Kidnapped by my old scout leaders MMMMMM/M

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Kidnapped by my old scout leaders MMMMMM/M

Post by Eaglescout01 »

This story is a work of fiction:

This story took place when I was 20 years old. I joined the boy scouts when I was 11 years old. I reached the rank of Eagle four years prior, and earned all three Eagle Palm pins. I had stepped away from scouts when I was 18 and hadn't thought about Scouts until my old scoutmaster wanted me to meet him at the church that the meetings were held. He said something about asking former scouts what they had been to since leaving scouts for some special troop newsletter. I left the house wearing a grey pullover with a hood and blue jeans. I arrived at the church building where the meetings were held and called out for my old scoutmaster. He called from the upstairs area and I went up there. Scoutmaster Mr. Bill was there wearing his scout pants and belt, for some reason he was shirtless. Should've been a red flag since he didn't explain it, but I was young and not so wise.

I asked him about me talking about what I had been up to since leaving scouts for that newsletter. "I didn't bring you here to talk Calvin, that was a lie I said to get you here" he said "we're taking you to Camp Alpatah for a stay, no one else will be be there to interfere". I was confused and turned around to see my old scout leaders Mr. Richard, Mr. Bob, Mr. Noel, Mr. Bill's son Jon and my dad. My dad and Mr. Bob wearing scout pants and belt, and shirtless. The other three men were wearing scout shorts and belts and shirtless. I should've figured out something was up, especially when Mr. Richard and Mr. Bob pulled my arms behind my back and my dad and Jon both grabbed a hold of me with both arms. I was still confused and said "why are all you not wearing shirts? mmph", "sshh" Mr. Richard said as he covered my mouth for a few moments. "Why are you restraining me like this? mmph", "quiet" Mr. Bob said as he covered my mouth for a few moments. "Why did you ask me to come here? mmph", "dont talk" Jon said as he covered my mouth for a few moments. "I can't go to Camp Alpatah, mmm mm mmmm", "just shut up" my dad said as he covered my mouth for a few moments. "I'm not in scouts anymore what's going on.....I dont mmmph" before I could continue Mr Bill walked up to me and put his hand over my mouth and said "that's enough out of you".

My eyes widened in surprise and he said "dont look so surprised, the whole time you were in scouts you were too talkative, it's a wonder it took this long for us to finally silence you". "It seems that your not much of a scout anymore, so we set this trap and you walked into it. Now that you have, we're kidnapping you and bringing you to Camp Alpatah for one final camping trip, you won't be doing much talking" Mr. Bill explained and removed his hand from my mouth. "But I'm not a scout anymore, you can't do this to mmmph" I said before Jon put a hand over my mouth and Mr. Bill said "once an eagle, always an eagle Calvin" Jon said "and as far as we're concerned, you're sort of a scout and that still makes us your leaders sort we can do this to you" " it feels good covering your mouth like this, we could've been doing this to you were still in the troop". Jon removes his hand and I say "I'm not a kid anymore I'm an adult now you cant just kidnap me to our old campground mmm mm mmmph" my dad clapped a hand over my mouth.

"To us you're still a kid" my dad said "your the kid and we're the adults and that means we're in charge here. Which means we do what we want to you". "It does feel good having my hand clamped over your mouth like this" my dad said "I should've done this to you when you were younger" "if he lives with you, you can restrain and handgag him all you want, and tie him up and gag him as your captive" Jon said "he doesn't but my work buddy and I can go to his place, grab him and cover his mouth and kidnap him to my house and keep him bound and gagged as our captive for a day" my dad replied "this is fun".

He removed his hand I tried to yell out for help but Mr. Noel put both hands over my mouth and Mr. Bill grabbed my legs and the six men carried me down the stairs. "Figures this is the only way to silence you Motormouth" Mr. Noel said "that year you worked for me before I fired you, I could've restrained and handgagged you whenever you annoyed me or made me mad. Hell I could've kept you tied up and gagged that mouth of yours for the entire work day every work day and paid you to sit in the van bound and gagged all week" he continued "this is probably the first time in a while you've seen the inside of a church, I heard you turned heathen. Good thing the old campground has an old chapel area where I can keep you tied up and gagged as I talk about the good word from the good book" he said in an amused tone of voice.

