The Film Student (M+/M+) [conclusion added 7/17/20]

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Which character are you most interested in seeing tied up in a later chapter?

The Director
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The Film Student (M+/M+) [conclusion added 7/17/20]

Post by wataru14 »

Hi, folks. Longtime lurker here who decided to try his hand at writing. Here is part 1 of a story I've been cooking up.

This was it. My final project for film school. This project would determine my final grade and be my “audition” reel for when I started looking for jobs in the industry. So it just HAD to be good! My heart sank a little when I got my assignment though. I was hoping for a period drama or romance – something I could really use to push the envelope on mood and lighting – but I was rather disappointed when I saw the assignment sheet read “ACTION” next to my name.

Not that I had a thing against the genre! Some of the best films ever made were action films. But they required big budgets and locations that I didn’t have access to. I frowned a little as I thought. “Well, I’m lucky that I have contacts in the theater department that could get me student actors willing to do anything to get resume experience. So I have no problem with a main cast. And my roommate has a bunch of jock friends I can use as extras. They would work well for action.” I still needed a fight choreographer, but I could find someone to do that.

For the next few days I was a little disappointed, but determined to make it work. When I got my resolve I sat down at my desk to pick a subgenre and a script. Western? Costumes wouldn’t be too difficult, but it needs exterior locations and old-timey props that would be too hard to secure. War? I could use the woods for a location, but costumes and props would be problematic? Hmmm….

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration and decided to surf the internet and take a break. I started with the local news, and boy am I glad I did. Three stories down I saw an article about a group of armed robbers that were arrested when one of their own decided to work with the police and turned them in. BINGO! That’s it! Crime action!

My hands started to shake. It was perfect. I could set it in the modern day and use any costume and prop plot I needed. I could use easily available locations. I could really have some fun with this! I went to my closet and pulled out my box of props and inspiration aids. It was a collection of various things that I had acquired over the years and saved because they struck me in some way. Whenever I was stuck for ideas I would reach into the box and pull out three random objects. I would then use those to be my inspiration.

Closing my eyes I reached in and fumbled around. My hands closed around something glass and I pulled out a beer bottle. OK. Protagonist has a drinking problem. Lived a hard life. So I needed someone more rugged. I can work with that. I put the bottle on my desk and reached in again. An old picture of me and a few friends at summer camp several years ago. Great! The crew have been friends since childhood. Grew up together. Makes the “betrayal” more impactful and gives me a lot of strong relationships to work with. I grinned and reached in for a third time. My fingers brushed against something metal and instinctively closed around it. I pulled it out of the box.

Handcuffs? A slow grin formed on my face. “Oh, yes. I can have a LOT of fun with this project.”


I put the three items on my desk and got to work on the script. My heart raced as I feverishly typed. Words flew onto the page effortlessly, and my eyes unconsciously darted back to the handcuffs every now and again. Within a few hours I had most of a draft.

When I was about three-quarters of the way done I heard a quick courtesy knock on the door and my roommate Chris came in, tossing his books on the bed. He was your usual college meathead, barely holding together a 2.0, but was actually a really cool guy to live with. Handsome as all get-out, too. I often had to “find somewhere to go for an hour or two” when he brought a new girl over to “watch TV.” But I didn’t mind the occasional inconvenience. Being friends with him got me into a lot of parties that a quirky film student like me never would have been invited to and I met a lot of fun and interesting people.

“Beer? Awesome!” he said, spying the bottle and heading for the mini fridge. “Empty? Aw man!”

“Don’t get your hopes up, it’s just a prop bottle,” I said. “I’m using it for the script I’m working on for my senior film project.”

“Writing something? Lemme see.” He came over to the desk and saw the handcuffs. “And what are those for?”

“Same thing. It’s a crime action movie.”

“Cool,” he said, smirking. “I thought for a second you were going to make one of THOSE movies.”

I laughed. “Only if I REALLY needed the money.”

He quickly scanned the script. “This looks pretty cool,” he said. “Hey, question for ya. I’ve never been in a movie before. Can I be in this one?”

I thought for a second. “Well, you have no acting experience, so I can’t put you in a major role. But I could probably find a part for you. Lemme see…”

I scanned the script. I didn’t want to make him an extra. Since he’s been such a good friend I’d give him a small featured part. “Well, there are a few people in the initial robbery scene where we establish the gang’s history, but I doubt you want something like that.”

He made a fart noise with his lips and did a thumbs down. “Pass on that.”

“OK.” I scrolled a little farther down. “Here’s something. I have an Officer Brophy who has a few lines when the gang is arrested at the end of Act One. I think you could play a cop pretty well.”

“Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!” he grinned. “My dad’s a cop so I know all about it.”

“Great!” I said. I scrolled up to the top and typed his name next to Officer Brophy in the cast list. “You’re in!”

“Just like that?” he said. “Don’t you wanna see me audition or something?”

“Actually, yeah,” I replied. “That would be a good idea. Have to make sure you aren’t Tommy Wiseau or something.” I fished around in the box and pulled out a plastic gun and safety patrol badge. “Here ya go. Show me your stuff.”

I stood up and moved to the middle of the room. Chris pinned the badge onto his T-shirt and held the comically small gun in his hand. He chuckled. “OK, here we go.”

He pointed the gun at me and instantly he switched to a commanding voice and presence. “Freeze, dirtbag!”

Wow! He was actually good! I was shocked, which helped with my improv performance. “You got the wrong man!” I pleaded. “It wasn’t me!”

“Save it, perp. I ain’t listening. Hands up,” he barked.

I slowly put my hands up and he was on me in a second. He grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and whirled me around, pushing me against the wall by my desk and locking my fingers behind my head. He barked orders and commands like a seasoned veteran as he emptied my pockets and tossed the contents on my bed. What kind of gold mine did I stumble on here? I was so caught up in the possibilities that I didn’t hear him reach for the handcuffs.

“That’s amazing, Chris! You’re a natural.” I tried to turn around, but he blocked me and held me against the wall.

“Where do you think you’re going, punk? We ain’t done here!” he said.

“OK, Chris enough joking around. I need to get back to…” My sentence was cut off as I felt the handcuff bracelet expertly snapped over my wrist. “Huh? Hey, wait a minute!”

He sneered. “Save it, perp. I’ve heard it all. Only place you need to get to is jail!” He wrenched my arms behind my back like a seasoned veteran cop and locked the other cuff around my wrist. I tested them, squirming a little. Wow! He actually did it the right way. My hands were positioned palms out, with the backs of my hands parallel to each other. The cuffs were snug, but not so tight that they hurt. I could twist my wrists, but no way I could slip out.

Chris grabbed me by my shoulders and sat me down on the bed. He towered over me, leering for a second. “How was that?” he said, finally breaking character.

“W…wow! You are great at this,” I said. I wiggled my arms to indicate the handcuffs. “How did you learn how to do it like this?”

“Like I said, my dad’s a cop. He showed me and my brothers how to do it and we used to cuff each other up all the time as kids.”

“Well, as a director I like realism, so I’m very happy with your performance.”

“Good,” he said. “I think this movie will be fun.”

“Yeah,” I said, still sitting on the bed with my hands cuffed behind me. “Now you can take these off me and I can finish the script.”

A smirk came across his face. “Yeah, about that…” He walked over to my bed and grabbed my wallet. “Your props have inspired ME, too. Especially the beer bottle. I figure to celebrate my new acting gig, the refreshments are on you.” He fished a $20 bill out of my wallet and then tossed it back on the bed.

“Hey, wait a minute!” I stood up, but he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back down.

“Uh uh,” he said. And then he pounced. In half a second I was face-down on the bed. He grabbed his gym bag from the floor nearby with one hand as he held me down with the other. Man, he was strong! He fished around and pulled a sweaty red bandana and sock from his gym bag. “Wore these all day at the gym,” he grinned.

“What are you…?” I stopped in mid-sentence, realizing my mistake. As soon as my mouth was open, the sock was shoved in and the bandana was tied behind my head. They both stank to high heaven and made my eyes water. I grunted in protest, but the dank cloth would allow no more than that.

“Why are the smart ones always so dumb?” Chris joked, stepping away for a second and grabbing a belt from the pile of dirty clothes on the floor of his side of the room. Before I could start to get up, he was back like a flash, wrapping the belt around my ankles - two, three times – before tying it off and securing it. I was trapped.

He got off me and stood up. I squirmed and grunted on the bed and gave him dagger eyes. It was all I could do, really. He just laughed and tapped his front pants pocket where my $20 bill had been stuffed.

“You just sit tight,” he smiled. “I’ll be back with the drinks in a bit. If you behave yourself I might even let you loose and share.”

With that, he walked to the door and stepped into the hall, closing the door behind him. I squirmed and struggled for a second, but quickly gave up, realizing I wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. So I just relaxed and tried to make myself comfortable.

“Hmmm,” I thought. “It looks like I need to make some adjustments to the script and give Officer Brophy a larger role…
Last edited by wataru14 3 years ago, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by DomTiesMen »

Very interresting story! I have to say I really love those stories that put us on the skin of another character and we can see some of his daily life and problems! On this one, I found very interresting the problems that the protagonist have being a film student! He need to adapt the script of the movie with his resources and ideas! So the main character already got my attention!

Chris seems to be one handsome jock, I must say. At first I though him to be a really funny and cool guy, but on the last part that he tied up the protagonist and acted like a jerk taking his money always, I confess I didn't liked him much, haha. BUT I really hope to see Chris being bound and gagged as a cop in this tale, would be a fitting come back from the director towards him!

Cannot wait to see the next chapter!
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome to the League of TUGs Writers. What an impressive start!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by wataru14 »

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it.

Coming soon: Part 2 - The auditions
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Post by cj2125 »

Really enjoyed it! Has a lot of potentail with the premise and am looking forwards how it'll turn out! Both characters are really funny so far! Also I feel Chris is about to learn one of the most important lessons as an actor: Never piss off the screen writter
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Post by wataru14 »

PART 2 – The Auditions

Chris sauntered back in the room about 45 minutes later and I was still right where he left me. Well, not exactly. I had managed to roll into a sitting position, at least. He pretended not to notice me at first, but couldn’t keep the joke up and giggled like a little kid after about ten seconds.

I just looked at him and rolled my eyes.

He put the bags down on his bed and walked over to me – a big smirk on his face. “Bro, you’re still cuffed up? Those are toys!” He reached over and behind me and unlocked the cuffs, pressing his chest against my shoulder, then held them up in front of my face. “See these little tabs? You push ‘em down and the lock opens. Real cuffs don’t have those. You could have gotten loose at any time! Hahaha!”

With my hands now freed, I gave him a quick playful punch in the leg. He laughed and danced away while I bent down to undo the belt around my ankles. Of course I knew they were fake! They were my cuffs, after all. I untied the knot in Chris’ bandana and spit out the balled-up sock, which I immediately threw at him with great force. It bounced off his ample chest and landed on the floor.

Yes, I could have gotten loose at any time and I knew it. But why would I want to? I had been crushing on Chris since we first moved in together last year and him manhandling me like that was definitely not unwelcome. I had secretly wanted him to tie me up for a long time now and was over the moon that it had finally happened. I had played with those cuffs in private many times, but it’s not the same as when someone else puts them on you. Especially one who thinks that you think they’re real. If that makes any sense? Anyway…

Chris handed me a beer and we sat together at my desk finishing the script. From what he learned hearing his dad’s work stories over the years he really helped me add some realistic touches to the dialogue and procedural stuff. I added his name to the credits as “Script Consultant,” as well. He really liked that. “Sounds professional!” he said.

After we finished, I told him that I was going to post an audition in the theater department for actors and extras, but I needed stuntmen. Guys who could handle flips, falls, combat, stuff like that. I knew he had some meathead friends who were always looking for something fun to do, so I asked if he thought they’d be interested.

“Hell yeah!” he said.

“Great! I need four or five guys that can handle action sequences. Nothing with wires or explosions or anything. Can’t afford that, anyway. Just have them come to Room 102 of the rehearsal hall on Saturday around 2 pm and we’ll see what they got!”

Chris got up to make some calls and I went back to my computer to get the audition materials together. I made an announcement on the Theater Department boards about the casting call: “Student Action Film seeking cast. All types/ethnicities welcome. Script provided for readings.” I added a quick breakdown of the main characters and added a bit saying “extras also needed to play store and bar patrons, bystanders, jurors, hostages…” I deleted that last one. My actors would find out about that soon enough. No sense in spoiling the surprise.


Auditions went… OK… I guess. I got most of my supporting cast and almost all the principals, but there were a few roles I didn’t get anyone who was right for and I would have to call my own people in. Not THAT big a deal. But I still didn’t have a lead. I read a few guys for Jake (the career criminal looking to go straight and “be there” for his baby daughter), but no one had the right qualities. I needed someone who could portray a young man aged beyond his years. Someone ruggedly handsome, but with a haunted soul just below the surface. Someone tired of “The Life” who wanted something more. All the guys I read for him ended up getting other big parts, but none were right for Jake. But that would have to wait. I had the Brute Squad coming in and needed to focus on keeping order.

I had just barely gotten the gym mats laid out on the floor when Chris came in. Trailing behind him were four guys. After the initial pleasantries and handshakes I took a look at what I had to work with. All four were slabs of grade-A beef with a combined IQ of around 50. There was a palpable air of testosterone around them and their speech was peppered liberally with “bros” and casual profanity. Looking good so far.

Chris introduced them as his workout buddies: Mike, Jahlil, Drew, and “Tank.” I’m not making this up – that’s the only name he went by.

“Alright, guys, this is what I’m looking for. I need a group to do some light stuntwork for my movie project. Some fight scenes, some falls, the usual. Sound like something you can do?”

“Are we good guys or bad guys?” Drew asked.

“Both,” I said. “Small movies often reuse stunt performers in multiple scenes. We just disguise you a little and change your clothes and the audience never notices. So far I have you as cops, mob goons, and a biker gang. But there are always rewrites, so there may be more. Sound good?”

There were nods of approval and excited chatter. “So we’ll see what you’ve got. First we’ll see some fight moves…” I never got to finish that sentence. At least one shirt flew off and instantly Mike, Jahlil, and Drew were on each other. Tank just stood there shaking his head while Chris started laughing uncontrollably. The three others were a whirling mass of chokeholds, takedowns, and “bro” posing. It took me a few minutes (and Tank and Chris’ assistance) to restore sanity.

“That’s great, but we need to control it or someone will get hurt,” I said. “I know some basic stuff but I’m still looking for a fight choreographer who will plan out all the action scenes with me. So we’ll start slow.”

Chris spoke up. “Uh, Tank here went to professional wrestling academy so he knows all about how to do that stuff.” Tank just nodded.

