Capture the Flag, Capture the Aunt (mm/F)

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Capture the Flag, Capture the Aunt (mm/F)

Post by quietman »

Hi everyone. I'm a new poster, this is my first story. I went with a classic trope. This is under fiction, however, all of the characters are completely based in reality. The only fiction is the actual TUG part. Unfortunately I never got to tie up my favorite aunt the way I do in the story! This story is supposed to take place over 10 years ago, when I was 11.

Hope you all enjoy, I'd love to hear from you.

Growing up, my brother and I were lucky enough that whenever our parents weren’t around, we always had great babysitters who would watch us. Some were friends, but mostly family; cousins, aunts, grandparents, etc. And by far our favorite was our Aunt Chrissy, and she was often the most available to babysit us. Sometimes we’d go to her apartment, but usually she’d come to our house. She was a really nice person and would always play with us and wanted to spend every minute with us.
She is also a very beautiful woman. In fact, as a boy if I ever heard about a “pretty lady” or a “beautiful woman,” like in a story at school, I would think of Aunt Chrissy. She was about 5’5”, very dark brown hair, light brown eyes and solidly built. She especially had very shapely and defined legs. She also would tan beautifully in the summer. She had beautiful hair, medium to long length about down to her shoulders. It looked best when her hair was down. We would always have a great time with her and wouldn’t want her to leave. She adored all of her nieces and nephews. Of course, with her having many nephews, we all enjoyed having such a pretty aunt.

One summer when I was 11 my parents were planning to go to a baseball game with my other aunt and uncle. My parents had Aunt Chrissy come to watch me. The difference this time was my older brother Dan had gone to a friend’s house. My other aunt and uncle drove to our house to meet my parents and drive together. Two of their kids had plans, but my cousin Austin got dropped off and was going to stay. He was 12 and was a good kid, but certainly more on the mischievous side, much more so than my brother. He was also very interested in nature and military culture. Our parents hit the road around 4:30 to head into the city and get a bite to eat and then go see the ball game.

The three of us waved goodbye and then we had the house to ourselves. Normally Aunt Chrissy would play anything with us. Catch, frisbee, or even set up slip and slides. Or she would tell us stories. Since it was a nice summer afternoon, we wanted to stay outside. We were going to tune into the game later on the radio. She asked us what we wanted to do. “What do you think boys, do you want to play a game?”
“Yeah! Capture the flag! It’s my favorite!” my cousin chimed in. “My brothers and I play it hard core. Like the loser gets beat up.”

Aunt Chrissy laughed and asked me if that was okay.

“Yeah, I like capture the flag.”

I went up to my closet and grabbed two bandanas to be the “flags.” I returned to the back yard to go over the rules. “The only thing is, how are we going to play with only three people?” My aunt asked with genuine concern.

“Don’t worry, it’ll work” said my cousin.

He and I had gone over the rules before. We both had wanted to tie up our aunt in the past, and now was a chance to do it and have some fun in the process. He liked to play the game “military style.” The backyard was “our country” and the front was Aunt Chrissy’s. The driveway ran up the left side of our property, and on the right side of the house we had kind of a “middle yard” which was between front and back, and had a small deck. The driveway and deck were neutral territory, but as soon as you crossed into the opposite lawn you were in opposing territory. We demarcated the “middle yard” with a few cones. We lived more in the country on a decent property, a couple of acres. We strategically chose the backyard, since it had a thick tree line in the back, better for “guerilla warfare.” These were the rules: In order for Aunt Chrissy to win, she had to either get our flag, or she had to catch both of us in her territory. Then she said, “but there’s only one of me, so how will it work for you guys?”

I answered, “Well we can either go into your territory and get your flag, or if we capture you, then we win.”

“Okay,” she said in a perky voice. “I guess it’ll be a little tougher for my ‘country.’ And will we then restart a new game?”

Austin answered “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it… Oh, and you can also go through the house as neutral territory, good thing to keep in mind.”

We were all set on the rules. “Alright Private James, let’s make our battle plan.”

“Yes, Col. Austin!”

