so May was soon shivering.

Jessica said, “I’ll leave you to enjoy that while I finish up.” She took the camera and the bucket and left the room once again.

Ten minutes later when Jessica re-entered the room, May sat shivering in a pile of cold water. “All right. I think you’ve had enough.” Jessica untied May’s ankles and her legs, then untied the leash from the soap holder, but left it on. She got a firm grip on May’s shoulders and helped her up and out of the bath before pulling the plug and letting the water run out. As May stood shivering in front of Jessica, she realised that strangly enough, the ice bath had worked. Her muscles felt better and no longer ached.

Jessica pulled her gun out of the waistband of her pants and made sure that May got a look at it before she started untying the soaked rope around May’s arms and wrists. It took her some more time because the rope was wet, but she eventually got it all untied and May dropped her arms. As soon as her arms were free, May tried to reach for her gag, but Jessica took her arm and then reached for the gun again.

“That gag stays in for tonight, May. I’m sorry, but you asked for it by swearing.” The furious look that suddenly crossed May’s face made Jessica smile. “I’ll bet that you’ve got a lot more that you’d like to say to me right now, but I simply haven’t the time. And I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be gagged like that again, would you?”

Jessica took May’s leash in her hand and tugged on it while keeping her gun on May. May was forced to walk to the guest bedroom. The guest bedroom was a plain, but cosy room with a double bed, the same cream stripy wallpaper that was downstairs, two chests of drawers that sat on either side of the bed and a large wooden closet. Jessica went to the closet and said. “This is the only nightgown that my guest left behind, but it should fit. Put it on.”

The nightgown was a pale blue slip type of gown that had narrow shoulder straps. It was very pretty and well-made, but it was also semi-sheer. May took the gown and slipped it on. It fit perfectly, but it only came to about mid-thigh. She tried to pull it down, but Jessica grabbed her arm and guided her over to the bed. That was when May saw that the quilt of the bed had been pulled back and that while the fitted sheet was still on the bed, the top sheet had been untucked and was draped over the bed. She trembled when she saw a large roll of duct tape on top of the sheet.

Jessica pushed May down onto the bed in a sitting position and then sat behind her, put the gun down on the bed, took the roll of tape and said, “Put your arms behind your back palm-to-palm.”

May did so and trembled as Jessica wrapped the duct tape around her wrists several times, so that her wrists were secured together behind her back. After this, Jessica knelt down on the floor and wrapped her ankles with the duct tape and then lifted May’s ankles and placed them on the bed, so that May was lying on the bed.

She then went over to the chest of drawers on the left side of the bed and took out a dark brown rectangular leather case that was exactly the same colour as her gloves. To May’s shock, Jessica opened the case and withdrew a torniquet and a syringe that was filled with some sort of clear liquid. She gently pushed the plunger on the needle to remove the excess liquid before flicking it slightly with two fingers and came over to May. May began to panic and struggle, but with her wrists and ankles taped, there wasn’t much she could do.

Jessica sat down next to her and said, “Relax, May. Seth is my best friend and he is a doctor. Now, he is a good man, but he is rather absent-minded. You’d be surprised at how easy it is for me to take things out of his bag and to put them back later. This is just a mild sedative. Knowing you’re asleep will put my mind at peace and I’m sure it will make it easier for you to sleep while you are tied up.”

May tried to kick out at Jessica, but Jessica easily moved aside and rolled May over, so that her back was to her. May struggled, but there was nothing she could do as Jessica applied the torniquet to her arm and found a vein. The needle slid in and out quickly and Jessica said “All done. That wasn’t so bad, now, was it?”

She replaced the syringe and torniquet back into the leather case and then came over to May who was starting to feel dizzy.

Jessica picked up the two ends of the sheet that had been draped over the bed and folded one end and then the other over May and then tucked it around her feet, so that May was now wrapped in the sheet from her shoulders to her feet. Picking up the duct tape, Jessica expertly wound it in several circles above and below May’s breasts and around her waist, thighs, knees and ankles.

May tried to watch what Jessica was doing to her, but she was feeling dizzier and dizzier. Just as Jessica finished wrapping the sheet around May's ankles with the tape, May fell asleep.

