Gals night at Madison’s (FFF/FM) Complete

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Gals night at Madison’s (FFF/FM) Complete

Post by WillHBonney »

This is a sequel to the story “A Simple Apology”

A quick overview of the characters from “A Simple Apology”:
Kate: my girlfriend, about 5ft 4” with medium length brunette hair aged 25.
Madison: Kate’s older sister. She’s a bit taller, say 5ft 8” with long dark brunette hair (almost black). Me and her enjoy annoying each other. She’s about 28.
Kayleigh: Madison’s close friend. Also about 5ft 8” with shortish brown hair coming down to her shoulders. She’s also 28.

I told Kate about what Madison had done to me. Judging by her reaction Madison hadn’t lied to me about occasionally tying Kate up whenever they had a disagreement. Although Kate’s reaction surprised me. When I told her she rolled her eyes. “Ugh it’s so annoying when she does it.” Not the reaction I was expecting. She seemed to be accepting the fact her sister ties her up whenever they argue.

“Doesn’t it bother you?” I asked.

“Of course it does. Especially when she steals my clothes. But she’s stronger than me so I can’t out muscle her.” Kate replied.
“So I just try avoid any arguments with her for my sake”

“That’s crazy, you just accept it” I responded. My shock at her response was obvious.

“Feel free to confront her. But be prepared for another lengthy session as her captive” Kate warned me.

Some weeks passed since the day I was tasked with delivering the high heels from Madison’s house to my girlfriend’s work. We had visited Madison’s on a few occasions since and nothing was ever said about what had happened. It was as if it hadn’t happened. Madison would talk to me as though it was normal and she hadn’t held me tied up and gagged in her bedroom for several hours.


It started off as a typical Saturday night. It was “Gal’s night” at Madison’s which meant a few of her friends and Kate would all get together and drink. The plan was for me to drive round and pick up Kate later on in the evening. I was sitting in the house playing on the Xbox when I got a text from Kate.

“Hey babe. You should come round a bit earlier and come in and chat for a bit xxx” it said.

I had been pretty bored so far that night hence why I decided to take Kate up on her offer and head round to Madison’s early. I hopped into the car and set off.

I arrived at Madison’s and parked my car outside so I could head inside. I knocked on the door and Madison answered.

“Hey, how have you been? Cmon in!” She said walking down the hallway after opening the door for me, clutching a drink in her hand. She was wearing a short black dress that came down to just above her knees. It had a white floral pattern all over it. On her feet I noticed she was wearing a pair of silver open toed high heels. The heel was a thick heel rather than a normal stiletto. She was clumping them as she walked up the hallway.

“I’m good thanks. How’s your night been?” I smiled as I followed her towards the living room.

“It’s been good yeah. Just been chilling. Haven’t we girls?” She entered the living room and sat down on one of the couches.

“Hey!” Kayleigh smiled as she stood holding a drink. She was wearing a black strap T-shirt underneath a long red shirt-like dress. On her legs she was wearing a pair of tight black jeans and a pair of high black stilettos. I nodded to her and smiled.

“Hiya!” said Angelica. Another one of Madison’s friends. She was about 5ft 7” and had long curly dyed-red hair that sat just below her shoulders. She had a pink headband in her hair and a long black dress on.

“Hey, hello” I smiled as I glanced at Kayleigh and Angelica. I noticed a lack of my girlfriend in the room.

“Where’s Kate?” I asked Madison.

“Oh she’s upstairs in the toilet just now, she might have had too much to drink. Give me your coat and I’ll stick it in the wardrobe” Madison answered, reaching out for my coat.
I took my jacket off and handed it to her.

“Oh is she ok? I’ll go up and check on her” I said to Madison, following her back out into the hallway.

Madison walked towards the wardrobe under the stairs with my jacket as I climbed the stairs. I got to the top noticed the toilet door was unlocked. I knocked a few times but heard no answer. It was quiet inside so I assumed it was empty. I slowly began pushing the door open and confirmed that it was indeed empty. At first I thought that Madison had lied to me but I decided to double check Kate hadn’t went into a bedroom to sleep.

I nudged open the door to Madison’s bedroom and peeked in. The first thing I noticed was the spot where Madison had kept me so tightly bound and gagged for hours. No sign of Kate though. I checked the other rooms, peeking in but no luck. I started to wonder whether Kate had been there at all or if she never bothered to come round to Madison’s? But she had text me to come round? I turned around and went back downstairs.

“She’s not up hear?” I said as I descended back down the stairs. There was no reply and now the living room door was shut over.

“Madison? She’s not up...” I said as I pushed the living room door open, stopping abruptly when I walked into the room.
In the centre of the room sat Kate, my girlfriend. She had been tied up. She was wearing a long brightly coloured floral dress and was barefoot. She was sitting on the floor facing me. I could see several scarves wrapped around her body. And presumably there were some more scarves behind her back binding her wrists together. She had a drip of duct tape placed over her mouth. Her legs were stretched out in front of her and tied again by a scarf at the ankles.

She was looking right at me and moaning into her gag whilst swinging her head. I paused in shock, stopping just inside the living room. None of the 3 girls were anywhere to be seen. I moved towards her to untie her when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked round to see Madison standing behind me smiling menacingly.

“Hold it right there mister” she smiled. I glanced down and noticed she had removed her high heels allowing her to silently move up behind me. She raised up her other hand and waved a scarf in front of me. Behind her, in the door way Kayleigh and Angelica walked through the door way also holding a number of pieces of clothing. They too were smiling.

“Why?” I asked Madison.

“Because we can? And it’s fun” Madison said in a tone implying her answer was obvious.

There was nothing I could do, I knew I was unable to outmuscle Madison alone so what chance did I have against her, Kayleigh and Angelica? No chance.
She placed her other hand on me and began lowering me to a seated position. I sat on the floor facing Kate, with my legs out in front of me.

“Now, Angelica has never tied someone up before so I’m going to show her how to do it” Madison told me as the girls all gathered around me on the floor. They placed all the clothes into a small pile next to me.

“Ok, first thing is to tie the hands. You need to tie them really tight because once they’re tied, escape is pretty much impossible” Madison explained to Angelica as they both sat behind me. Madison grabbed my wrists together behind my back and crossed them over. She grabbed a scarf from the pile and began wrapping it around my wrists.

“Every couple of wraps you need to pull it tight. You need to make sure the wrists are tightly tied together” Madison explained, yanking the scarf tight drawing the palm of my hands together.

“And also wrap the scarf between the hands to make a cuff. That way he can’t slide his hands out” she explained as she wrapped the scarf between my hands.

“And finally when you knot it you want to tuck away the loose ends so he can’t try and untie himself” Madison said as she tucked the ends of the scarf under the tie.
“Give his wrists a little wiggle to test the tie.” She added, wiggling my wrists.
“He’s not getting out of that” she smiled.

“And you basically do that for the rest of his arms and his legs too” Madison said, handing Angelica a handful of scarves from the pile.

I glanced over at Kate. She had stopped moaning and was sitting watching me get tied. She rolled her eyes at me. I shrugged back. Angelica and Kayleigh grabbed my legs and placed them together. Angelica took a scarf and began wrapping it around my ankles, pulling it tight every couple of wraps.
“You’ve got it!” Madison cheered. Kayleigh high dived, celebrating Angelica’s newly gained tying skills.

Kayleigh began tying my knees together whilst Madison tied my elbows.

“There’s no such thing as too many ties Angelica” Madison giggled as she began wrapping a scarf around my waist, pinning my arms to my back.

The 3 girls finished tying. My wrists were tied tightly together and pinned my back. My legs were bound at the feet and knees. They all stood up and looked down at me laughing. I looked up at them, keeping quiet.

“What about a gag? Can we gag him?” Angelica excitedly asked.

“Of course we gag him!” Madison answered, winking at me. “We make sure he’s nice and gagged so he can’t call for help.”

“A tie isn’t complete until they’re gagged!” Kayleigh added, pointing over at Kate.
“Bag em and gag em!” Kayleigh laughed.

Angelica excitedly picked up a scarf from the pile and knelt down behind me.

“Hang on a sec.” Madison stopped her. “One thing you should do is always stuff their mouth before you gag ‘em”

“It makes their muffles quieter” Kayleigh added.

“Ah! Good thinking.” Angelica laughed. “What do you normally stuff their mouth with?”

“You can use anything that’ll fit in really. Cloth and things like that. But I’ve got a personal favourite” Madison smiled as she left the room.

“Ooh!” Angelica giggled excitedly as she clapped her hands. She was still positioned behind me, holding the scarf around me, prepared to pull it over my mouth.

I could hear Madison in the wardrobe under the stairs, rummaging for something. Eventually the rummaging stopped and I heard the wardrobe door close.

“Here we go! A personal favourite of mines!” Madison returned to the room and stood in front of me. She raised her left hand up. In the palm of her hand sat a shin high tan ugg boot. She lifted up her right hand and plunged it inside of the ugg boot, drawing out a long black sock. She held her right hand out, holding the sock far from her face.

“I like to add a bit of discomfort to the gag. A personal touch. Something to remind them of me whilst they’re sat there tied up and gagged. A reminder that I’m the one in charge.” Madison smiled as she wriggled the sock as it dangled down from her hand.

“And what’s better than a sock in the mouth?” She put her hand back inside the ugg. “2 socks!” She cheered as she drew out a second sock.

“Oh my god” Angelica laughed. “I almost feel bad. Almost! That can’t be a pleasant taste” she said.

Madison knelt down on the floor next to Angelica. From behind I felt Kayleigh’s hand reach over my shoulder and pinch my nose. The shock caused me to open my mouth. Madison shoved the first sock inside my mouth.

“Make sure it’s packed in nice and tight. Pack it into the corners of his cheeks. Let it touch his tongue” she smiled as she prepared the second sock.
Again she placed it inside my mouth, this time on the opposite side. She pressed down on it with her fingers, forcing it tight against my cheek. The taste was strong. Definitely recently worn. I could feel little pieces of fluff from the ugg boot against tongue. Madison’s feet just seemed to possess this incredible stench that was unforgettable.

“Ok now that he’s packed up tight it’s time to wrap that mouth of his up” Madison said, gesturing to Angelica.
Angelica began wrapping the scarf around my head. Every couple of wraps she would yank it, pulling my head.
I could see she was smiling as she done it.

Finally she knitted the scarf at the side of my head and tucked the ends of the scarf under the wrap.

“There we go! Those socks are staying in there nice and tight” Madison smiled as she stood back up.

