Nothing Personal - 4 (F/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

Maybe we will hear more details about Hayleys and Gabrielas escape? The previous chapter ended with her and Gabriela sedated in the boat. How did they travel to Switzerland?

We still do not know, where Mystery Island is located exactly. We learned in earlier Chapters that Crawfords Train passed through France and Austria. Then there was that Business Trip to Bratislava.

That could point to the Adriatic. On the other hand: A lot of the Soap operas Crawfords guests watched, were in spanish. This could point to the Western Part of the Mediterranean. :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Wow! More than 10,000 views. Thanks a lot all, very much appreciated. To celebrate that milestone I have posed the rest of the story below for you to read at your leisure. Hope that you all have enjoyed the story so far and the remainder below. Any feedback is much appreciated, by e-mail if you don't fancy posting.
Last edited by mrjones2009 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 74

East coast of America

Natalie opened the door and found Hayley on the other side, arms wide with a bottle of wine in her left hand and a large bag of chips in the other. The friends embraced warmly and for a long time before Natalie broke the embrace and beckoned for Hayley to enter. Hayley had been to Natalie’s apartment on numerous occasions and knew her way around. Hayley headed directly to the kitchen and fetched two glasses for the wine and a bowl for the chips. Natalie went to the living area and sat on the settee and was soon joined by Hayley. “Tell me the news.” Natalie had to admit that despite the ordeal that Hayley had been though she did look exceedingly well. Although Hayley had been back for a week this was the first time that they would get to catch up properly. Between needing to get some rest, catching up with her business and several round of interrogation and debriefings by various Government agencies Hayley’s time had been taken up.

“Well I had better start with the bad news that your friends Judith and Louise De Havilland are out on bail.”

“How did that happen?” Hayley enquired whilst pouring the wine into the two glasses.

“The star witness going missing didn’t exactly help. Well that and a very sharp, very expensive lawyer.”

“Well I can see your point on that one. Hopefully we can get that case back on track.” Hayley took a long drain from her glass of wine before opening the chips and emptying the bag into the bowel. “Salt and vinegar, my favourite,” Hayley took a handful of the chips and fed them into her mouth one at a time.

“I did make the assistant DA in charge on the case aware that you were back. He is keen to arrange a meeting but I told him to give you a couple of days. I am sure that you will have had enough questions for a while.”

“I couldn’t disagree with that statement,” Hayley replied and the two women fell into a natural conversation as they both described what had happened to them after they had split up in Paris. Once that was finished so was the bottle of wine, plus another bottle that Natalie had in the fridge. “So a little bird tells me that you are in a relationship,” Hayley said smiling and running her hand through her hair. Natalie blushed and took a mouthful of wine. “No need to feel embarrassed. I am so happy for you.” Natalie was spared any further questions by a knock at the door.

Natalie got up and answered it to find Gayle, Gillian and Rhiannon on the other side. “Sorry to barge in unannounced but we thought that we would just catch up with Hayley,” Gillian said.

“Just for fifteen minutes,” Rhiannon chimed in. “We heard she was here.”

“You had better come in then. But fifteen minutes is the limit,” Natalie said opening the door to allow them to enter. The chat and the wine flowed for another hour as it happened before Natalie ushered Gayle, Gillian and Rhiannon out of the door.

“Thanks for getting shot of them Natalie, I am starting to get tired. I will call a taxi and head home.”

“No problem,” Natalie said as she started to gather the used wine glasses from the table. Hayley walked over to the window with her phone and before calling for a taxi noticed that she had a couple of new e-mails. The first couple were standard junk, the third was from Lucas with an update on a current investigation that she would read later but the fourth stopped her dead, her heart missing a beat. It was the subject line that did it. Hayley opened the e-mail. The only thing in it was a link to a website. With some trepidation Hayley opened the link. The browser seemed to take forever to load the page and when it was fully loaded it was a page offering Kirsty Black for purchase to the highest bidder. There was a ticker along the top with a countdown until the page went live. It currently sat at just under forty two hours.


Hayley had quickly called a taxi and excused herself from Natalie’s flat. She was now sitting on the edge of her bed with her mobile cradled in both hands. Then the phone rang, and rang and rang again until Hayley answered. There was silence for a couple of seconds then a familiar voice echoed from the other end of the line. “Good evening.” There was something in the way that the woman said these two words that made Hayley’s skin crawl.

“I received your e-mail.” Hayley replied.

“Hayley, it is so nice to hear your voice again.”

“Let’s not beat about the bush. You obviously sent me the link to that page for a reason. So what can I do for you to prevent what you are threatening to do to Kirsty?”

“Why would you care about what happens to Kirsty? You wouldn’t seem to owe her anything, at least from where I am standing Hayley. After all Kirsty was instrumental in your abduction and then being held against your will. That is unless there is something that I don’t know about?” Hayley considered what the woman had said before replying. If seemed that the woman was fishing and her experience told her that Elizabeth Crawford was also a step ahead. Hayley guessed that she had suspicions about what had happened but no solid proof about Kirsty’s involvement in her escape from the island.

“Let’s just say that I am a good person,” Hayley replied.

“I am sure that we can come to sort of arrangement then. Something where I get something I want and you get something that you want.” Hayley considered this for moment. There wasn’t really anything that Hayley could give Elizabeth Crawford. It wasn’t as if Hayley was still an agent for the Government and could pass on information. Then is struck Hayley exactly what Elizabeth Crawford would want. But she wasn’t going to give that up without getting the most she could in return.

“What if I agreed to come back?” Hayley said. There was a long silence at the other end of the line and Hayley knew that she had hit the mark. Elizabeth Crawford was probably just annoyed that Hayley had gotten their first and not allowed her to make the offer. “You would have to let Natascha go as well?”

“What about your feisty friend?” Elizabeth Crawford asked. Hayley knew that she was now reaching but Hayley now knew what she wanted and that gave her an advantage.

“No, Gabriela isn’t part of this. It is a fair swap me coming back in exchange for Natascha being released and Kirsty not being sold to the highest bidder……come on Liz we both know that it is me that you really want.” Hayley baulked at actually saying those words but was sure that it would work. Beside Gabriela had gotten on a flight back home that morning.

“Then we have an agreement. I will send a package with the travel arrangements.”

“Yes Elizabeth we do have an agreement. Now please don’t make that page live.”

“I like that you have asked me so nicely. Just make sure that you keep to the timetable when the documents arrive and I will keep my side of the agreement. Otherwise Kirsty goes to the highest bidder and you never see your friend again. I am sure that you will agree that such a fine woman would attract a lot of interest.”

“Fine,” Hayley said with an air of resignation. What Elizabeth hadn’t said was that Hayley would spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder expecting a chloroformed soaked cloth to be forced over her nose and mouth at any moment. There is no way that Elizabeth Crawford could allow her to walk around free after escaping.

“And Hayley I also intend to find out how exactly you escaped. Won’t that be fun?” That final statement made the line went dead. Hayley threw her mobile onto the bed before slopping back onto it herself. Hayley lay like that for some time, just staring at the ceiling thinking about what fate awaited her back on the island. Well at least she knew what the first seven days would be. Eventually she fell asleep fully clothed after making a mental check list of things to do. The first of which was to sort out what would happen to her business as she had a feeling it may be some time before she would be back.

later that evening

There was a gentle patter of rain against the window as Hayley finished writing her final letter before folding the several sheets of paper and sliding them into the envelope. It had taken more time than she thought to write the letters but it had been worthwhile. Hayley wouldn’t have put it past Elizabeth Crawford to be monitoring both her telephone calls and electronic communications so Hayley had went old school. Hayley looked down at the three envelopes lying on the table addressed to her lawyer, her father and Lucas. If she had more time she would have written some more but there other things to do now that the large brown envelope had dropped through the letterbox earlier that day. There was no stamp in the corner so the envelope had been hand delivered. Tearing it open Hayley dumped the contents onto the coffee table in her main room. Passports with pictures of Gabriela and her but with false names, flights booked leaving tomorrow, some European currency and a list of what to bring and what not to bring. Finally there was a set of instructions and a map with a location marked on it. Hayley had to admire the woman, Elizabeth Crawford must have had this planned all along in order to get this organised in such a short space of time. Well, at least she had spared Gabriela being held hostage again.

There was a knock on the door as Hayley stood watching the rain run in rivulets down the window pane. Not really feeling like company at the moment she considered ignoring the knock but decided against it. As Hayley opened the door Gayle bustled past her into the flat. “Sorry for barging in Hayley.” Gayle said as she slipped off her rain soaked jacket. “That rain is pretty heavy, soaks you right through.” Hayley closed the door and turned round, as she did this Hayley realised the mistake that she had made. The documentation from the envelope was lying, spread out across her coffee table. Gayle busied across the room, hanging up her coat before slipping off her shoes and putting them to the side, very tidily.

“How are you getting on Gayle?” Hayley asked nervously. At this point she was wondering how she could make her way over to the coffee table and clear up the documentation without alerting attention or it looking suspicious.

“Fine, fine, fine,” Gayle replied as she took a seat on the couch next to the coffee table. “What does a girl have to do to get a drink around here?” Gayle said giggling. Hayley took a look at her friend. There was something not quite right with Gayle. Then it hit her.

“Are you drunk?” Hayley said with a smile. This would be unlike Gayle who was usually very straight laced.

“Nooooo,” Gayle replied as she toppled over on the couch so that she was now lying awkwardly with her head on a cushion but with her feet still planted on the ground.

“Are you sure?”

“Well, maybe just a little bit,” Gayle replied holding up her finger and thumb to indicate exactly how drunk she was.

“What happened?” Hayley enquired. It was good to have something else to concentrate on at the moment.

“I had a date earlier. It was an absolute disaster…….” Now Hayley understood. Despite being very attractive, intelligent and funny she had difficulty finding decent guys in the dating scene.

“I will get you that drink but I think that it will be water,” Hayley said with a smile. Gayle gave her the thumbs up and Hayley went into her kitchen to get a glass of water. When she came back Hayley saw that Gayle had taken an interest the documentation on the coffee table.

“What is this Hayley?” Gayle asked noticing the documentation scattered across the coffee table, suddenly sobered up. Hayley silently cursed herself for not tidying it away but she hadn’t been expecting any visitors, especially not at this time of the evening.

“Would you believe me if said nothing?” Hayley asked spinning the glass of water nervously in her hands.

“Indeed I would not believe that. There is something serious going on here Hayley. These are fake passports in your name and also Gabriela, plane tickets in the name on those false passports, foreign currency. Where did you get these?” Gayle said still rummaging through the documentation. Hayley remained silent for the moment whilst trying to come up with a believable. “It would need some kind of criminal connection to get these documents?” Gayle continued to talk whilst picking up the passport and flicking through it again. Hayley was struggling to come up with a plausible explanation for this turn of events. Then suddenly Gayle dropped the passport into the coffee table and turned to lock eyes with Hayley. “Are you working for Elizabeth Crawford?”

“No, no, absolutely not, no,” Hayley said holding up her hands whilst still clutching the glass of water.

“Is she forcing you?” Gayle continued. “I always thought that story about someone helping you escape was a bit far fetched.”

“Wait…far fetched! You didn’t believe me?” Hayley asked. Hayley now moved to put the glass on the table and take a seat next to Gayle who reached out for the water before stopping halfway.

“Have you out something in the water? Drug me and then keep me captive.” Gayle jumped up from the seat.

“Will you sit back down Gayle!” Hayley almost shouted. Slightly drunk Gayle was quickly wearing on her.

“You can’t keep me here Hayley.” Hayley put her head in her hands. The only way to explain this properly was to tell the truth. “You better not try and use chloroform on me. I have been taking self defence classes.”

“Gayle, if you sit back down I will tell you what was going on.” Hayley patted the seat next to her. After a pause to show her reluctance Gayle accepted the invitation and once she was seated Hayley told her the story, it didn’t take long but Gayle was quiet all of the way through. “So, you see I have to go back.”

“Well, then I am coming with you. I owe you Hayley and I don’t just mean for helping me out in the past when we were held hostage. I can’t let you make this journey alone.”

“Gayle I really can’t…….” Hayley started but Gayle held up a hand to silence any forthcoming arguments.

“No, decision made I am coming with you. If you don’t then I will be forced to tell everyone what you are planning and Christian and Natalie will stop you. All I have to do is switch out the photographs in the passport.” Gayle stated. “Beside Elizabeth Crawford might not even want to take me to wherever her hideaway is.”


“Where are you off to Hayley?” Gayle asked as Hayley put on her long black overcoat.

“I need to go into the office and put my affairs in order so to speak.” The unspoken words being that neither had any idea when they would be back. “I shouldn’t be too long.”

After the taxi dropped her off Hayley made her way up the steps onto the first floor landing and across to the front door to her office. During the journey she had tried to think of ways to try and get Gayle out of the way but short of asking Christina to keep her out of the way for a whole she couldn’t come up with anything. Hayley put her key in the lock and turned it but realised that the lock was not engaged. Strange, especially as if someone was working late then there should have been lights on in the office. Hayley hoped that the last person out hadn’t left the door unlocked and to compound the mistake the alarm didn’t start beeping when she opened the door and stepped into the office. Instinctively she felt of the light switch and flipped it on. However the lights didn’t come on. The plot thickens Hayley thought, her senses heightened by the prospect of danger. Hayley had carefully taken a couple of steps into the office when there was a very low moaning noise, almost inaudible as Hayley stumbled around the office. “Lori is that you?” Then suddenly the lights came on in the office and there was a banging noise, Hayley blinked before turning to look at where the sound had come from. There was a woman standing next to the fuse box, the woman was wearing a three quarter length tan coloured rain coat. The woman’s face was also heavily disguised as in addition to a headscarf the woman was also wearing scarf over the lower half of her face, like the bandit in a cowboy film. Before Hayley could react, an arm wrapped around her body, pinning both of her arms to her sides, Hayley made to scream for help but a wadded up handkerchief was forced into her mouth from behind then a leather gloved hand was clamped over her mouth. Hayley started to squirm against her assailant but then a familiar voice whispered in her ear.

