Double-Edge (M/M+/Mm+) - COMPLETE

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Double-Edge (M/M+/Mm+) - COMPLETE

Post by Volobond »

Hello, I'm Eric. Of course, that's not my real name. I won't tell you that. Can't have this story getting out, can I?

Anyway, the whole thing begins with a guy named Miles (that's not his real name either). He was a horrible bully to me back before he went off to college. Him and his big football jock crony, Ramon. When they found out about my crush on their star quarterback, Connor, they'd taunt me relentlessly, breaking into my locker and stealing my things, heckling me in the hall, and even the classic, stealing my lunch money. It even spread to my friends Sven and Martin, who used to be friends with them, but found themselves with me, as targets.

Of course, being smaller and not as physically advantaged, this was really bad for us. Not to mention their overwhelming cockiness and self-absorption irritated the heck out of me. But I could have endured all this. What really burned the need for revenge into my brain was Miles' worst torment. He made up a rumor that he had caught me sneaking into the locker room to sniff Connor's jock.

I had done no such thing, but everyone believed him. In a day, I became the school pariah, a giant target on my back and any chance at all of going anywhere with my crush on Connor destroyed. Connor, disgusted with me, joined the gang of my tormentors. They called me Mutt Boy, because they said I stuck my nose like a dog into dirty things.

At least Sven and Martin stuck with me. And I knew I'd need them at my side when it came time for my revenge. And for two years, I plotted. And it would be the greatest prank of all.

You see, I had found out that Miles and Ramon and Connor had a thing for bondage, often tying each other up in private. Luckily their college was close enough that I could often spy on them. I could use this against them, especially if they were drunk.

And as luck would have it, Miles was planning a little party. His parents would be out of town for over a month on their retirement tour abroad, and he had the house to himself. As far as I could learn from my spying, he'd invited a couple college friends, as well as Connor and Ramon. A few of his younger family members would be coming too.

And, as fate would have it, Miles biked right up to my house and asked my mom if I could come to his party. Probably to use me as some kind of entertainment for his jerkwad friends. But I'd risk that. My revenge scheme could use a man on the inside.

I was going to turn my former bullies into scared little wimps by staging a little kidnapping prank. My dad owned an old cabin in the woods he was desperate to renovate, but hadn't yet, meaning it was mine to use whenever I pleased. A few nights there as my toys would be enough to ensure they'd never hurt me or anyone else again.

That would show them.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Great to see a new story from you. This one looks pretty promising.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by The slave »

awesome this story is really excellent i really love it a lot, i want to be in place of the slaves lol
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Post by Volobond »

"Eric! So glad you could make it, man!" Miles said to me as I entered. Jerk. He almost looked genuinely pleased to see me, but I knew better than to let him fool me. So I smiled back to lull him. "Feel free to hang out, grab a beer. The guys and I are just starting to set up."

It wasn't a huge party at all. Currently, we were at ten people. Connor, Ramon, and Miles upstairs, Zack and Tom (Miles' college buddies) playing a video game and Miles' relatives watching them. Jim, the brother, and I believed the cousins were David, Saul and Lucas, the three of whom were asking a bevy of questions in a most obnoxious way.

Thankfully enough, the talkative cousins provided me ample distraction to get to the alcohol. None of us were legally allowed, but it hadn't stopped the Golden By of our town from serving it. In a punch bowl, no less.

I had a number of preparatory measures taken. I had had Martin and Sven dress up as kidnappers and currently had them waiting to barge in. And for this specific scenario, I poured the powder I made of some sleeping pills into the punch, spiking it.

And the next time Connor and the others came down to grab a drink, I followed them back upstairs, quickly ducking into Miles' room and into the closet while they horsed around in Miles' bathroom, pretending they were going to shave Ramon's head. I could still see out - Miles had one of those closet doors that were shutters.

"Hey, so Connor. Ready for Operation Apology?"

"You know it, dude." Conner said, stripping out of his shirt and basketball shorts. I let out a soft gasp, looking at his thick muscular body, and his dark haired, green eyed face. I suppose I still carried a torch for him.

"I can't believe you're going through with this." Ramon grumbled.

As I watched, Connor simply flopped onto the bed, glancing at Ramon while Miles tied him up. It was mesmerizing. "Look, dude, we made Eric's life hell beck in high school. It's time we were men and apologized."

Miles grinned. "Connor's hoping for a little bit more than apologizing..."

"Shut up and tie up, dude." Connor said cheerfully. Miles secured his arms and then started hogtying him.

"So why don't you just say sorry and get it done?"

