Ken's Kennel For Kid Brothers - 4 parts complete (multiple m/m)

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Jason Toddman
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Ken's Kennel For Kid Brothers - 4 parts complete (multiple m/m)

Post by Jason Toddman »


Text on a Flyer handed out only to selected individuals:

Looking forward to summer school vacation with a sense of dread as your kids and/or younger siblings run around the house all day and constantly bug you? Would you rather have the noisy, pesky urchins out of the house - and out of your life – for the summer? Better yet, would you like them to be trained in proper manners while you enjoy summer vacation in peace and quiet in the comfort of your own home?

Then Ken’s Kennels for Kids has the solution for all your problems!

For the modest fee of $20 a day per child (plus a small fee for pick-up and re-delivery if you do not wish to transport the child/children yourself), we will house your annoying younger relatives in the finest accommodations available from small cages to full-sized cells… roomier quarters of course cost extra. All clients will be kept in air-conditioned surroundings with a small air mattress. All cells have piped in music laced with subliminal messages about how proper children should behave in order to avoid a repeat visit to our kennel.

All clients receive three meals and eight glasses of water a day; plus a daily period of walking and gymnastic exercises followed by showers.

For an extra fee, clients will be trained in discipline by experts in child psychology who do not mind enforcing their teachings with a little corporal correction. Clients will be trained to obey all orders from their selected parent/guardian/older sibling without question with alacrity and even a cheerful smile. Graduates of our Obedience school are so eager to please that to date no client has required a refresher course during any following summer vacations.

Unlike ordinary summer camps, children are given no access to phones or mail, and therefore cannot bother anyone to please come take them home before you are ready for them. Also, we guarantee that not even the most stubborn and un-cooperative client will be able to prematurely depart from our facilities, as we use the finest locks and security system to be found anywhere. Those few who still try get to sample the hospitality of the kennel’s owner himself in his private cellar/dungeon, where they soon learn that escape is worse than futile and resistance is rewarded with uncompromising punishment from employees who thoroughly enjoy their work. Most are in fact former school bullies with considerable experience in getting their own way from even the most pig-headed of weaker victims.

Part One

Jake struggled, but it was no use. His big brother Martin had tied him up too well, and Jake would have been no match for any one of the boys dragging him out of his house even if he were free - let alone all three of them while bound hand and foot like this. But despite the hopelessness of it, Jake fought anyway – until the stuff injected by a needle in his arm put an end to wakefulness for a long while.

When Jake awoke again, he was inside a small, dark, cramped space inside a moving vehicle of some sort; apparently a van. He could not tell for sure because it was totally dark where he was; any windows were entirely blacked over. Jake tried to check out his surroundings, only to find that he was handcuffed in a hogtie and was locked inside a small cage of some sort. Attempt to yell for help proved futile, as he was also gagged. He couldn’t tell from feel alone what kind of gag it was, but it covered much of his face and appeared highly effective in keeping him quiet.

The vehicle he was in came to a stop, and Jake waited fearfully as he heard doors opening and closing and the sound of voices coming around to the other side. The back of the van was opened, and he saw Martin and two other boys his brother’s age reach out and slide the cage he was in right of the van. Ignoring Jake’s struggles and attempts to yell, the three boys carried his cage out of the van and into a nearby building. Jake briefly saw a sign on the front door as one boy carrying his cage opened it:


Jake shuddered. He knew where he was now; this place was notorious throughout his school district. This used to be a reputable dog kennel, until it was closed down and its owners jailed because of allegations of staged dogfights for gamblers. But rumor among his friends had it that the owners’ college-aged-son, assisted by his three high-school-aged brothers, still ran the place as a boarding kennel. But not for dogs; rather, they ran it to house and train kids whose older siblings (or even parents) decided that said kid needed to be out of the house for a while!

Apparently, Jake realized, Martin had decided to avail himself of the kennel’s service to get him out of the way for a time, while their parents were away on the European vacation! Jake admitted to himself that he’d been a bit of a pest lately, wanting his older brother to spend more time with him now that their parents were away. But this seemed to be a bit of an over-reaction!

Jake’s cage was carried to the top of a large table and left there while Martin talked with another boy his own age. The second boy wore the all white outfit of someone who worked as a professional health care worker – or a vet.

“Name and age?” asked the second boy.

“Martin Galloway, 16,” replied Jake’s older brother.

“Name and age of the boarder?” asked the boy.

“Jake Galloway, 12,” replied Martin.

“Duration and reason for stay?”

“Two weeks, because he’s a pest!” answered Martin unkindly. “He’s always underfoot; getting into my things; never leaving me alone. I want the house to myself for a while.”

“Basic room and board; or do you want him to undergo discipline training while he’s here?” asked the other boy.

“Aah… hmmm… what does that entail, anyway?” asked Martin, definitely sounding interested. “And how much does it cost?”

“Basic pet training,” replied the boy in the white outfit. “He’ll learn to obey all your commands, speak only when spoken to, and generally behave himself like a little brother should… like a well-behaved pet! We’ve had a pretty high success rate; especially since we’ve begun offering free refresher discipline courses for those who weren’t 100% satisfied with the results of the initial course. We’ve had no siblings brought in for second-time training in months. The course is $100 for the two week term, in addition to the $100 a week for room and board.”

“Whew! $300!? That’s quite a bit,” exclaimed Martin, and for a brief moment Jake had the hope that Martin would call off the whole thing. “But it’ll be worth it to have some peace and quiet for a while and a quieter brother afterward. Okay. I’ll do it!”

The deal was soon done, and Martin walked out without even once looking back at Jake as he huddled miserably inside his cramped cage. Then the boy who had interviewed called out and two more boys in white outfits entered the office to ‘process’ Jake. One of the boys held a hypodermic needle, and try as he might Jake was unable to stop him from returning Jake to Slumber Land for a while.

When he awoke again, Jake found himself out of the cage he was in and lying on – and strapped face down onto – a cold metal tabletop. His clothing was all gone; instead he wore a simple set of black Speedos. He was still gagged, but now he could see his gag via his reflection on the shiny metal tabletop he lay on; it was a full face muzzle gag of some kind. It kept his mouth wide open but still prevented him but speaking or making much in the way of sound. His hands were secured by ‘fuzzy’ cuffs behind his back, and his feet hobbled in addition to the straps securing him to the table. The only other thing he wore besides his bonds was a dog collar padlocked around his neck.