“Look straight ahead Hayley.” As instructed Hayley looked ahead and stopped struggling, Lori was sitting bound and gagged on a chair. Judging by the bulging of Lori’s cheeks her mouth was completely stuffed. Having being previously gagged by the De Havilland sisters Hayley could sympathise. As Hayley watched Lori struggle, almost mesmerised the woman that had been across the room, who Hayley assumed was Louise De Havilland strode into view, stood beside Lori and pulled a stub nose revolver from her jacket pocket. The woman didn’t point it directly at Lori, just left it dangling at her side but the implied threat was there.

“Now do we chloroform you or shoot her?” Judith whispered into Hayley’s ear. “Nod once for chloroform and twice for bang, bang.” Hayley shook her head and mumbled through the handkerchief in her mouth and the hand over it. “Now that wasn’t an option. Do I need to repeat the question?” Louise De Havilland raised the gun and waived it in the general direction of Lori. Hayley didn’t take long to make a choice, she nodded once, slowly. “Good choice. Now no noise when I remove my hand.” The leather glove was removed and there was temporary relief for the lower half of Hayley’s face before a soft, thick, white cloth came into the periphery of her vision before being clamped over her nose and mouth. The familiar scent of chloroform assaulted her nostrils even before the cloth reached the lower half of her face. Not seeing any other option Hayley relaxed and took deep breathes, inhaling deeply the fumes coming from the cloth. Having been held captive by Elizabeth Crawford and her pals her tolerance for the drug was pretty high at the moment so it took some time for the drug to start to have an effect. She feared that the sisters may panic given this but surprisingly, the powerful vapour was making its presence felt quicker than she thought. Her thoughts were becoming sluggish, and her strength was ebbing, causing her limbs to go rubbery. Hayley realised the end of her resistance was drawing near, closed her eyes and welcomed the darkness when it arrived.


Sitting in Hayley’s flat Gayle was starting to worry having called Hayley twice and not had a response. Hayley hadn’t said exactly how long she would be but given the nature of their earlier conversation but Gayle was concerned. Perhaps Hayley had decided to go without her, but wait she couldn’t as the passport and other documents were still sitting on the coffee table. Gayle tried Hayley’s mobile again but once again it rang out and went to voicemail. Given what Hayley had told her Gayle didn’t know what to do. After thinking about if for another five minutes before calling another number, when it was answered Gayle hesitated again, “Natalie I think that there may be a problem with Hayley.”

After receiving the telephone call Natalie had a decision to make. If it had been anybody else perhaps she wouldn’t had been concerned but Hayley had a track record for getting herself in trouble. So after rousing Charlotte, jumping in the car and picking up Gayle on the way the three women found themselves hurrying up the stairs and headed for Hayley’s office before Natalie realised that just bursting through the door would be a tactical mistake. Natalie held up her hand and then pointed to the wall on the left hand side of the door. Charlotte and Gayle took up positions on that side whilst Natalie took up a position of the right. When they were all in place Natalie leaned over and tried the door, which to her surprise opened. Nudging it fully open Natalie cautiously made her way into the dark office, the only illumination coming from streetlights through the windows. As she stalked through the room Natalie could swear that she heard something, a low mumbling sound. Then once her eyes adjusted Natalie found the source of that noise, a figure sitting bound and gagged in a chair. It was hard to tell but Natalie was sure that it was Lori, the firm receptionist. Natalie placed a finger against her lips to indicate to the bound woman that she should be quiet to allow Natalie to check the rest of the office, Once she was satisfied that it was clear Natalie shouted for Gayle and Charlotte to join her as she untied Lori from the chair before asking “What happened?”

“These two women burst into the office just as I was about to lock up and leave, they grabbed me before I could do anything and one of them put a cloth over my face. There was a strange smell from the cloth and I started to feel really sleepy, I couldn’t keep my eyes open and…..and when I woke up I was tied to that chair in the middle of the office.” Charlotte had come back from the kitchen and handed Lori a glass of water. “Thanks.”

“Could you describe them?” Natalie asked.

“No they were covered up their faces with scarves, like outlaws in the old western films.”

“What about the voices? Did they have neutral, kind of posh accents?” Lori nodded in the affirmative.

“Sounds like you have an idea of who they are Natalie?”

“I can’t be one hundred per cent but I an am sure that it is the De Havilland sisters, Judith and Carole. Hayley was the star witness against them in a criminal case, theft, fraud, kidnapping and human trafficking.”

“Nice people then” Charlotte said to nobody in particular. Ignoring the comment Natalie continued.

“The case had been about to fall apart until Hayley returned. Obviously the de Havilland sisters have decided not to take any chances and taken matters into their own hands to ensure that the case doesn’t get to court.”

“We have to find her in the next twelve hours.” Gayle said, checking her watch. Natalie and Charlotte gave Gayle a strange look. Of course they wanted to find Hayley as soon as possible but didn’t understand the exact deadline.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 75

Hayley came round in a fug with her head pounding. The De Havilland sisters must have kept using the chloroform on her throughout the trip to wherever they were now. Assessing her current predicament was now relatively easy given her experience of being kidnapped and bound, although it was helpful that she hadn’t been blindfolded. She was lying on a bed in featureless room, white walls and a single door. After a quick check Hayley confirmed that her legs were bound in three places with several coils of thin white rope or cord. Her wrists were bound behind her back, no doubt with the same rope and there were also several coils of rope trapping her arms to her body. Finally her mouth was packed with fabric, no doubt handkerchiefs knowing the De Havilland sisters with a folded silk scarf bound over her mouth to keep the packing in place. It was a simple, yet effective gag. Hayley had a go at trying to loosen the ropes, eventually bucking frantically given her situation with Elizabeth Crawford and Kirsty but it didn’t go any good. The bonds were secure and didn’t budge. Frustrated Hanley thumped her head into the solitary pillow on the bed. This could only happen to me’ Hayley thought as she lay on the bed. ‘Getting kidnapped and having to escape the clutches of one set of abductors in order to voluntarily submit to being kidnapped by another set of abductors.’

She must have dozed off as the next thing that Hayley knew there was a hand nudging her shoulder. When she was able to get her focus back she found Judith De Havilland looming over her with her sister Louise visible just over her right shoulder. “Wake up sleepy head,” Judith said with a smile on her lips that didn’t reach her eyes. Unable to respond verbally Hayley just glowered at the women from over the silk scarf over her mouth.

“Don’t tease people Judith,” Louise admonished her sister.

“Very well Judith. I shall get straight to the point then. Hayley as you are a danger to us.” Judith said. “So we have to make you disappear…on a permanent basis.”

“UURRUUMMPPHH,” Hayley screamed through her gag and at the same time starting to squirm. Judith just watched on with a smirk on her face. They had obviously decided not to take any chances and get her out of the way Hayley thought.

“Judith, don’t worry the young lady like that.” Louise said, clearly upset about the implications of her sister’s words sat down on the bed next to Hayley. “Now we are not going to do anything as nasty as kill you Hayley. I wouldn’t let anybody hurt you.” Louise ran the back of her hand tenderly down Hayley’s face as she spoke. “However we have put the word out with our contacts that there is a beautiful, curvaceous and feisty young lady that is available to the highest bidder.”

“RRUUGGHH,” Hayley said and stated thrashing on the bed.

“Now don’t do that you might get hurt.” Louise said getting up. “We wouldn’t give you to anybody nasty.” Hayley looked from Louise to Judith and the eyes of the other sister confirmed something different and Hayley struggled continued. “Perhaps we should give her some chloroform to calm her down.” Hayley did not want to be knocked out again. Who knew where she would be when she next came round.

“That is a good idea Louise. Why don’t you go and get the bottle and a nice clean handkerchief and I will keep a watch on Haley.” Louise nodded and headed for the door. As she opened the door the sound of a telephone ringing was clearly audible. Hayley stopped struggling and watched as the sisters exchanged a quizzical look. This was obviously not in the plan. “You had better answer that Louise.” Judith nodded and then turned to Hayley. “I had better see who that is. Now don’t you go anywhere?” When Judith exited the room that contained Hayley and closed the door she found her sister listening to someone on the other end of the line.

“Ms De Havilland my name is Elizabeth Crawford and I suggest that you listen carefully to what I am about to say as this will be your only chance to make the correct decision for your future.” Louise covered the mouthpiece and said Elizabeth Crawford in hushed tones. Judith froze for a moment as that weight of that name set in. Although the De Havilland sisters had never come across Elizabeth Crawford directly in their criminal dealings her reputation was well known in those circles. The woman was a big hitter with connections everywhere and a reputation of someone who should not be trifled with. Then a smile broke across Judith’s face. Of course, Crawford had a line in people smuggling, the very high end of that trade and high end could definitely be used to describe Hayley. Crawford was obviously calling to make arrangements about that.

“How did you get our number?” Louise asked. Judith had to stop herself lunging forward and grabbing the phone from her sister.

“It is not important how I came by your number. The important thing is that you are currently holding someone that is important to me and I want her back.”

“Sorry, I don’t understand. Are you interested in acquiring the item that we have?” Louise responded.

“No, you will release Hayley as a favour to me. Then in exchange for this favour I will let you stay on my island for however long you wish.” Louise was confused and looked to her sister for assistance. Judith shrugged and Louise pressed the mute button on the phone before explaining the conversation that she had just had with Elizabeth Crawford. Judith took the phone from her sister.

“What if we don’t agree to your offer?” Judith asked.

“Look at it this way Ms De Havilland. What are your other options? Live the rest of your life looking over your shoulder for the authorities. I know from experience that isn’t fun. When you accept the offer you will have a safe place to stay and you can take all of the time you need to plan your next move. There is another thing to consider Judith.”

“And what is that?” Judith took the bait.

“It would be better to have me an ally then an enemy.” Judith gulped. There was something in the woman’s voice when she made that statement that sent a shiver down her spine. “Hayley has the address that she can give you. If you can get there under your own steam the occupants know how to contact me and I can make the arrangements to get you here.”

“If we let Hayley go then how do we know that you will keep your end of the bargain?”

“You don’t but will just have to trust me.” Elizabeth said and terminated the call. Judith just looked at the handset for a couple of seconds before replacing it on the cradle.

“So what do you think?” Louise asked.

“Bring the chloroform and handkerchief and then let’s have a chat with Hayley.”


“So the De Havilland sisters just decided to let you go?” Christina asked. Hayley was sipping from her mug but nodded her head. It had been a strange night all round. After both De Havilland sisters had left the room to deal with that telephone call Hayley had tried again without success to loosen the ropes binding her. The frustration had continued until the door opened and the De Havilland sisters had come back in with looks on their faces that were a mixture of perplexed and concern. Hayley knew that something had happened but just wasn’t sure what. When Judith De Havilland had explained who had been on the other end of the line and what she wanted Hayley would have had to stifle a laugh if she hadn’t been gagged. Anything it was then that Judith said that they would let her go in exchange for the address where they could make the arrangements to get to Elizabeth Crawford’s island. Judith explained that they would leave a number on her person where they could be contacted with the address; then the handkerchief was pressed over the lower half of her face. Unable to remove the handkerchief or escape the fumes because of the bindings, she tried to minimize her exposure by taking shallow breaths, but even that endeavour failed as the resultant euphoria diminished her capacity to resist. Each breath pulled more and more of the enticing vapour into her lungs, dulling her senses and draining her strength. Her perceptions grew fuzzy at the edges and her struggles grew feeble as the chloroform knocked her out again. Just before she passed out Hayley wondered about how she had Elizabeth Crawford to thanks for saving her from an unknown but no doubt terrible fate. Not that she would choose to be held captive but at least with Elizabeth Crawford Hayley knew what she was in for.

Anyway Hayley had come round sitting in the bus station with a sore head and a feeling of discomfort around her chest, which was quickly sorted by removing the sheet of paper and quarter from her bra. The paper had a telephone number on it, no doubt to communicate the address to the De Havilland sisters and the quarter she used at the payphone to call Natalie. It hadn’t taken her friend long to pick her up and bring her back to her flat, which is where she was now. Cradling a hot cup of tea and answering questions from Natalie and a clearly sceptical Christina. “Yes Christina, they just let me go.”

“Why would they do that?” Christina said, more to herself than Hayley.

“There was a telephone call and then they came back into the room, knocked me out and when I came round I was sitting in the bus station.”

“And they didn’t mention who the phone call was from?” Natalie asked. Hayley shook her head.

“They didn’t say a word.” Hayley kept her eyes directed at the table in front of her, not wanting to make eye contact with Natalie.

“Well we have an alert out for them and their photographs have been distributed around all law enforcement agencies,” Natalie said. “They won’t get far.” Hayley continued to keep her head down.

“Anything wrong Hayley?” Christina asked. Hayley looked up and could tell that Christina wasn’t convinced that Hayley had told the whole story. The woman was leaning against the frame of the door with her arms folded across her chest.

“Apart from being abducted and held captive,” Gayle said from a nearby chair.

“But with all due respect that is not a new occurrence for Hayley but…….” Christina didn’t finish her sentence. There was silence as Natalie went to make a telephone call.

“It has been a long night ladies and I think that I should get some rest,” Hayley got up and headed for the kitchen to clean her mug.

“It might be for the best if we let her get some rest,” Gayle commented. Natalie finished her telephone call and returned to the group.

“Probably not a bad suggestion,” Natalie began. “However I am not sure that I am keen on leaving her alone.” Gayle had been looking for this opportunity.

“Why don’t I stay?” Natalie and Christina both looked at Gayle and then at each other. “I am sure that you pair will have better things to do and if anything happens, which I very much doubt it will then I can give you a call.” Natalie and Christina both nodded before heading for the door. Once they had exited Gayle locked the door, put the chain on leaned her forehead on the cool surface of the door.

“Thanks for getting rid of them,” Hayley said as she walked back into the kitchen.

“I didn’t know how long I could keep that up Hayley. I felt that they were going to get us to spill the beans about Elizabeth Crawford’s involvement.”