My cousin insisted we use military terms. We had 3 minutes to hide our respective flags and prepare for the game. Austin and I were both wearing jean shorts and t-shirts, which we took off and tied around our heads. Austin even took some grill charcoals to give himself “war paint.” He looked like a little Rambo. He was a solid kid, with a little bit of baby fat, but very strong. I had been a little chubby before, but now I had become more wiry and was getting stronger. We both had dirty blonde crew cuts. We also carried walkie-talkies on our selves that my dad had gotten for us, to be used for “recon.” Aunt Chrissy was wearing a sleeveless and very tight white undershirt, brown leather sandals, and green shorts- which were very short and showed off her awesome legs.

When the game started, we agreed to start with a defensive strategy and gather as much intel as possible. We patrolled the peripheries but couldn’t see anything. We guessed Aunt Chrissy had hidden the flag somewhere in the front bed where my mom and dad had planted a lot of shrubs and rose bushes. Then we broke out some binoculars from the garage. Still nothing. After over 10 minutes of this, Austin said, “Alright Jim – I mean, private – I’m going in.” He opened up the back door into the house. I heard nothing for a minute or two, and then a door shut and frantic yelling from Austin and laughs from Aunt Chrissy. A minute later on my walkie-talkie, “I’m down partner, it’s up to you!” He was so intense and took it so seriously. “If you want to free me, I’m at the woodpile.” He then gave me some quote from Gen. Patton. I just laughed and gave him a 10-4 colonel. I just wanted to have some fun, which I was, and hopefully capture Aunt Chrissy.

Now unfortunately for Aunt Chrissy, but lucky for us, she made a big mistake, and did not confiscate Austin’s walkie talkie. Two minutes later, Austin checked in and told me in a hushed voice that she had entered the house. “You know what to do soldier, prepare an ambush!”
The back yard was longer than it was deep, but had a continuous tree line. We hid our flag high on a limb and surrounded the tree with dried up leaves for the noise. There was also a row of pine trees in the back, and I lay down on my stomach near the base of one, the branches providing cover. Aunt Chrissy came through the back door and looked around a little and then continued to the tree line, kind of nonchalantly, but also trying to play the part. She made her way about 20 yards across the yard to the tree line. Stopping to check for me again, she located the flag and leaned up on her toes to reach the orange bandana. Within about ten yards, I quietly slid out from under the tree. Then I pounced. Running right up to her and tagging her on the back.

“Gotcha!” I said with a smile. I checked in, “Austin come in. You’re free, we’ve won! I’ve captured Aunt Chrissy I have her here. Grab her flag if you see it and come on over.” While he was on his way over, she asked innocently, “okay what happens now? Are we done?”

I poked her in the front with a stick and tried to stick to the part. “Nothing’s done, now get your hands up spy and spread your legs! You tried to steal our regimental colors!”

She laughed but played along, “I’m no spy, I wasn’t here to harm you.”

“That’s what they all say! You’re now our captive!”

Austin then appeared, and he was genuinely excited.

“Good work!”

“What are you two going to do with me now?” she said in a fake scared face.

“Take you to the interrogation center in the basement. Now hands behind your back, prisoner!”

Although we had nothing to tie her with yet, she put her hands behind her back and we each grabbed an arm and marched our captured aunt inside and toward the basement. Aunt Chrissy tried to stay in her character. “What are you going to do to me? Don't hurt me!” We entered the house and I said, “Hey Austin, my brother has handcuffs in his room. Use those!”

“Good, meet you down there.”

He darted upstairs. My brother had gotten them at some cheap arcade birthday party. They were indeed metal but they were pretty light duty and cheap. I guided Aunt Chrissy down the stairs into our barely finished basement. My dad had put down some very light carpeting, paneling on two of the walls, while the others were painted block. This added to the “interrogation room” vibe. There was a tv and stand, a few chairs and a futon, and some extra outdoor stuff, and a medium sized closet. There were also two poles in the basement one of which I led Aunt Chrissy to. She was mostly laughing. “How long are you going to keep me captive? Are you going to tie me up?”

“That’s up to the colonel.” I responded, trying to be as serious as possible. I was “holding her” there at the point of a plastic play dagger we had in the basement.