A boy about 14 years of age and clad in the clinical, white outfit came in. Seeing Jake was awake, the boy placed a leash on Jake’s collar and then freed Jake of his straps. “I am Fred; I’m your new caretaker and trainer. If you do what I tell you from now on, I’ll treat you nice,” the boy said to Jake. “If you make trouble for me, I won’t be so nice. There’s no way to get out of this but to do whatever I tell you from now on. Now come along with me quietly, and no noise.”

Although Fred wasn’t large for his age, he was still larger and stronger than Jake; also, with his hands cuffed behind him and his ankles hobbled, Jake saw no hope of escape and no point in angering his captor. He followed him quietly as Fred, holding the leash casually in one hand, led Jake out of the office and to an outdoor enclosure out back.

There, Jake saw about a dozen other cages; each a cube a little more than four feet to a side. All were clean, and furnished with a mattress, some blankets, a deep bowl with water in it, and a metal food bowl. The bars of each cage were much thicker and sturdier than typical kennel cages; being about half an inch in diameter and a mere two-and-a-half inches apart. At the moment, seven of the cages were occupied by one boy each, ranging in age from eight to fifteen; there were no girls, although Jake had heard that some were also boarded here by older siblings on occasion. Two of the younger boys were bound and gagged as Jake was, but the others were free inside their cages and wearing normal clothing; though these were gagged as well (their gags secured by padlocks so that they could not be removed). They also had portable potties inside their cages, whereas those bound like Jake did not. Jake assumed that these were the boarders who would not be subjected to discipline training, as he was supposed to be.

Jake was led to an empty cage and Fred gently shoved his captive inside. Jake turned around just as his jailer closed the cage door shut on him and padlocked it. Fred then proceeded to walk away without a word to Jake; and without freeing Jake from his cuffs or his hobbles.

Jake flushed and turned away again from the front of the cage as he suddenly realized that he was getting a hard-on from all this.

Jake looked around him. The cages were set up in two rows of half a dozen each, and spaced evenly enough so that it was possible to look into every other cage in his row from where he was. The other two cages occupied by boys bound as he was were in the same row as Jake was, whereas the five allowed to wear normal clothing were in the opposite row. Jake soon noticed that these cages were equipped with privacy curtains, which the occupants were allowed to use for privacy purposes when using the potty. There was apparently a limit to how long such curtains could be used at one time, since he saw one boy close it and then open it again after only a couple of minutes. In any case, Jake’s cage was not equipped with a potty or a curtain; and with his hands cuffed behind him he would not have been able to use either one were they available anyway.

At least there was a reasonably comfortable mattress inside his cage, although it was scrunched up in order to fit inside the limited space. Jake eased himself onto it and tried his best to make himself comfortable. At least his bonds were not on too tight; they were secure but did not cut into his skin. The fuzzy padding further alleviated the discomfort of having his hands bound behind him. Even so, Jake was not looking forward to being left like this for two weeks. Surely there would be more to this than leaving him locked up inside a cage for this entire time – unable to even use the toilet!

Seeing no point in wasting energy in struggling and deciding that calling attention to himself would likely be a bad idea, Jake merely sat quietly on the mattress and waited for someone to come to him. Surely someone would tend to his physical needs sooner or later. The other boys in their cages did not look as if they were suffering from any privation; though of course Jake had no idea how long any of them had been here. But he doubted they’d all come here just today; some of them had probably been for several days – or even a week or more.

The cages were outside the building, inside a compound surrounded by a ten-foot-high wooden fence. Rather than being open to the sun, shade was provided by numerous tall trees that surrounded the compound. Jake was uncertain what protection was provided in the event of bad weather, but for now at least weather conditions were ideal enough to make being stuck inside his cage only mildly uncomfortable rather than unendurable.

Jake only noticed the gate inside the fence when it was opened, and a boy in a white outfit walked in, leading another boy clad in Speedos on a leash. The boy in the white outfit looked like Fred but was obviously a year or two older; evidently one of the brothers who ran this place. The boy he led was older than Jake but younger than the boy who led him. He followed docilely as the boy in white led him to the cage next to Jake’s, opened it up, and removed the leash from his collar. Without waiting for a command, the Speedo-clad boy crawled into the cage. The older boy then casually locked him inside.

Rather than walk off, he stepped in front of Jake’s cage and crouched down to peer in at Jake. It was a cursory examination; apparently more to check on Jake’s condition rather to talk to him. It was like a bored vet examining a new dog that had been brought in. He made a few notes on a clipboard, stood up, and went on to the next occupied cage. Jake was tempted to make some noise to get some attention, decided he would probably be ignored, and merely kept silent.

Shortly after this boy left, Fred came into the compound and stopped in front of Jake’s cage. He crouched down, setting down a leash he was carrying, and unlocked the padlock to Jake’s cage. “I’m talking you for a walk while I explain to you what will be expected of you,” Fred explained. “Come to the door and then remain still on your knees until I tell you to do otherwise.” Fred continued as he gestured for Jake to crawl out of the cage (the door was too small to emerge standing up or even hunched over.

Jake did as he was bid, although he found it difficult to kneel down and then forward with his hands bound behind him. Fred clipped the leash onto Jake’s collar as he was still halfway out the door, and then helped Jake to his feet once he was fully out of the cage.
“Come,” instructed Fred, tugging gently on the leash as he walked Jake toward the gate in the fence. Jake followed without any resistance.

Outside the enclosure was a small lawn surrounded by trees. This wooded area was maintained more like a park than a wild forest, and had a path running all through it in a zigzag fashion. The entire area was about three acres in extent and was surrounded by another fence even higher than the one that surrounded the compound behind the house.

Fred walked Jake in silence for a short distance, then stopped and faced Jake. “I will remove the gag for the rest of our walk, but you may talk only when instructed; to answer questions or ask your own or make requests when I give permission,” Fred told him. “Do not speak aloud without permission, or you *will* be punished. Obey all my commands without hesitation, or you will be punished. This is the *only* warning you will get. Nod if you understand.”

Jake nodded his understanding; he would be more than glad to be rid of that gag for now!

“Stand still,” Fred told Jake as he stepped behind the younger boy. “Do not move in any way you can’t help until I tell you otherwise.”

Jake remained perfectly still as he was told while Jake stepped behind him and unlocked the padlock that held the gag in place. Jake breathed a loud sigh of relief and began to thank Fred before he caught himself; fearing this might be speaking against orders not to and therefore grounds for punishment. But Fred merely smiled at him a trifle sardonically and said, “You may thank me for taking that gag off of you if you wish.”