“You did great Gayle. Now where did you hide the documentation? I have a text to send.”

“It is under the duvet on your bed. Only place that I cold think of in such a short space of time.” Hayley nodded and head for her bedroom. There wasn’t much time to get everything finalised before they had to head to the airport. Given what had just happened there was a chance that Natalie would have arranged for a police car to be stationed outside so there was a chance that they would have to sneak out of the apartment building.

Meanwhile on the island

“Natascha just relax and let Sokolov administer the drug. I promise that when you wake up you will be lying in your own bed.” Despite Elizabeth Crawford’s best smile and soothing tone it seemed that Natascha didn’t her. As much as she didn’t like giving up captives for no return Natascha Taylor had been thoroughly interrogated and pumped for all useful information so there really was no need to hold her any longer. Agreeing to free her had been the final nudge that Hayley had needed in order submit to return so technically it wasn’t for nothing. Elizabeth watched on as Harper and Perrie held Natascha in place and Xenia administered the drug. It took a couple of minutes to take full effect but eventually Natascha’s eyes slammed shut.

“How long will that keep her knocked out?” Harper asked.

“With the dose that I gave her it could be ten or twelve hours,” Xenia replied. Then a thought crossed Elizabeth Crawford’s mind, perhaps she could have some fun and cause some disruption whilst letting Natascha go. Then it would be definitely worthwhile letting her go.


The light coming in through the cracks in the blinds was hurting Natascha’s eyes so she rolled over onto her back and stared at the ceiling. She had woken up five minutes earlier lying in her own bed, wearing a pair of her own pyjamas feeling like she had slept for a week but still tired. It was a disconcerting feeling. Initially Natascha had been confused and disorientated when she first woke up but it had quickly come back to her, being caught in Bern then transported to some island and held prisoner by Elizabeth Crawford and her organisation. Then she started to ask why they had let her go. In the end Natascha supposed that was a question that only Elizabeth Crawford could answer so there was no point dwelling on it. After a mental talking to Natascha levered herself out of bed and shrugged on a silk dressing gown. She noted her phone lying on a bedside table and picked it up to find that the battery was dead. Slipping it in her pocket she added finding her charger to her list of tasks. Top of that list was to make some coffee, so out of the bedroom it was then and into the combined living area and kitchen. After firing up the coffee maker Natascha dug out her laptop and fired it up on the dining table, second on that task list would be to get down in a report whilst it was fresh in her memory exactly what had happened to her over the past, wait that was another thing. How long had she been away? As the laptop was booting up Natascha searched through a drawer and found a charger for her phone. Natascha closed the drawer and then she noticed a noise coming from her spare room. Hopefully she hadn’t left the window open and a bird had flown in, she didn’t really like birds.

Natascha approached the door to her spare room with trepidation and gripped the handle tightly. Pressing her ear to the door she confirmed that there was definitely noise coming from the room. After counting to three Natascha flung the door open and charged into the room, taking a couple of steps before stopping in her tracks at the sight that confronted her. There were two women lying bound and gagged on her spare double bed. If she had to guess then she would have said that they were both wearing a pair of her silk pyjamas. Natascha’s entrance into the room prompted the noise level to increase as the two women attempted to get attention. Natascha thought that this was wasted effort. Did they think that she hadn’t noticed them lying on the bed? “Give me a minute.” Natascha said and took a minute to try and process this situation. She was confident that they women hadn’t been in her spare room when she left so how had they got here was the question that had to be answered.

“HHRRUUPPH,” the women moaned. Natascha sat on the edge of the bed and looked at how the women were gagged. There was a silk scarf tied over their mouths, despite that Natascha could tell from the bulging cheeks that both women had something stuffed in their mouths.

“Raise your head a bit,” Natascha instructed and the woman nearest to her did. It took her a couple of attempts but Natascha managed to unpick the knot that kept it in place. Removing the scarf for over the woman’s mouth allowed Natascha to reach in and pick out what was packed within. Natascha looked at the stuffing and realised that it was a pair of her own underwear.

“My name is Sasha Conteh and I am with Interpol,” the woman blurted out as soon as the cloth had been removed. Well I guess that answered one question.

“How did you get here?”

“I am not actually sure. I was being held by some criminal organisation and they drugged me….”

“That sounds familiar,” Natascha commented.

“Could you please untie me now?” Sasha asked whilst indicating her bound limbs with her head. Natascha stopped and thought about this. With her occupation she couldn’t afford to take any chances.

“Who is your friend?” Natascha asked standing up from the bed.

“She is most definitely not my friend. In fact she is a career criminal that I was tracking….”

“So how did you both end up in the same position?”

“Long story, it started with a spate of burglaries across Europe……..”

“Not interested at the moment.”

“Just don’t untie her until I have made arrangements with the local police.”

“MMPPHH…..YTTHJJ.” Natascha leaned over to look at the second woman. Large blue eyes pleaded with her over the matching silk scarf over her mouth. The woman had long blond hair, sharp features and was extremely beautiful.

“That reminds me. Where would local be?” Sasha asked. Natalie ignored the question and was trying to make sense of this when there was a loud knock at the front door followed by a shrill noise as her doorbell rang. Natascha didn’t know why but she stuffed the panties back into the Sasha’s mouth and replaced the scarf over her mouth, gagging the woman.

“Sorry but I just need to check on who that is,” Natascha said before she left the bedroom, shutting the door behind her. Sasha did not look best pleased at that turn of events.

As she walked to the front door Natascha made sure that she was presentable and took a deep intake of breathe and flung the door open. On the other side of front door stood another shock for Natascha, it was her boss Reginald Barton-Smyth. Without waiting to be asked in he bundled through the door closely followed by his assistant Eleanor Penny and bodyguard Steve Barclay. Natascha silently cursed her bad luck before closing the door. “It is always nice to see you Reginald. What brings you here?”

“I should have thought that would be obvious. One of our agents goes missing and doesn’t report in before turning back up without getting in contact. There are certain questions that need to be answered.” Barton-Smyth took a chair at the dining table without being asked. Eleanor Perry took a position just behind and to the left of Barton-Smyth. Barclay just hovered with intent. Natascha took the seat across from her boss at the table.

“What would you like to know?” Natascha asked.

“You can start by telling us where you have been?” Barton-Smyth had clasped his hands and rested them on the table in front of him, projecting relaxation and being in total control of the situation. Natascha thought that he was smarmy the first time that they met and the man hadn’t done anything to dispel that notion in the intervening period.

“That is something that I would like to know as well,” Natascha answered honestly.

“What do you mean?” Barton-Smyth replied. Natascha could tell that the answer had caught the man by surprise.

“I mean that I have no idea where I have been.” As Natascha and Reginald Barton-Smyth were talking at the dining table Eleanor Penny turned and headed toward the door to the spare bedroom. Natascha glanced slightly nervously as the woman as she slowly made her way across the room. Although she couldn’t hear it Natascha guessed that there was a noise coming from the spare room.

“Do you expect me to believe that?”

“Erm….yes I do,” Natascha replied. However she was distracted by the movements of Eleanor Penny as she went to open the door into the spare bedroom.

“I would be grateful if you could concentrate on my questions. This could be very important to your future with the firm.” Natascha spun round to face Barton-Smyth as she heard the sound of the door opening.

“Why are there two women lying bound and gagged in your spare bedroom?” Eleanor asked surprisingly evenly given what she had just found.

“What!!!” Barton-Smyth bellowed as he jumped up from his seat and rushed over toward the spare to stick his head through the door.

“Honestly Eleanor……I have absolutely no idea,” Natascha replied also getting up from her seat. She didn’t have to turn round to confirm that Barclay was now close to her as she could sense his presence.

“I think that you better put on some clothes and we will all take a trip to headquarters where we can have a proper chat,” Reginald said, his voice stern and even. Natascha guessed that she was going to spend an awful lot of time answering questions.

“Mr Barton-Smyth. What shall we do about these two poor young ladies?” Eleanor said.

“I wouldn’t jump to conclusions Eleanor. Until we can identify them we will leave them tied up. Can you call headquarters and get a team here with a van, full sweep on the flat and all electronic devices plus transport back for our two guests. You can stay here to direct them whilst Barclay and I escort Taylor back.”

Eleanor had watched from the doorway as Natascha had put on underwear, jeans and a sweater. Once she had finished by putting on a pair of trainers Barclay entered the room and without having to be asked she placed both hands behind her back and felt Barclay slip the steel handcuffs over first left wrist, then her right locking both cuffs in place. Natascha guessed that this was going to take a lot of explaining.

Hamburg, Germany - The next morning

Hayley and Gayle sat at the table in the coffee shop in the airport terminal in Hamburg. They had both managed to grab some sleep on the flight, which was probably for the best as the conversation hadn’t exactly been flowing. They had slipped out of Hayley’s flat early in the morning and manage to get past the squad car that Natalie had indeed posted at the corner of the block. Gayle indicated toward the toilet and Hayley nodded. Left to her own devices for five minutes Hayley removed a notepad and pen from her pocket and began to write, so concentrated on her words was Hayley that she didn’t hear Gayle return. “What are you doing?”

“I am writing a letter to Natalie. I didn’t leave one for her with the others and I felt bad. It was wrong if I am being honest, I owe her better than that. As least some kind of explanation for what I,” Hayley then looked up at Gayle, “sorry, we are about to do. I would send an e-mail but I wouldn’t be surprised if Crawford had found some way to monitor my electronic communications.”

“You did promise not to tell anybody about what we were doing?”

“I’m not going to give away specifics. Just to let her know what is going on, try to explain…… hopefully the postmark will give her somewhere to start looking.”

“You think that Natalie will try to find us?” Gayle asked hopefully. Hayley just smiled and nodded her head. Hayley had to admit that it was more an act of faith that she thought that Natalie would try and find them. It only took another minute for Hayley to finish writing before she folded the sheaf of paper in half and then glancing at her watch.

“Let’s find somewhere that I can buy an envelope. Then with the time I reckon we should start working our way toward that address, getting some dinner on the way.”


The taxi driver had not only spoken very good English but also liked to talk. Hayley had asked him for a recommendation for dinner and he had obliged with the suggestion of a small family run restaurant. Hayley and Gayle had decided to take up his recommendation and were glad that they had. Both the meal and wine were excellent. During the meal Hayley had approached the young waiter that had been serving them after he had taken away the plates from the main course. Hayley timed it so that the conversation would take out of sight of the front window. Hayley wouldn’t have put it past Elizabeth Crawford to have them followed. Gayle had commented that he spoke very good English. “Would you be able to do me a favour?” The young waiter paused, obviously suspicious before nodding slowly. Hayley pressed the envelope and some Euro notes into the waiter’s hand. “Make sure this gets posted tomorrow.” The young man looked at his hand and nodded before putting all of the items into his pocket. “Thank you.”

“No problem for you” the young waiter said and pointed to his cheek. Hayley took the subtle hint and leaned in as if to peck him on the cheek before grabbing his head, turning it slightly and planting a kiss fully on his lips. Before walking away from the blushing young man Hayley pulled out the list of instructions that Elizabeth Crawford had sent and pointing to their final destination asked the waiter for directions. The waiter looked at her quizzically. “Are you sure?” Hayley nodded in response and after shrugging his shoulders the waiter proceeded to give her directions.

Now standing outside their destination Hayley understood the waiter’s quizzical look. The area that they had walked through hadn’t been the best and when they rounded the last corner onto the street that they were looking for their destination was obvious. It had some brightly coloured signs in the windows and a general air of fading glamour. Once they entered the building they looked around and noted the flamboyant decorations. There were two young women wearing silk robes lounging on a couch in the lobby and an older woman of about fifty standing behind a reception desk looking at them intently. “Can I help you ladies?” Gayle and Hayley looked at each other.

“We have a room booked under King,” Hayley replied.

“Ah, yes, yes. Harper confirmed your reservation a couple of days ago, insisted on our nest suite.” The old woman smiled but it was a cruel smile. She then nodded to the two young women that were sitting on the couch. “Please give your bags to Lilly and Rose.” Hayley and Gayle compiled with that instruction and although they hadn’t packed much were sad to lose what possessions they had. Hayley was sure that they wouldn’t see their bags again. “Now I am sure that you will appreciate that we have to be thorough.” Hayley wondered what the woman was talking about when suddenly she felt hands start to search her before glancing round to see that Gayle was suffering the same fate. Once they had been searched Hayley took a moment to regain her composure.

“I believe that you have something to show me.” Hayley said to the woman behind the desk. The woman nodded and handed Hayley a tablet that had a video on it of Natascha lying in her own bed. Hayley continued to watch as the person shooting the video retreated out of the room, then the flat and then the building. The final shot of the recording froze on the name of the street. Hayley nodded and handed the tablet back across the desk.

“Follow me and I will take you upstairs to the attic suite.” Hayley and Gayle followed the woman up several flights of stairs. On the top landing there was a door that the old woman opened. Behind it there was a narrow staircase and the old woman started to climb with Hayley and Gayle close behind. At the stop of the staircase was a small landing and another door that the woman opened. This time she didn’t enter but step aside and signalled that Hayley and Gayle should enter. There wasn’t much room but they did manage to squeeze past the old woman into the room. The door shut behind them and both women heard it locked. It was not where either of them would choose to spend their last night of freedom for, well who knew how long. However they couldn’t complain as they had volunteered willingly to become captives once again. There were two single beds in the room, each with a duvet and single pillow. The room had a single dormer window, after a quick examination Hayley confirmed that it didn’t open and a separate toilet with a small wash basin. The decoration was plain but tidy and the only furniture apart from the two beds was two wooden chairs and a small wardrobe. It was then that Hayley noted an envelope resting on the pillow. I have left you some gifts in the wardrobe.


