Aunt Chrissy and Dr. Dracula's lair (mmm/F) - Part 1-3 (complete)

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Aunt Chrissy and Dr. Dracula's lair (mmm/F) - Part 1-3 (complete)

Post by quietman »

Hi all. Thanks for all your responses to my stories, and all the positive feedback on the fictional stories/fantasies based on tying up a favorite aunt! We have a new one here that will be a little bit different. IanC1980, who is a talented and prolific author, enjoyed my aunt character as a damsel and encouraged me in my first few stories. I am now glad to announce we have a collaboration! Basically we both contributed to this, if you're familiar with his stories, you'll definitely enjoy this one!

Will post in parts

Part 1
Justin, Nate and James were all set to meet to figure out their project. It was October and they were in a little bit of trouble. The three of them were all decent students all-around, but they were having a lot of problems with their AV tech class. Nate was really the only one who had any business being in the class, he was interested in computers and video technology and played a lot of video games. Justin then joined in because he thought he could get an easy A off of Nate. He then pulled James, one of his good friends, into the class, solely for social reasons.
James’ parents had been shocked he signed up for the class. “You’re terrible with computers and tech, you don’t even like video games. You should find a class that goes outdoors. Are you just doing this to hang out with your friends?” Of course James denied it and assured them it wouldn’t hurt his grades, but that turned out to be a false promise.

On this particular day, they were to all meet at Justin’s house to go over their plans for the biggest grade of the semester, which was a group project. They could choose anything, but most people did films. Their teacher, Mrs. Beck, wasn’t too fond of the idea of the three boys working together, but she relented, telling them she expected “hard work, action and creativity.” Justin and Nate were in the living room trying to come up with ideas. Justin’s mom had briefly run to the store, and the boys were waiting for James, who called and said his mom had to work so he’d have to find another ride.
“Any ideas Nate?
“Well... here’s something I've been thinking of: We’ll do like a film version of a video game. It could be anything, Zelda, Super Mario…”
“Haha, I think Mrs. Beck knows more about video games than James does. I don’t think that’ll work.”
“Well, we could do like an EA sports type thing.”
“Sorry Nate, it’s lame. Don’t worry, it’s okay, we’ll figure it out. He’ll be here soon.”

Justin flipped on the tv. They couldn’t find much, so he flipped channels. There were a few channels that showed old reruns. One channel had an old black and white film on. It looked like maybe Jeckyl and Hyde or some kind of mad doctor. They were tracking the movements of an unsuspecting young woman they intended to abduct. They watched for a minute and kept flipping. A couple channels up was a rerun of the 1970s Wonder Woman show. Justin began flipping just between the two.
“Hmm, I think we have an idea Nate.” He continued to go back and forth until Nate smiled.
“Ahhh. That’s a great idea… and Mrs. Beck will love that, wonder woman is one of her favorite shows! She loves all those from the 60s and 70s. She likes old horror flicks too!”
“The three of us can be the villains, we just need a damsel.”

A few minutes later, Justin’s sister Danielle walked by, who was two years older. She got along with him well, so he was hopeful.
“Hey, Danielle, could you do us a huge favor?”
“Well I guess it depends on what it is?”
“Well we’re making a movie for class, and we need someone to play the gir-“
“Haha no way. Sorry, but I’m not gonna be in your lame movie. That’d be social suicide for me. You shouldn’t even be in this class, mom tried to tell you!” She walked away.

Justin thought about asking his mom, but Nate told him no offense but his mom probably shouldn’t be their first choice. Nate then asked, “What about James’ mom?” Justin almost blurted out a laugh, “Ha, if you think my mom isn’t cut out… She has bad knees, wears old glasses… and she would never do anything like that. And besides, even if somehow we did get her to do it, I think James and his brother… and maybe his dad would beat us silly if they saw the movie.” Nate smiled a little, “why, it’s just a little damsel-in-distress scene.”
“Yes, but it has to have ‘action and creativity… if we can find the right damsel, there will be lots of creativity, haha.”

Just then the two of them looked out the window at the sound of a car pulling up. James emerged and was followed by his Aunt Chrissy, who had driven him in lieu of his mother. The two boys perked up as they peered out the window. “Who is that?” Nate asked excitedly. “That’s Jim’s aunt Chrissy. I’ve met her before!” Then he slowly smiled and looked at Nate, “Ah yes of course!... Nathaniel, I think we found our Wonder Woman.” The attractive, dark-haired, and shapely Aunt Chrissy walked around to her now opened trunk to grab a winter hat and scarf she had there, since it was a little chilly, for the ride home.