They carry me into where meetings used to be held and wrestled me on the ground. Jon held my arms behind me and grabbed a hold of me and my dad grabbed a hold of me and clamped a hand over my mouth. They held me on the ground for a while and my dad removed his hand and shoved a dirty sock in my mouth. Him and Jon tied my wrists and arms behind me with scout rope. Mr. Bob tied my ankles together and Mr. Bill bound my legs together with his belt above my knees and Mr. Richard bound my legs below my knees with his belt. Mr. Noel tied my arms to my body.

Jon and my dad carried me towards the back door as we approached the door I spit out the sock and Mr. Bill picked up the sock and stuffed it in my mouth as he said "put a sock in it Calvin". My dad covered my sockgagged mouth with his hand as they carried me to Mr. Bill's van. My dad and Jon dragged to the back of the van and seated me between them. Both men clamped a hand over my sockgagged mouth as the other men got in the van and Mr. Bill drove the van out of the parking lot and to the old campground.
Last edited by Eaglescout01 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.

Post by Eaglescout01 »

Chapter Two

The van had arrived to Camp Alpatah, my dad and Jon dragged me out of the van after the other men got out. They untied me and removed the sock from my mouth, my dad threw his arm around me and put his hand over my mouth as Mr. Bill told me their plans to hold prisoner here for a while. Each day I'm going to be chased down by one of them, two of them or three of them. Once they catch me, I'm going be dragged or carried off to a part of the camp to be tied up and gagged. They're going to keep me there for a while before being brought back to our old troop campsite to either be kept bound and gagged for the rest of the day. "Mr. Bill, Mr. Richard and Mr. Bob are up first" my dad said "you get a headstart" he said as he let go of me and I took off running down the main trail.

I ran down the dirt and wood steps of the old amphitheater area and turned right down the nature trail. I had gotten a little far when I was tackled to the ground from behind. Mr. Richard grabbed a hold of me with both arms, Mr. Bob held my legs together with both hands and Mr. Bill held both hands over my mouth. They held me on the ground like that for a while, letting me struggle and attempt to yell but it did me no good. Then with Mr. Richard holding me with both arms, Mr. Bob holding my legs and Mr. Bill holding my mouth they carried me to our troops old campsite. "That didn't take long" my dad said mocking me as the three men let go of me. Then each of the six men took turns grabbing me with one arm and clamping their hand over my mouth and holding me like that for a while each.

They all took pleasure in me struggling and mmphing, I knew it was useless but I had to put up a fight. Mr. Bob stuffed a neckerchief in my mouth and tied my wrists behind my back and tied my ankles together. Mr. Richard tied my arms together and tied my arms to my body. Mr. Bill tied my legs together and tied a second neckerchief over my mouth. My dad grabbed me and put his hand over my gagged mouth and dragged me to this tree and put my back up against it. He took a roll of duct tape and wrapped duct tape around my midsection and the tree, then Jon wrapped the duct tape around my knees and the tree and then my dad wrapped the duct tape around my mouth and the tree. The men kept me bound to the tree for the rest of the day and left me like overnight.
That night I remembered that my dad had done this sort of thing to me before.

The first time was in the eighth grade, I was having trouble with algebra. He was being a hard case about it and we got into an argument. He grabbed me from behind with both arms yanking me out of my chair, threw his hand over my mouth and carried me to my room. He told me to shut my mouth as he stuffed my scout sock in my mouth, tied my wrists behind me with my scout rope, bound my legs together with my scout belt, ducttaped my ankles and then my arms to my body, tied my neckerchief over my mouth and practically body slammed me onto my bed. I remember he took the duct tape and brought it across my chest, midsection, waist, knees and ankles several times each binding my body to my bed and wrapped the duct tape around my gagged mouth several times.

He told he would free me in the morning and that I had to learn a lesson. "You're the kid, I'm the adult. That means I can do this to you if I want" he said. I was left like that overnight and somehow fell asleep. I must've been so affected by it that I blocked it from my mind. I got teared up a little thinking about a memory I had forgotten. Like that night six years ago, I fell asleep eventually.

The next morning, they told me that my dad and Jon would be chasing me. They cut me loose from the tree and the two of them carried me to the fenced in man made swimming area with a two level jumping tower. They untied me and ungagged me and told me to swim. I did and climbed the ladder to the top level, despite my fear of heights. Once I got to the top, my fear kept me from jumping off. I was tackled onto the platform from behind, both men grabbing me with one arm and covering my mouth. They let me struggle and try to yell through their hands for a while before getting me to my feet. My dad held me with one arm and held my mouth while Jon held my legs and carried me to the edge. They swung me a few times before throwing me off. I hit the water and swam to the other side of the swimming area, in the shallow part my foot briefly got stuck in the sand under the water.