Austin then appeared and we were ready to go. We walked her back against the pole and cuffed her hands behind it. I told Austin there should be some rope in the closet. He pulled out some yellow nylon rope, and he started by tying her ankles to the base of the pole. Then he took two strands of rope, and him being the scout, he tied two good knots to the bottom of the pole just above her ankles. He handed me one of the rope strands and we crisscross tied her up from the bottom, starting with the calves, moving all the way up her body, and meeting at the top. We were both pretty strong for our age, so she was tied up very tightly, and with plenty of rope crisscrossing. We then began the “interrogation,” asking her how she knew our flag’s location and what she knew about our walkie-talkie system. She was mostly laughing, but then would kind of look up and say, “I don’t know anything! Please untie me!” We both liked that she was playing the game well and it was fun.

After a few minutes of this, Austin said fiendishly, “The prisoner won’t talk, we will have to torture her!”

“Yeah!” I agreed.
Aunt Chrissy made a dramatic face, “Oh no, please let me go, I won’t go after your flag again!”

Austin told me we’d need to make a plan, but first to gag the prisoner. Aunt Chrissy kind of did a double-take at this, and said, “guuuuys… I don’t know about that,” while still smiling a little. “It’s temporary,” Austin retorted. I ripped off a piece of shop towel and balled it up. “Open up Auntie!” She complied reluctantly and I stuffed the blue paper into her mouth. She made a little peep, surprised a little by the fore of the gag. Then I pulled out our “flag,” the orange bandana, and finished the gag. I did it carefully though, by lifting her hair, tying the bandana under it and then letting it fall again. I loved working around her beautiful hair, and didn’t want to mess up her pretty appearance.

With our aunt gagged, Austin and I prepared the “torture table.” We found the biggest piece of plywood we could and laid it onto the futon. Austin then went to the closet and grabbed a flashlight. All the while Aunt Chrissy was making dramatic muffled noises into her gag. We then proceeded to untie her ropes and undo the cuffs, but left the gag in. Then, at “knife point” I forced her to sit. We rebound her ankles and now roped up her wrists but in the front this time. Then we picked her up, Austin under her arms, and I carried her legs. I had one hand on her heel and the other on her calf. I had done some tie-up games, but nothing this serious. Austin was a scout, and wanted to be in the Army when he grew up, so he really knew what he was doing. We carried her bound and gagged across the room and laid her down on her back on the plywood. Austin then connected the wrist and ankle bonds with a short strand of rope and told me to fetch one more coil. We took this coil and fed it between the futon and the plywood until it was equidistant. I then held my aunt down while my cousin wrapped the rope around her under her breasts. He made another turn under the plywood and back to her chest and then knotted it off tightly. Our prisoner was secure!

Even though she was uncomfortable with the gag at first, Aunt Chrissy was definitely enjoying being tied up now and was happy to be giving her nephews such a fun time. The “torture” then proceeded with flashlights. We shined it toward her head at first and on her face, and then completed an “inspection,” which included searching her bare legs and around her waist for “hidden weapons.” Then I got an idea. “Well since you won’t talk, we’ll have to sic the pitbull on you!” This dog was of course our geriatric and harmless old dog, no pitbull. He had lumbered down to the basement to see us, and I picked him up and put him right on top of Aunt Chrissy’s stomach. She was actually laughing hard as she loved the dog. But the dog started to walk on her a little bit and she was squirming (to the extent that she could). Austin held her feet down and I held her shoulders, and the dog climbed up a little onto her bound chest and started licking her face and neck. She was laughing but also squirming and trying to shrug her shoulders. The dog licked her for about 10 seconds then stopped, lifted his head, jumped down and plopped down next to the futon. I felt a little bad and patted her face with a clean and damp shop towel.

We then regrouped and tried to come up with other “tortures.” I found some silly string and sprayed some across her legs but the bottle quickly ran out. After more time of looking for “instruments of torture” and many muffled sounds from our pretty aunt, we started to get a little tired. Then the two of us each took a seat on the edge of the futon. “Boy I’m getting thirsty Austin.”

“Yeah, me too..”

I scooted down the futon and ungagged Aunt Chrissy, dropping the bandana to her neck and pulling out the paper towel.

“Well auntie, we’re thinking about freeing you.”