“Thank you!” Jake said simply; deciding that more might be pushing it.

“Whenever you say anything to me, you must finish by calling me ‘sir’,” Fred said to him firmly but with a gentle smile.

“Yes, sir!” Jake immediately replied quietly.

“You’re a smart boy,” Fred continued gently when Jake did not venture to speak further. “That’s good – for both of us. Just remember to call me ‘sir” from now on when we speak. The first time I excused because you didn’t know. I won’t punish mistakes when you don’t know that you’ve made one. But once you’ve been corrected mistakes *will* be punished. The occasional honest mistakes not harshly; just enough to remind you of your place. But if you seem forgetful or rebellious, you won’t like what happens to you. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir,” replied Jake quickly, who was after all no fool.

Fred grinned. “I like you, Jake. We ought to get along quite well together. I am expected to train you, but perhaps you’ll have an easier time of it than most of our clients if you continue to be smart.”

Jake almost said something when Fred finished, but he remembered just in time not to.

Fred led Jake along the path slowly enough so that the hobbled boy had no problem keeping up. “I’m responsible for your care while you are here. I’ll see to it that you have enough water to drink, food to eat, and that you’re kept clean, warm, exercised, and healthy. You may now ask me one – and only one - question about anything you like. I’ll answer it if I can.”

Jake thought carefully but quickly; unsure if this offer had a time limit. “How do I eat or drink if my hands are cuffed behind me and I always have a gag on?”

“You can drink water through the gag,” replied Fred. “It’s not difficult. Didn’t you see anyone else drinking water while you were in your cage? No? Well, just stick your face into the water bowl carefully and you’ll find that you can lap up water easily enough. Gags are removed when you are fed, and then of course you can drink more freely still. Your hands will still be cuffed though; you’ll have to earn the privilege of eating with your hands free. Meanwhile, you don’t need your hands to eat. Dogs eat without using hands all the time, now don’t they?”

Jake wasn’t too happy about this response but had the sense not to protest. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as he imagined.

“Well, since this is your first day it’s only a short walk for you now,” Fred told Jake. Meanwhile, it’s almost feeding time. So I may as well begin your training and feed you at the same time.”

Fred led Jake to a table just outside the back of the house, where Jake saw a water bowl beside an outdoor faucet. Fred turned on the faucet, washed out the bowl, and then filled it with cold water. Then he unlocked one of Jake’s handcuffs, pulled Jakes wrists in front of him, and re-cuffed his wrists in front of him. “Go ahead and drink your fill now, and then we’ll begin.” Fred told him.

Normally Jake would have been unwilling to drink water under such circumstances as these, but he was too thirsty by this time to protest. He got down on his knees and prepared to lift the bowl to drink from it.

“No, leave the bowl right where it is,” Fred told him. “You must drink from it without using your hands.”

Jake suppressed a sigh and bent his face down to the bowl. But he didn’t lap up the water like a dog, but simply suctioned it in – this was faster and easier. After all, Fred hadn’t said he had to lap it up, and Jake felt humiliated enough as it was. Fred made no objection, so Jake figured he’d guessed correctly. Jake took comfort from the fact that the older boy did not seem to be looking for excuses to punish him; so perhaps he could get through his training without ever being punished at all provided he was cooperative.

While Jake was drinking, Fred was talking to someone on his cell phone. Another boy dressed in white came out of the house carrying a plate in his hands. This boy seemed to be Jake’s age, though a trifle taller and more slender, but had the same curly reddish hair and facial features as Fred. “Thank you, Robin,” Fred said to the other boy as he set the plate on the table and turned to go; sparing a long but silent look at Jake. The boy quietly nodded in response to Fred, smiled at Jake, and walked back into the house.

“All right, Jake… come in front of me and kneel,” instructed Fred. Jake did so as Fred removed an object a couple of inches long and half that in width from the plate. Jake realized it was a pizza bite; there were several others still in the plate. Fred held the treat out at arms’ length in front of Jake and said, “Beg!”

Jake knelt down and held his arms limply like a dog. He whined for good measure.

Fred popped the tidbit in Jake’s mouth, and Jake ate hungrily. It was only then that he realized that the bulge in his groin was betraying to Fred how Jake was feeling about all this; those darned skimpy Speedos weren’t hiding that at all!

“Yep, I’m really going to enjoy training *you*,” Fred said with a quiet laugh.
Last edited by Jason Toddman 4 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Mind reader. This is so much like a story that I have been working on!
Sounds like it will be right up my street.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by blackbound »

Astonishingly well-behaved. I have a feeling the other shoe is yet to drop, though.

AVAILABLE NOW: Summer Games (M+/M+ adult) | Benefits (M/M everyone)
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Part Two.

Fred continued to feed Jake his lunch of pizza bites, making Jake beg for each morsel he received of course. For dessert, Jake got several donut holes of different varieties, which he also had to beg for. Afterward, he was allowed to drink his fill of water from the bowl before having to do any more tricks.

For his first day at least, training apparently consisted of performing various dog tricks. The first was one of the hardest; fetch the ball. Fred would toss a small tennis ball gently across the yard, and Jake would have to go after it on his hands and knees and fetch it back in his mouth. This was tiring and rough on the knees as well, but Fred had outfitted Jake with protective gloves and knee pads before they started. When Jake began to get noticeably tired after about a dozen fetches, Fred desisted and looked the younger boy over to make sure that he was okay. Once he was sure Jake was merely getting tired, Fred let him rest for a few minutes before going on to something less strenuous.

Jake had to learn to heel, stay, sit, lie down, roll over, and play dead (arms and legs splayed out up in the air the same way a dog would). The first time Jake was told to do this; Fred abruptly squatted down right beside him and began to rub his belly. This surprised Jake so much he yelped and tried to stand up, but Jake abruptly and firmly told him to remain perfectly still. With some misgivings, Jake did so – still posed as if playing dead. Fred smiled and went back to rubbing Jake’s bare belly – moving his hands in a way that was deliberately tickling to the younger boy. Jake began to laugh hard as the tickling increased, but he rigidly held his pose as he’d been told too until the tickling sensation got too much for him and he rolled over away from those tickling fingers.