When May was asleep, Jessica checked her pulse and was pleased to see that it was steady and normal. With her job done, she picked the tape up and draped the quilt over May and then put the pillow under her head before she quietly slipped out of the room.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

Another excellent episode [mention]Headmistress[/mention]

The ice bath near the end was a.cruel but fun joke. Like suddenly turning the shower on cold when you're all tied up in it.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Alisonlovesropes wrote: 3 years ago Another excellent episode @Headmistress

The ice bath near the end was a.cruel but fun joke. Like suddenly turning the shower on cold when you're all tied up in it.
Agreed :) I feel a little sorry for May :)
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Post by Headmistress »


May was happily asleep. Her body felt deliciously warm and her bed felt extremely comfortable. The only problem was that someone kept shaking her shoulder and trying to wake her up. It must be her mother waking her up.

That meant that everything that had happened with Jessica…that must have been a horrible nightmare. That was a relief.
May frowned. There was just one thing wrong. If it had all been a dream, then why did her mouth taste like stale soap and why did her mother’s voice suddenly sound exactly like Jessica Fletcher’s? Furthermore, why was she finding her bed to be strangely…restrictive?


This time the shake of her shoulder was much harder and May jerked awake. The first thing she become aware of was the horrible-tasting sponge ball in her mouth. Jessica’s face slowly came into view and that was when May realised. None of it had been a dream. It had all actually happened.
Jessica was standing over May with a concerned look on her face. Once again, she wore the dark brown leather gloves, but this time, she wore them with a white silk blouse that tied in a bow at the front and a tight-fitting dark brown leather skirt that came to her knees that once again perfectly matched the gloves. Sheer stockings and dark brown high heels finished off her look. She had obviously had a shower because her skin was still dewy and she looked fresh and glowy. Her makeup and red lipstick had been lightly applied to show off her delicate features. She looked lovely.


“Oh, good, you’re awake. You’ve been asleep for hours. I was starting to get worried about you.”

Jessica sat down on the bed next to May and said:

“Here’s the deal. I think you could probably do with a break, so I’m prepared to untie and ungag you and let you have a private shower by yourself to clean up. I’ve put some clothes in the bathroom for you. You’ll have half an hour to clean up, but after that the restraints and gag will go back on. There are no windows in the bathroom, I’m going to lock you in and I have my gun, so I’m going to ask you to behave yourself and we won’t have any problems. After you clean up, we can have breakfast and do another interview. I’ve washed and dried your uniform for you, so you can wear it home when you leave. Just so you know, I called your mother last night and told her that you were staying with friends for the weekend, so she wouldn’t worry. So, now, do we have a deal?”

May was desperate to get the awful gag out of her mouth, so she hastily nodded. Upon hearing that, Jessica produced a pair of scissors from her skirt pocket and cut through all of the tape bindings around the sheet, so that she could unwrap the sheet around May.

After May had been freed from the sheet, Jessica took the gun out of the waistband of her skirt before cutting through May’s wrist and ankle bindings, then turned her around and unwound the tape that held the gag in place. While Jessica was gentle, the tape pulled at May’s hair and she had to stop herself from wincing, but Jessica eventually got the tape off and May spat out the large sponge ball, which was now a sodden mess.

Jessica took May’s arm and stood her up. May was grateful for the prospect of a break and a shower, so she didn’t struggle as Jessica led her down the hall and to the bathroom door where she gestured for her to go in.

As soon as May was inside, Jessica closed the door and May heard the key being turned in the lock. She found soap, a toothbrush, toothpaste and body gel in the shower and spent the next half-an-hour thoroughly scrubbing her body and cleaning her teeth. The hot water felt soothing and lovely on her aching muscles.

At the end, May almost didn’t want to get out, but she thought that she’d better heed Jessica’s warning and got out in good time, wrapping herself in a towel as she did so. She found a pair of black bikini underwear, a black lace bra, a pair of white sneakers, white slouch socks, a white T-shirt, a pink sweatshirt and jeans had been folded up and placed onto the side of the basin. May dropped the towel and dressed in the new clothes. Everything was a slight bit too big, but all of it still fitted enough to be comfortable.

Just as May tied the laces on her sneakers, there was a knock at the door. She opened the door to see Jessica standing there. To her surprise, Jessica carried a thick brown leather belt that was several inches wide, her gun and a loop of rope. It looked almost exactly like the leather belt that Miss Trunchbull had worn in the movie “Matilda”.

