Nicholas Blywistle (F/m), chapter 11

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Post by iliketights »

LuchoDz_007 wrote: 3 years ago I want know what's happen with Nicholas.

I want to know how you spent the night with your feet in chains.

And also what happens next. How does Sherry tie up Nicholas in the next few days?
Back when I was still single, I actually tried once to spend all night in bed with my legs tied together (knees and ankles). Just for fun. It was rope instead of chains, but kind of similar. I'm sure Nicholas will manage. After all, he doesn't have much of a choice! :)
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Post by iliketights »

Thanks for the comments everyone! I really appreciate it. Another chapter is almost ready.
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Nicholas Blywistle, chapter 9

This was not how Nicholas had imagined his first night at Sherry's house would be when his mother had dropped him off. Now he faced the prospect of spending the entire night locked in a room with his feet chained and padlocked to a bed. Why did she need to lock him in chains if the room was locked anyway? He threw off his covers and looked at his feet. Why had she deemed it necessary to chain his feet together, when chaining only one of his ankles to the bed would have been just as effective at preventing escape? He tried to push the chain down past his heels, but there was not enough slack for either foot to slip its way to freedom. The chain wasn't very thick, but having no hacksaw or the key to the padlock meant that it was going to remain in place around both of his ankles until Sherry back back in the morning. Next, he examined the length of the chain, but found to his utter dismay that it was not even long enough to allow him to place his feet on the floor. She had not even granted him the ability to stand up. Sighing in resignation, he lay back down and covered himself with the blankets again. He again felt very alone. He was extremely grateful that she had not restrained his wrists. The chain was uncomfortable, but at least his socks provided some cushion between metal and skin. He was more exhausted than he realized, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

"Good morning, sleepy head!" a voice called out loudly. Nicholas opened his eyes and saw his captor standing by his bed, looking down at him and smiling cheerfully. "I'll bet there's a certain boy in this house who is ready for breakfast! Let's begin our day!"

Nicholas rubbed his eyes. "I would, but my feet are chained to the bed."

"Oh, silly! You didn't think I came unprepared, did you?" she said as she held up a key ring from which dangled two keys. She swiftly pulled down his blankets and opened the locks. In a moment she had unwrapped the chain from his ankles and helped him stand up. For the first time in eight hours, he was free of his ankle restraints.

"May I use the restroom? It's pretty urgent. Also, can I change back into my own clothes?"

"Yes to the bathroom, but no to the second question. When my school is up and running, students will shower and put on their school uniforms before coming down to breakfast. You're on summer vacation, so I let you sleep in a little. I already peeked in twice already this morning. You were sleeping like an angel! So, we'll have breakfast first and then you can shower and change."

After using the bathroom, Nicholas found himself seated at the kitchen table, still wearing his nightshirt and white stockings. Sherry had prepared a marvelous breakfast. He hadn't realized how hungry he was, and he dug in with pleasure. When he had finished eating, he thanked her.

"You're so welcome! It's a joy having someone in the house to cook for again. Now, you can shower and change into your school uniform."

"Sherry, why do I have to wear a school uniform? As you pointed out just this morning, I'm on summer vacation."

"Yes, but your mother sent you here for you to experience a few days at a boarding school. Even though my school is still in the planning stages, I think it's best for you to dress accordingly. Young people tend to behave better when they are dressed properly. I simply can't tolerate how youngsters dress nowadays, with their blue jeans, shorts, and other such casual or revealing apparel. Now, we do have a slight problem that is entirely my fault. I purchased a boy's school uniform for you, which you wore yesterday. I should have purchased several, so that you would always have a fresh uniform ready while the dirty ones are waiting to be washed."

"Oh, that's no problem. I could just change into my regular clothes. I have several changes of clean clothes in my suitcase."

"Oh dear boy, you must not have been listening when I lamented the sorry state of modern clothing for young people. No, the clothing you brought from home will not do. Luckily, my younger daughter was about your size. She still has six sets of school uniforms upstairs. She no longer lives here, so she would have no objections to me lending you a set. Here you go ..." she said as she handed him a neatly folded stack of clothes. He took them and looked through them.

"Oh, Sherry, these are girls' clothes!"

"Again, you seem to not be listening well. I already said that they belonged to my daughter."

"But ... I can't wear these! I'm a boy! Please, can I just put on the uniform I wore yesterday? I didn't get it dirty."