“What are we doing with them then? Shall we put him in the wardrobe like we did with Kate?” Angelica said.

“Nah let’s move him so that they’re back to back” Kayleigh suggested.

“Yeah let’s do that” Angelica agreed. Kayleigh and Angelica leaned over and began sliding me towards Kate.

I looked at Kate again and made eye contact with her. I could tell she was annoyed. Whether it was at me or at Madison I wasn’t sure. Although I wasn’t sure how she could be annoyed at me, I was now tied up and gagged like she was.

The girls slid me up against Kate’s back. They pressed us tightly together and Madison wrapped a belt around our torso’s. she secured the belt tightly, bringing us both to sit upright.

“Oh, by the way” Madison said as she walked around to stand in front of me. “You should really tell your girlfriend to change her phone passcode to something that isn’t 000000. It’s a bit easy to guess!” She smiled, waving Kate’s phone in front of me. I could see the messages app open on our conversation. Behind me I heard Kate moan into her gag. I had been tricked.

Angelica and Kayleigh sat down on the couch to my right. Madison sat down on the couch directly in front of me. She lifted up her feet and placed them on my lap. I glanced down at them as she spread her toes and began wiggling. Despite only being on my lap I could smell them. It was a dry sweaty feet smell. I glanced up at her. She had spotted me glaring at her feet. She winked at me and increased her toe wiggling.

“Let’s leave them like this for a little bit. They’re just furniture.” Madison smiled as she took a sip from the glass she had picked back up.
“Yeah, tying him up was thirsty work!” Angelico’s laughed as she also sipped on her drink.
“I know! My mouth is sooo dry! I can’t imagine what it would be like if I had 2 socks stuffed inside it?” Kayleigh laughed, prodding me with her heeled foot.

“Mmmmmph!” I jerked causing both Kate and I to sway. The 3 girls all started laughing. I could hear Kate moan into her gag, obviously annoyed that I had rocked us both.

“There’s something so satisfying about someone moaning through a gag isn’t there?” Angelica smiled.

“I know what you mean, it’s great hearing their muffled pleas” Kayleigh agreed.

“Definitely. Hearing them moan into their gags reminds you that you’re in charge and they’re at your mercy” Madison said as she looked into my eyes.
“Anyway, who wants another drink?”

The 3 girls all stood up and made their way into the kitchen.

“Don’t go anywhere you 2!” Madison smiled menacingly as she walked out the room, leaving me and Kate behind.

“Mmmmpphh?” Kate moaned as she wriggled forwards, dragging me backwards.

“Hmmmmph?” I shrugged.

“Mmphh mph mmph?” Kate continued. I had no idea what she was saying.

I shrugged again. “Hmmmph?”

“Hmmmmmph” Kate groaned, giving up and sinking backwards into my back.

The 2 of us sat there, tightly tied up, gagged and secured back to back. Worse thing was this time I had done nothing wrong.
She had actively went out her way to lure me in and I had bought it. And my prize was a nice tight tie, a pair of socks stuffed in my mouth and another night as Madison’s captive.

End of part 1
(Hope you’ve enjoyed it so far! Do you like the new character Angelica?)
Last edited by WillHBonney 3 years ago, edited 10 times in total.
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Post by Dpsiic »

Looking forward to the next part. Definitely liking Angelica
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Post by whatever351 »

Love this story! Really looking forward to seeing what happens next
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Really enjoyed part one. Can’t wait for more
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Post by milagros317 »

Wonderful story so far! Looking forward to part two. :)
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

Great story!
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Awesome sequel to a good story, can't wait to read the rest!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 2:

Kate and I sat on the floor in silence. Neither of us attempted to say anything. There was no point. The thick scarves wrapped so tightly round our mouths made it impossible to make any sound other than a muffled moan. On top of that I was afraid to make a sound in case it would annoy Madison. We both sat quietly like good little captives.

The silence allowed us to hear the girls as they chatted in the kitchen. They were chatting about the usual things. Work, relationships, other friends who weren’t present. They were chatting so casually, as if they didn’t have 2 people tied up and gagged in the room next door.
I think that’s what was so unbelievable about Madison, her attitude to it all. She would have you expertly tied up and gagged, and she wouldn’t even act like it was a big thing. Almost like “yeah, I’ve tied you up, so what?” It definitely made her more I intimidating.

The laughing grew louder as the girls left the kitchen and returned to the living room where Kate and I sat. The sound of their heels clumping along the wooden floor grew louder as they entered the room.
I looked over my right shoulder to see Kayleigh and Angelica return to the couch they had previously been sitting on. Kayleigh sat on the side closest to me. She slouched down and stretched her legs out on the floor in front of her. Her feet lay just a few inches from my right side. The large heels of her shoes were almost touching me. I glanced down at her tanned feet. Her to nails were painted a dark shade of red to match her outfit.

Suddenly over my left shoulder I noticed Madison emerge. She was carrying a newly refilled drink on one hand and a small table in the other hand. The small table a simple wooden table with 4 metal legs. She raised the table and placed it over my legs so that 2 of the table legs were on either side of my legs. Then she slid the table towards my torso until it was as close to my body as it could be. It was tall enough that I could lean my neck forwards slightly and rest my chin on it.
She then reached behind her and grabbed a second matching table and did the same to Kate. I could feel the moment she slid it up towards Kate’s chest as Kate recoiled slightly into my back.

I looked up at Madison as she lowered herself down onto the couch directly facing me. She smiled as she leaned forwards from her seated position and placed her drink glass on the table right in front of my face. Behind me I could hear both Kayleigh and Angelica placing their drinks onto the table over Kate’s legs.

“You’d better not wriggle too much. If any of those drinks are spilled then you’ll be appropriately punished ok?” Madison explained. There was no malice in her tone, she said it as though it was a normal sentence to say. Both Kate and I were silent.
“Understand?” Madison added.
I nodded, making eye contact with her. She smiled at me.

Madison reached forwards and grabbed her drink from in front of my face. She leaned back into the couch. Suddenly she lifted her legs into the air, crossed them over and planted the heels of her bare feet onto the table in front of me. Her feet lay a few inches from my face. In a matter of seconds the air around my nose went from clean to an overwhelming smell of feet. I wanted to start rocking back and forth, I needed to move my face away from the smell of her feet. But I know if I rocked them I risked nudging Kate and making her spill either of Kayleigh or Angelica’s drinks. I turned my head to my right to face Kayleigh. Madison adjusted her legs to position her feet close to my nose again. She was toying with me.

I turned my head to face forwards again. I figured if I was going to have to smell her feet I’d be as well sitting comfortably. Madison laughed as she watched me accept my fate. She sat back up on the couch, positioning her feet back in the centre of the table, inches from my face.

I stared at the soles of her feet. Her feet were slightly tanned but the soles were a plain slightly yellow colour. There were marks of dirt around her heels and between her toes lay a few webs of fluff. She spread her toes apart meaning I was now looking beyond them and at her face. She smiled as she caught me admiring her feet. She wiggled her toes about before bringing them together again and sliding her feet closer to my face. The intensity of the smell grew. Every draw of breath through my nose brought discomfort and unpleasantness.

“So how many times have you done this?” Angelica questioned. She wiggled her leg up and down gesturing towards the scarves that tightly rendered me helpless.

“Well I used to do it all the time to Kate when we lived together. Didn’t I?” Madison responded. Kate remained silent.
“But I’ve only tied him up once before” she continued. “Haven’t I?” I also remained silent. “Haven’t I!” She repeated. I nodded my head “mm hmm.”

“Is there any particular reason why you tie them up or?” Angelica continued to ask.

“Yeah, sometimes they deserve it. If they’ve been cheeky to me or they’ve done something to annoy me then I’ll tie them up. And depending on what they’ve done I might leave them tied up for a few hours.” Madison answered.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, I hadn’t done anything that night to deserve being tied up by Madison yet here I was. But I was in no position to argue with her so I kept my frustrations to myself.

“Ah ok, I get you. So what did he do last time to get tied up by you?” Angelica asked.

“He said I have smelly feet.” Madison giggled.

“Haha really?” Angelica laughed. Kayleigh began chuckling too.

“Yeah, he said my feet stink. So I tied him up and tied my slipper to his face” Madison continued.

“Oh my god. That’s hilarious!” Angelica said as she continued to laugh. “Did he learn his lesson?”

Madison drew her feet away from my face allowing me to see her face. “Did you?”

“Mmm hmmm” I nodded.

“Good!” Madison smiled. She slid her feet back towards my face. This time she positioned them almost over my face. Internally I was screaming but externally I sat as still as I could and accepted my predicament.

All 3 of the girls laughed and giggled as they sipped at their drinks.

“Right!” Madison declared as she drew her feet away and stood up.
“We have a little game for you 2” she placed her drink in front of my face and walked across the room towards the door.
“This is Angelica’s idea. I think you’ll both love it”

“Definitely, it’s a great idea. You’ve got a sinister side to you Angelica!” Kayleigh chuckled as her and Angelica remained on the couch.

After a few seconds Madison returned to the living room.
“Angelica you get Kate ready, I’ll sort him out. Kayleigh you can set it up.” She instructed as she walked past Kate and towards me. Angelica got off the couch and sat on the floor next to Kate and out of my view. I could feel Kate rocking behind me.

Madison knelt down at my feet. From behind her back she revealed the pair of tan, shin high ugg boots from earlier. She wiggles them in her hand then sat them down on the floor. She lifted up my tied feet and yanked off both socks leaving me barefoot.
She then tilted my feet forwards and began sliding the first ugg onto my left foot. She wriggled and wrestled with my foot until eventually it slide deep into the ugg, as far as it could go. She grabbed the second ugg and did the same. My feet fit snuggly inside the uggs. They were definitely too small and the fur wrapped tightly around my barefoot.
The base of the uggs felt odd though. Both boots felt furless and slightly cold at the soles of my feet.
Madison tightened the scarf around my legs that had came slightly loose, dragging my legs tight together again. I glanced at Madison with a confused expression on my face. I had no idea what they had planned.

“Ok, you’re probably wondering why the uggs?” Madison smiled as she stood back up. From that I assumed Kate was in the same footwear as me.
“Well I’ll let Angelica explain. It was her idea”

Angelica stood up to my side, both Kate and I had our heads turned, staring upwards at her. Kayleigh handed her a phone.

“This is Madison’s phone” she unlocked the phone. “And this is a Facebook messenger group chat with all 5 of us in it.” A sinister smile was starting to grow on her face.
“You’re probably wondering what that’s got to do with the uggs that you’re wearing. Well can you feel something at the soles of the uggs? In each ugg is one of our phones. Mines, Kayleigh’s, Kate’s and yours” she pointed at me.