As always, Jessica held her gun up. “May, I want you to turn around, face the wall and place both palms on the wall up and in front of you. May did as Jessica said and placed both palms flat on the wall. Jessica then moved behind May and put the leather belt around May’s slim waist. To May’s surprise, she noticed that the back of the belt had a metal loop around it and Jessica seemed to be doing it up the wrong way because the buckle of the belt was at the back of her waist rather than the front and Jessica was fastening it up that way.

“Aren’t you doing that up the wrong way around?”

“No, it’s exactly right.”

After Jessica had done the belt up, she put her hands on May’s shoulders and turned her around. “Do you see that metal loop down there at your waist? Put your hands next to that, so that your wrists are both touching it.” May did as she was told and Jessica took the loop of rope, doubled it, and passed the folded end through the belt where she fastened it to the belt with a slip knot. She then crossed May’s wrists in front of her and tied her wrists into a crossed position with several cinches, loops and knots. The end of the rope was then tied off to the loop at the belt. May’s wrists were now pinned in front of her and the way her wrists had been tied meant that neither hand could reach the knots around the loop.

Jessica took May’s shoulder and walked her downstairs to the kitchen.

A delicious looking breakfast of toast, scrambled eggs, bacon and orange juice had already been placed onto two plates with cutlery on them at the breakfast bar that sat next to each other.

Jessica settled May down onto one stool. Another loop of rope had also been laid on the breakfast bar and Jessica tied May’s ankles together with it before taking her own seat. “I thought that this way you could eat on your own. You’ve got a big day ahead of you, so this is my one concession.”
While eating with her hands tied in front of her wasn’t the easiest chore, May found that the utensils helped as she could reach a lot of it with them, so she was able to eat all of her breakfast without too many problems.

After they were both finished, Jessica got up and took the dishes to the sink where she washed them and put them away in the drying rack. After that, she left the room and returned with her notebook and pen.

Sitting down again, but this time across from May, she opened her notebook and said, “Let’s start again. Now, when I put that soapy ball in your mouth last night, how did it feel?” “What do you think? It was fucking humiliating and awful,” May snapped. Jessica said, “Tone that language down, May. I won’t ask again.”

Jessica wrote down a few notes in her book before she said, “Tell me about Alison. When I left with Alison, what did you imagine might have happened to her? As you know, I told you nothing about what I intended to do or what I did. What do you imagine happened to her?” “I don’t know because you didn’t tell me,” May snapped while looking down at her tied wrists.

Jessica’s tone changed significantly. “All right. I think you need some motivation to finish this interview.” She came over to May and untied the end of the rope that held May’s wrists to the belt. Jessica had left this end quite long and she had used a large loop of rope, so she now had a fair bit of rope. She grabbed May by the arm and forced her to hop over a few feet to the middle of the kitchen. “Look up there.”

May looked and saw a metal hook set into the ceiling. There used to be a chandelier there, but it wasn't to my taste, so I had it taken down. I think it will turn out to be perfect for you."

Without warning, Jessica suddenly threw the end of the rope up into the air, so it arched over the hook and then pulled it tight. May’s wrists were yanked up over her head and Jessica kept pulling on the rope until May was standing on the top half of her feet and then bought the end of the rope back down and tied it around the belt at the back of May’s waist where the buckle was.

“For refusing to answer those two questions, you will stay like that for five minutes for each question. That makes ten minutes.”

Jessica returned to the breakfast bar and sat down while May was forced to stand with her arms over her head. After ten minutes was up, May’s wrists were starting to ache and Jessica said, “Well, are you ready to answer questions now?”

Despite May’s aching wrists, she shook her head. “Very well, then. We’ll play this your way.” Jessica returned to May and untied the rope around the belt buckle, but then tightened it by another couple of inches, so that May now stood on tiptoe. “Five more minutes.”

After five more minutes, May’s wrists and arms were really hurting and Jessica said, “Are we ready, now?”

With gritted teeth, May shook her head, even though it took nearly all of her willpower to do so.

“Oh, dear, well, things are about to get harder.”

Jessica went to her kitchen cupboard and took out a silk scarf and tied several knots in the middle before coming back to May. May tried to twist away, but Jessica had no problem forcing the knotted ball into her mouth and tying the two ends of the scarf together behind May’s head.

“Wait until you see what’s coming next.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Superb Cliffhanger :) Nicely written again!
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Post by antoinedt »

Enjoying the story a lot! Can't wait to see how things develop :)
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Post by Headmistress »

May had no idea what was coming, but she shook with dread as Jessica went to one of the kitchen cupboards and opened it.