"Wear the same clothes again, without washing them?" Sherry shuddered. "Certainly not. Nor do I have time to wash it this morning."

"Could I just stay dressed like this until yesterday's clothes are clean?"

"Stay in your nightclothes? During the day? How preposterous! I've heard quite enough protestations from you, young man. Are you trying to make me punish you?"

"No ma'am," he said sadly.

"Good. Now, take this uniform and march yourself to the bathroom. Brush your teeth and have a nice shower. Cleanliness is next to godliness, you know. I will be eager to see how the uniform fits you. No dawdling now, off you go."

Nicolas reluctantly did as he was bidden.

After making his morning ablutions, he looked again at the clothing he had been given. The white short-sleeve cotton shirt, the necktie, and the pullover sweater were perfectly fine. A boy could easily wear all of these without drawing attention to himself. The rest, however, filled him with dread: a pair of girls' panties, a pair of opaque navy blue tights, and a very short pleated skirt. He once again felt like crying, but a sudden rapping on the bathroom door diverted his attention. "Stop lollygagging in there. Five more minutes and I'll have to unlock the door and see what the delay is. Do I need to dress you myself?"

Reluctantly, he began to put on the uniform. His only consolation was that his friends were extremely unlikely to see him dressed like this, unless they too were being dropped off at Sherry's house by their mothers. In which case, they too would soon be forced to dress like this.

Sherry had not given him any shoes. She seemed to prefer her students to be shoeless, presumably to make it harder to run away. He opened the door and stepped out. "Oh Nicholas, I'm glad I thought of my daughter's uniforms. It's so good to see them not going to waste. Turn around and let me see you properly!"

He slowly and with a great amount of embarrassment turned all the way around. "You look great! Why aren't you happier in your new clothes?"

"I feel ridiculous dressed like this! Please let me put on my own clothes."

"Now, now, not that again. We've been through that. Now, have a seat," she said, indicating the wooden chair that he had vacated when he finished breakfast. She went to one of the kitchen cabinets and withdrew an abundant quantity of rope. "You haven't experienced a chair tie yet, have you? This will be fun!"

"Please, don't tie me up again so soon. I just spent all night with my feet chained to my bed."

"Yes, but today's a new day. You were told you would be tied up for two hours every day. I have to run some errands, so this will kill two birds with one stone. Not only will this make you unlikely to get into trouble while I'm gone, but you'll get your two hours over with while it's still morning. Won't that be nice? You'll have the rest of the day to be untied."

"I guess so," he said with a great deal of uncertainty. "It's just that I don't like the idea of being tied up alone. What if the house catches on fire?"

"What are the chances of that? What an unhealthy imagination you have," she said as she knelt in front of him and began tying his ankles together. Soon his legs were lashed together by tight bands of rope around his legs, both above and below his knees as well as his ankles. More rope tethered his legs to the front legs of the chair so that he could not move his legs to the left or right. Another piece of rope was tied to his ankle rope, and his feet were pulled back until only his toes were touching the floor. That rope was secured to a back rung of the chair. Now he could no longer move his feet forward. Yet more rope was bound around his upper legs and the seat of the chair and securely cinched and knotted. His lower body was now completely immobilized by more rope than he had ever seen at one time, and she hadn't even started on his upper body yet.

"In spite of your initial reluctance to put on a school uniform, you have been cooperative. As a reward, I will tie your hands in front of you, instead of behind the chair. Would you like that?"

"Yes ma'am. Thank you."

Nicholas thought that it would be slightly less uncomfortable to have his hands tied in front rather than behind his back. He was also hoping that he could use his teeth to loosen the knot on his wrist ropes and possible free himself from some of his bonds while Sherry was away. On the first count, Nicholas was correct. It would be more comfortable to have his hands tied in front instead of behind. On the second count, however, he was sadly mistaken. He would soon discover that the slightest hope of loosening any of his bonds was destined to be dashed.

First, she crossed his wrists in an x-shape and bound rope around his wrists in perpendicular directions. More rope secured his upper body to the chair around his waist and around his chest. His plan on using his teeth to loosen the knot on his wrist rope was ruined when she used more rope to tie his wrist rope down to the rope that was holding his thighs firmly against the seat of the chair. He was now unable to move his hands in any direction. They were going to remain firmly in his lap until she untied them.

She checked all of his ropes again to make sure she hadn't left even the slightest bit of slack in any of them. She needn't have bothered, as she had tied everything perfectly the first time.

"There! Your first chair tie! How do you like it?"