Hayley stood at the window and watched the sun rise over the cityscape, enjoying the warmth of the rays through the window. Surprisingly Hayley found that she had slept well despite what lay ahead of her. The gift that Elizabeth Crawford had left in the wardrobe turned out to be a pack of diapers and two down suites, both of which Hayley and Gayle were now wearing. There had been no further interaction with either the old woman at reception or any of the other occupants of the building during the night so it came as a surprise when as if out of nowhere the door was unlocked and thrown open. Hayley and Gayle turned to face the door on hearing the noise and watched as the familiar figures of Nicole, Yelena, Vernie and Antonija walked in, forming a rough semi-circle. Hayley looked at each woman and was at least glad that Elizabeth Crawford had sent her most intimidating operatives to pick her up.

“Who is she?” Vernie asked pointing at Gayle.

“Do we have time for formal introductions? If not them I am sure that my friend would be glad to stay here if she isn’t booked on the flight. I would want to add to your administration workload.” Hayley had to give it one last try to get Gayle out of this.

“I am coming along with Hayley. Beyond that, what does it really matter?” Gayle chipped in having waddled across to stand beside Hayley.

“We were told it was going to be Hayley and Gabriela,” Vernie stated, obviously confused by this turn on events.

“Who cares,” Nicole said. “If she wants to come long who cares. The more the merrier. Let’s get on with this and we can get back for the volleyball final.” Nicole pulled a pair of padded leather cuffs from the pocket of her jacket and headed toward Gayle. The decision made Yelena headed toward Hayley with another pair of cuffs.

“Ms Crawford couldn’t be bothered to make the journey in person” Hayley commented as Yelena fixed a set of padded leather cuffs around her wrists.

“Should we dose them with chloroform?” Yelena asked.

"Not unless you have to. As long as they behave themselves, I don't see any reason why they can't stay awake. Besides," she smiled wickedly, "they'll have plenty of time to sleep on the flight. Just make sure then are gagged. I can’t be bothered with more chat.” The instruction given Hayley and Gayle had thick cloths stuffed into their mouths and then blue silk scarves tied over their mouths. That job completed Vernie turned and headed down the stairs, followed by Hayley being led by Yelena, then Gayle being led by Nicole and Antonija bringing up the rear.


“Welcome back” Elizabeth Crawford exclaimed. Hayley and Gayle would have replied but as they were heavily gagged and strapped into a pair of large padded wheelchairs they couldn’t really do anything. “Hayley, it is a pleasure to see you again. I am so glad that you decided to return.” Hayley just glowered back at the woman. “Also nice to see Gayle again although I am a little surprised as I wasn’t expecting that. But it will be nice for you to have company when we aren’t catching up.” Whilst the woman was in the middle of her monologue Hayley took the chance to take in the entrance lobby again. It fairness Hayley had to admit that it was an impressive structure and was tastefully decorated. Suddenly Hayley realised that Elizabeth Crawford was standing right in front of her. “There is someone that I want you to meet. This is my colleague Xenia Sokolov,” as she spoke Elizabeth Crawford pointed toward a dark haired woman lurking near the back of the lobby. “You haven’t met her before but on this trip, after the settling in period, you are going to get to know her very well indeed.” Hayley didn’t know why but there was something unsettling about the woman.

“MMMPPPHHH,” Hayley mumbled impatiently from behind her gag. Hayley wanted to get over with and also wanted confirmation on what had happened to Kirsty.

“I think I know what you are after but first. Xenia, would you be able to do anything with Hayley?” This statement made Hayley wonder what exactly this woman called Sokolov did for Elizabeth Crawford.

“Without input from Doctor Schmidt I can’t get the full results that we had with Emily St Clare but I should be able to make her……….suggestible.” Elizabeth Crawford turned back to Hayley and smiled coldly. Yes, she would like that vey much. A chill ran through Hayley from the back of her neck down to the tips of her toes, even wearing the down suit.

“Just so you know that I keep my word Hayley.” Elizabeth Crawford turned and beckoned for someone to step forward. Hayley looked on as Kirsty slowly walked into view wearing a rather fetching gown and also for some reason a silk scarf over her mouth as a gag, Hayley was in no doubt that there was also a wadded up cloth in Kirsty’s mouth. Elizabeth Crawford must have seen the confusion on Hayley’s face. “Since you left Hayley in addition to looking very carefully at security I also had to take certain precautions with Kirsty, including submitting voluntarily to an induction period. In order to regain my trust following that period Kirsty has agreed to certain restrictions including not leaving the island for the foreseeable future and being restrained during the night. Also going forward Kirsty and you will not be able to be left alone together unless you are gagged….” The woman was now if full flow and Hayley was struggling to take in all of this information. Hayley sort of knew what was going on but Gayle must have been baffled. Hopefully she got the chance to explain all of this to Gayle, even if it would be in sections between being restrained and gagged.

“We need to leave soon if we are going to make that meeting.” Hayley looked to see who had cut into Elizabeth Crawford flow and discovered it was Harper. Hayley quickly calculated that Kirsty’s fall from grace would have helped Harper and her position and clout within the organisation.

“You are indeed correct Harper. Let’s head for the plane. I am sure that the ladies are more than capable of looking after our new guests until we return in a couple of days.” And with that she was gone. Elizabeth Crawford strode toward the door with Harper and Perrie close behind. Hayley wondered who would be left in charge if Harper and Elizabeth were both off the island. It was than that Hayley noticed another of the guards heading toward them. She watched on as Tahani detached the left boot from the down suit and then fitted the tracking bracelet on her ankle. That quick job complete Tahani undertook the same procedure with Gayle and then both were wheeled away along the corridor toward the lift and a week of tight but not uncomfortable bondage.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 76

The sun was shining and Elizabeth Crawford was smiling having just returned from a successful business trip. She stood at the large window in her study and watched as the De Havilland sisters approached the house, walking side by side along the road. Having taken up Elizabeth Crawford’s offer to hide away on the island the sisters had arrived whilst she was away. Crawford has left instructions that they should be given one of the houses in the small village along the coast and then invited along to meet at the main house once she was back. As the de Havilland sisters disappeared from view as they entered the house Elizabeth Crawford turned and moved to the centre of the room in advance of greeting her guests. Antonija and Gisele stood at ease on either side of the double doors into the room. There was a knock and the right hand door opened to allow Harper to show Judith and Louise De Havilland into the study. “Thanks Harper.” Elizabeth Crawford said before turning her attention to the new arrivals. “Ladies how are you today?”

“Fine, Elizabeth. Thank you for asking.” Judith replied glancing over each shoulder and noticing Antonija and Gisele.

“Ignore my colleagues Judith. They are purely for my benefit. I get nervous without some protection around. I apologise for not being here when you arrived but I had important business to attend to elsewhere.”

“No problem you staff looked after us well.” Judith said slightly awkwardly as if sensing something wasn’t quite right.

“How are you finding the accommodation?”

“Lovely, the cottage is wonderful,” Louise began. “Perfect for what we need and so tastefully decorated and the location, well is simply stunning I can’t wait to explore the island further over the coming….”

“I doubt whether Miss Crawford invited us here to make small talk,” Judith cut her sister off.

“Straight to the point Judith, I like that. Can I get you a drink?” Elizabeth Crawford turned slightly as if to move toward the drinks cabinet.

“No thank you,” Judith replied. “I would rather just get down to business.”

“In that case I didn’t invite you over for small talk.” As she said this Elizabeth Crawford nodded and suddenly Antonija and Gisele who were standing behind the De Havilland sisters pounced and clamped chloroform soaked clothes over the lower half of their faces. Instantly Judith and Louise began to struggle. They were both surprised by the sudden application of a moist cloth over there nose and mouth. They both struggled against their respective attackers for a half a minute before Louise squealed in dismay, only to discover her mistake: the output of sound required an input of breath, and she drew a deep dose of chloroform into her lungs, causing an explosion of colour behind her eyes. Judith wasn’t as panicked as her sister but groaned into the wet cloth as she was suddenly overcome with an irresistible light-headedness and her eyelids began to flutter uncontrollably. During the initial struggle Elizabeth Crawford had moved to stand just in front of Judith and Louise. “I know that I am technically breaking my word here but to be honest with you ladies I don’t care. Nobody will find that out as you won’t be in a position to tell anybody. You put in danger someone that I care about and I cannot have that. Now you are slightly older than the ladies that I usually deal in but you are very well preserved. In fact I already have someone that I think that will take you off my hands for a nice fee.” Elizabeth Crawford looked on as both sisters eyes went wide with fear. “Don’t worry too much ladies, I only provide services to female clients.”

“ARRUMMPPHH” Judith screamed into cloth as she fumbled with the hand pressing the chloroform soaked pad to her face, but she couldn't seem to get her fingers to work properly. Judith knew then that the fight was lost and she would soon slip into unconsciousness. The sisters turned to look at each other as their strength began to wane, sharing some strength from the fact that they were going through this experience together. Judith saw her sisters eyelids flutter and then close, knowing that she couldn’t fight sleep any longer. Soon enough, Judith hands fell away and her moans softened as her awareness was dissolved in the abundant anaesthetic sweetness and the darkness engulfed her.
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Chapter 77

2 months later-St Petersburg, Russia

The plane landing bumped onto the tarmac and jumped Hayley back to full consciousness. At least this time Hayley had been sleeping of her own accord; rather then being rendered unconscious with chloroform or some other sedative. Although they had knocked her out for the initial stage of the flight they had allowed her to regain consciousness and enjoy the remainder of the flight. Hayley has stared out of the window and used the time to assess the past; wait how long was it, two months or longer. After voluntarily returning to be Elizabeth Crawford’s captive she had been treated as well as could be expected. During the initial induction period she and Gayle had been kept in separate rooms. However was not alone all of the time, when not on shift working Kirsty was kept in full restraints in the same room. Hayley assumed that this was Kirsty still being punished for assisting Hayley to escape the island previously. The initial confinement period has lasted fourteen days this time; no doubt Elizabeth Crawford was trying to make a point. After that she was moved into a room with Gayle and they were both granted more freedom as time went on, including trips to the beach and walls around the island. Although their captors still made sure that they knew who was in charge by enforcing seemingly random periods of restraint within the bags. “Where are we?” Hayley asked.

“That is not important Hayley. Just remember that Gayle in relying on you.” Hayley nodded her understanding. She was to do as she was told otherwise something unpleasant would happen to Gayle. “Anyway don’t worry too much, this will just be a flying visit,” Harper said. The plane was relatively full for this trip as in addition to Harper and Hayley, Perrie, Antonija, Nicole and Christine were along for the ride. As she sat waiting for her instructions Nicole approached and handed her a down gilet and full length jacket. Hayley stood up and slipped on both and then took a glance at the tracking device around her ankle.

“There have been some improvements made on that tracking device recently,” Nicole said. Hayley had been told about this before leaving. The tracking device on her ankle now worked off the island. There was an application on Harper’s phone that allowed her to monitor where the device was.


Shonali Kalpana Khan opened the door and looked left and then right. With the coast clear she slipped into the fire escape corridor and headed toward the exit. It was very unusual for Shonali to be alone like this, sneaking around and she was enjoying the thrill. Normally she would have been accompanied by a personal assistant and at least one security guard but Shonali had slipped a doorman some money to help her slip out the hotel unnoticed. As the third highest grossing star in Bollywood she was in great demand but found herself in Saint Petersburg after agreeing to make a film that was outside her comfort zone. For years she had been fighting against the perception that she had gotten to where she was by a combination of good looks and the influence of her wealthy and powerful industrialist father and now she had decided to branch out and take her first role outside her native country. She paused at the rear fire exit of the hotel and surveyed the scene in front of her and slipped on her large sunglasses.

Finally she had managed to get some free time between the filming schedule and media duties and was planning to explore the city and it was best to do that on foot. She had decided to get some fresh air and walked round the block and toward a park that she had been driven past on several occasions. She reckoned it was about a twenty minute walk and there was a café in the park where she could get a coffee and something to eat. She walked through the city taking in the scenery and the people, enjoying not being recognised for what must have been years. As the entrance to the park came into view she slowed down to get her bearings and entered the park. The café was not far away and she found it easily and went inside. Not used to doing anything for herself Shonali approached the counter with trepidation but managed to eventually get her order across to the patient young man wearing an apron. After her coffee had been made the young man placed it onto a tray beside a chocolate chip muffin and Shonali lifted it up and carried to a table that allowed her to look out of one of the large windows toward the large church across the road and would allow her to watch the people go about their day.


“What is happening?” Shonali asked the woman sitting at the next table before realising that the woman wouldn’t understand English.

“They are making a film outside, using the church as a background.” Shonali looked at the woman, slightly shocked by the response in American accented English. She thought it strange that two film companies would be operating in Saint Petersburg at the same time and decided to check it out.

Several white vans were parked off to the side with the marking of a film production company stencilled in black lettering on the side. The rear doors of one of the vans were lying open to reveal a generator. A pair of cameras on tripods were set up across the road from the museum, set up to take different angled shots of the large and imposing structure. Shonali scanned the area and noticed a couple embracing each other on the street and several people milling about carrying cables and other items of equipment. A woman who seemed to be in charge pointed here and there between talking on a radio. Maybe it was professional curiosity but Shonali crossed the road to take a closer look, the activity had increased as if the crew were gearing up for a take. She paused just on the edge of all the activity and took it in, savouring actually not being the centre of attention on a film set, seeing it all from a different angle. Taking a deep breath Shonali decided to crack on with seeing and sights before heading back to the hotel and facing the inevitable complaints that she had slipped out without telling anyone. As Shonali walked past and what she assumed to be out of any shot someone called “Action.” Shonali spun round to see where the shout had come from but all that she could see was a woman with a shoulder mounted camera starting to sweep across the road behind her, opening up the shot. When Shonali turned back she found two women standing right in front of her. The woman on the left was strikingly attractive with dark blonde hair, deep blue eyes, sharp features and a lovely, friendly smile. The woman on the right was slightly larger with auburn hair hidden under a wide brimmed, black hat and most of her face covered by large dark glasses. Both wore long, down filled jackets and leather gloves. Shonali looked at the two women standing in front of her and smiled a smile that hopefully projected, get out of my way.

