A new game for our favorite Aunt (mmm/F), Part 1

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A new game for our favorite Aunt (mmm/F), Part 1

Post by quietman »

Hey everyone, thanks for all the comments on my first story. I really appreciate it and I'm glad you all enjoyed it.

I've got a new story here featuring most of the same characters. Once again, I will be tying up my aunt. I would highly recommend reading my first story before this one: Capture the Flag, Capture the Aunt (mm/F)
It's a nice intro into the following story.

Characters and Background:
Like my first story, the characters in this are based on real people, just with a fictional TUG. I am 12 years old. Basically a typical 12 year old boy, like sports, exercise, wrestling, etc.

Alex: My cousin. Less than a year older than me, similar interests, we are friends. I look up to him a little. He is an "aspiring Rambo" type, so he really gets into the games. Solid strong kid.

Troy: Alex's younger brother. 9 years old. Gets picked on a lot by his brothers. Wants to fit in and have fun with us.

Aunt Chrissy: My attractive aunt and our babysitter. Mid-30s. Average height. Broad shoulders, average breasts, great legs. She has beautiful skin and dark hair a little bit past the shoulder. Very kind and fun, generally loves to babysit us.

Good News
A conversation that started off with really bad news ended up with awesome news. My mom informed me that my parents and brother would be traveling out west for a relative’s wedding, but I wouldn’t be coming.

“They decided to cut the age off at 14. Basically, everybody high school age and older. I know it’s kinda cheesy, but what are we gonna do, boycott?”

“Mom, you can’t leave me alone while the three of you fly out west all weekend! What am I gonna do?”

“No, of course not honey. I know you’re disappointed but don’t worry it’s all covered, in fact I think you’ll have a really fun weekend. Aunt Chrissy is going to stay here with you until we get back, and Alex and Troy will also.”

I perked up immediately. “Oh-ho, great! I love hanging out with them!... but wait, why isn’t Aunt Chrissy going?” I asked skeptically, as if this was too good to be true.

My mom answered, “She has things at work on that Friday morning that are too important to miss, and with no direct flights later, she wouldn’t get there in time for the wedding… so actually, everything ended up working out okay.”
I thought to myself, “you can say that again.”

Months later, Friday afternoon
A few months later it was early December. I couldn’t wait to get home from school, as I had been looking forward to this for a long time. A weekend with my favorite, and attractive aunt, and also with my cousins, who I genuinely enjoyed hanging out with. I got off the bus and entered my house jumping with anticipation. I wondered what Aunt Chrissy would be wearing. If she was coming from work, hopefully a skirt suit with pantyhose, which showed off her awesome legs.

I looked at the clock. Quarter after four, it couldn’t be too much longer. My aunt had left work and then swung by to pick my two cousins from their school on her way to my house. Their parents and older brother had flown out with mine. We lived a little ways away from them.

A few minutes later I heard a car coming up the driveway. I jumped up, opened up the door and put the garage door up. My cousins shot out of the backseat immediately and were already making a lot of noise. My aunt emerged and walked into the house. She looked kind of tired and stressed, but was happy to arrive. They all entered and everybody greeted each other. She was wearing a grey turtleneck sweater, blue jeans and black leather boots. No pantyhose, but her jeans were tight and she looked great. I was only 12, but I liked women in boots.

“Oh Aunt Chrissy I have a list here from my mom that I’m supposed to give to you. Just stuff she wanted you to know. Mostly meals and stuff.”
She thanked me and looked over it. I just watched her read it for a second.

“I-I, uh am su- surprised they let you wear jeans at work” I said, stuttering an awkward sentence.

“Oh just on casual Fridays,” she said with a smile and lifted up both of her legs from her seat.
“Hmm. Fine by me!” I thought.

“I match my nephews, you all have jeans on!” The three of us all had jeans and either t-shirts or sweatshirts on.

The three of us then decided we’d go downstairs. My cousins brought their bags with them, since they were going to sleep on a spare mattress in the basement.

“I’ll be right down,” my aunt called to us as we descended down the stairs.