“You left it in your jacket pocket” Madison interrupted as she prodded my side with her toe.

Angelica continued:
“When I hit call on this group, all 4 of those phones will start to vibrate. I hope your feet aren’t too ticklish!”
Madison, Angelica and Kayleigh all began giggling.

Simultaneously Kate and I moaned hard into our gags in disagreement.
“Mmmmmph!” We complained.

“Doesn’t that sound like fun?” Madison laughed. “Angelica came up with that idea!”
“And remember, if you spill any of the drinks then you’ll be appropriately dealt with!” She reminded us as she placed her drink glass back onto the table, inches from my face.

Both Kayleigh and Angelica sat back down on the couch. Madison walked around to Kate. I heard her pick something up. Then I saw her walking back around to me. She paused for a second whilst I sat avoiding looking at her. She leaned over, revealing what she was holding.
In her hands were both Angelica and Kayleigh’s drinks. She took Angelica’s drink and began pouring it into her own glass. Once it was empty she took Kayleigh’s and did the same. Now her glass was almost overflowing. Both Angelica’s and Kayleigh’s glasses were empty.
“Don’t spill a drop!” She whispered to me as she stood back up and placed the empty glasses on Kate’s table.

“Mmmmphh!” I groaned. She had given me an impossible task and she knew it. There was absolutely no way I wasn’t spilling that drink.

“Alright, are we ready!” Angelica announced as she held her hand aloft. The phone was in her hand, poised on the call screen.

“Mmmph hmmm” I shook my head. I wasn’t prepared the the hellish tickling that Angelica had planned. Nor was I prepared for the inevitable ‘punishment’ that Madison had all but guaranteed.

To be continued!
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Post by Da_white_wolf »

Great story so far! I'm looking forward to part 3 and I hope it can be up soon!
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Post by slackywacky »

Pretty good read, thanks for posting this. Don't wait too long with the next chapter ;)
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 3:

I glanced around the room at the girls faces. Kayleigh was sat to my right, slouched back in the couch leaving her high heeled feet inches away from my waist. Her face had a look of condescending pity on it. She knew the torture we were about to endure but showed no sign of attempting to prevent it. On her left sat Angelica. She was sat leaning forwards with excitement. In her hand she clutched the phone, her finger hovering eagerly over the call button. She was new to the game but she was certainly enjoying it.

Directly in front of me stood Madison. I had to look upward to see her face. She was towering over me glaring down with her eyebrows raised and her lips pursed. Her facial expression showed that she felt we were getting what we deserved and that she was the bringer of justice. As though we were being sentenced and she was the officer that apprehended us.

Madison slowly lowered herself onto the couch opposite. At some point in the last 5 minutes or so she had slipped her feet into the white fluffy slide on slippers that she had tormented me with in the past. She sat cross-legged on the couch allowing her feet to sway just in front of the table over me. The slippers dangled off her feet.

“3!” Angelica began her countdown. Behind me I could feel Kate pushing into my back, bracing herself.

“2!” This time both Kayleigh and Angelica counted. I gulped the small amount of saliva that was inside my mouth. The rest of it had been absorbed by the 2 soaked socks packed tightly inside my mouth.

“1!” All 3 girls chanted.
“Go!” Angelica finished. She held her hand aloft and audibly tapped the screen. The phone in her hand began ringing. There was an eerie pause as all 5 of us sat.

The dial tone sounded, and then sounded a second time. I turned my head to face Angelica wondering if she had accidentally called the wrong person.

All of a sudden there was a buzzing sound down at my feet. A shock ran up my entire left leg. “MMMMPHHH!” I cried. Before I could finish my groan a second shock was sent up my right leg. My first cry had hardly finished and I moaned again. “mmmphMMMMPHHHH!”

Madison, Kayleigh and Angelica were all roaring with laughter. The phones in either ugg were alternating rings. I wasn’t able to get a single moment of respite. Each phone was packed so tightly up against my foot that every ring sent vibrations all throughout my feet. I attempted to rock back and forth but the tight belt securing me to Kate held me tightly upright.
Because my ankles were bound so tightly I was only capable of swirling my feet at the ankles, kicking the soles of Madison’s ugg boots together. I was trying so hard to keep my legs straight. I fought the urge to draw my knees up tight to my chest so to avoid throwing the table off my legs and spilling the drink.

What felt like several minutes of tickling torture was actually only a matter of seconds. I turned my head to look over at Angelica. She had placed the phone down on the couch. She was letting it ring with no intentions of letting up. Angelica and Keyleigh were rocking back with laughter as they watched me.
“HMMMMMM!” I moaned as I looked at Angelica, pleading with her to end the tickling. Her and Kayleigh continued to laugh.

I turned to look at Madison. Her face was still holding the same expression as before. She looked almost disappointed as I sat there wriggling and jolting.

Finally the vibrations ended. The call had rang out. I breathed a massive sigh and rested my legs. “Hmmmmmmm” exhaled heavily. There girls laughter slowly tailed off. I turned round to see Angelica wiping tears from her face.

“Madison?” Kayleigh broke the silence.

“Uh hu?” Madison responded.

“I can’t help but notice how much moaning he was doing during all of that tickling.” Kayleigh continued. “That’s a lot of nose breathing being done. I can’t help feel like we could do something there? Angelica do you agree?”

“That’s a good point Kayleigh. We should certainly do something about that. If only there was someone here who he thinks has smelly feet?” Angelica agreed.

I turned to look at Madison. A small smile was growing on her face. She leaned forwards and pinched the end of one of her slippers and lifted it off her foot, wiggling her toes as she did so.
“Mmmph mmmm” I shook my head.
Kayleigh sat up off the couch and took the slipper from Madison’s hand. I continued shaking my head in protest.

“Ooh shhhh, they don’t smell that bad!” Kayleigh said as she grabbed my chin steadying my face. She held Madison’s slipper near her face and sniffed. She smirked. “You poor thing” she said as she pressed the base of the slipper onto my face. My nose dug right into where Madison’s toes would lie on the slippers. Kayleigh wrapped another scarf around my head making sure to secure the slipper at both the top and bottom to my face. She knotted it tightly dragging my nose deeper into the fur. The smell of Madison’s feet engulfed my nose. I breathed through my nose sparingly so to reduce the foot stench intake.
They say that smells evoke memories. Well for me that smell will forever evoke memories of being Madison’s helpless captive. Whether it’s being wrapped in a bed sheet for several hours with a heel strapped to my face or tied back to back with Kate in her living room wearing her ugg boots.

I tilted my head to the side and looked to the side of the slipper to see Madison’s face as she leaned back down into the couch. “Round 2?” She smiled over at Angelica.

“Absolutely!” Angelica replied, grabbing the phone. I couldn’t help but notice the second slipper remained on Madison’s foot. It appeared that the special treatment I was getting over Kate was continuing.

The dreaded ring began again. The outburst of the ring caused me to sigh, forgetting I had the slipper over my nose. The sigh was muffled but suddenly I had to draw air back in. I slowly inhaled through my nose when a burst of vibrations began deep inside the uggs. It shocked me causing a sudden inhale. I squirmed in discomfort. The combination of the sudden tickling and the smell of Madison’s slipper caused me to drag my feet inwards slightly. Not enough to throw the table off me though.

Like the last time, the vibrations were alternating. The left boot would buzz throwing me into a frenzy of wriggling followed by the right boot. I swung my head hard from left to right in an attempt to dislodge the slipper from my nose but it remained tight to my face.

I swayed harder from left to right. I could feel Kate behind me swaying with me as we were bound together. I turned to look over my shoulder to see how Kate was coping with the unmanageable torture of the tickling. I noticed that even still Kayleigh and Angelica were watching my struggles.

I swayed hard to the right towards the couch where Kayleigh and Angelica sat. Kayleigh lifted her heeled foot and placed it in my side stopping me from toppling right over. She dug the heel into my side and pushed me back upright. As I swung back I managed to turn my head enough to see Kate’s legs extended out. Her feet were still apart from the odd motion to cope with my continual swaying. She appeared to be coping with the tickling much better than I was. That went against how she usually reacts to some playful feet tickling from me. It was unlike her not to be so animated.

I turned back around to face Madison. Still rocking from the tickling torture I looked up at her with a look of confusion on my face.

“Hold up” Madison said as Angelica ended the call early.

“We’ve actually only been calling 2 of the phones.” Madison smiled. That explained why only I was wriggling in torment and not Kate.

“It’s time to call all 4 phones!” Madison sinisterly smiled. I felt Kate behind me brace herself again. She knew it was coming this time.

Angelica hit the call button again. Again we had the rings coupled with the long wait. I sat and caught my breath through the fur of the white slipper.

Like the previous 2 times, 2 rings passed and thus began round 3.

“MMMMMPHHHHH! MMMPHHH! HMMMMPHHH! MMMMMPH!” I screamed. Both uggs were buzzing but this time it was twice as bad. The vibrations ran up the entire soles of my feet. I leaps upwards lifting my bum up off the floor. All 3 girls roared with laughter.

“Woopsie” Madison smiled at me. “Looks like we accidentally put 2 phones in each of your uggs. It’s easily done. I’m sure you understand?” She chuckled.

“HMMRRRRFFFFF!” I groaned. The special treatment was only getting worse.

“Just make sure you don’t knock that drink over!” She added.

There wasn’t a part of my body that wasn’t wriggling in some way. Behind my back my hands were swinging at the wrists. My fingers were clenched hard in a fist to try cope with the immense tickling sensation.

“HMMMMMMM! HMMMMMPHHH” I continued to plead.

“Those gagged moans though!” Angelica smiled as she looked at me with an impressed expression.

“You better not spill that drink!” Madison reminded me again. My mind was in a million places as I struggled against all urges to throw my knees upwards.

Madison raised her foot up placing it against the side of the table that was over my legs. She slowly began pushing it towards me, closer and closer until the opposite edge was touching my chest. Any sudden movements would flip the table and send the drink flying off. I continued to resist any massive movements.

Kayleigh lifted her heel and dug it into my right side, at my waist. The poke of the heel tickled, causing me to lean to my right towards her feet. As I swayed harsh to the right, the table swayed with me. The drink atop the table slid towards Kayleigh’s feet and overturned. The full glass of mixed alcohol spilled out over the floor and both of Kayleigh's feet.