“Sorry if we are staring. You look familiar,” the woman with the hat said.

“I get that a lot, must have one of those faces,” Shonali replied. Before the exchange went any further suddenly there was the squeal of tyres and Shonali turned to find a van stopping suddenly at the curb right behind her. As soon as the van stopped the side door was flung open and a large stepped out, wrapped one arm round Shonali’s waist, clamped a hand over her mouth and lifted her easier into the back of the van as if she was a child. After a brief moment of panic Shonali managed to regain her sense of calm, taking deep breaths through her nose. Given her profession and position Shonali had received training in what to do when being kidnapped and knew that her best chance of escaping was during the initial phase, when being snatched. Having being dragged into the van she was now lying in a heap on top of her attacker so wound up her arm and slammed her elbow into the rib area. The blow landed cleanly but hit something padded and her attacker hardly flinched. Shonali noted that in addition to the down jacket her attacker must have something below that to cushion any blows. Shonali was facing the door to the van and saw the two women standing at the door and looking around; over their shoulders she could see the woman with the camera not far away. Surely one of these people will help me, Shonali thought before the two women stepped up into the van and closed the door behind then. There was a click as the door closed into place and then a lurching feeling as the van pulled away. Shonali knew that she was now in deep trouble and started thrashing, legs everywhere and her one free arm clawing at the woman currently holding her. Then the woman in the hat grabbed her free arm to prevent Shonali from striking out, her original attacker, lying below her hooked both of her legs to restrict her ability to fight further.

“Just relax; you will only hurt yourself struggling like that Ms Khan.” Shonali stopped her struggles for a second at the shock of this strange woman using her name. “Hayley, how are you getting on?” Shonali looked up as the pretty blonde woman poured liquid onto a white cloth from a bottle. Being an actress she had starred in films where the leading lady was kidnapped but this time it was real, very real. Looking on Shonali realised that the liquid would be some kind of sedative, chloroform or ether. The woman called Hayley finished pouring the liquid onto the cloth and approached, leaned down on one knee and clamped the cloth over the lower half of Shonali’s face. The strong fumes instantly caught the back of Shonali’s throat and she automatically tried to move her head away but Hayley placed her other hand at the back of Shonali’s head to prevent that. Next Shonali tried to shake the cloth off by

“Don’t fight the chloroform honey. There is no point, don’t worry nothing bad is going to happen to you. I promise. It’s just a nap and when you wake up you will be tied up but it will all be alright.” Whether it was the tone of Hayley’s words but whatever it was they had the desirable effect, Shonali did stop struggling but by that point the chloroform had started to take effect. Shonali had felt her strength starting to wane until she couldn’t fight any more. Dark shading had formed at the edge of her vision, gradually getting larger and deeper, seeming to beckon her toward sleep until her eyelids become that heavy that she couldn’t keep them open and she had to close them.

“Don’t make the captives promises you can’t keep Hayley.” Nicole said as she helped Antonija with binding Shonali’s wrists. Hayley just smirked and took a seat on the floor of the van for the rest of the ride back to the airfield.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 78

Section 12 Headquarters

The door opened and Louise Williams entered. Her wrists were bound together as were her ankles and there was a strap connecting these two bindings together. The down suit that she was wearing made crumpling noises as she shuffled toward the vacant chair that was placed directly across the table from the one occupied by Jaclyn Sanders. Once Louise was seated Jaclyn nodded to the guard. “I can take it on my own from here. I don’t anticipate Ms Williams will cause any problems.” Louise shook her head and stared straight at Jaclyn. After the guard had left the room Jaclyn Sanders rose from her seat walked around the table so that she could remove Louise’s gag, otherwise this was going to be a very one sided conversation.

“I suppose I should thank you,” Louise said once the sodden cloth and silk scarf that had been the components of her gag had been removed and deposited on the table.

“Can I offer you a drink?”

“Unless you have a gin and tonic stashed away somewhere then no.” If Louise wanted to skip the niceties then Jaclyn was happy to oblige and get straight to business.

“We need to know where Elizabeth Crawford’s base is in Europe.” Louise chuckled in response to that statement.

“Is that all,” Louise said, a genuine smile on her face.

“What is so funny Louise?”

“That you are asking me that question. You know Elizabeth as well, if not better than I do. She is paranoid about security and compartmentalising information. If you didn’t need to know something then she wouldn’t tell you. As I was only ever involved with operations in the States then the location of her European base was something that I didn’t need to know.” Sanders leaned back in her chair. Although she knew that this would probably be the case the question had to be asked.

“Are you sure? Is there nothing that you can tell us? A rumour, something that Elizabeth let slip or maybe the name of somebody that could point us in the right direction.” Sanders knew that she sounded desperate but this was probably their last chance at making a breakthrough.

“I don’t you know. Even if I did I wouldn’t tell you after you reneged on our deal.” Sanders raised an eyebrow at this comment. “Don’t give me that look Sanders. The deal was nine months and here we are almost thirteen months later and you as still holding me.”

“The deal was nine months for full disclosure of what you knew. Further investigations revealed other operations that you were involved it but didn’t divulged.” Louise looked up at the ceiling in frustration and kept her eyes there for a while as if contemplating her next move. Sanders seemed to sense this. “Something on your mind Louise?”

“What if I knew someone that would know the location of Elizabeth Crawford’s headquarters? What would I get in exchange for that name?” Sanders hoped that her surprise at what Louise had just said didn’t show on her face.

“Who would that be?” Sanders asked.

“I am not going to play all of my cards until I get something in return,” Louise replied, licking her lips.

“You have to give me something.” Louise contemplated her next move before deciding that she probably had to give Sanders something.

“There is someone who once worked for Elizabeth who managed to make a clean break. She was high up in the European operation and would know the location of the headquarters.” Sanders smiled.

“I have heard those rumours as well. This so called former operative…..I think that it is a rumour, a ghost, a story invented by Elizabeth to thrown people off the scent and send them on a wild goose chase.”

“It’s true,” Louise paused before continuing. “Elizabeth told me herself.” This time Sanders knew that she couldn’t keep the surprise from showing of her face. Louise noticed and decided to push on now that she had momentum. “But before telling the story I will need an assurance that I will get out of here into more relaxed accommodation.” Sanders nodded. “Also if I am going to talk then I need more, witness protection, a new identity, the whole package. I can’t be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my lift waiting for Elizabeth to snatch me up and have her revenge.” So they started to discuss how this would work. The compromise agreed was that Louise agrees to be under house arrest at a guard’s house in the first instance, submitting to being restrained and sedated as required by the guard. Louise would tell her story and if it could be verified then Louise would get her new identity.


Sanders exited the room, closing the door carefully behind her to find Gillian now standing guard. “Gillian I need to ask a favour of you.”

“What can I do for you director?”

“I don’t know if it is a good idea to take her at her word but Louise Williams claims to have information about the possible location for Elizabeth Crawford. In exchange for divulging this information she wants some concessions. The first of which is getting out of here.” Gillian nodded. “I can’t put her in an official safe house. Unfortunately with the current leaks from the agency there is a risk that information will get out.”

“So you want to stash her somewhere off the books. Like a hotel, or….” Gillian left the thought unfinished.

“If you would be prepared to do this then I would owe you a large favour.”

“No problem. I have a spare room.”

“Go and get changed and pick up some kit, a pack of diapers, restraints and one of those new lightweight bags from Danielle.” Gillian nodded. “Then report to my office. I will get Gates to arrange for your shifts to be covered for the next week and put you down as on annual leave.” Jaclyn Sanders stood and watched as Gillian walked away down the corridor, seeming to float wearing the large skirt and glad that she had someone within the agency that she could trust and rely on.


24 Hours later on an island in the Mediterranean

The sun was starting to set as Elizabeth Crawford and Harper sat in the study having a discussion regarding the current situation with guests on the island. “We are starting to get full up.” Harper commented.

“How are the De Havilland sisters?” Elizabeth Crawford asked.

“Alright I think.”

“Well you will be pleased to hear that Anastasia has been in contact and she will take them off our hands.”

“That is indeed good news,” Harper replied. “What about Miss English?”

“I feel that she may well be a long term resident. I understand that she is refusing to accept her situation and resisting all attempts to assimilate into our way of working.”

“Yes, unfortunately Miss English is back on full restraints for most of the day. But at least the Broker is paying us to hold The Vixen.” Harper added dramatic flair to Raquel English’s nickname so show her distain for such things.

“That is a shame. I may ask Hayley to have a word with her. Hayley is an example of how you can be treated and live on the island if you just show a bit of willing.” Harper nodded as if in agreement. However her own opinion was that Raquel English was a lost cause that would never submit to any form of confinement.

“What about Lara and Elise?”

“They both seem to be adjusting to the new realties of their life,” Harper responded.

“Good as given the circumstances they may be here for some time.”

“What about Keira?” Harper asked. “She was making noises about leaving soon.” Elizabeth Crawford sighed and leaned her head back. She was going to have that difficult conversation soon. Then again perhaps she would just have a couple of the girls chloroform her and drag her into captivity. If the woman’s behaviour deteriorated further that was going to be the option. “Miss Khan is currently enjoying her induction week…” Harper and Elizabeth’s conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. There was a pause before the door opened and Hayley and Gayle were shown in.

“Hayley, it is nice to see you again. I understand that you were a valuable asset in Saint Petersburg.”

“I guess I should say thank you,” Hayley said awkwardly as Gayle glanced at her.

“I have a new job for you.”

“What’s that Liz?” Hayley asked.

“I have received word that Louise Williams is talking to the authorities again. This time she is telling tales that shouldn’t be told. I cannot have that. I need you to snatch her and bring her back here.”

“Wait, I thought that you wanted Louise to come back anyway. You know, to help with the whole going straight dream.” Hayley hoped that she had managed to keep the sarcasm out of her voice.

“We don’t even know where here is,” Gayle said under her breathe, just loud enough for Hayley to hear. Fortunately Hayley managed to stifle a laugh.

“Why send me? Surely you have a team of professionals here that can do that job.”

“A valid point Hayley but she won’t expect you.”

“So are you scared that having escaped your clutches Louise won’t be keen to return?” Hayley smiled, having though that she had scored a point.

“Well you did,” Elizabeth retorted with a smile. Call it a draw Hayley decided. “Don’t play the innocent ingénue with me Hayley. I know that there is a part of you that enjoys being knocked out and restrained, playing the damsel in distress.” Hayley swallowed and hoped that she wasn’t blushing.

“What is to stop me seeking help when I get off the island?” Hayley said recovering her composure and then shook her head when she realised what she had said. To her it was as if she had just agreed to undertake this job.

“Well a couple of things. I will arrange for an operative to meet you and secondly if you try anything silly then Doctor Hutton here is sold to the highest bidder and you never see her again.”

“Alright, but how do I get into the country with all of the security? How do you think we are going to achieve that?” Hayley asked.

“Hayley is right. Thanks for your exploits in Saint Petersburg she won’t be able to even get in the country without being detained,” Gayle chimed in. Elizabeth Crawford paused for a second before nodding to the back corner of the room. Hayley and Gayle turned to find a large coffin resting on stands. It gleamed white and one half of the lid was lying open showing the thickly padded interior within.

“You have to be kidding on?” Hayley asked.

“No I am not. It is only a twelve hour flight. I don’t see the issue.”

“Easy for you to say, do those things have inbuilt entertainment systems.”

“No you will be fully restrained before being put in the coffin. It will prevent struggling and the thick down padding will help to prevent injuries.”

“What about at the other end?”

“Someone will be there to meet you.”

“Why don’t you get them to snatch Louise and send her back?” Gayle asked.

“They are too valuable where they are to take the chance that they could be exposed.”

“You are asking us to put a lot of faith in you Elizabeth.” Hayley commented, leaning in to inspect the luxurious interior of the coffin. It was very thickly padded with a silky smooth interior finish.

“Ladies, to be honest I don’t think that you have a choice.” Hayley and Gayle looked at each other. The woman was correct; they didn’t really have a choice. Decision made Hayley nodded her agreement. “Good. You will be leaving first thing tomorrow Hayley.”

“I do have one request,” Hayley. “Surely my compliance and good behaviour has earned that.”

“What is it?” Elizabeth Crawford asked, pressing her hands together and resting her chin on the tips of her middle fingers.

“Give Kirsty a break and allow her to be my personal guard, starting with prepping me for the journey tomorrow.” Elizabeth Crawford sat back and considered the request. It was obvious that Kirsty and Hayley and developed a connection. Elizabeth knew that Kirsty was loyal and would never do anything that would adversely affect her or her organisation directly. It was only the need to make an example, and if she was being honest a bit of anger at losing Hayley that had caused Elizabeth to treat Kirsty the way she had. Perhaps it was time to move on and also if she agreed then Hayley would feel that she was responsible for Kirsty and would be unlikely to cause any trouble. So she nodded. Hayley caught the look of shock that passed across Harper’s face and smiled.


The summons to go to Elizabeth Crawford’s private chambers had been passed along by Harper who didn’t look best pleased to have been the messenger. There was nothing beyond the instruction to head along immediately and that was what she did. Elizabeth Crawford was not a woman to keep waiting. Not that Kirsty could have asked Harper anything even if she wanted to as Kirsty was still under gag protocol, a cloth stuffed in her mouth and a patterned silk scarf tied in a band over her mouth. So it was with apprehension that Kirsty knocked on the door of Elizabeth Crawford’s private chambers and after being invited in opened the door and took a couple of tentative steps inside, careful to close the door behind her. The lighting was dim which didn’t help Kirsty’s sense of unease. “Slip of that dress,” Elizabeth Crawford’s voice pierced the gloom. It was then that her eyes must have adjusted to the lack of light as Kirsty registered the figure sitting on the bed. Kirsty paused before reaching round and pulling down the zip and then slipping the dress off her shoulders. Kirsty held the dress in place for a second before letting it fall to the ground. Now she was standing in her rather fetching underwear. “Come and sit here on the bed beside me.” As Kirsty walked toward the bed the figure of Elizabeth Crawford became clearer and also what she was wearing, a long black down jacket and not much else. She sat down on the bed and Elizabeth Crawford leaned round and gently removed the scarf over Kirsty’s mouth and then using her long, slender fingers to remove the cloth that was packed inside. “Would you like a drink?” Elizabeth pointed at a glass of water sitting in the dim pool of light from a lamp sitting on a bedside cabinet.