Jake expected Jake to punish him for disobeying his command to remain still, but the older boy merely smiled and told Jake to sit up. When Jake had done so, Fred squatted down on the ground beside and slightly behind him and began to tousle Jake’s hair playfully. Then he began the pat the top and back of Jake’s head like he was a dog!

Jake wasn’t sure what to make of this, but he rather enjoyed it. Since it didn’t hurt or tickle and no one was watching them, he simply sat there without speaking and let the older boy continue to pet him for a minute or two. A familiar feeling in his groin told him he perhaps liked this more than he would have admitted to anyone else, but luckily Fred could not see this reaction from where he crouched behind Jake while petting him.

“Good boy,” Fred said to him with a distinct tone of fondness in his voice as he stood up. Jake began to stand up too but then Fred said “No! Stay!” Jake desisted, certain that Fred would not punish him for his slip as long as he obeyed him now. Fred walked over to where he had left Jake’s gag, brought it back, bent down behind Jake, and fitted the gag back onto him. Then he unlocked one of Jake’s cuffs and re-cuffed Jake’s wrists behind his back.

“That’s all the training for today,” Fred told him as he clipped the leash back onto Jake’s collar. “This was your first day, so we went lightly today. Tomorrow will be a bit busier for you. Stand up. Heel!”

Fred proceeded to walk Jake back to the kennel, and Jake followed without protest. They re-entered the kennel through the gate, and Jake was led back into his cage. The moment Fred finished locking Jake inside the cage; he stepped over to the foot of the cage and squatted down.

“Move your feet as close to where I am as you can,” Fred instructed him

Jake complied. Fred reached in, unlocked the shackle from around Jake’s left foot and locked it around a bar of the cage instead; leaving his other foot free. Fred then stood up and walked away.

Finding the cage less uncomfortable now that he had one foot free, Jake decided that the best way to pass the rest of the afternoon was to take a nap. After all, there wasn’t much else he could do, since he couldn’t read a book, watch TV, or communicate with his kennel mates – and just lying inside the cage was a bit boring. He noticed though that one fully clothed (and untied) boy inside a cage was reading a book, and another had a small IPod to listen to. The next time he was allowed to ask a question, Jake decided, he was going to ask about how he could get one of those to pass the time!

Jake experimented with sucking up water through his muzzle gag, and found it wasn’t as hard as he had expected as long as he was careful; it would have been easier were his hands not cuffed behind him. Once he drank his fill, he sprawled out on the small mattress as well as he could and slept fitfully through the afternoon.

Hours later, Jake was awakened by the sound of someone opening his cage. It was Fred again, holding a plate containing pieces of steak cut into small pieces, along with some fried rice and some peas and carrots. Fred unlocked Jake’s gag and gave him ten minutes to eat his meal while he knelt at the opening of the cage. Jake was not allowed to use his hands though (they remained cuffed behind his back); he had to eat out of the plate while Fred held it out to him (which made it rather easier to eat than if the plate had been set down on the floor). But the food was savory enough (and Jake was hungry enough) so that he didn’t care too much; he simply sucked it in by the mouthful and ate.

For dessert Jake was given several donut holes on a dish; but these were set in a small bowl and placed where he could eat them at his leisure. Fred then topped off the water in Jake’s bowl before placing his muzzle gag back on him and locking his cage door again.

Jake wished he’d been given permission to speak, but he hadn’t; and he knew enough not to tempt Fate by trying to speak without it – not even to ask for permission to speak.

Night fell, but the kennel area was kept well-lit by several lamps installed along the outer wall of the house. Fred or one of his brothers came out to check on the kennel boarders every hour or so to make sure no one was in any distress (or attempting to escape). In addition, there were at least three security cameras that Jake could see mounted on the outer wall along with the lights. No doubt the boarders were under constant surveillance.

Jake saw no hope for nor any point in escaping anyway; his dick-head older brother Martin would probably just bring him right back here again if he succeeded somehow, and he’d be treated more harshly here in the bargain in any case. At least this place wasn’t quite as bad as he’d been imagining; they hadn’t tried to make him eat dog food like he’d heard they did, for one thing. But such things might simply be reserved for punishments; if so, he wanted to avoid that as much as possible.

Tired from his first day at the kennel, Jake fell fast asleep – wondering what the next day would bring.

Jake awoke early in the morning to the sound of his cage door being unlocked. His arms and shoulders suddenly ached from his hands being cuffed behind him all night, and this helped waked him up rather quickly.

He had expected to see Fred at the door, but it was young Robin who now crouched in front of the now open cage door and beckoned him to come out; a leash for his collar in one hand. Evidently he was to be taken somewhere. Gathering his wits, Jake crawled out of the cage as best as he was able, assisted by the other boy in standing erect.

“I’m going to re-cuff your hands in front,” Robin told him as he wrapped a short chain around Jake’s waist like a belt and padlocked it in place. “Don’t try to fight me or try to get away.” Jake nodded agreement, and Robin unlocked one of the cuffs, placed Jake’s unresisting wrists in front of him, and re-cuffed him. He then padlocked the handcuffs to the chain belt so that Jake was unable to lift his arms. He would have liked a moment to stretch his muscles, but even having his wrists shifted to his front relieved a lot of the aches and pains he was feeling in his arms and shoulders.

Robin led Jake by a leash into the house, and over to a large metal shower stall at one end of the office. Fred and the older boy Martin had talked to (a 16-year-old named Tom) when he was brought to the kennel were waiting for them; like Jake but unlike Robin, they were clad only in Speedos. Tom took over for Robin, led a puzzled Jake into the shower, unlocked his handcuffs from the chain-belt, lifted Jake’s arm up over his head, and secured his handcuffs to a solid metal bar overhead. Then Fred closed the large shower curtain closed with the three of them in the shower, and Tom turned the water spray on.

Jake had never imagined having a shower with other boys in such circumstances; he was even shy about taking showers in the locker room after gym class with other boys around. But he had no choice now – not even when Fred and Tom lathered up Jake’s body with soap with their own hands and washed him off! There was nothing sexual about it; all were Speedos and they made no attempt to wash Jake – down *there*! But they washed him everywhere else quite thoroughly with as much clinical detachment as they would have washing a filthy dog; even washing Jake’s hair with baby shampoo. There was no teasing or mockery; the treated Jake as courteously as they would a cooperative dog too. Despite the humiliation of it all, Jake found himself quite aroused by the experience – especially when the shower water was shut off and the two older boys toweled him dry.