Unfortunately, my dad grabbed me from behind and Jon covered my mouth and they dunked me underneath the water multiple times before dragging me out of the water and to the other side where the fence door was. At that point, Jon grabbed my legs and my dad covered my mouth and they carried me to the old abadoned restrooms and into the old boys restroom. Once inside, they both took a turn restraining and hand gagging me as I struggled. Then I noticed a bag in the corner. Jon pulled out a dirty looking pair of tighty whitey underwear and handed it to my dad who stuffed them in my mouth. They laughed as I let out a muffled moan of disgust after the gross underwear gag was shoved into my mouth. "That's my underwear from last week, it was pretty sweaty and never made it into the laundry" my dad said and I let out a muffled groan of disgust and they laughed at me again. My dad was handed rope which he used to tie my wrists and arms behind me and Jon tied my ankles and legs together.

They placed on the toilet and my dad ducttaped my body to the toilet tank and Jon ducttaped my legs to the the bowl itself. Then Jon wrapped the duct tape around my mouth several times, securing the underwear gag in my mouth. They hung out in there for a while casually talking about sports and their jobs before leaving for the rest of the day and overnight. They told me that they would be back for me in the morning.

That night, I remembered another repressed memory from my youth. I was 15 years old and my dad made me go on an overnight hunting trip with my grandfather. I wasn't really into it and having fun. So they had me check the wild pig traps and I checked the first one. I heard heavy footsteps behind me and I was grabbed from behind. Both my dad and grandfather were on top of me, my dad holding me with both arms and my grandfather had his hands covering my mouth. Their bodies were pressed up against my back and it felt like they were shirtless. I remember them holding me like that for a while saying it was "Calvin Hunting Season". I remember I turned around to see them in camouflage pants, matching sweaters tied around their waists, hunting boots and shirtless. I remember running barefooted and a t shirt and jeans in cool weather, I was maybe forced to take off my shoes and sweater?

I remember being tackled and the two of them restraining and hand gagging me on the ground. I remember my grandfather grabbed me with one arm and held my mouth tight and my dad grabbing my legs. I remember being in a wild pig trap cage, sitting position...legs bent and knees at level with my chest...wrists tied in front of my legs underneath a thick stick between my calves and thighs... ankles tied together...a thick rag tied between my teeth....all night. I pushed another memory from my mind...blocked it. This time some parts are still fuzzy.

I fell asleep and awoke the next morning, the fuzzy parts of the hunting trip memory came to me in my sleep. I heard the bathroom door creak open and my dad and Jon came in to cut me loose for the next chase.

To be concluded in Chapter 3
Last edited by Eaglescout01 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

Post by Eaglescout01 »

Chapter 3

My dad and Jon cut my loose from the duct tape binding me to the toilet. I choose to keep my repressed memories coming to surface to myself for my own good. My dad removes the duct tape from around my mouth and takes the underwear out of my mouth. He covers my mouth and grabs me with his arm. Jon grabs a hold of my legs and they carry me back to the campsite. I try to talk and yell through my dad's hand, I know it'll just be muffled but I dont care. I refuse to be nice and quiet through my dad's hand tightly clamped over my mouth. Once they bring me back to the campsite, I'm untied and they give me a head start...then my dad and Mr. Bob will chase me. I run to the other side of the camp ground and I can hear them in the distance running . I double back to the side I came from and down the amphitheater steps to a hill on the side with trees above blocking sunlight over the little hill.

I make sure I am unseen from the top of the amphitheater and crouch down. I see a shaded area perfect for hiding, I see them look around at the top and they see nothing. I wait until I am sure they are gone before moving to my new hiding spot. I get up to walk over when I'm grabbed from behind by my dad with both arms and Mr. Bob puts his hands over my mouth. "Told you the boy was hiding here" my dad said to Mr. Bob and they held me like that for a while as I struggle. Mr. Bob grabs my legs and my dad covers my mouth and they carry me up the hill through the neighboring empty campsite into our old troop campsite. Once there the two men wrestle me to the ground and take turns holding mebon the ground restrained and handgagged. I struggled to the amusement of the men and soon my dad stuffs a neckerchief in my mouth and ties my wrists behind me and duct tapes my arms behind me as Mr. Bob ties my ankles and legs together and puts several pieces of duct tape over my mouth and they sit me down in a camping chair they all sit around in a circle and talk as I struggle and mmph into my gag.