“If we can get her, it would be perfect for the film, and it will be plenty of fun for us!” Justin was already scheming. Nate raised his eyebrows, “Oh man, that’s his aunt! Yeah, we have to get her! I think I’m starting to understand more the ‘action and creativity’ bit. This could be quite fun for us Dr. Dracula!”
“Oh don’t worry dear Nathaniel, we will no doubt be getting her. Oh Aunt Chrissy, if only you knew your fate! It is only a matter of time until you’ll be in our clutches!.” The two boys laughed at their fiendish plan.

James entered the house, and after a little bit of chit chat, the two other boys started to fill him in on the basic premise of the movie. They could tell he really liked the idea so far, but of course didn’t want to get in any trouble with parents or teachers. Justin played it off easily, "Hmmm, we just need a nice adult damsel for our film. I already asked my mom, she said no." Nate conveniently followed that with "my mom would do it, but she's having knee surgery in the next week.” There was a brief silence, and then Justin, in a calculated statement said, “James... no offense, but I don't think your mom could do the role. Maybe if we did a film about a Sunday school teacher or something hah...” James, not liking the idea of using any of their mothers, particularly his own, said, “Yeah like I’d even let her near a movie made by you yahoos… I’m sure there’s someone who would agree to it who isn’t one of our moms.”

Justin smiled “Well, what about your Aunt Chrissy? She would be... perfect! Is she available? You remember I’ve met her before. I’m sure she’d want to help me, not to mention her dashing young nephew.” James paused and thought about it a little. He liked the idea of her being in their film as a nice damsel, the only thing he worried about was that his aunt might be upset with him for committing her to the role. Justin interrupted his thoughts, “she really looks the part James.” James smiled back at him a little bit, “you know I have other female family or friends, and so do you two” a little tong-in-cheek. “Yes, but none of them are as hot as Aunt Chrissy!” James shook his head but smiled sheepishly, looking down. “See, you admit it yourself!” Justin was pushing hard for it. Nate reassured him, “I think it’ll work out really well James. I’m sure she won’t mind, you said she used to play cowboys and Indians with you.” James thought about it. “You’re probably right. She’s a really cool aunt and wouldn’t be weird about it with our parents or anything… and I’d feel way better having her than one of our moms…” James really wanted it to happen, feeling it would perhaps be his biggest contribution and of course having no issue with using his pretty aunt as a damsel.

“Alright guys, I’m in, let’s just hope she says yes!”
A few hours later, after starting to plan the script, they decided they would try to call Aunt Chrissy to get her charted in for her role.
“Make sure you put her on speaker James,” Justin pleaded. “She might need some convincing.” James quipped back, “well then she better not talk to you! Don’t worry boys, I know how to turn the charm on.” As the phone rang, his confident veneer wore off and he became nervous.

“Aunt Chrissy? Hi it’s Jimmy, thanks again for driving me today… uh, I-if you don’t mind, would you be able to maybe, uh, help me and my friends with this film project?” The other two anxiously awaited a response, and were watching James’ facial expression.
“Okay, well all we need you to do is play Diana Prince slash Wonder Woman for a few minutes. I promise it won’t be too long.” Then he looked a little nervous. “Well, it’s just a film for our class… I guess we chose you just because we think you’d make a good Wonder Woman. In a good way auntie, everybody always says you’re so pretty.” His two friends stood close trying to hear through the phone and muttered some things to James. “uhm, auntie, my friend Justin says that we asked our teacher Mrs. Beck, and she wants everything to be authentic as possible. He says he doesn’t know of anybody who could play Wonder Woman as well as you. The only one I can think of is Lynda Carter!”

They tried to hear through the phone, and it sounded good, as if she was flattered, but then James’ face changed one more time. “Do they know about it? Oh uhm, well yeah, they know I’m taking the class, I haven’t really told them about this movie yet. Why don’t we keep it between you and me for now? And also between you and me, we’re struggling a little with this class grade, so your participation means a lot.”
“Awesome, thank you so much! We’ll repay you for your efforts, I’ll make you something in shop class, shovel your walk, wash your car, whatever you want!”

As he hung up, “she’s in boys! This will be great! An old-time flick for Halloween!” Justin then held his hand up and started wiggling his fingers one-at-a-time as if in character, “You were correct about one thing my friend, we will most surely repay her for her efforts! We must prepare our castle so she can be properly welcomed! HA-ha-ha-ha.”