He squirmed as much as he could, which resulted in no perceptible movement. "May I be honest, ma'am?"

"Certainly! As you already found out, I do not like it when children lie to me. That results in swift and severe punishment. Of course, sometimes children can be too brutally honest. I don't like that either. So, how do you like it?"

Nicholas was terrified of giving a wrong answer. He didn't want to lie, but saying the truth might not sit well with her either.

"Well, I would prefer not to be tied up. Perhaps you could untie me now?"

Sherry laughed heartily. At least she didn't seem angry.

"Young boys do say the darnedest things! I'm afraid you're going to remain tied to this chair for two more hours. But, as I said, you will meet your quota early in the day, and you will be free for the rest of the day! Isn't that good?"

"Yes, ma'am," he said.

She looked at him in an odd way. "I'll be right back. Wait right here," she said, not seeming to notice the irony of her statement.

She came back with a black case, pulled up a chair next to him, and opened the case. It was a cosmetics case. Nicholas wondered why she brought her cosmetics to the kitchen, since she had obviously already applied her own makeup. It soon became apparent that she was intending to use the makeup on him!

"No, please!" he shrieked and recoiled as if it were a case of torture instruments.

"That's quite enough! Do I need to punish you, young man?"

He shook his head. Tears were in his eyes.

"Don't cry, dear. That will make this more difficult."

Fifteen minutes later, Sherry held up a small mirror so that Nicholas could see his own face. He gasped in horror.

"I look like a girl!"

"Yes, isn't it marvelous! A makeover can do wonders. I've so missed having a girl around the house. Unfortunately, you're not a girl, but this is almost as good. I'm going to call you Nicolette. Do you like that?"

He shook his head. "My name is Nicholas."

"You can be Nicholas again tomorrow. By then, I'll have laundered your boy uniform."

She picked up a silk scarf that she had brought down with the makeup case. She looked down at him with a sad look on her face as she tied a knot in the center of it. "I'm so sorry that this is going to smudge your lipstick, but I can't see any way to avoid that."

"NOOOO...mmmmmmffffffffmmmmm" he squealed as the knot was thrust into his mouth. She pulled the ends of the scarf taught and tied two knots behind his head.

"There. That's better. Children should be seen and not heard."

She picked up her purse and started to walk to the back door. She turned back to look at him. He begged through his gagged mouth and pleaded at her with his eyes.

"There, there, my sweet Nicolette. No need to get yourself worked up into a tizzy. I'll be back in a couple of hours to free you. Oh, I almost forgot," she said picking up a second silk scarf. In spite of his ineffective protests, he was soon securely blindfolded.

"Don't worry. I will fix your lipstick and mascara when I get back. I do so wish they would invent some that could hold up well under gags and blindfolds."

Nicholas heard the back door being opened, closed, and locked. He could hear a car starting. The sound of the car faded as it drove away. Nicholas was alone. Bound, gagged, blindfolded, and utterly alone. Sherry is going to be upset with me when she sees how much my mascara has run. The tears started flowing.

Poor Nicholas. It kept getting worse for him. Now he was dressed like a girl, wearing girls' makeup, gagged, blindfolded, and tied to a chair with an excessive amount of very tight rope. He could barely move. He felt VERY sorry for himself, and he had good reason to. The only silver lining to this dark cloud was that he was getting his two hours of bondage over with early in the day. Better to get it over with early than to wonder when and how she was going to restrain him. He forced himself to stop crying. In spite of appearances, he was a boy, and boys aren't supposed to cry. He needed to do something about his predicament. He tested every bond, but his struggles failed to loosen any rope. He eventually had to resign himself to his fate. He wished he wasn't blindfolded so that he could tell how much time had passed. Perhaps it was better that he couldn't watch the clock. In any event, time passed very slowly.

Surely it has been two hours now?

Where is Sherry?

He moaned in despair into his gag, even though he knew it was pointless.

Then, he heard it. A car returning! The door being unlocked!

"Oh my God!" a voice said. It was not Sherry's voice. Someone ran to him and pulled off his blindfold. He blinked his eyes. Standing before him was the prettiest girl he had ever seen in his life. He guessed that she was in her late teens. His interest in girls had just taken a giant leap forward.

"Don't worry ... I'll get you out of this as quickly as I can!"