“You know, May, one of the reasons I’m a good writer is because I do all the necessary research. I know a lot about the fine citizens of Cabot Cove and all of their little quirks. And weaknesses. You have one particular weakness, May. I don’t quite understand it myself, but it works for me.”

Jessica then withdrew something from the cupboard and showed it to May. May screamed into her gag when she saw it.

It was a feather duster with long pink feathers attached to the end.

“You really hate being tickled, May. You don’t just dislike it, you hate it. We’ll see how you feel after ten minutes of it.”

“Nomph! Nomph!”

“Yes.” The reason May was screaming into her gag was because she was the kind of girl who turned into a squirming mess whenever she was tickled. Her friends had tried to do it to her once, as a joke, and it had actually made her cry, so they had stopped doing it after that incident.

But there was nothing she could do to stop Jessica coming over to her with the duster and pulling up her sweatshirt to expose her armpits. Jessica then began stroking them up and down with the duster. May tried not to react, but after a few seconds, she was screaming into her gag and thrashing against the ropes. Unfortunately, with her arms tied the way they were, her armpits were completely exposed and the feathers felt awful and tickly. It felt like all of her nerves were on edge.

Jessica showed no mercy and kept going. When May tried to squirm away, she just ended up swinging a few inches away, which put more strain on her wrists and toes. After a while, Jessica decided to alternate a bit and stroked the duster over her breasts and stomach as well. After ten minutes has passed, she was pleased to see tears and sweat streaming down May’s face

May’s wrists were also aching from all the squirming she had done and Jessica said, “Well, May? Are we ready to be interviewed now, or are we going to try for another ten minutes?”

May hastily nodded her head. “You’ll finish the interview without any further discipline problems?” May nodded again.

“Very well. I’ll untie you now.” Jessica pulled May's sweatshirt back down, untied May’s wrists and carefully manipulated the rope to lower her back into a regular standing position. However, May noticed that she kept a firm hold of the rope and as soon as May had her tied wrists back in front of her, Jessica retied the rope to the loop on the belt. This time she was much rougher and tied it up much more tightly than she had before. When Jessica was satisfied that May’s wrists were properly tied, she led her back to the table and sat her down before undoing the scarf gag.

She took her old seat at the table and said, “Now, we can start by you answering the previous two questions.”
It took May a while to calm down, but she managed to answer the questions and then she was taken through the rest of Jessica’s questions. The rest of the interview passed without incident.

After they were done, Jessica said, “All good. However, I have some bad news and good news for you, May. I’ll give you the bad news first. Seth is coming here shortly to pick up his car and then he and I are going antiquing, so we will be gone all day. I don’t want you making any mischief, so you will be tied up and gagged for the rest of the day. Don’t worry, we’ll do a toilet trip first. The good news is that I’m prepared to play another wager with you. I am going to tie you up and gag you, obviously, but the wager is that if you can get downstairs before I get home, then you can go home at midnight tonight. You do not have to be completely free. If you can manage to be waiting for me in the lounge room armchair by the time I get home, then I will release you, even if you are still tied up and gagged. The catch is that I’m going to lock you in the room that I tie you up in and the key will be hidden somewhere in the room. Your task is to find it and to make it downstairs before I get home. I’d say that’s somewhat fair, given the way that I plan to tie you up.”

“What if I don’t make it downstairs?” “Then it’s one more day here with me. I’d advise you to try very hard if you don’t want to stay here. Now, we’ll get you off to the toilet.”

Jessica took May by the arm, bought her gun out again and led her off to the bathroom before ushering her in. While it was slightly difficult for May to use the toilet and to wash her hands with her hands tied in front of her, she was able to manage.

After she came out, Jessica took her arm again and led her down the hall to a different bedroom. This one was obviously lived in with books on the shelves, notes and notebooks scattered on a desk, a wardrobe filled with clothes and an unmade bed.

“As you probably know, this is my room, May.” That was when May noticed a large pile of rope on Jessica’s bed. Jessica smiled when she saw the panicked look on May’s face. “No, I’m not going to tie you to the bed. I think that would be a bit too hard.” Jessica walked over to the wardrobe and opened it. After a moment, she wheeled out a metal wardrobe rack that was shaped like a long upside-down U and consisted of just the pole and four little wheels. “This is a two-piece rack that I assembled myself. Now, if you please, I’m going to untie your hands, but when I do, I want you to cross your wrists behind your back around one of those poles. It doesn't matter which one.”