“Really? That’s perfect!” I exclaimed. “Can you give me a hand, then? We’ll start with falls and some basic punches.” I grabbed the plastic toy gun from my prop bag and pointed it at Tank, who nodded. “Now watch him and see how he falls.” I pretended to shoot Tank, who did an expert stage fall. He was a little overdramatic, grabbing his chest and loudly going “aaaaaaarrrrggghhhhh!” when he was down (complete with leg kicks). But the technique was perfect.

The other guys cheered as I helped Tank up. “Now he’s going to show you how to do that. Minus the vocalization, though.” I smiled. For the next half hour Tank instructed them on the basics of theatrical combat. It was rough at first, not gonna lie. Their abundant energy made for some cringey acting moments, but that faded away as they got more into it. I was overjoyed.

When I was satisfied, I stopped them. “You’re in!” I said, to raucous approval from the guys. Then the little devil on my shoulder whispered into my ear and I grinned. “There’s one thing I want to do before we finish. An idea that I’m kicking around and I want to see if it can be done.”

“Near the end I have a scene where the main character calls in some friends (that’s you) to help him assault the gang hideout but they get ambushed and taken prisoner. But right before the bad guys execute them, I want them to fight back and take ‘em all out.”

Nods and murmurs of approval. “Badass,” Jahlil said.

“But here’s the thing. The guys are prisoners, so their hands are tied behind their backs. I want to see if you guys can do a fight scene without using your hands.”

“Like kicks and shoulder tackles?” Mike asked.

“Yeah, like that,” I said. “It’s not something that a lot of films do and I think it would be pretty interesting. Definitely stand out.”

Tank nodded. “I can get behind that. It will look f***ing awesome if we can pull it off. I think we can.”

“So let’s do a little test,” I said, and reached for my bag. I took out a package of industrial-strength zipties and a pair of scissors. I took three ties out and handed one to Tank and one to Chris, then I walked towards the other three. “Gentlemen, if you would please turn around and put your hands behind your back.”

All three did as asked. I went up behind Mike and positioned his wrists so that they were crossed and sitting in the small of his back, just above the waistline of his jeans. I threaded the tie into a loop and pulled his arms back slightly so I could slip it around his wrists. Once I was satisfied with the position I slowly tightened it, letting the ratchety clicking sound permeate the room until it was secured.

“When do I get my phone call?” Mike joked as he turned around. He squirmed a little, testing the bonds. “Man that’s tight.”

“That’s the point,” I said, looking at the securely bound slab of beef standing in front of me. “I don’t want them slipping off during the fight.”

“Makes sense,” Mike said, flexing his forearms behind his back and making his chest and shoulders rise. My heart rate spiked and I quickly turned away so not to incriminate myself.

“OK, Tank and Chris, can you do up the others?” I watched hungrily as Jahlil and Drew were secured, hoping no one noticed. When they were good and bound I checked the zipties for tightness and nodded. “Great. Now it’s your turn, Tank.”

Tank just said “yup” and turned around. I placed his hands in position and slipped the ziptie over his wrists, taking my sweet time to ratchet it closed as Tank awkwardly shifted his weight. Giving another quick check, I was satisfied and said “All set. Now Tank, run them through a few moves. Then pair off and we’ll see how it looks.”

Tank nodded and herded the guys over to the gym mats for instruction. Chris and I sat down at the director’s table and he smiled a big goofy grin rolled his eyes at me. Hard. “You’re loving this, aren’t you?” he teased.

“A little,” I smirked. Then I called out to the guys. “And none of that arms-under-the-butt-to-the-front stuff. That’s cheating!”

“Yo man,” Drew said, flexing his massive biceps as best he could with his hands bound behind him. “You think I can get these guns around front?”

Jahlil kicked him in the shins playfully. “Don’t front like that. I can do it easy. You just can’t cause your ass is too big.”

Drew laughed and playfully hit Jahlil with a shoulder block. I looked at Chris, “Well, they have a lot of energy.”

“These boys are crazy,” Chris laughed. “They may be a little loud and rowdy, but I don’t see you complaining.” He grinned and put his arm over my shoulder. “But once they set out to do something they go all in. That’s why I asked them because I know how important this is to you.”

Touched by Chris’ gesture I didn’t know what to say. I just weakly smiled and started watching the guys. Tank was showing them how to spring up from a kneeling position with their hands behind their backs. It was slow going. Other than Jahlil, these guys were built for bulk more than agility, but they got the hang of it. The combat part worked much better. They took to it perfectly and had no problems doing the moves Tank taught them without using their hands.

When it was time to show the finished product I watched expectantly. It was everything I had hoped. Fluid, natural, and with a lot of spins and sidesteps so that the camera could catch the fact that their hands were really bound and it wasn’t just them holding them back there like most movies and TV shows do now. It’s like Tank was reading my mind.

That was always something that irked me about modern films. Back in the 50s when someone was tied up in a Western, they went all out. Often doing it onscreen, they made sure the guy was fully and securely tied. Usually more than just hands, as well. Quite often these guys were wrapped up in a veritable sea of ropes, and each one was functional and secure. When the hero rolled around you could see that time was taken to make sure the ropes were tight and thorough. There were behind the scenes photos of stars between takes having to be fed water by PA’s because they were tied so well they couldn’t do it themselves and the ropework was too intricate to remove between takes. That’s the kind of realism I wanted in my movie. And not just for my own gratification, either. Today all the stars did was hold their hands behind them with no actual bonds. I’ve seen lots of social media posts from actors between takes who would move their hands front and wave for the camera before putting them back again for another take. No way in hell is my movie going to be so lax with the details.

When the demonstration was over, Chris and I both stood and applauded. It was PERFECT! Mike and Jahlil did a chest bump (they couldn’t fist pound with their hands tied behind them, I guess…) as I approached with the scissors. I freed Tank first and then started on the others.

“That was perfect! You guys kicked ass! You’re all in and Tank, I want you to be fight choreographer. There were some great moves in there.”

Tank just nodded, cracking a small smile.

“I just need your contact info so my costumer can get in touch with you and get your measurements. I’ll email you the schedule when it’s finalized.” I had freed Jahlil and Drew and was about to cut Mike’s bonds, but Drew stopped me.

“Hold up there, boss man,” he said. “This dumbass broke my bong last week and never even said ‘sorry.’ I think he needs to be punished. Leave those on him.”

“Hey, bro,” Mike whined, turning around to face Drew. “What the f***?”

Chris and Jahlil cackled and even Tank smiled… a little. Drew took a Sharpie from the desk and wrote “SHAME” on Mike’s bare chest in big letters, then shoved him towards the door. The others, including Chris, followed, laughing at Mike’s feeble struggles and protests as he was being perp walked to the door.

“This was going to be a crazy ride,” I thought as I looked out the window and watched the bound Mike being paraded across the courtyard in front of a crowd of gawking undergrads. All things considered, he took it like a pro. Keeping his chest puffed out and his head high. Several people stopped him for pictures. And he got more than a few phone numbers. “Remember to check Instagram tonight,” I said to my phone’s digital assistant.

When they were gone and the tumult from their passing thinned out I started cleaning up and getting ready to head for home. But I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Almost finished,” I said. “Room is yours in just a sec.”

“Is this where the auditions are?” I heard someone say behind me. “Sorry I’m late. I had car trouble and there was some kind of scene going on outside.” I grinned to myself. “I’m not too late am I?” the voice asked.

I looked at my phone clock without turning around. I had time. “No worries. I have some time to read you.” I turned around and my jaw hit the floor.

COMING SOON – part 3: The Star
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Post by DomTiesMen »

Simply an amazing sequel, indeed this chapter was as interresting as the first one!

I have to say that Chris lose some points for his jackass acts in the first chapter, but he got some more points on this new chapter and I can say that he was just kidding at that point! Chris seems funny, cool and sweet, the way he want to the protagonist's (I am not sure of his name, did it appeared before or I just don't remember?) project go perfect shows lots of his personality! I liked him much more on this episode! BUT this does not means that I don't wanna see him bound and gagged at some point too, specially after the pictures of how Chris should look, haha!

The other new manly boys that were introducted are also very hot each one in their ways! I loved the vibe of "bros" they have, testing their strenght of each other and also mocking each other when they have the oportunity! Really things that real dudes overflowed with testosterone would do to each other! I liked speciaky Mike and Tank, they were really amazing and fun! It seems that Tank is the most serious one and don't talk so much until it's need, I can see that he will have a major plot in the story! Definitely I am looking for new parts with him, probably well bound and gagged too!

I also enjoyed the technical part of the story, it gaves some really good realism and also it's very interresting how it works all the preparation for a movie or play! It seems that the protagonist finally found his star of the show! Probably another handsome man to be bound and gagged!

I am enjoying a lot this story so fan and I can see lots of potential on it! Cannot wait for new chapters! Keep with the amazing work, man!
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Post by wataru14 »

Thank you so much!

The protagonist's name has not been mentioned. I want to leave that up to the reader.
And I know the bondage aspect has been a little slow so far, but I have to establish stuff before I can get into that. It will ramp up as I go.
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Post by wataru14 »

Part 3: The Star

He stood in the doorway looking slightly out of place. He was dressed casually, almost sloppy, which is rare for auditions where people often try too hard to “dress to impress.” But I liked that. There was an earnestness to him that was lacking in most of the other guys I’d seen today. As well as a rugged, blue-collar quality that immediately caught my interest. We shook hands and I immediately felt the callouses. If nothing else I could be 100% sure this guy would not be a diva. And thank god for that. I’d dealt with enough of them this morning to last a lifetime.

He introduced himself as Jared.
I took the manila folder he brought with him and escorted him to the table, where I asked him to tell me about himself so I could get a feel for what role to read him for. He was only a Sophomore, but we were the same age. He said he was working his own way through college and took the two years after high school off to save up. Impressive! His dad was an auto mechanic, so he always had the family business to fall back on, but he wanted to try his hand at acting. That was a little less promising, but not a deal-breaker. I had already found several diamonds in the rough, so who says my streak was over?

I gave him the usual forms to fill out while I looked at his resume and headshot. The photo was clearly not a professional job. Looks like someone took it on their phone and printed it out. Possibly even a (shudder) selfie. Hard to tell. It was slightly grainy and just a hair out of focus. The resume was also lacking. Just a couple of plays in high school.

“The Music Man?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jared gave a sheepish grin and said, “Uh yeah. My girlfriend was in it and they needed guys so…”

“At least it wasn’t Cats,” I joked. He didn’t seem to get it.

I shrugged. This had to be a prank. Chris sent this guy to get me all hot and bothered and waste my time. He was probably back in the room gluing my dirty laundry to the ceiling while I was occupied or something. There was no point in doing this. I closed the folder, but then something stopped me before I spoke.

I opened the folder again and looked at the headshot. There was something about his expression. He was smiling well enough, but there was something deeper behind it. Wisdom? Life experience? I couldn’t tell, but the more I looked, the more haunted and intrigued I became. Was there was something about this guy beyond his empty resume and homemade headshot?

“Heh. Why the hell not?” I thought and reached into my bag.

“Did you get a chance to read the character breakdown on the audition posting?” I asked, fishing for papers.

“Yeah,” Jared said. “They all sounded cool, but I don’t have any preference. I’ll take anything. Even an extra. I just want experience.”

I nodded and fished out the Jake packet. Definitely not a diva. “Most of the principal roles have been cast. A few minor roles are still available, though. And so is this…” I handed him the packet of scenes.

“Jake is the main character in the film. Grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Turned to crime because he had no other options. Loves his crew like bothers, but wants more out of life. When his girlfriend gives birth to his baby daughter, he decides he wants out, but they won’t let him. He realizes the only way to be free is to make the impossible choice to bring down the gang, who are closer than family to him.”

He skimmed the script pages. “Intense! But do you really think I’m ready for a part like this? I’ve never even been in a REAL movie before. Just some Youtube stuff with my friends.”

“I know,” I said with a small smile. “But there’s something about you that resonates with me. I want to hear what you bring to the table. Take some time to read over the scenes. I will read the other parts. When you’re ready, let me know.”

He nodded and walked away to read. I took the opportunity to grab my phone and check out the Youtube videos. He actually put the link on his resume!!! This dude had a lot to learn if he was going to work in this business. There were a few short films there, mostly horribly unfunny buddy comedies full of inside jokes. The acting was unilaterally atrocious… except his. He was never given a large role, only middling parts here and there, but I could tell there was potential. The lines he had were delivered naturally and earnestly, a stark contrast to the amateurish performances from everyone else. I smiled.

Farther down the page were some personal videos. Not short films, just the regular Youtube stuff. I felt a little creepy clicking on them, but if he was going to put his personal Youtube on his resume, it’s fair game, right? A few first-person POV paintball matches. So he knows how to use a gun. Great! High school football and wrestling highlight reels. So he can handle the physical requirements. Even better! Either Chris was getting REALLY good at pranking me or Jared just might be exactly who I was looking for.

After a few minutes I set up the camera to record the audition and we started reading. There were three scenes. The first was a scene between Jake and his girlfriend where she told him that she was going to take the baby and leave forever if he didn’t give up his life of crime. He nailed it! There was real emotion, and a quiet intensity that floored me. Extremely powerful. The next scene was one of the gang’s robbery scenes. I wanted to test his “tough guy” vibe and again he delivered above my expectations. The third was a tender monologue to his baby daughter. It was pretty sappy on the page (not my best work and scheduled for a rewrite), but even so, he knocked it out of the park. That was it! I found my Jake!

I took the papers and complimented his work. He smiled - obviously embarrassed, but grateful. “I just have one more thing I want to do,” I said. “Movies like this are often largely improv, but I’m sure you know that. You have a script and written lines, but often an actor’s insight to the character can lead to better scenes than what is written. So we’re going to improv a little.”

“OK, sounds good,” Jared said, his initial nervousness gone.

I stood up and motioned for him to move towards the door. I took the chair he had been sitting in and moved it to the middle of the room.

“This is a take on a scene that happens late in the film,” I explained. “Jake’s assault on the gang hideout has failed and he has been taken captive. He is being brought before Rico, the gang leader. You have just finished an intricate fight scene and have been pretty soundly beaten. Two thugs have just picked you up off the floor and are dragging you in. I want to see defiance and strength, but also a little regret and a twinge of fear. I will follow your leads and play along with whatever you do, and you do the same.”

Jared nodded. He turned and walked around in a circle a few times, getting into character. Then he took off his hat, messed up his hair a little, and staggered forward.

He groaned and stumbled towards me. “Get your hands of me m-f’ers!” he grunted and slammed himself down onto the seat of the chair, struggling in the grip of the invisible goons on either side of him. He flexed the muscles in his upper arms to represent being held down by strong unseen hands. I slowly paced in front of him, reciting a few of Rico’s villain lines so he could play off me. Not bad! But then he did something that cinched it for me: cursing and struggling against the imaginary henchmen, he roughly wrenched his hands behind the back of the chair.

An evil sneer that would make the Grinch jealous came to my lips and and I casually walked over and grabbed my bag, monologuing all the way. I walked behind him, spouting more villainous dialogue and slowly pulled out several lengths of rope.