“Thanks.” Kirsty turned and took a long drain from the glass. When she spun back round Elizabeth Crawford was holding out a thick, white cloth out to her. Even at this distance Kirsty could taste the scent from the fumes coming from the cloth. “What do you want me to do with that?”

“Use it on yourself,” was the matter of fact reply.

“Are you serious Elizabeth? What are plans when I am out?” Kirsty asked the question but she knew what was about to happen. But Elizabeth Crawford will was not to be denied.

"You seem to be having difficulty processing the situation, so allow me to provide some clarity. Don't think of this as being coerced to chloroform yourself; think of it as the final test of confirming your loyalty to me." Kirsty wasn’t to be convinced by the woman’s soothing tones, nor by the attempt to put a positive spin on her current position. In the end, it was a combination of two things that led her to bring the chloroform soaked cloth to her nose and breathe deeply: the fact it would be better to get whatever was going to happen out of the way and the main reason. She didn’t really have a choice.

As Kirsty brought the cloth up to her face the familiar fragrance fired colourful blooms of fog started to attack her brain. Despite the natural reaction to pull her head away Kirsty managed to clamp the cloth firmly over the lower half of her face. The intensified assault from the fumes clouded her thoughts and benumbed her body. As her awareness diminished in the face of the aromatic onslaught, the darkness appeared at the end of her vision and a soft groan involuntarily escaped her lips, muffled by the thick cloth, already in danger of slipping from her weakening fingers as she slumped backward onto the bed. Hands guided her down and ensured that the cloth remained in place and Kirsty felt both gratified and vexed for the assistance, for it ensured her eventual descent into the deepening darkness but left her utterly helpless at the hands of Elizabeth Crawford. But that fate was unavoidable, and had been the moment she had stepped foot into the room. Her breaths became rhythmic and automatic as the friendly fumes continued to sever her connection to the waking world, plunging Evelyn into an immersive embrace that utterly consumed her. It was like sinking in a still pool of unknown depths, but the material she swam in was far more pervasive than mere water. It encased the entirety of her existence, penetrating every pore and leaving no trace of its presence, only a spreading numbness that made it impossible for her to tell where she ended and the stupefying substance began. She willingly gave herself to the total loss of sensation, floating away in the conflicting currents as they dissolved all that was left of her to nothingness. Elizabeth Crawford watched on as Kirsty, almost unconscious lay helpless on the bed. It would be impossible to render yourself fully unconscious with a chloroform soaked cloth unless you tied it over your nose and mouth with a scarf or something similar. “Let me give you a hand,” Elizabeth Crawford offered and picked up the cloth that lay where in had fallen, just out of reach of Kirsty’s right hand. Picking up the cloth Elizabeth Crawford gently placed it over Kirsty’s nose and mouth, keeping it in placed until Kirsty’s eyes closed over.


The following morning

Hayley was now lying in the coffin fully restrained. Kirsty had arrived first thing in the morning and prepared her for the trip, diaper, down suit, bindings and two restraining bags. The down cocoon and thick padding of the coffin made all but the slightest movement impossible. Her head was sunk into the soft, thick silk covered pillow. Kirsty’s face appeared in Hayley’s vision. “To explain the coffin is fitted with air supplies which will last fifteen hours, which is more than long enough for the trip that you are taking. There is also a supply of gas that will keep you sedated. Unfortunately the tank for that is only large enough for about eight hours meaning you will be awake for the final four hours of the journey.” Elizabeth hadn’t mentioned being sedated Hayley thought, although it was probably better than staring at the inside lid of a coffin for twelve hours. “Lastly raise your head and thanks for what you did.” Hayley complied and Kirsty slipped a blindfold over Hayley’s eyes then put earplugs into each of her ears. Now with her senses completed blunted Hayley felt rather than saw or heard the lid of the coffin close. The last words by Kirsty were interesting; Elizabeth must have told her way Hayley had requested. It made the two women almost dependant on each other with that thought running through her head Hayley didn’t notice her slip into unconsciousness.


12 hours later, east coast of United States

The winching device lifted Hayley out of the coffin and set her down on table. Hayley had been awake for a while but restrained as he was had no perception of how long that had been, the feel of the movements of the coffin had been her only clue to what was going on. She felt her head rest onto a pillow and now was anxious to get rid of the blindfold and the rest of her restraints. Hayley then felt fingers around her head as first the ear plugs and then the blindfold was removed. Although the lighting was muted in the room her eyes were still adjusting as the two blobs looming above her started to come into focus. “AAUURRMMPPHH,” Hayley screamed into her gag as finally the faces of the two people assisting her became recognisable, one male and one female.

“I was right. Better the gag remained in place,” the man said.

“MMUURRPPHH, GGTTYYUUPP.” Hayley continued to scream and thrash against her restraints.

“Will you give that a rest Hayley? Once you stop this nonsense we can get you out of the bags.” Hayley knew that it was useless but the shock of recognising the two people in the room was making her react like this.

“Shall I get the chloroform?” the woman asked. The threat to use the sedative made Hayley stop struggling.

“Now, that is more like it. I shall let you do the honours darling.” The man disappeared from view and Hayley heard the external bag being unzipped and felt the pressure around her body as the down cocoon was released somewhat.

“Gillian! How did you get involved with this?”

“I think that I will take that question,” Mark Warwick said.

“You, you, we rescued you from Elizabeth Crawford….” Hayley was startled by this turn of events.

“Well that was just a fortunate accident.” Mark Warwick said, crossing his arms and placing his behind on a table in the corner.

“Was any of what you said on the boat true?” Hayley asked.

“Yes. All of it actually, I just left out the end of the story. I was captured during an undercover operation and handed over to Elizabeth Crawford to disappear and was held captive on the island. However Elizabeth is a smart woman and noted the potential of having me work on her behalf so she made me an offer.”

“Work for her or disappear,” Hayley hazarded a guess.

“Correct. Only it would not only be me that disappeared but also my sister Jessica. I was going through my induction period when you organised the prison break so to speak. I thought that would look more natural than just turning up having miraculously escaped.” Hayley had to admit that was indeed a smart move on Warwick’s part despite what you thought with his morals.

“What about you Gillian?”

“That is an easy one Hayley.” Gillian made her way across to Warwick and embraced him before planting a kiss on his cheek. There was no further explanation required.

“We would love to keep talking Hayley but time is pressing and I am sure we all have things to do.” Warwick and Gillian started to pick up their things and put on their coats. “There is a shower and toilet over in the corner,” Warwick said pointing in the general direction.

“Clothes and other supplies are in a bag sitting in the toilet and there is a car sitting outside,” Gillian tossed a set of keys at Hayley as she walked past. “It is a black BMW and my address is in the glove compartment. Burn it at the end of the mission. Mark will see you back here in twenty four hours for preparation for the return journey.” It was then that Hayley noted that there were two coffins sitting in the warehouse. After taking a shower and getting ready Hayley turned the down suit and two restraining bags that she had used inside out to freshen up as she had noticed there was only three compression bags sitting beside the coffins. Then she thought that it would be prudent to let the restraining bags loft up so removed them from the compression sacks.


Hayley sat behind the wheel of the car and once again marvelled at Elizabeth Crawford’s ability to be one step ahead when playing this game. Now she knew another of the reasons that Elizabeth Crawford had sent her on this errand. Not only would it allow her two double agents Mark and Gillian to maintain their cover but it would also allow Gillian to identify Hayley as the person that assisted Louise Williams escape. Dusk had settled over the city as Hayley sat in the car listening to talk radio, catching up on local issues whilst waiting for the signal to make her move. The radio host was having an argument with a caller about he candidates in a forthcoming election when Hayley noted the light in Gillian’s apartment go off, on, off and on again in quick succession. Hayley took a deep breath before she opened the car door, zipped up her down gilet and slipped on her full length down coat. I am even wearing the uniform now Hayley thought as she crossed the street and headed to the front door of the apartment building.

As Hayley reached the third floor landing the blue door to Gillian’s apartment opened just enough to allow her to slip in. She hadn’t been that bothered about being seen on the way up the stairs as Gillian was going to tell everyone that she had been there anyway. Once Hayley was safely inside Gillian closed the door and indicated toward the main bedroom. The two women entered and Gillian handed Hayley a cloth and a bottle of chloroform. There were lengths of black silk rope and scarves already sitting on the bed. “Louise is restrained in the other bedroom. I think that it is best that she thinks you subdued me in order to help her escape. It keeps my cover.” Hayley just nodded in response as she was busy soaking the cloth with a healthy dose of chloroform. “Now do you want to tie me up first or knock me out?”

“I think that we will go with the chloroform, Just lie on the bed and we will get this over with.” Gillian just nodded and lay down on the bed with her head at the centre of one of the pillows. Hayley had been on the receiving end of enough chloroform soaked cloths over the past six months so she was going to enjoy being on the other end for a change, Hayley leaned in and clamped the cloth firmly over the lower half of Gillian’s face. Hayley noted the Gillian’s eyes widened over the top of soft, thick white cloth and then she moaned, no doubt shocked at the strength of the fumes currently assaulting her senses. “I just wanted to make it realistic,” Hayley said cheerily. “No just relax and I will take good care of you.” Hayley looked on as Gillian took deep breaths and steadily inhaled the fumes, she could tell that they were having an effect when Gillian’s limbs started to twitch; her body instinctively fighting against the impending forced slumbered. Hayley watched Gillian’s eyelids start to flutter and with a final moan Gillian’s eyes clammed closed but Hayley held the cloth in place to make sure that woman got a good dose. After removing the cloth Hayley flipped Gillian onto her stomach and placed both of her arms in the small of her back and secured them together with one of the lengths of rope that Gillian had kindly prepared in advance. Hayley grabbed three further lengths or rope and used them to bind Gillian’s legs together at the ankles, just below the knees and around the thighs. Next Hayley grabbed the longest length of rope that she could find and with some difficulty managed to wrap it around Gillian’s torso and they tie it off in order to securely bind Gillian’s arms to her body. Finally Hayley picked up a scarf and folded it into a band and was about to apply it as a gag when Elizabeth Crawford’s voice jumped into her head, no gag is completely effective without stuffing. Hayley looked around and opened the top draw in a set and smiled. Although tempted by the panties she picked up two small ladies handkerchiefs and one at a time forced them into Gillian’s mouth, then she applied the folded scarf to keep ensure that Gillian couldn’t spit them out. After inspecting her handiwork she was about to leave the room and find Louise Williams when she had a thought, found a second silk scarf and used it to blindfold Gillian.


A shaft of light entered the room as Hayley opened the door and widened until the figure lying on the bed was exposed. Well figure wasn’t perhaps the right word. It was more a silky black cocoon. It wasn’t a restraining bag design that Hayley recognised, it was thinner and sleeker and she was used to bigger and puffier with Elizabeth Crawford.

“Hayley King!” Hayley was surprised that Louise hadn’t been gagged in some way. That would not have happened on Elizabeth Crawford’s watch. “What are you doing here?”

“Believe it or not Louise, rescuing you,” Hayley responded. “I can’t believe that I just said that.” Hayley then mumbled under her breath as she made her way over to the far side of the bed. “We don’t have time for me to explain at the moment and you probably wouldn’t believe me if I tried at the moment. Better to leave that to Elizabeth when we get back to the island.”

“So it was Elizabeth that sent you?”

“Yes, of course. I am not doing this out of the goodness of my heart,” Hayley responded, exasperated by all of the questions and her inability to find the zip of the restraining bag. “Now, where the hell is this zip?”

“Are you working for her now?” Louise asked still clearly stunned by this turn of events.

“That is not a simple question to answer at the moment,” Hayley replied. Although it really should be!

“What if I don’t want to go back?” Hayley paused in her attempts to locate the zip. This was something that she had not prepared for. Hayley stopped her search for the zip and looked Louise straight in the eye.

“Yeah, that wasn’t one of the options that Elizabeth mentioned.” As Hayley said that she slipped her hand into the pocket of her down jacket and removed the white cloth and the bottle of chloroform before brandishing them in front of Louise.

“You are to drag me along against my will.” Hayley ignored the question and went back to searching for the zip.

“I suppose so,” Hayley replied finally finding the zip, pulling it all the way down and exposing Louise William’s body. Louise was wearing silk pyjamas with her wrists bound in front of her with padded cuffs and much to Hayley’s surprise no further bindings. Louise wriggled out of the restraining bag whilst Hayley held it in place. Once Louise was out of the bag it was clear that she was wearing a diaper.

“I take it that Elizabeth was concerned that I might be talking?” Louise asked as she held out her wrists to Hayley who took the subtle hint and removed the cuffs.

“Going be what I have seen that concern was well founded.” Hayley replied, raising an eyebrow, noting that Louise gulped. Hayley turned to head out of the room.

“No need to leave whilst I get changed. I am not shy.”

“No time for that, just grab a jacket and pair of shoes, the car is nearby. The appropriate clothing will be supplied for the journey.”

“What journey? Where are we going?” Louise said quickly whilst slipping on her sneakers, coat and hurrying after Hayley.

“I honestly wish I could tell you,” Hayley replied.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 79

Christina Howard’s Apartment

The alarm on her telephone had trilled at just after five in the morning and had startled Christina, getting louder and louder until reaching blindly for the phone that was lying on her bedside cabinet. Christian found it at the third time of asking and swiped to silence the alarm. It was an early start as she had a pick up to make at the airport, one that she had promised to make last week. She had a quick shower before getting dressed, grabbing her car keys and then heading for the airport. Although it was early in the morning the traffic heading into the city was crawling along, fortunately for Christina she was heading in the other direction. In the end she timed it to perfection as Jane Robbie was standing waiting on her as she pulled up outside the terminal. Christina stopped the car beside Jane and she tossed her bag into the rear seat before sliding into the passenger seat. “Thanks for picking me up.”