The boys had their plan in action. All they needed was their unsuspecting damsel to "play the part"
Last edited by quietman 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by quietman »

AuntMary wrote: 3 years ago Ooh
Can't wait to see her as Wonder Woman
Great! It was IanC's idea! Stay tuned for part 2
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Post by Caesar73 »

Fantastic first part! Great Idea :)
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Post by Dpsiic »

This shaping up to be a great story, can't wait for the next instalment
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Post by dogrednuht123 »

can't wait for the next installment. you both write great stories so I'm glad to hear about the colab.
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Post by Ianc1980 »

Thanks for everyone’s comments! I’m glad people seem to enjoy the story so far, you won’t be disappointed with the next parts! I had a lot of fun writing this story with quietman, he is a great writer and enjoys the same themes and storylines as me!
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Post by quietman »

Part 2

Before they knew it, it was time to film. They were all so excited. Not only did they have a great “Halloween special” for Mrs. Beck, but they were about to have a little fun with a mature damsel. The script had called for a few simple scenes, the rest would be narrated or illustrated. A mysterious “doctor” from the former Austro-Hungarian Empire (played by Justin) had stolen top secret medical research from a group of American doctors and academics. He would then infect everybody’s blood and take over the world as a “mad scientist-dictator.” It was to be – officially – a superhero action movie where Wonder Woman would track down the scientist to Eastern Europe, recover the medical research, and return them safely. The doctor’s henchmen would be knocked out, and the movie would end with the local constable knocking on the door with a warrant at the injured doctor’s castle.

The movie was to start with a foggy camera shot of an old European castle, and then large placards with subtitles explaining the premise of the film in an old-fashioned writing font, like from the era of silent films. James had recommended this, “Have you guys heard of Fritz Lang? He made horror movies in the 1910s and 20s, with these very dystopian looking sets. It will give it an old-school horror feel!” James was proud of himself for coming up with the idea, and Nate, being the camera expert, was able to do this with great effect. This was the official script that James had told Aunt Chrissy would be used. He was in truth a little unsure of himself, since the three of them had frequently discussed an “alternative ending” of the horror genre with “realistic improv” meant to meet Mrs. Beck’s demands. He thought to himself, “eh, she’s always been good to me, she’ll adapt to any changes.”

Justin had hinted to his parents that he’d like a few hours of privacy for filming, so they went to visit his great-grandmother, but assured him that they were nearby if the boys needed anything. It was Friday afternoon, just after Halloween, James and Aunt Chrissy arrived last. Aunt Chrissy was wearing her work clothes, which would double as her “Diana Prince” outfit. She worked at a bank, meaning she frequently wore semi-formal clothing. She had an above the knee dark blue skirt, and pantyhose with high heels. On top she wore a short-sleeved white sweater. Her hair was pulled back. “You make a good Diana Prince, Aunt Chrissy,” James told her as they walked toward the door and took their coats off. She giggled a little, enjoying the flattery, “well I don’t want to steal the show, but maybe I can show you boys a thing or two!” In reality he was nervous but quite excited to film. She had played with him all the time over the years, babysitting him frequently, and playing games like cowboys and Indians. But now she would be tied up on camera with two other friends.

They were holding travel bags with their respective costumes in it. James had put it together scrounging through closets in his own house, while Aunt Chrissy’s consisted of a Halloween costume from a few years back. Once inside they saw the two friends and Aunt Chrissy kindly greeted them. “Hi Justin, nice to see you again.”

“Hello there Aunt Chrissy… I hope you have your Wonder Woman costume in there, I’ve been waiting to see you in it!”

She gave him a little head tilt, surprised at his candor, and said, “Well, I’ve been waiting to defeat you villains while wearing it!” Nate was more reserved and was very polite in greeting her.

Justin recommended they start filming ASAP. The silent movie style introduction was already done, so they went right to the first live scene, set up in the garage, meant to be a farmhouse. The boys had put down a moving blanket and a little straw so her clothes wouldn’t be damaged. Nate already had the camera set up on a tripod. As per the script, Wonder Woman had recovered the plans and was attempting to escape incognito as Diana Prince. But the henchmen make a miraculous recovery, recapture her outside the doctor’s castle, and tie her up lightly in an abandoned farmhouse near the castle. The scene would start just as they were finishing tying up Aunt Chrissy as Diana. James, as one of the “henchmen” volunteered to do it, wanting to make her comfortable and relaxed.