Jessica untied May’s wrists and removed her belt. May crossed her wrists behind her back of the left pole, so she was now standing with her back up against the pole. Jessica retied them together behind her back and then tied the remaining rope off to the rack, so May’s wrists were fastened to the pole. Jessica then used the rest of the rope on the bed to tie May’s ankles, knees and thighs together and to the metal pole. More rope was then wound under May's armpits, but went above and below May’s breasts and tied off to the pole, so that her chest was tied to the pole, but not her arms. When Jessica was finished, she said, “Hmm. How should I gag you?”

“You don’t have to. I’ll be quiet.” “Sorry, but I don’t quite believe that, May.”

Jessica thought for a few more moments before she went to the wardrobe and retrieved two silk scarves. She balled one up in her hand and came over to May. “Jessica, wait.” “What?” “How am I supposed to unlock the door and get downstairs if I’m tied to this?” “I’ve actually just given you a hint. But you have a point. I think that Alison would have been better at this game than you. But we’ll see how you do.”

That was when Jessica stuffed the balled-up scarf into May’s mouth and tied the other one in between her lips to create a very tight cleave gag. When she was done, May’s cheeks bulged, but Jessica didn’t stop there. She tied the ends of the scarf to the pole as well with two loose knots, so May had even more limited movement.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. “Ah! That’s Seth, I’ll leave you to it.” Jessica took a handbag out of the wardrobe, readjusted her gloves and left the room. A minute later, May heard the front door open and close and realized that she would now be alone for the day.

Jessica met Seth outside and handed him his car keys from her purse. “Hey, Jess. How have you been? You look as if you’ve been busy.” “Good, good. Yes, I have been. I’ve got a guest this weekend and I decided to allow them to stay over. They’ll entertain themselves while I’m out today.”

Seth smiled. “You know what I like the best about you, jess? You’ve always been so hospitable to people in need.” Jessica smiled. “You know me, Seth. I’m always happy to help people out when I can.”
Last edited by Headmistress 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

Great continuation. If only Alison (me) could be tied to that pole opposite May.
Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Alisonlovesropes wrote: 3 years ago Great continuation. If only Alison (me) could be tied to that pole opposite May.
Great indeed! Any ideas how May could make it downstairs without breaking her neck? I´m at a loss here ....
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Post by Newrider »

Excellent story. Well written, great details & descriptions. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
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Post by Headmistress »

May spent the next hour struggling and pulling at the ropes around her to no avail. Finally, she had to stop and think. Was what she was doing really necessary?

While Jessica was smug and superior, she wasn’t irresponsible or stupid. While there was a very slim chance that May could make it downstairs while still tied to the rack, the idea simply wasn’t feasible.

While the rack was lightweight, hollow and could easily be moved, there was no way that May could navigate a staircase while tied to it. Even if she could make it out of the room, trying to go downstairs while tied to it would be impossible and she wasn’t willing to try it either. Even being tied up and gagged for the rest of the weekend would be better than trying something so foolish.

Furthermore, Jessica wasn’t a liar. While May hated her, in her mind, she had to admit that Jessica had been entirely honest about everything she’d done. She’d come back at 8pm as she had said she would, she had told May that she was going out before she had left, she had told the truth about the sedative, she had explained why she was undertaking the kidnapping scenario and she’d answered May’s question about heartbreak honestly. She had also stopped tickling May when she had said that she would.

Furthermore, she could have tied May much more strictly to the rack, but she’d left her arms free. It was just her wrists, chest and legs that were tied to it. While May’s gag was tight in her mouth, Jessica had only tied the very ends of the scarf to the rack, so while May’s movement was limited, she could look around quite easily.

Therefore, what Jessica had said about giving her a hint must also be true.

What was it that she had said?

“This is a two-piece rack that I assembled myself.”

That was when May really understood. Jessica was great at solving mysteries, but she was terrible at repairs and maintenance. Seth did them for her when he could and the rest of the time, she called in a professional. Therefore, if she had assembled it herself, then it must be easy to assemble. And to disassemble.