Jared was just holding his hands together on his own and noticeably reacted when I flicked the rope to unfurl it and positioned his hands with his wrists crossed. But then I could see him come the realization that he said we would both play along with whatever the other did, so he relaxed and got back into character.

My heart was pounding. I thought he was going to get out of the chair and call a stop when the rope came out, but he didn’t. As we continued playing the scene, I folded the rope carefully in half and placed the bight against his crossed wrists. His fists were tightly clenched, making the veins in his forearms bulge out. I resisted swooning and pulled the ends through until it became a tight loop, securing his wrists together. I skillfully pulled the ends apart and wrapped them around his wrists in both directions, vertically and horizontally, occasionally threading them through each other for a more secure knot. Then I tied the knot off and clapped him on the shoulder.

He struggled and writhed in the chair, bucking and kicking a few times. He could have easily stood up if he wanted, but he stayed in character. Man, he was good! He said a couple of “what are you going to do with me?” and “you’ll never get away with this” type things (expected of a hero in this predicament) as I picked up a super long rope and looped it over his shoulders, across his chest.

I took my time binding him to the chair. I made sure it was pulled extra tight across his pecs and biceps. He peppered his dialogue with little “ughs” and “rmmmms” as the ropes tightened around his upper body that were only half acting. Hey, if you’re going to do something, do it right! When I tied the finishing knot, he grunted and cursed at me with impotent rage. But I wasn’t done yet. I had spied a little bit of red cloth in his back pocket when he first came in. I reached down and (with some difficulty) slipped the folded bandana out of Jared’s pocket.

“I’m sick of your f-ing mouth, traitor,” I said, and when he opened his lips to retort I quickly stuffed the bandana in. Before he could spit it out, I grabbed another one from my bag (it was actually the one Chris used on me the day before… covertly stolen from the laundry) and secured the stuffing gag in place. He howled and grunted, thrashing in the chair. When I walked back around in front of him, the stared into my eyes with steel in his gaze. Two more short lengths of rope secured his shins to the front legs of the chair and Jared was completely immobilized and at “Rico’s” mercy.

I let him test the ropes a little before speaking. “You ain’t going nowhere, traitor. I got your ass now! I’m gonna go take care of your boys out there and when I’m done I’m coming back in here to finish you, too,” I said sneering. “I want you to hear them go so you can know how bad you failed before you die.” I walked away and sat down behind the table.

Jared thrashed and writhed, desperately trying to escape from the ropes. He grunted and screamed through his gag, and even tried hopping over towards the door.

I called out to him from behind the table. “I want you to think about how terrified you are. This is it. He’s going to kill you. You’re almost out of time. Show me!”

Jared started breathing rapidly and straining with all his might. The veins in his neck bulged and his face flushed as he tensed his entire body. His eyes grew wide with fright and he wriggled against the ropes rapidly.”

I called out again. “Rico said that after he’s done with you he’s going after your girl and daughter. It’s all over. You’ve lost. You failed them. I want to see grief and despair. Go!”

Jared slumped in the chair, mumbling and howling. He started sobbing and soon real tears fell from his eyes. He leaned back and howled into the gag before finally giving in. His head dropped against his chest and he sat there sobbing, his chest heaving up and down.

“Scene!” I called, rising from the chair and running over to him. Jared looked up at me with his watery eyes and I saw the character slowly break as I removed the gag.

“How did I do?” he asked. He smiled and nervously bounced his shoulders a little.

“Perfect!” I said, forgetting myself and giving him a big hug. “The part is yours!”

Jared smiled from ear to ear. “Thank you! This means so much to me. I’d hug you back right now but…” he looked down at the ropes surrounding his chest and squirmed a little.

“Oh! Yeah! I forgot,” I said (it was only half a lie) and I bent down to untie him. It took an awkwardly long time. “You couldn’t get out of it on your own?” I teased as I undid the knots.

“Hell no! You’re really good at it,” Jared admitted, again trying to slip his hands free with no success. “Where did you learn how to do it?”

“I was a scout as a kid,” I lied. “You learn all kinds of knots there. Hahaha. And I like realism in my movies so I kinda go all out. Sorry if it was weird.”

“Not at all!” Jared chuckled as I undid the last of the ropes and stuffed the gear in my bag. “It was kinda fun and it really helped me stay focused on the character and what he was going through.” Thankfully he didn’t ask why I brought all that gear to an audition in the first place.

“You actually get bound a few times in the film. Not all as intense as this scene, though,” I said. “There are two arrest scenes, for example. Are you OK with that?”

“Sure,” Jared said. “Whatever the script calls for.”

“Are you body conscious?” I asked, giving him a quick once-over and already knowing the answer. “When I meet with the costumer I want to know if you’re uncomfortable with showing skin.”

“If you’re talking about shirtless I’m fine with that.” Jared stood up and shook his arms out, restoring circulation. “Any more than that and we’ll have to talk pay. I don’t show off the goods for ‘experience.’”

“Good man,” I said, chuckling. “Just maybe shirtless, but nothing more than that. Still haven’t decided. The role also calls for smoking. Are you OK with that as well?”

“Every day since I was 15” he chuckled.

“Haha, me too,” I answered, shaking his hand. “Well, Jared, I look forward to working with you. I’ll call you tomorrow or Monday with the rehearsal details and all that stuff.”

“Awesome!,” he said, smiling from ear to ear. “Call me if you need anything before then.” He waved and headed out the door. When he was gone and I saw him disappear down the sidewalk out the window, already talking on his phone, I walked over and turned off the camera. I did it! I had my Jake! This project was finally coming together.

I packed up all my gear and went back to the room, making sure to check my laundry wasn’t glued to the ceiling when I got in. Chris was on his computer. “Thought you’d be back by now. What happened?” he asked without turning.

“I had one more actor show up to audition. It went really well. He’s my Jake.”

Chris turned around. “No kidding? That’s cool, man!” He got up and fist-bumped me.

“Here,” I said, taking out the camera and plugging it into my laptop. “Let me show you.” I brought up the recording of the auditions. It took a while to fast-forward through all the people from this morning. Chris wrinkled his brow when I got to the part with him and his friends.

“You recorded all that?” he asked.

“Yeah, it’s common practice with directors,” I said. “If you’re stuck between two people for a role, for example, you can rewatch their auditions to help decide without calling them back in.”

“Ah, I get it,” Chris said. I got to Jared’s audition and played it for Chris. “Whoa!” he said. “This dude’s GREAT!”

“Isn’t he?” I smiled. “I thought he was a prank at first but he really delivered.” The video had gotten to the point where I was tying Jared up and Chris raised an eyebrow, a small smirk on his face. Sheepishly I switched off the camera and clumsily changed the subject. “I need to make some calls for the small parts. Are you free Tuesday night for a readthrough?”

“Yup,” Chris said. He seemed like his mind was elsewhere, though. I paid it no mind and sat down at my desk to finish my casting. Chris picked up his phone and headed for the door. “I’m out for a while,” he said. “Maybe back tonight, maybe not.” Nothing unusual for him. I just said “OK” over my shoulder and waved without looking.

As Chris stood in the hall, he dialed Jahlil’s number on his phone. “Yo, J!” he said. “Are you and the boys free tonight?” He looked back over his shoulder at the closed door to his room. “I got an idea and I’m gonna need your help with something.”

Coming Soon: part 4 – The Celebration
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Post by cj2125 »

This was cool! I liked how you described the way Jared was tied and the performance he put up, I'm really looking forwards to what else you have planned for this story and who else is going to get roped in! (I'm gonna be greddy and say everyone should get tied up at least once XD)
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Post by wataru14 »

Part 4 – The Celebration

I leaned back in my chair and let out a sigh of relief. Casting was done! I had watched all the video auditions submitted and made my calls, and I finally had a complete cast. With a couple of extras that I could promote if one of my main actors got flaky on me. I had just fired out an email to my costumer setting up a meeting tomorrow afternoon and was going to make some calls to secure shooting locations in the morning. But right now I needed a break.

I checked my phone. 8 pm. I had been at this since 10:00 this morning. There was also a text from Chris saying he would be out for the night. I texted him back, saying “K” and added a lewd but encouraging comment about his probable romantic exploit. I grabbed my cigarettes and headed out the back door to my usual spot near the parking lot.

The building was deserted. Just the lone desk assistant unlucky enough to draw Saturday night duty and a few Freshmen watching TV in the common room. Everyone else was out having fun for the night. Wow, I missed doing that: having fun. The parking lot was mostly empty, too. A few cars that were always there, but there was one I didn’t recognize. It was one of those giant off-road deals that you’d expect to see barreling through the mud in an extreme sports video. The kind where people make jokes that the owner was “overcompensating.” It was parked fairly close to my usual bench, but no one was in it so I paid it no further mind.

I sat and lit up, then buried my face in my phone. Working on schedules, checking how much the needed props would cost on Amazon or Ebay… god, did I ever stop working? I was going to have a heart attack before I was 22 this way. When I finished my cigarette I stayed outside for a while. The night air was refreshing. My mind wandered to Jared. I wonder what he was doing right now? Probably at some fun party or on a date with one of the million girls who were undoubtedly pursuing him. Then my thoughts turned to Chris. I was so lost in thought I didn’t hear the footsteps in the grass coming towards me.

By the time I saw the moving shadows cast by the parking lot lights, it was too late. A gloved hand clamped over my mouth from behind. I instinctively jumped, but was immediately grabbed by two pairs of impossibly strong hands, one set on each arm. What the hell was happening? I looked down at the glove over my mouth. It wasn’t leather or even remotely form-fitting. It was large and unwieldy and reminded me of the type that you’d wear when handling a lacrosse or hockey stick.

I was lifted from the bench like I weighed nothing at all and dumped face-first onto the grass, still being firmly held. I couldn’t tell exactly how many attackers there were, but there were definitely more than the three that were holding me. There was a jumble of hoarsely whispered commands and arguing between them but I was so wired from the adrenaline I couldn’t focus enough to make out what they were saying. Sheesh, these guys were making a lot of noise! I was pretty much of the understanding that I was being kidnapped, but apparently it was by a bunch of amateurs. Or complete idiots. Or (more dangerously) both.

I felt one strong pair of hands pull my feet together and heard the unmistakable sound of duct tape being unrolled. My knees were bent back so my calves stuck straight up in the air and the tape was wrapped around my ankles about 15 times. I was hardly a big tough guy, so it seemed a little excessive to me. When that was done, the two attackers holding my arms pinned them behind my back and held them there while another set of unseen hands started pulling more tape. Jeeze, how many guys were out here? There had to be at least five by my count. Seems like a strangely large number for someone like me.

I feebly tried to struggle free but there was no point in doing that. Between the gorilla that held my mouth shut using his body to hold me down and the steel vice clamps pinning my arms, any attempt to fight them was just a waste of energy. These guys each felt like they could lift a truck. When the tape started going around my wrists, however, I started struggling again. By the feel of it I could tell this wasn’t ordinary duct tape from the supermarket. This was industrial-strength tape. The kind that construction or plumbing projects used. You needed a jackhammer to get it off! I started squirming and flailing but was powerless to do anything to stop them. I could feel the sticky adhesive cling to and pull on the hair on my wrists and howled into the glove over my mouth.

When my hands were fully secured (again, wrapped about 12 times… overkill much?) I saw a strip of tape being held in front of me by a giant man dressed all in black wearing a rubber clown mask. He would have looked ridiculous if he wasn’t just so damn imposing. As he brought it closer, another massive black-clad figure in a ski mask punched him in the arm. They started arguing but all I could make out were the words “beard” and “dumbass.” Thank god one of them had the foresight to realize that that tape would have torn my beard completely off when removed. There was some more arguing, and eventually I saw two other figures in my peripheral vision take off their hiking boots and socks. The socks were grabbed by one of the guys in front of me while the others put their shoes back on.

Two of the socks were calf socks and were knotted together into one long strip. The other two were ankle socks that got smooshed into a tight ball. My eyes widened as I figured out what was going to happen next. The hand over my mouth was removed and the balled-up ankle socks were shoved in before I could make a sound. The knotted socks were tied super tight around my head to keep the gag in place. I was lifted to a standing position and I felt more tape being wrapped around my knees and then my chest 10 or 15 times. These guys had used nearly half the roll of tape on me! I was now completely immobilized to a degree that seemed extremely over the top. Even if is was unbound I would have lasted about half a nanosecond fighting them, and with so many of them they could have blocked me from running away no matter what direction I chose. So why this degree of restraint? I was terrified, but morbidly fascinated at the same time.

One of the men lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry with no effort whatsoever. Just then a couple headed out for a date came out the back door of the dorm and stopped dead in their tracks, mouths hanging open. There was an “oh crap” moment, and I started grunting and squirming like mad. The girl reached for her phone, but then I heard a vaguely familiar voice shout “Delta House!” The rest of my attackers all started chanting “Delta House!” over and over. I saw the guy on the porch roll his eyes and heard the girl say “stupid frat pranks” as she pulled her empty hand back out of her purse. They walked past us to their car. I wriggled and grunted to try and get their attention, but a stopped when I giant hand slapped hard across my butt. I yelped and settled down sheepishly. The couple avoided eye contact and drove off.

A knit ski cap was slipped over my head and pulled over my eyes down to my chin, plunging me in darkness. I was effortlessly carried to the monster truck nearby and dumped in the backseat. Someone moved me into a sitting position and slid me over to the middle of the seat. Then I felt one titanic frame slide in on either side of me, pressing me between the two of them. I could feel their rapid hearbeats just from the proximity. I hear two more jump into the front seats and another climb into the truck bed. With that the obnoxiously loud engine ignited and we rolled off into the night.

I stayed silent and motionless during the drive, afraid I would be accidentally crushed by the Great Wall of beef on either side of me if I moved even a hair. The truck smelled like a locker room and there was excited celebratory chatter from all around. Definitely amateurs. The radio was turned on and an embarrassingly awful country rap song played through the truck's speakers.

“Damn, dude, why you listen to this s**t?” I head a vaguely familiar voice say, but it was different from the “Delta House” voice. The only response was the radio being turned up, the driver poorly rapping along, and three disgusted groans (four if you count mine).

After about 20 minutes the radio was silenced and the engine turned off. I was lifted off the seat, scooped up into a bridal carry, and carted up a small set of stairs and through a door. I was gently put down and seated on what I could tell was an ancient second-hand couch. The room smelled like sweat, stale beer, and cheap weed. The ski cap was pulled off my head and (to my non-surprise) I found myself staring up at Chris and his four friends.

Chris had a dumb goofy grin on his face. Tank had already opened a beer and was sitting in an armchair with an Xbox controller in his hand. Jahlil, Mike, and Drew surrounded Chris and were laughing and patting me on the shoulders.