The scene started, “Yes Miss Prince, by the time you’re found here all of the doctors of the world will be answering to our boss, HAHAHA!” the henchman bragged as he lightly finished tying her hands.
Aunt Chrissy did her part and pretended to pull hard on the bonds against her hands and ankles. She was tied up sitting down with her legs in front of her, although she was moving them around. “I will find a way out of this! You must know that your evil plans will fail!” She was being quite convincing. “Ahh, I would not be too quick to scream for escape my dear! The town constable is far away, and this road is teeming with highwaymen who might not be as kind as we! Hahahaha”

James and Nate, the two henchmen left the scene cackling, leaving Aunt Chrissy to struggle against her bonds for about 45 seconds before “freeing” her hands from the very loose rope and then untying her ankles. She stood up, put her hands on her hips, and touched the back of her pulled back hair, “Well, it’s time for these gentlemen to meet Wonder Woman for real!” As scripted, Aunt Chrissy then changed into her Wonder woman costume and returned to the garage. It was an old Halloween costume from several years back, and at age 39, she still looked quite good wearing it. Of course, she had a couple of extra pounds on her, but she was still quite shapely and attractive. At the same time, she was a little nervous about the whole thing, and she figured that Justin probably had a little crush on her. She was flattered the boys had chosen her over their more matronly mothers, but she hoped it wasn’t just a ruse. Why hadn’t they asked somebody else? She reassured herself in her head. James was a middle school boy, as were his friends, but he was still her nephew. She was in good hands. Maybe she really was the best for the role? And of course, she didn’t mind having a little fun with the boys, that’s what she always did! She moved toward the basement with this in mind.

She descended down the stairs slowly, trying not to make too much noise with her boots. She was surprised by what she saw. James, who she was supposed to quickly “knockout,” was nowhere to be found, and all there was in the room was another camera on a tripod, rolling. She was about to walk through a door to the unfinished side of the basement to tell them she was ready for the next act when she stopped. She then listened to them and heard Justin speaking in a German accent, "She must be captured and brought to me! She holds the key to our world dominance!" Nate, sounding like an Igor type of character answered, "Yes, master, we shall capture Wonder Woman and she will be ours, all ours!" Aunt Chrissy gave a chuckle while listening. "Man, these kids are really into this! I guess that's my cue to break up the blood suckers party", she said to herself. She then took a deep breath, rolled her eyes and said, "What am I getting myself into?" She convinced herself it was part of the film, but she was a little nervous, and stepped forward toward the middle of the basement. The stairs were at one end, you turned right at the bottom to face the rest of the room. It was long and narrow, with a wall dividing the unfinished side, which was accessed by two doors on either end of the room. She decided to call out to the villains.

“Oh Dr. Dracula! Why don’t you come out of your lair? It looks like your little game will be coming to an end.” Aunt Chrissy said it rather confidently. The line was a bit of a double entendre, applying to both the film and whatever scheme the boys were plotting. Justin as Dr. Dracula emerged from the far door, “Ah Wonder Woman, how nice of you to pay us a visit! What impeccable timing, you will be our most special guest my dear, as you witness one of the greatest strokes of genius ever accomplished!” Aunt Chrissy was a little startled but relieved that the silence had been broken, “Doctor, you must know that your plans will fail.”
“We will see about that!” He snapped his finger three times as if calling for his servants. The door just behind Aunt Chrissy at the other end of the basement swung open and out came the two “henchmen.” “Greetings, Wonder Woman!” They spread out a little and approached her from either side with their fingers spread. Aunt Chrissy lunged toward Nate and popped him with a forearm. It was actually a decent blow and sent him back a step, and he then fell back more as part of the act. She then reached out and grabbed James by the shoulder and neck pulled him across her body and tried to hip toss him as hard as she could. He also went with the act and fell onto the couch.

Aunt Chrissy stood up and began to turn back around, thinking “well I guess everything worked out, they just forced me into a little improv!” She turned around and was almost startled by how close Justin as Dr. Dracula was to her. “Well Wonder Woman, your powers and abilities are impressive! In fact, they will be quite useful to us!”

“There is no ‘us’ doctor. In case you missed it I just knocked out your henchmen! And you’re next if you don’t hand over the plans you took from Diana Prince!” Justin grinned, thinking to himself “I hope this works!” as he said, “No my dear I am afraid you are quite mistaken.” He reached into his lab coat and pulled out a red button (an extra primer button for a grill/heater etc.). “You see Wonder Woman, upon my command here the drinking water of this entire region will be polluted with a magic potion which will turn everybody into vampires! And I assure you, they will be especially craving the blood of a beautiful Amazon such as yourself.” Aunt Chrissy knew this for sure wasn’t scripted!