That was when May realized. Jessica had left her arms partially free because that must be whereabouts to disassemble the rack. May turned her head as far as she could and started looking up and down the smooth metal of the rack. That was when she saw it. Near her upper chest where the rope bound her upper and lower chest to the rack, there were two small holes with two metal buttons directly opposite each other. There were two identical buttons on the opposite pole as well.

The ropes around May’s wrists had been knotted off and then tied to the rack with several circles going around the rack. By moving her elbows outwards and wriggling her wrists, May managed to slowly slide the rope up the smooth part of the rack. When she got to what she thought might be the correct part, she manipulated her wrists behind her until one of her hands had a good grip on both buttons. She took them between her fingers and pushed them both at the same time, while giving a slight jerk upwards.

To her surprise, the top half of the rack came away almost straight away and moved upwards a few inches before pulling away from the bottom part. May’s wrists were now directly above the empty space and she pulled them downwards, attempting to move her chest as well. The pole slid upwards and away and suddenly her hands and chest were free from the pole. May hastily slid downwards, arching her body as she did so and her gag came loose from the rack as well.

While May’s hands were still tied behind her back, her chest was still roped and the gag was still tight, her whole upper body was now free. The problem now was her lower body. That was when May noticed the bed. By jerking her upper body and moving slowly, she was able to inch the rack up, so that it now sat directly next to the bed and the bed was facing her left side. May then carefully swung her whole body in a straight line to the left and she and the bottom half of the rack landed on the bed. The top part that she had just freed herself from was still attached on the other side, so she decided to get rid of it as it would be much easier to work with the rack without the top half getting in the way.

She bought her tied wrists backwards and reached as far as she could, arching her upper body until her fingers found the other two buttons and she pressed them. The whole top part of the rack came off with a few rattles and landed on the bed where May pushed it away.

When May examined her lower body, she discovered that Jessica had tied the ropes in the same way as her wrists – she’d tied her legs first and then simply looped the rope around the rack before tying it off. May decided to try and escape in one go. She started wriggling her upper body back and forth in upward motions, which was not easy because she was lying in an unmade bed and the sheets and blankets were in the way, but gradually the ropes started sliding upwards. First her thighs, then her knees, then her ankles came free of the bottom half of the rack and when they did, May kicked the rack away.
While May thought she could still make it downstairs in time, the second problem was finding the key. Her first thought was that Jessica wouldn’t have put the key somewhere high up, so she decided to search all the low, reachable surfaces first.

The problem was that May was still quite well tied, so she had to search with her hands tied behind her and her legs tied together, which was frustrating. First, she sat on the bed, pushed the two pieces of the rack to the floor and pulled off the sheets and blankets and pillows. A search turned up nothing in the bed, so she laid on the floor next and wriggled her way under the bed to look there. Nothing there either.

May ended up using the bed to manipulate herself into a standing position and hopped over to the wardrobe, chest of drawers and bookshelves to look through them. It was annoying being tied up because it slowed her down and it was also difficult to look through drawers and shelves. Several hours passed before May had managed to search all of them and she noticed that the sky was starting to darken.

May wondered if she should focus on finding something that she could cut the ropes with, but she hadn’t found anything useful anywhere and she suspected that Jessica had probably removed anything that she might be able to use, just to make it harder. It was the sort of thing that she would do.

May was about to give up in despair when she looked at the two halves of the rack on the floor and she suddenly remembered how the top part had rattled when she had taken it off. Why would a hollow rack be rattling? The answer was that it wouldn't. But it would if there was something in it. With her heart leaping into her chest, May hopped back over to the bed, laid down on the floor and picked up the top part of the rack, which immediately rattled again. May had to give it several hard shakes before she succeeded, but her hard work was rewarded and a small golden key popped out.

May took the key in her hand, hopped over to the door and managed to get the key in the lock. After turning it, she opened the door and hopped out and made it over to the stairs. When she got to the top step, she sat down on it, put her feet on the second step and then carefully lowered herself to sit on the second step. Using this technique, she was able to get down the rest of the stairs before standing up again and hopping along to the lounge room where she found the armchair and sat in it.

By this time, the sky was dark and May was completely exhausted. So exhausted that she decided to have a little rest now that she’d accomplished her task. She fell into a deep sleep.

She was woken by Jessica shaking her shoulder.

“Well done, Miss Browning. I have to admire your determination. You’ve really helped me out here. I’ve been thinking of ways my kidnapping victim could escape for my book and you’ve just helped me test one of those theories.”


