Matilda's nightmare F/f

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Matilda's nightmare F/f

Post by lasse672000 »

Matilda twisted and turned in front of the mirror, admiring herself, and rightly so. She was about 1 meter 70, had waist long brown, slightly frizzy, hair, brown eyes, and milk chocolate skin. Today she was dressed in a homemade yellow terry t-shirt-and-shorts onesie, having found inspiration in pictures from the seventies. She had no socks.
"Looks good on you, Tilda." her mother said and put her hands on her daughter's shoulders.
"Thanks, mum." Matilda turned and kissed her on the cheek. "Mind if I go over to Susie for a while?"
"No, of course not, love. Just remember; dinner at seven!"
"No, I won't mum! Bye!" Matilda bent down and put on her sneakers.
"Bye, love."

As soon as she entered the house, she could feel there was something horrifyingly wrong. It was too quiet, except for a faint thumping sound coming from one of the closets. She walked over and opened the door. And then, she froze. On the floor lay Susie. She was about 1 meter 65, was as blonde and light skinned as Matilda was dark, her hair being shoulder length and straight. They had one thing in common, though.
Susie was dressed in a homemade terry onesie, similar to the one Matilda was wearing, although Susie's was blue. Now, she was lying on the floor, with ropes around her ankles, knees, waist and between her legs, and she had her hands behind her back. She also seemed to have a big piece of cloth stuffed in her mouth, as she had bulging cheeks and a scarf tied around her head.
"What's happened?" Matilda terrified asked, as she took the gag out of her friend's mouth.
Instead of answering, Susie's eyes widened in horror, and she hissed: "Watch out!" But it was too late. Matilda felt an arm being thrown around her, trapping her arms to her sides, and a cold, damp, smelly cloth was pressed over her mouth and nose, and everything went dark.

When she woke, she was sitting in a chair, and she could feel ropes around her ankles, knees, between her legs and pulled as high as it possibly could and then tied to a rope around her waist, and her elbows and wrists had been tied together behind, and tied to, the back of the chair. She felt a huge piece of cloth having been put in her mouth and a scarf was wrapped around her head.
She heard a moaning sound to the left, and when she turned her head that way, she saw her best friend, tied to a chair beside her, and gagged.
"So! You're both awake. Well, FI-NA-LLY!" a familiar female voice snapped behind them. When the intruder walked in front of the girls, Matilda gasped, but Susie just looked at her friend as if to beg for forgiveness.
It was their P.E. teacher, Mrs. Frey! Easily one of the most feared and probably THE most hated teacher in the whole town!

She looked down at her captives, and an ice cold, evil smile slowly spread across her wrinkly face.
"So," she slowly said, in an ice cold voice, "you were planning on doing nothing in front of the T.V, except stuffing your faces with crisps and cookies all night long, were you?"
She bent down, so she could look the girls in the eyes. "Well, I have a surprise for you; that ain't gonna happen any time soon. Instead, I'm going to take you to the sports field, so you can run a few laps. Then, I'm going to take you to my personal gym, and make sure you get a proper work out. Lastly, I will take you back to the sports field and let you run another couple of laps. Then, I MIGHT let you go home. On the other hand, I might keep you here, so you can do it all over again tomorrow, and the day after that, and so on, until you do the whole routine to my satisfaction. Have I made myself clear?"
The girls nodded, and the old witch walked behind them, released their elbows and wrists from the chairs, and helped them get to their feet. They walked out to an old van, and Mrs. Frey placed the girls on the floor in the back, locked the doors, started the engine and started driving away.

At that moment Matilda woke, her pink onesie Flannel pyjama completely soaked in sweat.
"Oh, sweetie!" her mother comfortingly said, as she gave her daughter a big hug. "Did you have a bad dream? Was it those pesky monsters under the bed again?"
"No, mum. The monsters hasn't bothered me in years, so don' give them any ideas, will you?" Matilda smiled. "No, it was Mrs. Frey, our P.E. teacher. She kidnapped me and Susie and forced us to run laps at the sports field!"
"Yea; that woman could scare the living daylights out of just about anyone. Well, try to go back to sleep. You've got a busy day ahead."
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

Hmm barefoot bondage PE. I love it! :D
Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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