“What is the heck is this?” she thought. She called his bluff thinking it would be on him to explain, which he’d fail to do and they’d cut.
“And how exactly will this water be polluted by a ‘potion?”
“My other associates have taken control of the nearest dam. Upon pushing this button, a 55 gallon drum will be released into the nearest tributary, which will then go to all the water supply of the people after I blow the dam with dynamite of course… yes Wonder Woman, we are far wiser than you anticipated, did you not think we were expecting you? Now put your hands up, and at least the dam will be spared. As for you my dear, haha, we shall see!”

Aunt Chrissy was taken aback by the detailed answer, “Where did you come up with this plan, doctor?” which had a double meaning of also saying ‘what about the script?’ She was shocked he had an explanation that detailed!
“Long before you arrived, my dear! Now put your hands up… One… two…” he held up the primer button.
Aunt Chrissy sighed and put her hands up. Almost immediately she felt a hand along her waist, and not a second later, her belt had been pulled off by Nate. The two henchmen were back up and scheming. She went to turn around to find Nate, but before she could James grabbed ahold of both her arms and put her in a double arm-bar. “My arms! What are you doing, Let go of me!” James had been a little bit embarrassed that he had let his aunt hip-toss him so easily, and being a bit sensitive about his strength, he did not want his favorite aunt thinking he was a weakling. So he went in pretty strong with his grip as he held her arms behind her back. Justin then approached the restrained “wonder woman” from the front and reached for her lasso.

Justin laughed, “Oh Wonder Woman, you thought you would waltz in steal our plans, and this affair would be over? No my dear, your role with us is just beginning!” He had done a fantastic job taking the real protests of Aunt Chrissy and turning them into acceptable movie dialogue with his responses. “Now, my faithful assistants, I think Wonder Woman must be restrained before causing any more of a disturbance.” She was struggling against her nephew and seemed quite disturbed. James was worried the whole thing would blow up, and he softened his grip, almost hugging her, and moved his head near her shoulder. He said in a low voice, not quite whispering, “I’m sorry auntie, we’re just playing around, don't worry.”

Somewhat calmed by her nephew’s reassurance, she relaxed a little as Justin approached her. “Okay doctor, I guess you have me. But you must know that others will come looking for me!” she was trying to sound confident. Justin then wrapped the lasso around her just below her toned shoulders and said, "Gotcha!" He then circled her, eyeing her up and down as he moved, causing Aunt Chrissy to wonder if this was on part of the script or if he was ogling her. She decided to keep the show moving and said, "Ok, you have my belt and the plans, release me!" Dr. Dracula stopped and addressed her, "You have not given us everything, and I intend on getting what I want!" Aunt Chrissy was getting a bit concerned again, she began resisting, but Nate now gripped her up by the shoulders. "What do you mean!? What else do you want?!" James then walked over to the other side of the room and could be heard fiddling with materials. Dr. Dracula said, "It's funny you should ask.... We want you, my dear!" Still confused, she said, "What do you mean!?"

Justin as Dr. Dracula grinned, “Gentlemen, grab ahold of her, it is time for the main act!” James returned and they tugged up on her bound arms to follow.
“You will pay for this doctor!”
“May we feast upon her now, my boss?” Nate asked as he ran his hand along her arm and moved his head in as if he was going to take a bite. “Patience my dear friend, we must prepare her properly first! To do that she must be taken to the inner lair. Bring her!”
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Post by Ianc1980 »

The heroine always gets the upper hand- in the beginning! Fortunately they usually falter and end up in the clutches of the baddies!
Stay Tuned!!
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Post by quietman »

Thanks for all of the comments. Here is the third and final party

Part 3

Aunt Chrissy, not too happy about where things were going, dug her boot heels into the asbestos tiled floor in the basement but it was no use, soon she was standing with James and Nate in front of a table covered up with a sheet on the dimly lit unfinished side of the basement. "What is this?!" she asked. Nate nodded to James and said, "Oh, just the table we plan to secure you to!" James removed the sheet to reveal a large wooden table with several strands of white nylon rope at each end along with three ratchet straps. "Quickly, prepare her!" said Dr. Dracula. "Lay down and make yourself comfy!" said Nate devilishly. Aunt Chrissy, always a trooper, stayed in character and replied, "This is not my idea of comfy!" as she sat up and then leaned her back down. Nate then grabbed her feet and swung them violently up and onto the table. "Whoaaa! Hey, careful!" she said, somewhat annoyed. "Oh, uh, sorry!" He then took the rope and began tying her right foot to the top of the table leg in the corner. He then did the same to her left boot spreading her legs into a "V."