To be continued ...
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Post by lepangolin »

Thank you, I'm curious to see what happens next!
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Post by Killua »

I didn't expect that. Nice idea! Now I really want to know what's going to happen next.
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Post by scarfgagged »

Oh, i guess she is going to put Nicholas in a lot of troubles with Sherry! Nice!
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Just began reading This, and I must say, loving it so far. ( I'll certainly have to check out the other story that inspired this )but really love the concept here,, and this current chapter was great. and very Humiliating for Poor Nicholas/Nicolette. Also I like how this it actually does slightly bring up something that isn't addressed often in stories, and that being, how it could be dangerous to be left alone tied up and gagged ( specially for a minor ) . I mean Sherry also does have a point that it's very unlikely for anything bad to happen, but Nicholas is still right to feel uneasy about it, But, now he's clearly not alone as he has some company, :lol: I only wonder how things will turn out with her involvement of things :D
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Post by LuchoDz_007 »

iliketights wrote: 3 years ago
LuchoDz_007 wrote: 3 years ago I want know what's happen with Nicholas.

I want to know how you spent the night with your feet in chains.

And also what happens next. How does Sherry tie up Nicholas in the next few days?
Back when I was still single, I actually tried once to spend all night in bed with my legs tied together (knees and ankles). Just for fun. It was rope instead of chains, but kind of similar. I'm sure Nicholas will manage. After all, he doesn't have much of a choice! :)

Sorry, I think I was wrong when I wrote that message.

I thought had said that I was curious to know how Nicholas had spent the night with his feet chained, but it was also interesting to know your story was like of having spent a night like this even though as you told me they were with ropes.

I liked this chapter, I did not imagine everything that the boy was going to happen to him and that unexpected turn.
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Post by mattjensen »

Is this story going to continue?
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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

would love to know what happens next... you are keeping us hanging here... :D
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Post by harveygasson »

Yes I hope you decide to continue with this
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Post by alkaid_ »

Yes... I wanna know whats happen with Nick...

The story turning interesting.
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Post by iliketights »

Nicholas Blywistle, chapter 10

The girl went behind him, untied his gag, and pulled it free. She left the scarf gag on the table and came back to face him.

"Did my mother do this to you?" she asked.

"Is Sherry your mother?"

The girl nodded. "I'm Cassandra."

"Then yes, your mom did this."

"Is she home?"

"No, but she should be back soon."

"I'll hurry," she said, kneeling down and starting to untie the rope that was bound around his legs below his knees. "What's your name?"

"Nicholas Blywistle."

"You're ... you're a boy?"

Nicholas nodded sadly. He felt like dying. This was incredibly embarrassing. Being tied to a chair, dressed as a schoolgirl, and wearing makeup was not the best way to meet a very beautiful girl. He was very overdue for a haircut, so with the clothes and makeup included, he couldn't blame her for mistaking him for a girl. It was all so humiliating though. He would have preferred that the roles be reversed - he coming to the rescue of a beautiful, securely tied-up girl.

The rope below his knees came free, but Sherry had tied him with so many ropes that having that particular one removed gave him exactly zero extra freedom of movement. She began to untie the rope that was bound above his knees.

"I'm so sorry about this. My mom is evidently even more crazy now than she was when I moved out. Is she kidnapping children now?"

"No. My mom dropped me off here."

"Well, your mom was probably unaware that my mom would tie you up. I'm so sorry. My mom has serious mental problems."

"No, my mom knew. Your mom isn't entirely to blame," he said. He described how his sister goes to a boarding school that uses bondage as a disciplinary method, and that he had expressed interest in experiencing that to his mother. "I think your mom misunderstood, though. I'm pretty sure that my mom intended me to be tied up for two hours total. Your mom thinks I'm to be tied up for two hours every day, but she has gone far above that! I was tied up for four hours yesterday, and then I spent the night with my ankles chained together and then locked to the bed frame."

Cassandra's mouth hung open with shock. "Oh, Nicholas, I'm so sorry!"

"It hasn't been too bad. It's kind of fun, in a way, but I'm glad you're here. I don't want to be tied up anymore."

Now two ropes had been removed, but he could still barely move. She next untied the rope that was keeping his feet pulled back, connecting his ankles to the back of the chair. He could now stretch out his legs. His ankles were still tied together, but it felt good to unbend his knees.

"This is going to take a long time. Your mom will soon be back. Maybe you could cut the ropes off with a knife or scissors?"

"Oh, you're right. I'm being stupid! Why didn't I think of that?"