Chris said, “I told the guys how hard you’ve been working and that you needed a break. I know you’d never willingly tear yourself away from that computer of yours so we decided to ‘kidnap’ you to get you out of the room for 10 minutes.”

I rolled my eyes but was genuinely touched by the gesture. The socks were removed from my mouth and a beer was immediately brought to my lips. Thank god! I needed something to wash the rank taste of (what I’m guessing were) Drew’s foul gym socks away. “Thanks guys, it means a lot,” I said, earnestly, and getting big goofy smiles in response. “Now can you f***ing untie me, please?”

There was general laughter and hands flew all over me in an attempt to remove the tape. But they quickly stopped.

“Um, there’s a problem,” Chris said.

“What problem?” I asked.

“It won’t come off!” Chris slapped Drew in the chest. “What kind of tape did you grab?”

Drew stammered, “You didn’t say so I just grabbed the tape from the table in the garage. I didn’t know it was the super stuff! You gave us like 5 minutes to get ready. I’m sorry if I’m not the world’s best professional kidnapper!”

Jahlil said, “Why doesn’t one of you Mensa members go in the kitchen and grab the big scissors?” He plopped down in the other armchair and grabbed the other Xbox controller. “Buncha dumbasses in this house.”

Tank just said, “Yup.”

Mike ran off and came back with a pair of giant scissors that were used to cut and remove the tape around my ankles, knees, and chest. Each section came off in one solid chunk with a squelching sound as it pulled away from the fabric of my jeans and shirt (thankfully I was wearing long sleeves). Mike and Chris playfully whipped at each other with them a few times before tossing them aside. But when Drew tried to remove the tape from my wrists, I screamed and stopped him.

“AAAAAARRRRGHHH! F****KKKK!” I bellowed. “The hair on my arms is all stuck in the tape. It’s going to hurt like a m-f’er to get it off. Just leave it. We’ll get it off in the morning.”

“You sure?” Chris asked. “That means you’ll be tied up like that all night.”

“Yes!” I shouted, wincing. “whatever, man! Just leave it alone!”

“Whatever you want, bro,” Mike said, chuckling and tossing the scissors on the side table. He called me “bro!!!” My heart fluttered as I realized this group had fully accepted me as one of them. As someone who’s always been on the outside of most social circles, it was an amazing feeling to have people who would go to such lengths for you, especially after only knowing you for 6 hours. Mike grabbed me in a playful headlock. “But if you need to go to the head, you’re on your own.” He held on for a few seconds, then released me, laughing.

I leaned back on the couch. I had to adjust my position to avoid sitting on my taped hands, but the minor inconvenience didn’t bother me. I never wanted this to end. I scooted a little bit forward so my hands wouldn’t be pinned behind me against the couch and I had some room to spread out.

Chris and Drew plopped down on either side of me while Mike started to get the bong loaded. “Could someone beer me, please?” I asked, indicating my taped hands with a head gesture. This was going to be a fun night after all.

Coming Soon: Part 5 – The First Day of Shooting
Last edited by wataru14 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DomTiesMen »

Jared definitely will make an excellent addendum for the movie of the Protagonist and also for the story itself! I could picture out in my mind as I read the story and it was simply a fantastic scene! Jake indeed is very handsome and deal with the scene very well and professionally! Loved the way that he was bound and gagged and had to act according to what the Protagonist was doing! I simply love defiant guys when they are bound and when Jared looked so defiantly towards "Rico" I was very excited and entertained to the story! I also loved how he reacted with the sad emotions at the end of his acting! Was simply briliant! Definitely looking foward to see how Jake will interact with the other big boys that the Protagonist reunited for his movie and how the story will follow from now on!

I guess that at this point Chris already discovered that Protagonist have a thing for guys in bondage (that explain the smirk!), I am enjoying more and more the bre friendship they have! I wonder what he will do on the next chapter!

I am looking foward the next episode, man! Keep with the amazing work!


Hahaha, when I finished to read and comment the chapter three, the chapter four was on! Nice surprise!

It was a simple chapter but also very touching one! I kind predicted the kidnapping by the tittle and the actions that Chris made on the last chapter, so it not got me all by surprise! Yet, was fun to see how the bro guys worked together to kidnap someone! You have to laugh about them arguing about the duct tape problems, it seems that Drew got a too much strong duct tape for the ocasion, haha!! I confess I got a little dissapointed because the Protagonist was not gagged with duct tape, because I love duct tpae with beards, haha! But just a personal preference, nothing much! I am just surprised because Tank was also part of this prank, he seems not to be the type to do something like that, but as this kidnapping was for a "good reason", I guess he would indeed help.

I find it touching that Chris did all of this to give the Protagonist a little bit of deserved rest, after all, he worked a lot for it! This just shows how Chris do cares about him and they are really good friends! I like this kind on interaction!

Cannot wait for the next chapter! It seems that all the big boys will be reunited for the first shooting of the movie! Will be really fun to see them interact between themselfs! I am looking forward it!
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Post by wataru14 »

Part 5 - The First Day of Shooting

I woke up with my feet on the couch and my head on the floor. Sunlight streamed through the window and hurt my eyes but I was unable to rub them as my hands were still securely taped behind my back from the prank kidnapping the night before. I was sore all over. Chris was passed out in one of the armchairs, shirtless, with crude words and drawings scrawled on his face and chest with a Sharpie. I guess he fell asleep first.

Fighting a killer hangover I managed to slip my legs off the couch and somehow stand up (not an easy feat when you have no use of your hands a kink in your neck the size of New Jersey). My awareness started to sharpen from last night’s haze and I blinked a few times. Then two strong and conflicting smells hit my nostrils.

I wandered into the kitchen and saw Mike, dressed only in a towel wrapped around his waist, frying up some sausages. Jahlil was sitting at the kitchen table pouring some kind of acrid chemical into a plastic tub full of water.

“Mornin’, bro!” Mike said cheerily. “Starting breakfast and J has an idea to get that tape off you.”

“Acetone,” Jahlil said. “Like nailpolish remover. Smells like ass but it should get the job done. Just have to dilute it.”

I walked over to Jahlil and he turned me around and dipped my hands into the water. “Hold that position for a while and see if the glue dissolves. If it don’t work, then I’m sorry to say we’re going to have to tear that s**t off you after all.”

I shrugged. “Let’s hope it works, then!” Thankfully, it did. After about 15 minutes I felt the glue loosen enough that I could wriggle out of the tape with minimal pain. My shoulders ached from being held in that position all night, but that would pass.

Tank came in from outside while we were eating. Apparently he ran 5 miles every morning before breakfast. Without saying a word he walked in, grabbed a few sausages, and went upstairs to shower. Chris and Drew woke up about an hour later and I headed out soon after as I had important things to do (and before Chris could see himself in a mirror). I spent the next two days in meetings with my production staff and on the phone with various people to secure permission to shoot on location around the city. It was exhausting. I was very glad I had at least gotten some time to let loose last night before diving headfirst back into work.

When Tuesday night rolled around, I ordered a few pizzas and the cast and crew gathered in the rehearsal hall for the initial meeting and script readthrough. Everyone did some introductions. I talked about my process and expectations and all that, as did my designers and crew. Well, Tank didn’t. He just kinda waved and said “Sup?” when I introduced him, but that practically a soliloquy for him. I ran the actors through some team building and improv games. The usual. The actual reading, however, went very well! People seemed to really like the story and were excited to see what action sequences Tank and I would cook up. There was an energizing buzz throughout the reading.

At the end I thanked everyone and gave them the link to on online drive where the script would be (and told them to keep an eye out for occasional rewrites), as well as the rehearsal schedule. Most of the actors had the next day off. I had managed to secure permission to shoot in an electronics store after hours, so we were going to film the opening robbery scene involving Jared and the gang. Shelly, my costumer, scheduled times for all of them to meet with her during the day for design talks and fittings and we all would gather at the store at 7 pm to set up. We had the place all night to shoot the scenes.

Mr. Ferretti, the owner of the store, was a little apprehensive at first when I told him what the scene would entail. I assured him that nothing would be broken or actually stolen, but he was still leary. I had to offer him a cameo role as the shop owner to seal the deal, but that was no big thing. I just recast the guy I had down for that in another scene. All good. We spent the day going over sightlines and movement paths and technical details in between customers. He seemed really excited about the whole thing, and was even OK with being roughed up during the scene. He was a big dude, so I guess he wasn’t too concerned.
Mr. Ferretti.jpg
When the store closed at 6 my camera crew started to set up the equipment. Shelly arrived at 6:30 and she showed me her costume choices. We had decided on leather biker jackets as the gang’s signature look and everything looked great. When the actors arrived in costume at 7, we had a small meeting.

“You can go a little off-script if you feel the need,” I told them. Try not to go too far off, but I want you to feel free to experiment within the limits of your characters. Just no damaging anything and no hurting anyone. There are two people in the store: the owner and one extra playing a customer. They know what to do and will roll with your choices. Do you all have a good grasp of who your characters are?”

Everyone nodded affirmatives, but I decided to go over it again with them.

“Jared, you’re good with Jake. We’ve already discussed him at length.” I went down the line with the others.
“Rico is the leader. Tough, but smart. Never loses his cool but with an underlying aura of menace.”
“Bubba is the muscle. Dumb as a brick but tough as one, too. Kicks ass and gets the job done.”
“Sanders is the old pro. Rico and Jared’s mentor who started them on the path of crime. They bring him in for his experience and skill.”
“Johnny is the pretty boy party dude. In it for the thrills and doesn’t take things too seriously.”
“Kid is the gang’s prospect. He idolizes Rico and is eager to please. This is his initiation into the gang.”

Everyone nodded in understanding. “Your props are in a milk crate in the trunk of my car. It has your guns and ski masks and gloves and stuff. There are also two black duffel bags. Get familiar with your gear and I’ll call you when we’re ready.” They all went to the trunk and started rummaging while I went back inside.

I had Mr. Ferretti get behind the counter and the extra playing the customer stand by the shelves looking at the merchandise. When everything was to my satisfaction, I summoned the actors to the door and we got started.


Mr. Ferretti was very uncomfortable and had been for quite some time. We had done all the initial takeover, intimidation, and emptying the safe scenes already and the last bit required him to be bound and gagged. For the last hour, he had been sitting in an office chair with his hands roped to the arms, his ankles roped to the legs, and rope wrapped around his barrel-like chest. The pocket square from his suit jacket was stuffed in his mouth and held in place by his silk tie, wrapped around his head twice.

The scene before involved an argument between Rico and Jake debating what to do with Mr. Ferretti:

- “Let’s do him!” Rico said, clicking his gun.
- “No wait, man,” Jake pleaded. “We don’t gotta kill nobody. We’ll just tie him up. He won’t get in the way. You don’t have to do this.”

I had filmed the binding from various angles and had Jared use my expected level of thoroughness and detail while roping up the shop owner. Mr. Ferretti asked if it had to be so tight, but I assured him that it was necessary. For “gritty realism.” He grudgingly agreed and submitted to the roping and gagging. I spent some time adjusting the ropes across his chest for maximum visual effect. I didn’t want it to be TOO clean (Jake is a criminal, not a shibari master), but I didn’t want it to look like a confused mess, either. Binding a big man like Mr. Ferretti effectively would take some doing and I wanted it to look like it could realistically hold someone of his size if he tried to escape.

There were several short scenes between the gang members required after that, and Mr. Ferretti needed to be visible in the background, so I was unable to release him between takes. He was a little miffed by that, but I assured him it was all part of the process and necessary. We did remove his gag and a PA gave him water when he needed it, but it went right back in when shooting resumed. I had to personally make sure it was done exactly the same way each time it was reapplied. I HATED discontinuity like that. I had been kicked out of several movie-watching parties for pointing out editing errors like that and there was no way someone was going to be able to do that in MY films!

When we had shot the last scene and I was satisfied with the takes, I yelled “CUT! And WRAP!” The crew clapped and the actors chattered happily. I walked over to Mr. Ferretti, still tied to the office chair.

“Nice job Mr. Ferretti!” The shop owner smiled proudly through his gag. “You were a real trooper about this,” I said as I removed the gag and gave him some water to soothe his dry mouth.

“It’s fine,” he said, “It was actually kind of fun. And it made me think about what I would do if we ever got robbed for real.”

I bent down and started to undo the ropes binding his wide chest. “Well that’s good. Are you sore? Was it too tight?”

“No, it was fine,” Mr. Ferretti said as I freed his right arm from the chair. “I’m a big boy. I can take it!” We both laughed as I freed his left hand. He leaned over and undid his ankles while I gathered up all the ropes.

“I need you for one more scene, which we’re filming on Sunday,” Said, taking the leg ropes from him and putting them back in the prop bag. “It’s the one where Officer Brophy comes to interview you about the robbery.” Ferretti nodded. “Just make sure you’re wearing that same suit because it takes place the following morning when the staff finds you. Continuity is important.”

He nodded. “Sure. No problem.”

“After that scene your role is over,” I explained. “I’ll pay to have the suit dry cleaned, so don’t worry about that.”

Ferretti laughed as we walked to the front of the store. The crew had packed all the gear down and moved it to the parking lot for the “getaway” scenes, to be filmed in a van I had rented.

“We’re just going to film some additional scenes outside, then call it a night. Thanks for everything!” I shook Mr. Ferretti’s hand. “After Sunday I’ll let you know about the viewing party… of course you’re invited… and we’ll put a special thanks in the credits for your store. Some free advertising.” Mr. Ferretti liked that last part a lot.

“Well, good luck with the movie,” he said, switching off the lights and setting the alarm. “Can’t wait to see the finished product.” I thanked him and he got into his car, honking twice as he drove away. I joined Jared, Sanders, and Bubba for a quick smoke and then we spent the next two hours filming quick scenes in the van between the various gang members during the getaway.

At around midnight we were done, so we packed up the gear and everyone went home. I group texted Chris, Tank, and Jared. The next day we were shooting a Jake/Officer Brophy chase scene in the park. It was the scene where Jake is arrested and decides to turn on the gang. The first real “action” sequence. I couldn’t wait!

Coming soon: part 6 – An Unexpected Snag
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Post by DomTiesMen »

Another amazing chapter!

Everytime I ready the Chris's scenes I do enjoy him more! Be because he does something funny or because he does somenthing sweet for the protagonist! I laugh a lot to know he was sleeping shirtless and with his face dirty with the Sharpie! It's little details like this one that makes you get more and more into an character! I can say definitely that Chris is my favorite and I hope to see him bound and gagged soon again!

The first day of shooting is very interresting too. I could imagine how much bureaucracy have to do to make an movie, even if it's an amateur one like in the story, I like this realism on a story too.

The owner of the story indeed seems really handsome too! He is burly and a little more older too! Was nice to see him bound and gagged on the story although his tying was not the center of the chapter like was the other tyings, not that I am complaining. Overall it was an really good chapter and I am looking up for the new ones!
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Post by wataru14 »

Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it! I'm not usually a writer and it's nice to know people are appreciative. It helps inspire me to write more!
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Part 6 - An Unexpected Snag

Today’s shoot only involved Chris, Jared, and Tank. We were going to start with a small chase and shootout involving Jake and Officer Brophy. It was going to be the key scene where Jake is arrested before he decides to turn on the gang. We were filming in a local downtown park and the surrounding alleys.