Aunt Chrissy watched Nate as he tied her. Then Justin went to where Nate was and whispered something in his ear, causing them to both chuckle. She also noticed the knots were a little tighter than before, had she been had? "That's a little tight down there." she whispered to her nephew, who was tying her wrists. James laughed and then she realized that while she was distracted watching Nate, she hadn't noticed that her own nephew was tying her wrists just as tight! "James! You're tying me awfully tight!" James then lifted her arms above her head and connected the remaining rope to the center of the table underneath. Wonder Woman looked around, and tested her bonds by tugging slowly at her legs and arms- she barely budged. She then felt pressure in her thighs, "Hey! What are you doing!?" She looked down to see Nate had placed a strap over her shapely thighs and was now ratcheting it as tight as he could. He did two more, one over her belly button and the other at her shoulders, each just as tightly. "I think you have me good and tied!" said Wonder Woman. "You never can be so sure!" said Nate with a wink. Aunt Chrissy rolled her eyes.

Dr. Dracula scanned over the trussed-up body of his prisoner bound spread eagle with her arms overhead. "Excellent! Now we may begin!" Aunt Chrissy, despite being really uncomfortable, stayed in character, "Begin what? Untying me, I hope!" Dr Dracula, not amused, said, "No, my dear, you won't be going anywhere, for eternity!" "What do you mean!?" she asked nervously. " I mean soon you will become my bride, after we conduct our experiments to prepare your blood!" Wonder Woman continued the banter, "Prepare my blood? Eww, never knew there was a recipe for one’s blood! You sick fiend!" Dr Dracula walked to the end of the table where Wonder Woman's head was and explained, "No my dear. Before we feast upon you, we must.... energize your blood in order to gain the proper nutrients!”

"I don't understand..."energize" my blood? But... how....?" All three of them began laughing maniacally and Dr Dracula said, "Soon you will completely understand!" Justin walked around the table that restrained his pretty captive, his friends 39 year old aunt, every once in awhile sliding his hand slowly over her arms and then her thighs as he moved. "Uhh… Doctor… why don’t you keep your hands to yourself! Are you a doctor or a masseuse?" she said clearly annoyed. This caused Justin to stop at her feet and say, "How dare you disrespect the King of the Vampires, Count Dracula!?" Aunt Chrissy as a bound Wonder Woman lifted her head, looked right at her nephew’s friend, and said, "I don't care if you’re the King of Siam! You can't touch me!" Justin smirked and said, "Enough fooling around! It's time to prepare this tasty morsel! Igor, bring out the cart with our special guests!"

Just then James came out rolling a cart whose contents were hidden by a white sheet. Aunt Chrissy looked on nervously, looking at her nephew and saying, "Uhhh, James, what do you and your friends plan to do to me!?" She then pulled and tugged at her bonds furiously. Nate chimed in and said, "Yes Master! She’s already getting frightened; her blood will be at the proper balance in no time!" Justin turned, his fake plastic white fangs too big for his mouth, and said, "Precisely! Now, let's carry on!" He then removed the sheet in the cart to reveal several glass aquariums containing an assortment of creatures- a tarantula, a gecko, and a garter snake, all pets of Nate.

Aunt Chrissy's eyes bulged out of her head and again she began to struggle in the rope that bound her. "James, you have to do something! Your friends have lost their mind! You can't let them put those critters on me!" James got a look of concern for a moment and then Nate and Justin both approached him and reassured him that all was well and that his aunt would not be harmed. Meanwhile, Justin returned his attention to his captive, and called for Nate. “My dear assistant, begin your work!” Nate grinned fiendishly, “My pleasure!” He reached in and grabbed the gecko out of its aquarium. “Wonder Woman” jolted against her bonds and had an almost petrified look. “WHAT are you doing?” Nate placed the gecko on her thigh, which crawled around her thigh and hips for a few seconds. Unfortunately for the boys, Aunt Chrissy did not thrash around, but instead just kind of froze, almost petrified. She pulled against her bonds to lift her head as high as she could to assess the situation, but her lower body remained motionless. The gecko crawled around a little more and then hopped off and made its way down to her boot. She was at least a little bit relieved she had the protection of the boot over her skin.

“Come on, he’s not doing his job!” Justin was not happy with the gecko’s effects. Aunt Chrissy was scared, but she was not thrashing or screaming. Justin scooped up the gecko in frustration. James’ aunt then started to breathe easier and even cracked a smile. “Well, uh, ‘doctor’ it looks like you’re not the genius you make yourself out to be. You are obviously no match for Wonder Woman! I think it’s time you release me!”