“My pleasure,” Christina said, although she didn’t think that Jane would be so thankful later on. “How was the flight?” Christina asked Jane as she was keen to keep the conversation light at this point.

“Uneventful would be the best description.” Jane replied. “I must admit that...,” Jane was cut off by the sound of Christina’s mobile coming through the speakers.

“Hello. This had better be important,” Christina said as she accepted the call.

“Sorry did I wake you up.” It was Gates, Jaclyn Sanders assistant at the other end of the line.

“No actually I had to pick someone up at the airport?”

“I had forgotten about that. So you are on your way then?”

“Yes, should be there in about thirty minutes.”

“Well that is handy. The boss wants you to see you, something important and I she would like you to bring Twain and Saltzman.” With that the line went dead. Sanders always did get straight to the point. Christina ended the call from her end and scrolled through her contacts until she found Natalie’s number. When Natalie picked up after apologising for the early call Christina explained Sanders request to her and told Natalie that she would meet her at Section 12 headquarters.

“I can swing by and pick you up in twenty minutes,” Christina said glancing at her watch. “Oh and Natalie, give Charlotte a nudge. Sanders would like her to come along as well.”

Interpol Headquarters, France

It had been two day now since Agent Sasha Conteh had returned to full time work. They had called it leave in order to recuperate from her ordeal but she knew that they had questions over what had happened and the wanted to make as many checks on her story as possible. If she was being honest she didn’t blame them for being careful. At first she had requested to be part of the investigation into Elizabeth Crawford and her criminal organisation but they had said that could be classed as a conflict of interest should criminal charges be brought.

Her boss had already told her that she wouldn’t be getting a new case for at least two weeks so Sasha had been contenting herself with going through the inbox on her computer. There was nothing that caught her attention until she came across an e-mail from a Detective Sergeant in Cambridge, England. It certainly stood out amongst the other e-mails that she had so Sasha decided to open it and read the contents and the contents was like a slap to the face. It detailed a case that the Detective was working on, the disappearance of a young bride on her wedding day that the Detective believe to be an abduction. After taking a look around to make sure that nobody was looking over her shoulder Sasha sent the e-mail to the printer before shutting down her computer and grabbing her coat. The printer was on the way out so she grabbed the print out on the way out. Tomorrow Sasha would call and get some time off, she was sure that her boss would say yes. A nice break in the English countryside would do her the word of good.

Section 12 Headquarters

“Seriously! Christina! You are going to keep me here for a whole year?” Jane’s voice got higher and louder as she finished the sentence. After terminating the call with Natalie an uneasy silence had settled in for the remainder of the car journey. Jane had been a world class break in artist until giving up that particular line of employment when she met Christina, Hayley and Natalie after becoming involved in a case that they had been working on the previous year. However the lure of the thrill that came with that line of work was too much and Jane had jumped on a plane to Europe and picked up her former trade, very successfully as it turned out. Eventually though she had the misfortune to cross paths with a Russian criminal gang and a dedicated Interpol agent. To cut a long story short was abducted and then held captive by Elizabeth Crawford before being released and was found bound and gagged in the spare bedroom of a British intelligence operative. That had taken some explaining for all involved and Jane had spent the previous three months answering questions on that and also facing the consequences of her criminal enterprises. Despite being abducted and held captive along with Jane the dedicated Interpol agent made sure that Jane would indeed answer for her crimes. Christina had put in a good word on Jane’s behalf and along with the information that Jane was able to supply on various criminal enterprise had gone in her favour, although she was still sentenced to one year of jail time. On hearing that Christina had asked her boss Jaclyn Sanders to make a phone call offering that Jane serve her time in their facility. That had been agreed but Jane hadn’t been made aware, well until now. Christina had decided to wait until they were inside the facility to break the news. It would make it easier to subdue Jane if she had to. Christina had used her credentials to get Jane, Natalie and Charlotte through the security procedures, into the main building and led the way along a short corridor until they reached a waiting area with seating and two secured door off it, one to the right leading to staff areas and one straight ahead leading to the main facility. “Take a seat. I need to get changed. It shouldn’t take that long.” Christian pointed Natalie and Charlotte toward a couple of large couches in the seating area before disappearing through the door to the left. Fifteen minutes later Christina had returned wearing the standard gown dress, a lovely shade of green hat set of her natural colouring beautifully and down jacket combination of all operatives who worked at the facility.

“Yes I am Jane. Jaclyn made the promise on my behalf and I intend to keep it.”

“But I thought that we were friends?”

“We are but you have to admit that you have broken the law and also the trust that we had built up.” Jane stopped and lowered her head. Inside she knew that Christina was right. “It could be worse Jane. You could be stuck in some jail in Europe at least here you will be safe and confined in relative comfort.” Jane took a couple of seconds to digest the conversation then nodded her head. Jane slipped off her watch and put it in her bag along with her phone before handing the bag to Christina. Then Christina signalled to a colleague who had been standing patiently off to the side. The colleague handed Christian a large silk pouch before turning her attention to Jane and tying the woman’s wrist behind her back before gagging and blindfolding her. “I have a meeting but will be in to see you after that has finished,” Christina said as Jane was led away. Natalie and Charlotte had watched the whole exchange standing off to the side. Charlotte glanced at Natalie with a look of puzzlement in her eyes; Natalie replied with a shrug and stood up.

“I hope that you are going to explain what just happened?” Natalie asked. Christina nodded as she approached and placed the large silk pouch down on one of the chairs, opened it and produced two sets of padded cuffs, two cloths, two silk scarves and two padded sleep masks.

“You can’t be serious Christina. You asked us to come along.” Natalie instantly knew the implications

“What’s going on?” Charlotte asked, slightly bemused.

“Christina wants to use that selection of items on us.”

“Wait. She wants to tie us up?”

“Not wants Natalie, has to. You know the rules about non operatives beyond that door.” Christina replied a smile breaking out across her lips. “Besides, from what I hear Natalie you don’t really mind this kind of thing.” Natalie glanced at Charlotte and blushed. “Now turn round and place your hands behind your back.” Natalie sighed loudly before complying with the instruction, followed a couple of seconds later by Charlotte. Christina moved quickly to secure both women’s wrists together padded cuffs before leaning round to stuff their mouths with clothes and placing folded silk scarves over their mouths. Finally Christina slipped a padded sleep mask over their eyes. “Just let me guide you ladies,” Christina said before grabbing each of them by the upper arm and leading them into the heart of the facility.

After a short walk and lift ride Christina announced that they had reached their destination. Natalie heard the sound of an electronic lock disengaging and then a door being opened. Natalie and Charlotte were ushered through the door. Once her blindfold had been removed Natalie could see that they were in some kind of conference room with a large rectangular table in the middle. It could have been a meeting room in any modern, corporate office. There were large comfortable looking, ergonomic chairs; a couple of large television screens on the wall but there were also smaller screens set into the table in front of each chair. As Christina undid the cuffs around her wrists Natalie reached up and removed her gag, when undertaking this task she noticed Jaclyn Sanders sitting a in a seat across the table and nodded a greeting. “Firstly I would like to thank you both for coming in this morning. It is a pity that your partner couldn’t join us Charlotte,” Sanders commented.

“Ex-partner, she flew back to Europe a couple of weeks ago. We had been given an indefinite break from the agency and Gabriela decided to resume her career. I asked her to hand in my letter of resignation.”

“What are your plans? That is if you don’t mind me asking?” Sanders asked.

“Well long term I don’t know but I have an interview with the Securities and Exchange Commission next week so will so how that goes.” Jaclyn Sanders nodded and then gestured for the three women to take seats. Christina pulled out a seat and with a swish of fabric carefully deposited herself into a seat, Charlotte and Natalie looked at each other as if deciding whether or not to accept the invitation before each taking a seat.

“Can I ask why you have asked us to come here?” Natalie asked looking to get straight to the point. Sanders considered her response for what seemed like an eternity before answering.

“There is something going on with Elizabeth Crawford and it worries me.”

“It is just now that her actions worry you.” Natalie commented. Sanders raised a hand to ask Natalie to remain quiet.

“Well, it is actually her lack of action that is currently worrying me. There have not been any reports on her activities for some time, almost as if she is lying low and that is strange, she likes to be busy. For Charlotte’s benefit Elizabeth Crawford and I go back a long time, we were friends and started working for the Government at the same time, then started this agency together. Then Elizabeth saw the benefits of working for the other side and decided that she wanted a piece of it.” Sanders paused as she considered the implication of her words. “However before I go any further I would like to bring in Natascha Taylor,” Sanders picked up a remote and pointed it at one of the large screens. The screen burst into life showing the head and shoulders of Natascha Taylor. “Agent Taylor; thanks for joining us.”

“No problem Director Sanders.” There was a satellite delay so Natascha’s response seemed disassociated to the question.

“I will assume that we all know each other so will forgo formal introductions and get straight to the point. The recording that you are about to watch was taken from a private social media feed of an incident in Saint Petersburg approximately forty eight hours ago.” Christina, Natalie and Charlotte looked at the screens in front of them looked at the screens in front of them whilst Natascha consulted a screen off to the side. As the screens came to life and the video started Sanders narrated. “To put some context to the images that you are viewing the Bollywood star Shonali Kalpana Khan has been in the city shooting her new film.” The video showed what looked to be a film crew preparing for an external shot on a street. There was a shout of action before the camera panned left shakily and found its target, a striking woman with long jet black hair and wearing large sunglasses striding purposefully along the street. “That is Shonali Kalpana Khan.” The camera followed Shonali Khan until she was in the middle of the television crew set up before a van suddenly appeared into shot at the same time that two other women approached Khan and blocked her path, meaning that she had to stop. They were was a flurry of action as the sliding door in the van opened and the two woman launched themselves at Khan, one thrust a cloth over the lower half of her face and between them they forced her into the van. As soon as all three women were in the van the door closed again and the van sped off. There was a shout of cut before several people started wondering about picking up wires and other equipment. But Natalie had switched off several seconds earlier as despite the quality of the video and distance from the incident she was sure that she recognised one of the women that had approached Khan as Hayley.

“Was that what I think it was?” Christina asked?

“If that is an actual kidnapping made to look like a scene from a movie then you would be correct,” Sanders responded. “Bold, but quite clever when you think about it. Now this is definitely right up Elizabeth Crawford’s street.”

“What makes you think that she has something to do with this?”

“Because that is Hayley in the video,” Natalie said.

“You are correct Natalie,” Sanders replied and pressed a button on her remote and a blown up still image appeared on the screen. It was a still shot from the video that showed the two women that had approached Khan on the street, one was wearing sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat that made identification difficult but the other was unmistakeably Hayley King.

“Well she must be getting coerced in some way to be involved with, unless the images have been doctored in some way,” Natalie commented.

“We have checked. The footage is genuine” Sanders said solemnly. “Isn’t that right Miss Snow?”

All of the occupants turned as Danielle Snow appeared from the corner of the room. “I am afraid that you are correct Director. The footage is genuine.” The room was silent as everyone contemplated what that meant whilst Danielle took the seat beside Jaclyn Sanders.

“Well then she is getting sloppy. Elizabeth is usually to smart in planning her operations far to well to let her people get caught of camera” Christina said.

“Wait, are you implying that Hayley is now working for Crawford?” Natalie Twain turned in her seat and glared at Christina.

“Look at the evidence Natalie, believe me I don’t want to consider it as a possibility but in addition to this video there is also what Natascha saw at Crawford’s base plus there is something not right about what happened between Hayley and the De Havilland sisters.”

“Don’t get me started on Natascha,” Natalie said standing up and point at the screen. “If she hadn’t got Hayley to Europe under false pretences perhaps none of this would have happened.”

“Alright, alright lets all take a deep breathe and calm down,” Sanders said. “I am sure that we can all agree that there is something going on here but we are not sure exactly what it is.” Silence fell over the room and Natalie retook her seat. “Now that Christina has brought up them up, has there been any news of the De Havilland sisters?” Sanders asked Natalie.

“There has been nothing at all, which is strange as every law enforcement organisation on the planet has their details. It is as if they have vanished off the face of the earth.”

“Are you sure that this is indeed an actual kidnapping?” This time the questions came from the video screen and they all turned to look at Natascha Taylor. “I am sure that this would have been all over social media. Shonali Kalpana Khan is one of the most recognisable and most followed people on the planet. There is no way that she could disappear and nobody notice or start asking questions.”

“That is a good point Natascha. Our sources tell us that Miss Khan has not been seen since this incident and that there have been no posts to any of her social media accounts. Interestingly her father is one of the most powerful and wealthy businessmen in the world so that is something else to consider. The official statement from her management company is that Miss Khan has taken an indefinite amount of time off to deal with personal issues.”

“So what do you think is going on?” Charlotte who had been sitting quietly during the exchanges volunteered the question.

“I don’t honestly know but if I know Elizabeth Crawford then something is going on and this, well whatever it was in Saint Petersburg was just the start,” Sanders started before stopping and contemplating what she was going to say next. “Look ladies in addition to whatever Elizabeth Crawford is up to there is still a leak with this organisation that I need to find and plug. I wouldn’t put it past Crawford to be involved in that as well.” Sanders looked round table at each woman in turn before glancing at the large screen. “The reason that you are sat round this table is that you are the only people that I can categorically rule up as being the leak. The last mission that was compromised was put together when you were all in Europe. There was no way that you could have known anything about it.” Sanders paused to let everyone take in that statement. “Agent Taylor I think that it would be best if you left us now. Once again thanks for your time.”

“Thank you Director Sanders,” Natascha responded before the screen went blank.

“I take it you have something in mind boss?” Christina ventured.

“I want to put together a team to investigate, track down and take down Elizabeth Crawford. This would be totally off the books, no formal orders, no real back up and if you were to get caught the Secretary would disavow all knowledge of your actions. In short the team would be on their own once they walked out the door.” For a third time silence fell over the room as they all considered what Sanders had just said.