Jakes cuffs were released from the overhead head, and this time he was allowed to stretch his arms and ease the aches out a bit before his cuffs were re-attached to his chain belt. Tom pushed aside the curtain, and Robin was there waiting to escort him away. Rather than be taken to his cage however, Jake was stood in front of a table, where his wrists were secured to a thick ring set to the side of it. Robin then set a large bowl of oatmeal and a glass of juice (with a straw) in front of him, told Jake to eat what he could as he removed Jake’s gag, and began to walk away.

Drinking the juice without hands was easy enough thanks to the straw, but how was he supposed to eat his oatmeal without a spoon or his hands free enough to reach the bowl or his mouth? Did he dare to ask when he hadn’t been given permission to speak? But then Robin apparently remembered how new Jake was - or heard him quietly go “Huh?” – and told him with a smile, “Just stick your face down there and lick it up – like a dog.”

Robin walked out, leaving Jake alone with his breakfast. Jake hesitated for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders and did what Robin said; his hunger was more important than preserving what shred of dignity he still had left. Of course he got quite a bit of oatmeal on his face rather than in his mouth, but there was quite a generous helping of it, and he was satisfied what he was able to get by the time Robin came back for him.

Robin wiped Jake’s face clean with a towel before replacing Jake’s gag and freeing his wrists from the table. Jake was led outside just as another white-uniform-clad boy he hadn’t seen here yet led another Speedo-clad boarder in on a leash. This boy was older than Fred but younger than Tom, but otherwise resembled them as greatly as Robin did and must also be a brother – the third one of those said to be in high school. This boy was named Kevin. This left only the college-aged brother who ran the place as being the only one Jake (as far as he knew) had not met yet.

Robin led Jake outside and then stopped. “I’ll give you a choice,” Robin told him. “Nod your head if you want to go for a walk, or shake your head if you just want to go back to your cage.”

Jake nodded his head without hesitation. Smiling, Robin led him out through the fence gate to the enclosed wooded area out back for a walk. Once they were out of sight again, Robin had Jake stop and then took his gag off. “There! Doesn’t that feel better? Now then, let’s talk. Anything you’d like to talk about?”

Jake had gotten the impression from yesterday that Robin was reasonably friendly but reserved, but perhaps that was just when one of his older brothers was around. Now that it was just two 12-year-old boys alone, Robin seemed a lot friendlier without a hint of his former shyness. They were soon talking together like any two 12-year-old friends would, except that one was clad only in Speedos, handcuffed, hobbled, and being led around on a leash by the other boy.

Jake was more relaxed now that he could speak freely for a while, but mostly he asked questions about Robin and the kennel. He had never met any of Robin’s brothers before, as he did not attend high school yet, nor had he ever seen Robin at his school even though the boy must be his own age. Robin told him that he was being home schooled by his oldest brother Josh, who was his legal guardians while their parents were away. That was considered important, as he might find it difficult to keep his own schoolmates in cages or look them in the eye after they were released

Finally though the walk was over and Jake was re-gagged and returned to his cage until it was time for Fred to return for Jake’s training sessions.
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blackbound wrote: 4 years ago Astonishingly well-behaved. I have a feeling the other shoe is yet to drop, though.
Perhaps. Perhaps not. Unlike the folks you see in many horror movies for instance, not everyone faced with an unusual situation is as dumb as a bag of rocks. I prefer to write about some of the brighter, more adaptable people sometimes. not always but sometimes. :D
Xtc wrote: 4 years ago Mind reader. This is so much like a story that I have been working on!
Sounds like it will be right up my street.
Maybe you were subconsciously inspired by memories of having read this before on the old site. ;) i think i had it posted at DA too before my CaptainQuirk5 account was shut down.
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Post by Xtc »

I found out that I had posted the first part to you in 2012!
Nevertheless, your tale is gong in a different direction from where mine will go IF I get round to completing it.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Or even "going"!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Xtc wrote: 4 years ago I found out that I had posted the first part to you in 2012!
Nevertheless, your tale is go(i)ng in a different direction from where mine will go IF I get round to completing it.
I might recognize what you sent me if I saw it again, but for now my memory is drawing a blank about it. ;)
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Don't let it bother you.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Xtc wrote: 4 years ago Don't let it bother you.
Don't worry; I wasn't. :lol:
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Post by harveygasson »

Interesting start, I'm looking forward to seeing how Jake copes in the long run
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harveygasson wrote: 4 years ago Interesting start, I'm looking forward to seeing how Jake copes in the long run
Well then, here is part three. :D

Jake waited only about an hour before Fred appeared. He was already down on his knees and facing the front of the cage with an eager expression on his face that made Fred chuckle fondly as the older boy hunkered down, peered in through the bars at him, and unlocked the door.

“Stay put while I put the leash on you,” Fred told him. “Then you may come out!”

Jake did as he was told, and eagerly followed his trainer as Fred led out of the cage and out of the cage area though the gate in the fence. There Jake saw that Robin was waiting for them, wearing his usual white outfit. He had another boy about ten years old on a leash of his own and bound the same way as Jake. Though Jake enjoyed Fred’s company, he looked a bit enviously at the boy with Robin.

Jake noticed this and laughed quietly, but not in any kind of mean-spirited way. “Like being with Robin a lot, do you?” he asked Jake as he led him for a short walk, followed by a little distance by Robin and the other boy. Jake merely nodded, as he was still gagged and so couldn’t speak a word. “Well, he generally handles training of the youngest boys; they’re less intimidated by him of course so it puts them more at ease if they’re trained by a boy closer to them in age. But you and he are too close in age, since we also feel the trainer should be at least a year older than the one being trained. So I’m your trainer instead of Robin. Hope you’re not *too* disappointed.” But Fred said this is a relaxed manner, so Jake knew he was not serious. All the same, he hastened to assure Fred by whatever means he could that he was happy having Fred as a trainer as well.

“Well, I have a surprise for you,” Fred told him as they walked along. “Robin likes you a lot too, and since you have been very well behaved so far he’s asked if we can take you home to stay with us tonight. You’d be allowed in the house until bedtime, but then you would have to stay outside in the yard and sleep in a doghouse. However, you’d have the run of the yard and merely be tethered rather than tied up, and we’d feed you what we eat ourselves. Would you like that?”

Jake’s reaction was as exuberant as any puppy’s.

“Okay then, if you do well with your training today that will be your reward tonight,” Fred promised him. “Otherwise, the other boy comes home with us instead. He’s been very well behaved too and had been here over a week already for a two-week stay, so he’s nominally earned the privilege. I am sure Robin would prefer you however; so don’t disappoint him.”