“I take it you want to know if I will keep my side of the deal? The answer is yes. I think I’ve got just about all I need, anyway. But I said that I would not let you go until midnight and I intend to keep that promise. While it is dark, it is not midnight yet, so you will be tied up and gagged for a bit longer. In the meantime, I shall go and make dinner.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

So May made it afer all :) Very good!
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Post by Newrider »

So how will this end? You know Jessica has something up her sleeve. Also if she lets May go at midnight how is she going to get home (the same way as Allison)? Can’t wait to see what letting May go at midnight really means.
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Post by Caesar73 »

All valid questions :) But you are right: What will Jessicas Endgame be? If it is her endgame at all 😀
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Post by Headmistress »

Jessica paused. “However, before I go and do that, I think that we should have some fun first. Now, last night, after I put you to bed, I took the liberty of writing a list. What I propose is that we now play two games of memory with a deck of cards. You will have to tell me which cards that you want and I will choose them for you. If you win the first game, for instance, you get to choose how you’re tied up for dinner and if you win the second, you get to choose how you’re tied up for bed. If I win, the same applies for me. If it’s a draw, then you pick one and I pick the other. The catch is that you must choose from the list I’ve written.”

Jessica got up and left the room, returning with a spiral notebook. “Here’s the list. There are a few things that won’t be familiar to you, so I added some illustrations. They’re not the best, but I think you’ll get the idea.”

She turned the notebook around and opened it to show May the list. May’s eyes widened in horror when she saw some of the things written on it. Jessica said, “Ah, I take it that you understand, then.” She leaned over and untied May’s gag, so May could spit out the scarf. “Do we have a deal?” “I don’t really get a choice, do I?” “No, you don’t.”

Jessica took May’s arm and helped her to move from the lounge room armchair into the kitchen where May was sat down on a stool once again. A pack of cards with a cartoon motif on the back was already lying on the table. Jessica said, “Sorry about the cards, but they were the only ones that I had that were appropriate for Memory.”

Jessica shuffled the cards and then dealt them out into a perfect square. “Tell me which one you want.” “The second card from the left in the second row.” Jessica selected it and turned it over to reveal Mrs. Bun, the baker’s wife. “Um…the eighth card from the left in the third row. Jessica turned the card over to reveal Mrs. Butter, the baker’s daughter. “Not a match, but you were close.”

The card game proceeded in a similar fashion. May was able to remember a few cards and managed to get more than a few pairs, but Jessica herself had an excellent memory. Unfortunately, for May, Jessica managed to win the first game by a wide margin and then the second by getting a pair of Mrs. Buns just in time that put her forward by just one pair.

Jessica said, “Well, it’s really not your weekend, May, but you did win the challenge today, so the day has not been entirely negative. But, I’m going to make the most of winning.” Jessica had bought her list with her to the kitchen and she picked the notebook up and re-read the whole list before nodding.
Jessica then came over to May and untied the ropes around her breasts, but as soon as it was off, she used the same piece of rope to tie May’s elbows together, so that they touched. When that had been completed, she untied May’s wrists, but then looped that rope around May’s slim waist and then bought her wrists around to the front, so that May’s left wrist was rouching the left side of her tummy and the right wrist was touching the right side of her tummy. The rope was looped around May’s left wrist and then secured to her tummy, and the same thing was done to her right wrist, so that while May’s elbows were tied behind her back, her wrists were tied partially in front, but with them set apart, she had very little movement. “There. That should work. I thought it’d be better than you having your wrists tied behind your back.”

Jessica then turned her attention to May’s legs, untied them and then used the rope to bend May’s left leg, so her knee was bent and tied her leg to the leg of the stool and then did the same to her right leg, so that her legs were both bent and off the floor, but supported by the rope, so they rested on the struts of the stool. May realised that this meant that she had no way of moving the stool.

Jessica exhaled. “That should hold you. Be good and we can have a nice dinner and another interview before I get you off to bed.” “I thought you were letting me go.” “I am, but I’m going to tell you more at bedtime.”

Jessica went over to the kitchen counter and began cooking dinner while May watched in silence. After a while, Jessica said, “Not got anything to say? That’s unusual for you.” May remained silent. “Oh, well, I think it would have been best to save it for the interview anyway.”