After an hour, they unbind me and remove my gag and give me a head start as Mr. Richard chased me. He tackles me to the ground and retrains and handgag me before dragging me to the front pavillion and holds me like that for a while. The he ties my wrists behind me and stuffs a scout sock in my mouth. He ties my arms to my body and ties my ankles and legs together. He ties a neckerchief over my mouth and sits me down on a bench and keeps me there for an hour before he drags me back to the campsite. I'm untied and ungagged again and told to once again run as Mr. Bill chases me. I dont get far as I am exhausted from the chase from Mr. Richard. Mr. Bill grabs a hold of me from behind in the big field and covers my mouth and drags me to the big pavillion. Once inside he restrains and handgags me, he's surprisingly strong for his age....the oldest of the six men. He ties me up and gags me the same way Mr. Richard did but this time I'm placed in a chair and ducttaped to it and he leaves me there until morning.

That night, I remember that when I was 17 my dad and his work friend actually did play a kidnap game with me. It was spring break, they had on blue jeans and were shirtless. I was in my backyard inside the shed, when they both tackled me onto the floor of the shed. They both grabbed me and covered my mouth and held me on the ground like that as I struggled and tried to yell out. They dragged me out of there and dragged me into my house though the back door and dragged me through my house and once they got me out the front door....his friend grabbed my legs and my dad covered my mouth. They carried me to his big truck and his friend grabbed me and covered my mouth and dragged me into the passenger seat with him and my dad drove off with me to his mouth that they shared. My dad grabbed my legs and they carried me inside. They took turns retraining and handgagging me and then my dad stuffed a dirty sock in my mouth. He ziptied my wrists behind me and used electrical tape to bind my arms to my body while his friend ziptied my ankles and legs together. Then his friend wrapped the electrical tape over my sockgagged mouth multiple times. They kept me bound and gagged for the rest of that day and overnight...covered my gagged mouth with their hands, then taking turns doing it as they watched tv.

They brought me back the following day and only freed me once they got back to my house.
I got hit with another repressed memory. It was from the year that I worked for Mr. Noel. It was a day before he fired me. He showed up an hour earlier than he said he was to pick me up. He grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth saying "you're not gonna be motormouth today". His body was pressed up against my back and I felt that he had no shirt on. He dragged me to his work van and dragged me inside. He taped my wrists and arms behind me and my ankles and legs and taped my mouth shot and drove to each job....keeping me bound and gagged in the van. He drove me to his office/ little warehouse and carried me inside. He ducttaped me to a chair and kept me like that for what seemed like a while. He finally freed me and took me home. He fired me the next day, I had to bike over there for my last check. He tackled me to the floor of his office and kept me restrained and handgagged for a while before he let me up and gave me my final check. My dad and Mr. Noel joked about the very things they actually did to me and I repressed it until now.

Mr. Noel came in and freed me and gave me a headstart. I ran down to the amphitheater and to a little river to see if I could run alongside it. Mr. Noel tackled me to the ground from behind and restrained and handgagged me for a while. He got me to my feet and dragged me to the campground's old chapel. He dragged me onto the chapel itself and held me like that as I struggled and then got me on the floor and held on the floor of the open chapel restrained and handgagged as I struggled some more. He tied me up the same way Mr. Bill and Mr. Richard did and sat me down and gave a long monologue about religion and god and recited bible passages. He dragged me back to the campsite after he was done and I wasn't untied and ungagged until the evening when it was time for my dad to chase me. I ran down the amphitheater steps and along the nature trail u til I ran off the trail and into the woods.

After a while he tackled me to the ground and grabbed me with one arm and clamps his hand over my mouth and holds me on the ground as I struggle. He gets me to my feet and drags me off I struggle and angrily curse and shout into his hand, even though I know it'll come out muffled. He drags me to the campsite and he wrestles me on the ground and shoves a scout sock into my mouth and turns onto my back and straddles him top of me and duct tapes my wrists and arms in front of me and turns around to duct tape my ankles and legs together and sits me up to duct tape my arms to my bottle. He shoves me back down and straddles himself on top of me again and leans down as he clamps both hands over my sockgagged mouth.