"Cause this is more fun!" Miles laughed. "And besides, I feel awful for making up that stuff about Eric. If I hadn't, maybe he and Connor'd be boyfriends, and he wouldn't have had to date Kyler."

Ramon and Connor shuddered.

"So we're hoping that giving him me as a peace offering will start to make up for what we did." Connor finished.

Miles laughed. "Maybe we ought to give him all three of us?"

Ramon lightly punched his shoulder. "Hey, no way. I ain't THAT sorry."

Anger furled inside me, driving away daydreams of getting to have Connor all tied up and to myself. They just wanted to erase all the things they had put me through? I nearly stopped coming to school because of them!

I was about to go insane and leap out at them, when a tide of people swept in front of the closet.

"Your stupid friends are hogging Call of Duty!" David, the oldest of the three cousins, whined. Saul and Lucas, the other two, nodded.

"Whatcha doin?" Jim, Miles' brother, asked.

Connor grinned and winked as Miles finished the hogtie. "I'm getting tied up."

Saul groaned. "Whatever. Call of Duty, man!"

Miles chuckled. "Okay, I'll get them to move. If you can all be quiet for ten minutes. If not, you have to play a tie-up game with us."

"Fiiiiine." Lucas grumbled.

Miles grinned as he jammed a pink ball gag into Connor's mouth and buckled it. "You lost."

The cousins' mouths dropped open in shock, and Ramon and Miles had them. In a jiff, Saul was immobile in a mess of red rope, boxtying his arms and binding his legs together. Then came David, forced into a squat with his wrists tied to his ankles.

But Lucas was just held down. "Jimmy?" Miles asked. "You wanna learn ropin'?"

He nodded.

"Good. Ramon, strip. My bro's gonna use you like the training dummy you are."

Ramon laughed, taking his shirt off and crossing his arms behind his back. "Okay, Jim. Make sure you feel the muscles. I've been workin' out." Miles tossed Jim a length of rope and prepared to instruct.

I knew that the drug would work soon. But how long?

Ah well. This wasn't the worst thing to be watching while waiting.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I like that Eric is going on with his plan and his targets are doing half of the work for him. :D

Your dialogue writing is top-notch and I can almost hear the characters in my head. Connor's in an interesting position and I'm curious about how his relationship with Eric will turn out.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by The slave »

awesome I really love this second part too much I really feel like I'm part of the script, too bad we can't recreate it for real lol
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Post by Volobond »

I found myself becoming short of breath. After all, I had a nice view. I may have hated their guts, but Miles and Ramon were awfully attractive. Especially as Miles tied Lucas, back muscles clear through his shirt, and Ramon was tied, ropes across his bulging pecs.

Miles companionably tossed Jim one of the drugged beers, and Jim took a big gulp, choking on the stinging liquid. I grinned. Good. I just had to hope they finished their ropework.

I could tell that Jim, the lightest of all the four young adults, was already getting woozy. He finished off the final knot sealing Ramon into a strict hogtie, and then slumped against him.

"Heh. Your brother's a lightweight." He taunted Miles, who tore off his socks, shoving one in his cousin's mouth and taping it in. He stalked over and gagged Ramon the same way.

And then it happened. All three jocks passed out, slumping over without a word. I quickly moved in and tied up the unconscious brothers, ignoring the confused and now frightened muffled yelps of the cousins, before calling Martin's cell phone. I smiled as the call was rejected, our signal.

Moments later, I heard the front door slam open, and the yells as Sven and Martin, made unrecognizable by hoods, masks, thick sweaters, and tight black gloves, pointed toy guns at Tom and Zack and forced them to surrender as they were bound, gagged, and blindfolded.

We all worked together to get all nine boys into different cars. Sven took the cousins in his car, Martin took Zack, Tom, and Jim in his van, and I took Miles, Connor, and Ramon in my truck. It was a cinch to get up to my dad's cabin in the woods.

Finally, after years, it was time for my vengeance!

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Post by The slave »

awesome i really love your imagination excellent result i really love too much, you come to subject me to all this when for real lol
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Post by harveygasson »

Absolutely brilliant so far
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Post by Volobond »

I growled. Who knew that moving a bunch of dead weight would be so darn exhausting! Getting the big college jocks out of the cars was a tough job, even for the three of us.

We started out by dumping them in the living room of the cabin, Tom, Zack, snd the cousins all terrified out of their wits. I grabbed tge bottle of chloroform I had brought out here and gave a rag to both my partners, and very soon we sent them to dreamland.