The sudden sway caused both Kate and I to fall onto our sides right between Kayleigh and Angelica’s feet. The puddle of alcohol lay just in front of me. Madison stood up and walked over to me. All four phones continued to vibrate aggressively inside the ugg boots but finally I was allowed to swing and jerk my legs.

“I told you not to spill that.” Madison complained. “Well...” she shook her head. “you need to be punished for that.”

“Mmmmphhh” I shook my head.

“I did warn you! But you didn’t listen!” Madison continued. Both Kayleigh and Angelica agreed.

Madison leant over and undone the belt that secured me and Kate back to back. She helped Kate back up to a seated position and slid her across the room away from me. I lay on the floor still wriggling.

Kayleigh and Angelica took my arms and helped me back up to a seated position. They held me in place whilst Madison shifted Kate. Occasionally I would jolt from the buzzing if the phones but the girls would hoist me back upright.
Madison finished repositioning Kate then turned her attention to me.

She stood over me and leaned down towards my face. “You spilt that drink all over Kayleigh’s heels. What do you say to Kayleigh?”

I turned to my left to look at her. “Mmph hmmm” I attempted to apologise. Kayleigh smiled back but said nothing. The vibrating had finally stopped!

“What do we think them girls? Solitary confinement?” Madison stood back up.

“Sounds good to me” Angelica agreed.
“Yep, sounds good!” Kayleigh also agreed.

“Ok! Solitary confinement it is!” Madison smiled. “A couple of hours ought to do it.” She said looking at her watch.

“You won’t need this” She added as she untied the slipper from my face and slid it back onto her foot. The fantastic feeling of breathing freely through my nose returned. It was such a welcome relief after being subjected to the intense smell of Madison’s feet.

Kayleigh and Angelica grabbed one of my arms each and dragged me out of the living room. My legs slowly dragged along the ground behind me. The soft material of the uggs meant I had no chance of putting up any resistance as they slid easily along the floor. I had no idea what they meant by ‘solitary confinement’. I wondered whether it was just another one of Madison’s prison metaphors.

They dragged me out into the hallway and stopped. Madison walked over to the wardrobe that was beneath the stairs. The place where Kate had been stashed earlier when I arrived.

Madison slowly drew the wardrobe door open.

To be continued...
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Part 4:

The wardrobe door slowly opened before me.

“Welcome to your cell” Madison grinned as she pulled the door wide open and stepped inside.
“Also known as...” she flicked on the light illuminating the darkened wardrobe. “The shoe wardrobe!”

I looked around at the now lit up space. It was a very small room. About 2 metres deep and 1 metre wide with a sloped ceiling. Madison was having to duck slightly to fit inside. All 3 walls were lined with shelves stacked with numerous pairs of shoes. Even the door had a set of shelves mounted to it. The shelves were made made up of several metal bars moving horizontally and vertically in a grid shape with wooden bases to form the actual base of the shelf.

“Stick him against that shelf gals” Madison said pointing to the wall opposite the door as she left the wardrobe. “I’ll be back in a second.” She left the room and walked upstairs.

Kayleigh and Angelica began sliding me towards the door. I braced myself for the smell. The moment I passed through the door the smell hit me. It was an incredible, overwhelming stench of sweat and vinegar. My face visibly scrunched as the smell forced its way through my nose.
“Hmmmmmphh” I complained, shaking my head furiously. I turned to look at Kayleigh and Angelica to gather their reactions to the stench. Both Angelica and Kayleigh were also scrunching their faces in disgust. They dragged me as far back into the wardrobe as they could before placing me down onto my stomach.

“It really does stink in here” Angelia quipped.

“I know. It’s awful isn’t it. I’m having to breath through my mouth.” Kayleigh replied.

“Yeah me too. It’s a shame you can’t do that.” Angelica mocked as she prodded me with her heel.

They leaned over and rolled me onto my back then moved me up into a seated position. Angelica put her hands on my legs and began sliding me backwards until my back was up against a shelf. I looked at the two girls as they stood just outside the wardrobe. I gazed at both with a pleading look on my face. Begging them to save me from my predicament.

“Aww poor soul” Kayleigh sympathised. “You really shouldn’t have messed with Madison” she continued, showing that there was no hope of her helping me out.

“That’s right, maybe this time you’ll learn your lesson.” Angelica added. I rolled my eyes. I was still unsure what lesson I was supposed to be learning. The 2 girls remained standing there, glancing round the wardrobe at all the different pairs of shoes on show. Above me I could hear the bouncing of Madison as she made her way back downstairs.

“Here comes Madison!” Angelica smiled. “I wonder what else she’s got in store for you!” She winked. Madison walked into the doorframe and handed a number of belts to Kayleigh and Angelica.

“Strap him up tight to that shelf.” She said pointing to the shelf that I was up against. “We don’t want him going anywhere.”

‘Going anywhere?’ I thought. My hands are double tied behind my back and my feet are tied together too. Not to mention the several scarves knotted around me up my legs and body. There was no way I was going anywhere unless Madison had ordered it.

Kayleigh and Angelica came towards me with their collection of belts and knelt down on either side of me. Kayleigh on my left, Angelica on the right. They began looping belts around my body and the vertical pole behind me. Each belt was tightened and secured, pulling my back straight upright against the pole. Angelica took 2 belts and secured them diagonally across my body securing all other belts they had previously added. In the background I spotted Madison handing Kayleigh a thick, pink elasticated belt. She was whispering to Kayleigh but I couldn’t hear over the sound of Angelica buckling the final belt.
Kayleigh approached and stretched out the pink belt. She wrapped the elasticated belt around my already gagged mouth and the pole several times before buckling it at the side. I wriggled to test out the belts but I couldn’t move. My head was stuck stiff in that position and my body couldn’t budge. My wrists were also pinned tightly between my back and the pole.

Kayleigh and Angelica walked back out the wardrobe and stood behind Madison. I could see the relief on their faces as they escaped the feet scented chamber. A feeling I was immensely jealous of.
During the belt tying, Madison had been preparing something just outside the door. She took the girls aside and began explaining her plan. I could hear giggles and agreeing going on.
The giggling died down and Madison walked back into the frame of the doorway.

“So, welcome to the shoe wardrobe” she smiled. “This is where I keep all my shoes, boots, slippers you name it.” She began looking about the numerous shelves picking up different shoes.
“Look, here’s my old vans. They’re a bit worn out.”
“High heels are all on this shelf” she continued walking slowly towards me admiring her collection.
“Ooh look! My running shoes!” She lifted up a pair of white trainers and scrunched her face at the smell before placing them back on the shelf.
“And there’s all my slippers. Pink, white, light blue, more pink. I love slippers.”
“Down there’s my collection of uggs. Tall ones, short ones, knitted ones all sorts. Plus the pairs that you and Kate have on.”
“Just behind you is my work shoes. They’re a bit smelly because I spend all day running about in them.”
By now she was standing to my left inspecting the shelf I was tied to.
“I’ve got quite a shoe collection haven’t I?” She asked. I attempted a nod but the belt wrapped around my mouth prevented any motions. “Mmmph hmmm” I verbally agreed.

“Well you’re going to be in here a while. I haven’t decided how long yet. But when I decide I’ll let you know ok?” She said in a smooth, gentle tone. “You might get a little bored whilst you’re in here though so I’ve thought up a little game for you to play.”

“Mmmpph” I moaned, expressing concerns over the thought of another one of her games. The stench of feet remained. I hadn’t gotten used to it. It still overwhelmed each intake through my nose. Although now the smell of sweat and vinegar was mixed with the smell of dry rubber and other materials that the countless shoes were made out of.
Kayleigh and Angelica joined Madison in the doorway again, clutching several scarves.

‘More tying up?’ I thought. There was barely an inch of my body that wasn’t wrapped tightly by either a scarf or a belt. Angelica walked into the room and began tying a scarf between my feet, around the knot that held my feet together. As she tied the scarf I noticed that in fact all of the scarves they had were tied together to form one single long rope. Angelica finished knotting the scarf between the uggs and then stood back out of the wardrobe.

Next Kayleigh came forwards. She wrapped the super long rope once around the vertical pole that outlined the shelf to my right. Once she had wrapped it once she moved towards me and began wrapping the rope above my head. I couldn’t see what she was doing but I assumed she was wrapping it in a similar way to the other pole. Once she finished she let go of the rope and it dangled down in front of my face gently swaying from side to side. She then joined Angelica.

Next came Madison. She entered clutching something behind her back as she walked to my side where she pulled the dangling rope upwards. The rope moved upwards out of my sight. I could hear her tying something to the end of the rope. I heard the dragging sounds as she yanked a knot tight into the scarves.
Suddenly she took a step back so I could see her. In her hand she was clutching the dangling length of rope. There was something tied on the end of it.

“On the end of this rope is a nice big ball of socks fresh from the laundry basket that’s been sitting in my room for a week. We’ve got monday’s, tuesday’s, wednesday’s, thursday’s and friday’s socks all here. Today’s are in here” she smiled and tapped my gag.

“The aim of the game is simple. This big ball of socks sits on your lap. It’s tied to a pulley that is attached to your feet. If you draw your knees up, the pulley will tighten and this big ball of socks will be pulled up to right... about... here.” She raised up the ball of socks and held it an inch from my nose. It was a different stink to the shoe wardrobe but still a stench. This time it was a mix of vinegar, sweat and wool. You could pick out a smell of toes in there too.

“Mmmmphhh!” I wriggled my legs in disgust.

“Don’t like it? Hmmm. Well I suggest you don’t move your legs then!” She smiled as she let go of the ball, letting it drop onto my lap.
‘How hard can it be?’ I thought to myself. I just have to avoid bending my knees and try keep my feet still. It couldn’t be that hard.

“Understand?” Madison asked. “Mmmph hmm” I confirmed.
“You failed the last challenge! Don’t disappoint me again.” She added as she walked back out the door to stand between Angelica and Kayleigh.

“Let’s go gals, we’ve got drinks to pour and a night to have! Let’s leave him to think about what he’s done” Madison cheered. She leaned inside the wardrobe and switched the light off. Now all I could see was the silhouette of the 3 girls as the remained in the door way.

“Byeeee!” Kayleigh giggled.
“Adiosss!” Angelica smiled. As she walked away she held up her phone and waved it at me.

“MMMMMPHHHH!” I screamed into the sock-scarf-belt layered gag. I had completely forgotten about the phones inside the ugg boots. It was going to be impossible to resist bending my knees thanks to the unrelenting tickling.