She was mostly giggling, but took a minute to swallow, and said, “oh my gosh, where do you boys come up with some of this stuff? You’re very creative!”

“Oh we’re just having fun… doing what boys do. This is cousin camaraderie! Capturing and tying up our aunt. We always have fun when you’re here. You’re the best aunt ever!

“Aww thanks guys.” She was relaxed and wasn’t even struggling against her bonds, but was just lifting her head up off of the plywood to look at us. "And believe me boys, I had as much fun as you did. Maybe we can do this again? Would you tie me up again?

Austin and I smiled and nodded.

“Are you boys ready for dinner? You’re probably getting hungry.”

We then slowly untied her, as I did not want to cut any of my dad’s rope. Then we cleaned ourselves up and I helped her clean the silly string off of her legs. We enjoyed the rest of the evening, and watched part of the ball game. I sat on the end of the couch while Aunt Chrissy lay down on the other end and rested her beautiful tanned and toned legs on my lap, which I enjoyed. When the game ended, I was going to go to bed, Austin was going to wait for his parents. When I said goodnight to my aunt, she said, “this was so much fun guys. I love hanging out with my nephews! I don’t know when it will be just the three of us again though.

I offered, “Well next time Auntie we can play three against one if my brother is here.”

Austin chimed in, “or five against one! I’ll get my two brothers!”

Aunt Chrissy laughed and shook her head, “Oh no, not five against one!”

She hugged and kissed the two of us, I went to bed. She was still the best aunt ever.
Last edited by quietman 2 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Tieup1 »

A nice fun story, with plenty of detail. These slightly innocent games, can be lots of fun. :)
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Post by quietman »

Thanks so much for the feedback, really appreciate it! I’m glad you enjoyed it. These games can be a lot of fun! Like I kind of mentioned, all the characters are real so it was a lot of fun to write and didn’t take very long. I’ve been picturing my aunt tied up since I was 9 or 10. I tried to paint a good picture without being too detailed and long. I’m thinking I’ll do at least one more story about her.
Last edited by quietman 3 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Ianc1980 »

How old was she?
Great job and thanks for sharing! I hope for more stories about your aunt!
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Post by quietman »

Ianc1980 wrote: 3 years ago How old was she?
Early 30s. 33 or 34. She was absolutely beautiful.
Ianc1980 wrote: 3 years ago Great job and thanks for sharing! I hope for more stories about your aunt!
Thanks so much glad you enjoyed it! I have at least one more in mind already, should post it soon. I think it will be better.
We did actually tie her up a couple of times but I was a lot younger and it wasn't much of a story.
If there's anything particular you'd like to see or are interested in don't be afraid to comment or send me a pm.
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Post by dogrednuht123 »

Amazing story and very well written. Loved it. Hope you can write more on this topic.
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Post by quietman »

Thanks a lot! There will be more. Hope you enjoy reading them, they're really fun to write.
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Post by slackywacky »

Great story, please don't stop writing. Your story reads fine and the detail is pretty good without overdoing it.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by quietman »

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago Great story, please don't stop writing. Your story reads fine and the detail is pretty good without overdoing it.
Thanks a lot. Working on another one right now.
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Post by Mr.Karim »

nice story i really liked it . U know i tie my aunt up too . i hogtie her and gag her so tight and she enjoy it so much . is there any one that wants to be tied up ? i need an slave :D :twisted:
i wanna a woman to tie her up . is any one there ? send me in pv
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Post by GagFan96 »

Mr.Karim wrote: 3 years ago nice story i really liked it . U know i tie my aunt up too . i hogtie her and gag her so tight and she enjoy it so much . is there any one that wants to be tied up ? i need an slave :D :twisted:
I love being tied up, as do many people on this site.
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Post by Mr.Karim »

GagFan96 wrote: 3 years ago
Mr.Karim wrote: 3 years ago nice story i really liked it . U know i tie my aunt up too . i hogtie her and gag her so tight and she enjoy it so much . is there any one that wants to be tied up ? i need an slave :D :twisted:
I love being tied up, as do many people on this site.
so hello ! check your pv
i wanna a woman to tie her up . is any one there ? send me in pv
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