It didn’t take us long to descend into our usual shenanigans. We started a good game of war. This “game,” if you could even call it that, had no rules, and really no winner. It consisted of pre-teen boys wrestling, shooting nerf guns, throwing stuff at each other, and generally roughhousing. While doing it, we’d pick countries and then shout out military or history trivia while playing. Today was Americans vs. Germans. We had a huge “arsenal,” as we kept all of our toys in our grungy basement. I mostly went at it with Alex. Troy was only 9 and his brothers were pretty rough on him.

A New Game
My aunt came down a few minutes later and sat down, she was mostly just watching us, and reading to herself. The only time she really talked was to get on us when we would hit the ceiling tiles or lights (she was following my dad’s instructions.) We were having a great time, just being typical boys aged 9 to 13. After a long time playing, we took a five minute break, and got some water.

“Well guys, what do you want to do now? It’s getting dark and it’s freezing outside. Do you want to stay down here?”
“Yeah auntie, you should play with us! We want to tie you up!” Troy chimed right in.
My older cousin Alex and I both kind of did a double-take thinking, “Can’t you be a little more subtle, doofus.”
Alex interrupted, “He means we want you to join in the game. Do you want to play with us?”

“I’m a little tired guys, and you play way too rough for me!”
I wanted to make it happen. “No, we’ll change it, and make actual rules. Instead of war, we’ll play something less physical, more stealthy. We’ll call it, uh… espionage. And all of us boys will be on one team, so we won’t be mauling each other anymore.”
She seemed okay with it so far. “So it will be you three against me. What are the rules of this game? As long as I don’t have to wrestle and fight you guys too much I’m fine!”

We then took a couple of minutes to set up the rules. Alex and I mostly talked back and forth, shutting down whatever suggestions Troy made. Aunt Chrissy even made some suggestions, which is what made her so fun and a great babysitter. Most other babysitters would be reading drug store novels.

We then figured out the teams. Aunt Chrissy got to be the good guys, the Americans, or “CIA agent.”

We were going to be the Germans at first but didn’t know anything about their espionage.
“We can be like U-boat captains” Troy said confidently.
Alex snapped back “U-boats were submarines, dummy.”
I interrupted, “Forget it! We’ll be uh… the Russians. The Cold War-era Soviets.”

With roles decided we went over the rules and objective. It was a combination of capture the flag and hide and seek. The basement was the “Warsaw Pact,” and the first and second floors were “NATO.” Aunt Chrissy’s mission was to find our “nuclear codes” aka an old tool bag of my dad’s. For the first five minutes, she was free to roam the house, and we had to stay in the basement with our heads down. We were going over this, and my aunt asked, “So what’s your objective again? Just to find a good hiding place?”

“Yeah and then our objective is to capture you after the 5 minutes.” It was obvious what the game was set up for.

After 5 minutes, we could search for her, but one of us had to stay in the basement at all times, “mother Russia.” Aunt Chrissy’s advantage was she got a nerf gun with six shots while each of us only had single shooters. Reloading could only happen if everybody on both sides was out of ammo. We explained that she could be captured either by being shot or snuck up on and taken from behind. If one of us got shot, we were “killed” and out of the game. We explained that we weren’t carrying AKs, but only tranquilizing guns. She kind of just laughed at this.

For props, I fished an old fur hat of my dad’s out of the closet and put it on. We didn’t have much for Aunt Chrissy, but I pulled out an old play police badge that goes in a breast pocket and she hooked it onto her belt in front. Troy had no props and we just called him “Ivan the conscript” and told him to stay in the basement. My cousin Alex, an aspiring Rambo, decided he was Russian special forces, Spetsnaz, and put on a black, face covering ski mask.

He was into it as always, “I swear it’s authentic man… I told you to watch that documentary!”
“Whatever man, let’s start the game already.”

Aunt Chrissy was unzipping her black leather knee-high boots. Alex chimed in, “Oh and you have to keep your boots on.” She looked like she wanted to argue.
“It’s cold in Russia!” I said.