By this point only Madison’s silhouette remained in the doorway. She was standing with her hands in her hips. She took a step back and began slowly closing the door on me. The room was darkening with every inch the door closed. By now only her head was peeking around the door.

“Have fun” she whispered. “Try not to think about the smell too much. And DO NOT move your feet!” She chuckled then slammed the door shut, encasing me in the darkness of the shoe wardrobe.

Now that the door was closed the smell had no where to escape. It was sealed inside with me. There was no outflow and no fresh air coming in to dull the aroma. I was sat in complete darkness with nothing to do except sit there and endure the punishment that Madison had sentenced me to.

I tried to brace myself for the inevitable tickling sensation of the vibrating phones buried against my feet. But nothing came.
I inhaled deeply in order to sigh.

Sweat, rubber, sheepskin, plastic, vinegar, cloth. All these smells drew in through my nose.

To be continued!
Where do you think it’ll go next? Do you think Madison is being unfair to our protagonist? Or do they deserve everything they get?
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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 5:

I sat in the almost pitch black wardrobe. Outside I could hear the faint sounds of Madison, Angelica and Kayleigh in the kitchen. I could hear the slight mumbles of their conversations and the occasional click of glasses as they poured themselves new drinks.
After a few minutes I heard the loud clicking of high heel shoes moving across the hallway. It was Angelica and Kayleigh as they returned back into the living room. The clicks were shortly followed by the scuffing sounds as Madison followed behind them. She was dragging her white furry slippers along the floor as per usual.

Now that I knew all 3 of the girls were back inside the living room I awaited the torture. Surely now that they had their drinks their attentions would turn to Angelica’s phone and the thought of putting me through another wave of relentless tickling. The suspense killed me. I could do nothing but sit and await it. I knew it was coming at some point but I didn’t know when. It was killing me.

I attempted to rock my head from side to side. The elasticated belt secured over my mouth had zero give and kept my head held perfectly upright with no room for movement.
I wiggled my hands behind my back. They were crossed over at the wrists, palms facing away from me. 2 scarves were wrapped tightly around my wrists and knotted tightly into balls. About the most I could do with my hands was wiggle my fingers helplessly in a futile attempt to reach the knots.

I turned my eyes to look downwards at my body. All I could see in my peripheral vision was the countless buckles of belts fastened around me. The mantle of belts ran horizontally and diagonally across my chest, overlapping and under lapping each other.

After inspecting the numerous ties that bound me in place I gave up any hope of escaping. Not one single knot seemed untie-able. There were no opportunities, however small, to remove a single piece of binding. My heart sank as I slowly began to accept my fate.

Outside my prison I could hear more movement. Someone was walking along the hall. There were no sounds of heels clicking against the wooden floor, nor was there the sound of slippers scrapping along. Suddenly the door to the wardrobe began to slowly open. A head began to peer round the door. The face was masked by the darkness of the wardrobe.
Slowly the door drew open wider until the face became visible. It was Kate. She had been untied. I was saved!

With the door fully opened the smell of Madison’s shoe collection dulled. It remained present but there wasn’t now a fresh flow of air in the room. I began breathing heavily through my nose, grateful at the fresh-ish air.

“Hey” Kate smiled as she stepped forwards into the wardrobe. Her face quickly screwed up in disgust.
“Oh my god. Babe, it stinks in here.” She quickly hopped back out into the hallway as her face returned to a smile.

“Mmmph” I moaned in agreement. ‘You have no idea’ I thought.

“I was in here earlier but they hadn’t gagged me so I was able to mouth breathe. I had no idea it smelled so bad in here.” She continued.
“They untied me. Madison said I’d been tied up long enough so I’m free to go now.” She said, still smiling.
“I’m probably gonna go home and get changed then go to Ashley’s for the rest of the night”
At first I was shocked that she wasn’t going to help me. But she probably risked getting re-tied by Madison so I didn’t blame her.

“I’m not sure how long Madison’s planning on keeping you like this for.” She continued as she glanced around the room. The scarf-rope pulley caught her eye.
“What’s this?” She said as she grabbed the vertical rope that was tied to my feet.
“Mmph hmmmm!” I attempted to warn her but it was too late.
She pulled on the rope drawing the counterbalancing ball of socks upwards. The ball stopped right before my face. The smell of the slightly fresh air disappeared and suddenly I was inhaling the scent of sweat and wool from Madison’s socks.

“MMMPHHH!” I roared, attempting to wriggle and rock but in reality I remained completely still except for some wriggling legs.

“Oh!” Kate realised, letting go of the rope causing the ball of socks to drop down back onto my lap.
I looked at her slightly annoyed. Her eyes followed the rope upwards and around the pulley mechanism as she inspected it further.
“My goodness. Madison really knows how to torture someone doesn’t she?” She smiled in amazement at the design.
“Mmph hmm” I agreed. There was a silence as Kate continued to look around the rest of the shoe wardrobe.

“I think she’s planning on keeping you here for a while babe. Just do everything Madison tells you to do and don’t annoy her. She’ll release you eventually.” She said in a soft, sympathetic tone.
“You know what she’s like. Anyway, I’m going to Ashley’s. I think my phone is in one of your uggs but it’s ok I’ll get it off you next time I see you.” She smiled.

Suddenly Madison appeared next to Kate. Both of them were stood just outside the doorway looking down at me.
“Hey” Madison casually remarked to Kate. She glanced down at me then looked back to Kate.

“Do you like the pulley that I made?” Madison said as she ran her hand up and down the vertical rope tied to my feet.

“Yeah it’s pretty clever.” Kate smiled back at Madison.

“Yeah, it’s got all of my socks from this week rolled in a ball and tied on the opposite end.” Madison proudly added.
“So are you off to Ashley’s then?” Madison continued.

“Yeah but I’ll probably go home first and get freshened up.” Kate smiled.

“Ok, tell Ashley I said hey” Madison said, carrying on the casual conversation as I watched wrapped in belts, gagged and kept inside her shoe wardrobe.

“I will do! Bye babe! Have fun.” Kate chirped as she waved to me before walking out of view.

Madison stood alone in the doorframe. In her hand right hand she was clutching the pair of ugg boots that Kate had previously been forced into. They were shin heigh black ones. She glanced over her shoulder and waved with her left hand at Kate as she left. Once Kate had left she turned back to face me. She walked inside the wardrobe and flicked the light on.

“Don’t mind me, I’m just returning something.” She walked over and stood beside me. Unable to turn my head, I looked up at her to see what she was doing. She placed the black uggs onto the ugg shelf and slip them forwards until the toes touched the wall. Once she was satisfied she placement she returned back into the doorway switching off the light as she passed it. She appeared to be the only one unfazed by the overwhelming smells coming from her shoes.

Once she was standing in the doorway she turned to face me. The light from behind her slightly illuminated her face. I could see her cold blank facial expression.

“How are you coping? I hope it’s not too much for you?” She asked. She seemed sincere but I knew she was taunting me.
“If you need anything from me just give me a shout.” She added. Again she seemed sincere.
“I probably won’t hear you and if I do I’ll ignore you. Plus you’re gagged nice and tight so it’ll be muffled. But feel free to have a little scream into the gag every so often. It might help you cope. Plus it’s all you can really do.” Her facial expression remained the same. Genuine and sincere. She paused for a moment. A sinister smile began to grow.

“Anyway I’ll let you get back to it. I’m going back to the living room. I think Angelica wants to show me something on her phone.” She winked as she began slowly closing the wardrobe door.

“Mmphmphmphh!” I attempted to plead with her as the door shut. A last ditch attempt to beg her to untie me. It was ignored.

“Have fun! See you in a few hours!” She laughed as she shut the door over tightly.

The sounds of Madison laughing and her slippers scuffing the wooden floor faded as she made her way back to the living room.
With the door shut tight I was back to the undiluted smells of Madison’s shoe collection. It was a smell you never got used to. Each inhale shocked me with the intensity of the flavours.

I couldn’t even countdown how much longer I had left sealed in the foot scented cell. I was left to wonder. Would she release me in an hour? Would she keep me here all night? All I knew is that I didn’t know. And that there was nothing I could do about it.

The only things I could do were wriggle my legs and moan into my sock-packed gag.

To be continued!
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Brilliant continuation. Can't wait to see where it goes from here!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

If you're reading this, you can do me a huge favor and have a great day!
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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 6 Gag moaning:

It must have only been a few minutes since Madison had visited but it felt like hours. Time seemed to move so slowly inside the dark shoe wardrobe. I sat there in complete silence, forced to stare straight ahead at the shelves mounted to the back of the door. Waiting for the moment that the door would fly open and I would be released.
Occasionally I’d hear footsteps making their way along the hall towards the door. I’d brace myself for the sudden burst of light as the door swings open. And the rush of fresh air that would flow into the wardrobe. But unfortunately my hopes were always dashed as the approaching footsteps would continue past the door and into the kitchen.

Initially I would hear the sounds of high heels on the floor and think to myself ‘this is Kayleigh or Angelica! Please open the door! You know I’m in here!’
Whenever the approaching footsteps were the familiar scuffs of Madison’s slippers I would pray that they continued onwards to the kitchen. I feared that the only reasons Madison would be opening the wardrobe door would be to add to my misery. I couldn’t think of any way it could get worse but I’m sure she definitely could. She excelled in that.

But after a while I even hoped for Madison to open the door. Any form of respite from the darkness and the smell would be welcome. Even if it meant enduring the taunts of Madison my captor.

As I sat there I began to think of what Madison said the last time she visited me. “Feel free to have a little scream into the gag every so often. It might help you cope. Plus it’s all you can really do.” She said. I thought about the last part. Again I looked down at the belts wrapped around my body. I attempted to wriggle side to side but it was useless. There was no movement what so ever. Only the sound of the leather belts rubbing together as I pushed against them.

“Hmmmmmmmmmfffff” I groaned as I struggled. Nothing could move. Only my hands behind my back could wriggle the tiniest bit.
I looked down at my legs. I knew I was able to bring my legs closer to me by bending them at the knees, but that would set off the pulley forcing me to inhale Madison’s sock collection. Something I wasn’t prepared to do.

Madison was right, the only thing I really could do was moan into the gag. So I decided that’s what I’d do. It wouldn’t help me break free from the tight belts or the scarves. But it was all I could do. I slowly drew in breath from my nose. The smell of the shoes drew in through my nose. Sweat, feet, rubber, vinegar and many other unpleasant scents. It was horrible.
I exhaled into the gag.

“Hmmmmmmmmph!” I sighed. I felt a slight relief. Again I drew in through my nose, trying my hardest to ignore the strong smell of feet.