Chris and I drove to the park together and met up with Tank and Jared. Chris would be plainclothes in this scene and Jared was in Jake’s signature jeans, t-shirt, and motorcycle jacket. I checked angles and lighting while Tank pointed out to the actors where the chase, falls, shooting, and fights would take place. After that, I had a cigarette with Jared and we spent some time talking about character stuff. Now I’m a pretty observant guy and it was obvious to me that Chris and Jared weren’t getting on too well. This was fine as their characters were enemies until near the end, but I noticed that Chris seemed to get quiet and moody whenever Jared and I were alone together. And I think Jared noticed, too. He’d stand a little too close, or he’d laugh a little too hard at something I said. And Chris would get a sour look on his face. I’d have to talk about that with him sometime, but there wasn’t time right now.

The first shot would be Brophy chasing Jared. He would tackle him from behind and the two would duke it out for a bit before Jake escaped and ran in a different direction, Officer Brophy in hot pursuit. When Tank was satisfied both actors had the action plan down, I got into position with the camera.

“Lights! Camera! Action!”


The bench in the police station was hard and super uncomfortable. There were carvings of various profanities and dates and things all over it and it was slightly… sticky. I decided not to think about why that was. Looking at the bench and the featureless gray concrete wall across from me was really all I had been doing for quite a while now. The reason I had been doing this is because I, along with my stunt choreographer and both actors, had been handcuffed to it for the past two hours.

I sat with Tank on my right and Chris on my left. Jared was on Tank’s other side. All four of us had our hands cuffed behind our backs uncomfortably tightly and the chain of the handcuffs was secured to a metal bar along the wall behind us so we couldn’t get up off the bench. We were so close together that our restrained arms pressed against each other. My mind drifted back to three hours ago.

We had been shooting for a while and I got some really nice footage. The long takes were steady, the actors stayed in frame and kept character… I was very pleased. Chris got a little overzealous during some of the combat scenes and Jared had a busted lip, but it looked good so we kept it in. Just one more shot of Chris and Jared and we were ready to wrap for the day. I called “action” and the two squared off. That’s when all hell broke loose.

Four cops appeared out of nowhere, shouting all at once. Jared and Chris froze in mid-run and shot their hands into the air. Two cops were on them immediately, wrestling them to the ground and securing their hands behind their backs with steel handcuffs. Another approached me, aiming a taser at my chest, while another one slowly and cautiously advanced on Tank. Everything was a mass of shouting and orders and chaos and I just blanked. I felt like I was floating miles away as the camera was ripped from my hands (still filming) and I was tackled to the ground. All I heard was a ringing in my ears and tinny, distant voices as my hands were roughly wrenched behind my back and cuffed in an awkward, uncomfortable position and my pockets were searched. After I had been subdued, the cop got up off me and radioed in, leaving me face-first on the ground. I could see Jared and Chris about 20’ ahead of me, also face-down in the grass and handcuffed.

I think someone was trying to ask me questions, but I was so shocked I couldn’t hear clearly, let alone answer. In a half-fog I felt myself being lifted off the grass and half-walked/half-dragged over to the back seat of a police cruiser. Tank calmly slid in next to me and we were buckled in. Some cop cars apparently have grooves in the back seats so a suspect’s cuffed hands can fit inside and won’t get pinned under them while they are in custody. Good design idea. Funny how you never think of things like that before you see it in person.

As we drove I heard the cop talking on his radio. “Reports of armed men fighting in downtown park. Four suspects in custody and in transit to station.” I snapped back real fast after hearing that! They thought the guns were real!!!!!

“Oh, f**k! Oh, F**K!!!” I whispered, squirming in the cuffs. Not like I thought it would do anything. These were the real deal – not the toy ones Chris had locked me up in a few days ago. And the officer obviously wasn’t interested in comfort when he hooked me up. The metal bracelets were a little too tight and my arms couldn’t hang in a natural position. I looked pleadingly at Tank, who didn’t seem fazed at all.

“First time?” he said.

“What?” I said, blinking.

“First time in the back of a cop car?” he responded. “Looks like it. Don’t worry. It ain’t no big. You get used to it.”

All I could do was stammer.

“Look, the guns are fake, right?” he said. I nodded. “And you have a permit to film today, right?” I nodded again. “Then we’ll be out in a few hours. No worries.”

We rode in silence to the police station. For the next half hour I was fingerprinted, watched my personal belongings and camera get bagged up and put in storage, and had my mugshot taken. Then I was unceremoniously recuffed, plopped down, and tethered to the bench where I now sat. With the drunks and prostitutes and… ohmygodohmygodohmygod!!!!

I was freaking out, but Chris just had a smirk on his face and Jared seemed as nonplussed as Tank. Probably wasn’t his first time at this rodeo, either. A burly middle-aged cop who looked bored out of his mind walked up to me with a clipboard in his hand, looked me over, and bent me forward. He undid the chain securing my cuffs to the bench a lifted me to my feet. “This way,” he said, guiding me towards an interrogation room. Interrogation room????

He didn't undo my cuffs, just sat me in the chair and walked around the room as he spoke. “Now do you want to tell me what the hell was going on out there?”

I started babbling 100 miles an hour. “I’macollegefilmstudentandwewerejustshootingachasesceneintheparkthegunswerefakeandIhaveapermitfromthecitytoshootit’sinmycarIdidn’tmeantoscareanyoneandpleasecanIgohomenow?”

“Care to run that by me again in English?”

I repeated my statement intelligibly this time. The cop rolled his eyes. “Where is this permit now?” he asked.

“It’s in my car back at the park. There should be a folder on the driver’s side backseat.”

He slowly nodded, walked over to the door of the room, and called over another officer. I heard him say something about sending someone to check the car, but then third officer walked over and whispered something into his ear.

My interrogator gave a puzzled look but his companion whispered something else to him and he nodded, flashing a wry smile. He closed the door, walked back over to me, and stood menacingly behind me. “We’re going to check out that story of yours but nothing’s going to get settled today. Looks like you and your buddies are going to be our guests for the evening.”

My stomach dropped. Spend the night in jail? Oh, god! I felt his meaty hand clasp my shoulder and pull me up out of the chair. He pointed me towards the door and said, “move it.” I was paraded back into the intake room, still cuffed, and brought to a door labeled “processing.” No sign of the other guys. I guess they were all getting the same news I was.

On the other side of the door there was a short hallway and I was escorted into a room with shelves full of orange clothing. My cuffs were undone (finally!) and I was told to stand on an X mark on the floor. The officer fished around and grabbed some scrubs and plastic shoes. He placed them on a table to my left and leveled his eyes at me. “OK, inmate,” he said. “Get dressed.”

My skin turned beet red. I kicked off my shoes and took off my knit hat, which the officer roughly took and put in a plastic tub. I nervously took off my shirt and jeans, which he also took. He indicated the scrubs and barked “get to 'em,” then he put a lid on the tub and printed a label from a nearby computer, which he slapped on the side. Then he put it on a shelf alongside others.

Standing there in just my boxers was humiliating. I grabbed the orange pants and quickly stepped into them, then the shoes. I then put the top on and awaited further instructions. The material was coarse and threadbare. There were holes worn though in several places.

The officer walked over to a cabinet and took out an intricate set of chains. Huh? What were those for? “Hands on your head!” he ordered, and I quickly complied. He threaded a chain around my waist and cinched it tight behind me. I heard the ominous “click” of the lock. Next he secured my ankles in legcuffs that only had about two feet of chain between them. I would barely be able to walk in these. “Hands in front,” he said.

I pulled my arms down and held my hands out in front of me. He placed the handcuffs back on me, but thankfully not as tight as before. He then attached the cuffs to the chain around my waist and connected the legcuffs to the waist chain with yet another chain. When he was done, I was completely hobbled in transport restraints. You’d think I was Hannibal Lechter the way they had chained me up!

The officer looked at me appraisingly and messed up my hair. “Look at that mop you got, boy. You better hope you’re only here for the night. If you’re my guest for any longer you’re gonna have a date with the clippers. Get that tangled mess into regulation.” He chuckled and roughly grabbed my shoulders, spinning me around to face a door on the far side of the room. “March!” he said.

I did my best to comply but I couldn’t move too quickly with my legs chained like they were. I trudged through the door into a small reception area. A bored officer sat reading a magazine. Also standing there, all shackled, chained, and dressed in orange scrubs like I was, were Chris, Tank, and Jared. “Putting these perps into 108 and 110,” my guard said, and the second guard got up and joined us. I was silent as we were marched past a few cells that had scary individuals locked inside. They came to the bars to gawk and taunt as we walked past. The others didn’t seem bothered, but I just looked downwards in a cold sweat. Finally we came to a small dingy cell. Chris and I were separated from the others and told to go inside. Jared and Tank were escorted to the next cell by the other officer.

My chains were slowly and carefully removed and I was told to face the rear wall of the cell with my hands on my head. Chris joined me a minute or two later. He turned his head to me and made a goofy face - crossing his eyes and sticking his tongue out. I bit my lip to suppress laughter. Good old Chris, he knew just what to do to break the tension. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have him with me right now. I heard the slow rattle of the cell door close and the loud echo of the lock. “You’re on your own,” I heard the officer say as he walked away. “Chow’s in two hours.”

Chris just said, “I call bottoms!” and hopped onto the bottom bunk like a kid in summer camp. When food came I was too nervous to eat, but Chris didn’t have any issue and ate both trays. Eventually “lights out” was called and the fluorescents were shut off. Chris was out instantly. I swear he could sleep through a bridge collapse. Sleep came slowly to me, but eventually I closed my eyes and drifted off.

Coming Soon: Part 7 – This Means War
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Post by DomTiesMen »

I confess that I did not saw that comming, hehe! At first, I laught a lot when I discovered that the protagonist, Tank, Jared and Chris were arrested because they seems suspect while filming the movie, hehe! I just didn't expected that they would actually be treated as inmates and spent the night in the jail. I though this would be chapter where they would actually start recording the movie and we could see the scenes as we read it, so I was very surprised that it took me completely off guard. Though was very nice to see the four most important characters handcuffed together side by side!

Chris once again turns to be the most fun and amazing character of the story! Simply loved how he reacted to be arrested by just going with the flow and maybe enjoying it, hehe? His goofy scene was also very cute! There is no way to not love his personality! I also noticed that there is a small rivalty between Chris and Jared! I guess they are kind fighting for the Protagonist attention (and maybe more?!), this certainly opens for a lot of possibilities! Cannot wait to read the next chapter!
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Post by wataru14 »

Part 7 – This Means War

When morning came, we were awakened by the sound of a nightstick being dragged across the bars. An officer stood outside the cell door with his arms folded across his chest.

“Morning, ladies,” he said. “Looks like that story of yours checked out. So you’re free to go.” My face lit up and I sat up in bed like a rocket, bumping my head on the ceiling. “I suggest next time that you keep important paperwork WITH YOU at all times to avoid misunderstandings in the future. Understood?”

“Yes sir!” I said eagerly, rubbing my head.

The cell door was unlocked and we joined Jared and Tank in the corridor. The four of us were escorted back into the shelved room and given our tubs so we could change back to our normal clothes… or costumes in Chris and Jared’s case. Then we were brought back to intake to sign out. Jared and I went outside immediately to smoke, but Chris hung back and had a quick conversation with an officer whose face I couldn’t quite see.

Jared was on the phone when Chris came outside, calling for a friend to pick him up. Tank just said “see ya!” and started jogging. It was a few miles back to the house but he didn’t seem to care. Chris put his arm around my shoulder with a smile, shooting side-eye at Jared when he did. “The car is still back at the park,” he said. “Let’s go get some breakfast and walk back over there.”

We waited with Jared until his ride showed up, then stopped into a nearby diner and got something to eat. Chris teased me about the experience we had shared, but I didn’t mind at all. It was good bonding experience and a story for the grandkids. But then his mood changed. “Look, dude, I want to talk to you about Jared.”

I chewed my French Toast and raised my eyes. “Go ahead,” I said. “I can tell you two don’t like each other.”

“Yeah, well…” Chris said, trailing off. “Look, just be careful. I think he’s honeypotting you.”

I gave an uncomprehending look.

“Honeypotting: trying to act sweet on you as a way of getting something and then not delivering,” Chris said. “Dude is completely straight, but I see the way he looks at you and how he acts when you’re close. He’s leading you on. Maybe he’s trying to get more screentime. Maybe he just likes the attention. I don’t know. Just watch yourself and don’t fall for him. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

I smiled. “Thanks for your concern,” I said. “I appreciate it. I really do. I don’t think you’re right, but I will keep my guard up.”

Chris smiled. “All right then,” he said. “Besides, if that dude breaks your heart me and the Squad will break his neck.” I had taken to calling the guys “The Brute Squad” (like from the Princess Bride) and they liked it, so they adopted it as their moniker. Then Chris flashed a devious smile. “Oh, and I have a teeny little confession to make.”

This intrigued me. “OK…,” I said.

“Yesterday could have been settled with a quick phone call to City Hall. We should have been out in 20 minutes. But my dad was on duty so I talked to him and arranged our little adventure to last all night,” Chris cackled and sipped his coffee.

“You sonnafa…” I said, punching him in the arm.

“Relax, I knew you’d enjoy yourself,” Chris said. “Oh, and by the way, I had dad email your mugshot to Drew. They should be printing it and plastering it up all over the place by now. And one’s getting framed and hung up in the hall. We’ll put it next to mine. It’s tradition. Mike’s got about 12 of them.”

I laughed and rolled my eyes as we paid for the food. We talked as we got back into my car and drove back to the dorm. “Oh, I almost forgot! I got permission for you to use the police station as a filming location. If you need jail or interrogation room scenes I just hafta clear it with dad and we can shoot there all night. Those scenes would all involve Brophy, since he’s a cop, so they’re cool with it since it’s me.”

I was genuinely touched… and relieved. I was worried about what to do for the jail scenes and was putting off thinking about it. Chris had saved me a lot of time and hassle, so that (almost) wiped away his elaborate prank. Almost.

Today’s filming involving the actress playing Jake’s girlfriend and her side characters, so none of the guys were needed. I dropped Chris off at the dorm, grabbed some new film and batteries for the camera, and headed out. Before I left, however, I called Mike.

“Sup, jailbird?” he answered.