Aunt Chrissy stepped outside and we took a few minutes to hide the now empty tool bag. It was on the first floor. We then returned downstairs with a stopwatch.
Aunt Chrissy was confident. She had her hands on her hips. “You know I’m gonna find this quickly guys… I wasn’t born yesterday.”
“You have five minutes.” We started the stopwatch and put our heads down, and she scampered upstairs. With our heads still down I whispered,
“Do you think she’ll find it?”
“No way! That was a great idea you had! She’s probably rifling through closets and looking under beds.”

I had gone into the room where we had a fireplace. I opened up the flu and duct taped the bag inside the chimney. I was pretty proud of myself. I just hoped the tape would hold. The minutes went on and we heard the occasional booted footsteps, wherever there was no carpeting.

“Well looks like our CIA capitalist is having some trouble, comrades.” I said.
Shortly after that the stopwatch beeped 5 minutes. “Troy you stay down here. We’re going up.”

I followed Alex’s lead. We quietly crept up the stairs and then split up to start clearing rooms one by one, with our nerf guns drawn. She was nowhere to be found. She had no idea where the tool bag was.

Alex said, “hold your post here comrade. She’ll probably be trigger happy. I think I can get her.”
He crept upstairs slowly, expecting an ambush. He was shocked she wasn’t guarding the stairs. Instead he heard footsteps in a room. She was still looking. Then I heard a bunch of nerf gun shooting and yelling. Aunt Chrissy attempted 3 shots, all misses. Alex returned but also missed. He turned around to escape downstairs but she caught him in the back with a nerf dart on his way down.

“Ha-ha, gotcha!” She was very proud of herself and sounded like she was having fun. I approached the stair case and thinking it was an easy shot returned fire up the stairs but also missed.

We retreated and regrouped in the basement while Aunt Chrissy kept searching. Even though Alex was “dead,” we stretched the rules and allowed him to guard Russia, allowing Troy to go upstairs with me. The two of us went to the first floor again, and she was once again looking upstairs. I told Troy to just hide somewhere. After a couple of more minutes we heard her come down. We both hid behind couches, but she scampered down stairs thinking we were out of darts. She started looking around closets again while turning around to check for us occasionally. She moved to near the sofa in the living room, where we were,

“Troy, get her!” I said.
Her head of course turned my direction and she raised her gun to shoot, but Troy crawled from behind, grabbed ahold of her boots and shot and point blank. She lowered her head and laughed a little.
“Well, you boys got me.”

I approached from behind and grabbed her with my left hand and hand-gagged her with my right.
“You lose, nosy Westerner!” I turned to Troy, “Good work comrade, you will be decorated Hero of the Soviet Union!” Troy was so proud of himself.
“Okay guys, just remember, nothing too rough okay.”
“Yes, of course my Western comrade. Now put your hands on top of your head! We take you to Siberia!”

I called down to comrade Alex that we were on our way, and brining a secret agent as a prisoner. We brought her down with her hands still up and then convened.
Troy of course said it again, “okay, can we finally tie her up now? … you guys have been talking about it for-“ We punched him before he could finish.

“Yes, auntie, he’s right. You lost the game!”
She sighed, with her hands still on top her head. “Okay fine, but just for a few minutes okay?”

Alex grinned. “Okay sure. We’ll decide how many ‘minutes’ it will be when we sentence you in court.”
He then knelt down beside his overnight bag sifting through clothes and stuff. He pulled out a bunch of ropes and dropped them next to a pole on the other side of the basement.

Then Alex and I each took one of her arms and stretched it out. Troy got in from behind and got a fistful of her sweater with one hand and grabbed ahold of her belt with the other as the three of us walked our captured “secret agent” aunt to the pole. We stood her up in front of it.

I knelt down and handled the lower body; Alex took the upper. I pushed her two legs together as tightly as I could, and then folded the rope in half and fed the loose ends through the folded loop. I pulled it with all my strength and then began wrapping up her booted ankles as tight as possible.

“Make sure you’re getting the pole in there, not just the ankles!” my cousin ordered.
“I know, I know, that’s what I’m doing.” I replied while busily making another turn of rope.

Aunt Chrissy was having fun during the game and didn’t resist at first but now she was starting to squirm and tried to move her feet a few times. Every time she did I would yank on the ankle ropes, and try to get them even tighter. With her ankles secure, I stood up to examine her. My cousin had tied her wrists to the pole also. His rope work was excellent. She could go up and down and move her shoulders and knees, but her wrists and ankles couldn’t budge. Her dark hair had fallen over her face a little and she was trying to flip it back with her neck, which we all enjoyed seeing.