“Hrrrrrrrmmmmmmggghhhhh” I moaned again. It felt good. Almost like giving a stress ball a really good squeeze. I kept going. Breathing in slowly then exhaling sharply into the gag. I figured that if every inhale was going to be awful then I might as well try enjoy the exhales.

Breath in...
Breath in again...

I continued for a while. Suddenly it dawned on me. By taking Madison’s advice I had essentially given up on any hope of escape. By finding a small coping mechanism I was accepting my predicament and coming to terms with it. Madison had won.
She had successfully captured me, tied me up and put me through a series of torments, slowly wearing me down until I had accepted it.
Then I remembered Kate’s advice. Do exactly what Madison told me to do and eventually she would release me. It had worked for Kate and she was now untied and free to leave. Madison had told me to scream into my gag so perhaps if she heard me doing as instructed then she would untie me.

After a pause to reflect on my predicament, I resumed the audible gagged moans.

“Hmmmmmmmph!” I groaned.
“Hrrrrmmmmmmmgghhhhhh!” Each moan was louder than the last. Surely she would be able to hear me by now.

I began another loud moan. I drew in through my nose, paused for a second then began another loud groan.

suddenly out of nowhere

The buzzing began inside the ugg boots. The 2 phones stuffed inside each ugg were vibrating harshly against the soles of my bare feet. It caught me completely off guard.


I had became so fixed on the moaning that I had forgotten all about the phones.


Instinctively I drew my knees in towards my body, planting the soles of the uggs onto the floor and pressing down hard onto the phones, hoping to press them down into the fur of the boots and reduce the effects of the vibrations.
I stared straight ahead as the pulley in front of me quickly sprang into life. Before I knew it, sitting millimetres from my nose was the big ball of Madison’s socks.

“MMMMPHHH!” I yelped as my erratic breathing caused me to inhale large amounts of the pungent socks. I threw my legs down again, straightening out my knees. The ball of socks dropped back onto my lap. I was back to the slightly less awful smell of the wardrobe. But the tickling sensation increased again.

I was being forced to pick between 2 different options:
1. Keep my legs straight, endure the full on tickling whilst breathing in the smell of Madison’s shoe collection
2. Bend my knees and reduce the tickling slightly and endure the full on smell of her used sweaty socks.

There was a third option which was by far the worst option. Alternate between options 1 and 2. By alternating between them, there was no way I could get used to my predicament. If I picked an option and stuck with it then I would eventually hopefully be able to cope. Unfortunately I was so overwhelmed by the tickling that I continued rocking my legs back and forth condemning me to the third option.

The ball of socks were dragging upwards to my face then dropping back down onto my lap. The durations it sat on my lap were just long enough for me to re-adjust to the smell of the wardrobe meaning the next time the ball of socks were over my nose I was again shocked by the foulness of the smell.

“MMMMMMPHHHH!” I continued to scream as my hands flailed and wriggled furiously behind my back.

Finally the vibrations came to an end. I sighed in relief as my legs flopped back down to the floor. The ball of socks clutched to my nose for another second delivering one final obnoxious smell before dropping onto my lap. I was exhausted. I was completely out of breath. I fought to catch my breath as I sat there defeated. In the silence I could hear the girls roaring with laughter from the living room next door.

“Hmmmphhh” I softly cried as I sat there in suspense. I wondered whether they were finished with their torments or if it would resume again. I had no idea.

To be continued...
In the next few chapters I’m planning on having the girls visit our protagonist 1 by 1 in the shoe wardrobe to keep him company.
Bearing in mind their different personalities, what sort of things do you reckon/would like to see the girls to to him during their visits.
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Read " A simple apology " and loved it, and now reading this and loving it thus far, Madison is a devious genius !, I love how in the latest chapter, he's basically so helpless he can do nothing but moan into his gag and endure the smells of the show wardrobe, not to mention the sock pulley..brilliant,( I love creative torment ! ) look forward to what happens next, ! thanks for sharing !
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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 7:

No more than 5 minutes had passed since I was forced to endure the tickling. Outside in the hallway I heard the approaching sounds of heels clicking along the floor. It was either Kayleigh or Angelica. The footsteps approached the wardrobe and paused. I sat in silence awaiting to see who it was. Awaiting the burst of light from outside of my cell and the fresh scent of outside the wardrobe. I could hear the handle being turned. The door slowly pulled open.

“Hey!” Kayleigh smiled, peeking her head round the door. She slowly pulled the door fully open.
“I thought I’d come and see how you are. Make sure you’re still here” she giggled.

“Hmmmphh” I rolled my eyes at her joke.

She stepped into the wardrobe, crouching slightly to avoid banging her head in the sloped ceiling. She reached over and switched on the dim light. Behind her the door slowly closed over.

“And also Madison...” she began but was interrupted by the door closing behind her.
“Ohh no way, I can’t!” She gasped, turning quickly to re-open the door.
“There’s no way I can be in here with the door shut over. It’s wayyyyy too smelly!” She waved her hand in front of her nose.
“I don’t know how you cope!” She grabbed one of Madison’s many heels and placed it in front of the door, holding it open.
“Although it sounds like you’re well acquainted with the smell of her feet!” Kayleigh chuckled.

“Anyway where was I? Oh yes. Madison said I could borrow a pair of her slippers because my heels were starting to hurt my feet” she raised up her left leg and wiggled her heeled foot.

“I figured you could help me pick? Since you aren’t doing anything else?” She smiled as her eyes wandered the shelves.

“What do ya say?” She asked.

“Mmphh kmm” I agreed. She was right. I wasn’t doing anything else.

“Awesome! Hmmmm let’s see what there is...” she raised her hand and began lifting up shoes.

“Ooh, what about these?” She smiled, reaching for a shelf just over my right shoulder. She brought out a pair of pink furry slip on slippers. She dropped them onto the floor by her feet and began unbuckling her heels.
Once unbuckled, she lifted her feet out the heels and slid them into the slippers. She raised her left leg up and wiggled it.

“Whatdya think?” She chirped.

“Mmmph hmmm” I agreed.

“Hmmm. Nah” Kayleigh decided, sliding the slippers back off her feet. She scanned around the room again.

“Hmm. See, I really like these!” She crouched down and wiggled the toes of my uggs.

“Hmmmph hmmm!” I wriggled. ‘Have them!’ I attempted to say. Kayleigh stared at them as she ran her hand along the soles. ‘Cmon! Take them and save me from the tickling torture!’ I pleaded in my head.

“Nah. Angelica and Madison would be upset if I ruined their fun” she concluded. “I’ll let you keep them. It’s probably one of the few nice things you have going for you at the moment” she continued.
“All tied up and gagged... with socks no less! Forced to sit in this stinky shoe wardrobe! But at least you’ve got cosy boots on.” She smiled as though what she had just said was supposed to make me feel better.
If anything, being forced to wear my girlfriend’s sister’s boots was just another cherry on the cake of ongoing humiliation.

“Oh!” Kayleigh interrupted. She reached with both hands for a shelf up high to my right. She brought down another 2 pairs of Madison’s uggs. In her left hand she held a pair of tan ugg slippers. In her right she held a pair of grey knitted uggs. She glanced at both of them and then turned to face me.

“Which do you prefer? The tan or the grey ones?” She asked me as though I could give any sort of response other than a muffled gag moan.

“Mmmmrrgphh” I unhelpfully responded.

Kayleigh inspected both pairs closely. Suddenly she scrunched her face in disgust. She raised up the grey knitted uggs to her nose and inhaled.

“Oooofff! They’re bad!” She recoiled, holding her right arm straight out to maximise the distance of the boots from her face.
“I’ll go for these then!” She dropped the tan slippers to the floor and slid her feet inside them.
“Ahh bliss” she smiled, still holding the grey boots at an arms length.

“I suppose I better put these both back” she said, gesturing to the grey boots in her hand as well as the pink slip on slippers still on the floor.
She walked towards me and held up the grey boots. Slowly she placed them on the shelf just over my right shoulder where the pink slippers should go.
The close proximity of the grey boots to my face allowed me to get a whiff of their awful scent. Each shoe inside the wardrobe contributed to the awful smell of the wardrobe however some shoes contributed more than others. These grey boots were definitely top contributors. And now they were even closer to my face. The strong scent of Madison’s feet and the old sweat soaked wool.

“Mmmmrphh!” I moaned at Kayleigh. Whether it was deliberate or not I couldn’t tell. She ignored my moan and placed the pink slippers up on the shelf to my right where the uggs previously sat. She looked down at her feet and wiggled her toes deep inside the slippers. She was obviously happy with her choice. She leant over and picked up her black high heels that were discarded on the floor.

“Where can I put these?” She wondered as she searched around the tiny room. “Hmm I have an idea” she smiled as she approached me with her heels.
She crouched down and began fastening the buckles of her heels through one of the many belts wrapped around my body. The heels dangled down on my chest. My eyes looked down to see them but I couldn’t turn my head downwards thanks to the elastic pink belt holding my head tight against the shelves.
She stood back up and took a step back to admire the heels as they dangled. She raised her left foot and playfully nudged the heels with her slipper, causing the heels to click off each other as they dangled. I looked at her annoyed at the fact she was toying with me.

“Oh don’t be like that. It’s only a bit of fun?” She tutted. “I don’t want to leave you feeling like I’ve annoyed you....” she paused in thought.
“Oh, I’ve got an idea” she left the wardrobe, leaving me to wonder how she was going to make me less annoyed at her. She could start by removing the heels.

A few seconds passed and she returned. She was clutching the silver duct tape and a black marker pen. She leant down and peeled out a strip of silver duct tape about 3 inches long and bit it off. She stretched out the strip and planted it onto the pink elastic belt that was covering my mouth. She measured out a second strip of the same length and placed it slightly below the first strip. She then took out the marker pen, biting the lid off.

“Right...” she concentrated as she began to draw on the tape. I couldn’t feel the pen through the 2 strips of tape, the elastic belt, the several strips of duct tape below that or the socks stuffed inside my mouth.
My eyes followed the marker pen as she drew. She drew a smile. A single curved thick black line. She finished it off by adding 2 cupped dimples, one at either side of the smile.

“Hmmmmphh!” I frowned hard at her.

“There we go!” She smiled as she stood back up, admiring her art. “If you’re happy, I’m happy!” She gave a thumbs up.
“I’ll leave these here in case anyone else wants to use them” she placed the duct tape and marker pen on a nearby shelf.