Jake nodded eagerly; he definitely didn’t want Robin to be disappointed!

It turned out that Jake trained all boys from 11 to 13 years of age, while Robin handled all those from age 11 on down. Fred’s next older brother Kevin trained boys aged 13 to 15, while Tom (who turned out to be 18, though he looked 16) trained boys aged 15 to 17. The oldest brother was Ron, who was 22 and who ran the kennel. He did not handle any training directly; as the kennel did not board anyone who was over 17.

When Jake was returned to the main yard, he found that he was to be trained with several other boys at the same time; all of whom were about his own age. Most were not staying at the kennel overnights but were merely brought here by day for training. Three were boarders however, and had been here longer than Jake had been. One boy had been staying in the kennel for over a month! All these boys had undergone training sessions together previously; only the first training session was usually done solo. Jake was now expected to join the others and be trained with them, but was not to try to interact with them socially without permission from Fred.

Jake soon recognized two of the other boys as classmates, and he was sure they’d recognized him too. He wondered if they’d feel like talking about their experiences here with him once they returned to school!

Kevin and Tom were also present, though they did not seem to be acting in any capacity other than as observers.

At first Jake was afraid he’d make a poor showing while training with the others, as he had gotten only that one short training session the previous day and therefore seemed to be far behind the others in the training regimen. He soon found though that he was at far less of a disadvantage than he had thought. Most of the other boys present were either less intelligent or far less willing to please than Jake was, because Fred seemed to have to spend more of his time disciplining boys rather than in training them. The two other boys Jake recognized seem to be the most stubborn members of the group, and outright refused to do anything that Fred told them to do. And now for the first time Jake saw what Fred was like when he was *not* pleased!

At first, when one of these boys resisted obeying an order, he was given a single slap in the face. The slaps got progressively harder, and some of the boys subjected to them got with the program after a while and got punished no further. But both boys Jake already knew remained stubborn, until finally Jake had apparently had enough. At a silent signal from him, Tom and Kevin stepped forward, grabbed one of the boys and brought him to Fred, who sat down on a bench. The struggling boy was draped across Fred’s lap and held down by the two older boys. Fred took a large wooden paddle and spanked the boy on his lap twenty times with it – apparently as hard as he could. Then the other stubborn boy was brought over to him to endure similar punishment. After that, both boys behaved very much better – although they still went through the motions with a marked lack of enthusiasm.

On the other hand, Jake seemed to be Fred’s prize pupil. He did whatever he was told to with intelligence and enthusiasm – which seemed to arouse a bit of annoyance toward him on the part of a few of the other ‘students’. Jake was oblivious to this however; he only sought to please Fred as best as he could – and please Fred he did.

From the way the two boys he knew glared at him by the end of the training session, Jake was pretty sure that he was *not* going to want to discuss kennel experiences with them, nor hear what they had to say about it. In this place, the term “teacher’s pet” took on a whole new and far more literal meaning here than it did at school!

Lunch time came. Most of the kids being trained had to settle for eating small pieces of bread and drinking water out of bowls with their hands cuffed behind them. Jake, on the other hand, was given part of Fred’s lunch – some pieces of chicken from a large KFC take-out order. He also had his hands cuffed behind him, but he was fed by hand, given soda to drink instead of water, and allowed to talk with Fred as he ate (the others were not allowed to talk). Fred also petted him like a dog – fortunately out of sight of the other kennel boarders – and Jake was as happy as a real puppy.

That afternoon Robin took Jake for another walk when his own duties gave him a little free time; and Jake saw a group of older boys being trained by Tom and Kevin. Robin told him that he did his own training sessions with the youngest kids earlier in the day and would be doing so again later in the afternoon. He asked Jake if he’d be interested in watching and perhaps assist him in the train. Even if the only alternative wasn’t to spend time alone in his cage, Jake would have eagerly agreed to this just to spend as much time with Robin as he could.

Once Robin was finished walking him, Jake was tethered to a post in the yard. His hands were left free and he was neither hobbled nor muzzled. The collar and the leash that tethered him were padlocked however, so he was still unable to leave had he wanted to. But he no longer wanted to leave, and he thought it was nice of Robin to let him have the free use of his limbs and even a little space (the tether was about twelve feet long) to move around in. It beat sitting inside a small cage any day!

Robin (with Fred’s assistance) came back with four younger boys on separate leashes; the oldest appeared to be 11 and the youngest only 6. None of them seemed to be as pleased about their situation as Jake was, and the six-year-old was in fact close to tears. These four were still handcuffed and hobbled, and made to sit on a metal bench (built like a park bench, with narrow slats, gaps in between, and numerous eyelets for attachment points) to which they were then firmly secured. Fred then stood by and merely observed as Robin took over the class. Fred would act only to enforce discipline when needed, as Tom and Kevin had during Fred’s own training session.

“Two of you are still new, and all of you are still a bit scared to find yourselves here,” Robin said to them in what sounds to you like a well-rehearsed speech. “You’re here because those who sent you here – whether an older sibling or a parent - feel you need to learn proper behavior. I am going to teach you that. The faster and better you learn, the sooner you can go home.”

Robin pointed to Jake. “This is also a temporary resident of the kennel. He knows what proper behavior is. Now pay attention, and we’ll demonstrate.”

Robin walked up to Jake and untethered him, meanwhile whispering “Make me look good now Jake and I’ll make you feel good later!”

For the next few minutes Jake was made to go through his paces like a purebred at a dog show; performing various tricks like Heel, Fetch, and Roll Over on command. He did this with an eagerness that was so obvious it amused the younger children, helped put them at ease, and made them more amenable to following the same commands when Robin freed one to put through a similar set of commands. By the end of the training session, all were praised and petted, and all were smiling. The youngest boy was even beginning to laugh now rather to cry; his tears totally forgotten when he was given a piece of candy as a treat for a trick well done. Suddenly it was a fun game, and they were no longer scared when they were placed back into their cages or taken home for the day.

“Time for me to go home soon, and I’ll be taking you with me,” Robin told Jake after the others were gone. Usually I only get to take pets from the kennel home if they’re regular boarders or at least have been here a while; like most of the ones we happen to have here right now.” Robin indicated the boys in cages who were wearing clothes, were untied, wore no gags, and got to read books and listen to radios.