“Nothing, f**face,” I said. “So you know Chris did me a dirty yesterday. It’s all cool now, but I still think he needs to learn a lesson. Here’s what I want you to do…”


(The following is an account of the events that followed, as told to me by Mike)

OK, check it. Me and Drew drove over to you and Chris’ place after lunch. Don’t know why the dude still lives in the dorm senior year when he could live with us (no offense). Must kill the romance possibilities if you have to check her in with the front desk, amirite? So he decided to be a lazy bastard and play Call of Duty while we hung up all your mugshots. I stashed a bunch in hidden places around your building so you might be finding them in weird places for the next few days. I put a couple up on the bulletin board by the library and the Student Union, too. Sorry not sorry.

Anyway. So the three of us are chillin. J had to go to class or something (who does that?) and Tank was off doing yoga or tai chi or whatever new age bull**it he’s into. So after a few beers I said, “Yo, let’s go outside and toss a football around or something. I’m getting tired of pwning you noobs.”

Chris was cool with that but Drew said “nah.” He had “s**t to do.” But he was lying, see. He was doing a heckin’ bamboozle on Chris. Chris switched off the Xbox and grabbed a ball and we all went out back. Drew said “later” and left. But he didn’t actually leave. He went to the secret hiding place that you told us about.

There were a couple of honeys sitting outside on a blanket doing homework or some s**t so I immediately took off my shirt. Gotta let them see the guns, know what I’m sayin? Chris did, too, but with all THIS on display no one cared about him. Poor guy. No one’s gonna be looking at his scrawny ass when they have this beef to look at. Hahaha.

Anyway, so we toss the ball around a few times and I’m showing off and he’s being a loser and trying to show off, too. Dude’s got no game, seriously. Love him like a brother but it’s true. So then I said we should make things interesting and do some runs and tackles. Chris is always up for a little roughhouse so he was all like “OK, cool!” We did a few back-and-forths and then I signaled for Drew. When Chris ran at me, Drew came up behind like a m-f’ing ninja! I didn’t think the big dumb goon could be that quiet. So I went low and he went high. Just like we did at Paddy’s Pub that time. Remember? When that punk said Drew’s sister was… oh wait, we didn’t know you then. Anyway…

I grabbed Chris around the waist and pinned his arms to his sides. Drew grabbed him around the chest and we held him tight. He started kickin’ and shoutin’ and cursin’ but we just scooped him up and carried him off, over to the flagpole on the back lawn. The cuties on the blanket were watching and laughing so I blew ‘em a kiss and flexed a little. Real smooth like. Chris kicked and almost got me off him while I was distracted, but I grabbed his legs and that was that.

We carried him over to the flagpole and shoved him up against it. I held him down while Drew got out the duct tape. “Remember this?” he said. “The super-duper stuff? ‘Cause I remembered it.” We took turns wrapping him up in that, too. But not all the way. Just enough to keep him held. A few times around his chest and waist. Nothing too crazy but he wasn’t gonna bust out of it. No way! Then we backed off and looked him over.

Chris was tugging and flexing, trying to pop the tape, but he wasn’t gonna do it. I give him s**t about not being big as me but he is a fit dude. But even he couldn’t break outta that. I could. Easy. But not him. Hahaha.

“OK guys, very funny,” he said. “I guess I deserve this for what I did yesterday. Did he put you up to this?”

“Uh huh,” I said. “He said to get you good. And we’re gonna. But we ain’t done yet.” I walked over and grabbed the waistband of his basketball shorts and gave a quick tug down. His shorts went down around his ankles, leaving him standing there in a pair of skimpy blue briefs with the Superman symbol on the front. I busted out laughing. “Nice drawers! Are you f***ing five years old, bro? HAHAHAHA!!!”

“Laugh it up, ya dumb gorilla,” Chris said. “You just see what I do to you when I get loose.”

“Yeah, well that ain’t happening soon,” I said, grabbing the duct tape. Drew held Chris’s legs to the pole and I wrapped him up good. Ankles and above and below the knees. He was totally trapped, bro! He tried to wriggle and squirm to get loose but we tied his ass up waaaay too good for that.

I whispered to Drew and he went fishing in the supply bag. I hung a sign on the flagpole over Chris’ head that said “I did a mean thing to my bro. Punish me.”

“C’mon, guys, he LIKED it,” Chris begged.

“I’m sure he did,” I said. “And I’m gonna like this.” I took the tape and wrapped it around his mouth like five thousand times. “You need to shut the f**k up, bro!” Drew had spread a blanket out on the grass in front of Chris and laid out a bunch of stuff. Paint. Eggs. Shaving cream. Clothespins. Feathers. All sorts of stuff. Then I took out the buzzer.

Chris started bucking like a bronco, but Drew held him tight as I went to work on his head. His hair wasn’t that long before, but it’s a s**t-ton shorter now! I gave him a quick and dirty mohawk. “There!” I said. “Now you look badass! Well, kinda badass. Well… less like a dork. Haha!”

Chris squirmed and grunted through the tape and a crowd started gathering. People were laughing and taking pictures. I said, “OK, ladies and gentlemen, he’s yours! Go get him.” And then I sat down next to the two cuties on the blanket.

I put my arm around each of them and flexed. “So how you doin?”


When I pulled into the parking lot a few hours later Chris was still tethered to the flagpole. He was covered in goop and had all kinds of rude and embarrassing things painted all over him. And a clothespin on each… well, you know. His eyes lit up when he saw me and he started wriggling and grunting like mad.

“Well well well,” I said as I approached. “Looks like someone learned a very valuable lesson about being a douchenozzle to his roommate.” Chris nodded furiously. I walked up to him and started to remove the tape from his mouth. He grunted rapidly and looked down at his chest.

“Oh, right! How careless of me…” I removed the clothespins and he let out a sigh of relief from through the tapegag. Then I went back to removing the gag. I head the sticky squelch as the tape pulled away from the skin. He let out a bellow when it was pulled completely off.

“F*****KKK! That hurt!” I just giggled. “So this was all your idea?” he asked.

“Yup,” I said, doing my best Tank impression.

“I should have known. No way Genius #1 and Genius #2 could think of something like this.” Chris grinned. “You are one cruel SOB.”

“I can be when I want to be,” I said. “So are we even and no hard feelings?”

“You win!” Chris laughed. “Now can you get me loose? I need a shower real bad.”

I grabbed a pair of scissors from my car and cut Chris free. As soon as he was released he pulled his basketball shorts back up and grabbed me in a bearhug that turned into a headlock. The paint on his legs, arms, face, and chest was dry, but the egg and other goo was not and got all over me. “Just thought you should share in the fun,” he said after releasing me.

We packed up all the mess and then I realized what they did to his hair. I stopped short. “Sonnafa…” That wasn’t part of my script.

“What?” Chris said, rubbing some dirt out of the mohawk. “I actually kinda like it. Was thinking of keeping it for a while.”

“I said at the readthrough ‘No hair changes unless you clear it with me first.’ You look different from the scenes we shot yesterday. And that’s totally out of character for Brophy! Now we either have to reshoot yesterday’s scenes or you have to spend the rest of the movie wearing hats.”

“Relax,” Chris teased. “We’ll figure something out. It’s not the end of the world.”

“I know, I know,” I relented, giving a tiny smile. “And I do kinda like it, too.”

“I thought so,” Chris laughed. He put his arm over my shoulder and we walked back inside together.

Coming Soon - Part 8: In the Villain’s Clutches
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Post by wataru14 »

Part 8: In the Villain’s Clutches

[DIRECTOR’S NOTE TO CAST & CREW: note the rewrite of Act 3 – Scene 18. Replaces all previous versions]

Jake and Officer Brophy leaned against the hood of the car. Brophy peered through binoculars at the warehouse up the road while Jake stood silently, smoking a cigarette. “Your plan is s**t,” Brophy said, putting down the binoculars. “I don’t like it.”

“There’s no other way,” Jake said. “If I’m going to be able to get close enough to Rico to take him down, I need to show them that I’m back on their side. And in order to do that I have to give them something to show I’m being serious. That something is you.”

Brophy frowned and spat in the dirt. “And then what happens? You let them kill me and then you rejoin your crew, is that it?”

Jake grabbed Brophy by the lapels of his jacket. “If you think that, then you’re even dumber than I thought. I’ve risked everything to get this far! I’m not throwing it all away now!”

Brophy leveled his gaze and stared Jake straight in the eyes. “Get your hands off me or this ‘partnership’ is over and you go to jail for a VERY long time,” he threatened.

Jake growled and released his grip on Brophy. “They won’t kill you,” he said. “Not right away, at least. Rico will want to make you suffer. To gloat. He may let the boys beat the s**t out of you, but you’ll live. And then I get my chance. It’s the only way.”

“F**K!” Brophy punched the car in frustration, realizing Jake was right. “I hate you. I really do.”

“Same here, pig,” Jake snorted.

“So let’s get this overwith,” Brophy said. Jake said nothing, but hauled off and punched Brophy square in the jaw.

“Have to make it look like you put up a fight,” he sneered.

“You sonnafa…” and instantly the two men were on each other.

“CUT!” That was the third take and I liked it enough to move on. “Great job guys, good intensity.” Both actors nodded in agreement and got ready for the next sequence. I turned control over to Tank, who ran the two through their fight choreography. Tensions between Jared and Chris had been growing as we filmed over the past few days and I figured this would be a good way to let them work some of it out.

When Tank was satisfied they had it down, I rolled camera and let the two actors beat on each other for a little while. Damn, it looked real! When I yelled “CUT” again both of them were sweating and breathing heavy. “Perfect! No need for another take! Both of you take five and get into makeup and we’ll move on.”

Chris went over to Shelly to get some bruising and blood applied and Jared took the opportunity to slide over to me and ask some character questions. Occasionally he would brush up against me and apologize, but he would shoot a sideways glance at Chris every time he did it.

When Chris was done, Jared went into makeup. Chris fumed and stood off by himself, not coming back over until Jared was made up. I had Chris lay down on his back and Jared stand over him in preparation for the next sequence.


Jake helped Brophy up with a snide grin. “You done yet? Now be a good boy and hand me your handcuffs.” Seething, Brophy, reached into his belt holster and removed his cuffs. Jake gleefully took them and spun Brophy around by the shoulders. He positioned Brophy’s hands together behind his back with the palms facing out – backs of the hands touching. Sneering, he slipped the bracelets around Brophy’s wrists and locked them. Tight.

“Now this is ironic,” Jake said. “Usually we’re in the opposite positions when this happens, ain’t that right?”

Brophy winced. “You’ve been in ‘em enough times to know how they work, I see.”

Jake patted Brophy on the shoulder and walked over to the trunk of the car. He opened it and came walking back with a few coils of rope. “When you’re in my old line of work you always keep some of this stuff on hand for emergencies,” he joked. Jake undid the longest coil and started wrapping it around Brophy’s chest.

“F**k that’s tight,” Brophy grunted as the rope dug into his pecs.

“Gotta make it convincing if they check it,” Jake said, looping even more. Brophy’s powerful arms were now useless, tightly pinned to the sides of his body by the rope. He tested the bonds, already knowing they were going to hold.

Jake grabbed another coil, shorter than the first, and folded it in half, placing the bight just above Brophy’s knees. He threaded the ends through the bight and pulled them taught, then looped the rope back in the other direction. After two passes around, he pulled the ends down through the horizontal band of rope he had created across Brophy's knees and started going around it vertically. When there was only a little rope left, Jake threaded the ends through and knotted them off. He grabbed a third length of rope and repeated the process with Brophy’s ankles.

When Jake was done, Brophy stood still, barely able to keep his balance. He was hobbled and helpless. Completely immobilized and at Jake’s mercy. All he could do was try not to fall over. Jake fished a wrinkled black bandana out of his back pocket and shoved it deep in his prisoner’s mouth. Brophy let out a yelp of surprise as Jake stuffed it in all the way in, making sure none of the fabric showed. Brophy mmpppggghhed as his cheeks bulged out from the stuffing. Jake chuckled to himself and grabbed two more bandanas from the trunk. He rolled one into a tight strip and tied a knot in the middle. Then he went behind Brophy and held the bandana tantalizingly close to his captive’s mouth. A look of uncertainty, mixed with a tiny hint of fear, came over Brophy’s face as the gag was tied tightly behind his head, securely holding the stuffing in place.

Brophy grunted unintelligibly as Jake slowly folded the third bandana into a wide strip. He slapped that one over the knotted cleave and cemented the gag firmly in place. Brophy shouted with all his might, but only a few muffled grunts, barely audible, could be heard through the multiple layers of fabric.

“Well ain’t you pretty as a picture?” Jake taunted. Brophy cursed him through the gag, but all that came out was “mmppphhh mphooo.” Jake lifted Brophy over his shoulder into a fireman’s carry and deposited him roughly into the trunk of the car. I got a closeup of the loathing in Brophy’s eyes as the trunk lid closed.

“CUT!” I yelled. “Again, excellent work, gentlemen.” I opened the trunk and leaned in to Chris’s smiling face. At least I think he was smiling. His eyes sure looked like he was. “To make it easier on you we’re going to go right into the next scene without a break. You must be uncomfortable in there. I’m sorry. We’ll get you out as soon as we can.”

Chris did some playful grunts and squiggled in mock discomfort, banging his head softly against the floor of the trunk. “On second thought, maybe we’ll just drive the car off a cliff. Hey, Shelly, how fast can we get a casting call out for a new Brophy?”

Chris pretended to be frightened, bucking and kicking. I put my finger over his lips in a “shhh” gesture. “Don’t worry,” I said. “This is a rental. I’d never get the deposit back.” I laughed and closed the trunk. “OK, everybody, pack up and move down the hill to the warehouse. Set up in the parking lot for the extraction scene.”



The car slowly pulled up to the warehouse garage doors and turned off its headlights. Johnny, who had been sitting on a crate, jumped up in surprise and aimed his gun at the driver through the windshield.

“Well f**k me, look who’s here!” Johnny said. He grabbed a radio from the inside pocket of his leather jacket and signaled. “Hey boss, come out to the garage. You’re gonna wanna to see this.”

Johnny advanced on the car, keeping his gun trained on Jake. “Out of the car, traitor!” he barked. “Real slow. Hands on your head!”

Jake slowly slid out and raised his arms in surrender. “Where’s Rico?” he asked as he interlocked his fingers.

“Coming out here with the rest of the boys,” Johnny sneered. “I knew you were a dumb m-f’er, but I didn’t think you were so dumb that you’d come back here after what you did.” Johnny held his gun on Jake as he patted him down. He confiscated the gun Jake had tucked into his waistband as Rico, Bubba, and Sanders emerged from the warehouse.

Seeing Jake, Bubba flew into a rage. He raced over and kicked Jake solidly in the stomach. Jake doubled over and Bubba grabbed him from behind, pinning his arms to his sides and holding is head up by the hair.

“Hey, hey!” Jake protested. “I’m not here to fight.”

“Yeah,” Rico spat. “Unless you give me a damn good reason otherwise, you’re here to die.”

“I want to make up for betraying you. I want back in! I’ll prove it,” Jake said.

“Yeah,” Sanders scoffed. “And how you gonna do that? You were like a son to me, Jake!”