“Ok well thanks for helping me pick my slippers!” She walked out the wardrobe and stood in the doorway, switching the light off as she passed. She kicked the heel that was holding the door open, causing it to slide back inside the wardrobe. She caught the closing door in her hand and slowly began to shut it over.

“I’m glad you’re smiling. It makes me feel less bad about sealing you back in here with the awful smell of feet.” She teased.

“Mmmmphhh!” I protested. I definitely wasn’t smiling! The door shut over, once again sealing me in the dark room. The smell of feet and Madison’s shoes began to surround me again. As good as the wardrobe door being open was, it meant that when it was next shut the smell of feet would feel 10 times worse.

“Have fun!” Kayleigh’s muffled voice quipped from outside the wardrobe. I could hear the soft sounds of her newly chosen ugg slippers scuffing their way down the hallway and back into the living room.

I was back to the dark, smelly, unknown feelings of torment, humiliation and dread.

To be continued!
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Post by Nightly Binds »

ha ha Brilliant ! it was so kind of her to " Make " Him " smile ", now I'm not sure if the others would be so cruel as to want to release him, seeing how happy he is spending time in there :D can't wait for the next part !
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Post by jumanjipr »

Another great story. I was hopping that Madison was going to torture Kate. Maybe next time.
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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 8: A Visit from Angelica

The feeling of dread was suddenly amplified by the sounds of heels clumping along the hallway toward the wardrobe door. With Kayleigh’s recent change of footwear and Madison already wearing her slippers I knew that it was Angelica that was approaching.
Despite her cheerful and joyous personality she appeared to be very much enjoying the situation that her, Madison and Kayleigh had put me in. And with her being the controller of mobile phone that they had used to torment me throughout the night with, I was not looking forwards to her visit.
The sound of the heels got closer until they stopped in front of the door. In an instant, the door flew open and the light burst in. I turned my eyes to look up at the figure in the doorway.

“Hey hey!” Angelica cheered as she posed in the doorway with her hands on her hips. She took a step into the wardrobe letting the door rest against her butt and remain slightly open.

“How’s our little captive getting on? Are you still having as much fun as we are?” She continued to cheer as she reached for the light switch.

“Mmmphh mmmphh” I responded as the light slowly turned on, illuminating Angelica.

“Look at that smile!” She giggled. “I’m glad to see you’re still enjoying yourself.” Her hands were still on her hips as she leant forwards bringing her face close to mines to inspect the crudely drawn smile done by Kayleigh.

“Now...” she exclaimed as she began to sit down side on to me. As she turned to sit down the wardrobe door closed fully over again.

“Ooh blimey. I forgot just how stinky it was in here!” She chuckled as she pressed her hand on the door and pushed it open slightly. She grabbed the same heel that Kayleigh had used earlier and used it to once again wedge the door slightly open.

“Now. I was worried that you might have gotten a bit bored in here all on your lonesome. So I thought I’d come and see you and maybe we could play a little game? Hmm?” She smiled as she finally sat herself down. Her back was against the shelves to my right and her legs were bent at the knees, arching them up over my legs and planting her heel’d feet to the left of my legs.

“Does that sound like fun?” She smiled as she gazed at me.

“Mmphh mmmph” I attempted to shake my head but there was no movement. Only the slight sound of the elastic belt around my mouth stretching as I attempted to move.

“Well you’re all tied up so you don’t really get a choice do you?” She continued in her cheery tone.

“So I noticed that you’ve still got the uggs on with the phones inside them right?” She pointed down at my feet.

“And well quite honestly I reckon you could quite easily have wriggled out of them by now. Even I could have escaped from that!” she chuckled as she clearly ignored the tight scarves wrapped numerous times around my ankles, pinning my feet together and restricting any movement.

“So I figured you must enjoy the little set up we gave you right?” She reached into her pocket and brought out her phone.

“Mmmpphhh mmmph!” I again attempted to shake my head. I began swaying my legs left and right underneath Angelica’s legs.

“Mmm hmm” Angelica nodded, pretending to listen to me.
“Well I thought I’d spice it up a little bit hmmmm. I thought it would be nice to give you the option to switch it on and off whenever you’d like. Does that sound good?” I looked at her confused as she tapped away on the phone.

She held the phone up to me, showing the call screen. Her thumb was over the ‘call’ button.

“What I’ll do is just put the phone in here ok?” She placed the phone onto the pile of socks that dangled from the scarf pulley, tucking it under a sock so that only a small part of the screen was visible. My eyes followed her hands down as she positioned the phone.
She lifted up the ball of socks and held it into my eyeline, turning it so I could see the phone screen.

“Ready?” She grinned as she clutched the ball of socks in her hand.

“Hmmmphhh” I groaned.

She moved the phone towards me face and pressed the screen against my nose, pressing the ‘call’ button. There was a pause as the phone dialled. I sat in anticipation of the horrendous tickling. Angelica sat grinning as she watched me.
Suddenly the vibrations began deep within the uggs.

“MMMMPHHHHH!” I screamed. I began desperately trying to thrash my legs beneath Angelica’s legs. Behind my back my wrists helplessly wriggled back and forth against the scarves that tied them together. “MMMMMPHHHH!!!”

“WOO HOO!” Angelica celebrated as she continued to hold onto the pile of socks and phone.
“Ready? 1...2...3...GO!” She announced before letting go of the sock ball allowing it to drop onto the floor. She raised up her legs and swivelled to face me, placing her feet down by my side. My legs were now free to move.

I instantly bent my knees, dragging my feet in towards me. This yanked on the pulley causing the ball of socks to lift up in front of my face. The weight of the phone caused the ball of socks to swing from left to right in front of my head which remained secured tightly against the shelf pole. I watched in desperation as the phone swung past me, showing that red ‘end call’ button that I so desperately wanted to press.

I swayed my knees from left to right attempting to counter the swinging of the ball of socks. I managed to slow down the swinging and the ball slowly spun around until the phone was facing me. I wrestled against the pink elastic belt around my mouth, trying to push my nose forwards to tap the phone to end the call.

*bbzzzzzzzzztt* *bbzzzzzzzzzzttt*
The phones buzzed once again inside the uggs forcing me to thrash my feet forward and dropping the ball of socks crashing back onto the floor.

“Mmrrrrgghhhhghhgh!” I cried in frustration. Angelica sat and watched on in hysterics as I suffered.

I drew my knees back in again, raising the socks back up to face height. In order to end the call I would have to resist the horrendous tickling sensations. I planted the soles of the boots firmly on the floor and pushed my feet into the phones to minimise the vibrations.
Slowly I began sliding the boots across the floor against the swing of the socks, slowing them down to a stop in front of my face.
Once again the ball slowly rotated until the phone was facing me. I just had to give it 1 last swing towards my face and then I could hit the button. I began to position my feet.

As the phone slowly made its way over to my nose Angelica suddenly raised her right heel and nudged the ball sending it back into a swing.

“Whoopsie!” She smirked as she observed the shocked expression in my eyes.

I dug the heels of the boots into the floor harder and resumed sliding my feet across the floor. Finally I managed to stop the swinging and position the socks in front of my face.
For once I actually wanted Madison’s socks against my nose as it meant I would be able to hit the button and end the torment.
The ball slowly rotated round, rubbing Madison’s dirty, used socks across my nose.

“Hmmmmmphhh” I protested as the socks made their way round. I was getting a good sniff of each and every sock as they passed.

Eventually the phone came around to face me. I scrunched up and wiggled my nose attempting to press the ‘end call’ button. As the phone swirled past my nose the button pushed against my nostril. I watched in anticipation as the screen changed and the call finished. The vibrating within the uggs stopped. I straightened out my legs and relaxed.

“Hmmmmmmphhh. Hmmmphhhh” I sighed in relief.

Angelica watched on. She looked impressed.

“Well that was good fun wasn’t it?” She chirped as she lifted up the ball of socks and removed the phone.
She picked up the ball of socks and cupped her hand over her nose, the socks inside. She made an audible inhale.

“Pwwwwoaaarrr they stink! I mean they are baaaaad!” She recoiled in horror. She sniffed them a second time.
“It’s almost impressive!” She laughed as she grimaced, dropping the sock ball back onto the floor.

“It was good fun watching you struggle!” She smiled as she patted her hand on my thigh.
“I’m going to go now. Because I can do that. Because I’m not tied up. Or gagged. In a wardrobe. Full of smelly shoes.” I rolled my eyes at her as she began to stand up.

“Would you like me to ask Madison to come and see you?” She added as she moved towards the door.

“Mmmphh?” I shrugged.

“Ok. I’ll let her know.” She finished as she pushed the door open and stood in the doorway.

“Hey Madison! He wants to smell your feet!” Angelica boomed as she cackled.

“Mmmrrrgghhhh!” I protested. Angelica turned to admire my reaction. Her smile beamed showing her teeth surrounded by her bright red lipstick.

“Here she comes!” She chuckled. “Smell ya later!” She walked away leaving the door to slowly shut over. The faint sounds of slippers dragging along the floor approached.

To be continued...
Is everyone still enjoying this story? I’m going to wrap it up soon as I’ve got another story idea planned involving Madison and Kate.
Do you like how Angelica acted here?
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Post by Ossassin »

I'm loving every inch of this story, and similar to your other work having a creative sadist brings me great joy.
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Ha ha, glad to see more from this one :D and Yes, loved the the whole chapter. and angelica's interaction with him. very devious of her lol ( but at least she was being fair with it :lol: )
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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 9:

The wardrobe door had only been shut for a second before it was harshly yanked back open. Madison stood in the doorframe.

“Hey” she smiled as she stepped into the wardrobe and switched the dim light back on. The door closed over behind her.

“Angelica said you want to smell my feet...” she grinned. “Is that true?”

I tried to shake my head, fighting against the elastic belt that firmly held my head back against the pole.
“Mmphh mmmm”

“Hmmmmm” she smiled at my moans. She walked forwards and crouched down beside me. Her face was level with mines. I stared into her eyes.

“I’ve got a little game we can play. Just the 2 of us.” A menacing smile grew on her face as she brought up her left hand into my eyeline. I gazed at her clenched fist. Slowly she opened the first to reveal a pair of soft foam ear plugs. I looked back at her eyes.

“Let’s begin. Now, don’t panic! I won’t leave them in for too long. Just long enough...” she calmly spoke as she picked one of the ear plugs up in her right hand and held the other in her left hand.
She prepared them in her hands so that they were ready to be inserted. Slowly she brought her hands towards my face. I could do nothing but watch.

She took the first ear plug and gently inserted it into my left nostril, wiggling it so that it was in firmly.