“Usually they have to have been here at least a month and undergone a lot of training to get to the point where they get to wear clothes and such, and two months before they get a chance to spend a night with us,” Robin continued. “But you’re special. You’re the first one I’ve asked for who hadn’t even finished basic training and earned their clothes back, yet alone be a ‘trusted’ pet. But I think it won’t be long before you have those privileges too. Wouldn’t you like that?”

Jake had to admit that it would be nice to spend less time cooped up in a cage – or at least have something more to wear and have something to do while he *was* caged.

In fact, when Robin took Jake back to his cage and locked him in, he reached in through the bars and removed Jake’s handcuffs and hobbles. He was left ungagged as well, and he politely thanked Robin for his kindness before belatedly remembering that he hadn’t been given permission to speak. “That’s okay,” replied Robin as he squatted in front of Jake’s cage and looked in at him. “Thanks are always forgivable exceptions. Anyway, I’ll see about getting you a book to read to help you pass the time until we go home.”

True to his word, Robin slipped in a copy of “Tom Sawyer” a few minutes later. An avid reader, Jake was soon happily immersed in the book until it was time for Robin to come get him.
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Post by Lorddunmore »

Thanks for posting this. I vaguely remember reading this quite some time ago, and am enjoying it again!
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Lorddunmore wrote: 4 years ago Thanks for posting this. I vaguely remember reading this quite some time ago, and am enjoying it again!
I'm always happy to hear from folks like you. :D

Part Four.

Evening finally came… and so did Robin and Fred. Jake was so happy to see them the two boys jokingly compared him to a real puppy as they unlocked the cage door. Jake’s enthusiasm was undimmed by the fact that the boys placed handcuffs, hobbles, a muzzle gag, and a dog collar with a leash on him as if he were a real dog. And when Robin told him to “Heel”, he walked quietly behind the two as they led him away just as he was bid.

Jake was led to a van, and the three of them met Tom there as he opened up the back of the van to let Jake in. Jake wondered how he was going to get into the van hobbled as he was, but Fred and Tom solved that problem when they suddenly grabbed him, lifted him up, and gently hauled him inside. Robin had already jumped into the back of the van and helped to slide Jake all the way inside as the older boys closed the van doors from the outside. Jake could hear them climb into the front cab and talk among themselves before the van was started up and drove away from the kennel.

Meanwhile, Robin tethered Jake by his leash to a metal pole near the door and sat down on a padded bench built into the interior of the bay. Jake couldn’t reach the beach and had to sit Indian style on the bare metal floor.

Jake had hoped to have a talk with Robin, but Robin never removed his gag. He simply had a one-sided conversation with Jake as if Jake were a real dog incapable of speech (which, with that gag in place, was actually the case). But Robin talked fondly with Jake and petted him, and so Jake was content as matters stood.

The drive took about twenty minutes, but Jake had no idea where the van had been going, as he could not see out the single small, dark-glass window that let any light into the bay. But when the door was opened and he was let out, he could see that they were well away from any part of town he was familiar with. They were on a large private estate of some kind; surrounded by trees and cut off from sight from any houses or roads in the area. He learned later that, like the kennel, it was also entirely fenced in; but the grounds of the estate were considerably larger than those of the kennel. The house was less than a mansion but much larger and fancier than a regular family house.

Jake thought he was going to be taken inside the large manor house, but instead Fred and Robin led him by his leash to the large backyard. There was a doghouse there; much larger and fancier than a regular doghouse, it was more the size of a tent than a doghouse and looked more comfortable than either. It sat in the shade of several trees. Over it, running a couple of hundred feet across the lawn between two of the larger trees that flanked it, was a ‘runner’ made from a rope over an inch thick. When the far end of Jake’s leash was attached to it with a padlock, Jake saw that it would allow him to wander wherever he liked within the length of his twelve-foot leash anywhere along the length of that line – including the doghouse. Jake’s hobbles and gag were then removed, but his dog-collar was left padlocked on and his hands were left cuffed behind his back.

“Settle in and make yourself comfortable,” Robin told him. “I’ll come out and play with you awhile after I do my chores. Then we’ll have supper.”

Jake tried to relax, but felt too keyed up to just sit around after spending so much time locked up inside a cage lately. So he began walking around for the exercise all around the area that his leash and the runner line would permit him to reach; an area of 20 feet or so by about 200 feet. It felt good to stretch his legs, and he wished he could have his arms free to exercise them as well. But this was certainly better than sitting in a cage!

A half hour later, Jake was still exercising when Robin came out of the house. He had changed out of his formal white clinical clothes and into summer clothing more typical of a boy his age; a sleeveless T-shirt, running shorts, sneakers, and white socks. Robin unlocked Jake’s handcuffs and re-locked his wrists in front of him, and then removed his dog collar. Then Robin got a Frisbee and tossed it, and Jake had to fetch it – in his mouth, without using his hands except to brace himself. At least with his hands cuffed in front rather than behind his back, kneeling down and standing up again was a lot less difficult, so Jake enjoyed the game of fetch as much as Robin apparently did.

It was almost dinner time, and Jake needed to wash up beforehand. He was allowed to wash himself (albeit still handcuffed and with the hobbles put back on) by using the outside faucet and some well-used and shrunken bars of soap. He was then given a fresh set of Speedos; still the only apparel that he was allowed to wear.

Robin and his brothers were having a picnic lunch outside, and so Jake was tethered to a large eyebolt set into one of the supporting cross legs and he sat on the lawn at one end of the table. From there, while Robin and all of his brothers sat at the table and ate their picnic supper, Jake was fed by hand by Robin. However, he had his own burger, set of fries, and a can of soda rather than eating scraps out from the others’ plates. He was even given a chocolate ice cream cone for dessert (which Robin held for him) and so he was satisfied.

After supper, Robin stayed outside and played Frisbee with Jake until it got dark, and then Jake was re-attached to the runner rope for the night. His hands and feet were left freed this time, but Robin told him that under no circumstances was he to remove his dog collar or tether without his express permission or that of one of his brothers. No threats of punishment were made or even implied, but Jake was certain that punishment – swift, sure, and exceedingly unpleasant – would follow anyway should he disobey Robin in this matter. In any case, he was not tempted to even try, but instead settled into his doghouse. His home for the night had a padded floor and was furnished, with a mattress, blanket, and a pillow for comfort and a small door to keep out the weather if need be.

All in all it was far nicer than the cages at the kennel, and he soon fell asleep; wishing he could spend more of his time here.