“Look in the trunk,” Jake replied. “I brought you a present. A peace offering.” Rico walked over and fished the keys out of Jake’s shirt pocket. He tossed them to Johnny and said “open it up!” He grabbed Jake’s face and leaned in close. “This better be good or I’ll have Bubba snap your neck right now.”

Johnny walked to the trunk and opened it. “Rico, you gotta see this!” he said, his eyes wide. Rico came over and smiled as he looked down and stared straight into the cruelly gagged face of Officer Brophy.

“Well looky what we got here!” Rico sneered. “The cop who’s been on our asses since day one.” Rico snapped his fingers and Bubba released Jake. The big man and Sanders came over and roughly pulled the struggling Brophy from the trunk at Rico’s command. “You’re in deep s**t, pig,” Rico said, and socked Brophy hard in the stomach. Brophy howled in pain, unable to defend himself because of his strict binding. “Take this piece of s**t inside and tie his ass to something sturdy. Jake and I have some businesss to discuss.”

Brophy struggled and grunted like mad as Bubba tossed him over his shoulder and walked into the garage, Johnny and Sanders falling in behind him.

“You did good,” Rico said to Jake. “We’re gonna make that pig pay for what happened to Kid.”

Jake just nodded.

“Let’s go inside,” Rico said. He threw his arm over Jake’s shoulder, but slowly reached into the waistband of his pants with his other hand as the two walked towards the garage door. “You did real good, homie…” Rico silently pulled his gun out. “But not good enough.”

Rico pulled his arm away and smashed Jake in the back of the head with the butt of his gun. Jake went down hard, unconscious. “Nice try, though,” Rico sneered. “Almost had me fooled for a second.”

Rico whistled and Johnny and Sanders re-emerged from the warehouse. With a look from Rico, the two grabbed Jake from the ground and pulled him to his feet. “Tie this fool up with the other one. When he comes to, we’re gonna have some fun. I want him awake for this.” Johnny and Sanders grinned and dragged Jake inside.

“CUT!” I yelled. Jared stood up and shook his arms and shoulders out. “That’s a wrap for the night!” Bubba stepped out of the doorway and Chris hopped up beside him. “We’ll pick up with the next scene tomorrow night,” I announced. “Same people as tonight are called. Read over the script so you’re familiar with the scene before we shoot.” The crowd started to scatter and pack up, chattering amongs themselves. Chris grunted and hopped in place like mad. “Oh, and can someone untie Chris, please? Thank you!”

Coming Soon: Part 9 – The Best of Enemies
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I can't believe I missed this story for so far. I read through the ehole thing in one sit and I can safely say that it's one of the best stories in this board by far.

The writing is creative, witty and effective, characters are unique and fun and everything feels so down-to-earth. The bondage scenes are amazing, with characters taking both tier and tied roles keeping them fresh. Also, the Director is surprisingly full of personality for a nameless protagonist.

Looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks for sharing thus amazing saga with us.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Thank you so much!!!! It really means a lot to hear that!
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Chapter 9: The Best of Enemies

Tonight we were picking up shooting from where we left off the previous night. Jake and Brophy had both been captured by the villainous Rico and his gang and faced an uncertain fate. All the scenes would be interior tonight, which was good because the weather was starting to turn. The leaves were changing and snow would be possible, so I had to do as many exterior shots as possible in the coming days, focusing on interior during the winter. The film’s climax would also take place at this location, but we would shoot that in the Spring since we needed the yard and parking lot for it and couldn’t use them now. I also wanted to get as much done as I could early and get it overwith since we had such limited access to this site.

We would mostly be using the office and loading dock areas of the warehouse. It was an active work site so most places were off-limits and a representative of the company had to be present to observe. I hated babysitters. Mr. Ferretti was one thing, but having someone always peering over my shoulder and shouting “Hey, don’t touch that!” was getting on my nerves. I was thankful the Brute Squad wasn’t in this scene or they might have gotten us kicked off the location. The thought of having to explaining to the warehouse owner why his employee was found my the morning crew tied up and hanging by his ankles from the rafters made me suppress a smile.

I decided to shoot scenes with Rico and the gang in the office first and give Chris and Jared some time to relax and get into makeup. The two of them were left in Shelly’s care (I had promoted her to First Assistant Director in addition to her wardrobe and makeup duties) while I was in the office with the others. Shooting went quick. I decided to jump around in the shooting schedule while I had access to the warehouse and did some scenes from other parts of the film that took place there out of order. We had the wardrobe rack in the van so the actors could change shirts according to Shelly’s plot. This would denote that the scenes were taking place at different times. Just had to mark what shirts they wore in what scene for continuity.

When all the little scenes with the gang were done, I gave them a break and went into the other room to pick up with Chris and Jared. The two were running lines when I came in. Both were shirtless and had blood and bruising applied to their faces, chests, abs, and arms. Shelly did A+ work. She was only a Junior, and I couldn’t wait to see what she did for her project next year. If her work on this project was any indication, it would be something to watch. Jared had obviously been spending a little extra time in the gym. I guess the prospect of being bound shirtless next to Chris made him a little... "insanely jealous" (as Chris put it)... and he was trying to bulk up a little so not to be outdone as badly.

“All right, boys,” I said. “Time to get started.” Chris and Jared stood up and put their scripts away and I directed them over to the concrete wall nearby. I told each actor to put their hands out in front and I applied sturdy handcuffs to each one (real ones, not the toy ones from my Idea Box). When they were both secured to my satisfaction, I went over to the wall and grabbed the other end of Chris’s chain.

Normally I despise it when guys in movies have their hands tied in front of them. It makes absolutely no sense to me. If you're going to try to incapacitate a guy, why would you do it in a way where he has almost full range of motion? Sure his dexterity is reduced somewhat, but he can still punch, grab, and fire a gun with minimal inconvenience. Might as well not tie him at all. It was worse when they were gagged, too. I mean, there is literally nothing stopping them from just reaching up and taking it off. Drove me nuts. True, I was violating my own rule, but there was a method to my madness.

Two heavy chains hung down from the rafters of the one-story room and layed on the floor against the wall. Each had a metal hook and clip on the end. In turn, I attached the hook to the connecting chain of both pairs of handcuffs. I started to slowly pull down on the other end of the chain attached to Chris, which caused the end attached to his wrists to lift. Chris’ hands slowly elevated above his head as I reduced more and more of the slack on the chain. I kept going until his arms were extended fully above his head and he had to stand on the balls of his feet to keep his balance. “You OK,” I asked. “Not going to fall or anything, right?”

“Nope,” Chris said. “I’m good.” He looked over at Jared. “I can do this all night.”

I locked the chain down in place and walked back over to Chris, rope in hand, to tie his knees and ankles exactly the same way they had been in the other day’s shoot. I had spent a lot of time today rewatching it over and over… for research purposes, of course… He would not be gagged for this scene, so I didn’t have to reapply that. When I was done, I gave him a once-over to make sure everything looked right. Being shackled in this position really brought out the finer qualities in Chris’ body. The muscles in his arms and abs were flexed from the position his body was force into and really stood out. I stared, enraptured, for a second and then regained my composure.

“OK, Jared,” I said, turning to him. “Your turn.” Jared held his cuffed hands out and waited as I went back to the wall and started pulling his chain. When his hands were raised into a position equal to Chris’ I started to lock the chain off, but Jared stopped me.

“Keep going,” he said. “I can take it.”

“You sure?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Jared answered. “Rico would want him to suffer so he’d make sure the chains were extra tight.”

I shrugged. “I can see that. OK, if that’s what you want.”

I pulled the chain a few more links. Jared stretched farther, barely able to keep his feet on the floor. The stress must have been intense. His muscles, while nowhere near as pronounced as Chris’, were bulging from the strain. As I went over to tie his ankles and knees, Jared shot Chris a smug look that he thought I didn't see. Chris just rolled his eyes and said, “You can make mine tighter if you want. It’s no big.”

When I finished binding Jared I stood up and looked them both in the eyes. “If you two could stop with the d**k measuring contest for a few minutes, that would be awesome,” I said. “We have a lot to do tonight.” I walked back to the wall and unlocked both chains. I raised Chris’ a little and lowered Jared’s a hair before re-securing them. “You are both at exactly the same position. Happy?”

Jared tugged at the cuffs. “I’m good,” he said.

“Me too,” Chris replied, adding “butIcandotighterthanhecannoproblem” under his breath. I frowned and called the other actors in.

“Tank, “I said. “they’re all yours.” This sequence involved Rico and the gang members taking turns beating the stuffing out of their helpless captives while they hung there, defeated, in their chains. I had Tank run through how to do face slaps, body shots, groin kicks, the works.

“Now these two chumps can’t defend themselves,” Tank warned, “so you have to pull your punches or you’re gonna hurt somebody for real. And I don’t want my actors getting hurt. You hurt them, I hurt you, capisce?” The other actors nodded, slightly nervously. “We’ll start with a gut shot. Chris, you ready?”

“Lay it on me, big man!” Chris said eagerly. Tank stepped towards Chris and let loose with a jab that looked like it would punch through a brick wall. An instant before it made contact, however, the blow stopped and Tank quickly retracted his fist with a snap. Chris, taking the cue, recoiled from the “impact” and grunted. He sold it beautifully.

“See how it’s done?” Tank coached. “These two are both good enough actors to sell it, so you just concentrate on control. Let them do the work.” The gang members all nodded in understanding. “I want each of you to try it out on me before we shoot.”

Tank looked over at me. “Hey, boss man, we got time for some drills?”

“Sure,” I said. “Take all the time you need.” I looked past him to Chris and Jared, hanging helplessly against the wall, and smirked. “They’re not going anywhere urgent.”

While Tank worked with the gang, I gave my two distressed stars some water and had a quick smoke with Jared while he hung there. After about 30 minutes, Tank was satisfied and we were ready.



Jake recoiled as Bubba’s fist smashed into his abdomen.

“You thought you were real f**in’ smart, didn’t ya?” Bubba taunted before landing another savage blow.

“Smarter than you, you dumb redneck a***ole,” Jake said, gritting his teeth and spitting (fake) blood on the floor. Bubba retorted by socking him in the jaw.

Rico walked over and shoved Bubba aside, then grabbed Jake by the hair. He pulled the beaten hero’s head up and looked him dead in the eye. “You f***ed up big time, ese,” he sneered. “You and your cerdo buddy.”

I panned the camera over to Brophy, who was being worked over by Johnny and Sanders in tandem. “That the best you got?” Brophy spat. “I’ve taken harder hits from the nuns in Third Grade.”

Rico dropped Jake’s head and went over to Brophy. “Is that so?” he said, punctuating his statement with a backhanded slap to Brophy’s face. “Well, f***er, it’s because of YOU that Kid is dead. I’m gonna take my time carving you up. Real slow.”

Rico leaned in close and Brophy headbutted him square in the face.

Jake looked over and spoke. “Kid died because he was f***ing stupid,” he barked. “He decided to rob a store on his own and got caught. He tried to shoot his way out and got popped for his troubles. He tried to do it on his own to prove himself to YOU and not just be your errand boy forever. He wasn’t ready. If anyone is to blame for his death, it’s YOU, Rico.”

Rico snarled and started mercilessly unloading on Jake with both fists in a flurry of jabs. When he was done, Jake hung slumped in his chains, barely able to stay conscious. Rico’s chest heaved as he seethed with anger. “I’ll have your b**ls for that, puto!” he shouted. Jake just hung there, dazed. Rico shoved Sanders aside and whirled to face Johnny. “Get the welding torch heated up, I’m ready to end these two clowns!” he yelled, storming off into the other room. Bubba and Sanders followed after him while Johnny went off to the equipment bench.

When Johnny’s back was turned, Brophy knew it was now or never. Summoning all his strength, he grabbed the chain above his head and pulled his body up off the floor. His arms trembled with exertion as he lifted himself up so that his face was even with his cuffed hands. He carefully reached into his mouth and extracted a handcuff key, then let himself down. He quickly unlocked the cuffs, but only loosened them instead of removing them, and slumped back down just as Johnny turned around and walked over.

Johnny grabbed Brophy by the face and spat right in his eye. “When Rico’s done with you you’re gonna wish you were never born, pig,” he taunted. “He’s gonna make you pay for what happened to Kid.”

Brophy mumbled something unintelligible.

“What was that?” Johnny barked and leaned in close.

With blinding speed, Brophy slipped his hands from the loosened cuffs and smashed Johnny in the face. While the stunned thug turned and staggered back, Brophy lunged at him and grabbed him in a tight sleeper hold. “Nighty-night, b***h,” Brophy taunted as he squeezed. Within seconds, Johnny slumped over unconscious.

With a quick look at the office door, Brophy went to work freeing himself from the ropes securing his ankles and knees. When he was loose, he grabbed Johnny and secured him in the shackles that had previously held him. He gave Johnny a quick pat on the cheek as he hung there unconscious. “Damn, criminals are dumb,” he laughed. Then he used the key to release Jake.

“How…” was all that Jake could manage to say.

“You give me s**t about all the time I spend in the gym but it looks like it was good for something,” Brophy smiled, patting his abs. “You gotta work on your core. That’s the secret.” He grabbed Jake and hoisted him over his shoulder. “I knew your plan was going to go to s**t so I stashed a handcuff key in my mouth for just such an emergency. I knew you were going to gag me so no one would bother to check in there.”

Brophy hurried to the emergency exit with catlike stealth, even with the barely-conscious Jake slung over his shoulder. “Only thing I had to worry about was swallowing it, which almost happened,” Brophy said. “Then we’d really be f***ed.” He silently opened the exit door.

“Can’t leave…” Jake moaned. “Gotta get… Rico…”

“You’re in no shape to do anything right now, pal,” Brophy said. “Rico’s gotta wait. He did a number on you and you’re going to the hospital. Don’t worry. I know some guys from the undercover squad that will be ready to help when we come back. And we WILL be back to get these scumbags. Don’t worry about that. All I want you to think about is how I saved your sorry ass!”

Brophy smirked and slipped out the exit door.


“CUT!” I yelled. “Awesome!”

Chris opened the door and came back in, still carrying Jared. When Jared was stable on his feet, he started to untie his legs and ankles. He seemed angry about something.

“Everything OK?” I asked.

Jared looked at Chris and said, “Nothing. It’s just that I don’t understand why he’s getting such a huge part in the movie now. After all the rewrites, I mean. In the original readthrough he had only a few lines and now he’s got almost a bigger role than Rico. It just seems… I dunno…”

“Jealous?” Chris snapped. “Relax. I only have third billing. I’m not trying to take over your star position.”

“Look, Jake is supposed to be a badass but he got completely b***ed out in this scene. I just… think it makes him look bad.” I furrowed my brow in thought.