Justin was a little rattled, but knew that the gecko had come close to accomplishing the goal. He ignored James’ aunt and turned to Nate. “You fool! You told me they would be the final touch in preparing our prisoner’s blood!” Nate, who took pride in his pets, attempted to calm Justin down, “patience my boss, surely one of my little darlings will get the job done!... how about you little buddy?” He then pulled the garter snake out and held it up to be seen. James, knowing his aunt’s fear of snakes, nodded at his friend, “A solid choice, my colleague!” His aunt shot him a death stare, and then turned to Nate. “Uhh, doctor… and Igor (she glared at James), here’s the deal. If Wonder Woman gets bit by a snake… there’s gonna be a big problem. I mean long after you’ve drank my blood!” James was happy his aunt was staying character, but was terrified that she’d get bit and he’d be done for. His aunt was very kind and patient, but she was obviously serious. Nate, also understanding the message, smiled at her. “Not to worry my dear, I’ve trained this snake for a long, long time. He will merely prepare your blood, he has never bitten anybody! It is we vampires that will bite you, not the snake! Now get ready Wonder Woman, I think he likes you!”

Nate placed the snake on her stomach. The snake immediately began slithering up her body, making its way over her breasts, causing Nate and Justin to look at each other and giggle. Hey eyes widened in fear. But once again, despite her sheer terror, she did not scream or make a fuss, but instead almost froze in fear, not wanting to provoke the snake. Nate moved in to pick up the snake in frustration as it slowly was slithering back to her midsection. Her entire body relaxed as the creature was removed from her. Justin barked out, “Well, I supposed it is time for our most hairy creature!” He pointed to the tarantula.

“No please, please, I beg you! Anything else! You can do anything else to me, please no!” James smiled, “My dear boss, I think our prisoner might be on to something, may I have a minute?” He pulled Justin aside and told him it was time for plan B. Justin slowly grinned and turned back to Aunt Chrissy. “Why you’re right my dear, a creature such as this is far too uncivilized for geniuses such as ourselves… we will enlist the help of another creature, one far more majestic and regal… one that flies!” Aunt Chrissy looked a little puzzled as she was following along with his statement, and then gasped a little as the three boys produced feathers. “Yes my dear, since the animals could not activate your blood, perhaps these feathers will tickle your fancy?” All three of them chuckled.

She watched as Nate stepped over towards where her feet were and she began to get nervous. 'No... not that." she thought to herself. Nate then began to unzip her right boot. He then pulled it off, revealing her stockinged feet, complete with the appropriately blood red colored toe nails. "What are you doing?" she said, trying her best to act calm but knowing what the little devil intended. He then went over to do the same with her other foot and Justin took position at her head and said, "Be sure to re-tie her now my friends. She must be restrained to feel the full effects!” After her ankles were retied, each boy grabbed a feather and surrounded the bound woman. Nate and Justin began fighting over who would tickle her feet when a frustrated Aunt Chrissy blurted out, "Uh guys, I have two feet, you can share!" She then looked up at her nephew and said, "I can't believe you’re gonna tickle me!" James laughed and said, "Well, Mrs. Beck told us what she wanted for the project..." After she asked what it was her mischievous nephew leaned over her and said, "Realism!" Her eyes got wide and at once the boys attacked. Nate and Justin grabbed her sized 8 feet firmly and began twirling their feathers into her soft soles. Meanwhile James brushed his two feathers back and forth into her smooth armpits.

The result was exactly what they wanted. Though tightly restrained with ropes and straps, her body convulsed and jolted violently, and she made plenty of noise. She pulled her feet, bending one knee, then the other, all in a vain attempt to get free of the torture. Her arms pulled and pulled as well as James mercilessly tickled her your body including her neck. The high pitched sound of her laughter resonated in the basement torture lab of the mad Dr Dracula. "Mwahahahahahahaaaaaa! Ahaha! Aha!ahahahahahaaaa! No! Please I beg you stop! Stop stahhhhhhhpuhhhhh!" This went on for about five minutes, when Justin stopped and moved closer to her head. Her laughter continued and Dr Dracula placed his hand on her neck, pretending to feel for her bloods temperature. "Is she almost ready, Master!? Can we feast upon this succulent morsel!?" Her told him not quite.