After a while he places several strips of tape over my mouth and duct tapes me to the tree just like he did to me on the first day. They leave me like that overnight. The next day they cut me loose from the tree and my Mr. Bill grabs me and covers my gagged mouth and Mr. Richard grabs my legs and I'm carried to the front of the campground and into the van. I'm placed in the very back between my dad and Jon and they both put a hand over my gagged mouth. We arrive back to the church and they unbind and ungag me and they let me go.
Last edited by Eaglescout01 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by alkaid_ »


looks like Calvin seems to have a lot of memories of kidnappings and restraints, a lot of repressed memories
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Post by bondagefreak »

I saw you were online and although our paths have never really crossed on here, one of my mental alarm bells went off when I looked at your profile and saw this story under your "Most Active Topic" profile info.

As soon as I opened this thread here, I understood why those alarm bells of mine had gone off.

This is a story I'd started ready during one of my work breaks earlier this year, and one that I had every intention of coming back to and commenting on. It must've been a hectic week for me if I forgot to give you feedback like that.

I just glanced over the story again and immediately remember how much I'd enjoyed it the first time around.
I'm going to reread it today and come back to it with a proper review.

Aside from [mention]alkaid_[/mention] I'm so sorry no one's taken the time to comment.
I think a lot of us might've missed this.

I'm gonna pull some strings on my side and bring this story to the attention of some of my regular father/son story readers.
See you in a bit.


Post by Eaglescout01 »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago @Eaglescout01
I saw you were online and although our paths have never really crossed on here, one of my mental alarm bells went off when I looked at your profile and saw this story under your "Most Active Topic" profile info.

As soon as I opened this thread here, I understood why those alarm bells of mine had gone off.

This is a story I'd started ready during one of my work breaks earlier this year, and one that I had every intention of coming back to and commenting on. It must've been a hectic week for me if I forgot to give you feedback like that.

I just glanced over the story again and immediately remember how much I'd enjoyed it the first time around.
I'm going to reread it today and come back to it with a proper review.

Aside from @alkaid_ I'm so sorry no one's taken the time to comment.
I think a lot of us might've missed this.

I'm gonna pull some strings on my side and bring this story to the attention of some of my regular father/son story readers.
See you in a bit.
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it, it was one of the first m/m stories I wrote.

Post by Eaglescout01 »

I'm going to write a sequel of sorts where Calvin is a kidnapper who "collects" people for his "collection". It would seem that the events of this story drove him insane.
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Post by GoBucks »

Wow I really enjoyed this sequel and I'm sorry I didn't see it beforehand!

Calvin has had such an eventful life, with a history of getting bound and gagged by these masculine men. I'm very jealous! Loved seeing him get his trap shut with hot handgags, and sock and underwear gags. Should have just learned to keep quiet!

As for your sequel, I guess how I can see how all of this was a traumatic experience that could cause Calvin to go crazy. Look forward to it!
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Post by RopedBud »

I like the story so far! Very hot stuff!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Just reread the first chapter and really loving all the handgagging from the different men.
Even better is how poor Calvin keeps trying to talk and then keeps getting his mouth covered.
Pretty realistic considering how an angry guy would keep trying to mouth off even when told not to.

I know Calvin's dad is the one who shoved that dirty sock into his son's mouth, but I'm wondering where the sock came from or who it belonged to.

Absolutely love that our poor protagonist was sockgagged and seated between his dad and Mr.Bill before being double-handgagged the entire ride.

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Post by CorbD91 »

Wow! As a huge handgag lover this story ticked all the right boxes for me - added points for the older/younger thing you had going on as well. Hope to see more! :)
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Post by bondagefreak »

Loved the hunting idea being featured in parts two and three.

Big fan of wrestling here, so our protagonist being tackled down and forcefully bound up hits a lot of my buttons.
Also really loving the use of duct tape and that cruel underwear gag the young guy was forced to endure.

Very humiliating.
Love all the handgagging.

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Post by alkaid_ »

Eaglescout01 wrote: 3 years ago I'm going to write a sequel of sorts where Calvin is a kidnapper who "collects" people for his "collection". It would seem that the events of this story drove him insane.
I love that twist on the story ...

the prey turns to the hunter.

I'm dying to know what's up with Calvin and his captives
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Post by Tsuhaya »

Apparently, this story went unnoticed not only for me, but for many readers.

I really liked the plot and how the handgag is explored in the story. Our protagonist is a talker. It is very good that his captors know how to keep his speaking mouth closed.

I would love to read more about it!
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by harveygasson »

Definitely didn't see this story when it was originally posted. Interesting and enjoyable to read
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Post by Carson33 »


I am shocked I haven't seen this story before today! Incredible story line. Amazing story. Great Job, loved it.
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