“You don’t think the scene played out logically? I think Rico’s reaction was completely organic. While the Brophy escape trick was a little… fanciful…” I glanced at Chris. This rewrite was his suggestion and I was beginning to understand why he pushed for it. “…I think it still works. But I understand your concerns and see where you’re coming from. Tell you what? We have months before the climax scene is filmed. I’ll redo it so that you get to save Brophy’s life in the end. Get a ‘Big Damn Hero’ moment to balance this out. Sound good?”

Jared mulled it over. “Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll share some of my ideas with you over a few drinks sometime.” Chris seethed but said nothing.

“Great!” I turned to the crew and actors. Johnny had been freed from the chains and everything was being broken down. “That’s it for the action sequences for a while, so you won’t be seeing Tank much for a few weeks.” There was general disappointment. For a guy who barely spoke, Tank had a lot of fans, it seemed. “We’re going to focus on more dramatic scenes for a while so you’ll be working with people you haven’t met much yet since they’re not in the action sequences. But I hope you all keep up your commitment and intensity. We’ve got a really good product so far!”
There was general happiness from the group. “Jared, you’ll be working mostly with Leighann and the baby for a few days, along with other side characters. Chris, you have a few days off and then we’ll do the police station scenes with you. And good call on adding the undercover angle for Brophy. It justifies the hairdo very well.”

Chris beamed at the praise. He rubbed his fingers through the mohawk that Mike and Drew gave him and smiled. “Thanks, boss,” he said bashfully. I also noticed he hadn’t put his shirt back on yet, even though Jared did so when I started addressing the group. Not complaining, it was just something I noticed.

“Now everyone go home and study your lines,” I said. “I’ll see everyone called at 10 am sharp!” Everyone started to disperse. Jared went outside for an angry smoke while Shelly and Tank had a private conversation in the corner. Those two really seemed to be hitting it off. Chris grabbed some equipment and fell into step beside me. He still hadn’t put his shirt back on but I didn’t say a thing as we walked back to the car for home.

Coming Soon: Part 10 – The Thrilling Conclusion
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Post by DomTiesMen »

Man, how did I lost 3 chapters of it I don't know, haha!

I have to say that after all this building up time modeling Chris character, I have to say it was VERY satisfying to see such big hunk dork being bound and gagged finally on this story! And not only one but three different times on those three last chapters! All of them were amazing, but I have to say that my favorite one was when his group of friends tied him to the pole and played with him a little, that made me laugh! I could not resist the part of "Genius #1 and Genius #2", haha! The second part that he was tied up during the movie was very amazing, not only he was well bound and gagged how he was captured by the enemy! The last one was very amazing too, although there was not any gagging, but the bondage scene and a little of peril compensate it! Seems indeed like an amazing scene from a hero/action movie where the good guys are captured and they have to escape somehow! I simply loved all Chris bondage scenes! That funny hunk needs more attention and ropes, haha!

And the fight of Chris and Jared is getting a little more serious. Now I really don't know if they have any kind of love interrest towards the Director, or if they are fighting for more screen time. You did well into mask this conflict because now I really cannot tell their objectives by the way they behave! I still think that Chris have something toward the Director, but I cannot tell anything about Jared! I am afraid he is doing this only for screen time. And I don't know if this is happens IRL or not, but I think it very strange that one Director would change the script of the movie like that just because one actor wants more screen time. He did it for Chris (after he pushed it a lot) and now is doing it for Jared too. I don't see how that can happen since the Director was reluctant in change the scrip, but he did it only because Chris wanted. Nevertheless, I am curious to see what will happen in the future!

It was also a good idea to now change a little the story and focus on other characters too! Chris, Jared and Tank are really amazing characters and everytime they have their scenes and are bound and gagged you can be sure that we are having a good time, but of course it's always good to see the other boys being bound and gagged too since they are so much charismatic! They need more bondage scenes and story too!

The name of the next chapter kind scared me a little because I though it would be the end of this story, haha! But seems that there will still be some more chapters! I am really enjoying this story! Please, keep going with the amazing work!
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Post by wataru14 »

Part 10 – The Thrilling Conclusion

After months of filming, it was finally time. The last scene. The climax! The biggest action sequence in the film.

Jared, Chris, Tank, Mike, Jahlil, and Drew were kneeling on the concrete floor of the warehouse. Their heads were bowed and their hands were secured behind their packs with police-grade flex cuffs. You know the kind: two wide plastic loops that ran through a small box in the middle. The kind riot cops always carry looped to their vests. These were generously donated by the good folks at the city precinct where most of us had been incarcerated for the night a few months before.

In this scene, the Brute Squad were playing Brophy’s undercover unit partners who had joined up for the assault on Rico’s hideout. We had filmed the shootout and capture yesterday and were doing the big hands-tied fight scene: the one I had the guys run through at the audition. I had been eagerly awaiting this moment the entire shoot. Six, count ‘em, SIX prime slabs of distilled sexiness all bound at once. It’s enough to give a man the vapors.

Rico gloated as he walked back and forth in front of the line of captured heroes. I panned the camera in a tight close-up behind them, making sure their cuffed wrists were clearly seen. Veins bulged, fists clenched and unclenched. A few feeble attempts to wriggle free that were abandoned. Rico stopped in front of Jake and grabbed him by the hair, pulling his face up and staring directly in his eyes. “Even with a whole squad behind you, you’re still not man enough to beat me.” Jake said nothing, but stared back at Rico with burning intensity. “You lost, puto. It’s over. I’m gonna kill your new homeboys in front of you, one by one, so you can see how you failed them before I end you. Then I’m gonna go to your house and take good care of your b**ch. Don’t worry about the baby. I’ll raise her up like she was mine and she’ll never even know your name.”

“You bastard!” Brophy shouted. He tried to rise to his feet, but Bubba came up behind him and held him down on his knees.

“You got something to say?” Rico said. Brophy said nothing and glared. “Well then, let me say this…” And he pointed and fired his gun. Brophy was hit in the chest. The blood pack exploded perfectly and Brophy fell back hard to the ground.

“NOOOOO!!!!” Jake shouted.

“You care more about your new boyfriend than you do about Kid,” Rico shouted. He stepped down the line to Drew, who was next to the fallen Brophy. “You got any last words?” Rico taunted.

“Yeah,” Drew said (he begged me to give him one line and that it be “totally badass,” as he put it). “What’s the capital of Thailand?”

Rico stopped and crunched his eyebrows. “The f**k you say?”

“What’s the capital of Thailand?” Drew repeated.

“How the f**k should I know?”

“Bangkok!” Drew shouted and rammed his head straight into Rico’s crotch. (It’s terrible, I know, but he insisted.)

At that moment, the four guys sprang to their feet like Tank showed them in the audition room. Mike and Drew double-teamed Bubba with a double shoulder tackle to the midsection. Jahlil squared off against Johnny, doing crazy crane kicks and acrobatic stunts. Tank took on Sanders in a down-and-dirty slugfest with low blows and trips. I had multiple cameras recording their moves. It was an astoundingly choreographed routine with kicks, jumps, trips, knees, tackles, headbutts… everything you can imagine. It would be hell to cut together, but it would be SOOOOOOOO worth it.

In all the chaos, Jake had crawled over to Brophy. Chris gasped, his breath ebbing. He coughed. I think he was overdoing it a little, personally, but I let it slide. And kept filming.

“You’re gonna be OK,” Jake pleaded. “You can’t die on me!”

“Forget… me…” Chris stammered. “Get… Rico…”

In the confusion, Rico had limped away and was making his way to the exit. Jake nodded, rose to his feet, and gave chase. While the Squad finished off the gang members with specially designed finishing moves, Jake and Rico started their fight. Neither were super athletes like the Squad was, so I had to tone the choreo down a little, but it was still a killer sequence. The two really played their burning hatred for each other. It was shockingly brutal. We had to stop and apply blood makeup between a few of the shots after a particularly damaging blow. In the end, Jake kicked Rico square in the chest like a blue-collar Leonidas and the villain flew backwards towards the machinery…


“CUT!” I yelled. “F**ing amazing, guys!!! I have no words!” There was a chorus of bro cheers and chest bumping. Glowing, I walked over to Chris, who had wriggled his way into a seating position. “You done, Mr. Olivier?”

“What?” Chris said. “I thought it was good!”

I ruffled his hair and smiled. “You would,” I said. “We’ll cut you loose and get you ready for the paramedic scene.”

“I still think Brophy should get a hero’s death,” Chris said. “It fulfills his arc well.”

“Where did you learn to talk like that?” I joked. “I must be rubbing off on you.”

Chris forced a laugh while I cut his bonds. “Yeah, well, I understand why you did it. I had to get b***ed out so Jared could be the hero.”

“It’s not like that,” I said, helping him up. “I thought about what you said and you were right. I actually considered firing him but it was too deep into the process. I decided it was better to just give him his ending and finish the project as smoothly as I could.”

Chris nodded. “I guess this old meathead has some wisdom in him after all,” he joked, giving me a jab in the arm.

I did an overdramatic wince and rubbed my arm as I addressed the group. “OK everyone, cut the actors loose and get ready for the parking lot sequence. Tell Leighann she’s on in 15. Shelly, set up outside please while I film Rico’s death scene in here. Love ya!” Most of the crowd left for the parking lot, leaving me with Rico and Jared.

I hooked the prosthetic up to Rico’s chest and had him slowly back up against the machine. My props department did good work – it really looked like an arm of the machine was poking through his chest! I got a few reaction shots from Rico and filmed Jake’s goodbye monologue. When it was in the can I cut Jared’s hands loose and helped take the prosthetic off Rico.

“I want to thank you for everything,” Jared said. “You took a chance on me when no one else would and I appreciate it.” He shook my hand and pulled me into a quick hug. But this time it was legitimately platonic. He wasn’t trying to bait me or butter me up. Maybe there was more to his conversation with Chris yesterday than I realized. Regardless, it was actually kinda nice.

“You’re a damn good actor,” I said. “And I always like to showcase new talent. You’ve got big things ahead of you. I can tell.”

Jared smiled. “Keep me in mind for your next project,” he said. “I’d love to work with you again.”

“I will do that. Definitely,” I said. And meaning it.

Shelly popped in from the parking lot. “Truly touching bit of male bonding there, but we still have stuff to shoot outside,” she teased. “Could we get cracking please? I want to take the tank out for a test drive while we’re both young.”


We filmed a few short but scenes with Brophy being wheeled to the ambulance on a gurney and buddy-bickering with Jake, the gang getting arrested and carted off in handcuffs (I used some of the cops from the precinct as extras), and the reunion between Jake and his family. Then we were done.

“Cut and wrap!” I yelled when it was finally over. That was it. My movie was filmed.

We had the wrap party at a local catering hall the following night. Mr. Ferretti was there, as well as all the cops from the precinct who weren’t on duty that night, the representative from the warehouse company, the owner of the army surplus store that provided most of the props, and Jahlil’s girlfriend, who was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen in my life. Booze flowed freely and the dance floor was packed. Mike macked on everyone with a uterus and ended up going home with the woman who played Leighann’s mother (“all aboard for Cougar Town!” he later bragged). Shelly even got Tank to dance! After a while I got overwhelmed by the noise and the crowd and went out to smoke.

I sat on the front steps taking everything in and basking in the sense of accomplishment. After a few minutes I heard a familiar voice say “There you are!” and Chris sat down next to me. “You just disappeared. I got worried.”

“Just getting some air,” I said.

“So it’s done? That’s it?” Chris asked.

“Not yet. I still have editing and mixing to do. Splicing the scenes, adding music, all that post-production stuff. You’ll see me in the room, of course, but I’ll probably be too busy to hang out with the guys for a while.”

“We could always kidnap you again.” Chris grinned.

“I just might take you up on that. But not until I’ve gotten Act One finished, at least.”

“Deal!” Chris shook my hand like a used car salesman and we both laughed at how stupid we were being. There was an awkward pause and then… Chris leaned in and kissed me.

I was taken aback. Was this really happening? I always wanted… Wait, Chris? But he wasn’t… what the f**k was going on????

Awash with 10,000 emotions all at once, I gave in and kissed Chris back. It was everything I had hoped it would be since I first saw him Freshman year in the common room. When we parted lips we just stared into each other’s eyes for a moment until the tension was broken by raucous hooting and cheering. Tank, Drew, Jahlil, and Mike were standing in the doorway with giant smiles on their faces. Well, not Mike. He frowned and handed Jahlil a $20 bill. “Told you,” Jahlil said with a smirk.

The four descended on us and enveloped us both in a giant bro-hug. Drew took out six cigars. “Since you’re a big-time movie dude now we should celebrate in style!” he said. We lit up the cigars and then Chris set up his phone camera to take a picture of us. Happy. No, jubilant. Enjoying just being together and sharing this moment.

To this day I keep that picture framed on my desk in my office.

For the next few weeks, I was a hermit. Every waking hour was spent on post-production for the film. Chris helped out a lot. He had quite a good eye for editing, apparently. The night after Act one was completed, right on cue, the Brute Squad busted into our room, tied us both up securely, and dragged us out for a bender at their house (using regular duct tape this time). Neither of us resisted even a little. It was heaven.

When I was working on Act Two, Chris started making his own project and wouldn’t let me see it. It puzzled me, but I didn’t have time to press him about it. Too much work to do. I did notice that he had copied the master files to his own computer, though.

I finished post-production around mid-March and handed the film in by deadline two weeks later. I got a B. A f**ing B for all my toil and sacrifice???? Not even a B+???? I was really bummed about that until Shelly told me that the Dean of the film school hated action as a genre and mine was the first film in 20 years to get above a C. Apparently my professor assigned me action because she thought that I was the only one in the class who could make a decent project out of it. Despite my grade, I was chosen to be in the campus film festival in May that showcased the best of the Senior Film projects. Won the Audience Choice Award, too! I had Tank deliver the acceptance speech.

When we got home from the ceremony, Chris decided to unveil the project he had been working on for the past two months. We sat down on the edge of the bed(s) side-by-side (we had pushed them together months ago) and he pressed “play” on his laptop. My opening film title appeared, followed by the words “…Special Director’s Cut.” What followed was a compilation of multiple angles of every bondage scene in the film (and there were plenty!), including behind-the-scenes footage and the audition room stuff.

“I edited together all the best parts without all that awful acting crap,” Chris joked. “Especially from that Jared guy. God, what a hack!”

I laughed out loud. Chris cracked two beers and we snuggled together to watch. When it was done I gave Chris a “thank you” kiss for the ages. I could tell this film had great rewatchability.

“So what do you have cooking in that brain of yours for the next project?” Chris asked. “Me and the boys are up for anything. Anytime.”
My eyes drifted to the pile of comic books on top of my dresser and the image of Chris as Superman floated through my mind. “So what do you think about superheroes…”

“Excelsior,” Chris said…

Coming Soon: The Obligatory Post-Credit Sequence
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Post by Volobond »

Yaaaay! This has been an amazing story and I love Chris and the narrator together!!!!

You can find my M/M stories here:
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