She went to the counter and took a steak knife from one of the drawers. Nicolas took the opportunity to get a better look at his pretty rescuer. She was wearing a pair of shorts. Her bare legs ... oh ... they looked good! A pair of sandals and a fairly tight-fitting t-shirt completed her outfit. Not only did she have a very pretty face, but a very nice body as well. Nicolas was growing more interested in the opposite sex by the minute.

She started to rush back to him, when the door to the mudroom banged open and a voice rang out. "PUT THE KNIFE DOWN! NOW!"

To be continued ...
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Post by Canuck100 »

I'm really enjoying this. Great chapter.
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Post by scarfgagged »

:o :o :o
Now what????!!!!
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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Post by Killua »

And again left off at the most interesting point. I hope you continue your story soon. Again it's a great chapter. I really want to know what's coming next.
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Post by Nightly Binds »

H ha, love Cassandras reaction to seeing him Tied up and her opinion on her mother thinking she's gone crazy and kidnapping people, I thought that was rather funny, not to say her mom might not be going a little overboard with things still, :lol: now I'm really wondering what's going to happen next ! heh, great chapter great job.
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Post by harveygasson »

Oooh exciting cliffhanger
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Post by hafnermg »

And now she has two victims.......I mean students. Can't wait to see how she secures them both for this transgression.
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Post by iliketights »

Thanks for the comments everyone! The next chapter is ready.
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Nicholas Blywistle, chapter 11

Cassandra and Nicholas jumped at the loud sounds. She immediately put the knife down on the table.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?" Sherry asked, arms folded and looking very angry. "I step away for two hours, and what do I find? My prodigal daughter has broken into my house and is now threatening to murder my favorite student with a knife?"

"Oh for heaven's sake, Mother! I'm not trying to murder him! I was going to cut him loose. And I didn't break in. I used my key."

"We'll discuss the key later. And you think that destroying my rope is any less serious than murder? That rope is my property. You have no right to destroy it!"

"And you have no right to keep children tied up in your home!"

"I have every right! I'm the headmistress of this school ..."

"Mother, you need to face reality! You're not a headmistress. This isn't a school. Nicholas isn't your student. You're living in a sick fantasy! I'm going to finish untying him now. I promise I won't cut your precious ropes."

"You'll do no such thing. Nicholas has earned punishment. He is to remain tied up for an additional two hours."

"How has he earned punishment? The only one who has done anything wrong is you."

"I sneaked in quietly just after I saw you enter the house. I've been in the mudroom and I've heard every word you two have uttered since you removed his gag. He should have said, 'Please don't untie me. Only Sherry can decide when I can be untied.' Did you say that, Nicholas?"

Nicolas put his head down in shame. "No," he replied quietly.

"No, you certainly did not. You did not try to stop her at all. In fact, I believe you said, 'I don't want to be tied up anymore.' And then you suggested that she get scissors or a knife so that she could cut the ropes, did you not?"

"Yes, Headmistress," he said, head still bowed, a tear trickling down his cheek. "I'm so sorry, Headmistress."

"You should be sorry. Do you know what I was going to do the instant I returned home?"

He shook his head.

"I was going to untie you. I was going to tell you that you had been a good boy and that you had already fulfilled your two hours of restraint, and that you would not have to be tied up again for the rest of the day. I would have had you completely untied by now. Would you have liked that, Nicholas?"

He nodded his head.

"But now I find that you have conspired against me. Don't you agree that your time tied to that chair should be doubled?"

He again nodded his head, not daring to look up at her.

"Stop tormenting him! It's not his fault! I'm going to untie him and take him back to his house. I might have some words with his mom too, for agreeing to leave him here, knowing you would tie him up."

"That is quite impossible. His parents are out-of-town for five days. I'm taking care of him."

"And you're doing such a swell job of taking care of him!"

"And just what are you doing here, anyway? You moved out the day you turned eighteen, swearing you would never set foot in this house again."

Cassandra looked a little embarrassed at having to come back to ask her mom for any favors. "The restaurant I was working at closed permanently. I could no longer afford my rent, so ... I'm temporarily without a place to live. I got hired at a new place, but it doesn't start until next week. I can move in with my friend Ashley and share rent, but her current roommate isn't moved out yet. I hate to ask, but could I stay here for a week? I have nowhere else to go."

To Cassandra's surprise, her mom hugged her. "Of course you can! You're my daughter and I love you. You're always welcome here."

"Gee, thanks Mom! I was so worried. Oh, I am so relieved! Let's untie Nicholas and find him some clothes that would be more suitable for a boy ..."