“Alright guys, just a few minutes like this, right?”

I shook my head “Oh… we’re not done auntie. This is not the CIA, this is the KGB! We tie people up for real.”
“What do you mean! Come on boys, I can’t stay like this for too long.”

Alex responded with a smile, “That’s right you can’t!”

We then each grabbed another strand of rope. She started protesting again.
Meanwhile, Tory had been badgering us the whole time to let him help tie her up. I wanted to reward him, “Troy go to the other side of the basement, there are clean paint rags. Grab one and gag her.”

“No way! I’m not in the mood to be gagged guys. I didn’t want to roughhouse with you guys!”
See, we were a little generous, and didn’t stuff her before the gag went in. Troy had to get up on a step stool to reach her mouth. He tried, but it was very loose and tangled in her hair.

Alex tightened up the gag and I straightened out her hair. Since we didn’t stuff her mouth, she could still talk a little. “mmmrobes mmmphoo fight!” which we took to mean “rope’s too tight.”

With our aunt nice and gagged, after a couple more minutes of rope work, we were done. In addition to her ankles, I tied a strand above the knees. I noticed she was still moving her hips a little bit and struggling. I could hear her tight jeans rubbing together at the thigh, so I added another strand on the thighs, but higher up, closer to the waist, just below her derriere in the back. My cousin did a strand wrapped around her upper stomach under the breasts, independent of the wrists, and then above the breasts and which included the arms. He, being the scout, tied her up even tighter than me. The ropes were digging into her charcoal grey sweater. She was still trying to struggle a little bit, but literally every strand had been connected to the pole. Despite the heavy heaving of her chest, Aunt Chrissy really could not move anything below her neck. Her only movement really was trying to flip her hair out of her eyes. She had almost become one with the pole.

Enjoying Victory

“Hey guys, I have an idea…” I walked over to the tv cabinet and opened up the door. “Come on over to the tv.” They walked over a little curiously. I had put Rocky IV in, and I fast forwarded to the scene in the Moscow arena where they played the Soviet anthem.

“Nice! In honor of our victory comrades!” Alex proclaimed. We then decided we all really liked the movie, so we went back to the beginning and then just rolled the tv over next to our bound and gagged aunt.

“Do you like Rocky auntie?” She kind of rolled her eyes and moved her neck a little, while making noise into her gag. We pulled some chairs over and were having a great time.

Alex said to me, “you realize that our older brothers are probably getting lectured by our moms to eat their vegetables right now at the rehearsal dinner. HA!”
I raised my root beer, “Cheers, comrades. Troy, you really earned your stripes, looks like your brothers toughened you up.” He was the happiest of all of us because he got to fit in and help tie her up.

We enjoyed a good portion of the movie like this, laughing. We were planning to check on our aunt soon. We liked having her tied up, but of course we didn’t want to hurt her. She seemed to be fine.

It was also getting to be close to 5:30, and everybody was starting to think about eating. We were talking about the meals my mom had cooked and left for us, when Troy chimed in
“Do you hear that knocking?”
“We stopped talking. Nothing.
“It’s nothing Troy.”
A second later, the doorbell rang. We all just kind of looked at each other and then looked at my aunt, who was making a lot of noise through her gag. Her eyes widened in distress.

It was definitely not a good time for a visitor!

To be continued...

Here is a link to Part 2: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11507

Next time I do a two part I will keep them in the same thread
Last edited by quietman 3 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by dogrednuht123 »

another excellent story. great cliffhanger and looking forward to the next update.
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Post by Nainur »

I really love this kind of stories!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice story so far, the scenario. Maybe Aunt Chrisssie is interrogated later and loses her boots in the process?
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Post by quietman »

Thanks, glad you like it!
Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Maybe Aunt Chrisssie is interrogated later and loses her boots in the process?
I think you’re onto something!

Will start part 2 soon.
Last edited by quietman 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Good story, really like it, so far. I would have loved to have had an aunt like her. :)
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