"So... what are we gonna do first?" Sven asked.

"Well, Martin was kind enough to help out and secured a bunch of fancy materials for us." I smirked. "Actually, how did you get so many dog cages?"

"My little secret." He said.

I shrugged. "The idea is to make them suffer like we did. All the fear, the humiliation, the helplessness... they're getting it back and more."

Sven gave a noncomittal noise.

"Anyway... let's get the shock collars on them."

"Shock collars?" Sven asked in horror.

"I couldn't get real ones." Martin admitted. I sighed again. Really, it was a wonder we had pulled this off. "Sorry, Eric."

"That's okay. Thankfully, I'm a good actor. I can work with this."

I could tell Sven wanted to ask more, but we were interrupted by one of our prisoners stirring.

Miles. I leered at him, lying hogtied on his side, gathering his wits and quickly understanding what had happened. "Oh, god. Eric?"

I knelt in front of him. "Miles! So glad you could make it, man!" I used the same patronizing words he had greeted me with.

Miles closed his eyes. "Eric... I am so sorry for what I did to you. What I made Connor and Ramon do to you. I... I made your life hell. And I know nothing can fix that."

I growled. "You're right."

Miles' eyes opened, and he met my gaze, pleading. "Please... let my little brother and cousins go. They never did anything to you. Please. You can do whatever you want to me, just don't hurt them!"

"You think you're in any position to bargain with me? You with your pathetic apologies? You don't even know the half of what you did to me! And the kicker is, you still think you can make it all better! You're still so unbelievably arrogant that you think you can just apologize and be done with it. Well, you can't. You think you're sorry now. I'm going to MAKE you sorry!"

And I slammed the rag over his face, chloroforming him.

Sven was looking at me like he'd never seen me before as Martin and I put the fake shock collars on the boys. "Eric... I don't know if we should go on. I mean... he's right. We should let the cousins go, at least."

"Really, Sven?" I snarled. "We're gonna let them go with no way to ensure they won't call the cops? That's a wonderful plan. No, we're all in this for the long haul. I promise, we're working towards something here. Are you with me?"

Sven nodded. "Okay."

"Good. Let's get them set up before they all start waking up."

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Why do I feel like Eric is going full "he who fights monsters"?

This story shapes upto be something darker than your usual works so I'm interested in where it goes. There's a lot you can do with a bunch of knocked out dudes with enough preparation.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by The slave »

I like this story more and more I am impatient to discover the fate of these pathetic little slaves lol
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Post by Volobond »

Hehe heh, you might be on to something, [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention]! I had found my creative well a little dry, so I accepted the suggestion for this story from [mention]The slave[/mention], and rekindled my writing spirit! So this is a combination of influences, which is why it is a little darker. 8-)


With quite a bit of work, we got them all tied up in their cages. I considered giving the cousins and Miles' brother a little leeway, but then thought the better of it. Miles' and Ramon's bullying didn't stay confined to me, did it? No, it spread to Martin and Sven, who had done nothing to him.

And I was eager to see what I could mentally torture Miles with seeing his relatives put through.

Tom and Zack were even-more-brutally hogtied, the tight space of the dog cage keeping them from struggling. Cousins Saul and Lucas were flipped onto their backs like turtles, each one of their joints tied to the cage itself, preventing movement. Cousin David and Jim were ball-tied, their wrists bound under their knees, head forced down by the cage.

As for Connor, Ramon, and Miles, the big jocks were simply bound hands behind their back and ankles together, forced to take a downward dog yoga position by the cage. It looked humiliating. Perfect.

The boys were all too terrified to speak out when they awoke, but they didn't have to. I stood when I felt nine pairs of terrified eyes on me. "Hello there, puppies. As you can probably tell, you've been put into dog cages. And that's because for the forseeable future, you're our little pack of puppies."

Ramon, of course, spoke out, his voice slightly muffled by the fact that his face was pressed to the floor of his cage. "Like hell! Let us go!"

I knelt next to his cage. Here, my acting skills would be needed. I held up a little toggle remote. "That was a freebie, Ramon. Because I am fair, like you weren't to me."

Since we didn't have real shock collars, Martin crafted fake ones for us. Simple little boxes with a vibrating pellet inside, hopefully it would be convincing enough. I pressed a button, and watched each boy tense. "You know what this is. That vibration is a Taser's worth of voltage aimed right at your neck. Gonna hurt like hell. And I know you don't want that. So we're gonna go around, and I want go hear you beg us to gag you, or else you're in for a rough time."