Early the next morning Jake was awakening by Robin, who was once again dressed in his white clinical outfit in preparation for returning to work. He fed Jake a quick breakfast of cereal and a donut, and then muzzled, collared, cuffed and hobbled him, and led Jake to the van for the return ride to the kennel. Through it all Robin acted as sorry as Jake seemed to be that the overnight visit was over, yet he treated Jake with the brisk efficiency of a professional vet’s assistant simply working with just another of a long line of pets needing attention. Jake was a bit puzzled by this, but being gagged he was unable to ask Robin anything about it.

The mystery deepened when he was brought to the front office of the kennel’s admin building. His older brother Martin was there again… but not as a paying customer. He was dressed only in Speedos, and bound in restraints in exactly the same way Jake had been upon his arrival. He flashed only a single resentful look at a puzzled Jake before he was led out the back door by Tom to be put into a cage.

Ron and Fred came out of the inner office at that point, followed – much to Jake’s consternation and dismay – by Jake’s mother. What was *she* doing here? She and dad were supposed to be in Europe!!!

Jake’s mother, Gretchen, didn’t seem at all surprised to see Jake in his speedos and under restraint. She didn’t seem to be upset either, though she quietly asked Ron to remove Jake’s gag so he could talk freely. Then she took Jake’s leash in her hand and let him to the inner office and closed the door behind her so that they were alone in the room.

“Mom? What’s going on? Why is Martin here?” a bewildered Jake asked.

“Your father ran off with a younger woman in Monte Carlo,” Gretchen replied. “He and I are getting divorced. He doesn’t want custody of either of you, and – frankly, dear – neither do I. Martin, particularly. After he sent you off here he practically wrecked the house with all night parties with his friends! So I am paying these nice people to take care of you and Martin from now on. They have quoted me a price I can easily afford to take care of Martin until he has his high school diploma; because they have agreed to purchase *you* outright. They are going to adopt you as their own; seeing to your schooling and so forth. You will be well cared for, my dear, and I’ve heard you’re already well-liked by the staff members here. Oh, I know that this comes as quite of a bit of a shock, but I pray you are not too angry with me, my dear.”

On the contrary, Jake was so happy that he would have hugged his mother were his hands still not cuffed behind him.

And so it was that his brother was given Jake’s old cage and had to undergo obedience training. Jake was given a much larger, more comfortable cage with a TV and regular clothing to wear at the kennel. Each night he was taken back to Robin’s house. But instead of sleeping out in the doghouse every night, he was now allowed to sleep on a mattress on the floor in Robin’s bedroom, with one ankle shackled to Robin’s bed. He slept in the doghouse only when he was being punished for some reason or Robin was spending the night with friends elsewhere. Sometimes he slept at the kennel when Robin was also there to tend to the kennel boarders (someone always spent the night there for this purpose, and Robin’s turn came once each week).

When school resumed in the fall, Jake and Robin went together as equals and the best of friends; with no sign visible to anyone else that one was nominally the pet of the other. Only once they returned to the kennel or Robin’s house were the collars and restraints replaced and Jake was just a pet again.

It was all ease and relaxation though. Jake as trained to perform various household chores like any other boy, except that he wore handcuffs and hobbles and a collar at all such times, such as when he mowed the lawn or made the beds. But this only made Jake even happier; he was a useful member of his new household and the chores gave him ways to occupy his time. He worked as best as he could and was always praised by Fred and Robin and his other owners; and this made him supremely happy.

Eventually he was given chores to do at the kennel as well; wearing a white outfit like his masters but still wearing a collar. His major task was to feed the kennel residents and clean their cages. Seeing his brother Martin sitting miserably in his cage day after day gave Jake a perverse sense of satisfaction, though he did not lord it over his brother in any way. He even tried to make his brother more comfortable there in small ways, though Martin never showed any appreciation for these kindnesses. Unlike Jake, Martin was being home-schooled, and was never allowed to leave the kennel until he got his GED. This gave Martin incentive to get the best grades he could so he could leave the kennel once and for all.

Jake also did well in school, but he never wanted to leave; nor did he. Once he also finished high school some years later and was given his freedom, he stayed with the Arkwright family (and with Robin in particular). He worked full time at the kennel and continued to live with them, and everyone was happy… well, except for Martin who joined the Army and got sent to Iraq (and eventually captured by Islamic Terrorists), but who cared about him?

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Post by Xtc »

I like a happy(ish) ending.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Xtc wrote: 4 years ago I like a happy(ish) ending.
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Post by Johnsnow »

This was a great story, a nice break from the norm on this site.
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Johnsnow wrote: 4 years ago This was a great story, a nice break from the norm on this site.
Is it? I'm not really sure what the norm on this site is anymore, as I haven't had the time (nor really the inclination for reasons unrelated to the stories themselves) to read any of the stories here anymore. in large part because I have so many of my own projects i want to do that reading - anything - has been low on my priorities lately after years of semi-enforced inactivity due t various health issues including failing eyesight.
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Post by ThaliaTammy »

What a great story with such an unusual topic. I could easily see some kind of spin off stories with boys in the kennel who are not so well behaved like Jake :lol:
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ThaliaTammy wrote: 3 years ago What a great story with such an unusual topic. I could easily see some kind of spin off stories with boys in the kennel who are not so well behaved like Jake :lol:
I have considered writing such a story but so far I just haven't gotten around to it.
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Post by Xtc »

Go on, [mention]Jason Toddman[/mention], spoil yourself. :evil:
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by ThaliaTammy »

Jason Toddman wrote: 3 years ago
ThaliaTammy wrote: 3 years ago What a great story with such an unusual topic. I could easily see some kind of spin off stories with boys in the kennel who are not so well behaved like Jake :lol:
I have considered writing such a story but so far I just haven't gotten around to it.
I would read it promptly ;)
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Xtc wrote: 3 years ago Go on, @Jason Toddman, spoil yourself. :evil:
Believe me; I do! :lol:
ThaliaTammy wrote: 3 years ago
Jason Toddman wrote: 3 years ago
ThaliaTammy wrote: 3 years ago What a great story with such an unusual topic. I could easily see some kind of spin off stories with boys in the kennel who are not so well behaved like Jake :lol:
I have considered writing such a story but so far I just haven't gotten around to it.
I would read it promptly ;)
Well, first of all I have to come up with a good story for you to read! I'll see if I can come up with something. :D
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