“Well I am in,” Christina said. “I flip sides that often that people get confused who I am actually working for anyway.” This comment elicited nervous laughter from the group.

“I would be as well……….but what do I tell my employers,” Natalie said. Sanders opened a folder that was sitting on her desk and withdrew an envelope which she slid across the table to Natalie.

“A signed letter seconding you to work for the Government, feel free to use it or burn it.” Natalie opened and read the letter before putting it back in the envelope.

“I will hand it in later this afternoon.”

“Well I can always delay the interview with the SEC,” Charlotte commented.

“I make four,” Danielle said.

“Well let’s start by going through what we have on the protagonists and what information that we have on them.” Still pictures and some footage came up on the screen. “First up, Kirsty Black….real name Kirsty Findlay. Former British Army recruited by Elizabeth Crawford after having been honourably discharged.” The women spent around two hours going through various pieces of information that they held on Elizabeth Crawford, her organisation and associates before a photograph of Elizabeth Crawford and a group of people appeared.

“Wait,” Christina said. “Who is that just behind Crawford? I haven’t seen her before.”

“This must be an older photograph. That is Fallon Bennett. Formerly one of Crawford’s top lieutenants but mysteriously disappeared about four and a half years ago. Incidentally Christina I believe that Elizabeth recruited you to replace her.” Christina nodded.

“That was the name that Sophia Rousseau gave us under duress. So it could be true?”

“Well the rumours are that Fallon did indeed. Went on a mission somewhere and just didn’t return. Of course there are other, nastier rumours that Crawford thought that she was going to betray her and Fallon has spent the last four and a half years bound and gagged in a basement somewhere…..or worse,” Sanders replied. “I am waiting on Louise Williams potentially corroborating that name and I will let you know. Date of birth would make her thirty three years old now, French father, mother from Wales, hence the second name, speaks seven languages.”

“So she would know a lot about Crawford’s infrastructure and organisation?” Natalie asked. Sanders nodded.

“I would assume so.”

“Including where her bases of operations are?” Sanders nodded again. “If we could track her down then it would be a place to start.”

“I suppose it would,” Charlotte said. “But is she is still around she has managed to remain under the radar for more than four years. How much information do you have on Bennett?”

“Not a lot but before you leave for Europe I will get you everything that our combined intelligence services have on her. I suggest that you all go and make arrangements and we meet at my house in forty eight hours from now.” The group all agreed with that before all got up out of their seats to leave.

“Something isn’t right here. I can feel it” Christina said softly, almost to herself.

“I agree Christina. I suppose that just leaves one question ladies” Jaclyn Sanders began. “What are you going to do about it?”

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Post by Caesar73 »

Congratulations to an outstanding story [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]!!!!

Not many stories of this length and get finished for many different reasons.

The End of this Story suggests that we may expect another Part of this grandiose Series in the future?

Gilian being the mole? Another surprise. A masterstroke by Crawford. Compromising Hayley further a pleasant side effect. At one point, Hayley will have no Choice than to join Crawford, because she cannot go back: This seems the grand strategy of Crawford, regarding Hayley. Crawford has compromised Hayley alread twice. After freeing Louise nobody will believe that Hayley is an innocent Player in all this.

So Crawford got for the moment all she wanted: Mission acomplished so to speak. At the end of this Saga, the only positive thing for the good Guys seems to be the existence of the Task Force and that Gilian seems to know nothing about that.

If Sanders suspects her? Not very likely after Louises "escape" ....

At least for the Moment the Task Force is at a serious disadventage.
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Post by Caesar73 »

“No time for that, just grab a jacket and pair of shoes, the car is nearby. The appropriate clothing will be supplied for the journey.”

“What journey? Where are we going?” Louise said quickly whilst slipping on her sneakers, coat and hurrying after Hayley.

“I honestly wish I could tell you,” Hayley replied.
Regarding "appropriate clothing": Provided by your ever friendly host that will include the following Items: A diaper, a downfilled suit, bondage mittens, cuffs, leather straps, a well padded, nice and comfortable gag, and last but not least two restraining bags - and to travel safely this time: a nice comfortable coffin with a healthy supply of a sedative :D

Hayleys last sentence has two meanings, I would say: Primarily Hayleys refers to the geographical location of Mystery Island and secondly: Where is her personal Journey going? Wil there ever be a way back in her old life? Will somebody save her in the end? Discovering Gilians and Warwicks treachery must have come as a shock. What further plans does Crawford have with her? In the end I suppose: "persuading" Hayley to join the dark side of the force, wiilingly or by coercion - there is that creepy doctor of Crawford: Xenia ...

mrjones2009 wrote: 4 years ago “I want to put together a team to investigate, track down and take down Elizabeth Crawford. This would be totally off the books, no formal orders, no real back up and if you were to get caught the Secretary would disavow all knowledge of your actions. In short the team would be on their own once they walked out the door.” For a third time silence fell over the room as they all considered what Sanders had just said.
At the moment this seems like David against Goliath. Four women against Crawfords well oiled machine. Sounds like "Mission impossible" :) Or: "Against all odds" :) "The Tributes of Panem sprang to my mind: May the odds be ever in your favour! :D At the moment they are most definitivly not in favour of the good guys.

“Not a lot but before you leave for Europe I will get you everything that our combined intelligence services have on her. I suggest that you all go and make arrangements and we meet at my house in forty eight hours from now.” The group all agreed with that before all got up out of their seats to leave.

“Something isn’t right here. I can feel it” Christina said softly, almost to herself.

“I agree Christina. I suppose that just leaves one question ladies” Jaclyn Sanders began. “What are you going to do about it?”
If Sanders and Christina only knew how right they are :) When they meet in 48 Hours it will be known that Hayley "helped" Louise to escape ....." :) On the other hand: That should really rouse suspicions. If you believe in Hayleys Inocence - than that maneuver should raise suspicions. Who has an interesst in implicating Hayley? The one who implicates her :D But that may take a while ...

Good question posed by Sanders: What will Christina do about it? Much will depend on her and her unique abilities :) Finding Crawfords former second in Command will surely be no easy task. ;) And from there?
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 4 years ago “Give Kirsty a break and allow her to be my personal guard, starting with prepping me for the journey tomorrow.” Elizabeth Crawford sat back and considered the request. It was obvious that Kirsty and Hayley and developed a connection. Elizabeth knew that Kirsty was loyal and would never do anything that would adversely affect her or her organisation directly. It was only the need to make an example, and if she was being honest a bit of anger at losing Hayley that had caused Elizabeth to treat Kirsty the way she had. Perhaps it was time to move on and also if she agreed then Hayley would feel that she was responsible for Kirsty and would be unlikely to cause any trouble. So she nodded. Hayley caught the look of shock that passed across Harper’s face and smiled.
A smart move by Hayley, which could pay dividends in the future.

Sure, Crawford is right: Hayley will feel responsible for Kirsty, but that works also in reverse. That Harper is put in her place is a welcome side effect :)
“Lastly raise your head and thanks for what you did.” Hayley complied and Kirsty slipped a blindfold over Hayley’s eyes then put earplugs into each of her ears. Now with her senses completed blunted Hayley felt rather than saw or heard the lid of the coffin close.

The last words by Kirsty were interesting; Elizabeth must have told her way Hayley had requested. It made the two women almost dependant on each other with that thought running through her head Hayley didn’t notice her slip into unconsciousness.
Kirsty helped Hayley to escape, because she found it wrong, how Crawford treated Hayley. Now Hayley rescued her from being sold into slavery. And it seems, that Kirsty acknowledges that fact. There is a bond now between the two.

A dynamic which could get really interessting in the future: Kirsty helped Hayley once to escape, because she questioned Crawfords motives. I doubt that Kirstys Views have changed.

So, maybe, Hayley will find an ally in Kirsty. In the end Crawford may have made a mistake by granting Hayleys request ;)
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Post by Caesar73 »

In the last days I read all four parts of "Nothing Personal", again :) I enjoyed every part again! Especially Part 4 is so full of surprises - grandiose dialogues and great characters: A devious criminal mastermind and heroines which you must love! :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Apropros heroines ... :) What facinates me about the Character of Hayley most is her undauntable courage. To leap without looking, so to speak. Who in his right mind escapes Crawfords clutches and returns back to the lions den? But she does it. Without minding the consequences. To pay a debt to Kirsty, she had no obligation to do so. That is truly remarkable. And it shows another quality: Her ability to trust. To trust that her friends will find a way to save her.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Wow! Over 12.5k in views.

Tremendous guys and girls. Very much appreciated.
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 4 years ago Wow! Over 12.5k in views.

Tremendous guys and girls. Very much appreciated.
A tremendous saga like yours deserves nothing less :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Do you remember the beginnings of this Saga? In the Archives the first Part of this Series can be found. I just stumbled across it, and the first Part is intiruging if you consider the Delevelopments at the End of Nothing Personal 4: We learned that Gilian and her Lover are working secretly for Crawford there, which clearly shocked Hayley.

I quote the first Sentence of Nothing Personal 1 verbatim:
Gillian swung her feet down from the bed and placed them on the floor of the cell.

As I read it, in the second Part of Nothing Personal Gilian is still loyal and in Part 3 she is even leading the Search for Hayley and her friends. When did she become a rogue agent? Already in Part 3 or did this happen in the Time between Part 3 and Part 4? Her moral flexibility is astonishing to say the least.

What do you think Guys? What do you think of Gilian?
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Post by Caesar73 »

When I first realized, that the fourth Part of this outstanding Epos would not end with a fairy tale like finish I was a little sad. Sad that the bad guys prevailed at the end - at least for now.

But on the other end: It would have been to bad, if Part 4 had been the end for Hayley and friends :)

Now there are a lot of possible roads that can be taken.

There is an old addage: All ways lead to Rome :)
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Post by RopemanSteve »

Wow. Freaking wow.

Just discovered this. It'll be a long time before i finish reading it all,
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RopemanSteve wrote: 4 years ago Wow. Freaking wow.

Just discovered this. It'll be a long time before i finish reading it all,
Thanks for the positive feedback, much appreciated.
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Post by Caesar73 »

What never ever failes to impress me are the characters, which [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] created: The good and the bad guys. On one side: Mrs.Crawford or Kirsty. On the other side: Hayley or Natalie. They are not just types. They are characters in the true sense of the word. Not just black and white.
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Post by Caesar73 »

RopemanSteve wrote: 4 years ago Wow. Freaking wow.

Just discovered this. It'll be a long time before i finish reading it all,

Hi Steve, did you have time to read the whole, epic Saga? What do you think [mention]RopemanSteve[/mention] :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

I always admired the way [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] holds everything togehter in this epic long saga, which stands by 79 Chapters. There are many Highlights in these 79 Chapters, too many to count :) But one sequence stands out in my humble opinion :) The Chapters 36 - 44, in which Gabriella, Hayley and Eloise are captured and make their journey in downfilled goodness and arrive on Mystery Island.

I posted the Introduction in Chapter 36 down below, besides, this Saga is nearing 20.000 Clicks. Amazing if you ask me :)

You find the start of the sequence, I refer to here: ... 9&start=75
mrjones2009 wrote: 5 years ago Chapter 36

Paris, France

As Gabriela Vasquez made her way through the unpredictable and riotous craziness that was traffic in Paris her mind wondered toward the task at hand. Since the incident at the apartment of Hannah Stanley-Ramos the investigation had went nowhere. Hannah Stanley-Ramos had decided to get a lawyer and keep her mouth shut when they got her into an interrogation room. You would have thought that with her daughter in trouble that she would have wanted to co-operate with the authorities but that hadn’t been the case. Without anything further from her the investigation couldn’t really go anywhere. Charlotte was back at the hotel working on her laptop going through correspondence and records requested from the bank to see if anything looked out of place. Meanwhile Gabriela had decided to give it one more try with Hannah Stanley-Ramos and see if she could get anything from the woman, if she ever managed to get there through the traffic.


“Boss, its Kirsty. I have had that chat Mrs Stanley-Ramos that you wanted…..just to focus her mind.”

“Good. Did you let her see you?”

“No boss. I made sure that the lights were out and I kept to the shadows. You were also right about the other thing. Mrs Stanley-Ramos confirmed that someone did come with the intention of asking her questions. From the description it sounded like Raquel English.” Interesting Elizabeth Crawford thought. English was known to be one of the Broker’s top agents. “Also not long after a couple of International Financial Fraud Agency agents turned up and started asking questions.” There was a moment of silence from the other end. “She claims not to have told them anything.”

“It sounds like Mrs Stanley-Ramos was very forthcoming. Well at least with you.”

“That is what happens when you have leverage.”

“Yes it is indeed,” replied Elizabeth Crawford. Kirsty could picture the smile that was on her boss’s face as he said this. “So where are we now?”

“Hannah Stanley-Ramos left about fifteen minutes ago to head back to work after the weekend. Everything should be in place to go.” Then there was the sound of a door opening and Kirsty stopped talking for a second to identify the noise. Lowering her voice Kirsty whispered into the phone, “boss I will call you back, I have to go.”

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Post by Caesar73 »

It has been a while since the fourth Part of this Saga reached its conclusion, hopefully there will be a fifth Part with the ongoing Adventures of Hayley and Company. Who will prevail in the End? Heroes or Villains? Hayley or Crawford? Or will something totally different come to pass? Either way: There are many possible scenarios, I can imagine. And since mrjones2009 is a master of surprises only one thing seems to be sure: Expect the unexpected!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Just revisited one of my favourite sagas on this Board. It has been roughly since [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] finished this grandiose Adventure. A lot of question stayed open. Like [mention]wolfman[/mention] for example [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] has a hand for inventing characters and developing them. Both totally different in style, but both are superb writers.
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Post by sarajone12345 »

Wow just read the whole saga again. Really amazing and super well written! Looking forward to what happens in the future to Hayley and the gang.

But for real, this is one of the best written stories I've read in general. Good job!
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