We had prepared a large collection of our dirty socks for that extra level of humiliation, and I just happened to have stolen Miles' hamper on the way out, so we also had a nice supply of smelly college boy socks and undies. These we used for our gags' stuffing, securing them in with panel gags that we padlocked shut.

I grinned as we immediately got some begging out of the cousins, David sniffling and already calling me Master. Jim too succumbed, as did Zack and Tom. Tom, as it happened, seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself, even smiling at me as he gave a pretty convincing plea for mercy. I could also tell that despite himself, Lucas and Jim were both intrigued by their situation, even as terrified as they were.

Connor gave a soft whimper as I opened his cage, but he also nuzzled into my hand when I pet his head, waiting for his plea to be gagged. But I shook my head. Mercy had a time and place in this scenario, and this was not it. He was gagged just like the rest.

Ramon huffed, and growled, but gave in, only for me to tell him no. He'd have to make do on his own. Sven nudged me, thinking I had forgotten that they weren't actual shock collars, but I had judged my prey well. Ramon glared, but remained silent. Miles looked mournfully at me and attempted to bargain again, but I simply held a finger to his lips and he shut up. I told him he wouldn't get a gag either.

"Alrighty, puppies! Now it's time for obedience school." I chuckled, recieving a chorus of whimpers from my captive audience. Let's start with the problem puppies."

Martin smirked, and he, Sven, and I prepared the first part of the show, which would involve our three main bullies.

This was going to be fun.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

[mention]Volobond[/mention], your writing is as creative as ever. Really enjoying how Eric is playing mind gmaes with his captives and some of them are already submitting to him (or were ready to do it anyway, haha).
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by The slave »

excellent I love me too I want to be a little dog locked in a cage lol
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Post by harveygasson »

Still great
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Post by cj2125 »

Nice story! Fianlly was able to catch up with it. I really like how some of the guys seem to be into being kidnapped and treated like that. Looking forwards to see how this goes
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Post by blackbound »

Hot, hot and triple hot. Looking forward to the show.

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Post by Volobond »

In a jiff, we had them retied.

Miles and Ramon were tied to chairs, but not the normal way. Their stomachs were on the seats, hands still tied behind their backs, and their thighs tied to the chair legs, keeping them in the perfect position to be messed with.

I quickly roped Connor up, and it might have been my imagination, but I thought I heard him moan in delight as my hands secured him and the ropes slid across his beefy chest. We sat him down the right way on a chair.

"Now," I grinned. "Look carefully, puppies. This is what happens when you're naughty."

Martin handed me the filthiest item in the dirty laundry we had brought. Miles' disgusting jock strap, stained with sweat and yellowed with grime. "Wow, did you ever plan on washing this?"

Miles blushed, but didn't protest. Good. Hopefully he still believed in the shock collar threat.

I sat on Connor's lap, as I had before in many a fantasy of mine, and he gasped. "I never sniffed your jock. But for all the stuff you did, now they can call you Mutt Boy. This is your best buddy's jock. I want you to take a real good whiff."

Connor shook his head desperately, moaning into his gag, but I was devoid of mercy. I shoved the pouch right over his nose and twisted the elastic strap back over his head to keep it secured. He groaned and struggled, but there was no way for him to get away from the scent of his buddy's ball sweat and... other scents.

I grinned, grinding against Connor as I got off of him, taking one last feel of his meaty chest. I pinched his nipple hard, and he gasped -immediately groaning afyer, since it caused him to take in more odor.

"Now, Problem Puppy One and Two, you're gonna show us how good doggies use their tongues. We've got some dirty feet over here, and you're gonna clean them."

"Hell n-" Ramon growled, only to cut himself off when I waggled the remote to the "shock collars" at him. I had Martin put his bare foot in Ramon's face, Sven's foot in Miles' and ordered them to start licking. I sat in Connor's lap like a throne.

My audience of pups was enthralled. Only Cousin Saul looked unmoved by the show, averting his eyes. I smirked. From what I had learned of him, he was very curious about something specific - tickling. I would have to give him a taste.

Cousins David and Lucas were watching their older cousin enthusiastically lick Sven's foot, David with open excitement in his eyes and Lucas with horrified interest, as his intrigued moans indicated. Jim's gaze was locked instead on Ramon, and I detected envy for Martin' position. Interestingly enough, Tom and Zack were most focused on me and Connor. Zack was admiring Connor's predicament and Tom looked like he'd be grinning madly if he weren't gagged, openly checking me out.

As for Miles and Ramon, both were licking feet like champs. I wondered where they had been forced to lick feet before, and then it struck me. College fraternity hazing? Definitely a likely source of foot licking.