Aunt Chrissy, unable to take much more, yelled, "Please, please! Just do it! Feast upon me please! Pleeeeeeease! Pahleeeeeese! Do whatever you want to me, just please just mahake this stop!" After one last check of her temperature her commanded his minions to stop. "Take up positions, she is ready to be feasted upon!" Nate, holding her foot, looked down and said, "Eww" to himself and went to her upper thigh. James went to get opposite thigh, leaving Dr Dracula where her neck was. Exhausted, she began to moan softly, "Nooooo, please nooo." Dr Dracula instructed then to all but at the count of three. At three they all pretended to sink their fake fangs into the bound superheroine's body. Whether she was truly exhausted and delirious from the tickling, or she was trying to play her role, she again softly moaned, "Ahhhhh....ahhhh., ahhh...ohhhhh."

After about thirty seconds the boys stopped drinking her blood and lifted their heads up and pretended to wipe their lips of the blood that wasn't there. Dr Dracula exulted, "We have destroyed the Amazon forever! From now on she will reside in this castle as our slave!" Then his minions gathered around him and they all started cackling maniacally. “Cut!”
They all stopped for a moment, satisfied with their work, and almost in disbelief that they had pulled it off. Nate lifted a finger and said to James, “Hey just remember, we need to get the organ music as the outro after the bloodsucking scene, you remembered that, right?” James paused, “shoot, we’re gonna have to add that later, I forgot to get a soundbite.”

“Ahem!” Aunt Chrissy, whose breathing was finally starting to calm got their attention. “Are we done here!?” James approached his aunt a little nervously as the boys looked down on their still bound damsel. He looked down on her and put his hand on the table, almost as if he was going to pat her head and neck. “Uhm, I’m sorry this was a little uncomfortable auntie… but you must know, it turned out super realistic! When you compare this to what the rest of the class will make, it won’t even be close.” Nate jumped in, “Yeah, you’re unbelievable Aunt Chrissy! You didn’t break when I pulled out the snake. You’re a tough lady.” She said half sarcastically, “well thanks a lot boys, why don’t we discuss it more after you untie me. Please tell me that was it?” Justin raised a finger slightly, “Well, we might want to reshoot that one-“ James punched his arm, “enough dude!”

“I’ll untie you Aunt Chrissy. Give me a hand Nate.” The two of them started freeing her upper body and Justin joined in by freeing her ankles. She sat up and gave a huge sigh and then fixed her hair as much as possible. “Well I’m happy that’s over with!... and boy is it cold down here.” James had certainly enjoyed the whole occasion but also wanted to help his aunt. “Stay right here Aunt Chrissy, I’ll be right back!” he almost tripped over himself as he sprinted upstairs and returned with her coat and a glass of water.

She took a sip of water and then smiled at him. Although she had been pretty worked up, she had now calmed down, and said with a slight teasing smile, “Jimmy, you’re a bit of a bad boy… now I know why I was supposed to ‘keep this between you and me.’ I’m guessing your mom doesn’t know about this still?” James pursed his lips and was embarrassed and then broke a little smile. “Well, no not now auntie, but… all she needs to see is the grade! We won’t fill her in on the details.” He looked down a little embarrassed. “Sorry… it was a horror flick from the beginning… I didn’t have the heart to tell you. And don’t worry, it’s only our class that will see it.” Nate, who had a crush on her but was more polite than Justin, also complimented her. “We really appreciate you helping us Aunt Chrissy. Just think, nobody else could have done that better than you… not that we would know, but I can’t imagine anyone else. You could become a regular star! We will no doubt get an A on this.”

“Well I’m glad I was able to help you boys out… but I think my acting career - especially as Wonder Woman – is over.

James responded “I understand Aunt Chrissy… but maybe in our next movie you can be the Queen of England or something like that… or maybe Elizabeth Taylor!” James was trying to charm her. She kind of sighed and smiled with little eye roll at the flattery. James was happy that his aunt was happy. “You’re certainly pretty enough!” he gave her a kiss on the cheek and thanked her again for her help, echoed by his now polite and well-mannered friends. Even Justin, who had taken a few liberties with the movie, offered her some words of good will. “Sorry that the doctor got a little carried away... I’m sure he’ll behave better in the next movie!”

Aunt Chrissy was smiling again and said, “well maybe if you really needed me, I could be in another movie.”
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very good stuff :) You created a wonderful character with Aunt Crissy :D
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Centennial Club
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Location: United States

Post by quietman »

Thanks, I’m glad you’re enjoying these. It started as a story of basically a boyhood fantasy from when my aunt would babysit us and we turned it into a full blown 3 part story!
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