"Oh, I thought I made myself clear. Nicholas needs to be punished. No one is untying him for another two hours. Of course, you'll need to be punished as well. You removed some of his ropes without my permission. Now, have a seat so we can begin," Sherry said as she pulled out another of the wooden chairs away from the table.

"Mother, you're NOT going to tie me up!"

"I'm afraid I must, dear."

"No, Headmistress! Please don't tie her up! I'm the one who was bad! " Nicholas pleaded. "I'm the one who deserves to be tied up, not her!"

"How precious, the way you are both trying to protect each other! You two just met and already you are thick as thieves, taking sides against me," Sherry said, picking up the scarf that was lying on the table - the scarf that still had a knot in the middle that had recently been in Nicholas' mouth.

"MMMMMMpppphhhhh!" Nicholas said in surprise as Sherry quickly pushed the knot back in his mouth, pulled it tight, and tied it behind his head.

"There, that should prevent any more outbursts from you. I'll have no more interference from you when it comes to me disciplining my own daughter."

"Mother! No! Please, let him go. Tie me up instead! I'll take his two-hour penalty."

"Oh, there is no 'instead'. You both need to be punished. Either take a seat or leave."

"Please, Mother, I have no place to go!"

"Then you better take a seat right now. If you're going to live under my roof, you're going to abide by my rules. And make it snappy. The countdown for Nicholas' extra two hours doesn't start until I've tied your last knot."

Nicholas groaned inwardly. If Sherry intended to use as many ropes and knots on Cassandra as she had used on him, it was going to be quite some time before his extra two hours of punishment would even begin.

Cassandra made a frustrated grunt, said "FINE!" as if she were a child, sat down, and waited for her mother to begin binding her to the chair. Sherry picked up a coil of rope and walked toward her daughter. She paused, looking down at her.

"Well?" Cassandra asked impatiently.

Sherry shook her head. "No, this just won't do."

"Are you coming to your senses? Having second thoughts about keeping two people tied up against their will?"

"No. It's just that you can't attend my school looking like ... well, a harlot."

"A harlot! Mother, there is nothing wrong with the way I'm dressed."

"Oh really? I've noticed how Nicholas has been distracted by the sight of your legs due to your scandalously short shorts. Your tight t-shirt leaves practically nothing to the imagination. You might as well have been parading around here stark naked. No, this simply will not do. Nicholas is borrowing one of your school uniforms, but fortunately you have six more identical sets upstairs. Go up to your room and change into proper school attire."

"This is ridiculous! Mother, as I already pointed out, there is no school! Even if there were, I've already graduated. Even so, we would be on summer vacation right now. Since there's no school, there's no reason for me to wear a school uniform."

Sherry sighed, bent down, grasped Nicholas' feet, which were still tied together at his ankles, and began to tickle the soles of his stocking feet. The boy began squealing with uncontrollable laughter through his gag.

"Mother, stop it! That's cruel!"

"I'll stop as soon as you head up to your room."

"You are completely out of your mind, Mother! You need professional help. Stop torturing him, I'm going!"

Sherry's fingernails stopped tormenting the boy's feet. He struggled to catch his breath. "Cassandra, dear, please leave your phone here."

Cassandra glared at her mother, took her cell phone out of her pocket, and placed it on the kitchen table before storming out. She angrily stomped up the stairs.

Sherry gathered up the three pieces of rope that Cassandra had recently removed from Nicholas' legs. He looked at her sadly, still gagged and bound securely to the chair, but Sherry was not swayed by his silent plea. Within minutes, the three ropes had once again been retied tightly: one above his knees, another below his knees, and the third one once again keeping his feet pulled back and tethered to the back of the chair. He sighed in resignation, knowing that his rescue had been foiled. Thus he began his third hour tightly bound to the chair.

To be continued ...
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Post by harveygasson »

Really great chapter, I did wonder if Nicholas would finally be freed but this is much better haha
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Post by Canuck100 »

Another great chapter.

Now something tells me that Cassadra might have to act as a captor sometime later in the week... We'll see :)

Really enjoying reading this.
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Post by Killua »

Great chapter again. I really enjoyed it.
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Nightly Binds
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Oh my, thing seem things are getting a bit Deeper now, I mean now I'm thinking sherry is either really taking roleplaying very seriously or she's really has lost her mind :lol: :? either way certainly more intrigued to see where this goes now.
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