But, all things must come to an end, so I got off of Connor and spanked Ramon once, making him yelp. "Good boys! Now, to the basement with them. I've got plans for them."

Sven and I took a while to move Miles and Ramon to the air mattress in the basement and hogtying them. I quickly blindfolded them both and taped their mouths shut, while Sven taped their hands into useless knobs of tape. We left them there to stew.

Then we joined Martin in binding the other prisoners for torture. David and Saul replaced Miles and Ramon on the chairs, Lucas and Zack were frogtied back to back on the coffee table with their wrists linked to the ceiling, keeping their armpits exposed. Jim was spreadeagled on the hearth, his back against the mantle, and Tom was simply left bound hand and foot on the couch to be moved and played with as needed.

Over the course of the night, we tickled, spanked, and smell tortured the lot of them. I grinned as I noticed the cousins each had a favorite activity - Saul favored the tickling, David the spanking, and Lucas the smell torture. Jim loved his ppsition, getting to watch all the struggling bound guys, and Zack really enjoyed being tickled. Tom seemed to like being a puppy, since he'd nuzzle and whimper for any of us that sat on the couch for a break, practically wagging his tail for belly rubs.

We had them tied up for the night and went to sleep. Sven shut himself in the guest room, but Martin and I were sharing the master bedroom, so he spoke with me.

"We're doing the right thing... right?"

I hugged him. "You've been a great friend to me. And I promise you, we're doing the right thing."

"And you feel happy? Getting revenge?"

"It isn't just about revenge. I promise, I'll tell you everything when we're done. It's all part of a plan."

Martin nodded. "Okay. I trust you, Eric."

"Thank you."

I fell asleep, already excited for the morning.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

So many good parts to count but I'm a big fan of how Connor was muzzled with a dirty jockstrap and then used as a chair. Perfect use for beefy hunks.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by The slave »

great it's really too perfect
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Volobond[/mention] Sorry I'm late to the party.
Didn't wanna have my drink spiked and wind up sharing the same predicament as those cronies 8-)

I just finished chapter 4 and I'm absolutely loving how ruthless Eric is proving to be with his revenge.
Your stories do not disappoint, my friend!

P.s- Kudos for Miles taring his socks off and using one as a gag.

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Post by Volobond »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 3 years ago So many good parts to count but I'm a big fan of how Connor was muzzled with a dirty jockstrap and then used as a chair. Perfect use for beefy hunks.
I quite agree! I'd love to be in Eric's position in that scene, haha ;)

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] No worries! Glad you're here to share in this tale. And that you enjoy the judicious placement of socks 8-)

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Post by Volobond »

"Eric? Okay, Eric, this is nuts. We're completely insane, doing this." Sven said the next morning.

"It's a little late for hesitation, don't you think?" I asked.

"Don't you get it?" Sven yelped. "We-"

I clamped ny hand over his mouth. "It's all under control, I promise. Just see this through, and everything will make sense."

Sven sighed as I released his mouth. "I don't want to be blamed for this. I... I'm not a very good kidnapper."

I hugged him. "You like it, though. You wanted to be on the other side, didn't you?" Sven took a shaky breath and nodded. I squeezed him hard. "Then here. My gift to you. Play along."

I straightened and shoved Sven onto the bed. "No way, traitor. I'm not letting you leave here now!"

Martin stalked in with the chloroform while I distracted Sven. He gave me a pretty convincing look of fear, although his voice acting left something to be desired. "You've gone too far, Eric! You can't do this without me."

"I don't need traitors on my team. You can join the rest of the dogs." And with that, Martin tackled Sven, clamping the rag over his face. Sven automatically struggled, but the, ahem, evidence of his interest was prominent. In any event, we quickly got Sven trussed up in his skivvies like the others, gagged with his own socks.

I grinned. "How about you, Marty? Wanna have some fun with the traitorous dog, or do I need to train you, too?"

Martin considered, glancing at Sven's unconscious form. "I'll get him next time. Right now, I think there's too much risk of betrayal. You've got a plan. If you don't need me to see it through..."

"You're right. Do me a favor and bring Sven out first?"

"Sure thing." He said, turning to pick up our traitorous pal. And as soon as he looked away, I grabbed the chloroform and got him, too.

As I tied up my best friends and moved them to the living room, I grinned. Sure, I was down any assistance and had two extra captives, but this was a great way to convince my puppy pack I meant business.

But first, it was time to visit my problem pups. I had a special torment in mind for them...

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