“Mmmmrrrpphhhh!” I yelped as my breathing ability was suddenly limited.

“Sh sh shhh” she whispered as she took the second ear plug and slowly inserted it into my right nostril.
“The more you moan, the longer they stay in ok?”

Suddenly I could no longer breath. Both nostrils were firmly plugged shut and my mouth was already packed with 2 socks, gagged with a scarf and then secured with the thick pink elastic belt. I aggressively thrashed my legs back and forth, left and right. Behind my back my hands wriggled furiously.

“Mmmmppppppp” I tried to scream but the sound was completely blocked by the plugs.

“If you calm down they’ll come out sooner!” Madison snapped as she stood back up. I calmed myself slightly. My legs stopped thrashing but I squeezed them together. Deep inside the ugg boots my toes were curling. My hands were clenched into tight fists.

Madison slid her right leg forwards then drew her foot back, releasing it from the pink fluffy slipper she was still wearing. She crouched back down and picked up the slipper with her left hand. The heavy usage of her slipper was evident thanks to the 5 dark toe marks imprinted in the fur.

“Right, shall we take these out and let you breath again?” She grinned as she pinched the 2 ear plugs with her right hand. She paused and looked at me sternly.
“Shall we?!” She boomed.

“Mmpp ppp” I desperately responded. I prepared for the sweet relief.

Her right hand yanked at the ear plugs, causing them to pop out of my nostrils. Before I could even take my first breath she swiftly brought the fuzzy slipper up to my nose and pressed it against my face, surrounding my nose.

I gasped as I desperately breathed in. The harsh breath drew in through the fuzzy slipper bringing the pungent stench of Madison’s feet.
I repeatedly breathed in and out, each time through the slipper.

“Hhrrrmmmggghhh” I whined as my eyes turned to look beyond the slipper and at Madison.

“Is that nice?” She menacingly grinned. “Are you enjoying that?”

“Mmmrrphh mmmph”

“Shall we go for another round?” Madison smiled.

“MMMMPPHH MMMPHH!” I furiously protested as she drew the slipper away and readied the ear plugs in her other hand.

“Here we goooo!” She cheered as she reinserted the ear plugs back into my nose. I hadn’t even got the chance to take a deep breath before they were back in. I clenched my fists again as I attempted and failed to inhale.

“See I figured...” Madison began.
“Since you don’t like the smell of my feet...” She paused.
“Then why don’t I...” she paused again.
“Make you desperate...” she grinned. She deliberately dragged her explanation out so to prolong my time without breathing.

I began to get desperate. I clenched my fists harder.

“Ok, I’d say it’s about time we let you breath again” She pulled the plugs back out and squished the slipper up against my nose again.

“Hmmmmmmmphhh” I exhaled into the slipper in relief as I was able to breath again.

“Does that feel good?” Madison smiled.

“Mmmph hmmm” I tried to nod.

“Good. Don’t say I’m not good to you! Well... you can’t really say anything at the moment.” She giggled.
“But if I decide to ungag you, then don’t say it!”

‘’IF?!’ I thought to myself as I continued to breath heavily through the fuzzy, foot scented slipper.

“Right.” She said as she pulled the slipper away and looked into my eyes.
“Shall we go for one more?” She smiled.

“Mmmphh mmmph”

“Well I want to. And you can’t stop me” she winked as she prepared the plugs. I inhaled in preparation.

Again she inserted the plugs into my nostrils. Once again, I could no longer breath.
Madison took a step backwards and sat down on the floor with her legs extended out so that her feet were down to my right. She leaned back onto her elbows and grinned as she watched me struggle. We both sat in silence. There was the occasional sound of the belts around my torso rubbing together as I wriggled.

Madison gazed around the wardrobe at her shoe collection.

“We’ve had a good night haven’t we?” She smiled. “The gals have had fun playing with you. And I think they’ve picked up a few handy tricks.”

“I have to say Angelica’s phone idea was genius!” She gently rubbed her hands along the sole of the uggs.
“And I think this worked quite well didn’t it?” She motioned towards the pulley.

I sat and stared silently at Madison. Internally I was screaming. I was desperate to breathe.

She stopped inspecting the pulley and looked back at me.
“Do you need to breath? Are you desperate?” She grinned. I couldn’t make a sound in response.
“If you need to me to take the plugs out just ask!” She laughed as she knew I couldn’t.
“If you’d like me to take the plugs out then... click your boots together.”

I began furiously clicking my boots together. Since my feet were tied together at the ankles I was able to swivel my feet and bash them together.

“Ughhh fine!” Madison groaned yet she remained sat down on the floor. She raised up her foot, the one that still wore a pink slipper. I gazed at the soft sole as she waved it near my nose, knocking both plugs out of my nostrils.
She immediately brought up her bare foot and pressed it against my nose. She positioned her foot so that my nose was buried right in between her toes.

Once again I began exhaustedly drawing in breath through my nose. The stench of warm, sweaty feet wafted into my nose.
“Mmmmrrrghhhh!” I sighed.

“See! They’re not that bad. If the options are not being able to breathe or breathe in my feet then you’d opt to breathe in my feet right?” She asked.

I attempted a shrug but the belts limited it to an unrecognisable wriggle.

By this point Madison had slid her other foot free of the slipper. She pulled her foot off my nose and grasped the pulley that was tied to my feet and pulled it, raising the ball of socks up to my face. She then positioned both bare feet behind the socks and pressed them into my nose completely engulfing my nose in a wall of feet packed with that weeks used socks.

“Hmmmmmphhhh” I surrendered into the predicament, thankful to be breathing at all despite the unpleasantness of the smell.
“Hhhmmmpphhh” I relaxed, sliding down into the belts.

“Right!” Madison barked, drawing her feet off my face before bringing herself back up to a standing position.
“I think it’s time to let you go. I’ve had you tied up for close to 4 hours now.”

I looked at her in relief. I was finally getting released.

Madison leaned over and began unbuckling the pink belt over my mouth. It was stretched so tight that once unbuckled it pinged off and my head sprung forwards. I rolled my neck as I celebrated the freedom to move it. Next Madison began unbuckling the several belts that pinned me to the pole.

As each belt unbuckled I felt myself slide forwards, away from the pole. The final belts came loose and I lurched forwards. Finally my back was no longer pinned upright.

“Ok, feet next!” Madison commanded as she lifted my legs up and place down them on her lap. She dragged at the knotted scarves around my knees and ankles. Once they were off she grabbed her uggs and began sliding them off my feet. The plunged her hands inside the uggs and brought out the 4 phones that were buried deep inside them. She held one of the phones up to her nose and sniffed it.

“Hmmmm. You had them on for a while... and they’re pretty warm. But these don’t smell too bad!” She looked impressed as she sniffed the phone.
“You know, if they were on my feet, these would have been unusable for about a week!” She giggled as she waved the phone at me. She identified Kate’s phone and my phone from the 4 and slid them into my jeans pockets.

“Right. In your feet!” She said as she linked her arm with my arm, still tied tightly behind my back, and hoisted me up onto my feet. I had to hunch over to avoid hitting the wardrobe roof.
“Cmon” she said as she led me out of the wardrobe. I was finally free of the constant smell of Madison’s used shoes! It felt incredible!

“Hey gals! Come say bu-bye to our little captive. I’m letting him go for now.” Madison announced. ‘For now?’ I questioned.

Angelica and Kayleigh came from the living room into the hallway to see me as I stood there still gagged and with my hands still bound.

“Awwww going so soon?” Angelica said disappointedly.
“I know! We were just getting started!” Kayleigh added.
“Yeah, we had so many ideas and plans!” Angelica schemed.

“I know. But we have to let him go at some point. Maybe next time gals” Madison grinned as she rubbed her arm up and down my arm.

“I’m going to take the gag off you now ok?” Madison explained. I nodded. She walked behind me and began undoing the knot. The scarf that was pulled tightly over my mouth began to loosen until it dropped down onto my neck. I pushed at the 2 socks packed tightly into my mouth, slowly pouring them out onto the floor.

“I forgot they were in there!” Angelica giggled.
“Yeah, some mouthwash might be required, foot breath!” Kayleigh mocked.

Madison walked round to stand in front of me. She raised her eyebrow, awaiting my first words after 4 hours of hell.

“That f*cking sucked!” I angrily barked.

“Just remember your hands are still tied! We could easily stick they socks back in your mouth, wrap you up and throw you back inside that wardrobe! And we won’t be so nice this time!” Madison sternly warned me.

“I’m sorry” I quickly replied.

“Hell, even with your hands untied, I could wrestle you back into being my captive! I’ve done it before!” Madison reminded me.

“Hmmm good point.” I timidly agreed as I stretched my jaw.

“Turn round, I’ll untie you.” Madison softly smiled. I turned around and she gently began untying my hands. Once they were free I inspected my wrists. There were tight scarf burns around my wrists.

“I’ll get you some ice” Kayleigh said as she walked off to the kitchen.
“I’ll get you a drink” Angelica smiled.

“Thanks?” I smiled in slight shock.

“Well you better get going, Kate’s probably wondering where you are.” Madison softly spoke.

“Yeah?” I continued, still shocked at the change in attitude.

Angelica and Kayleigh returned with the ice and water. I gulped the water and placed the ice against my wrists.

“Ok. Well I better go...” I turned and began walking towards the door. I stopped at the door and turned back to look at the girls.

“What?” Madison shrugged.

“No surprises? You’re not gonna grab me from behind and wrap me up in duct tape or something?” I questioned, still baffled.

“Hmmmmm...” Madison responded. “Nah. I think we’re done for tonight. Maybe next time...” she smiled.

“We’ll add that to the list” Angelica winked.

“There’s a list?” My eyes widened.

“Oh yes. Now get lost before we do ‘number 2’ to you!” Kayleigh laughed.

“Number 2?” I gulped.

“Oh you’ll find out what that is at some point! Now get lost!” Madison laughed.

I followed Madison’s orders and left.

The End!
If you can leave me any feedback on this it would be greatly appreciated! Be it positive or negative it all helps!
Did you like this chapter and the story as a whole?
What did you think of the breath-play part in this chapter? Was it a bit too much?
Thanks for reading!
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Ossassin »

I have loved this story as a whole and as ever your creativity and well rounded writing abilities make your pieces consistently shine.
The breath play and forced calm was vicious and not something which would benefit by being a common feature in a story but for an ending such as this it worked like a charm.
Similarly an ending which both feels like an ending and has a capacity for a sequel is always a positive feature, provided of course the possibility of a sequel exists.
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