Jessica went back to cooking and after about half-an-hour, she had produced some popcorn chicken and crispy, golden French fries. She bought May’s plate over with her own, took a seat next to her and proceeded to feed her dinner just as she had before because of May’s limited movement before giving her a glass of orange juice.

When both of them had finished dinner, Jessica fetched her pen and notebook and said, “Now, let’s start.”

May was busy worrying about what Jessica had said about bedtime, so she answered all the questions in a subdued tone and didn’t object, even when Jessica’s nosiness and air of superiority returned.

After the interview had finished, Jessica untied May’s legs from the stool and led her upstairs to the bathroom. “Here, you should be able to use the toilet tied as you are.” She opened the door and pushed May inside. It took a bit of time, but May was able to use the toilet and wash her hands, but she had to do each one individually.

When she came back, Jessica took her back into the guest bedroom where the sheets and blankets had been pulled back to expose the mattress. “Sit on the bed.” May sat down and Jessica said, “Now, I promised to pay you a fee, so here you are.” May saw that her black backpack was now on the floor of the bedroom. Jessica went over to a drawer, took out a large wad of bills, went to May’s bag and withdrew her wallet. “Is this your wallet?” May nodded. “OK, I’ll put the money in here, so you don’t end up losing it.” Jessica undid the zipper compartment on May’s wallet and slipped the wad of notes in and then rezipped it before returning it to the backpack. “There you go. I certainly have to say that you earned it.”

Jessica sat down next to May on the bed and took her gun out of the waistband of her skirt. “Lie down.” May laid down on the bed and Jessica untied her wrists. “Now, lie on your back on the bed and remove your clothing. All of it.” May did as she was told, but trembled as Jessica ran her gaze over May’s body. “Nice.” Here’s your bra and underwear back. Jessica withdrew May’s washed bra and underwear out of her skirt pocket and May hastily put them on.

“Now, lie on your back on the bed and spread your arms and legs out.” That was when May saw that the guest bed had four short, square little posts at all four corners and a rope had been tied to all four of them. She did as Jessica said, but flinched when Jessica tied her wrists and ankles to the four posts of the bed, so that she was now completely spread out.

After that, Jessica said, “Now, what I have to say will not please you, so I’m afraid that I’m going to have to gag you again.” She went over to the drawer and returned with a black panel gag that had a red ball on the inside of it. There was nothing May could do to stop Jessica stuffing the ball into her mouth and buckling the panel gag tightly at the front.

Jessica said, “Since we’re at the end of our journey now, I’m going to thank you for all your work. I almost wish you could stay longer, but fair is fair. However, May, I know that there’s still a risk of you going public with this and I do need time to get rid of all my kidnapping resources and supplies, so I am now going to do to you what I did to Alison. I’m going to give you a drug that is very much like a sedative that is amnesia-inducing. With this particular drug, the more you use, the more time you lose, so your dose won’t be too large. It’ll be about the same as the one that I gave Alison. You will wake up tomorrow with no memory of what has happened. I think it’s best that way for both of us.” May began to struggle and squirm upon hearing this as her intention had been to go completely public with the information.

Jessica remained completely calm. “Yes, I anticipated this kind of reaction, so it’s probably good that I restrained you like this.” She got up, left the room and came back with the same leather case that she had had the night before. However, this time, she withdrew a new torniquet, vial of green liquid and an empty needle. May continued to struggle as Jessica carefully injected the needle into the vial, squeezed it to remove the excess liquid and carefully flicked it before applying the torniquet to May’s arm. May continued to struggle as Jessica carefully injected the liquid into her arm. To her surprise, it didn’t hurt.
After it was all over, May looked into Jessica’s eyes and, to her surprise, she saw both superiority and compassion there. She wasn’t sure which one was worse. Perhaps both. Still, she continued to struggle. Jessica started talking to her. She was saying something about calming down, but the sound was fading away and her voice sounded like she was moving further and further away.

May fell into a deep sleep. Jessica sighed when it was all over. She remained sitting on the bed for a few minutes, looking at May. When she was satisfied that May was asleep, she covered May with the sheets and blankets, then got up and left the room.

She had a lot of work to do before the next morning.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So, May seems to have made it .... and really she not too much to complain about :) Memory loss is bad ....but I wonder if there is more to it. Might be the drug not working properly? Will May not wonder about the money in her wallet? What will happen, if she meets Jessica again? Sooo many questions :) I like this story very much!
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